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Batman #1 preview

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Thread replies: 287
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>All those silver age costumes
I know people hate Finch, but his art honestly isn't that bad.
Why /co/ hate Finch art again? Because I definitely prefer it over Janin.
I like it but it doesn't seem like King is writing towards Finch's strengths, the panel layout is bland and basic

also I hate the use of real names over comms
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>I Wish you'd just give me your damn phone number

>I tried that and you made fun of me
Because it's house style.
>asking help to the JL

I thought Clark was dead at the moment

In two pages, you can see Bellaire's prowess with colors. Of all of the spiritual carryovers from Snyder's run, I'm glad good coloring is staying. This'll be a fun comic.

As for the paneling, yeah, I'm not too impressed. But there's still 15 more pages of this issue and -- with King more aware of Batman's status as a big comic -- it's likely that the best stuff won't be in the beginning.
Comics newbie here. What exactly does "house style" mean?
You know things exist and can be measured separately from each other right? You don't have to constantly "well it could've been worse" everything.

His art is shit, he has bare understanding of proportion, composition, lighting, sequesntial storytelling, and that's not even going to /co/'s favorite measurement of art, anatomy.

He's shit and so is Janin

Whoa shit, has Kobra been a thing in the New 52 yet?

"Better than Janin" doesn't mean shit considering Janin is shit as well.
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>King writing
>Bellaire coloring
>Workman lettering
>Finch drawing

This looks way better than his other stuff he's done in the New 52.
These are some nice colors
Jordie's good

They were in the Katana mini
FCO > Bellaire
It's a blanket term people misuse when they don't like a particular artist.

It basically means a style that doesn't stand out. An artstyle that's so common in the industry that it becomes boring.
What a stinky opinion
>CIA man King crashes a plane in issue 1

Bane will survive the wreckage.
This was most likely written before DC decided on the order in which the Rebirth issues would come out. But anyway, Justice League comes out next week as well, right? Bruce will probably meet the new/old Clark in it.
No, it means a style so popular at a company/franchise editors actually seek out people that can draw same-looking stuff and/or are encouraging other artists to draw closer to it.

The most famous example would be some guy whose name escapes me redraw all Kirby Superman heads in Curt Swan's style
Is it just me or is this lettering ugly?
It's you and your face.
Aw, I like his safety belt.
Have we started the fire?
DC house style is the prototypical art style similar to Daniel, Finch and Jim Lee, 90% of the post rebirth comics are drawn that way (everything but Green Arrow, Teen Titans, Harley Quinn, Super Sons and Flash)

it's done to give the books a uniform sense of cohesion.

lots of thin lines, crosshatching and heavy black inks. characters are always drawn idealistic and the use of darker colors.
It looks better since he has a different inker than his usual self does.
No bully pls. I mean the spacing between letters just seems like it's too much. Or the letters themselves are too wide.

It's not unreadable but I don't like it.
This page doesn't even look like Finch, nice.
Finch is saved by Bellaire in this.
Ok guys, need some clarity here, is the new 52 done, and the new reboot is called dc universe rebirth? how often do they do reboots like this?

Huh. I just realized that they have basically turned Alfred into Oracle in Nu52. He's not explicitly a computer genius, but he does all the same things Oracle did in a Batman comic before.
New 52 continuity is continuing. Rebirth is a jump on point not a reboot.

First appearance post Flashpoint?
Learn the difference between "reboot" and "relaunch".

Literally google "is DC Rebirth a reboot" and look at the most recent links.

Please, tell your friends. This shouldn't be difficult to piece together, yet so many people on /co/ and Twitter and comic sites can neither read nor use a search engine.
It's done by hand, or at least there are some templates given in random combinations. Pretty sure it's by hand.

