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Thread replies: 330
Thread images: 57

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I jerked 170 at 101 my dudes.
Also it's wednesday.

>tfw was about to quit
>crossfit gym owner told me they're merging with a weightlifting gym
>go over to check it out and they have plenty of platforms and are getting new squat racks
>eleiko plates and bars
fu-- dude!
nice snatch
now i have to jerk and clean baka
You make OHP kids look stupid
OHP kids?
Ye, the ones who think OHP is the most manly exercise and ultimate sight of strength
Do good mornings require a lot of flexibility/mobility?

trying to use them as back assistance and I feel like I'm either doing them wrong or I'm just not flexible enough

my back kinda bends when I go too far down and my erectors take a beating
is that supposed to happen?
But ohp is bretty cool too

>back assistance

And it requires minimum flexibility.
I'm not doing the straight-legged version, so hamstrings don't play that much of a role

I think I may lack thoracic and lower back flexibility needed for this
Learning how to snatch as a lanklet

When hitting the bar I was hitting it on my upper thigh, shit bruised up and was obviously not doing it right since it was making contact too low

Now im hitting it higher, above my dick pubic area. Feels a lot better now but still kinda hurts. Am I hitting it too hard? Keep in mind I'm like using the bar or adding the the light 5kg training plates
Don't bang the bar. Think of brushing the hips with the bar, instead of banging the bar with your hips. Brush. Don't bang.

Also, don't pull with your arms prematurely trying to brush the hips either.

Try doing some pulls to get the movement right. Think of bringing the bar into your belly as you extend.

You should post a video.
>tfw coach introduces you to his professional rugby player son as "the star weightlifter"

I'm not even very good

as a beginner, even not banging the bar super hard can definitely still hurt a bit or bruise.

Eventually you will both get used to it, and you will learn not to hit it as hard.
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>officially junior national champ
>not even that stronk
wat country
Sup bois
What's everyone training today
btn jerks

back bb work

Streng leffts, mate.


But this is literally the wrong thread.

Neck still sore and stiff. Off day, anyway.

Box jumps at 45"
BB rows
Push ups
Walking lunges
DB presses
Clean and jerk
Clean pulls
Drop snatches
NIce singlet
Ohp and pulls because my hip flexor is still fugged
Day off

Sn bal light n quick
Below knee hang sn which I suck at
Block jerks

owg chatroom and vids
Who /baystategames/ here
I have a month to drop 4kg and stop being obese
I hope I'll qualify for uni nats :3
What u need to hit?
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How close are you to that
and im sending em to ur base rite now
Front squats and OHP
Be serious pls
u will c

Youre a man
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What did they do to him? What happened?

He's having a mental breakdown.
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somebody kill me
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Fark brah mirron quadriceps, routine?
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fuck m8 dont you think your shoes are a bit large
Come on m8 you could you just strictpress it why fuck with jerking it
>roiding for this
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When will it be mine turn to be an OWG sensation
squat routine: squat max weights until my back or knees hurt so bad i cant do anymore. if it hurts my knees to stand up the next morning, i know i did well

diet: one slice of pizza and a half liter of chocolate milk every lunch

A true american hero
This man will bring America back into the olympics
In what way is that faggot a sensation?

>post your own webms on every general every day
>newfags will think you're a sensation
>you become a meme

It's a good plan if you can handle all the bullying and people asking you to kill yourself or saying you're weaker than trappy-chan.
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they fit very well

Become a trip please
prayers for Ilya x f
how much time do you spend every day on mobility /owg/?
Not enough desu



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Do you really want to be comedy fodder for /owg/?
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Im so shit guys. Literally the girls at the gym are lifting heavier than me. Joined months ago and have only learned how to squat and deadlift. My cleans and snatch form is terrible

Please tell me it gets better

1/2/3/4 in 3 months
worry about cleaning and snatching later

or you can just do what >>37489729 does and have no progress after 3 months
Does the time we spend snatching/cleaning/squatting count as mobility work?

Then six hours a week.

Literally none if it doesn't. Is this bad?
Alex lee bombs out 135kg snatch in pan ams today and Norik vard. Isn't going because he doesn't want to get popped for his steroid cycle and is a massive faggot
Ok seriously why dont you do a standard LP for a bit? Or at least some sort of strength progression.

