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Only the best goths allowed

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 404
Thread images: 142

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Only the best goths allowed
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nice pic (tits).
Nice post (you)
Jokes aside, he's actually improving lately. It's not that terrifying like it was before. Can't even tell it's shadman before checking corner of the picture.
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beetlejuice with older lydia.jpg
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She was goth before we even knew what goth was
Is this a character from something?
I believe her name is Eerie Susan.
nah nah nah, its Spooy Sammy
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Meme arrow shadman /end meme arrow
You ever step back and wonder why you fap to this?

I mean the art is hot as fuck and I wanna fap to it,
But you gotta recognize just how off model you are.
You gotta wonder are you even fapping to the character if they're this far off in design or personality.
Are goths still a thing? Seems like all these subcultures died in the last decade and got replaced by hipsterism. I miss emo kids.

It's all wish fulfillment. That's why, to me, there's no difference in fapping to fake vs. real women. They are equally immaterial. In the case of a picture like this, it just ticks off some of the right boxes.

>character's resemblance to an IRL trope you find attractive
>erotic pose
>voluptuous figure
>inviting facial expression

And voila. One sticky situation which ultimately accomplishes nothing beyond momentary gratification.
True goths are hard to come by these days. Now all that's left are the hipsters playing dress up at hot topic and the really obnoxious ones that do it purely for attention.
I think this is one of my favorite /co/ pics ever
Is that supposed to be Creepy Susie?

How is the inverse process of flanderization called again?
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Stupid Sexy Flanderization
I'm such a sucker for the way that artist does eyes.
>high moral

Worst fucking goth.

Hartman need to get out of his Christainity bubble and think everything is all frolicking in the fields and the air smells like bubblegum cotten candy.
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Summoning Pan thread?
Pan is best goth.
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Guess I'll post the forgotten goth comic that noone talks about
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naw dog you need the mafuckin THICC version mah nigga
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Is it just me or does Shadman just not draw girl dicks anymore.
>implying they didn't always do it for attention
Underrated post.
I'm going to punch the shit out of pan if I ever see him in real life. Not a beat down or anything, just one solid punch square in the face.
Some shad is really good, like OP. Some is really... Well you know. We shouldn't immediatyly discredit a good drawing just because it's by someone who also draws some weird shit, good art is good art.
lol no
To tell you the truth I didn't realize this was Shad until I saw the signature.
>tfw goth gf
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I had one, once upon a time.

They are perfect.

No, Beetlejuice did not predate Goth style.

do what you will, i've already won
i can tell, you post it every time

Seriously. You’re fucking up too many threads with your donut steel.
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Lydia Deetz by Junktastic.png
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Should have started with the best one then.
Nice change for once Shad.
I still don't like the way he draws the fingers tho, kinda too chubby.

Did Shad manage to straighten out his legal mess?
Surprised it took so much time for his shenanigans to bite him in the ass.
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real creepy susie.png
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I remember Heart Shaped Skull, anon. It's too bad, I think it just barely missed the era of webcomics being sort-of-almost a successful way to make money.
Ignorant newfag here. What's wrong with Shad?
Some people don't like him because he draws loli. Some people don't like him because he draws girls with penises. Penii? I don't fucking know. Some people don't like him because "sameface", whatever the fuck that means.

Basically, people whine about everything that doesn't fit their particular paradigm. Shad finally paid for it, because certain sites listen to whiners.
I don't like him because his shading and coloring and anatomy is trash and most of his artwork looks like unappealing garbage

There's a line where stylization crosses over into just plain shit territory, and Shad crossed that so long ago I doubt he even remembers where it is
No I don't mean fake vs real women,
I mean how the character really looked in the cartoon vs how the fanatic draws the character.
Like from Grim Adventures there's also that fanatic of adult Mandy being chubby and sexy.
The porn comic ever get finished?
>he's actually improving lately
How is he improving? It's the same shit as always. He just doesn't use thick lines as heavily as he used to. Were you confusing the usage of chromatic abbreviation with improvement?

He draws every character the same way. They're basically the same character called "Shadman's character" with different outfits.