I think it goes great with any art, looks lively.
Umm.... Finch's art is kinda good here? what the hell is happening


dat credit box. what is up with this slopply lettering slipping through the Rebirth books?

the rest of the letters look off too but not bad enough
>the new 52 done
just about some books are finishing up over the next few weeks

>and the new reboot is called dc universe rebirth?
it's not a reboot, Rebirth just establishes that the New 52 happened on the Post Crisis Earth and not a new merged Earth and that the changes from the Post Crisis Earth to the New 52 were the deliberate result of an outside factors for nefarious reasons.

>how often do they do reboots like this?
They do events to reshape the DCU about once every 8 or nine years.
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You are retarded quite simply
i don't get how people say finch is house style. he may not be great but he's certainly more unique than most uniform artists. he's got a muddier line, where his drawings almost sort of look like clay. he takes more influence from traditionalism in his work than say jim lee, who seems to have heavily borrowed from anime/manga of the action genre, and his line is more angular than finch's.
I think it's recalling old comics. the layouts remind me of old GI Joe comics.

Helluva good tease.
Banning/Bellaire are putting in work. This is going to be Finch's best looking work ever. None of these pages are ugly.
>Gordon, it's a fucking plane what do you expect me to do?
SNYDEFAGS BTFO. This run is gonna be fire senpai
I havent been this excited for an ongoing in a long time.

I have full faith this will be the best run since Morrison's.

Still better than Marvel house style. Which has sucked ever since the mid nineties.
mr seatbelts, i'm SIGN
he's Marc Silvestri's clone he was hatched from the House Style lab.

he's just working on a tablet now so line work just comes out naturally muddier by default.

Eh, Capullo is better than Finch.

And while normally I prefer the writer over the artist a good artist adds a lot and Capullo added a fuck ton to Snyder's run. Also, I actually enjoyed Snyder's run because I liked Joker as a Slasher villain, plus I really enjoyed Court of Owls and the second half of Zero Year.

Not going to argue about King being a better writer than Snyder though.
>actually not responding like a faggot

thank you, anon.

I haven't been reading on new 52, maybe I should.
Just shut up.
Seriously, that's two references in five pages. If he does "with no survivors" we can safely assume he did his research after that twitter post

Wow, you really don't like Snyder do you?
He's house style, but so is Coipel yet he never gets called out on it.
I don't think there was time for him to alter scripts that quickly with the double shipping. It's just hypercrisis.
Who is Coipel going after?
he's the devil!
It's a particular art style that you can easily reconize and associate to a publisher immediatly.
I can't think of any publisher without a house style
Nothing turns peoplenhere into snot nosed mewling faggots like daring to enjoy anythuing snyder did.
Yes, the fire rises!
Where did all this Janin hate come from? His Superman and JL Dark art didn't feel right, but his Grayson work fit perfectly.
Coipel has been doing Marvel for 10 years they don't have an uniform house style, next to Marques, Ramos, Land and Henderson his stuff looks unique.

Fuck it; I liked Snyder's run. Plus Capullo's art was ace. Some of my favorite depictions of Batman have come from Capullo's pencils.
From the fact that he's working for DC. We ignored him until now because DC wasn't selling well but they're going to get a temporary boost from Rebirth.
Fit what? Was it "Adventures in Batman's Web 3.0"?
>next to Marques, Ramos, Land
It looks similar
DCYou tanked and took all the fans who can't tell when something is traced using 3D poser with them.
Copiel's art looks like Humberto Ramos?!?

my dude please get your eyes checked.
I hated his use of joker but I dug court of owls and zero year. And yeah capullos art is fucking amazing. I dint get complaints about him at all

