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TRT For Health

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Anybody considering running a medicinal amount of testosterone for antidepression/vitality/sex drive/confidence gains?

I'm looking at going on a cruise for life with some blasts during bulks. It's absurdly cheap and at a low dose side effects are minimal. I'm going to get my blood work checked by my doctor first and decide from there how much over my natural amount I want to be.

This guy went on TRT and changed his life, why don't you want to?

NOT A FRAUD THREAD, this is for the safe and moderately low dose testosterone replacement therapy for general health outside the gym
>That pic


Because I've never met a lifter who's actually on TRT dosages. Everyone runs 'TRT' at five or ten times the actual replacement dosage.
I need to do this but dont know where to get test/ how to use it
ss gomad vs bro split
Get yourself checked by your doctor first or pay for an online bloods test, if you're legit low test you'll be prescribed it. If not, there are sources in the FRAUD threads if you ask around
That's called a blast, you egg

Not really. Genuine replacement levels are, depending on the exact person and method of delivery, between 40 and 100/wk.

Nobody talking about using 'trt' is actually on that.
I'm currently on my first cycle, and I've realized something. Low testosterone has been the main source of all my problems. And it was caused by taking opiates for a decade.

Since I've started taking testosterone, I feel like the person I'm supposed to be. Like I used to be. I'm 27 years old and I feel like God.

My depression is gone. I have energy that I used to have as a teenager. I'm horny all the time and I love it. I'm assertive. I've made more progress in the four weeks of my cycle with women than the last eight months since my breakup. I am now dating this chick from work that I was too pussy to ask out before. I flat out asked her "What time am I calling you tonight?" She gave me her number and told me any time after 6:30. I gave zero fucks if she was going to say no. That's not a mindset problem, that's a fucking chemical problem. You can't make yourself confident, I tried. Just like I can't think my way to an opiate buzz.

Before I was overly emotional and the absolute definition of beta, even with my above average looks and body. I'd take rejection entirely too hard and be in love with a girl before the first date. Now I got a girl and I really don't give a fuck if she up and left tomorrow. I have control.

I think I've come to the conclusion that I cannot go back to the old lifestyle. I think I'm going to blast and cruise the rest of my life. I'm literally night and day. If it shortens my life, I give no fucks.

After that first injection I started my new life.
No sauce talk in fraud or you will get banned by gods
Fuckkkk. Is there anything similar I can take as a woman? I want dem effects without changing my sex.
Nice man, I'm almost 27 myself and I've found my depression worsening with age along with my confidence. What kind of doses are you running?
Ok so what should i be looking for to buy online. No sources requested obviously, just tell me the product i am googling
>Is there anything similar I can take as a woman?
a healthy dose of my penis every day
To find a STEROID SOURCE TALK to people on REDDIT
If you know what I'm saying
Also you want test e. Look at the steroid reddit
testosterone enanthate

god speed anon
>shaper mind
oh irony
Thank you anons

Here is the thing:

The first week I only planned to do 250mg of Test Cypionate every week. I wanted my first cycle to be small since I'm new. What shocked me was how amazing I felt just days later, despite everyone saying you won't notice any effects for several weeks (at least in the case of gains, which they are right). I felt the mood and assertiveness completely change by day 3 post injection.

I've since upped it to 2x 250mg a week. Not for any improvement of mood or anything(which there isn't any nor do I need), but because of everyone saying you're going to get the same side effects at 500 as you are at 250. Might as well go big.

The fact that 250mg the first week made such an impact on my mood, energy, and confidence has made it very apparent that I need TRT.

Even if I just cruise at 100-200 a week, I know I'll feel a million times better than the low-test life I had before.
I've heard that people start dosing higher and higher from the effects, I don't know if I could resist that. Sounds like it's working well for you
You MIGHTVE legit had some Low T from the opiate abuse but what you're describing is the all of the good side-effects of steroids, not some mystery cure. There's literally no point in cycling off unless you want to have kids, just don't be an idiot with them and you'll live just as long as anyone else.
I have been diagnosed with low T. Depression and general betaness has been steadily increasing. For a long time. Currently on SSRIs for depreshuns. I hate that they make my libido just tank. Anyway, I am happy to hear about people with good trt experiences, as I have been considering whether or not to start since about september.

