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/sug/ - Steven Universe General

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Thread replies: 739
Thread images: 251

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Voice of Reason Edition

Last Thread: >>86204284

>Last One Out Of Beach City:
Stream: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4sj22s
Mega: https://mega.nz/#F!JotHkR6Y!giZlsdwr_k5ULQAIJKWrsw!ooECxQBA
Direct: https://dl.sug.rocks/mega/04x06.mp4

>NEXT EPISODE (airs Thursday):
Onion's Gang (September 15th, 2016): "Steven finds out about Onion's secret friends."
- Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbYaJnRprkg

>Episode downloads
720p (plus comics and soundtracks): https://mega.nz/#F!Y5E0BKjK!UsE19rOYDa5Ttl5QRFwgtw
1080p (fixed): https://mega.nz/#F!JotHkR6Y!giZlsdwr_k5ULQAIJKWrsw
1080p alt: https://sug.rocks/dl.html
>Weekly airing schedule (click to the right of the logo, times in EST)

(Don't be a clod, mark and hide your spoilers accordingly!)
>2 minute clips and screenshots from CN's server


>SDCC SU Panel
>SDCC Zuke's SU Zine
>Show Soundtrack
>Attack the Light (mobile game) Soundtrack
>/sug/ writebin
>Archived threads
http://desuarchive.org/co/search/subject/sug/ [down]
https://arch.sug.rocks/ [alternative archive - thank you Kody!]
>Dedicated /sug/ website
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I saw Rebecca Sugar at the cafeteria in CalArts in Valencia yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk away with like fifteen Milky Ways in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
So what do you guys think the next new fusion will be?
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Use your pp's wisely
daily reminder that Rose is evil and Steven is a weapon
Garnet, she is gonna be in the middle some lesson about fusion and their gonna fuse and we're gonna be able to see into the mind of a fusion (not like here comes a thought) and its gonna be Steven talking to ruby and sapphire
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>Bullying Becky
nice pasta
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The better question is dose Stevonie have a penis?
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anyone else /chronicpain/ here that watches the show to help distract them
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Stevonnie has whatever she wants to have.
What is GBP?
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Literally, ever since alone together i've wondered this, no one ever took me seriously and told me what they thought!
Good boy points
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Here we go.
Why doesn't Steven hijack the president's body and make him create an Anti Gem defense force?
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>Amethyst giving Steven sexual favors when he hits puberty
>being a legionnaire
>not bullying Sucrose
No Brucilius, you are the profligate
going through Ben Levin's likes


Pretend his father is Jasper.
Jasper will never be redeemed
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Stevonnie is just a futa, and so is Smoky.
Lapis lays an egg over the sea
Steven doesn't have control of it, and the creation of something like that requires more work than can be done in one day.
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I want to marry Lapis and make her smile every day
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Please wish Ian and Becky luck at the Emmys! I'm so happy for them!
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I hope S. is a bad influence on Pearl
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Delete this
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There was literally an entire class dedicated to analyzing harry potter my freshman year, but that's not the point.

Fun books have plenty of symbolic and thematic materials to analyze, but nobody even fucking bothers to do so because academia as a whole has scoffed at the idea of spectacle and meaning intersecting.

If you asked me to, I could dedicate entire essays to homestuck's intersection of gnosticism and computer programming, or how kill la kill is actually a detailed (yet ham-handed) critique of the sexualization of the human body, but if I tried to get it published the manuscript would be deleted unread

elitism is the the most disgusting ideology there is: that certain genres or mediums are inherently more meaningful, and that all others may be dismissed without consideration

dude, she's his fucking sister
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How can you look at these threads and not agree Earth should have been purged?
>captcha: Quartz CameLIE
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Will there ever be a "Very Special Episode" of Steven Universe?
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Currently looking for SU POV smut to read

pls help
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Is Pearl gonna come home drunk every night now?
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>Pearl "almost let my wife's son die, jonesing for some of that pink muff pie"
>Pearl "knocking over cups, diving deep in her muff" the Renegade
>Pearl "the pussy pounder"
>Pearl "im a street nigga so its fuck the law"
>Pearl "varguba vanquisher"
>Pearlsuer of pink pusspuss
>Pearl fuckey the bikey dikey
>Pearl "if she looks like Rose, my erection grows" the Renegade
>Pearl "outrun the pigs, eat out the /big/s" Facet-2F5L
>Pearl "If you could only know, how fast this Dondai goes" the Renegade
>Pearl "I do like pie" the Renegade
>Pearl "Harbor" the Renegade
>Pearl "I belong to nobody, but I need a fuckbuddy" the Renegade
>Pearl "Vagitarian" the Renegade
>Pearl "blue lives splatter, make the puss shatter"
>Renegade "nose deep" Pearl
>Renegade "out ran the police, a criminal in the sheets" Pearl
>Renegade "I'm that gorilla dick gem, I get dyke pussy wet" Pearl
>Pearl "if her hair color's pink, then I don't stop to think" the Renegade
>Pearl "the slut that throws for a coinslot nose" the Renegade
>Pearl "I splash on a bitch go die in a ditch" the Renegade
>Pearl "one in the pink then two more in the pink" the Renegade
>Pearl "If it's Thicc I come real quick" the Renegade
>Pearl "give her the licc, only if she thicc" the Renegade
>Pearl "protected your earth now give me your girth" the Renegade
>Pearl "ran from the cops, fucking pink pussies I'll never stop"
>Pearl "Spears the Queers" the Renegade
>Pearl "A Rose by any other name tastes just as sweet" the Renegade
>Pearl "fuck the cops" the Renegade
>Pearl "its mr steal your gem" the Renegade
>Pearl "pink haired cunnys makes me feel funny" the Renegade
>Pearl "almost killed my wife's son, want that human's sticky buns" the renegade
>Pearl "shattered Pink Diamond, next is your hymen"
>Pearl "any night with Steven makes for a delightful evenin'"
>Pearl "getting mad pussy" the Renegade
>Pearl "if she's pink down under, watch me tear that puss asunder" Renegade
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why is it when I search for this google says I performed an illegal action
I want to know who this was originally about
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damn i didnt expect pearly pongo and the carpet distillery
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Why has god forsaken us.
Smokey is cute for being, what, 3 meters tall?
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pearl jeans.webm
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the answer wasnt even that good, shouldve submitted a different episode

they better submit last out out of beach city for next year, you can show anyone that episode whos never seen SU and they'd love it
depends on what time of the month Steven and Connie fuse
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you copied the entire pasta in google, didn't you?

anyway the original is called "I saw Ryan Gosling at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday"
Yeah I think they are also a futa.

Wow I did not think about Smoky as a futa....but I just don't think about smokey.
Reminder Amethyst is the cities local cum dumpster and offers blowjobs in kofis pizza bathroom
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Who got the Emmy, then? I don't remember what the other nominees were
>I'd be amazed if neither Mr.Greg nor Mindful Education got it next year.
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What if, while gems are immortal, they have limited memory, meaning that after a certain age they begin to mentally deteriorate?
Think of something like this
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w h y
I already hate this fat bitch.

What did she do to my Pearl.

Please stay away from her,
Wait, what? I thought the emmies weren't for awhile.
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I demand best gem
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Explain this I'm stupid.
you've got to be fucking kidding me, no way
Don't worry I'm sure Greg will pound her straight. Completely by accident of course
Seems Robot Chicken won
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google can't proceed requests longer than the certain size, keep that in mind
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>robot chicken
>fucking robot chicken
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She has a vagina with no womb and an abnormally large clit. there is a large ballsack (with four balls) dropping off of the clit hanging over the vagina
>they better submit last out out of beach city for next year
So they can lose again?
i didnt even know that show was still going
what the fuck
He still fucked- I mean fused with Because those things are different really no trust me Her in front of his surrogate mom and aunt, who then got excited and fuc-, fused on the spot
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>not Mr. Greg
LOOBC was only fun for people who watch the show. It's not impressive enough by itself.
thats so bullshit
you got it boss
It's cleraly a normal practice among peridots to outload the burden of memory to external devices. And it's not just about details: location of the cluster was, like, a most basic thing to know about it.
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>robot fucking chicken wins
>not AT's episode
>not SU
the emmys are a complete joke wow
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I love that little dumpling.
what kind of pain, anon?
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Anyone want a drink?
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>mr greg nominated for an emmy
>goes to the simpsons
Gonna need something a lot stronger than that.
How the hell is Last One Out of Beach City worthy of an award?
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SO what the hell was this image from anyway?
Guys chill the fuck out.
The Answer if it hypothetically won would have just gotten a few yays and such but that's it, we had no chance because emmys and run by fucking normies who don't do their jobs.
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Who the fuck is Seth Green blowing?

