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Thread replies: 317
Thread images: 103

big guy edition
>be the autistic kid doing oly lifts
>"which Olympics are you training for?"
>y-you too
>see awesome weightlifting webms on /fit/
>think to yourself "I'm going to do this!"
>go to gym
>embarrass yourself completely because you have no athleticism, skill, flexibility or will
>come home
>tears in your eyes, mountain dew in your hand
>see owg
>"you faggots will never go to the olympics!!!11!!"

give me those salty tears anon. you can't imagine how sweet they taste
Build some muscle first before trying strength sports

Then try powerlifting once you become a man, bitch.
Just cleaned 100KG, but having problems with the jerk, any advices ? Any specific drill?
I.E Pulls/Deadlifts/front squats helped with clean what will improve my jerk, please halp
what phase of the jerk are you fucking up on?
the last bit, i get the weight above my head, but i have struggles to push it out the last bit, because i am not fast enough i guess.
Split wider and deeper
WHen youre in the rack position, read to jerk.
1. Move your head back/out of the way. Like a girl sucking a cock moving her head back and forth, leave your head in the back position
2. bend at the hips, and push straight up
3. Also, you should be getting low and pushing yourself under the bar into a slplit

dont know where you are messing up, but the perfect jerk only has the bar moving the distance from the rack, to the max extension of your jerk. If you don;t move your head out of the wya, you'll end up pressing
Hahaha gib him dem
also, make sure you return your head to normal right after the bar passes yoru head in the jerk.

SOunds like youre pressing when yo ushouldnt
I want trappy chan banned.

She literally spammed our old thread into the ground.

Please, everybody report her.
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My Movie.webm
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I could give fewer shids.

Mentally she is more like a woman and I respect her less if I consider her as female, so it works.
your hips shouuld rise with the bar
You mean that mentally ill freak of a man.
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>bend at the hips, and push straight up
power for the jerk comes from the hips


You have no idea what you're talking about.
is he not attempting clean pulls?
with old blue shoes it's hard to tell
He is stronger with the hips up, but he wants to pull with hips low. You can see hips hips go low before the pull, but shoot up before the bad budges. His hips don't really shoot up after that, even if they did, it's very difficult to tell from that angle.

Trappy-chan, stay out of this.

He is doing heavy clean pull without a shrug.
1st month wl senpai?
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>clean pulls are deadlifts
?????? LOL !
Fuck off trappy-chan.
I wanted to hit 300 points this year's nationals, but I only managed 297

I feel really bummed about it desu
Why did i quote that post
youre a dumbass.
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h-how did you know
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Sonny did well to make Rio. Happy for him.
i hope he wears a snapback on the platform at the olympics for maximum banter
He probably will he barely ever doesn't it's his 'thing'

lol wat

All of the power for all of the lifts cones from the hips.
solid response
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You know 4chan is an image board, right? Dumping images and videos has always been part of it.
It's not your blog or safespace. If you want that, try reddit.

Besides, I was asked to dump the webms.


Remember to check in your closet and under your bed as well, trappy-chan might be there just waiting to terrorise you during your sleep.

kill yourself mental illness freak
British weightlifting is a joke.

Pretty sure you can compete nationally with a 250 total at 94kg
you got this entitled attitude since you started hanging out with plg trappy. They're no good for you. They don't love you. They want you to fail. Come back trappy chan. Come back.
You can kill yourself but let us fuck you first.
he has pretty amazing flexibility desu
that jerk is OB tier though
>tfw want a legit deep massage
>tfw everytime I go i end up getting a handjob and a shitty massage

brehs help/
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go to a place that isnt run by asians

or like one that's more professional
the closest one like that is booked all night
god damn it.

man I really want someone to massage me.
ye my jerks are pree garb
well i went, new masseuse, decent massage, happy ending.
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Ill add description and more sometimes later

no more lolis 4 u!

dude the muscular development on this kid is fucking insane..... wtf?

