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Your Star VS Best Grill

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Thread replies: 491
Thread images: 216

There is a lack of Hekapoo material here lately so here is some
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Someone have the pictures of her in the bunny outfit, and then the seams get torn by her ass?
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make way for best grill
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plz, everyone knwo who is best grill
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Do you guys think it will be nice if there was some kind of episode about the whole adventure of Marco through the many years He spend chasing Hekapoo? Also I dont like how they kind of swept it under the rug Marco kind of forgetting stuff like his PC password and such (Or Im missing something here?)
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I don't think an entire episode would be good, but a throwaway line about Marco readjusting to life on Earth would have been good. I really would have like some minor permanent personality change, like acting a little more grown up, or keeping the sword/dragon-cycle/other magical artifacts found besides the sizzors.

Alas, there's always fanfiction
>Only one kid
>Implying Marco didn't creare an entire pantheon of half-gods with Hekapoo
Let me show you the real best girl
Honestly I don't think the main flaw of that episode or later ones was not following up on it; I think the biggest mistake was even considering aging a main character to an adult for one episode a viable plot point in a show that does place a lot of importance on character development and continuity.

I actually think not constantly referencing that after Running with Scissors was a decent way of handling it because I think the premise of that episode itself was flawed. The only better thing would have been to not have adult Marco at all.

It's actually a good episode in isolation but it's not a concept I think they should have touched. Maybe moreso because of fan reactions/expectations built off of it than its impact on the series.
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Different strokes, anon.
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Not trying to argue anything here or change anyone's minds. Just my own opinion on it since it's the first time I've really articulated it here.

My main point was that if the entire show has to become about Marco's readjustment to life as a teenager as a "proper" followup to the episode, then maybe the problem isn't not following through with it so much as introducing an element that isn't really relelvant to the overarching plot but would nonetheless play a major role in the series until the end. Show has enough going on already.

Also like I said, I liked the episode.
Well, it didn't take long for this tumblr OC to get posted.

So where's the roleplaying?
I like the noseless girl with the green hair and striped shirt.

Yep. Once they stepped up to the idea of adult Marco, there were two paths to take, neither of them good.

The first involved throwing away the deuteragonist we knew and suddenly diverting his story to being about being a thirty-year-old wasteland adventurer who can't relate to his old life anymore. Cost of this path: Marco as we knew him, and the story for him the show had been building so far.

The second involved overlooking that event and keeping Marco basically as he was (as the wider story needed needed him to be,) but as a result undermining the impact of that episode, as well as doing damage to the idea of sudden events mattering in the plot at all. Cost of this path: the story of Running with Scissors, and partially the very idea of episodes having consequences!

(And it's possible to get the bad effects of BOTH by trying some mix, but not neither!)

It wouldn't be a bad story in itself. But it doesn't belong in THIS story.

And that's all I'm going to say about this because thinking about this for too long makes me mad as Tom.
>if the entire show has to become about Marco's readjustment to life as a teenager as a "proper" followup to the episode
But it doesn't. A callback would be nice, though.
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holy shit anon
I don't see a callback as out of the question though, and I wouldn't complain if it got one (not counting the new scissors).

More like it seems people just want it to be constantly be referenced, Marco to be considered a totally different character before and after it, etc. Except from the crew's perspective it clearly seems to be a less important episode, again minus Marco's scissors, and so they wouldn't want to keep acting like it's something as major as the loss of Star's spellbook for example. In that sense, doing an episode with a premise like that at all was a mistake
dick them all hard
sauce pls
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>Kelly's left out AGAIN.
has anyone really been far even as decided

Hush. We love our eager South American drawfags.

no way, sweetheart
Only correct answer
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>mfw Legoman drew hekapoo
Say what you want about him, but he draws delicious booties
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Holly shit I remember when this was just a sketch
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I there more?
It isn't nice to not share.
That is rockin!
Do you have any more of this amazingness?
I mean the grammar is atrocious, but I got the point.
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Since last post was late in other thread.

With the recent Mexican leak of the outro it's gotten me into my theory again. Since small things helped it.

>Star was named Shining Star in the lyrics, and may other names

Lucifer was known as the Shining One.

>The background of the outro going from day to night

Venus known as the Morning and Evening Star.


>What did they mean by this?

There's 650 prayers in the bible, counting the Old and New Testament.
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Just finished the episode with Marco getting new dimension scissors, and I still don't understand why does everyone like Hekapoo

Sure, she's T H I C C, but I don't think I'd be able to tolerate her personality irl so that doesn't really matter
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Best solution would have been the simplest: just have Heckapoo erase Marco's memory MIB-style when he goes back.

In fact, that's almost a necessary headcanon considering all the implications now of Marco being a 30-year-old man in a teenager's body.
I can exchange starfan for Kelly anytime
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Do the dull stack anon
I beg you
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Ok this is cute AF
The arm wrapping Star head should be a little darker
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Finally caught up with S2 and just like S1 it is frustrating how inconsistent this show is regarding the quality of the writing. There are some great episodes, unfortunately there are quite a few below average/mediocre ones.

