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Toonami Is Getting Outlaw Star

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Will it save the block?

Is Demarco just pretending to be retarded?

Or is this a desperation move?
I'm 25 and just rewatched for this first time since 3rd grade original run on Toonami. It does not hold up really.
So desperation move?
They need that anime where girls fight using only their boobs and butts.
This. Without nostalgia goggles the show is pretty meh. The first few episodes are great, but after Hilda kicks the bucket things start to go down hill
One of Sunrise's lesser 90s shows, it's not as bad as Gundam Wing at least, I would give it a 6 or 7 out of 10 today.
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>mfw you're probably that one cunt who keeps spamming that Brown catgirl every Saturday
>mfw your post
Queen's Blade?
It's just replacing GitS so it won't hurt the block at least. But this is clearly a desperation move
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If they advertise correctly, yes.

Outlaw Star was full of flaws; but it had so much genius behind it. Hell three-quarters of the characters were 'tragic', space-exploration was scary as fuck, robotics were kind of gross, they even had a species engineered to act as fodder for humans.
>spending money on an antique show people will tune out for
Can't wait to see people realize how badly this show holds up
>advertise is correctly
Where do you think we are? They will run one ad for it the Saturday before it starts, and people will skip it seeing how old it is

Still better than anything else on Toonami right now.
No it's called Keijo.
I really wished toonami went back to their prime time slot. I don't know numbers they pulled back then but I feel they are better than what they are getting now.
I think the big problem with the show is that it was too short. All these ideas and a great universe, it needed to be a full 52 episodes to give proper attention to everything and tell a real epic story. But it ended up just being a half-baked clusterfuck.
Will Toonami ever get Saga of Tanya the Evil?

Or if it has to be something old... How about Slayers?
and take up TTG's time?
fuck no
Why? If they do that, 95% of anime series can't air at all, or need heavy edits
Fuck off shill
Kids these days do need a better cartoon show though.
They won't touch old shows unless it's a legacy title they get a killer deal on
This is why Boomerang needs to reformatted as Adult Swim Network
academia when?
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CN already has that
I'll watch the fuck out of it.

Your mom does not hold up really.
Oh right how could I forget
>gotta watch Naruto to get to this
No thanks
Sony owns it
Adult Swim doesn't have enough material to sustain a full network it barley has enough to sustain have the days airtime on CN
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Outlaw Star is an awful series.

What's his face is the most hateful protagonist in any anime series I've ever seen. He's a genuinely despicable person for telling Melfina that she wasn't a real person because she wouldn't put out for him, when he knew she was going through an existential crisis about being a clone. That scene was sickening.
Now bring back Tenchi muyo and Cowboy bebop and i would have toonami on as background noise.

Ah best reason to watch the show.
>More nostalgiashit


Cartoon Network is literally running a TV station off TTG right now, don't tell me Adult Swim doesn't have enough programming.
>CN doesn't need Teen Titans, because they have Teen Titans Go!

I hope this brings a resurgence of Ashia porn
Tenchi Muyo is banned because of GXP
it will end up like G4 airing nothing but Cops reruns and like 5 new shows just exchange cops with Family Guy and King of the Hill
Is there a particular scene you're referring to?
Outlaw Star is garbage, people only care about it because of cat tits
Tenchi Muyo is hot garbage

Adult swim has been running for what 19 years now

I'm sure they got plenty of programs to run a network
If they want an old sci-fi show that's still a good watch they should get Infinite Ryvius
I like the music and the aesthetic...
Then CN will play TTG 24 hours a day!!
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I'm kind of hoping for more porn this one.

*Confirmed canon that they have a human fetish*
I like Outlaw Star
I hope it finally gives some Suzu stuff. It's hard being thirsty for best samurai.
>more nostalgiabait
When will they learn? I guess they learned a little since it's just replacing GitS
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Okay I'm just going to say this right now

Outlaw Star>Cowboy Bebop
Yeah, towards the end of the series when he tries to fuck Melfina and she pulls away and he tells her she isn't a real person because he knows that's a thought which horrifies her.
I'll agree, but the real question is where do you put Trigun?

Hmm what if they run a week night of nostalgia swim
Damn that's tough but uh...

Trigun>Outlaw Star>Cowboy Bebop

I don't know man, Trigun really taught me a lot during my childhood
Is this really worth losing 2nd gig?

I had a fucking folder prepared for the bed scene and wanted a screencap marathon
They also need Tranny representation too bad One Piece was canceled because Impel Down had that covered.
Will they show Tenrei this time
Congrats on getting the point of the scene. Gene isn't a great person. Even less so when he is drunk and frustrated at how ineffectual he's actually been in helping Mel.
After this incident he spends the next few days sulking over how shitty he is.
Doesn't matter. 2nd gig is a rerun, Outlaw Star is a rerun too.
I do not think I am ready to hear Aisha screaming in that mid40s woman voice trying to sound like a woman in her 20s for literally every fucking scene she is in.
He's too shitty of a person.
Outlaw Star takes most of the world Building from Larry Niven.

Aisha is based on the Kzin, the Engineers creations are literally the Leyline, the matter that is given to the Humans by Aliens who then later disappeared after teaching Humans Faster than Light Travel are taken from Larry's Known Space. Stepping Disks are found in the Leyline, Transfer Booths are used in the manga and the anime as well.

The Mystics and their Psionic powers are also from Larry's Known Space, as well as a Gun that mimics these supernatural abilities through bullets made by the Outsiders that are considered magic including the black hole bullet.

All that shit.
well at least in like 25 weeks or so from now we can all bitch about the censored bath planet scenes
So what are the chances that they'll just show the Toonami edit again?
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It's even creepier when you know why.
An early waifu for me, the high ponytail drove me crazy. Still love that hairstyle today. When Vados showed up in DBS it was love at first sight.
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>I hope it finally gives some Suzu stuff

You and me both. I ain't saying Aisha ain't top tier waifu, she's great but spread the love.
That's what makes him so interesting as the protagonist. We get to see a scumbag not trying to save the universe, but just helping one girl mostly because she is his ticket to the sickest ride in the galaxy. We also get to see him grow as a person.

What's the reason?
Not him, I hate to say it because I used to like it but it's unwatchable. Falls resoundingly into the "was never good" category.
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Man, just bring back Yu Yu Hakusho, that show was better than Trigun, Cowboy Bebop and Outlaw Star put together
>What's the reason?
>We also get to see him grow as a person.

Except we don't. There's no character development with anyone except the obnoxious kid. Everyone else gets some kind of conflict forced on them at the eleventh hour and then it's resolved before the audience has any idea what just happened.
YYH is easily the best shonen action show to have aired on the block in its history.

99% of the audience ditched it when it got mired in a tournament arc.

Tournament arcs are the deaths of all anime.
please don't pretend Lupin isn't the best thing ever
>Super into Kai
>Kai into JoJo
>JoJo into YuYu
>YuYu into Nardo
>Nardo into HxH

Love it

I liked Kenshin better
>you and me are enemies
>but now we are friends
>throw in some ki energy
thats yuyu in a nutshell
Except when Dragon Ball did it.
>99% of the audience ditched it when it got mired in a tournament arc.

You mean the fucking Dark Tournament Arc, which was the best part of the series? Are you shitting me?
This is true. I still enjoyed what a ridonkulous mashup of ideas it was, though. You got guns that shoot magic bullets and the main characters always bitch about how the magic bullets are more expensive than regular ones, you got robut waifus, you got STRONK catgirl waifus, you got samurai girl waifus, and you got spaceships that fight more with grappling arms than with missiles and shit.

