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/owg/ natty for life

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Thread replies: 311
Thread images: 52

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Natty for life edition

Chinese Tea and spicy Chinese food > Drugs

prove lu wrong. Vegan roiders BTFO.
Ilya is kill
Snatching today, felt a nice deep crunchy crackly pop in my neck on the catch. Some pain, not too severe. Was able to complete the lift. Dull pain with some flaring when I rotate my head or lower it. Worried it's a slipped disc, hoping it's just a 'tweak'. Either way, should probably take some time off. What to do to maintain strength and explosiveness while rehabbing and recovering? Also, how to prevent in the future?
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Someone broke into my truck and stole my Adipowers.

They're the only weightlifting shoes I ever had and I loved them. Since I'm now forced to get a new pair, has anyone used both Adipowers and Romaleos? What I've read online is making me lean towards just getting Adipowers again.
get the new adidas ones
Wait so the chinese athletes came out as clean?

I, for one, welcome our new manlet overlords
Ffs dude the politics in this sport are killing me. Fucking Chinese are clean? Give me a fucking break.
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does this count?
>tfw failing to jerk my max snatch
just end it
what am i talmbout :^) (4commie)
one note when you make webms, scale down the size a bit so the vid doesnt take up the whole screen (dw i did it wrong for a while aswell)

it looks like you stop extending early so the bar is really floaty and you're v slow getting under
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i wouldn4 be surprised if i snatch more than i c+j on the 25th (ye thats me)

kill me
i am bad yes

did you aee my pwr snarch webms the other days?
talk normally plz i kno its hard w ur autism.

wait ur gonna b in toronto area? whats the comp? glhf

why are you so wiggly and shit before ur jerk, like you keep moving around, stay tight senpai.

and ye they were meh
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and im doing that thing agai where i drop my elbows when i extend (cuz commi3 4old me to ignore my arms and i listened like an idiot)

with all these misses im never gpnna be good at jerkimg

heres a vid of p snatch i u missed it

variety village open i asked u earlier
i went to the young hercules there and won gold :^)
u sure ur thinking about the same snatch? :(
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Chinese have always been clean senpai I don't know what you're talking about.


Tbf weightlifting, as an olympic sport, has always been about politics.
ohh ok, would if i had the time desu, probs not gona be competing for a lil bit cause my training is mostly strength stuff and im busy with work.

snatch actually looked dece, you humped the bar out a bit like i do, make sure to pull up with your elbows (if ya get what im sayin)

and gj at hurcules, what were ur atts@what bw
China #1. Roided out vegan refrigerators on suicide watch
110 total at 85kg bodyweight :^)
my only competitor was a little fat 14 year old who i train with, he totalled 109

i'll probably be a 94 on the 25th, we'll see (been hovering a bit of 85k lately)
gj senpai, i totaled 129 at my first comp at 59.2kg and got 3rd :))))))))))
fuck you
im not a talentcuck like you, i have shit levers

>totalling less than fucking trappy-chan

Please start tripping so I can filter you out.
>talent cuck

senpai im garbage
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Hello, welcoe to PRsville. Please state your ordeur
Yes sir 100 thousand gram please
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Sorry sir there was a mistake with your ordeur please go another day
Wtf man lower the weight and learn how to keep your back tight.
You're gonna paralyze yourself.
>implying that's not what i want
itd give me an excuse to give up this shity fucking sport
omen trips

I hope he paralyzes himself so he stops posting here.

Bumping for Caladan.
I have a decent "strength base" but my mobility isnt oly ready. I want to get into oly but plan on spending 2-3 months doing mobility work daily. Should I just jump into it or is the mobility thing a good idea?

Do both, not reason to wait

wear shoes with higher heels if you need to.

it really depends how bad it is. post a video of you doing an overhead squat or something
Just do the lift to the best of your ability. If you snatch catch it then do a ohs to get a feel. If you powerclean it then fs rught after etc.
Do thr squats atg so you stretch everything and keeping mobile.
May a get a from check? Hows it looking?

