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Star Vs Toffee: Mewni propaganda

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Thread replies: 617
Thread images: 182

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TL;DR: Toffee did nothing wrong.

Toffee is a good guy.

Mewni is evil.

That Independence Day stuff was quite obviously propaganda created by mewni royalty. The all seeing eye to put fear into the heart of monsters.

Monsters have been discriminated against for too long, and due to this Toffee used aggressive methods against moon and the magic council. Peaceful methods are only an option when the other side is willing to negotiate or are open to other ideas. Monsters face racism that's deeply integrated into the Mewni Culture, as 'Monster Love' is considered taboo/outlawed in Mewni. Even Eclipsa, a queen, had to leave.

Moon allowed Star to Date the son of 'the big guy', and it's pretty obvious that is meant to be this universes Satan (who's last name seems to be Lucitor). This shows Mewni has good relations with what is the equivalent of hell (called the Underworld, for goodness sake).

Good guys aren't associated with hell, or are friends with Satan.

Also, these bugs just look evil/unholy abominations.

So, given all of this, it's only logical Toffee will win in the end, correct?
Your Lizard-Candy has arrived.
I refuse to believe the utter nonsense. Police? Royal Guards? Can someone please arrest this madman spewing nonsense?
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welp just saw someone made another Star thread

hope we can have 2 or else it's time to die
The other Star VS related thread got archived so had to make a new thread about something ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>siding with the literal uncivilized savages who weren't even using their land for anything anyway
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lizard thread beat semen demon thread by 11 seconds

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look at this
Toffee is still a huge power crazed maniac with a vengeance.
His reasons are probably founded though. A diplomatic solution was probably impossible considering the Butterfly's high comfort of the status quo.
If nothing else though, Toffee shook up the Butterfly kingdom from it's status quo and now they'll have to listen to the monsters.
It's going to be the Avarius family and monsters like Buff Frog who are going to pick up the pieces of the wreckage Toffee will leave when he inevitably loses.
Buff Frog is more or less an ally of Star Butterfly and the Avarius family has show to at least have peaceful relations with the Butterfly family, save Ludo who was just as power hungry as Toffee.
So they have a chance of convincing the Butterfly family to give the monsters a chance once this tragedy blows over.

Both Ludo and Toffee are instigators and sometimes you really need them to shake up the powers at be to cause them to re-think their position. He's doing good work, however brutally.
Monster love is gross.

Dirty ligger
You turn your eyes from the liggers for one second and they try to over-rule you. You see what this is? We should put a stop to them.
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>implying Toffee gives a shit about other monsters
Don't get me wrong, Mewni's not nearly as clean as they'd have you believe, but let's not pretend that makes Toffee the good guy. He was willing to let Ludo's army die in the explosion of Star's wand without so much as a warning. Not to mention his constant undermining of Ludo's plans and eventual usurpation. If you want to get biblical about Tom's father, you have to recognize that Toffee's actions constitute treachery towards benefactors, which if you lend any weight to Dante's fanfiction, is the single most heinous sin a person can commit. His most recent actions similarly show a lack of regard for others in corrupting and possessing Ludo. It's clear that he doesn't have anyone's best interest at heart except for his own. Even if he did have good intentions at the start, he's way too far gone for that now.
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I miss the ligger suffering times
The other thread is overwhelmingly just an image dump. Stick to this one.
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I hope Smashed Gourd puts out a WIP this weekend. I need my fix. And riverposter needs to put out a chapter, too.
Not this again, no more suffering is needed, that only makes them more likely to kill again
Does the show really have the space for that kind of progression, though? It would be a massive and abrupt change of pace to focus this much on Mewni only.
>Other thread is filled with waifushit
>mods will probably nuke this one because less posts even though actual discussion is happening

Feels bad man
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Jokes aside, ligger suffering makes ligger hand holding and tail rubbing all the more rewarding. But no one can stand doing anything mean to this QT. I'm not really a writer, but what the hell, I'm anonymous anyway, if it's shit, then the only person who will know it was me is me and reading everyone's criticisms will keep me up at night, curled in a ball, a sobbing mess.
why can't mods just tell us directly how not to start threads
Just need to keep some quality posts going in this one then.
So what's his actual endgame? Ruling without the backing of the people will be near impossible with the magical prowess of other people within Mewni being so prevalent.
Is there some collection of these scratchy comics or are they only posted randomly?
Criticism is good for you boy, helps you grow, gives you that layer of skin you need! But yes, I do agree it does make it all the more rewarding, though neglect works just as fine, just with not as much impact.
Not them, but followup to Mewnipendence Day has been a long time coming and the guidebook has only hinted at more stuff we don't know re: the monster situation.

I think the show's done way more on Earth by now than maybe was really necessary, and it's only felt more mismatched by the second season's greater focus on lore/worldbuilding.

Now that the show has an idea of the other dimensions it will primarily use, Mewni in particular (rather than sort of gimmicky dimensions: "this one's like an arcade, this one has pixies" etc.), they might as well change focus to Mewni. I don't find it weird since Star spent most of her life there and it's where she'll be expected to rule, all her enemies and family are from there, etc. As shit gets real it makes more sense to focus on what they're all actually fighting for.
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Who exactly are you referring to? It seems that only the royal bloodline has magic powers. The MHC was created by Glossaryck, who is pretty much God. There are currently 2 people in mewni with magic powers. And when Eclipsa escapes, 3
It just seems like a drastic U-turn to take for the show, completely abandoning the setting of the first two seasons. Unless they're able to link Earth and Mewni somehow, such as Toffee temporarily seizing control and invading, I don't se it happening without extreme hoop-jumping/backlash.
They're exactly who I'm referring to. The MHC holds a massive position of political power within Mewni, and are definitely not willing to give it up, especially if Glossaryck's children are actually dead.
Is there anything that gives us an actual idea of what Eclipsa's plans are?
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You realize the MHC ARE Glossaryck's creations, right? And they are the first people he killed since returning, right? Not permanent, obviously, but plot armor aside.
>that dead-eyed Heka in the background

I feel that this show could do some legitimately creepy shit with zombie tropes if it wanted to.
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We can only speculate.
I don't think it's fair to judge toms family yet. We only know there last name and toms personality. For all we know they could be the nicest people in the universe as a contrast to toms personality.
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Eh, Mewni's always been around even with multiple episodes set there, so it doesn't feel weird to me. If it was a totally new dimension I'd probably agree, but we know a lot about it already and I think it's about time we can really see it (I'm starting to feel we know more about Mewni than Earth actually; the most interesting thing about Earth was Star and Marco).

Also I remember doubts about how S2 would handle more lore and plot before that happened because everyone was still used to the more episodic format, but I think it's largely been positively received overall. I think the crew's pretty good about changing the status quo and committing to it, when they want to.

Though going by comments like Alfonzo and Ferguson appearing again, same with Jackie, Marco's parents, etc. it probably won't be totally off Earth. Marco might live there most of the time and travel to visit Star on Mewni for the episodes, or Star could come back for certain things.

I think the change to Mewni is going to be on the level of the cleaved wand/Ludo in terms of status quo shifts. Not totally different but still a major change
True, but that might be more dependent on Glossaryck's actions in Season 3 than anything. We have no idea if he's actually attached to the MHC (you'd think he would be, but he might just say fuck it)
>That Independence Day stuff was quite obviously propaganda created by mewni royalty.

If that were the case wouldn't the story be a relatively small group of Mewmans overcoming the odds and defeating a larger monster force rather than a one-sided monster massacre?
He used to take requests, but now he's neck deep in a ridiculous 9,001 panel Monstar alien parody comic. Or something, I don't really understand what it is.
I'm just really fucking hoping this show doesn't pull a Danny Phantom and get so far ahead of itself that they hit the reset button in terms of pacing and fuck everything up. I do agree that Earth will likely still be involved somehow, but I have a horrible feeling that Nefcy's biting off way too much here.
Patience, friend. I'm eager as well, but all of our content creators generate at their own pace. If they need more time, we the consumers will benefit by providing it for them.
I'm actually putting that request on hold to do more requests
>not driving your enemies before you and openly rejoicing in their lamentations

Do you even Johansen?
Nefcy said they would be returning. Or some of them at least. Most anons theorize that Lekmet may stay dead a little longer than the others, so Rhombulus can have some angst and character development.
Jesus Christ, how much blood did it take to sign that contract?
>Toffee worms his way into Marco's mind
>he wakes up the Monster Arm, eventually beats it but then gets booted out
>Marco now has to learn how to shift it between forms and control it

I want to believe
I'm still just waiting to see what S3 does before I really have a standpoint on it beyond liking the idea of Mewni episodes becoming more prominent than Earth was. Don't want to start praising it or criticizing it before it actually happens, or even after the earliest episodes going by how both seasons started off slow.

But I do have a lot of confidence in Nefcy and the crew because of how I've been pleasantly surprised with where the story's gone, for both past seasons. So while it may not turn out good it feels like it has the potential to be.
satan promised me at least 5 (you)'s per piece
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When you dump all of those requests, I'm pretty sure you'll get a thread named after you.
I suppose you have a point. I just fail to see how not only the balance but also the overall pacing will pan out positively, even if we assume that Earth and Mewni episodes are equal in number-

...wait a fucking minute

>one protagonist for each world
>keep in contact through the mirror while running dual ops to fight Toffee
>Star gets heavy action episodes while Marco gets comedy ones

I understand now.
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The last piece of non-/co/ media you consumed with magic in the setting has its magic suddenly brought into Mewni. How does this change things?

>River just goes around chucking infinite bombs at whatever he doesn't like
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>Persona 5
Changes things quite nicely. But there was already a nice discussion on who would have which tarot and element affinity. I like the idea alot. I should comission some SvfoE characters in P5 style from some Patreon artists or something.
Well, time to go to bed and hope this thread doesn't get nuked

mods pls we're on-topic for once
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something like pic related?
So is this the actual thread?
Well, the other thread doesn't really have much discussion and it's mostly a dump of hekopoo pictures
Anyone is welcome to make a discussion about something there, like I said already before, made a new thread since the last got archived and the only thing that I thought of was about Hekapoo cos I just love her so much ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Honestly, we should probably stick to this one. Mods hate pic dumps
Only one will survive, the other will surely get pruned.
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When Toffee kills Moon Butterfly, he has this shitty one liner of "Goodnight moon".
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Since last post was late in other thread.

With the recent Mexican leak of the outro it's gotten me into my theory again. Since small things helped it.

>Star was named Shining Star in the lyrics, and may other names

Lucifer was known as the Shining One.

>The background of the outro going from day to night

Venus known as the Morning and Evening Star.


>What did they mean by this?

