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/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 313
Thread images: 48

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Post your simple/small/stupid questions here, ONCE.
DO NOT BUMP THE THREAD, You are NOT entitled to an answer.

Read the sticky before posting.
Take at least 10 seconds to google it first.

Redirect or ignore anybody asking stupid questions outside this thread.
Use >>>/g/sqt as a link to find the sqt thread
is there any point to l2 and l3 cache?
Been trying to figure this bastard out a while and have drawn a blank.

Given a list of strings, and another singular string how can I test that the singular string contains all characters of listed strings in order. Not next to each other, but in the order they were in the individually listed strings.

Fuck this is a cunt to explain so:

String 1: abc
String 2: def

String 3: aqwdbuuefc <- would be true,

as both string 1 & 2's characters are there in the order they are in their individual strings.
Is there any way to DL copyright protected youtube videos (e.g. music videos)?

I usually use the "Video Downloadhelper" plugin for FF to download videos, but they obviously don't work for copyright protected videos, and I'm aware of the VLC trick to download videos, but of course I get a 403 forbidden error when I try to do that.

I was able to somehow do this successfully in VLC about three months ago, but I wasn't exactly sure how I did it, and I haven't been able to replicate it since. My only idea is that I had multiple YT tabs open on many different videos, which threw the server off.
how badly can I fuck my shit up installing a cpu cooler? I followed all the instructions, added paste (did I put enough/too much??), but it was awkward as fuck to screw on so it probably didn't evenly apply pressure as it went on. and is it on too tight?
I have diagnosed mild OCD so this stuff stresses me out a lot and I don't want to turn it on to blow it up yet

if it's still true as long as the characters appear in that order at least once, but duplicates don't matter
(with string 4 = baaaabcddfdef being true).

iterate along string 3, comparing against the current index for each of string 1 and 2 (say i and j for string 1 and string 2). increment i and j as you find the character at that index. if you reach the end of strings 1 and 2, then it passes

if the assumption is bad then it's harder
I had thought of this approach, however imaging we had 100 strings in our list. Then this approach becomes more pain than it's worth.

I'm new to computer building. Does the size of the GPU effect it's performance? I see two 4gb EVGA GTX 960s, the smaller one is cheaper. Does that mean I'm getting shafted somewhere?
yeah probably a pain. this is interesting. maybe something to do with a trie?
I'm thinking perhaps to iterate through the list of strings, testing each against the superstring. incrementing a counter as you mentioned.

Use a boolean that initially is set to true, then if this any string along the way is not a subsequence, change this to false, thus exiting the loop.
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My PC has been having a blue screen error more often and I thought it might be dying.
Found a blue screen analyzer tool to look up what was causing it, to see if I could get away with just replacing a piece of hardware.

Turns out it was fucking faggot nigger ass AVG all a fucking long.

Please give me an alternative or a way to fix AVG from destroying my PC.
My AC is freezing like a fucker, but the thermostat won't move, so it doesn't turn off. I reset the batteries but it still won't fix it, wat do?
Around how much money can I save if I order a 1000$ build during black friday/cyber monday?
if you can use quadratic storage, you can make a 2d array with each possible character in both dimensions. iterate over string 3 with two pointers, marking say after[a][b] to true if b comes after a. then it's linear for each string 1, 2, etc. after quadratic preprocessing on string 3.

not sure i get it. can you restate the problem?
uninstall AVG you don't need that shit
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How do you go about styling checkboxes in Windows 7? Is it possible?
is the coolermaster haf 912 a good case? poorfag here, I can't spend more than $100 in a case
how are drivers handled in linux? is it a separate file or is it handled by the kernel?
What is the best domain name registrar?
Was there any legitimate benefit to the Nintendo 64 being 64-bit at the time?
Kernel modules

It could do some cool 3d shit

is ninite botnet?
Whats the best R9 390x to get? Ive been looking at a sapphire tri-x for $350 on sale, is that good enough to get or should i wait for black friday?

I just sucked it up and turned it on. everything seems fine and holy shit my idle temps were higher with the stock cooler than my temps under load. spend $30 and get a better heatsink, it's definitely worth it
What 4gb ram i5 laptop should I buy for 1800 aud?
So i reinstalled firefox but i forgot to back up my bookmarks and i deleted almost 2500 bookmarks. Is their some place theyve been moved / recoverable?
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>lights flickering
>don't want shit to die unexpectedly
how big of a UPS do I need for a desktop+monitors?
why 4gb?

You havent given any info over what you need it for or any pre requisites.
go onto the external hard drive you keep your machine backups on and find your firefox profile there
how do I use ClockPane in java?

I keep getting "cannot find symbol" error, but I don't know what else to import
ohh true, last back up i found of firefox was about 3 months old but still has most of them. ty
ahahaha holy shit. i was fucking with you because it sounded like you didn't keep backups. well i'm glad it worked then
figure out how much power they require
figure out how long you want shit to stay powered on
use a UPS calculator like
Whats the best file heirachy structure to use? Like by category, series, artist etc?