What about sides? What can I expect? I was prescribed 100mg/week test C
Go to Reddit, they have a really good steroid sticky. DO NOT THINK about going on if you've been diagnosed with clinically low T, JUST GO AND DO IT. There's more risk as a man aging with low T than there is having optimal levels of T. You'll start to feel better and you can get off of those junk ass SSRIs that are slowly zombifying and killing you.

I noticed no additional mental/energy/mood affects from my increased dose from 250 to 500 weekly. I think the 250mg provided about just as much as I'm going to get(or need) in those departments. I bumped to 500 mainly for more gains and to keep a balanced level in my system since I inject 250mg every 3 1/2 days. I also notice less acne with this method, oddly enough.
What were your levels m8?

I'm in a similar rituation, I'm in the low end of the healthy range (470 if I recall correctly), so no TRT for me, and I recently started taking SSRIs.

I make no gainz.
take it into your own hands then m8, if you're in the lower normal range then you won't need to inject or buy much to get in a higher range. You're lucky in a way, it's cheaper for you
I would have tried it already, if it wasn't for the social stigma and the fact it's illegal.
shit man, your post is literally describing me (only excluding having gf)

After i finished school i've been doing absolutetly nothing for all these years, i have no energy to do anyting, i dont feel like doing anything at all. I don't even feel like lifting anymore but when i finally get to the gym it feels good (kind of).

I don't know if it's because low test but it doesn't hurt to check. I know i need to get bloodwork done but do i need to go to the doctor first or just get the bloodwork done and show my results to the doctor if something is not right?
You're test is probably low-end because of depression and the SSRIs. 470ng/dl isn't THAT bad, there's such a broad range that 470 could actually be normal for you. /fit/ just likes to assume that any low number is bad as an excuse to hop on the juice to make gains hoping it will fix their larger problems
looking forward to many more /safe and moderately low dose testosterone replacement therapy for general health outside the gym/ general threads
illegal to possess in your country? Where I'm from (UK) it's only illegal to sell it, not to possess for personal use. They can't even look in your package legally. Where do you live?
>"What time am I calling you tonight?"

legit TRT coming up in a few weeks. I'm going to try this now, and then try it in about 1.5 months and compare reactions.
>low-end because of depression and the SSRIs
I wasn't on SSRIs when I got tested, I just started 3 days ago. Can SSRI lower test?

Italy. I just assumed they are illegal, I'm not sure.
>a healthy dose of my penis every day
>I want dem effects without changing my sex.

brochacho, I assume she was meaning she wanted it to get better, not worse
Looking at forums it looks like it's illegal to possess (hard to import) in Italy but pharmacies will sell it to you without prescription if you don't seem like a creepy tourist or a snitch. Weird situation. You'd probably have to approach the biggest guy at your gym and ask around for a dealer old school style or move to more lenient countries like the UK.
Do you niggers who are on test forever take shit to stop it converting to estrogen?

5 to 10 times?

I'm 35 yrs old, run 80mg weekly cyp (with script) and for me a "blast" is either 250 weekly of test OR 15 mg daily Dbol, not more than 16 weeks out of the whole year. Ussually summer.
Dude. My gainz are so hard to come by. I am quite a bit lower than you though. 287 here. feels bad man.

I have no clue if SSRIs affect test in some direct or indirect way, but if I were pressed, I think that my muscles aren't responding the way I expect them to since I started taking them. But it is hard to know if it is just my test continuing to plummet or if it is the SSRIs.
i too want a Shaper Mind
and plenty of energy in my ankles
How did you ask for a blood test? My doctor asked for exact things to look for and I didn't want to say "t-testosterone" in case he thought I was looking for free test (which I kind of am lel)
This sounds like the best thing ever
Just tell him that you are interested in your health data and want to know things like cholesterin, blood sugar, testosteron, etc.
Not him, but I just said I had erectile dysfunction and low energy levels
Yeah, the difference between the two pics is ONLY testosterone, it's not like right also lives a healthier lifestyle, works out etc.
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>not even reading the thread, scientific studies or anecdotally how people's lives have been changed by TRT ITT
If you massage your balls and take cold showers as well as taking zinc supplements your test will increase. There is a certain technique to the messaged balls though, so look it up
How are you supposed to know if you're low test outside the obvious body shapes? Should everyone take a blood test just in case`? ?
how much does it cost btw?
There are optimal temperatures that our testicles make test, that is why even though they are so fragile they are outside of our bodies, and it's also why they hang lower when it is hot. Cold showers might have a psychosomatic effect of making you more confident afterward, but they have a real affect on increasing test from the cooling of testicles. Testicle messages also increase test, but you can't just go rubbing your balls, there is a certain technique. The zing and manganese whatever supplements are mentioned here a lot as well, but those other two techniques are lesser known. All of these along with heavy squats and breaking porn addiction will help you with your low test and you wont be such a little bitch
Meme heavy post friendo
Do people get prescribed test need to worry about shit like... ball shrinkage or gyno?