There's 650 prayers in the bible, counting the Old and New Testament.
You know, you can have a group that's bad that opposes a group that's bad, right?
Just cause there's evil on one side doesn't mean the other's good by default, or vice versa.
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after this happened, I can believe it

Do you have a screencap or archive thread of that discussion? I was thinking of writing something like that but only have a few ideas.

>But I also think people like to be upset, you know? 'Cause if you think about it, what's the show? Like, what show would it even be if it's just "We're gonna have Star and Marco get together and they're gonna be, like, so happy! The end!" Like, there's no show. What is that show? That's, like, the worst show. No one would watch that show.

She's right, you know.


Also confirms Jackie isn't a mermaid, the voice in Blood Moon Ball is the sea captain, probably some more stuff but I haven't watched the whole thing yet. Pretty sure the link was posted in a thread before but maybe not everyone saw it
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So I've been distancing myself from this show since I heard he never showed up again.
Is it worth picking up now, and by that I mean if he's showing up again?
he's the big bad
What episode?
I guess if you want spoilers without too much spoiling of specific details (you can get the gist of what happens just reading this thread though I guess) he's hinted at narratively/visually throughout the first half of the second season, they get a bit more blatant toward the middle, then about 3/4 through he legitimately returns and the second season finale is about that being made known to other characters.

He's guaranteed to be in the 3rd season (is featured prominently in the new intro for the next season) and probably the 4th.

Definitely watch it, the second season is much better than the first. Though if you're legit just watching for him he hasn't been in the second season much, but he is there and around by the most recent episode.
The Hard Way
actual appearances:
Into the Wand (not a voiced appearance but gives important backstory)
The Hard Way
Starcrushed (second season finale)

Also indirectly/less importantly: almost every episode that season that focuses on Ludo
Thanks, I'll look into that.

Yeah I only legit watching it for him alone.
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I read posts like these, and I imagine some fat, jobless neckbeard panting and sweating over a crusty keyboard, his fingers stained with doritos and Subway sauce, as they compose what, in their contorted heads, is an essay on morality that should rival St.Augustine.

About a non-existant guy called Toffee.

Think about it.
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>that should rival St.Augustine
>About a non-existant guy called Toffee
>Think about it.
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Nefcy grew up watching/reading Urusei Yatsura and wanted to make a spiritual successor by replicating that story.

Think about it, Lum Invader is Star Butterfly, she gets forced to go to school on Earth and Marco Diaz is Ataru Moroboshi who is afflicted with extreme misfortune and bad luck.

Why don't you take your pseudo biblical nonsense to /pol/ or /x/ in which I highly implore the latter so at least they will educate you on how moronic your "theory" actually is.

Greenpill, exit stage left.
when are the interesting parts?
are you a tumblr fagirl
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Star wasn't originally supposed to be actually magical. She was basically supposed to be Starfan13 and just pretending all this shit was happening. So no, it has nothing to do with your nip cartoon.
It's mostly just her talking with fans and answering stuff probably most of us as fans know, so I wouldn't say there's anything you really have to hear.

I'm still in the process of watching it now so I haven't really been keeping track of when things happen other than that one quote I put down, sorry.
>tfw a little flying cat thing cock-blocks you
Yes it does you neanderthal. It's not my fault your Ego prevents you from watching "cartoons" from other countries for whatever archaic and obsolete justification. You're probably the same type of person who thinks Disney's logo has three sixes hidden in it.

How does it feel to be so unreasonably narrow-minded and shallow-hearted?
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Oh hey relevant to this thread: Daron was actually the one who designed Toffee.

Why haven't we seen any of her prototype drawings of him yet?
Literally none of that is an argument. Most of your post is just trying to berate me for upsetting your sensitivities over nip cartoons, some of which I actually enjoy. Star was meant to be a fujoshit with an overactive imagination and Disney stepped in and made it an actual magical girl cartoon. Has nothing to do with Urusei Yatsura.
Toffee was perfect in creation. There was no need for prototype drawings.
around 18:30 Nefcy confirms that all the dimensions are in the same universe
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Comic Daron Nefcy is a cute.
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>Fire Emblem
>Tomes make practical combat magic available to the masses, or at least the general nobility, threatening the Butterflys' rule
>The Butterfly bloodline are the equivalent of Manaketes and need a Bugstone to transform into their Mewberty/Butterfly forms
>The Wand is still fucking busted
I feel like a FE-style game with Mewni as the setting has a lot of potential
Then why does it have a similar story? Why are you so driven by Christianity to demonize a cartoon show that has nothing to do with religion and personal beliefs? Do you have ABSOLUTE proof that what you're declaring is fact or is it merely an dimwitted opinion created by a uneducated corrupted individual(I.E. you) that believes a 16 year old high school girl from another dimension is the actual incarnation of ultimate evil that was written to control the masses of uneducated oppressed and highly fearful souls that didn't know how to incite the natural inquiry that exist within us all.

Dare I ask, do you even watch the show?
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More Daron comments about Toffee, which is pretty much exactly what's been said in this and similar threads on /co/ but that I haven't heard from her directly:

>Like, all the characters on the show, everyone has a perspective, you know? Like I really don't like those kind of over-the-top villains that are just, "Haha, I'm evil and I take over the world!" ...it's not very interesting.
>So I always wanted the villains to have a perspective, and definitely Toffee, I always thought of him more as a Magneto character.... Like, he's not WRONG, but he's... going about things the wrong way.

Before that the other stuff she said about him is stuff she's already mentioned in interviews, like how Ludo started out as the only villain but they wanted a greater evil for Star to fight
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>Why haven't we seen any of her prototype drawings of him yet?
I don't think Daron draws the title cards but Toffee has an older design in all of them.
toms dad is literally satan himself tho

but im pretty sure his mom is nice
Magical girl cartoons aren't unique, anon. They pretty much all have the same story.
>running with knives make everyone go at super speed
Yeah, I wonder if she did both designs, since she didn't mention anyone else being involved in the process. Like both the one used early on and the final American Psycho one.

I don't think I've ever seen one of her own drawings of Toffee yet. Which can be said for a lot of the characters on the show, but unlike a background character or something she actually designed him.
I'm not the same guy, but I really can't understand why you are so autistically upset about a fucking theory.
>that believes a 16 year old high school girl from another dimension is the actual incarnation of ultimate evil that was written to control the masses of uneducated oppressed and highly fearful souls that didn't know how to incite the natural inquiry that exist within us all.
For example, where the fuck did he say that? Couldn't they be speculating for the fun of it without believing in some sort of conspiracy?
>that part where they were asking if marco is gay with Nefcy thinking they were joking
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Disney execs didn't want Star's regular dresses in the first season to be too "girly" or have details like puffy sleeves etc. It was frustrating and she and designers ended up drawing like 100 different dresses.

She considers Star getting to have a regular dress with puffy sleeves in S2 a victory
still this guy >>92711206
I wanted to add
>similar story
No, it doesn't have a similar story. Have you, dare I say, watched that show?
There are similar things, like the horns, the ex boyfriend thing and stuff, but the characters, their dynamics and the actual story are nothing alike.
If monsters are good why are they monsters?
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I think he's talking about my Dies Irae theory>>92710579 which came out of nowhere with his reply to the other anon it seemed.
Point taken, but just because you resist the details and look at it from a certain distance doesn't mean you can take a step forward and logically compare certain similarities that could be more than pure coincidence, which in my opinion is fun to discover.

Because he's wrong and he should take that shit to /pol/ because holy shit it's a cartoon meant for entertainment not "HOLY SHIT THIS CHARACTER HAS RED HORNS IT MUST BE SATAN"

It's a common tactic used to breed hysteria, albeit I enjoy a little hectic debates every now and again, that shit doesn't belong on /co/. At least stay on topic for this thread and don't try to derail it into a half-ass garbage Ego driven "conspiracy theory" because that isn't always the truth.

>everything you just said
How do you even begin to say you see anything when your eyes are clearly shut? Go read a book sometime, they even make them in braille.
>not a single Janna post
/co/ you done it again, you ruined everything thats great
Oh ok well just to clear things up anon the person your talking about wit Satan is me>>92710579>>92711271 The anon you respond to>>92710986 >>92711064
was some random guy.
>Gee Marco, two scoops?
We're all the same here sweet cheeks, humanity with it's gloves off.
>Complains a bout there not being any Janna posts
>Doesn't make a Janna post but complains instead
I mean. Like c'mon, dude. Like really?
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fembulus when
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So we learned Janna's spirit animal is the Ouroboros from the new book, and from the theory Janna to be the Jesus type figure in the lore.

>The snake eating its own tail simply represents the recreation of life through death by the Universe. It is interpreted as some kind of a rebirth of the dead reaching an immortality of sorts.

Maybe Janna can die, and resurrect? Could be her power in Season 3, and also she seems to like the dead as seen in the canon book. Also pic related is maybe a sign?

>Alchemists of the old ages were using the infinity symbol as a purifying glyph and they referred to it as “the name of the Great World Serpent surrounding the Earth”. It also represented the element of mercury (which is known as an element that can run through any kind of matter).

>(which is known as an element that can run through any kind of matter).

Remember how she seems to be everywhere, and know all of Marco's secrets secrets with ease? Maybe? Anyways don't have much now, but just what I got.

The book of spells is also has the Infinity symbol on the front, and Janna stole the book when Glossaryck first appeared as a main character.

The Infinity symbol being on the book makes sense to considering >>92568100 where Shiva is regarded as limitless, and Transcendent.
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>so driven by Christianity to demonize a cartoon
>merely an dimwitted opinion created by a uneducated corrupted individual(I.E. you)
>written to control the masses of uneducated oppressed and highly fearful souls that didn't know how to incite the natural inquiry that exist within us all
Jesus Christ my dude, pull the fedora out of your ass.
Nobody takes the Dies Irae stuff that seriously, it's just stupid fun theorycrafting and presenting amusing coincidences as Bibical references.
Nobody is trying to "demonize" the show, it's just tinfoiling a prediction of how the narrative will play out by reaching through an atlas of mythology. They are looking for signals of how the narrative is being formed by looking for references to classic stories and archetypes, which can occasionally be entirely valid predictors even if the author didn't deliberately intend them to be. There is an incredible amount of reaching in the overall "theory" with stupid shit like Adam and Eden being hired on the basis of their names, but details like Star using both pink and green magic to create an apple tree, which traditionally represents the Biblical "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil" is hardly as far-fetched of a connection, and can easily be interpreted as a signal that Star will have to master both pink and green magic to accomplish great things.
As far as Star herself goes, she may not be the "actual incarnation of ultimate evil" but there has been way more than a little suggesting that she will certainly continue to face temptation by the "forces of evil" and her own conflicted feelings.

