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/plg/ - powerlifting general

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 322
Thread images: 37

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In for cute smiles
Bodorio in the hospital is not sean....
Is Izlee natty?
He was in that webm Tbh
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Isley 280kg Deadlift.webm
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Being this CUTE is definitely not achievable natty
It's a troll

Unless you supply evidence

Oh wait you cant
Good 4 him tqbh
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sheiko 96 has three squat sessions in one day
Can't do push-ups on sheiko because it fucks with wrist. It's like once a cycle should I just do incline?
How do you fit 3 squat sessions around your drinking?

Is it because your working weight is so pathetically light?
they are super important you can't skip them
? I don't drink, sheiko says it's detrimental to performance
>tfw lying in bed for 4 hours after waking up this morning since nothing to do and bed is comfy

How do I stop this lads, I want to stop wasting my mornings.
Is blue shoe literally autistic? Has he admitted it?
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reminder that trappy is
-95% DYEL
-100% male
-100% cancer
>MFW i think about him hurtin'
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Stay mad
If you're not Sean why do you repeat Sean's memes?

You two also post at the same hours, but never at the same time and when you do post at the same time both of you are shit posting
Ill stop until its official. You seem brothered by it.
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She/he lifts more than sean.

Therefore, she is more of a man than he.
99% of my posts are sheiko related; not shitposting
It uses up less battery that way anyway, it's a blessing in disguise
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I've had this big ass bird screaming its lungs out on my porch stealing my sleep gains. Does anyone have any experience making scarecrows? I want to get rid of this gains goblin, but he keeps comming back
why would i be mad?
- im not delusional about my gender
- im not delusional about my performances and knowledge
- im not lifting on test blockers (LMAO you must be the shittiest roider alive!)
- im not living on the asshole of the internet most of my time

you're punishing yourself im just watching ^^
You won't supply evidence
Isley used an old screenshot from last year as "evidence"

Seems like a joke from the club house
I'm also certain you're Alex

I assume he's on holiday and you're just shit posting

In fact I know he's on holiday because he spotted a picture of himself at the beach 3 days ago
Do them with a closed fist. Helped alleviate my wrist problems and now i feel stronger fist vs open hand

Only Sean calls people Dino

I've never seen anyone else do it
Or just stop being a NEET?
I take it you're Dino? Off the top of my head trappy, Joffrey, etc all do

A lot of people are new and can't remember you however
What? He wakes me up at 4 and I get up at 5:40 for work. It's really annoying
>namefag drama
This is why /plg/ sucks.
>I take it you're Dino
Exactly what Sean would say

>Off the top of my head trappy, Joffrey, etc all do
You said e.t.c because you only had 2 examples

Joffrey is a dumbass like Sean but doesn't do it as often as Sean. Like 1 post a month max.

Trappy did it once because you bitch about dino on your private discord gay chat

>A lot of people are new and can't remember you however
youre a new fag according to your posting style, unless you're Sean, which you are
Maybe people mistake you for being Dino like people mistake me for being Sean?
... So you're Dino?
Poet a picture outside your window to prove you're in Moscow

Doesn't need to show much, the difference between Russia and canada is large
I just need to make a scarecrow god damnit he keeps comming back at the excact same time every god damn day. That fucker is so loud he wakes me up even with 2 doors closed and no windows open.
I'm just a guy collecting evidence on you, Sean.

Don't reply to me again because I won't read it here on out.
What country?
Norway, why? It's a magpie
Buy a BB rifle and kill it
He won't. Because he's a lying, pathetic coward.
Mean. He doesn't know what he's doing
whete does he sit? Put something there to prevent him
But I don't live in Moscow?
You're Russian right?

Post a picture of outside. Russias a shit hole I'd recognise Russia from a picture of a dirt road
Yeah I could try that
Being this mentally ill is definitely not achievable natty
I'm doing programming for a friend, would any lads care to help out?

I'm not gonna say novice or intermediate because that's so arbitrary but I'll say that 1x/week TM style linear progression is too aggressive for him atm, and I'd still want him to be more in the 70-80% range than only once a week. So this is what I've put together, any critique? I'm not super experienced in percentages and rep ranges so any help would be nice.

