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Thread replies: 338
Thread images: 110

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Steroids general

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Great thread
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In for rare and uncommon bimbos
I always knew that arnie blasted and cruised. But didn't know he perma blasted using 'bridging' in between. Is there really any point of bridging for 6 weeks? Seems like those 6 weeks arent really going to be sufficient time for your body to recover, so why not just permablast...
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How much ai did you need when you ran test?

Uh 2 cups of spinach leaves, mint leaves from 5-8 sprigs, maybe 1/4-1/2 cup of frozen fruit, and like 12oz of coconut water. I just eyeball it all though.
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super good
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wrong one
why do all faggots have the same haircut with the sides shaved completely and long top
hey guys i've been in a shit mood since like 2 weeks ago, i'm 4 weeks into my cycle i kickstarted with test p for the first 2 weeks, my dose is 600mg/week atm of test e, e3d. i'm taking aromasin for an ai, definitely not bunk. but in the past days i have been having episodes? like being extremely depressed and then fine ect... i regard myself as a pretty stable guy, but do you think this might have anything to do with it? i usually smoke when i have these episodes but i ran out. i have also been experiencing insomnia, cystic acne, and my bed is drenched in sweat when i wake up. also a general loss of appetite.
can u fucking idiots stop posting this stupid troll shit on purpose

hur what's caber
hur bam cuffed gg
hur can i use hcg as ai
cos arnies a n00b
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Good... Suuuper good
REEEE that fucking hairline
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his hair is fine unlike the bloat flies in your face
>there are actually people out there who pin with 21g (and under) pins
Fucking nuts man. Why would you do that
i pin 23g come at me

if i push the shit hard i can pin like 3ml of oil in under 30 seconds
I have some capri sun straws you can use too if you want
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I have checked yours, now check mine.
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23g is master race. I have too much scar tissue for 25g now and it takes forever.
fight me
>Has scar tissue
>Decides to use a bigger needle instead of changing pin location

And why do pics of girls on the toilet turn me on jfc
I pin glutes, vg, and quads. Really the only other site I could add would be delts but they can't handle enough volume.
ANSWER ME PEASANTS is arnie right in bridging between blasts for only 6 weeks? does this actually benefit the body enough to qualify doing it
You pin ed I guess? Still scar tissue boogeyman doesn't make much sense unless big pins or too much pinning in one spot. What do you run?

Chest and delt pins are great btw
i just pin in my glutes erytime 100% of the time, it scars a bit but idgaf as no one sees that shit
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Lmao glands is a nerd

I swear I keep thinking you can't get any dumber

do you know how hydraulic water cutters work? because that's effectively what you're doing in the muscle

Ok I know this is going to sound retarded, and it kinda is, but since pin sizes are being discussed....

How the fuck do you pin with 30g needles? All these fuckers on r/steroids talking about how they use slin pins. Shit's fucking impossible to keep steady, all the pressure to actually get it to inject means weird gripping and shaky hands. If someone could point out how Im doing this wrong, or explain how to pin with such a small needle without my hands shaking frkm force exerted to get the plunger to move more than .1ml/hr
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That's this one
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Nah e3d for several years for trt and then high test. Now mostly high mast e and tren e.

I want to run trest but I can't find a long ester one nowadays.
I use two hands
one for pushing the plunger down & the other to hold the slin pin in place
kind of use a bit of force to push the plunger
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>How the fuck do you pin with 30g needles? All these fuckers on r/steroids talking about how they use slin pins.

low viscosity carrier oils like mct, stabilizing/supporting the pinning arm at the elbow to minimize strain, and "slin pin" isn't a definitive thing considering half of them are referring to like 27g-29g

also the ideal is to aim for 1ml/min to minimize the effect of high pressure small diameter hydraulics like I said here >>39299478
>not cutting yourself to drain the blood into a bowl and then adding the juice of your choice into it
>not snorting the blood/roids mix like a boss

its like you dont want to make it.
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Or just use a bigger needle like brick said above you. That shit is going to traumatize your muscle.
i give you 5 years tops before you're shaving
I give 3 months before you're hospitalized or in hospice
Sassy, I like it. When are you two going to progress to mutual prostate play?
Woof he can't afford me now thatvhecfucked up his trust fund inheritance lmao
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You think if he deep throated bimbo Jr it would blow out the swollen glands?
lol how much is your dick worth in inches in the porn industry ?
Cool cool will try ty anon.

Because it looks good.

for every inch that your dick is long, what value would porn give it ? example 5 incher compared to a 7 incher compared to a 12 incher how much is the value of the inches ?
>I explain clearly and logically why my cycle advice is justified
>replies with 'YA WELL UR A GIRL LOL'

Fuck off robot, I doubt you even roid
Wtf is going on in this pic?
krodile eating away at the flesh due to how toxic it is


makes me fucking horny
40mg of 677 isnt giving me any side effects except for slight feet tingles for like 20 minutes

is this normal
I've seen that Vice documentary before, just don't remember the qt. Is that gauze just shoved in gaping krokodil holes?

Way to ruin my night grandpa
im either here to meme people or give advice, me ruining your night is just a bonus

i dont think she was in it but i remeber the holes looking like that both in the docu and images

TFW no krodile fuck holes :C
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except that's from ass implants gone wrong

>Is that gauze just shoved in gaping krokodil holes?

iodoform gauze, sterile and treated with an antiseptic, used for wound packing

>makes me fucking horny
>TFW no krodile fuck holes :C

seriously what the fuck is wrong with you
Oh very little big dicks draw a very specific crowd. People who like big dicks in porn tend to be insecure men.

The model I worked with today was a similar size to me. It's hard to find people willing to work with you if you're enormous. Average is usually best. Mine is 6x6 7 on a good day like today (ty based tri mix). That's more than enough.
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That and hunger are the only real sides. Oh and SICK gains.
id implant my dick in her holes if you know what im saying
cool thanks for the info

what other work besides porn do you do ?
Girlie makes it look good
anyone have fertility problems from gear?
Looks kinda small no offense. Also, RIP in peas.