I liked Sleepover, Into the Wand, and Just Friends. What are your favorites from the second season?
Forgot Face the Music.
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Face the music, ive actually fucked myself like that before si it was painfully relatable.
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>High quality edit of BMB Monstar
You people should have stopped a long time ago. Why did this never stop?
Whats this? A handsome Hekapoo Thread woefully underpopulated by Janna, a large influx of Janna should put a stop to this.
Please elaborate
Kelly is hardly a character
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You have good taste anon. I still think "Into the Wand" is the best episode.
I won't list all my favorites but I have to say "Game of Flags" deserves more love than it gets.
They resolved this much better in adventure Time.
Marco is best girl
The situation has only been made more complicated with the addition of jackie!
Sauce on the artist? Fluffy17 doesn't really get me anything.
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the artist is Fluffy
>When you remember even ms Skullnick and sensei got more development than Jackie did
The amount of people who think jackie went fucking nowhere...
You can't develop a character that has no character. That may have been true in season 1 but season 2 has done a good job of giving her character a bit beyond vapid skater girl. Now comes the development step, which hopefully will come in season 3.

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is starco perfect?
>ywn punch retarded star in its autistic fucking face while you get paid to take care of her
why even live
Tv Movie event in July
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So guys, Tumblr is doing this thing in a month where they post a ton of Manna in one week. But there aren't that many Manna shippers there, so with just a few drawfags (and writefags) we could spam the fuck out of them.

We've got a month to prepare; anyone interested?
Autists are for molesting, not punching.
need sauceeeee
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That's it, i refuse to accept anything but the correct version of that
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Because lizard girls are hot
And we had some really good pastebins stories with the subject.
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When was the last time we saw a TV movie for a Disney cartoon?
Disney XD even
IIRC Phenis and Ferb did. And Gravity Falls got extended episodes
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We're not talking about one hour specials that are essentially two episodes cobbled together here.
>no moon route
We need more fan work or music videos with him. Shame this fandom has little of artists compared to ponyfags. This song would fit him and Moon.

well its just a cartoon for 7 year olds, bro
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We have to settle this once and for all.
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Yeah but other episodes prove that usually they tend to aim higher than "status quo resets at end of episode"

Not at all denying it's a cartoon for 7-year-olds but it's usually kinda better written than that
Yeah its really wierd what they did.
There is no chance in hell he would not at least once had sex with Hekapoo within 16 years. He would start getting boners within 2 years and he had somehow eat or bath for those years while Hekapoo kept him company.
>no janna
Anyone got a screen cap of the greentext where janna spills her spaghetti around marco?
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Based anon! I hate spaztikas as well.
For those who can't see the trailer
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It's a redraw of a hentai scene where a sexy big titted dark elf is getting gangbanged by orcs. I can't remember the whole name of the hentai video, but it had "KuroInu" in the title.
Nefcy testing the waters for her planned surprise Manna end.
Tumblr really latched onto Janna.
Also Tom.
Poor Jackie, holy fuck.
At least she's better than Pony Head, and she'd probably be ahead of Kelly if she was in that poll
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Wonder why...
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I think Moon, due to the sheer breadth and complexity of her various plights, is a great example of how you can darken the Disney Princess formula without descending into full-on smug irony or transparent edge.
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I request a drawfag to draw star like demencia, I've had a sudden interest in her.
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>and once dated a talking skeleton
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Oh, anon. It's much, much, much, much better than that.

She got dumped by a talking skeleton.
Well lookin what we got here. A promo and a date!?
July 15th here we come.
>two-hour movie premiere called Battle for Mewni.
Ayy, that's pretty cool
>And Marco wasn't ready to date someone as fierce as me (sorry, Marco)

Is it just me or does it almost sound like Janna dated Bernardo to make Marco jealous?

Which would make getting dumped all the more humiliating.
So... Are we just moving here now that the other thread has reached its bump limit?
I think Janna's a fan of sour grapes. You know, because she likes to wine so much.
Well neither of the 2 oher threads got pruned in the night and the other one is near the limit so I guess you could write stuff here
I don't see why not.
So, we're all in agreement that Jackie will either get knocked up by Oskar or turned out by Toffee, right?

Is THAT what her negative reaction to going out again implied? I was kind of wondering about that.
Jackie better get knocked up by somebody inb4 Ferg
Moon wants to see her hated foe get vored
Jackie will get tricked by toffee to become his newest minion. It'll be a deal with the devil kind of thing.
I personally think Janna ending with Tom will be nice
And Toffee will take that opportunity to ruin that pussy, right?

She'll end up with Tom. You know it's the endgame that makes most sense. Oskar will be quietly pushed to the sidelines with A and F
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So, movie bingo time. Working on the space fillers, I've separated some into groups that probably shouldn't be allowed in the same row/column/diagonal:

Awesomeness: (non-colinear)
>River is a badass
>Mina is a badass
>Lil Chauncey is a badass

Pacing: (non-colinear)
>Frame story
>At least 30 minutes of Flashbacks
>Less than 10 minutes on Earth

Ending: (non-colinear)
>Mewni falls
>Toffee recovers finger

>Star fucks up
>Moon fucks up
>Ludo fucks up
>Toffee miscalculates

>Marco ditches Jackie
>Starco mutually friendzoned
>Underdog ship moment

>Star is part of Moon's Darkest Spell
>Moon's Darkest Spell is cast again

>Named character death
>Monsters help Star/Moon
>Eclipsa tease
>Dark Star tease
>Ludo resists Toffee
>Reptilian hotness acknowledged
>Glossaryck proven prophetic
>Moon and Toffee act friendly
>Young Moon suffering
>Star gets some maternal bonding
>Toffee's sympathetic past revealed

Some of the last category may need to be trimmed. Any thoughts?
>even a dead talking skeleton can't stand Janna
So season 3 premiers in july, yes?
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How much you wanna bet it's young moons voice, as she's learning the "darkest spell" to use against toffee.
>inb4 tragic moon vs toffee flashback EP
>RIP Moonfee ship
Makes me want to store all my shekels and get ready for July 15th
>pushed to the sidelines with A and F

No, that's wrong.