would someone who had normal test a) be able to do low dose and not have to worry about the above issues, and b) actually notice any difference?
Just lift you fucking lazy faggot and don't try to take shortcuts
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You'd be booked in for regular visits to the doctor/endocrinologist and they'd give you the full range of PCT medication that people buy themselves on source sites.
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no one asked for your moral weight-in fagnugget
A blood test is pretty good to get regardless of test. It's good to know what you're deficient in for the rest of your life (iron, zinc, etc).

Price depends on supplier and your location. Usually cheaper than whey for 3 months at least where I am, put it that way. The side effect preventing drugs are the big costs but if you go on long-term you don't need them, it's only for if you cycle off a lot of the time.
How much $ am I looking at spending uf I want to start this low test cruise cycle
Go to /fraud/ you epitome of life failure lmao
3 months runs at £30-45 in the UK depending on source, can't quote international pricing, really depends on your supplier and how close to pharma grade it is
>I think I'm going to blast and cruise the rest of my life. I'm literally night and day.

I'am happy for you, because you feel better


I'am sorry to blow your bubble. I know you're really exctited, because you feel that feel for the first time, but the longer and more you use the more you gonna get used to it. Just be nuanced.

You should not inform these ppl the wrong way and you should not take gear only because you're a béta.
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>ITT: /fraud general/ training wheels edition

"the testosterone is prescribed by my doctor so it's not cheating :^)"
>using it for other reasons than getting huge
I guess you'll say SSRIs belong in /fraud/ too then?
what are SSRIs? I'm natty breh
So if you go on trt, do you have to cruise for life? I am almost sure I could go to the doc and I'd be below average test but idk if low enough to be prescribed trt since I'm only 24.
I'll have a blood test for accutane monday
I'll ask if they can test my test too

pls docs
Depends on your doc, get your bloods taken first
>srs question

Is there such thing as "natural test boosting"... like changing your diet, heavy weights and sprinting... and if it is... how comparable is the "natty way" to TRT ?
You can boost it but not to any extent that it'll achieve much more than placebo.

It's like you're seeing how high you can reach, and natty boosting involves standing on your tip toes, while TRT and roids are using a ladder.
>some blasts during bulks
Why does people hop on TRT so quickly, don't you measure your E2, LH, FSH and GnRH levels first? I mean if your body is failing to make it naturally something must be wrong, you might have a hipotalamic or hipofisary tumor. Don't you want to be healthy by yourself or just want symptomatic and gainzz relief?
Art of manliness. Officially gay nonsense

>Le avocado and nuts memes

This wouldn't even be enough for a placebo effect.
Someone screencap the fuck out of this I need to set it as my pc wallpaper.

How much testosteron you be takin my son?
Oh, and how much (If any) aromatase inhibtors? What you be planning for PTC?
For those of you supplementing, how low was your test to begin with? Mine's 675 ng/dl, which is firmly in average range, but I have shit confidence and no sex drive
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Blaming your perfectly normal testosterone levels on your shitty personality
that's more on the higher end than on the lower end so your test is fine

most likely your confidence and sex drive issues are caused by something else .. and unless your diet and lifestyle is perfect already you could increase your test levels probably to ~900ng/dl by eating more fats and other shit that promotes testosterone in your body
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>/TRT/ annihiliates /Fraud/ in posts and activity so hard they have to endlessly bump with sexy pics in a desperate attempt for attention

many lols indeed
Thanks friend
guess who's gonna commit suicide on pct
SSRIs do lower test
>What you be planning for PTC?

