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Dead threads and holiday wishes.

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Thread replies: 302
Thread images: 82

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Dead threads and holiday wishes.
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Previous thread
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Fuckin repost

How do you like the hair
Im gonna do a test e cycle within the next few weeks
If I start doing retin a/ tretinoin now will that be enough to prevent acne? I have oily skin and get light cystic acne most often on my cheeks. Also there is a lot of cysts on my cheek that have been there for months but they arent inflamed its a little hard to explain
Fuck, my cholesterol hasn't come down since August even with 750mg niacin ED. Anything else I can do?
What do you guys take to deal with nausea?
fuck these bd integra auto retracting syringes. there is like 0 dead space which is cool, but both injections i've done the needles are bendy and wiggly.
start now and stay on it through cycle, and especially after pct, thats when hormone imbalance comes, which causes biggest acne breakouts
drop test to real trt dose, suplement with fish oil, keep your diet clean
Already taking fish oil and my test was already planned to come down as of my next dose.
Bro don't get retracting, stick with precision Glyde
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>Cheerbro manages to get laid with this hair
So how does it feel like that even after jacking your testosterone levels to the fullest you are still a fucking beta at heart?
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Cause the estro levels rise too. You're more of a woman then you've ever been.
Sorry new to the generals what exactly is pct?
In 4 shit OP
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Touch my titties
I don't know how or why life works

I can't decide if god loves me or hates me
See man I was implying in this post >>35300974 that that hair made me feel sick
I got that kek

Everyone hates on the hair

I guess my weiner makes up for it tho
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Does your weiner have a weird haircut too?

I haven't trimmed in a couple months so before gym bathroom honey I took some scissors and cut it down and one side is longer than the other cause I was rushed

The life and times of cheerbro
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Hi, I'm 270LBS. If I start taking the recommended amount of test-e while on a cut what kind of results can I expect? I visited my doctor and I don't have much breast tissue, mostly just fat. Will I get huge botch tits if I take the other mentioned drugs to keep my estrogen low or minimal?
Would also like to mention I'm also losing my hair anyway.
1 year of blasting and cruising

1st cycle:
Tren A 50mg ED 10 weeks
Test P 25mg ED 10 weeks

2nd Cycle
Test E 500mg EW 12 Weeks
Dbol 50mg ED 1-3 weeks
Var 50mg Ed 10-12 weeks

3rd cycle
Tren a 100mg ed 8 weeks
Test p 50mg ed 8 weeks

4th cycle
EQ 750mg week 1-13
Test E 500mg week 1-15

Cruised at 125-250mg Test E in between
About to PCT for the first time
How fucked am I

Also results
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>a grand total of 3 squats in 1 year
Yep, pull a fatlifts
You the guy who was posting a while back about online dating?
>all that blasting to look like a 2-year natty
Fatlifts? What happened to him? I remember browsing a fraud thread a while back and he was giving out drugs that were under dosed and charging the same amount or something? Did he ever get shredded or no? My goal is to eventually get at a decent BF and be around 180-190lbs.
They were 1 rep maxes so each counts as at least 2 squats
I can assure you those three squats were ass to grass, with impeccable form
He lost a lot of fat but hasn't posted an updated CB pic in a long ass time
>he was giving out drugs that were under dosed and charging the same amount

Made up by a troll that was here at the time.

>Did he ever get shredded

He's down to a decent weight but all that loose skin is going to need surgery. You'll probably be in better shape on that front but expect to be droopy.
>2 year natty status achieved in 1 year
>Saved 1 whole year
>probably will lose a year off my lifespan
>2-1= 1, 1-1=0
>looks like a broke out even
Did you forget to lift
Jokes aside I'm seriously wondering what you did wrong
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So you started roiding right out of the gate?
Medicine will improve and we will all live forever
He's laying low on this forum because he started sourcing on another forum where they very much frown on sharing personal information and photos.
Naw, I went to the gym like once a week pretty much during college. After I went like a few times a week for a couple months, then was like fuck it.
Why did you use so much gear?
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That explains your lack of gains then.
If hes not shitposting then he actually looks decent relative to the effort he put into his physique
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Well dudes the time has finally come, threesome tomorrow with the GF. Found the PERFECT chica today to do it with and she is crazy about us.