Everyone was weak at some point but mate, you gotta fucking train smart
how to prevent bar traveling forward on snatch?
if youre flexible enough already who gives a fuk
what % of max is it, and why are you even doing "heavy" jerk singles at this point in ur WL journey
Do trapi like klokov and muscle snatch like yasha
Knee sleeve recommendations?
What is your opinion on the adidas Powerlifts 2 vs 3?
The 3s are fugly but if they are better I guess they're just like 10 more €
the hookgrip knee sleeves do me just fine for squats, for the actual lifts I don't use sleeves.
I'm debating getting them for knee warmth and compression, but I'm not sure whether the compression really does anything
They don't have any sort of compression really, it's just warmth. They're not like neoprene sleeves.
they sounds kinda shitty then...
Do you really need compression? honestly if you want tightness around the knees, just get ace bandages or hookgrip russian wraps, they give much more compression than sleeves.
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why is there a board on one side but not the other?
When squatting highbar atg, I have to turn my feet out pretty far (~45°), with a shoulder width stance.

Is that fine or am I setting myself up for exploded knees?
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because commie memed me into maxing whenever i can and i just want to lift big weights so he got me

and it's 101%

i am. commie told me i'm dumb. doing 5x5 backsquats for now, with the first few sets paused to help fix my divebombing. going to be adding weight each workout if i can. doing the same for press as well
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>falling for the mehdi 5x5 stallfest meme
>not doing 3x5
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I swear this kid is snatching more than he jerks?
Yes. I power snatched 55 the other day, and missed 58 (but I caught it high enough, I only missed cuz I'm a dumbo), I'm pretty sure I can pull 60 high enough to power snatch it It's very concerning desu.

Commie just told me to jerk more and above all else, get a stronk squat since CJ is more strength based. I'm going to put a lot more CJ and rack jerks, as well as strength work at high volumes.
Gotta confuse those muscles right babe
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big ass boats on your feet. Why the wide grip?
Shoo shoo gains goblin
>On my way to steal yo gurl
That's not that wide for his long ass arms
haven't been lifting for several weeks, play soccer etc. Went to the gym and was surprised to make decent numbers, tho technique is slipping a bit.
snatch 88x3
any comments?

Looks pretty solid, esp after some time off.
do you still go to baza gym did you meet klokov yet
I don't - I didnt train for some time and don't need big weights. Though I will return soon. I tried to camp Lovchev and Klokov once but was too late to meet them.

also, made CJ 113 1+2 today, shit I am weak and the technique in CJ is bad - slow under the bar and bad leg positions in jerk (rear leg wrong angle, front not forward enough).
shut up
i coulde kick your asse
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rip spine
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This is what you get for posting on OWG and being a faggot at the same time
How do we ban this faggot from owg
not sure what you mean.
what have i gotten other than your attention :^)
I can't wait to see Mattie bomb
got a stream?
Why would you want to? Hes hilarious looking
I think the owg rubberman is actually gonna get good oneday
Shoo shoo wobbleman!

does it work if i an the wobbleman?
What if i think OHP is the single most important lift for aesthetics? Am i still an ohp kid faggot?
yeah because chin ups are, those make you look wide with clothes and girls mire back and arms
About 184cm/6 foot 1
i weigh 85kg
can someone please post the commies notes on the bulgearyan method?
Wew lad, I thought you're taller.
It might, try it
i thought you were like 2 meters tall desu
Shoo shoo wobbleman!
Post topless photo I wanna see your rig I weigh 5kilos less and I'm the same height but I sswear I look bigger
shoo shoo wobbleman!
How to stop the bar from coming forward on the bottom of my dip?

I have short torso and long legs

stay more upright
get your knees out of the way
The fucking dip I don't need your shitty advice if you don't know what that is
tighter upper back/chest up

Make sure your rack is on point, keep your back and core tight, and stop thinking about it. Instead, focus on your hips lower torso. Imagine this is a hydraulic piston. It is solid metal. It goes down and then explodes straight up--as a unit. Straight down, straight up. Don't dawdle. Straight down and then BANG.
sorry I'm fucking tired
Well he's certainly not athletic. Furthermore, his performance is terrible. And he's not even centred because he has 43 chromosomes.
I should have mentioned it but my hips shifts forward too at the bottom, my chest stats decently tight I think, hips shift forward and up on the drive too
toes out
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i probably am, for some reason people think im like 6 foot 4 inch but at the doctors they measured me 6 foot 0.8 inch, but i wasnt up my tallest. i measured myself with a measuring tape a little bit ago and i was six foot two. i measured myself today as well and i was five foot seven.

