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Spider Universe Thread Pt. 5

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Thread replies: 259
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Prior threads here.

Picking up with issue 10. Heading home now. See you guys soon!
Is Zodiac a Spider-Man villain? I think I'm confusing them with whoever was in Avengers Assemble.
That's a cool cover
Thanks man. Ur awesome.

Damn skippy. The art for almost all of Slott's Spider books were pretty fantastic. Shame it got saddled with his lackluster writing. Miss me some Arkham Living Hell Slott.
Bump. I'm enjoying the Spider-Bond premise of this volume. The execution, not so much but the art is tight.

Highlights of yesterday's storytime were Goblin mercs, Negative Cloak & Dagger and --T-T-TASTY B-BEVERAGE?!

The original was Fury's main rival iirc. I think Slott wanted a world scale Bond villain with an animal theme.
Yeah, these covers have a classic spy movie poster feel. >>91339067 having been my favorite so far.
Spock fucked anna right?
>Spock fucked anna right?
He did but he never got to finish.
Mediafire link mediafire link for all that is holy.
Sure did. Thats how she found out Pete was Spider-Man. She recognized his moles.
The entire thing or just Volume 3?
I guess you could say he came up short.
I like the new web cartridges. Slott might not have substance but he can deliver some style here and there.
Anna has grown on me.
God damnit, Carlos.

Shame everything he's brought to the table is going to be swept under the rug when they inevitably reboot. Personally, I miss teacher Pete, but then again that might just be me having a stiffy for teaching as a profession.
I love this fucking crab mask.
Teach Pete was a good run. I think it's a good thing though that he's had a rich history.
The whole thing please including Slott's run if you could. You'd be based as fuck.
>In English
Silly, Americans.
He's easily had one of the richest histories in Marvel comics, but many of the events that shaped him are now being ignored completely. I've basically seen Aunt May die twice and there's a chance it will happen soon. I've seen Gwen Stacy be the love of Peter's life, die, retroactively reveal she cheated on Peter with Norman and bore his fucking children, and then that shit got ignored. I just want a character's history to be actually be consistent..

Before I start uploading, you want
-Slott's Start on Amazing Vol. 1
-Superior Spider-Man
-Amazing Vol. 2
-Amazing Vol. 3
-Clone Conspiracy
-Renew Your Vows (Secret Wars)
-Renew Your Vows (Post Secret Wars)
-Edge of Spider-Verse
-Avenging Spider-Man
-Superior Team Up
-Remender Venom
-Bunn Venom
-Spider-Woman (both recent volumes)
-Spider-Man 2099 (both recent volumes).
>Anything I forget?
>one magic day when everyone else tumbled
Am I missing something here?
>ready to lose it all
This would have real impact if it all hadn't been crammed into 10 issues.
Not that anon but that sounds great. Maybe chuck in the tie ins that you had already downloaded.
I hate Slott....so much...
Top tier cover right here. Purple always makes the best back drops.

2099 had some good looking covers using purple too.
Pete needs to tell Tony to get fucked.
Am I the only one who really likes the Ben Rielly/Scarlet Spider suit?
What did he mean by this?
Man Spidey beefed up huh
All of those hints at the future of marvel turned out horrible. Maybe with Monsters Unleashed as the exception.

They really need to up their game.
Inhumans reference from the looks of it.
>ANAD Avengers
>MJ + Stark
This doesn't bode well.
>They really need to up their game.
They need to do far more than that.

Lol this should be the actual page.
Tony referenced that Peter was working for him not too long ago..

He's either being a super shady or this writing has hit a new low.
I vote new low, but then again Stark has always been a massive cock to people that intimidate him so maybe that's it.
That all sounds amazing mate. I really appreciate it.
Is that from the Goon thread? They didn't deserve that.
I think this might be the worst issue yet. I hope Slott never uses Ghost again.
Which is a shame because Ghost is such a cool character.
Gag me with a spoon
I know right?
>that MJ

ETA on when the upload will be done?
Considering that you specified mediafire, I'm going to have to start over. Pretty sure the largest filesize I can work with is 200 mb so I'm going to have to start ovah.
Also I realized I didn't include Scarlet Spiders in the list which is heresy. Also, since I'm starting over would you guys want me to include all the OMD issues I've collected or leave those out?
Mediafire usually has no restrictions on upload size as far as I know but use whatever platform is easiest for you mate.
Since I'm starting over, I can work with mediafire. I may not be able to chronlogically order all the issues (but if someone would be willing to I'd do it I'd add the labels).

>Enclosed are series I already have on hand.
Slott's Start on Amazing Vol. 1
-Superior Spider-Man
-Amazing Vol. 2
-Amazing Vol. 3
-Clone Conspiracy
-Renew Your Vows (Secret Wars)
-Renew Your Vows (Post Secret Wars)
-Edge of Spider-Verse
-Avenging Spider-Man
-Superior Team Up
-Remender Venom
-Bunn Venom
-Spider-Woman (both recent volumes)
-Spider-Man 2099 (both recent volumes).
-Scarlet Spider
-Scarlet Spiders
-Minimum Carnage
-Spider Verse TPB
Have you heard of something called subtlety, Slott? The reader doesn't need to be reminded Ock is inside Living Brain every time they make an appearance.
Wouldn't be surprised if they di pick up some disease
But how else will the readers know? HUH? HOW WOULD WE KNOW!?!?!?!
I know those are supposed to be vague outlines, but is that Boomerang and Centurion on the right?
One issue Mile's the only superhero in the tanks, now Regent has everybody?
Poor Hobbie. He didn't deserve this.
This page made me way happier than it probably should have.
Creepy as hell
Learning that in the future you willingly gave up your body to someone you despise has gotta be a real kick in the dick.
It's called sleeping.
The amount of mental gymnastics Ock is pulling off is astounding
Like ghost i ask the same question by watching those 2 arguing....
God damn does Jackal baller. Easily one of the better outfits I've seen.
He liked his Jackal/Egyptian theme a lot.
I hate MCU Citizens. I seriously do.
>Knows it is a priceless family heirloom.
>Proceeds to web it to his back and swing around the city like a madman.
I hate you Peter. Like seriously, I hate you.

Except for the fact that when you're sleeping,you can sometimes wake yourself up. In his eyes, his existence can literally be turned on/off with the flick of a switch and there is nothing he can do about it.
>>We need to learn that super heroes fighting each other never leads anywhere good.

Tell that to the stupid writers!
They'd just forget about it in a year or two and go back to hero vs hero conflicts.
There is nothing on this earth that could get me to sympathize with this fat bastard. He's ordered the rape and murder of people he didn't know just because someone gave him lip in a meeting.
>I call it, reanimation.
Just say clones you egotist. You're not doing anything revolutionary over here.
Did not see that one coming.
How big is the rhino exactly? I feel like he keeps fluctuating.
>Rhino is actually Fisk conspiracies : DEBUNKED
Poor Alberto

And that's going to be it for the night. See you guys tomorrow, which by my estimates is going to be the FINAL Slott thread. Afterward I'm going to take a breather and post something not Spider related lol..
Thanks prof!
Cheers, mang, it's been a long wild ride.

Must be close to 50 combined storytimes this year. You're a champ.
he really is the best

Ock needs his own comic, not just a run, his own comic, with a midget harem.
thanks OP
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