>iodoform gauze
You ever rinsed gauze out, hit it with bleach/hydrogen peroxide and UV light then reused it?
id plug her flesh wounds up and use my guaze as the jizz
I like it just fine and it works so I can't complain desu
>tri mix
You like trimix? I'd be scared of priapism
You pin phenylephrine to bring it down
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>You ever rinsed gauze out, hit it with bleach/hydrogen peroxide and UV light then reused it?

.... no? I might've been out on shitty little cops for months on end but jesus christ almighty I wasn't reduced to that kind of ghetto shit
Thats a nice cock no homo of course
Fuck bimbos gonna get b&
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>tfw you realize your 7x6 is bigger than bimbsies

too bad girls don't care about cock size, because by the time they see it, you would have had to seduce them in to bed anyway

or at least into some dark hole in a cesspit somewhere
Eh I'll pass then.
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Nice lmao. I didn't have this gif saved but this is what I was picturing. That quick smile at the end is the best part lol.
Now I'm no fancy big city plastic surgeon, but if it's for ass implants why would they make incisions above the knee and mid thigh?

I'm way to invested in this pic now to give up my investigation

I've got a bunch of guesses but you can literally just gis it and there's like 18 different news stories
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When did you guys realize you are a negative impact on most people?
I did and I got nothing, on mobile rn though. I'll look it up when I get back to my laptop

ruh roh


andressa urach
when I decided to be

I'm an asshole by choice
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I've gone back to celibacy and drugs. no ruh roh's here senpai.
sounds edgy
I'm not I'm very good to everyone in my life

I guess by choice isn't fair to say, I do it because I realized I like myself a lot more than I like anyone else, not just for the sake of being a dick

still have empathy and feel bad for the girls I abuse, I just drown it out
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I have too much empathy, i'd rather bring it on myself instead on them.
Fat butts are legit got a fat booty nudie from the girlie last night I leftbsokengood bruises for a girl that doesn't bruise
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Anyone watching this world series game?
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What do you guys think about running a high fat diet on a bulk? I respond much better to fats personally than to carbs, and I'm considering doing something around 20% carb, 50% fat, 30% protein over the course of my next bulk over the traditional high carb, high protein, low fat

basically just asking if anyone else does this with any amount of moderate success, ofc it'll vary on a per person basis what's best

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Of course I get dubs. I was almost gonna post Cubs win if dubs...
for me a standard diet should be 40% carbs 30% fats 30% protien. so its balanced

the benefit of a high fat diet is increased testosterone levels and reduced insulin levels that results into reduced hunger throughout the day

so for purely testosterone effects itll help alot even if your naturaly low,. but if you cant pack down the food like a champ then your better going with carbs since the spiking makes you hungrier sooner than latter due to satiety and fat is nothing but satiety for your body

also it takes time for your gallbladder to be used to high fat diets so itll take you a week or two for it to produce that amount that you need to digest it properly. basically you'll have diarrhea if your not used to it
already fairly used to it from cutting, just not to the calorie intake of a bulk

packing down the food on EQ won't be an issue

thanks for input
oh i forgot but the cholestrol in your food will essentialy act as a prohormone despite its low bio-availability, this does not equate to bad cholestrol levels directly instead becuase of its conversion to many many types of hormones it means some of it will go to testostrone and as a result of higher test levels you will have lower cholestrol levels

thats the logic that i learned could be fucking wrong but i had a medium cut of a dozen eggs a day and lost plenty of wheight within the month of doing so and my cardio was better(problay becuase high test = more blood cells)
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Fuuaaaa extra innings
shit is too intense

I live in Ohio, I used to live in illinois

I'm so fucking conflicted, honestly I don't care who wins

just whoever gets my dick sucked faster when I go outside and scream "[TEAM NAME] FUARK YEAH WHEEEEEW BASEBAWL!"
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>just whoever gets my dick sucked faster when I go outside and scream "[TEAM NAME] FUARK YEAH WHEEEEEW BASEBAWL!"

Now they are saying they may not even play because of bad weather? What kind of shit is that? Extra Innings in the final game and they're going to stop play...
just a rain delay I think
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how much you bulking ?
quantified how? time? calories? surplus?

6 months of 250 test / 150 deca / 300 EQ
~300kcal light surplus, adjusting up or down as necessary
ahhh so whatever the cycle will give you kindve bulk me likey

how amazing is deca, and how good is EQ for cardio?
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>6 months of 250 test / 150 deca / 300 EQ
>~300kcal light surplus, adjusting up or down as necessary
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have yet to run EQ

deca is nice, very "comfy" feeling all over when running it

pls no bully brick

I can't run deca at any surmountable dosage because I get so retarded bloofy even with prolactin issues taken care of, and diet in check.

like almost worse than dbol bloof, it just looks silly

Oh I forgot, 4 weeks on/4off adrol the entire cycle, too

you literally have a loli for every moment don't you
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>that run

I try

>npp bloof
it used to cripple my leg
but now with that and the adex ill look THICC
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never stop posting lolis

or else ill meme you :3

hows your day
npp is gonna feel great on dem dere legs

Still waiting for a rear glute spread progress pic.
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h whoops adrol

I should have gon to bed ages ago
but it has to end with indians winning

please dont
Ill do whatever you want

Im glad I took a nap, but it was a good day.
how was urs

I hope so
Im scared

bring JM back and we'll do one together
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>it has to end with indians winning
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great i meme'd a little in previous threads, gonna change up my workouts for more lifting. to lazy to read the stuff that i should be reading but atleast i studied so not to bad, tomorrow ill apply for the next college that i need to go get my bachelors at.

what kinda work you do and hows lifting/roiding ?
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>another commercial
I know its prerecorded like the moon landing
show me the end already

I used to live in cleveland

gl with your applications
finance, just started lifting again after my surgery, going well so far, great to see a pump again
I hate big front loads though, they hurt
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Is "natties can't have big traps" a meme?
i hate math but i cant deny that the money follows those who can count better, im an IT faggot of course i dont need math all that much unless its VLSM

sucks what sugery was it ? back, shoulder or organ ?

traps and delts double due to androgen receptors being in higher concentration in those musles so its not uncommon for roiders to have that ""look""
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well the back muscles in general have high amounts of androgen receptors, lats also get fucking hueg
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closing it up

calve, they had to slice up my fascia
Might need it in my other leg too, but I'll wait and see

I never went there
too far
not much to see, you're not missing out
im sorry i understand your surgery because i couldn't even work my job without having my legs be in working order. installing cable through walls is a bitch, best of luck though

fuck im closer to bimbo than i am to you :C i guess it cant be that bad to have online friends if you could possibly see some of them instead of none of them r-right?
My traps were obscenely huge before I ever roided. They have actually gotten smaller/more proportional since I started just because of better form. Was usin my traps for errrrrythang before due to babying injuries.

