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Star Wars: Rebels

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Slash Edition

>Upcoming Releases:

>Newest Rebels Episode: Stealth Strike:

>Newest Rebels Recon Episode:

>Star Wars: Rebels MEGA (Season 1):

>The Clone Wars Legacy Content:

>Star Wars: Uprising: ( /co/ Cartel: Loth-Cats )

>Star Wars: Commander ( /co/ Squad: Empire - SheevSquad )

>All Canon Novels and Comics: (Including the Rebels UK Comics)

>Star Wars Audiobooks (Canon and Legends) and Motion Comics:

>Star Wars Legends Novels (Incomplete):

>Canon Guide & Timeline (Timeline Coming Soon):

>Star Wars /co/ Booru:

>Star Wars: Rebels / TCW Soundtracks:
Here we go again.
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Complete Knights of the Old Republic



mad gay
World's greatest detective right here.
Pretty okay episode this week. Big improvement from the last few episodes.
The only thing bothering me about this is the fucking tumblr noses.

Double standard anons, report in.
A little cliche for my taste. Didn't really bring anything new to the formula. Show is still not great.
Brom Titus is straight out of a 70's anime I love it
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Dark Empire storytime:
Stop spamming this shit
>the empire is competent

This meme needs to end.. The Empire maintained it's superiority through devastating weapons and sheer numbers. Furthermore, the OT showed us on more than one occasion how incompetent Stormtroopers and Imperial Officers were.

A military that runs on fear and backstabbing does not breed competence. So stop whining about something that was never the case in the first place.

Luke was pretty cool in this. I love how Heir to Jeid, the Star Wars comic, and Weapon of a Jedi show how Luke was constantly scraping any sort of knowledge or Jedi training he could get. Makes his performance in ESB much more believable.
It is because of the foolish humans we draft the the backwater planets! If we were to train soldiers at BIRTH, we would have a strong and loyal army! Someday I will get my way, and the Empire will be as strong as ever!
What are tumblr noses?
A type of sauce you get on burgers I think? Anon must be high.
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The result of drinking too much Kool-aid and believing Jonestown is a gateway to paradise.
Tumblr artists color every nose they draw some shade of red. In every single picture they do.
Oh sweet delicious yes
These look less like tumblr noses and more like "I don't know what direction my light source is coming from"
The villains should always be seen as menacing, even in a cartoon show for children.
And yet the FO Troopers are still retarded

>Oh look, starfighters are attacking us.
>Oh shit I got shot and died, whoops

Lol...I'm glad they're all still retarded.

They're fucked in that situation, no matter what they do. Getting behind a barrier and taking aim is better than just running.
Daily reminder that ll canon is equal and this is being enforced by the story group.
But he didn't get behind a barrier at all.

And running is EXACTLY what you do, you do realize that strafing runs exist in real life, right? You were implicitly taught to get to cover and not bother trying to fire back with your small-arms.
Reminder that if it's not in the movies, it's just considered a fun little side story. Nothing in novels or comics or shows will ever effect the films, so they really don't matter. If you think otherwise, you take your hobby too seriously.
Can you imagine this guy convincing himself that he is the good guy while looking into a mirror?
>that ll canon is equal
No idea what you're saying

>strafing starfighters on foot

You do realize they aren't just planes, right?
>Mm, yes. Just look at me.
>I'm delicious.
>Gonna prey on you fine "daddy issues" girls tonight, fuck yeah.
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You can say what you want, but this guy would slaughter five imperial stormtroopers all by himself.
I'm about to start watching this. What should I expect?
...you're dumb and confused on what strafing is when it comes to aircraft.


That all* new canon is equal.


That has nothing to do with the fact that all canon is equal. It's about the fact that they exist in the same universe and not story trumps the other.

The stories themselves can be completely unrelated.
>what is Rogue One
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>he thinks his shitty mobile games and mediocre comics are equal with the films

Okay, kid.

Not just me, but the people who have to give approval to all the new Star Wars movies, including the movies.
Nah, doesn't matter how you call it, it's still a glorified fanfiction which can be completely ignored.
>villains should always be seen as menacing
I'm glad you arent a director or author. The villains dont always have to be competent edgelords. This is Star Wars which features goofy villains because its a pulp sci-fi at heart.
What about it?
>it's still a glorified fanfiction which can be completely ignored.

Except by the people making the content, which is all that matters.
You seem to imply that the fanfiction is taken into consideration when the films are made. They are not.
Producers and writers have heavily implied it'll have intersections with the Ghost Crew/Phoenix Squadron.
> This is Star Wars which features goofy villains because its a pulp sci-fi at heart

This bullshit excuse for lazy writing again. Listen, bunghole, that has never been true and you fucking know it. There wasn't even anything you could consider "goofy" until the garbage that was the prequels introduced an entire army of non-terrifying droids with dork dialogue as an antagonist force that no one would take seriously, and it required an entire goddamn TV series to correct that glaring flaw. Blame the demented autist hack that thought that shit was remotely a good idea after giving us legions of skull-faced death commandos led by a giant in black armor butchering a ship's crew just to get back some scans.

It's been a fun day for people "cheating" with the Force. Vader activating some poor Rebels detonators, Ezra activating his sword on some trooper's belt, and then Kanan pulling some dudes for Rex. Fun how this all worked out.
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So this episode was nice, what I'd like to consider "par", and the standard to which each episode going forward at least meets.
How do we reckon the next episode is going to fair? Predictions?
You're trying too hard, dude
I didn't see a trailer for it , you got the link ?
Not great, but decent.
It'll be declared baby shit for babies, of course.
>people who like star wars for all the un-star wars like stories
>I've never actually watched the Star Wars movies but I'm going to bitch about what I imagine they should be about

At the end
They always put a sneak peak in the recons, right?
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>thinks the booklet that comes with his Happy Meal toy is equal to the films
>People who like the universe, but get bored by 'Star-Wars-like' plots, and want to see the medium explored in other ways.

anon, Ezra will always and faithfully be yours in your own slashfic

The Anthology movies are for people just like you.
Just watched the rerun of Stealth Strike. cliche premise but it was just fun, and for once Ezra didn't seem like a shit.
>introduced an entire army of non-terrifying droids with dork dialogue as an antagonist force that no one would take seriously, and it required an entire goddamn TV series to correct that glaring flaw
Except it's always been congruent with what the Separatists were. They didn't have large sums of funding, the battle droids had to be easy enough to take down but cheap enough to mass produce as to continue the war effort and what better antagonist did the PT heroes need than an someone who was fighting at their side. I think it was made glaringly obvious at the end of AotC that the real horror was that the war was a means to an end. But I guess if you think scary boogeymen is what qualifies as good writing, I'm not gonna change your mind.
I think, contrary to other's belief, that the next episode will be a bit more then par. Not high, but it'll be an episode that going off the trailer focuses on /ss/ and jetstream brother. Ezra and the group will hopefully take a secondary role, getting caught up in the inquisitors actions, and maybe the empire actually comes out succeeding a little this time.
That's Jai, you perfect fool.
>and for once Ezra didn't seem like a shit.

Right. He seemed like an unstoppable Mary Sue.
Oh Recons, never change.
I want her to peg me.
good christ, some of you just need a kick in the ass
I want her to peg Pablo
And the whole time she's still reading some question off a tweet and expecting Pablo to respond
He would.

You think he could stop himself from relying Star Wars information? It is his power. It is his curse.
Well, Jetstream seemed to pull a Darth Maul with that spin saber trick, in which case I'd be very surprised they'd get that dark this quick. I have a feeling those two will bump up the quality whenever they get screentime.
>"FriskyNexu122 asks, 'If Hutts aren't hermaphrodites anymore, then who is Rotta's mother?'"
>"Ugh... agh... slow down..."
>"Gonna answer, Pablo?"
>"Yes... just... you're too rough..."
>"Camera's rolling, Pablo. Who is Rotta's mom? You can opt out of this one, you know."
>"No... I know it, just... aaargh... you're speeding up on purpose!"
>"Not gonna answer it?"
>dat Interdictor
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whelp, I'll be in my bunk
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Will Sheev be remembered by anybody in the new movies as what he truly was? Quite possibly the most powerful Sith to have ever existed.

Given what we learned from the book The Lords of the Sith, Sheev pretty much made certain only a very few select people knew exactly what he was.