There is no way this isn't the product of corruption in some way.
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(((robot chicken)))
nobody who votes in animation ever actually watches it
it's just a fan art.
It's not even that The Answer lost, it's that fucking Robot Chicken of all things won.
hidradenitis suppurativa is what I got
april's fool
if they nominate any episode it will be mr greg
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Gotcha covered.
Sure, I think I'll try drinking tonight.
Was that an actual memory? Or just like opening a Brockhaus/wikipedia to us?
i had/have that. shit hurts
I'd think Mindful Education would do better
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Normies reee.

The emmys ARE a joke and if anyone besides the animators take it seriously there is some serious problem there.
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>The Robot Chicken Christmas Special won the Emmy instead of Steven Universe

Emmy's are done by people who don't actually watch animation. Wait until Annie Awards. They're full of shit too but at least the winners make a bit more sense.
I like RC tho.
>Subjective as fuck

But honestly we're up against some hot shit when we aren't having normie dysfunctional judges.
annies never give it to them either
If Stevonnie forms while Connie's on the rag does that mean Stevonnie cums blood/lining?
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>Robot Chicken wins
>Sausage Party is a commercial and financial success

Normies are no better than single cells amoeba.

Day of The Rope can't come soon enough
They have been a joke since they started throwing emmys to Modern Family, American Horror Story, and whatever AMC's currently shoving down our throats this year. That's why I stopped bothering with them. At least it's not upsetting as the Kid's Choice Awards.
like I said, they're also full of shit and are only a bit better.
garnet isn't loud enough in season 1

>Example: Steven and The Stevens

Especially compared to Pearl...and everyone
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Pealing crusted pus off yourself every morning sucks as well.
We should do like that one Chuck Palahniuk novel and put out Shrek 6 then lock the doors opening night and burn the theatre down
What's Jasper thinking about?
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mr greg is more solid as standalone episode

Mindful Education falls flat without knowing what fusion is, who Jasper and Bismuth are, etc
Yeah me too I'm more just shocked that it's still airing and I don't think it holds a candle to SU in terms of any facet of artistic merit, including comedy.
>commercial and financial
I'm going to hope you didn't mean "critical and financial success", there's no way it reviewed well
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In a longer run how better would the series become if Steven found out about another gem hybrid living on earth?
Her Jasper sisters molesting her and doing the incest
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She's trying to get another blue gem to fuse with.
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>caring about awards
if anything Mr Greg would win

the answer was only good for bringing us Darth Diamond
you said you were making it up last time. Just like I make up my Neurofibromatosis to take my mind off the blinding pain
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You could always get another pearl by capturing Rose quratz
Mr. Greg works better was a stand alone episode. Anyone new to the show would probably be confused as fuck watching Mindful Education.
yeah I'm with you but I do care about Ian
and we got clucked by fucking ROBOT CHICKEN
I'm curious what their criteria are
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depends on how they handle it.
it could be cringe or pretty cool
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I relate to Jasper on a fundamental level
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I don't exactly have a chronic pain, but I do have severe anxiety, thanks to genetics. I really struggle because I'm actually pretty popular, meaning I get put in positions where I spill my spaghetti. Sometimes I honestly would rather be a pariah. I even had to take a break from school because of it.

While I was out of school, I found this show through my baby sister, who I would babysit erryday. Even if the show was shit, I'd still view it fondly because of all the good moments my sister and I had watching it. This show just makes me feel good and helped me through a shitty part of my life. Well, I was never driven to suicide or anything like that, but you probably catch my drift.
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how long it's been since she's won a battle or accomplished a mission. She's doing that thing Special Forces are taught to do under torture where they dissasociate and go to their happy place
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dunno desu senpai
Peridot x someone or Jasper x someone
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had to look it up. that really sucks guys.
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There is no help for people like you
Is this modelled after the Princess Power on Punisher's nuts punch from Runaways?
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>waaaah robot chicken won over SU
be glad it wasn't fucking spongebob again
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That's nice, anon.
I hope this didn't make Becky and Ian sad, I am very proud of them regardless and they should be proud of themselves too.
>using episodes done by completely different storyboards
Peridot and Lapis.
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The only good part of Mr. Greg was Pearl's song, and it was fucking amazing, but the rest of the episode was not
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Is this what being triggered feels like?
Isn't spongebob only limited to Nick awards so they can rig it to win every time?
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>Last episode till hiatus
>It's a shit Townie filler episode
>We won't see Jasper again until after hiatus
Oh boy, fire up those anti-depressants cause I sure am ready to fucking kill myself.
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Because I can.jpg
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Why do you ask?
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Yes I'm sure.
Stop shouting, you awful little gremlin.
That barely makes sense context notwithstanding
normally I hate musicals but getting to watch Greg and Steven go nuts New York style was pretty fun
Could have been better, but it wasn't total crap
My mom hates SU and is an uptight lawyer bitch but she actually really liked loobc
Lookin' good, Steven!
Greg and Pearl dance was beautiful as well.
i hope they dont give a shit.i truly do.
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Too bad because Steven universe as a anime harem could be fun.
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Merchant Anon here, I'm scanning the covers of the SDCC zines at >>86206278 request.


Eh, I'm doing okay.
Is your mom a closeted lesbian?
huh, RC getting such a prize is kind of weird. It feels out of place, like giving MAD the pulitzer.
It just looks like the same posture. Exactly the same.
Or maybe it's a brain fart whatever
i dont give a shit if it was meh just let them win something
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That's your own fault for waifuing Worst Pearl.

Time to upgrade son.
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It has like an 83% on RT and 75% on IMDB
Thank you. The ink color inside is the same on them all right?
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Toguro bros colored.png
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Here's another one I poorly colored.
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This artist is fucking great
don't let your mom drive you places
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Im fucking stoned
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Loli Pearl is for _____
Standing around and holding things, same as any other pearl.
Serious question:

If Steven lick the vagoo of curry-smelling Connie, does she get "cured" from sex and becomes a virgin again?
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Would Garnet let Steven get away with anything if he was Stevonnie or Smoky Quartz?
nah, she used to be a druggie hippie in the 80's though.
Thats like saying the only good part of Lion 3 was the video tape. Its pretty much the core of the episode.
fanart from back in 2014 or so.
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The thing about Mr. Greg is that it is kind of like a movie. You don't need previous knowledge to know what's going on.

Same for LOooBC but I don't think that one is really Emmy worthy.
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Theyve always been a joke when it came to animated stuff, this is nothing new
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This would honestly be good if it weren't for MS Paint not properly filling in all the white space.
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the human tornado.png
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Hey /sug/.

This link isn't art, but its bitching about art and its hilarious.

Why are you watching this show if you only care about jasper? Are all jasperfags like this? They just count down the days till they see their waifu on screen and bitch about any episode that doesn't have her?

Did you even watch season 1?
dressing up to take place in kindergarten plays
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>Garnet is a big old christmas cake titty monster

So did you hear the euphamism 'christmas cake' is being replaced by 'new years noodles'? Apparently 31 is the new 25.
It was in her log, as far as we can believe her words in those early episodes. And even if her log by some reason was a continuation of someone else's, she's read through all of the reports, and Cluster is not really some needle in a haystack, you have to know almost as little as a continent to dig. No, I believe she has purposefully forgot everything except the essential.
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But if you're trying to get yourself a copy, good luck getting one for a decent price. The last set that showed up on eBay went for $207.50.
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That's nice
If you really care about Ian you'll never ever mention his state of mind on 4chan
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that's genuinely funny
can we all tell this person that they dont matter
A fujoshit that's UPSET about homo-homo? Now I've seen everything.
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>Lapis always carries around Peridot, practically stapled at the hip.
>People thinks it a sweet sisterly relationship they have
>Really Lapis is training Peri to be sexually dependent to her
The art is shit, but they have no right to try to control what people draw.
I've been worse. You?
here we go, looks like this was the original artist/source
(((Seth Green)))
(((Doug Goldstein)))
a what?
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>I like this episode and I got lazy on the background
>Time:6 hrs


>Crop, edit, or claim it as your own
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meh no worse than how I usually am
>tfw I'll never pull off fits as savage as a trio of cartoon magic space rock lesbians

Fucking jesus please let me die in my sleep
It does take my mind off the constant Lapis Tulpa rape. She really is relentless, but that kind of helps because you get used to it, like the sound of traffic outside your house over time. Something to watch helps even more.
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Here you go.
Yeah, If I had the energy I'd zoom in and go over the white spaces with the pencil tool.
What's Lapis doing to poor innocent Peri!?
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>6 hours
>DO NOT claim as your own
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that's very cute but I'm still upset
upset about plastic
That fat bitch is ugly.