Let me show you how to bench and squat using your traps onry.
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Now bring on the riots! Chiraq you better not disappoint me!
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I used to do that stuff, professional AV
fuck that shit lmao
no offense
Come visit
It seems like everyone claims all these muscle groups have large amounts of androgen receptor density

Especially delts and traps, but Ive also heard upper chest, triceps, lats, and on and on.

Anyone got anything scientific? Or at least a well-thought-out broscience peice?
sweet fucking jesus i rember when my shoulder blade got fucked and i was using my arms for pullups, fuckers doubled in size but id love to see your form for traps on bench and squat. its intriguing.

i might as fucking well i dont care about drive time and i have plenty of vaction time i assume you live in the north due to kink .com's location anyhow
Seattle area
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Sacramento area

time travel


you could message either so its secure and we could meet in the middle

ill have to project vacation time so nothing snappy will happen until its coordinated
About to do my first cycle. Just need to buy some tudca, and aromasin.

Got all my drugs in the mail yesterday. Excited.
message me on imgur

i aint shareing my emails here

ive got plenty of vaction time to meet up and chill
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Here's a picture so this has more attention
havent received the message yet but i only use it to share my knowledge so i guess well have to wheight
Bimbo use ypur porn money to visit me in the DC-metro area
Bruh we can smoke a joint and then go through the Smithsonian and shit. Go to the whitehouse fence and yell stupid shit. Visit Trump Hotel. And that's just daytime antics. It'll be a blast.
Yeah that does sound dope
welp looks like i got nothing but money for coke and molly(short half life means its not a big deal to me and my random drug testing)
you need a plug for the real shit in the 916 i got you. the real granite bay plug
{unkown terms please explain.exe}
I need to get a script for levitra my dick has been chilling big af all day
nevermind. thanks urban dictonary

absolutely yesss
done first cycle of test 500/wk, at 14% bf - should I save cycles for bulking only? I want to get at least below 10% before next bulk
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you'd be fine cutting with steriods at any dosage
Redpill me on alcohol, frauds.

I swear I've seen you guys post drunk before but I thought alcohol was the ultimate gains goblin + fatty maker.

Does it just need to fit your macros or should it be avoided entirely? Or scheduled on non-lifting days?

>inb4 implying there are non lifting days
Making an order tomorrow what should I get besides test npp and adrol? Dbol? Mast?
mast would be better for lean physique and dbol would be better for full physique so its up to you

dont know shit about adrol though
if its an oral then tucda/ milk thistle / NAC would help but anything other than Dbol is hard on the liver.

if injecting then who gives a shit, itll only hamper the livers ability to process nutrients and estrogen from the stomach. if drinking IPA's then youd get a higher dosage of estrogen like you would soy and flax seed.

there are no non lifting days you meme
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damn check this out
i want to see you full as shit so adrol and dbol 50/50 would be neat
I agree I'm like a weird skinny 245
There is a disgusting lack of
In this thread
I am disappointed 2bhfamalam
you have naturaly higher lats and i dont know why your legs dont hold much wheight but its def in your chest
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she's 24 tho.

And implying it's not unanimously accepted she is a goddess.
It's not good on age and it's much better for someone that has sharp features
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thought she was a meme but turns out she was a dream
i would say 20lbs would be the max with steriods on your frame, you legs and abs would take alot of that bulk however if you gave it more focus than normaly it'd be hueg
Try a hit 300 by late winter for a lean 260
dont lose your porn career over it but you'd be a heafty mother fucker after a sumo style bulk like that

meals like this minus the miso and soya and you,d be nice and meaty after wards
Am I a dope for only doing heavy dips + OHP and ignoring bench?

EQ is amazing on cardio. I climb in my free time, and I was struggling with high altitude climbs. Was gassing really easily compared to my climbing partner even though I did a ton of cardio and lifting -- I'm 6'1 220 and it's hard to keep up with a guy who's 5'11 170. I hopped on EQ (bold undel) and was able to keep up with him and keep going for the duration of the cycle on Mt. Rainier. I felt like I added a bit of strength, but it was very lean and small muscle compared to bulking on Deca if that makes sense. Overall my favorite compound, and I will be running it again for my trip to the Alps.
i do 200 pushups in place of bench for the sake of stability but you are a dip for ingorning chest entirely hell dips improve chest activation also but it and pullups are underated for lifters, atleast your doing wheighted dips(tips fedora)

Is high lats like this considered a 'good' insertion in BBing? I think it looks good because it provides a more aggressive v taper

My lats are the opposite, they're so damn long, they go down the entire length of my ribcage

Not concerned about what's considered a 'good' or bad insertion for BBing because I need to actually have muscle for it to matter


This. Bimbs, are you sure they'll pay you at 300? Is there a market for bears? (I would assume so?)


That's not what he asked though he asked if alcohol inhibits muscular development

Which I am 99% sure the answer is yes I just don't know enough to say 'Yep'
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just imagine what would happen if you trained and ate like me




the hematocrit boost effectively mimics high altitude training



can you go get hit by a bus or something
how i do steroids without needle
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It all depends on an visibility. I'm like 245 14% and still have decent abs through furry tummy. If say 265 is rough I'll stop. I'll gauge every ten lbs or so.