He will go down in history as the Emperor, but it seems to me hardly anybody will know how he actually did it.
Hopefully Ezra does something note worthy , hopefully this next episode doesn't tank
>Quite possibly the most powerful Sith to have ever existed.

He was cheating and being fed power by something outside the galaxy, possibly Snoke.
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goddamnit, I'm dying
Mary mother of kek TFO is going to be awful. And on a more specific note that thing the trooper has is Donut Steel-tier - if whatever the hell kind of material that is can deflect lightsabers while being durable enough to serve as a melee weapon then why the fuck wouldn't you just make dueling swords out of it instead of something the size of a 2x4? It's not like jedi wear armor or anything and that's pretty obviously a dedicated anti-jedi weapon; why gimp yourself with such a clumsy piece of shit? Even just plain bracers coupled with a stun baton would probably make more sense than that thing.

Whoopsie. TFA.
It's meant to be a batton. He's a riot control Stormtrooper.
Ezra a shit. Kanan a best.
the force orgasms
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This isn't a new concept.
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>Ezra pulls the Jabba the Hutt schtick again
>"ha ha nice try EZRA BRIDGER"
A baton that can turn a direct blow from a lightsaber?

Yeah, which makes me wonder why they took such a huge step back - it makes sense that magnaGUARDS would have weapons weighted towards defense, but someone hunting jedi?

have you felt it?
>A baton that can turn a direct blow from a lightsaber?
That's not new in the slightest to the universe.

Fuck, what's nice this time is that the lightsaber is actually being deflected by the electrical parts. Back in the prequels these things just acted as invincible to lightsaber damage on every part.
We don't even know if those weapons were designed with Jedi in mind. They seem to be just riot melee weapons that also happen to be good at blocking lightsabers. Keep in mind, even the magnaguard staves had uses other than just blocking lightsabers, and we've seen them used as shock prods multiple times.
>A baton that can turn a direct blow from a lightsaber
A lot of vibroblades could in the first place.
>That's not new in the slightest to the universe.
I know I was asking why it did that if it wasn't specifically an anti-jedi weapon.

>the lightsaber is actually being deflected by the electrical parts.
No it wasn't. Watch the second contact; it flashes like it's being deflected but is clearly striking the haft below the electrocuted element.

>Back in the prequels these things just acted as invincible to lightsaber damage on every part.
Yeah, and phirk being pretty more-or-less indestructible is still entirely canon. I don't see the issue.

But materials that can block lightsabers are rare and expensive; why would you spend all that money on a standard-issue riot control device? Grievous' magnaguards fought jedi all the damn time so it makes sense that they'd have it but jedi have been somewhat scarce the last couple decades or so.

Yeah, but that was because they were alloyed with Cortosis and by the time of the GCW the knowledge of that technology as well as Cortosis itself was all but gone. Your run-of-the-mill vibroblade manufactured in the last few centuries or so BBY would get rekt just like pretty much anything else.
>Every week Pablo roams the halls looking for someone to talk to about Star Wars
I'm just imagining Pablo watching this at his computer and going "that's not how it happens at all!"
>"Oh firefek, is THIS what is coming out of the Storm Trooper academy these days? Well I suppose you CAN draw fire real well...Trooper, if you ever get into a real battle try to position yourself so that you crush some rebels under your corpse when you die."
>But materials that can block lightsabers are rare and expensive; why would you spend all that money on a standard-issue riot control device? Grievous' magnaguards fought jedi all the damn time so it makes sense that they'd have it but jedi have been somewhat scarce the last couple decades or so.
It's not the material, it's the electric field that's blocking the lightsaber.
doesn't the trailer cut away at that second contact? Could mean Finn's gonna slash right through it and cleave the poor dude in half.
>It's not the material, it's the electric field that's blocking the lightsaber.
Not what I saw.

I guess if that's the case then I'll be proven wrong, but I doubt it.
Wait, you think the riot trooper's weapon is made of cortosis or something? It's electrified, dude. That electric field around it is what's protecting it from lightsaber damage, it doesn't need to be made of any special material.
But the lightsaber strikes below the electrified part.
>Poor Little Officer
>Poor Little Officer 2: That's Not Regulation
>tagline on the poster: "He kind of likes it"
......it's rough...and course....and it gets everywhere. I DON'T LIKE IT!
It's unfair how cute the Imperial officers not Tarkin are in this show.
what was the old man mumbling anyways?
I didn't get it
Sounded like something along the lines of "yeah I'll tighten your face"

I don't think it really matters if we could understand it clearly, we got the gist of it: backtalking under his breath.
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Yeah well, the people that make them know what they're doing. Filoni wants us to love them before they inevitably bite it.
Why are they wasting a perfect opportunity to tie in the show with TFA?

I liked that he was competent in this episode.

Although he didn't wind up killing the Storm Troopers they probably died anyways since he left them in a holding cell.
Which opportunity?
The launch of TFA is near, they could've written some storylines for S2 that have to do with TFA, or a characters backstory for example
>Although he didn't wind up killing the Storm Troopers they probably died anyways since he left them in a holding cell.

Well, you can thank Chopper for that.

Who says they haven't already. Ketsu could show up in Maz's castle.

Yeah. I think with this latest e pisode Chopper's body count will remain the highest for the rest of the show.
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What´s the death toll?
Why are Kamille Bidan and Judau Ashta making out in the OP of a Star Wars thread?
92% of the people working there are dead. The only one's that made it out were maybe the people working behind the bridge of the Interdictor.

Because the OP is a faggot, and not the fun kind.
It's Ezra and Jai Kell from season one, silly billy.
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believe in the sign of Zeta

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So about 2,000 dead.
I just want to have a pure time.
Most likely, at least it was a quick death, but most likely painful.
This is why I never use fanart as the OP image, it always brings trouble.
I'm just an /m/ crossposter having a bit of fun, don't worry about it.
Ship seemed to be collapsing in on itself. Most of them were probably crushed. Hell the thing seemed like it was still going when Agent Kallus arrived.
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I liked Kallus' face at the end of it, he was so smug, and probably relieved someone fucked up as bad as he does.
He killed two of the technicians when he deflected those blaster bolts, iirc.
So how did people feel about their shipfu being carved up like a thanksgiving turkey.
>tfw you'lle never make imperial protocol jokes
With some sadness, but many of us knew it was going to happen due to the Season Two Trailer showcasing its destruction. So we knew it was going to happen and were prepared for it. Still miss it though, and the hum of the gravity wells when they were used.
Literally the first scene in Star Wars shows us how menacing Darth Vader is and he is one of the most iconic villains of all time.
Just shut up, if you don't know what you are talking about.

Actually I'd say the first scene mostly shows us how sassy Vader is. The menacing comes later.
The thing about tv shows is you have the time to flesh out the antagonists, and their actions, better, and during this time you can show them to be menacing and still lose.

And I'm not talking about MUH ELITE STORMTROOPERS, I'm talking about seeing the enemy win sometimes or at least losing in not so embarrassing ways.
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Yfw when Chopper becomes the main villain
>thinking robot sheev isn't already Rebels BBEG
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Seriously though, his laughs at inappropriate moments are scaring me.
Can anyone link me the recommended viewing guide for Clone Wars? Asking for a friend
New TV spot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SqVwXOWC5M
Snoke's voice is sinister as hell. I love it!
Also, I heard someone screaming in the Knights of Ren scene. I wonder where that came from.
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Is it really still just "the galaxy"? Goddamn, someone needs to come up with a name for it.
>Rakata Prime

Aw shit
Please be the first target of Starkiller Base if it can go into Hyperspace somehow.
I thought it was further out from the core than that.
All these planets are canon now?
You failed at reading.
Anyone else bothered by how much it seemed like Chopper was trying to get Ezra killed? Goddamn that whole sabotage scene its like he was trying to arrange an "accident". Fucker even ran over his hand when he saw he didnt fall.

Also "Ill pull you shoot" was super fucked up. Imagine being those men safely behind cover....then just feeling the tug.
Well if you were a dark lord of the robo sith how would you screen to see if your possible future applicant held the ability to be your apprentice?
They don't call it Choppin Time for nothing.
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This movie looks epic. The cinematography is just breathtaking.
I'm nearing the end of Rebels season 1. It's okay but I have one question that is bugging the shit out of me.