Lack of extension on the snatch?

Hips too high on the deadlift?



Snatch deadlift

so does anyone have a list of the people who got caught cheating ? Ilya was one of them?

No names yet. Everything out so far is just rumors.
I'm your height and weigh less and I'm also old and inflexible, pls don't blame ur levers for being weak
Is there a deadlift to power clean chart anywhere? If not, what sort of ratio am I supposed to have? I'm a powerlifter looking to start doing some power cleans
There isn't one because they're different movements if you're talking conventional dead and not a clean deadlift
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When I was younger everything was so much simpler... No pain...

60kg (u just cant see the white plates im not that weak cmon)

Rate, is the bar coming out too far?

>inb4 i cant tell because of the angle
do you not have any depth perception you cuck?
Also every video i've seen on power cleans has the instructor barely bending the knees. If i'm supposed to do heavier sets I'm allowed to catch the bar in a deep squat as if I'm performing a clean and jerk and just not do the jerk, correct?

ur not 6 foot 1 u manlet
youve just been training wll your life and roidint
i know ts you illya
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W-what do you guys think of my 190kg beltless squat?
Please don't reproduce - you're ugly as sin.
you're fat
I had no idea
Not even 1x ur bodyweight yet u disgusting fat fuck

whats your problem kek

that's just called a clean. power clean means you stop above parallel.

And there isn't much of a ratio between deadlift and clean. Obviously pulling power is good, but some people have more natural explosiveness

What are your squats?

>haha 2pl8 but it doesnt matter that its weak because im not fat
165kg @ 80kg
Anything is better than being a fat fuck. So it's truest
Double bodyweight squat, thats good man. Good job.
Good squat senpai

I cant help but feel you're being insincere because im fat senpai
My quads "hurt" at the bottom of my squat as of late. Could I have damaged something? I'm not squatting optimal weight because of this , what should I do?

I've taken a week off of doing anything leg related, but it didn't help so now I'm just doing what I normally do.

Stretch your quads


155 at 77

69kg girls squat more than me. Feels bedd menn.
I've stretched since I started lifting. It's only my right quad too
stretch more
It band syndrome. Take it easy or you'll get fucked
My knees don't hurt though, what makes you think it's band syndrome?
Because the quad is what hurts from IT band syndrome. I just got over it. I'm warning you. Stop squatting now for 2-3 weeks or face 4 months rehab.
Fuck. Well I guess I'll be focusing on bringing my bench up then
Do knee to cheat stretch and do stretches which focus rehab on the IT band. Also do very light 20 pound or no weight leg extensions
Knee to chest
Thanks. And thanks again for telling me. I'm glad I know now and not after fucking my shit up
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i dont really care if you believe that it was a double or not

thankfully slipped discs are kinda rare when you're not a dummy who can't brace, though in the neck is weird. I would say chances are you just did the equivalent of cracking your knuckles when your neck muscles strained

standard protocol is let pain be the guide (do whatever doesn't hurt), manage inflammation, and massage/stretch the muscles around it. In the future just make sure you're not too tight when you lift
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Serious question kid... Why do you cut yourself?

This is the guy who calls you fat when you squat more than him

>roiding for this
if i failed a 50kg snatch i too would try to kill myself
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this looks like sa jae hyouk snap city waiting to happen

pls b safe
You shouldn't even be lifting like this Jesus Christ start with 5x5 or SS and fuck off with the Olympic lifts. You WILL injure yourself. You have horrible form on EVERY lift my dude. 0 core strength, no chest, your limbs look ready to snap


my max back squat was 205 about 2 months ago now it's 325 after 2 months of good training and squatting everyday

advice to that faggot. stop ego lifting and do a real routine like 5x3
Dude you look so goddamn fucking wobbly and awkward.
investing at least 90 dollars in oly shoes when you can't hit 2 plate for one