I don't like my insertions because my thick is hide them from the front but it's a dream from behind.
How was Mt. Rainer? I've wanted to climb it for ages.
you can go die in a fire you dyle fatass

since the last time i benched i did 245 bench for 3x 5 so i cant be that wrong with pushups being that good for chest devlopement

ill have to try again however to see if i improved

alchol is a sugar and not all sugar is the same so the biggest loss is metabolism and liver function due to drinking

its not horrible nor is it entirely detrimental

One of the greatest experiences of my life. It was hands down the most intense thing I've ever done, and frankly I was downright terrified at times. The glacier trek to get there alone was exhausting, but it was completely worth it. It's one of those things that no matter how many pictures you take it doesn't do it justice. You need to experience it for yourself. Do you have any climbing experience? It wasn't that technical.
Eh wrong-ish

The biggest issue with alcohol is it's literally poison; all other processes take a backseat while you flush it. No MPS occurs.
Why? I hurt my shoulder and I stopped benching for a bit. My max was 235 3x5 and now my weighted dips are at 140lbs at 200LB BW.
tfw 600mg eq ew gave me panic attacks
that i did not know

sure i know its a poison. shit i brew it myself and havent even botheried with distilling because of that
There's just no recovery processes occurring in that time
>That's not what he asked though he asked if alcohol inhibits muscular development

Right, I read some article (on bb.com, so that's why I'm not 100% convinced) that alcohol inhibits protein synthesis and fat burning.

Basically wondering if:

1. frauds understand it but are living at supranatural protein synthesis and fat loss ability due to test levels and can therefore take the hit
2. just don't give a fuck about missing out on gains and are about that yolo life
3. are unaware of the consequences of alcohol

I have this idea in my mind that frauds are super educated about all things body-related and are hyper focused on getting big, so that's why I was shying away from #s 2 and 3.

>biggest loss is metabolism and liver function due to drinking
What does the loss of liver function do in the context of muscle building and/or fat loss? I can understand that "metabolism" relates to these things, just not sure how the liver ties into it.
A lot of 1 and 2.

We're aware but we hate ourselves so we don't give a fuck because drinking 16 shots of tequila and getting your ex pregnant after fighting because she had a panic attack because she loves women more than you won't stop us from rowing 4 plate at 11pm the next day
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Anyone here look into or undergo plastic surgery, specifically jaw/chin implants?

In a quest to get dat CHAD physique that was not in your genetic destiny?

Plz no bully, I feel like /fraud/ will at least understand my vanity.

So, the worst time to drink would be post-workout? Fuggg. That's literally the only time I would think to drink.
the liver has to flush out the alchol so it stops everything in terms of processing toxins and nutrition not to mention the damage done to liver because its alcohol

orals are basicly mentholated versions of steriods and do more harm becuase that verison of alchol is stronger or somthing similar.
thanks how long is it ? 12 hours or 48 ive heard all kinds of broscience for that but i dont know

Really? You sure it was legit bro? I'm slightly anxiety prone, and EQ was the calmest I've ever felt besides on Dbol. How did it feel?
I mean there's no ideal time to drink but that would be he worst imo that's when you're in most demand of nutrients and you're actively preventing those recovery processes
probably varies from person to person 12 to 48 hours is a reasonable estimate for any given person I'd say 72 to be safe and assume processes are impeded
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Thx bimbo, answered my question more perfectly than I thought was possible.

P.S. Congrats on the pregnancy if it's intended and y'all are planning on keeping it!
DHT steriods or anything androgenic will give you dat dere jaw line

sugery is to expesive to be worth it when roids are as cheap as supplements

Meh, careful taking advice from these guys, even the ones with amazing physiques, for the reason bimbo posted.

They take steroids and they train really, really, hard, and that alone is enough to get you ripped,

so they can do sub optimal stuff that will make them 1% less muscular like eat crap, sleep not enough, or drink, and still look great.

Just because bimbo drinks and looks so good doesn't make drinking good.

> have this idea in my mind that frauds are super educated

Like bimbo said. He knows drinking is bad, but he does it anyways

The guys ITT are very intelligent, they just don't care


Did you actually knock her up or are you fucking with me bimbo
Oh no this was like 5 months ago and lmao

>congrats on getting your unbalanced lesbian sex kitten pregnant keep it

Love u anon
>Congrats on the pregnancy
Lmao you must not stop by fraud very often
I have gotten my ex pregnant many many many many many many many times
>DHT steriods or anything androgenic will give you dat dere jaw line
O shit, really? I thought face gains were a meme. I've read stuff about tren making your face look really manly but asked about it once and was told it was absolute bro science.

Guess I'll have to hop on before resorting to surgery.

>that would be he worst imo that's when you're in most demand of nutrients and you're actively preventing those recovery processes
Makes sense, thanks bimbo
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>you can go die in a fire you dyle fatass
>since the last time i benched i did 245 bench for 3x 5 so i cant be that wrong with pushups being that good for chest devlopement

pure comedy

please keep telling me about how fucking pushups are a perfect substitution for chest development

>orals are basicly mentholated versions of steriods and do more harm becuase that verison of alchol is stronger or somthing similar.

what in the motherfucking shit-smeared baby christ are you even trying to say, you sound like you stroked out while writing that


because ohp and dips are still a half-assed substitution, there's nothing like the real thing

>I hurt my shoulder and I stopped benching for a bit.

so unless it's a purely structural fault ie a bone spur on your ac process or a congenital defect in your rotator cuff, fix the reason for the injury via strengthening and increasing mobility of the supportive/stabilizing muscles

>I have this idea in my mind that frauds are super educated about all things body-related and are hyper focused on getting big, so that's why I was shying away from #s 2 and 3.

gonna have to stop you right there


something something boldenone something gaba receptors


how did you go fagpul stock and mags but end up with what looks like a standard issue m4a1 grip

