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Thread replies: 332
Thread images: 30

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old = >>51392062
What are you working on, /g/?
If you like traps, you're gay
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>mfw this is more readable than Python
trap('INT') { server.shutdown }

oh nooooo
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I'm working on a programming language. It's called Valutron.

Valutron is a Lisp. It has two key differences to many other Lisps: it has actual syntax instead of S-expressions all the way down, and I place emphasis on the dynamic Object-Oriented system that is available.

Here is a code example:

// let's define a 'get-hello-world' generic
defgeneric get-hello-world (object some-object) => string;

// let's define a 'hello' class
defclass hello (object)
slot string hello : initarg hello:;
slot string world : accessor getWorld, initarg world:;

defmethod get-hello-world (hello some-object) => string
let result = copy(some-object.hello);
append(to: result, some-object.getWorld);

let aHello = make-instance (hello: "hello", world: "world");
// the arrow -> is an alternative form of method dispatch syntax
print(stdio, aHello->get-hello-world());

Here's the same expressed in CL with CLOS:

(defgeneric get-hello-world ((some-object object)))

(defclass hello (object)
((hello :initarg :hello)
(world :initarg :world
:accessor getworld)

(defmethod get-hello-world ((some-object hello))
(setq result (copy (hello some-object)))
(append :to result (getWorld some-object))

(setq aHello (make-instance 'hello :hello 'hello :world 'world))

(print stdio (get-hello-world aHello))

My other projects include an Objective-C (dialect slightly differs from Apple ObjC) compiler, an IDE for ObjC inspired by the Smalltalk environment, an instant messenger, and more. Feel free to query me on things.
Is Emacs a programming language?
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where do these leggy spurdos keep coming from
even though there aren't a lot of use cases for this sort of function, it looks nice
i'll start writing code like this from now on.
That's not a new language, that's opendylan. Lmao!

You defined methods on generics, not on classes. Methods require classes to dispatch on.
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why does this loop forever?
    public static String Y(Scanner input){
String X;
System.out.println("Input true or false:");
X = input.nextLine().toUpperCase();
if (!X.equals("TRUE") || !X.equals("FALSE")){
System.out.println("Please enter either true or false");
} else{
return X;
>having to put `def` before every defining statement
what is this meme language you're using
because your while loop condition will always be true
Other thread only has 276 replies.
Why is there a new thread?
>why does this loop forever?

>not calling a cat a cat
Who's the meme exactly?
I thought break broke that, thanks
input.nextLine() maybe includes garbage like \n at the end or something
We're only at 264 replies fuck you OP.

get back in here and finish your dpt.
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>having to explicitly call a cat a cat when everyone in the room can clearly say that it's a cat

I don't give a shit that what you're point at is a cat, I want you to tell me ABOUT the cat. You and I both know that there's a cat there, why bullshit my time with such meaningless filler?
>people replying to this and not seeing the break
>if (!X.equals("TRUE") || !X.equals("FALSE")){
>how do i stop being this retarded
this. goto is far more legible
it's java
If you knew what the problem was, why didn't you tell him the answer straight away?

educate you'reself
Your first problem was using Java. Here's your solution in based C#:
public static String Y() {
String x;
System.Console.WriteLine("Input true or false:");
x = System.Console.ReadLine().toUpper();
if((!x == "TRUE") && (!x == "FALSE")){
System.Console.WriteLine("Please enter either true or false");
} else {
return x;
>!X.equals("TRUE") || !X.equals("FALSE")
there is no god
such an original programming language
>using break
>not using the condition built into the while loop
Java doesn't even have a do-while loop, let alone based goto. Lel
It's quite close to OpenDylan in its ideals. But I have my own ideas and plans.

Common Lisp Object System. I inherited its characteristics.
And here's a less retarded way of writing it:
public static string F(){
string str;
while(!(str == "TRUE" || str == "FALSE")){
System.Console.WriteLine("Please enter either true or false.");
str = System.Console.ReadLine().toUpper();
return str;
no its an OS that runs on other OSs
So, are you the fifth language designer?
>Java doesn't even have a do-while loop

and java has labeled break/continue, unlike PLEB SHIT TIER python... goto almost never has a valid use case
your solution is not equivalent.
>"Please enter either true or false."
should only come after an invalid entry
Only a newfag would know how to program in Java.

If you don't know when to deviate from structured programming into GOTO heaven, then you will never be a good programmer.
Decent languages to start learning for someone with no experience? And best materials for learning said language? Pls no memes I just want to learn.
>java is so shit that it has to be compared to python in order to look good


ABSOLUTELY DO NOT start with python or haskell. no scripting or "functional" languages
I didn't say it was equivelent, I said it was less retarded.
There's no real difference between printing "Input true or false" and "Please enter either true or false" in the beginning. They both get the point across. One is even more polite.
the condescending politeness doesn't come into play until AFTER the user has given an incorrect input you fucking autist
Java is terrible to start out with. It would like learning to read in preschool and the first book you start with is a manual for a lawnmower. Verbose, boring garbage.