How fucking retarded are you?
Guys, what is your opinion on taking magnesium + zinc + vitamin d. i heard it increases energy level and mood. possibly increasing test?
Vitamin supps dont do shit
What does plenty of energy have to do with someone's feet?
brb ordering test
I have to go see my doctor soon. I'll ask her for a blood test too. Always had low test syndrome most of my life, maybe it could be the issue
got sauce on that?
Just did some reading turns out benzo abuse fucks up your T levels too. Makes sense I havent felt any kind of better 6 months removed from my 5 year addiction
Considering how the average test in men has decreased over the generations. It would be fair to get some test boost, but you could alternatively also find the source of why the test has decreased: obesity and lack of exercise.

Sure, you could inject yourself with testosterone, but it wont negate the other negative effects of bad food/habit.

So why just take a shortcut if you can reap all the benefits instead?

My mood improved by a fuckton when I started taking kefir, some ancient probiotics. I also have been doing a heavy amount of sports for over a year now and I can feel more life, and the consistency of good moods increasing.

One of my goals was to get this "fuck, today I know it will be a fuckgood day" and I am getting closer to it. I am even having better days than I ever had in my youth and it all correlates with exercise increasing and bodyfat decreasing.
cool bro, but magnesium and zinc aint vitamins
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>obesity and lack of exercise.
b-but >muh xenoestrogens!!1?
You can mostly avoid those by not eating the foods that they hide in. Not sure how its in merriland, but its possible in the EU. I doubt you are going to find many of them in fresh vegetables, in whole grain bread, in eggs and brown rice.

The majority of fatness is completely under control of free choice.
It's literally in the water supply here m8.

No lie will be getting a reverse osmosis filter system for my drinking/cooking water soon.
Yea, that stuff can be quite bad. Fish are turning LGBTFGHD from it.
I recommend some Charles Dickins before bedtime
Would a 20 year old with low libido and symptoms (reduced penile sensation, reduced ejaculate) benefit from going on TRT?

Test has been checked several times and each time it was normal and usually in the 600's. Still have low testosterone symptoms.
Probably have some other kind of issue, but I'm no Dr.
Every man would benefit from more test regardless of their natural levels. It's just a case of how much you want to put up with side effects/injecting yourself/cost.

Have literally had everything examined.

Thyroid, Prolactin, LH/FSH etc. All are relatively normal... Had a high libido until I turned 18 and then I just lost it over the period of 2 weeks ish. Not depressed, not on any medication
Did you injure your lower back or anything like that? Cancer?
No completely healthy. Did you guys notice a drop in libido coming out of puberty? Maybe that's it but unlikely.
I noticed a HUGE drop in libido when I hit like 24, but that could just be due to a plethora of other things I had going on in life, stress, lack of sleep, injuries, etc.
I read an article recently that followed a Russian researcher who domesticated these foxes. He found when the foxes were domesticated, their ears flopped down, they lost alot of thier lean muscle mass, and their sex drives were lower because they did not have the adrenaline in their system. Humans have become the same way. It also makes sense that Africans are much leaner because they still have to worry about their survival.

We have to go on test bro
Was contemplating starting test
Gonna prolly get my level tested now, definitely had a similar scenario to your story; with the opiod addiction and all
I'm probably going to do it next year tbqh familia
Don't put it off a year. There's no point; start as soon as possible.
Next year is like a coupe of weeks away. I didn't say 365 days :D
bro do you have a skype? let's go on test together.
lmao um. are u homo tho?
no bro ofc not!

i just want a test buddy -.-
I'd like to do it, I just don't trust anyone from 4chan. I also need to find a doctor

no doctor's going to prescribe it to you brah.

Do you just want one to monitor your blood markers? I wonder if my doctor would be willing to do that...
Fuaark, just by reading this I can feel my test rise. Good post anon.
I'd like to see what all of my levels are at first, talk to him about shit, see if I have any vit/min deficiencies and all that first.

Hah, i was talking to this chick who's dating a guy who was doing this shit, but doesn't anymore, his T is so low, without injections he just doesn't work, no libido, nothing, he's a frigid bitch. IF you go down this path, prepare to live your whole life like that.
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People taking babby's first cycle feels a little too seriously.

Well I mean if your libido is already low, there's no point in not going on.

Also, who says you have to go off? If you just use hcG or a SERM properly in between your test injections you'll be fine.

