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Thread replies: 689
Thread images: 251

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So is it true Nick's mom is still alive? Will we ever see more of her or just more about Nick's youth?
It's never said she died. Nick's 32 or something, his mother could easily be a small enough part of his life she didn't really come up during the events of the film
Rich Moore confirmed in a tweet that Nick's mom is alive and well living in Zootopia and waiting for grandkids
That seems to imply they are on speaking terms since shes waiting for grandkits instead of waiting to see her son again
A world like Zootopia simply could not economically function.

Our world economy functions on the assumption (and usual truth) that each and every human needs the same things. Everyone is going to get the same amount of calories out of the same exact loaf of bread, and thus that loaf of bread has the same exact value to them.

But in Zootopia, a loaf of bread could feed a rabbit for a week, a mouse for a year, and a tiger not at all because tigers are obligate carnivores. So while a rabbit will value that loaf at about the same a human will (~$5) a tiger will value that loaf of bread at zero, while a mouse will value that loaf of bread at several thousand. Yet they all have to pay the same amount. An elephant pays $15 for a jumbo pop but a fox pays the same, even if that same pop is much more valuable to the fox. In essence, the smaller creatures are gaining more value out of the same things.

It's like this. Here in the USA, having a savings account of $10,000 is pretty meaningless, but if you move to Ethiopia and take that money with you, you can live like a fucking king because the economy is structured in such as way so the cost of living is like $100/year and people work hard labor being paid pennies per hour. The mice of Zootopia are like you in that situation: if they're getting paid the same as the larger animals (as they would in a modern metropolis' service-based economy), but suffer barely any cost-of-living (a few bucks of food feeds them for a month; rent is $2 a month because they only need a few square feet of living space), so they only need to work a few hours per week to survive. Meanwhile, the tigers and other carnivores are severely economically disadvantaged as they need more food and space but pay the same amount for it; they'll starve on a 40-hour week being paid Zootopia's equivalent of "minimum wage".
Do you think Nick's mom would be opposed to an interspecies relationship?
True, but it was just a tweet so I wouldn't read into it too much, especially since Byron and Rich have made it seem like they haven't even started conceptualizing a sequel yet.
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Will we see more of these two in the sequel?
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I'd love to see more about Nick's past, but when sequel is out of picture, we can at least wait for the canon prequel comic book.
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Disney magic bruh
Some guy uploaded it to mega. I didn't save the link, but I did save the video. Does anyone else have the link?
I suppose it probably depends on society sees it
This was a big problem I noticed as well, those Lemmings we see in business suits probably make waaaay more than a blue collar elephant worker and yet they'd barely need any money to survive. Unfortunately it'd be pretty difficult to explain so I guess we chock it up to Disney magic this time.
>Our world economy functions on the assumption (and usual truth) that each and every human needs the same things.

What? No. It's based on supply and demand. Sure small rodents have lower costs of living, but there are so many of them so supply of labor is high. Conversely there are jobs only elephants can do, meaning their skills are in high demand.
Where's that FUsion documentary? They made it private on the channel.
So is that Duke Weaselton (Weselton?), or just another weasel? They look similar but I'm not sure if the film was trying to imply they were the same person
a few people reuploaded it
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She's ambivilent, but she's also has poor eyesight, so she can't tell Judy is a rabbit. Judy doesn't have the heart to tell her.
Maybe that type of thing is compensated for in taxes.
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Continuing this discussion from last thread because it was good:

Since Nick is 8-9 years old when he trys to join scouts, then 12 when he starts conning, what happened in that inbetween time? It may have been a compounding of multiple traumatic experiences building up and eventual breaking him, what do you guys think?

Also, dragging this poll over in case anyone hasn't voted yet, 50/50 and adoption are neck and neck: http://strawpoll.me/7395191
>For the rest of her life she thinks that Nick is dating a petite fox with abnormally long ears
I'm ok with this
I saw the movie again last night, and i noticed they cheated with the elephant hands in one scene
In the naturalist scene, the elephent's hands are gripping her legs, but otherwise they flat
Oh god people actually saved that one? That was before I knew how to draw their faces right, they look so weeeiiiird!!!
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>Species specific taxes

Can Zootopia not be a Harrison Bergeron-esque hell hole of forced equality?
I always liked in that scene how one of the animal practicing yoga (I think it was the armadillo) looks over at a fellow classmate to presumably see how their form compares.
Over a few years, Nick does worse and worse in school, stops seeing his friends, starts to distrust everyone (because he assumes they distrust him / they actually distrust him). Eventually he runs away at the age of 12 and starts his life of hustlin'.

It's not a life of hard crime - remember he didn't actually break any laws in the pawpsicle hustle* - but he still ran away from home.

It's cool though. Early in his teens he was a wild fox, he got into some bad scrapes and he broke his mother's heart. But later on he grew up, calmed down, and reconciled with his mother. She doesn't approve of what she does but she loves him enough and trusts him enough to know that he's not actually endangering himself or hurting any other mammals.

*When he's talking about the CCTV with Judy and he "admits" to doing illegal things, again I like to think that's just hustlin' that's TECHNICALLY illegal, without being actual big guns and violence crime.
So, powerpuff girl rules regarding hands?
does anyone have a picture of the pig lady

she was cute
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I think their faces look fine, Chumpy.
Are you still looking for writers to help with short stories?
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you know, does any of any of you have links to all of the documentaries and interviews with directors?
But i meant that they are clearly gripping the legs, like bent and not flat
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She certainly is!
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You mean the one from the DMV trailer that was getting her picture taken?
Why not do a redraw? It's a cute comic
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it's Travis. He dropped some popcorn at the play.

now say "AHHH"
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but only *economic* equality to ensure stability and personal liberty... tovarisch ;)
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Saw the movie a third time last night, brought some friends along. The first thing that came to my mind after waking up today was "I need to see Zootopia again."

This movie is a fucking disease, and I don't want to fight it. Jason Bateman is incredible as Nick Wilde.
I shouldn't have laughed so hard at this.
Doesn't quite look like a J.K. Simmons role. He needs a stronger look of raw authority rather than just charisma, because as of now he just looks like a beefy Patrick Bateman
Its Travis, gideon's friend

One thing that slightly bugged me was how everyone always refers to gideon as gideon grey, always with the last name
Stu just calls him Gid a few times, but otherwise its gideon grey
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A perfect voice for a perfect fox.
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>cheese and crackers
Just stop.
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I like the fact that he totally ships them
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Sometime with singsongy names like that it just kinda sticks, I think.
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All this pred-play stuff this movie has inspired is really hot.
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Haha, I know what you mean, mate. I've seen it three times too.

I just keep thinking to myself, "Once it's out of the cinemas, I'll never see it on the big screen again".

And it's fun taking friends to see it, they're always surprised by how good a film about a talking bunny is!
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He clearly ships himself with Judy. Bateman x Hopps confirmed.
>Conversely there are jobs only elephants can do, meaning their skills are in high demand.
Manual labor sure. But the high paid office jobs could be done by pretty much any species (there doesn't seem to be an intelligence difference between species). So why would you hire an elephant programmer when you could fit an entire team of mouse programmers in a box under your desk?
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i saw it 5 times, twice with my sister.

i think i should stop at third... but fuck me if i didnt enjoy it every time.
I still think he was molested.
The problem with making them have children that are combinations of fox and bunny is that then it's canon that they've fucked
Do you think his mom is proud of him being a cop?
Yeah man! All my friends gave me the same feedback. "Much better than I expected."

I want to keep seeing it in theatres, too. It's so wonderfully animated, and looks fucking incredible on those 4k projectors and giant screens we've got nowadays.