sure heres a frsh one
well if you or the measuring tape wobbles as you try to measure yourself i guess you're gonna have a different height everytime
i measured.

like 185-187cm
im 186 and on the stronfat end of the scale. I would like a relationship with you, like yin and yang
but im going for strongfat mode
i hope youre going for lanklet mode then so we can give eachother tips on our journeys
why would you want to be strongfat? Everytime ive posted my lifts on here they have commented on my fatassery rather than the lift itself ;_;, atleast people tell you your lift is shit
well, unlike you i plan to actually cut once and a while ;^) but i am going for big guy mode because its likely where i'll be most succesful

whats your wechat

What the fuck is wechat? Im not amerilard (im normal lard)
>he doesnt know
use lmgtfy to google it
Just add me on steam dude, who the fuck doesnt have steam in 2016
then tell me your steam?????????????????????? LOL
either start with your shoulders more forward of the bar or turn your feet out more and focus on getting the knees out of the way in the first pull

the bar is looping around your knees making the pull harder for you
no u and i will add
Same exact bar path as this kid on my jerks

I'll try the advice I get today see if I can make chang
its hugsaredrugs thats my username
my nickname is proton pump spelt in cyrillics and i have a DNP molecule as my avatar
This is blue romaleos
He'll message you incessantly about autismo shit
Add at your own risk
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>?????????????????????? LOL
i dont see anything
my internet on my pc is messed up and on my app/in browser chat i see nthing

ill tether my phone to pc sry 1 sec
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nice flare u did good prutus
white men cant jump btw
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This is a good start
yarkin's training looks so brutal and his coach looks like he's just having fun abusing this kid


any russian can tell us what the coach yells at yarkin after every set
Thanks senpai, I'm trying my hardest to force this meme
I think his coach is hiss brother. Idk what he saying but he's known for being very hard on him

This attitude and the style of training seems quite old school even for Russia
Mattie opening at 102?
She will bomb
https://sendvid com/ilciwk7t
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Why can't women talk like a civilized people?
I want her to squeeze her sweaty thights around my head.
She is a he buddy
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Fuaark how does she catch snatches like this? I need to do mobility and git gud.

ankle dorsiflexion and thoracic mobility

the last mattie poster got IP banned.. you wanna join him ?
This is blue romaleos
Imagine a girl doing a snatch over your naked body and when she catches the bar her snatch lands on your dick. Crossfit reps
Why'd he get banned
Guess she proved me wrong! haha
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How do I get a qt oly gf like Wang Mingjuan? I live in new Jersey
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WHy is owg so ded
like that's ever gonna happen.
idk lad but I hit my first lmao3pl8 squat today, u proud? <3
Do you think you could beat my 175x5 front squat in under 1 year?
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The last two seconds on this were really fucking spooky.
Looked like you were chocking on the bar senpai.

pls stay safe
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u bet ur biscuit
Thanks man
he looked more like a turtle to me
I do the butchered power variations of ply lifts, power snatch and power clean & push press, because I like them, (no elitist hate pls) I don't ever feel contact with the bar on my hips/thighs during the pulls but they feel and look smooth none the less, I feel like I'm doing them wrong because of this black of contact
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Sara Alemanno 70kg Snatch.webm
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I don't put the bar on my clavicles, I put it on my shoulders.
what happened there was not common for me
she is such a qt
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>thats not how it works retard

It's definitely how it works for me

>If you post yourself squatting over 40kg I'll let you be here.

40kg? You want a barbell pistol squat or something?
>walking backwards into the rack
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i used 2 hate her

but now she aite 2 me
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thank god i dont power jerk at comp
also how do i into full extension
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>ywn be as qt as the ob
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it cut off the best part
does she realise what shes doing?!??????

why does she look like she has the motor skills of a baby?
that's a decent power snatch, stop hating cause you'll never fuck a girl as good looking as this random titty bitch
What does 1/2/3/4 mean?
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Form check please.

From what I can tell, apart from get stronger and successfully jerk the weight, problems prevalent in the webm include a severe case of bar crash in my clean, center of gravity slightly too far back (I think?) and my knees cave in slightly during the dip of the drive.

