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Star vs Grandma's Hugs

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Thread replies: 715
Thread images: 202

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Being the Queen of Darkness doesn't mean she doesn't want what's best for you.
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Just let me love you Marco
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>There will never be an AT SvtFoE crossover
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wasn't that a joke? I read it as him trying to maker ponyhead uncomfortable af. I mean look at his choices for her to marry date kill
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It's just a lie to hide his true feelings
If Star doesn't remain a cuck forever then this show is garbage
Will Eclipsa be the kind of world-ending evil or be a nice grandma who happens to be on the opposite side?
She might be a grandma, but she doesn't seem to be physically elderly, so she might have been crystalized before her kids had kids.
Anyone know where I can find the second part?
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>You will never experience this level of genuine appreciation and friendship
Cute and perfect
I bet Heinous is Star's great aunt. She could've inherited pink hair from Celena, who would've been her grandmother.
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So, what nickname Jackie has had in the skate camp?
what is the context?
Star had royal business on Mewni for a few days.
Sea slut
Fish bait
Fin fuck
"no magic in the room" sounds a lot like "there's no wi-fi"
Moringmark's tumblr
can't find it there

What's this from?
Have you tried not being a hopeless baby?
nope, 'cause at least Marco had fun spending time with Ponyhead
I don't know who's my favorite Toffee or Ludo please help
Still reeling from the revelation that Sad Janna was real all along.
Fishy Hole
suave lizard.
nah mangs read that shit again, ponyhead was disgusted
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"Star and Marco's Guide to Mastering Every Dimension"
Side material book that's officially releasing later this week but some Australian store broke street date.
It's about equal parts cute stuff and L O R E
I'm talking about episode where they went to get pizza and ended up making one in the end

Don't be a dumbass
He worked hard for everything he had, and twice Toffee just came and took it from him.

Ludo went from being one of the most annoying cartoon villains ever, to being a legitimate threat and almost badass, to being a misunderstood, sympathetic antihero/antivillian.

I never thought I'd be saying this, but I've actually come to like Ludo more than Toffee.
The dialogue is more casual than the show's. Star almost sounds cute and not an obnoxious spazzy biatch. Marco also doesn't sound like a paranoid whiny faggot anymore.
This: >>90420784
BUY IT. It's a good price if you consider the page number and the stuff inside
ah you right about that. But even then in the book he obviously doesn't seem to be serious.
Don't have children with people which have dominant genes. Unless you really, really fucking love that person/family.
But it's Toffe who made him like that and took everything for himself again

Not judging your choice or arguing though - you do have a point

my point was only about that Marco can spend time and do friend activities with Ponyhead at least, while when it comes to Janna he doesn't want to do anything with her and her shit
Who's next, /svtfoe/?
Star. He said it.
I don't think you can give him that much credit.

Ludo survived and toughened up on his own before he found the wand. I think he would have been okay if he'd never found it.

I think what's going to happen is Toffee's going to understimate the changes Ludo's been through thinking it was all his doing and Ludo's going to surprise him.
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this makes more and more sense not that i think about it, it would give star and her mom a reason to see eye to eye and fight toffee together.
What does river's staff even do?
okay you're right but I don't think they are that friendly to each other still.
This is unrelated but we can at least agree that Jackie's Hair stripe isn't natural, I mean look at freeze day episode and who's saying it; its star and shes a gullible fuck who thinks toilets are magical
look baller
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I just realized that this show Uses red as the good color and green as the evil color
It gives you pain and injuries, if you get hit with it
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Shouldn't it be other way around, where Red is the thumbs up sign? It's the Blood Moon, after all.
>blood moon connection
>the moon turns red when it's the right choice because blood is red
In the Underworld, thumbs up obviously means some sort of disapproval, probably because demons hate heaven or some bullshit
River for maximum drama
>Sally Sells Sea Slit by the Sea Shore
that's the riddle, we don't know what exactly Blood Moon is up to
Hey that comic ain't canon lad.
The recent lore book revealed that the Underworld is actually literally the UNDERworld. As in, it's beneath the Mewni Kingdom, underground. Ponyhead's kingdom is in the Heavens.
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>Star has red hearts on her cheeks
>Jackie has a natural green streak in her hair
What would be the best way to reintroduce the past queens?

I'm calling Star Vision quest!
but wouldn't moon going nuclear be really bad
that streak is not green and no way its natural
I'm guessing this is sfw version of marco getting pounded, I must know if there's a nsfw version
I'm assuming she will dip down to talk to the past Avatars, I mean, Queens?

>Listen Star, if you want advice, to be honest, I'm not the best guide here. I mean my only teacher was the battlefield. All I knew how to do was beat up monsters, slice my enemies and wear their spines as necklaces. And once you know the THRILL OF BATTLE, YOU CAN TAKE YOUR MAGIC TO NEW LEVELS AS YOU DECIMATE THE....I-I mean, [ahem], so you know. Deep advice like you want? Not really my thing

Isn't it more blue, though?
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The best way would either be a Glossaryck episode where he's remembering them, or an "Into the Wand II" where Star and Glossaryck explore the Wand's history as it was used by the old Queens.
it is natural
moby dicked
chum bucket
thar she blows
the bermuda traingle
naval strike
squeals on wheels
what if it appears during some process like muberty? Considering that Jackie is not actually human... Star got her wings afterall
With Festivia and Skywynne only being in the guidebook, I'm pretty sure we will be in for another queens episode
Lil' Youthful
The book confirmed it is natural
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So is it pretty much canon that Star takes place in the same continuity as Rick and Morty?
>Granny Solaria, what is best in life?
>I think i'll find another granny
Thats stupid if true
Shes not confirmed a mermaid, Tbh I dont't like that theory
I like to think so.

Maybe the entire show is actually a prequel, and Marco is going to eventually become Rick.
not mermaid, maybe some other magical shit
If it did, Omnitraxis would have died from a stroke years ago.
So if Jackie is a mermaid, like some people on here are thinking, what does that mean for the wider story? If she is one, surely Toffee would either already know or find out, right? Could he use that against her, and everyone else? Will she be more sympathetic to the monsters and/or Toffee's 'goals' (or at least what he says are his goals)? What do you guys think?
It's blue, but it is natural.
It's canonically natural, The Book says that.
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Technically we saw Festiva in the Grandma Room, we just didn't get her name or poem.
Skywynne definitely seems important though. Glossaryck says later in the book that she served on the Magic High Commission and did a lot of work on casting spells without a Wand. And since she's all about Time Magic, it's possible she might show up with time travel, or still be alive in a dimension where time passes differently.
Am I an autist for preordering the book?
There is only a greentext describing the process, no madman is absolute enough to depict that.
That part was written by star
Star thinks fortune cookies and toilets are magical
We aren't gonna take everything she says a true are we?
Its right beside the first part, in the trash
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don't challenge the madmen like that, it never ends well
I'm gonna do it out of spite now, thanks
There's only one magical location that was in the book and wasn't in the show yet and that's the underwater kingdom of Sea people. I don't like the mermaid theory either but there's literally only one reason why it would be there
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thanks for supporting the show
>Star's wand runs on a tiny unicorn working a treadmill powered by ground-up mystic sapphires supplied by a wall charger
>But natural blue hair is a bridge too far

Hello Adam (Daron?)
Nah, you were already an autist before.
What if the Pines kids are just the progeny of Jarco?
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techically yes, but a good kind of autist
Gravity Falls and Reddit & Morty are in the same universe and at the same time I think Bill Cipher had a cameo in Star VS, so sure
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Requesting art of Solaria as the silent king(queen)
The Pines kid's dad was born when their grandfather was 14. Meaning of course they are.
not super on board with this, jackie might be boring, but shes been around since marco was a kid in preschool, and the only reason marco got wrapped up in everything was that star showed up.
Explain me how she become so popular? In the last LiveChat there were lots of fanart of her...
She's hot

That's it

She ded now tho
Riddle me this, not-/sveg/!