>le why?
You have the exact body type of a Mr. Meeseeks
Romaleos are double price and don't feel as stable imo

good luck getting adipowers if you're US 10.5+

no store has them fucking stocked for less than 197
Get a pair of ristos, I spent like 90$ on my tiburon 2 shoes and I love them
go easy on blue shoes why doncha
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>depth perception
>on a 2d representation of a 3d scene

You're a goldmine of unintentional humor
It basically represents the Cold War along with hockey just because the USSR was first to jump on the two sports.
>tfw he has a better gym and better wl shoes than I do
Is Ilya banned from Rio? I saw a kazakh article that said he was on /r/weightlifting the other day but I'm not sure about its legitimacy.
what u talmbout
becauze im nor a poorfaf and i can afford $200 on a pair of shoes lol
can you drop a link man? can't find them for the life of me
But you can't even lift tho. You should be strength training to get your body in shape for this style of lifting

You look like shit and you are going to injure yourself then whine to everyone about how lifting is dangerous
>he's never heard of monocular depth cues
"Depth perception arises from a variety of depth cues. These are typically classified into binocular cues that are based on the receipt of sensory information in three dimensions from both eyes and monocular cues that can be represented in just two dimensions and observed with just one eye.[2][3] Binocular cues include stereopsis, eye convergence, disparity, and yielding depth from binocular vision through exploitation of parallax. Monocular cues include size: distant objects subtend smaller visual angles than near objects, grain, size, and motion parallax.[4]"

It actually was meant to be a joke though, so you're extra dumb :^)

Also, see this interesting illusion showing significance (or more accurately, lack of it) in a 2D image.
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Mate you can't even squat 2pl8 for a single, most people in here can do that for an easy 10 reps

Get some meat on your bones before doing oly lifts
because you need to focus on the basics such as:
>the ability to type

before you go complicating your exercises with equipment designed to make you maximally competitive at a competition level

Found the "tfw too smart to lift" Shitposter, turns out you literally can't lift
how old are you?"
also dont be so sad it will ruin gains
>he's never heard of monocular depth cues
"Depth perception arises from a variety of depth cues. These are typically classified into binocular cues that are based on the receipt of sensory information in three dimensions from both eyes and monocular cues that can be represented in just two dimensions and observed with just one eye.[2][3] Binocular cues include stereopsis, eye convergence, disparity, and yielding depth from binocular vision through exploitation of parallax. Monocular cues include size: distant objects subtend smaller visual angles than near objects, grain, size, and motion parallax.[4]"

It actually was meant to be a joke though, so you're extra dumb :^)

Also, see this interesting illusion showing significance (or more accurately, lack of it) in a 2D image.

Edit note: Forgot illusion link.
dont do singles m8
for now focus on triples and quads, do them slowly, as much controlled movement as you can you need to fix that wobbling
Say is bailing the bar foward better than bail the bar backward in the snatch?
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Kek you have to push press it. Are you 14 years old? Stop posting these garbage webms and go get strong before you injure yourself trying to show off to us on the internet

I hit a heavy single at the end of every workout but don't just do singles.
>you (you)
>heavy single
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>I hit a heavy single at the end of every workout
Wow surprise surprise you don't even follow a proper routine

I make my own stuff, and I've improved my squat 50kg in 2 months.

what have you done for the past 2 months?
You're literally having noob gains because your body is used to not doing Shit, good fucking job

I hit a 5pl8 squat and 90kg strict press

I'm not that fucking autist you cunt.

my squat was 100kg now its 155kg in 2 months. Pretty good for my shitty programming

post video of your lmao5plate squat you ameridweeb.

Keep up the progress m8....oh wait........
so now you squat 150? why you post a vid when you barely squat almost 2pl8? also let go of the singles just focus on triples and quads


you replied like you were THAT GUY, still 50kg in 2 months sounds like noob gains

whats the weight agian?

bw is 70kg.