It's like they just threw all their dumbest ideas at a wall and made a show about what stuck. And part of me will always find that charming.
I'd rank Yuyu pretty low because it tried to turn into DBZ.
I don't remember that at all. During elementary school, we were all watching that shit during tournament arc
>just got the special edition bluray

It holds up. You're a king faggot.
The first big tournament arc, the one with Rando was kinda boring. The next tournament arc was Dark Tournament which is possibly the highlight of the fucking series so I have no idea what you're talking about. Chapter Black was also great but not a tournament. Then the Demon World tournament at the end and honestly by that point everyone was ready for the show to end because it was clearly wrapping itself up. Other than the suddenness of the ending to it, it was a fine arc.
Every anime in a nutshell.
Oh look, anime girl poster!
This is a terrible idea. It would just be the bullshit live action crap that no one watches x1000
And don't forget that by the demon tournament the show was airing at 5am on Saturdays. It was already dead thanks to all the Miguzi shenanigans.
Yeah honestly I don't remember ever watching anything after Chapter Black on TV. It wasn't until I downloaded the series myself that I saw the actual end. Then the BDs came out and I got those lying around the house somewhere.
>Implying Space Ghost C2C, Home Movies, Frisky Dingo, Sealab 2021, ATHF (only Aqua Teen), Morel Orel, Frankenhole, VB, Mike Tyson Mysteries, and Bob's Burgers are shit

So were you just born without taste?
That's because they restarted it about 3 times when the mask guy on Toguro's team was gonna fight
Couldn't disagree more. Rewatched it a few months ago, afraid my nostalgia goggles would be blown off, happily found myself loving it even more. The whole Hong Kong space aesthetic and the world building stuff made everything feel much bigger and original than most space westerns.
Dawg, you didn't even read his post. He was complaining specifically about all the garbage live action shows that would undoubtedly take over an entire channel.
Not really if they cut ties with Tim Heidekker
Neon Joe only airs on Sunday
The block is dead. Adult Swim is dead outside Rick and Morty.

Last Saturday's highest rated program was a Family Guy episode that got 914,000 viewers. Three years ago, Family Guy was able to pull more than 3 million viewers.
This. I don't think I ever watched past that point because I dropped it and never caught on when it came back new. Then they moved it to the death slot
It's actually been airing weeknights at 4 AM after being at the 12 AM slot a few months ago.
That Aisha is an attractive woman. There, I said it.
McFarlane shit is what killed the block
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Hey dipshit. That's not even enough content to cover one day. And my argument is that they spam live action more than animation now so you wouldn't get the shows you wanted anyway. And most of everything you mentioned is 15 minutes shows. Everything would be in a rerun death cycle by the end of the month. You would get teen titans go spam type marathons whenever they try to mix up formats.
>People ITT hating on Outlaw Star
Never thought I'd see the day.

Even so, I rewatched it recently and there are genuine flaws to the show: the animation is straight up garbage in the episodes leading up to the finale, the dialogue is stilted and forced (even going by anime standards), and the main villain was so out of focus I remember the Crackerjack terrorist better than him. While I like the fact that Aisha and Suzuka were never quite part of the crew until the very end (mostly because I appreciate that they made it clear that Gene and the Outlaw Star were only tools of convenience, which was a very outlaw thing to do), I would have liked their endgame conflicts to be something more than "HEY YOU MURDERED MY VILLAGE THAT I HAVEN'T MENTIONED UP UNTIL NOW, YOU'RE MY SWORN ENEMY!".

All that said, I love Outlaw Star. Its handling of space exploration was done beautifully, and there is a genuine gold nugget of a great idea buried deep within the series. Overall, I feel the main failing of the show was that the story was rushed. Had Hilda survived throughout the series, or had they been given more time to explore the universe more, I have no doubt it would rival Cowboy Bebop as one of the most lauded anime of all time.
This is /co/. Here they worship human feces and wipe their collective asses with gold.
how to save Toonami: Kino's Journey
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>animation is straight up garbage
you dont say
Truth. It turned into into a ratings dominator (and a total monolith from 2012 - 2014), but FOX reruns are slowly killing it as they don't have staying power anymore outside of maybe Family Guy and Bob's Burgers and the hardcore fans are tuning out in droves.
How is this considered a desperation move? They've been teasing airing Outlaw Star again for YEARS. Any time they were asked what older show they would air if they could, they almost always said Outlaw Star.

The only reason it didn't happen sooner was because Bandai Entertainment went under soon after Toonami came back, then Funimation got the license and sat on it for years until they finally released a BD set recently.
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I just wanna post a picture someone did for me on /a/ of Ryoko Hakubi and Aisha ClanClan scissoring.
Bob's isn't that bad honestly
My sister loved this show. There was a card game and she collected them even though nobody else played it. She tried to get me to start buying them so she'd have somebody to play with but that wasn't happening.
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I watched it for the first time (without any prior nostalgia for it) a couple years ago and I didn't think it was that great either. People in Toonami threads suck it's dick like it's the greatest anime ever, but was was maybe a 7/10 at best. Aisha doesn't even have that many scenes either.

I think the reason a lot of people ditched YYH on Toonami wasn't because the Dark Tournament arc was bad, it was because of >>94384195

Toonami kept restarting it over and over and not moving on. Viewers got fed up and by the time they got to the next arc, nobody was watching anymore.
>he isn't rich enough to wipe with gold
No you subhuman pleb, i worship gold and wipe my ass with your tastes.
>99% of the audience ditched it when it got mired in a tournament arc.Tournament arcs are the deaths of all anime.

Tournament arcs are cancer and I don't know how otakus/weebs can like them.

Didn't help that at that point in the late 90s/early 00s, every anime that was being broadcast on TV in the US had tournament arcs. DBZ, Pokémon, Yu Gi Oh, Sonic X, Yu Yu Hakusho, Knights of the Zodiac, and so on. If you tried to watch and anime on TV during that time period, you were guaranteed to hit a tournament arc. Fuckin sucked.
Is your sister hot? I'll Heie her Kurama for you.

I remember how awful the dub was when it aired on Toonami.

That guy with the pomp constantly going "YER UH MESH SHEEEEE!"

Did Funimation dub Yu Yu Hakusho? I bet they did. Only they could suck that bad.
Blame a lot of that on japan insisting the manga and anime run co-current with each other.
Eventually at some point, the anime overshoots the manga so they got to put in a shit ton of filler just to even things out a bit. This is primarily why I just skipped watching the One Piece anime and just read the manga.
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>mfw I tried rewatching Tenchi Muyo and it didn't hold up at all

Maybe Tenchi Universe is still good.
Just because you don't like them doesn't mean it's the standard. Dark Tournament especially is the pinnacle of the trope. It takes all kinds of fruit to make fruitcup.

Hiei is a boy you weiner.
too bad its whole 3 seasons is being rerun to the point of being bad

>Tenchi Muyo

I remember watching it on Toonami (bathing suits and "tea") and everyone saying the English dub was bad. But then I watched it in Japanese when I rented a DVD from Blockbusters and the Japanese voices were even worse. Especially Japanese Ryoko. I'll take the English "horny cougar that smokes 2 packs a day" over that high pitched screeching Japanese bullshit, thank you.
Tenchi is shit and so is your taste
Should have gone bold and gotten something like Hyper Police for 90s scholk.
Aisha Clan Clan was pretty much the only thing that kept the show bearable for me, there I said it.
How about you shut the fuck up about dub-Kuwabara. That dumbass voice of his has withstood the test of time. We should all be grateful for it.
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Well this is certainly a huge fucking surprise.