Get started with Think Python. (The one with python version 3.)
>Java is terrible to start out with
>use python

Honestly the most accurate part about your post is when you compared Python users to preschoolers.
ok if you have ADD and no real aspirations in life maybe you should start with python
>Honestly the most accurate part about your post is when you compared Python users to preschoolers.
Learn C if you want to learn the common foundation most devs started with

Learn go if you want to actually write something that's performant and readable

Learn Java if you want to be an expert in meaningless Enterprise OOP Bullshitâ„¢ ceremony and slowly slide into irrelevance.

Learn Haskell if you're not a self-conscious imperitard that panics at idea of being exposed as a code monkey that doesn't understand math.
pythontards #BTFO
Looking back at my first programming assignments is painful.
int main()
// actual datas
const int MINIMUM_SIZE = 20;
vector<struct customerUnit> customerDB(MINIMUM_SIZE);
for (int i = 0; i < MINIMUM_SIZE; i++)
customerDB[i] = {"NEW","NEW",0};

int c = 0; // customer page counter
int d = 0; // deletion counter
// manually keeping track of customer count

case 1: newEntry(c,customerDB); break;
case 2: viewEntry(c,customerDB); break;
case 3: deleteMode(c,d,customerDB); break;
case 4: reportMode((c-d),customerDB); break;
case 5: return 0; break;
default: continue;
} while(1);
no bias: the post
How much did google pay you to samefag like that?
SICP, exercise 1.3... Is my code cringe worthy?
(define (xor a b) (or (and a (not b)) (and (not a) b)))
(define (my-and a b) (and a b))
(define (test i j) (> i j))
(define (sq n) (* n n))
(define (find t x y z) (sq (cond (( t (test x y) (test x z)) x) (( t (test y x) (test y z)) y) ( else z))))
(define (sum-of-squares a b c) (+ (find xor a b c) (find my-and a b c)))
(sum-of-squares 3 1 2)
'bout three fiddy, interested?
Very. Want my email?
Alright, what's this from? I can only find korean hits.
please, google already know your mail
Awaiting my shilling job offer :^)
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>str not initialized
>not knowing de morgan's laws
>not using do-while
What's the point of sq?
It just werks

No garbage collection at all. To express a structure like a linked list, you need pointers, exactly as they are in C, just with (a lot) more type safety.

When you allocate, you get back both a pointer value and a linear capability "bound" to that specific pointer using dependent types. That capability is also "bound" to a "reference count", which only exists at compile time to make sure that you aren't doing something silly like writing to the same memory from multiple threads without the necessary safety primitives.
new : {a : Set} -> (ptr : Ptr a) & Cap ptr 0
delete : (ptr : Ptr a) -> Cap ptr 0 -> Unit

You can "fork" a capability, which increases the reference count by 1 and gives you back two capabilities for that pointer. "Joining" does the opposite.
fork : Cap ptr n -> Cap ptr (succ n) & Cap ptr (succ n)
join : Cap ptr (succ n) -> Cap ptr (succ n) -> Cap ptr n

You can load from any pointer given the capability to do so, but you can only store to a pointer with a unique capability.
load : (ptr : Ptr a) -> Cap ptr n -> a & Cap ptr n
store : a -> (ptr : Ptr a) -> Cap ptr 0 -> Cap ptr 0

The fact that capabilities are linear, i.e. must be used once and only once, means you can't leak memory, use a pointer after its memory has been freed, introduce memory hazards, etc.
(define (1-3 a b c)
(+ (square (max a b))
(square (max (min a b)

Or you can compare your code to
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I should note (and this is pretty important, I guess) that all that stuff about capabilities is totally elided at run time. Once compiled, you're just playing with pointers.

Of course, if you are doing some kind of run time reference counting like a shared_ptr, in which case the Cap type is dependent on a reference count not defined at compile time, you obviously need to keep around that count value and do conditionals on it like you would in any other language.
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C++ is retarded, bloaded crap. There shouldn't be a billion redundant ways to do everything.
int a=5; 
int b(3);
int c{2};
First is assignment.
Second is construction.
Third is construction via initialization list.
The first isn't what you want in all situations (implies a copy), and the second has been deprecated by the third. Of course it looks silly when used with a fucking primitive type.
First one allocates an int and sets its value to 5.
Second one allocates an integer object, passing 3 as the argument to the copy-constructor.
Third one creates a single-element int vector with value 2.
Thanks. I'm gonna procrastinate with this.
You're welcome, crotch-loose woman.
int's are primitives not objects u fool
Where do I get started if I want to start playing with graphics?
I only know C.

or alternatively
Win32 + OpenGL
Maybe SDL or GLFW
LMAO kid
>I only know C.
dun goofed
C and OpenGL is all you need.
OpenGL is state based and not object based.

It works fine with C.