Why are all the goddamn lightsabers so spindly? They're like laser toothpicks.
To fit with the theme of the show that is recycled McQuarrie art brought to life.
>>the empire is competent
They are though. People only say they suck because in one scene of the entire saga the Empire eats shit. In ANH they sucked because Tarkin told them to let the rebels get away. Then in ESB and ROTJ they fuck everyone's shit up (aside from getting killed by Ewoks in the later half of the battle where the first half had them fucking everyone's shit up).

Literally the only reasons people think the Empire is incompetent are because 1: they intentionally let Luke and everyone get away in Episode 4, 2: the rebels win in almost every media you see them in (because that's simply good storytelling), and 3: Lucas decided to replace Wookiees with Ewoks in Episode 6.
I hope to see more cute First Order Officers.
No Eriadu?
Male or female?
Both to satisfy everyone.
look at those baby-sideburns,
he probably dreams of achieving the well groomed sideburns Kallus has
>Snoke apparently has a weird-ass bone structure and facial structure

What if he's some kind of Rakatan warlord the First Order found out in the Unknown Regions?
Now I get why they turned around in the first teaser, Hux is holding a speech as they destroy a system and they're turning to watch the devastation.
This was just to highlight new planets and familiar ones in relation. There's gonna be a new one in the upcoming TFA Visual Guide, iirc.
I'm pretty sure that was already mentioned in the leaked synopsis on Making Star Wars.
>Rakata Prime
Not everybody reads the spoilers.
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>nal hutta is still a thing

fuck yeah
>Hux is holding a speech as they destroy a system and they're turning to watch the devastation
>as they destroy a system
>not a planet, an ENTIRE FUCKING SYSTEM

Do these dumb space nazi types never learn?
>the Rakata are probably still canon
>HK-47 is still canon
>they were going to put Revan in TCW but the only thing holding them back was the concept of Sith having ghosts
>people still don't believe that rumor that the KOTOR era is still canon but Pablo Hidalgo doesn't want it to be canon because KOTOR 2 fucks with his view of the force
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Why is Chopper such a dick?

can't stop the chop
I think it's awesome. They really did surpass the Empire.
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You know it's funny. Chris Avallone ran that by Lucasarts, and they said it was okay.

Were they drunk or something?
>Kallus' face when he finally isn't the one making the report that he fucked up for once
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>[correctness intensifies]
Vader is menacing. Sidious is menacing. The Empire as a whole, not so much
Speaking of, this was probably what they were talking about when they said 'You could just assume Legends media are tall tales people tell in the galaxy that got twisted over time and no longer represent the specifics of what actually happened'. I bet you when they were figuring out the new canon a lot of them wanted the KOTOR era canon since it doesn't contridict much except for very small mentions of the Republic being 1,000 years old (which was already fucky due to the '1,000 years/1,000 generations' thing) and Hidalgo's view of the force. I bet they're treating it like it might as well be canon but not really.
>That fucking red sky Nazi imagery
Literally cumming
>Anyone else bothered by how much it seemed like Chopper was trying to get Ezra killed?
Chopper has tried to get everybody killed at one point or another. He don't give a fuck

>Also "Ill pull you shoot" was super fucked up
Honestly I was wondering why they didn't do this all the time.
Also forgot to mention, in The Perfect Weapon Bazine uses computer spikes.
The officers on the Death Star in ANH were pretty menacing as well. Just by looking at them you can tell that probably every single one of them murdered millions to achieve their high position in the Empire.
You mean that council? They just seemed like Nazi generals having a meeting. It's not like any of them other than Tarkin show up after that scene
Now this I'd like to see, especially over that Plagueis nonsense.
>People complain about high powerlevels

>Vader slaughters like a hundered rebels and several tanks without taking one hit
>Arpha treats Boba Fett like he's a big deal

I will drink your bitch tears when in the Force Unleashed Luke literally takes down a group of walkers by crashing a spaceship with the force
>the Force Unleashed
That's a video game
Fuck. My bad. I mean TFA obviously.
Gillen made it so that most of that was via exploits, though, but Gillen's a good writer.
Yes, I meant them. It was just one scene, but it was one of the most memorable scenes in ANH. Mostly because it established how powerful Tarkin was and what Vader can do with the force, but it also showed us how ruthless the Empire really is (Motti in particular) and that not everyone in the Empire is arrogant and shortsighted. Remember the guy who warned the other officers from underestimating the Rebel forces?
It's true, but he still did block torpedos and a tank shot.

Also I get that they were armed for lethal, but come on not even like a few guys with stun rounds to just start shooting him with no warning?

I think both of you are right, just that there needs to be a balance in the potrayal. The Empire will always be threatening as an entity because of its sheer size and military strength. Twilight Company and A New Dawn did a good job of portraying this.
A few blunders and Incomptents don't change the intimidation the Empire has as a whole. For every Daala there's an Issard or Piet.
It's in the Clone Wars...
so... Finn gets BTFO by that stormtrooper? And that blaster must be some kind of magnum hand canon. Look at that fucker fly
I feel bad for Sheev, after ANH his only friend died along with his new super weapon.
He meant Nar Shaddaa.


The admiral was shit anyway, the chin-less wonder can't compete with Kallus' glorious visage.
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You're fucking wrong, mate.
>Republic being 1,000 years old (which was already fucky due to the '1,000 years/1,000 generations' thing)

Actually, TCW fixed that. The movie Republic is 1000 years old, and there was an Old Republic before it. When the Empire comes into power, both republics are referred to as the "Old Republic".
>Dat black stormtrooper uniform

this guy has seen some shit. He's probably killed no less than 100 men
Not necessarily. The scene reminds of the one where Indiana Jones shoots some motherfucker who threatens him with a sword. Han was probably just there to quickly support Finn with a good blaster at his side.
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No I meant Nal Hutta, didn't know it was in TCW cause I haven't seen it.

And if you ask why, its cause the aesthetics of the clone wars does not appeal to me at all. I'm not saying its bad and that I am a pre-quel hater douche, but the empire era gives me too much of a boner, just look at pic related
Yeah, but Nar Shaddaa is in the star wars book, not Nal Hutta.
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>Rakata Prime
Yay, Snoke may not turn out to be a snake after all.
Of course, but TCW has some good parts, and as it goes along, is usually some of the best Western animated action so far.
A good death is its own reward. I thought the implosion looked cool enough to justify its destruction.
The tragic loss of an interdictor is offset by finally getting another Imperial villain to take some of his workload. Now all we need is a qt to replace Tua.
Well, if they're going with the same lore about the unknown regions as the previous EU, Jakku being on the left side of the core means it's still on the frontier of uncharted territories.
When I first read about Starkiller Base in MSW's synpopsis, it reminded me of the Starforge in Kotor. We know now that Rakata Prime is canon. I doubt that Snoke himself is a Rakata because they said he is huge and it wouldn't be possible to perform him without modern CGI. He is probably something we've never seen before.
But what if the Starkiller was influenced from the Rakata and their dark side technology? Maybe this could explain how the First Order was able to create a weapon that can destroy an entire solar system.
I doubt they'll use any KOTOR stuff for the movies. And they probably won't explain much about the Starkiller's construction or origin, just like the Death Star. It was built, now it needs to be destroyed before it causes any problems. I'm betting they'll gloss over the weapon's history and schematics until all the expanded universe stuff that will come out after the movie.
What if Starkiller Base manages to stay alive until the end of 9?
You're probably right. I was just trying to make my own tinfoil hat theory that isn't just "Hey, I bet the new villain is Darth Plagueis!".
>finger poke
I'd like that actually. Would reshape the pottery a little. I'd prefer it to somehow not get destroyed in TFA, then not appear in VIII so we can develop everything more, then show up in IX so we can be like "welp, it came back".

Problem is, can it move? If it's built into the side of a planet, can it be moved to other locations, or does it just calculate long-range shots galaxy-gun-style?

>hosnian prime

I'm guessing that's the planet that gets destroyed.
I'm thinking it's a Unicron style thing; giant machine planet that can move on it's own without gravity stopping it.
>Not Coruscant
Why does everyone get so bent out of shape about that? Just because Kreia has a theory and challenges the player doesn't mean she's 100% correct. I mean that's kind of the point of the game, not taking things at face value, right? So why take Kreia's view at face value too? Especially when it's been established that the Force is inherently mysterious and there were numerous ideas and philosophies concerning it in Legends.