Apparently they're being brought back and will be used in the new season. There's even a chance they'll get more focus than Jackie.
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>River is a badass

I really hope so.

>Mina is a badass

Even more so, I hope so. Also, seeing Moon realize that her friend is getting farther away as Mina's mental health deteriorates in front of her would be wonderfully tragic.
Fall. After September, propably.
The movie is """an excuese""" to delay it, I think.
Wow, this is fucking autistic. Please kill yourself.
Just think of it like Narnia
I'm not going to lie.

I would fuck the shit out of Toffee.
Are you a girl?
So it wasn't Princess Marco that got you, but the Lizard-Candy?
In other news, Trans Marco
Theory proven wrong with one tweet from
But anon. Das not my T H I C C waifu
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>star is in her room back on mewni
>bored she decides to go through her old clothes
>as she'd cycling through she stops on sky's outfit
>she pauses looks at the screen and gives a small chuckle then keeps cycling through the rest of the clothes

>not /sveg/ face when
no that's dumb, they wouldn't stop
I want warrior Toffee to dominate me
Anon, that's really gay.
which one?
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Who wouldn't?
so is Toffee
>Pony Head least liked
Thank god, that's all the matter
"Fav Male character besides Marco"
>implying Marco
Is clearly a male
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Where is Heka?
Too minor of a character.

Also she would have won because of sex appeal, which would have made for a bad poll.
>Poor Jackie, holy fuck.
Meh, Jackie's just a bland "main guy's first crush" character. Only reason she's not as unpopular as Oskar is she's got a cute design.
>Is it just me or does it almost sound like Janna dated Bernardo to make Marco jealous?
Which would be funny because Marco didn't even notice, let alone care.
She wants her half-brother's dick so bad.
>Poor Jackie, holy fuck.

The audience is heavily Starco, what did you expect?
it's kuroinu, and i'm pretty sure the scene in question is from episode 1,
How would hekapoo react to trap marco?
>The Audience
>Little Girls
Yeah. It sucks when the intended audience gets good shit and actually gets catered to. Leaves the unintended audience high and dry.
>Poor Jackie, holy fuck.
No wonder she's getting written out of the show with how unpopular she is.
The "unintended" audience of adult guys is majority Starco too, though.
I wanna fugg Toffe.
Would gloss be a good grandpa?
Don't worry she already pricked them.

He'd be too bored of life to give a shit.
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I call the darkness onto me
from deepest depths of earth and sea
to Blackest night I pledge my soul and crush my heart
to summon forth a deadly power
to see my hated foe devour

>I pledge my soul and crush my heart

Dame what did toffee do to Queen Butterfly???

any guess?
>106 images 206 posts in
i wonder if we'll ht the image limit
everyone likes (?) to imagine Moon cucked Toffee but what if Toffee actually cucked Moon, just as Marco would Star in the future, and so she vowed to crush her heart to never let herself get hurt again-- and kill Toffee for good measure

Toffee got with Rasticore instead but things haven't been the same since that fateful battle
>Damn what did Toffee do to Queen Butterfly?
If you look closely you can see two skulls on Toffee's shoulders that have a set of cheek marks. So killing her family and wearing their heads like war trophies probably pissed her off something fierce.

Depends on how dark they want to go with it

Could be
> Killed parents
> Killed sibling

or maybe, for interesting lore:

> Cursed unborn Star
>Sure she's THICC but-
No stop there.
You have the reason.
I'd rather have a STICC who I enjoy hanging out with than a THICC who's a total bitch.
Imagine if it was just Janna, Jackie, and Ponyhead. Jackie would be a lot higher
>No Hekapoo option

Invalid poll.
Makes no sense, pony head is less popular and she's sure to stay
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>Skeleton guy is on /fit/ right trying to gain 'skin in the game'
For people to treat Jackie like a person
I hate that notion. At least she explains why it is she admires him so much, and has been shown to enjoy the inter dimensional stuff
Oh god yes give me that good good black magic.
>more focus than Jackie
There is absolutely nothing to support this.
I think the that dark spell moon cast on Toffee somehow bound his soul with Star's but this is just speculation.
Mermaids aren't people anon.
Jackie is confirmed to not be a mermaid.

But she's still not a person either.
Anyone got a mega thread for the book?
Star wars rebels
Pony Head was MEANT to be hated though.
How would the spell have bound Toffee's soul with somebody who wouldn't even exist for several more years? Moon probably hadn't even married River yet when she Darkest Spell'd Toffee, let alone gotten pregnant with Star.
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That's because she's a dagon.
>How would the spell have bound Toffee's soul with somebody who wouldn't even exist for several more years?
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I just realized I've been posting the ant version of this.
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firstborn child stuff doesn't need to have the kid born yet
if the spell is REALLY nasty you won't have any kids after the first one
This still kinda bothers me

Is Marco still trying to get used to his old life as a 14 year old while being 30 mentally, or are they gonna forget it happened until it's convenient?
They've basically dropped it.

We got a bit of info on the 16-year timeskip in the second livechat with Marco:

Transcript of the relevant question below:

[25:04] Q: "How was it to spend 16 years alone, and then come back to Earth as a kid?"
>"This is a great question. Yeah, a lot of people want to know... if... I've been deeply, deeply affected."
>"And well... I can tell you that, it's kind of a weird feeling. I feel... I remember everything that happened over those 16 years... definitely... can... remember it all."
>"But it... since I got back to Earth it's all becoming... a little more and more hazy. Like... almost like... a memory you had when you were a kid or something. You can remember it but... it's getting harder and harder to put details together."
>"Although I do remember Nachos, my dragon cycle."
>"I remember my sweet sword. I remember my abs."
>"And of course... the lovely Hekapoo." (she portal smacks him again)
>"You know what? Maybe I'll go visit her soon."