Fuck off
A bit. Looks more like Marquez. Either way, if you're going to push the meme of Reis being a Lee clone despite the fact that their drawn style is different and Reis is clean while Lee is very pencil heavy then sure.
Snyderfags running rampant in this post already holy fuck
I grew to like him, he's a beast but the art was very cartoonish and coloring was very bright which pretty much went against the previous 30 years of Batman comics.
Reis is more of a Neal Adams shitty clone than anything
You're joking, right? Batman has been brightly colored and cartoonish consistently overmthencharacters long history.
Fuck off with your shitty meme.
That literally doesn't disprove anything
I like FCO's neon coloring over Bellaire's moody one. Also FCO has more range than Bellaire.
>Drawing traditionally
Like I said, fuck off with you meme.
Bellaire gets more credit than she deserves because she's a woman. She's not that great of a colorist.
I forgot this was a preview as I was reading, guess I just have to wait to see of Bruce can stop a fucking plane
He won't be able to. The cover characters Gotham and Gotham Girl will stop the plane, introducing the idea of these two metas who feel they're able to save Gotham from what Bruce can't.
>Drawing traditionally
Are you blind? It's a poser model
She's better than literally 90% of any other Big 2 colorists. And this is a legit argument because colorists are still underappreciated and exposing her more along with other cool people would lead to more people understanding coloring and better colorists getting hired


You do realize he pasted that onto a blank interiors page, right? Hence, why the stuff in the box is grayed and the outside is white.

Janin doesn't hide the fact that almost 100% of what he draws is digital. Take that fact, with the obvious Poser models, and it's pretty obvious that he uses them.

See: http://www.mikeljanin.com/
She's not better than Loughridge, Fco or Ivan Plascencia, Dave Stewart or Marcelo Maiolo. She just does a lot of work, and sometimes her work plain sucks too.
I would even take Mccaig and Anderson over her. But she's better than most of big 2 colorist, that's a fact.
If they want to complement women colorist, Laura Martin and Ivan Plascencia are better than her.
>Ivan Plascencia

Gotham (the new hero) is actually Bill 'CIA' Wilson. He survived the crash and gained superpowers. Gotham Girl was another victim of Bane's plane crashing spree, but survived like Bill.
Kobra is going to be in Nightwing too
Not really, she fucks up too often.
>Loughridge, Fco or Ivan Plascencia, Dave Stewart
That's not "90% of the of any other Big 2 colorists". I'll give you some slack as I assume you're not actually retarded but wanted to show off some names. How many shit colorists can you name though?

In fact, everyone but Loughridge rarely works with the Big 2 unless it's drawn by the artist they've build a relationship through past works with.

Also, Marcelo Maiolo is fucking shit
I see Jim never got the guidebook on how to instantaneously disappear when their back is turned when he was Batman.
Maiolo never ruined an artist's pencils like Bellaire has done at least.
One of these signals is not like the others.
It's not. And he drew some of Morrison's Batman so I don't know why this place is bitching. Probably just a bunch of memers who only know him from Wonder Woman.
>And he drew some of Morrison's Batman
So did Daniel, doesn't mean they did a good job of it. At least Daniel has improved since though, Finch...not so much. These previews look fine though. Let's see what he does for the second arc, he's notoriously slow.
It's almost as if they're reflecting off of clouds. :^)

Has a mediocre artist ever worked with Morrison?

He only grabs the best artists in the business and they're slow as fuck so then he has to grab the worst artists in the industry for fill-ins
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Finch is at his best when he draws characters posing with no backgrounds.
Morales on Action was pretty mediocre.
Daniel or Finch aren't the worst though. They're no Land or Henderson.
His Batman run was sort of inconsistent. We had Andy Kubert, JH Williams, Paquette, Burnham but also Phillip Tan, Daniel and that guy who did the horrible 3D issue. I consider Cameron Stewart mediocre as fuck too. And his Action run was crippled by Rags Morales

So you're saying he grabbed the best artists in the business but they were slow as fuck so then he had to grab the worst artists in the industry for fill-ins?
There's far worse artists in the industry than Cameron Stewart, Tony Daniel and Philip Tan. Like, they aren't even close to the worst.
Didn't he work with Dini, too?
Dini is a writer, not an artist.
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Even some of Finch's WW was good. He was definitely phoning it in near the end but he's really not that bad. I prefer him to Lee at least.
>Can Swamp Thing think plants are more valuable than humans?
Gee Wondy I wonder
he is still robin
Damian is still Robin. The black guy is Lark.
>so why isn't damien robin
He still is. Duke is pretty explicitly not Robin.
He is Robin still.
Duke is Lark or something.
Though the question is, why isn't Robin with Batman?
Possible answer- he's busy with the Teen Titans and Superboy.
so robin is a solo hero now? wat
It's awkward how they haven't given Duke a hero name yet and he's just "Duke". Also, what happened to no real names in the field?? Tsk, Batman.
Note quite feeling the King magic in Batman yet, but eh, I'll wait.
Goldman it I just want to see the Lark costume in action
Because otherwise he couldn't be in 3 other books if he had to stay in Gotham