We'll see Zootopia on the big screen again some day. Probably with a sequel, but if we get just one movie... I think there will be enough fans in the future to do some local screening events in those ma & pa theatres.
Does she even know yet?
Remove the ears and snout and she'd look like a typical American woman aged 25-50
I didn't say anyone could get any job they want. That's true even in this world.

Most definitely.
I just hope the sewuel gets imax
I missed it for this one, would like to get a second chance of some kind

Foxes are uncomfortable around cops
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Quick and dirty.
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>katia "can't do a fucking thing right" managan
>ordered to only patrol with other female officers
>fucked all the guys she patrolled with the first week
>order has been lifted since she also fucked the female officers
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Has anyone got the smug slug image?
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>ITT: it's november 2015


this trailer was just released.

what was your initial reaction?
Shes a straight cat tho
Which is why shes never getting with quillweave
I like cute animals and this is a movie about cute animals
>what was your initial reaction?
This is a treasure trove for reaction pics.
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4k? Shit. I've seen it on two good screens and a really shitty one.

Hmm. I HAD thought that three was enough (I don't want to get bored of it) but now maybe I should find a 4k screen in London that's showing it ...
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Uh oh! things are going from bad to worse!
>adoption is now winning
I knew you'd come through, /co/
>she's straight
>smug nick wilde face.jpg
I never noticed the little smirk Nick does at 0:52 like he's about to crack up.
looks alright I guess ?
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His name is Travis and he's a polecat/ferret. He's Gideon's boyfriend.
Okay, someone is vote spamming this. 50/50 and hybrids were tied half an hour ago.
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I still like the idea that his dad is killed when Nick is twelve, at which point Nick goes "fuck this gay earth" and starts conning.
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lucky S.O.B. my country is pushing it out , fewer screenings, and they moved it to rooms with smaller screens.

nothing lasts forever, but im definally upgrading to bluray soon. i'm so behind...
huh, interestingly this would mean that in zootopia, manual labor is what makes the big bucks, while office work would be minimum wage due to the cheapness of education(ie 1000 rodents per lecture hall, and cheap room and board for students)

Would also explain why big carnivores are at the top of society, despite being a minority (they are all rich or at least from rich families with few offspring)
I haven't seen this film or posted in these threads, but this post caught my eye and I felt compelled to vote against your favorite option.

Just saying.
I thought it was going to be a shallow movie with a bunch of animal puns.
>my dad just died
>let's start selling popsicles to rodents
yeah no
But that would easily be the most traumatic event in Nick's life, so why would his flashback focus on a muzzle?
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I am not very good at this!
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Every theater by me is 4k now. Looks amazing, and they have those recliner seats.

They moved it to the smaller auditoriums at my theatre too.

I wish I could live forever in the first week of this movie's release.
i wish the mods would finally ban gideonfags from posts. seriously they're nothing but avatarfags designed to cause shit and spread their shit husbando (who isn't even gay). fuck gideonfags.
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Why you gotta be like that
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I have no idea what's happening, but please go on
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ehh I guess I'm gettin there?.png
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Who character studying today?
Gotta get better at the face.
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come on
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You were right about the animal puns.

Love you magne.
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You seem upset. Maybe some pie would make you feel better?
You're getting there, but that's really out of proportion with her legs. The hips and thighs are too humongous big.
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you know if i lived closer to cinema i could buy a subscription and watch this movie daily for like 12$ a month

best part was audience's reaction to Flash.
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Well we dont know one way or the other.
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The logical conclusion
I couldn't help myself!
Naw, she looks pretty off
Why can't we all just get along?
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>anatomically incorrect.


try again or leave.
Bruh, for my second viewing I brought my whole house along. Including my 20-something tenant, who spent 6 hours of his Tuesday that week waiting at the DMV. He was dying the entire scene, and it sparked the whole theater's laughter and chuckles.
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The Holy Trinity.jpg
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>hating any memebers of the holy trinity
Because not all ships are created equal.
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It's just not right.
Shouldnt nick and finnick be reversed since finnick is older?
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Are you suuure?
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Dont lewd the Jude.
we can and, in fact, we do. It's 1-2 anons who stir things up for some reason (probably boredom).
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But Nick is the father and Finnick is the son in that picture, if I'm not mistaken.
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This style is strange and nice at the same time.
What's Judy's middle name?
Right, shouldnt it be the other way arround?
nick is good but what the fuck is up with judy
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>6 hours
holy shit, i thought it was a parody, not a pastiche.

...got it recorded?


no it wasn't my theathre. but still fun.
Judy Foxslut Hopps
Anyone have any recommendations on merch? I got the soundtrack, artbook on the way. Thinking of snagging the Infinity figures. I hear there are no good plushies so I guess I'll wait on that.
>Judy "I see a fox I pull out my glock" Hopps
>Judy "If you ain't prey I pull out the spray" Hopps
>Judy "eat meat, get beat" Hopps
>Judy "Empty the Nine on Every Canine" Hopps
>Judy "Punt Every Meat-Eating Cunt" Hopps
>Judy "Make the Streets Run Red with the Blood of Preds" Hopps
>Judy "when I see a tiger I keep my sights on her" Hopps
>Judy "If You've Got Sharp Teeth You're Six Feet Beneath" Hopps
>Judy "Puttin' the heat on those who eat meat' Hopps
>Judy "Be Nice or Get Iced" Hopps
>Judy "Say 'Cute' and I Shoot" Hopps
>Judy "Use a Claw, Face The Law" Hopps
>Judy "meat-eating pest means resisting arrest" Hopps
>Judy "preds eat lead" Hopps
>Judy "Cheetah beater" Hopps
>Judy "Dropping lighters on gas soaked Tigers" Hopps
>Judy "If you're a pred, you're dead" Hopps
>Judy "Gorilla killer" Hopps
>Judy "Only the prey will see the end of today" Hopps
>Judy "If you have a beak, your future is bleak" Hopps
>Judy "That otter? I shot her" Hopps
>Judy "Using my Panzer on the Panthers" Hopps
>Judy "Killing spree in ZPD" Hopps
>Judy "carnivore, hit the floor" Hopps
>Judy "If it's a carnivore, there will be gore" Hopps
>Judy "If you're into predation get out of my nation" Hopps
>Judy "fox thinks he's slick, use the nightstick" Hopps
>Judy "use meat as foodstuffs, get put in handcuffs" Hopps
>Judy "it's no puzzle, put 'em in a muzzle" Hopps
>Judy "if they've got fangs, must be in a gang" Hopps
>Judy "if you don't eat vegetation get out of my nation" Hopps
>Judy "no such things as a harmless kitty, get out of my city" Hopps
>Judy "preds try to form a committee, take them out without pity" Hopps
>Judy "Shooting fire hoses at mustelid noses" Hopps
>Judy "Funnel tax dollars into tracking collars" Hopps
>Judy "Martial law for the sharpened claw" Hopps
>Judy "The final solution to canine pollution" Hopps
>Judy "If the perp makes a roar, club it some more" Hopps
>Judy "5 pint panther pounder" Hopps
Oh I was thinking that it should be that way because of the father/son hustle with Nick and Finnick at the ice cream parlor.

I can try making another version if you want.
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Clearly, communism is the answer.
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Judith Fluffypaws Hopps
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That can't be good!
No, I don't have it recorded. But my buddy, who is also my tenant, is also black. And was the only black guy in the theatre. And he's got one of those booming black man's laughs, so it was fucking great. THe theater was erupting at my screening.
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The SMU-G. An enemy with my strongest abilities. But does it have reason? Probably not. It's just a conning machine. In my current state, I can't face it head-on. The SMU-G is me, only smugger. I must stop it before it learns its potential and threatens the universe...
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Judy Hotbox Hopps
I like to think she's voiced by Jessica Walters
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I want to be detained by that bunny.
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completely revolting.png
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Put him out of his misery.
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I always pay my taxes.
Why the fuck do I like Nick and Judy so much?