I am left with the problem of satisfying two very high test chicas, guess we'll see if my test is high enough. Been blasting 1.5g for 12 weeks now I think I got it.

Fuck this is going to be so great.
Get caber and cialis

And maybe test suspension for pure savagery
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This was three years ago.
I got kinda fat in between.
I could have definitely done so many things better,
but live and learn I guess

The guys I knew that were roiding all swore by starting with tren and the dosages. Shoulda done my research. Let it be a warning to everyone I guess.
get ready to have your life possibly ruined, best friend did this and now has an ex wife, lives with the girl he had the three way with, and everything was totally chill up until they got into the bed and he started banging the new chick

he was with his wife for 6 years
I meant why did you use so much gear when you barely lifted
This is 45 weeks of "cycles" not including your cruises. Have you been on for just 1 year or a couple months over a year?
Any idea where I could find a decent source for gear? Is source talk on here banned? Can I possibly exchange emails with you?
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November marked a year.
wtf that body looks like shit for a steroid user
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So that's roughly 45 weeks blasting and 11 cruising

Your average cruise lasted less than 4 weeks
See above, he lifted once a week
Google it and steroids
The point is I did a bunch of things wrong. Dosages were a little ballsy, diet wasn't all that great, and timing was off. My receptors were probably burnt to a crisp. Gains were made doe. It's weird though. a lot of the guys I know who roid are pretty much in the same boat. Most of the guys that powerlift and roid don't look all that great aesthetics wise but put up insane numbers. I don't know. I'm just going to come off for a while and reevaluate everything...
When I was on i lifted pretty much everyday doe.
This came up
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>My receptors were probably burnt to a crisp.
This much bioscience. I can't even. I literally can not even.
>don't look all that great aesthetics wise but put up insane numbers

Did you at least get decent stats then?
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Forgot pic
Bench : 295
Squat: 365
DL: 455

It's aight I guess.
Body weight?
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>It's aight I guess.
I know orals only are a big no no, but I'm thinking of doing a T-Bol only 8week cycle with PCT.

The only thing I want to know is, will I keep the gains? This is my first cycle, and I was gonna run LGD-4033 but I haven't found sufficient evidence to say its worth doing.

I just really want a little, extra boost really.
190lbs 5' 8"
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>190lbs 5' 8"
>5' 8"
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>5' 8"
Yeah you'll keep some gains, your gonna feel like shit on cycle from lack of test though
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>mfw that's almost exactly my height/weight
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I might run Proviron alongside it.

Also I've got puffy nipples already, but no lumps. So I'm gonna run Arimadex at every other day at 0.25mg throughout the cycle.

Sound good?
Or is Proviron, Tbol, and Adex all at once too much?
You need to lurk and read more, come back when you're ready to use a needle.
Man.. I can't. I wish I could but I'm a massive pussy, I'm so scared I'll fuck it up and hit a vein or something. I'm incredibly cack handed.

Plus I don't plan on doing more than one cycle anyway.
youre fucking retarded stop fucking posting
>Plus I don't plan on doing more than one cycle anyway.
Don't even use then. One cycle does nothing in the large scheme of things.
It's a fair amount over 1/2/3/4 which is pretty much the standard for 1 year strength training.

Probably could have squeezed 2-300+ more pounds out of your gym total if you knew what you were doing tho
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>I'm so scared
If you're too scared to pin, you're too scared to roid.
Y the butterface tho
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Because tits. That's why.
Mirin balloon pecs
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Has anybody had strength increases from this?

I've been on it about 2-3 weeks and my Squat went up by about 6 kilograms with the same effort, as has my bench.

I didn't think TB500 was considered something that gave strength gains at all so I'm seeing what others have had.
What are some of your guys staple bulking/cutting foods?
Whole milk and mcdoubles for bulking
Mcdoubles, frozen pizza. microwavable burritos.
Can't you add 6kg in 3 weeks natty ya fukin loser
Yeah maybe if I ate all day and didn't move, senpai.
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bicep rotine?
Mongolian Grill
Ay. I got another gym date tomorrow with bathroom honey. Wish me luck bros
Tell her to get a friend for me
I'll be your friend anon
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holy fuck that movie was amazing


I'm at 2.5/3.5/4.5/5.5 after six months on 250mg of serbia's finest olive oil and a little under 5 months back lifting after ~3 years away from the gym

about a month of that lifting time was on 400mg dnp too

that dude is as fucked up as a football bat
What's your bw? And time spent/stats before your break
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What the hell is going on in the back? Is the hair on top long enough to reach your lats even after tied up?