Yes, Damian is 2cool4Batman and instead goes around making his team and not listening to what dumb adults tell him
He was already solo before this anyway. Where have you been?
He's branching out. He's in Teen Titans, and he'll have a team-up book with the new Superboy too. It's not that unusual to not have Robin in the main Batman book, though I admit I'd prefer if he was there.
RIP Penny-one, may the rest of Snyder's contributions to the mythos quickly follow.
i stopped reading consistently after morrison's batman. i thought black mirror was good but not great and I was generally underwhelmed by what little i read of the batman book so i skipped snyders run. i've just been reading grayson and am following king to this book.
>instead goes around making his team and not listening to what dumb adults tell him
Pretty much every Robin has done this.
Give Robin: Son of Batman a try.
Then decide if you want to follow Damian into Teen Titans and Super Sons.
Damn, if Finch had this inker and colorist in Forever Evil the art wouldn't have sucked as it did
>vegetative injustice

I didn't want to remember.
What a good inker and colorist can do for a garbage artist.
holy shit Finch drew this? Looks too.... clean, his Forever Evil art had a lot of stray lines to darken things up. This may not be that bad after all, what I'm worrying now is how much his art conflicts with Janin's art so it's gonna be terribly inconsistent
I wonder, do Atomika and Johnny size play? Like does she ride his junk while shrunk?
He looks like he was spawned from an Image founders cocaine orgy.
>Ultraman looks like a twink
>Owlman's bulge

I see why Superwoman would fuck Owlman over Ultraman.
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>Tim Sale
Buying this variant if I can
I dunno I don't feel like this is some of Sale's better works. A lot of shit looks really wonky, even for him. Like look at Bruce's face.
>this is considered bad art
>this is considered good art

makes no fucking sense
Tony Daniel, David Finch, Scott Eaton, Philip Tan, that garbage CGI crap, and some people will certainly call Kubert mediocre, Rags Morales.

I mean Morrison has worked with almost every mediocre artist not named Benes or Booth.

Holy fuck does Sale Batman bring me back
BatGordon is gone
Has been for a couple issues now
I like the idea. They've done things with planes in Gotham before but not usually like this. The last one had a biological weapon on board but landed normally.

Not a surprise or anything but I love how Gordon's talking about the missile just as it fires off in the background.

So many really good stories start with a crime that's already taken place or another disaster that Batman couldn't have stopped. The damage is done, so he can only do cleanup.

>clark and hal aren't going to answer in time
It's the magic of having a good inker/colorist. Bellaire is a miracle worker.
Yeah it'll probably be Gotham and Gotham Girl who get there in time to set up their characters.
I'm more interested in who might be on the plane; is that damian? And will duke or bruce ever find out that alfred was responsible for we are robin?
Not crazy about the ensemble cast some clumsy dialogue.
>ensemble cast
And people say Finch is terrible artist
Are we seriously going to have to deal with Damianfag in every Batman storytime from now on? Fucking hell.
Since Damianfag fluctuates between breaking Rules 3 and 6, you could always report and hide.
Pretty much.

Until Teen Titans and Super Sons come out...in September.

Those threads will just get shitted up tho
He uses poser. Not that I care, his art looks pretty and he does great backgrounds.
Bellaire on colors is going to be the unsung hero of this entire run.

He's a good part of the reason books like Vision, Moon Knight, etc have looked so damn good over at Marvel. Huge get for DC.
Bellaire's a grill. She's married to Declan Shalvey, I believe. They live together at least so I'm assuming they're married.
Kobra? The Wally Flash villains?
Ah. Them I stand corrected.