Mon: 5x5 70%
Wed: 5x5 75%
Fri: 6x3 80%

Mon: 4x2 90%
Wed: 3x5 50% (recovery workout)
Fri: test 1RM or AMRAP at high percentage(4 reps tops)
Is there any reason to do hypertrophy work when cutting? Excuse my broscience but wont you just break down muscle you can't build up again since you're on a caloric deficit?
O' trappy my trapp
use it or lose it
pls fugg me
Well yeah but I mean as opposed to just doing my compounds instead of doing high volume accesories
I do high volume compounds
What's everyone's take on Izzy's PtW noive and intermediate programs?

Did anyone run them?
Rasputin is running the novice one right now. I haven't really heard anything about anyone else running them.
Really boring and the conditioning work sucks balls
a resting heart rate of 70 isnt that awful right
isn't that a bit high? I never do cardio and have like 50-55
idk they say that 60 to 100 is normal for most people and since im a 100kg powerlifter who never does cardio i figured 70 isnt that bad
pretty bad if you're still in your 20s.
My father has a RHR of 50 in his 50s
get your bp checked, it is more important
fuck mines 80
and my dad has a rhr of 45 in his 60's

see how useless ur argument is
my dad has a resting heart rate of 0
My dad fuggs ur momma :DDD
Mine is 62 apparently. I haven't done any cardio in almost 3 months..
post ur cute smile :3
Had a great session guys

>35kg 5 5 3 bench
>60kg 3x5 squat
>75kg 1x5 deads
>80kg double diddledoos

Trip on sean
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You need to do hip mobility.

Try these kids on for size

I do hip mobility but a fucked disc is a fucked disc
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>but a fucked disc is a fucked disc
lol then why the fuck are you asking for strangers to help
go to a doctor
>rest it, see a physio

It's a little more of a complex issue tho that I need someone with experience's input

It's a lower back weakness. I cam not support load with my hips in a hinged position,
Hey how do I learn to use a deadlift suit in two weeks?
It's tight in my crotch and loose in my upper body
I am a twink competing in strongman soon
Yeah dude go to the doctors before nerve damage
Gotta ask Isley, he's the only one here who does equipped
Ooooh wouldn't good morning work? And maybe glute bridges? RDLs?
gtfo /PLG/ is for shitposting and tripfag shit flinging contests only

it piss
I thought perhaps I could build up some lower back strength doing GMs however it's just made my lower back tight and painful
See a sports doctor m8
Will it hurt to do upper back work bodybuilding style on Sheiko if I have the energy after all my other work? It bothers me how there's almost no pulling volume in Sheiko.
trappy-senpai p-pls notice me!
not at all
You should probably do more gentle stuff. Maybe give it more time with your mobility excercises. Your back is your back at the end of the day. Have you been trying with a lower weight?
>a lacrosse ball
I know. Like everyone has those... right?

I bet it would hurt like fuck
Yeah I squat 180kg before I busted my back and I can't good morning above 40kg. Anything above 40kg hurts and caused my lower back to be painful until I alleviate the pain with stretching.

Also means I can't squat properly because if I hinge then something snaps and last time that happened I was bed ridden for days unable to move without pain
The only trip fag at least. Shame /STG/ never appears
Be careful with stretching. When I had my back issue stretching or doing low back specific work would end up causing me a lot of pain and issues
Yeah you are the mayor of snap city. You may need long term recovery work. How long ago did it happen?
There was this other strongman trip who got a deadlift suit a few months ago, but he disappeared
Yeah he has to be really gentle by the sounds of it.
see a physio

we cant give you help over the internet for your 'complex issue', and im not trying to take the piss, you wont know if someone elses experience is anything similar to yours just because its also a lower back injury

if you really want someones perspective on it
i hurt my back about 10 weeks out from a meet
couldnt move without severe pain, was bed ridden for about 4 days
had to take another few weeks off, went back to gym and tweaked it a little again
went back again a little while later, built up as fast as i could and still went to meet,
it hasnt hurt in a long time, never went to doctor

try that if you really want
cant guarantee your success tho
Fug. Guess I'll just get fat and ask my gym members
Oh yea for sure I've been through that ordeal already. I just do one thing that helps.