Please never make her come back.
Yes it was, if you knew the context of Pearl-Rose-Greg.
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Garnet's the adult, Pearl's the big sister, Steven's the little bro/kid, Amethyst is the pet.
looking over her shoulder as peridot lifts her leg to release a giant fart
The guy is basically a lorefag
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just giving her a healthy cavity search, make sure there's no animals hiding up there. It's a common problem for overworked gems
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>You will never taste S. pink pubes
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Are you kidding? If anything she'd be even more judgmental of anything she disapproved of while fused.
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but the context is given in that same episode either
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s m o l
Just gotta keep pushing through it. At least there are times where it isn't flared up I'm waiting on those times now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugJfjmxOR2I
but the core of the episode has no impact without knowledge of the nature of Pearl's relationship for Rose and her "death" like Mindful Eduction requires prior education of fusion and Garnet
No Pearl you must understand.

That fat bitch is no good.
balls deep animal fug
artie goes by them/they (and is a girl)
they're pretty chill
>normally I hate musicals
Why do people like you exist?
>cringe tripfag is back
>124/250 images

oh boy
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It's over isn't it tells the entire fucking story.

As well as Greg and Pearl's talk during the last song.
Pearlfags whining their waifu's been "stolen way".

From who? /You/?
she's taken.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that Mr. Greg is more impactful than LOOBC.
Lapis is Lena Dunham?
mother dragged me to them as a kid. Away from nintendo, nintento power magazine, BTAS and running around outside digging in dirt collecting/exterminating bugs. To sit in a seat for 2 hours watching people interrupt the story to sing and dance.
So yeah, not my thing.
Imagine Stevonnie
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>Taking the Emmys seriously
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>artie goes by them/they
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Imagine Ian's cheeks
No I just don't like whoever S. is.

She's like a tumblr wish fulfillment that was shoe-horned in.

And the worst part is Pearl's change of character because of her.
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I hope leaks come out tonight
It's easy if you try
So? It doesn't always have to be some deep shit. Do you really think Robot Chicken won because it was deep and meaningful? Last One had that Thelma and Louise vibe along with the 90's teen movie vibe. It was just great all around.
There need to be some people in the world with good taste.

Anatawa baka anon-kun~

fujoshi [腐女子] or "rotten girl" is a term describing a female otaku especially one with a penchant for BL/yaoi. Used more loosely it can describe any female weeaboo or otaku, with the implicit stereotype that they are shippers (though this is not always the case)
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Tumblr freaks are weaklings and retarded, S looks like she could steal your girl and your car
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Jasper will never be redeemed

She was forced into the role as an abusive ex, she can never ever be a good guy now. She has never shared a positive moment with the cast

Fucking Alone at Sea that fucking dialog WASN'T NECESSARY CREWNIVERSE what the FUCK, it's completely inappropriate

Jasper is a bad guy, she was a foil to Amethyst, her complexity was revealed at the end of Earthlings just like Matt promised kms

oh man. Is there any treatment in sight? Either way I wish you the best.
>LOOBC is better in every catagory but one
I disagree.
>Pearl's the big sister
>not Amethyst
nigga u dumb
Honestly, this. Stevonnie is a being made of light projected from the gem that is the heart of her being. It doesn't matter that Steven is a boy and Connie is a girl, they're both transformed into energy when they fuse and that energy becomes Stevonnie.

And as long as Steven and Connie are in sync, Stevonnie has her own, unique identity separate and apart from them - so, if she wants to have a penis, she'll have a penis.

But she probably doesn't.
I hope you never get to see leaks again. Not everybody, just you. Foreverally schedulized and loving it.
I agree
I'm arguing for Mindful Education
How is this not the case with Mindful Education?
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>Implying Onion's friend aren't corrupted gems/ gem mutants
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I'd hate to see her as a Jehovah's Witness

>"can I tell you about Jesus our lord and savior"
>"uh no but thanks"
>instant death
Why did you post a picture of a humanized peridot?
And here we go...
Anything that happens to a character within the show is part of that character. It's not a "change of character" like some fanfic writer taking creative liberties of a character.

I think you're more upset that Pearl in the show is reacting in a way that doesn't align with whatever headcanon you have set for her.
That makes sense. These fags on the other hand. >>86210257 >>86210281
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S > Rose

Remember that anime Kannagi? Where fans got so utterly buttblasted when it was implied that the main girl had a previous relationship and they sent the author death threats?
I'd hit that. I could be her pussy cat no way I'm being her dog though
I'm not a perifag its just a reaction image, I am upset
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I'm honestly surprised anons really think she's just a regular human with pink hair... Sucrose has proven to be pretty blatant with her foreshadowing, inb4 she shatters pearl, poofs Steven and captures him in the season finale.
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>Jasper is the abusive ex
>Not Lapis
What episode would you recommend to be nominated for an Emmy?

If fucking robot chicken can win I'd say LOOOBC would be good.
They painted Jasper 100% exactly like that for the millions of kids out there

You can't back pedal on that
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The people who hate townies are the people who hate Mako.
This is fact.
You realize there's a link for this in the OP? No one's asking you to dump it.
S is a big fucking slut.

Did you even see those lustful eyes.

I bet she goes out with a different person every other week.


It just felt really off to me how she was acting.

That is not the Pearl I know and love.
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I want Steven to grow into a big strong bara and then fuck my ass while Ronaldo records it to put up on his side-blog.
>This picture had a full version
I always thought it was just the Connie part. Thanks anon.
why are anons saying Ian is sad? He seems happy to me
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I know, but someone asked for the covers of the variants. The link contains the actual comics.
>doesn't pay attention to the show
Keep your headcanons in your head where they belong.
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now I get it! thank you anon. amazing I've never heard it before. I have something for NEETs to be perfectly honest. They are kinda cute.
Makes sense considering they're both shit.
>That is not the Pearl I know and love.
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They're all big sisters to Steven. Pearl acts like the one who wants to be grown up but is still immature enough at times to get into petty arguments with Amethyst. Amethyst is that older sister who's young enough to still relate to Steven and hang out with him.

Garnet's that distant, cool sister who goes out to work or other adult stuff he's too young to understand.
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Skin tone too dark

Green eyes

Isn't even as big as Rose.
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are you me?
I think the idea of Pearl you have in your mind is highly waifu but you have to realize that she's not necessarily that way in the actual show.
Log Date because it's everyone's favorite episode





There, that's the last one.
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I'd love NotRose but I feel like I'm betraying Rose if I like her the same way as I love Rosie.
How funny will it be if Sheena is racially awake. Like she confesses to Pearl one night how she hates being a mixed child and she should have been pure, and she hopes a pristine woman like Pearl can live with only a half-white girlfriend - or more.
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You can't be serious. Did you even listen to the dialog? Jasper was willing to put herself through any amount of suffering Lapis was willing to dole out so long as Lapis allowed her to feel powerful. I love Lapis, but she was definitely the abuser.
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Thanks for filling my request merchant anon
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why was the art style so weird in the early days
>I'm surprised people don't jump to conclusions based on no evidence at all
The 3-4 guys trying to force this dumbass theory that MG is a gem or an alien or a hybrid or whatever need to stop. She is literally a random chick Pearl wanted to be friends with because she is big.
So do we know what Rose's sword is made of? It's as long or almost as long as Connie is tall, but light enough for Connie - an ordinary human child - to hold in one hand easily and still strong enough to poof a Quartz.
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Why do you guys care about awards?

>Isn't even as big as Rose

you do know gems can technically shape shift, and alter their size...right
That would be both hilarious and really sad. Pearl just can't catch a break.
Is this your first television show?
Why are you still bringing up a subject that was long ago dropped?
Jasper looked and sounded like a douchebag

Kids aren't that smart
its made of the stuff in the middle of cookie cats
This makes me wanna see Bad Stevonnie, shoplifting malt liquor, jay-walking, and other minor thuggery. It's especially exciting if it's like Sugilite, and the fusion refuses to be split up.
I wouldn't say "will"
I would say should.
"Redeeming" her would be terribly written and extremely forced considering all the shit she has done to literally every gem but Pearl.
like the anon said, Sugar is pretty blatant on her foreshadowing, so I believe the theory.
Rebecca's art was probably more closely adhered to, and her art's been pretty odd in the past
now the show has developed its own (more homogenized, but easy to look at) style
that's my theory
Super Watermelon Island or Jailbraik
Maybe Frybo
stop bullying Ian he is very sad right now.