>so they can do sub optimal stuff that will make them 1% less muscular like eat crap, sleep not enough, or drink, and still look great.

aside from the occasional social binge drinking 1-2 times a month, sleep shit being not quite voluntary (just regular army-induced insomnia instead of trensomnia), and probably going by a looser definition of "still look great"... yep
If I cosplayed Brock Samson would you Cosplay BrickFrog?
> you sound like you stroked out while writing that

im surpised you cant maturebate while memeing at the same time what faggot.

i was stating that the methods of making a steriod oral means u have to mentholate it methanol is a form of alchol and it happens to be far harder on the liver than ethlonal which is what people drink to get drunk with since its most abundant in drinks any how

also hows your day ?
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No not really, but I remember when bimbo first broke up with her and was describing their sex and it sounded like they had a real deep connection so I just extrapolated and figured that they are very compatible and in some sort of love and the pregnancy might not have been seen as a "negative" in the same way it is when the people are one night stands or not compatible

But judging by the reaction I was way off lol
Nah you aren't far off. We're very much retarded for one another and there are intensely deep connections there.

We're just crazy people

Serious question.

Are you drunk or just an idiot?
Most people can and are both check mate dairy farmers
>not knowing how orals are made
Autism you you mentholate it so it passes the first pass of the liver

what is
17 alpha alkylation

>implying im ever sober
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bruh if anyone's rocking the brock samson it's me and you know it, I can even do the eye twitch and the whole barely contained ball of bloody violent rage is right up my alley

although if I really cut down I could do a mean kratos


say it with me, METHYLATION

holy fuck how do you know 17-α alkylation and not how to spell methylation

and no, the choleostasis elicited by those 17-α methyls is incredibly temporary and resolves much faster compared to etoh intoxication
>how did you go fagpul stock and mags but end up with what looks like a standard issue m4a1 grip

Oh, that's not mine. I've got a 20" with rifle stock and standard issue grip. I love that m16 profile. I do like fagpul mags but do sometimes lust over those steel usgi mags.

Out of curiosity, what sort of optics do you run on yours (if you have one)? Right now I've just got fixed iron sights on it - been weighing the trij MRO and aimpoint PRO lately but at the same time I'm debating whether to get a bipod + scope and try my hand at long range bench shooting. Latter sounds pretty /comfy/.

>gonna have to stop you right there
Kek I was partially thinking of you when I wrote this - at least the "super educated about all things body-related" part. You don't blogpost very much so idk if you're the yolo type

Point taken.

Sounds like roids might be good for busy people who only have time for training or good life habits but not both. Part of the reason I haven't jumped on is I have a pretty demanding work schedule so I always felt that I'd never do the roids justice since I like to spend a lot of time cooking for myself and getting good amounts of rest. Very peaceful life.

What you described sounds kinda cool but I sometimes wonder what my mental state would be in that way of life. Like, I feel it's a very "agitated" way of living if that makes sense. Like physically I may be optimal or on the road to it but mentally I'd have lost that calm repose that comes from taking life slowly.

Only one way to find out!

Good point re:
>Just because bimbo drinks and looks so good doesn't make drinking good.
>The guys ITT are very intelligent, they just don't care

It's easy to underestimate the edge that gear gives, especially for someone who's never been on. I tend to project my own ways of thinking (make the best decision available given the info you have) onto others, which hasn't served me well in the past and I should remember more often.
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A-atleast A-Artificial intelligence l-loves me desu
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My ex I got her pregnant 4 or 5 times and she couldn't keep them and the physcological toll was so high it split us

Were you guys planning on a kid or was this accidents


which oral with tren for strength/muscle gain?
The problem is deep down you dont love yourself

>You can say this to almost anyone and it's true
its temporary but it doesn't mean its not harsher fuck it ill have to re-read that

as far as spelling goes i dont realy give as shit so long as the other party understands what i mean like whensday for example is spelled wrong but cloese enough to its target that i dont give a shit

brock samson is the ideal alpha male
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This is us having body worship and breeding fetishes and me being the idiot that listens when she begs me to fill her up

>tfw she memes at u
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>planning on a kid or was this accidents
I wonder if bimbo is conflating creampies and getting a girl preggo.

I feel like if you can use plan B you are not at the "pregnant" stage but I could be wrong.
Positive tests and shit some miscarriages nothing crazy like abortions but some intense nights of bleeding
im pretty sure half of the blood was you'rs're
Oh mean
mean as in you mean scratch marks on your back ? or bites ? me jking here
Tinder girl asked to go to gym with me, and then hang out after. Tell her I just wanna lift alone tonight, trying to shoot the shit and she keeps turnin it lewd any chance she can. The me of last week would've asked her how hungry she was.

Other tindy girl spamming me all day, ignore her but finally cave in out of boredom while putting off homework and it's 30 messages spread out throughout the day saying "I miss you" "I need to see you" over and over and over.

Feels positively depressing, I just have to remember she is a stupid 18 yr old that doesn't know any better.
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Perfect, thanks

>implying that was not the reason we were going to start a family


No attempts to force her to miscarry the bitch's womb was just useless, she some kind of uterine disease involving the walls, can't remember the name
tren with some more tren
>Complaining that young sluts want your dick
Wanna trade?
I mean, I try to believe that is true but every time someone says that to me I just kind of shrug

I'm pretty sure I do love myself. Maybe too much. If I'm not mistaken aspd involves almost an inability to hate yourself, blind egoistic confidence is only caused by low self esteem in certain cases of narcissism...

I mean you can try to say I wouldn't do things like escort if I loved myself, but that wouldnt be accurate from my perspective because I don't see escorting as loathesome or immoral or whatever

I think the only way a person can see me as self hating is by being incapable of fathoming my point of view (or just unknowning of it, i guess?)

