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Thread replies: 134
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>poaching your eggs in a superior wine glass

You go, girl! :D
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*shaky shake* salt & peppa!
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Viola! =D
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this is the ugliest egg i've seen in my whole life
>all that liquid

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To innovate you have to know what the fuck you're doing. That looks disgusting, way worse than any other plating you could use. Unironically kys
>cooking for yourself
>giving a sh*t about the plating

Learn how to properly beat your eggs, that consistency is terrible
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>he likes dry eggs
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Not him but the liquid in there is pure water, not runny yolk. The water is separating from the eggs. Why? Because he steamed a lazy scramble in a pot of water and it condensed on top of the food, and the glass helped trap it.
No, the water is from the splashing of the boiling water, because there was no lid on the glass. Water only separates from the egg, in that manner, when you overcook it.

Ah good catch, looking back at the picture I see they did have a rolling boil and the glass was pretty much right at the water line.

That does look interesting.
this so hard
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wa la*
why the egg in your picture looks like vagina?
This is a good thread
thanks OP

>wine glass
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there is a real person out there that really thought of this and really does this somewhere
there might be millions of them out there
or even legions
Looks like a legit method of poaching an egg. I'd use a taller pot and taller wine glass.
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Isn't that just scrambled?
your egg picture totally looks like wet creamy pussy >>8935151
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[Citation Needed]
Poaching is the double boiler method of cooking an egg. It can be scrambled or just plopped in like the one in your photo.
Or, I could just poach it like normal because I'm not a long. Or, if I wanted scrambled eggs, I'd make that and they wouldn't be a dry dome of shit.
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So that's good right?
>So that's good right?
that looks like virgin vagina.
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>cooking eggs at 212F
>not overcooked


You can absolutely overcook eggs at that temp, what are you going on about?
facts of life, stop being so flaky sensitive about it, facts of life
Just when you think you've seen all the retardation that humanity has to offer, op comes along. Life will always find a way.

Op, what the fuck... What the fuck are you doing? I've seen better results from my mom using a fucking microwave. Rest in peace mom...
if you read carefully you'll find that's exactly what i was implying

i was being a snide cunt about it though
>i was being a snide cunt about it though
you always do that and that's why people hate your posts or totally ignore them
>being this triggered

I forgot how enjoyable /ck/ can be.

Whenever you use the word "triggered" you self impugn. Stop doing that. I don't give a shit what you're talking about but saying 'triggered' is like using the word twerk. Just fucking stop it.
>poached eggs

fag or hipster?

That's not a poached egg. That's some double boiled homunculus of an egg that will rise up and eat your family.
that's the sound of the glass breaking because it's not supposed to be used for fucking cooking, right?
You want to poach a fucking egg? get a sandwich bag, oil it with olive oil. but the sandwich bag in a high neck bowl like a garbage bag. crack the egg into the bag and tie it with an overhand knot. Get your water up to temp and put your egg bag into the water. Pick your doneness and remove. Open bag and serve a perfect egg.
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>Just fucking stop it.
just fucking stop it being so triggered,you make yourself look like a triggered goof
Haha you GO girl girls can cook too LOL epic for the win
>Open bag and serve a perfect egg.
and eat all the chemicals that got released by high temperature of boiling water from the plastic in the bag
>fucking culinary genius
and contribute one more plastic bag to be thrown into the garbage mountain of plastic bags polluting our Planet already.
you do that every fucking day (or every few days) and millions of people doing it your way and we will have big pile of un recycled plastic bags just because some fucking genius
come up with this idea of making poached eggs.
>fucking retards
yassss slay queen slay
>eggs not properly mixed
>overcooked and overbeaten egg
>top layer not cooked at all
>deep dish
>a fucking spoon
>arguably too much pepper
did i miss anything?
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how did u do that anon?
Probs glass hitting the plate. Most glass can handle being used as a double boiler. It is when direct heat from the burner touches it and it goes past 212F that there's problems. For instance, a lot of dishwashers reach 150F-170F range, but some of them steam at just over 212F.

>eating things heated with plastic

are you in glorious Chhina?
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All my bags are for room temps, fridge, and freezer. Never ever for heating.

I actually reuse all my bags. They are easy and quick to wash. I've saved about $394.50 (50 x $7.89) in a single year just by washing and reusing the ziplock bags and freebie bags from other things. After being used, I stuff them in the freezer until I have enough for a sink load to wash. That keeps them from getting funky with mold or whatever until washed.

I even made a drying rack for them (reposted pic).
>did i miss anything?

The will to live.
Maybe, but wine glasses are lot more delicate than say a drinking glass. I wouldn't fuck around with them.

It's a fucking poached egg you idiot, there's no chemicals coming off a fucking plastic bag. Do all you people just live in a commune somewhere in the west coast? FUCK. I just .. you anti-vaxxers.

Boiling point of PET > 350 °C (decomposes)

Dipshit what's the boiling point of PTFE?

According to DuPont, its melting point is 600 K (327 °C; 620 °F).

You fucking people are morons.
You people really don't know a goddamn thing about chemistry, do you? Why do you comment?
very impressive
I'm positively shocked you went to such extend.
Great job.
thats not how you poach an egg
There are tons of science papers on chemicals from plastic products being leeched into food & drink and that the rate increases with the increase of temperature. Companies have responded to this by changing from plasticizers like BPA to lesser researched ones in hopes to keep selling plastic without people getting angry at them. Now that those plasticizers are being researched more, the cycle begins anew.