So he can "remember it all", but it's "getting harder and harder to put details together". He likens the experience to thinking back on "memories you had when you were a kid or something". But he can definitely remember Nachos, swords, abs, and Hekapoo.

Personally, it just feels like a cop-out answer so he can avoid answering questions about things that have never been set in stone by Nefcy/storyboarders. That's why he just pivots to listing things that we saw happen in the episode, it's just him falling back to obviously canon details. But that's just my own interpretation.
post more Janna plz
No they didn't. If his body returns to normal or follows that his mind did too, and this is confirmed by how Adam and Nefcy have repeatedly confirmed this
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Have you ever heard of Runpelstiltskin
In stories a vow or curse to ones first born is almost always before they're born
He is not 30 mentally. Even if he was its not like he actually grew up or matured while he was fucking around having fun. He'd be a 30 year old manifold in the body of a barely pubescent boy who's hormones haven't really kicked in yet
*30 year old manchild
Have you read the Chronicles of Narnia, specifically the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe? It's like that. In that story, seven children went into a magical wardrobe and had magical adventures and became the 7 Kings and Queens of this magical land and ruled for a very very long time and when they all became old they went on a hunt, ended up near where they came in, and stumbled back through the wardrobe back into our reality. Roughly a few minutes had past here, and they were magically transformed back into who they were when they entered, with Narnia as basically just a hazy dream that they soon forgot.
No, he is not going to forget it. Watch Daron on Mexico. There will be consequences.
>The first 4 episodes in one shot

Disney going ham with showing these episodes huh? Also who wants to bet that's the only new episodes we get till the end of the year?
No. We are getting more episodes on fall, probably September. Read the whole thread.
>who wants to bet that's the only new episodes we get till the end of the year?
Allegedly the rest of the season will start airing in September/Fall
>Watch Daron on Mexico

It's in Spanish.
She talks in english. What are you talking about.
Guess that would mean season 4 for summer of 2018 and hopefully a season 5 order maybe??
Just glad that season 3 is coming before august
I meant the commentary video, what video are you talking about?
Its so Marco ends up with one of her hot sisters
Is that how the movie ends
The interview.
Is there any other video?
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>Season 1 had a shitty start, 20 episode run and ended with a half-hour finale
>Season 2 had a great start, 40 episode run and ended with an hour-long finale
>Season 3 is starting with a fucking two-hour movie
>Season 4 has been greenlit since at least last November (going by Adam's tweet)
How the fuck can they even continue to top themselves from here?
Are we going to get a fucking feature film by the end of this?
No, that's how the children's story ends in the books
I mean, they get to come back for the literal christian Apocalypse for Narnia (some of them posthumously) and some of them go back to Narnia after they leave the wardrobe the first time, but that's it pretty much for most of them.
personally I'm waiting for the stage play
Nefcy will go full weeb and give us a radio drama
I don't know this show is a fucking wonder out of nowhere. I just saw some art of it then thought maybe I should watch this. After binge watching both seasons I was pleasantly slapped in the face.
So 4 30 minute episodes?
4 22 minutes episodes, rest is ads.
>Nefcy will go full weeb and give us a radio drama
>cute/lewd cd tracks for all the characters
>official dakis and figures
>dating sim

Nefcy, we know you're here. Make it happen.
Well shit. You're right, it happens around 47:00.
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>reveling in her own degradation

Makes the pic. I could see her still screwing with him on Earth and this just being one of many extended vacations in Heka's dimension. It'd keep up appearances and make her punishments all the sweeter.
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Janna totally seems like one of those hypocritical feminists who secretly has a fetish for being dominated/abused by attractive men and covers it up by yelling about rape and patriarchy and shit.
Marco would be a 10/10 girlfriend.
>sleeve tattoo
Shit taste
Nefcy has talked with the big mouse before about the dating sim, apparently she had some ideas for a puzzle game Hunie pop style
she was so exited about the idea, even made a powerpoint about it, old school style
D*sney is really picky when it comes to games, if there ever is a Star vs game, She will have no control over it
>she tells you to assert your male privilege during sex
Except the sleeve tattoo, kinda reminds me of one of my ex's when I was with her.
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>you will never consensually rape Janna
it hurts
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I like that Chantelle is the happiest even though she's on the bottom.

But Jackie is way sexier than a big-chinned flip, and she still lost.
Jackie gets hate because the fanbase is predominantly Starco.
There is more to attraction than looks and looks are all she has.
Well her booty is supporting everyone else.
You guys seriously undersell Jackie at every opportunity don't you
Hekapoo honest to god really isn't that much more interesting than her.
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Hekapoo has personality
Jackie has none. She's just very hot and nice but what else? She's now not even a mermaid
>Jackie has none.