I'm trying to put on some more mass though. Especially to legs even though my legs are the only thing thats big besides back. I want 85kg bodyweight.
god bless you then im 85kg and im at 130kg squat atm
no im serious, 190 squat is completely impossible for probably 90% of the population
aslong as you arent 190 urself its good

my legs are dead from today

5x5 bs @ 80% followed by 5x3 fs @85%

height? I'm 180cm and it sucks
qtddtot didn't answer, so I'm gonna ask you guys.

I can clean and strict press more than i can strict press. is this at all heard of or are my shoulders fucked?

eh I estatted myself a little. 5'10 1/2 in american speak
dont know the american speak m8, im 183 about
got some fat on me but not that much
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>aslong as you arent 190 urself its good



You're just not trying hard enough.
I started lifting 5 months ago in my mid twenties from skeleton mode so all my gains are novice gains. Started on Starting Strength then went to 5/3/1 last month. Had to take a few weeks off due to SI joint dysfunction caused by inadequate stretching and warm-up. Could not sleep enough to get the recovery I needed on SS. Currently still on 531 and liking it

>Before / current (lb)
BW 140 / 163

Manlet at 5'9"

Squat 145 / 305
Bench 135 / 220
OHP 80 / 140
Deadlift 155 / 320

Dips +50lb 3x5 or 5x10 bodyweight
Chinups + 35lb 3x5 or 5x10 bodyweight
Pullups + 35lb 3x5 or 5x10 bodyweight

Still making progress.. gonna get that bench up
Is this good
the big movement primes your nervous system so you could just be more stable and active
i really got some problems with adjusting my feet, turns out i squat more when i have preety narrow stance, about shoulder width
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use a little wider stance.

narrow stance is never good especially for knees
i know ive been working on widening it doing really wide squats once a week with lower weight trying to stretch that groin and stretching groin

>tfw no gf to help you stretch groin
>twinks out
>says the twink
baka trappy
How do they get stronger by staying the same weight? Do they just keep losing body fat after gaining muscle weight?

are you referring to the moment arm of the knee or something
Dude do hip adduction and hip abduction machine problem solved
That might be it, still kind of weird.

Trust me, i put my god damn soul into that bar when i'm overhead pressing
Im the guy with narrow stance

Caladan is it really bad? You da one i trust
(and my trainer, but he didnt say too much about it)
new adidias if you can only clean and jerk 100kg. otherwise they will break apart because theyre shit quality
good idea i will try it

what about the gf problm? hit on girls when they are doing hip abductors?
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how do I into toshiki Yamamoto mode ?
i was joking desu cause the new adidas look like literal shit.

just talk to a rdm girl n say u have zesty mems, worked for me
at 200kg bw hahahah
>new adidias
i thought they made some new fancy shoes
looked for em on google they look like shit with the fucking line you have to reel in
I want to fuck your sister ! Commis sister is a meme now!
apperently they are bad quality too
gut idea i will try that one my gym crush that always works out with boyfriend
got the same feelings for her

gonna lurk in commies vids in hopes to see a glipmse of her nao
tfw if i fall asleep on a girl i could kill her.
slap the bfs butt, show her ur the alpha
>logan baker unironically wears the new adidas
>he gave up his romaleos for them
commi hook me up!
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Really? I saw a pic of them being used in a recent competition and some dudes squatting 4pl8s with them and they seemed fine.
And people seem to enjoy the higher heels.

What issues are people having with them? Besides looking ugly as fuck.


No you can't fucking work-in I'm super setting in the machines and you're gonna fuck my workout.
>prutus memes
kek good idea but he is the kind of faggot that wears all black fancy clothes to guy and on top of that a snapback

he might like it
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>all this talk of commies sister
never put ur dick in crazy lol

forgot pic
who dat

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I have a huge man crush

depends how narrow, I think you should do whatever both keeps you upright and keeps you comfy. Narrow stance may put more pressure on the knees, but I remember reading an article that essentially said that with proper prehab and careful training, it shouldn't ever be an issue. Pain is the guide desu
facebook com/1421808074761509/videos/1655319218077059/


ps. trappy pls make webm
i dont feel any pain, feet are about shoulderwidth maby little wider, this is the most comfortable for me, thands sempai

yeah that's not narrow at all
narrow stance is hip width or closer
medium stance is between hip and shoulder
wide is wider than shoulders
>dont lift for 3 weeks
>thighs and ass start to get fat