The C++ kids don't know what they are talking about and are used to use OpenGL wrapper libraries.
>OpenGL is state based and not object based.
>implying this is a good thing at all
I only mentioned C libraries
Besides, I'm literally the only one that mentioned C++
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bls :Ddd:Dd:
How is SDL with C?
put into >>/trash/ it goes
Found Anonymous
I'm past the biggest hurdle, which is figuring out how to properly integrate linear types into dependent type theory (which seems to be a novel contribution). From now on, it's really just the busywork of writing a parser, implementing a suitable elaborator, fleshing out the type checker with things like variable usage counting and totality checking, and working on the LLVM backend, and probably iterating on the type theory itself to improve how it's being represented and manipulated (which I'm never really satisfied with).
Congrats anon, now commit suicide
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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void count(int [], int, int&, int&);

int main()
int numpos, numneg;
int* pointer = 0;
cout << "Enter the number of elements: " << endl;
int input;
cin >> input;

pointer = new int[input];

int temp;

for(int i = 0; i < input; i++) {
cout << "Item " << i+1 << endl;
cin >> temp;
*(pointer+i) = temp;


count(pointer, input, numpos, numneg);

return 0;

void count(int numbers[], int length, int& numpos, int& numneg) {
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if(numbers[] < 0) {


so I have a dynamically allocated array in my main function, and I want to pass those inputs as a parameter into the function count.

how would I use those inputs in an if, else statement?

like in my program, I want the inputs to be separated into two categories: positive and negative values.
Does it have type inference (Hindley-Milner style) or does it require explicit type annotations? I feel like it would be really difficult to do anything to do with pointers without explicit annotations.
Why would it? The type of dereference(reference(y)) is typeof(y), the type of reference(y) is reference-to-<typeof(y)>. Ezpz.
Don't you have to infer number of references, possibly life times, etc?
Sort of. While you can't infer the full type of a lambda expression when dependent types are involved, you can often infer things like type parameters in polymorphic functions (which are just regular value parameters with dependent typing).
// fully specified identity function
// "-<>" indicates linear usage
id : (n : Level) -> (o : Linearity) -> (a : Set n o) -> a -<> a
id _ _ _ x = x

// what the programmer can get away with writing and using
id : a -<> a
id x = x

A process that runs before the type checker called the "elaborator" is responsible for dealing with this. Languages like Agda and Idris do this, too; it's not a new concept.

What Rust (and others) call a "lifetime" is encoded using capabilities in this language, and you pass those around as you would values. The type checker itself only cares that you're satisfying linearity.

Since I'm going to allow what basically amounts to "inline LLVM" in the language, the whole concept of pointers and their capabilities will be part of the standard library, not the core language itself.
Oh, and reference counting is dealt with since you explicitly have to write "fork" and "join".

I'd like to move away from using the term "reference counting" as that instantly sets off the garbage collection alarm bells in people's heads. I don't have anything better to call it, unfortunately.
How would you approach creating the AI behind a simple game like tic-tac-toe? For user vs cpu, is there a good algorithm for deciding the cpu's moves, or just a lot of if statements and given moves for every situation?
Tic Tac Toe is far too trivial to practice writing AI. Given the current state of the board and nothing else there is always a best move.
what does this mean?

"Create data model for your project. This includes all the entities (tables) you need. Include this model in a text file"

how do i model in a text file...?
ASCII art.
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I have a file with these contents.
18 19 18.5 13.5 14
16 19.5 20 18 12 18.5

I have the following code.
    double value;
double sum = 0.0;
int count = 0;

infile >> value;
while (infile.good()) {
sum += value;
infile >> value;
cout << value << endl;
Works mostly fine, but it starts at the 2nd number '19' rather than the first '18'. Any idea why this is?
Probably because that's exactly what you're telling it to do?
++count makes count 1 before it's being accessed.
You probably meant count++.

Also let me once again express my disgust for all things C++.
How come you get 2 (two) slide bars faggot?
likely he forgot the closing slash on the second [code ] block, which then creates two inside each other
That doesn't matter in this case. The difference between c++ and ++c only matters if it's part of a larger expression. When it's a single statement the order doesn't matter.

I don't know what you mean. I just realized the cout was called after i read the next part of data, so I fixed that, but count is still one value off.


>it has actual syntax instead of S-expressions all the way down

Then it's not a Lisp. Homoiconicity is the key defining trait of a Lisp.
You should be counting from zero, not 1.
Put your count incrementer at the end of your loop.
>I don't know what you mean.
Read your fucking code to yourself. Put yourself in the computer's shoes.

srsly what the fuck does he mean?
you have data, yes?
create a method to store/retrieve that data from a text file.
e.g. comma separated values.
>You should be counting from zero, not 1.
But i already read one part of data prior to the loop.
I tried your suggestion anyway and nothing changed.

I'm not a computer. I don't know how they work. I wouldn't be asking here if I wasn't fucking stumped.
We've already tried to tell him this, he just responded with "lol".
>I'm not a computer. I don't know how they work.
he means, imagine if you were a computer processing each line
after each line, write down (manually, if needed) the state of the program
e.g. what the values of the variables are.
you'll figure out the error very quickly if you learn debugging techniques like this
You do one more read than you increment "count". It's right there. I think that anon meant to count from 1 and not 0. Or just don't do the read outside the loop in the first place, it seems pointless to me.
honestly i have no clue what your code does
write it in a more sane language

so there should be code in the text file?
I want more leg spurdos
your question:
>Create data model for your project. This includes all the entities (tables) you need. Include this model in a text file
so you have entities/tables, right?
create a way to represent that data in your program, and also save and load those tables to/from a file.
the file should contain data, not code...
You're right, that doesn't make much sense.
I've revised it to this and it's working now. Thanks to all the anons
do {
infile >> value;
sum += value;
cout << value << endl;
} while (infile.good());
/int/ has a designated gondola thread all the time now tbqh
actually, on a second look, the wording of "include this model in a text file" is very ambiguous. I'd ask for more info.