Like, QT bunny shit aside, these character are just so fucking fun to watch and so fucking likable. Why? I legit have no fucking clue.
Thank you, anon.
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When will Gideon be loved?

Actually that's pretty funny.
Oh shit, poor gideon
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Cause they're just cute, talking animals. Nothing more to it.
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Taxation is theft.
At least Gideon got to be hotboxed by Judy's brother later that night.
>Nick tells Judy's parents the good news.gif
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Good. Gideon deserves it.
>Judy "Say 'Cute' and I Shoot" Hopps
>Judy "That otter? I shot her" Hopps
>Judy "If the perp makes a roar, club it some more" Hopps
>Judy "5 pint panther pounder" Hopps
These were pretty gr8 m8.
>that undercover mission that didn't go as planned
Gideon gets way too much space in the Zootopia fandom for the two minutes of screentime he has. What a garbage fucking character.
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Oh hey look it's that comic again.

He still manages to be cute.
>"Ready to make the world a better place!?"
Because they have good personalities that play off of each other well and that they're also adorable to boot?
>Judy goes on like an 8 minute racial rant about how Preds are literally savage subhumans.
>Nick instantly forgives her

ust paying for a service 2bh
How do you feel about Finnick?

It really should end with a newspaper headline

"Savage Fox maims Police Officers. Are Stricter Jim Crow laws called for?"
You could probably make the same argument about Finnick desu senpai
At least Finnick is cute.

She's only happy because she gets to shoot minorities
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someone didnt pay attention...
Because fictional people are more liable to be perfect, anon.
>he walks out on her
>at least a week or so passes
>she breaks down while telling him shes a bad person for what she did and he was right all along
Thats hardly instantly
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>not cute
Can someone post the picture with the lion holding the "PREDS R PEOPLE TOO" sign being whipped
Because she was under pressure and got her words mixed up and/or said something accidentally?
For some reason google thinks nick is a shoe in this image
But N&J are far from perfect, what are you smoking? It's their imperfection that makes them so charming.
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We need more commy judy
Good taste.
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Well, they are all technically subhuman. And Nick didn't instantly forgive, he was mad pissed at first then a while later when he cooled down he forgave her.
Ah, so there is bias
Finnick has even less screentime and relevance
Though that other guy is wrong, it wasnt like she accidentally said those things. If she had, she wouldnt have double downed on them when talking to Nick after. She meant what she said at the time
>Judy "Zyklon Bun" Hopps
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What do Clawhauserfags and Clawhauser's favorite favorite donuts have in common?

They're both filled with jelly.

That's not what happened. Judy legit considered preds to be lesser then herself, and naturally unstable savages
They would be protective of their communal fuck toy.
You mean after weeks and weeks of the city tearing it self apart, and her going to him with a tearful apology and then sucking him off.
>posts pic of Gideon

Not sure if intentional or not.
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>finnick got two outfits.
>second one was onscreen for like 3 seconds.
>Judy "Bun Garrison" Hopps
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Someone needs to photoshop this and replace Lenin's face with Judy.
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It seriously looks like he's about to die.

Free enterprise is the only path to a free and prosperous society.
It's not like it's the first time she held prejudice against another species, either.
>Judy "Pull the Trigger on Every Tigger" Hopps
>Clawhauser is the ZPD fucktoy
ewe lad
So much samefagging and shitstarting in this thread.
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>Nick visits the farm
>All her siblings ask when he's going to marry her
What will the rabbit kids think about thier new cousin
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someone fix that bun!
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Going to ask this here again.

Am I the only one who ignores posts with gideon in the image? Like, I completely scroll past it like it never existed.
not really, no. You two are the only ones who care.
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friendo plso.png
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wow... that is really really good. Can I save this one please?

She literally meets Nick because she pulls some racial profiling
>Gideonfags think it's only donut fuckers out to get them
>>>Bernielover - trip series
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>tfw you can literally feel the /pol/ shitposters assleaking into the thread

What happened to the comfy? Why can't we enjoy our cute bun and fox in peace?
>He tries to play it off as a joke, but they all know it's still going to happen
I know, that's what I'm saying.
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>Someone posting lewds of the Zootopia characters
>Someone making sizeplay art of Zootopia characters
>Someone making vore of the Zootopia characters
>Someone making footplay of Zootopia characters
>Someone doing all three with Zootopia characters
I really hope the pregnancy arc doesnt last too long. Its not very compelling
Why else do you think those guys were giving him donuts? They went straight to the shower room after that.
I thought the begrudging fist bump was better than any mocking comment.
You know what I mean, anon. Being fictional means they can be tailored to be just as flawed as you want, and thus perfect for you. It's not a matter of being perfect in-universe, but out of it.
You're making me uncomfortable in the best of ways

maybe countribute then?


Jack Savage was canon to zootopia. Spy Bunny, he could make sense, no one would expect a bunny to be a fucking spy.

I think Byron tried to ingradiate to lasseter because the latter like those, see Cars 2
I'm surprised by the lack of vore. Like, really really surprised. So surprised I'm almost proud of humanity as a whole. Good job, everyone. Pat on the back.
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Let's try and make it comfier.

Post Nick.
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It depends wich kind of /pol/ posting. Some are fun
just avoid it

i've seen some shit man
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I read them just for the entertainment. It's cute that gideonfags think their opinions or posts matter. They're like little children trying to get their 2 cents in during an adult conversation.
I hope we get some hot preggo sex out of it.
Bernielover's comics
>people trying to start shit with the Gideonfags
>people posting about lewd
>people posting about communism
>people posting about fascism

I was told there would be comfy.
I love this .gif
Only at night
Daytime is hell
So can we all agree that Judy would probably be a Trump supporter?
Where is all this hate coming from? The Gideonfags I've seen in these threads have been pretty docile
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nick's booty wiggle.webm
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>There are people who still believe that Bellwether did anything wrong and it wasn't a set up by predators as was clearly shown in this scene

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Wait for the sun to fall and the night to rise.
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Okay. So Zootopia is actually a Dragon Ball reference. Nicm is vegeta and judy is Goku. Nick calls judy "carrots". Vegeta calls Goku "cacarrot".

Seriously. This sucks.
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Any sane person supports Trump.
He's the only one who MIGHT end the stagnation that is plaguing the USA and bring about the next race war/world war.

I mean, waiting for an extinction level event to occur and wipe out most of humanity so we can move on is just bad practice. We need to get that on ourselves. Wipe the slate clean and I trust Trump out of all the candiates to be the one who'd fire those Nukes and cleanse this current diseased world with the Flames of Salvation.

He'd bring true justice to the world! True, unbiased blind justice! We're all guilty of allowing this world to get this stagnant and terrible and thus we all deserve to burn for it!
>Baaawww Prey can do no wrong! Deport the Predators!

Fuck off, Judy.
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You tell me
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Is Nick a capatalist?
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you can have this
Are there any more complete gifs of Judy tapping her foot? It's cute

And weirdly enough is almost identical to how my ex-gf would have reacted in that situation, right down to the inflection and phrasing in what she said

>tonight, you!
It's just one or two guys constantly shitposting about how much they hate Gideon and Gideonfags.

Ask them for a reason why and they either won't answer or just post an old irrelevant screenshot
>yfw we get a sequel set in Little Rodentia that's basically The Departed
a better question to ask, is what animals would Smash mouth be?
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Her values and rural background is a strong, although not definite, indicator of conservative attitudes.

