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RIP in piss edition
How detrimental is kyphosis to oly lifting?

I've been stretching every day and all sorts and it's better than when I started but I'll never be able to get a beautifully straight spine.

I'm way too old and not genetically built for it, so I've made my peace with never going to the Olympics but can I at least be competent.
same here. my back will never be straight in the front rack and i've come to terms with it.

i have had no ill effects lifting through it so i'd say keep going
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Is Sonny Webster natty or nah?
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Liao Hui 211kg C&J (attempt).webm
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RIP in peace

Probably, he gets out lifted by 69's
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Chaplin 155 sn.webm
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This desu. Very good numbers for a non professional lifter but they're achievable natty if ur talented
is there any detriment to doing a regular strength program and then doing a separate workout in the pm working on technique with lighter weight?
for example, a 5-day strength program in the am and technique on all those 5 days with the full movements at like 40-60% in the pm




>didnt include "a cute" option
wtf man...
my back is literally TOO straight and thus I have suffered 2 severe hernias where its extremely unlikely to get them (t-spine)
a "beautifully straight spine" has to be coupled with insane amounts of core strength or you'll fuck shit up. wish someone told me this earlier.

to answer your question about kyphosis: you'll most certainly have to compensate with increased shoulder and hip flexibility to work around it. while still working on your back extension mobility.
>is there any detriment to doing a regular strength program and then doing a separate workout in the pm working on technique with lighter weight?
yeah, it'll only be effective for tech at lower weights (useful as a noob) and mobility, while still incurring moderate CNS fatigue. which takes a toll on your progress and makes quality rest and diet even more important. a perfect snatch at 50 kg is one thing to master, an almost perfect snatch at 90 is something else entirely. if you just wanna maintain (as much as possible) tech while getting your (strength / physique) foundation up I'd say it'd be more effective to do a light sesh of Sn + CnJ 3x a week and not 5.
Who are some notable lifters with short legs and long arms?
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rip liao hiu
o shid


WADA wants Russia gone from the Olympics
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Russian athletes can still compete under the neutral olympic flag if they prove that they're clean.
I wonder how many will, I'd doubt if the Russia governing bodies of those relevant sports would allow it. We shall see I guess.
what do if i hit my genitals with the bar from below while cleaning or snatching?
change grip
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Is it christmas?
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everday is christmas with onichan around
Numbness in thumb and pointer finger after over head squats
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I know avatarfagging is a thing that happens in /owg/, but what the fuck is going on? This shit is out of control now
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you should really give me your steam or something so we arent bugging people in owg
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what u talmbout erbody loves loli

See a physio. You may have a pinched nerve.
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Or stance width
Median nerve comes up over inside of elbow and around the front of the shoulder, my unprofessional opinion is that you've irritated it somewhere along its length, most likey near your wrist

Check form, if problem persists then see someone
Russia btfo
>tfw first day lifting without mirrors

fuck lads it really threw me off. Anyone else struggle without mirrors at first?
rybakou has it and he's doing quite well.
literally me td
never wearing those undies for lifting again

u get used to it in like a week
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midnight bump
fuck off m8
Care to elaborate please? Would be appreciated
I just bought some tight running shots and hope they will fix the Problem for me
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You know how people suggest 2.5kg/5kg increases on bench weekly for a decent progression and 1.25kg/2.5kg for strict press.

Is push press more like bench so you can progress with larger amounts?

I really like to press and not sure if I should strict or push press 3x week.

Most people find that their push press is kinda close to their bench if they're trained equally, so you can usually get away with using the bench progression. This falls apart in really strong or trained lifters, but its fine for normal folk.

Personally I'd say strict twice and push once or the reverse depending on your exact situation.
Dellug competed this wkend in an effort to qualify for uni nationals

Now we will really know what his lifts are
the meme master lifts all the weight

All of the Chinese?
>130kg squat
>107kg front squat
>100kg cnj
>75kg snatch
>86kg bw

How am I doing for 1 year in?
Where did you start from

Lifts are good based off front squat but at 86kg bw you should be a lot stronger

Ex-brosplitter, always had a weak squat.