Like 6 months (probably) ago initially, wasn't a big issue then one day I fucked up and made it a big issue.

I took deadlift advice from somebody in my gym.
Learn from my mistakes. Everyone in the gym is a fucking retard.
Who here /hype for monday/ ?

I just want to get back to the gym already god damnit
is this weaklifts?
Sounds similar to my situation.
When hinging your hips on a squat or good morning did it feel like your lower back was under a lot of pressure?

That's my issue. I can deadlift with no issue what so ever, but when the barbell is on my back I am venerable.
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So is foam rolling supposed to hurt/be extremely uncomfortable?

Started Limber 11 and there is a strange mix of pleasure and pain during the rolling.
RIP. Let us know how it goes when you go back to a physio
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did lots of deadlifts today senpai

pulled 5 pl8, 6pl8, 7 pl8 then did some 4 pl8 SL(ish)DL and some 5 pl8 pause DL's

then did incline bench

then skull crushers

then did 1 arm DB clean & press (like circus dumbell) with 110 lbs. these are actually a shit load of fun, i need to do things like this more often for some FUNCTIONAL STRENGTH
I'm not going to a phsyio
You can pull 280??
Nope, work out Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday so as to not interfere with work schedule.
Well you should
>Sounds similar to my situation.
thats the thing, they all sound similar

>When hinging your hips on a squat or good morning did it feel like your lower back was under a lot of pressure?
i couldnt move into anterior or posterior tilt
but when i was coming back then yeah i suppose it felt like that back how else would you describe it anyway

if you arent going to go get it seen about you are atleast using the 'take time off and see what happens' masterplan right?
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280? uhh yeah?

I pulled 306 today lol
You can't bait me because I just been you bitch slag

Sean is a /gaygen/ shitposter on /lgbt/.
He's literally cancer. He thrives on it.
thats a different Sean, faggot
Have been taking time off and had no issues until I started doing squats again

Sigh. I guess I'm going push / pull only.
>see current training week
>may actually die
see you in the next life lads
Didn't drop my dinner today lads :)
Did you have cinnamon chicken again?
Chicken breast soaked in vinegar, covered by tin foil when cooked with salt, pepper and turmeric on topic and beans, sauce and potatoes with pepper on the side.

Pretty tasty, I had cinnamon cereal instead.
Much better. Bet the cinnamon cereal was nice too
Joff you about?
>was going to go out to dinner tonight with a 8-9/10 qt
>texted me an hour ago "Hey, sorry to do this, but can we get a rain check? I have a lot of homework due tomorrow that is taking me longer than I expected :("

I guess I could try out pokemon go today instead.
I hated it. Turns out I don't like cinnamon.
read that last night, felt really bad 4 u senpai

its probs better than that sad cunt any ways
>has to do hw
>"that sad cunt"
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300 kg.webm
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holy shit I just turned into brott gobbs

i can't figure out why this keeps happening
I hate homework it's fucking pointless

Seriously lads all I ended up doing for the exams was reading the text books for the exam board.

I learnt the bare minimum required and got As

Course work is bull shit

Home work is bullshit

I fucking hate school so fucking much


>dating highschoolers
your own fault Tbh
She's a senior in undergrad. It's cool. Pokemon await me.
post pics of alleged 8.5 qt
Where is isley? I need to ask him a few questions about moving up a weight class
jesus christ learn to webm
Pointless post.
>dwarf sumo deadlifts
fucking cheaters I swear
Don't. Unless you're lean and natty. Don't.
>Unless you're lean and natty
This is me
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>fixed version
whats to ask?
just eat more
I meant lean in the weight class above
If you're not tall enough you can't be 105kg lean
These both look fine on mobile
fuck beat me to it lol
What classes were you taking? Doing homework for math-based classes was vital for me since you can't just read a textbook to get it, you gotta actually do problems.
kek I knew someone else was doing this
norsefat could u check out my post
Do it in class don't waste my time with compulsory work that gets me fucking no where
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But you said you liked it!
Cinnamon swirls I like so I thought I'd like cinnamon
Cinnamon syrup on pastry. Not the same.
ok mom
how was your workout
We don't workout here

