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>21 YO virgin >masturbated at least once per day since

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>21 YO virgin
>masturbated at least once per day since 13 yo
>no confidence except when black out drunk
>manage to get 2 girls into bed on two seperate occasions while intoxicated but couldn't get hard either time
>write it off as whiskey dick
>decide to change my life
>read about philosophy
>work on my self image and confidence
>learn to be alpha
>start working out and making noob gains
>stop masturbating so much
>meet a girl
>go round for netflix and fuck
>I can't get it up
>management a half mast, literally just at the threshold to penetrate
>have basically as flaccid sex as possible
>don't cum
>she acts like she did but I'm pretty sure she was faking it to make me feel better
>girl is cool about it, wants to try again
>we do a few days later
>I cant even get hard enough to put a condom on
>literally just making out naked for hours
>she acts like she's fine but I know that shes still holding out for the possibility of it still happening and its annoying her that it isn't
>she says its probably nerves, I never told her I was a virgin but she probably figured it out
>she suggests we organise to try again. Tells me to try not masturbating at all until I see her next in a few days to see if that works
>I agree
>I don't tell her its already been a week since I last wanked
>she says she can't wait to have me inside her
>shes so hopeful that we will fuck properly soon
>I know I'm not going to be able to satisfy her again and probably never will
>tfw you're a fucking worthless pathetic failure of a man
>tfw erectile disfunction at 21
The worst part is that I probably did this to myself with my chronic wanking. I went and told the doc about it today and got my blood checked, I'll get results in a few days and we'll see what happens from there.

I'm seeing her again tonight. Should I just tell her whats happening and that I dont want to try again until I get things sorted? I almost can't stand seeing her just because the embarrassment is too much. Should I tell her that?

Any other young brehs have ED? How do you get over the feeling of being worse than shit?
try nofap and noporn try to have a boner once a day but dont bate

ull be cured in 6 days
When you can (go tomorrow), get horny goat weed from GNC and Yohimbine hcl if you can. Take them everyday till day of fuck.

Thank me later OP and good luck.
get a shrink
Go pick up some L Arginine and Viagra from Walgreens before you see her.
I have the opposite problem. How do I cure PE?
Ask her to jerk you off.
I do. No sensitivity and I can't get it up from too much fapping and stupid dick breaking shit.
It is definitely psychological. The more you think about it the softer you will be. Do what >>36651005 said or just try to relax more and don't overthink it

You have put too much pressure on yourself. Id recommend getting viagra. Take it 30 min before sex... and then go to a psychologist to help you even further with this. Start meditating, stop looking at porn but keep fapping to imagination (try 3 times a week thinking about non depraved shit). Its anxiety thats killing your boners... but that anxiety or the imability to relax and control your emotions comes from being mentaly unstable or inmature. Thats why a psychologist is a good choice. Good luck man.
this shit happened to me just go to the chemists either that or go into a pub toilet and buy some of them enhancement pills and you'll be sterling.
Had the same prob when I was 18 but had a cool gf who worked it out with me. You just need to get comfortable OP. I know it's embarrassing but you're better off being honest with a girl who actually wants to date you and not just get fucked. I also am very insensitive I guess and can't get off with a condom on. That may be an issue you have, idk. Just keep at it.
You mispelled suck you off.
>read about philosophy
Then why didn't you learn that women were overrated?
Literally every decent philosopher was a misogyinist.
>every decent philosopher was a misogynist
>you mean gay
>get horny goat weed
I saw that at the chemist and thought about it but decided to wait till my blood results came back. Dont want to risk making things worse possibly.

I understand why this would help some people, but I just dont think I'm the sort of person who would benefit from counselling and I dont want to waste my money. I know a lot of people say exactly that but then try it and find that it works, but I feel like everything a counsellor could tell me is something I've almost definitely already thought of myself already. If worse comes to worst I guess I'll try it, but I don't see how it would be better than what I'm doing now talking to you guys

Shes fucking amazing at both of those but even with her doing that nonstop I couldnt manage full mast and even getting soft again half way through

I think you guys are right that its just nerves. I guess I need to talk to her about it. The thing I'm most scared of I guess apart from it being more than just nerves is that she knows so many of my friends because she went to the same college as them. She seems really understanding and I trust her to not ruin my life with it, but people talk.
>Masturbate straight up three times a day since I was in middle school since some hot ass chick lived across the street from me and we always walked to the bus stop together.
>Still spank it three times a day if not more since I moved out when I was 18.
>10 years later I still wank 3 times a day.
>A woman just grazing my body gets me harder than the presidential fitness exam for obese children.