I just feel like if Kreia's warped viewpoint is the only thing you took away from KOTOR 2 you must not have been paying attention.
>Not a new planet that the audience doesn't really care about yet to match pottery that was blowing up Alderaan.
Could you imagine if Chopper ever died? I don't think I could handle it
>Starkiller Base is about where Ilum was on older maps.
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Yes please
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He'll have to upgrade to his ESB body eventually
>because they said he is huge and it wouldn't be possible to perform him without modern CGI.
Bait and switch. If you honestly still believe he's going to be some kind of Smaug, you're a child.
>Hera and Kanan on screen
>Rex and Kanan on screen

Why is Kanan like this?
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Google Translate added Aurebesh to their languages
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>"He gets it from Hera"
Noice. Speaking of, who here can read Aurebesh without a translator? I can but it takes me a little bit longer to read in Aurebesh than in normal letters because I have to study the text for a second.
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>pyfw JJ hates the prequels so much that he wipes out every single planet that was introduced in them
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Makes me wonder whether the Ruusan Reformation is still canon. Especially since Lucas created Darth Bane.
Will 73 year old Ford and 59 year old Fisher kiss in TFA?

>as bad as he does

this guy fucked up WORSE than he did. He had specific instructions to keep Ezra under the most secure of guards, a lesson Kallus knew from experience, but didn't listen which not only let Ezra and the other rebels escape, but lost the Empire it's new prototype ship.
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What's wrong with Jew dough embracing his girlfriend?

Yeah, he has an execution in his future. He should have known the Rebels are invincible.

Oh well, maybe Kallus will get to live a little longer now.
Wait which issue of Empire is this from? I can't find it in the most recent one with all the TFA covers?

He just underestimated them. Specifically Ezra (which everybody was doing this episode).
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it's the beard, the spirit of Katarn flows through it

happy Turkey day Rebel's gen
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Destiny is the true Star Wars of the Gundam franchise.
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Blessed be Katarn's beard

This is noice.
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>tfw it's already been a year
>tfw only 3 weeks to go
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did Star Wars ever have a Space Communism thing? genuinely curious now

I'm sorry to say, but you're a faggot dude, you suck dick. I'm a doctor, so I can tell.
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anybody get some of the toys yet?
>even you have never faced such a test

What did he mean by this?
Finn and Rey aren't shit to Kylo.

Yeah, it'll be shit if they lay a hand on him considering he's killed trained force-users with the Knights of Ren.
So I'm betting it'll be ~3 more episodes until Ezra goes dark side for a bit.
Why do people think that everyone at Luke's Jedi Academy were all padawans? Luke weouldn't start full-fledged order without at least training one person to Jedi Knight-hood.
I feel like I need to call him Hans or Franz or some other stereotypical German name
Kam was technically a fully trained Dark Jedi, Kyle popped i every now and then when he wasnt doing hard anal with Jan in space

oh and mater ikrit

There probably were fully trained Jedi there, people just want to make excuses for Luke's Jedi getting bested by 7 dudes who have weapons like such as staff and a cricket bat.

Finn and Rey have absolutely no training, and the spoilers indicate that they both get their asses kicked. So no worries there.

Good idea. Those are a bit overused though. How about Josef, Heinz, or Jürgen?
Something like that must still exist, since in Tarkin, it's mentioned that the military was disbanded once the Sith were wiped out.
Jurgen's lotion is tops for masturbation senpai
I support this idea 100%



Good tier:

Shit tier:
>Shit tier:
You're right.

>Beneath shit tier: Chopper
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R2 plz

I miss his smile
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>Zeb is god tier

u pullin my leg m8
>Great tier: Agent Fuckup
Yeah nah
>Tarkin not elder god tier
>Zeb that high
>Chopper in shit tier
>no Vader
>no Hondo
>no Gregor

This is the worst power rankings I have ever seen, and I saw a power rankings with Philadelphia fans ranked #1 once.
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>The Rakata are canon again

Awww yeah son
Ahsoka Tano


Good tier:

Bad tier:

Shit tier:

fixed it for you
Since when?
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You know guys,

Ezra's doing ok
Yes, his training has come far. Zeb will reward him in rape dollars.
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so ummm have we come a consensus about what Zeb's penis looks like?
Holy fuck. I hated Season 2 so far but this fucking episode was seriously 10/10. God damn. I don't believe how much of a turnaround that was. What a Thanksgiving this is.
It seems the show's quality is directly proportional to the amount of screentime Kanan gets

You're pushing it.
We're at the point where I assume 50% of you are from /m/.

Barbed cat penis.
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happy turkey day comrade
>Worth anything

Waifufags pls go.

I'm desperately hoping for a Hondo/Kanan/Gregor adventure episode.
She's worth something
>Ahsoka never got turned into profit
I dunno man, I think it's the best episode of the series so far at least, I guess there's never a such thing as a real 10/10, maybe I'm just in a good mood

I just felt it was way more fucking exciting than anything so far, especially after the last few episodes, and moments like Kanan shooting troopers instead of trying a ruse were GOAT

>Sheev cheering too just to spite Vader.

Fucking nice
Ey mang dats Ezras girl. Don't be throwing your homies in the darkside like that. It ain't the Jedi way
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Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister


Everyone else
that picture is fucking gay
kill yourself OP for promoting paedophilia
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>Hera gets all gung ho to lead theese cheery fucks and phoenix squadron to blast them out
>Kanan never signals her in the end

Fucking rekt
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>that picture is fucking gay
Where do you think we are?
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Yeah, no. It was a good episode, but not THAT good. I think the first episode of season 2 was the best so far.
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Stupid sexy Rex
on /co/ not on /b/
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Just give in anon.
Eh, I think Vader not cutting Kanan's arm off in that episode given the chance is endemic of the stupid hold-back-iness of this show. This episode didnt have any of that shit. Legions of troopers got shot in cold blood. It was great.
Jokes on him cause she fucked every single one of those pilots to spite him back
even the chick? how the fuck would that work even?I don't understand lesbians they frighten and infuriate me
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Even the girl on the left?
ESPECIALLY the girl on the left.
She could use her head tails to penetrate.

Think about it.

They're even erogeneous zones so it'd even feel good for both
>This episode didnt have any of that shit.

It had the same hold-back-iness it always had. The imperials could've easily killed Rex before Kanan arrived, but they didn't because the heroes have plot armor.
damn she hot
They could have but at least they were torturing him before then, that's the opposite of hold- -back-iness
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Give in to your anger. With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant.
I've never doubted that Rebels would show (or at least imply) some darker scenes too, but I doubt the writers have the balls to ever kill off any of the good guys after watching the new episode.
Snoke: But, but I like to blow things up.
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>Guys I'm telling you, Palpatine is playing both sides of the clone wars!
I dunno, it feels like the classic build up before that to me. I bet Rex is going to eat it by the end of the season.

Still, killing characters doesn't itself make a show good. You can do plenty of dark shit without that.
Aw, one of the right wingers got triggered.
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Interesting, I'm quite sure I know that place from before.
Wasn't there a lightsaber crystal cave?
It would be efficient to have all those Kyber Crystals there already to power the laser with.
Is this canon or fanfiction?
It's the animation adaption of a canon book. It leaves out some details of course, but the majority of it is there.
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Yep, IIum is the Starkiller Base for sure. I don't know how Luke could have fucked up so badly. Even Sheev couldn't getthe location of that planet.
Rex is definitely gonna die

Guy's uploading all the Empire stuff
Shit, fucked up the crosslink
I mean to say
>Even Sheev couldn't getthe location of that planet.
Didn't Vader know?

Well, considering the planet has enough kyber crystals to power a weapon that can destroy entire systems.... I don't think Vader did.
Doesn't he also have access to the Jedi Temple records? It's surely recorded.
Odd since he's been there twice
>All Canon Novels and Comics: (Including the Rebels UK Comics)

Hey, MEGAnon, I noticed you don't seem to have the Twilight Company tie-in short story from the latest Insider yet. Here you go:
>I noticed you don't seem to have the Twilight Company tie-in short story from the latest Insider yet.

I didn't put it in because it's shit.

Vader probably didn't tell Sheev everything he knew, and going by their relationship, I doubt Sheev would mind rape Vader for any information.
With that logic, some of the canon books shouldn't be included yet they are.