What if Marco actually DID flake out on Star and Jackie and had them go the the Love Sentence concert together, without him?
>Not a grandma yet. ;)
what did she mean by this?
What if Alex Hirsch is writing a GF movie where the main cast reunites in Echo Creek after two summers have passed?
RwS and the livechat after that.
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>She's got attitude
>Interesting dynamic with Marco, filled to the brim with sexual tension
>Cool, attractive design
What else do you need?
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chemistry and sexual tension you could cut with a butcher's knife
Mariana Trench.
I wasn't aware that Rafael's real name was Sherman Pines, nor that he had two white brothers
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>Adam I swear to fucking God if you say anything
Then Jackie and Star would have seen Love Sentence together without Marco.

You know EXACTLY what she meant by that.
She's engineered waifu bait, it like a bunch of anime producers designed her by committee.
She had 16 years of offscreen awesome adventures with Marco and she's short, thicc, and cute.
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I dunno; you tell me.
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>Adam's face when
Jackie tells Star she needs more alone time with Marco
>Want to read my fanfiction Marco?
>Awkward silence
H didnt fly so good
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>"Hey Marco, wanna make a princess? I'm Mewbescent RIGHT NOW."
>"No way, bug."
>Not Challenger Deep
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>>"No way, bug."
>...Just friends, Star. Just friends, right?
>Marco must never know.
Wow that doesn't explain Muberty at all.
I want to feel her fangs....

On my penis
Obviously they would have kissed.
Yeah, actually.
Marco has a sticker in his locker of that boy band Mabel likes, and some items that flew into a portal in GF flew out of a different portal randomly in R&M.
I love how Starfan13 blatantly admitted that she wished she could turn invisible so she could spy on Marco and Star, and an annoyed Marco says he would have the power to see invisible people. Starfan's reaction, like he had just said something incredibly rude, was even better.
>My mom is just 40-something, she does go-go dancing and doesn't that old.
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she's incredibly afftractive
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someone please tell me this has already been stitched
Did you really expect them to fully explain a major future plot point?

Yeah, suuuuuuuuuuure
She's the only non milf woman waifu in the show.
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It basically just sounds like she's retelling her own experience, which is hilarious because it implies she never had "The Talk" and doesn't really know enough actually explain anything besides "I was really wet and bugged out"
>IRL, Nefcy is 10 seconds away from murdering Adam at any minute
It's too late, cogs of madness have begun to spin or turn or whatever
Sunk harder than starco
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Wait, what?
how did you came with that idea?
this smells like salt
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>yfw "Royal secret, one last to tell."
I could totally see Star asking previous queens for relationship advice.

>"I do not understand why this is a problem Star. If you desire the human boy. Then just kill this Jackie person, and claim the boy as your rightful property."
>"But i like Jackie."
>"Then claim her as well."
>When you find out your boyfriend is meant to be with someone else
it's going down for real *music*
so where is the Dl for face the music?
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"Jackie, why does your breath smell like the ocean?"
ill just sit in my corner alone and root for tom.
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>"Then claim her as well."
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My jaw fucking dropped when puppet Marco appeared from the curtains
>>"Then claim her as well"
>Star ends up adding Marco and Jackie to HER harem
>Series ends with Star, Marco, and Jackie all in a romantic relationship with each other
>Lost everything
>Still standing
Solaria probably had to kidnap and rape her king because the dude was probably too creeped out and scared of her to like her advances
Thanks random anon
star becoming queen is one thing, star becoming ruler of The Diaz harem is impossible
I was "that can't be fucking real"
but it was
Also, she was bald.
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>Every significant moment with Star and Jackie together with Marco has featured Marco holding both of their hands at some point.
>Whoever fucked my wife, I shall fuck him in the ass!
Shush. Don't let canon get in the way of our fun theories.
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>"And his name is Marco Diaz."
>"Oh no."

Normally I don't like watching awkward humiliation scenes in cartoons but the whole ballad was hilarious.
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Marco vs Jackie when?
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The seaple aren't considered to be monsters
I kinda like how the part about Lubo, book etc. sounded
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It was glorious in its level of discomfort. I couldn't believe things could get worse, given what preceded it, yet I was blown away a few moments later. Fuck knows how Star will every recover from that savagery.
>"Then claim her as well."
Clearly Selena's advice. That picture was of her suitors.
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>Epilogue of the show
>We see an older Marco waking up in bed, with Jackie and Star besides him
>They both give him a kiss, and then we hear excited footsteps
>A bunch of kids come in, some Star's, others Jackie's
>He married them both, and had kids with both
>The end
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Tom just isn't for Star anon

but she might try to set him up with a cute friend of hers
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Selena was such a blatant horse show shout out
But Jackie is already with Marco, remember?
>Also children from Heckapoo, Brittany, Sabrina, Eclipsa, Skullnik, Lady Avarius, and Ponyhead.
Nah, Jackie is better for Tom, than Janna. Not because of starco, but because tom needs someone suuportive and someone who will teach him to fucking chill
Not Janna?
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would ponyhead children be just floating human heads or horse heads on human bodies?
Okay let's take a few steps back
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It means that Star is wrapped around his little finger. It's an idiom.
>to be able to persuade someone to do anything you want, usually because they like you so much
>She'd do anything you asked her to. You've got her wrapped around your little finger!"
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>Alien princess drops in on an average Earth boy through a portal
>She moves in with his family and enrolls in his high school
>Wants to help him get with his childhood crush despite also having feelings for him
literally To Love-Ru for kids
just because Star doesn't get Marco doesn't mean she wants to go back to Tom

Janna is pretty chill, also Jackie is way too much of a goody two shoes for Tom

Tom likes girls who are criminals, like Star, and Jackie is no criminal, but Janna is an even bigger criminal than Star
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>Lady Avarius
the harem has been expanded further than the universe
Maybe. At the very least, i doubt she would add Tom to her harem. Although maybe she would, just so that she can force him and Marco to make our for her own amusement.
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I swear this fucking show is the only one where I have to pause the episode and take a break. Scenes like that are really painful for me to go through
That'd be nice
No, anon, it's the Red String of Fate.

See here >>90421836.
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the better question is how can Marco do with ponyhead?
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Let's relax and take sip of water here
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>Will never get a cute boy like tom
why live?
anon its not a metaphor

its Jackie seeing the literal threads of fate that bind Marco and Star together
>Those digits
Well, that confirms it.
fuck the base of the head, where her pockets are
Star is a playful trickster, Janna is a "sleep with your eye open so she doesn't steal your organs"
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>"Then claim her as well."
I know about that I was just pointing out that it smells like salty artist
Floating horse heads with human faces
Kids don't watch svtfoe, except for children watching it along with their hipster uncle or mom
honestly Janna is more talk than anything

what is the worst thing we have actually seen her do? Steal Marco's wallet?
i didn't need that image in my head because that is fucking terrifying
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I was expecting everything that happened during that princess song and even then I crumpled up so hard from second hand embarrassment that I achieved a fourth dimension from the amount of cringing alone

It was pretty glorious in its own terrible way though
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>Will never be a cute boy like Marco
just kill me now
What? No Tom?
She's hollow, I remember an ep where Star reaches inside to grab something. I imagine it'll be like fucking a floating fleshlight
And house keys, and fingerprints, and social security number
She left a note in Star's yearbook saying "See you in Marco's closet while he's asleep"
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it took me 3 days to overcome the forces of cringe and actually finish watching the episode. I feel it too much
But Eclipsa is fine?
>Skullnick but no Janna.
Sounds right.
what if janna is just getting close to marco to harness the power of the Diaz aura
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how do you have children with Tom if you're a guy
>3 days to overcome the forces of cringe
And here I thought I was bad
>literally stalks Marco
She and Tom have so much in common
Then she's doing a fucking poor job of it.
Hey, remember, she has an adult mind in a teenage body, too - hers is just a troll's.