No problem, I'm also going to put The Answer into a zip file and upload it somewhere.
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I like how mellow she was in this episode, ya know? Maybe she was a bit awkward at first, but that scene where she opens up to Steven and Amy while taking off her jacket and skinny jeans felt very natural.

Plus her dialogue that she was recounting with S. sounded very much like what Pearl would have said and I love her very much for that.
In an interview Rebecca was talking about how they were still experimenting in the early episodes.

Now there's kind of a medium between consistency and giving storyboard artists freedom
I want to protect that smile.
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wow...that worse then the Steven turning into rose comic
They can never change their skin color though

Rose Quartz are way lighter than that.
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I honestly think she's white, just tan. I mean Zuke obviously wanted her to be white when she helped design her.

don't tell tumblr!
I want to smooch those chubby cheeks and make him feel better

>3-4 guys

ummm I'm pretty sure there's more than that.
>Not fat
Is that a teletubbie and blossom?
>Alone at Sea somehow wasn't blatant enough for some people

w e w

>LAPIS: I was terrible to you. I liked taking everything out on you. I needed to. I-I hated you.
>"but I don't want to"
>"yeah Pearl but"
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nothing can protect that smile from Sucrose. Your dental skills are just not strong enough, no one's are.
no let's tell Tumblr. Right after we make a shit ton of aryan Sheena art
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Honestly that's probably the point. Just because Jasper seemed like she should be the abuser due to her size and personality, doesn't mean she actually is the abuser.

And just because Lapis is the abuser doesn't mean she can't put together that what she was doing was wrong.

A lot of kids are smarter than you give them credit for though, it's pretty obvious if you listen to the dialog.
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Then you have low standards
>I can change!
Jasper is literally Saddam and Lapis is literally Satan. Both are douches but Jasper is clearly the instigator and main douche. The person that says they can change is ALWAYS the person portrayed as the main abuser in a relationship. Its literally saying they know they are the problem and are the one that needs to change.
I don't get why people disliked the dialogue in it
it had actual fucking info like a convo between two people with history speaking freely should
That's because Lapis is an ABUSE SURVIVOR who went through countless TRAUMAS.

She's just REACTING, she has done NOTHING WRONG
>Two things I love, Stevonnie and Cars. And after watching "Beach City Drift and Last One Out Of Beach City" I wanted to race the Stevonnie badly... The story take place in the parking lot where Stevonnie is talking their friends, when all of sudden a young out of town driver with a red muscle car shows up and want to race Stevonnie. we don't know what's the reason but he to race them. So Stevonnie accepted, but is not only going to be "Drift Racing" but also "Drag Racing" as well. Stevonnie and The Driver will start racing but something in woods "there aren't alone".
What happened? Is Ian okay?
I said hit not pick out drapes with
I'm not saying it was amazing but it was "Here's my freshman video editing project" enough to get nominated
yes anon the magical scenery helps me relax and not take life as seriously for 11 minutes
post it
>she has done NOTHING WRONG
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Me,I drew it
don't really want to support your retort, but what if there's "advanced homeworld tech shenanigans" involved that let her change her skin color to better meld into the local population?
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I wanna protect them all
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you're meming but you're right
she did what she did because she spent literal millenia injured imprisoned and subservient against her will
doesn't make her blameless, but it makes sense
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>literally rape
but Jasper was mean though, so I guess it's ok.
>alt girl therefore tumblr
What kind of person do you expect would go to a garage concert like that?
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>What did you say, anon?
>Stevonnie and The Driver will start racing but something in woods "there aren't alone".
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Can you heal a cucked man?
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Please, she'd fuse with anything. I'd bet you 5 bucks that she'd fuse with this beast if she could.
Ian is going through a tough time right now. He just saw a mirror for the first time, and while it took him a while, he finally realized who was on the other side. He has been inconsolable ever since but our thoughts and prayers are with you Ian!
Not here there isn't. Maybe on tumblr where people accept retarded theories with no evidence. Thats also the place that thinks Lars is trans.
Name a single bit of "foreshadowing" in the episode. No the song does not fucking count since it was not written for the show and Sugar would not write a character around a random song from a random guest singer. No just because she looks vaguely like Rose does not mean she is another hybrid.
Yeah, man, she grabbed Lapis' ankle. That's deserving of being imprisoned and tortured for months.
It is wrong to jump from "went through countless traumas" to "did nothing wrong".
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>he finally realized who was on the other side
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n o b u l l y i a n
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kind of

mostly chronic fatigue with my body aching in pain a bit most of the time
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I loved Mako, I despise townies. Mako was a legitimately fun character and she had a bit of mystery lore behind her. Why was she so goddamn compatible with life fibers? Why was she the only vanilla human besides satsuki that could wear a kamui? why wasn't that translated as lordrobe? Basically, she was the Connie to Steven's Ryuko

Townies are literal filler characters who don't have any relevance to the story and who only detract from the development of the plot and the characters actually involved in it
This description is way too long to post but just.... holy shit.

>Part of a Human!AU for Steven Universe I'm working on where fusions are sciencebabies; they all have a 'mom' (donor of stem cells to fertilize the egg) and a 'mother' (the one who carries the child). Malachite Melanie Dubois is the daughter of Jasper Jocelyne Dubois, a Gulf War veteran, and Lapis Luja Labib, an Arab woman who Jocelyne met while in deployment. The two of them didn't realize that they weren't in love until it was too late, after Melanie had been born. They don't hate each other, but they do argue at some point almost every day, and that kind of atmosphere has led to Melanie being rather bitter and angry at the world. She also inherited her mom's hair-trigger temper and her mother's capacity to hold a deep-seated, all-consuming grudge. While this hasn't made her a bully, she does have a reputation at school for being an unstable and violent individual, and so her friends are few in number. However, in honor of her mom, she got tattoos to match the pattern of burn scars Jocelyne got from being on the receiving end of an incendiary bomb, and to help show that even if she's a pissy brat sometimes, she still loves her parents.

If you can bring yourself to read the whole thing, here you go.

I've got a theory, /sug/. The episode has been out for a while but just make sure no one complains I'll spoiler:
She also locked Lapis in a prison cell and probably dragged her to the interrogation chamber multiple times. For months.
I said
"Can you die already?"
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>MG cucked tens of thousands of Pearl fags in ten minutes
B-but she grabbed Lapis' arm real hard! She's the abuser and Lapis is the victim!!!
Gara's one of my favorite artists, but man is most of his SU art edgy garbage
That's the point, I think. While I liked it, I'm guessing it was too real for some people. It wasn't meme-y or explanative like the show normally is with that sort of subject, It was just natural because they were on the same level.

The emotions and feelings weren't explained or dissected, they were felt. The show doesn't do that a lot.
Which was her job.
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zarya .gif
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She kinda reminds me of Zarya
Yeah, my mistake. I forgot that Jasper touched her first. No ambiguity there, Jasper deserved to be put in a rape dungeon.
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I will not stop until I have personally insulted every member of the crew and voice staff
Adelle and Ian are only the beginning
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Lapis seemed emotionally conficted, while I feel like Jasper just wanted that feeling of being crushed under Lapis's immense power in their fusion mindscape, with comparably less regard toward's Lapis's own feelings in the matter.

Thankfully Lapis has no mercy for those that express harmful intent to Steven.
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Can a man get some Sauce pls
False flagging real hard there, my man. Might wanna tone it down so you're not so obvious.
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There are some treatments but none of them have really helped. Thanks for the well wishes.
Alright, calm down internet Chad on a Cambodian thatch weaving forum in a thread about a gay space lesbian odyessy cartoon. I'm sure a manly and virile stud like you has got your pick of the ladies
Delete your 4chan account and don't ever talk to me or my waifu Zarya again.
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wow anon, you sure got your jimmies rustled, I'm with the crazy theory anon, I mean, I've been watching the show since season 1 started and I've seen A LOT of crazy fan theories come true. After Lapis and Peridot came out I remember people started shipping them something fierce. Then a couple of buttflustered anons (kinda like you) started complaining and saying that that was a retarded theory with no evidence. Two fucking season later, Lapidot is pretty much rubbed all over the place. Sugar probably even got the "bad pearl" idea from reddit or even /co/.
>not posting the accompanying gif
Peridot was her interrogator dumbass
I didn't mind the dialogue but I think the whole scene would have benefited from more time, which is particularly annoying since the rest of AaS felt very empty and some of it was outright useless.
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You can't be serious.