Nah, it was a secret.
But /co/ thinks just because something is canon, that it's great.
No we don't. Aftermath for instance is garbage.
Yawn. Get some new material, guys.
The MEGA is being billed as All Canon, not Good Canon.
The planet is, the species isn't.
You're right. I'll change it.
Maybe they'll give them a new design that isn't so laughable
Re-do, I fucked up the spoilers. Gonna delete the other ASAP. Soundtrack titles (this is legit, be warned):

1. Main Title and the Attack on the Jakku Village

2. The Scavenger

3. I Can Fly Anything

4. Rey Meets BB-8

5. Follow Me

6. Rey’s Theme

7. The Falcon

8. That Girl with the Staff

9. The Rathtars!

10. Finn’s Confession

11. Maz’s Counsel

12. The Starkiller

13. Kylo Ren Arrives at the Battle

14. The Abduction

15. Han and Leia

16. March of the Resistance

17. Snoke

18. On the Inside

19. Torn Apart

20. The Ways of the Force

21. Scherzo for X-Wings

22. Farewell and the Trip

23. The Jedi Steps and Finale
Doubt it. After all, look at the Ongree.

I know that, thats why I mean nal Hutta
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Pre Vizsla has to be the worst Mandolorian in history. He had Maul beat several times, but each time, charged him in close combat like an idiot.

When you have a dangerous melee fighter knocked off his feet from the bombs you're throwing from the air, you don't land and charge him with your sword. You continue throwing bombs at him. Or draw your blaster and shoot him in the chest. Or fire your MandoMissile. Hell, even whipping out his dick and pissing on him from the air would have been smarter.

Same thing when you actually shoot the weapon out of your opponents hand. You don't holster your weapon and charge your enemy like a wildman with your laser sword. You put another blaster shot in his head.

God, you people are such faggots.
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>yfw the test is the Vong
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Just saw the newest episode. Easily my favorite of the entire show, fucking loved it. First time in a while that I actually felt the characters were actually in danger too.

The action pieces were fucking great and Ezra... wasnt a shit for once!?

Yeah man, I loved every second of it. Made the past two episodes look like shit.

What about you guys?
Best episode so far, followed by Brothers of the Broken Horn and Siege of Lothal.

It's so refreshing to get an episode that wasn't shit.
Oh shit is that an Interdictor? I remember those globes from Empire at War
I think it's the Ahsoka vs Inquisitors episode, so we're getting the second proper Lightsaber fight of the series (First being the Season 1 finale) so I'd say it's gonna' be good.
Just wait until the good guys have plenty of cannon fodder on their side, and we'll get even better ones
I played the shit out of that game but I don't remember ever playing it online. Is it good? Do people still play it online? I'd totally be down to start a Galactic Conquest campaign against someone.
Anybody know if we r getting INBRIEF??
Multiplayer EaW is hyper dead last I checked
see >>77738084
Reminder that some of the new movie characters have already been introduced via the books (sarco plank for example), and that characters from the cartoons have already been referenced as seen in the trailer.

Also I never saw it mentioned in the thread, but in one of the newer trailers, more of the flags are shown, and Vizago's is there.

Yeah, the movies will generally contain the most important events, but this isn't always the case, and it doesnt matter to the story group, theyre still treating it equally canon.
Anybody knows if we r getting INBRIEF???
Thank u!!!!
We had a couple of Rebels shooting in the hallway near the end. I was hoping one of them would get shot (maybe they did but I missed it) to say "hey, look, Stormtroopers do actually kill the good guys", but the episode was damn great, so I dont mind. The Interdictor was a legitimate threat, and the Stormtroopers did manage to defeat Rex, so yeah, I liked that there was a mild level of competence from them. Enough to make me think that the Rebel Soldiers (and even Rex) might not survive.
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I can't wait any longer. When is Garm "fucked your mother AND your sister" Iblis going to appear in the show?
Thank u based God!!
Never because he's not that great a character

Any proof that this is legit?

Look at this imposter
Damn, I really liked Ezra in this one
>if put in the name field, maybe people will actually believe me!
What do you think Snoke is?
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Better pic of the galaxy map.
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He'll get that Mando pussy one day.
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b-but JJ "Bait and Switch" Abrams told me he was 100 feet tall and had spikes and shit ;_;
What is this map from? Insider?
Have you seen the size of some of the Rakata in TOR? They're fucking giants...

Plagueis, duh
So does that mean there's going to be no more Vader?
Empire magazine. Pablo then said the map was for the TFA Visual Dictionary. It's the first canon map so far.
Or we can just check if he added the story
I thought Soa was a unique case.
No. I don't play MMOs.
Inbrief is in the mega now so I would assume the guy saying he didn't want to add it because he's shit isn't the real guy
He wasn't, but he's right. It's complete shit.
You can take the name off now, we know you're not the guy
I'm autistic and I love to fuck little boys, I am glad that I can provide a service to other prequel-loving autists like me in the greatest general ever made
>March of the Resistance

About time Rebels got their own march. Trade Federation, Clone Troopers, and the Empire all got theirs
Hey, who do you think you are!? My general may be autistic, but they deserve shit comics!
Is there a scan of the full issue yet? Or at least all the Star Wars stuff?
I dont really sound like that! ....do I? ;_;
Hey, fuck you, bitch. Or I'm putting you in the mega.
The clones never got their own theme. The rebels didn't have a march but they did have signature fanfare.
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Suck my dick.
They did get their own theme.
Several impostor have shown up. There is only one way to decide who is the true Mega Anon.

All of us must post pictures of our dicks. The smallest one is the true steward of the Mega.
>tfw no dynamic between him and Mon Mothma, where they argue a lot but secretly like each other
You're on!
Youre gonna get embarrassed, mother fucker.
>The clones never got their own theme
I figured this was it

It doesn't seem to be complete, though. I don't see Lothal.
The funny part of this is that the actual rebel theme doesn't appear anywhere in the medal ceremony track. It's actually just a celebratory version of the Force theme.
Trade Federation still has the best march. Fight me.

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Be patient. He's coming. We better get some REAL rebels soon like Mon Mothma and Garm Bel Iblis.

No more of this commader nobody and his shitty George Takei impression.
That was meant for the arena in AOTC. It was never meant to be an actual theme, just a set piece (and even then it's actually a variation of the Trade Federation theme).
It's a throwaway planet developed for a kiddy show. You really think they care enough about it?
What makes you so sure? Why would they use it in another Clone-centric moment if it wasn't meant to be that?

Also the Trade Federation theme is >>77739483
and it sounds different


Amazon France listing. I think it's a third party seller though. Seems believable at least.
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>Ridley on first-day-of-filming nerves:

>“I was petrified. I thought I was gonna have a panic attack on the first day.”
>“JJ [Abrams] … he probably doesn’t remember telling me that my performance was wooden. >This was my first day! And I honestly wanted to die. I thought I was gonna cry, I couldn’t breathe.”

>you will never comfort a crying Daisy Ridley


Relax, guy.
>Why would they use it in another Clone-centric moment
It's not the only time it's been re-used, though. Just being used in a scene doesn't make it a theme, it has to actually be designed as a theme to be designated as one.

Incidentally, the clones don't get their own theme in the movies but they do in TCW.
>you will never comfort a crying Daisy Ridley

Good. She's weird looking.
>Also the Trade Federation theme is >>77739483
>and it sounds different
It's not identical because it's a variation, just like the "mystery theme" throughout AOTC is actually a variation of Across the Stars.
>you will never comfort a crying Daisy Ridley

I'd rather hang out with Boyega. He seems chill as hell.
But it doesn't even have the same melody. The only similarity is it's kinda slow and has low brass. The mystery theme shares the melody of Across the Stars.

Listen to the two right now for god's sakes.
>I don't understand what a musical variation is
Of course it's not the same melody. I never said it was.
They're completely different. That's more than a variation. Stop being fucking retarded. No rhythms or motifs are the same. That's like saying the Imperial March is a variation of it. No, they're different.

Please, both were posted just posts above yours. Listen to them both and purge your misremembering.
They sound fairly similar to me. I don't know if it's intentional, but the arena march does sound like what a copyright-dodging version of the TF march would sound like.
A musical variation means only some parts are different. Not the entire theme thrown out and replaced with a new one.
They have a lot of similarities. If you want to keep insisting that it's not a variation, okay, believe what you want.
The Clones have their own theme courtesy of TCW.


