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Star vs. Hot bird MILF

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 836
Thread images: 251

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Will she ever show up again?
Who will save her from her abusive husband?
>abusive husband?
That looks like a "walked into a door" bruise to me.
What if the show was star vs the forces of star
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Let's run away from Mewni together Anon
no, nobody
Toffee is a transwand
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we need more Lady Avarius
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Probably. We'll see some interaction between Ludo and his family once Toffee abandons his body and regains his true form.

As you wish.
i want to fuck that bird, if you know what I mean
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reminder that shit show is for hugs, not fugs
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>this was the last post
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Nobody. People in abusive relationships will always stay with their abuser, man or woman.
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>last thread archived
now where could star's bong be
No. I do not perceive your message anon.
>New page of BF
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>Who will save her from her abusive husband?
That's just how her eyes are when they are closed.
how do people not understand star was traumatized by all the kin your face issing, both straight and homo

is that not a criticism of overly open displays of affection being rubbed in peoples faces

is it not forshadowing of what Marco and Jackies relationship really will be, shallow and just to show off to others in school?
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And princess Marco is for love
What. Just...what.
star is a cuck lol
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both season finale episodes really did have a lot of puppet bullshit
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I guess the artist just doesn't understand how bongs work
It's never bothered me, anon.
And I'm a turbo wizard.
well, it bothers me, but, only as far as I always feel Awkward in that I keep thinking that I shouldn't be there, like I should be giving them some privacy or not staring.
>we need to find a better venue to make out next time

I wish there was a puppet version of everyone
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STOP! Janna is embarrassed
Brudo and Lady Avarius's love is pure.

Otherwise they wouldn't have more kids than all couples in the show combined.
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>Both season finales had puppetry themes
>Both ended with everything going according to Toffee's plans
all I can think of is the dog being told on the phone

"lowercase el", "lowercase el, i", "lowercase double el", "lowercase el minus"
>tfw that was my post
Feels good, I'v been trying to steal last with stupid shit for a while now
So she is one-eyed? Maybe she lost her right eye in war.
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Hekapoo is built for sitting on laps and inciting boners at inopportune times until you're forced to bang her in the coat closet of your parents' house

>that water
or gravity/liquids
She looks like shes got a dick in her ass.
He punched her in both eyes

The left one is more recent and therefore swollen and closed
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it is written only Starco can defeat Jarco
Hekapoo is a literal Semen Demon
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Is there any fanart or Porn of her yet?
her bottom is very large
I want to calmly take Janna aside and tell her everything will be okay!
Are you saying you require a brief gestalt?
>the last two numbers is a 69
>Hekapoo has three boobs because Glossaryck based her around himself.
Does anyone have that comic of Nefcy and her husband in their bed?

Also shouldn't these threads be slowing down lately? They're way too fast imo.
Fucking manlets
I don't understand this picture.
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My Girl!.png
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Toffee Ganon when?
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>shit show
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I want to make love to the Janna!
what is right image even supposed to be? Star being a beat up prostitute?

As the protagonist, Star is the true conveyor of the writers message

in the end she was confused and grossed out by all the kissing and the concert as a whole

protagonists are put in situations for the audience to see how they respond

the "muh interacial and homosexual agenda" people dont understand that the episode (and actually a lot of the show) is subtle deconstruction of caliornian culture and society in the current year

south park and family guy also have gay characters, but do people accuse them of promoting anything, or does the show play it straight to tear them apart
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Brudo has the same purple eyes.

Maybe they are into some kinky stuff.
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We got a second wind with the dimension guide book.
wow this picture is really cool. the only detail missing is Moon. She should have been there somewhere.
I'm pretty sure its from a hardcore NTR or corruption hentai or something.
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How is Toffee manipulating Star and Marco?
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Janna is Star's best friend!
Looks like he had to tell her something twice...
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Have some lewd Janna then
Did Hekapoo say something about Glossaryk being her dad in the finale because I must've missed it
>subtle deconstruction of caliornian culture and society in the current year
I'd believe you, but Nefcy is married to a hispanic man and the crew were happy they received positive attention for the gay kissing thing. Are you sure you're thinking things through?
Show's gone way beyond the kind of pathetic fandom it had around the Season 1 finale.

New canon material and the fact we have a general idea of the next season's premiere (instead of "iunno, sometime next year?") makes us feel less like we're in limbo too.
sounds depressingly likely
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>around 5 Star Vs threads a day, each one going 600+
I hope we don't slow down, you guys are all I have until s3
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>Amanda and Nacho Diaz
>Not Amanda and Nacho Butterfly
Really makes you think.
In the guide that is supposed to come out Tuesday, it says Glossaryck created H-Poo and Lekmet
She might actually just be winking all the time.
wow that's kinda personal
Maybe not Marco, but unless he's just going full power trip I think "Tell Star I'm coming for my finger" was less random gloating and more trying to make sure Star + Moon are in the same general area.

He'll probably get his finger back anyway because I think he needs his actual flesh to regain his original form, but that statement probably meant more than that.

>no asexual option

fuck you bigoted shitlord

He created all the Magic High Commission


I like to think they just don't know Glossaryck created them
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nice try, Janna
I like how wide her hair is.
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Your narwhal blast is no match against our Bogdabots, princess. Now hand over that wand.
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i identify myself as a Lizard man
Come to think of it, it seems Ludo's lack of creativity in naming things comes from his parents, who named him and almost all of his siblings some variation on "-udo"
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There are females among us
I like how tiny she looked when arguing with Moon in Face the Music.

angry little fire sex demon
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janna a cute

what if we lied just to piss you off
It's SEPTARIAN you fucking racist

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duh. I kinda wish I had my own marco in real life
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what's the worst that could happen? Finding yourself surrounded by a harem of needy anons catering to your every sexual whim, and more?
>Avarius family is inherently shit at naming things
Sounds about right.
Silly Anon, there are no ''Females'' on the internet
>Marco got a full two minute goodbye, including BFF confirmation and a love confession
>Janna was grouped in a "goodbye everyone" without even eye contact
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>Star attempts to decipher the secrets of the thickness
Syrup Tsunami Shockwave
then I wouldn't feel bad about being the "only homo"
I'm sure you can find a sweaty spic that spills a lot of spaghetti in these threads.
Maybe they are just catholics
that's a lot of males(females)
wtf i love marcopoo now
>sweaty spic
can you be my sweaty spic?
I like it.
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Stupid princess, your syrupy powers cannot even touch our space-age repellant suits. Now, leave this dimension. it is not for your inferior bloodline.
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>not having a feminine penis
>even when there was possible lies for votes nobody lied about being a full fag
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Does Brudo not have wings? His wife does, but I can't tell if he does.
I wasn't asking you, nerd
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>tfw slav

Spic here, I don't usually sweat but I do spill lots of spaghetti
>not having a feminine penis
there is no such thing
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>Feminine penis
You fucking degenerates.

One question: Is saying "I'm gay" after thinking a certain male is cute considered as gay or bi?
Sure. Why not? I also have a mole and did karate for 10 years.
That's gay Anon
not him, but if you're ok with 5 or 6 generations removed from a full on Hispanic, then I guess
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he does but he's too fucking fat to use them
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>this fucking meme
um, I guess bi
Looked to me like he didn't. He didn't seem to in the flashback in Marco Grows a Beard either.