Anything else that needs working on?

Also, does my pull from the floor actually look like a proper clean pull or does it just look like as if I'm doing a conventional deadlift.
start with getting actual wl shoes
Too expensive at the moment and don't want to resort to shoes like powerlifts, waiting for some kind of sale as apparently they can go as cheap as 50% off if you check at the right time and at the right store.

So what about my form?
No man, I can wear whatever I want. I do just fine with my vans
Is it worth doing snatches without bumper plates? Cant find a gym anywhere that has them and I cant afford homegym master race.

number of plates for the big four respectively
1pl8 ohp / 2 pl8 bench / 3pl8 squat / 4pl8 diddly
With pl8 being representative of the number of 20kg plates on each side of the bar, 20kg being the heaviest single plate commonly found in most commercial gyms
Lol no, you hurt the bar
Have a platform but no bumpers in my local gym. I just do them from the hang position and don't drop the bar at the top like an autist.
>builds towers
>fuck i need more stone
>tfw you know you've lost
Anything I can do get under the bar faster in the jerk? drop jerks or just git gud?
Trappy don't get sassy, we're all waiting for these squat videos/clean/snatch videos but you never fucking post

>Implying you can pistol squat 40kg

go fuck yourself. i'm a master at ban evasion amd you cant threaten to ban people you insignificant fuck.

i hope you choke on a broccoli in your lonely bachelor apartment and your cat eats you you worthless fuck

i'll literally post whatever the fuck i want>>37503652
Really just looks like you planted your lead foot too early. Commit fully, really push off with your arms, and work on your groin flexibility if you can't put your lead foot any further forward. Drive through your heels more and make the motion an explosion that starts at the heels and travels upwards through to your lower arms, with no gaps in between.
That feel when new snatch PR

And the gym cutie was low key watching

Feels gud mang
>roiding for this
>Commit fully, really push off with your arms,
Do you mean I should actively push the bar up with my arms and shoulders in the jerk rather than have the arm fly up as a result of extension?

>Drive through your heels
What? I thought you are meant to have your center of gravity on the middle or balls of your feet or does that only apply for cleans and snatch and not jerks?

>make the motion an explosion that starts at the heels and travels upwards through to your lower arms, with no gaps in between.

Does the upward drive of my jerk in the webm look disjointed? I don't really see it though if that is the case, I guess I will keep that in mind and try to keep it smooth.
Deliugee, you were correct. And i could not take it.
Take what? Your boyfriend's dick? Lol
How bad is this for your knees?
How can I front squat without dying? Every other exercise I take a breath between reps but I can never get enough air in during front squats and I feel like I'm going to pass out after 3 reps
stop letting it crush your windpipe then
I-it's on my delts tho
Then why do you have trouble breathing?
I never had that problem, but instead of something like 5x5, just do 6x3
It could be my autism

Yeah, was doing 3x5 thinking switching the set/rep scheme up
Then again I'd rather fix the problem than just work around it
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that's why he was so angery i guess

i dont hate him as much now
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but why he hate ilya too
Ilya has massive say in team astana and can do what he wants, apparently he is main reason sedov got remove from team hence why he competed all this year in none astana singlet

Sedov should leave for citizenship elsewhere
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Y-you're cute OB
Dun say that
Im disgusting trash
Nah, you're fine.
Have you been in Canadian Nationals?
No im no where close (was one spot away from junior nationals) to senoir nationals need like 220@69 or i think 240@77

Best is 187@66
At 70bw rn but havent competed in a while
Damn brah, i forgot that the men's numbers were so high!
Will you be soon senior? Or do you have one year left?
I can compete at ON juniors but canadian juniors is in jan when i wont b a junior
Vladmir sedov looks like a total bro in his new Instagram postd
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That sucks. Keep training, you'll git stronk eventually
wtf bruh u look 16 tops
Thanks senpai
Gona be 20 on july 28
How was your lift today lads? I hit CnJ singles, followed by push press quads before finishing with some weighted dips. No squats today, as tomorrow is my back squat day and I've hit front squats every lift this week
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I would.

Both of them.

Especially Commie.
She looks like Commie tried to take up cross-dressing
Shut the fuck up you fucking autist little fucking bitch motherfucker.