Who cares if it saves the block or not, I'm just glad the show is getting another chance to air.
I disagree. I really enjoyed it and I just watched it a few years ago. It's got a lot of cool ideas going for it. There are a couple of dud episodes, but overall it's just a fun series with some cool concepts.
I'll Yusake her Urameshi.
If I wanted to see it why wouldn't I just watch it right now? You can even get a bluray

Why does anyone watch Toonami? oh right they don't
Shoulda gone with martian successor nadesico
I'll be honest:

Half the reason I found Ryoko hot was because of her english voice.
Glad someone else said it
>Aisha Clan Clan was pretty much the only thing that kept the show bearable for me,

Her being voiced by Rogue from X-Men helped.

Helped MUH DICK.
They only way Toonami will really survive is if they designate part of the block to be full on classic CN/ASA/Toonami nostalgia and promote the everloving shit out of it and the other part to be a showcase for simuldubs/exclusives. None of this airing a flavor of the month shonen years after everyone and their mother already streamed it to death on Crunchyroll. And ditch the fucking longrunning shonen while we're at it too. Those are only temporary solutions. It's like a bandaid on a 6 inch stab wound puncturing multiple internal organs.
A great anime
People say "your only saying that because you watched it on toonami as a kid"
no it's fucking great

I hope this might lead to a season 2 like flcl
I'm a huge known space fan and I think you're wrong. The ctarl ctarl are a race made up of fifty percent space cat girls. You don't need to know about kzin to have alien cat girls in your anime. Almost all the stuff is well accepted sci fi tropes that pressure any of nivens work. Even with all that you only took a smattering and small examples of outlaw stars world building.

And fire Steve Blum as TOM while they're at it. The cost of having a union VA to host the block is likely what's making the whole thing financially unfeasible.
As you should.

Husky voiced women are patrician.
I'm pretty sure he does it for free.
Ryoko's original English VA was the fucking best.

That'd be a hell of a long shot to be sure, although the original ending did feel like a setup for a second season at the very least.

What I want to know is will they air the episode with the hot springs?
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>Maybe Tenchi Universe is still good.

Universe holds up better if only because shit actually goddamn happens other than the writer jacking off to his expanded family trees

>They recast her in the most recent Tenchi media and now she doesn't have the hot, husky cougar voice

Tenchi had one good thing going for it and they took it away.
Tenchi ruined Love Hina for me.

Ranking goes:

Tenchi in Tokyo > Tenchi Universe > Tenchi Muyo
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Hey check it out.
>I would have liked their endgame conflicts to be something more than "HEY YOU MURDERED MY VILLAGE THAT I HAVEN'T MENTIONED UP UNTIL NOW, YOU'RE MY SWORN ENEMY!".

Eh, she makes mention of how she has Beef with the Kei Pirates pretty early. And while they never outright say what it was all things considered there really aren't a lot of things it could have been.
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2:00 being the cutoff time for Narutardation and a dedicated old-school rerun block seems like a pretty decent move in my book.

As a plus, Aisha is back on tv where she belongs.
>Tenchi in Tokyo

I should beat you to death with a rusty pitching wedge
The YYH dub is honest to god fantastic.
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>Tenchi in Tokyo
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The problem with the original Tenchi is that it cuts off part-way through. It didn't get its actual conclusion until YEARS later, and when it did it was a clusterfuck of a confusing mess that broke away from whatever the original plotline was..

Universe had a consistent plot going all the way through, which allows it to hold up a lot better overall.

Also because it has best girl.
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If you really want Tenchi at it's finest? Read the manga.

Fuuuck you're gonna make me watch the whole thing again, anon.
>The YYH dub is honest to god fantastic.

Kuwabara's voice never bothered me but after I got the blurays and watched the subs I did start to get annoyed by how often they'd make him say something dumb that wasn't actually in the original script.

Was Tenchi in Tokyo REALLY that bad, though?

I just remember everyone hating on it because it introduced NEW GIRL to get in everyone's way and steal Tenchi's heart. It was mostly butthurt shippers who hated it.
Is Toonami basically for people who don't watch anime but nostalgiafag over a few mediocre shows?
Tenchi anything was shit.
Yeah that's how best boy Kuwabara talks and they should get the same guy to voice Kuwabara But Good At Math from Hunter X Hunter.
>inb4 outlaw star gets better ratings than jojo
can't beat waifus over a manly man anime
>I just remember everyone hating on it because it introduced NEW GIRL to get in everyone's way and steal Tenchi's heart. It was mostly butthurt shippers who hated it.
Wasn't that the entire point? I mean, wasn't NEW GIRL actually the villain?
>Did Funimation dub Yu Yu Hakusho? I bet they did. Only they could suck that bad.

I stopped watching DBZ back in the day when they switched the voices to the Funimation people. They were honest to god shit. I've heard they've gotten better and redubbed the old episodes to not sound like shit, but I don't believe it.

I envy the Canadian viewers. They got to keep the Ocean cast all the way to the finish. Too bad you can only find clips of the post-Frieza Ocean dub and the full run of episodes is probably lost.
In the UK they aired the hot springs episode at 22:00 on regular cartoon network with the boobies
Blew my mind as a kid
>making fun of the same VA behind Vegeta and Armstrong

Eh, the story itself could have been better written. There was a lot less action and too much story, and Tenchi unlocking his powers didn't really come until the tail end.

Besides that, the shipping community didn't even have a foothold at the time the show aired.

Not the villain directly. I don't remember the exact details, but I remember her being more of an unwilling tool for a more nefarious plot.
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it wasn't good and Sakuya didn't help matters.

It rewrote a lot of the character's origin and not for the better, had some pretty crappy new villains and was a rather stupid monster of the week type show that really didn't suit the franchise.

Plus the idea that a new romantic partner would have far better luck with Tenchi than any of the established parties is more than a little insulting. Yes it's a shipper thing but the whole premise of the series is a romantic comedy so of course people will be pissed if you have NEW GIRL waltz in and steal the hero.
Unlike Goku, Yuusuke retired after finding out he was an alien punchdeity.
>I mean, wasn't NEW GIRL actually the villain?

Yeah but you don't have any way of knowing that till the last minute where it frankly feels completely shoe horned and them trying to save face by getting rid of her.
Honestly, part of the reason I liked the old block length was because there was a dedicated slot for classics and other old school shows. It would be great just to have an hour to 90 minutes of classic anime every week.

They should also do an hour/90 minutes of oldschool comedies after the oldschool Toonami stuff too and just kill the Rick and Morty repeats. It couldn't do any worse than it already is doing at that hour. It would probably fare better than at 8 PM on a Sunday desu.
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>Shin-chan marathons until 6am after Toonami
>it's not as bad as Gundam Wing
Nigger what? Gundam Wing is one of the best animes of the 90's
I watched it for the first time several years ago. It was alright and there was nothing to really hate about it, but it didn't really blow my mind or keep me glued to my monitor either.
The Kenshin manga is objectively the best thing Shonen Jump has ever released, but the anime was a terrible adaptation that removed or altered almost every big moment of character development and dragged itself out with ungodly amounts of filler.
Wing is generally seen as one of the weaker Gundam entries, the fans mainly being fujos.