Well let's walk through the first iteration of your loop
infile >> value; // value = 18.0
while (infile.good()) {
++count; // count = 1
sum += value; // sum = 18.0
infile >> value; // value = 19
cout << value << endl; // prints "19"

Try removing your initial file read and re-ordering the statements in your loop.
>it's working now
but you introduced another bug
try reading a blank file.
dumb tripfag doesn't press update before posting
I've addressed that earlier in the program. That was just a small code snippet.
#include <cstdlib>

if (!infile.is_open()) {
cout << "Failed to open: " << filename << '\n';

I like your approach. I should've walked through the program and realized it didn't make sense.
that doesn't tell if you if it's EOF.
a blank file will cause your program to crash.

i dont know if we have entities/tables yet.

my app so far lets you add things to a cart but now i need do a login feature so im assuming i need to store the username and password in the db?
so your data model in that case for logins would include two fields, username and password
I just watched this and I think you would all appreciate it.
The first part is about clojure and lisps, whatever. But then he goes into how the data structures in the languages are all tries so that structures are immutable whilst retaining near mutable runtime guarantees. Also goes into the concept of reference timelines which are important for implementing lock-free data structures.
Sorry, wasn't supposed to be a quote.
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Should I bother trying to learn SDL with C?

The tutorials for it seem to be written with a heavy lean toward idiomatic C++ and the very second tutorial program I wrote segfaults upon exiting.
Anything that actually deals with SDL is directly transferable to C. Just don't expect to learn good ways to write C programs (which is a separate issue) from C++ tutorials.

sounds like i need to make a database with a table in it then. Where does the text file come in?
It's mostly shit like this
==6719== in use at exit: 550,672 bytes in 3,350 blocks
==6719== total heap usage: 13,461 allocs, 97,403 frees, 43,110,516 bytes allocated

All this program does is display a picture for 2 seconds and exit, what the fuck is it even doing?
A lot of that is probably from the SDL internals.

Though I can't see why something that works in C++ would segfault in C if directly "ported".
import std.stdio;

void main()
writeln("Good night /dpt/!");
If you want to write SDL in C, then the official examples provided at the SDL wiki ( http://wiki.libsdl.org/APIByCategory )already gives you a good idea on how to do it. Just make sure to combine any new knowledge of SDL that you learn with existing knowledge about programming that you have in order to learn well, don't lean too heavily on tutorials and the like.

Make sure you clean up after yourself before you exit. Any allocated resources should be deallocated before you call SDL_Quit().
Is desktop software kill?
Post segfaulting code
Do you want the whole thing or just the part that segfaults?
SDL_Window *gWindow;
SDL_Surface *gScreenSurface;
SDL_Surface *gHelloWorld;
void close(void)
gHelloWorld = NULL;

gScreenSurface = NULL;

gWindow = NULL;


i'm pretty sure i've free'd every SDL_* whatever pointer I made, yet it still segfaults.
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this to be honest family
i've been /kind of/ learning a bit of php when i have the time, mostly just dicking around with some website i use to play a random webm out of a library of them that my friends upload to.

i've had no problem with using rand but until the library gets big enough, duplicate videos are playing pretty often on refresh, so how can i get a refresh to choose a random webm from the array, without showing duplicates until every webm from the array has been shown?

this is what i have right now

$videos = array('aaa.webm', bbb.webm', 'ccc.webm', ddd.webm', 'eee.webm', 'fff.webm', 'ggg.webm', 'hhh.webm');
$video = $videos[rand(0, count($videos) - 1)];
how the fuck do i do 3d graphics programming without ever having worked with matrices
this shit is too hard
kill me
fucked up while editing out the actual webm names fuck
Learn the math first then.
Learn about vectors and matrices then, you idiot.
is VS the most idiotic editor ever? I cant even add a html file simply by right clicking and chosing to create a new file. So i went to the original project located on my desk top, added the file there then opened the project back up in VS and its still not showing

i just dont understand
>is thing the stupidest thing ever? I don't understand how to use it so it must be the stupid one
I cant tell from just that snippet why it segfaults.

it should be much simpler to add a file

other editors ive used its so easy
The point of SOGSEGV isn't "you forgot to free something" but rather "you're trying to access sonething you've already freed or never allocated"
Kudos I cant
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Hey /g/ where do you keep all your passwords safe?
I have an encrypted file in a USB flashdrive I carry with me, and the same file in my computer.
KeepassX, family member
I code a lot for school, but not enough for pleasure.