She should be despised by all progressives.
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This is truly beautiful, thanks man
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An attack on our Gideonfriends is an attack on all of us.
An Ogre.

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>not voting for The Sweet Meteor of Death

He'll solve the debt crisis, the Irael/Palestine conflict, the trade deficit, all will be wiped clean in the burning fires.
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All I can see
The predator-prey dynamic in this movie is clearly meant to evoke the woman-as-sex-object-man-as-predator dichotomy in real life. The prey are the sex objects.
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This is the best fucking thing that could have happened and it's exactly what i wanted.
Anonymous, I told you.
We have to take responsibility! We can't just pass the burden off onto a space rock. Humans made this mess and it's our job to clean it up!
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Why is Nick always done with the camo version?
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I want to believe.
>Nick wearing the hat

But he's a "I wanna help everyone also stereotypes are bad!" lefty
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The Gamma ray seems like a better candidate, it would wipe us in less than a second and we wouldn't feel any pain
What is this?
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The classic red clashes with his fur whereas the green compliments it.
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>we get to see nick's family in the sequal or whatever
>there's an obvious reference to robin and pic related whose name I forgot
Maid marian.
You mean Maid Marian? Well, that would explain where Nick gets his dance moves.
that's the one
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Maid Marian you dumbshit.
Nick's bloodline goes as follows:

Started with Tod from Fox and the Hound, evolved into Robin, then civilization modernized and we get Nick, then technology went into the future and we get Fox McCloud.
This is canon.
>in the sequel they show up as ogres
>this isn't explained and they're treated as regular animals
you know what? fund it
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And his attraction to rabbits.
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Nick has the best moves.

>zootopia will never get a world in kh3
>our consolation prize is a costume and an attack in some mobile game

t-thanks square

>Nicks dad shows up
>He's literally Nick in sunglasses

I'd be so fucking happy
>then technology went into the future and we get Fox McCloud
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He's not even dancing in that gif. when judy bumps him he starts doing this horrible thing with his hands.
A gamma ray burst would kill 99% of the planet, leaving some seventy to eighty million Hulks to fight it out.

Is that what you really want?

What animal would Sora become?
>jap crap
>console shit

Kingdom Hearts is shit
He does the " commander Shepard "
>he starts doing this horrible thing with his hands.
He pinches her bum?
I have no problem with this.


>leaving some seventy to eighty million Hulks to fight it out
that sounds fucking awesome
>Nick's dad is literally Nick
>when judy bumps him he starts doing this horrible thing with his hands.

Jerking off? Cause thats what I'd do if I got a feel for that bunbutt
>First rule of smug: if your face smug enough, nobody will realise you can't dance
>Second rule of smug: if you're dragged into dance, do the Commander Shepard dance
>Continue smiling
anon you don't understand, the muzzle is on his HEART
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>nick's booger has more polygons than whole cast of toy story

Has technology gone too far!?
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See that look on her mothers face? I'm not quite sure what that look is.
Man, I'm really concerned about what a sequel would look like here. this movie was like a 101 civics course on race relations. Im scared a sequel is just gonna be that fun uncomplicated animal movie we were all expecting.

Then he'd be too big to interact with Judy and Nick.

He should be a cat. It'd have the same effect, but he'd be smaller
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right in the feels.jpg
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you dug too deep, anon, and you have released BARLOG
>oh fuck he's hot
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>He really is his own father
>Him losing his father as a child is just a metaphor for what he lost and how he changed after the muzzle incident
>He both created and killed himself
It's way more than a week or two. When they visit City Hall, Bellwether's desk calendar is marked May 17th. The newspaper Judy uses at the farm stand is labelled in November.

They're apart for months, guys.

I don't usually flog this blog too much, but I don't want to retype this research. If you're interested, I have some screencaps, too. http://saharasquared.tumblr.com/post/141405119980/zootopia-what-is-the-timeline
If this were an American Civics class, it would have told us the preds were oppressed by the prey and need reparations for shock collars.
Literally all that detail for something that shows up for less than a second in the final product. They truly are dedicated to their art.

Is that why Judy's dad looks like DO A BARREL ROLL?
"_ ____ __ ____ ____ ___"
>sister is home from uni for spring break
>she used my laptop last night
>my zootopia porn folder was minimized when i got on today

what the fuck do i do
i laughed
She's planning the night she's gonna have when she steals Nick and Judy's sex tapes.
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She probably liked it if she isn't complaining.
You can start by getting a fucking grip on your life, jesus christ
That's what you get for lewding the pure characters.
Next time make a guest account
>Too big to interact


That doesn't even make sense.
He fucking interacts with Winnie the Pooh all the time.
Donald's at fucking crotch level with him now and it's fine.

He wouldn't be a full grown lion though obviously. He'd be an adolescent.
She wants to try the fox.
discretely put cropped zootopia lewd on her computer/phone/uni bag
No lie, I'd beat her up if she tried to ticket me
No conversation about reparations, but by the end of the movie the prey were socially and systematically oppressing the predators. A guy got booted from his job because people were too afraid to look at him anon.
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Apartheid Rabbit.jpg
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> " Friendzone him sweetie, and he's mine."

Judy would legit be at his fucking ankles in terms of height.

Pooh and Donald are at least up to sora's waist
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Bogo gazelle app.webm
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The real question is, would Nick or Judy be the companion for the world? Or would the companion for the world be "Nick & Judy" as a single entity?
Shoot, forgot a trip. I'll only use it if posting material in the future.

Good luck, /zoo/.
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byron plz
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Stu and Gideon have a very close relationship.
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Clawhauser is cute! CUTE!!
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i like how this movie shows how NOT to use your fucking smartphone.
I am okay with this.
nietzsche says there is no reason.
I'd like to see Nick and Judy's reactions on returning to her parent's home to find someone has broken in and performed drastic population control measures on her siblings

Why do clawhauserfags always go the extra mile with him? Most people just post pics of their husbando.
This movie seems to have affected me in a strange way. Whenever I listen to music, I relate it to the film's characters a lot of the time. Especially with any songs about relationships and love, I just picture Nick and Judy doing couple things...

Lovely Rita is the worst offender.
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since Shakira has kids,does this mean that Gazelle is a milf?
what is that?
a scar
Hey, give official Nick Wilde playlist on spotify a go then.
>jesus christ, they're cornering the furry market

>the madmen, they've done it
Yeah, I thought the same thing, what with the song being about a meter maid and all

best character deserves some extra special attention. lesser characters like gideon/nick have trash followers.
>shit taste in gaming platform
>shit taste in husbando
>fat fetish

Clawhauserfags confirmed for worst taste.
I might have to then, didn't know that was a thing
>Danger Zone
Holy fuck, Nick really is the greatest character. Jason Bateman is a god.

Well, yeah, it makes sense. But a lot of other songs have got me visualizing the world of Zootopia too.
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I agree with the 2nd and 3rd point but what is exactly wrong with the 3DS?
I imagine Nick and Judy's sex music is "Animals" by Maroon 5.
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I also don't know how the world could function if animals like rabbits regularly have hundreds of children who all are able to survive to adulthood.
Portable gaming consoles are all shit.
Judy sounds like a thirty year old North American woman.
give her the D

what a tiny head!

otherwise, heretical yet adorable idea.
This movie works in mysterious ways

Some become optimist self improvers
Some get depression
Some turn into furries

Disney, the absolute fucking madmen
> it took them over 200 tries to make a hot one.
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It's just a cartoon.

blame the rewrite, hopps was supposed to be a tough bunny cop, then they changed the script and left the VA.
Most probably hit both 1 and 2/3
There's no way it's anything other than https://youtube.com/watch?v=xat1GVnl8-k
>portable gaming consoles are all shit
You are on the wrong board mate, /v/ is for shit talking consoles.
>Why do all the sloths have autism?
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>Some turn into furries
Sorry fucked up, I meant 3 and 1/2
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Not even once. If I want to see a dark world where fear and oppression reigns supreme, I tune in evening news.