>i did pent by pent squats today Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah


new thread
gonna need a full res of that shirtless commisar
>Do you mean I should actively push the bar up with my arms and shoulders in the jerk rather than have the arm fly up as a result of extension?
Yes. Obviously this is secondary and following your legs doing the brunt of the work, but you do want to actively use your arms.

>What? I thought you are meant to have your center of gravity on the middle or balls of your feet or does that only apply for cleans and snatch and not jerks?
Center of gravity should be around the middle of the arches of your feet or closer to your heels than that. It will help you in the long run to start the jerk with your CoG over your heels, have a more stable and strong base, and then gradually let the CoG move forward as you get better. Yours is closer to the ball of your foot and the laxity and instability it causes is apparent.

>Does the upward drive of my jerk in the webm look disjointed?
It does. It also looks like your knees cave in a little. By a little I mean like 2cm, but they still look to cave in, and that'll limit progress.
Someone make real new thread not that faggy merging meme fuckk that prick cunt twat
Lel, so what did you do today?
why would you need a new thread idiot this is still good

ur just as retarded as you
will try, thanks
When we need a new one obvs you dense shithead
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Yeah, it's a good pic. I planned to post it later sometime. Here.

Here's commies ass too: https://www.instagram.com/p/9mQQtdqc03/
am I still /owg/ if I only do power movements + split jerks?
please love me
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Why did you sore weak losers report our thread?
jesus fuck that split
bianco is crazy
god damnit
----------NEW INSTAGRAM VIDEO----------


----------NEW INSTAGRAM VIDEO----------
ur trying too hard
maybe because I actually want to make it unlike you, talentcuck.
Stop trying to join up we all know powerlifting is for fat lazy fucks with no skill and it's a boring as fuck spectacle too
Looks like how Hysen lifted
Trying to hard to be funny and be a meme not a lifter
im not really sure what u meam
I didn't make that thread, I was just wondering how butthurt and how pathetic one's life must be to go out of their way to report it.
>no skill
>coming from the sport with literally only PED users in the top ranks
>positives on year-old samples
Don't delude yourself. The honest top in the IPF, like Brett Gibbs, etc, will never test positive, while weightlifters bribe their way out of tests, and get started from day one in the case of the Chinese.
Post your pics and lifts, thank you
What has that got to do with you being fat?
Oh, you are fat, nevermind, didn't want to call you out like that.
Great bant mate well funny

Fat plg motherfucker's
But why are you fat?

You aren't even strong in return.
I'm actually a skelly
That valgus makes Isley's squat look beautiful.
fucking hell owg I even jack off in hook grip now
Hey /owg/

My pull during the snatch is fucking horrible. When I do shrugs or high pulls I can keep it reallllly close to the skin but for some reason when I do a full snatch or even just a power snatch from the hang the bar goes too forward. Tips?

Maybe more from the hang then progressively go lower?
I haven't been on /fit/ in 9 months. Someone give me cliffs of what has happened at least in Owg pls.

Need video
honestly bro this hobby isn't for you
kuya graduated/barely posts
comm has made progress on his version of "bulg"
trappy now tries to offer advice in owg
some kid from northern ontario has been memeing it up with his v wobbly lifting

im the same
Also deliuge became arrogant cos he hit 80kg snatch after 2 years lifting and world class coaching now he is a 'coach'
guys, how do i bail out on power jerks?
everytime i fail a jerk it falls on my back
and i collapse on my knees, it doesnt really hurt my back but my knees die
let it fall forward?
i cant
are you retarded?
Well you are "weightlifter" when you can clean your weight :^)
well, power cleans are supposed to be harder than full cleans, no?
Well you can't lift as much weight, but tech is not as hard as of a full cleans

Many beginners and even intermediate lifters just power clean + squat their "full clean" anyway, because they don't know / can't get under the bar fast
i gotta try this

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Carotid Arteries.webm
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Reminder not to block your carotid arteries when holding the bar in the racking position.
And I'm on HGH!
ye ill try and let it fall forward i just hope i didnt injure myself when it hit my back
How do I fix press?

Commie told me to meme my scalps to help front squat.

How do I fix this meme valgus?

If you have weak legs like me, it's possible to power clean more than you squat clean, simply because you can't recover anything heavier out of a squat.

I have good carotid artery genes, mine can't be obscured by the bar. Thank god I can put the bar wherever I want and have a super stable rack position.