Tl;dr - if I hate myself deep down, then my ignorance is bliss
>This whole book in response to my low effort shitpost
You really must hate yourself deep inside
or you could be celibate because your lazy as shit to go out and hating yourself only fuels your reluctance to go out especially when you dont have any friends

t. projecting

I'm sure too.


crying in a Lamborghini /fraud/ edition
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fuck usgi, pmags 4 lyfe

>Out of curiosity, what sort of optics do you run on yours (if you have one)?

sold my old shit before I enlisted and haven't got around to building my dream baby sbr yet, but aimpoint > trij > eoshit, like as much as trij has been trying to branch out from acogs into the shorty market they're still miles behind aimpoint

>bench shooting

you floppy vagina, lay your ass out and do it right

also lr shit isa deep, dark, endless money pit but sweet jesus ringing steel at 1k with a 6.5x47 is stupid fun especially with a s&b pmii

>Kek I was partially thinking of you when I wrote this - at least the "super educated about all things body-related" part. You don't blogpost very much so idk if you're the yolo type

I usually am like that, but that doesn't mean I don't do hilariously dumb shit every once in a while despite knowing better

>I just have to remember she is a stupid 18 yr old that doesn't know any better.

found your problem right there


Tell them you're too busy dressing up as a japanese school girl for your neesan and don't have time for their impurity


desu man the relationship was killing me. 5 miscarriages back to back to back

She didn't want to wait or anything because she was so desperate for that baby she couldn't have

doctors couldn't help her

I like discussing myself indepth as most of my self awareness comes from the speculation/confirmation of peers. Don't really do too much self reflection otherwise. Don't know what else to tell you beyond that what you said doesn't invoke any feeling logical or otherwise of personal application?

I imagine it can fuel/manifest itself in many ways for various individuals
an overiding depression fuels(cured the phycial symtoms) my virginity my celibacy is me being to picky since i lost the chance to date the girl who was clearly into me in time for me to get out of sperg mode.

regrets aside ill still try when the possibility exits
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You better hurry up senpai, all my non roid feels are coming back quick even in spite of tren. I might've crashed my estro went from 2x a week to EOD.

I genuinely thought hookin up with 18-20 yr olds would make hook ups easier cuz why the fuck would an 18 yr old wanna date/love a 28 yr old cokehead.

Would in a heartbeat senpai.

Fucking idiot me took a screenshot of chat instead making it not alert her and now she spamming me again...
brehs.. I finally got pic related. I ordered 100 syringes, 100 23g needles (32mm) to inject and 100 19g needles (38mm) to draw. I expect the mailman to bring it to my house today.

I am scared as fuck. This is my first cycle. Hold me brehs. Also, should I order some tamoxifen for PCT? Or will I be fine on just clomid?

I'm going to run 480mg per week (0.8ml per shot, the vials are 300mg/ml).

Found myself 'awww she sounds sweet' then I remembered what happens when you fuck with girls that are that clingy

Have nice sized scar as a reminder

T-that's aesthetic right

People be buying fucking McDonald's straws to pin with damn
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>I genuinely thought hookin up with 18-20 yr olds would make hook ups easier cuz why the fuck would an 18 yr old wanna date/love a 28 yr old cokehead.
>Still responding to my awful shitposts
Bby pls
No you wouldn't. Dont make me outline why Im awful. Not again
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>not watching anime


Disgusting, imoutto

I actually retched at her needy desperation
I don't wanna swap lives with you fuckstick, I wanna swap away my situation to you. I like being a gorgeous hermit who does coke 24/7 and tolerates life as long as he brings nobody no troubles. Attention from girls is just gay.

My heart aches with this kinda shit cuz i'm a big ol cancer softie raised by a woman. It's killin me nee-chan I just need an aspd grill to mindbreak me into a little slut not concerned with such things.
I might have to just so there's one less unbareably emotive person out there

Ugh, even if you like feelings, how can you like someone who is too retarded/desperate to recognize they're inconveniencing you? And if they do, they're in reality very selfish and have no consideration for your own desires or feelings - only to fulfill their own delusional infatuation to be validated by someone else... so they aren't even really being kind to you, just trying to fill their own weaknesses
what kind've profile pic would be good for a dating site ?

should it be face only or full body ?
I'm a thicc girl. Will roider Chad want anything to do with me?
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>Hey guys I'm texting girls
>Why do I get texts from girls
>I just wish I could stop sending text messages
Depends on thicc but generally speaking duh
Face close up and flattering angles/lighting as a main pic then full body later only if you want to show off

Don't do group pics or pics of you with some chick though, those are common deal breakers

Your face against a nice background, IE a lake or something.

I switched mine from full body to my face against a lake and I'm getting more than 10x as much replies/dates

I don't even know what to do with all the bitches at this point desu

If you drop an email I can give you the link to my okc that has been working magically for reference
I posted it because the other time I visited this thread people were bullying you and I wanted to whiteknight you plus I haven't been able to get "godlike" for anyone else I've tried.
>implying 3D women are better than 2D

thiccc in the legs and ass is the only acceptable definition

thanks ill try and get a girl this time
Pics or roleplaying homo
ill never drop email but you can imgur message me
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First pic should always have your face clearly seen, with no other people in the pic. Bonus points if this picture also involves a dog while you are doing something interesting. Past that it doesn't matter, the following pics are you just trying to not have all seflies so they feel secure in knowing that you aren't a shut in murderer.

I dunno bruh, was how I was raised, keep everything inside your own feelings can be tolerated or ignored as long as everyone around you is happy. How I feel is irrelevant only emotional goal is to attempt as best I can to make those around me feel better. Solo time is when I can care about me, which is why I spend so much time sitting in the dark alone doing coke and reading.

But ya I notice the weakness, it makes it even worse. Makes me feel like they need even more help since they are too weak to stand on their own. Shit's mad gays.
I have been on trt for the last 8 months but lately my moustache and beard started growing so fucking fast, why is that? its nebido and I have to shave every fucking day if I dont want to look like a neckbearded mexican pedophile.
also I look like a yeti pretty much, sean connery chest hair
>implying thats bad
He was insinuating
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This thicc meme is such a joke.