Really they're the only compatible matches for each other 'cuz anything else would be statutory by some measure or other!
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>Actually humorous To-Love-Ru for American kids
You say that like it's a bad thing.
"Star vs the Forces of Darkness" when?
>See you in Marco's closet while he's asleep
Is Janna a yandere? She hasn't tried to kill Jackie, yet, but she's definitely not right on her head
You're thinking on too small of a scale.
Who's to say it hasn't been a few generations? Or even that there's some Rick & Morty body switching shenanigans?
What if Janna is just getting close to Marco so that she can steal the Diaz gland?
Demon boipussi works different
Magic. Horrifying fetish fueled magic.
Diaz doesn't discriminate.
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>After season 4, we get picked up for a new series on [as]
Janna is probably only a few steps away from going full Yandere. At which point, Jackie is probably going to die.
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and once she gets the Diaz gland nobody will be able to stop from taking over all dimensions
At least as terrifying as the cats with human faces from "Freeze Day."
>Star pushes Janna over the edge so that Janna would take out Jackie and go to jail
>Star takes out 2 competitors with one Jan
Or she would just use it get lots of lesbian pussy.

Although, i guess she could do both.
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>Fans ship Jantom
>This happens instead

I didn't thought too much about that part. I tried to comprehend how Butterfly will contain the information about Ludo obtaining Book of Spells - will they murder all the spectators or will they call the song 'Fake News' and Ruberiot - 'paid mouthpiece of monster propaganda'?
Yandere Simulator Star Vs mod when?
How many people do actually ship Jantom? Both Marco X Janna and Tom X Marco seem way more popular.

You do realise that people from other dimensions could come to Earth before Star showed up, right?
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Ever witness a car crash?
it was more of a suicide than a car crash
not many people ship Jantom because its kinda retarded to ship two characters that have literally never interacted with each other

I could totally see them being awesome together if they ever actually meet but right now its a total crack ship
Seems to compite with Jarco for the third place. It depends of the place though, Tomco is bigger among tumblrinas than on /co/ for having a bigger female demographic
I've seen someone get hit by a car
Star needs a larger ass because as it stands there's no reason to pick her in competitive

Marcoverwatch just can't get balanced
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Adam is for _______
Breeding German shepherds.
what about a car crash in slow motion?
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Who's the keemstar of mewni
sending to hell

"And his name is Marco Diaz"
Who is Toffee working for
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>mfw I just watched back the live chat and my fan art made the cut
What do you think Eclipsa's princess song was like?
Which one
Tucking in at night and giving a kiss on the forehead.
probably like moon's but with a piano lead
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Total villain song, complete with monsters singing in the background and ominous green lighting.
I want Hekapoo to be revealed to be Tom's Mom so her flirting with Marco becomes extra weird/hot
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REMINDER: Toffee has been planning his return far before the beginning of the show.
REMINDER: Toffee's plan now involves Jackie and Marco.
REMINDER: Toffee recruited Jackie after he saw that Marco was head over heels for her.
REMINDER: This plan involves emotionally crippling Star as she sees her crush get another girl, and never have feelings for her.
REMINDER: This will come into play with Star's rebelliousness towards her mother, further sowing internal familial conflict.
REMINDER: Toffee is trying to corrupt Star.
REMINDER: Toffee is trying to garner sympathy from Star for the monsters.
REMINDER: Star is at risk of being turned against her own people.
REMINDER: Star could go full Anakin.
REMINDER: Hekapoo best girl.
Meaning that Star has been living with her ex's granddad under her bed?
>Perfect Princess Eclipsa she's a fan of smiles

if Ruberiet wrote it there would probably be a verse about her loving monster dick though
>Star going full Anakin.

She needs to gain a hatred of sand first.
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>Ruberiot: I definitely don't like my head. What would be the best way to have it removed?
>Star: Say no more, senpai
Spin it as a direct attack taken against them and focus on how they're going to punish the criminal for doing such a terrible thing. Make it a matter of national pride and rally the people behind that. That way the anger is temporarily diverted off of them and they gain public support to fully commit to pursuing the cause of the issue in the first place.
>Jarco was all according to Toffee's keikaku
>Jackie doesn't really have feelings for Marco, she's just using him to further Toffee's plans
That would be the easy way out and I wouldn't even care, because it would be hilarious and make Toffee look like the biggest dick in animated history. And I'd love it.
Well, she already has Starfan13, Oskar, Tom and Janna (sort of).

All she needs is Jackie and Marco.
I just caught up. I did not choose those feelings.

Marco still has a pair of scissors, right?
Do we know what actually happened to Glossarick?
Do we know what the Underworld's diplomatic position is towards Mewni?

Dat Moon though.
Ruberiot execution art when
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That wouldn't work. Tom is the son of Satan and H-poo is Glossarycks daughter.

Because everyone grinds on her.
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Simply sublime. I can't even describe it. Usually I get second hand embarassment like the other lads replying but this was just so fucking great I couldn't care enough to be embarassed.
Yes, Marco has a pair of scissors. He still has them according to the live chat, if I remember right.

We do not. Some people have theorised that Toffee ate him, or at least absorbed all the spells in the book.

According to the recent lore book, the Underworld is 1. literally right beneath Mewni and 2. on good terms with the royal family. Also, Tom's dad is Satan, or at least implied to be him, as he's referred to as "The Big Guy".
>we assume so, how else is he gonna chase after her?
>no clue
>seems like diplomatic relations are actually pretty good according to the new book
He's going to die. But he will die with his artistic integrity intact.

So frankly, it's probably a win win situation for him.
One of the Starfan13 ones. I'll leave it at that.
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>Ruberiot: "I don't know, that might only get me flayed, I really, really want to lose this head... I got it"
If Jackie has real feelings for Marco despite her mission and she end dying on Marco's hands, that would make Jarco into the most popular pairing. See >>90422061
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>That adult Star
>make Toffee look like the biggest dick in animated history. And I'd love it.
So would I, anon, so would I.
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I had expected that verse but the magipolitical part before that managed to throw me off
It's those glorious bedroom eyes.....
>Marco still has a pair of scissors, right?
Most likely, Moon had her own pair which likely made the portal her and Star eventually used to go home. That being said, Star had been shown possessing them in recent episodes. I imagine we'll get confirmation if he still has them in season 3's first episode.

>Do we know what actually happened to Glossarick?
Nope, he's awol as of the finale. Ludo mentions him disappearing when the high magic commission is grilling him for info.

>Do we know what the Underworld's diplomatic position is towards Mewni?
As >>90423031 said, things seem to be rather positive between the two, based on Star's input in the recent Star vs. book, which, I would imagine, shares the same canonical liberties as the comics do, that being canon with the show's universe.
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>Tom's dad is Satan
Now we know where Tom got the hots for socially awkward teen boys
>thinks that is the reason ShinjixKaworu is popular
nah people just like gay shit

also Kaworu was such a refreshing character, since he was basically the only person in the whole show to express love unconditionally
>Not being a plank the rest for her life.
Regardless of that, people like tragic love and Romeo and Juliet scenarios.
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Because his father keeps getting murdered by them?
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Then who's gonna ara ara~ all over Marco?
>thinks that is actually Star

you would be surprised just how much good a proper dress can do even for the flattest of women
I don't think that alone would do it. Like this >>90423135 anon said, Kaworu x Shinji is popular because some people like yaoi, and because he's the only character on the show to ever love someone for no other reason then he loved them. It would increase in popularity, though.