thanks babe
>Being told to go back to Tumblr safe space by a tranny
1. overhead lighting
2. he's a manlet and extremely lean
3. he's on gear
4. he's been training his entire life
5. he has top 1% genetics
is that 110kg?
6. If he loses, his family dies.
please eat
>all of the power
how fucked in the head does one have to be to actually type this out

>links two clips of lifters where you can see their very specific jerk technique

I'm not saying the hips aren't vital in the jerk, but you obviously extend several other joints ya gits
if my back leg isn't bent enough in the split jerk can that cause knee issues?

noun: hyperbole; plural noun: hyperboles
exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

The majority of the power comes from the hips. If you are trying to generate force with your soleus you are going to fuck yourself up.

Death, even.
but seriously though
There's a pretty big lump of muscle between your hip and your shin m8

Yes, and most of the power--the rate of work on the bar--in the lifts is generated by the lumps surrounding the hip carriage.
The thing I'm actually against is the cue "bend at the hip". Lots of people miss out on explosiveness because they're not extending knees and ankles correctly
Dunno what you guys are really talking about, but my coach said that i should only bend at the knees

"Just imagine putting your knees forward while staying on heels"
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Why ; ;
epic meme murican
lol that sounds like some real shit advice
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not good for you!
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but i think i dose properly
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Ur overloading on lolis. Need to slow it down
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are you calling me a junkie ?!?!?!
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/owg/ when are you going to fund an anime about cute girls doing cute olympic weightlifting things?
I like bad lolis that's my fucking problem.

Lol Jk u and commi r fucked
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lolis are shit, tho I'd probably watch a 2d about oly lifters
bad lolis can be dangerous durkz
Most votes decides which Powerlift 2 color I buy
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This makes sense to me. I don't think cues need to reproduce the actual mechanics of the lift for the lifter's imagination; they just need to get them to preform the lift correctly. If you're just yelling 'HIPS' at them they'll probably end up humping the bar or whipping it up and around their head rather than actually extending.

For the jerk? Yeah, you shouldn't bend at the hips. There's more quad recruitment in the jerk, but you're still generating a great deal of the power from the extensors.
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did they draw a micro penis on martha

>by tokyo 2020, she'll be unstoppable
amerifat delusion never stops being hilarious
We usually have the cues "push on" and "straight up", doesn't have to be more complicated than that rly
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There's hope for all you lanklets out there
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>comp in a week
Don't fuck up bro u need 240 don't u

If drug testing doesn't stop advancing and she keeps up the progress I think she could do 110/140, maybe not good for a medal but top 5 is possible
j-just don't bomb right hehe
They are big guys.
was getting a gold medal part of your master plan?
Snatch is good.
>that rounded lumbar
stretch you retard
that's fat my dude
I have trouble getting under my snatch.
I can power snatch more but when I try an get down into my full snatch i just cant get low and really drive back up.

Any tips or what kind of accessory work i should do or should i just deload and try again until i can get low?
In 4 years? She already almost snatched 108 or something also missed 137
applied at chipotle today lads, wish me luck
I thought that was obv
don't listen to him blu shoes he is a meanie
gl dood
aw sweet dude
it's actually not that sweet tho cus i heard you get sick of chipotle quickly if you eat it every day for like a week
but ye gl
i may get sick, but its free sickness + protein
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how dangerous?
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You focus too much on finishing your second pull. Because of that you start to get under the bar too late. Yes you should finish your pull, but you should also start to get under the bar. Now it looks like there's a big delay between your second pull and third pull, they are not connected.
Post a form check if you really want help. But probably you are doing this too >>37938121
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doesnt look very intimidating tBh
how about now?
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you probs just need to train more since thats a rookie mistake, you probs dont have a comfortable receiving position, usually power stuff is not recommeded for people who are new.
either that or it could be from the amount of weight you use for practice.
I don't really do it intentionally I just don't feel comfortable going all the way down in the squat so I use less weight and just power snatch. Maybe I should be working OHS and worry about the actual snatch once that's set? I'm still pretty new to the sport and I'm doing it at a CF gym so the coaches aren't a whole lot of help.
Your name is... no
Pent senpai why does a 60kg snatch feel heavy when I can bs 150 and press 75
beginners cant do full snatch because they are not familiar with the movement. if you keep doing power snatches, youre only learning power snatch.
i recommend warming up first with squatting with only the bar then doing full snatches with moderate weight.

for every weightlifting, only the amount of time you practice the movement will determine how much you lift. so back squat wont make your snatch go up a lot if you haven been practicing snatch as much as squat.