Mirin either way. Shame you can't grow a beard.
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You have to keep them fresh with receptor confusion.
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6' 225 and I'd be about 205 to be as lean as that dude is, goal for my jan cut is around there

lifting off and on for a little under 3 years before I stopped, no any real method or plan until the last 8 months when I actually got serious about sperging the fuck out on research

pre-break stats were like 205 ohp, 300 bench, 405 low bar, and traditional dead 2@420
The top from hairline to about ear height is in a ponytail and everything below the ears is free. I saw it on instagram and I wanted to give it a try

I think some girls call it a half-up? Or half up half down. Something like that.
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time to post the nigger awakens spoilers
That's great progress for being back on less than 6 months. Mirin
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Found a pic. Same thing except my sides are shaved
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now I see it. The undercut doesn't go around back. It's like a long Mohawk lol

I'm surprised cheer doesn't have strict hairstyle requirements for guys.
My coach loves me so much. She hates everyone except me it's pretty funny. Everyone rages cause she doesn't like them but little do they know it's cause they're lazy fucks

Critique my banter with gym bathroom honey

goal for blast is something like 425 bench, at least mid 5s high bar, mid-high 6 traditional dead

if I still fit in any of my clothes afterwards I'm going to be disappointed
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1/2 whoops

I feel you. Same goals
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jesus fucking christ
>hitting back really hard after not lifting and eating shit because of finals

Feels soo good man. At least I got really high scores on my finals so its all good right?
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>dat single speed doe
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if you want more history shit listen to dan carlin's hardcore history, he's a nutbar outside of this one area but he does so a good job of making history approachable and fairly neutral


breh you have no idea

8@435 deads, had enough gas in the tank for 9-10 but fucking belt rolled and pinched me
3xf pullups
3x8@195 seated rows
2x10@120 kroc rows plus a set of 15 strapped after

upper back started feeling sore that night
>tfw all old friends gone here
Holy shittttttttt haven't seen you in soooooo long good lawd child
lots are in whatsapp now
why fraud gotta be so dead these past two nights this is all i read on here
Will check it out brah, thanks.

>kroc rows
Wouldnt those turn me into a trap tho?

Also if you have access to a pullover machine give it a shot, it feels like it hits all the parts of the back in different way, it feels amazing
>mfw people outside fraud know about miss alice now
When you Cena great ass you never forget.
Pic didn't upload. Joke ruined.
hi frands :D
not too much. new job, new house, new town. took 2 months off training. now gna hit 750test 500eq 500mast to kick in the new yr.
whats new here? is fl alive? any drama with sources or boards? whats the scuddlebud
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>whats new here? is fl alive? any drama with sources or boards? whats the scuddlebud
fl lives, sometimes posts as anon here.
he sells over at reddit now.

chem is back and is posting under real name (gavin)

gal aparently did a exitscam

thats all I can think of now
noo gal had police find packages showed the article n everything. guy was always great to me thats hard to believe. is there any evidence to this? his email is kill tho i cant even contact him.
>is there any evidence to this?
just people on reddit saying they sent money and cant reach him anymore.

this was a few weeks ago allready though

he's still afk/mia as far as I know
Ain't nothing great after a 3 way
>tfw pure gf
>tfw gf starts a new job and makes new friends
>all female
>tfw me and gf have an argument over some nonsense
>tfw gfs new friends are trying to convince her to leave me and slut it up with them
>tfw gf went to watch star wars with them and at least 3 single guys

Did I get cucked? This one was so great, she even used to pin me when I was on cycle. Should I jump back on early and go full pussy hunter mode to get over her or try to fix this?
I literally don't think I could get hard for that girl
If you like her that much be like "ayy bb why u do dis to me?" And if she don't give an answer u like go for pussy hunter mode.
hmm. idk i still have faith he was a good bro.
but really nothing? no gossip or drama. dag.
i still see cunt in here sometimes
>i still see cunt in here sometimes
he's in whatsapp as well

90% of trips blogposts are hosted there now lol
It's okay dhb, you tried bro
/fraud/ is pretty rip :^(
:'( fraud pls stay pls dont go
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same girl with hair.
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The great doxxing has changed everything. Canary was lured back with tit and ass pictures lol
I fux with it

Masculine in that "I'm a warrior that'll rape and pillage your village" way--but because you're swoll it doesn't look autistic; bretty good
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Rubbish, absolute rubbish.