Ludo's whole family seems to be a bunch of kappa/bird hybrid things. Even someone on the crew called him a kappa despite this episode, and the show said "bird" once and of course showed them flying.
Family Tree maybe? Star's family is hard to figure out
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You're the nerd

That's not a real thing wtf
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What is Star looking at?
>3 lesbians
Marco's D(iaz).
Marco's shoe
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>No Attack Helicopter
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Her real father
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Janna's banana
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This ugly pepe.
Spic here , i sweat when i play basketball
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this thread
Star vs the Forces of Evil, season 1, episode 2, minute 3:11. Pony Head just knocked Marco out unconscious.

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Would this be Star's weapon of choice?
So, next season should be nothing but LEEPEST DORE, shouldn't it? I mean, it's kinda hard to go back to filler after what happened
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the family .. circle.png
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considering it's royalty it probably looks more like
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>Her real father
This guy?
>two females
Skywynne is Moon's mother confirmed.
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cute lizard.png
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kek, wrong link >>90429075
This show has no filler; it's not an adaptation or an anime
It can't be exclusive lore because then it would alienate some viewers, I know I know. I just want them to explain the Blood Moon further.

Anyone have the interview where Nefcy wanted to make a love story like not seen before in a kids show?
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it's not gay when they wear girl clothes
I laughed 2 hard at this
i know nobody wants to remember it but fetch is a thing

The filler episodes are for foreshadowing you dummy
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>he doesn't worship the manly man-emperor
It also feels cold when touched, I bet
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>Moon's mother had three kids
>Moon only had one

Is River gay or something
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The weird lady and the dog did get cameos in RWS
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>Three boobs
Please explain
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>Not knowing where is this picture based

You're either
>from reddit
>from tumblr
In any of these cases please, either commit sudoku or lurk moar
Do you want THREE Stars running around?
>a nu-male
Take it back and delete this!
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think of it the way voldemort got back, except with a uterus instead of a cauldron.
we already got a cut off finger for the ritual.
I'm sure there will be some one-off episodes, somehow, some way, but I think they're going to at least try to commit to this season's cliffhanger.

So many people said the wand being cleaved meant nothing, would come to nothing, that nothing at all would change, and then were BTFO every third episode or so this season. Even some mild anger and confusion at the premiere: "a WHOLE episode about the new wand? what is this madness"

So I'm definitely not expecting LOL JK I'M COMING BACK 2 EARTH in the first episode. They can still have one-offs on Earth/Mewni in between the plot points.
Why would you want to taint their pure hearts? Just leave them be.
I would.
What would be Star's favourite pokemon/type? I know Janna would like ghost
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is this how s3 will end?
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The Map of Mewni.png
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Real talk: It must be really balls being a Mewni monster.

Mewmans own the land
Pony Heads rule the skys
Demons rule the underground
And they're all in cahoots

And Toffee, the only one among them who's capable of innate magic like their enemies, wants to turn them all into his slaves.
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Star and Marco can't have siblings in order to make sure that there aren't any people around their age they could consider more important than each other.
Mewni's a matriarchy. If Marco marries into Mewni royalty, he will only be a consort and his children will belong to the Butterfly family.
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I know the temptation is big Anon but you must resist, Here go for some Star's shoulders
They had like 30 kids, most likely they've got baggy eyes from sleep deprivation.
She's had a hard life and it was going either going to be one or ten because of River.
i dont think moon wants mewni to be destroyed in a autism apocalypse

shit tests
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>worshipping the man-emperor
>missing the point of being the man-emperor this hard
Damn it, Rogal!
>There's another bi female
Sounds like the perfect setup for Baldwin the Imbecile or whoever to somehow manage to lead a Crusader Kings-style coup d'etat. I doubt the common people of Mewni would take a kind liking to a very unpopular former queen, seen as evil, entering into a homosexual relationship with the incumbent queen, and forming a child out of dark magic.
Fairy, Bug and Psychic

Fighting, Normal and Fire
maybe Psychic
>All the tomco posters were probably straight women
>And here I thought it was fags
It feels lonely anons
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hey, at least leave me the option of having shit taste for not giving a shit about whatever this is from.
What's up.
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have they shown any gay couples in mewni? maybe Star has medieval attitudes towards that sort of thing?
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tfw thinks Lizard star is cute and fuckable but remember the whole cold blooded cloaca thing
Everyone is hot if you are a furry with no standards.
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This. And because everyone is so used to hating monsters, the only way to change this is if Toffee wins temporarily and Star, the only Mewman royal who's both sympathetic to monsters and willing to change things, manages to unite everyone and overthrow him. And that still has Toffee actually win, if only for a while, so life's going to go to shit even compared to now.
He doesn't care.
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Eclipsa and monster husbando.png
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Eclipsa flashback episode meeting her husband when?

exactly this...
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Is her name Heckapoo or Hekapoo canonically?
The official sources seem to constantly contradict each over.
He wants to take Jackie's last name.
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It's too late for me anon
I've given in to being a degenerate
I just want to know which princesses were the ones Toffee killed, and wore on his shoulders
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Either that or it would be a total Armageddon because it would be too late to stop her at that point.
Which would be glorious
I hope so, even just to see /co/ tears.
Stop being alive
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I really only frequent only the blue boards unless imma jack it. This really doesn't seem like the kind of thing I wanna jack it to.

So I'm gonna choose to stay willfully ignorant
i'll probably be reserve season 2. lore first half and filler/lore second half
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mewni is gay.jpg
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>have they shown any gay couples in mewni?

You can't convince me he didn't kill Moon's mother. They're being intentionally vague on who the hell she is for a reason
>Crusader Kings-style coup d'etat.
Murder everyone above you in the succession, then marry your sister?
It's likely he's killed quite a few members of the royal family.
He's technically immortal and bears a personal vendetta against them for some reason
It's kind of weird how none of the monsters knew who Toffee was when he led the last great monster uprising. He should be some kind of martyr/hero for monsters, or at least have a mixed reputation among them.
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Just you wait.jpg
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Someday i'll bring you back Anon, wait for me
she'll catch a cold if she spends the night alone. she needs to sleep skin-to-skin with a warm-blooded half-latino boy every night.
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just imagine you take years of plotting and assassinating only to get star'd at the end of your journey

I remember reading it before going to sleep and having nightmares
>Do I have to dad?
>It's the nice thing to do Marco. What's weird about sharing a bed with a lizard girl?
Maybe Moon killed all the monsters that were involved. They did kill Chauncey and she fucking loved Chauncey.

The two generations of monsters we've seen so far consist of bandits with no real sense of community and those "alternative" monsters.
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I can't handle how CUTE!
To be fair, the only ones who saw him in the modern age were Ludo and his thugs. Most of the thugs are too stupid to recognise him, and Ludo doesn't seem the type to study any history but his own/his family's. We may see what kind of reputation he has in Season Three, when he takes the front stage.
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that's not a couple. look at their faces.
that's a menage a trois
She probably murdered the shit out of those monsters. Probably did some Old Testament level shit like summoning death that would murdered all first born children.
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I hope Eclipsa's husband still alive
>after mewberty she keeps laying unfertilized eggs once a month.
>it's an... awkward breakfast that day
>Eclipsa gets out of the crystal
>The first thing she does is look at her ring with a sad face
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Maybe he's crystallized too

He seems more like a demon than a monster 2bh
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What a pervert.
>was stated that star has reach the level of Eclipsa
>which explained why when star oopened that chapter she wasn't affected
Black Flag - Damaged
Yet according to the book Demon/Mewman relationships are ok
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>Un-sheaths katana
what if stars elbow was touching your elbow
The best part of this is Janna's various expressions throughout. They're amazing.
I'm pretty shocked Disney let them put in implied domestic violence, especially given how Alex Hirsch would go on and on about how hard he had to fight for everything. As far as I'm aware, Nefcy hasn't complained once about it.