The "theory" is done by a fan trying to explore and predict the story in broad strokes, not a Bible-thumping soccer mom trying to unveil some grand Satanic conspiracy in a Disney cartoon, you fucking loony.

>do you even watch the show?
You think Star is sixteen; do you?
Speaking of which, hey not/sveg/, What do you suppose Nefcy's bust size is? We know Eden is atleast a D-cup.
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>Nobody takes the Dies Irae stuff that seriously, it's just stupid fun theorycrafting and presenting amusing coincidences as Bibical references.

Thank you anon, I don't care if my theory is true or not just doing it for fun, and if you wanted to get back on thread topic then Toffee could be Saturn in the roman god connection like how Star is Venus, and Marco is Mars.

Scene in question

>The name Marco is an Italian baby name. In Italian the meaning of the name Marco is: Mars (Roman god of war)

>From Starcushed. Oscar's instrument

>Oscar: You think maybe it will end up on....Mars?
>Star: Oh I don't know Mars is pretty far away
>Oscar: What are you saying?
>Star: No..I mean ya maybe..maybe it will end up on Mars

>Proceeds to fall on Marco's house at the end of episode.
Don't try to be a prophet when you have zero credibility and limited resources, it'll bite you back Ten fold in the end.

I put two errors in that post intentionally to see if you were listening. The other was >an dimwitted.

Also, that's really fucking stupid and irresponsibly dangerous to exert that type of projection. Fucking secondaries. Don't post that shit here because we will call you out on your heretic style "theorycrafting".
>Also, that's really fucking stupid and irresponsibly dangerous to exert that type of projection.
>Don't post that shit here because we

Isn't this ironic?
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>Toffee, I always thought of him more as a Magneto character.... Like, he's not WRONG, but he's... going about things the wrong way.
Are they actually going to try to make Toffee sympathetic at this point? After he's spent a full two season being an unrepentant selfish, sadistic asshole with zero sympathetic or noble qualities aside from a facade of politeness and a dress shirt?
I mean shit I guess it's fine if he thinks he's a holier-than-thou instrument of vengeance upon Mewmanity but everyone else had better call him out on being completely full of shit if he thinks anything justifies what he's done up to this point.
i like this theory but what does it mean for the season 3 finale.
With the polls that Janna is very famous among the fans does this mean we get her to be the saviour in the end?
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There's an entire Janna thread up you
double flip
We meaning the cosmic entities that exist and are against the forces of malice. You think I'm the worst you'll deal with, just wait.
I'm guessing "sympathetic" in the past rather than the present events of the show. Like before the battle depicted in Moon's tapestry.

And even then it's probably not going to be treated sympathetically so much as providing him with a motive. Because even now we still don't really know what the hell he's trying to do beyond the most general "down with mewmans/butterflys" plot
i saw it and i weeped tears of joy
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wow glossaryck turned out to be an asshole
>magneto reference
>sympathetic character
It's obvious that Toffee's battle began when he saw how the Mewmans treated monsters like shit. His goal is probably to exterminate Mewmans and letting the monsters live in peace.
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>I put two errors in that post intentionally to see if you were listening

>that's really fucking stupid and irresponsibly dangerous to exert that type of projection
You are discussing a children's cartoon on an anonymous online imageboard with people are generally at least one decade and one gender outside of the target audience.
The most dangerous thing you will encounter in these threads is an aggressive, overpowering love for Star Butterfly that consumes your thoughts and floods your browser history with questionable pornography and poor fanfiction.
>Because he's wrong
Like almost 100% of theories, likely.
That still doesn't explain why you went so angrily about going to /pol/ and stuff when you replied to his first, NOT conspiracist post, when most theories are even dumber and more far fetched (see: trans Marco).
Unless you get triggered by christian symbology or something like that, I guess.
Did a priest touch you when you were a kid?
>How do you even begin to say you see anything when your eyes are clearly shut?
Wow, nice rebuttal, your arguments teared my away like a tornado.
Ok, let me explain it clrealy to you (and I still doubt you watched/read Urusei Yatsura): Utusei Yatsura is a slice of life only series, in wich most of the episode involve Ataru wanting to bang chicks and Lum being possessive and openly in love with him, punishing him for his behavior. Their relationship developes through this in a nor with me-nor without me way from Ataru's perspective Star is about a girl and his best friend (with whom she later falls in love), fighting monsters, learning magic, discovering secrets about the past. There is actually something threathening going on.
There are symilarities, but they're just on the surface, so their most likely just references
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>t. Rhombulus
Never heard of tough love?
So linking together things that have absolutely no relativity based on opinions that hold a huge consequences and unstoppable fear is truly okay with you? Seems like you're more far gone than anyone I've ever encountered here so far. Congratulations.

That's exactly what I've said before, thanks for the confirmation. Is this your first debate? Is school out for your generation yet? You're the weakest link in the chain by far and by the way, trying to hit low doesn't work when I'm so far above you. How uncivilized.
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If Marco is going to Mewni, where will he sleep?
How will he deal with the lack of toilets?
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with star on her giant queen sized bed, of course
>That's exactly what I've said before
How ad where? I might have missed something since english is not my first language.
Still, you didn't actually answer my questions.
However, I'm starting to think you're a troll.

Also, watching at what you replied to the other guy:
>huge consequences
>unstoppable fear
I hope you're joking, or that I have (again?) misunderstood your arguments, because it's fucking unbelievable to see a (I assume) grown man so upset and fearful about a fucking cartoon fan theory.
I don't even understand anymore if you are a fedora tipper or an hardcore christian.
Is anyone actually going to be scared by a fan theory? Are you really saying that people can't separate reality from fiction?
Even if that theory you hate so much were true, that wouldn't matter, because Star vs is fiction. FICTION. That would just mean that the crew just took inspiration from christian mithology.
You could do the same with, I don't know, Japanese mithology. Would it be dangerous?
Now help me, I might be stupid at this point, because I cannot understand why you are so upset.
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>Ferguson and Alfonzo are back in season 3.
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I see you are a man of taste
Why is this Christcuckian doing mental gymnastics here? Is he tired of being smacked down on /pol/ so he takes his frustrations here? Can I get a quick rundown because this dribble is hard to follow.
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>tfw they are officially more important than Jackie
Would you rather have a Jackie episode, or a purely F&A episode?
I think even the people who dislike Jackie would rather take the former. That being said, I'd be fine with those two still being about if they just got an occasional line and little else, any actual screen time focus on them however is wasted.
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To be honest, Ferguson and Alfonzo are funny, while Jackie is just... her?
If we get a Jackie episode, I want her to suffer.
Okay just watch all of that.
Pretty disappointing, I literally don't care about love drama in there.

When will the next season start?
Jackie plays off Marco fairly well in my eyes. As of this point a Jackie episode would pretty much constitute her reactions to her current situation and what she thinks of Marco, and may dig deeper into why she was so touched by Marcos speech in the first place, which could be interesting. Maybe if jarco can't be saved, an episode like this could serve to connect her to some other element of the story so she isn't artificially limited.
I don't know, not everyone sees potential in her, but I think there are interesting ways to exploit her situation.
I don't care about the shipping stuff either but I think it really is a better watch if you're not just focusing on one thing. Like obviously you're not gonna watch it all but the whole season's actually handled really well

We don't know when the next one starts. They say "summer," we know it won't be June, if we don't hear anything about it starting July in the next few days it'll have to be August
I like these designs
Agreed, but then again, something needs to happen to her. Right now she is just Marco's love interest.
>Dwarf fortress.
Blood and vomit moats filled with the bodys of endless moster invasions. Eldritch horrors climbing from the bowels of mewni's decadent halls. They dug too deep.
Warp Fuckery AND toonforce-tier magic? I don't think Reality can handle these shenanigans.
Yes, which is what would happen in an episode like that
Why would he need a toilet when he has dimensional scissors?
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star leading a bunch of imperial guards into battle with rainbows and warnicorns
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>Good guys aren't associated with hell, or are friends with Satan
Yeah, whatever, man. Trust a Godcuck to have the wool pulled over his eyes.
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smells like lavender


JULY 15th

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>The uploader has not made this video available in your country.


Eclipsa hype

Who's the fuck is that voice in the teaser?
Oh shit it's young moon isn't it?! (yeah that's definitely a shot of young moon at 12s)
Eclipsa time, baby!

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i love you fellas
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young Moon Butterfly vs. the Forces of Toffee
get fucking hyyypeeeee
>Titled "The Battle for Mewni," the TV movie follows Star as she returns to her home dimension of Mewni where she discovers that magic is disappearing throughout the kingdom. Star must dig deep and challenge archnemesis Ludo in an effort to save her family and kingdom.

Transcript of the teaser:

>Young Moon (probably)
I call the darkness unto me
from deepest depths of Earth and Sea
to blackest night I pledge my soul
and crush my heart
to summon forth the deathly power
to see my hated foe devoured!

... Have you learned nothing?
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also you >>92713459
So if Toffee's in the S3 opening and this special is supposedly about Star facing him (or Ludo I guess going by the description, but in which case where's Toffee, that's obviously his voice in the promo)

I guess we can assume that, as usual, Star will fail and fail hard
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is that a chant to cast laser beams
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Yo, That was Moon casting her darkest spell against Toffee
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This was a bomb. Never I would expect thes guys to make MOVIE even before the series ended.
Jesus. I cannot stop to think this is fake, even if Disney XD's channel uploaded this.
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well shit
guess its time to nut
Well that was completely unexpected, what a fucking mad woman. It's a shame we;'ll have to wait longer for season 3 to actually debut, but I'll happily take any form of content at this point.

I wonder if they're going to deal with the love sub-plot during the movie, or perhaps it'll focus a lot more on Star? Man, so many new questions to ask with this revelation.
I know, right?

this feels weirdly surreal for some reason
would fuck both of them
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anyone wanna make the tv movie bingo card?
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In other news Janna is confirmed as second best girl
Lol using a Jackie image when she's definitely not playing a part in this movie
I don't think they'll completely abandon Earth. Marco has dimensional scissors, him going between Mewni and Earth is about as arduous as getting your ass up and walking to the bathroom. It's not like traveling abroad. People treat Marco going to Mewni as if he'd be emigrating to the USA from Europe in the 1800s
Hope this will be better than Starcrushed

starcrushed was okay
But the question is if he'd bother to go back to earth in spite of the scissors
>a fucking movie

I peg the chances of Toffee possessing Marco to get to Star/the wand as really frickin high.