Off with the fear mongering. There's no reason a male should not be on test.
How easy is it to get TRT? I'm pretty convinced that I have low-test due to a lot of things, just like the one everyone is quoting.
My friend said doctors are extremely reluctant on giving out TRT as a treatment
You guys are idiots. My T levels were 350 yet i can bench 275 pounds for 25 reps.

People who say its a life changing substance are just exaggerating losers.
>I've never tried test but I know it's for losers!
not easy at all. most doctors are extremely reluctant to give it to young males

Totally unnecessary
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I'd rather take anecdotal evidence from someone with experience or a published study, thanks
ITT: Idiots who dont know that its your free test % that actually matters.

I'm the same as you. Test was at 350, but FREE test was at 6.5%. Doc was amazed my free test levels were so high for a guy my age. Oldfag here.
> not enough for a placebo effect.
Are you retarted m8?

I'm doing the same. Haven't noticed anything in a month.
if you need to ask this you need to do way more research before even considering using gear
So what would happen if hypothetically, someone who had semi-low T took HGC and then nothing else? I remember reading somewhere that your body would get burnt out from using HGC, but I'm talking about like a single cycle.
started a D3 + omega3 + magnesium + zinc combo 3 weeks ago, feeling better overall, total test before starting was 500, gonna get it checked soon and will post about it.
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try the doing the "cum holy grail"
>have low test
>get androgel
>act like a dickhead, lose friends

Same thing happened with my dad and albuterol for respiratory problems.

Is there anything I can do besides try again and try to keep myself in check? Is it even worth it?
Ask for injectable testosterone, I've never heard of anybody having good time on androgel. It's borderline worthless.
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everybody should try DIM and DHEA before even thinking about hoping on TRT

i recomend you take 100mg of both when you wake up and another 100mg before your workout if you dont workout then atleast 30mins before bed. you can go up as high as 500mg for both, DIM will clear out the bad estrogen out of your body. DHEA is not suppressive for testostrone production so it proves to be a rather useful PCT supplement because of that fact, it reduces cortizol levels which is great for improving mood and recovery, i have a coworker whos taking a measly 50mg of DHEA before his workouts and hes noticing majory gains in recovery and endurance with it, also hes gained 15lbs of muscle and lost body fat over all becuase its a thermogenic....ect read link
I had depression when I was a kid. Hereditary stuff, I'll also have to watch my thyroid as I get older. But I eventually beat it with the help of Zarathustra. I'm still pretty low energy most of the time though, even if I feel really good for a couple hours after lifting, and I have basically no sex drive or interest in talking to... anyone.

My T results a couple years ago were borderline, 400 ng/dL total and 6.2 ng/dL free. My doctor at the time didn't think much of it so I let it go. Should I bring it up with a doctor again?
Yup bring it up again and if they do nothing seek a second opinion. Some doctors straight up don't believe in TRT as a treatment and withhold it from you despite the evidence of its effectiveness.

Those of you who are on TRT or low dosage of roids (Test only), how's the hair loss? What about acne? What about balls? What about body hair?
Mh. No suppression of natural test?
DHEA forces your body to produce more testostrone instead of adding on top of whats already on there like roids normaly would
even with insurance it's cheaper to buy illegal test than to get the legit shit, atleast where i'm at. a 10ml vial of test-cyp is $200 after insurance and that's assming you can get them to prescribe you 10ml vial, typically you get to pay $30 for a 1ml vial.
funnily enough, semen. some bullshit about being ejaculated into will cause better moods in most women as opposed to those who don't get their dose of baby batter.
Don't let these idiots convince you to start fucking with your hormones. You are all way too young and there are too many ways to ruin your body.