That's because unlike Alex, Nefcy is cute
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>Armrest Hog!
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That would be great. I'd try to keep it that way, wishing that she wouldn't notice....
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I know what I want to happen
Hirsch just likes to complain
>Disney giving a damn about the things they dump in XD

And in that, Nefcy found safety...obscurity...just another freak in the freak kingdom.
>there used to be a 3rd panel in that, long ago
>none of you will ever know what it was
>it was lewd
>deleting the filename makes it extra emotional!

Why are artists routinely pant shitting anxiety ridden retards when confronted with a "Save As…" dialog box
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are you talking shit about my husbando?
star is a cuck lol
Maybe Alex is just a little bitch and so Disney just wanted to fuck with him.

He's just not cute
If they do, I hope they end up like Edward II of England. You know, for realism.
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Sause on that?
I only know it from the Good day or Happy Star shitposter, and I've been on off posting since the beginning.
Alex the Hack Hirsch isn't cute.
According to Hirsch himself, Disney bent over backward to accommodate him after he said he wanted to quit. Hirsch just complains a lot.
he may be CIS, but he's certainly a bot
>what is right image even supposed to be? Star being a beat up prostitute?
Also, 8 months pregnant
wtf i hate star now
>5 lesbians here
Hell yeah. I assumed I would be the only one. There really aren't any good lesbian ships in this show.
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or maybe their species doesn't suffer from that particular mental disorder. Given they have a "breeding" cycle unless they've contaminated their genes with humans their hormones probably keep them in check as nature intended.
that's strangely specific.

>There really aren't any good lesbian ships in this show

I'm curious, do the 5 lesbians here care whether Marco chooses Star or Jackie?

He's cuter than Janna that's for sure
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valentine's translated.jpg
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What if Star ruined the friendships and relationships of her friends when she left and told everyone she wanted his wiener
...you know that there are immense amounts of gay animals, right
you're a gay animal
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To show dominance




they did have an entire episode centered around the young teenage antagonist girl going into heat and capturing boys for mating purposes
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Hungry Larry's one weakness.jpg
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>Marco bursts out of Star's now-empty room
>guests stare up at him in confusion
>Jackie asks "Marco... what's wr--"
>guests trudge out of marco's ruined party, muttering about what tools star and marco are
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>un-locks cell phone
"Yes, we've got ourselves a Rothschild agent in Echo creek, California. I want all of the french intelligence services on this, now."
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>Maybe Moon killed all the monsters that were involved

Wasn't Moon the one who lead the Monster Massacre?
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My professional lesbian opinion prefers Starco. I have straight ships occasionally, but it's most because of the romantic tension involved more than anything else.
Haha! Time for Live-Action Thirst!

>it's kinda hard to go back to filler after what happened
tell that to steven universe lmao
not necessarily. Many just fuck for fun or as a mundane part of social interaction, especially various monkeys.
No, that would have been the first Queen ever, since the Monster Massacre was how the Kingdom (Queendom?) was established.

The hell is this
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Birthday Marco.gif
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Marco: It's Friendship Chocolate! Like the kind besties give to one another in Japan!
>Lesbian Alignment
That is actually hilarious.
I'm not a monkey!
I've been trying to convince people to do a game of DND with lesbian alignments instead.
I have found no one.
Life is despair.
> posts rin
> "I'm ignorant of manga"

Prove it gay monkey
what if star asked you if you could zip up her dress for her
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I'd unzip my dick first

I'd do it
Ohhhh shit anon, love ya.
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Friendliest Ghost you know.gif
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One day, anon. One day. Until then, have a ghost hug.
I'm real super sand!
what if moon had to read these threads
here you go
But they also dumped a lot of Gravity Falls into XD
You shouldn't be in public with your dress zipped down, little girl
>Hirsch would go on and on about how hard he had to fight for everything
He put a "lost my virginity" joke into Mabel winning a pig. I am 99.9% sure no one at Disney even noticed it.

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Amethyst hug.gif
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C-can we hug this out?
No hetero, bro
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Rewatching the series can help you find all sorts of stuff.

>"Hey Marco. Did you know if you cut off a mermaid's tail, you can never be queen? It's all in the guidebook."

Jackie better watch out.
what if post-mewberty womewnans were incredibly venomous
No, that's the story in the H-manga. She's a good girl who becomes corrupted to the point of getting knocked up / beaten around. I've forgotten the name, it begins with E.
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>tfw no chaotic neutral gf
This life is suffering
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Pink is power.jpg
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Color of the day is P I N K
ah, that kinda H-manga. Could be worse, it could be that one >>90429832
I didn't notice it, show me.
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KS is american made ya dingus. Its not some punk as mango
>Chaotic femme
I'll take ten of these
>Mabel wins pig

when you get laid you'll understand
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Never fucking forget.
This woman is your friend.
She fights for FREEDOM
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Career Rebel Star.png
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She better
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Hugs for everyone!.gif
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We can! Free hugs for everyone!
Oh, that's a new one.

Non-virgin speaking

I don't get it either
I have 2 kids both mine, I think you're just reaching to something that's not there.
Already forgot
>KS is american made
it had one American writer, one American-born artist and everyone else was a furriner.
Which are you, lesbianon?
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marco template.png
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What is Marco looking at?
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i guess you guys just love vanilla ice cream...ain't ya?
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My poor Gypsy Queen.
>Talks about jerking off
They are best friends it's different ffs!
His phone.
>both mine
From the way Mewnipendence Day presented it, that the monster-mewman conflict happened well after the Mewmans were already settled and established and the fighting went on for a while and the Monster Massacre was the battle that officially ended the conflict.

So probably not the first Queen but one of the ones after. (Solaria maybe?)
Probably true or chaotic neutral

Post your self masturbatory Twitter drama elsewhere. Only fucking retards think anything political discussed on that site is worth a shit.
the infinite universe
and between friends
...pardon? Did you respond to the wrong post?

Hirsch isn't cute, get over it
>It's easy to call something superficial when it doesn't affect you
>It's easy to call something superficial when it fits the definition
>Have a nice life!

Made me laugh for some reason
Christ I fucked that up
Meant for >>90431017
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I would imagine that they would want to escape a succession crisis if the law of the land was not primogenitor
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I thought you were insinuating they were gay.
They are just because you have a cuck fetish doesn't mean everyone has a cuck fetish.
the less frequently used 3rd wall, which in this case, happens to be 4chan's background.
Star - Spit
Jackie - Swallow
Janna - Swallow
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>also true/chaotic neutral
>had to look that up
Exiled, returned and trialed as a traitor?
It's like you're trying to make me NOT like Star. GOOD. Her suffering should go beyond her realm.
I was just posting a gif that involved hugs. Chill out, anon.
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more like
Janna - bite off and taxidermize it
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Sexiest shoulders.png
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This thread seems to have a serious lack of best girl
What exactly IS so appealing about swallowing anyway?