>wider than shoulders

how does he do it?
Head up dude
thanks maby because i saw all this ppl doing squats with wide stance i thoguht im a cripple :^)

New pr

how do I enter senpai mode?
Nice gf, have you ever accidentally sniffed her feet?

why do u post this garbage in /owg/
She has an insta
Also she was in the chat for a period of time
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My new rehabilitation program.
Bro, your gf's hair looks kind of... young. almost illegal, like she just turned 17...
durkz i will fite u
You can front squat?
Yes up to 100lbs right now.
She's 18 in September.
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Sounds like dutkz is a PEDOPHILE

Too old bro this is /owg/ go take that used cunny somewhere else. Our god emperor Commisar the king of lolis is disgusted by this

>god emporer
I prefer the term commisar : ^ )
>Romaleos are double price and don't feel as stable imo
says the adicuck

bet youre the guy who spent 600 on a used adistar that he thought was new lmaoooo
be stremf but a weak ass weightlifter and you will be a japan cuck like him
is she autism like gommi
has she tried suck ur dick while you lift

wud b hot desu
and why do you own imac u fucking cuck
btw martha is "secretly" a transgender

that's why she's decent weightlift


Well you can see her dick bulge when she lifts
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that's why i put quotation marks dumbfuck

wow don't call me dumbfuck you nigger this is a christian board
How hard will it be to learn the Olympic lifts if I don't have a coach and it's just by myself in my backyard? Also is c&j easier to learn than snatch or vice versa?
>How hard will it be to learn the Olympic lifts if I don't have a coach and it's just by myself in my backyard?

Depends on your level of inherent talent, and your ability to analyze your own lifting.

Also is c&j easier to learn than snatch or vice versa?

It's pretty close, but a lot of people would say the clean is easier than the snatch.
I record myself every set but I gotta wait till I get a form check everytime I record or else I'll just ingrain bad habits in my form so I'm thinking it'll be a really slow process. Also should I learn the positions from order of execution? Like learn to pull from ground first and then learn to brush etc etc. Or should I learn the position with the bar just above the knee position?
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Torohkity comment to ilya ilyin say "my friend you are the best that ever was. Do not stop ever! "
on what ilya post? the paradise shit? what does it say
Says he is taking vacation to Maldives 2 months before Olympic Games. Maybe he's given up
you fucking lie he just said everyone have a nice weekend while posting a blurry ass stock photo and people overreaacting like idiots like u
No. I am interpreting what he said. He literally says "have a nice weekend from Maldives

Why does it look like you're divebombing every squat? Lower the weight and learn to control it
there's no from in here

everyone a nice weekend !!! # Maldives

it's a stock photo, i'm willing to bet ilya doesnt own fish lens

Form Check pls.. PR@80KG bw

Ignore the jump in the middle also
kimbo slice just died


literally who
At least Chingiz is still natty.

Same dude, the way he lifts is sexy as hell.
Fug i hope your doing a hypertrophy routine along side owl.
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2 in2 it t b h
Terrible advice desu

It has come to our attention that Matt "Bombisar" King was in possession of high-grade explosives on 6/4/16. He is believed to be highly dangerous, and is a disciple of the terrorist cell known only as the "Bulgarian Method."

He is wanted for a recent bombing on a classified event called the "cleanandjerk" and should not be approached under any circumstances. Recent reports say that the Bulgarian Method is known to cause severe injury and career death.

Bystanders are urged to flee if they hear the words "Is no problem" as this is generally the phrase they hear before a bombing or severe soft-tissue injury. If you encounter Bombisar, call the IOC who are aware of the Bulgarian Method and it's notorious leader "Uncle." The Bombisar can be heard shouting "OUTTA MY WAY" prior to a rampage.