No, she does. People just think being understanding/chill is boring, and not a personality though.
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best girl imo
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She's really cute.
How is it possible to get all the girls and BE the best *girl*?
We're bound to learn more about Jackie's character next season
>no alfonso and ferguson route
t. neverserved femboi
young H-poo makes my dingaling go ding ding dong
sometimes i see her belly as a really big boob and it confuses me.
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>be Janna
>wants to date cute mexican boy
>he scared all the time
>found cute sceleton
>one date and he's scared of me
>gets introduced to a demon named tom
i wonder what will happen
She dives in only to later realize that he does nothing to fill the Marco-shaped void in her heart and that she is in a meaningless physical relationship that has ruined herself so that she can never hope to ever get Marco.
That's nothing a bit of rape can't solve.
Thats why i love /co/ sometimes
He's found a way.
Those boobs are breaking the laws of gravity.
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Jannas chin too
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>no Ferguson route
I just want to cuddle him and do bro stuff, and occasionally fuck his boipussy
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What do you think Marco's butt feels like? Asking for a friend.
Probably soft, yet firm. I'd wager Marco's pretty thicc in all the right places, since he exercises regularly but is closer to a twink than a /fit/ beefcake.
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What if Jackie isn't in season 3, but occasionally Marco mentions a character named "my girlfriend"
>Okay, but did you have to splay yourself on my bed like that to tell me? And where are your boots?
Jackie will be in s3 tho, we already know it.
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I want Star to offer herself to me while listing hatefacts, wanting me to give her white children.
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/pol/Star is best Star
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this one?
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I need more racist star
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Hot from the kitchen.png
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She's niche girl, not best girl.
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Great trips and great art, anon. Why can't she be best girl though?
Why is her racism so adorable?
Is Hekapoo the only of her kind?
Because it's like she's repeating what she's heard without knowing what it means.
Not popular enough.
Depends on whether or not you count her clones.
She and the rest of the Magic High Commission were created by Glossaryck, so probably yeah.
>she's repeating what she's heard without knowing what it means
Whatever you gotta tell yourself, man.
glossayck probably gave her the ability to create clones so she wouldn't get lonely
I'm more inclined to believe she came up with it herself, in order to more efficiently watch over multiple dimensions. I find it hard to believe Glossaryck cares about any of his creations.
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Chelsea deserves more art.
Anymore /pol/ Star?
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Still need more /pol/ star
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Star is too pure for political affiliations, and that's why her kingdom will inevitably fail once she becomes the new empress of mewni
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Post more sad Stars
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Faster Marco Faster.gif
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I'm out of sad Stars. Have a lewd Star instead.
But lewd stars don't feed my sadism-bonerunless they're slave/prostitute Stars
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I *think* this expression represents saddness
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slave star.png
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How shameful
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You might like the episode where Brittney and Star have a fun adventure in the pudding factory
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my kink is more of Star dominating cute traps
Holy shit that pic
Who is the artist again? I recognize the style
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I'm the one that drew this pic here >>92709022
You're doing god's work
Don't forget to post them on your tumblr
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Will we see him fight alongside Toffee in a war against Buttefly for the sake of his family?

Will we learn that Ludo himself is just a byproduct of the ruined future that Moon caused?
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The thread needs more bird mom, though.
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Thanks bud, and sure thing lol
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>Movie on july
>season 3 on August

At least we have dates

How much SUFFERING we should expect to see?
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ugh i keep forgetting to put the stupid mole and the hearts aghhh fixed
"seaple" sound like fucking retards and dolphins sounds like assholes anyway
I'm personally expecting a 6/10 on the suffering scale. Probably some rare Moon suffering though.
on star's cheeks i was referring to this pic though>>92748135
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I hope Moon experienced and inflicted serious suffering around the time of the Darkest Spell

I hope Star goes through something even worse
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this maid.jpg
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I needed this
Uhhh... Did I miss something, because the movie is literally just that (x2)
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Wearing a strapon feels amazing?
Is this a JoJo's reference?
Star could magically give herself a dick. Probably out of curiosity. I sure as hell would.
dude do you work on the show?

seriously. dude
Nah. I do work at Disney but I'm a background designer for another show. I wish i was a storyboarder for Star haha
I think there are strapons that include a dildo on the inside for the wielder.
oh, that's cool

the characters really do look uncannily official
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She obviously grew a magic dick.
Like, this is entry-level lewd magic.
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Ship Wars AU 1.png
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Star artstyle is quite simplistic so is not that hard to imitate
I hope you're behind 7 proxies so The Mouse doesn't get you.
It wasnt her the one that did the dick magic though but then again not like I want to bother with the Nasuniverse by now when he is busy getting the most Jap shekels as possible rather that deal with other stuff .... Tsukihime anyone?
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I never got through it, because I wasn't interested enough in demon hunter chick to go through her route just to get to the best girl route. And the fandom was starting to get split with Grand Order and I didn't even want to keep up with discussion. It's shit now.
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case in point
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(((Mouse))) is all seeing. He done goofed.
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Thanks dude, I practice drawing a lot of characters in their official designs as much as i can, so it helps i guess.

I never draw porn at my workplace. I should be fine. I think?
Maybe of the staff and even Daron herself definitely browse this place from time to time
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>I should be fine. I think?
Just don't give away any more personal info. No one needed to know where you work, you volunteered that. Pride before the fall, and all that.
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Wait, you're the guy that does all the JohnnyxJack? No wonder you password your tumblr.
I'll keep that in mind next time.

I've only password my porn blog.
>Hey marco, have you seen this merman iq distribution? Look at how low it is compared to the mewman one!
>Ooh, marco you have GOT to see these crime statistics correlating dolphins with higher levels of rape. Can you believe some (((Mewmans))) still want them to immigrate to our kingdom?
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seems accurate
you dont know how many lewdos Ive gotten to watch the show just from your pics
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YanStar seems like a fun concept.
The only correct answer is "all of it".

ALL of the suffering.
I don't get what you're trying to say but thanks buddy
other people have seen your pics
and decided they want to watch the show that spawned them
ahhh sorry i'm pretty dumb, I'm really flattered though! The power of porn is amazing haha
They almost got around to doing a Yandere Star thing. It just ended up around the end of the season half both times, so nothing really ever came of it. Nefcy pls dont forget Yandere Green Star
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I haven't understood the overarching plot of this show since the season 1 finale, can someone explain to me what the hell Toffee is all about?