Janna is actually a pussy
She wouldn't do that. Maybe poke holes in your condom or just take your wallet, but she wouldn't do that.
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Man, Spatz does some good work.jpg
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No mess to clean up.
anon it's weird to talk about oneself in third person
I want [Area] to do this comic after Between Friends is finished.
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HELLO STA........oh wait it's just you Jackie....hello
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Hekapoo-Spitting into the air, catching it in her mouth, and then swallowing it, earning a small applause
>That keytar journey
>Starco: Not Till Season 3!
>The keytar knocking Starfan13 out
>The music cutting out at the very end when it hits the ground
Absolutely perfect, 10/10, 100/100, best video, best video!
If Star and Marco are so close, why haven't they kissed yet?
Personally, romance ain't my thing.
I'm more into action and adventures.

So I am actually very ambiguous about either.
Give me about an hour.

Janna is the worst of the worst, only for bullying
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Seems ooc for Marco
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Oh hey, speaking of reality!
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Jackie does a bit more than swallow.
Because they're not in a romantic relationship yet. That comes later. Now? Now comes SUFFERING.
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Sex is for the winners
Dan Vs. Star Vs. The Forces of Evil

Who wins?
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cute janna.jpg
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Janna needs to stay in our hearts not in threads
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kissing jackie.gif
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Jarco is Sweet and Flawless!

>not five minutes
Are you even trying?
Nobody, the world explodes from the sheer force of their shenanigans.

Donald Duck

I always like this pic because you can tell from their body language that Nefcy is madly in love with her husbando

when a girl pulls your head in for a kiss like that, that's a sign
It doesn't make any sense that the cheek marks would actually be on their bones and still show through their skin. Plus, those are Eclipsa and Moon's marks that Toffee had on those skulls. Both of whom are still alive.
I got a feeling the show will end with a sequence like this

But presumably she would be spitting it out into a container and would be the one to clean it up.
Y-you wanna get some ice cream together?
>Being disgusted by our own semen

What a fag
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That final battle had no right to be as good as it was.

I wish a girl would pull my head for a kiss ;_;
Am I the only one who doesn't really mind which ship is canon as long as a ship IS canon? Hand-holding and kisses? Bring it on, it's all cute in the end.
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>Area doing a Monstar x Marco comic.
>It's just as cozy as Between Friends.
I REALLY need this.
>Star is Nefcy
>Marco is Husband

Does this mean I shouldn't panic about Starco being canon in the end? I literally only sleep 5 hours a day just to read all the theories you guys post here daily.
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CUTE AND PERFECT live action edition
That goes for the show in general but really

>Infernocop tier animation for 90% of a show
>incredibly fucking smooth action packed animation

Based Trigger
Assuming we're talking about current Star and not Future God-Queen Star, I'd say it goes Forces of Evil (mainly Toffee) > Dan > Star.

Dan hold out against Toffee for WAY longer than he should reasonably be able to, but ultimately succumbs to magic bullshit.
>Make bootleg Kaworu
>make him infinitely better than source material

How does Trigger do it
Then, there's still a mess to clean up. The container. If she swallowed, no container to clean and one less braindead kid, like you, to worry about.
There's seriously gotta be something wrong with her if she's not constantly getting hit on by guys of all ages, religions and ethnicities. Lookswise she's 20/10, so her not only actively chasing a guy but chasing the first sweaty spaghetti nerd to openly express interest seems like a red flag.

But maybe she's only ever encountered homosexuals?

Yes, there is no need to panic

Nefcy has openly stated she wants to give the fans what they want and what they want is Starco

Reminder this show went about 8 11 minute episodes before it began the Starco love train with BMB
I meant the sink or the toiler or even a paper cup, but sure.
Why would this be such a huge deal then? Even if it's something that requires cleaning that will take 30 seconds max.
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Sounds nice
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They are ABSOLUTE MADMEN, that's how
> having
> relly
> apaptment

nefcy is the cutest little autist
This is them
Cleanliness is godlyness, heathen.
To be fair, I think it was Adam who stated that, but yeah, Starco is definitely happening. And it will be CUTE AND PERFECT.

Actually, where did that even come from? I can't remember anymore.
>But maybe she's only ever encountered homosexuals?
Well I mean they ARE in California, so...
>People die when they are shot

I miss this show
Fuck, he even looks like an older Marco.
>Star spits it back on your dick
>Licks it up to clean her mess and slobber your cock in more saliva
>Reluctantly swallows the second time while gagging and crying
How is this not superior waifu material?
I can't love anymore, Only hate...possums
It's nice to see people fight for what they believe in.
Souls is right that gender or race of a writer should not be what's most important in a show
Maybe because everyone else thought she was too much of a Tom boy or some shit
Because she should have swallowed the first god damn time.
It would be cleaner to not ejaculate into her mouth. What's cleanest is to not masturbate or have sex. You should read the Bible. Jesus can help you.
Wasn't there a comic where nefcy and her husband are in the bedroom together? I couldn't find it anywhere.
>He is wearing the same style hoodie
If you told me that this was one of the comics by Nefcy that the show was based on (and I didn't already know what they really were) I'd believe you.
Dan calls in the Pinkie Pie assist and she's OP as fuck
Fuck Jesus. He couldn't fucking mow my lawn, couldn't put up my drywall right, and he burned my fucking tacos. Fuck what that worthless prick has to say. Also, swallowing is better, get over it and learn to control your gag reflex.
>tfw no thick and gorgeous athletic gf who loves to play sexual pranks
S-see ya next week.
We'll have sundaes and have fun getting to know each other.
Too bad it's the internet ;-;
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Is the joke my typo or that King Arthur wasn't kind at all?
Star seems like she wouldn't want it in her mouth ever.
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She sure is
Jesus is a good man. He would treat you better if you learned a sense of humanity.
No thanks. I don't like dick.
>Only 2% bi females here

>tfw no Nefcy gf
So, you're a lesbian? Also, Jesus is worthless if he burns fucking tacos. He's a god damn mexican, this should be natural to him.
You make it sound as though he always burns his tacos. He probably just doesn't like you. He probably knows you're talking shit behind his back.
Jesus hates that.
Why are the bi-girls here seemingly only interested in other bi-girls? What the fuck, guys. Lesbians have feelings too.
Tacos were declared illegal in Mexico after the Great Taco Riots of '75. He's probably fallen out of practice.
Where's the category for Female (Cuckquean)?
There are no girls on the internet my man. Rule #30.
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some girls dont even let you come anywhere near their face

or anywhere near their vagina

>tfw your gf makes you pull out and jack yourself off to finish every time
So yes to the gay thing.
Jesus can hear to talking all that loud, he's burning them on purpose.
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Cute and Perfect RL.jpg
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>Why are the bi-girls here seemingly only interested in other bi-girls? What the fuck, guys. Lesbians have feelings too.
honestly, IRL, lesbians and bi-girls dont want bi-girls. they both want lesbians usually.
Star eats smashed and dirty sandwiches off the ground and calls them delicious