Trying to organise doujin but not sure of the best way to.
it's fine

really, anything by coolermaster/thermaltake/corsair/antec or even NZXT is going to be fine

/g/ will complain that it's too ricey or something as the majority here claim monolithic gray aluminum is the only style that is acceptable
to get that detailed you should probably use a flat structure and tags
Thanks bud
just got a VG248QE today.

what do i do or install to fix the color or whatever is 'wrong' with it?
Am I a fool?
if you do things right then potentially five hunny or more

no but their selection could use a bit of work

did you ever set up firefox sync? if so you can get your bookmarks and addons all back just by signing in

no, a fool never questions his intelegince
Why are all the process cmdline files in /proc empty? Using centOS on a VM.
Is it yellow tinted?
no. honestly i just asked because i heard there were issues with the monitors, and i just asked just in case i can make my monitor better
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I'm writing stuff in LibreOffice Writer and I like it a lot, especially the spell-checking features, but there's this problem (see pic) that sometimes happens when I'm writing in "justified" paragraphs.

I don't know if I accidently pressed a keybind or clicked something, I couldn't find a way to return it to normal justifying style. Do you know if it's a glitch or a feature that I can turn off manually?

I tried deleting the whole paragraph and write again from scratch but the problems repeats itself every time, strangely it only affects some paragraphs and not all the text file. I found a temporary "fix" exporting the document as RTF and then import it back but, in the process all the fonts get messed up, I wish I could avoid that.
I just downloaded a bunch of JAVs and I'd like to use FFMPEG to scale them down to 720p since the file sizes are fucking massive, seriously they're like 5gb each.

I haven't used FFMPEG before, I managed to get it installed and running, but I'm kind of at a loss for what to do next. Can anyone recommend what settings I should use to reduce the filesize and keep the image quality acceptable? I have next to no experience with video encoding.
youll regret scaling them one day, keep them at source for archival and quality purposes
I'll keep the file on my external but i'd still like a scaled version
I forgot about buying windows for my computer.

Though, if I were to use the product license on a COA from several years ago with an ISO of Windows 7, would it properly activate?
why wouldnt it? Then you can get 10 for free!

dont get sapphire, theyre a shadow of their former self.
What do you mean, whats wrong with sapphire?
the main thing is that your warrenty is void for even touching the product, but the quiality of their builds has decreased over the past decade
Who do you suggest then?
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Chromium 47 and above now force the new avatar menu and the "--disable-new-avatar-menu" flag has been removed. Is all hope lost for disabling some annoying sync system advertisement or is there still a way to remove this? I doubt it as the chromium project has no plans on supporting anything they do not use or that does not affect them.
Probably. Worst case scenario just do the phone activation. That has always worked for me
Can anyone explain how 3d environments work in java?

I mean I understand making a grid and then shrinking that grid in the center to give the impression of depth, but how do you explain rotation (x * cosine + z * sine) or rendering walls, etc.?
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Which common household item makes the best cumrag?
It should be reusable and easy to clean without a washing machine
your chest.
What are /g/'s recommended tablets? Christmas is coming up and I'm thinking about getting one for myself. Heavily leaning towards an iPad Air 2 (64GB, Wi-Fi, ~$600), but would like to hear some contrary input. What are some top-tier Android tablets in a similar range?
Stop treating me like an item
I'm an Australian.

Recently some government guys installed the new boxes in my house for the National Broadband Network, and apparently it's all set to go except that they say I need to wait for them to send me a new router, because it'll only work with the new one.

That seems really weird to me because it'd probably be a huge problem for a lot of companies if a ton of their routers became useless.

So I'm curious, why would they say that I need to use their router? Why can't I just use my old one?
surface including the new surface book are my choices, best tablet ive ever used. Any price range or what? If you dont really have a use for a tablet over say a laptop remember not to impulse buy
So they can charge you monthly for using WLAN
new tracking hardware. Anyone got that photo of cisco routers being intercepted?
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Is there anyway to find CM mac address without physically looking at the modem? I don't have access to the routers web interface either. Command prompt would only give me the wan mac address for the modem correct? Am I fucked?

The reason I can't look at the modem is because it's my landlords and I can't talk to her without spilling my spaghetti. I'm constantly getting 1k ping and timed outs.
She should really wash off that ketchup
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I'm getting a new phone and I have to switch carriers. Who is the best? (money is no object, and I'll be living in the seatec area)
When it came out I remember liking the SP3. If I had the money I'd get a SP4 and mainly use it for reading e-books and watching videos in bed. I listed the iPad because it's a more realistic option and I wanted to know what others offer for the same price, and how the specs compare, specifically screen size (~10") and battery life.
>remember not to impulse buy
True. Not really dead set on a tablet right now, more thinking about what the options could be.
How does arithmetic with biginteger work? Like I see that it basically takes in the value from a string and works some magic. But can I do operations on obscenely large numbers? Like say 2000+ digits?
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Is there a way to customise these images in firefox new tab?
someone knows a good gui for ffmpeg?
I'm tired of editing a giant line (and word warp sucks)
Anyone have a program for windows that behaves like Textexpander (https://smilesoftware.com/textexpander)? I just found FastFox by NCH, and trying it now. Any recommendations? The ability to sync between devices is a plus.
My modular PSU does not have a cable with two 8 pin connectors. All of them are 8 and 4+2

How can I get around this without using adapters that came with my card?
just cut the cables, what model psu and gpu you got?
A question about CS on binary and hex... I just learned the basis of it but there is this thing I don't understrand, first I'd like if you could tell me whether my assumption of this is wrong or right:


[1(a) + x(b)]
[1(a) + 256(b)]

x = 16^2

a = 6C = 108
b = 1A = 26

6C + 1A = [1(6C) + 256(1A)] = [1(108) + 256(26)] = 6764

Is this a correct way to describe a WORD? I used an hex editor to verify the results and they seem to match, but I don't know if this is the actual method or just a coincidence.