>This sentence is always means the same thing in this general context.
>Let me use South Park as an example

And you even ignore the fucking conversation in the show

>Lapis: I was terrible to you, I liked taking everything out on you. I needed to, I hated you. It was bad!
>Jasper: It'll be better this time, I've changed!

That line is Jasper trying to convince Lapis she's good enough to not need to be abused by Lapis. You ignore all context and just assume certain phrases are automatically going to throw guilt on someone. Lapis is clearly the abuser, even if she realizes it and regrets it. Jasper is the abused party even if she knows it and wants it more.
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Their own fault for picking an inferior Pearl
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i knew this was coming the second pearl said she was going to drink something
This is rediculous and terrible near-chris-chan levels of cringe oc, but it does make me think that a Gem who was on earth and became religious may be an interesting meditation (no pun intended) on the nature of faith. It reminds me of a story I though of, where quantum hand-wavy scientists make a machine that peels back the layers of reality and lets us meet god, and we find out god made the whole universe for one alien race, and we were an accident. Even the devil-analogue had no idea we even existed. The idea of a Gem becoming a christian, a religion that focuses on humankind being the center of all existence, fascinates me.
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>not giving S an honorary membership
I'm revoking your sir card. I bet you don't even want to dick illaoi you fucking nobody.
Literally who
it was early on, thing's hadn't quite settled yet. Ironically most of the weird stuff came from the show's top people (Rebecca, Ian, and Kat): joe and jeff, raven and paul, and lamar's early episodes looked a bit more on model when not exaggerating
Jasper loved it though. Can't rape the willing
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You're hot but I love Rose more.
I said that skinny bitch just wants you for your body. you look like her EX, just a heads up.

>tumblr fag detected
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Garnet's voice actress, whatever that thing's name is
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And? Doesn't mean Jasper couldn't take her there.
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I feel very cucked
in other news the wall is coming along nicely
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>Two fucking season later, Lapidot is pretty much rubbed all over the place.
Two episodes is not all over the place. Fuck off with your stupid head canon that any sign of friendship means characters are literally fucking.
>Sugar probably even got the "bad pearl" idea from reddit or even /co/.
You have that completely backwards. Her first sketch of that is from two years ago when the show was first starting. Bad Pearl started because of her not the other way around.
Not surprising an uninformed person would defend such a stupid theory.
Estelle you mouth-breather.

Nice head canon!
Garnet's voice actress is Estelle.
Why would anyone even care though? Why would you start hitting on someone besides their looks? That's literally the only draw in such situations. The rest comes later.
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Wanted it so badly she nearly tore herself in to trying to escape.
The Lapis scarred her so badly that she wanted to go back to the dungeon. Lapis isn't even sorry and she would happily do it again if Jasper threatened Steven. This sociopath needs the death penalty.
wtf i hate jasper now
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lapis.jasper_potipopo (3).png
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I hope Jasper's VA switches to a more natural voice when she reforms, or at least when she sings. I can't imagine her doing that Jasper voice for too long before stressing out her throat
>lion licker
My sides.
I hope Mystery Girl isn't a permanent addition.

This is amazing.
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Jasper is best gem. I am sad she got bubbled but so happy how hard she fought and how she refused to be manipulated by rose. I'm also kind of looking forward to Quartz sisters moment when redemption rolls around.
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This one's more your type though, that one can use magic.
Oh yeah
Wew lads
Maybe she used a stray life fiber as floss once or something and accidentally swallowed it. That's also why she healed easily from every cartoonish injury
>jasper getting a song
Holy shit the delusion is real in this thread
Why do people draw Pearl and Mystery Girl as men?
You and everyone else with good taste
Jasper got a taste of Malachite's power in the SWI fight, she literally makes that realization in the dialog, that's why she wanted back in

Rape Jasper once you can't do it again
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Why would Jasper assume Lapis would have an issue with the arrangement? She was the one who desperately refused to let her go before, after all. All Jasper did was offer not to fight it anymore.
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lol triggered harder than Garnet seeing gem mutants
you're a bit of a shut-in aren't you?
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People who dislike it have never seen Revolutionary Girl Utena, the plebs.

I see through your flim flam, Suc-RUSE.
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Peridot, please grow some limbs
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Its always funny how one character can trigger so many people on 4chan
first thing that came to mind, but I didn't want to get meme arrowed.
Speaking of which:
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anon doesn't realize he's feeding the troll...please go on
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I cringe a little more every time I see this.
I can't wait for anti-Jasperdemptionfags to be BTFO. And it'll happen.

this anon is officially retarded.
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CG HW (2).png
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Hey, if Amy and Ruby get to fucking sing, I'm sure everyone with a nicer voice will get a song eventually, even if it means all of beach city getting together for a chorus during the big climax with Steven leading everyone.
Jasper doesn't sing. Jasper hates singing. She is triggered by singing on account of all of her friends dying to the Corruption Song.
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>"Oh no, he's hot!"
You got any more of him?
No I really did forget her name, that's how little it means to me.
that aside though
That just means there's more reason to explore and remedy that.

Jasper's hatred of singing wasn't introduced for no reason. Becky doesn't roll like that. It'll come back around.

hey anon are you ok? you seem a little salty there, better check your sodium intake.
I was only pretending to be retarded!
I love Jasper

Please redeem her, fuck you Crewniverse too bad it's not happening

Again, eat shit Crewniverse
>All those empty chair

Damn that's hard to look at
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Maybe she got hit with the life fiber bullet an-

Oh no, wait.
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Your family is ashamed of you, and waiting for the day that you come to your senses.
>he draws stebonnie AND hot lion
how did I not know about this guy
Do you hae a link to that 3D Modeler?

I want to try making some SU characters
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wouldnt it be funny is this happened
what type of paper do u print these on babe
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>SU mini marathon
>season 1A episodes
>people still acting like Amethyst is a bad singer when she sings perfectly in tune and tones down the roughness of her voice

She's better than Greg and Steven
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>let her go
maybe at first, but somewhere along the way between Jailbreak and Chille Tid, the bigger issue was about Jasper gaining control of Malachite like she did during the first moments of Malachite's existence.

As you could see with their fusion mindscape being depicting with chains. They're both trapped. Lapis is just deluding herself into thinking her actions were for some greater good when a simple CG fusion/team up would have taken down Jasper, especially since she lost access to her destabilizer weapon.

Jasper couldn't overpower her with brute force, but as seen in Super Watermelon Island, she eventually convinced Lapis by, whaddya know, simply talking to her and allowing them to control the fusion together rather than wrestling for control through brute strength.
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I dont get it
Not sure what type actually
my step dad owns a printing shop and does it

the stuff of nightmares

they're not really

oh my~
muh dick
You don't lurk enough. He is perhaps the most popular fan artist here on /sug/. He stops by from time to time. He's done lewds too.
>implying Steven/Pearl wouldn't be Rainbow Quartz 2.0
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This image makes me really sad
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me neither
I hate how unclear this whole thing has been from start to finish
>discount browses /sug/
shit I didn't know that I thought drawendo was the only one I knew who came here
I think it's supposed to be Pearl shapshifting to look like Greg to get Rose's attention
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you do know Lapidot is pretty much canon...right?
It's Pearl shape shifting to look more like Greg to try and get her back.
Think of what Amy did to Greg.
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Seeing all the fanart definitely helps me appreciate her. Seeing someone that Pearl is almost certainly going to be happy talking to makes me smile.
post mindblowing mini-theories /sug/

>Mrs Fryman was killed by a gem monster. That's why the family is so fucked up, why Ronaldo is so obsessed with the paranormal and why Lars said he "practically lives in a haunted house"
>The Heaven Beetle had an original gameboy on her night stand, meaning she was either uncorrupted or sapient as recently as 1989
>The gems built the light house that the lighthouse gem was buried in
>the bird monster from giant woman ate gem shards and assimilated them to have the strength of a fusion
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Scribble is pretty great in my experience. He is in absolutely no way an attention whore and is pretty humble, which is like the defining virtue of 4chan.
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Last time he took requests though was 3 months ago.
In /trash/
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or that she purposely destroyed her own form and recreated herself in Greg's image.
>she eventually convinced Lapis by simply talking to her and allowing them to control the fusion together
That is exactly how I viewed the situation. But is this correct? Garnet at the start of the episode predicted that Jasper would take control and cause mayhem.