We train.
Bad anon.
It was awesome desu. Deadlift grip and rip it. Felt strong. Squat was shaky and bench felt heavy but coz of weakness not form
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>rest day
>going to go out to a park and catch pokeman with the gf soon
>gonna come home and grill some steak and veggies

Who /comfy/ here?
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Gotta run sheiko for bench
>First day back
>Bad eating for a week
>Having a vagina
>Strong bench

Pick uno
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>>First day back
No excuses. I hope you did a 40 minute pyramid set.
>>Bad eating for a week
Bench benefits from bad eating
>>Having a vagina
Which means you also have tits which shorten your moment
>>Strong bench
You will have
I mean no eating. Bench does not do well with that.

Tits are a benefit
I expect a 1pl8 bench before the end of the month or you're running sheiko
>Tits are a benefit

You have none. Judging by your manface you pack as much heat as trappy downstairs as well.

You're actually even worse than that """""weightlifter""""", you have 0 knowledge of powerlifting or memes on top of having shit lifts and bringing your beta orbiters to these threads. KYS
>1 pl8 bench in a month

To put sheiko in perspective I started with a 10kg inflation and now it's no longer an inflation and I haven't even finished the first block
When is Daniel Green going to put out the BBSM ebook?
1pl8 bench is not a lot if her form is on point. (If she cheats)

Please don't reply to Sean below
lol wasnt that supposed to be like 3 years ago
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>calling others beta orbiters as a projection for you beta orbiting a MAN

dont even bother replying because I won't read it
The screenshot was today
The picture was from midsummer
He was gonna compete tomorrow so holiday wouldnt make sense...
The picture was not from today

He may not be on holiday but he wasnt in an accident.
That's what BORT promised
I'm not Sean, you retard. You're obsessed with him as well, aren't you? Now that manface rejected you are you gonna try to get on Seans cock? Can any human even be more pathetic than you, Dino?
i was actually interested in it a one point but i think the ebook stuff is less relevant these days
Maybe 2 months
>working on the Lord's day

Gooood Shabbos goy
Your max bench is around 40kg. 20kg for an untrained bench in a month is easy.

There's 4 weeks in a month let's say, that's 5kg a week. Very very easy.

If you ignore isley and run sheiko and increase your max by 5kg each week I promise you'll bench 1pl8 in a month.
Guarantee in fact.

But you can't tell isley because he likes slow progress and regret
clap clap
Also if you run sheiko I'll teach you how to cheat bench.
>not playing the real beautiful game
I play quiddich outside of powerlifting
I think 5kg a week is a lot even for an untrained male. You have to remember women don't progress nearly as quickly on upper body movements.
6x5 with the last sat AMRAP today at 70%. It was fun until set five.
It's possible. And I think bench press is an exception because women are more flexible and can cheat easier.
Get the fuck out
Is BenchBro around?
Paging boardie
Really enjoying TM style training right now, but it's always handy to be prepared for a change in mood/enthusiasm.

What are /plg/s juiciest, choicest intermediate programs?
Do you by chance own a slingamajiggee?
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Nah Im happy thanks. Just running SS for a month and then getting to like 70-80â„… RPE to run 5/3/1
>running SS for a month

I think that's the best idea. Just getting back into lifting a quick linear progression is ideal.
what do you need
Good time to test myself and eat.
I'm offering to coach you free of charge so you can hit a woman's 63kg weight class bench record and you don't accept?

You'd have to move down a weight class tho because the world record for 63kg is 175kg and world record for 57kg is only 145kg
Okay turns out I was looking at equipped lifters which makes me feel better about my bench

Yeah you've still got to break 145kg tho
Be patient. I'll ask soon enough.
There's not enough time. You've got to run sheiko from day 1 not beat around the bush

Isleys has the worst progression for 8 years and buda has bad progression for 17 years too. That's why they both suggested 5/3/1 because they hate progression.