Its in your head OP. Go see a shrink.
This just makes me think it isn't in my head though

>>A woman just grazing my body gets me harder than the presidential fitness exam for obese children.
I don't get this hard even when masturbating. I remember one I had a week where I was hard as fuck whenever I got horny and I remember thinking this is what someone who hardly wants must be like all the time, but then it just went away and I went back to stroking my 80% erection everyday. I've also noticed that I have to constantly be stroking because if I so for more than a few seconds I go soft again
>hardly wants
Sounds like you need to lose weight lad. Do some mad cardio.

Even if you are skinny, you could have shit clogging up your arteries from where the blood pumps to your heart and all the way to your dick.

Go on a purge for a while, do some cardio, lay off the fatty foods. Most processed foods out there thicken your blood so its harder to get an erection.

Try taking two aspirin a day for a month and see where thats gets ya lad.
go get some viagra or something dillweed damn
Holy fuck man, are you me? Except I'm 19, and eventually I've been able to get it up a few times, but only like 30-40% of the time kek. I wanna get viagra but doctors tell me no cause I'm only 19. I didn't even fap that much when I was younger, just once a day most time
on the bright side she likes you enough to give you 3 chances so you have that to be proud of at least
You're lucky.
She sounds pretty cool.
Just blue pill til you get over the hump, like training wheels.
>once you know how it's done you won't need em anymore.
She needs to put your dick in her mouth and get it hard. If she can't do that then she's probably not hot enough or trying hard enough.

You aren't going to get hard from a little kissing and tit groping.
Get some viagra OP.

Or, I want you to sit down as if you're at the computer behind a monitor fapping to porn.

You'd be a little bit slouched. Make sure it is the exact same position as sitting in the environment you usually fap in.

Again, viagra as a last resort.
Permanently wacking it
Do some mid intensity cardio 1-2 hours before fucking, legit solved my incurable ed, dick was the most erect in my entire life.
this so much anon, I used to have a similar problem.

unfortunately, girls nowadays wanna be all independent and not disrespected, so unless she's really into sucking dick, don't just be like HEY SUCK MY DICK just say something a little more sensitive like "hey can you help me out real quick" while positioning your dick in front of her face. will always work.

unless it's a slut, then just slap her and tell her to suck your dick if she wants the meat, they love being treated like shit.
How about instead of telling us about your problems, get the fuck off of /fit/ and go back to /r9k/.
Has it occurred to you that you're not supposed to have sex before marriage and your dick is telling you not to be degenerate subhuman filth?
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>at least you got a girl into your bed
>Shes fucking amazing at both of those but even with her doing that nonstop I couldnt manage full mast and even getting soft again half way through

I'm 80kg at 6"1' so I'm not over- or under-weight. But I will try to do more cardio to see if that helps.

I wanna wait for my blood results before I try vaigra or anything like that. But I will push for recommendations by the doc when I see her next

I'll ask my doc about this
Not /fit/ related.


OP this is nerves, and you already have a pretty cool chick so stop fucking things up please. Talk to a counselor, talk to her, once you are actually able to fuck her once you'll be just fine.


I would tell you to order it online, fucking shit for brains, except that's assuming any woman would actually want to have sex with you.
How is erectile dysfunction not /fit/ related? How is it /r9k/ related?
Gas station boner pills bro. Shit is basically legal Viagra. The chemicals in those things will literally dick slap any fucked up psychological issues to the wayside.
>implying viagra is illegal
Jesus christ you must be really rich for her to still be into you
no but viagra cost 44 dollars a pill

it is nerves man. just don't freak out about it to her and you'll eventually get comfortable enough with her that it'll happen naturally.

if you make it a huge deal and put yourself down about it in front of her, she'll be turned off. just keep trying dude you got it.

>tfw learned this the hard way
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Breh it's just performance anxiety. Happened to me all the time when I first started having sex and now I can't even remember what it was like. If you can still get erections while masturbating and while you sleep, you don't have ED. You just need to find a way to stop getting in your own head about it, and be in the moment. My go-to strategy was/is to go down on her furiously, really gets me going.
Sexual anxiety
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So, you guys say you wank a lot, and from youngsters yes? So... i guess it involves always porn yes? And if im correct, your tastes have morphed from the beginning, finding more extreme porn to jack off?