You can hear it all over the show, and in Rebels. It was even in the newest episode when Kanan pulls the Stormtroopers and Rex fires.
How are you not hearing the similarities? They start out exactly the same, then halfway they diverge. You can't possibly be this tone-deaf.
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>arguing over soundtracks

Look what we've been reduced to.
They don't though. You're the one who's tone deaf.

>that filename

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>No Dooku theme
It's not meant to, just a sampling to compare with the new planets.
All of you are wrong. The Ep2 arena music is LITERALLY the Ep1 Trade Federation march. Go to 6:55 and you'll hear it.

The Temple March in Ep3 is its own thing

The temple march is the same track. They didn't even re-record it, it's the same audio meant for AOTC, most of it just didn't get used for it.

The same thing happened with a podrace track meant for TPM, it went unused in the movie (but appeared in the soundtrack CD) and just got re-used for the arena when the Jedi and droids start fighting.
Even TCW didn't give him one. Poor guy never gets a break.

>19. Torn Apart
This is most likely the scene where Kylo "silences the conversation forever". Can't wait to hear William's amazing score, especially for this scene.[/spoilers]
Hey MEGAnon if you're still here, I've uploaded all of the translated Korean webcomics currently released:


>Finn only has one theme
Sorry I don't upload weeaboo shit faggot
Most characters only have one theme. Unless you think their title being on the track is what constitutes a theme, in which case you're retarded.
Thanks, I'm adding them now
What the hell do you think you're doing?
You just dont know when to quit, do you kid?
That pic reminds me, is that new show The Expanse any good? I heard the first episode is out
All of you fuck off.

Especially you. >>77740057
Heh, always France for some reason. Like when they leaked Fulcrum's identity.

March of the Resistance? Interesting the good guys have a march now. Will it be as memorable as the Imperial March? Doubtful but only because those are some damn big shoes to fill.
I may be remembering wrong, but weren't Interdictors already around during Tarkin?
How come they are calling it a experimental weapon now?
Haven't seen it. Or heard of it until now.

I'm digging Into The Badlands though. What do you think of it?
Because it's still experimental.
Even BF2 had the decency of lending him "Anakin's Dark Deeds" from RotS

Classy bastard really deserved his own theme song.
It's out online, on Youtube even, watch it

I think it's good, I can't even believe it's
>SyFy exclusive
because god damn it looks good.


If this is indicative of the network readjusting its priorities, sign me the fuck up
There's three different types in Tarkin and one in Heir to the Jedi as well.
Yeah, I'm sure they decided to keep Rakata Prime around just for laughs. Dumbass.
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In absence of an official Dooku theme, his theme defaults to this

They appear, but they also didn't work as smoothly as intended and started dragging even Imperial ships into the gravity well. I don't remember them mentioning Interdictors as experimental (but it's been like a year since I read it) but I could buy them still requiring a lot of fine-tuning, where even ten years later in Rebels they're still considered experimental.
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Yeah I thought it was weird how they treated the Interdictor since it showed up in Tarkin, but it's bit in Tarkin was NOT a highlight. Apparently they're still working with it even by Rebels. And it DID work rather well, too, until Chopper fucked with it. Ironically the fact he fucked with it probably will convince the Empire it ultimately didn't work and further delay it. It's not like there's much hope of finding forensic evidence of tampering given it crushed itself and the other Imperial ships into a handy cube that I hope later shows up as a paperweight on Kallus' desk.

Reminder, Lucas approved this.
She looks like those fat chicks who make you think 'they would look cute if they were skinny' if they were actually skinny.
confirmed hard gay for OP's pic
Wow, that got really silly very quicly
Did you even read what I said? I said she looked cute.
hard gay
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how come "future" ahsoka looks so different from rebel ahsoka?
cock intake was significantly increased for one

Different art style and future is always in motion
better question is why maul didn't think his all powerful master wouldn't come looking for him if he took over FRIGGIN MANDALORE
I rewatched AOTC recently and I don't remember seeing Barriss among the survivors. I guess she was retconned into surviving.
I prefer the fan theory/joke that Ahsoka saw her future self with long luscious Lekku because she had Shaak Ti envy. And who could blame her?
desu mandalore at that time was like.....let's say Greece or one of those old countries that sells its ancient history for tourist dolalrs
i prefer Rebels ver, TCW one looks odd
Just watched latest episode and...I wish Star Wars would stop being so 'self aware.'

Just because everyone in the outside universe jokes about stormtroopers being incompetent doesn't mean you should have people in universe do it too. And if the armor doesn't do anything, and the helmet makes you shoot poorly...what is the point in having people were them? Not saying stormtroopers should be able to hit anything, just don't have people in universe talk so much about it.
According to Son of Dathomir, that was the plan. Talzin wanted to draw Sidious out so she could kill him. Maul was pretty much caught in a proxy dick-measuring contest between her and Sheev.

Apparently so was Ventress, since if Talzin's plan all along was revenge on Sheev, it's possible she only helped her with her revenge attempts on Dooku because she hoped that would eventually lure Sidious out.

They call them bucketheads in-universe. People do think they're a joke.
>Talzin wanted to draw Sidious out so she could kill him.
Talk about a mouse trying to fight a lion...
Or the camera just didn't catch her again because she was just a bit character at the time. You'd need to get a clear shot of her corpse for it to be a retcon.
>It's not like there's much hope of finding forensic evidence of tampering given it
The Interdictor was being overrun with escaping rebels and there were a few survivors that could tell them what happened, the captain himself being the best witness, the Empire can probably infer the rebels had something to do with it's destruction.
>And if the armor doesn't do anything
I mean that wasn't really a criticism of the armor itself, rather of getting shot with a full powered live round

Look at modern times, modern day body armor won't stop a modern rifle round for jack shit, but you wear it anyway because it's better than nothing and it still protects against handguns and junk
>They call them bucketheads in-universe.
People called clones bucketheads.
And calling your enemy some sort of denigrating nick name is not uncommon.
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I dunno, StarWars.com themselves made this handy image.
good god i have some reading up to do
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>Talzin wanted to draw Sidious out so she could kill him
That's about as smart as slathering yourself in beef to hunt Tigers
You know they mentioned that helmets are hard to see out of in the very first movie, right?
Because TCW Future Ahsoka:

1. Was just her model stretched and combined with an adult Togruta model

2. Ahsoka's picture of how she would look as an adult. It was a vision, nothing more.

3. Rebels has a different art style. It's a lot more rounded.


We don't see her die/her corpse there either, so we just have to assume she ran into the colosseum and hid or joined the battle


In Tarkin, it was said to be untested, and after the whole incident it caused it was sent back to the manufacturers for re-assessment

Nope, just for Stormtroopers

Starkiller base confirmed for Ilum
She got captured offscreen. The B1s were loosening her up a bit before the clones arrived.
Yeah, it went about as well as expected. I mean, Talzin got herself into a situation where Grievous, Dooku AND Sidious were all in the same room and all trying to kill her. She basically created an unwinnable scenario for herself.
Hmm, I could swear I remember battle droids calling clones bucketheads in TCW a few times, maybe just bad memory
That's also the movie where Obi-Wan makes mention of the "only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise"
Talzin's Plan:
1. Have Maul gain lots of power
2. Have Sidious come after Maul
3. ???
4. Victory
Rex is a Clone though, it makes sense that he sees them as worse. He was trained from birth, they're kids to him.

They're even addressing this with the FO stormies, so it's not just a Rebels thing.
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3. awesome concept art
I was surprised it took 2 stun blasts to take Rex down
>They're even addressing this with the FO stormies, so it's not just a Rebels thing.
God, that was one of the things I hated about the old EU. The "lets shit on the original Empire to make our NEW EMPIRE look cool and like a threat!"
He is empowered by being a crotchety old fucker. Being ornery is an often unused power.
Also fat
Plus he was stunned by Ezra a bit earlier
Was pretty damn badass
First time in a while Rebels got a laugh out of me. Chopper ruining it after was great. In fact, the whole episode was just really fun all around. That pull and shoot trick Kanan and Rex used was fucking hilarious. And when Rex beans a stormtrooper with his helmet before blasting him. Really good action in this one.
Well, the Stormtroopers looked shit next to every soldier other than Battle Droids, so...