I'd also argue SS is counter intuitive to your bench press
I know 5/3/1 is more of a long game routine but im only going to do the 5/3/1 30 day challenge. Has a 1x10 lift at the end of each session
Any of you fucks ever build a platform? Is there a reason to prefer plywood to 2x12s?
I too remember when I thought 5x10 @ 50% was a lot of volume.

When you're looking to get stronger just HMU
Sorry 3 month
I will. As soon as that is done I'll be there
I would say some good 3/8 or even 1/4 over top some rubber with some acrylic on top would be GOAT

i've never built one though
The downside is in 3 months you'll be where you are now and I won't have your initial noob gains to work with
Sheiko is designed specifically for trained people. And noob gains last like 2 years ish
Yeah. As far as I can tell, the two blueprints are:
>two layers of 3/4" plywood
>rubber on top (maybe with 3/4" plywood in the middle)

Second is about the same price or slightly cheaper and seems like it would protect the floor better, but I never see it recommended so IDK.
okay Isley
Yes yes isley 8 years for a 3pl8 bench is good
Yes yes buda 18 years for a 5pl8 half squat is amazing
Don't be mean seen
It's the sad truth for my dear friends George and old man George.

George is on his way now though because is he running sheiko
Well 4 months is nowt.
Three years for a cirrhosis is really good too m8
Buda is stronger on 531 meme than you are on sheiko

So maybe you're just not trying hard and you suck and you're jealous
Both these posts make the assumption and Sean, which is really sad because it shows the effect he's had on the distrust between posters here.
Everyone who isn't eager to get down on their knees and give tips a rimjob is Sean.
I wasnt even bring spiteful. Isley and buda are my friend, but I'm allowed to point out mistakes in their training so I can learn for mine.
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>with the gf soon

Doesn't sound like any Norman I know of
Sean isnt an alcoholic therefore not susceptible to cirrhosis of the liver
>STILL encouraging her to do sheiko

FOR FUCK'S SAKE YOU don't even care about her, you just want to suck on Sheiko's knob.

Wait until she's got 300 girl wilks and is preparing for a competition. Only THEN does it make sense for her to start programming with cycles that last 3 months.
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I'm sorry
Tell me it's gunna be k pls
You\re just gonna give up in 3months anyways so it wont matter
This is a great opportunity for you to learn to have a thick skin and stick to your own ting.

And ignore advice that's bad for as its repeated every day.

Or, you could just like, take another vacation from /plg/?
If anyone has it, requesting the webm of the soccer ref licking around his mouth and sniffing.

Requesting the image that says "3 reasons the earth is flat"

how's errybody bean
>le arbitrary wilks number before running lie arbitrary program
Not even going to engage this non argument
>3 month long program
Progression can be modified
>only run it when preparing for a competition
Sheiko isn't exclusive to competitors

Couldn't care less about sheiko but good programming IS GOOD programming
I wasn't being serious lel I know what feels right when I'm training.
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I think I fancy an afternoon wank
Can't you see the hypocrisy here?

>don't listen to others on what you should do
>but do what I tell you to

Isley is a manuplative man child. Don't be babied by him.

He wants you gone not for your own sake but so you don't do what others suggest, ONLY what he wants you to.

Manipulative man child
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''We know that some changes to the body from drugs are permanent in a positive way.'' - Brett Gibbs

Can someone explain this pls? And what drugs?
I am really not gay at all but could I have a picture of your penis?
Deadlifting was so fun today. Got 80kg did you see??
Isleys replaced Esmeraldas dad...
Steroids, like strength training in general, have a semi permanent effect. That will leave you permanently stronger, and that coming back from a detraining event is quicker than first time too.
lol norsefat you fucking fag
You did well. Feel like filming any sets?
Is it wise or possible to do HIIT/tabata style sprints 2 or 3x a week while running lp or early Texas method? And if so how long should they last?