She's still fucking awesome.
He isn't... when he's on the right character... He was a terrible choice for Wonder Woman
Anyone who doubts Bellaire's skill isn't seeing that Moon Knight book. It's the most beautiful book across the big two at the moment.
He's been a solo hero for a long time. Hell, that started with Tim.
This is gonna link up with the Calendar Man story in Batman Rebirth right? There's a lot of questions I have from there. It was a very rushed story and didn't setup the stakes proper. How did he build such a huge underwater complex for his spore machine?
I don't think so, pretty sure that's just a one-shot commentary on the cyclical nature of comics/Batman. And he's a supervillain, do you really need to see him building his Rube Goldberg machine?
Ignore and report
Well we don't need to see him build it, just a throwaway line saying how it came into his hands, a story should be complete and not sacrifice for pottery.
Well I think it's complete how it is, a throwaway line is by its nature throwaway so why include it? Guess just a difference of opinion, but either way don't expect Calendar Man to be too relevant to the plot.
Retailer exclusive variant covers.


Colors by Peter Steigerwald
It isn't important or needed. The guy is actually calling it pottery and speaking in memes. He has no valid point.
Wait, didn't we just get Batman #1? Like, I just picked that up last week, I know I did, why is this also issue 1?
That was Batman Rebirth #1, a oneshot

This is Batman #1, the start of a new arc
To be less memey, it's because I didn't see the Rebirth issues as One Shots but more so launching points to start up the new major story. I felt that the Rebirth issue wrapped up too quickly when the whole scenario could've been better fleshed out as an arc.
Tumbr Joker.
What's the point of slapping the 1 on it? Why not just with DC Rebirth: Batman?
I personally didn't like Finch's artwork i
Honestly I have no idea.I'm more interested in JLA.. Tom King is just shit.
I wish he'd have been the artist on the whole run. I still flip through Noel sometimes, he was really good at making Gotham seem like a cramped squalor-filled shithole.
I am so mad. I have been shit talking Finch CONSTANTLY
Oh god that's so shitty.
So kinda casualer then a lot of you guys, working on fixing this.
I stayed the fu k away from New52 out of spite for them screwing up everything cool going on with lobo and him never getting Sandman back. From what I understand the events of new 52 still happened but rebirth will be closer to before that? Does that mean lobo won't be nu metal rice rocket bike version? Do I till have to go back for storyline or is it all being retold again?

Pays homage to Detective Comics #31 (1939) & Batman #227 (1970)
Good inkers and colorists can change art a lot, anon

Also it's the first issue so we'll have to see how he does near the end of the arc and in the second arc
He'll get more rushed and fuck up more probably
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Oh God, I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. Oh shit oh dear ...
You've got the right idea.
Mostly you just need to read DC Rebirth #1, and accept some shit as it's presented to you, unless you want to go through older issues.
Don't know about Lobo, except that the proper version was used in Injustice, and Nubo was looking scraggy last I saw him.
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It'll be refreshing not having narration over everything
Wow, B&W is such an improvement.
And Superman storytime, as well.
Yeah. They appeared in Suicide Squad: Deadshot/Katana as well. Taking over Markovia.
Geo-Force doesn't have any powers.
Why does Batman have a metal hand here?
Iron hand of justice.
Because #1s sell like crazy, so having two #1s is better than having one, obviously.
This is the ONLY good variant holy shit the other ones suck
Oh god I hope Harley goes back to being a villain. She does not wear the antihero cape well.
>call the Justice League





It's Bellaire that's making the difference
>implying it's not going to happen
You don't like this one? >>83651896 I think it's my favorite out of the batch, your pick is good too though.
Nice try, she'll be on Justice League, where she belongs.
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Now what do you think of all the Batman (2016) #1 variants so far?