2 months ago my stats after training for couple months was:
clean:125 (felt ezpz)
clean dl:185x3
sn dl:165
conv dl:215x3 (with inzer belt)

but i only did:
cj:105 (trouble with jerk)
So just do heavy snatches and clean&jerk more often?
pent if i tren 9 times a week how do i become not very sore

i am very sore tren 5 times but i need to get better faster
you only have to pin tren twice a week at most my dude.
u dont tren retard
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you disgust me you fake loli
How do you get rid of the stretch marks?
I've gotten too big lads.
i've heard drinking bleach clears stretch marks up
that's it, I'm done with owg
apply semen after your jerks
maybe, but you WILL be limiting your potential, there's a reason that everyone bends their back knee anon
Shell do more than that in 4 years. Probs 110/140 within the next year
You should always finish pull. Transition and speed will come with time but don't short your pull
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since i got some quite helpful tips on my clean and jerk last time. can i get my snatch checked?
So anons, what's the point of hookgrip?

why not just properly train your grip strength?
>not wanting CoC 3.0 monster hands
>not needing to hold back when giving someone a firm handshake becuase you'd otherwise break their hand

man up and stop using the memegrip, /owg/
I know it's b8 but if you really don't understand that hook grip isn't just about grip strength ur a retard m8
>trying to rationalize and justify ur utter lack of grip strength
I didn't say that you shouldn't finish it, but what beginners so is focus too much on it, so that they don't start to go under it fast enough. This is why some coaches prefer to make beginners first "jump" under the bar a little, then tell them to keep feet longer on the ground etc, so that they learn to get under the bar rather than pull the bar high. I suggest doing few pulls first and then clean/jerk trying to focus on getting under.

And there's some guys in our gym that after two years still don't seem to understand how to get deep under the bar (self taught)
Lol m8 found the dyel who doesn't know anything about lifting
Getting deep is more about mobility. I agree you should work on transitioning to going under but a more effective way would be full lifts focusing on finishing pull as that's a harder thing to re-learn and then high blocks and high hang at relevant % to work speed under

Also ohs and snatch balance if you're uncomfortable in the receive pos

why do you post this shit here
where's the option for dont buy powerlift 2s they're shit get a shoe with a proper heel height
how do I get this lean without losing strength
Is black singlet the best for hiding outline of penis

I would say no, cause if any amount of chalk touches the area (including the chalk on the bar), it's gonna make it really visible.
Shut up
Nah light blue 100%
Yeah, goal is to make those in second attempt
That way if I miss I can try it again im 3rd attempt

>Tfw Singlet is a great Halloween costume except for the tiny penis part
Light blue shows it

I'm gonna eat at chipotle 12x/month for the next 3 months to get that sweet sweet free catering. I pretty much already do that and I love it
>programmed to do c&j triples 70%
>workan through sets, everything feels ezpz, like 60%
>finish, start unloading
>had accidentally loaded 80%

Huh. Well.

I know, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

What equipment should I get to train at home, tired of the monthly payment at my gym.

I need a squat stand/rack, bearing bar, 140kg bumpers for now.