He claimed he didn't want Star's wand, so instead he had her "destroy" it, but that actually just split it into two equally functioning pieces? and now he's using one of the halves anyway? but first he sent it to Ludo? to use it...through him? like as a proxy?

Why any of this? Why not just take the whole wand when Star offered it to him? What's his endgame?
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shes definitely gonna go yandere soon
We don't really have a clue at this point.
If I had to guess, Toffee needed to BE the wand for whatever the next step of his plan is to work. There's a pretty large difference in holding a magical artifact, and being a magical artifact.
Some part of his plan is draining magic, but that's probably not his endgame.
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Looks like he wanted to (1) destroy the wand so that he would (2) get killed during its standard detonation so that (3) his immortal spirit would become one with the broken crystal, and from there he could eventually (4) merge the crystal/himself with Ludo, probably until (5?) he can reform his original body, now plus magic, using the flesh and blood of the missing finger, which he seems to have preserved by placing it in Star's wand before it exploded (and probably cause himself to become the crystal in the same way-- the immortality reads the wand as his body because every other part of his body was destroyed). Doesn't just want to have magic in a single wand, that can be stolen or lost or overcome by wandless magic, but for it to literally be a physical part of himself. From there it's still kind of a mystery other than wrecking the shit of Mewni as part of his revenge.

The magic drain on the universe caused by the cleaving of the wand also seems like part of his intention as well. Weaken everyone else's magic, cause panic, take out the Butterflys and MHC, possibly free Eclipsa if that's even part of his plans.

This plan's kind of already feeling stupid complex, but that's what happens when you try for the main villain's motives to constantly be presented as a mystery/twist. every season
I actually have a theory on this.

I don't think Toffee expected the wand to detonate with so much force. I think he was trying to get his finger out of it. What happened with Ludo was plan B.

I mean, think about it. What are the odds of someone finding his half of the wand?
Anyone have a copy of s02e20b I can have? I got too lazy to download season 2 earlier and now all the torrents have no seeders. Fu1lchan's mega has all but this one episode
Have you checked Yay Star?
Have not heard of this site before, thanks!
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Can't wait for this to be updated
Tom happiness arc when?
If only we could get a jackie x tom moment, the amount of new cuck material would be overwhelming.
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Why do so many crave for his beaner wiener
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So does that mean that Heckapoo is the ideal 10 out of 10 waifu that Glossaryck created for himself, and she was so put off by him that she fled to an uninhabited dimension to be rid of him?
why ponyhead tho
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>Every other version of you managed to lose their virginity before 15. You're gonna be stuck in this time loop until you do the same.
Nope, he created her to make dimension scissors and give them out.

She's literally doing only what he created her for.
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>Create 10/10 THICC waifu solely for yourself
>She runs off into an uninhabited dimension because she can't stand you.
That sounds like poor craftsmanship if I ever saw it.
So if marco aged into his 30s or something, and now has his old boyish body, does liking star make him a pedo? (im sorry for all you pedosexuals i know theres a term for liking teens but i dont know it because im not a degenerate)
The answer is don't think about it. Consent with regards to age is hazy enough without introducing magic age-regression into the mix.
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hebephile = likes girls from 11-14 y.o
ephebophilia = 14-17 y.o
Being well educated in terminology means being a "degenerate" ? kden
"terms for sexual relationships with different age groups of minors" isnt something im about to google
>t. pedomancer
consent isnt blurry when star is canonically 14. If marco is 30s, then yea thats illegal except in third world shitholes
Generally it's a pedo test to find people who actually care.
Also not good idea of call the topic of "degeneracy" when the age of consent and marriage is in no way a blank a white thing through history and changed alot , I mean centuries ago farmished girls didnt had their periods up to the age of 14-15 will towngirls had it sooner and We could go on and on that topic
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Also the topic that people didnt usually live longer than 40 after dying from Pox, Polio or some other stuff before the Industrial revolution and yadayada.

Not like age equals how mature you are, just lets took how many people in their 20s are behaving lately, like fucking literally kids while the younger ones are looking at this behavior and usually laughing at it ..... also dont fuck actual kids, you sick fucks
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>He claimed he didn't want Star's wand, so instead he had her "destroy" it

He's gauging Star's power, and resolve. At the same time he's seeing how much darkness is within her to split the wand the way she did.

What's his endgame?

>Young Moon: I called the darkness up to thee
>From deepest depths of Earth and sea
>To blackest night I pledge my soul and crush my heart
>To summon forth a deadly power to see my hated foe devoured

Moon's spell was never meant to kill Toffee then, but the power she summoned was Star

Moon made a deal of calling all the darkness onto her, as she become a vessel, and crushed her first born heart(Star is hearts) to hope to see Star who has the powers of all Darkness, and light to defeat Toffee at the cost of her soul.