Take a #5 to that rug, again.
full pussy hunter mode imo. beat her slut ass to the punch... if she was 'the one', wouldnt pull this shit
Just tell her calmly your problems. If shes like meh, then drop that bitch, jump on some tren and go fuck as many hoes as possible
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I was /semi/ doxxed as well.
Whats my senpai doing for christmas? I'm going to my girlfriends. I'm actually chuffed as I've always spent christmas, birthdays and other big events alone
I'd fuck her
You'll probably get a bit weirded out and awkward if you're use to these events being alone.

People are fucked up at these things for some reason, a big game of make pretend that it is how it is on tv

I will be spending the time alone, i amnt a big people person. I'll take/make a few calls but otherwise just relax
I agree with this anon
And since then you've been very good about not posting jb
spending it with the family.


kinda yeah
Jailb8 is gr8 tho m8
never said its not :3
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>semi doxxed
>full name and instagram
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fully dexxed then lol
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too bad mods go full retard I've got b8 for days. It's been better with the jap taking over tho.

>posting MILF to be safe
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You, FL, chem, and brohat are the only trips with full names known I think
Hows my current plan looking for the next 5 or so months? im dyel but on trt(non roid related, from when I was 19) so just hopped on that gear recently.

Week 1 - 8: test p eod 100mg
week 9: Trt dose (sust)
week 10: nothing for trt bloods (make sure sust is just halfway through system, so i get a vial of 250 every week).
week 11 -24: test e 250 e3d (or maybe even just cruising, haven't completely decided yet)
i know lots cuz whatsapp
If I start a test e + dbol stack how long would it take for an outside party to notice? 2 weeks?
what happened to the dick size thread???
You put your own name and IG on here multiple times though i thought?
When limp, got embarrassed and awkwardly excused itself never to be seen again for fear of ridicule?


Hmm...I thought i remembered you doin that, oh well
you'll prolly be bloated at 2 weeks yeah
people tried to guess my name iirc

someone got it right and I said he's right,, iirc
ahhh yeah thats it!

this makes me miss bbaby mama
mike was still around back then

he was the one who 1st said he like my name or some shit. idk.
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I'm here just got nothin' to say. Carry on.
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Hello nice and quiet /fraud/

She looks a lot like my cousin
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>She looks a lot like my cousin
how does your cousin feel about hormone abusing thirsty africans with mood disorders?
Returned to thread to see if anything interesting was happening

I now feel very uncomfortable
who is on tren
i am
do you pin ED?
I pin 2x ew
trenE tho***
all i've tried was tren e, which was over the summer

and took a little over 4 weeks to start taking effect visually and gym-wise

dumb to use tren A as a kick start?
>dumb to use tren A as a kick start?
not dumb no

you can also look into just frontloading trenE if youre a tad impatient.
I tried kickstarting with trenA
It didn't really make a difference for me

Obviously all the usual stuff was more immediate, but waiting a few weeks for TrenE to take hold and slowly start to make changes isn't that bad
You get time to get used to the heat etc
not a fan ey?
>frontloading trenE
sounds like a recipe for disaster, at least for the first couple weeks

yeah, i guess. just being an impatient fag. might as well run an oral during that waiting time to distract me.
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> lot of the guys I know who roid are pretty much in the same boat
>Most of the guys that powerlift and roid don't look all that great aesthetics wise but put up insane numbers

Natty ppl look better without risking taking all that crap.

what a faggot

love your brutal honesty

seriously, that progress is fucking pathetic
and what he took to get there is laughable
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I dont want to brag, but how did i get these results in 2 years with 1 cycle. Not even bnc.

I remember JM got sick bnc results in 1/2 years.

That's why you start with a good base first. Knowning how diet and train.

Yeah it is. I'am happy many anon/trips called him out for his faggot behaviour. Ppl don't respect those faggots, which is really good.