Reminder that this might might be the darkest fictional universe ever, where God is the BBEG.
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Main character genes, nigga
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Or Jackie isn't real. Just some construct. She declares that she's her own person and...

Toffee cuts her down mid sentence and she just dissolves to ash her shell hitting the ground. Which Toffee promptly smashes.
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Nope. or maybe yes? In any case welcome to the club!
I've seen a couple go down. I've also seen a couple people get hit by trains. One of the guys' leg got severed and flew off into the fence. It would have been fascinating if his leg flew the other way and hit someone waiting on the platform but i guess i can only dream. The faces on the train operator and this one bystander i was fixated on were priceless.
why would you be autist for supporting something you enjoy
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>Jackie is a construct
>The real Jackie died long ago
>Jackie has been nothing but Toffee's puppet all along
>She finally turns on him for the sake of Marco and Star, but he casually kills her and then crushes her shell when it hits the ground
>This is right in front of both Star and Marco
>Reminder that this might might be the darkest fictional universe ever, where God is the BBEG.

I get where you're coming from. But i don't think a universe where a shirtless Japanese teenager can punch gods to death is really all that hopeless.
I dont get it
But what about young adult Star?
Eh, true. But Nocturne has YHVH creating and destroying countless universes in order to find a way to finally erase free will, and it's revealed that Aleph suffered a fate worse then death, constantly reincarnating over and over again just to suffer. It's pretty grim, even if it's not hopeless.
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>H-poo is Glossarycks daughter.
Uh, what?
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Does Star actually have a nice butt?
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Have you seen her mom? I wouldn't be worried.
Also, six shoulder joints and wings.
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The original has Jackie notice the Red String of Fate, which ties Star and Marco together and indicates they're destined to be together, as lovers.

The parody is based on this rather infamous page.
Star is incredibly ugly and flat. She hit puberty and still has no curves.
Do you feel LOSSt?
Recent lore book revealed that Glossaryck created Hekapoo and Lekmet.
Nice, but not amazing. She's that clear 7/10 to Jackie's 10.
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>having this shit of taste
>Marco lose it after Jackie's dead and obsessed over avenging her
>On the final confrontation with Toffee, Marco lose control over his monster arm
>I think Earth is a pretty great place...
>stripped stockings
>no shimipan
Okay, I'm gonna need to see this one...
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>the entire song
>ywn fug bugmom and bugdaughter at the same time
>ywn have crazy 12 armed sex with bug fugs
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Truth. That's how Marco see's her as indicated by his drawing in the book
>son of the big guy
Looks like your typical inbred royalty, so it's probably accurate. Meanwhile, Jackie's like a D-cup at 14 and not a total sperg.
Homosexual detected
what if the show is just toffee planing
It is very bad. But mostly because people keep making the same mistakes again and again. YHVH would still be dead if people stopped actually worshiping him after he tried to blow up the world.
>The pillows absorb tears!
Star kinda look like prince Charles
Outside here, Jan-Tom is way more popular than Ma-nna. A lot of it is tumblr and its shallow treatment of characters.

t. runs a manna blog on tumblr
Nefcy is actually Toffee.
>Toffee taunts Marco about it
>"Imagine, falling in love with a doll. A soulless puppet. You're even more pathetic then I thought you were-"
>Toffee gets shut up by Star of all people, tears streaming down her face
>Both Star and Marco team up to fight Toffee
>At a certain point, it looks like they're going to have their life force drained by Toffee, but then then 'Jackie''s spirit comes and rescues them
>Toffee loses his cool
i like my girls delicious and flat. I've been with thicc Spanish girls before, but that's how i got an std, a death threat and a restraining order.
I think it's a wish-fulfillment thing. Tumblr is full of girls while /co/ is full of guys
Which would you say is the third most popular pairing over there aside Starco and Tomco.
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t. Jackiefag

pretty sure he's just not good enough at drawing, no matter what you Jackiefags say about shading or whatever
>the Red String of Fate
The fuck? Is that a thing?
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But Jackie doesn't stand a chance
Janna Tom is fucking retarded. Janna single is the partrician's choice but Janna mistress is okay too.
>Jackie coming back
just let her die

Is a Jap thing. I think. I only know I've seen it in anime before.
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>You know who to call when you get divorced, Marco
Janna said, while looking directly at Star and Marco.
What are the chances of Janna coming more into the forefront next season before Star and Marco meet back up as his confidante on his feelings about Star, after all he can't talk to Jackie about them as complicated as they might be.
Could this have been foreshadowing?
Is that a heart print or a cutout?
I don't think that has anything to do with breast size.
They outright say in the book that that's not what she looks like and that Marco's learning.

Aye. Check it out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_string_of_fate

Only temporarily. Besides, it seemed fitting for Toffee to call her soulless and then have her spirit show up to help Marco and Star. Too cheesy?
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>when the gaijin doesn't know about the red string
White pig go home
If you tried to draw someone if you had feelings for it definitely wouldn't look that ugly but well made no matter the skill level
I expect Janna to end up as Star's spymaster. Single, but in a position where she could basically sleep with anybody she wants.
Speaking as somebody who can't draw to safe his life. BULLSHIT!
We don't really know that, since we haven't see him draw other people. Besides, again, it is outright stated in the book that that's not what Star actually looks like, and that Marco's learning.
Prove it, or kill yourself.
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Oh sweet summer child.

This place is full of girls, we are probably the second board when it comes to female/male ratio after /cgl/
Lets be honest.
If they go that direction, 'Jackie' needs to at least rape Marco in front of Star for the true NTR experience.
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I won't. Like i said, i can't draw to save my life.
>mfw the majority of Starco fags are girls who self-insert as Star
>mfw they won't let me insert into them as Marco
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what is his secret?
Which is why it's so fucking awful, basically.
>/co/ is love
>spoonfeeding is good
>newfags? More like newfriends
>reccomendations? Sure
I wish you and all the guys with like minds could be effectively banned.
Guess you gotta kill yourself, then.
He's banging the showrunner
Bonus points if Marco does end up joining the Forces of Evil as implied by the whole Toffee suit thing and Janna sticks with him.

On that note, fuck, guys, what if it isn't Jackie that leaves Marco.
It's Marco that leaves Jackie, after he goes full tentacle arm and tainted, after all, he'd be dangerous to her by that point, it'd give a good reason for him to break up with her rather than vice versa.
(And for Janna to stick around becoming his dark right hand)
Yes. Anybody here could actually be a girl. Even me.

Terrifying, isn't it?
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>Starco fags are girls who self-insert as Sta
So... they like to get cucked?
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>Surrounded by huge dorks so he looks like less of a dork in comparison
>Clingy cute bestie to affirm his desirability to other women
>Toffee binds both Star and Marco with magic
>Orders 'Jackie' to rape Marco
>As an obedient puppet, she complies without question, much to Marco and Star's horror
>Afterwards, both are left heartbroken, angry, and traumatised
>Seeing this is what starts 'Jackie' on her way to turning against Toffee
>Finally manages to redeem herself in Marco and Star's eyes
>Only to be brutally killed by Toffee right in front of them
...well that got really fucking dark, real quick
Mate, shh.
We want them to grow up to be hardcore into neurotic, socially awkward boys and cuckqueaning.

You're giving the fucking game away bro.
No, they're rabidly trying to kill Jackie off and hate that a girl like her can possibly exist. The guys in this thread are obviously pro-Jackie and Marco, while the girls in this thread are obviously pro-Star and Marco.

Plus the few creepy fetishists who like Janna.
Daron is their idol and model for behaviour. Of course they do.
>Toffee makes Jackie rape Marco
>Then rapes Jackie in front of Marco in turn making her love every moment
Truly, the cuckception will never end.
Well, that would explain the popularity of Tom and Tom related ships.