This is why the show has themes involving Star being hinted at being half evil/darkness. From the book not corrupting her, to Rhombulus sensing evil within her. Star is the continuation of Moon's Darkest Spell, and Toffee knows this.
>Implying legality has anything to do with morality.
Pretty sure a 14 year old can tell if they wanna have sex. I know I did.
he's not in his 30's though. he used to be but no longer is, both inside and outside. a 13yo brain physically cannot sustain a 30yo personality because its not fully developed yet.
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The Soul Deal.png
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>Moon made a deal of calling all the darkness onto her

This was foreshadowing as well in the book. Look at the diamonds with the snakes. before the skull page. Representing Moon's pact. Moon didn't want Star to find out her true destiny.
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Moon's spell.png
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This also goes into pic related where Star feels controlled or repressed both magically, and mentally by a snake/Moon. Moon has to keep her spell in control after all.
Don't forget
>I've done things at your age you don't know about
Or something like that
its not about wanting sex, its about getting screwed over by your willingness to do anything for sex and poor understanding of the consequences like stds, parenthood, sexually and romantically abusive behavior, sex trafficking, sexual hygiene, and consent within an ongoing relationship

So Toffee was killed/absorbed into half of the wand during the detonation? I assumed he survived because he's immortal and ran off with one of the halves, then sent it to Ludo whatever reason. Him being merged with the wand would make more sense why he would need Ludo.

I can understand if his original plan was just to have her destroy the wand so he can get his finger out, but if that was the plan it seems to have changed somewhere between S1 and now. Now his motives seem to mirror Ludo's from Season 1 - use the wand to fuck shit up. Which is weird, 'cause that's exactly what he said he didn't want to do in the finale, even scoffing at Star when she assumed it.
A 14-year old is capable of thinking they want sex, but their judgement isn't developed enough for their own decisions to be valid. Literally - their frontal lobes, the part of brain responsible for risk-assessment and impulse control, isn't even close to being fully formed at that age. Age of consent laws protect them from themselves, as well as against adults who would seek to exploit their naivete.
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The Tree of Knowledge.png
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Oh boy more Dies Irae Biblical connections, and wit the new preview, and 650 being the number of prayers in the bible we have new hope.

>I just notice something when re-watching Season 1 and Season 2 of Star vs the Forces of Evil. In Mewberty, Glossaryrk said the Star will be back to normal at "3:57" pm and in Bon Bon the Birthday Clown, Star calls Marco "3" times no cutting off in the voice message and received "57" miss calls. I decide to check on the 3:57 in the internet and only get was the "Lamentations 3:57" that states {You came near when I called you, and you said, “Do not fear.”}

Lamentations is a collection of poetic laments for the destruction of Jerusalem. I.E. the Battle for Mewni.

Here is more of the verse with Moon's spell.

>I called the darkness up to thee
You came near when I called you, and you said, “Do not fear.”
You, Lord, took up my case; you redeemed my life.
>From deepest depths of Earth and sea
You have seen the depth of their vengeance, all their plots against me.
LORD, you have heard their insults, all their plots against me—
what my enemies whisper and mutter against me all day long
>To blackest night I pledge my soul and crush my heart
Pay them back what they deserve, LORD, for what their hands have done.
Put a veil over their hearts, and may your curse be on them!
>To summon forth a deadly power to see my hated foe devoured
Pursue them in anger and destroy them from under the heavens of the LORD.
Since it's his skeletal arm holding the crystal he probably just got blown up.

Toffee at least seems to have less ridiculous goals than Ludo. He's going for more straightforward revenge/toppling of the Butterfly dynasty, I guess, while even after Ludo shaped up he still just wants to rule the universe and be respected.
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I'm not even in this argument, but there's a problem with your point here.
The average male brain finishes development at 25.
The average female brain finishes developing at 16-17
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His goal is REMOVE.
This thread that I made its perhaps in its final stage (I think) and I didnt got pruned back then when there was 2 of the same by the jans so It will be nice if It doesnt end getting into a full blast /pol/ack one like yesterday one .... holy shit that one beyond toxic ... please? It feels nice when the few things you make in life get completed ... just saying
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Why are you namefagging again?
>holy shit that one beyond toxic

Name a cuter family. Go ahead. I'll wait.
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I pray you do more of that Marco design.
Even moreso if full genderswap
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Because why not? or do I have to fully hate myself like most 4chan citizens? .... also it wasnt that no-no back in the glory days

Oh shit, since Im not a skinhead that is doing its job of spreading muh aryan genes with fellow aryan women so I must go instead to the hugbox-space maelstrom? gotcha
They're not that cute when you realize that Marco's parents neglect the shit out of him and the only reason they host so many exchange students is that they don't want to spend time with him.
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Go to his tumblr. solewd. pass is solewd
He only does gay shit though. So no fem Marco. Have some Marcia I found just lying around.
>2 days ago
i just want to say i love janna
It's because nobody wanted to use this thread.

We've had like, 5 other ones since this one went up.
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Pls leave. It's clear you're new. Not acting like a tumlrina doesn't mean you're a skinhead. Only a tumblrina thinks that way. Please, leave. Lurk until you figure this place out.
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>didn't lurk
>still accepted

Am I special?
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>do I have to fully hate myself like most 4chan citizens
Implying self hate has anything to do with it.
>also it wasnt that no-no back in the glory days
Shut up, namefagging should only be used when identification is paramount to the thread, otherwise it's uncalled for and unnecessary; half the appeal of 4chan is anonymity, and the shit that comes with it, if you want to treat this like every other site and label yourself and what you post then be my guest, it just means I can just filter you out.
wait really?
did people count it all and there are actually 650 prayers in the Bible?
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Based on some anon's google-fu last thread, yes. There are some books where each chapter is just another prayer. And the Gospel books usually have prayers that disciples gave to their respective churches, which are their own chapters.
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>rest of Season 3 in August

Was this confirmed anywhere or is this just wishful thinking?
Th-the cuck horns...
Probably wishful thinking considering the press releases for the movie say the rest of S3 will begin airing in "fall"
So basically a "Star" bomb?
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Disney seems to love airing new episodes this way. It's torture.
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The skulls could be Moon's parent's, what I've imagined is Toffee is the descendant of Eclipsa and monster cock and came at the head of an army to back his claim for rule. Perhaps Moon used an ultimate "fuck you" spell that a consequence on an unborn Star.
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Toffee is probably royalty, but probably not related to Eclipsa. He's probably the heir of the Septarian kingdom, which the Mewni dynasty toppled.