The bit where Eclipsa's chapter affects him heavily foreshadows that I feel (and wasn't just to hint at Ludo's possession)
This is true
Wait, wait hold your asses, hold on, why do you say that this a movie? Looks just like normal season 3.
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when is fall 2017?
Namely because of the word "movie "
hopefully before my suicide
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>Queen Moon in second place despite just recently getting more screen-time in the series
>A special two-hour "Star vs. The Forces of Evil" TV movie event will premiere SATURDAY, JULY 15 (11:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. EDT), on Disney XD, and will be available to verified users on the Disney XD app and Disney XD VOD platforms.
Yeah, lets go with "A flashback" "Star fucks something up" and "eclipsa tease"

My guess is its a flashback movie with Moon and Toffee.
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planning to end it all but i have alot of series i havent finished watching

maybe when star vs finally ends then i can do it
>S3 'postponed'
I'm glad
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Is "Star fucks up" the free space?


is this a super elaborate prank
That's almost entirely why she is. It helps that her most badass appearance is also her most recent.
It's a pretty safe bet, but not guaranteed if the focus may not be entirely on her. It may yet be another Butterfly that fucks up a bunch this time around.
No, just a really well kept secret
so Ludo seems super chill in the promo about having a deformed Toffee wand arm
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>that young Moon voice
add "moon fucks up" below "star fucks up"
>will premiere SATURDAY, JULY 15 (11:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. EDT)
So, it just premieres at 11/10c. Every time after that is just a rerun. Why does Disney XD promote new things this way now? They're doing the same thing with Billy Dilley.
Guess my theory about Toffee being a survivor of the Great Monster Massacre is about to be rendered null and void.

That's genuinely impressive.

Also, 2 things/questions from the trailer: 1, Moon definitely seems REALLY hesitant while using the spell. She's about to cry, and Toffee's line seems to be in response to that. Seems like Toffee and her were close and he did something to betray her that he felt was justified but that she clearly didn't (perhaps corrupt her mom? or whoever was reaching towards Moon and encrusted in that dark goop?)

Two: Does anyone else thing Star/Moon are going to lose this fight? The point is that they go back to Mewni, and the magic-draining subplot is being played up in the official description, but it's waaaaay too early for Toffee to come out (we see Ludo in control of himself and the rats in the village near the kingdom).

It seems like the Monsters are taking back Mewni and Toffee is still kinda behind the scenes draining magic.
In case people can't make the premiered time, they can still watch the episode that day.
No way Star won't lose. With 2 seasons left she'll pretty much have to unless they want to introduce totally new threats.

I actually interpreted the Toffee line as him saying it in the present to Moon
bitch I have a D-cup and Eden is definitely something in the F-H range
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what if mewni gets really ransacked and stars families had to take refuge in earth?

oh shit

gonna spitball here

what if Moon starts telling Star about the history between her and Toffee and that culminates/veers into "THE MONSTERS ARE COMING IN NOW WE HAVE TO RECLAIM MEWNI OTHERWISE THEY WILL DESTROY EVERYTHING AND KILL US ALL BECAUSE MONSTERS" or "here's how to kill Toffee just actually try and kill him unlike me it's for the good of us all" and Toffee drops the "Have you learned nothing" bit and does something to Moon
I'll do it, give me a minute
I really think this whole movie is just gonna be about Moon. Calling it now, this won't be a straight continuation of the end of S2 (only a little bit), Its gonna be all flashbacks.
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Ew no more boring earth or boring earth people please
That's what I was thinking too. Like she's obviously ready to attack and Toffee says that and maybe stops her cold
I'm thinking this too

Basically, season 2.5

But what about Ludo with Spider and Bird? Are there recent flashbacks too?
Perhaps it'll start off in the present, setting up the happenings on Mewnie for season 3, then delve into Moon's past due to an inquisitive Star.
That's also my opinion. We will see some present, but the past will be the focus.
>boring earth people
>posts the strongest, most intelligent, and interesting earthling
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>Ed is not of this world
Holy shit! AHHHHH!
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>S3 fall
Understandable, my boner can still handle more edging
does that mean november?
Can someone who's a native english speaker do a transcript of Moon's darkest spell from the trailer
>to darkest might I pledge my soul
damn girl
Could be September.

S2 had new episodes premieres every month from July to November, and with a 2-hour premiere being equivalent to 4 full episodes (plus commercials) that more or less covers the regular episodes that would've been aired in July and August, if they weren't doing a TV movie.
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Time for some quick off the cuff analysis of the teaser

Okay, so I'm 100% sure that's young Moon speaking in the teaser and that we're going to get quite the bomb on what happened between them.

a) That's definitely young moon at 12s
b) voice actor has young british accent (Note; Eclipsa could have a british accent but it wouldn't be young like that)
c) content of the spell chant.. pretty obviously concerning her "darkest spell"
d) That's Moons wand at 7s getting black goo'ed
e) That's 100% Moon shaking hands with the weird purple hand thing (and the spell chant includes a line about pledging her soul to it), because in the very next shot you see her arm still covered in the purple binding spiral thing.

So clearly young Moon made some sort of pact ("pledge my soul", handshake, gooey wand) with SOMEONE to be able cast her darkest spell. But who the fuck is that someone? There's no way that hand belongs to Eclipsa, right? Doesn't look anything like her, plus the timeline makes zero sense for her to be around at that time (unless she was frozen by Rhom during her lifetime, briefly unfrozen around the Moon-Toffee battle, then frozen again so we could see her in Crystal Clear - unlikely).

Is it the same purple entity Toffee-Ludo is summoning in pic related on modern Mewni? It looks like he's in the ruins of an ancient monster temple, but one that is hidden in Butterfly Kingdom (I'm reminded of the plot of the start of Halo 3). This would explain why Toffee-Ludo is attacking Butterfly Kingdom in the scene at 6s with his army of rats, it's not to try to kill Star/Moon, but to get to the site where he can find the purple someone and summon them.

will cont. as I think of more about who the fuck purple entity is
We were promised summer... oh well..
>But what about Ludo with Spider and Bird
Scenery looks like the lowest part of Mewni (the one we saw from Diaz family vacation), It might go like this. Moon tells star Toffee's back, Star goes to Mewni, Toffee (possesing ludo) starts wrecking shit, Star ask wtf is up with him, Moon flashbacks the shit outta star, then near the end Toffee's forces push erryone back and the royal family has to run, movie ends with Marco going to a wrecked palace with no Star in sight kickstarting S3.
It means fall.

They're just reiterating what's in the press release.
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Also how did Ludo get them back, I thought they were stuck on earth now
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>That's Moons wand at 7s getting black goo'ed

No way man, those shots of Ludo attacking Kingdom Butterfly (and summoning some purple thing from the ruins) are gonna be a huge part of it, not to mention that the synopsis itself is;
>Titled "The Battle for Mewni," the TV movie follows Star as she returns to her home dimension of Mewni where she discovers that magic is disappearing throughout the kingdom. Star must dig deep and challenge archnemesis Ludo in an effort to save her family and kingdom.
Of course the young Moon v Toffee thing is gonna be a big deal, but at most it'll be an A plot/B plot thing with a "present" plot mixed in with a "past" plot, or it's going to be mainly in the present but with a flashback to the past during the climax
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wait is ludo got his body back

or toffee is able to possess him whatever he wants to
You know he has dimensional scissors right?
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>Titled "Battle for Mewni"

>yfw the 2 hour movie is mostly a flashback of Young Moon vs Toffee, and ends with Star about to face Toffee to be continued in season 3.
Do you think Marco might not even appear in this movie?
Yeah I immediately was reminded of that too. Daron did seem to be hinting lately that S3 has got some significant anime influences..
>Also confirms Jackie isn't a mermaid
Aww, shit.

Well thank you for your service, mermaid Jackie theory, you were great fun, a perfect tinfoil speculation theory from start to finish

These satanic commandments are pretty christian, IMO.
>that S3 has got some significant anime influences
The entire show has got significant anime influences
But then what does Jackie have now? Possibly Tom in the future? Apart from that not much else
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Jackie is mermaid DEEP LOBE.png
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She may not be a mermaid but she can still be a siren, right?
Deep lobe? ;-;
Its very possible and I wouldn't be surprised
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this may actually be the most hyped I've ever been for a Star Vs. episode because jesus fuck this was so fucking unexpected

was sure we'd start off with sort of a low-key "My New Wand"-esque S3 premiere and the Moon/Toffee stuff later that season

not a fucking 2-hour TV movie with all this fucking plot development and lore shit happening all at once, I've never watched this much new Star Vs. at much I'm gonna have a heart attack
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Titled "Battle for Mewni"

>Movie is teased as current events.
>Is actually talking about the Battle for Mewni all those years go.
Honestly it seems possible? Maybe not, but him and his relationship with Star probably won't be a huge focus of the plot.

I imagine we'll see Marco try to unite with Star but get pushed away for whatever reason- and then at the end of the movie Star will have temporarily have dealt with the threat (even if it's just that the bad guy got away for now ala Bon Bon) and Marco and Star will meet up for a poignant and bittersweet reunion.
Aint early S3 supposed to be Marco gathering friends to help look for Star? Its more likely that when Marco goes to Mewni, everything is shitfucked and Star isn't there becuase shits fucked yo.
Two hour long flashback episode? I can dig it, especially if we get a bunch more Toffee/Young Moon shippers
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Mina helped Moon during the Battle vs Toffee

We get to see Mina in her prime taking down waves of monsters.
It's gonna be both told in parallel, to ya know emphasize the parallels between what young Moon went through and what Star will now. Thus
>Have you learned nothing?
will be Toffee speaking to Star concerning her not learning from her mothers mistakes (whatever those were, I'm sure we'll find out)
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probably on-again, off-again

much like their relationship
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>The uploader has not made this video available in your country

Why DisneyXD has to be such asshole?
>Aint early S3 supposed to be Marco gathering friends to help look for Star?
According to our hiatus speculation only. Nothing about that being the plot outline for early S3 has been dropped from any official-ish source.

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>We get to see Mina in her prime taking down waves of monsters.
Thank you! But I'm upset about not allowing that video for everyone
That was a dick move
and this justifies Toffee being a terrorist who destroyed Castle Avaria how again?

Your arguing that the USA is evil and trying to use it to justify a terrorist attack in Russia or China

Even if the Mewmans are evil, it doesn't change the fact that Toffee is an evil terrorist who destroyed the lives and homes of good monsters.
I still kinda think there must be something up with the ocean theme. Like even if she's not a mermaid princess, it should be something, like her really loving the ocean and having extensive knowledge of it or whatever, because it's too much stuff to be purely coincidental for this show. Or then they're just trolling the fans. However, the Mermaid Jackie theory started as outrageous tinfoil for fun, it's what it always is/was at heart, so I'm not too upset, just really wistful because it would have been so cooooooolll

But to be honest I could deal with her being just a human if she ends up with Tom. It might make it even more awesome, her being just a normal chill chick with her angry demon prince bf
>probably 2-hour of Young Moons vs Toffee backstory
There's definitely something about her. We'll probably get some context in season 3 but I wouldn't expect her to appear much (or at all) in this movie
My soul can't contain it
>Aint early S3 supposed to be Marco gathering friends to help look for Star?
No, that's just fans being retarded and deciding that since the OP has a smaller group of friends in the pre-title cast shot it MUST MEAN that they'll from a team and go to Mewni together as a group.