My other doubt is about the 16^2 part, why is it 16^2 in the first place?

That aside, here is another thing:


1(a) + x(b) + y(c) + xy(d)
1(a) + 256(b) + 65536(c) + 16777216(d)

y = x^2

a, b, c, d = 01 = 1

1(1) + 256(1) + 65536(1) + 16777216(1) = 16843009

I was trying to give a logic to the values of DWORD's and this formula seems to be working, but those big numbers leave me a bit worried, is it yet another coincidence?

While screwing with the hex editor I found other two values called "32 bit IEEE single" and
"64 bit IEEE double" but doesn't matter whatever I tried, I couldn't make sense of these two values so I gave up, I forgot to google it so I'll give it a google later but if you have any tips, please let me know.

One last thing, I noticed strange numbers coming from WORD's when using hex values close to FF.

This is what a 257 bit WORD gives me:

01 as shortint: 1
01 01 as word: 257
01 01 as integer: 257
01 01 01 01 as longint: 16843009

It seems to match my "theory" from before, but here is the problem I mentioned about values close to FF:

FF as shortint: -1
FF FF as word: 65535
FF FF as integer: -1
FF FF FF FF as longint: -1

I'm out of ideas, why is the hex value FF FF returning a negative integer? what kind of maths did the CPU run to return -1 instead of 65535?

Other times seems like integer = word
and longint = dword.
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What are these blemishes on the pads? Do you see? What is it mean? Is the cpu bad?
this looks like thermal paste
What's an SQL file and how do I make full use of it?
I usually just rub it into my leg and let it sit for a while before putting my pants back on
I know but I tried wiping and still there. As if it stained them. Is that possible?
Try rubbing alcohol. Just make sure to let it fully dry before reattaching it.
Oh, I should clarify I just mean a tiny drop on a q-tip or something, don't submerge it
Thx I'll try
Use this: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/speed-dial/

Supernova G2 and 980ti Classified
is there any way to fix corrupted bios on a Z97m gaming mobo that doesn't have dual bios? all i'm getting is a black screen.
NetVideoHunter works on every site.

Vista Style Builder

It's beeping?
l1 is per core cache - fastest cache, maybe 10 cycles to access
l2 is cache shared by all cores, and is generally larger - maybe 100 cycles to access
l3 cache is shared by all cores, and is the largest, however it is the slowest. Maybe 500 cycles to access.
Ram takes like 50,000 cycles to access. Ram is fuckin slow.
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So I just bought my first GPU: an r9 280x. I got it just in time to play Fallout 4 (inb4 pleb). But when I run it, it looks jittery as fuck no matter what quality I set it to. Is it my shitty CPU bottlenecking the GPU? Or is it just the game? How fucked am I?
its definately your CPU
bethesda games are shit on the cpu, and the i3 43whatever is a shit cpu.
also your ram is kinda slow.
My computer got shut off due to a blackout and I'm wondering what are the steps to checking for corrupted files. Several things I was seeding are borked but there's a shitload more of files that I'm nervous about
ram is 1600mhz, speccy reports per-channel frequency and it's dual-channel
Documents>My Games>Fallout4>Fallout4.ini


And set the file to read only

If that don't work:
i'm >>51400073
The computer starts up and unless i boot into the bios which looks like a huge corrupted mess it will instead just sit at black screen until I shut down the computer. The bios screen lets me move around 2 menus but once I start tinkering with things it crashes. Guess i'm fucked.
Download the first one and extract to a flash drive, then boot it.
forgot one thing, set the tessellation to 8 in AMD control panel
5fell`as I need help

`as you c`an cle`arly see my =keybo`ard is h`aving some double input issues

liter`ally wh`at the 5fuc=k do I do

I spilled some te`a on it li=ke 5 minutes `ago th`at's prob`ably wh`at c`aused this
what are the minimum requisites for linux
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you will need to open that thing and clean it, there is water or whatever you spilled in it in the contacts.

an toaster

well shit

I b`arely spilled `any te`a on it, how the 5fuc=k did it get in

`also I don't =know much `about =keybo`ards but this doesn't loo=k li=ke the type th`at opens up e`asily
you are 5bo'ne=d
i really got some old stuff
Thanks man going to try this out tonight
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if you have a normal keyboard it looks like pic related.
You only will need a recipient to not lost those little motherfucking disappearing things

How much? specs
Since upgrading to windows 10 I've been experiencing 2 second "freezes" in all my full screen vidya. Music keeps going but gameplay halts. Only a real problem in multiplayer games. 3570k and 7970.