If you're not gonna bother drawing on-model then create your own characters and stories.
oh god I want to snuggle and hug and fuck.
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testing background.gif
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I just hope you're one of the guys from Onar farm
fucking this
what makes a best goth?
Being a real goth helps
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>tfw i used to be obsessed with her
What is best in goth?

Crush your velvet. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of The Cure.
Apparently all goth styles are still viable according to comments in history of goth clothes YouTube vid
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Thread dead on arrival. Good job OP.
He's scared now, so you'll probably see less loli from him.
He picked on a real little girl on YouTube and drew her jacking off the YouTube microphones like she's in a bukakke
this goddammit
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The man asked what's wrong with Shad.
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Is Gaz really a goth? She's just kind of purple and black and a bitch.
Literally no one but normal fags who don't come to 4chan don't like him for those reasons you listed. Everyone who complains about him here does it because of his typically gratuitous stylization of characters and lack of fundamentals.

Every so often you see people making a stink about drawing real kids, though he's never done actual porn of any.

But aside from subject matter, most people shit on him because he's an edgy attention whore with what he draws. The guy draws himself as the red skull, but black and looking more explicitly like a nazi. No one would really give a shit about the piercings or weird butt stuff if he didn't make a name for himself being an edgy try-hard. They wouldn't like it, but there wouldn't be that Catdog rat posting about it. It's the same problem with any mediocre thing that becomes popular.
Go to bed Pan.
He has a gf now. He is no longer one of us.
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H-hi guys!
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Star a sexy goth
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Stocking 3.jpg
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I prefer the first, but this is acceptable. As long as it isn't ((((IV))))
>you will never punch an orc and lead him to the Old Camp where the guards will swiftly murder him for the first time again
this is projection.
shadfags assume that people are offended by his tryhard edgy shit.
the truth is we just hate his shitty art and how people throw money at him so he has no reason to improve.
He's also autistic as fuck, he got thrown out of university and arrested because he used the same name for his porn uploads as he did for his class work and he kept wandering around town with knives.
I want to headpat Lydia
>kept wandering around town with knives
What's wrong with that? You never know when some shitbag is gonna attack you and you may need anything that can help you defend yourself.
Or did he just whip it out like a dick for all to see? That would be retarded, I agree.
he explains it during the sleepycast episode he was on.
basically his country is strict on weapons but they only even found out because the university requested he hand himself into police after being expelled for his porn creations.
So he just did exactly what they said.
Is it just me or do these exact same posts, in this order, happen every time someone posts a Shadman pic?
The side shave is more of a punk look than a goth.
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Even with Adam Sandler as her dad
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In the original series she lookee the part, but according to Jhonen she's not. She got a redesign in the comics to make her look less goth.
>Implying bald Susie isn't patrician-tier Susie
what makes a real goth anyways?
only thing i can think are those people who try too hard to be dark, but that's most likely just a bad stereotype that spread around.

What is the larger picture?

I need to know for a friend.
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Since when? A goth gf?
Looks like something by Sillygirl
I don't like the way he draws hands.
Why would he be scared? And don't say the recent legal shit, because that was over Roblox.
Why is the Roblox stuff not relevant? It proved to him that stuff he draws/puts online can have consequences now. Apparently he's not small enough to pass under the radar for copyright stuff, so the loli could be another hassle.
Please. You're assuming way too much.
Not to mention that blew over easy. If anything it showed him he's even more untouchable.
Xmen evolution Rogue was literally goth
He deleted a couple loli drawings from his site, also put up a "they're over 18" on the top.
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i bet it's a girl(male).png
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He's been rattled for awhile ever since the youtube girl one
I wish there was art of Susie trying on diferent wigs
You're not untouchable if some two-bit Lego ripoff can legally bind you to do something,or censor your stuff, no matter how slight.
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1: Neat repeating post numbers
2: Holy shit how many times is it gonna have to be said, the Roblox stuff was just an April Fools yack since it just happened to be April Fools Day when this was going down. The problems were indeed the loli art. If you were following his tweets that week, you'd have seen what he was fighting his site's host over, and only when he found the law specifically stating that fictional representations are legal did he finally get his site back.
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Dusk from Slingers
>shad did something decent for once
what the fuck
Shad is a hit-or-miss, also why do threads go to shit whenever Shad is posted.
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Pan Autisma.png
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Too bad it's fucked from the start.
it's a meme
So for the most part, what I'm getting is that people hate Shad for his shitty personality? Because I don't get the hate for the actual artwork. In my untrained eyes, he looks like Plague if his linework wasn't done with binary pencil.
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She has white hair and that black eye makeup so she counts, right?
his art used to be terribad instead of just meh and 4chan has a habit of never letting anything go.
also anal piercing
Lets not pretend you didn't just grab the first sfw Shad pic you could find.
tbf that's both one of shad's best and one of the best sfw Dom pics out there
Neither of those are true
Post proof. Shad mostly draws goth and Dom is goth-ish so neither would be off topic.
Why would he even post that publicly for her to read?
1. She's as awkward/inexperienced as he is, and thinks this is funny in a nerdy way.
2. It was meant as an inside joke for some tumblr friend, not her
3. She doesn't have a tumblr, and know how far the rabbit-hole goes
*doesn't know how far