Good luck, and God bless.
This has been a public service announcement of the Chinese Weightlifting Association.

You're going to seriously fuck up your back with form like that, keep that shit tight coming back up bruh.
sedov is a madman. calling ilya out. kek
Why are everyone in owg twinkshits, and why is everyone in plg fat shits. How come there is not middle ground.
your sister looking for a quiet place to get pounded by chad while you snatch weights.
Anyone had experience with breathing squats?
Also anyone crazy tall like me? 6'6" if so what's your experience with lifting compared to manlets
Have you lost weight senpai?
Why yes. 2 thousand grams. Thank you for noticing :)
hi /owg/
i used to squat on my socks, never had pain
have PP 2's for the last month and squatting feels great in them, no pain
but now my knees feel tired during the day also crack more and sometimes little pain
does anyone have experience with this?
someone in my gym said to start squatting lowbar but fuck that
stretch more and deload?
crashing kazakhstan weightlifting without survivors.
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You mean 20rep squat program? I did it once. It was kill. I had to stop before last week because i got this exercise headache, couldn't do squats for almost 2 weeks. Didn't help my 1RM much, but mental squat gains were real.
How old are you?
Anyone of you ever thought about going to casual crossfit gym to be mired with form and weight on classics?
What a retard seriously
He called out ilya before in 09 and after nationals(forgot year). Then proceeds to join astana team which ilya started, leaves and starts acting up again.
Well he's always hated ilya which is weird I've heard it's down to his mrs being married to ilya to gain citizenship after she came from russia
From one side, Torokhtiy and Klokov recommend to do hyperextensions in warm up. I also want to do Everett's back work (http://www.catalystathletics.com/article/62/Back-Training-for-Weightlifting/) in the end of workout. Should I mix hypers in the beginning of workout and Everett's back training in the end?
this one?

why didnt she marry sedov instead lmao

and sedov daughter is cute durkz prob jump on it if he had a chance
I think she probably hasn't met sedov at the point they got married, it was purely a marriage of convenience
So what is everyone doing (or did) today at the gym?

Warm up + c&j tech
C&J 5x2
Front squats 5x5
Push press 5x4
Ab wheel 3x8 (3sec pause each rep)
Mobility 15min
no i think sedov was probably forced to marry podobedova so she can compete for kazakhstan, and had to stay married to her for a couple of years till she gains permanent resident
Took me about 5 months to have form that people will still call terrible, but at least I don't injure myself anymore. Be careful though and do mobility work 2x a day. I had unstable shoulders all my life and dislocated my right shoulder doing snatches with the bar. Had to get surgery and couldn't lift for 6 months.
> if I don't have a coach and it's just by myself in my backyard
Just get a coach dude, atleast for a while. Its not that scary or expensive considering that you could do weightlifting for the rest of your life.
How to get ATG without butt wink?
squat on my dick twinkboi
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>all things gym
>it's only one thing gym
one thing that matters
Self taught fag here.

My form is not perfect, but i am to the point where i am able to clean as much as i can front squat (because my front squat is garbage - didnt think i would have to work on squat strength as much as i do now)

My snatch is pretty shitty, and i am still fine tuning the form on that.

But just be prepared to not know how to do these lifts for MONTHS and MONTHS.

And pretty much any time you think you have the final form down, you probably dont.

I recommend watching at least the klokov videos, the pendlay videos, the alan thrall videos (his numbers are shit so i dont trust him too much, but i cant say he didnt help me learn), and pretty much get as many differing points of view as possible, from everyone who isnt rippetoe or crossfit
>alan thrall
hi pent, you had relatives move to north korea, right?
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press knees forward at the point you normally lose lumbar tension.
Alternatively, be a talentcuck
my grandparents are from north korea
so, they've been there from the very start? i was curious after reading about how some older south koreans head to the north to reunite with families they were separated with.
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Klokov 250kg Paused Squat.webm
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Wear compression shorts or singlets. Most of the "buttwink" people think they have come from the shorts not being elastic enough and pulled when you reach the bottom.