`are you serious dude

did I 6just ruin my =keybo`ard bec`ause I spilled li=ke `a milliliter o5f te`a on it

c`an't I 6just hope it dries


I h`ave `a mech`anic`al, `and there `are no screws or shit on the bottom
It's easier since it's a solid piece
pic related

Check the cpu usage, if it reads 0 or 100 your cpu is overheated
Is it a smart idea to install Kali as my base OS?
Also, the majority of my computer use is with pen testing.
Neckbeard and a fancy fedora.
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When i set the firefox newtab to something thats not the default, a ridiculously long url of the .html file im using appears in the url bar, is there a way to hide it?
i haven't, but out of curiosity what homepage are you using? Been trying to find one I like.
how do i get invite to ptp?
a customised version of this
Google services kept crashing on my android, so I decided to install a new version

I got a download from the cyannogenmod wiki (I've got CM11 on a galaxy S3), booted into recovery mode, installed, it says something about root access may have been compromised, prompts to fix, I hit yes, and it reboots. Once it boots, the ui process keeps crashing, along with google services just to add insult to injury

I've already tried some different versions of gapps as well as clearing the dalvik cache. Anything else I can do?
I'm close to buying the new skylake cpu's for my first build but now i've heard about intel releasing a new chipset called Kaby Lake? in 2016.
I know it's still early news but should i be worried and screwed if i still go with skylake

Easiest way is to interview at what.cd and get power user. Though they're not actually recruiting for a few months as far as I know due to user limit being reached, but you'll get an invite eventually.

Most likely a random guy won't invite you, especially from here, because they can get banned and lose their own account for it.
want to know how long I use a specific app
When running Hydrus Network for the first time, am I supposed to wait indefinitely until it actually starts?
make games
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He has an Android phone and wants to track how much time he wastes on grindr.
How do i fix sjis art?
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To you PC building veterans out there, how much can I expect to save on black Friday on pic related?
I don't think that's possible, android don't log how much time the apps stay open.
If he wants to know when he installed it:
about $350
How can I get my cat to eat more vegetables?
Cats are obligate carnivores and don't eat vegetables.

Google "vegan kitten nearly dies" for more insight or check with >>>/an/
why do you want your cat to eat vegatables? I have a cat that really likes spinach but that doesnt mean im gonna feed it to her, cats need meat
My FO4 keep crashing to desktop every 5 minutes. Updated my drivers to the latest version and it still happens. Any idea why?

System specs
i5 - 4430
R9 280x
B85-G43 Mobo
CS550M Corsair PSU
Why do people rush to play that single-player game at low settings and with no bugfixes, DLC, or mods? Even as a neet, I don't have time for everything else I'm playing. Do you discuss shitty simple video game plots in real life?
lol u trol, fo4 is BASED game.

seriously its garbage, i dont get the hype around it, half the code is just ported from skyrim and graphics are awful for the resources they consume
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MOBO does not support USB boot. Too lazy to install a optical drive, burn a cd,.. and realise this version does not boot on my hardware...

Can i just drag and drop the contents of my debian live cd to a seperate IDE drive and boot off that? Or do i need to make it "bootable" like a flash drive.
I don't have many friends. Why do you think i play games in the first place?...
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I got a Powermac G5 that I want to play around with, June 2004 model, dual 2.5ghz ppc, 2gb ram, 6800 ultra.

I noticed it has a Delphi Liquid cooler that is very susceptible to leaking.

Should I replace the seals and use new fluid before I use it for extended periods of time, or should it be fine if it hasn't already failed in 10 years?
Then why not wait at least a couple years and play it at maximum settings with all the DLC? You could be playing Kerbal and Space Engineers right now. I think I will, as soon as I'm done with my Spanish and math studies.
The hinges on my laptop have started to lose their firmness, and after I adjust my screen's angle, it's prone to some wiggling. Can I do anything to make it more retentive? It's not unbearable, but it's starting to get on my nerves. Using a 4 year old Thinkpad T420.
(made a thread for this originally, then I realized it probably belongs here)
My laptop won't boot. Turning it leaves a blank display, about half the time the capslock key will be permanently active, the other time it won't.

If I restart it about a couple dozen times, it occasionally boots up normally.

What's wrong with it?
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just tight them up
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Popped off the front, I don't see any kind of bolt to tighten up. Sorry for the godawful quality.

yeah can't see shit, do you have non potato camera or at least light up place that taking photo of properly
what's the best screen recording software for windows? preferably something simple and optimized, like quicktime on mac
Are there any good foobar themes that mesh well podcasts, audiobooks, and radio?
foobi 1.2
where did the bomb meme come from?
Why are Internet browsers so fucking slow these days. It takes me several minutes to open a single website.
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I had a genuine copy of Win 7 on my laptop. Upgraded to 10, also created a microsoft account.

I had a cracked copy of Win 8.1 on my desktop. Upgraded to 10, it says it's activated.

Would you recommend I connect the desktop to my microsoft account as well?
remi gailard angel devil vid on youtube
You don't know how to operate a PC. Replace it with any cheap tablet.
Think 250/500GB SSDs will hit $60/$130 price points for Black Friday/Cyber Monday?
in fact i'd recommend that you disconnect your laptop from your MS account
no. maybe the complete shit ones will.
three things
A: you have a shitty computer
B: you have a shitty internet
C: both A and B
Have u tried Youtube-dl?
I hope EVOs are at least 140
Truer words have never been said. Amen.
What is the best way to backup your entire PC into the cloud for free?
Thanks for the answer, but can you elaborate?
being signed into your MS account allows Microsoft to collect even more data than they already do.
also corana gets annoying
Why are golfers so angry?
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Windows10 Update.webm
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Why can't I get the W10 Pro Threshold 2 update on my computer?
Every time it just does this (webm)

I've tried clearing the update cache, disabling my antivirus, and restarted about a hundred times now...
How do I get this stupid update?!
what is /g/'s recommendation on first programming language?

is python any good? c#? c++? java?

i really want to get into gamedev and possibly get experience for a job in IT/Computer Engineering
I have 2 identical hard drives in my rig and one of them is starting to fail.