How do you motivate yourself to code outside of work / school?
visual studio's projects do not represent the file system
you need to create a file, then add an existing file in VS.
If you don't write code outside of class, you're gonna become a worthless codemonkey with a degree but nothing to show for it.
Enjoy mcdonalds.
Do you realize you're making it much harder on you'reself (and others) by writing this in C anon? If you just used C++ instead, it'd much cleaner and easier to get right.
>uses cout, cin
you're dumb.
streams are of little good if you drown you'reself in pointer mismanagement anon.

It's C, not C++.
thank you desu senpai kek
>dynamically allocated
>no stdlib.h
what are you doing faggot
That's very true. I can never decide on what to write though. I know java, and some python and c.
Find some repetitive task you do multiple times a day and automate it.
Or think of some program you wish existed and go make that.
im thinking about changing careers
ive fucked around with programming for a few years now but never could land that job

in the midst of an internship but the lack of feedback im getting and communication.....i just feel like they wont end up hiring me. I got a few hundred bucks for the internship but this is my last straw with the whole programming thing

anyone in a similar feel?
>I got a few hundred bucks for the internship
Why the fuck do you tards work for pretty much free?
>working an unpaid internship
your resume is pretty much worse off now than if you had just sat around at home eating bonbons and watching anime.

i could not land any full time work, plus they needed help with the project. I don't see the harm. I needed SOME experience. I was desperate
You're doing work for free you fucking kek.
>"using namespace std;"

replace this line with

#include <vector>

and then reimplement your shit using std::vector
>plus they needed help with the project
If you're helping them why aren't they paying you a decent wage?

its common for companies to give you an internship first to see if they want to end up hiring you
>hey retard, do this work for free then I'll just say I didn't feel like hiring you unless you're a fucking genius
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>tfw you're too dumb to implement half the things on this pic
Internships are fine.
You should never EVER accept an unpaid internship.
Unless you live nextdoor to their building, you are literally paying money out of pocket to work for them.
How much of a kek do you have to be to work FOR FREEEEEEE
>infile >> value;

youre taking out the possibility they might hire you full time

its not like youre busting your ass for free. Its a small amount of money for some bug fixes and tweaks. Relax.
Oh, input file, I'm silly.

while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) 
value = line;

Slightly modified off the oracle website.
I am working on a rss torrent downloader in python.
Why would they hire you full time? They've got full time applications which get full time employees for that.
They got you for pretty much free work.


you think i would do this for years and years? the internship is 2 months. Either they hire me or not. If not, Im moving on with some experience. No big deal.
2 months of pretty much free work.


youre acting like internships never happen or thats theyrre so bad

quit whining
You saved the company 2 months salary.
I'm sure they'll show their gratitude while their security guards are escorting you out of their building.
Don't worry anon, I'll support you from now on.
Hey, how about I give you an unpaid internship for being a maid? It's only 2 months so that's nothing to worry about, right?
You'll get great experience in fields such as cleaning a house, cooking food and being a retard. You may even get a full time position afterwards!
Well if that's SOGSEGV than what's SIGSEGV for?

butt hurt detected
Worked for pocket change for 2 months detected.
>tfw you will trick a stupid qt maid boy into cleaning your house for free
>tfw you will never bully him sexually while he does his chores

now i can put some professional experience on my resume detected
Can't put actual projects he's worked on on his resume detected.
I work in HR
We trash all resumes with unpaid internships listed.
The rationale is that you must not be worth jack shit if you couldn't get paid employment anywhere.
only one i'm missing is "Contributed to a FOSS project" (^:

yes i can since i contributed to the app detected

i'll be honest im def not the best programmer out there detected
sbardo zbard
>ok, show us what you contributed
>uh, I fixed like 50 simple bugs over 2 months, none of it's actually my work
>get out
>If you're helping them why aren't they paying you a decent wage?

It depends on how much "help" this guy is.

Most new grad types have no idea how little they know. I mean, seriously, I've never interviewed one that I would hire. Ever. They're just completely useless.

Personally, I was *years* ahead of my peers, with real-world experience on APIs that were important at the time, because I worked year round putting myself through college, and because I'd already done most of the CS covered in my college courses when I was still in high school.
it was yli tire

you're right for the most part and there are some really tough bugs i cannot fix


Python. Then C if you want to learn fundamentals. Then C# or Java so you have usable professional skills.

Never C++. It's a bloated, confused pile at this point. Actually, it's just started to get good with C++11 and 14, but it's too little, too late.

Go on to functional and whatever else strikes your fancy after getting good with C# or Java.
>It depends on how much "help" this guy is.
If he isn't doing enough to get paid a decent wage he isn't going to be enough "help" next time either.
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>I cant even add a html file simply by right clicking and chosing to create a new file.

Right click in the project, select Add, then Add Existing Item.

How retarded are you?
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when i was taking c# classes all we did was shit like this

is that good enogh experience to land a job?
>If he isn't doing enough to get paid a decent wage he isn't going to be enough "help" next time either.

Huh? Are you implying that he won't be learning valuable, real-world skills while on his internship?