There's absolutely nothing indicating it, it's just some fans on 4chan started repeating it as fact.
whose voice is that? Young Moon?
>potentially having her see or do something that gives her PTSD and having a legit reason to go from hero to homeless
Probably a bit too dark for a kids show but what do I know.

>Toffee is an evil terrorist who destroyed the lives and homes of good monsters.
Sometimes you gotta lose the battle to win the war. If losing that particular castle meant gaining half of one of the more powerful artifacts in existence, seems like a worthy trade off.
you just DON'T KNOW, man, you weren't THERE

check your finger privilege
I highly doubt there even is a dream team. They'll just all be prominent Mewni characters in separate episodes
No, obviously not. The movie is about Battle for Mewni and Moon casting her darkest spell and defeating Toffee at great cost. Why the hell would Jackie, or anyone from the main cast appear, when they weren't even born yet?

The only one who might make an appearance is Star (and Glossaryck, Toffee etc), like maybe there's an opening sequence where Moon decides that now that she had to bring Star back to Mewni and Star's demanding to know what's happening and why exactly is Toffee so dangerous, it's time to tell Star exactly what went down, cue flashback.

But honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Marco doesn't appear, and I def don't expect Tom, Jackie, Janna etc. It's about young Moon and the heavy burden that is the crown.
Is Star vs really such a successful show that it warranted a 2 hour movies after just two seasons?
I know, i was just stating the obvious
Disney XD is throwing all their resources at it
it's better than Gravity Falls already
Does it matter as long as we're getting this?

4 seasons seems pretty successful for a cartoon + really it probably counts as four half-hour episodes and part of Season 3
does it even matter? Unlike Nick and CN, the Disney channel isn't a ratings driven shit fest desperate for money
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yes, and it might have 4 more seasons.....I hope
>yes, and it might have 4 more seasons.....I hope
Season 4 is already confirmed
Yeah, I also think the people building up hype about a MMPORG or DnD type team and speculating about assigned cliche roles are being a bit daft. The first 2 seasons had large, changing selections of cast in the group shot, and was there ever a scene with all of them in the same place? No.
So assuming that the season 3-> group shot having a smaller selection suddenly means that not only will they all be at the same place some time, no, they'll actually form a team and will start adventuring together and the entire dynamic of the show will fundamentally change is assuming a bit too much imo.

If anything, the cast shot just shows who's getting more focus throughout the season, but I don't expect them to form a team at all
Yep, seems like it. Remember how Moon defeated Toffee? She used her darkest spell. Invoking darkness into herself and giving her soul to see her "hated foe devoured". Sounds like a pretty dark spell to me.
>4 more seasons
Anon, have you ever heard of the phrase six seasons and a movie?
Girl from another world that attends a school isn`t that uncommon in anime. I don`t see why both theories could just coexist. These are at least more interesting than the boring waifuwars of posting the same images again and again.
pretty shit spell

what kind of darkest spell only cuts off someone's finger?

That is a kick ass incantation, that's why Harry Potter was always lame, their spells were literally nonsense words
I'm not expecting a team but there might be a few segments where they're all together.

Seeing them all together in a Mewnian field seems to indicate them actually being together at some point, since it's a "real" setting as opposed to the blank white background the previous cast images were set in.

All of them except Tom were actually at the last scene of the party together in Starcrushed anyway, so something similar happening again isn't much of a stretch.
Well, theres only been 2 seasons, so 4 more seasons = 6 seasons. And we are getting a movie.
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Is this a co-incidence?
Moon PUSSIED OUT at the last possible second and only cut off his finger
I want to squeeze young Moon's cheeks until her diamonds become red
>I'm not expecting a team but there might be a few segments where they're all together.
So you are expecting them to form a team, at least briefly
Thats why Toffee says "have you learned nothing." Also the cut off finger didn't regrow, so if Moon didn't just hit the finger, Toffee'd be fucked.
I expect all of them in one place at least once, and I don't think that all of them are an exhaustive list of who is getting focus.

Namely, I'm sure we'll see more of jackie, even if its just one episode in earth while Marco (and possibly Janna) are away. I actually sort of expect developing Jackie and Janna stuff given the looks at the end of Starcrushed
Are Disney TV movies made for anyone to be easily introduced to the series or will it be a direct sequel to the last episode?
woops, sorry. didn't read well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No, just an episode that happens to have all of them. Like maybe they're in the same place at one time, but not actually fighting/working together or anything like that.

Marco and Star seem to pretty obviously be the actual "team" here and I'm not expecting that to change
>two hour movie

Well shit things got more interesting!
it will almost certainly be a direct sequel

although who knows maybe will also work as a decent starting point too
you fucked up the chain you piece a shit
Fall can mean anything from the last days of September to most of December.
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>Young Moon: I called the darkness up to thee
>Deepest depth of Earth and sea
>To blackest night I pledge my soul and crush my heart
>To summon forth the deadly power to see my hated foe devoured

Moon's spell was never meant to kill Toffee then, but the power she summoned was Star in the future to defeat Toffee. By doing this Moon has pledge her soul to the spell, and what is done cannot be undone. The movie ends in the present with Moon explained to Star what she had to sacrifice to defeat Toffee, and the power Star is far beyond what she knows, as she her soul dissipates to finish the lifelong spell.

>The idea of a "blood moon" serving as an omen of the coming of the end times comes from the Book of Joel, where it is written "the sun will turn into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes."
is this really a movie or just the first 3 episode from season 3?
Probably the latter, since it seems like the promo wouldn't make much sense to someone who hasn't actively been keeping up with the show.

But I guess it'd also feel like it recaps some things by nature of being a continuation
just put the body parts inside boxes and apply the knowlege you know about vanishing points in buildings to those boxes. That is the main gist of it.

Both I would imagine. That's why I'm fairly certain the beginning of the movie will be a near-direct continuation of the season 2 finale from Star and Moon's point of view, establishing the current situation on Mewnie and then delving into Moon's past. That way you can provide some basic story framework and exposition for new viewers without disrupting the beginning of season 3 too heavily, particularly if you start season 3 from Marco's perspective. That's why I'm also quite certain that Marco won't really make much of an appearance in the movie, if at all.
how bout you go read the link provided upthread, dingus
Probably they used some of the episodes guaranteed to them for S3 to make one long episode of equivalent length to count as a "movie." Like Disney gave permission to do that and so they wrote it with that intention

though if it airs in reruns they'd probably wind up splitting it into ~4 episodes anyway
anyone else notice about 5 seconds in

Ludo appears to be lucid and using the wand embedded in his/Toffee's hand

Does Ludo know what is going on? Does Ludo not care that Toffee is using him so long as he get revenge on the Butterfly family as well?

Was he just stalling when the Magic High Commission came? Waiting for them to split up so Toffee could strike?
Yes Disney, milk this cow. Milk it harder than literally every cartoon you've ever milked it before. I swear to god, you better make this P+F level
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We need a faster version of this gif to contain our hype.
Not too much or it will end up like AT.
Maybe Ludo still doesn't quite know what's going on but thinks his new arm is bitchin and so continues his original plans of the rat invasion

And Toffee's cool with that because it goes along with his intentions as well, but can always take control when he chooses

Possibly Ludo would have been willing to take Moon's side if he hadn't gotten possessed, but after waking up from the possession and seeing he'd once again lost everything he started the revenge back up
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Okay, looking for stuff to fill this out.

>Star fucks up
>Moon fucks up
>Ludo fucks up
>Toffee miscalculates
>River is a badass
>Marco ditches Jackie
>Named character death
>Frame story
>At least 15 minutes of Flashbacks
>Less than 10 minutes on Earth
>Eclipsa Tease
>Dark Star tease
>Monsters help Star/Moon
>Ludo resists Toffee
>Toffee recovers finger

I need 8 more.
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pure sugar.gif
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What flavor you want, bro?
The Darkest Spell isn't just a laserbeam is it?
I wouldn't mind milking Star.
>Jackie offers to help but is rejected
I'm still unbelieving that this is Disney XD of all channels even allowing this
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>Toffee is hot as fuck
>Moon comments that Toffee is hot as fuck
>Ludo comments that Toffee is hot as fuck
>Toffee acknowledges that he is hot as fuck
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Sailor Moon Mina going full anime.
Alternatively, Jackie tries to sabotage Marco's reunion with Star out of jealousy.
probably a lazer beam with the power to sap away life force and such
So Toffee can still turn on and off his possession of Ludo when he wants. So how is Ludo gonna take the wand now in his arm?
Ludo/Toffee cast Moon's Darkest Spell against her
He is curiously attractive, for a lizardman.
Or brief period from jackies perspective


God fuck why

Is this why they're giving us a movie? To tide us over?
Toffee has been talking to Ludo this whole time through the wand

Ludo probably knows what is going on by now and is glad to be the vessel of House Butterfly's destruction
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Fixed speech.

>Young Moon: I called the darkness on to me
>To Deepest depth of Earth and sea
>To blackest night I pledge my soul and crush my heart
>To summon forth the deathly power to see my hated foe devoured

With these, and what this anon said about Dies Irae. Moon made a deal of calling all the darkness onto her, as she become a vessel, and crushed her first born heart(Star is hearts) to hope to see Star who has the powers of all Darkness, and light to defeat Toffee at the cost of her soul.
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I gotta say, when I started watching this show. I never thought we'd end up where we are. Not even close
Now you know what the most hype moment in the series will be right?

When Star is in [situation] and the episode cliffhangs with "I call the darkness unto me..."
>Jackie offers to help but is rejected
Counts under "Jackie ditched"

>Toffee is hot as fuck
There needs to be uncertainty.

>Sailor Moon Mina going full anime.
Good one, although maybe we could split this one up?
>Mina is a badass
>Overt Sailor Moon reference

>Ludo/Toffee cast Moon's Darkest Spell against her
What, you mean an explicit "back at you" kind of thing? That seems a bit too low odds to include... But I guess we could put it in the mix if we have extras to choose from.
The crazy Dies Irae theory actually being right.


>Tfw you started watching during season 1 and thought it would just be an improved version of season 1 by the end with relatively mild popularity
>Looking at where we are now
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I hoped we would end up with what we had before it premiered, but afterward wasn't sure we ever would.