Sounds like a lot of people are looking for the easy way out instead of working hard, eating clean, and losing weight. Pathetic really.
So, what's thee e catch. This DHEA MUST have side effects.
read the link
some of it does infact convert to estrogen but not so much that its automatically trash, it does improve your testosterone levels, recovery, and helps reduce cortisol and if you take upwards of 500mg spread out throughout the day say 100mg when you wake up 100mg for 3 meals and 100mg before bed you would see Bretty good muscle growth and fat loss at the cost of slight amounts of acne, but with DIM you could reduce those effects and get more Testostrone out of the supplment itself. please read the links
tell your doctor/psychiatrist you want to try bupropion alone, you'll titrate off the SSRI over 2-4 weeks and feel much better when you start the bupropion.
aromatase inhibitors, can also lessen it by injecting into your dorsal fat subcutaneously
day late but complete blood count and an endocrine test including prolactin, FSH, total/free test, estrogen, etc.
if you take enough testosterone for a long enough time your testes will shrink due to them not being stimulated to make sperm and testosterone, gyno in cases where you aromatise test into estrogen, the most worrysome side effect is thickening of the blood from too much testosterone.
you can increase it by losing weight if you're fat or by eating red meat, lifting heavy and getting good sleep at night in a cool room (68-70F)
in my case endo ran all that and all the levels were fine, just got hypogonadism.
most supps you take in will be pissed out so unless you're deficient you wont get much gain from it.
Your issue lies elsewhere, 600s for a 20 year old is on the lowish end of normal but still satisfactory, unless your endo/doc is not testing the bound testosterone and only total you might not have enough free testosterone.
androgel a shit injections or the subcutaneous pellets are the only ones worth it.
stimulating your gonads to produce more testosterone will only end in them being desensitized when you cease or requiring larger doses over time.
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its not as powerful or as effective as its metabolites but atleast its rather safe as fuck for side effects, which is why 1-Andro(1-DHEA) and 4-Andro(4-DHEA) proves to be the safest legal over the counter pro hormones on the market which offer rather shorter suppression times than any other prohormone or steriod out there, only brand of 1/4 andro supplements with proper dosages

DHEA works on the adrenal glands not the gonads so its futher back in the chain reaction of chemicals, its refered to as a precursor hormone. also fun fact eating cholesterol reduces adrenal fatigue
Yeah cholesterol isn't a boogey man that the FDA makes it out to be, also interesting about the DHEA but if i had to choose between injections and taking oral DHEA i'd go with the injections because who knows what impact the DHEA has on your liver over long periods, unless there's a study done already of course.
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its an ethalated product it has little effect on your liver past the normal strain it gets from processing foods, if it was a methylated product it would be twice as potent but deadly to the user which is why we have the designer steroid control act so we dont have to see idiots die from them becuase they didnt take there liver support tablets, wheras you can take this at double the dosage and have pretty much zero effect on your liver, also saturated fats arent the devil either so enjoy your fatty foods in moderation :D

I'm not sure if my issues are elsewhere though. I feel like a lot of symptoms/bodily features point to a lowish testosterone.

Like the only other explanation is porn.. and could that really cause all these organic problems

Fuck, this is so confusing and shitty. I wish I could just have a normal libido.
good thread, saving it for reading later
agreed, maybe we should construct a /trt/ general for reposting regularly?

Anybody have any good links to include?
>Go on /fit/ to learn about fitness tips instead of laying around looking at giantess art all day.

>See giantess art on /fit/

Brahs how do i actually get a doc to give me test?
Is crashing your test levels and defrauding a doctor into giving a prescription based on that illegal?
Im no legal expert but if you dont get caught you're all good
Aye but it's good GTS. /fit/ provides a filter to avoid the shit quality royalty-free imagemanips and poser screenshots.

You're welcome, kid.

That's how everyone from Ronaldo to Nadal to MMA fighters get medical us exemption forms to use test legally.

I encountered the same thing at 27-29. Felt like a god even though I was going trough a divorce, and multiple members of my family had died, including my dad. I was worried my hair would fall out if I kept going, even at low doses. I did a PCT and got off, figured I'd keep lifting to keep my gains and riding my wave. I've spent the last 3 years in horrible depression, talking to therapists who only prescribed me pills, went from 210 (I'm 6'3") to 165. Had no drive, was a massive beta and a dickhead to the people who hung around me. Now I'm clawing my way back. 192lbs, still trying to motivate myself and finding motivation in meditation, lifting, and diet. In the early stages of dating about 3 different girls with a slam piece on the side. Feeling like myself again. Sorry for the dear diary, but I just want to point out that there is more than one path to the same destination. 32 now and I won't go back on prescription hormones.

tl;dr TRT may not solve all your problems in the long term, there are other methods you might want to try first.
I have everything i need for a cycle but i tried to pin once and i passed out with the needle in my quad.

Please Zyzz God give me the strength to pin my glutes sometime soon.

Iv paid for my ticket for the gain train but the doors are stuck !
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