As cost efficient as possible without sacrificing too much quality
Just clean deadlifted 405. Finally matching my squat :/
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A champion is born.
You just asked a question then answered it yourself

Check out fringe sports. They have the best quality/price ratio for basic black bumpers, and they ship free. For the barbell you have several options. I would stick with domestic as it will save you several hundred dollars without any real noticeable difference in quality. I have the rogue oly bar and it suits me just fine. Your other options stateside will be MDUSA, American Barbell, Fringe, and Again Faster. I've heard great things about American Barbell and if I had to buy a new bar that's probably where I'd put my money. You don't really need a rack to start, just some 4x4s, a couple buckets, and about 120lbs of cement.

Their online store is still up.

...or it WAS, the last time I checked. Oh well.
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loli perv!
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I'm not a perv!
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>I'm not a perv!
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i'd let her bully me
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Sounds like something a perv would say.
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that's weird because i'm not one of those
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Are you badmouthing me!?!?!
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but why
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ye :3
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And what if I am? what are you going to do about big boy?

imploding knees technique
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d-double bullying?!?

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I'm going to tickle you and hug you lots til you can't stop crying and and even if you tell me to stop, I won't and I'll keep going.

Get ready for hours of unbearable torture, oniichan.
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Put the KEIT-AI down! NOW!

Otherwise I'll call my lolis friends to come down and give you an exponential increase in hugs and tickles. Don't even think this is an empty threat oniichan.
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>tfw seeing normie lifters talking about shit on fit

god it's so cringeworthy
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>hey anon, get in here and massage my glutes

>if you don't clean double bodyweight tomorrow i'll make you blow me too, you little faggot
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>what seems to be the problem sir
There's nothing suspicious going around here officier, just move aside and let us loli do our usual business.
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Oh yeah? You and what army?
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Hey folks, intermediate lifter here.

I'm looking for a strength program that includes oly lifts into it but can't seem to find one.

Should I just stick with a regular strength program and then pick up oly lifting again once I hit those elusive advanced lifts, or is there a program that'll still let me enjoy muh snatches?
a weightlifting program is a strength program...
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>mfw people take lifting advice from a tranny

you can't make this shit up
I don't care that she's a tranny. It's more that she constantly gives poor weightlifting advice. She's more useful in plg with beginner powerlifters, I don't think she's ever experienced how it is to lift under a coach and learn weightlifting other than via klokov videos

She's not super useful in /plg/ either, as it happens.
>Should I just stick with a regular strength program and then pick up oly lifting again once I hit those elusive advanced lifts

>expecting to become advanced by not doing it

(s)he's a self entitled medical student who thinks (s)he knows everything about lifting because (s)he explains everything with big words
Yeah, she reads some shit but has no idea how to apply it to real world situations
If C&J 100kg in training, but I pressed out the jerk can I still say my best C&J is 100kg?
call it a training PR
Tech work every day (7x a week minimun)

Squat and pull heavy 3-4x a week or so (your bread and butter will be back squats and clean pull w/o shrug, aka the "clean deadlift")

After you squat and pull, do a little bodybuilding (2-4 excercises for 2-4 sets, reps between 8 and 15 is good, can go as low as 6)

You can do the press as a bodybuilding or strength lift, either for high or low reps. You can also toss in push pressing too (I'd reccomnd lower reps but you can go as high as 5 or 6).

Literally just technique work and specific strength and hypertrophy work As technique gets better you can do more technical/specific pulls (e.g. pull w/ shrug, high pulls).
I keep messing up the clean when I add Weight I get under the bar but I catch it a little bit lower than the shoulders
And then it falls
How to fix
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Pyrros Dimas 180kg Snatch (WR).webm
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Point out a single bad weightlifting advise I've ever given.

Good luck.
Haha not so fast chum
The vast majority of it.

e.g. clean deadlift

But from your perspective you're right about everything, so why bother? In your eyes you have NEVER given bad advice before.
Can u make a webm of 155 bench and 242 deadlift now Pls.