I'm happy we have so much extra material to mull over, but at the same time I'm happy it stayed a project and Disney had enough courage to rewrite the entire thing.
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I wonder what Superheroes are like in Zootopia world.

Not actual Superheroes, but the stories and myths and such.
Depression reporting in.
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what the fuck is the logic behind that statement?
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I don't think that's possible anymore!
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>he never played Kirby & The Amazing Mirror

inhale chlorine my man
Here she comes!
Why though
I only just watched this movie yesterday. Is there a place which lists all the extra development stuff?
>Weaselton trying to lure that kid away with candy

They're not real.
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are they gonna make a officer wilde figure or we have to wait for another company get the license?
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I made a note of this too! Also when they are hiding from the mayor.

the 3DS is the comfiest console to ever exist. get better taste.

i'm thinking of starting a zootopia town in animal crossing NL
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Honestly, seeing the promotional material for Zootopia just made me think it was another "animals in decidedly un-animalistic situations" movie.

What the fuck is it with trailers and commercials that makes them so bad at accurately portraying the content of the movie?
they're rude and keep interrupting people and they slouch and they're slow
Check out the Fusion documentary.

I don't understand the depression either. After I saw it once I got this fleeting feeling that I was missing something, so I saw it again and shared it with a huge group of friends.

Sharing such a great film and discussing afterwards let me get my fill. There's nothing to be depressed about, just a great movie to appreciate. And we have the expansion of the Zootopian universe to look forward to!
Does this happen to you when you watch other movies? Why is this movie so special?

t. Totally a real psychologist
watch out boy, she'll chew you up
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>Its been 1 month since I last checked my New Leaf town
Holy fuck.
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I was so hype for Secret Life Of Pets when I saw the first trailer. It looked like it was actually about pets getting into wacky situations.

Then the second trailer came out and it's basically, "Imagine if Minions was about pets and had Kevin Hart!"
The other rabbits are just watching. What dicks
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>Japanese game
>not shitty.

The last decent Japanese game I played was Ogre Battle 64. Everything else I've tried since then has been utter shit.
That's so cool. How did you do that?
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To lower your expectations, then blow you the fuck out when your low bar gets fucking shattered
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Yeah, the trailers for it that played before Zootopia were pretty cringy. It just reeks of "We're only doing this to rip off Zootopia".

>mfw they're literally using poop jokes
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Well that's cool.

Since I've never played a good western game.
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>sharing a seat
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That is because they're fucking sloths, just like how bunnies are fast,hippos are fat fucks, and foxes are clever :^)
Weaboo trash.
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>just friends
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I really want to get one of those "World's Greatest Dad" mugs, but I don't want it to specify anything. Just... a "World's Greatest" mug.
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Reminder that despite Hippos being ULTRA VIOLENT, they got a free pass from having to wear collars.

Shit man, if I was a criminal in Zootopia and I saw a Hippo police officer I'd just lay on the floor and close my eyes
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You're probably not up to date, it's been tweenfirmed only Judy and Nick themselves know how the feel about each other.
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whatever you say anon
>only Judy and Nick themselves know how the feel about each other
So basically a non-answer that doesn't ruin anyone's headcanon.
>Ben catches the boquet and looks at Bogo again
This is one day going to be canon.
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i'm glad as well, when you live in countries who had to survive through wars and communism you get a weird vibe about this...


wanna solve new maze?
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hopefully not. I mean, everyone is entitled to their headcannon, but the only argument I heard was "See, he likes Gazelle, he's totally gay. Gay people like pop idols". I mean, come on. He crushes on her and probably wants to spend rest of his life with her.
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not that far off 900m lads, even without japan

unless it absolutely bombs over there, 1 billion is p much a guarantee

it's totally gonna bomb over there, isn't it
Yea, them and anyone with eyeballs.
Anyone working on the movies that said anything regarding the status of their relationship was a mistake. They should've let the "You know you love me." thing stand on it's own and be open for interpretation.

But of course Byron would drop the ball on that, after-all it took two years and PIxar's feedback for him to scrap his shitty original drafts.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about Nick, you little bitch? I’ll have you know he graduated top of his class in the ZPD, and he's been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and he has over 300 confirmed kills. He is trained in guerrilla warfare and he's the top sniper in the entire Zootopia armed forces. You are nothing to him but just another target. He will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about Nick over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak he contacting his secret network of spies across Zootopia and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. Nick can be anywhere, anytime, and he can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with his bare paws. Not only is he extensively trained in unarmed combat, but he has access to the entire arsenal of the Zootopia Police Department and he will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. Nick will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
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and now trailers spoiled everything: it's Toy Story with animals! How fucking original. hey illuminati

here's an advice!
Clawhauserfags are the worst. Ignore their insanity.
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I'd watch it

Fuck no, Japan's going nuts over it already. If I recall some Ghibli bigwig is raving about how great it is.
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It's gonna bomb so hard : ^ )
It's the 3rd bomb guys I fucking know it
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>building up a LOT of hype with the advertising campaign
>made by the same studio that made Frozen
>movie about kawaii animals desu
>opening during golden week
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If this movie becomes succesful in Japan, we are gonna get so many doujins and cute fanart.
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>Jim Crow laws
Underrated fucking post.
nicely put
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Quantity is it's own quallity.gif
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>Chinese military hates it
>Japan hates China
>Japan supports the movie to piss off China's government
Dawn looks so scared of Clawhauser
you think japanese merch could be a thing?
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I'm hyped for the $1bil
but I'm more hyped for the absurd amount of Part 4 crossover fanart that might be created as a result.

What would Nick and Judy's stands be like?
Japanese merch already is a thing, anon.
If that's all you've been hearing, you're not paying attention. There's a chance that he's straight, but it's a slim chance.
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>mr big on kevin's paw

it's the little thing.


you're wasting image slots, come on guys!
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Lowest-common-denominator bullshit sells pretty well, anon.

See also: Family Guy
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>shitty original drafts
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>Turn on the ad-block, firefox

>complains about wasting slots.
>posts waste
The original draft sucked. Pixar saved the movie.
Does anyone have that picture of Bellwether and Animal Crossing mayor with uzi's?
Nix removing the snout in my case, hombre.
Please let one of our infamous school shootings kill me soon.
>Turn on ad-block, firefox

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>falling for stereotypes.



you mean these metal cars and keychans?
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no, she's jelaous of Benjamin's attention she never gets. Look closer: it's the face of sadness mixed with fear of losing one's object of desire.

Meanwhile, Finnick doesn't give a crap.

>Japanese people love it
>Chinese people love it
>Chinese officials love it too, but have to watch it in secret
>Both nations realise how superficial their conflicts are and they should work together toward better future to us all
>Only local chinese Bellwhether and a few Dougs continue spewing inflammantory articles
>They are swiftly toppled
>Unprecedented age of peace and prosperity dominates Asia and spreads towards Middle-East and rest of the world
>The year is 2048, Byron Howard is elected president of the World as humanity begins colonising the Solar System thanks to multiple scientifical breakthrough brought by close cooperation of all peoples

>no fox villagers besides Chief who's an orange wolf

Fuck this might not work. At least there are a million bunnies and sheep.