I'm iffy about exact rankings (popularity fluctuates quite a bit anyways) but I do know that JanStar is pretty consistently popular.

Tumblr in general likes their gay ships: JanStar, JanJack, Tomco, any girl with female Marco.

>Janna Tom is fucking retarded
I've always wanted to go off on a rant about how dumb it is and how shallow the "arguments" for it are, but have been hesitant to kick the beehive.
its funny because it works despite loss
/an/ has a lot of girls too especially in the cat or cute pet threads
>creepy fetishists who like Janna
Why is liking Janna in any capacity immediately a 'creep fetish thing' you collosal faggot
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They get the boy in the end

The /co/ is love meme came with 'treating everyone nicely unlike meany /a/' was here from the start.

I don't think /co/ started with that many girls compared to other board, it came eventually, probably around homestuck. The proof is that this board started bronies, guys that feel special for watching a girls cartoon and masturbating to it.
Oh I don't know, maybe because her most stable relationship was with a skeleton?
uh what if toffee raped toffee
>We want them to grow up to be hardcore into neurotic, socially awkward boys
Would still have 0 chance.
That doesnt exclude the fact that she still gets cucked...?
>Implying Toffee wouldn't make 'Jackie' kill herself.
They're jealous of Jackie. They probably see her the same way /r9k/ see's "Chads".
Do girls even exist?

But... What pink dress?
What's the best episode and why is it ________?
Hardmode:No season finales

They're a conspiracy created by effeminate men
>At a certain point, Toffee lets them go
>Proceeds to make more constructs as well as shapeshifting to fuck with the two, because he's a petty dick and finds it hilarious

I think that would secure Toffee his place as "Biggest Asshole in Fictional History".
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The question is, what's the ratio of fags IN THIS VERY THREAD
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>Ahahaha they wouldn't
>from the start
Not exactly and while the behaviour that spawned it was early in the lifespan of the board the meme that it has become is different to the actuality that it was.
"being nice" has shit the board up beyond recognition. Off siters all swarm to generals and never leave until they die. /co/ is so palatable that it is basically a halfway home for tumblr losers. Being like /a/ is infinitely better.

Yeah, sure. But this is a cartoons board. Cartoons are inherently effeminate and childish. There's barely any distinction between Star to Horse when you look at it from the normalfag persective. We who sit in the squalor can see the nuance due to our involvement. It's relative.
Nefcy probably got cucked in her life and now she is passing it to Star
Janna sacrificing everything for Marco and dying in his tentacle arm when?

>Don't you fret, Señor Marco...
>Think Star is cute as heck and Starco is equally cute
>Actively enjoy Star's suffering and cuckening
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Into the Wand
I'm pretty sure girls are just a meme.

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JanTom is just a clear pairing of spares, it has a little bit of basis since Janna has had crushes on a skeleton and a dead guy and it gives Tom someone to care about so he can forget about creeping on Star.

JanStar pisses me off because it's just another case of "characters of the same gender must be together because it would be really progressive", with absolutely no moments that could be seen as romantic in any way.
Interdimensional Field Trip; because it's fun, and weird
But then that just makes Toffee a Drakken hack. He can do better than drakken
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I knew it, All girls are just men wearing dresses
... Is he dressed like Marco, or is Marco dressed like him?
Running with Scissors
Oh that's right, I forgot Drakken pulled something like that off. That was in the movie, right? He was actually some goop monster or whatever?
yeah that was hot
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It's both. And now here's Nefcy and Bobby as Star and Marco.
He created a robot that would be Kim's perfect bf
Yeah, that was it. Man, Drakken was weirdly competent in that movie. He was usually kind of a moron, but everything was going pretty well for him up until the very end.

I imagine Eclipsa was a little like Star when she was young, just more classy. I wouldn't be surprised if she wrote and performed her own Princess Song.
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>Last episode of the last season
>Toffee is about to complete his big plan and resurrect himself, has his finger, has the book, has the crystal containing Eclipsia, has his gear back
>Star is down
>Moon is down
>Marco is barely standing
>Fergus and Alphonso died graphically on screen because fuck 'em
>Jackie betrayed them all
>Janna and Macro have been working together even since he went full forces of evil with her as his right hand, she and his back up bust in on scene just as Toffee raises his sword above Marco with a mutter of 'Disappointing'
>She throws herself onto Toffee with a screamed "No! I love him!" just as the sword plunges down
>Goes straight through her as she barrels Toffee over backwards, he kicks her off the sword and into the wall
>Leaves Marco where he is out of raw contempt, goes to do the ritual
>All goes horribly wrong, Toffee is dragged off into the aether for not having things prepared properly
>Marco: What happened?
>Janna smiles, holding her stomach and holds up his finger, having Gypsied it from him "I told you I could help Marco."
>Marco kneels by her side, tears in his eyes
>Marco: So that's why you distracted him, you didn't have to do that for me Janna
>Janna: ...yeah, sure, that's why
>She dies in his arms, without confirming or denying if she was bullshitting or not
Admit it, you'd watch it.
No. I won't have it. Janna isn't going to be this series' fucking Eponine
>>>spoonfeeding is good

Until something like WAIT for western stuff comes along, what else would you have people do?
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Make this smug Roman into a smug Jackie and dead Jericho into dead Star please
Well, it was supposed to be the series finale movie so he had to bring his A-game.

Same how Plankton nearly took over Bikini Bottom in the first Spongebob movie.
Never heard of this comic before this meme; what's the deal with this?
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>Janna: ...yeah, sure, that's why
Aaaah, fuck you, why would you do that?

>Fergus and Alphonso died graphically on screen because fuck 'em
Alright, that bit was actually funny.
Aw, that's kind of sweet.
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>there are people who unironically think Starco isn't endgame, when Nefcy draws Star after herself and Marco after her husband
Wow, she really hates possums
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Remember to cuck your princes daily.
>I can no longer love you. I can only hate...the possums.
>there are people who aren't prepped for the switch up
Possums are just rats of the trees
There's no girl's here, faggot.
It's 4chan.
It tries to be dramatic with the miscarriage but the rest of the comic is a nerd based comedy comic with subpar art.
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>thats nice star
Just watched the sleepover episode. Why did Star shout Marco Diaz at the end?
It was stuff like that that I found seriously side-eye-worthy back when the show first premiered.

So the main characters look and act very much like how the creator draws herself and her husband (whom she apparently can't keep her hands off,) and we're expected to believe that Star and Marco are going to be nothing but friends. Riiight.
I hate the possums so much
This. The (((girls))) are just trannys
>daily reminder that Star casual grabbed the bark off a tree and chewed it
>Star sent Marco flying across his yard
She was trying to get him to make her breakfast but he would rather go fap to the thought of Jackie in her pajamas.
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It's a fairly sub-par web comic, that tries to be funny but usually fails. Loss was an attempt at drama that actually was found funny by the internet. And so countless parodies have been made, making fun of it. It's also spawned "Is this Loss" as a response.
Yeah, it's weird. Hell, Nefcy even admitted that Star is her idealised self and that Marco is at least partially based on her husband. It genuinely confounds me how people could see them being just friends.
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Star, listen...

I like you. You've been a cool friend. You've brought a lot of excitement and fun to us all since the day you got here. You know Janna and I would sometimes try to swing by and watch from the distance when you and Marco ended up fighting monsters? Every time we did that, I was rooting for you and Marco to kick their butts. And you've always tried to make others happy, even if you've messed up a few times along the way. Okay, more than a few, but you did try to fix things when they went bad. The school year with you around was more exciting than any other year of my life. You were this... ball of lightning and rainbows that brightened what could have been a very dull and boring school year.