Then again, Jasper did make it sound like a joint effort with
>If we're going to be this thing together...
That sounds like Lapis still wasn't going to relinquish control, so Jasper was compromising.
muh feels
Anything lewd?
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>it's the gay neckbeard ronaldo-fucking Steven
I was going to kill myself, but I need to make sure you kill yourself for posting that first.

>pearl the pussy pounder
>pearl "im a street nigga so its fuck the law"
>pearl "varguba vanquisher"
>Pearlsuer of pink pusspuss
>Pearl fuckey the bikey dikey
>Pearl "almost let my wife's son die, jonesing for some of that pink muff pie"
>Pearl "if she looks like Rose, my erection grows" the Renegade
>Pearl "outrun the pigs, eat out the /big/s" Facet-2F5L
>Pearl "If you could only know, how fast this Dondai goes" the Renegade
>Pearl "I do like pie" the Renegade
>Pearl "Harbor" the Renegade
>Pearl "I belong to nobody, but I need a fuckbuddy" the Renegade
>Pearl "Vagitarian" the Renegade
>Pearl "blue lives splatter, make the puss shatter"
>Renegade "nose deep" Pearl
>Renegade "out ran the police, a criminal in the sheets" Pearl
>Renegade "I'm that gorilla dick gem, I get dyke pussy wet" Pearl
>Pearl "if her hair color's pink, then I don't stop to think" the Renegade
>Pearl "the slut that throws for a coinslot nose" the Renegade
>Pearl "I splash on a bitch go die in a ditch" the Renegade
>Pearl "one in the pink then two more in the pink" the Renegade
>Pearl "If it's Thicc I come real quick" the Renegade
>Pearl "give her the licc, only if she thicc" the Renegade
>Pearl "protected your earth now give me your girth" the Renegade
>Pearl "ran from the cops, fucking pink pussies I'll never stop"
>Pearl "Spears the Queers" the Renegade
>Pearl "A Rose by any other name tastes just as sweet" the Renegade
>Pearl "fuck the cops" the Renegade
>Pearl "its mr steal your gem" the Renegade
>Pearl "pink haired cunnys makes me feel funny" the Renegade
>Pearl "almost killed my wife's son, want that human's sticky buns" the renegade
>Pearl "shattered Pink Diamond, next is your hymen"
>Pearl "any night with Steven makes for a delightful evenin'"
>Pearl "getting mad pussy" the Renegade
>Pearl "if she's pink down under, watch me tear that puss asunder" Renegade
>Pearl "outrun the cops and say no to cocks" Renegade
Brad Armstrong what are you doing here.
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eyeball jasper.png
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She only ever mentioned singing in the context of Sapphire. Obviously, singing in a jail cell is disruptive and probably suspicious.

Since YD is voiced by Patti Lupone, then I'm sure the rest of the Diamonds will have a strong affinity to music as well. Not sure if that applies to all of HW, since Peri seemed unfamiliar, albeit very quick to learn singing/music.

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Jesus fuck, I've cringed so hard my eyes are rolling freely in their sockets like shopping cart wheels
>Pearl "loving mother by day, mother fucker by night" Renegade
>Pearl "my body is an illusion but tonight your vag I'm bruising" the Renegade
>Pearl "pop it for a real gem like me" the Renegade
>Pearl "if she's chub, then she's getting that rub" the Renegade
>Pearl "spilling spaghetti but still scoring" the Renegade
>Pearl "no muff too tough" the Renegade
>Pearl "can't juke the zuke so I eat her till she poof" the Renegade
>Pearl "Sucrose keikaku = yuri otaku" the Renegade
>Pearl "Utena is my jam so I go ham on that clam" the Renegade
>Pearl "make it thicc make it quick" the Renegade
>Pearl "giant woman get me hummin" the Renegade
>Pearl "strip Greg's van for spaceship plans" the Renegade
>Pearl "u lucky he holding me back senpai I'd peck the shit outta you" the Renegade
>Pearl "just 'lion around' till I find a vag to pound' the Renegade
>Pearl "6000 year two beer queer" the Renegade
>Pearl "got the authority to endanger a minority" the Renegade
>Pearl "Rose didn't have a lion but she give me succ like I'm dying" the Renegade
>Pearl "knocking over cups, diving deep in her muff"
>Pearl "keep your stance wide, plunder deep inside"
>Pearl "Cunt Destroyer" Renegade
>The renegade "if she's 8 feet tall, give me a call" Pearl
>Pearl "Lion Licker Bean Flicker" the Renegade
>Pearl "Lion Licker The Pussybean Flicker" the Renegade
>Pearl "No Slouch for the Prize Pouch" the Renegade
>Pearl "If She a Thicc Dime it's Kevin Time" the Renegade
>Pearl "Make the date rape play with gay ballet" the Renegade
>Pearl "Real Human Bean for the Thicc Girl Dream" the Renegade
>Pearl "Wherever I am, I must always thirst" the Renegade
>pearl "body made of light, but she's never had pussy this tight"
>pearl "driving the dondai, gonna eat you like a sundae"
>pearl "I'm over the past, but hairy pink vargubas make me cum fast"
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Autumn is nearly upon us. The leaves will soon start to turn where I live.
>you will never go on a fall hike to admire the colors with Lapis
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-snort- okay.gif
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last for snort
He had a couple lewds on there. I think there was a topless Peri at one point.

I think he also had a seperate lewd tumblr but I don't know what the name for it was.
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Oww that idea hurts even more.
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>Such a lust for fusion?!
he has a tag for lewd stuff
This is going to be a fun 2 hours of discussion without images... actually on second thought I think I'll just leave.
???? Did I miss one?
Oh please, it'd be more fun to go hiking with a BIG gem, anon. Someone who has height, strength, and intelligence.
Like Opal. Or Sardonyx.
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I mean

did nobody do one with a lyric from Pearl's rap
We're already on page 4, I doubt we make it a half hour.
All she wanted was to meet her waifu and Steven had to ruin everything.
He has a separate tumblr for lewds but he doesn't use it anymore. Nothing lewd he draws gets posted anywhere. For example, I have an image he did of futa Vidalia railing Lars's ass.
So, if Lapis fused with sardonyx, would her rotatating thorax be bare
why are image limits imposed anyways
buh bye
I keep forgetting the Rubies are supposed to be girls
>I know what a human is

Does Jasper know what humans are because she's seen them? Crushed them during the war?
never forget
That sucks anon. You aren't alone.
Okay I get that this is bara but why does Steven need to have that awful Jontron beard.
Because mods aren't going to enable mentally ill man children who lack a single iota of self control who want to spam their fucking waifu as if it's a community service. They will simply enable regular man children with self control that just want to talk about cartoons and comics.
Because moot was poor and the current owner could give a shit about maintaining an American page.
Seth gives amazing blow jobs
Source: my dad's a producer at CN
she wouldn't have to bother. even a ruby could shatter a human
And yet they enable our bans only because the hatebase will tear itself apart like a emo if it doesn't get what it wants.
Honestly, I think Eyeball would be crushed if she met Jasper for real. Her waifu wouldn't give two shits about her, and probably would barely acknowledge the rubies at all. She doesn't even seem like the leader type, at most she'd bark out a few commands at them.
... Robot Chicken is still making new episodes?

what was your reaction to this scene, i didnt expect pearl to fucking gun it. fav part of the episode though
why did you have to say that

>"Steven, we need to fight this corrupted gem, you'll recognize it by its goblin-like figures"

Sorry it took so long to respond.
It sounds like you are trying to change the topic.
That pose is so fucking adorable.
But Lapis loves the autumn foliage and she can fly.
Besides, Sardonyx would be more fun to hit up Empire City with and Opal, while being a good time, would probably end up getting us lost in the forest.
Ok, who is the one shitposting on that SU /pol/ thread?
No no no, i'm not even the guy you are talking to.
I'm just saying there are some enablers here.
I did not expect her to get off scot free
So does Stevonnie gain a new power since she's a fusion of two different people, or does she not because she's still just a rose quartz
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She gains some of Connie's mary sue powers.
>deleting an image
Poor form.
I think magic wise no Stevonnie has no new powers, they're Rose Quartz + Connie's swordsmanship.
loving that file name
Depends on how Jasper takes compliments. She seemed very haughty and thought highly of herself in Earthlings. She obviously wouldn't treat Rubies on the same level of respect as her, but possibly BECAUSE they're Rubies on the same side as her, she'd treat them with indifference at least.