Homebrew / hacking your 3DS
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Japan is full of Judy, Nick, and Clawhauserfags. In one week, we'll see if they're enough to break 1b.
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manchy got some great ideas here for "carrot" props... wonder what else you could make carrot shaped... except THAT thing you think about
>There was even a little snuggle when Judy slams into nick from the side

Why is she so thirsty? like damn.
That's "dehydrated" levels of thirsty
Old designs? That's some cool shit. Can't wait for my artbook to get here.
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I need more pictures of Judy blushing.
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I think the majority of Zootopians would elect someone like Trump. They may have their instances of infighting, but they keep their Pred v. Prey stuff on a small scale. In the end, they overcome it, because they realize they're all working towards a common goal, the betterment of their City/Country. Looking at the bigger picture, have you seen any birds or reptiles anywhere in the United States of Mammalia? That's because they likely believe in strong national borders. Illegal immigrants =/= a race, and any sane person can see this. They even elected Lionheart, who seems kinda like a Trump figure. So yeah, Nick, along with most of Zootopia would probably support Trump.
This was on her spotify playlist. Girl has it BAD!
> 2055. We mastered genetic modification. We can splice animal DNA with Humans.
> New Age of Transfurries.
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>Byron Howard is elected president of the World

Anyone got that Ronnie comic with him sitting head of a company with no idea what's going on
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fuck this movie it has turned me into an autist.

>had a date with a girl to the zoo today
>for some reason I can't stop talking about Zootopia, comparing the zoo to Zootropolis
>think girl was annoyed but didn't say anything
>I kept talking about Zootopia
>everytime we saw a mammal started making jokes like loudly asking the staff if a bunny and a fox will protect us if they go savage
>girl wanted to go to the reptile house but I refused, because it isn't part of Zootropolis and we have to stay within city limits
>didn't realise what an ass I was being
>eventually managed to grab some paper and crayons from a kids table in one of the zoo restaurants
>started tearing off bits of paper and writing 'clues' on them for Office Hopps
>pretty much fucking forced the girl to follow me to several different exhibits so I could 'leave clues'
>went to the lion exhibit so I could leave a clue regarding the fact that the lion had gon savage
>forced her to walk to the tigers
>she refused, told me she wanted to see some things
>in the middle of the zoo she shouted at me 'your fucking rabbit isn't a real person'
>drew lots of attention
>I started apologising profusely but she made me leave her alone for the rest of the day until it was time for me to drive her home

Didn't even go to the fucking gift shop
Thanks, doc.

no thanks, remember Batman Beyond episode about splicers?
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Go to /r9k/ and never come back
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Oh no, please PLEASE let this be fake
>Sequel arrives
>Disney pulls an XCOM 2
>Alternate universe where Bellweather won
>Last movie ends on Judy leaving the police force for good
>Bellweather takes over
>Dystopia plot forms
>Nick becomes main character and has to find Judyand expose Bellweather while evading capture from corrupt ZPD
>Minor characters (Clawhauser, Finnick,ect) Become more relevant main characters
She's thinking "one day it will be you next to the boiler."
nice blog post
She sounds like a real jerk anyway. You did the right thing.
I refuse to believe.
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Well, on one hand, we could get monstrosities. On the other paw, i can be a cute fox. I choose to be a fox.
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You have some neat ideas
>Chief looking at Clawhouser
Don't like the way her mouth looks though. It seems...off. Love everything else though.
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>want to go to see it again
>can't face to go alone

God help me
What do I do
Boo. I want my buddy cop movie!
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You dumb motherfucker.
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I know this is fake as fuck, but this is some cringe thread material, thanks for the fresh and steamy Copypasta bruv.
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You have to go back
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domestic box office:
tangled: 200mln
wreck it rhino: 289mln
big hero six:222 mln
zootopia:307 (so far)

considering the marketing for zootopia was.. like.. non-existend. (i never saw even a billboard ) this is awesome achievement.
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Only took me four lines to detect that bullshit.
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Yes, but I've also read a lot of manga.

And what manga tells me is that genetically, if humanity gets too comfortable or complacent, our genes are either going to start to degrade in a manner we can't counter or we're gonna trigger a suicide reaction in our DNA as a genetic counter to overpopulation.
Why are you so afraid of going to the movies alone?
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literally no way this is real.

i refuse to believe too, it's way too painful to be true
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Don't worry, anon. Your autism will be preserved.
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Holy fuuuuuck literally every one of those is getting a sequel or a TV show or both except us, even though we out performed all but one.
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>going to see a kid's movie on your own
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Even though I know to the bottom of my soul that these events didn't transpire, I am so fucking triggered right now

There were some TV spots, but yeah no billboards. I saw KFP3 and Alvin and the Chipmunk billboards. I guess they don't work.

Zootopia JUST came out. Give it some time nigga
>except us
Patience, Pepe. Patience.
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Humans are too far evolved to manipulate our genetics and create a new race. The next era of humanity will be a result of manipulating human thoughts and ideals. If we can unite the human race under one ideology through thought control, then we can start the next phase of our evolution. We need to alter our memes, not our genes. We need to create context.
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let them count money first, man, let them count money.
Holy fuck I love that game. I think I still have it somewhere
Who cares? The guy who sells you the ticket won't, the other moviegoers won't, your just some guy watching a disney movie. What are you afraid of?
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You could always just stop being an insecure faggot and go watch it.

Or make some friends (though that's probably impossible for you) and go with them.
Nobody will care. People watch Disney movies all the time. Follow your dreams, Anon
I work 40 hours a week and I travel a lot. I can find a theater I won't know anyone at and I can feel good about two hours of fun I allow myself in a day.
So? multiple Disney movies have had clear evidence that two previous characters have fucked in a sequel, Lady and the tramp, TLK2, 101 dalmatians, just to name a few
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i saw it alone three times.

it was relaxing, no one to talk to you just enjoy a movie.
Why do you think people care?

The ticket clerk isn't going to give a fuck.

The other people in the theater aren't going to give a fuck. People don't go to the movies just to look around the theater and judge everyone else sitting there.

If you're that absolutely worried about this shit, just order your tickets online and pick them up at the kiosk in the theater (if your theater offers that) and see the movie in the middle of the day on a weekday, or late at night. (past 9pm or so)
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Why did they change the script? I'd love to see some depressing Disney movie about fascist-tier segregation.

careful, i got a warning for a similar picture (the one where nick asked judy about her wildest fantasy)
I dunno, being able to have emulators for all systems between 1980 and 2000 readily available in my pocket, able to be played anywhere, anytime...seems pretty good.

Original PSPs are awfully good at being hacked into emulator machines.
>lapping this bunny tummy
Literally the cringiest thing in this thread. Who the fuck would talk like that?
In 95% of cases, you're right.

ONCE I went to a G-rated film and the cashier at the concession stand asked me pointedly which theater I was going to. The tone in his voice suggested they were going to keep an eye on me.

Go figure - an unaccompanied adult white man who ISN'T going to rape a five-year-old in the middle of a "Zootopia" screening.
Because a dark, depressing movie would have bombed at the box office.

first: it wouldnt make money.
second: only a handful of people would like it.
>morris birthday

thank you very much
But it could have been an inspiring script about how an unlikely suspect goes against the grain and liberates the oppressed people.

Actually you're right, fuck that. As I write that I see how cliche that is.
>the cashier at the concession stand asked me pointedly which theater I was going to

What the fuck theater do you have that the concession stand asks you what theater you're going to?

Every theater I've ever been to, you get your ticket at the front, then go past a little checkpoint where they take your ticket and tell you what theater to go to (no idea why they do this, the theater number is printed on the fucking ticket) and nobody else questions you about anything, after that.