And... you're the reason that Marco and I got together, you've been an awesome and amazing friend to him. Just like I've kinda always known about his crush on me, you weren't at all subtle about how you tried to help him get with me, and I respected that. And now I know you did that in spite of your own feelings for him. But I'll admit that it made me feel jealous. That you kept pushing him to me, and then all of a sudden let him know you had a crush on him and were leaving forever? I felt jealous, I felt mad. I couldn't really wrap my head around why you did that. I KNEW why you did it, but it didn't make sense to me. It hurt. It hurt more because I thought of you as a friend, and at times it felt like a stab in the back... at others, me stabbing you in the back. But I've done some thinking. And I don't want us to hate each other. I'm not giving up Marco. But I'm not giving up on a friend either. Especially with some lizard jerk out there trying to hurt my friend. Truce?
But she'd be perfect for the role, especially with the recent separation of Star and Marco. Janna would fit right in as the go-between reuniting them.

>Janna bit her lip; she seemed to hesitate, as if passing through a kind of interior struggle. At last, she appeared to decide on her course.
>“So much the worse, it makes no difference. You look sad, I want you to be glad. But promise me that you will laugh, I want to see you laugh and hear you say: Ah well! That is good. Poor Señor Marco! You know, you promised me that you would give me whatever I should ask – ”
>“Yes! But tell me!”
>She looked in Marco’s eyes and said: “I have the address”
>“What address?”
>“The address you asked me for.”
>She added as if she were making an effort: “The address – you know well enough!”
>“Yes!” stammered Marco.
>“Of Star Butterfly!”
>Having pronounced this word, she sighed deeply.

Admit it, it's perfect.
>She withdrew her hand and added in a tone which would have pierced the heart of an observer, but which did not even touch the intoxicated and transported Marco:
>“Oh! How glad you are!”
>spoon feeding in this very thread
How about you let that newfag lurk. If he really gave a fuck he could google it. Fucking hell. This isn't some obscure joke he had know way of knowing about.
So long as she doesn't die
Is this what she says before Star kills her and truly becomes evil like toffee wanted?
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Do you think Nefcy is gonna continue the suffering in s3? I can't take it much longer
everyone is expecting things to go the way like this is described but I would actually love if instead Jackie was threatening to star instead in the inevitable reunion, showing a possesive side of her. Would make her character infinitely more interesting desu
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>implying it's not a "yes"
Well now that the feelings are in the open she may tone it down. Or not if she has Toffee do something really evil...
She's probably going to drag her all the way to rock bottom, then when there's nothing left to lose she'll finally rise.
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So when does Marco gets the power of understanding?
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>post yfw toffee kidnaps both star and jackie and makes marco choose who lives
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He does in the St. Olga's episode (pic related)
The suffering hasn't even started, anon. This is just the beginning...
Is this why Stephen Galaxy use the star shirt?
Ah the old, I kill who you choose gambit. A classic. So now you have a survivor who knows that you chose the other person to save
The fuck, Jackie is pretty much a copy of Ramona look wise isn't she?
It would be way more cliche though, and wouldn't fit Jackie's character as well.

Plus it puts the ball in Star's court, and gives her yet one more chance to fuck up and suffer.
Did Ruberiot just create the first punk/protest song in Mewni?
Hmmm tomco is a good ship
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>Toffee rides a tricycle and explaing the rules of the game to Marco
No. First she needs to kill two random sexist men on a train and have a conversation with Janna in a train-station.
All the character designs in Stefan's Universal-Argument are stolen from other things. It wouldn't be surprising
I see that it wasn't good; having trouble understanding why it would warrent that big of a deal. I guess it was famous online or had a loud fanbase?
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Almost certainly, except it will be actual suffering because Toffee's going to reduce Mewni to rubble chasing after her.

>Toffee kills whoever Marco chooses
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>more interesting
No, it would be a hamfisted way of making Star look justified in her whorish man-stealing ways. If Jackie is cool the entire time there is no grey area for such behaviour to hide in and Star is seen as what she is without rationalisation.
>weak chin
What did he mean by this?
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Personally I wouldn't be surprised if Jackie despite her chill turned out to be self-conscious due to her thinking Star is cooler than her with all her magic powers.

>which means shes just like marco
Technically all males are "trannies". We all are women during the first months of pregnancy but half of the fetus receive the Y chromosome
how exactly are those exclusive?
Like I guess it makes sense, since stewart solar-cluster is the embodiment of "The power of understanding"
stop whining
>Oh god
>They're perfect for each other
And then Star falls deeper into despair
That's wrong and you're a complete loser for justifying what is clearly either your poor life descion or someone's who was close enough to you that you had to magic up some reason for it not to be as disgusting and stupid.
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>Sayaka in Mexican is Sallaka
>Marco is Mexican

It all makes sense now

But if that's true then who is madoka?
I need more of this, sir.
People keep talking about Marco keeping his sword skills from Running with Scissors, but I'd much rather have him unlock aura/chakra/ki/ren/hamon.

It's may be played out, but it's more fitting for him since karate is such an established part of his character.
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Jackie after realizing that she can lose her man
>the only good writing is writing that maintains my ship!

Jeez, Jarcofags have become truly impossible to live with.
Stop being and active detriment to the boards quality.
I thought tumblr's entire user base was lesbian
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I spoonfed just to make you mad.
You're super cute when you're mad.
Honestly, Star fits the role of Madoka best.
>Incredible magic potential
>Has the possibility to either save or destroy the world
>Put through horrific suffering
>Tries to do the right thing but fucks up a lot
>card suits are a substitute for her freckles

hrm, wonder if freckle star would be better

A guardian in black and white will stand in your way.
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>Now you must choose one of these 2 girls to save, but you must sacrifice one of your fingers in return.
>If you do not choose a girl in the next minute then I will keep both and you will keep a finger.
But reincarnated Aleph was an asshole. Glad I killed his punk ass.
That'd be a pretty interesting take on the situation, it'd definitely be nice to see some more of Jackie's personality and flaws in that way. In addition, it could help to develop Marco by flipping the situation around from where it started and having him be the one to show understanding in the face of confidence issues.
I know how to solve the riddle.
Well, assuming Star is Sayaka. Then Marco is Madoka.

Who would Homura be? Mina?
pft the bear head dragon is obvious

marco has extra chromasomes
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>horrific suffering
That's rich, given what you were proposing. Jackie's character isn't what has stunted her development. There doesn't need to be drastic change to her role. What needs to happen is more screen time and exploration of her tendencies. That's all. Just like any other character.
You're a shit writer and a shitty shipper. I couldn't give a fuck about """Jarco""" but I do want Star's relationship sabotage to be seen as what it is/will be.
Trannies are against nature
The sex assigment on pregnancy is part of nature
I hate trannies too but chill out sempai
Lesbianism for progressiveness points is so cheap
Good point. But Star does lack Madoka's ridiculously low self esteem. Which is a pretty important part of her character.
True endgame ship is MarcoxAngie
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do you think we can pinpoint the exact episode that Star develops a crush on Marco?

I'm looking at Star On Wheels right now
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Urobutcher can't write characters anyway, only moe traits and fan pandering
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Holy shit this is hilarious
Is it all canon? I'm really looking forward to actually buying this book and getting a face full of HISTORY AND LORE
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Was there an active thread of you guys at 5/6 am when the last episodes came out?
When she saw his dick in that one episode where he's taking a shower
Eh, there really is no good ending in Nocturne. Even the most popular path has you becoming Lucifer's puppet.
>mfw Marco and Janna are childhood friends
>mfw Marco and Janna said they would get married one day
>mfw Jackie shows up and Marco forgets their promise
>mfw Janna remembers this promise every day and has been waiting longer than anyone for Marco
I can get mad for you without you spoon feeding ;^).
I know autism is a burden but try not to shit up the site with your flirting
Of course... There is at least 1 Star Vs thread 24/7
>only 11 people out of 115 people gave an answer
I'm disappointed
I don't have a problem with Trannies. I just don't want the government to pay for sex change operations.