Plus I doubt the Rubies would dare go against their officer's orders unlike Peridot who was outspoken enough to shit talk to both her captives and her supreme leader goddess.
The whole thing made no sense. Why did they even take a car in the first place? Why does pearl know what the DMV is? Why does she know what citizenship is, or why not having it would be an issue?

She has been shown to be largely ignorant of human culture for the rest of the show, barely understanding how they interact yet suddenly knows all this information? Zuke is a fucking hack.

Wait, you can look at people's likes now?

B-but I have hundreds of naked guys that I liked.
I knew she looked weird when I started rewatching the series
The original Steven is dead. The one that survived Steven and Stevens, is an alternate from multiple timeline variations later.
she gets spooky hallucination powers as a fusion, which probably means more insight into Steven's insecurities.
Not to mention her coordination generally. Steven has no idea how to use his tard strength, Connie can actually direct it at something.
>jumping on couch for 2 hours
>begs onion to do literally anything else
God reminds me of my niece
>Why did they even take a car in the first place?

Why not? Pearl has driven before.
Your niece is onion confirmed
No, the start of the episode was from the perspective of a alternate steven we didn't go back to the original steven till near the end of the episode.
Jojo Steven is the original and poofed.

>Why does she know what citizenship is, or why not having it would be an issue?
Why wouldn't she?

Literally the only weird thing is Pearl knowing what a DMV is and considering she knew how to drive since the beginning of the series then maybe she was around when the DMV was made.
>largely ignorant
What examples of this besides the pie joke in Too Many Birthdays?

I'd say she's more dismissive than ignorant, choosing to focus on certain things like clothing styles and driving etiquette and weaponry, as seen in Arcade Mania, while glossing over the social aspects of society, hence why she's so hilariously awkward at times.
She probably found out about licenses and junk when she learned to operate vehicles in the first place

She seems to know the rules of the road, I'm sure somebody told her. Maybe Greg
I think if Eyeball was talking to her one on one it might be different than in a setting with all the other Rubies being goons over her
Because they can fucking hulk jump everywhere. That's like getting in to a car to go see your next door neighbor.
probably tried to get an official license then backed out after reading some paperwork requiring her ID and such.
Except it would exhaust Steven and it would be harder for them to find the house.
Have you ever seen the Gems hulk jump anywhere, particularly in a non-emergency situation?
This was probably discussed or I'm not remembering something but I wonder if Greg ever found out about Steven and Connie taking his car

Steven seems like the type to get really nervous if he tried to hide something like that from his dad
When they broke Fishstew Pizza's sign.
What if Greg and Rose used a surrogate mother to birth Steven and Rose just fused with the baby?
She barely knew what a movie was, and asked why humans didn't hunt/gather anymore.

She treats everything human as alien, because it is to her, except when Zuke wasn't to story board, than all the characters become awkward highschool to collage age kids.
Only if he understood it was wrong
>and asked why humans didn't hunt/gather anymore.
I'm fairly sure that was a condescending joke.
You mean when Garnet was fighting a corrupted gem and then got blown into the sign and only used it to gain a height advantage against it, not to get from one place to another?
this makes me VERY uncomfortable
So we saw them jump up into the air to make an exit once, and though they constantly being shown running, walking, driving, and warping, you think that it's just craAAAAaaaAaazy they would be shown driving in Last One Out of Beach City?
Hey, they've apologized, enough bringing it up already.
yeah it's partly why the ep felt so wildly ooc imo
>asked why humans didn't hunt/gather anymore.

Hmmm. You don't seem to recognize Pearl's tone of voice in that line indicating condescension. Autism?
character development
What the fuck? It can't be that far of a distance and this isn't a video game. If you could only hulk jump like 30 feet would you really constantly do it?

Artemispanther is a faggot and a pussy
reading glasses.

which is something a lot of adults do, even if they don't need glasses in normal life. it alleviates eye strain.
People who think connie is a mary sue are idiots.

She's a girl with no powers or quirky unique traits who is learning to swordfight. Meanwhile her boyfriend is a half-alien hybrid with a magic lion who gains a new power every 4 episodes, many of which are impossible by the internal logic of the show.

So yeah, you're a moron. Enjoy being a disappointment to you inbred parents

>people actually know my theories
I'm touched

They do it ALL the time, the show just doesn't draw attention to it.


Even then, which I'm not to sure of considering how BAD pearl has been shown to be at comedy, She has been shown to view human culture and government as one would a child's drawing or made up game.

Hell the joke/question was made to the town mayor!

If it was, that would be fine, but she just suddenly knew this stuff with little to no explanation or reason.
Why is everyone saying Zuke left because of shippers? I thought it was because of leaks?
So this mystery girl, how off model is she?

Wouldn't she be like 7 fucking feet tall?
They've effortlessly H.J.ed to the barn before, and that's at least a few miles away.
Tumblr was yelling at her over gay baiting because she ships Lapidot in her art but it probably won't happen in the show. It was all very stupid.
>Even then, which I'm not to sure of considering how BAD pearl has been shown to be at comedy
Dude you are way overthinking this.

It was just a condescending jab at a human worrying about something that was, in her view, ultimately less important than the ensuing Homeworld invasion.
>Why is everyone saying Zuke left because
She was passive aggressive about leaks/people watching SU online in general after the ship drama. Ship drama came first.
People here often misuse the term off-model in stupid ways, but this really takes the cake.
Damn right.
The second season of strange things is gonna be awesome, I hope they both get more screen time.
They were going to a human party dressed like humans in order to interact with humans like humans fucking of course they would drive there like humans.
Maybe that Fusion Space that they did Here Comes a Thought in is one of her powers. Although now that I think of it that could just be an extension of Steven's connection powers.
>many of which are impossible
I don't know if anyone else noticed, but this comment is really off model.
connie is BORING
>They do it ALL the time, the show just doesn't draw attention to it.

When else do they jump to travel from mundane place to mundane place?
What episode was that?
Lapidotfags and Amedotfags were both the abuser!
I haven't watched that episode in a while, and I really don't care either way.

I'm just pissed people on here are arguing for Zuke's shitty Jesse Eisenberg rip off episode against the shows established character traits.
It's explicitly stated that in order to fuse, both constituents need to be able to turn into light, but steven can turn humans into light to fuse with them. Mind you, Rose couldn't do this because it was impossible, but Steven can.
Doesn't Pearl always wear pants?
>against the shows established character traits.

What is going against the show's established character traits?
Saying Connie is boring is completely different than saying she's a Mary Sue. If you find her boring, that's on your taste, not everyone finds her boring, and not everyone finds her interesting. There's nothing that can really be done about it.
>It goes against her previous characterization like in these episodes!
>But that's not a characterization those episodes give her.
>Well whatever I haven't watched those episodes in a while and I don't really care either way I just want to talk about my headcanon Pearl.
This would be fine if it was written like this, but the car offered as if they needed to use it to get there, and then they ct like they are stuck when it runs out of gas. Like a collage/highschool kid would.
has amethyst ever used the Lapis mirror?

Does Lapis not care about the mirror business anymore?
You've never acted unlike yourself in a fit to prove something to yourself or impress someone?
Even then, it's not really clothing, it's just a part of their body
>I haven't watched that episode in a while, and I really don't care either way.
They're melded to her body. The pants she wore in the latest episode weren't.
congratulations, you're so stupid, you insult people using words you don't even know the definition of. please remove yourself from the gene pool
she doesn't seem to care about a lot of things

it's great
I can tolerate it once as a typo, but you really need to learn how to spell college.
Rebecca didn't go to CalArts

lauren faust did tho
I'd say that was more of an assumption Garnet made which was proven incorrect. Steven's gem is hooked into his very genome. His body is neither fully human nor fully gem. It's clearly given him some amount of extra ability like allowing him to fuse with both humans and gems. It's not really explained because it's clear the characters in universe don't fully understand it either.
She keeps things in
They have a teleport pad to the barn, which is much, much farther away than a few miles. They have never, ever traveled anywhere by Hulk Jump.

She doesn't watch movies. And her exact question was "Whatever happened to those days?" in a nostalgic tone. She is well aware of the current state of humans, but is also well aware they've been that way for only a century and makes a quip about the way they were for the past 5000 years. A QUIP! She was barely even implying anything. She didn't see Mayor Dewey and wonder why he wasn't wearing a fur loincloth. She heard his complaint and told him not to make a big deal about the temporary loss of something they used to live without anyway.
Because he's half-human?
I dunno man, they're not exactly subtle on how special and one-of-a-kind he is. Makes sense that if anyone would be able to do that it's him. Rose, as magic as she was, was still just 100% gem.
>This would be fine if it was written like this
No "ifs" about it, it explicitly was written about them doing things the human way because that's how Amethyst liked it and she wanted Pearl to get more down to earth and Pearl wanted to do what Amethyst wanted to do because the stick in her ass had slowly slid out since the beginning of the series.