Good MS design tho
>Putting your own flesh and blood through the grief of not having anyone to play a CCG with
>the unthinking man's Cowboy Bebop
>saving anything
Why not Big-O?
Is that going by what /a/ says? Because obvious jokes about Quatre being gay for Trowa aside, the action scenes are great, the characters are all given a chance to develop, the focus on the effects prolonged wars have on the people involved in them is a great narrative device, and the romantic relationships are developed without being forced. I find myself rewatching Wing a lot more than G Gundam, which I also like, but just doesn't hold my interest for repeat viewings.
>Is that going by what /a/ says?
Most places, plus we have a mecha board you know. Even has a wing thread right now >>>/m/15724532

>the characters are all given a chance to develop
Oh you were shitposting
Season 1 costs money to air. Season 2 is free though because it was an CN co-production.

Also, it's not in HD.
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all theses post and not a single on of you faggots ask the most important question will they show the hot spring episode?
Yes, but they will censor the nudity and still air it with a TV-MA-S rating, just like they did with that one Cowboy Bebop with a brief shot of a nudie magazine.
I already asked that earlier. >>94384923

But, I imagine they would at the most censor the necessary bits and air the rest unedited.
So aside from
>Best Girl Power Hour
>Tokyo Edge
>Hunter x Hiatus
What is really killing Toonami ratings? Is it just people continuing to turn away from cable TV? Or is it a problem with the lineup?
How is that shitposting? Which major characters were not given any kind of development?
Impossible since Jojo kills the ratings so early on
>>making fun of the same VA behind Vegeta and Armstrong

You mean the guy who will always be referred to historically as "the second and worst English Vegeta voice"?
How was Quatre gay? They had an entire subplot of him having a crush on Noein for like 5 eps.
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>the action scenes are great
>read: jokes

>had an entire subplot of him having a crush on Noein for like 5 eps.
Did we watch the same show? Never got that vibe from any of their interactions
Will it still he censored
Animu is dead, there is no mainstream interest anymore.In the 5-10 years after Pokemon, Sailor Moon and DBZ normal people stood a chance of getting into anime. But now it is back to being nerds only.
>getting into a CCG that will die within a year or so
Big mistake
i didn't see that earlier my bad your good people phantomlight
He just comes off as gay because he's a naive young boy voiced by a woman; who likes to play the violin.
Also he was basically Ma-Ti from Captain Planet
>aside from most of the block
That the issue, the whole block is trash. Nice job ignoring how terrible Jojo did last week
I would assume it will run uncut except for the aforementioned nude scenes.

I would expect most episodes to be rated in the TV-14-LV or DLV range with a few possibly dipping down into the TV-PG-DLV range or up into the TV-MA-LV or TV-MA-S range.
The opposite is true though, not only is anime bigger in the west than it use to be but with the whole nerd culture trend the more dedicated audience has expanded. Toonami is simply the worst way possible for someone interested to watch anime. Only on at a set time, sometimes a year after airing and only dubs
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Do you even know how chi/kai/martial arts energy became popular?
Honestly, I think brevity is what hurts it more than anything else.

We just now finished the Golden Frieza arc, which is a shittier version of the events from the movie, whereas the series itself is about a hundred episodes ahead.

Other shows have aired earlier and have had Enlgish dubs for longer, but just now get syndication on cable television after being available online for longer.

In an age where streaming is taking over, it's getting increasingly difficult to procure airing rights for newer shows on a TV broadcast. And Crunchyroll/Funimation having such a huge amount of control over content airing in the west doesn't help matters either.

Space Dandy airing continues to be the strongest thing they had going other than, Samurai Jack S5, largely because it was a straight up simulcast that actually prioritized western audiences. We're likely not gonna get that kind of push again until FLCL airs.
He's right, though. The characters were given a chance to develop. With the possible exception of Heero, who was supposed to remain an unfeeling enigma throughout, explain how they do not.
I guess that is true. Same reason why manga sales collapsed.
HnK is too manly for American Television
Ignore him. Hating on Gundam Wing is just a meme mech anime fans came up with to show how "refined" their tastes have become since they were first introduced to the genre.
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>the action scenes are great, the characters are all given a chance to develop, the focus on the effects prolonged wars have on the people involved in them is a great narrative device, and the romantic relationships are developed without being forced.
It was mostly during the Sanc Kingdom arc, and a couple of episodes before that.
>Hating on Gundam Wing is just a meme
It's a trash show. At least the animation in the OVA's/Film was great.
> Is it just people continuing to turn away from cable TV? Or is it a problem with the lineup?
>I guess that is true. Same reason why manga sales collapsed.
While the decline of manga genuinely makes me sad, there's a part of me that wonders if more amateur mangaka will take to the internet and try to pull another OPM.
Jojo was brought down by DBZ.
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It IS boyband gundam though.

Sorry for the pic I could swear I two of Allenby.
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>tfw we'll never even get an updated HD version of HnK
Wasn't SnK a simuldub release for Toonami? Why didn't that break the 1 Million mark? I liked S2.
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Is it just me, or did it feel like there should have been way more episodes in Outlaw Star? Feels like there's untapped potential by the time it was all over.
I unironically hate Gundam. Pick a fucking continuity and stay with it.
Nope, if Jojo was a strong performer it would be able to stand on its own
Did you get butthurt cause Turn A was too slow for your ADHD?

I wonder what would have happened if it aired in the west, probably a lot more gays for brown kids
You would love orcstain
Nope, it was 3, later pushed to 5 from marathons, weeks behind the sub

Well it gave way for a second show plus it did have that spin off series everyone forgets that existed
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Is that a motherfucking JoJo reference?!
The obvious answer is that the Attack on Titan craze has dried up stateside. So much for its status as a new pillar franchise.
So it's the Skyrim of anime?
Everyone says the spinoff is terrible, so I never gave it a chance. And really, I like THIS cast, which didn't carry over, right?
>boyband gundam
What is that even supposed to mean? Anyway, I found Dorothy, all the show's women, and all the adult males to be more interesting than any of the five pilots.

You don't know the first thing about me, asshole. Apart from GW, I've been watching them all in order of release. I only finished ZZ a few months ago, so I'm nowhere near Turn A Gundam.
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This is exactly what Hot Springs Planet Tenrei is going to look like.

They blurred similar boobage in Tenchi (both the OVA on April Fools Day and GXP) and Akira.

Standards have become looser over time (as evident by KLK, as well as the one episode of Samurai Champloo with the erotic paintings no longer being blurred), but jiggling detailed tits are still a no-go.

The English voice acting really fucks it up too. This was when that particular technique was clumsy at best.
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>another 15 year old rerun

first champloo and now this. Outlaw Meme is gonna bury the remains of this block after Jojo's Bizarre Memeventure kills it
Its not Saturday yet Ryukofag, fuck off.
>but jiggling detailed tits are still a no-go.
We have to go further!
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You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people, what say you in your defense milk drinker?
High School DxD should break this taboo.
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Honestly I think how the Gundam franchise operates is quite novel.
Instead of having a bunch of series continually added to the original timeline, potentially ruining it, the presence of AU's allow for unique takes on the Gundam formula without fucking with the history of the original show.

It completely avoids the problems that long-running western franchises suffer, while allowing directors and writers to add to the franchise in their own way, for better or worse.

Yeah, you either are lying, have shit taste, or are a low-tier troll.
Wing is the mecha equivalent of a Sunday Soap-Opera. A retarded plot with retarded characters and awful dialogue.
Sure Wing has some memorable one-liners, but everything else is straight bunk.
Angel Links sucks fucking ass, it's everything bad about Outlaw Star amplified 100x.
I stand by my words: pick a fucking continuity and don't deviate or retcon it. This is what turns away potential viewers/readers.
This. New continuities prevents clusterfucks and lets them do fun new directions.