\But then after Storm the Castle I was honestly 100% sure one day we'd come to this point and I'm so happy for once a show proved me right
So right arm is Moon's, left arm is? A metaforical reference to some obscure power to defeat Toffee that she needed? Or just some other magical being transfering powers to her?
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Okay, fine:
>Toffee's reptilian hotness is acknowledged in-show
And the best part is, I actually have hope this won't be a bust like Weirdmageddon was
I meant like them specifically using the incantation she does in the preview and attempting to kill Moon with it

its seems pretty obvious, Toffee stole Moon's wand or half of it, in order to destroy her the way she tried to destroy him
Okay, considering:
>Mina is a badass
>Overt Sailor Moon reference
>More fuel for Dies Irae
>Ludo/Toffee casts Moon's Darkest Spell
>Star casts Moon's Darkest spell

Only one or two of these are good imo, so I'd like at least 6 more.
Isn't it like the most viewed Disney cartoon digitally in the network's history? That's why it got 4 seasons in the first place?
I'm pretty sure that is wrong

I think that's a flash back, those are the bottom half of Moon's diamonds not the bottom of Star's hearts
>Good one, although maybe we could split this one up?
I don't see why not, particularly if you need spaces to fill. You could also recombine it if there's not enough spaces as well, given that it's hard to imagine Mina being a badass without some over the top magical-girl reference. Daron is probably champing at the bit to do something to that effect.
>Doing more than 4 seasons ever
>Thinking this show needs more than 4 seasons
I would go with the last two

someone is gonna cast that spell again
She literally took the demons/darkness into her. And for females what does it latch on to? The next living thing(baby) which is Star>>92714742

Might not be so crazy anymore.
Star or Moon says "totally". or Star doesn't understand something. or Glossaryck says something cryptic that makes more sense later on in the series because that fucker foreshadows a lot of shit, like for real.
Imagine a full "epic" orchestral/instrumental version of the OP at the start of the movie?
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That sounds like a lie but i'm going to believe you for the first couple minutes til someone shows some graph or some shit proving otherwise.
>Toffee's reptilian hotness is acknowledged in-show
That could work.

>The crazy Dies Irae theory actually being right.
We need something objectively measurable; give me a prediction of some sort and we can see if it's true.

>Star is part of Moon's Darkest Spell
Moon's legs
Jackie becomes the new Toffee.
>We need something objectively measurable; give me a prediction of some sort and we can see if it's true.
>Star is part of Moon's Darkest Spell

Considering that plays a major part of Dies Irae theory I would say this is a good one.


Jackie fucks off from the story permanently
Lol maybe in season 4
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Everyone is hoping for this
>someone is gonna cast that spell again
Fine, we can do that.

>Glossaryck says something cryptic that makes more sense later on in the series because that fucker foreshadows a lot of shit, like for real.
We can't include anything that must be proven in S3.

We could do one of these though:
>Glossaryck confuses the hell out of someone
>Flashback Glossaryck alludes to something that happens in S1 or S2
>tfw living in the age of Starkino
I don't know, I'm thinking they probably defeat Ludo-Toffee in this movie. So at the end of the movie Jackie would become the new Toffee host.
>I hoped we would end up with what we had before it premiered, but afterward wasn't sure we ever would.
This. I was hoping this would be the Western magical girl show I truly wanted but after that first episode (especially that fucking Party with a Pony shit), I wrote it off as another lolsorandumb garbage that wasted it's potential. Thank goodness I came back
I know, Im talking about Moon. Moon defeats Toffee when she was young, like we saw in "Inside the wand". And like we will probably see in this movie.
Alright so this shot of Ludo next to a big purple explosion/summoning thing in what is clearly Butterfly Kingdom is 100% something to do with the/an ancient monster temple
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Feels deep
>When Disney XD ends up being better than the other 3 networks just by even bothering to give the slightest fuck
>>Glossaryck confuses the hell out of someone
>>Flashback Glossaryck alludes to something that happens in S1 or S2
Ooh I like both, maybe you can roll that into 1.
what did you actually believe Ludo when he claimed that he just happened to be there for no real reason?

There was some reason Moon didn't like him being in the temple and there is some reason that Toffee probably told Ludo to go there
The movie ends with a cliffhanger with Marco saying "Star, we need to talk."
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>Door depicts 3 images of what seems to be a bird, spider, a demon, and a snake/eel creature
>To summon forth a deathly power to see my hated foe devoured

Fixed again with changing the to a, which implies it's more a random summon for sure. Once again could of been Star by Moon just being pregnant at the time.
Just to confirm what we've got since then:
>Mina is a badass
>Overt Sailor Moon reference
>Star is part of Moon's Darkest Spell
>Moon's Darkest Spell is cast again
>Toffee's reptilian hotness acknowledged in-show
>Glossaryck alludes to future events (that must happen by the end of the movie)
I think you mean "Jackie"

>1 hour 59 minutes of Mewni and plot drama
>Credits are Marco sitting at home looking at his phone and the scissors
>As the credits end he reaches for the phone
>"Hey Jackie, it's Marco, um, so listen..."
>Disney logo shows up
>"We need to talk"
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Ill see you in 15 years.jpg
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I call the darkness unto me
from deepest depths of earth and see
One chance out between two worlds:

Fire walk with me
Okay, I said:
>Glossaryck alludes to future events (that must happen by the end of the movie)
But maybe that one needs reworking.

>The movie ends with a cliffhanger with Marco saying "Star, we need to talk."
Abstract this to:
>Cliffhanger ending
This movie will never live up to our expectations, won`t it?
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>Door depicts 3 images of what seems to be a bird, spider, a demon, and a snake/eel creature
Woah, how did I not see that before.

Wait wait wait, on closer inspection.. I've seen those 4 eyes in that exact shape before..
Honestly it already surpassed my expectations for how S3 would begin just by its premise

TV movie to start this shit off is a pretty bold move
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Well i expect it to be good since most of the other shit in Star vs is good.
ohsweet jesus
>snake/eel creature
What's your expectations? Remember, this is a "middle" movie and will probably be a big flashback with some present day stuff. That's what I'm expecting
Toffee's theme

Movie? Do we get a movie instead of season 3?
Season 3 was delayed to Fall
??? This show has been awesome since season 1, and it won't stop being like that.
It's not like this is a vidya in development or anything.
read the thread
Movie starts this summer, S3 starts this fall
The movie is the lead in to season 3 (which was delayed to September)
Just stop having expectations.
If you have expectations and its good, then its all good
If you have expectations and its bad, then you're depressed
If you don't have expectations and its good, then you're pleasantly surprised
If you don't have expectations and its bad, then you've lost nothing

want only leads to suffering
>Moon and Toffee act friendly
I wasn't really on the "Toffee and Moon were friends/maybe a Starco parallel" train but I kinda want to be now if that spell was supposed to be a "you will literally die now" spell but couldn't do it all the way and hit his finger

>??? This show has been awesome since season 1
I would heavily argue against that. It's really mediocre until Mewberty and the BMB is where it grows it's legs. There are lots of people who get into the show and wonder if they should continue past the first episodes and I seriously don't blame them since they're pretty weak
>want only leads to suffering

but we are western all-consmuing autists, not buddhist monks
Jarco shippers exist.
>Mewni actually falls to Toffee/Ludo, which sets up Season 3.
I don't think who you are changes the fact that want leads to suffering
Also people who want to see her expanded upon who don't ship jarco
Could Tom be related to these two?
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>inb4 by some roundabout way, tom and star are related, making their past relationship even worse in retrospect
Me too. Lizard Dexter is HOT
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>If you have expectations and its good, then its all good
>If you have expectations and its bad, then you're depressed
>If you don't have expectations and its good, then you're pleasantly surprised
>If you don't have expectations and its bad, then you've lost nothing
I ship Jarco, but I don't really ship it. I more ship Star/Suffering

Ludo didn't know that he was being possessed the first time around it seems.

But when he's controlling the rats in the trailer, he has the Toffee wand arm thing going on, so maybe Ludo knows this time around?
>two threads up
>someone makes a third when neither of the others has reached bump limit

fucking why
Yes, the first episodes are not really good, but episodes lke BMB and Storm the Castle makes up for it. If anything, plot does real justice to this show.
I think this might be the only Moon/Toffee picture I actually like

because somehow Toffee appropriately looks slimy as fuck
Its not really hard to make him syphatethic if he actually started a war to free the monsters from Mewni tyranny or something.
Mewni independance day looked like they were slaughtering natives in their own home.

This make sense.

A giant set of flashbacks would be really hard to do well in 11 minute episodes or even a 30 minute special without feeling like it's derailing the main plot (in S3). But having all of that-or the most important bits at least-in a continuous longer movie is really convenient to get lore/world-building done so that in S3 Daron et. al don't have to cram it into 11 minute episodes (which would likely ruin pacing too) or even use the 30 minute specials on it,
There's too much actual discussion going on, they have to dilute it by making more threads so they can talk about shipping and AUs.
Had this discussion the other day, possible but unlikely. Mainly because >>92715840 and I don't think that's something Disney would even remotely approve
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Oh shit. Ponyfags going to have a competition
>Fighting for monster freedom
>Step one blow up one of the few monster kingdoms in existence
>Step two enslave rats and keep your large store of food away from monsters that might need your help
>Step three destroy an ancient monster temple
>Step four what makes you think Toffee cares about monsters again?
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>A giant set of flashbacks would be really hard to do well in 11 minute episodes or even a 30 minute special without feeling like it's derailing the main plot

Yes, this is a great way to describe it.

I was kind of worried about S3 turning into Moon vs. the Forces of Toffee because of the exact backstory the movie would cover, if it had happened throughout the season as a bunch of flashbacks or something. Like if we keep returning to that and have it affecting the present, is it really Star's story at this point?

Sort of bridges the gap better between both seasons and the past and present better, and can tie the backstory in narratively/thematically with the present-day Star stuff all at once.
>Mewni actually falls to Toffee/Ludo
Hm, this could be split into
>Mewni falls, Toffee wins
>Mewni holds--Keikaku, Toffee wins

Which would meet the quota. But I've thought of a few more (and it'd be nice to have some extra to pick and choose, I'll cap at 30).
>Moon suffering
>Star gets some maternal bonding
>Toffee's sympathetic past revealed

At this point, we might want to trim a couple of the most-likely-to-overlap ones.
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What if Moon die in the movie?
So season three will deal with the aftermath of the movie then?
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Well that would be pretty much the end of Jackie having a role in the series.
Apparently she's in the S3 opening, in the beginning part we haven't seen: Star and Marco jump from Earth to Mewni and run across a table in the castle and mess up Moon and River's dinner, or something.

So she'll probably live for now-- but maybe S3 will deliver later.
>keyboard made it to mewni
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I started watching after BBtBC aired, never thought we would get a 2 hour movie. GG boys, GG.