Not sure Pan cares about powerlevel-hiding, though
Sinnercomics my dude
She is only barely more tolerable than Panty.
you can have a good time with panty at least.
(Sillygirl) Beyond the Hotel check on panda
I've had many a wank to that picture
People can wank to floor tiles. That means nothing.
Yeah. The 'legal mess' was mostly that the place hosting his site dropped it like a bag of bricks, not that he was in actual trouble.

His site is still full of loli shit, but there's an "all characters depicted are 18 or older" on every page now.
Goth is still a thing in the only place it was ever really was thing: Highschool.

Turns out a subcultre and image based around wanting to be alone and brooding doesn't really work when people don't HAVE to be around you and deal with your shit (i.e. the real world).
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Fuck you. Susie is god tier goth.
(You) again?
Three fingers and a thumb doen't work in his style.
I'm trying figure put why its cropped one of the few pics he's done that has no porn in it what so ever
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OC goth for variety's sake
This is not true.
Go to sankaku complex and paste lucy_loud in the search bar and you'll see what I mean.
>thousand and firth
Fuck this fetish for these stupid glasses.
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He's Korean, and only draws like 4 characters obsessively (like other Koreans I follow)
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Giant Days vol 1 3.jpg
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She's the worst Giant Days girl, but she's still pretty great.
>Shad for his shitty personality
Shad is actually a pretty cool guy.
What's the difference?
She has a tumblr
Punks actively rebel, goths passively rebel
Really? I thought he was talking about someone he met at a con or something. Not a tumblr friendship.
But anon, they like being alone together
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Sam is neither the best, nor a goth

She is just a liberal poser who refuses to get off of her high horse
It's surprising how much use this one image has gotten
Are demon girls 'goth' for the purposes of this thread?
>Standard anime archetype layered under a cartoon skin.

Fucking cheat.
Well who are we talking about here?
>When she was your mid-teen crush
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More of Ozawa's stuff
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Sort of a Hellboy-Waifu vibe to this stuff
Did shad ever do homestuck art?
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What is this meme about disliking Shadmans artwork? Aside from the very generic PIERCINGS LMAO LOLI LMAO FOOT SHIT LMAO AND BUTT STUFF LMAO in almost all of his works he's pretty tame and his art isn't THAT bad?

What gives? Is it cause he did porn of his own mom that one time?
How do I design a goth girl without her coming off as fake?
I find his stuff incredibly disappointing. It starts out fine, maybe even great, then usually takes a sharp right turn into fetishes that I find horribly unattractive and disgusting.

Also, he did a cringy fake apology for drawing loli once on stream. I thought he should have just owned up to it and had some backbone, but no, he wanted to troll.
Fuck off catdog rat

Perkygoth is best goth.
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Guess I'll post more Worst Korean

I feel that demon goth girls are a resource that hasn't been exploited to its full financial possibilities yet.
>tfw I actually became my own goth waifu
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To each his own (goth)
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Fuck it, imma post more goreans. They're all going to be annihilated in a few months anyway.
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Good for him
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What does that entail, exactly?
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What about the goth chick from the Swedish comics?
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>tfw goth gf
>tfw hispanic goth gf
>tfw hispanic virgin goth gf

We're all going to make it
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I'm going to report your GF to ICE

God I'm lonely
>virgin gf

Get off fucking 4chan and go change that, ya nitwit.
I had a fetish fantasy about a Goth. In which I have two submissive slaves. One spoiled blonde brat(who likes pink) and a side cut haired Goth (who likes black). Then making the Goth wear pink bejeweled stuff, and the Brat wear black spiked stuff.