You wouldn't get fun things like G Gundam without AU's.
You wpuld if the writer wasn't a fucking hack
cut totally or convient clouds
Bob's Burgers is up to 7 seasons.
No, really. G Gundam is fucking bonkers. It wouldn't make sense to insert it in the middle of another continuity.

It's a world where the nations of the world take off into space and hold a giant robot battle tournament to rule the fucking world.
how many are on as tho?
Fuck this, start playing Rurouni Kenshin or Yu Yu Hakasho again instead

Or fuck, when was the last time they aired Trigun?
I'm the liar/low-tier troll when you have the audacity to say that Gundam Wing has a retarded plot? Nigga, it's the same shit as the first two UC series!
>big, evil, militarized organization controls Earth and also wants to control space!
>but the space colonists want to be free!
>insert stoic masked character muttering that "mankind's soul will always be drawn to Earth"
>follow this with a 14-year old pilot with psychic abilities muttering that "mankind's soul will always be drawn to space"
>political arguments, betrayals, and general war shenanigans ensue

If THAT is retarded, why the fuck are you watching Gundam?

it was pretty bad
different crew, different ship


i think it took me 5 or 6 tries to finally finish this series at a time when you were just trying to find stuff to watch
>This is what turns away potential viewers/readers.
No it doesn't. If anything it attracts more since they don't feel they have to watch the previous series to watch the current one.
Ironically many western viewers who try to get into Gundam are turned off by the Universal Century timeline because there are so many fucking installments to it.
G Gundam was pretty fucking rad, I think it's my favorite of the series actually
With the same exact story.
As a kid, Tenchi Universe was the only one that felt 'real' to me. The rest seemed like weird knockoffs.

I remember particularly being annoyed that Tenchi's powers were different in Tokyo after Universe focused a lot on that stuff.
At least 6, not sure if they've started going through season 7 yet.
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Earth doesn't want to control space though you jackass. Did you even pay attention to 0079?
The colonies being "oppressed by the EFF" was some bullshit made up by the Zabis to give them the means to rise to power.
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It's such a fucking blast.
Ehhhh, I would argue that they all have the same themes, but not the same story.
Sure they all have a "war is bad" deal going on, but the structure and characters from one show to the next is quite different.
I'd be hard pressed to convince anyone that Amuro, Kamille, and Judau are in any way similar.
Did they scrap the lovable rogue of a captain angle because it didn't do well in Japan? I can't imagine why they would change formulas so dramatically.
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>The Kenshin manga is objectively the best thing Shonen Jump has ever released
>only one good arc
>and a shitty ending

I hope you like sequels because Watnuki-sensei needs to pay his bills.
Fuck off

They need to bring back trigun
I'm not 100% sure on Kamille, but Amuro and Judau both went through a bratty "abandon the ship and refuse to fight" phase.

>Judau abandon the ship phase
When was this again? I know that he had no intention of joining the AEUG at the beginning because he was just there to steal their shit.
It was mediocre as fuck when it came out too. Outlaw Star wasn't that good and is really fucking boring. It goes for the post-Eva cardinal sin of anime storytelling in that it becomes a confusing mess as it gets near the end.
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Aside from when I got this thing for a random birthday present, I didn't really care for Gundam at all as a kid.
But all 10 year old me needed to get hooked was a series where each country got their own robot and the MS went super saiyan and I was hooked
Really Outlaw Store is more memorable for Joss Whedon ripping it off like the faggot he is than for it being actually good.
G Gundam isn't that great either and is really boring in the middle portions while going beyond its scope by the end which is never fun to see in an anime IMO. The only good AU Gundams are X and Turn A.
Honestly they just need to get Peter Cullen to do their promos again and they'll get plenty of people hyped for a mediocre 90's anime




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How to save it. Only air Super, get rid of Z. Bring back Inu Yasha and YuYu Hakusho. Get rid of Jojo's memeventure.
I remember the ending theme being really beautiful

I don't remember the words but I will never forget that melody
Inuyasha went on for too long and got absurdly anime with every thing, but looking back I unironically was hyped for it for the first 15-20 episodes
Inuyasha is a lot of fluff, to be honest. And Yuyu was better before it was all tournaments.
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Why Outlaw Star? Shouldn't they get recent anime? I mean I liked the show, but c'mon, it's 2017, pick a newer show

I wish Busou Rankin caught on better.
Eh, maybe it was Kamille, then. I watched the series back-to-back so there's a lot of overlap in my memory between Zeta and the more serious episodes of ZZ.
Perhaps we will see the return of the digital bikini.
There's no Canadian dub of anything after Ginyu until sometime in the Cell arc. And a lot of the Ocean cast changed during the Cell and Buu arc, including Goku and Gohan.
its in the rerun slot, apparently we have two now. one for ye elden timey stuff and recent stuff
>Tenchi OVA's painted bikinis on the girls
I watched it all the way through for the first time recently and liked it a lot, so I don't know. Love the animation and humor.

>Outlaw Star is better than Hunter x Hunter and Lupin

> the action scenes are great, the characters are all given a chance to develop, the focus on the effects prolonged wars have on the people involved in them is a great narrative device, and the romantic relationships are developed without being forced
Fucking laffo

Gundam Wing's writing is flat as hell and the action scenes are loaded with reused animation.

Endless Waltz is great, though.
Better then Lupin at least, not saying Lupin is bad..
Bullshit. The later shows + manga and novelization cast Zeron Zum Daikun in a sympathetic light for the sole reason that yes, the Earth Federation was being too restrictive on the colonies and he wanted his colony, and later all colonies, to have independence.
So, you're angry that it doesn't pander to stupid people?
I've never seen it so It's new to me
Here I just fixed Saturday nights:
>8:00 - The Oblongs
>8:30 - Bob's Burgers
>9:00 - Family Guy
>9:30 - Family Guy
>10:00 - Dragon Ball Super
>10:30 - Dragon Ball Z Kai
>11:00 - My Hero Academia
>11:30 - Little Witch Academia
>12:00 - Fairy Tail
>12:30 - Hunter x Hunter
>1:00 - Tokyo Ghoul
>1:30 - Jojo
>2:00 - Naturdo Shitpudden
>2:30 - Bakuman
>3:00 - Lupin The 3rd Part 4
>3:30 - Outlaw Star HD
>4:00 - Cowboy Bebop HD or Big O
>4:30 - Samurai Jack
>5:00 - Home Movies
>5:30 - King of the Hill

Then again Lupin has always been one of my favorites and the Blue Jacket series might be the best Lupin since the original green jacket anime, so
stopped reading right there
Endless Waltz had a weird mixture of so many damn issues and so many great things.

Hell even Quatre's suit had a neat heat-shield for atmospheric entry.
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>>11:30 - Little Witch Academia
>>12:00 - Fairy Tail
I don't wanna deal with both those fags. When LWA ended I was glad to get the fuck out of those threads
Replace garbage like Fairy Tail or Bakuman with something like Drifters and you've got a block.
No one's getting turned off the Gundam series because of multiple continuities. You pick a version that sounds interesting and go for it. If anything people would be scared off if they thought they had to start from the beginning to understand everything
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Please, not even a rerun can stop the undeniable fact that,

He will SAVE US!
Season 2 whenever they're done with it.
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How's season 2, Ryuko-chan~?
>Fairy Tail
>Rerun Bebop or Big 0 for the umpteenth time

Only thing I can agree with is MHA
It's new, and popular and if they could simudub it on toonami since the episodes air on Saturday as well.
Honestly simudubbing anything might be worth wild.
Doing that with AoT probably would have gotten them mildly better ratings as well.
I don't think it was tournaments that made the difference. It was villains.