Masturbating is okay, but i think it is the porn that has fucked you up. I have exactly the same problem and history you OP have, i have been quitting porn over 4 months now. Everyday it gets little bit better.
You are too in your head. If you keep constantly thinking "oh shit what if I don't get hard" and "oh shit I better get a boner this time it's my last chance" you're not gonna get one.
Try to let go and let your instincts take over. Your dick and primal male brain knows what do to when you see and smell a naked woman, let it do its thing.
You know, I keep hearing that this is a common pattern, but it was very different for me. I didn't really jack off until I was 14, and honestly didn't look for visual porn to do it to until I was past 20. Until then I mostly preferred my imagination or written works.
And my tastes haven't changed either. I went straight for the same kind of content I look for now.
Sometimes I get random boners. I get morning wood. I get horny.

But the moment a girl is in my bed, I get fucking soft. This never happened before. I'm gonna kill myself
Brehs, what's a safe site to order generic cialis or viagra from?

Is all day chemist any good?
Mental issue.
You're exactly where i was one year ago. I met this girl and we tried a few Times. I couldn't get it up NO matter what i did. Eventually i told her that i was a Virgin and she was cool with it.

We kept trying and trying until i finally got it up. She was really patient with me and really kind. It was NO big deal for her at all.

I did nofap but that made me PE all The time. Keep fapping but do it 3 or 4 Times a week. Quit porn.

Now i have no problems getting erections. It's nerves, nothing else.
You pretty much need to find a girl that can handle the ED
I;m exactly like this. been taking me ages to cum with my gf lately so now i'm getting the anxiety and it makes it worse. Going down on her helps a lot.
Bro, if you can't fuck her then at least make her orgasm using your mouth or your hands.
Bumping this
Do intense cardio (fuck your gains bro, sorry) and see a psychiatrist. You sound like you've dug yourself out of a pit by sheer force of will, but you need to deal with whatever put you there in the first place
its not ed if you can get it hard while jerking off you fucking idiot

something will make you hard, play around with her. I had this problem once. Maybe you want to fuck her too badly.. try without a rubber on, it might be the dealbreaker
Get yohimbine HCl, it's basically viagra.
Fuck off back to r9k.
This is the fitness board, how could your problem be related to fitness.

OP I was in your shoes about a year ago when I first lost my virginity. I had just turned 21 and I met a milf (one of my sisters friends). We hit up the dance floor, made out, went home, and I wasn't able to get it up the first couple of times with her. First time was whiskey dick, second time was anxiety.

What you need to do is just relax and not worry about it. If it is still an issue after your third time trying, then I would recommend you get some boner pills or what >>36651005 says and see a shrink.
Hey don't worry our not alone :)

This happened with me with my first two gfs. GO SLOW. Take care of yourself, your nervous. Don't go any faster than your body will let you cuz guess what, it'll ducking stop you and ur boner won't work. So take your time, feel it out, and stop her the moment you stop feeling comfortable and like your not enjoying yourself.

Knowing your boundaries and going your pace will be attractive and respectable if you do it with confidence, being insecure and trying to lie to yourself will look extremely pathetic to her cause she'll just see a limp dicked loser. Be honest and genuine and go at your own pace and then taking things slow is totally fine! Hope that makes sense
After years of suffering and many girls left disappointed I've finally decided to talk to my doc about it and she basically said 'jus be yourself brah' and told me to see a psychiatrist. Fuck that shit, I just wanted boner pills or something for anxiety to give me confidence.

Anyway I've been going to therapy and was prescribed two antidepressants and sleeping pills because apparently I'm more fucked up than I thought. I do sometimes get a boner with a girl now (so far tested it on one specimen) but it is pretty weak or I lose it. Tomorrow I'll just ask for boner pills and see what she says, I'm sick of it all.

Good luck man, btw I'm 24.
>five fives
Wew lad
Go get those girls or pills or whatever
buy pills...
I've got a really good way of getting over this flaccid dilemma of yours. No pills, no doctors, fuck all that.

Just masturbate to pictures of her, your brain will quickly associate her with sex and you wont have trouble getting it up.
Just buy Tadalafil from any research chem website. It's essentially cialis. 2 small drops and you'll be hard as a rock. Problem solved.
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Your situation sucks bro, that girl is based though
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Are you me?
Same problem. I've gotten girls to bed on two separate occasions but couldn't get it up. I'm 90 percent certain its because porn+wank since I was 13.

I tried nofap but I'm addicted, chasing after a high I can't get anymore. Sometimes I can't even get hard wanking anymore.
No joke dude I'd recommend adderall and viagra.