I was thinking to do 10 min on volume day at the end and once again the next day, then again for the last one on intensity day after lifts
Why avoid confrontation? If you make a point you should at least stand by it.
inb4 high squats
So basically if a person was to take a single test cycle, then in 5 years they'd be stronger than a lifetime natty with everything being the same?
Maybe in a couple of week when am less shaky.
izzy directly tells you to do HIIT while on his LP so I'd say yeh.
Pls. Low bar
Cool, I was just worried about keeping it up on Texas method. Hopefully 10 min should be fine
was taking about depth Tbh
>using izzy as an authority on anything but the pains of being a manlet
i believe they were referring to depth
cba, i'm right, you won't be convinced. why bother?
I think the way he has it structured you only do it twice a week on off days. But experiment on your own.
kek, fair. The program works pretty well though. Also I thought I heard something from a big name trainer, maybe CWS, about how HIIT aids in recovery.
Tabata specifically, no. Cardio/HIIT, sure. Seven or eight sprints, 1:1.5-2 work:rest ratio. I'd do one after VD and one after ID.
>I'm right
>won't be convinced
I'm a very open minded individual who likes to challenge other people for free information
What are we training/eating/doing today lads?
I'm at work and bored.
and isley is arrogant enough to refuse to accept that he can be wrong

I'm a little high I'm very sorry.

>Not high squats tho
I think they might have been a little high today. Just need to focus on my bracing a bit
>I'm at work and bored.
My man. Three more hours.
Speaking out if concern but you should stop smoking if you're genetically prone to mental health issues. Marijuana may not be deadly but it does damage your brain and enforce pre-existing issues.
Little bit of a close to home video

Just don't want you to end up bi-polar...
4 more for me :/
thinking of seeing Swiss Army Man with a m8 afterwards
So sprint for 1 min rest for around 1.5 min and how long do I do that for?
I'm not going to watch the video but I appreciate the concern.

It's on the list of 'must do soon'
Gonna cook a bunch of food.

Or so, yeah. Maybe start off 30s:1min for starters and get better from there... seven or eight times, like I said breh
we gonna get some before and after progress pics?
It's just a stand up comedy from Louis CK but might make you feel

I really wish you'd do it now and not later. Smoking effects are reversible and the sooner you stop the less damage is done and the quicker you heal.

I understand you do it because you're stressed and sad and I haven't been saying anything because I emphasise that you've found a way to feel better.

But you are prone to issues and I'm even more guilty if I don't speak out.
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Oh look....
have you ever smoked weed before?
Might have to really.
No and I never will.

But the mental health effects are well documented and only a fool would ignore them.
Esmeralda also has a predisposition that you need to take into account.
cite sources please
Louis C.K. freaking out in a parking lot because he hadn't smoked in 20 years doesn't count

IIRC the tabata protocol used an exercise bike, with 1 minute of maximum intensity cycling followed by 1.5 minutes of 40% VO2 max cycling for 4 cycles.

From personal experience, sprinting works better with 20 second bursts followed by 10 seconds of total rest.

You have to start small, just 4 cycles (total 2 minutes) and add a cycle every week or so - up to a total of 10 minutes.

>tabata - 1:1.5 high intensity/low intensity
>hiit - 2:1 high intensity/rest

Unless you have the AKT1 gene variant, weed only exacerbates existing mental conditions because you're able to use the herb to ignore what's causing the problem - which generally allows what ails you to spiral out of control.

If you've got that gene, you'll know that you have it after your first hit - and you develop psychosis.



Tabata is 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, rpt x 8
I'm doing it for my motivation not because of psychosis you autists. I have a life to live.

After what happened to my dad don't you think I have massive hypochondria over my mental state?

Jebus. I'm a big girl.

I'm really sorry if I worried anyone when I was really depressed and I'm coming out of it again.
I was just sad to see that you didnt kill yourself and that you're still posting here :(
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I know man.


I know.

My bad, got the tabata study confused with another on HIIT and HGH production.
I said I wasn't sure really how to address the situation, but you gotta understand that others are compelled to fur fill their human morale obligation to help others and perhaps while I didn't get my statements correct, I only said what I said because it would break my heart to see the downfall of your mental state while I sat back and did nothing because I was worried of how the initial kick of truth would effect you.