The early villains of YYH were very forgettable. Then we got Toguro, who was great. And the Dark Tournament arc was good because it built up nicely.

Some people still liked Sensui alright, but he was a clear step down in quality. And nobody liked Yomi all that much.
No it was the damned tournaments. I just tried to watch it and they get glued to namek for an eternity.
>complaining about /a/ in a Toonami thread
Meh. I liked it.
Yusuke was on the sidelines and we got to see more of the other characters fight.
Kurama's fight where his true form was revealed is always something I look forward to.

That and Hiei's Dragon of the Darkness Flame. It's edgy to the point where it's enjoyable
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Man I love Trigun, I do, but shit do I hate the ending. Vash's no kill policy worked because 99% of villians committed suicide or died from incompetence.

Knives on the other hand was pure psycho that just enjoyed making people suffer.

Shitty childhood can only excuse so much.
Oblongs unironically still gets good ratings.
>>Rerun Bebop or Big 0 for the umpteenth time
>implying you can do anything with the 3 AM hour besides nostalgia or more recent reruns

At least this time Toonami owns the HD 99% uncut versions of Outlaw Star and Bebop and GITS that have never actually aired on western television before.
Fair enough
>Home movies
hello ratings cancer
Well there was a Blu-Ray released. Odds are if Toonami ever got the rights to air season 1 again, they could do what they did with Kai initially and add that border on the sides.
Gene was freaking out about his duel to the death and apologized

Yeah it was a shitty thing to do but that was not his standard behavior
>having shit tastes this bad

And i thought /co/ couldn't get any lower
AS would kill to get home movies ratings where reddit and meme are now
Already rewatched this on Goldnami years ago. This is a total desperation move.
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>Outlaw Star
>Not Dandy
oh wow an old mediocre anime is back on tv!
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Ah my prayers have been heard, I knew if i posted Aisha Clan Clan every saturday that Outlaw Star would come back!
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>tfw reruns of Home Movies at 4 AM on a random Tuesday get better ratings in the 18 - 49 demo than the entire Toonami block last saturday

no you didnt
Honestly I hope Toonami picks up Danmachi and/or Re:Zero.
You can't just make posts like this and not go into detail.
100% right
>showcase for simuldubs/exclusives
no thats too good of an idea
fuck you, her having rogue's va was the only reason I could even stand the character.
It was bade because it made Tenchi into kind of a dick, which maybe was believable but wasn't enjoyable to watch.
>Post yfw Saturdays are flooded with catits.
They need more quality anime like Attack on Titan
>showcase for simuldubs/exclusives.
That doesn't work anymore.
Demarco, you're not allowed here
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I remember a few years ago watching galaxy police when it was on.

That was probably the worst thing I have ever watched. It wasn't even, "so bad it's funny" bad. It was just bad. Really bad.
Honestly its a good fit, I wonder why no one's dubbed it yet

No one has money to paint bikinis, and since it's a late-night block aimed at adults they don't have to go to that much trouble. S&P had an issue with even implied nudity on the original Toonami due to the audience of 6-11 year olds (even though it was aimed at 9-14).
The hell I can't. Watch the show.

Apparently a lot of them consider us a sibling species because they have a clone of Christianity going.
Plus the ratings for Home Movies back when it was on Saturday nights before toonami ranged from 500k - 900k with demo ratings ranging between 0.3 and 0.6.

These current Saturday ratings are sad.

Seriously. The first R&M hour is doing poor but passable and the second just abysmal.

Still nothing beats the all-time lowest ratings Adult Swim has ever gotten in the 10 PM hour:

The Venture Bros. on July 15 got 474,000 viewers total, a .22 18-49 demo rating, and 283,000 viewers in the 18-49 demo.

This is in a timeslot that had been performing roughly 5x times higher than that before The Venture Bros. started airing there.
It's both. FG reruns ratings are going down too. Anime streaming sites are going on the offensive. Why do you think Funimation is ignoring Toonami now? Hero Academy seemed like a perfect fit for Toonami. Which is why they made it exclusive on their streaming site. Crunchyroll is advertising EVERYWHERE.

As for the lineup, it lacks any mainstream appeal(due to Funi becoming distant). People begged for DB Super, because they thought it was gonna be an exact sequel to Z. After a year of bullshit, Super is about to finally going to become what might be considered "decent", but it's too late now. Plus we now have Kai, which means we now have a full hour of dragonball before we get to the other shows. People who care about Jojo already watched it and know that the dub ruins the appeal of the show, and normies don't like it. TG is a show that would've been a great pick up in 2013. HxH is another form of OP.
It's filling up a rerun slot.
And let's be honest, "new" shows don't mean anything for Toonami anymore. None of the new anime airing this season will coming to Toonami as long as Demarco's prudish ass is in charge.
MHA is on season 2 and it's basically over now. Funi already announced it's going straight to Hulu. Toonami fucked itself by not trying to keep Funimation close.

I'm the same age and started rewatching it like 3 years ago, got half way through it and need to finish. I didn't remember it at all back then. It's a lot better than I what I thought.

However OP it is indeed a desperation move, also to appeal to the nostalgia kids.
If i was in Demarco's position, I'd air Gantz and DxD both uncensored just to piss off S&P. Take the fines out of my salary.
>People who care about Jojo already watched it and know that the dub ruins the appeal of the show
as if the show doesnt ruin the appeal of the manga
Old Joseph is still fun to watch
FUck you too bud. her voice cracks so fucking much with all the screaming she does
It's still "wacky and japanese." There is literally no point in watching the dub as they are going to remove every musical reference and there's no engrish either.

>mfw tenchi is what ruined me back in the day
>avoid rewatching now so I don't get my memories destroyed of all that bullshit day dreaming about getting ayeka and saving the universe

kill me and my childhood weeaboo fantasies
That was only Hiei and Kurama... and that blonde kid from Chapter Black. Maybe Yomi too if "not enemies anymore" counts. The surviving tournament fighters weren't really enemies except for Shihiwakamaru, who was a reluctant ally.
Dragon Ball did perfect tournament arcs 3 times in a row and other anime still have trouble doing 1 correctly
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Yeah, it'll just be blurred. Digitally added towels are too much work these days.
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>watching outlaw star dubbed
>watching anime dubbed

They were apparently planning on a second season but it wouldn't have had Aisha or Suzuka so there was no point.
>complaining about dubs in a Toonami thread

How did the venture brothers rate so low
Is there a show with a better OP?

I think not.
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>get rid of Z

You do realize people waited YEARS for Kai Boo arc right?
Knives will just come back in a century and do it again.
YuYu Hakusho
You're dead to me, /co/.
OPM S2 is already looking to pull a AoT S2: it's too late.

>He hasn't finished the series
I did the first time around, I don't remember hearing that.
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My question is when are we bringing the real shit back
Because it wasn't OPM, that's why.
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>It will never be 2002 again
>ywn get home from school, watch Outlaw Star and Gundam Wing on toonami, then scamper to your room to build Gundam models while listening to Linkin Park, waiting for your turn on the Xbox to play Morrowind
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I remember back when this show first aired it was panned as mediocre anime. Now it's somehow considered one of the greats.
i think jojo is proving gay shit pretending to be alpha shit with edgy shit is not working. slow fucking ass decline over its entire airing
AoT was the bee's knees back then too.
I'd convert for lizard pusspuss.
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>being this contrarian

Never change /co/
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RIP Chester
press f to pay respects
>tfw you weren't a child then

I do miss when model kits were everywhere though, including walmart.
Fuck you
Talking about the anime.
Won't save it.