Like, i'm fine with people doing stupid self harming shit. As long as i don't have to indirectly pay for it.

Also, pretty much nothing in human civilization nowadays has anything to do with nature. Go life in a cave away from human society if you want nature.
A couple hours before the finales were dropping there were at least 3 at a time with the largest reaching 1400+ posts. I couldn't be around for the finale release itself but I'm sure they weren't about to disappear.
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>Inside one of your fingers there's a small key to unlock Star's chains, it's up to you to cut the right finger and get the key inside of it
>Good luck Marco time is ticking
I'm going to wait until the 21st when the Deep Trouble collection comes out to buy the book.
Oh god that'd hurt forever
>Janna sacrifices herself to stop Toffee
>But first she slips the plastic ring he gave her when she was 6 into his pocket along with a note she wrote when she was 8 but never delivered.
>Like, i'm fine with people doing stupid self harming shit. As long as i don't have to indirectly pay for it.

transsexual people are the least of your problems in that regard
mein neger
I would say the neutral human ending is pretty good. Since everybody lives and all that.
>And his name is Mar

>yfw the Japanese dub Marco is voiced by Jonathan Joestar
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Wow, he really did stumped the performance!
I don't think there was a single start point. I think it just grew and grew until it rose out of the usual emotional noise.
Why? It's not like I was un-chill, I was just stating the facts that 'all men are trannies' is some next level rationalisation showing that he clearly know the whole idea is so wrong that it REQUIRES such an extensive display of mental gymnastics

>noting to do with nature
Well yes and no. Humans still operate on natural principles. Everything we do is natural and an extension of our nature just as beaver dams are natural or wolves helping keep rivers from eroding.
Faggot. Also I don't like free sex change either but I also don't like trannies being normalised. If people want to do shit, I don't care. I don't want to deal with you and I certainly don't want you pushing your shit on to others, as is the case with trannies.
Meh, it's okay, but Lucifer makes it very clear that you just majorly pissed the Great Will/YHVH off and now he's coming after you.
I can't think of one exact moment. Could be the 2nd half of season two? Post-Mewberty?
Correction: 2nd half season 1
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Mfw i derail the thread with trannies
What happens in womb, stays in womb.
It's like you don't even realise you're posting in the general, you tranny retard. There are no rails.
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Which is why I'm a Jarcofag.

That, and because Starcofags are the most insufferable cunts on the planet.
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Bloodmoon MarcoxJackie soul bonding confirmed
I might have agreed with you 600 years ago. But nowadays, no. Pretty much nothing we do is any way beneficial to nature. In fact, if things keep going the way they are. We might end up killing almost all life on earth.
Things were so active Adam had to ask people to keep a lid on it.
Raicosama has already predicted the future once. Can he do it again?
I don't really view that as a problem. More of a opportunity.
It was terrible, Starcrushed was released 8 hours before we got Face the Music.
...blood moon ball.

>blood moon dance was made by demons to court female lovers to them. The devious part is that it doesn't work like normal Brain washing, but rather just amplify the feelings that are already there. Building up slowly to feel more natural.
>beneficial to nature
There is no such thing as beneficial to nature. Keep your mysticism out of this or at least define what you believe nature to be.

I've been saying that's exactly what I want. Even someone like Jackie has to have some deep rooted problems, and being shown that despite being the perfect girlfriend there is someone on another level that she just cannot hope to compete with might break her.
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Because answering a person's question is somehow making this site worse? Genuinely curious as to why you think that. I'd ask, but I don't wanna get spoon fed the answers...
>after mewberty, marco became terrified of losing star, and now star has left earth
>after storm the castle, star is afraid of losing marco, and now has lost marco to jackie
when do things finally go right?
It's not a demon thing. The Underworld is located in the Underground of Mewni, specifically below the Mewni Kingdom. So everyone else on Mewni has the Blood Moon as well.

That, and the Ship Captain knew what it was.

Season 3 at the earliest, or Season 4.
I sure hope Nachos is immortal
>There is no such thing as beneficial to nature.

How little do you understand biology to say such a thing?
I wasn't proposing anything. Believe it or not, that lat post you replied to is my entrance into that conversation.

I said nothing on what Jackie's role should be, and even the other guy didn't say her role had to change into an antagonist or whatever you're assuming. It however is fucking dumb if she remains totally chill, because then she's even less of a three-dimensional character than she is right now. If Jackie has a role to play I want her to be engaging and interesting.

You just want to be able to say your ship is 'right.'
personally, I don't care
if somebody asks a question, they get an answer
but people here want some kind of secret club, where some info is kept from the rest to get some measure of superiority
Marco would make a decent Robin if it weren't for that beauty mark being such a defining trait that would make his identity easily discovered
Sure it does. Bigger breasts = more estrogen = more hormonal insanity.
Well along the same lines I don't want to pay for fat fucks either

Humans are like any animal and have a carrying capacity

The difference between us and other animals is that we realize when we're damaging the environment we live in and thus endangering ourselves.

Hence as a very numerous, widespread species we actually do a lot of things which are beneficial for nature to offset the things we do which damage nature in order to benefit ourselves in the long run.

But notably we also do stupid things like giving african nations infinite food and medicine with no stipulations that they try and prevent overpopulation from killing the rest of us.
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thicc you say?
Heckapoo specifically said that time flows "differently" in her dimension, not slower. For all we know she has complete control of how fast her dimension flows or Omnitraxus helps her
Reminder that the Underworld is located right below the Mewni Kingdom, and the Ponyhead Kingdom is located in the skies above.

In other words, the Mewni Kingdom is literally between Heaven and Hell.
holy shit put that gif to any reggae track and you have some gold.
Hell, of course, being the Ponyhead Kingdom.
How does that even work?
(cuz coffee , cheetos chicken you know?)

The thumbnail made me think that somehow the woman connected the upper half of her body reverse to her rear end
Nature is as nature does. There is no difference if there was one animal species or thousands, whether there was teeming life or whether the planet was mired in uninhabitable gas.
>muh biology
Yeah, okay, nice abstraction to a romantic non-existant nature.
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I tried figuring out the Butterfly family tree. It's a total clusterfuck honestly
We need a flashback episode of Janna and Marco through the years, with Janna unconsciously realizing that Marco is drifting away from her and instinctively acting increasingly creepier toward him in a desperate attempt to keep him with her.
This is a pretty decent post. I would take issue at the idea of harming the environment by any definition that wasn't explicitly in the context of harming our existence, though. It's through an animals effect on the environment and other animals that they are forced to change and grow.