Like that other faggot MathTest. He got bullied right away.
do you have a job
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Not yet, but will get one soon, when i finish this pre-master.

Probably start of the next year.

>how did i get these results in 2 years with 1 cycle. Not even bnc.
People with sickening results are unemployed. That's the secret to big gains. See: Gavin
Chem has 3 jobs, lol
He made his best progress when he was unemployed with Fats

Cheerbro has a great body and I don't think he works either
Chem made his best gains when he creatures out of the grave

Cheer does school and cheer.
They ain't NEET
Supermang also unemployed
>Phone semi-bricks and I have to flash a new ROM
>Fitnotes log through the years is gone
Why even live...
I know you were referring to this, but i was not 100% sure.

I was an intern many times, needed to work from 9 to 5/6 and i still did the same. But i know you will find another counter argument with you weak minded attitude, so i know another guy that runs his own company has a very busy schedule. He cooks all his meals on sunday for the whole week. Takes enough food with him for the whole day when he needed to work.

if you want something you will find a way if not you will find an excuse.

You're just making excuses and you know it.
What's he cook and how does he cook it?
I work 7 days a week atm (will do until end of january) from 6am - 6pm. I'm still managing to bulk and lift, although It isn't super clean at the moment
Yeah I'm not saying people who work can't get big and work hard(I mire the fuck out of JM) I'm just saying people without jobs get that MasTest/Chem/Supermang progress
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gf sent me this, didnt expect fap time this early
It's the same thing with nattys against roiders.


Ppl who work vs ppl who goes to school


Yeah, exactly. That's the attittude i can appreciate. Of course you will have days when you can mis a meal or dont have time, but you can compensate anything if you really want it.

It's no a matter of ''i can't do it''. It's a matter of '' i dont want it.''
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i was in the best shape of my life when unemployed

it's the dream life

too bad my family would not accept it
fuck others opinions just go full unemploayed mode and get swolen than ever
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or i think i was already employed again here

but i did jack shit at work since i was new

since they gave me a real contract and a raise i have to work a lot more sacudiendo mi cabeza
mirin gf
Nice, show face.

crazy shreds
no because when i make my family proud they will give me tons of money

when i disappoint them they will not give me another penny

money number one
this was during my 500test + 600bold bulking phase with 750grams of rice, 1kg chicken breast a day + post workout shake and also an oats protein powder shake with about 4500kcal of cleanliness

also cardio often in the morning

it was the most epic bulk of my life
i have a date tonight with the brazil chica

i'm not sure if i want to go thru with this, having a woman in my life again

before you know it she will turn me into a fool again and play me like a mandoline

those black pussies have a lot of powers
How did you manage to get those shredds while bulking. What you did before that?
i fapped really really hard today to some porn

during the porn i was missing baby mama and i wanted to tell her that tonight i'm having a date with a small body chocolate famlet (she knows this is my weakness, small women) and so this could be her last chance to get back with me before i engage with this new honey

should i let her know


after i blew an APICS load i felt like i dont want business with either of these useless parasite bags of of smashed pussies and assholes

in that 1 second time frame where your load is airborne your thoughts are elevated to super human enlightenment and a million life changing ideas race through the brain

it's breath taking, frightening, confusing
i know right

not boasting but everyone at my trubodibild gym was like "bro... you are getting leaner and bigger the same time!!! bro!!! this is just amazing bro!!!"

i think it's the combination of that stack of gear, the regular fasted cardio (i never did cardio before that and was always "decently lean") and the clean food stuffing also trained like a mentally insane person
This just became my new favorite JM post
>useless parasite bags of of smashed pussies and assholes
it made me wonder what if i actually did a legit cut on that stack with the same dedication to training and cardio

it's actually one of my dreams to achieve mastest level of shreds with the ab veins like a motherfucker

no homo but that would just shock and awe bitches when they saw it

of course brute size is desirable but super shreds is really spectacular to see irl
Am on tren A

Started by pinning 60 md EoD
feeling up and down
Started pinning 30 mg ED
Not bad
Started pinning 60 mg ED
Rape/ripped mode unlocked
does anyone have a functioning getbig.com account?

i've been banned for a really really really longtime and i tried to make new accounts but none got approved
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i'am gonna try this too. getting leaner and bigger at the same time is every bb dream

You can also achieve that, if you want to. If i can do it, everyone can do it. You should look into that carb cycle, that helped me very good.