I managed to get it up to 140 with Smolov Jr but lost all that progress when going back to regular programming.
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>when it's been months and you can't even clean 1pl8 and you have a fucking 145 BS and 110 FS :((((
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just started squatting everyday so i can b strong like u mayne

Remember to post form checks

Good luck
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dont need to post form checks. form is a meme
You don't need and shouldn't be on smolov with a 130/107 bs/fs when you weight 86kg
Well atleast u know ur tekkers is horrendous so now you need to fix it
Ok hehehehahahhaha
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Srs tho if u wan git gud u should squat good
What do you leads use fit moisturizer? I've been using patroleum jelly, but I've heard it's also not the best
he competes this coming weekend
juan competed this past weekend
and juan got gold , didnt he?
juan you here? do you have some videos of your meet lifts?
I meant competing* but autocorrect changed it I was meming too hard

Do you know where the comp is ob

Coconut oil and Aquaphor.
Is Ilya kill?
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he wont go down without a fight i hope
Why do pulls feel harder than snatches even at the same weight? What gives.
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Remember to take your drugs boys
Are you that injured twink lol. Do you actually lift?
No currently I literally don't lift at all. Too busy being injured and working and school desu senpai
I used to think that until i learned to pull with good tech. its all about getting the second pull fast and good, that's when the bar will feel weightless when you're pulling with arms, and you have that little moment where you think "i could get under this"
Yeah true sometimes I feel that

Pulls today were with a pause at the knee so I suppose that's partly why they felt more hard
What were ur numbers before injured
make sure you bring the bar all the way up to your hips for MAXIMUM power
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You guys seen this yet?

i'm not a faggot, so no
i'm not a faggot, so no
Since when do the chinese have long arms? I'm talking LONG arms.

>waah waah waah no fun allowed
Ian Wilson is lanky as fuck
Sagir had pretty lanky arms
He literally never even did snatch or clean and jerk.
He hit a max squat of 120 or something, a front squat of 110. Absolutely pathetic, and somehow that injured him.
Yurik Vardanyan

You aren't bracing properly.

Core tight, shoulders and arms relatively loose.
caladan still here?

if you see this did you figure out what's wrong with ya back, mine feels pretty fucked. been stretching hip flexors but it doesnt help much i think it's due to my hip flexors being so tight is why i have low back pain

also how do i recover better, i'm gaining weight but i still recover slow as fuck. maybe more protein?
i kno i should. ass keeps shooting up when heavy bruh
hey i saw that twink on ig and i think he is bretty gool guy
How the fuck does this have 200+ votes, I thought we were seekret, or is there vote fudging
no i have no idea, isac is v secrit abt his lifting
( i hear his real stats are 20/40@105)
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does anyone have the Renaissance Periodization
I want to buy weight lifting shoes for the first time. How long is the life span of a lifting shoe? Because I'm thinking of buying an AdiPower right at the start to get the best for the next years. I don't want to spend 70 bucks on a mediocre model if I will buy a good one one year later.
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>Renaissance Periodization
I need to check that book out but periodizing your diet seems like a p weird concept.

i updated the program dump
this time i added liao hui's training plan and other chinese stuff.
ill go for russia and bulgaria next
not really. we're after adaptation, after all.

speaking of, does anyone train on a really full stomach? i feel a lot thicker and stronger
Interesting info about the peaking twice based in Soviet studies. I always wondered why my coaches programs had two peaks, he trained for a while under Soviet/Russians so I guess this is why

Thanks pent
well this makes me feel a bit shitty
>160kg b.squat
>140kg front squat
>110kg cnj
>80kg snatch
>83kg bw

you got nice squat to cnj rate there
Bought adipowers 3 years ago and mine are still going strong despite wearing them near enough every day. I'd say they're well worth their money.
Just don't wear them outside
what are commie's stats
Same squats as you but I snatch 90 and only c&j 102

My jerk sucks so hard :(
>tfw 160x2 backsquat
>struggle for 120x2 front because my upperback collapses
send help
117/145 @85 I think

I had this problem. Just really focus on good back position when working at 80% and stuff. Once my back got stronger my fs went from like 120 to 140 super quick
what'd you do to make it stronger? any accessories you'd recommend
How long have you been Training for?
Pretty close to my Stats,only been doing oly for 4.5 months tho.
Still I'll probably hit that within the first 6-7.
All I did was when working at 75%-85% that makes up the majority of my squatting I made posture the priority

I will be doing some rows tho because my back still rounds during the clean if I miss time it which is often :^)
What's better for getting big press 3 days a week?