How do I know which one it is? I don't want to take out the wrong one.
Why can't I add /his/, /news/ or /trash/ to my favorites in Mimi?
just disconnect one from the motherboard and test the other one with CrystalDiskInfo. then connect the first one again, disconnect the second and test it again with cdi
Is there any sort of laptop buying guide out there?
Have you ever tried to play that stupid game?
Are they in a RAID or anything? Just pull the cable and see.
How do you not know which hard drive is which?
no, sorry. just get one in your pricerange from a brand you trust.
Once, in high school for PE
I opted to never try it again.
Most lightweight 18-17" full HD or higher resolution laptop?

The best/most recommended 18-17" full HD or higher res. laptop?
do SSD's really become noticeably slower when they reach half full?
no. why?
I haven't noticed any slowdown on mine.
speccy reports the actual clock speed of your ram
but since its DDR (double data rate) it's effectively 1600.
it's probably a combo of your cpu and the game.
open task manager and msi after burner (or whatever your prefered riva tuner alternative is) and look at your gpu load
They get slower (I don't think you can tell) when its writing at the edges of the disk which is like last 10% or something
the 2011 (last 17") macbook pro is probably the thinnest and lightest fHD laptop around.
just know that it will probably throttle like crazy (my 15" sure as hell did)
How do I change the install directory of chocolatey and all of its packages? I tried following the instructions on their FAQ here:
but none of it seems to work. Is it outdated? Am I doing something wrong?
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Hey /g,

i have a lamp with a dimmer, but it's buzzing like hell when dimmed. Is it from the bulb, or is it from the dimmer ?

Would a LED bulb from the same kind also buzz ?
It's the dimmer.
Source: I have the same problem too.
Dunno how to fix it though.
Damn... thx tho
here try this
I'm looking for a 3.5mm female output for my phone(android) as my current one is having a shit-fit and only giving me audio in one ear. I've tried waiting on it and checking for dust and shit but nothing has worked.
Anything else I can use other than unblock-us or an alternative if I wanted to watch the US version of Netflix instead of the Australian one? Is there another way around it or am I bound to end up paying money for a VPN?
Try either Proxmate or Hola Unblocker(get the Hola browser extension as apposed to the desktop client).
Thanks for the answer.
Is Hola Unblocker safe? I've seen mixed reviews so far.
Safe in what way? As in gubment is watching me or safe as in non-malware? None of my AVs/AMs (Avast and Malware-Bytes) have picked up anything dodgy post install, so in the malware sense it seems safe to me. If you don't like the look of Hola then Proxmate is definitely your best bet.
/g/, realistically
i use fb messenger for fb friends, kik for non fb friends, and regular old sms for texting
why would i use one of the trillions of other messaging apps instead?
No, not worried about the government. Just the whole malware thing and others have said that it messes with their browsers but I'll use Hola Unblocker for a while and then if I find flaws I'll go try Proxmate. Appreciate the answer anon.
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I'm gonna update my pirated windows 7 enterprise because reasons and what updates should I avoid (windows 10 upgrade notification, WAT)? And are there any steps I should take that allows me to continue using win7 for free?

I already used RemoveWAT.
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Do germans have to deal with the Tumblr "special snowflake" pronoun bullshit?
I've got a server with a database, when I'm playing with the database on PHPmyAdmin it seems out of date. Some collumns seem missing that I added yesterday, and search querries don't seem to work.

But... My android application does get all the data, even the collums added yesterday. I just inserted a new row, and when I search for it in PHPmyadmin it doesn't find shit, but if I open my application it is shows everything.

TL;DR: is there a way that PHPmyAdmin is bugged and hidding data from me someway?
That's not very good tl;dr
Going to slap a Sapphire R9 280X Vapor-X on my i3 2100, asus p8h61-m toaster. Will a Seasonic 520W M12 II (EVO) suffice considering the fact that I'm going to upgrade it up to Haswell i5 (K), Z97 mobo, and add a SSD in future?
This seems to be exclusively an American problem. By the way my preferred pronouns are he/ her/his.
Nah i know, should reread my posts before posting.. that was terrible

Anyway restarted my pc and everything is fine now
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Is it worth liquid cooling a GPU? Currently I reach 80C under load
Is there a way to only install libreoffice writer on Arch?
Why not use your dirty socks?
Can I use evernote as a schedule?
I use it on my phone for notes but I don't see the need in synching notes all that often

Your Mom
so this phone


can be bought with cyanogenOS. But I've been wondering how the update situation is with cyanogen os? Did anyone here buy a phone that came with cyanogen OS and can tell me if it's like every other android phone (not from google) where updates don't reach the user?
Would an I5 6600k get bottle necked by an R9 280x?
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How does one make their desktop environment look as pic related? I'm trying to use bbLean and using certain styles, but I think it's not working correctly because 1) I don't have the right program(s) and 2) I'm using Windows 8.1 rather than Windows 7
Icecream screen recorder. Small and easy.
i know webm cam and shareX
Here's a tip: If you use the term 'bottleneck' then there's no bottleneck.
It's that simple.