Jackie spits out Marco's drink in Bon Bon

What the fuck is this argument
It's like marking your territory. If they don't want to swallow you should take it as a personal insult.
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Cute and Perfect.jpg
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No, I've seen him burn his own fucking tacos. He's worthless. He can't even get a wife. Even tried with a whore and she left his sorry ass.
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>won't let you nut in/on her
That's inexcusable.
Everybody hates bi-scum.
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Technically her name is spelled like in the picture, so it depends on how you translate the k-looking thing. Given that the diamond appears twice it's probably not meant to be a 1:1 equivalence to the english alphabet.
Fuck, I wish I had a girlfriend
not even inside the condom if I'm inside her
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One last Janna before bed
Drop that bitch. If she doesn't even value enough to swallow your jizz she's signifying that you disgust her and she's just tolerating you as a meal ticket. You can bet she'd swallow every drop if you were Chad.
That's pretty weird.
I believe in Jesus. I think he's going to make it big one day. He's got a pure heart.
If it really bothers you, you could probably mention it
Someone should show this to Nefcy on Twitter! I think she'd appreciate it.
I don't think I could handle a girlfriend. I'm too immature and I would probably treat her poorly by not giving her enough attention since I would get absorbed into something stupid, like watching heartbreak in a Western magical girl cartoon.
I dunno, from what I know a lot of lesbians don't trust bi girls. I thought they avoided us
>Will she ever show up again?

Not if she knows what's good for her and her uppity beak.
Waiting for toffee to btfo star in the 3 season
Btw anyone have the glossaryck "classic butterfly" screen

Screw girlfriends, All I want is a friend

I'm so fucking lonely and the worst part is that besides that I'm doing great
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Would the show be better if Star was a bratty haughty princess? If her attitude was more like Brittany Wong's?
>yfw there's 2 of them one named Hekapoo and one named Heckapoo
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>Star eats smashed and dirty sandwiches off the ground and calls them delicious

So, Star has shit taste just like her fans?
She finds you disgusting and bearing your children is the worst thing she can imagine. Drop her.
That's why you have to find a girl who also watches western magical girl cartoons
None of those things are jizz, Anon.
Nah. Bi-girls are chill. I mean please don't tell me about your ex boyfriends or men in general to me but like you guys are aight.
The show wouldn't be as enjoyable

This tbqh 2017 has been a great year so far
>That's pretty weird.
It's perfectly normal/primal.
I don't know. He keeps saying something about Jews and Italians.
But I've never gone out with anyone
You two should become friends. Wait, let's see if you're compatible -- Starco or Jarco?
Nah, I'm glad they did something different and didn't go with a stock "princess" character.

I like how she's just this half-barbarian well-meaning dumbass who'd be seen as stupid even back on Mewni.
Insect princess is a slut and a homewrecker and a homewrecking slut. That public confession was clearly her marking her territory. Absolutely manipulative. Around bugs, never... trugst.
>Can't stand what her man gives her

It's like you don't watch the show
What the best program to make shit like this?
around bugs never get snug
Starco is obvious endgame but Jackie is the best girl in the show
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>Star vs threads are 12% female

I don't really care about ships but both are good

I kinda want Jarco to be endgame just to see all the shitstorm

But just like >>90432154 said, Starco is engame
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star is really cute.png
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Star is NOT a bug. It's really offensive to call her that.

She's a fucking insect
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Hey girls do you like Jazz?
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This show gets me just erect enough to masturbate freely without the chance of orgasm so I get to enjoy hours-long masturbation sessions.
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That is some prime shit right there
I can be your first uguu
I tried to have an internet gf before and it ended up sucking so lmao fuck meeeeeeee
Star - Spit
Jackie - Swallow
Janna - Brushes her teeth with it
Mostly this. I just want someone I can be bored with. Maybe, maybe, occasional romance.
I have, I'm not deranged. I'm also not going to force her though, cause that never ends well.

I don't buy things for her that often, just birthday/ valentines etc. It's more that she thinks she's a princess and too good for it.
Probably any video software that can overlay images/other videos

The stuff at the end is beyond me
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Do you think one of them would date me?
You wouldn't date you.
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>21% of you folks will get the volts
Well, I can't say I won't feel bad for you when you get zapped.
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Did you expect an amount proportional to the general population?

Yeah but that's just because I'm not a girl
you have good taste anon
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Well, at least that means I'm not the only one to masturbate to this show.
Even if you were a girl, you still wouldn't date you. Even as a pity fuck.
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Watching this show has reduced my jerk off frequency by 50%.
Normally I'd fap daily but now I'm preoccupied with starco feels
The potential shitstorm is one of the best, if not the best part of Jarco, even beyond being comfy.
Don't let her human disguise fool you. She's no different than a blood sucking mosquito. Like all bugs, Princess Insect gets the SWATTER.
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>be Jackie
>you are now aware that your boyfriend has been living together and sharing a bathroom with a girl that has a crush on him for the past several months

What do?
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Definition of semen demon.
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>not fapping to the bug
Are you a homosexual, anon?
Fuck him stupid

Please be aware I'm not calling you stupid I am referring to the state of said boyfriend post-fucking
Do everything I can to keep his mind off of my potential rival and on me.

Maybe you're right
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bugs are for hugs, not fugs.
I get heart boners now instead of real boners
Eating right, healthy exercise, sleeping well, and being an all-around sad bastard who pops a boner when he gets a hug because you have only hugged three girls in your life and never kissed anyone or been held.
I envy the young boys who have Jackie as their first boner.
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bug is for hug, not fug

> Think back to the hundreds and hundreds of times you've seen them hug
> get suspicious
She's gone, and this was news to HIM. Go back to focusing on the Diaz, but ask him about it. He do nothing wrong.
>not passionate fugging while hugging
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Give up, of course! He clearly loves her back and there's nothing I could do at that point.
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Same, Also i don't find myself being able to fap while reading ''Between friends'' it's more cute material instead of fap material
>You're right
Speaking of between friends, new page out today.

They're fucking
I'm curious what other shows you guys like
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I don't believe you.
Harvey Beaks is all that's left

All my other favorite shows are gone or went bad
Dude I feel the same way.
I'd give him a BJ on the spot
>It's Always Sunny fandom: Dee's a bird!
>Gravity Falls fandom: Pacifica's a llama!
>Star Vs. fandom: Star's a bug!

I like fandom in-jokes about comparing blondes to animals.
Someone should send this to Adam.

Thanks I guess
There's very few instances of R34 being able to do that, and the only one that comes to my head is that 150 page black-and-white line drawing about one dude making love with two girls in a hidden spa on a school field trip.
After all these years?
But Star /is/ a bug.
Wings, antennae, ovipositor, she's got it all.
Two possibilities.

1) Break up.
2) Do EVERYTHING. Make him say "Star who?"