Spoiling Goth with Spa days ect, and making the Brat more self reliant changing her own tire stuff like that. Making them wear headphones all day, Goth listening to pop and Brat listening to metal. Until they start choosing for themselves, after buying them vip tickets to their new favorite music.
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Posting rare goth.
how does that even work?
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Nemi is best /co/ goth.

She's the semi-funny, fappable Cathy.
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goth is dead
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>I miss emo kids.
They are still around.
Goth is actually a blanket term for multiple groups.

80's goths had little in common with 90's goths who had little in common with 2000's goths who have only a superficial shared ground with 2010's goths.

For one, after the year 2000 goth transitions mostly into hipster with goth style in adulthood.
After she sharpies her eyebrows, she sharpies her lips and eye shadow.
You're god damn right they are.

By the way, has there been any update on that Elvira animated series supposedly in the works? I can't believe /co/ hasn't brought that up at all, despite all these fucking spooky threads we keep on getting.
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whats with all the idiots on /co/ mistaking punks for goths and goths for punks?

is this just a stupid joke or are people this stupid?
Do you remember those "internet normies" from a few years ago. They didn't disappear, they weaponize themselves with top quality memes and share website with you.
It might be hard to notice sometimes but this kind of retardation should remind you very often who are you with
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We ran out of strictly "goth" pics long ago

Some combination of punk/goth subculture was needed in order to make a viable thread
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>goth girl thread
>not a single mention of Raven
what happened to this board?
Maybe because there's literally already a raven thread?
That's so Raven
raven is a demon. totally different
they met at the con
Ahh I was worried for a moment that this entire board was full of shit taste plebs. Thanks for the relief.
Go back to being dead zyzz.
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Sleeping with makeup on? That's crazy
Dammit I wish Nemi still was in the papers here. Wonder if the one with the pink coloring detergent got translated.
gone since 2014 but not forgotten. I still have the original paper book. I didn't find the website until too late. www.heartshapedskull.com
extremely underrated
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What's this vaguely-sapphic Tumblr comic, and why do I only like the girl that dresses normally?
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Also check'd
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Who cares? Post more goth(ish) cuties.
>no one knows what it's like to be the bad man

>to be the Shadman

>behind dead eyes
I want to be tall handsome muscular guy
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Fem-Robbie would have worked a lot better as Dipper's first crush than Wendy, in my opinion.
>pastel colors
>literally black girls with pastel hair, sticking their ass out
>JoJo parts 3 and 4 background
>unhealthy obsession with sheep furries

I don't know how to feel about Pan dating a girl version of me.

first relationship syndrome

at 25

also it's pan
>first kiss at 25
Well, at least I did better than that guy.

I'm technically not even a virgin. I've just never penetrated anyone.
big dad is the only thing that makes that character worth knowing
>As a goth

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Absolutely fucking why
I'm live in this shithole where most of us come from and way too many girls here are absolutely fucking retarded
Also why would you want the trouble to be the first one to pound her, do you even know how much work do you have to put for the first couple of weeks for her to be just fucking ready?
Who still uses a VHS player in 2017?
Cute girls anon, thanks for showing me a new artist to follow.
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So was my post deleted for calling the newspaper Goth "randumb" or because the image had a Loud House character in it?
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Why are you guys having a goth thread without me?
that's enough

Give tumblr pls.
....to watch VHS?
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>no Carrie
wew lads
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Loud Log 14.jpg
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>be 26
>kissless permavirgin
>look for some goth girl pics to ease the pain
>see this shit >>92199393
The source of Giant Days, and it's charming.
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>chromatic abbreviation

aberration silly.
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seems legit.png
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I fixed it.
No you didn't, the url is still there.
Why the tattoo, tho?
Pan's gonna beef it, isn't he
Is beetle juice her stand
>Not dating Cheeralism again

He fucked up
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>Not even one of you faggots
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How's this?