The forces and eventualities we consider harmful now may well lead to adversity that shapes us for the better in the long run, much like war. There is no better motivator than exestential crisis, regardless of where the pressure is coming from.
So Pony heads = Angels?
Hell doesn't look so bad now
>I am exactly the problem
>I have never left /co/
Well, the demons are surprisingly cool guys, given their royal family is apparently close allies with the Butterfly family.
If you want to be pedantic about it, then yes you are correct. But most smart sensible people use nature in the context of geology and wildlife. And the later can absolutely be positively or negatively affected by human actions.
Do we have any reason to think that Janna and Marco were close childhood friends
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wait that would mean that ms monsterlove over there was over 2-300 years ago
>didn't say her role had to change into an antagonist or whatever you're assuming
He said she should be jealous and possesive and did so in response to a post where she was trying to be amiable with star. No one is saying antagonistic but he's clearly setting up opposition between their two needs.
Again, don't have a ship. I am a Jannafag but I don't particularly care about her and Marco. I just think it's stupid to drag Jackie down to justify Star's eventual relationship with Marco.
Stop projecting the shipper shit onto me.
She's Star's great great great great great great great great great grandma
Maybe. I am getting it too.
But again we don't know the effects. Nature changed loads before we were around. Those events would have seemed negative to nature at the time but in the end the culminated in super intelligent humans. Again, nature is as nature does. Adapt or die is a principle that relies on adversity acting on the elements of nature.
A contemporary of Isaac Newton, then.
Festiva has gotta to be even older than Eclipsa, given her name doesn't even follow the celestial scheme
We know they've been going to the same school from the beginning from the flashbacks in Freeze Day, and they were relatively familiar with one another in Mewberty.
She is just a cool character. Interesting powers, aggressive personality, cool interactions with Marco, a nice design, and lore.
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she is? goodness, I am the kind of guy that just overhears everything past the 3rd "great" in succession.
Again, i might agree with you to a certain point. But i don't think "the complete destruction of all life on earth" can be beneficial to the continued existence of life on earth.
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Nefcy dragged us to Hell. But we're going even deeper — we'll take back everything we've lost!
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post sauce for this
Not that anon, but to be fair, Jackie being jealous isn't unrealistic. Marco and Star have a far closer relationship, and Marco has left Jackie hanging before to go talk to/check on Star. This, combined with the fact that Marco will be thinking about Star a lot due to her confession and suddenly leaving, plus him chasing after her in the summer instead of having plans with her, would make any normal teenage girl jealous.

That being said, she's still a nice girl, and Toffee's WAY too big of a threat for them to be fighting with each other. So that'll most likely be kept to the side.
>Heartrude's sister married someone that looks exactly like her brother
What a fucked up family
>*that* lolipop wasnt a dick
>he's clearly setting up opposition between their two needs.

The show itself has already set up opposition between their needs. Jackie being proactive in trying to keep Marco isn't really dragging her down. If anything, it's a chance to actually flesh her out, illustrate another dimension in an otherwise one-dimensional character.

Maybe you're telling the truth regarding shipping, maybe you're not. I'm going to assume not, considering the tone of your previous post, but neither of us can prove anything in that area either way.

Honestly, your post just fit in very well with the cacophony of Jarcofags that have gone into full defensive mode since Starcrushed.
Season 3
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>That Jackie death glare
>That cracking skateboard
That should not be as funny as it is.
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What if Star will fake her death in season 3?
How the succession war will look in her kingdom?
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It's missing one part
Mweh. He needs to be happier.
Yeah, you see that's the one thing I'm not so sure about. We know Star has Heartrude, and an Aunt Felicity. The tan woman has cyan circles on her cheeks, which means she's a Butterfly by blood, and one of Star's little cousins has the same skin tone, and even hair color (it's literally just a brighter shade). Which makes me think she's Aunt Felicity. Which then begs the question is the guy by her side her husband, or a fourth sibling.
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star gives birth to marco...?
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it's missing your fucking sanity
>Timeskip episode
>Marco reunites with Star in like forever
>Jaw drops to the floor after seeing her post-muberty THICCness
I doubt there will be one, considering Toffee will be rampaging through there in Season 3. Everyone will be a little more focused on the invasion.

That being said, I imagine it will depend on if River and Moon can have another kid, since from the point of view of everyone else Star is dead. So they'll wait till Moon kicks the bucket without having an heir for the succession war to start.
lol what
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This is retarded.
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>Star getting HABSBURG'd
Streaming Star vs! Get in here and watch!

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okay, I need to see that in numbers
>great great great great great great great great great grandma
2^-11 = 0.0488%. That is so far down they are practically not even genetically related
I'm guessing that it's that Star marries her cousin (like a good royal) then names their kid after Marco who is probably either dead or married to Jackie.
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Gotta be his turn to go walleyed with lust eventually!
Streaming what? Both seasons? Is clicking this link going to kill me?
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Just some eps from the first season.
How often has Star seen Marco's dong?

How often has he seen her ass?
I just recently watched them all. Going to rewatch the second season again.
I mean they shower together, obviously.
ayo hol dup
Make it the second season and im in.

Star has seen Marco naked, more than once, but Marco hasn't seen Star naked (and doesn't want to, either).
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wait. That means Eclipstar is legally not incest.
>Star and Marco exploring in some hot tropical dimension
>Come across a swimming hole
>Star insists they take a break in the water
>Starts stripping
>"You don't NEED a 'bathing suit,' Marco! This is only weird if you're making weird!"
She's a hothead?
Toffee's a manipulative piece of shit while Ludo continually rises from nothing.
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>they didn't make beach day an episode
just kill me now desu
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>Marco's face when
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Mine is Ludo, Toffee can fuck off for all I care
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what did they mean by this
She's cute.
What did they mean by what-

God damn it anon.
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(((they))) run Mewni.
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>she is so distantly related to eclipsa that she may have more genetic overlap with a random stranger from mewni by mere chance
star looks a bit wall eyed there
I think Star is way cuter than Jackie but I'd much much rather see Jackie naked

Would kill both of them to marry Hekapoo though
does the text explain anything for once?
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>wanting to see any of them naked
cmon, anon. We're here for hugs and kisses not lewds.
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I could tell.jpg
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That means you have good taste, anon.
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>not doing both

see this is why hugfags don't comprehend. They do not see the bigger picture of having multiple options.
Too sweet, please delete
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>minor backround references are cannon
>bill cipher is first monoeyed triangle
hugging while naked and kissing in a romantic fashion is truly the enlightened mans choice
Good taste.
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She looks so at ease.
Whenever Star casts a spell, a Jew rubs his hands.
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oh not this again
It's a relationship that only exists because of Star constantly pushing Marco to get over his fear and admit his feelings. Even after realizing her own feelings for Marco, Star did everything she could to ignore them and be a good friend by helping Marco progress his relationship with Jackie.

And when she finally admitted her feelings to Marco, she never asked him to leave Jackie for her. She just couldn't keep lying to him because now they might be separated forever.
I hope everyone but Star gets a bf/gf
Thanks anon. I'm gonna gf Star right now.
I hope nobody but Star gets a bf/gf
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I love her
What's that you say? Give only Star a bf/gf? I mean, if that's what you want...
But then who was bf/gf?
Star is.
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The black thing
An alcohol
Star fucks her own clone?
mother of thicc...
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Marco's natural state.gif
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Star fucks an alternate version of herself.
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HOL UP.png
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kitty star.jpg
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She seemed to have liked Kitty Star the best.
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I have seen that smile and expression before but I don't know where
I'm only streaming until 10pm because someone else has that timeslot. Tomorrow I'm going on a 15 hour marathon through both seasons. I'd greatly appreciate it if a bunch of you guys could come. It makes the chat SO much more interesting. I'll make a post about it tomorrow, as well.
What would Kitty Star even turn into for her Mewberty form?
Well then, I guess you could say that she likes pussy.
what if star replaced everyone with star
Star vs the forces of star

In the show?

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A Buttercat
But then how will we know who the Star of the show is?
>don't know how to dance so I just bob my knees while doing the reload animations for different guns from various games
That idea actually doesn't sound half bad

Winged panther.
Bugs are not for hugs.

naH, you are family now, anon
the main one will be more autistic than the others
Yep, and the red belt in Marco's dream symbolizes it.
Star's cute sing-along here is extremely hypnotic.
I can't stop watching it...
>The Red Belt is the Red String of Fate
Star deserves headpats
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Yes they are.
Marco/Sensei confirmed
Then I hope we all are.

Janna deserves bullying
She'd need to do a good job for that first
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I hope Star has a nice day.
Big Guy confirmed as final antagonist?
Weirdly enough, as an avid Starco shipper, this has made me inclined to Jarco more than anything.

Poor Jackie.

She tries hard
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Does star just fuckin eat the neck of her bong after taking a hit?
Star is a cuck lol
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