Yeah, every woman i showed was gagging.
>Yeah, every woman i showed was gagging.
gagging on your cock
no homo

just saying the bitches love a vascular man
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im ready for steroids?
They can handle veins on the arms. but they hate vains on the abs.

Only guys like veins on the abs.

10% bodyfat is ideal for woman
Ready for prison

For what it's worth, I kek'd.
prostitutes often comment on my body but tell me i should try to get more shredded for more six pack

prostitutes are really into muscles

i swear she pulled out her ipad and showed some pics of friends of her who competed in greece and those dudes were diced to the cocks
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Yeah, there are always exceptions. Like i like high test woman instead of normal woman.

But the majority of woman don't like it. They don't like big ripped man, because they know you will spend a lots of time in that body, without spending that time on them.
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Do you have a shirtless picture.
does this mean im low test or high test:

Free Testosterone
M: 0,09-0,30; (F): 0,003-0,019

Male 2.41-8.27 Female 0.14-0.76

SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin)

M. 10-57 (F.)18-114
i got some bad news for ya...
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thats a trap yolo kun
>prostitutes are really into muscles
they're into people that pay them money, and they think if they flatter you and seem interested you will pay them money.

>should i let her know
how are you this much of a cuck? she was cheating around on you right?
Im a trapper so no problem
>tfw back home for holidays
>tfw my pic still used
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wot's going on in this thread m8s?
>suddenly get aware of my breathing
Every time
I've decided that EQ is actually a great compound. It takes a while to kick in and it's somewhat expensive, but it's much easier to tolerate than the side effects of Tren and NPP
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what dose eq you running?
I'm hours away from leaving to a tropical paradise until 2016. Someone give me a bodyweight split of sorts to help me maintain my gorgeous body while I bulk on seafood and fruity drinks.
Technically I am employed. I only work like 4 hours a week tho because I hate this job so much but it's the only one that will work with my schedule

Cheer and school take up a fair bit of time but honestly I have way too much free time
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just inject test. Problem solved
Just lift with Canary
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Lol I do 16 hours in the weekends and school during the week but I feel like I have way too much free time too. But fuck coming in extra for my job rather play video games or some shit.
lmao underrated post.

ignore this weakmined faggot. Those are the ppl that have miserble lives and have no dedication to improve their lives, so they have to hate on others.

They feed on other ppl's failures. They always have an excuse ready.

Ohhh he used that or that.. he can't be that good. He can't be better than me, there must be a reason for that
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Sup brehs. I was wondering if anyone could share their experiences with EQ?
My typical stack is 300 test c 400 tren e 300 deca however a friend invited me to compete in a triathlon in February and since I was gonna start another blast in January or February I figure this time around I should swap the tren for some EQ.
My question is I just don't know how much EQ is considered a moderate dose or how often you shoot it or if it is even worth messing with?
i hope i get to smash her tonight brehs

loading up on dik pills so i dont blow it
Can't do 8 hour arms when you're working full time bro
What a terrible feel
Truly working minumum wage is hell on earth

It's just fact that I'm 4 hours a week away from being unemployed. I don't need any extra money because of scholarships and federal grant money and that I live with my parents lol.

EQ is good stuff, steady reliable gains and it makes you more vascular. But it takes a while to start having an effect and you have to run high doses of it, like 800/weekly. It has a long half life so you can inject it once a week if you really wanted to. I just put it in with my test injections so I do every 3 days.
I think you accidentally replaced ''can't'' with ''i don't wan't to''

I know you want to makes jokes about it and be sarcastic etc, but if you really think about it, it's pathehic how some ppl are.

Instead of just giving a compliment for someones hard work/dedication, what will make him feel good about himself, he has to find a weakminded excuses why that certain person could achieve it and you don't.