I don't remember the last time that a Shadman draw turns me on so much. Jesus, I wish that he stops doing his horrible porn and just dedicate to cheescake images.
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Well since she hasn't been posted yet, how can we forget one of the best newer goths, Sucy?
It's such a shame nobody is posting Mavis
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Sucy isn't a goth, she's an avatar of depravity.
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Series worth watching after the first two movies?
Not sure. I own both the movies and love them. I've only been told by some that the show is good, but I haven't seen it myself yet. I WAS waiting on Netflix to get it on there, but that is taking too long.
ehh. close enough.
Raven gets so many threads for herself.
What the fuck?
Extreme Depravity. Extreme.
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's cool.jpg
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>that greentext where Sucy transforms Diana into a copy of her
Requesting an edit just keeping the word "THICC" from this
Mavis needs more attention
I just remembered I'm still pissed that we never got Mystic U.
I wanted a steady supply of Misty.
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She's so cute
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X-23 rave.jpg
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Mavis 3.jpg
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I love Mavis. Too bad she has a cold vagina
I wouldn't mind, totally worth it
Shit that's cute.
Really is
That and she's married and has a child.
So are a lot of characters, but people still waifu them
There is this blurry line between goth and slut that i cannot quite get
>There is this blurry line between goth and slut

Yeah, it's my dick.
It's when a girl uses the goth look to appear hot instead of just being a goth
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>Another goth thread

Praise god
Love me some goths
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Most goths are goth because they think they're life is hard but Laura actually had a hard life. And she's a slut too so she's just the perfect combination.
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Not canon. Well, it's canon. But her husband is so incompetent that everyone just ignores that happened.
>But her husband is so incompetent that everyone just ignores that happened
Despite it being the literal plot that she gets married and has a child?


It's legitimately my favourite book currently being published. Its fantastic.
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Fun fact: at least 60% of Mavis' fanbase hasn't seen her movie, remembers very little of it or waifu'd her before watching the movie.
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the way shadman draws gap tooths and eyes disgust me.
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When did they give up on making X-23 a kid in her mid teens?
I only saw the second movie. Her son was like one of the two best characters in the whole fucking thing. I can't pretend her marriage never happened.

Waifuing sucks!
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All-New X-Men 020-010.jpg
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She is now in her late teens along with the time displaced Original 5
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Maybe. But truth is that people will remember the character for longer than they'll remember the movie itself.
I mean, that I understand. Can't say it was a good movie.

>Not knowing who Esther De Groot is
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It was fun.
Post more of this cutie
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>Aww, you think I'm cute?
Such an adorable smile
I'd let her turn me into a vampire to live out eternity with her
X-23 isn't a Goth you faggots.
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Very much so
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She's a slutty goth
No she's not, wearing black and being sad isn't what makes someone a Goth.
Giant Days Esther is horrible.

Worst part about the comic
I wanna be a sexy goth girl.
>Giant Days
Does it look like it's ending any time soon? It was meant to be a 12 parter and it's on #28ish now.
You can
I'm a dude though
It got extended into a full series as far as I'm aware.
It's incredibly popular, despite it being my least favorite entry in the series aside from Bobbins

It's the [CURRENT YEAR], anon. You can be any retarded thing you can think of.

I've recently come out as a Trans-Dimensional-Trans-Age-Trans Girl, and my family fully supports me
The internet doesn't have to know.
There are things like female hormone treatment and such that transgender people do to become the gender they see themselves.
Also sissies and others do it. Also you could just cross dress
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not co but my favorite.
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Something tells me that's not a girl.
She is.

Delusional trapfag
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I'm half Italian
What does half Italian have to do with it? Or are you just telling us your ancestry to explain your appearance?
yeah. im saying id probably end up full trannybeast.
yeah dont do it
just crossdress and jack off
already planning on becoming a trap when i leave for college.
Grow your hair out, do your eyebrows, wear makeup, feel like you could make a pretty decent trap.
do you want kids?
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Is that where pic related came from.
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its a nice slice of life comic. at one issue i thought it would turn into feminist shit but it actually ended up alright.
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>baby a good character
Punk > Expressive styles/hair/fashion/clothes are brands and politically opinionated

Goth > Muted style mostly black, don't wear clothes with a visible brand, are only opinionated on literature and music.