Look, I agree that all internships should be paid, but the reality is that many aren't. And I can't really blame employers, ever new grad I've interviewed has seemed borderline retarded, but hilariously confident.

for some reason the the option wasnt there under "add". It only showed some azure shit. Idk
>is that good enogh experience to land a job?

If your standards are low enough, maybe.

When I went to college, we had a senior project. You formed a team, went out and found someone in the community who needed a software project, spec'd it out, built it, documented it, and presented it.

Did you right click on the project, or the solution?
If he's learning valuable information and putting it to use then why isn't he being payed?
The only reason is he isn't learning valuable information or putting that information to use, either way he'll probably be in the same situation with the next company (maybe even worse, we don't know if the information was good or not).
underrated post
>If he's learning valuable information and putting it to use then why isn't he being payed?

Because you're paid for already having valuable information that you can put to use.

Chances are he's a net drain on the team. They're making an investment in their shared future. His investment is his time.

>either way he'll probably be in the same situation with the next company

Again, you seem to assume he's not learning anything. Weird.
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I want to make a website, but i'm not sure what language to go with. I've had a bit of experience with making CGI scripts in Perl/Python, but I want to make something while using mySQL in the process for practice. What kind of languages/frameworks are best for this kind of project?
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I know how to program in C and I've worked on projects
I know how to program in Java, worked on projects (and fucking hated it)
I know how to script in Javascript, PHP, and Python (many projects)
I know functional programming in Lisp from Uni
Where do I go next?

An object oriented language?
Which one? Absolutely do not suggest C++ please

Another scripting language? Considering Ruby but I actually don't like it at all...plus it's dying

A functional language? Will it actually benefit me learning something like Haskell?

At what point am I not considered a scrub by /dpt/ standards?
>hated Java
>didn't hate Javascript/PHP
Pick up one of the more recent languages, Rust/Go/etc.
>how the fuck do i do 3d graphics programming without ever having worked with matrices
>this shit is too hard
>Where do I go next?
If you want something even more different you could consider something like Prolog or Coq.
Thanks for the suggestions
>didn't hate Javascript/PHP
No, I absolutely hated PHP but I used those languages for what they were designed for, scripting
Both look really interesting actually :^)
This is where I'll probably go next. Now to decide which one, the one backed by Google or backed by Mozilla
I know neither language but from what I've heard Go is shit (but will be usable with android).
Rust is good as long as you don't plan on contributing to them.
>the language with arguably the best IDE for GUI design for any language
>labels aren't aligned
>buttons aren't centered
>text boxes aren't centered
thinking of learning a new language, whats the differences between C and C++
C++ is old, C is older.
C++ is meant to be C but more.
Learn Lua.
Lua is neat.


Code related. Reading a series of packed structs from C and parsing it in one line.

<<_Version:8, _LeafType:8, _Timestamp:64, _LogType:16,
_ASNLen:24, Cert/binary>> = PemBin2,

>C++ is meant to be C but more.
Anyone who knows anything past C++98/C89 can't possibly believe that.
How would you write a simple Todo List CLI in C?

Curious to see how neat C code can be made
Make a nice data structure.
Maybe write a way to serialise that data structure if you want to.
Add a way for a user to add/remove/query things from the data structure.
The end.
is codecademy shit? I feel like the stuff I'm doing isn't sticking and then when I go too long without working on a course I feel like I've forgotten what I learned before and it's harder to progress
>is meant to be
Can you write anything in C in C++?
Then it's C + more, although I guess you could argue it's no longer C + 1, it's more C + 10 or so.

>Can you write anything in C in C++?
Just go with .net, mate.
the .05% stands strong friend.
>nevar give up, nevar surrendar!1
Hey guys.

I just finished my COSC101 course of programming last month, and really enjoyed it. It was in python, and I got quite high grades. Really would like to do more. It's covered all of the basics, up to pretty much OO and tkinter.

I'm doing a next semester on Algorithims/Data Structures, but that's quite different of course, and although I'll be studying for it I have a big break with nothing to do. I really enjoyed programming and would want to do more, so I'm wondering, where do I progress on the programming side of things?

What should I continue to learn about? Just learnt about generators briefly today, and it makes sense, although I haven't really had anything to practice/do much on. Or do I start learning another language (C is what I'd be interested in.). How should I go about practicing what I've learnt?

Find a need you have and build a program to solve it.
I wrote a 40,000 line program in Python, but I don't like how slow it runs on laptops and potatoes. Is there a program I can use to convert all of the source code to C/C++? I tried Cython and Nuitka, but the source code it outputs isn't really usable - each file is 30k lines and is really hard to edit because of all the temporary variables and other junk.
Why do you have to edit the output?
Because I don't just want to "compile" the Python code, I want to convert it all to C/C++
Pretty sure it comes from C
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>vld doesn't work
>AppVerifier only works wrt DLLs, evidently
>DebugDiag refuses to watch process
>C++ Memory Validator only works for 32 bit applications
>Dr. Memory only works for 32 bit applications
><crtdbg.h> just barely works, but requires the use of VS because no external tool wants to jest werk.

I don't even hate Windows, family! I s-swear, it's good!
How the fuck do I find inverse trig functions with pen and paper? Arctan most importantly.