They kinda HAVE to address it.
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And when Kanan decided to respond to a trooper asking for ID or verification by blasting him point blank
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When are they going to fuck?
This is where their final duel will be. Mark my words.
Soon, hopefully. Ezra needs a release for all of his hormones
See, I never had that impression in the OT until RotJ. And even then it was just a filming issue since the AT-STs were carrying the badass for that fight. In ANH, the stormtroopers only look like idiots when fighting our protagonists. They absolutely stomp on the rebel redshirts on the Tantive IV, and the Imperial army steamrolls over the rebels at Yavin. Yeah, they weren't supersoldiers, but at worst stormtroopers were your average supervillain minions like in any action movie at the time. Just more stylish.

But now, they're just slapstick losers in white armor getting killed by the truckload while unable to shoot straight.
Yeah it was a HUGE step up. Felt like we were actually watching something from the TCW crew again. Last two episodes were pretty lazy. Felt like they said "this is just filler, dont bother too much."

But yeah, this new episode was pretty fucking great. I was smiling the entire time watching it.
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>thinking Sabine likes boys
when violet eyes butch hair rides him raw to make Sabine jelly
Well now its the steps of the Imperial Palace, so I wonder what would draw members of the Rebellion there? It would be suicide to hit in a military strike.
As soon as they get some actual chemistry. I have a hard time shipping these two as they are.
actually yeah, this guy's got a point
They try a stupid move to peev the sheev.

It fails, Ahsoka stays behind and fights Vader.
When he gets competent enough to be more useful than her in a straight up fight. Though expect a bit of bitchiness about it inbetween.
So soon, probably.
In "Blood Sisters", its pretty heavily implied that while Ezra still has feelings for her, she still sees him as an annoying kid.
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So when is Aphra going to show up?
Sabine actually has some pretty heavy slut fantasies, and she would suck a lot of cock if given the chance, but she is autistic and doesn't know how to talk to boys at all.

Still doesn't like Ezra though.
Assassination attempt on Sheev?

Ahsoka stays behind to face Vader, buying time for the Rebels escape.

That's be a damn heartbreaking story for sure.
>Daisy Ridley is GLAMOUR magazine's brand new cover star - and we think you'll agree, she looks fierce on the front cover. The 23-year-old star of Star Wars: The Force Awakens opens up about her first day jitters, the Disney 'machine', and what she thinks about people getting tattoos - of her face!

>"I was petrified. I thought I was gonna have a panic attack on the first day. JJ [Abrams] … he probably doesn't remember telling me that my performance was wooden. This was my first day! And I honestly wanted to die. I thought I was gonna cry, I couldn't breathe."

>"It's so nice that people are so excited about it. But people are getting tattoos! Of my face! Already! And I'm like; you don't even know what Rey is in the story. It seems insane to me."

>"I haven't seen the film yet - I kinda want to, and I kinda don't - Steven Spielberg's seen it three times, as he told me when I met him!"


Even JJ thinks she's a shitty actor. Why did he hire her?
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hopefully, S3, I would really like to see a slightly younger Aphra in rebels.

>Ghost crew get tasked with finding a small sized droid force left over from the clone wars
>Rebels want to use droids to disrupt empire operations
>Ghost crew find the droids, but also run into Aphra
>shit happens

would be a good episode imo
Pretty much this.

The were never jokes in universe in the OT. They were never hyper competent but they were not shit either.

Now though battledroids seem like they would be more competent. Atleast they had Destroyer Droids, Super Battle Droids and Commando Droids.
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What if Ezra goes full edgemaster?
that's stretching pretty far, since you'd have to be an absolute madman to try heaving Sheev.
Though maybe the Rebels aren't yet aware of him being a Sith, and Sheev engaging in some Rebel Cleaving is what tips his hand.
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>thinking she's not a super kinky mando who likes both
fuck off tumblr
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well I mean he is JJ
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>implying tumblr

/v/ go home.
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Ezra's got some good moves.
That episode with Lando is actually pretty compelling evidence for my case actually. He's clearly flirting with her, but she missed it and starts rambling about her art as if he gives a shit.
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after ezra loses interest
she'll then see his worth and want him
The variety was really good for them. It allowed the B1s to be incompetent losers and make some jokes, but you knew shit was real when a legion of B2s was putting clones down left and right, god forbid a Droideka, BX, or Magnaguard showed up. It's trickier with stormtroopers, because they're all human conscripts, just with different functions.
What's worse? Telling her she's wooden and having her get better on the spot or get fired?

Or just saying she needs to be faster and more intense?
>Steven Spielberg's seen it three times
He must have enjoyed it. I wonder if we'll ever get a Star Wars movie from him?
I really don't get how anyone could be attracted to Aphra with that disgusting art.
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same shit, different refresher
>yfw Dark Troopers show up and we know shit is finally gonna get real
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>mfw Rex wonders why Ezra didn't just set the blaster to kill
Didn't he say that him doing a Star Wars movie would be like going out with your best friend's gf or something?

Ezra is a natural when it come to using the force physically.
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>implying /v/
go home /tv/
we can literally go back and forth all day and night
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It's more about her depictions outside of that artist.
It would be weird if he didn't have moves after training for this long.

Also, yay for finally starting to use the blaster while using the lightsaber, even if it was just for a second
They dumped the EU...in order to do the exact same shit as the EU.
They aren't. She's a meme character.
They dumped the EU to stop all the shit that was contradicting itself.
Do you think he could fight Grevious given time?
>he still believes this

Grow up, you manchild.
>muh EUfag calling someone else a manchild

I wonder how she'll look under Immonen's pencils.
Anon, did I ever tell you about the Jizz Wailers?
They were good friends.
So uncivilized
I mean, yes but couldn't they have also dumped it because 98% of it was shit.
No way, even Ahsoka couldn't. She could defend herself for brief periods of time, but it was always holding off for her escape. She could never face him, Ezra has no chance.
That's the real reason why, but they had to be diplomatic about it
Is that hypothetical, or is Immonen going to be on Vader for a few issues?
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Hopefully sexy enough to get Vader all hot and bothered.
Theres a lot of reasons it was dumped to be honest. No sane company would have kept it, it was a good decision from pretty much every angle to start from scratch with an overseeing story group.

>People still get mad about the canon wipe
I can only laugh at these poor souls
How can the EU be shit when we had such great things like the Vong
Exactly the point.

So why dump the old EU shit and replace it with the exact same shit.

Here's a possibility, likely from a late Season 3+ episode:

The Phoenix Rebel Cell is now in contact with other rebel cells(maybe to set up the foundations for the Rebel Alliance itself). Bail Organa and some others have found out about the Death Star and are given a couple possible locations(one being Imperial Palace). Ahsoka and the Lothal Rebels offer to go after Imperial Palace, since Kanan and Ahsoka used to live there and would have a decent idea of the layout inside(minus the areas Sheev renovated).

They get there and are sneaking around the Palace until they get to where the plans were supposedly being stored, down in the depths(perhaps near the Sith Shrine?). They have Chopper probe for the plans but discover that they aren't there(they had been moved to a different location). Suddenly, alarms begin blaring, as their search had given them away. They manage to blast their way to the front when they're suddenly confronted.

It's Darth Vader. Ahsoka tells the others to run, and rushes to confront Vader. They duel at the steps of the Jedi temple while Hera flies the Ghost in to pick them up. Just as Kanan, Rex, and Ezra are about to board the Ghost, Ahsoka vs Vader reaches it's climax, and Vader kills Ahsoka. Rex, Kanan, and Ezra all shout "No!" but are forced to flee.
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Let's not do that again.
The stuff that has returned from the EU has been all the good stuff though, like Interdictors. Shit like >>77741595 is never coming back.
I like this idea.
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>calling me /tv/

bet you are a pre-quel lover
>calls anyone who says something he doesn't like an EUfag

top kek sheevfriend
I never read their books, but why are the Vong hated? A few of my friends say they liked them. Were they good, were they bad, were they both?
2l8 m8
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>people actually think this
It'll just be replaced by new shit. Do you honestly think every single thing that's going to come out of Star Wars from now on will be 100 percent gold? For years to come?

That's delusion, friend. I'll never understand why someone will be so eager to lap up every single thing Disney and Lucasfilm throws at us.
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i enjoyed them to a degree, but i hold favor for the OT
They invade the entire Galaxy, are immune to the force, look edgy as fuck, and its revealed Sheev was only building an empire because he knew about them and needed to build an army capable of defending against them.