For one thing, it appears that the Butterfly line can only produce females. Fortunately, The Butterfly Queendom is matriarchal so the last name carries.

Secondly, no traits of either Eclipsa or her lover appear on Toffee, which is an interesting character design choice. In the book, Septarians are mentioned as a race, and Toffee appears to be a full blooded one.

Pic unrelated, but I have like 3 good Toffee pics.
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more like

a "star bomba"
I like you.
Nacho is actually the nickname give to "Ignacio" in Mexico :v
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All too easy.
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Princess Marco > A littler of kittens.
So, is Eclipsa the Queen of Spades?

She's just a construct. She can't even get pregnant.
>called the darkness up to thee
>up to thee
Your verse is fucked up dude

>I call the darkness unto me
>from deepest depths of earth and sea
>to blackest MIGHT I pledge my soul and crush my heart
>to summon forth a deathly power
>to see my hated foe devoured
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My guess is season 4
season 3 they'll still milk him being a douche but he'll get some more development, and Jackie and Marco go through the process of slowly breaking up
in season 4 the time is right for Tom to move from comic relief to love interest and also for Jackie's broken heart to heal.

However, having Tom cuck Marco by flirting with his gf would also be sweet. The circle of cuck
>to blackest MIGHT
Fuck, you're right. That line is a lot less cool now.
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So... can I get like a tumblr or any other e-celeb name so I can save and categorize your stuff in my folders? It may have been mentioned before but I'm literally blind.
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Never mind! got it from the other thread
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I can't decide if it would be really cool or really stupid for her to only have one eye.
Nigga how come (You) get your own fuckin thread to dump pics about your waifu? And you're still going like 2 days later? Did you suck off one of the mods or what?
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shhh... Im actually part of the sekrit 4kike klub
I still think it's Night due to the British accent, and it makes more sense to use night after blackest.
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Gotcha! - Hekapoo.jpg
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full image where
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What did he mean by this?
He means "yes".
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not sure if trolling...
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>What did he mean by this?
Have you learned nothing?
Is there a version of that pillow picture by itself?
What if Jackie becomes yandere
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More proof Star is part of the Darkest Spell, and is tainted with evil/darkness because of it.

Right before Eclipsa's chapter we have the snake hands, and Moon's diamonds seen in the upper left of pic, while the next page is the bottom left showing a giant Star with monster and possibly darker symbols all over it. We know this is the next page due to offical parts shown in the upper and bottom right of my pic. Before this page we also saw Eclipsa's Spade as seen in upper left of pic, but within it seems to be a eclipse. Possibly showing Moon's pledging her soul to darkness as heard in her spell. In the Star page we also see this symbolism in the upper right hand side. The reason I make a big deal of that Star is Star's wand is the only wand with a literal Star on it, and this page from the book has a giant Star. I think the page symbolizes Star's birth in a sense as well as Moons pact with Darkness to defeat Toffee in the form of physical Star.
>pretending to be an oldfag and projecting this much
Go back to t*mblr dear nigger
The thread clearly succeeded in not just becoming an absolute, unforgivable circle-jerk of shit like every other Star thread.
More like people lost interest over a thread to the worst character
>didn't become a circlejerk
>when there's large image dump of a single character
Okay boy put that trip back on
Did you come the most recent ones? We actually talk about the movie, theorycraft, talk about the book, Nefcy's art direction...

There's a lot less toxicity than the ones we had in March-April. The threads are slower too.
>Favourite colour is pink
>Hates showing it because "muh gender stereotypes"
>Has a crush on Marco
>Won't actually make a move because he's not "strong" enough for her

All you'd need is confirmation that she identifies as bisexual and you have the trinity that confirms her overt progressiveness is just an act.
Aryans are a meme propagated by insecure whites and especially Krauts. Just like tumblarinas meme nonexistent genders to compensate their sexual and social frustrations/inadequacies.
Bronze-age Northern Indians would like a word.
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pic related

in puritan burgerland maybe, that's why in other civilized countries kids get sex ed at around 12-13 to prepare them for the inevitable that some kids will have sex young. you cant stop them so you educate them so they can be safe.
Doesn't stop idiots like my friend to ruin their lives by knocking up someone early and not the one they want. I asked him when high during a friends 20th birthday how did it happen? Did the Condom broke? He told me that real men don't use condoms but pull out before ejaculation. I just sat there speechless what a buzz kill it was.
well like I said you cant stop them, if people choose to be idiots like your friend not even the "law" will stop them so the argument is pointless, but most people don't understand that proper sex ed isn't just about condoms and std's. its preparing the kid for what it truly means to be a parent should they choose. they basically tell you all the basic then show you how having a kid can fuck up your life if your not prepared. worked for me and my first time at 14, me and the girl both knew each other and were lucky enough to attend the same sex ed class so even though we had sex young we were prepared cause neither of us wanted to go through some of the shit we saw in that class so if you do it properly you it can work but i do get where youre coming from, most kids are stupid even with education, so better to protect the majority even though the minority can be smart about it.
Why tripfags always act like this
i need the full image of this too pls

what? my stuff is already in another thread? Can i get the link to that?
the 'star vs characters polls' one, titled priness starco

didn't You post that?
Manna is the true endgame
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