Marco's about to be annihilated sexually.
She'd need to snuggle with you every night to keep warm.
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Why not hug AND fug? Get married, have some children, become a powerbroker whose wife is only a figurehead while you act as the real ruler of Mewni, become a ruthless dictator and conqueror, and grow old together with the one true love of your life?
She's taking off his shoes nigga
The only one that is true is Dee
>annihilate sexually
Satan please

In terms of currently running cartoons? I'm basically just a Gravity Falls refugee. Star vs. is a pretty damn good successor to it, unlike Milo Murphy's Law to Phineas and Ferb.
so does Marco get deported at the end of the show?
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You know, when you put it like that...
Between Friends is some Katawa Shoujo tier boner killing shit I swear.
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bullshit, they need 10 pages of cuddle before that
I hope Star molests Marco a little bit.
Star Vs is the best show I've ever seen. Nothing from the 90s or 2000s compares, except maybe Spectacular Spider Man for its world building.
Is that the one where where the dude gets together with one of them at the end and the other girl stays a fuck buddy?
hey fuck off man i browse pol and literally just heard of this show for the first time yesterday, don't fucking bully me
She's fourteen, I'd rather watch two teenagers in a romantic relationship with snuggles and kisses than fantasize about world domination
Yeah. The final shot is that the fuck-buddy fulfilled her promise, but convinced her friend to be in the camera shot so his phone background is their slits pressed against each other.
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What's wrong with Milo's?
She won't be fourteen forever, though, and neither will you. :^)
Did she censor her own tits?
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cute star.gif
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post cute star

It's decent, but it's not up to the quality of Phineas and Ferb (yet).
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Then stop being a faggot. Marco's family is wealthy and clearly immigrated here legally. Star, on the other hand...
cute star
I just rewatched the first episode and compared to the later episodes its art is better (and the style is a little different) and the animation is much better and more complex than the episodes in this season.

It feels odd too, with the characters coming off as a little different. Marco seems less introverted at least, I think.
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star dance.gif
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I'm assuming you're talking about /co/ shows. The DCAU in general. JL action has been pretty fun. I love Daredevil, especially the punisher episodes. Those are ones on top of my head. RIP GL TAS
I assumed whoever posted it to 4chan first censored it, not sure though.
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Nah, whoever saved the image did.

Daron likes tits. It's why every male monster on the show has fuckin visible nipples
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thats some cute shit right there
characters models looks a bit better, but the background looks kinda lazy.
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holy shit I was literally just about to post this
Holy fuck, what a masterpiece!
I watch most cartoons.
Marco was a beta but he grows out of it

The show's early S1 animation was some of the best animation I've seen
I saw a bug a bug tonight. I immediately thought of Star, and then I smashed it.
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HOTGLUE the Star puppet please.
My top 5 power rankings:

1. Star vs the forces of evil
2. Clone Wars (2002 series)
3. Spectacular Spiderman
4. Jackie Chan Adventures
5. Symbionic Titan
I fucking wish that had happened so goddamn much.
>Thinking Milo isn't superior to formula: the show
Anon pls

> the creator has drawn herself basically seconds from fucking

w-why does this make me so diamonds
Venture bros. i use to watch su but dropped for multiple reasons
I know everyone is different but I've only dated girls that swallowed. I don't think I could put up with someone that couldn't especially if she did for an ex.
>One comic says they aren't allowed cats
>this comic shows them having a cat
maybe they moved apartment?

People can do that, you know...
>The cat's disgusted face
Also, since this is clearly an edit ('cucked' is a different font), anyone have the original?
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I havent watched cartoons in years. Star Vs blew me out of the water and I've never been as emotionally attached to two fictional characters as I have with Star and Marco

starcofags everybody
Anyone have the uncensored version?
Cuckposting is truly the future of this general.
m8 we've been cuckposting nonstop since Bon-Bon
The past and present too.
>Not realizing the best part of the show

Used to watch SU, dropped it recently. Other then that, mostly watching old Spectacular Spider-Man episodes, and waiting for the new Samurai Jack season to come out. Hope whoever they got to replace Aku does a half-way decent job. That laugh in the trailer gives me little confidence in this, though. Mako was a legend.

I wonder how the song would've gone
It's because male cartoon writers are all thirsty betas who relate the romatic relationships in the show to their real lives, where they inevitably had to learn that no girl would ever truly love them

Nefcy as a woman is comfortable in making a show about a girl falling deeply in love with a boy. To the beta male cartoon writers, this would feel too much like self-indulgence
DC should steal Marco and make him the new Robin
Should I start binge watching this show for the first time or go back to playing fallout 1
Start binge watching, you can play Fallout anytime.
they got the guy who replaced mako in avatar to do aku
Someone post the Jackie Kirby please
I'm really in to JLA, even if it barely fucking airs. Though there isn't much else running that interests me.
I rewatch Fillmore!, Spectacular Spider-Man, and JL/JLU frequently . They're in my hall of fame
Same bruv. SU was a lot of fun at one point but now it just fucking fell off for me. There's no more mystery. The cluster was a joke, jasper is fucked, peridot isn't a villain any more.
But SVTFOE on the other had fucking PICKED UP hard in season two. Its no contest.
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>tfw the one and only tv show (not just cartoon) I've ever enjoyed in my 29 years alive for its romance was created by a woman

Does this mean more women should be making shows or is Daron Nefcy the exception?
also Nefcy likes to watch us suffer. This only makes my attachment to them stronger
Binge watch, nigga.

Then play fallout 2 instead
At The moment only Star, most of The shows that i like are in The wait for a new season or became shit, the rest is just a bunch of anime that i like and don't know why
>when you realize your friends a massive cuck
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Here's a tip.
Don't get attached.
Exactly this. I haven't been this hype for a new season of a show for a long time.
help that both are really cute and act like a couple even trough they aren't.
i seriously hope they don't fuck this beautiful relationship in s3
Currently airing?
Mostly weeb shit from the Nihon
Dragon Maid
Picked up Kyuranger as my first Sentai series.
And SU
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Thanks bruh
That guy? Oh boy.
Watching Star Wars Rebels, but only to speculate about the new EU with friends.
Also watching SU out of hopes it can somehow season 1 potential, but it comes and goes with usually only 1 in 5 new episodes being good. Honestly getting pretty exhausted with the series at this point.

Waiting for Adventure Time to finish because it's such a clusterfuck I'm curious how it will end.
Also waiting for Samurai Jack season 5. The choreography and story concept has me hook, but the Rogue One trailer level of cheesy dialogue made my stomach churn a little and that has me worried (Carpenter Brut gave me a boner tho).

Star Vs. just has the best pacing of any cartoon atm. There's a good balance between comedy and lore episodes, and the writing/acting is usually clever enough to get away with both its humor and sincerity. It's fun and keeps me invested.
>dat image
I've never really been a fan of shipping but god damn I'm Starco for life.
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>Nefcy continues the suffering into s3 and we get the sweet release of starco in s4
I won't be able to last that long
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>inb4 s5
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But WHY is Starco such a great paring?

It doesn't make any sense to me. Not even my anime gets me like this.

And I watch alot of anime.
Technically Star would have had to have been actually dating Marco to be a cuck, but I guess the sentiment is the same.

> Nefcy gives us Starco in S3 only to let us watch it fall apart in S4
> Star vs ends up having 8 seasons, Marco leaves in the 4th
jew made shows are objectively the best and she follows the most intoxicating jew formula cause she's a woman
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>yfw you're so out of touch you thought the meme would have been the brodyquest song.