>can maintain a 3hr boner from browsing /gif/
>get a few girls into back seat of car
>dick softer than cooked ramen noodle
>one night take a 25mg adderalll pill
>everythings fine, hang out with chick, obviously flirting with each other
>think about cumming on her glasses
>instant erection like would literally not go down
>standing with diamonds in my pants for an hour
>basically forced her into boning
>Came but still hard
>fell asleep and had morning wood for the first time in years
How to stop from cumming so quick? I got a hand job (it was actually fantastic, she gripped it from the base and actually gripped it) and came after two minutes. It's not really that big of a deal because every time i cum i can keep it hard, but i'd like to just be able to fuck 10 minutes straight without busting 3 or 4 times
this thread is proof of /fit/'s collective insecurity and possible homosexuality. maybe women aren't your type?
Not OP, but thank you for these words, having the same problem
>complaining about having female tier orgasms
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OP you have to remember YOU'RE A FUCKING MAN

We're animals. and as animals, nature takes over and you must reproduce. (Dont obviously unless you really want kids with this chick)

think of it that way. Dont treat her like a whore but go in there and beat the pussy up. No matter what these feminists say, we as men have power cus we got the sword. Vagina means "sheath" in Latin. its time to go home.
This happened to me at 23. I just wasn't ready for it, and couldn't get hard for two different girls. It's a fucking snowball effect. The more you stress about it, the harder time you'll have getting it up or staying hard.

Just try not to worry about it, and instead just have fun with this girl. If you're having fun, the sex will come naturally.
>tfw can't last at nofap and noporn makes me fap more
Reverse kegels/edging
Dude you got a weak ass pelvic floor.
I'm getting worse and worse at PE. I used to last a decent amount of time, not I cum in 20 seconds flat even when just jacking off to porn.

I don't even want to have sex anymore, it's just embarrassing.
I do. Go on the deep web and get Viagra.

Alternatively, get a prescription from your doc.

Unfortunately, I've been on the pill for 3 years y now, and I am 26... Used to have the same story as you before that. Shit sucks, but at least I can function now.

Random question: Have you ever cut calories very aggressively?
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Alright. There are several possible reasons why you have trouble getting a boner. Please note though- this isn't genetic. You weren't born with this. Every one of your ancestors managed to get a boner. Just follow your instincts dude. So-

1) Your arteries are clogged. To get a boner, you need to get blood to that region. Try a controlled vegan diet for a bit. Cut out the shit tier chemical hormone meats and milks. Will greatly loosen flow in your body.

2) You are nervous. This ties in with number one. When you get nervous, you tense up. When you tense up, blood has trouble reaching your dick. This also applies to women during sex as well. Just relax your muscles a bit.

3) Low testosterone. Work out, lower your body fat. Take cold showers, stop drinking alcohol and smoking. Get lots of sleep, drink more water

4) Excessive fapping and porn watching. You said that you stopped wanking to porn, but that doesn't change anything. Your dick is already used to getting the iron grip. Pussies are in no way close to being as tight as a wanking death grip, and your body has became used to this shit over the years. Not really sure how to fix this. Just don't watch porn anymore, and don't jerk off with your hands.

5) Abstinence. The longer you abstain from jerking off/sex, the more your man instincts will direct you to fuck everything. This most likely isn't your solution as you've gone for a week without any jerking though. Also, take some zinc supplements.

If after all this you still fail, you are an evolutionary dead end. Take some viagra or some shit if you really can't do it no matter what. I also heard Alex Jones is selling some great magical penis pill products on his site
Any good research chemical or online pill buying sites for boner pills?
Just stop wanking for a week. Worked for me.
I have a similar problem. I have thight foreskin and I feel no pain when fappin and some pain while having sex. the past two months have I gitten more sucsess while going out and now I cant get hard.
is this just a pahse or something or a sideeffect from fucking with thight foreskin?.
what should I do?
posting here since I cant visit my doctor before june.
what the fuck, thats amazing progress....is that natty?

>tfw gf's boobs stopped growing in her early 20s
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Same problem here bro.
Lost my virginity last month, but it took a couple of times. Before we had sex she gave me head on 3 different nights. I've never came from those because I lost my boner mid way. Then one night we tried to insert it and I lost it again as soon the tip went in. Second time we tried to have sex I managed to keep a hard on. We fucked for an hour that night.

And then a month later, last Saturday, we broke up.
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