Push press 2x8,1x8+, strict press 2x6,1x6+, push press 2x4,1x4+

Or do I just push press only for a couple months?
Why are you doing two sets then an amrap? Just press 3x5 lp
Been OLY lifting for two months, 1.5 years general lifting
>70kg BW
>160kg squat
>180kg diddy
>130kg FS
>90kg C&J
>60kg snatch
Is my C&J and snatches bad due to my weak front squat
No its cause you only started oly lifting 2 months ago moron..
Not even that bad for 2.5 months at that bw

Stop being a dick and train ya mug
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check allthingsgym tomorrow for exciting news you guys
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how does it feel that a rando korea crossfitter has better form then u
there are couple of people in korea that has decent technique but dont lift that much
He's wearing team Canada bike shorts and has piss-colored hair.

I'm still better.
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Juan you have some esplaining to do......why didn't you tell us sooner??
For building strength, is there any advantage to alternating heavy, low volume days with lighter, higher volume days?
My arms are never in the same place when I rack a bar on my neck to squat.

My right arm is always flared out further back than my left.

I've tried all types of shit to fix this, but I think it has something to do with a wrist I broke when I was a kid (right wrist). Ever since, my right arm has always been ever so slightly smaller than my left.

This results in my squat being crooked cause the bar sits crooked on my traps.

What do?
No, it's bad because of technique. You should be hitting a higher C&J with a 130 front squat. Doesn't mean you shouldn't up your front squat though, your front squat can always be stronger.
>be 77kg lifter
>wanna move up to 85 by end of summer
>frustrated by lack of progress
>weigh-in past Friday at 79
>pig out all weekend
>750kcal over TDEE e'ry day
>feel bloated all the time
>weigh in today

Kill me.
Stop it from happening.

Really, there's two routes to fix it (the 2nd one kind of still requires #1 and hefty amounts of both is most effective):

#1 Conciously stop it from happening. It's hard and it will feel unbalanced (even though it's not), but just do it. Get into the right position and repeat it many many times. Lower weight if you have to.

#2 Reconize the muscular imbalance (probably on he shoulder joint) that"s causing this. Maybe you have a tight lat, a tight traps, a weak something, maybe your upper back leans to one side. Recognize it, stretch tight muscles, strengthen/activate weak ones. Correct the imbalance.
You may have also developed imbalances in the legs, hips and lower back from crooked squatting. Theoretically, squatting not crooked will fix these with enough time. But again, it'll get corrected faster if you do that as well as strengthening/activating the weak muscles and stretching the tight ones. Also realize that while the original cause of crooked squatting was an uneven bar, if a leg/hip/low back imbalance developed, it may perpetuate your crooked squatting even if the bar is even, although I suspect if you get the bar positioned properly it'll fix anything that's comorbid.
don't pig out, just eat shit all the time
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am i doing these right?

That looks like a regular deadlift to me. Hips rise, all anterior chain.

Why are you lowering the bar like that?

you mean posterior. so wut do?
it's fine. everything but unlocking the knees first on the descent.

lower the bar with your hips to your knees, then with your knees to the floor.
uh yea english is not my first language.
lower weights, keep filming yourself and post it here

angle of knees and hips should open at the same time
and i dunno about that dynamic start of yours, try a static or a different dynamic to emphasize using your quads
i'm a bit confused about the clean diddly low hip thing. even if you start low, the hips raise to the point they normally would when the bar breaks inertia from the floor anyways
A clean dead should mimic your clean, simple. If it doesn't it's just a regular deadllift

My issue was related to nerve inflammation through the SI joint as a secondary problem to some sort of primary issue (probably piriformis tightness)

I'm 3 weeks into 1 month off from lifting, including no stretching because it was aggravating the nerve

And no I'm not really sure if it's related to yours but make a conscious effort to keep spone neutral and engage core and you may see your issue go away
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