That's pretty much it
That last panel she's like

>Why I 'aughta give you the full Elton John package.
Always good to have goals I guess.
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He wasn't a baby for most of the movie.

But seriously, I felt more for him and the werewolf cub than I did for most of the characters. I don't know if this is the result of the child characters being surprisingly well done, or the rest of the cast just not being that great.
who is this semen demon
Here she is btw


>they cuddled
What is that tumblr pandering abomination supposed to be?

I'm assuming it's from homosuck but aren't they supposed to have some zodiac signs then?
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Tubby goth blue demon chick is NOT tumblr pandering!!!
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Not enough Rose in this thread.
>not tumblr pandering
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>tfw maximum t h i c c goth gf with femdom/choking fetishes.

The dream is real, friends. Don't give up hope.
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Betty Goth.png
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Blonde goths are my fetish.
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who drew that?
>fake goth
It was always for attention mate, but after a while it became a genuine thing for a decent chunk of people. We're talking to the point that these folks will drop thousands of dollars for the most Victorian or macabre shit they can find to enjoy amongst their own circles. Now we've come full circle to where it's people desperately trying to show how unique and nonconformist they are while also mistaking punk and goth for being the same thing
Somebody post that perfect cosplay.
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>that waist
Unfuck yourself, son. That's thicc.
What is it about goth chicks that are so alluring?
They're characterized as sultry, as opposed to cute and/or sexy. Sultry is far rarer.
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Black Lagoon ladies.jpg
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Sawyer is a girl alright. She just can't talk without a voice synthesizer.
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Post YFW no goth gf
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fidget spinner goth girl.jpg
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I'm in love.
She's pretty much my ideal realistic goth girl.
As in, not counting some girl with a supernatural appearance like Ember McClain or Spectra Vondergeist
Full original pic has gore, which I'm not a fan of. If you seek it out, you have only yourself to blame.
>not a fan of gore
>posts shadman

wew lad
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wonder when her mum will show up.
she reminds me of morticia a bit.
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I can't help but feel her jacket is supposed to look like abs and it pisses me off
It is a conundrum
Best kind of woman. It's like fucking a hot version of Attitude Era Kane.
>She got a redesign in the comics to make her look less goth.
shame that design is ten times worse than her old one
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Fit Germaine.png
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not directly related to those pics(although she is cute) but it does remind me that we need more buff goths(or at least visibly /fit/ ones)

also surprising lack of Germaine in this thread

>khv at 18
>missed out on high school romance
>birthday in 2 months
>6 years left to beat pan

The thin line.
Thin =/= Small.

Seriously though, wonder if her healing factor could heal a mind whammy from Jean "hetero forever no" Grey?
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More pizza munching, vidya gaming Goths.
>tfw never have mute goth qt 3.14 gf
He also changed his loli tag to "smoli"

What's a smoli?
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Goth feet pls
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smol is to small what thicc is to thick
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*Wolf eyes pop out*
*Heart thumps out of chest*

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You have good taste my man.

I didn't like the zone anim, what's wrong with me
My erection is real.
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Not a single Marceline posted?
/co/ I am disappointed in you.
Imagine you the monsters dicking yur waifu helped me
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My waifu is gothic lolita
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where do I even find girls like this, lads?
Lydia is just oldschool goth, before the scene kids arrived and ruined everything as they are wont to do.

Thicc is just the latest in a never ending series of words the fatties use to avoid the stigma associated with "fat".
Fuck off back to whatever social media shithole you came from. Your kind is not welcome here.
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One day you'll realize cartoons don't reflect real life biology.
The term "thicc" is ebonics and was coined by the black community to describe a woman with a large ass, wide hips, big breasts, and THIN waist.

Its definition has only recently been distorted to address fatass tubs of lard because of idiot white kids misusing the word.
That pseudo language is just a shitty attempt at covering up illiteracy and the unwillingness to do something about it.

Urban Dictionary is the closest you'll get to official definitions.
>willfully ignore what words mean
>accuse others of illiteracy
Good job completely ignoring my post when I was correcting you though
You blind, nigga? >>92252019
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