Piana looks like a fool, but sometimes he's right.
Hey man you're the one who asked why you got more gains than the other guy
Are there any good guides to IM injections? After all of my research on steroids, I only now realize after I have acquired test that I have no idea what needle sizes I need, or how to inject.
You mean that other guy that bnc?
You can find tutorials on Youtube, get 3cc syringes plus 22g and 25g needles for drawing and injecting.
Yeah, to be honest I think he'd look better if he shaved himself. I'm not putting down your work and dedication though if that's what you think I've been implying

22g is for chumps use 20g. Also don't buy 5cc syringes it will be the biggest mistake of your life
Google BD IM injection guide. Or use spot injection but they're not very explanatory in their methods.
Is it necessary to use two different needles? Or will I really bludgeon myself that badly if I pin with the same needle I used to draw?

Are you really so poor you can't afford $0.5 needles?
I think most can agree with me, that he could have way better results with those blasts&cruises, despite he has no time for it. That's irrelevant. The results matter.

If he knows he can't do the right investment to get optitmal results, he hasn't even had to roid.
Pins get pretty dull after one use but you COULD do it. The problem is, using a big needle like a 20g would hurt like hell and leave more scar tissue, and using a small one like a 25g makes drawing the oils take forever. It's also more sanitary to switch needles, they're only a couple cents each. You don't want an infection or anything.
I am more curious than anything, since you always hear about junkies reusing needles dozens of times. Of course, IV might be completely different, and they probably wouldn't feel the pain, being doped up and all.
Yeah I agree his diet was probably poor.

Did he even post a before picture?
I don't think you go as deep for IV. There are needle exchanges and organizations that give free fresh ones to junkies because reusing needles can lead to infection and diseases.

Also the length of needle you need depends on your body fat and injection site. I use 1.5 inch for glutes, which in my opinion is the easiest site.
Can I inject into glutes for the entire cycle, just alternating sides? Or do I need to move from muscle to muscle to prevent damage from injections (or whatever, really speaking out of my ass here).
ive been injecting my quads like crazy motherfucker for like 6months no harm done yet, go for it
I've never injected anywhere but glutes. I mean I guess you'd be better off injecting in more places but I haven't had a problem yet. I think Chem also only does glutes? Maybe I'm remembering wrong.
Generally recommended to not pin the same site more than twice a week.
Does same site just mean same area? Or the entire muscle? I will only be pinning E5D, but this is for future reference.
Don't stab the same part of your ass often. What are you pinning that is e5d?
going out to eat and then clubbing with my new chica tonight

should i wear polo to show off the gunz in the club or wear decent clothes to look like a man of substance ?

last time i just wore a long sleeve shirt and jeans because i had not gone home from work

so she hasnt seen the gun show yet
250mg Test E. Have 20mL of 250mg, so it should run me around 14 weeks.
>so she hasnt seen the gun show yet
polo it is
You using the ampoules? I'm doing them e4d. Smashed a few ampoules before I realized you can use a pen cap to open them easily... which is gonna cut my cycle short but at least I bought 30ml total
u sure? wont she think i'm a penniless roid head?

i went to carwash yesterday tho

my black merc is looking shiny as fuck
Yeah he posted it. He probably started when he never even lifted. That's why he looked like shit

If she likes muscles, a polo can defenitly make it easier to fuck her.

It depends on the person.
>u sure? wont she think i'm a penniless roid head?
doesnt matter

if your confident enough you can literally wear whatever

>my black merc is looking shiny as fuck
>If she likes muscles, a polo can defenitly make it easier to fuck her.

it can go both ways maybe she likes twinks and thinks i'm a twink since she hasnt seen the guns of the gods

normally brazil nigresses should love roided up arms tho

polo it is
Pin e more frequently than that. At least e3.5d
Get over the needles. You'll thank me
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>she likes twinks
>thinks i'm a twink
it's a trap.
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just took this

i'm gonna be standing like this flexing my arm while holding drinks

will there be mires?

maybe with alcohol veins setting in

n e w

t h r e a d
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No nobody will notice those chicken wings on the side of your body

did you forget to do squats
Wtf 3 threads
Pics after 2nd cycle?

I'm planning to run 500ml of test and 20mg d-bol soon. I did an oral only cycle a few years ago (was highly retarded) of turinabol (though I'm not not sure it even was that) and got slight gyno because I didn't PCT. It's not really visible, but I have some lumps under my nips. What can I do to ensure they don't get larger when starting this first cycle?

I've been lifting for about 9 months natty and I look similar to you. WTF.
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