>and then they ct like they are stuck when it runs out of gas.
They acted like running out of gas ruined the night which it did regardless of the practicality of doing the hulk jump bullshit that they didn't want to do because it'd ruin the point of the night (hanging out with humans on human terms).
He really DID mean some kid made up out of other smaller pictures and materials.

I'm not that guy you dicks, I just saw people arguing about connie and jumped on board

you two are also boring and gay
It has actually pushed people away alsp
And thus the internal logic of the story is broken.

Marty Stu.

Except he's the only hybrid to have ever existed. that's an explicit mary-sue trait
like my heart
>characters can't be wrong
>If it was, that would be fine, but she just suddenly knew this stuff with little to no explanation or reason.
That kinda thing happens in this show a lot because it would be boring and time wasting to see them learn every little thing. It's just a logical jump - the longer Pearl spends with Steven, the more human culture she absorbs

Do you want me to dig through the show list episodes and times of this shit? next you will be telling amethyst doesn't like gross shit, and Garnet doesn't have a third eye!

Jesus Christ, Thank you for pointing that out. I am getting way to worked up over this stupid shit.
how do you want your (You) cooked
I was telling you why finding Connie boring is irrelevant to the discussion. How is that being a dick?
good shit
>Do you want me to dig through the show list episodes and times of this shit?
>get asked for evidence
>can't provide it

daily reminder that Greg is objectively the most tragic character
imagine if Jasper had malachite bulldoze over or swat the gems who were frozen 6ft away, instead of lifting her hand up and having the water sloooowly rise

Lapis' plan could've backfired in a number of ways easily (but we know this)
I stopped feeling sorry for him when I realized he chose all of this by sticking with a extraterrestrial golem woman.
That's a funny way to spell Centipeedle
you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded
>gets ten million for nothing
>tragic character
I don't buy it
was going to argue it's steven, but even steven gets super powers and longevity as a consolation prize

greg gets old age and regret for what could have been

just like all of us
Actually, Mary Sue was a hybrid so she could be just like the other hybrid on the show and relate to them.

Look, if you're going to be this way off base about it, the trolling is just too obvious. When have they ever hulk jumped to get around? Steven is the only one who has ever come close to doing a Hulk Jump
I think Pearl kept it firmly locked away in her gem mostly, I can't see her thinking Amethyst would care about seeing it.

And I guess Lapis tolerating the CG's mostly stems from her trusting Steven and seeing they're no threat to her if she's not attacking them. And in HTD, seeing they're a bunch of goofs that are actually kinda fun to be around. But if she's ever made to spend time with them in close proximity, like she was with Peridot, I'm sure her issues with the mirror will come up
If the main character can do something that's supposed to be impossible and nobody else can do it then it's a mary sue trait.

Even if that wasn't the case Steven is STILL the only half-human hybrid that's ever existed, he still has magical lion as a pet, he still the only male member of an all-female race, and he's still in the moral green zone 99.99% of the time

Steven is a mary sue, and you're a moron.

End. Of. Discussion
>what could have been
Except he gladly gave up "what could have been" for the life he lives now. Besides, it's not like his music career was going all the great.
broke down and made a tumblr to follow this guy. Do you guys have suggestions for any other good SU blogs besides him and thegembeaststemple I can follow?
It was broken, that is to say, reclusive. Even if Amy was curious, she is not the most persistent among gems and gave up quickly.
If only she had been bubbled instead, it would have seemed like nothing,,,,
Well you got your (you). Feeling better? You're wrong, knock it off. I swear this is like dealing with a three year old who keeps repeating the same word in amazement and/or amusement that people try and speak back to him as if he was exercising power and not just disappointing people. We're trying to talk to you, and you're just being intentionally thick headed, and this whole "I am only pretending to be retarded" nonsense is not better.
Steven isn't a Mary Sue, he's a literal Christ analog. He's the human son of a non-human god-like figure with themes of forgiveness and second chances, as well as having healing spit (Mark 7:33, Mark 8:23, John 9:6). Lion represents the Holy Spirit, completing the trinity.
Can't say as I'd have done different.
>Implying Jesus wasn't the proto-Mary Sue.
Lion is Holy Spirit Aslan instead of Jesus Aslan.
By that definition, I think about 1/2 of all protagonists in fiction are Mary Sues.

Are we not allowed to have protagonists that are unique? Why is that instant qualification for Mary Sue? Unique characters can struggle. Unique characters can be wrong. These are inherently things that Mary Sue's don't do.

I swear Mary Sue just means "excuse to hate a character" now.
>be on your own
>life is a mess
>boss is an asshole who uses you to his benefit
>dreams of becoming a rock star are dying fast
>meet a literal 10/10 waifu
>with magical powers
>and has other waifu friends with magical powers
and you're telling me you wouldn't follow them in a heartbeat?
Also Steven's lesson about "you're judging her before you even get to know her!" came before HTD, so she probably carried that into the next ep and was one of the reasons why she was so chill around them
>Proto anything

You're off by a few thousand years. Try Gilgamesh, who is instantly loved by everyone, who even the people he oppressed prayed for his blessings and hoped he'd get a best friend. He solves all of his problems by punching, creates all of his problems by punching as no one but himself can make problems for him, and solves his self made problems by continuing to punch them. Gilgamesh did whatever he wanted and always got his way as the universe bent over bakcwards for him to make even his dumbest decisions work out for him consequence free.

Jesus doesn't fit the bill, since he's just an eldritch abomination doing a better job of the human act than the angels and helping his father self pull off his Xanatos gambit.
>mary sue
>not stevonnie
When will people realize this
Is Lapis Moses?
>jesus had healing spit

fuck, how the hell could I forget that

She did part the sea in Mirror Gem
>eldritch abomination

Forgive me for not being clued up, but wasn't Jesus just outright human (albeit with the ability to perform miracles)?
So she could take Steven back to her homeland.

She also used water golems to fight gems, and golems are an important part of Jewish folklore.
Didn't it use to work just fine? Pearl was suprised it wasn't working in Mirror Gem
He was a cleric.
Human form outside, but he was also YVHV simultaneously, his own Father, beyond time, space, causality, reason, and logic he was his own father and his father him was a being beyond time, space, causality, and logic just to be.

Jesus was physically human, he had a human body, but was also YVHV at the same time. Being human and YVHV at the same time at the specific time he showed up to perform specific acts he performed also allowed him to simultaneously fulfill several thought to be mutually exclusive prophecies and complete a xanatos gambit he had set up several thousand years prior. Even the "Sacrifice Isaac, nope just kidding" was connected to the "No really, now kill my son self" event.
I wish somebody was around to slap me every time I open up a reply window in /sug/
Tangite is actually really funny and friends with Zuke. Also there is nyong-choi who has a constant flow of SU content in his own respectable art style. Lots of lewds too.
We all get what we deserve, anon.
your moms
It's ambiguous and interpretations depend on the branch of christianity. That said, god himself is explicitly eldritich in nature, violating even basic laws of mathematic logic. The angels are pretty similar
Thanks, bud. I'll probably try to stay away from the lewd, though; I plan on viewing this stuff in places where it might be seen.
Ah ha! I knew it was you Dyan! Heading over to slap you right now!
Perhaps she was assured that she has subordinated the mirror for good. Too bad for her.
>Onion calls child services on Greg, he gets arrested
>Steven is removed from the Gems custody and sent to a shitty foster family in fly over country
>Forced to go to real school
>everyone picks on him, from that stoned Blue Jay and his retarded friend, to that incestuous comedian girl obsessed with her brother, to Janitor Uncle Ruckus
>so mentally underdeveloped, he's placed in special ed and is fucked by the system
>"Hey, Fatcake! Lard yourself up!" *butter thrown*

And then the gems kill them all, the end
When people say sausage party was funny I want to kms.

That movie couldn't even get a pity laugh out of me.
That wouldn't work since no one outside of Onion's immediate family can understand him.
>violating even basic laws of mathematic logic

How so?
>Shelby Fero
>Played Highschool Sports with her brother
feels weird man
"I've been waitin' all dis day since you lezboz spess rocks came into town."
Easier said than done.
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