Do I just give up and start shopping for dentures now?
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Here's another one
yeah samurai jack is going to be pretty fucking sick
>your bf leaving you for his bootycall
she's a cuck sorry
great interaction, chemistry, cute, characters have been through a lot toghether and complement themselves really well.

also as a mixed latino the romance between white loyalty and some mexican shitkid is appealing to me

stay mad /pol/
It's like two pairs of pliers making out.
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Technically, with Marco leaving her girlfriend Jackie constantly to talk to Star
Jackie is the cuck
because its not completely unrealistic shlock like anime?
best friends make best lovers
would there be a time skip at some point
thats what I'm saying, my image is meant to be the chick with the hoodie realizing Jackie is getting cucked (this scene is from the end of the last episode)
The main duo's personalities are so outward it's fun and expressive to watch the pair hang out and make "relationship goals" a thing. Japanese men and women around the same age as Star and Marco tend to be shy and awkward, so it's hard to find that same kind of couple in anime.

Isaac and Miria from Bacanno are the only chinese cartoon couple I can think of that have that energy. Steins;Gate and Spice & Wolf have some pretty cute pairings too, but for different reasons.
I suppose if "leaving you" now means the same as "leaving the room", sure.
Welcome to the club.
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Imagine how awkward things would've gotten had Marco waited a little longer to unmask and identify himself to Star.
just look at reddit youtubehaiku and you'll be up to date on all the new non 4chan memays
How does this show fare in Japan actually? I imagine they could get behind the art-style, characters, and general cuteness.
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>we would've had starco in s2 if marco just waited a little longer to unveil the mask
>leaving the room to pursue somebody who just said they like you
>jackie anything other than a massive cuck after that
>mfw I realise that Toffee's going to win again in Season Three
>mfw everyone is going to suffer throughout the season, especially Star, Marco, Jackie, and Ludo
>mfw Season Four will be preceded by ANOTHER hiatus, meaning we have to wait even longer for closure and for Toffee to finally lose
>Not Mr Rats, that will work
since before that actually. Tom was the original cuck.
He still is with that curse on Marco
Glossayrck created Hekapoo?
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Reddit? Pass. youtubehaiku? This is literally the first I've heard of such a thing.
No, clearly my time has passed. I will just stand here by the sidelines now and shake my fist at the clouds.
Post a censored page with Adam's face as the censor
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Is there more to this?
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Where should I watch this show???
wait, so Glossaryck is like God? that's kind of stupid.

When I watched that for the first time I was close to turning it off when he died by the end of the episode I was hooked
Storytime it all in this thread
and >>90434282
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Yes and the rest of the MHC too. Turns out when he called them children back in Page Turner he was being literal.
They are both cute. Cute + Cute = perfect
Its cute and perfect. Also, they already love each other, even if it is platonic for Marco right now, it can always blossom into a strong feeling of romantic love.
Also, their personalities are very compatible, Star is full of energy and excitement, while Marco is more contemplative, but isn't so laid back to the point where he's a no good skater bum like Jackie detrimental to their adventures. He just help to keep her in check a bit and she helps him to open up and come out of his shell. He's no longer just the "safe kid". Finally, they have the same taste! Both of their 2nd favorite song was Just Friends, while Jackie had that as her #1.
>leaving the room to pursue a friend who just said they are fucking off forever
>this somehow makes Jackie a cuck

I mean, she is, but that's not why. Star wasn't even a contender. She's always been a needy imouto and that's why she gets the attention she does.
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The site I use is called 123movies. Has all the episodes of both season in decent quality. There are other cartoon sites like kissanime or watchcartoononline but the former is cancer due to anti-ad scripts and the latter is a fucking clunky mess. Don't know any other.
>Marco.exe has stopped working
>tfw expected star returning to mewni to be last season episodes bullets
>they actually used at the end of s2
>marco suffering maybe just only begun
>we still have s3 and s4, and maybe s5
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What the fuck was his problem?
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>Star goes to a cherry blossom festival
>Star visits the hot springs
>Star visits Namek
>Star is still on Namek
>Further adventures of star on Namek
>Star leaves Namek via BOAT

He was a fucking moron
literally who
>Pony Head episode
That's why
After effects.
it was an allegory about the Greek work ethic, and the Euro crisis.

What did he mean by this?
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The Ride Never Ends.jpg
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he clearly enjoys shitposting, as seen on the livechat.
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There's a description I'll want to remember.
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>Someone actually sent it to Adam
Someone must tweet him the video.
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Here's something real quick

I had to charge my tablet a bit
Him dying a third time and seeing Eris as his ideal girl, enough that he was stalling on the resurrection, is really really fucking funny to me.
Yo I'm watching episode 1 of this show and the fucking butterfly star summoned literally fucking killed a random guy walking down the street? WTF kind of show is this?
They're the only ones equipped to handle each other's bullshit. Neither of them belong near normal people.
Tbqh I think I somehow prefer their fucked up relation a bit more
It's a little weird and just a little wild.
wait until mewberty
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Adam already knows what actually happens in S3.
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good luck friend.
I hope your ship sails unless it's jarco
That man must have a will of steel
Would you believe me if I told you there was an episode about Star going into heat?

Of course you wouldn't. I wouldn't believe me either.
I'd have a will of steel too if it meant I could troll the fuck out of everyone watching the show
Cute + Cute never happen on anime.
It's always cute female + asshole male or cute male + bitch female
That wagon is 1 for 1 traced from pone
He has a spirit that cannot be broken.
that random guy is the first deaths of many caused by star's fuck ups
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>comparing Star Vs to anime
he appears fine in another episode
If I knew the ending, I would fuck with everyone here too.
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Janna would fit better as Asuka
it is a western magical girl show
My hero academia has got you covered
Star Vs is inspired by anime, mainly Sailor Moon
you literally had a sailor moon parody on the show

star IS a magical girl

and marco referenced karate bugman show
is he, or is it just clone replacement made by star
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but then.gif
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bonus points for not sullying it with bird tits
Star is still the popular foreign girl that lives with the MC

Janna would fit better in a trash can
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>of the thousands of predictions before s3 airs, at least one will be right
what will it be, /co/?
Toffee will win again. That's definitely going to happen.
Tentacle arm gets its own body and Janna marries him
that frog posters are dumb
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Too many ships.png
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More ships
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this is all just star's imagination
Would love to see a full body version. Great job Anon!
Ludo is going to fucking kill Toffee.
The fuck is Mope?
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Moon dies and Star has to deal with the responsibility of being Queen
Glossaryck is the secret big bad.
Marco and Hope.
god help mewni
Both Star and Marco will appear in Season 3.
I show up as a background character and get obliterated
Star and Marco are going to kiss. Maybe not consensually, maybe not on purpose, but there will be hot bug-on-spic action.
cause they already love eachother no matter what kind of relationship they have
and also reminds me my very first ship
>season end finale credits have Star and Marco at Moon's funeral
>At the end, she breaks down crying, and all Marco can do is hold her
>In the skies above, dark clouds with green lightning, a sign of Toffee's influence, loom menacingly
Star is Rei (Eldritch abomination is a mysterious school girl and it's kinda a sister for MC but with incestous vibes)
Janna is Asuka (Extroverted girl with a love/hate relationship with MC because deep down they're the same despite MC is introverted and follow orders while she's stubborn and try too hard to be tough)
Jackie is Kaworu (mermaid instead of angel) Enough faggotry with the gay kisses
Toffee is playing some 5D chess right here
>kiss accidentally early on
>leads to tension and eventually they kiss consensually
>starco happens
I could get behind this
Gypsy meme is dead anon. move on
>Marco and Star reunite
>Fight Toffee's forces together
>They win and, lost in her excitement, Star gives Marco a victory smooch
>Both are shocked by this, but are unable to talk about it because the rest of the group distracts them
>tension is drawn out to long
>mid season hiatus with no resolution in sight
>tfw Star is playing checkers while Toffee is playing 4D underwater chutes and ladders
You'll have to wait until Season 4 for that last part. But it's definitely happening.
How about a "Janna is a major Duterte Supporter" meme instead
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dont give nefcy any ideas, satan
Satan pls.
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Naruto and Sasuke kiss on their first episode together. Meanwhile Marco already lost his virginity to Jackie while Star has been friendzoned several times
but she is a criminal + a child. she would be killed by duerte on both of those counts.
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you, i like you anon
Yes I want to be able to cut the tension with a knife. Then I'll lube up with it and masturbate.
So is there any chance the characters will get visibly older over the next 2 season?
>Monstar x Marco before Tomco
what would star's username be
>Toffee playing 72D Quantum Jenga with Glossaryck while Star struggles to find a pencil to play Tic Tac Toe.
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Loud sweating.gif
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Toffee's basically playing 6D Battle for North Africa
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Monkey's paw.jpg
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>Starco happens in the end of season 4