I've never been asked if x bottlenecks y and actually have it be the case.
how to reduce the awful noise reduction on LG G4 camera?
Thanks, I remember seeing a meme claiming it was a thing. Good to know that it isn't
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My gpu has been behaving very strangely. I just noticed it today while playing Fallout 4, my normal fps (60fps) got cut down to 45fps.

So I decided to test the issue. I restarted my computer, opened up evga precision x, and noticed that my gpu runs at 35 C with my custom fan curve on.

Then I opened up fallout 4 and went to an area where my fps is at a constant 60fps and waited for half an hour, not touching/playing the game.

When i returned to my computer, I noticed that my fps has yet again been cut down to 45fps.

I closed the game, and waited a couple mins and checked out evga precision x.

As you can see in pic related, its stuck at the boost clock and for some reason its reading 47 C at all times.

Relaunching fallout 4 doesnt work, it just starts up at a constant 45fps.

The only way to get the normal fps i usually got is to restart my computer completely, and even if i do that playing any sort of vidya for a bit of time will cause my gpu to lock up like this and my fps plummets.

whats going on m8s?
How do I prepare my OS to switch graphics driver? I'm upgrading my graphics card from nvidia to AMD, I was thinking of uninstalling the nvidia driver and setting systemd to a terminal boot.
I'm using fedora by the way
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no cs senpais can give guidance to a newbie?
you should go to the programming thread
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Restarted my computer again and opened up fallout 4. I again, it was at 60fps. I only played for a couple of mins, but when exiting the game I noticed that my GPU dropped back down to the base clock and its behaving normally again.

Now I'm going to play it for a longer period of time
check your casts

write code in a language that has shift left
Where do I go to start learning Prolog?

How do I force my non-k i5 to use Turbo mode at all times? I shouldn't be raising the BCLK, right?
played the game for 15mins. My fps dropped down to 45 fps again, and my gpu is again stuck at the boost clock and is reading 47 C

What is going on
Where can I download official android stock ROMs for note 3 n9005 specifically KitKat
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I'm not writing a program, I'm trying to understand how the CPU reads the bytes/hex code, I figured some easy stuff on my own, but I didn't study CS so I'm running into walls.
What's the best and up to date web proxy script (except glype) is there to use nowadays?
I wanna install one on my vps to use in university. setting up vpn/ssh tunnel is too much work just for a quick browsing
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Is there any TV buying guide here?

Why aren't OLEDs a big thing yet? It's common on phones, are inexpensive to manufacture and isn't power consuming. Is it a market strategy perhaps? Only LG sells them and 4K is being pushed eventhough you can only enjoy it with some PC games if you have a good GPU. Anyway, I'm going to connect it to the computer so it should have DVI connection since it's superior to HDMI. Good display quality is what I'm after and has to be under $1000.
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>>51404405 (cont.)
To be clear, this is what I was talking about (see pic). I want to understand why it's like this.
Look carefully at the sign on word. Obviously its an UNSIGNED Value. Every other one is signed...

Then..again for 01 WORD is again unsigned.

What are you missing? the Sign of a int is stored as the first bit. ( and if its unsigned, the first bit adds to the numeric value...)
Dropped my external, It turns on for about 30 seconds then gets caught on something. I got all of my smaller files off of it but.. the big ones I can't resume from default MS file transfer after it shuts off,
Is there any program that can deal with that?
where do I get a windows 7 iso?

just this year you used to be able to use the windows media creation tool to download isos for all windows OS. now its just windows 10. what the hell
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Is there any easy way to stitch a huge load of images into collages? Say I have 150 pictures of the exact same size, and want to fuse them into sets of three.

any easy way? Please help fast
Last night I powered down my minecraft server and put as switch into the mix in order to have more servers downstairs. So now my network connection from WAN to minecraft server looks like this:

cable modem > router > powerline connection > unmanaged switch > minecraft server

I fired the server back up and played on it a little last night without issue, but today I found out that it's only visible to my LAN or something; I can't connect to its dynmap, I can't connect to the server via SSH or rcon. Yet my router is definitely up and pingable. My suspicion therefore falls on the switch, but I'm not sure how a dumb switch could have changed anything.

When I attempt to SSH in it gives a "EHOSTUNREACH (No route to host)" error.

How is the switch affecting things, /g/?
use viewtube and then hit the download button
Yes. I use 'AndreaMosaic'.
There are a few others if you google.
The only solutions I could find was for panoramas or people trying to just put two images together. Thanks.
I'm build a new computer in a few days and I'll be using an USB drive to install windows on my SSD. My USB drive has 30gbs of space, will putting extra files in there that I want to transfer over mess up my windows installation in any way?
I've never soldered in my life, Should I take my laptop in to get new USB ports or should I do It myself?
This is gonna sound really stupid, but try running it on its side. Has worked for me with drop-damaged drives in the past.