The staff shouldn't give a fuck what movie you're going to see; business is business.
It takes a year and a half for an elephant to gestate.
In the meantime you need a whole lot of bunny farmers to grow all the food that tine elephants will need.
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Apartheid Rabbit 2.jpg
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Have the cleaner one.
Why is it always PSPs people do that with? Couldn't it work just as well on any other handheld?
You can't sell this movie, let alone toys, to kids where every character wears something that hurts them for experiencing too much life. Just imagine the Halloween costumes.
Based anon, I only saved that one version

Because the market doesn't want more Don Bluth.
It was my third time seeing it. On the first and second there was the SAME FAMILY with a four-year-old wriggling in his seat the entire time. Maybe they mistook glares for a rapist's desires, complained, and my description is up on the wall.

I haven't been back since. I'm not going to be profiled as a pedophile and give them $12.
That's a tiny lion..
PSPs are just really easy to hack and install emulators on, and being that they're really old, they're also really cheap.
You can get all of Chumpy's art from here (except the colored giraffe comic because he said he was fixing that one up): http://imgur.com/a/d5B5c
Post poliec Nick
did Bunny Stew had same outfits when Judy was 9 and then 24?
finnick is the best boy toy

You could pick up a used PSP and a 16GB Memory Stick Pro Duo for maybe $50 total, and turn it into a nice portable emulator device.
Oh yeah, and a sequel would be awkward. Ending it on a good note is hard enough; the preds just forgive decades of cruelty with no hard feelings? This subject is too touchy for this to be cleaned up with Disney Magic. Even in the ending we got, we get the sense that the world is still hurting though it is healing.
That trigger discipline
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now thats resolution.png
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this is my second complaint about this movie.

he could be so much more than that "little angry fella who's doing embarrasing things just to earn some quick deers"
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He was made to wear a uniform.
I suppose I wasn't taking price into account. I just use my wii u for my emulation. Anyway, anyone who emulates is a cool guy, but I don't want to throw this thread further off topic, so I will post cute bunnies instead.
Wait, every one? So there's gonna be more of BH6? What?

I loved the ending. The world isn't perfect, and fuckin' racewars can't just be cleaned up overnight.

Hell I'm pretty sure Judy is still a racist by the end of the film
tv show.
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>Hell I'm pretty sure Judy is still a racist by the end of the film
She was never racist to begin with
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Have that one too anyways.
/k/ is proud
I just thought of something.

If Gideon has hair on top of his fur, does that mean that Nick is technically bald?
>spot the main character
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Chumpy's pretty good.
If I had to be 100% honest, I didn't had much expectations about this movie, and guys, can you blame me?

I mean all of the promotional stuff and marketing like this trailer wouldn't stop telling that this was made by the same inepts who gave us Frozen and Big Hero 6 and on the other hand I was feeling that they were using misleading advertising by putting an anthropomorphic fox saying this was ''like nothing you've seen be-fur'', even considering that this was freking Disney we're talking about.

Tbqh familia, but oh how wrong I was
it means Gideon is a disgusting weirdo
Larger animals receive additional wages to compensate. This is part of why Bellwether and others resent them so much.
>eric schwartz is drawing fanart of something for the first time since the 1990s

Man, Zootopia really is a milestone, isn't it?
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I'm ... actually pretty curious about this.
Gideon's longer head fur is there because he represents Byron's homosexuality.
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The Peanuts guy? I thought he was dead!
looks good, i like the way the ears are sort of held up by the bandana
>All the top 10 movies either have a sequel already/in the making, or are a sequel
Zootopia 2 guaranteed.
There's gotta be more, right? What's so bad about 'cute'? Judy's cute.
>You can actually see through his glasses.
Larger animals can produce more and large products than rodents and other smaller mammals can hence they get paid larger ammounts
That's Charles Schulz
Here's to hoping that Nick becomes the main character instead of just a supporting character
Maybe his Amiga finally fucking died so he can finish a project in under eight weeks

>this cringy trailer.

i spoiled myself watching all of them. still no regrets after seeing the movie.
>EWS Amiga finally dies
>has to learn to use new equipment
>decides to follow up on that animation job he got offered twenty years ago
>yfw because nostalgia is big right now he actually gets it
This is pretty general consensus, I've held two polls on this in the past and majority voted for Nick as the focus.
What would it even be about though? Just another cop movie really.
There's only 2 pages so far

>movie starts noir style, with Nickolas starting the narrative

>Girls all over the world starting yelling at the screens how much they love the fox

spy movie, adventure movie...



Refer to >>81936879
>>decides to follow up on that animation job he got offered twenty years ago
If he's really been working on a shitty Amiga and getting by with bespoke written HTML with inline attributes (just look at the source code for furafterdark), he's a fucking dinosaur.

If he doesn't know Maya, Toon Boom, After Effects, CS5, Renderman, Tractor, Arnold, Nuke, AND fails to provide demo reel or portfolio without all the same blocky faces?

There's no way. There is no fucking WAY.
And? They made 4 Lethal Weapon movies. Just because the duo is set up does not mean their stories are over. Hell, they can actually work in the Apartheid and collars into the second one if they go the Lethal Weapon route. Remember who the villains were in Lethal Weapon 2?

>You can't touch me, rabbit! I have DIP-LO-MATIC IMMUNITY
>It's just been REVOKED.

Judy was literally just saying what she herd the scientist say when they were hiding in the lab. She had no other leads as to why the preds were going savage and that was the only type of data she had at the time to actually give the public.
>What would it even be about though?

The evil conspiracy of the Ewelluminati and their scheme to collar every predator.
Then you give them the benefit of the doubt, rather than accuse them of all being vicious savages.
Why is it offensive to call bunnies cute? Any theories, or even a canon answer?

Well, she is a Dumb Bunny after all.
It's just made to draw a parallel to calling black people "nigga", it's their word so to speak
You don't just repeat conjecture when you're in front of the media. You refuse to comment on why it's happening until you actually know. Bellwether had hoped she'd repeat that shit.

Because it's demeaning, patronizing, and implies they can't do anything seriously.
>lion mayor was elected on the sheep vote
Hell, you could argue that in a functioning democracy there's no way that the predators are on top and the prey are on the bottom as exemplified by the mayor shoving off all his work on the assistant mayor, because the prey just vote in favor of their own kind.
>they can't do anything seriously
Well they clearly can't.
Back in their dark ages, bunny salves were kept as status symbols as cute pets. They'd dress them up in cute clothes and make them live in cute houses.
That and it's just demeaning. And they can't help it.
I said "seriously", not correctly.

>Hey, asshole, you just hit my truck!
>Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, look how cute he is when he's mad!
>I'll fucking kill you!
>Does the widdle bunny want a carrot?
You can do things seriously and be cute, though - my bunny's very cute, and she destroyed a table once.
>And they can't help it

Its true. Any attempt at looking serious just makes them look cuter.
Nighthowlers are a metaphor for the crack epidemic. Superpredator theory and all that.
Alternatively, most voters aren't particularly Pred/Prey biased but Lionheart needed a "key" constituency that IS.

Bellwether has so many allies and confidants in their scheme because some Sheep really ARE racial separatists and/or Prey Supremacists.
>blonde hair
>fairish skin
>green eyes

>typical American woman
lol no
Apologize vaguely. Something like "Hey, I'm sorry about the computer" If she tries to get you to say it out loud, say "If you don't know what I'm apologizing for, then it clearly didn't concern you after all"
If it offended her, she'll understand.
I want to pick Nick up and carry him around and feel him struggle as he wants to be put down
>bunnies used to be sold as slaves
>these slaves were often advertised as "cute"
>the "cutest" were often sold into sexual slavery
He's 32.
fuck you, now I'm going to hate whatever they come out with because it's not nearly as good as that
But also 4'0" (1.22 m)
closest parallel I can draw is calling a black woman "sassy"
If only you wanted to stop shitposting as hard.
>Giant Jugs Judy
>No objections

This is the tipping point, I'm ready to leave

I managed to theater hop to see zootopia like 4 times in 1 day.