Also, a small amount of butt wink is natural and not a bad thing.

Vid related
I see no buttwink there.
Are you memeing
I think you're memeing
you're talking with someone who doesn't lift and just reads wikipedia articles and shitposts with his same tired webms of a russian faggot who he thinks somehow even remotely represents your normal person when it comes to lifting

I'd absolutely never take his advice on shit like this unless you want to potentially seriously damage your spine
Kazahkstan olympic committee confirmed 5 of its athletes are part of the doping scandal
yes, my only living grandparent is my grandpa and idk if he has families over there.
apparently lots of people immigrated to south during the war if they had money.
this is actually a super secret plan to kick out weightlifters with acne.
cuz u kno dats groce yo
What happened to klokovs depth?
It died like his career
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>chinese tea
>not indian

it's like you don't even want to make it, laddy
I'm the squat everyday guy

6 days ago my max was 155kg

today I hit 155kg x 3


Neat. Report back in a week.

Nat knows exactly what he's doing.
or she's showing off, the camera is on a tripod just filming
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wow this dude is so salty, it's not like he's clean either lol

or did Ilya kick him out of the astana team basically leaving him to fund himself that's why he's so mad?

apparently it's something to do with sedov's gf leaving him for ilya, but I'm not sure of the details
No you're retardedd

whats her full name?
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its on hg youtube
you dont choose where to bail you bail wherever you miss it, sometimes you over pull and it miss behind and sometimes you weak as shit and miss it in front, both are safe if you're not unathletic retard like our webm dude here
So what happened with people getting caught? Who and why?
Who will Russia be sending to the Olympics now that everyone's busted for pharma?

How did it happen? At this point everyone should just admit to using, and say fuck you to the rules, they need to be fixed.
Chen, Getts, Okulov+Aukhadov, Maligov, Bedzhanyan and Albegov
Thats what I think

what if one of those gets busted? Didn't Bedzhanyan have a positive sample a little while ago?
>everyone filming him on their phones
>that one guy watching whilst lying on the floor
Id be curious to try it but with my shitty old knees I know id be doing that instead of classics
does this scandal prove that klokov is natty?

Sedovs gf was ilyas wife before she met sedov, she married ilya to become kaz cos she is rus
Not Chingiz? He's 1 kg away from the snatch WR but I'm not sure if he's allround strong enough to represent Russia.
Sedov apologising on Instagram now

Alexey ni confirmed he will not be going to Rio according to kaz newpapers

Adam maligov commented on sedovs post 'brother hold on, everything will be Alright'

Seems sedov has nore affinity to Russia than kaz rn
check form guise
chingiz totalled 402 at his last comp lol, he's no where near albegov

agree with this but also naniev might be in the mix
Naniev looks v impressive and only 21
What weight
Lel, what?
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tfw Lü Xiaojun memejerks.webm
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There is, but the point is that it's natural.

What you're thinking "buttwink" is, is actually just clothing moving around.

Here's a good vid with links to studies and even shows Xiaojun with "buttwink" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1f6mk1aVuA

And here he shows the affect clothing has on "buttwink" perception https://youtu.be/DaA6vYPYDe8?t=2m32s (skip to 2:32)


We /crossfit general/ now?
Careful with the buttwink boogeyman.
Plg strong wlg week
U only posted this Bec you love trappy
And sparrow
And pinkshorts
No. That's not what it usually is.

The buttwink you see even in elite lifters is the spine going from a slight lordotic arch into complete neutrality (flat back). It just happens briefly in the hole and causes no harm (as long as a kypothic curve doesn't occur). For most people it's impossible to keep a hard lordotic curve in the hole and the hips tilt back a little.