TLDR- It was about as un-star wars as you could possibly get.
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>The stuff that has returned from the EU has been all the good stuff though
She sucks though
She may not be a meme character, but she sure isn't a good character.
I'm talking about the Vader Down crossover, I'm assuming she'll show up in at least one SW issue.
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mah nigga
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How does this compare to the old map?
Did Sheev ever tell anyone the Vong were coming or was it a "JUST TRUST ME BRO" situation?
Because they aren't yet another rehash of Empire vs Rebels and Jedi vs Sith. Thinking outside the box is generally frowned upon.
> Do you honestly think every single thing that's going to come out of Star Wars from now on will be 100 percent gold? For years to come?
Of course not. But I AM confident that at the very least, the continuity will be consistent and everything will feel very Star Warsy, if that makes sense. The EU failed in this many times. Will it always be 10/10 stuff? Fuck no. Most f it will be average. Some will be great. And some stuff will be not so great. Thats just a fact of life. Still an improvement over the EU, and its still great to be starting from scratch now that the main saga is finished so the new books and comics can build upon the world better.
Terrible, terrible character, I can't wait for her to die and be forgotten.
Tell me something that was in the EU, that has been reintroduced into Canon, that is bad.

Because I can't think of anything. They've kept their bullshit filters on pretty well IMO.
>and be forgotten
Good luck with that. There are people here who still remember Echuu Shen-Jon for crying out loud.
>Tell me something that was in the EU, that has been reintroduced into Canon, that is bad.

The prequels.
>and everything will feel very Star Warsy
They are already failing at that.
Look people, and laugh at the EUfag.
I don't like it. Why are Bespin and Hoth marked like that when we know it's called the Anoat Sector? And they're missing a lot of canon planets. Shit Pablo, get it together. We know you know your shit, get off your ass and show it off.

I bet it's because that bitch Andi keeps distracting him.
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1. They're immune to The Force because reasons.
2. They're literally Star Trek villain races(like the Borg) + plants/biomatter
3. They're edgy as fuck, both design-wise and their culture.
4. It was revealed that Palpatine wasn't seeking to rule the galaxy for the Sith like it was explicitly stated, but that he was actually only because he knew about them and was building up an army capable of defending against them, because reasons.
5. They're BDSM Space Zealots

They're about as far as you can get from being Star Wars.

I mean, if there weren't X-Wings in this picture, I wouldn't be able to tell you it's from Star Wars.
Darth Caedus and Jaina and the Legacy of the Force is pretty much the story for Episode 7
I bet you like the Prequels too.
So what territory does the New Republic and Empire have now?

I know the NR doesn't have Coruscant.
>I want Star Wars to be star warsy

See, this is the line of thinking that gets us rehashes like TFA, which I'm sure you're pumped for. Nevermind developing new ideas, new concepts, new characters, etc. People like you would rather see Luke fighting Stormtroopers for the 10 millionth time and clap his hands every time someone says something that was in the movie.
>I've got a bad feeling about this!

It's a fictional world that spans a galaxy and a timeline that spans thousands of years, and you want to be fed the exact same shit for years to come. Pathetic.
You do realize this map isn't a full map of the GFFA, right? It's meant to show where TFA planets are in relation to planets we already know of.

We'll likely get a better, full map of the galaxy(including all of the planets in canon so far) when the first big reference book releases in a couple years.

> Why are Bespin and Hoth marked like that when we know it's called the Anoat Sector?
It's not a map of sectors, it's a map of planets.
How so? I've kept up to date with the books and comics and the only time I've thought something was out of place was those giant space whale's in one of the first Vader issues.

But space whales are a common sci fi trope, and its technically not the first "space alien" we have seen. (the space slug in ESB) so even that fits into the universe fairly well now that I think about it.
The standalone films should hopefully diverge a bit
Minus best boy.

>I mean, if there weren't X-Wings in this picture, I wouldn't be able to tell you it's from Star Wars.

The only way to make something "look" like Star Wars is to jam it with lightsabers and stormtroopers and you know that. Stop being obtuse about this.
I'm actually one of the anons very critical of the rehashed ideas in TFA though. There has to be a balance between being accurate to the feel of the franchise, and trying new stuff.
TFA is just going to be diet-ANH but I'm excited for VIII
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I swear, someone give this woman a Blue Lantern ring.
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Kasdan and JJ did not have that shit in mind when they were writing the story or TFA. They don't even know it exists. Fuck off.
Theres some planets on that map that, as far as I know, weren't even mentioned in the movies though. Mandalore for example. So unless it's in TFA somehow, I... Oh god... They're going to blow up Mandalore....
Only proper response to this would be some SW related Bait picture.

My main, personal problem with them is fact they represent what could be one favorite type of alien race (in sense, really alien, ancient or from outside, powerful and destructive or even lovecraftian) , presented in form what just made me dislike them , as human shaped aliens with some lame face design and shitty or unimaginative biotechnology with generic technology hating and sadomaso philosophy. I wanted something like biological Reapers from ME or Shadows/Vorlons from Babylon 5, invading SW Galaxy and fighting Force users and their allies, instead I got guy in rubber suit/shit makeup tier aliens who don't deserve power they got.
Not that it wasn't only problem with NJO.
Maybe it's there for TCW fans. They did say they're trying to make a more cohesive canon.
>things that will never happen in the show for 100
>instead I got guy in rubber suit/shit makeup tier aliens

God forbid we get that in STAR WARS. We hold it to a higher standard than that, don't we?
I think it's missing some TCW planets too. And Lothal, so I don't think its that. I think anon was right in that it's only Planets relevant to the movies, in which Mandalore may actually be said in TFA. And possibly blown up.
Looks like one of the katas from Jedi Academy
So basically, 'out of place' to you is something that's not in the movies until you remember that it was actually in the movies?
I'm excited for TFA, but I can't exactly say I'm happy they're just re-hashing a lot of the OT.

And it's not that line of thinking that gets us stuff like that. The prequels and TCW managed to look "Star Wars-y" without rehashing the OT.

plus there were those nebula things in TCW at Balmorra Run or whatever

Uhh, no, stop being retarded. You can make something look Star Wars-y without rehashing.

The Yuuzhan Vong just do not look like they fit in Star Wars at all. They look like Star Trek villains.

I didn't say it was only film planets. I just said planets people(like us) would already know of. TCW was pretty popular, so planets like Dathomir, Moraband, Mandalore, and Malastare are there.
>Mandalore destroyed

The ultimate butthurt
I want it to happen so bad
Yeah, there is no mention of Christophsis for example. Were there even civilians shown there at all?
>"General, we've just received word that the First Order destroyed Mandalore."
>"The home planet of Boba Fett? This is truly a dark day."
>"Actually Boba Fett was not from Mandalore nor did he have any connection to Mandalorian culture, he just wore the armor."
>"Oh, my mistake. Thank you for clearing that up."
New thread

A storm trooper breaking ranks and joining the good guys is rehashing he OT?
Yeah, we saw civilians there.
You missing my point.

Aliens from outside of Galaxy who are dangerous and strange even for Force itself should be more than that. Most SW aliens have better desing than Vong anyway, even makeup guys.
>Uhh, no, stop being retarded. You can make something look Star Wars-y without rehashing.

Based on the gospel you've be preaching, no there is not.

No X-Wings, no lightsabers, and no white armor? It's not Star Wars. You have no imagination, son.
>I wanted something like biological Reapers from ME or Shadows/Vorlons from Babylon 5, invading SW Galaxy and fighting Force users and their allies

That's what they were. The Reapers were living ships, the Vong had living ships.
shhhhhhhh it's only poetry when Based George and Based Filoni do it :^)
>But now, they're just slapstick losers in white armor getting killed by the truckload while unable to shoot straight.

Shouldn't you be glad that we are finally getting competent stormtroopers in TFA? Apparently, the new stormtroopers don't even look like complete idiots when fighting our protagonists.
Ben was pretty qt
I'd rather get a good movie instead.
If Vong where just puppets for those ships or those brain thingies were really in charge it would be more fine.
We are getting a good movie you autist. The trailers alone are already better than the prequels and ROTJ.
We're getting a boring, paint by numbers rehash. It will not leave the same impression as the original movies because you're an adult now.

I'm not that excited about it. They've been so uncreative about the whole thing. I was expecting a new era instead it's star wars manchildren pandering reunion anh rehash with pc characters to stay with it 2015. Cool....
lmao prequelfags mad as fuck
What are you even talking about?
you're fucking done prequel kiddo
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