[spoilers] Also short hair Star is best Star.[/spoilers]
Moon wasn't pregnant with Star when she Darkest Spell'd Toffee.
Either that or she becomes villain by proxy of toffee

Is jealousy in that circumstance really all that unforgivable? She is merely human after all
I think most of the movie will be flashbacks. Starts with Star and Moon training, something comes up in the training so Moon goes into full story mode. Rest of the movie alternates between training in real time and Moon finishing her story about her battle to save Mewni. Also some parts of the movie show quick moments of Marco and Ludo. Movie ends with Moon dropping a bomb shell on Star.
Ctrl + S next time friendo
Fake news, poll didn't include Hekapoo as an option.
I need more.
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I wish i had more my friend
why is there an audio of a lightsaber igniting right before toffee says "have you learned nothing?"

is that supposed to part of the disney xd logo or something?
That's just pure fucking retardation
One can easily talk about many things simultaneously in a thread, posts can be linked and so forth.
It's just newfags/cunts tryna get us all banished to /trash/
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Either way i think Toffee is not the real bad. He is a side villain Magneto type who wanted to do justice on humans and wipe them out.
The demon who gives Moon the powers will be the real villain or maybe one of the Princesses like Celena the Shy being hidden villain or something.

Exactly! Now, the movie is perfectly placed to handle those things, which is excellent for the crew.

How long has this been planned? July is really close, so much of the animating and the like had to be done a while ago, right? It's been kept under wraps REALLY well. Nobody here on /co/ or Reddit or Tumblr even guessed we'd get a post-S2 movie. At best, I expected a series finale movie or something if the show went well.

This is a BIG thing for the show too.
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>Moon wasn't pregnant with Star when she Darkest Spell'd Toffee.
The egg that would become Star was still in her, anon. (And in a metaphysical sense, even that is unnecessary.)
Nefcy testing the waters for her plan for a surprise Manna end?
Its a shame MLP doesn't get a LORE movie but just some side quest in another place.
Why does rebelToffee have a tail?
Considering the circumstances, I'd say it'd be pretty damn hard to forgive, though not impossible as you rightly stated that she is human.

I still find the idea that Jackie could end up as some sort of villain a bit ridiculous. The only circumstance I could ever see it happening in is with Toffee/Eclipsa based mind-control and even then it seems a bit much as they wouldn't have the full context of the love-triangle. It's certainly not impossible, but it seems like it'd take a bit too much to setup with not all that much pay off, better to focus on Toffee, Eclipsa or the general forces of evil yet to come.
Wasn't it ever confirmed how old Moon was when she battled Toffee? Even at 16 plus 14 years would put Moon at 30 now which isn't to far fetched of a mature age. Unless officially said I see no reason she couldn't have been pregnant close to that fight.
He is meant to have a tail - I believe one of the boarders stated the only reason he didn't have one in the Tapestry is because the composition didn't look as good as when they drew him without a tail.
How much of the movie is flashback, though? It could be anywhere from 20% to 80%. Also, Moon doesn't have to be explicitly telling Star the content of the flashbacks in story form, we might have all the flashback in the first half of the movie, and modern day in the second half.
One of the storyboarders for the show on Tumblr said that the movie has the first episodes she worked on chronologically, so it seems like the movie is more "episodes stitched together with no intro/outro between em" which makes more sense.
Its much better than MLP and SU as i watch all 3 series. Its not suprising it would get movies and more seasons.
Mr Bombastic is a monster. Tom is DEMON royalty, not a monster.
Obviously demons and monsters are two very different species that are viewed very differently by the Butterflies.
For example, the demons seem to be more sophisticated, they also have strong magical powers, they also have a hierarchical society ran by a royal family - and so the Lucitors are considered close allies by the Butterflies.

Meanwhile the monsters seemed to be savages with loincloths-tier, with no real magic, only barely distinguishable from animals in the mewmen's view.

So if you wanna parallel Mewmen with Anglo Westerners and the monsters with Natives, I suppose the demons could be something like the Portuguese/Spaniards/French. They're doing their own thing down there. They're not "us", they're foreigners, but they're closer to us than the natives, and might come to our aid if shit gets really bad
So what, afterwards not only will star and Marco cut Jackie out of their lives, but Janna will too? After the looks she gave her in Starcrushed?

I know there's lore and shit going on but multiple storyboard artists have already said Jackie isn't leaving the show
If they started it right after they finished S2 (March or April 2016), then maybe it was boarded from late spring-summer last year and would've finished being animated kind of recently. Not sure how long it normally takes for one episode to be completed.

When the new intro was shown, someone saw that the date on the animatic was last July. So they might have done the movie before beginning the more standard early episodes for the season.
Nah, there's a lot of people who like Jackie
Not movie related
It's hard to tell who is indifferent to Jackie being given the boot and who is genuinely looking forward to it
Let's all not forget who the real star of this movie shall be.
>So what, afterwards not only will star and Marco cut Jackie out of their lives, but Janna will too?
Why would you think that? Whilst the situation they currently find themselves in at the end of season 2 is an awkward one where the parties involved are likely to be hurt in some manner, it doesn't mean that they're going to instantly cut ties with each other.

Jackie will likely stick about as a secondary character on Earth, potentially even going on an adventure or two before her role in the romance sub-plot is completed. After that, who knows? She'll likely stick about, just not feature in the same way as she has previously.
People may tolerate her but no one actually invests in her because she's designed to be as inoffensive as possible

That's why everyone loves Star, Marco, Tom and Janna but conveniently leave out Jackie. She gets in the way without bringing anything to the table
He was just Toffee's practice for Lekmet
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>we will see this goat die in glory
I just figured Jackie and Janna as being on the same level. And it still feels weird catapulting Kelly to star status at the expense of jackie

I'd be fine with Jackie remaining secondary if there wasn't now such a larger expanded main cast
>Jackie will likely stick about as a secondary character on Earth, potentially even going on an adventure or two before her role in the romance sub-plot is completed.

Why would you think that? Jackie was never that important.
here's a go but no promises:
"I call the darkness unto me
from deepest depths of earth and sea
to blackest night I pledge my soul
and crush my heart
to summon forth the deathly power
to see my hated foe devoured"
that's what I heard at least
As of yet we can't comment on anything in season 3 with any certainty, even with the intro information. It wouldn't make sense for them to completely drop Jackie, given the screen time she's received and still having an active part to play in the romance sub-plot.

Once her role in said sub-plot is over then her involvement in the show could change, be it minor or major, but she still has an active role to play in the immediate future of the show which stands to reason that she'll still be about for a little while longer at the least.
Deathly pallor
Neither was Janna and look at her

Kelly was a literal who until Starcrushed, and basically still is. People can change roles. Jackie isn't eternally confined to the role she's in
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MLP and SU had S1 and S2 as best seaons and then it weaken every season,

Star Vs FoE is actually the weakest in S1 with Ludo shenanigans and get better in S2 when they introduce lore and characters like Hekapoo and backstories,

S3 is going to be full anime from what i see.

Its like the show switching from Dragon Ball first series into DBZ with both villains and violence.
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I hear it as

>I call the darkness unto me
>from deepest depths of Earth and Sea
>to blackest might I pledge my soul and crush my heart
>to summon forth a deathly power
>to see my hated foe devoured

I think it's might, not night, as in she made a deal with some unknown powerful entity

>tfw you're Moon
>tfw you made all these sacrifices
>tfw your daughter is a fuck-up and a sperg and nearly burns the kingdom you gave your soul to protect because she can't be arsed to do her homework and learn to control the wand
I personally prefer the rest of the MHC, and appreciate the time given to Glossaryck, Jackie, and Buff Frog over her.
I don't know, I feel like Hekapoo is just a bit too fan service-y
>Daron Nefcy has browsed /co/ confirmed from a video posted on reddit
>she knows 28+ year olds love Star and have left their girlfriends for Star and Star look-a-likes in real life

Present Toffee might be more jaded and corrupted than his past self. He obviously lost the war so he might not care about the rag tag morons that left out of monster kingdom. He see them as weak cowards.
Im pretty sure they had it planned since the beggining or s2 or the middle of s2. Considering how long animating takes, and that they might have wanted to give out the best product, it around those dates seems about right
I always thought Jackies has way more significance than Janna. Jackie at least plays an active role in the storyline. Janna's just comic relief
But she also browsed reddit
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>Star: LOL, mom, your song is so lame. It's totally unrealistic and saccharine.

I know Star probably didn't know any better, but she couldn't even let her mom have that. What a bitch.

Don't lump the glorious aristocratic demons with the powerless uncouth monsters.
>everyone loves Star, Marco, Tom and Janna
You keep pulling these broad-ass statements from your ass as if they're true, anon

You do understand that not everyone thinks like you or likes the same things you do, right?
Jackie will just end up with Oskar or Tom by default.
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Nefcy is actually table anon may god have mercy on us
But comic relief can go anywhere. If you have a role to play, then once that role is finished, you're kind of lost.

That's the main difference, Jackie has a role that will eventually no longer be relevant and Janna can be comic relief until the end of time.
Comic relief is more versatile though and means she can be written into stories with little forethought. That's why it's easier to stick Janna in plotlines she doesn't belong in but Jsckies inclusion feels very deliberate
Daron said she browses reddit (and stuff), which is obviously 4chan. But she can't admit 4chan in front of those fans, for obvious reasons.

Even then, stuff is a lot more tamer over there.
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He meant to have the tail. Animators fucked up the scene. Or they made this painting before they made Toffee black suit design.

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Tom is reserved for Janna.

Jackie can be Toffee's inappropriately aged fucktoy though.
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holy shit
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>movie premieres on July 15th
>many thought it was gonna be the S3 premiere
>September the start of fall
>Star probably didn't know any better, but she couldn't even let her mom have that. What a bitch.
I really, really love how this show is turning the quirky lolsorandom "I want to be ME, mom, I want to be FREE" girl protagonist on its head and really showing how utterly fucked up in so many various ways Star's behaviour has been, even though she's not mean it's still fucked up and she's been really selfish, egoistical, nearsighted and spoiled, thinking only of herself and her wants and how that's literally fucking up the universe itself

Also showing how the parents you see as stuck-up and disapproving may have had to go through some rough shit you're not aware of at all. Bravo Nefcy
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YO! ya'll know what this>>92713418 means tho?