Toonami needs seinen anime like Parasyte, good movies, and random, weird shit like X and so on that people can play in the background at parties No more shonen.
Will it be censored? Been meaning to watch this, but if it's censored with butchered music I'll just stream or download it.

Stupid USA dubs.
Kinda surprised they never picked up Fairy Tail.
just keep running away?
I was gonna watch it dubbed anyway.
If they do it's all over. That show is utter garbage.

Zeon propaganda!
I'd already bought into Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh for her, I had to put my foot down at some point.
Because it wasn't McFarlane shit so normies weren't interested.
NEED THIS on Toonami. https://youtu.be/RN5ifzoUsfc
I don't know but if they do make season 2 of kill la kill this would be how https://imgur.com/r/anime/6vR2V
>yet another show everyone has already seen over a decade ago

The restrictions as to what kind of shows are even considered for the block are seriously stifling.
I mean it's at 2:30 AM so who gives a shit
it's not practical to air premieres there anymore

It won't be censored except for boobs in one episode.
Both, as >>94389554 pointed out, it's not just a Toonami-exclusive problem too. Neither the R&M or FG reruns are doing so hot either before or after the animu. And a large part of that is likely chalked to four major reasons:

- long runners like DB, JoJo and the HxH/Naruto power hour preventing other, potentially shorter shows to step in. Doubles as bad schedling, as Lupin is forced to air after those shows and TG, yet another ratings cancer.
- the fact that Super took as long as it did to get to the decent stuff hurt its chances to be anywhere close to successful, thus ruining its blockmates. Kai ain't doing much better with how long the cut down Buu arc is supposed to be.
- as mentioned in point one, some of the show choices are utter crap. TG and AoT season two have proven to be ratings black holes, and its obvious JoJo's not going to be any different once the hype train dies down. Those coupled with the return of IBO dooms the block from getting any new shows for about a year.
- People just don't want to see reruns anymore. This is a problem that spans both Toonami and [AS]. GiTS, FG and R&M have been overplayed as fuck and it's beginning to show in regards to the latter two.

At this point, either they need to shake the schedule up greatly on both ends, or die in a pathetic whimper by the end of the decade.
Even taking all of that into account there's still a much bigger problem.

Why would anyone who is interested in anime watch one episode a week as opposed to binging an entire series on crunchyroll/netflix/kissanime?
The Toonami atmosphere. But hey ho, guess who decided to end the weekly banter and now/next/later bumps because he didn't like them anymore?
The Jojo hype is already dead. It aired at midnight yet did worse than AoT ever did


>That show is utter garbage.
This channel ran Bleach for years.
Bleach is good
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>Fairy Tail

They already cancelled One Piece, why would they start airing One Piece JR?
Hell, you could say the same about anything on the [AS] lineup. Not just the Toonami block. Ourside of new R&M episodes, everything else can be simply accessed through a site like KimCartoon or even Netflix.

That and the fact that many of these shows are years out of date (Jojo being 2014, TG being 2015-ish, AoT being only weeks behind the Japanese run for season 2) It doesn't particularly help Demarco and [AS]'s cases on that one.
Eh, the Aizen Ichigo battle didn't have to end with him losing his shinigami powers.
so fairy tail is one piece kai?
More like One Piece Super
They were in no way suffering though, and there was literally no reason to go to war.
Once Zeon dropped the colony, any good intentions the movement had were thrown out the window.
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This was the only character I liked in Outlaw Star, so of course they killed her off immediately. Also, she had a god tier dub voice, which I think is half the reason I liked her.
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>it wouldn't have had Aisha
How? She is the damn show.
I haven't watched this since the last time Toonami aired it. Should I skip it to preserve the good memories?
I've given people like you grief before, but in complete honesty, it probably would have been an all-around stronger show with her around.
This. If Outlaw Star Season 2 really wouldn't have had Aisha, it'd be a no sale for me.
Thanks for asking for that pic. I've made good use of it over the years.
Why does /co/ have such consistently shit taste?
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The dub is all around fantastic. I firmly believe the reason Japan doesn't give a shit about Aisha and we do is because she was voiced to perfection in English.

Dat cute rasp.
I would. I wouldn't be proud of it but I would.
They should just grab VOTOMS.
Aisha was my first waifu.
20+ years of loving dark skin and muscles.
>/co/ has consistently shit taste

You pretty much answered your own question anon.
It didn't blow my mind but it was fun to see.

Except the first time I saw it because my parents and I were watching it at the first time and that was awkward.
Stayed with Hinata. Love shy well endowed loyal girls who are great cooks (ie the perfect woman)
No, it's going by /m/ as well; the plot meanders all over the place, as if they weren't sure where they were going with it.
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Definitely. We only scratched the surface of the setting.

All of Outlaw Star takes place in that red area at the top.
Great taste. Great fetishes.
No it didn't. The Federation let Zeon be independent, then Zeon killed half of mankind with nukes and gas.
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>dem body features

>mfw im actually getting turned on by this
Well, if we're going to argue physical places it could have taken place, that pretty much makes any space Sci-Fi setting explode with potential.

I mean more in terms of the core cast, and the things they could have done. And things like Gene's spell shooting gun and all that could have been.
My fucking negro!

Yeah, Aisha set my young mind on a course it's been on for nearly 15 years now. Chocolate Alien Catgirl Amazons for fucking life.
>Hell, you could say the same about anything on the [AS] lineup. Not just the Toonami block. Ourside of new R&M episodes, everything else can be simply accessed through a site like KimCartoon or even Netflix.

Well often Adult Swim originals are either only viewable on Adult Swim itself or their website (some are on hulu though), not to mention that they air shows like Off the Air and Infomercials and random specials or music videos that are TV exclusives for the first few days. Plus they also air stuff like Fishcenter and Williams Stream which are simulcasts of their online streams but can't be viewed outside of that.

The syndicated FOX shows though, fuck em. There's no reason to air Family Guy or Bob's Burgers when they're literally on Netflix (and two of the most popular shows on netflix for about 3 years running) and any illicit site you could imagine.
I just don't know how I feel going from /ss/ to whatever normal is.
I went from Jim to Gene and I don't like it.

Growing up is no fun.
I'm looking forward to it also reminder that /co/nami has it's own toonami podcast and you can be on it http://traffic.libsyn.com/podnami/podnami_59_final.mp3
not him but whats wrong with kenshin?
My dick is not ready for the coming influx of Aisha clanclan art
DeMarco is hand tailoring anime for you people. Sorry he can't stay on the cutting edge of every new anime.
Toonami should have just stayed dead.
Yeah pretty much. They've tried catering to the tumblr crowd since the block came back but they are too fickle and just chase the latest fad anime, not a very reliable audience for the block. I think most of them have just gotten bored with anime and moved on honestly.
Outlaw Star doesn't live up to its nostalgia unfortunately. I rewatched the series after the BD remasters were finally uploaded, and was surprised by how lackluster it was over all. Still, it has dat OP
I definitely felt like it landed somewhere lower in overall quality than I remember. But I didn't regret marathoning it.
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Holy shit, it's real. Does this mean if I meme hard enough I can get SCRYed and BoBoBo on the block?
This won't save anything. If it's not dbz it's not doing anything.
MAYBE SCRYed, but probably not Bobobobobobobo. Again the real hook would be getting these shows to air again using the new HD masters and in uncut format.