Pls help. Will suck dick.
Just wondering about people's experience on smaller laptops and their keyboards. I've only used full sized keyboards before but I need a budget laptop for purely programming and browsing at school. Any suggestions? Windows 10 preferable.
Programming on a smaller screen is probably going to be a bigger concern than a smaller keyboard.
not true if you're even a halfway decent typer
The problem is the language, not the platform. I mean I know windows is actively hostile to programmers but even without that C and C++ are not tool-friendly languages. Their design is based on phantoms and it is only community conventions which make the languages even useable (but tools can't rely on conventions if they're to be ``compliant'').
I have a 15" laptop and the monitor feels tiny when programming, especially when you have documentation open.

This is true, but at least on ganoo/lingus, you have Valgrind.
>especially when you have documentation open
it really must suck to not know how to code eh
So the functionality of having 2 side by side windows open is not viable? Would virtual desktops mitigate it?
I think the issue is more so the shitty chiclet keyboards that most laptops for some reason use.
Every time I've used a laptop I've never liked the keyboard. It bothers me much more than the screen.

If you're worried about documentation, alt-tab.
Must be great being able to memorize the entire documentation of multiple languages.

If you have a compact IDE it might work, for the most part a second monitor's very useful though.

>If you're worried about documentation, alt-tab.
Which is what I end up doing.
>Must be great being able to memorize the entire documentation of multiple languages.
yeah, it is
especially if you use a smart IDE, like Visual Studio, which gives you the documentation for any library function inline with your code so you never need to leave the editor
I recommend the long way home, namely convert it by hand function by function.

That will give you three benefits with a program of this size:
a) you'll learn Python
b) you'll understand you're program
c) you'll learn some C++ fundamentals

Just dooeet fgt.
15"? Nigga, I work on a 12.5" 1366x768 screen and I can comfortably fit 2 windows side-by-side.
Kids these days.
lolwut. prefix and postfix isn't a sepples-only thing lad.
It's even better to use a god-tier IDE like DrRacket where user-supplied documentation for third party libraries are also integrated into the live help.
>C++ are not tool-friendly languages
more tools have been written for C-descendants than all others
>chk urseff b4u kek urseff
in C#, packages from NuGet (the standard package manager) can include XML documentation...and most do
so I still get examples and usage for all functions
Try a thinkpad; don't get fooled by the fact that recent ones (post T420/X220) have a chiclet keyboard (and a somewhat-fucked layout), it's still the best laptop keyboard around.
Standard package manager for C#? That's quite cool! How do users submit code for the manager? Who runs the repository? Or is it more of a protocol than a repository?
>more tools have been written
And they still suck ass compared to tools written for more parser-friendly languages.
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280th for go.
it's a protocol, but microsoft runs an official repository. the code is open source, on github I think
it's a bit more complex to put stuff on it, you have to sign stuff, etc (compared to something like npm)
if you can get your continuous integration to do it for you (e.g. AppVeyor integrates nicely) then it's OK
>*flips all ur bits*
you can submit through the website: https://www.nuget.org/

It's run by microsoft as far as I know. I'm pretty sure it's both protocol and repository. Xamarin have their own repository.
But you still need to leave the file you're working on which makes it no better than alt tabbing.
All I'm missing is self-bootable and used by others. I technically did the latter but I don't count it because it's too few people.
That's an awful play, who dat?
>write a node module in es6
>find out it doesn't support es6 yet
i feel c*cked
A few things about binary and hex:

I just learned the basis of both but there is this thing I don't understrand, first I'd like if you could tell me whether my assumption of this is wrong or right:


[1(a) + x(b)]
[1(a) + 256(b)]

x = 16^2

a = 6C = 108
b = 1A = 26

6C + 1A = [1(6C) + 256(1A)] = [1(108) + 256(26)] = 6764

Is this a correct way to describe a WORD? I used an hex editor to verify the results and they seem to match, but I don't know if this is the actual method or just a coincidence. My other doubt is about the 16^2 part, why is it 16^2 in the first place?

That aside, here is another thing:


1(a) + x(b) + y(c) + xy(d)
1(a) + 256(b) + 65536(c) + 16777216(d)

y = x^2

a, b, c, d = 01 = 1

1(1) + 256(1) + 65536(1) + 16777216(1) = 16843009

I was trying to give a logic to the values of DWORDs I'm getting from the editor and this formula seems to be working, but it still leaves me a bit worried, is it yet another coincidence?

While screwing with the hex editor I found other two values called "32 bit IEEE single" and "64 bit IEEE double" but doesn't matter whatever I tried, I couldn't make sense of these two values, I found some wiki pages related and I'm going through them now but if you have any tips, please let me know.

One last thing, I noticed strange numbers coming from WORDs when using bytes close to FF in the hex editor.