Now Superman #1 and Titans Rebirth #1 variants remain (one of them will be up on CBR on Monday).
Yeah the SJWs will have a fucking fit because she's tumblr's answer to Deadpool getting popular because of /b/
What's the catch with Batman's shadow?
Wish more of them had Gotham and Gotham Girl, I like their designs plus they are actually related to the arc. The others are just kinda like "here's a random Batman pin up, enjoy?"
pleb taste will do that
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These are pretty sick.


I like this too, but that's probably due to BatCat bias.
Dell'Otto is amazing. His DKIII cover was the best too.
Cool, thanks.
Also really hoping Amanda Waller got over her bullemia. I hate Oprah but I pissed fire when they replaced her with viola Davis in Suicide Squad. I'm actually surprised the tumbltards didn't go crazy about body shaming or some shit. Figures the one time they can be useful the copp out on us.
>Gotham Girl has a skirt
this pleases me
It looks like she's slowing tacking on mass. I'm not sure she'll return to her original massive size but they'll probably settle for a chunky look or at least Viola Davis-esque. Also Oprah was never replaced, that was just fancasting that made it to the rumor mill.
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Anon you are making my face pic related. I'm going to let my tablet charge for a bit but before I power off I want yu to know you made this bitter old bastard have a little bit of hope for the future.
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>Star's face not Marco's
>Probably didn't need to be clarified
>Poledancing Zatanna unrelated.
i still think The Gothams are place holders for Silk Spectre and Nite Owl and they'll be photoshoped out when the book actually comes out.
Nah, they were in the DC Universe Rebirth issue.
They are throwaway original characters that will be used as a point to prove why Gotham needs Batman. They will more than likely get killed in a gruesome way by the end of the arc.
>I like this too, but that's probably due to BatCat bias.

All proper Batfags have BatCat bias.
They look like Bucky ffs. God cannot if that's not some tongue in cheek foreshadowing. I hope the don't come back as edgy robots.
>place holders for Silk Spectre and Nite Owl
Are there people who actually want this?
This is the most retarded theory I've ever heard
and it's probably true
For what purpose?
Would you guys be interested in Batman Inc. of New 52 Storytime?
>Get to the what, Jim? That plane is going to be a crater in a few seconds. There is nothing I can do anyway, so, please, finish that sentence.
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I would be forced to buy this run if this were true and the entire arc was just a series of long slow build-ups to that scene from DKR.
What happened to her? Lost on the way back to her home planet?
I know it's difficult, but it is possible to discuss criticisms of DC without going "B-BUT MARVEL?!"
>Umm.... Finch's art is kinda good here? what the hell is happening
Thanks to Bellaire's coloring and Banning not overdoing the inks like people tend to do with Finch's art.

The art is decent inspite of Finch, not because of him.
I know it's difficult, but it is possible to ignore bait from 11 hours ago that everyone else did.
>welcome to Gotham
>where you get attacked before you touch the ground
kek, Damianfag got banned again.
at this point that's what the tourists go there for
Got this shit pre-ordered. I'll cry if I don't get my sale cover.

Is it true he's doing a cover for the first five issues?
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Gotham an adventure vacation without having to leave the United States!
I don't think OP is bad but if you think Sale is you're blind. Subjectiveness goes out the door when talking about the GOAT.

That was sarcasm but seriously Tim Sale is the fucking goat how can you think that's bad?.[spoiler/]
Can you explain this comic
Remember how hellish Detroit is in Robocop? It's like that but without robots and fancy drugs.
Does the main page for these comics list the nation flags in every comic?
>the main page for these comics
You mean /int/?
Holy fuck this might be the worst collection of variants I've ever seen.

Pretty much the only ones worth a shit are Tim Sale and whoever Michael Turner is. Even Neal Adams churned out garbage.
When your job is to draw things"isn't that bad" should not be acceptable
This is REALLY fucking dope.

That's kind of a silly thing to say anon. This is not an industry about raw talent, this is an industry about doing the best job you can before the deadline hits. Reliability and consistency have been valued above ability since DAY ONE in the comics industry.

I dun gettit
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