When you told that kid to shorten his pull
Your whole shit about clean deadlift
'slide' is better than lifting feet
Lowbar is good for wl
Use straps instead of hook
Klokov is the best coach ever
Did squats and btn press today desu

Mad. Man.
Learn to clean it properly. Can't asses the problem without a video champ
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post some sweaty qt3.14s
why are literally all women whores?
puberty does it
So I just got home from the gym and I decided to do some over head squats after front squats. I warmed up with the bar then slowly increased weight and eventually got to 135.. I noticed my right thumb and pointer finger are numb it been about an hour and ya still numb. Is this normal? This was my first time doing over head squats btw
These two fighting is funny

Both care barely squat 100kg

Bot wear ridiculous coloured shoes

Who wins? Blueshoes vs yellashoes
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Berestov 300kg Deadlift.webm
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Clean deadlift = conventional deadlift when it comes to the mechanics
Only differences are that you'll use the grip width of your clean (which for many is the same grip width of their deadlift), and use weights that aren't too heavy, so that you can also mimic the positions of a clean.
Some weightlifters also prefer not locking out when doing clean deadlifts.

But the mechanics are the exact same.

Note that clean deadlift =/= clean pull


>When you told that kid to shorten his pull

Which I never did.

>Your whole shit about clean deadlift

Which is correct.

>'slide' is better than lifting feet

Feet always lift, even when sliding.

>Lowbar is good for wl

It is just as good as highbar, and both are worse than front squats.

>Use straps instead of hook

I never recommended anyone to do that.
Regardless, many of the olympic-tier weightlifters use straps all the time during training.

>Klokov is the best coach ever

I never said that.
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tfw Lü Xiaojun memejerks.webm
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Now, while you can disagree with the facts that I've pointed out >>37956488

Your point is that I give "bad advise for weightlifting".

However, I never advised anyone to do lowbar.
I never advised anyone to use straps instead of hook.
I never advised anyone to do deadlifts instead of clean deadlifts.
I never advised anyone to shorten their pull.

And thus, your claim is literally incorrect.

ok just a second
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Durkz 242kg Deadlift.webm
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Durkz 155kg Bench.webm
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how tall r u durkz?
One guy is injured and the other has Down syndrome. Which has it worse?
Blah blah I don't care anyway I have an actual coach and actually lift
Injured and weak or weak cos injured
https://instagram.com/p/BG-xvoLxMw1/ Kek
He's a quarter inch short of being 6 feet tall.
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Blue shoes has an incredible bottom position though. Close to Lu tier.
Mein sides
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He will get into his groove soon enough. He has an incredible coach.
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trip on blueshoes
Kill yourself cancer
>Disagree with trappy
>Must be blueshoes

Fucking ego in here baka senpai

Not bad, bb. You should shave, tho.
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this is me
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Angelo Bianco 185kg C&J.webm
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Oh sorry, I just assumed you were him from the level of shitposting.
>Disagree with trappy
>Must be shitposting

Yeah the ego really is strong holy fuck

Lol your ego is out of control

Trappy-ego is ur new name now
does anyone remember what it was like before trappy chan attention whoring every fucking thread?

it was still shit but hey, it was better

this is the perfect DLing technique for oly lifters
everyone should see this example who want to be good

Trip on blueshoes
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hi commie
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you should give me your steam or something

to have the shittiest jerk of all time?
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but im not a pervert :3
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i didnt say you were >:-)
already half way there desu
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>tfw gym closed early today for cleaning and i forgot
>Clean deadlift = conventional deadlift

you are so retarded. how can you watch a clean deadlift and a pl deadlift and think they're the same? fuck off, trappy
Both have down syndrome desu
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Poo in aloo!
File: Klokov & Anastasia Squat.webm (2MB, 630x480px) Image search: [Google]
Klokov & Anastasia Squat.webm
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This has been discussed in a lot of detail before, look in the archives or something.

yeah, and a clean is just a deadlift, jump, and reverse curl, right?
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not saveable pepeppe.png
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I think i'm addicted to maletonin

when i dont take it i get the shakes and i'm irritable

a normal dose for me is 20mg.......