That being said, no, there's no software available to you that can deal with a drive whose mechanism was damaged in a fall.
Okay, uh

How do I use this? Looks like it just wants to separate one picture into lots of small ones.
no, although I would install windows and then copy files over afterwards
There are exactly 0 situations in which you would want to run turbo on at all times, senpai.
i wouldn't do it myself, laptops are very delicate.
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How the fuck do I make firefox look good? I want it to be flat and grey.
Mess with the settings.
>there's no software available to you that can deal with a drive whose mechanism was damaged in a fall
I meant dealing with transfers suddenly stopping. When I transferred all of my smaller files, It would die and I would restart it. Resume the transfers.
But.. It doesn't resume where the file left off, only the order.
I need it to resume the /file/.
oh and another stupid question: why does firefox get stuck every time I open a tab or load a new page? I have noscript and ublock origin, shouldn't that be reducing load time?
Whoops, I didn't mean at all times, my bad.

It seems like my CPU never actually bumps up to 3.4 GHz though. How do I change that?

It's definitely not due to high temps.
Are you using multiprocess Firefox yet? If not, the browser's UI mostly runs in the same thread as web content and will always hang for at least a moment while loading.

Some addons may make this much more expensive.
I'm still not sure what I'm looking at. Please handhold me
Daemontools, runit or OpenRC or seomthing more for Arch Linux? I'm a newbie trying to avoid systemD from the start. What should I choose?

How can I make Firefox multiprocess?
What is a better alternative to the Raspberry Pi 2B? I need better performance, price max $150.
This might do what you need: http://copyfile.sourceforge.net/

That and possibly breaking up the files to be copied into smaller chunks less likely to get raped by random disconnects: http://www.hjsplit.org/
Athlon 5350 ($50)
AM1 Mobo ($30)
4gb RAM ($25)

Total: $105

What are you using to monitor that speed, though? And what are you running that could use the faster speeds?
>This might do what you need: http://copyfile.sourceforge.net/
Looking at now.
>breaking up the files to be copied into smaller chunks
How do I read the file, Cut it up, Write it before it would normally disconnect?
I've recently got a new computer after using a fucking AM2 for 8 years and noticed that hard drives connected using old sata cables sometimes fail to start. New cables bundled with motherboatrd work fine so far. Should I worry or is it normal for intel sata3 ?

Also are chink cables off ebay any good? I need some weirdly angled connectors for muh perfect cable management.
Speccy, CPU-Z, task manager.

I'll try again with HWmonitor logging and using IntelBurnTest or something, to make sure it's really not bumping to 3.4 GHz, but I'm fairly sure it never went that far playing vidya.
>This might do what you need: http://copyfile.sourceforge.net/
Hey, It's actually working. Thanks.
There are a few spots where it dies every time though ;_;
Can I have some help, please?
My intuition is that you read the file and cut it up using fewer spins of the (I am assuming damaged) HDD than you would were you to copy the whole damn thing. Then write piece by piece, which is more tolerant of disconnects.

They should work fine. I'm guessing the old cables are damaged (loose end connectors most likely)

chink cables should be fine.

assuming you meant this for >>51405354
task manager will show you the rated speed of the CPU and then also the current speed, which can exceed the rated speed when turbo-ing.
Got any more portable than bringing an entire mobo+extra's? Will write those parts down though
ya dun goofed. I feel your pain. wife's SSD up and died a few months ago out of the fucking blue, taking most of the baby pictures she had on there with it. Oh well, it just means my kid has more potential to become an off the grid cyber operative in NeoTokyo when he grows up. Like a ghost, he was never there.
So I cloned https://github.com/dmanning23/BulletMLLib
and I opened the solution on visual studios and tried to build it but I get an error

This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Enable NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=322105. The missing file is C:\Users\xxx\Source\Repos\BulletMLLib\BulletMLTests\\.nuget\NuGet.targets. BulletMLTests C:\Users\xxx\Source\Repos\BulletMLLib\BulletMLTests\BulletMLTests.csproj 311

However following the link redirects me to http://docs.nuget.org/ and if I google it the solution recommends I remove the section NuGet section from the project which leads to tons of other errors if I do so.
How do I enable NuGet Package Restore?
who said anything about extras? There are AM1 boards with DC power brick plugs integrated, and just run it on top of a cardboard box like you would the pi. Instead of a full-on hard drive just boot everything off a USB 3.0 stick. That's not much less portable than the pi itself, just bulkier. Did you need something small?
Guys what's the point of programming if everything is already invented? people who know how to program what they do on a daily basis ? They solve what? what world problems are they solving? are they just developing accounting software and games?
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Is there a worse form of cancer than the Microsoft Windows bluetooth stack? Look at this shit. It's so fucking amateurish and doesn't work.
>if everything is already invented?
That's where you are wrong.
There are plenty of things that haven't been made yet.
Also, lots of automation.
just uninstall the old prop. driver, then use the standard noveau to see your DE and install the new Catalyst drivers.
i had to disable it in the bios to make the fucking light go away

was diabled in more ways than one on the OS yet this light shit shined in my face
The light thing also happens to me. Just fucking look at it. There is no "connect" button for devices that are already paired, you have to repair everyfucking time you want to use bluetooth and when it IS connected it doesn't fucking work. It's the absolute worst. Even winXP had better bluetooth than this piece of shit.