Don't even joke about that, you really need to be.

>this webm


He didn't get injured in the end.
But yes if you block these arteries with the barbell you will pass out really quickly, before you even notice.


Honestly most of your issues are fixable by simply getting stronger.
Do you have side-view for the push press?
I don't. Commie told me chest up more on the push press dip and to just keep doing them, saying the weight looked too light for me and that I'll just figure it out with time. I agree.

He also said depress scalps on front squat, to which I actually agreed because commie explained that the "depress scalps" cue just means tight lats. As well, chest up just means "tight upper back".

Yes, for the push press you want to keep your torso as upright as possible. This means you want most of the angle displacement to come from the knees, not the hips.
The knee extensors generate upward drive, the hip extensors generate forward drive. For the push press, you want as much upward drive as you can.
(simplistic representation but you get the point)

On the squats your weakpoint seems to be your thoracic spinal erectors. That's why your torso keeps dropping forwards.
But this is basically fixable by just getting stronger.
There are accessories that can be used and whatnot, but at this point simply front squatting will build the back strength you'll need.

Keeping the lats flexed helps and is important for pretty much every lift that involves your back, because they are major for trunk stability.
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guys i want to buy resistance bands to do mobility work, mostly on my hips. Took a look at rogue's monster bands but they are so expensive. Are there better alternatives, are the Rogue one's worth it?
Im not joking though.
how do I stop hitting my dink on cleans?
my front squat is shit and I just fucking hate squats in general, so power cleans are actually easier
I've been doing WL for 6 months now

My form is still terrible and I'm fucking around with 60kg snatches that I swing

Should I just give up?

182cm / 85kg
Well what is your goal. If you enjoy WL and it is your hobby, stick to it. You can only get better.

If your goal is to just get easily good at something and then compete, then try something that is easier.
Dw I still snatch 60kg after 3 years
How do I even stop the swinging

If I use 40kg, my form is ten times better. As soon as it feels heavy, i just start pulling to early, with my arms, going on my toes etc.

grip and stance width
>i just start pulling to early, with my arms
turn your elbows out

harder to cheat on your first pull

No, Rogue is not worth the money. You are paying for the brand, that's it.

I have these: https://www.amazon.com/Resistance-Freetoo%C2%AE-Workout-pilates-physical/dp/B00VA1TDMO/ref=sr_1_26?s=sports-and-fitness&ie=UTF8&qid=1465667108&sr=1-26&keywords=resistance+bands

They work just fine.

thats a push press

and u fix it by getting strong and working on staying tight not being le wobbly man
d-d-d-dont p-post that i am gay!!!!!!!!

I have recognized that weakness on front sq.

I'm going to be doing rows 2x a week. As well I need to tighten back more.
then start doing more snatches at 40kg lol

>push press
>that's a not a press!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and they call me autistic heh
how do you find girls who are bigger than you attractive? Like I couldn't imagine sleeping with a girl who weighed more than me... even if i was 70 pounds lighter.
I bought some off ebay

theyre fine

im just saying, if ya gona say somethin say it right

i duno big butt n big boobs are attractive to me
and its not really bigger than me aspect
doesn't it make u feel like you should be bigger though. to like fulfill your gender responsibilities, ya know?
then fix ur grammar before you start preaching to my mom cunts faggot you high school dropout
oh yeah forsure
i said you're gay
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k den
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yeah iktf
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120 hang clean and 100 sn.webm
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i still think hangs arent any good for improving the full lifts but some guy told me do do hangs from knee with 110 so i'll give them a shot
what do u use to record vids?
is it true Sean is coaching you now?
a phone
Are you insecure durkz? You seem like you are, and this statement and the fact you're fucking a kid makes me think you're not comfortable with your own masculinity
>hang from the hips

i knew you were stupid but i didn't think you were this stupid

I can finally filter you, thanks.
i was asking becuase it was good quality and i remember him talking abt getting an ipad for school or some shit
Idk man. I've never been smaller than any girls so I don't know how I would feel if I was.
neew thread

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-----------NEW THREAD----------
>tfw this happened to me after a clean
I kind of just dropped the bar and fell on the ground, had some kind of dream and woke up 10 seconds later with my ears ringing. I'd probably do it again if I didn't know how self-destructive that is.
Fuck off

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