(Granted whenever I go see a movie I always try to watch it at least twice, the second time by theater hopping)

Im a pretty shitty person and poor as fuck being a college student, there is always one day per month where I spend the whole day at a theater watching movies and sitting and waiting in the bathroom playing my DS until the next movie starts.

Sometimes I think the theater employees know I do this and they feel sorry for me or something so they leave me alone.
Nobody even noticed it until you pointed it out. Sorry we didn't REEEEEEE it enough for your liking.
>sitting and waiting in the bathroom playing my DS until the next movie starts.
That's actually not a bad idea
too bad that's considered stealing
That makes sense. It's not like she had a network made of a random assortment of prey, they were all within her species.
>he's scared of stealing

what a mega dweebazoid
lol Judy's face
Nobody really cares unless you're doing it to movies that are in high demand for seating, like trying to stay put for a superhero movie on opening night.

Hell, I even had a ticket taker outright suggest I go see I Saw The Light after one of my Zootopia showings because I chatted him up about Tom Hiddleston's performance as Hank Williams.

When I went in to see it, I was literally the only person in the smallest theater in the building. Kinda felt bad for the people who made the movie.
>hot one
dude, she's a bunny
>ZPD don't ordinarily hire foxes because they're sneaky
Okay but surely there are plenty of job openings for foxes in the CIA/NSA.
Police need sneaky assholes too, see the FBI under Hoover.
>implying Zootopia had a NSA
NSA was created in response to terrorism. What would Zootopia's Al Qaeda be? Fringe predators eating prey cause muh DNA?
What does Nick call Judy when she gets mad?

A Hot Cross Bun!
>Al Qaeda

Radical Pigs
Yeah, a HOT bunny
Bro I went to see it alone.

It was lovely.

Come at me.

(I also saw it two other times with friends .... yeah those were better experiences but still going to the movies alone is fine)

Why are people so afraid of going to the pictures alone?? For fuck's sake, the lights go off and everyone stares at the screen. No one gives another thought to who else is in the screen. It's literally the easiest activity on the planet to do solo.
You're going to jail inside his head for at least twenty years
NSA was created in response to communists.
I have seen it alone four times, and seen it twice with my dad.
So true.

There is a WORLD of difference between Zootopia and MLP, and it kind of feels like people are treating it in the same way ... but while there was a legit reason for people to be quiet about liking MLP, there is no reason whatsoever for Zootopiopolis. It's a damn good movie and that's all there is to it.
That shit just makes me so angry.
Does your dad love it as much as you or did you drag him along?
No it wasn't. The NSA were the codebreakers during the Cold War.
Well. She didn't think she was but she still had her own deep-seated prejudices, and it was only after Nick pointed them out to her that she acknowledged them.
Just zoo it.
Well the second time seeing it with him we were also seeing it with my sister and her boyfriend so it wasn't me dragging him along really, and it helped that he has a thing for Shakira.
>Does your dad love it as much as you
Well I doubt he's posting in this thread or looking up fanart, but he did like it.
Actually? Huh, the more you know.
>predators used to literally eat other animals
>but oh man can't point out DAS RAYCIS
I mean, it's always better to be safe than sorry, but that still sucks for the innocent guy's reputation. Still, I'd rather that random strangers I met in the theater with rotten kids hated and distrusted me than have some poor brat get raped.
So? People used to murder each other for insignificant slights against them. We don't do that anymore because civilization.
From each, according to their ability, to each, according to their need.

Larger animals getting lower taxes to conpensate for their higher base cost of living isn't wrong at all.
Haha, I just meant did he like it enough to watch it again.
Yes but it is literally in a predators DNA to hunt and kill. Their biology is designed for it.
Literally 100% right on both points. Well done sir.
That still applies to humans, and it;s still rude as fuck. Come on.
We also have it in our genes to reproduce heterosexually, yet here you are
Can it not be a social Darwinist hell?

Do you complain about the handicapped getting their own parking spaces?
Primal urge theory was stupid because the primal behavior of an otter is not to freak out and kill shit, it's to fuck around and build waterslides.
And the head of our dicks is literally designed to scrape the sperm of other males out of the vagina of the woman we're mating with. Biology doesn't mean shit once you can consciously override it.
Holy shit man. I mean, cool technique. But four times in one day?

My body wouldn't be ready for that much cute.
Yeah he was for it. There were other factors like seeing it with people who hadn't seen it before and the place we were seeing it at, but yeah he was up for watching it again.
Speaking as the guy? I'd really much rather people feel safer telling parents their kids need to sit down and shut up than start acting like CSI: Popcorn Butter.
Four times? but why
>truth is rude
To sate hunger, not because killing is fun
holy shit man, that was straight savage
Tell that to a fucking Hippo
And Germans are biologically wired to massacre innocents. It's still rude to point it out.
That's like saying it's in black people's biology to build mud huts and throw spears at elephants.
Yes, bringing up irrelevant facts about the past in order to shame another group is rude.
Yeah but dude the whole point is that that was thousands of years ago. It's like calling a white person a slaver, only white people (well, some white people) were slavers 150 years ago, whereas as far as we're aware predators haven't been 'savage' for thousands of years. So it's totally RAYCIS without justification. It's judging people off their historical forbears instead of judging them by the people's actions themselves.
>why are predators going savage
>i dunno mane they're doing literally the same shit they used to
where did nick get the shades and coffee at the night howler place
>why are whites being blind bigots
>I dunno man, they've been doing it for centuries
It's not fair to make assumptions based on anything, bruv.
Hd rip yet?
And that's perfectly fine to say when you're brainstorming shit to look into. You don't say that to the media when it is 100% unconfirmed. And what do you know! It *WASN'T* their biology, they were being forcibly poisoned with animal-PCP by a bioterrorist.

It's almost as if she was just repeating the prejudices she already held because "Seems fine to me".

"Eweman Eweman can't you see? Foxes and Otters need to hand from trees, and I just love your hateful ways. That's why your mom is prey and you're okay

I put preddors underground without a sound, you minorities can't stand up to me every cheetah needs to go back to the forest, every fox is stealing money from you and me"
>implying other races didn't discriminate too
But rabbits don't hunt down and kill other animals.
when the dvd comes anon
I dunno, maybe it's the very quiet, very small activist in me, but I still get upset even if you're going to say "better safe than sorry". As a single guy, who doesn't have a gf to take to the movies (at the moment) and my friends are often busy, it upsets me that I should have to consider how frightening I look to children if I want to go to the movies by myself. That's not right.

Anyway, I don't - fuck society, Imma watch this awesome movie by myself. And I've never had anyone give me grief about it. Besides, most of the Zootopiopolis screenings I've seen have actually had more adults in them than children.

I did go to see The Good Dinosaur (what a pile of shit that was) with a friend who is a budding movie critic, and that screen was full of little kids and I felt WAY out of place. But I just went along with my friend's reason for being there; ie seeing the movie as a critic / enthusiast.
No, but they do cannibalize their own children.

>Anon, what's your comment on the below-average birthrates in Bunnyburrough?
>I dunno mane, I think they're eating their kids like they used to.
Yeah, but many others do.
>hippos, as mentioned

Also rabbits can be fucking evil to their own children
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