This is what a 257 bit WORD gives me:

01 as shortint: 1
01 01 as word: 257
01 01 as integer: 257
01 01 01 01 as longint: 16843009

It seems to match my "theory" from before, but here is the problem I mentioned about values close to FF:

FF as shortint: -1
FF FF as word: 65535
FF FF as integer: -1
FF FF FF FF as longint: -1

I'm out of ideas, why is the dword FF FF returning a negative shortint, integer and longint? what kind of calculation did the CPU run to return -1?
It's a go problem illustrating a tesuji.
do you not know what 'inline' means?
I used to go out with a girl in HR and she said this actually happens, don't undervalue yourself friendos the effects last for longer than just the duration of the internship.
I hope you're not talking about the small tips it pops up while you're using methods because that's hardly enough documentation when you need real information.
In my head.
>Then it's not a Lisp. Homoiconicity is the key defining trait of a Lisp.

I'm not sure you understand what homoiconicity means in this context.

The syntax turns into lists - i.e. the structure used in Lisp for both code and data - during the parsing phase. It has a brief intermediate representation as a more complex tree but that's just for my own convenience. That's homoiconicity.

By the way, the key characteristic of a Lisp isn't homoiconicity. It's the list data structure.
Maybe you guys have some experience with this and care to help out >>51404561
Best C++ unit testing kit?
>it's the list data structure
not really

Most people will probably say that it's a set of related features of a language. There's no reason you couldn't have a lisp based on arrays or stacks instead of lists. One could argue that forth is a lisp, it has few core forms and there's not a real distinction between code and data. I mean, historically lisp came about via the list with cons cells but this is kind of an accident of history.

There's not a trivial way to have "code as data" without homoiconicity, which is why metaprogramming in non-lisps is fucking garbage. As all the other things lisp has introduced to programming have been slowly adopted over the decades, homoiconicity remains the last defining feature of lisps.

Eventually people will get tired of json and sgml and html and xml and a thousand other things which reinvent sexprs poorly, lisp will conquer all.

The future will have all low-level code in forth and all high level code in lisp and the rest of the languages will be historical artifacts associated only with stubborn blubb programmers.
SDL is shit, but use it anyways.
>gHelloWorld = NULL;
Why? that's retarded.
To protect against a double-free.
Kill yourself
It's C++ and he uses new you shit.
>gets segfault
>doesn't provide stack trace
tfw all of these except the cluster.
Jesus Christ, that crudely drawn slav spurdo is an ironic masterpiece.
>The syntax turns into lists - i.e. the structure used in Lisp for both code and data - during the parsing phase
true for all languages
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y-yes please
>I might call free like a retard multiple times, might as well make it not crash so I can keep that shit code undetected
You can write anything in any language.
Except brainfuck maybe.
thread on autosage

goto >>51404800
This is the most stupid argument I heard in a long time. You win sir.
I obviously meant if you copied code word for word from C you can run it on C++. Apparently there are a few small exceptions though.
can't do that yet.

beginner of C++ sorry m8 :/
No, you can't. You can't do
int *x = malloc(...
in C++, and this is not a small exception, I see that in almost every program.
int *x = (int*) malloc(...

big whoop
You actually have to change the code.
with an IDE or even just find/replace it should be easy as fuck
>knowing literally nothing about C or C++
>being smug about it
Who are you quoting? I see nobody in this thread saying these.
Converting any language is easy as fuck, as long as you have a compiler supporting the target language.
A semi-complex question here:

I'm building a timer in javascript. It has two timers inside it - the first counts down from your input (say, 25 mins) and when it reaches zero, it starts the other timer, which counts from its setting (say, 5 mins) down to zero. When the second timer reaches zero, it restores the original values for both timers, and starts the first clock counting down once more.

I'm doing this using setInterval. I have a button that functions as a start/stop. When you press stop, it calls clearInterval on both timers to stop them. This works fine when you call the stop on each timer during their first cycle, but if you call it after the second clock initiates the first clock's second loop, it won't work.

I assume this is some problem with the setInterval IDs associated with each setInterval.

I've written some pseudocode below to help illustrate:
function timeCaller(){
var first = setInterval{
// lots of code
var second = setInterval {
//lots of code


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Not sure what to do about this - but an ID problem seems to be the most likely cause.
Sorry, neglected to mention:

the start button calls timeCaller() when clicked, which sets the setInterval code into motion
>hello world is semi-complex
solve that shit for him if its so easy

i'd help, but i don't know enough about timer behaviour in javascript
any of you niggers watch the Connect() keynote?


Just announced availability of ASP.NET 5 (beta i think), that you can run on OS X and linux use Core CLR. Can also compile all you're ASP.NET C# projects to native executables with .NET native. impressive.
who cares
I dunno. I like VS and C#, so this is kinda cool for me. So do a lot of people on dpt.
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They are interviewing Google developers... the shit MS??
Corporate drone detected. I mean I'm a corporate drone too, but I managed to dodge the Java bullet.

Unless you're making android apps or something.

>learn the version of a popular language that is not supported or used by anyone
I really like Python3, but it's just no viable. It's an especially big clusterfuck on any GNU/Linux environment where your primary package manager is reliant on a specific Python version.

Tl;Dr Python yes, 3.x no
You start your education in preschool, do you not? Then progress to the next level. Learn the fundamentals with a novice-friendly language, then move on to a more powerful, elegant language once you have a basic grounding in the paradigm of your choice.
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