Skinny + huge ass = good

Fat and shapeless but manipulated spandex into forming an ass = thicc

>be undesirable
>only able to date fat girls
>convince myself that they're thiccccc bruv
>post them in the high test threads
>This isn't sour grapes
>I want to date fat girls
>cellulite is attractive
>cottage cheese is attractive
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>Implying I don't provoke bully tho

Email it to me [email protected] and I'll give you an honest crit lel
>>implying thats bad
its a bit weird when everyone else tries to look like a fucking woman so much, maybe im surrounded only by beta low-t cucks.
memes aside subject

ill email it to you tomorrow after i shave up a little

the only acceptle thing to shave is your balls/ and pubes that way she can suck the cum off of the excess
>I explain clearly and logically why my cycle advice is justified
>replies with 'YA WELL UR A GIRL LOL'
>Fuck off robot, I doubt you even roid

The easiest way to trigger ESTP.

I'd say 10 weeks is a bit short even for babby's first cycle. 500mg/wk Test-E for 12 weeks is standard, but I usually recommend 14-16 weeks.

Stopping at 12 weeks is almost like a ruined orgasm.
Guys, none of you seem to use equipoise in your cycles. Is it that shitty?

Also, if i want to masculate like crazy, what is a good androgenic compound that will not fuck me up on the long run?

Offer applies to me as well?

Things are going well but things can always get better ya know

Some reason latina grills all over me
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>tfw imoutto-chan is going to end up codependent af


>have sharp features

EQ is dope and I haven't taken it out in forever. I don't even list it anymore because it's assumed I'm running it in some capacity. There's no reason not to use EQ it's like s better deca.

Sure senpai send away
fuck me i keep seeing shadows in the house that im dormed up in. i feel like its female in presence

should i win over its love with my dick?

its harmless so i dont have to have bowls of salt around the house but im seeing it more often now that ive been here long enough
Ask it to shit on your chest
but I would think that roider Chad would want a skinny bitch to throw around?
What about NEET/robot roiders such as yourselves? Thick? How do I spot you guys in the gym?
har har har i already had a dream of something similar

wait fuck dammit its a fetishist
Also makeup, I put it objectively beautiful women without makeup and it was bad
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I have no idea whats even going to happen anymore. Just use me for a week in the filthiest imoutto/nee-san sex possible then kick me back home.

inb4 ESTP gives you my tinder as a perfect example and my identity gets outed...
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>not masterbating furiously infront of it well injecting your quads

Pic related
I don't betray identities of /fraud/, my slutty imoutto

I bet you'd like if I did, though
She will gaslight u pupper
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well i dont have facebook but ill darken out my eyes to keep me safe from you guys unless i meet bimbo in person in which case fuck it.

also your smexy so i wont break standard mafia rules to do so
greatest story ever read it like 5 times already, waiting for m night shamalan and Quentin taratino to use Nicolas cage for a movie version of it
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I want my shame with you to be in private and possibly local.

>implying I won't pass as your cute little sister if you dress me up.
It is cool you want to chill a bunch of my dudes live in the bay and Roseville so I'll plan a visit soon and we can meet then
are... are those chocobos? If estp delves into final fantasy related dress up with me i'd lose myself in the beauty of it all.
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>about to do hormone test
>fucked myself up with high hpga gear and aromasin
Do you think they'll prescribe me legal /fraud/ing?
Guys, how are steroids made? I read somewhere about sweet potatoes have a molecule similar to test in them. If I was to gather enough sweet potatoes and use some unknown catalyst, could I make home made test?
>get nudes from the girlie last night
>ends with her saying I'm demanding I tell her #l8tr if she's not gonna as I say
>texts me today about a shoot she wants me to with some dominatrixes
>buddy shows me a blog post of hers
>"he stresses me out but it's so hard to stay away"
>texts me just now asking how my shoot is going

Baby pls

Do you think doctors ever notice a pattern of seemingly healthy young men popping in with unusually low test and asking for HRT?
Most sex hormones are synthesized from wild yam

Very few plants produce phyto androgens but those that do are fairly cheap
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Maybe so. But aren't they obliged to help me fix it if hormone levels are non existent? Guess I'll find out in a few hours.

So they make the "raws" out of yams, people buy the raws, make it into test?
No they aren't obligated to do shit
In so many words I guess. They get the base product (yam) isolate the hormone and synthesize it into the raw hormone.

I'm sure you could just "build" the hormone in a lab, but it's yams.
>doctors agent obliged to treat their ill patients
Maybe in your third world country lol
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sweet sauce send another message cuaze im either retarded or didnt receive it

im sure they are i dont like final fantasy in the mechaincal sense but im sure its good on story

He might say something like.

>Get lots of sleep, eat lots of red meats and spend some time in the sun and come back i
What the fuck are those anthromorphic chocobos

I'm going to treat you like a kawaii littlr lalafel, kupo

Might as well try but it'll depend on how the endo feels about your obvious roid use ja
just be sure to message me 2 weeks prior becuase my vaction times need that much advance

I'm coming to the end of my blast that had Test-E and EQ this week.

I'm a big fan. Helps with appetite (which I need a little help with), gives very lean looking gains, makes shoulders pop extra, very mild (don't have to worry about aromitization blowing up). I'm prone to anxiety but for some reason EQ didn't make that any worse. Blood pressure and increase in hematrocrit/RBC did happen (not good given high BP runs in my family... mine runs high even when I was natty, on perfect diet, cardio, low stress, lots of sleep, so on EQ it got pretty high).
Low test isn't really considered an illness in the US considering that the medicinal treatment is a scheduled drug; regular doctors come under DEA scrutiny prescribing test to young men.

Healthy """healthy"""" range for men 18-90 in the US is 290-1000 ng/dl. Fall in this range and your doctor will tell you to lose weight, eat better, exercise, go outside more, sleep more and lift.

Let's also consider that low test in young men may be a Cormier if condition to some greater underlying issue that prescribing TRT may exacerbate.