I'm not apologetic and you need to stop smoking, regardless of why you started.
interesting. From the look of these studies though, it's hard to establish if cannabis use is the cause of these mental issues, or if heavy cannabis users are using it to self-medicate with no clear causality. Also most seemed to be conducted on VERY young people. I don't know when esme started smoking but I started much later than that. I do in general accept that heavy cannabis use in young kids can cause some developmental problems because I have some friends who are examples of it. Still, I think having such a staunch stance on cannabis while having never tried it is quite silly.
jesus christ
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I know. It's nice that you care, I'm just not used to it I dunno

Don't know what to do and it makes me feel like am being interrogated or summat. Sorry
I appreciate I chose sources on young cannabis smokers and that's not necessarily directly related, but it shows the greatest link of mental health issues and it's hard to disregard the notion it occurs, even to a lesser extent, in adults as well.

I care greatly for my personal wellbeing and I don't see trying marijuana as a requirement for having an opinion on marijuana as that is the equivalent of saying don't have an opinion on self harming until you've self harmed. It's not a sensible idea. I can make deductions from observing others.
I started at 12.

>Parents smoked with me as well when I got to 14
nah. just a druggo
i disagree but whatever
I'm here on plg if you ever need people to talk to. I do talk to you a lot and I'd consider you my friend even though we only talk online.
People aren't heartless. People are compassionate. I can help you, albeit limitedly.

Idk just don't feel alone on your issues is all I'm saying,
>nah. just a druggo
was talking about your jesus christ comment
i would rather them just forget about it Tbh,
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at this point yeah absolutely

I'd much rather see them focus on bettering the sport.

for FUCKS sake the worlds venue was garbage this year, Salo at least had a fucking nice complex for it, that shit was embarrasing.

The coverage and the video stream was top notch though.
Powerlifting is better off being a niche underground sport
Vegan Gays signing on to say you will never be as strong as a vegan powerlifter, you might as well kill yourselves.
wishing anyone with mental health issues ill squicks me out. sorry
i agree
We all want to help one another, human beings are like that.
We want to live by each other's happiness, not by each other's misery.
We don't want to hate and despise one another.
In this world there is room for everyone and the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone.
The way of life can be free and beautiful.
But we have lost the way.

Greed has poisoned men's souls, has barricaded the world with hate;
has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed.

We have developed speed but we have shut ourselves in:
machinery that gives abundance has left us in want.
Our knowledge has made us cynical,
our cleverness hard and unkind.
We think too much and feel too little:
More than machinery we need humanity;
More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness.

Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost.
yeah but youtube has convinced everyone that just by going to the gym they are powerlifters
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Brett Gibbs 305kg Deadlift.webm
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Trip on sean.


He makes good points.
But the whole "lifetime natty" thing is simply impossible to test for. And if PL became an olympic sport, we'd have the same sort of shit we see in WL - countries literally having secret schemes to dodge the doping tests for their athletes - and pretty much every top athlete would have to start using gear, regardless of wanting or not.

The olympics are a lot more about politics than sports, Tbh. And I think PL is better off without it.

Just my outsider opinion, though.
I am Sean and I can't hide it anymore. I love you trappy and I don't care what anybody else thinks. I want you. I want your penis in my mouth. I'll pay for your plane tickets and you can live with me rent free.

Please, I'm lost without you.
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ILU, even if you won't rub lotion on my sunburns you selfish bitch.
''some changes to the body from drugs are permanent''

>is simply impossible to test for
yeah but giving 2 year bans or anything less than lifetime for testing positive for anabolics is what he is getting at
Who wants to play Rust with me?
I just realise that was some businesses rule book not an ethics poem
Its pretty self explanatory

buy it for me bby
You're never online bby
Buy me s nice computer and the game and I'll play with you every day
I haven't played video games since I was 13 or 14
yeah. i know.
It's The Barber's Speech from Chaplin's The Great Dictator.
Get "The Forest"
My cousin gave me a key for it and I don't see me playing it without others
I'm too tired for this shit what am I even saying
youre a good lad m8
Thank you. I really appreciate it and I'm sorry for taking a while to reply my phone kept dying.

Stay as compassionate and lovely as you are
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What a homo.

Is your orbit circular or elliptical?
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You know I would tho <3
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