We might see house Avarius in its prime! And Ludo's childhood!
>there are people
>on these Star threads
>that don't think ANYONE from the Star Crew posts/lurks here
>they don't know all the spoilers they have posted about season 3 because they got lost from all the other anon fan theories
How many chess layers are they playing?
Nefcy we know that Toffee is your husbando. Just tell the truth.
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Holy fuck.
I'm scared, guys.
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>We might see house Avarius in its prime! And Ludo's childhood!
Anon i can only get so erect
Star is a cunt and didn't deserve Marco desu ne
If that was true, she would've found some way to bring up Toffee as Starfan.
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10000000000000000000000D CHESS
It's Tom.
They're both called Thomas, both exes of starco, their personalities are like ying & yang, their personalities complete each other as they already are in the show without a need for a 180° personality rewrite, water theme x fire theme, both kinda grungey on their normal clothes but go all out red carpet ready when on a date, both thirsty for grand romance, both into piercings and Love Sentence and chilling out and so forth. It's too perfect

Plus I'm a sucker for normal girl with demon boyfriend stories
the greatest spell of Eclipsa
Are you guys retards
4chan isn't some fucking sekrit club, the crew consists of 20- and 30-somethings, of fucking course they know about 4chan and /co/ and probably lurk occasionally, at least some of them
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You are aware that you should not post your theories here, right?
Or else Nefcy will DESTROY all of those headcanons to suprise you all and come up with something else that you haven't yet think about.
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Is it normal to dream about Daron Nefcy ?
>from a video posted on reddit
post the link fampai
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>tfw making an animatic-prequel since february
>tfw it's about battle for Mewni

I personally agree
But tumblr latches onto Jantom unfortunately
Jackie can never win in the eyes of the fandom
Nefcy did design Toffee so she must have been thinking something when drawing him

and casting his voice
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but i want to be surprised
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she a cute
i wanna see
I'm one of those anons and I'm not ashamed of it. But my girlfriend was also trying to turn me against my family for a while now so me liking Star was a good excuse for actually breaking it off.
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Well this took an unexpectedly pleasant turn for a drawing.
I mean I see a lot of ya'll falling for obvious bait so I guess I'll be the first to point out that this fake, it takes like 5 seconds to check the archives to see that he just did the ol' inspect-elementaroony
That's one of the things I loved about Face the Music.
>I thought they wanted to know the real Star Butterfly!
>They don't, Star.
To be fair Toffee is one of the coolest bad guys to have come out in a while across shows and movies, you know it be true.
>tfw no Daron wife
Why live?
Awesome. You are really improving a lot.
i hope you know this isnt the first time anon has posted July 15th btw
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bloody nice work purple anon
that is a big mace
It looks quiet lovely. The colors accented quite nicely the poses.
July 15th, specifically, has been posted NUMEROUS times. I think it was the 18th first then changed, so no doubt someone from the crew posts here.

Check the archives.
Well I fully welcome this T H I C C fanservice dimensional demon
We know it's Daron because of her distinctive "ha ha".
that should really say god of shitposting
>Check the archives
Literally nothing about July 15th between when hiatus started and today.
How about you check the archives?
See >>92717135
I still want to see Tom and Janna interact, but I don't think they'd work as a couple
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I pledge my heart to you, my queen

please make Manna a reality
>How about you check the archives?
I've been here figuratively 24/7 since the hiatus started and numerous posts have stated July 15 and July 18, posts of which don't show up on the archives at the moment. Other anons who are also here everyday can vouch for me if they want.
>that second image
Is Toffee holding up Moon's skull? Yikes.
Holy shit
I literally dreamed of a Star vs movie last night
just give up

I've also been here basically every day since hiatus started and I know you're full of shit, so get back to me when you find one of those archived posts that mysteriously just don't happen to be showing up on the archives at the moment
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Nefcy I am so, so proud of you. I can't believe that just a few years ago you were a young girl with big dreams, and now they're finally coming true. I don't care about everyone else's story about how they came into animation -- yours is the life biographies are written about.

Thank you for everything. I know the stress is difficult, but your fans love every ounce of effort you've put into your story. We love you, Daron!
whoever it is literally shitposts it for a week straight then disappears then just starts up again randomly
>I've also been here basically every day since hiatus
haha no
...well, there are going to be a lot more demons running around now. Here's hoping none of the big ones show up or everyone is going to have a bad time.
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I know you are but what am I?
Still waiting on that archive link anon
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>what am I?
A moron.

They definitely wouldn't work as a couple.
They'd both hate each other. Janna wants someone who's less of a boring square - Tom's way too upset by rule-breaking and generally too thin-skinned and irritable for her, she might try to needle him for her amusement but he's not enough of a real rebel to hold her interest.
And Tom would just hate Janna and her mocking, manipulating, persistent rule-ignoring and smug needling.

Are you here now?
>July 18
>Not July 15
Nice moving the goalposts dude. I know July 18th has been spammed since forever. I was specifically talking about July 15th >>92717431

Reread your bullshit here >>92717354
And try again
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If Jackie gets a bit more development and half of a scene where they get along with Tom, tumblr will immediately start shipping them.

There are always a lot of people with really small minds who can only ship what's obvious and supported by canon enough. When two characters haven't interacted, they can't imagine them together, if someone's villainous, they can't imagine them ever redeeming - but if there's interaction and redemption, they'll immediately jump on the bandwagon.

Jantom has had more fanart, so there's more people shipping it because seeing material depicting a ship tends to influence people. But it's just fanart. If Janna will get canon scenes with some hot alien chick, for example, I'd guess 85% of the tumblr jantom fandom would immediately start shipping her with the more canon love interest
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>If Jackie gets a bit more development and half of a scene where they get along with Tom
Assuming that actually happens of course
Really nice stuff but I'm bothered by how impractical Star's heels would be
Also from that angle her nose should be different, the nostrils should be visible and it should somehow be more than a tiny bump, unless you're implying it's been cut off
Did you not notice the "if"
haha no
>If Janna will get canon scenes with some hot alien chick, for example

Please don't make us move to that Hekapoo thread for the next one. We finally have some real discussion going
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Janna is also on the record saying she wants to marry a man who can raise the dead
Janna is also on the record telling Marco to call her once he breaks up with Jackie, and she did that before Star made her confession. That's a lot more direct. Ya think it means it's Janna who'll get with Marco, not Star? Because she called dibs first?

If anything, Janna will stay single to leave room for all the queer headcanons and speculated lgbtq representation in the show. She works better as feisty and single anyway
>posting off-model fanart of ooc crackship fanfic au next gen children
Daron has posted another poll and wants (You) to vote for the Septarian Sex God


i'm literally shaking
The demon girl is actually pretty cute.
Toffee has more votes than Ludo... You disappoint me, people...
>telling Marco to call her once he breaks up with Jackie
When was that? Are you confusing it with her telling him to call her when he gets divorced

also I don't think they are gonna leave someone single just to please tumblr, if they want Janna to end up with someone she will
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tom is winning
anybody have a good ver of this pic
You know she's doing these polls to justify getting the 2nd most popular characters after Star and Marco together, right?
>no Rafael option
I would have voted for Toffee, regardless, but still.
For a brief second my mind went to a wonderful place as I contemplated a legit Toffee/Janna storyline

and then I remembered Toffee isn't winning
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She doesn't need to justify something like that, it's her fucking show. It's a bit of public interaction, standard stuff in this modern age.
There's too many clues for Tom and Jackie though. Tom and Janna just seems so superficial.
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>Nefcy confirmed to lurk these threads
>mfw she's seen all our memes
>mfw Sky appears in S3
thanks anon
She doesn't need to justify shit
Why do people keep thinking the fan opinion matters to the creators so much they'd literally change events in the show depending on it? The episodes are done way before the fan reaction.

It's probably just for merch or something like that
>inb4 Star accidentally turns herself into a table at some point
>Why do people keep thinking the fan opinion matters to the creators so much they'd literally change events in the show depending on it?
They think that any show will be like one of those situations where things get changed around mid-production because the fans wanted it enough even though that happens maybe 1% out of any cartoon
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/sveg/ would erupt in an explosion. I would not stop laughing, and a lot of people outside of /co/ would be confused and just nod it off as another character.
>I don't think they are gonna leave someone single just to please tumblr
No, but there are loads of queer people in the crew who are thirsty for queer representation in the media. They ship tomco, which is why we got Friendenemies and according to Daron will get more tomco moments in the upcoming season (it was mentioned in the interview she gave in the foreign workshop thing, link in this thread probably) and considering that a lot of the crew also ship Janna with a female, it's possible they don't want to pair her with a man, too.

I mean every other notable young female is very straight. Star, Jackie, Kelly, Ponyhead. They've all been either in relationships or on onscreen dates with guys. Where's the queer representation? Well there's Janna, whose crush is a dead poet and whose only date was with a dead asexual skeleton and who's been clinging on to Jackie like a hapless heroine clinging on her Indiana Jones in at least two separate occasions.
Don't reply to me.
Starfan13 is super gay
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>Don't reply to me.
She's a joke, none of the crew ship her with anyone.
He was replying to me and not you, fuckface
How salty do you need to be to pretend to be some other anon, damn
So your argument basically comes down to "Nefcy is going to pull a Korra"
You are just asking yourself to get trolled at this point, don't bother. Carry on and move on.
I would fuck the shit out of her, if she was legal age.
Yeah, I'm just going to leave this place for a while.
>imposter pretending to be me
Yeah, in general there seems to be a lot of people who don't grasp how long the time is between an episode being storyboarded, animated, finished and then eventually aired. Like people legit seem to think Janna originally got more screentime as a response to the fan reaction, when it was just because the crew liked her.

Also situations where you stop listening to the original plan and start pandering to the wishes of the loudest segment of the fandom tend to turn out shit. People want their ships to happen, which doesn't necessarily make for good entertainment
Stop pretending to be me!!
Knock it off ya cunt. Planting daisies isn't getting you anywhere.
No, my argument is that they'll leave Janna single because her entire character is "smug scoundrel lol" and a lot of people headcanon her as queer, and there are enough teen girls getting bfs in the cast. Leaving Janna ambigously single would leave space for various headcanons.

Pulling a Korra would be having her and not Marco end up with Star, and in no way did I imply that.
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these two holy shit my sides
What the fuck are you anons doing?
Wrong person, I am just a third person who is trying to get the two toddlers to stop fighting over the one set of legos
I can't believe there are this many sad faggots trying to pretend they're me because they have no life, damn
i'm sorry anon i thought you were one of the idiots
You're not doing a very good job there then, anon.
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there is something called tripcodes if you dont want people impersonating you ..... faggot
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If any of the Star Vs. creators are here, I want to say thank you to them for creating such a wonderful show.

there was the original anon, and then the anon who pretended to be them with the "stop replying to me" comment, and then a third person jumping in on the pretending to be me bandwagon

and who knows how many by now
you just gave (you)'s to a baiter you fool
fourth person, actually
They're being generous with "fall", most likely it'll air in December just before it becomes winter.
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