how do i go about undoing this heinous addiction?
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Akkayev 198kg Snatch.webm
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Nope, it's a lot more complicated than that, and doesn't involve jumping or curling.
Whats been discussed before is you never posting again
>arguing with a dyel
Unable to recognize scarcasm and when you aren't wanted? Strong iq
i-is she 18 yet
does anyone have a link to what is being referred to here? I'm actually curious since I started doing my conventional deadlifts in oly shoes to make the movement more similar to the 1st pull of the clean.
in clean dl ass should be lower
in normal dl u dont use wl shoes and ass starts higher

atleast thats to the extent of what ive heard


People argue over it but the general consensus is that 'clean DL' is just another name for a clean (low) pull and should basically mimic your actual clean positioning. Whereas a regular deadlift is going to, well, be a deadlift.
i think i'm going to come back to owg
Are you sure you want to do that
that way when i go to the olympics i can say i'm a 4chan :^)
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ye but u r ;)
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yu have no evidence of that

hand over steam or else
not an argument

ill fuckin' clean ur clok m8 watchit
Thumb and pointer finger numbness after overhead squats
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you just proved that your a pervert!
bed time bump
To do Starting Strength, of course
You don't give good advice either. You just cite klokov seminar videos. I don't mind you being here to get better but you out yourself forward as a coach or some sortve guru which you're not, you're still a novice yourself.
ankyou trappy
Coming from other shit general. How do I program vertical pressing and just jerks for maximum upper body development?

I don't know how to push press, jerk, klok and strict press so that they all work together.
ask your coach
Jerk won't do shit for upper body development just press with some volume
Oh ok. What do you call volume? I know a lot of different people have different ideas about what is high volume.
I've really been focusing on my back squats for a while now and have estimated 1rm about 145kg at 75kg bodyweight. I think my front is only like 105kg, do you think it's okay to go back to focusing on front only for a couple months?
I'd start with 3x8-10 and increase or decrease accordingly

Or go full gvt and do 10x10
Confirmed Liao retired
Those primitive fucking lifting shoes
Those primitive fucking knee braces
Those primitive as fuck suits
That primitive as fuck weight belt.

Jesus technology has really progressed a lot in just the weightlifting arena. You take it all for granted.
The gun is an edit!?!? I always thought that was the original.
Focusing on one lift only is the reason you got in this mess in the first place. While it is a semi-logical idea, I would reccomend still including some back squat while you focus front squat. Just 1x a week will be adequate.
Don't sell yourself short!
Front squats in 70-80% range is ok for quad strength and development? Or isn't it. I understand it doesn't have maximum carry over to a heavy clean.
75-85% should be bread and butter of your training if you are glorious Soviet master race

95+% if ur a big fat Bulgarian like commie

Fuck knows what Chinaman do it's sekrit but delugs can sell u it ;^)
Klokov confirmed for doping
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commies secret is just lolis
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that's not much of a secret~

Sun confirmed for being on fire!
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who knows what your doing to those lolis behind closed doors you perv!
Innocent until proven guilty you shitposter
File: Klokov 190kg Paused Bench.webm (2MB, 636x480px) Image search: [Google]
Klokov 190kg Paused Bench.webm
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>you shouldn't have a suspect until you can prove that suspect is guilty

10/10 shitpost
'confirmed' is not the same as 'suspected' you shitposter. Learn English before you shitpost again.
nothing bad!
Things owg had taught me

>Commie likes children
>Trappy likes posting
>Blue shoes had some form of facial musculature problem
>Everyone swears their coach is better then yours and thus you have no clue how to lift
>ROIDS are only bad if you get caught
>Maddie posters get banned

Thanks guys!
Does anyone know what Chinese do for joint mobility and stretching in general etc?

Is the Chinese style of knees back noticeably before you rise shit for long arms and legs or is it a meme?
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Lad... Strange facial expression is a symptom of my autism. Don't make fun of me.
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Klokov 205kg Snatch.webm
2MB, 605x460px

There's no "confirmation", blueshoes.
Thread posts: 317
Thread images: 103

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