>but it ends with Star and Marco separating forever by returning to their own dimensions, while crying their hearts out
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I hope not. I love my flat chested Star
>the entirety of S4 is Star's death delusion
Is Star a late-bloomer, /co/?
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Star's butt might develop more than her chests like her mother, though
>theres a smaller toffee playing 8d candy land on the board
>They can only visit each other once a year because reasons
>Marco was able to give Star a hoodie and a baby bump before she had to go back
Marco will go from noodle arms to that comedic muscle bump that characters get when they brag about their strength
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>looks like a heart when it gets to the middle

>mysterious school girl

Literally Jackie
>star is about to leave for mewni
>marco looks back at his family, they just give him an accepting nod
>marco tackles star and they both tumble through the portal
>crowd cheers as the portal closes on the two of them walk off to mewni, hand in hand
>they keep in touch with earth regularly
>marco becomes stars top advisor, captain of the guard, and king
>Star has Marco's child
>On her next visit, she brings their child to see her daddy
>They both immediately bond, and it's clear that Marco adores his child, and she loves him in turn
>Marco is only able to spend one day with the woman he loves and his baby girl
>At the end of the day, they are yanked away from him, as he reaches out to try and hang on to them while they reach out for them
>He's left sobbing on the ground as the portal closes
greatest love story ever told, i hope nefcy delivers too.
damn that would kinda kill marco character
Moon won the title of BEST WAIFU in this episode
I am incredible jelly of that guy... Holy shit
does this show ever slow down? like wtf I'm exhausted after 2 episodes
Bitch, there ain't no brakes on the Nefcy train!
Probably going to be the otherway

>not watching an entire season in 4 hours
dont worry theres like 5 filler episodes and the plot doesnt develop as much in s1
gotchu covered senpai
Season three predictions:
Toffee/Ludo endgame revealed
Star and Marco relationship exploration
Glossaryck’s keikaku
Starco endgame
Rhombulus’ nipple demon
Blood Moon relevant again
Toffee regains his true form
Eclipsa revealed
Star dipping down/Deus ex Machina
MHC counter attack/recovery (Potentially with River and Moon)
Ludo redemption arc
Tom shows up
Someone’s permadeath
There’s more to Jackie than meets the eye
Star turns to the dark side
Marco’s monster arm
>Meme tier
Jackie is a mermaid
Creepy severed legs cameo
It was all just a dream
Quit repeating this shit, please.
Anything could happen with those two as far as I'm concerned. A rainbow bridge could connect Mewni and Earth and I wouldn't be surprised.
isnt it being star's imagination different than it being a dream
Are we just coming up with the most bittersweet endings for Starco?
>a rainbow bridge
Is that why Nefcy started putting all those gay characters in the background.
just wait until one of the mosters almost eats a toddler.
We left thinking up the happy Starco endings to the show.

In this thread, bittersweet/bad/sad Starco ending or cucked ends only
Denni/ss/ when?
Ludo is redeemed by giving up his life in a fight against Toffee
the shows going towards a 'ludo dindu nuffin' theme, this could be realistic
chill bro, i haven't even been in the last few threads... besides i wanna see how long and autistic this list can possibly get. and how many we get right....
I've already done a happy Starco ending before on here. It was the one with Marco and Star riding off into the horizon after Toffee is defeated while all their friends were getting awards for their heroism.

Also this >>90436539.
Should probably add "Toffee gathers an army" or something like that.
Next thread where
>the weakening magic means interdimensional travel between Earth and Mewni is no longer possible
>the shows end with a bittersweet note, as Marco and Star remember each other fondly and are thankful of having crossed paths, realizing they will never see each other again
Not before making eye contact as the rifts between their worlds close, remembering every single moment in their lives together as if they had been a couple their whole lives, got married, and had kids. When they snap back to reality, they put on smiles and the portal closes. FIN.
Delete this post
I'd fucking cry if it ended like that
Just the thought of it makes me sad
And then Star Vs proceeds to be remembered as cartoon kino and wins 7 oscars
I would fucking love this ending, would make the people ITT realize what real love is like FUCKING LOSS GOD DAMNIT WHY DID SHE LEAVE ME
Even if I could post an image I could not capture my disgust
I thought it was hilarious that the people who assumed Moon would have dat ass ended up being right. Their reasoning was wrong, but they were right.
Well, according to the new book, Maco is a self-proclaimed a jazz painist.
Visibly, no.

Actually getting a bit older, almost guaranteed. Star came to Earth at the beginning of the school year after her 14th birthday and left at the end of the year. She's almost definitely going to turn 15 next season, probably pretty early on.
at least they'd remember each other fondly. Everything after the first act of 5 cm per second got me livid
Fuck that. I don't think I could finish that episode if they even implied it. Just too damn sad.

there's this word again. What kind of carny bullshit talk is this?

Am i out of touch with today's youth?
If nefcy does this I'm commiting sudoku
caplocks fuck yeah
>the portal is closing
>There's so much I want to say, Marco, so much more I want to talk about
>Well we've gotta keep it short, Star.
>Thank you for everything, Marco.
>I love you, Star
>Now that's just not fair
>Haha. Goodbye, my best friend.
>Love you too, bestie.
>portal closes

>Star looked at Moon
>What are you feeling, Star?
>I think...Earth is a pretty great place.
Still a smaller ass than people were saying based on that stupid dress.

Also no tits. Though that was never in doubt but some people watching this show seem to assume "flat" is how all breasts are depicted when it really isn't. Moon and Star are just flat.
Nah, you're just out of touch with /tv/ memes, and that's not necessarily something to feel bad about
It's time to bring back forced suicide.
>I think...Earth is a pretty great place.
Comes from a /tv/ copypasta post where "pure kinography", along with "cinema","film", and "movies" are used to pretentiously describe different tiers of animated pictures. Obviously it's funny as fuck and caught on as "kino" for short.
I'm getting Kingdom Hearts 1 ending feels except it'd be worse because it's permanent.
>next episode shows Marco mopping about with Jackie trying to cheer him up to no avail
>suddenly a portal opens up
>its Glossyrik
>Marco warps to mewni and marries star
>I think Mewni is a really great place
i didnt think it was possiable but you've made a more depressing ending that it just being a imagination thing and i hate you both for it
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