Why is bluetooth so fucking janky?
Windows forces my main monitor's resolution (1680x1050) to my HDTV's resolution (1920x1080), how the fuck do I stop this from happening, I just want the HDTV at 1920x1080 and the monitor at 1680x1050, or is this impossible with extend desktops?
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can someone recommend me a good software for studying with it? something like workflowy but for desktop. law student here, so no programmer stuff please.
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Some Clip+ questions-
I think the left button is acting funny. I'm on RockBox and listen to NSF files, and changing tracks within the NSF requires me to hold down either left or right for about a second. But when I hold down left, sometimes it will go back to the start of the file, like some kind of double-click or something. How can I safely open up my Clip+? I've got a spare one laying around that no longer works and I was considering swapping parts to fix the problem.

Is RockBox still in development for Clip+?

From what I remember, the Clip+ can only take a max of a 32GB MicroSD card, but on Rockbox it can take 64GB, can anyone confirm this?
1) Is there any benefit to owning a physical copy of a ps2 game if I want to emulate it on PC?

2) Are Nvidia graphics cards actually that bad?
Is it possible to code malware / virus that "survives" a drive format? Like, if I know a pendrive is infected and I format it in a controlled environment (eg Tails?), is there a chance it will still be infected?
1. yes
2. no. the company itself is kinda shitty, but really AMD and Nvidia can both get you where you want to be. The only truly shitty GPU maker (and they are slowly getting better) is Intel.

It is possible for the virus to reside in the MBR, which survives some formatting attempts AFAIK, so yes.

It is also possible to overwrite the MBR, so you can solve the problem just as quickly.
I'm using elementary OS and I want to access my files from a Windows 10 computer.

I installed Samba from the software center and now I can view my folders but there are no files. I just want to access them, is this complicated to achieve?
somebody does have the spurdo pictures in wich they explain how pentium 4 works?

longer bibeline and stuff :D:D:D:DDDDD

would you post it please? feeling pretty sad lately
> http://nanami-tan.info/
> fb2k
> firefox
> learn to code
If I want to get into C and C++ is it better to learn C then C++ and treat them as separate languages, or should I just learn C++?
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FT DeepDark
I'm a dumbass and deleted the windows partition and started reinstalling before I got the windows oem key off the machine. What would be the best way for me to recover the key? I'm thinking I can use recuva but I don't know how to recover the system32/config folder specifically. I'm trying testdisk out now to see if I can just recover the partition but seeing how I got halfway through a windows install before I realized I'm a dumbass I doubt it's gonna go anywhere.
thank you kind anon
My internet randomly acts up and I get a really slow internet speed. This happens only on my computer in the network. I checked the cables and the router for any limitations on my computer. The internet is so slow I can't even load videos on YouTube and loading websites takes much longer tan usual.

What can be doing this? I have scanned for viruses.
Be honest. Should I focus on webdev or learning Python?
1. eliminate the possibility of software causing the issue by booting a linux liveCD and seeing if the issue persists into that environment.

2. Reset your router and modem.

3. If it is a hardware issue on your PC, switch out the NIC first to see if that's the issue (or use wireless adapter, or whatever).
The data is gone, you have long since overwritten the place it was stored. On many modern machines, a windows key is actually embedded in the BIOS which means that the installer doesn't ask you to answer any; but if it isn't, you're shit out of luck, there's no getting it back now.
Depends on what you want to do. If you want to develop general purpose programming skills that can --in time-- handle programming challenges in any form, focus on python. If you want to do fairly-involved practical programs quickly, do the webdev.
Currently upgrading my rig, meaning I'll be replacing a bunch of parts. None of them are broken or non-functional, I just bought cheaper parts at the time and now I can afford improvements. So once everything's done, I'll pretty much have everything I need to build a second computer (save a case, psu, and hsf). I was thinking about turning that into a home server, but I wasn't really sure what to do with it.

Basically all I'm asking is: what's the point of building a home server besides backing up files?
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How can I prevent this?
Kill cat
dont draw it
>Basically all I'm asking is: what's the point of building a home server besides backing up files?
Nothing, unless you want to mess around with servery things for fun. Like, maybe you want to run your own mail server, which you can do; or run game servers for your favorite game fulltime. Other than that, there is little point.
Don't let your giant cat in the same room as your dangling model elephant penis
Is there something I can get that will allow me to use a USB flash drive on an IDE interface?
>kill cat
>stop leaving shit hanging off other shit
>pick one

Is there anything worth using that will let me use an SD card instead?
I have a website when I check the logs I find IP addresses resolve to microsoft, google and amazon...why do they care about me
What's the best software for creating subtitles from scratch?

So are they trying to DDoS me?

C'mon this is a sqt after all.
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Yes but why would you do that? It would be slow as fuck, better use a Sata to IDE adapter.

And then what, use an SSD?
I don't think I have a need for that much space.
SSD would be severely bottlenecked by the IDE interfase, so its a waste of money. (500mbps to ~90mbps)
SD cards are severely underfited for it too (5~10mbps to ~90mbps)
A sata drive would be perfect.
But, why would you do that? Just trash whatever has an IDE interface and just build a new system altogether.
It's just their data mining bots for stuff like search engines and stuff. I wouldn't worry about it unless it bothers you that your data is being cached/indexed in which case you can usually set your robots.txt to tell them to fuck off, which most of them will respect.

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