I'm not saying you're WRONG about the clothes. But...
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retards btfo

>Seems sedov has nore affinity to Russia than kaz rn

that's weird because sedov is more kazakh than ilya is lol
Someone here recommended me to do (and i like it so far):

A: Snatch, snatch pulls
B: C&J, front squats
C: C&J, clean pulls
D: Snatch, Back squat

Also doing some press, upper back and ab exercises. Is the core routine enough for legs / posterior chain, or should i also do some good mornings etc
they're going to bring klokov out of retirement and offer him a huge sum to win.

That's why I use " " when talking about "buttwink".
Stupid meme.

>slight lordotic arch into complete neutrality

"Lordotic arch" is neutral. A "straight spine" is not neutral.

>as long as a kypothic curve doesn't occur

Ever heard of Stu McGill? You know, like a leading expert in orthopedic spinal healthcare. Is he a meme, too?

Yes, I have read most of his book.
Your point is?
lmao he deleted all his posts and put a blank paper

bitch you just can't decide to start over after doing all this shit
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I know it's not a neutral back, that's why I used the term sparingly. But a hard lordotic arc is not neutral. If you argue pic related is neutral, you're dumb.

And in regards to kyphotic curve, are you telling me you can squat with a catback? You're very ignorant when it comes to the spine. Please never post here again.

Stuart McGill has done good research and has good reccomendations for the GENERAL population. He's not a meme and does very good work. He starts meming once he starts applying his research to top level athletes, particularly strength athletes. For several reasons, he's wrong in that regard. First is that athletes sacrifice having ideal health to be the absolute best. The second, is that athletes aren't the general population. To put it simply, they're freaks.
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Sara Alemanno 75kg C&J.webm
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>If you argue pic related is neutral, you're dumb.

Who's arguing your pic is neutral?

>are you telling me you can squat with a catback?

No, that was literally never said by me.

>You're very ignorant when it comes to the spine.

Wow you sure busted the strawman you made up. Will it ever recover?
Ye but he's fucking podovovovov who's a ruski and since he got kicked off astana he probably hangs out with the Russian dudes instead
Dude you're fucking stupid that's his muscle not his spine. That's literally his spinal erectors. You wouldn't know because you have no muscle on your skinny pathetic feminine pussy mental illness body
You said preventing a kyhotic curve when squating is a meme.

You said lordosis is a neutral spine.

You said...
You implied...
You said...

I'm not taking the bait. Be more concise when you express yourself, and when someone misinterprets you (because YOU are unable to properly express yourself...) don't tell them they mare a strawman (because YOU gave them that information, and YOU just don't want to take responsibility).

I'm not taking anymore of your bait.

Also, look at Lu. He has HUGE spinal erectors, for this reason, he doesn't round his back ever when squatting. It is preventable.
She caught that clean so high. Is she limited by her overhead strength?
They train their spinal erectors more than anyone else with rounded back deadlifts and lu specifically does back extensions every day
She's limited by being a bitch, she's been stuck at the same numbers since she was a teen like what's happening with Nicole lim
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Sara Alemanno 85kg C&J.webm
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You're looking in the wrong place. Everyone knows that bulge on his back are his spinal erectors.


>lordosis is a neutral spine

It literally is. Lordosis of the lumbar is the natural position of the spine.
Have you ever seen an actual spine?

>You said preventing a kyhotic curve when squating is a meme.

No, I've never said that.

>He has HUGE spinal erectors, for this reason, he doesn't round his back

"Buttwink" is not a matter of spinal erector strength.


Buttwink is just flexibility and form
I know.
I literally just mentioned it for Commie.

It's easier to keep a lordotic curve (in this case, under load) with very strong spinal erectors.

Overly tight spinal erectors can also lead to a hard lumbar lordosis (a posture problem).
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How do I get erectors like these
>high bar
>no atg
go home fatso
Just do some back extensions bro
When are they going to announce the Kazakh lifters that got popped REEEEEEEEEE

I need to know that Ilya is safe
He isn't. One male kaz gold medalist popped. Ilya is the only one.

>One male kaz gold medalist popped

IWF Source?
No iwf comment until ioc finish with b samples
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