Don't believe? Use Google Scholar to search for papers:


>Does this leached chemical or ingredient improve or maintain my health?
The funny thing is that is it really simple to do. Now my friends give me their old large ziploc bags. I'll never want for ziploc bags ever again. Their failure rate is really low too. Only the non-name brand ones have torn or failed to seal.
The fact that someone would actually eat that shit without some bread or anything.
Also this is such a pointless way of cooking egg I cant even
Literally wat
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>mfw this thread
How did you cook the egg?
I think it's cute :3
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>wah lah.png
Why would you do this when doing a normal poach is so easy?

That's like microwaving a pizza.
But were balanceing it out by stopping a chicken from being born and removeing it's carpet footprint.
>That's like microwaving a pizza.

There's nothing wrong with microwaving a pizza. Especially, Totinos or Jenos.
I guess if you are in a rush and have no sense of texture yeah.

Make sure you don't vax your kids, you fucking human fuck up. You'll eat more BPA handling receipts dumbass. I realize I'm talking to compost on this site but really you need to do better.
It just makes a completely different food.

I'm pretty chill, but you are really butthurt. Could that be from your increased intake level of BPA and vaccines?
congratulations, you put in 3x as much effort for something that looks half as good

it's WA LA you faggot
t. assblasted saran wrap/glad bag marketing rep.
Kill yourself. Stop violating 4chan rules. also, your egg looks disgusting
gb2 your thread >>8939023 kid, adults are cooking here

This is really how you people operate. Keep on keeping on bro... You're a mess.
Make sure you don't cook anything in any man made chemical in you lifetime.
>Does this leached chemical or ingredient improve or maintain my health?
>cooks in irons skillet

I'm good to go.

Iron needs to be chealated from women when they're pregnant, did you know that? You're just fucking stupid and you need to accept how dumb you are.

Do you know what happens when you have too much copper in your blood?
>he thinks copper is iron
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I'm talking about lethal levels of metal in your blood, dipshit. Are you drunk?
Try to stay on subject.
$1 a day to 123 womyn's foundation, can save the hysterical woman. Call 1-800-Femfag
What does copper have to do with an iron skillet?
No one has ever had a lethal level of iron in their blood from cooking in iron cookware. That only comes from medications and supplments.

I KNOW ASSHOLE, what are you talking about? jesus christ you internet morons are just not worth talking to. You're like talking to garbage that needs an explanation.
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you are what you eat
what the fuck is it egg day or why are there so many egg threads up

is this board on the edge to get egged

this is true. its like the gop fanbois that can't say a sentence without using cuck or snowflake - which is fucking hilarious in terms of how cucked those fucking snowflakes are right now with a political party that is basically doing everything it can to injure itself and its voters.

of course... the hypocrisy has been strong with those unselfaware morons for a long fucking time.. they seem to really need a safe space these days.
but i agree every single one of those words is played out. the hypocrisy of the way they have been used is so overwhelming its destroyed any impact those words once had.
Anon, I think the plastic bags you've been using have given you an inoperable brain Tumor
Ur pretty damn triggered over been triggered, m8-e
This level of trigger can only come from people who have been microwaving food in plastic containers.
>Stop violating 4chan rules.
What rules??
This is an anonymous board. You violate the rules of anonymity when you post reddit tier garbage
>my post is special, because woman
Nobody gives a shit whats between your legs
>Nobody gives a shit whats between your legs

all these newfags

only post that matters when a "woman" post is titsorgtfo.
after that it is forgotten she is a she and the thread continues.
>all these newfags
b.low me, veteran

I guess a n00b like you wouldn't know, but /ck/ is a blue board and you are not allowed to post nudity on it.
>anonymous board

Oh you summer child.
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>Nobody gives a shit whats between your legs

Correct, with the exception of yourself how is royally pained over it. You are making quite a fuss. But, I can dance to that tune. lol :D
This isn't /b/, newfag.
Lurk moar.
>act like a retard
>people point out you're acting as such
>wow y so mad LEMAO XD
kill yourself right now
I'm not even the same person, but continue your delusions, it is enjoyable! :^D
Literally kill yourself
come as a guest
get trolled like the rest
>i-i was just pretending
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That's a pretty neat-o image macro meme you got there. May I borrow it for a bit?
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This was a summoning, wasn't it?
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>get told hard
>totally spazz out and go apeshit
Why would you have to buy 50 boxes of ziplocks? Thats like... A lot of bags.
That's how many times I've reused the ziplocks I have. Meaning that's 50 boxes I've not needed to buy. Most people use the bags 1 time then toss them. Only a few people I know reuse the lightly used bags. No one I know actually washes them to reuse heavily used bags.
OP, did you season the water? It's a vital part of poaching eggs.
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I don't think there's a point to doing that when the water will just wash the seasoning off.
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>vinegar and salt in large pot of water
>raise water temp to 170°F;
>do not boil; do not stir. Water should remain still. Any movement the water can shred the eggs.
>gently drop in eggs
>wait until eggs are congealed
>remove eggs with slotted spoon

Wa la, you incompetents. Boiling an egg in a bag is not poaching. Scrambling an egg in a glass isn't, either.
Thread posts: 134
Thread images: 31

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