Maybe the HD YYH at some point.
I own the box set, and I think it holds up great. It is still my favorite anime series.
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Holy shit, there's a show I haven't thought of in a good solid decade.
>If it's not dbz it's not doing anything.
Yeah that 11:30 Dragon Ball was doing some real damage with it's 700k viewers, 400k of whom were actual adults (aka AS' target demo).
nah, it's good
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So they got the rights to air this show again. How is this news?
This for me. The atmosphere and effort in the packaging was best in 2012-2014.
They fucking better! Why buy back the broadcasting rights to this show and air it on AS if they aren't going to show this episode uncensored.
If by hand tailoring, you mean using Toonami as his live MAL profile
Aisha is a catgirl, not a cat.
Exactly, I can't imagine how low Outlaw Star will be
>Demarco gets OS to fill time
>only reason it won't be a ratings abyss is because it's going in the rerun slot
>this has enabled countless retards to start squawking for old crap to air next
I pray this was a one time thing
At 2:30 who gives a fuck? That's a deadzone anyway. Above 600k and it will be fine.
>Why buy back the broadcasting rights to this show and air it on AS if they aren't going to show this episode uncensored
AS can't show full frontal nudity. Standards and Practices would never allow it. They share channel space with a children's network.
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You're on a Laotian trainspotting forum talking about muscle-bound brown alien catwomen you saw fifteen years ago. In a way, you never grew up.
because you didn't know, now you do.
One of my favorites. The world is amazing.

only one I really watched or cared about

is that the one where Tenchi activated some space wings that usually only the ships can do? if so, then I feel the same way
Whats with the 2nd image "shes more animated than her cat"
This. I feel like I'm becoming a dirty old man just by liking the same things I've always liked.
That's hilarious anon
How can I turn away from cable when satellite internet is my only option and it rains half of the year? Is hughsnet bad in the rain? I'm a literal tard when it comes to these things. I can't stream with the the cheap service I have.
wait, Spoilers in case of actual newfags.
i thought she came back towards the end when the gang was fighting their fated enemies/rivals or something. granted its been a long ass time since i've seen the show but still
Sandrock nigga
>we have to pretend outlaw star is bad now
or we could just enjoy things
Better than Bebop. Are you retarded?
It's not bad, it's just kinda mediocre. Has some good eps, but a lot of forgettable ones. You'll see when it airs.
Yeah me either. Not a bad show, just doesn't live up to my memories. Before rewatching it I held Outlaw Star up as one of the best anime I'd ever seen, now it's nowhere near the top.
Sooooo is Toonami dying again or something, I don't know whats going on anymore, give me a quick rundown.
sCRYed would be fun just cause the drinking game would kill everyone with only two rules
>drink every time you hear KAZUMAAAAA
>drink every time you hear RYUUHOOOOOO
[as] ratings are down as a whole and the only thing breaking a million is Decker and Rick and Morty.

Toonami is in the same boat where the lowest rating show is pulling 450,000 viers
Fucking Rick and Morty got nearly 3 million on Sunday.
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>tfw you recently watched trigun, outlaw star, and bebop back to back

Outlaw star had the best world, bebop had the best writing, and trigun had the best characters.

That said I'm disappointed outlaw star never got a movie OVA or something like bebop or trigun. I wish they would have funded one of those instead.
Outlaw Star's crazy taoist magic shit was so awesome but they ended up going basically nowhere interesting with it. Such a shame.

Literally how
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>never heard of it
>look up the op


I'm hype
Fairy Tail is coming when either HxH or DBZ Kai end, both of which are closer than you'd think.
Yeah, but those finale episodes with the brutal as fuck black hole gun and the matrix god shit was pretty baller
Oh you mean that massive shift in tone and character personalities on episode 25 that felt totally out of place and somehow all characters got their demons out at exactly the same time?

Like I said, best world, not the best characters or writing. It was just cool to look at is what I'm saying.

To be honest it felt like a fake show within a show at times
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Top tier jokes.
no, but everyone being in panic mode here would lead you to believe it is
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>there was an outlaw star spinoff show
Is... is it any good?
Never seen it, gonna now
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>>94382951 >>94383027 >>94383032 >>94383038 >>94383168 >>94383295 >>94383933 >>94383987 >>94384218 >>94384535 >>94384756 >>94384768 >>94385565 >>94386610 >>94387364 >>94387801 >>94389710 >>94390176 >>94395430 >>94396364

Thanks for all the (You)s, guys, but honestly I was expecting more.

No, it's awful.
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"Toonami is dead": Jaded hyperbole or grim inevitability?
It IS bad, but everyone has their nostalgia goggles on. Can't wait for all these people who haven't seen it in a decade to get another taste and be turned off
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>sudden pang of nostalgia for the zone flash

Jesus christ, how long has it been?
This image has made me reconsider many preconceived notions I had about that series as a whole.
Nope, with how bad ratings are they will just cut those timeslots when they end
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Based Anon working the other Anonetties.
>weekly schedule changes with little warning
>lmao it's nothing guys
Since 2012 that has always been a meaningless phrase, but within the last few months it has gotten some credibility. Constant schedule shifts and continuing to decline ratings is exactly what happened with ASA
I still use it to this day.
Jokes on you, I watched it last year with the EG Bluray encode.

It's still great.
>can show brutal death and bloodsplosions no problem
>pair of fucking tits at like 2AM will ruin children forever

I fucking hate this bullshit in the US.
Only good thing on toonami is hunter x hunter. Seen all the other Animes subbed and most her awfull especially Tokyo ghoul root A and lupin the 3rd. I don't care about Joni's bizzare adventure or naruto
>[as] ratings are down as a whole and the only thing breaking a million is Decker and Rick and Morty.
>Toonami is in the same boat where the lowest rating show is pulling 450,000 viers

What kind of fucking ratings do they expect for running fucking Naruto-An anime that ended like 10 fucking years ago or some shit and is well into it's spinoff shit series-At like 3AM for it's 800 fucking episodes of filler? Do they honestly think that kind of shit is gonna draw viewers?
Dbz kai there on the last arc while hxh barely got to arc 4 out of 6 and arc 5 is ridiculously long
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My favorite old school anime is coming back to Toonami? Neat!
>high pitched screeching
When was that? None of the characters had that not even Ryoko had any of that kinda voice. I dont know what you count as high pitched screeching but Ryoko sure didnt have it.
I myself perfer japanese voices but that maybe because i grew up with those voices

You know because of you we'll get a whole new generation of Outlaw Star fans


No I posted the intro earlier in the thread
Probably 700-800k like it was getting a year ago. Then Demarco decided to buy as many long runners as possible which caused tons of people to drop the block all together and for it to have the reputation of being the block jammed full of long runners you need to watch for a decade to finish
I dont get this praise for it. Its not bad but they fucked up with kuramas voice.
toonami sux
>a weekday Toonami thread maxes out

How many years has it been since that has happened?
It's been a couple months, at least

>Post 501

I dont know. I liked japanese Aisha for some reason
This is probably the second or third one this year. Unless there is something to discuss, it's not gonna happen. Even this thread was fueled by a lot of off topic arguments but whatever
I see you take after your mother
Aren't there black weebs that are pretty into Outlaw Star, though?
That's a great episode though.

I don't get everyone saying that the show hasn't aged well. I have the series and I usually re-watch it at least once a year.
>jojo ratings thread
>maybe 100 posts
>outlaw star
>500 posts in around 12 hours

inb4 part 4 is when it picks up
>Same old tired ratings discussion
>"new" show announcement
See >>94397994 for further understanding
Thread posts: 511
Thread images: 85

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