Tldr doctors don't know everything but you wanting to be joocey isn't a concern that appears on their radar
>im sure they are i dont like final fantasy in the mechaincal sense but im sure its good on story

ffxi was the best game to ever exist throughout the history of mankind and no drug I have done since has been able to replicate the feeling. It's sheer perfection has ruined my ability to appreciate joy and excitement for the rest of my life.

I wish ffxiv wasn't a casual haven where idiocy dominates from the code to the playerbase.

Just mail me at bimbolifts @ gmail
>How much ai did you need when you ran test?
I didn't bother too often, but when I did I usually took 25-37.5mg EoD.
done thanks

added to the list of games i have to try and hopefuly beat
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You missed the train, was an MMO. An mmo that was irreversibly destroyed post abyssea expansions. Just go play final fantasy tactics if you want a classic great ff game with a fantastic storyline.
ohh well then ill problay like tactics since i like fallout tactics for the game play
Nah nah vagrant story
>Low test isn't really considered an illness in the US considering that the medicinal treatment is a scheduled drug

Are there any countries where doctors treat low Test somewhat seriously and actually try to help?

The stigma attached to steroids in the US is ridiculous. I got bloodwork twice under doctor supervision and my natty level was 150ng/dL the first time and 100ng/dL the second time and TRT was still never discussed. Wanted to do a bunch of other shit to try and treat it in some roundabout way.

Said fuck it and hopped on the bicycle myself. Never felt better in my life.
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>ffxiv not being challenging in endgame precisely because you need to find a full group of not shit players

Imoutto, please. Au ra make it worth it visually alone
it's good, but ff tactics is mvp imo.

Anyway, i'm like 20min late for gym, time to get back on the routine since i'm done hurtin tindies.
Doesn't really matter. Access is so easy if you really want hem.
DHEA is considered an alternative to steroid usage(even though its still an endrogous hormone). but you have to take 500mg daily with DIM to get even close to steriod like effects off of it
i think chile treats it as a illness and its pretty much legal there but thats my dated knowledge of roids from other countries

spain and mexico is fucking lose as hell by comparison

Play FF6 (FF3 in the US). Still the best Final Fantasy I ever played.
Is it out of the ordinary to have panic attacks from Winstrol?
Is that with Golbez or are you describing creepy clown?

Or is ff4 golbez and ff3 is ex death?

Regardless, Garland 2016
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Bitch I will fucking fight you over this, I gave ffxiv a shot this year. First off mandatory story progression to reach endgame is fucking retarded. Second of all 240 gear was easy as shit to get literally no skill required, just a weekly lore cap delay.Thirdly I did all of alexander savage with the first pick up group I joined. I let my account expire after last cap that raised eq to 270 cuz I had no one to play with and hadn't seen a single challenge yet.

At the very least I was a qt au ra warrior.

You are not allowed to talk to me about endgame unless you build me a time machine so we can go back to ffxi endgame and I can call you a shitter as you flop about trying to claim a single thing let alone kill it.
So it´s basically better on a blast, not really suited for a beginner cycle?
i'd fight your irl for no reason at all but more Final fantasy stuff i must learn about my missed gaming opportunities
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But who was phone?
That poor girl has no glutes :(
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Ehhhhh she's flexed out opposite her glutes. She is worthy of my heirs.
What? She's literally in glute flexed positioning, hip extended as fuck just small muscle there

Id hit it but not impregnate
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The hormone test will apparently take a some days not hours.
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Ugh I love this woman
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heres a song for her
My anthem for her. Wait for side B.

It sounds how sex with her feels.

glorious electronic music

surely she wouldnt be disappointed by that would she
Nah dog no we've smashed to this track
Anyone here frauding and doing gymnastics/parkour? How has it helped you?

On my 3rd cycle & I've been bodybuilding with some some bodyweight chucked in too but was considering doing some more fun stuff.

Has frauding helped your flips/jumping etc or been a detriment?
just do EQ/DECA/EPO and meth and you'd be a cardio god at any sport

Who's talking about cardio here...

>Asks about doing power moves


>Talks about cardio

Never gonna make it
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>just do EQ/DECA/EPO
I mean that sounds cool and all or you could just be natty and take 20mg/day gw501516 and literally never get tired.
>implying thats natty
>implying any supps are natty

ill look into it but it sounds to new to be true

Implying Implying
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NO NO NO its 30% implying 40% >impyling and 80% >>>>>>/implying/
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>I just do test e
>test is naturally found in human body
>therefore I am natural
Jeff pls
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They named GW501516 endurobol for a reason.
Imbliging harder shitlords!
Jeffplsgo you will never be zyzz no matter how hard you try.
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Got super lazy with injections during flu/midterms and went from 2x a week to 1x a week and now i'm dealin with more chest acne than I feel comfortable with. I'm back on normal schedule now but any tips on how to make this shit fade quick besides accutane?
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accutane is as shit as your tastes in waifus

you are always better off with using DIM at 500mg than you are accutane
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Bruh, my waifu's are all pretty faced jb/anime don't get it twisted.

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som1 make new bread
what can i expect from 4 months of 250g test e5d?

first cycle
say goodbye to humanity
Hey guys can someone give me a quick rundown on Anavar?

I hear its a really safe steroid and my friend just brought some at a pharmacy overseas so I was eager to try them.

He has a box of 50x5mg.

What are the effects expected?
What is a good dosage/cycle?
Does Var affect your Test production?
What are the risks?
Anything else.

Thanks guys!!!!
>He has a box of 50x5mg
whoa, a whole week's worth
Cycle is really kicking in now. Fuck, my shit just feels strong, everything looks full as fuck especially traps and upper body in general. Lifts are increasing as fast as pure novice gains even though Im eating around maintenance.

Fuck man, it's worth it.
Do I take my asin in the morning if I'm pinning in the evening?
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Take it with your fattiest meal for better absorption.

that's not nearly enough var for a guy. Dosages for men go up to 100mg/day depending on purity.
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day 2 of DNP and I was sweating fucking bullets on 250AM/250PM yesterday, and 250 more this morning has me smelling worse than a literal sweatshop

and this is before the shit even reaches peak in my blood

god help me
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