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Would /ck/ ever open a restaurant? What would you serve? I have

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Would /ck/ ever open a restaurant? What would you serve?

I have an opportunity to open a small eatery in a busy suburban town across from a courthouse. The thing is, I'm a vegetarian, I'd like my menu to be vegetarian, although I realize this would largely be a mistake. I'm having trouble justifying including meat though. I wouldn't claim to be a vegetarian eatery, I just wouldn't want to serve meat. What do?

Also, restaurant general
bait thread

fuck off
Well you can pretty easily justify including meat by remembering that most restaurants hemorrhage money out of every orifice, so you really need to be goddamned sure that a niche exists that make vegetarianism sustainable here.
I'm working on culinary school to open a reataurant someday

I think vegetarian/vegan is definitely doable but you want to not play it up. There are many many many different cuisines in the world that have a lot of really tasty, filling vegan and vegetarian dishes. Go from there and then don't even let people know it's a vegetarian restaurant. If the food is authentic and well made and not shitty and flavorless people wont even think about it lacking meat.
Make Chicago 'za
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Probably my Mom's Chicago Style Pizza with pineapple.

SO good!
nope it's actually many many many, people generally don't realize how many there are

show me the many?
>across from a courthouse.
This is your key demographic to pay attention to...
You need two things for your niche audience, serving judges, lawyers, support staff who with their education and need for a good appearance, would prefer to eat healthy food and who are very used to takeout and frankly quite sick of it. You want foods that aren't messy for finer attire and uniforms. Food that can be set aside untouched for a couple hours too, would help. Be really good at this and you have a cateriing business built right in, as the choice for jury room catering (need to handle low sodium, vegetarian and any other strange diet).
The other part of your audience are the people going to court, from family court to criminals. Gotta serve the people who have kids to feed, or whatever ethnic group dines around that town. Need their favorite coffee or something.

Early breakfast, lunch, and even closing up shop post 4 would work for you.
There's a banging gyro joint here already

This was effective. Maybe I could find local farmers who raise and slaughter their animals humanely

Yeah, I was thinking it could work as long as I don't play it up. That makes people feel alienated probably. I'll definitely look into other cuisines.

Thanks. This is very helpful and I'll keep it in mind while working on the menu
>this would largely be a mistake
You'd go out of business pretty much instantly. No self-respecting chef would want to work for you, no wait staff would work for somewhere obviously going to fail, and you wouldn't even get approved for a loan.
Pacific Northwestern food and wild game

Venison steaks, salmon fucking everywhere, oysters, crab, lots of lemon and rosemary.

I'd probably have a gun store attached to it as well, selling high-end sporting rifles and shotguns.
>across from a courthouse

Depending on how "urban" your suburb is you're going to have to accommodate professionals like lawyers and judges as well as, frankly, a lot of people who are in court because they're fucking retarded/the people who love the retards.

no. its a really expensive and dangerous investment and the majority of them fail or will consume 80+hrs a week for you to successfully manage

IF I did open one it would probably just serve pizza... its really cheap to make, everyone likes it and its hard to fuck up so its a pretty safe bet. all you have to do is be moderately better than fast food and you will have a steady stream of customers.
>Would /ck/ ever open a restaurant?
I have observed that population who seem to collect all the money and I find that very rarely do they operate a restaurant. Thus I have concluded that restaurants are too much work with too little profit.
>I've got a pleb palate and a superiority complex
Stick to the fast food and Joey threads, faggot
Unless you live in yuppie central any vegetarian or vegan place will flop.

Having a successful resutrant on its own is very difficult and you sound like an ignorant man child
Start a vegan restaurant and market it as vegan. It could never be a mistake if you make good food.

The world is changing and you could encourage your city to change with it. Baileys has a vegan option now, Trader Joe's makes vegan marshmallows. Just do it. If you make good food even the obnoxious meat eaters wont care. But if you do open a vegan restaurant (don't bother with vegetarian that's just silly), make sure the food is really good first. Test it out first with a large group of people and ask for their blunt opinions.
The first question out of their mouths will be "Where's the fucking beef?" And after you tell them that you don't serve meat, the next thing out of their mouths will be "We'll go somewhere else, thank you."

The restaurant industry is no place for vegetarians. The overwhelming majority of people love meat, poultry, and fish. You'd really need a gimmick that wouldn't lead the average customer to even question why their favorite meaty staples are not on your menu, to which I say "Good fucking luck." Some vegetarian dishes are one thing, and it's certainly not hard to name vegetarian dishes that definitely have a place on restaurant menus, but a whole menu lacking in meat won't fly.

The only options that I can think of that are available to you would be very, very specialized. For example, yogurt shops don't generally serve meat. If you open a coffee bar, you can also get away with just serving cookie, brownies, and other carby foods. You can also open a street stand that serves churros and/or ice cream. This is the kind of thing that you'd be looking at.

i want a hotdog stand. not a little umbrella push cart thing, but a little cabin like thing that gives me a small wood fire grill and deep fryer, order window, maybe a few picnic seats outside.

i would make hotdogs, have a bar for onions, relish, all that bullshit. then i would also make my homemade chili and sell chili dogs, frito pie, etc. pretty simple stuff.

oh wow... i'd love to try that.
Fucking vegetarians. Please don't open a vegetarian restaurant. Keep your problems to yourself please>>7689104
>Maybe I could find local farmers who raise and slaughter their animals humanely

Maybe you don't have what it takes to succeed in the restaurant business.

Have good vegetarian menu options but don't put up a "you must be this pretentious to enter" sign. Consider treating your veggies like meats, ie: "beef taco", "chicken taco", "mushroom taco", not "generic veggie taco".

Consider carefully your demographics and location, don't compete unless you can be better (faster, cheaper, advertise-ier, brand-ier, etc.)
>pretty safe bet
>moderately better

Aim for the skies...
But vegans are stupid

It's not going to be a restaurant but more a cafe. I'm thinking just bagels, wraps, soup, salad, coffee, tea, and pastries, but highlighting ingredients that will keep the legal beagles feeling superior.

So you basically want a bakery without the bakery's biggest staple product and main bread winner (no pun intended): sandwiches?

Just to reiterate: With this kind of business, your ideal customer would buy an Italian sub, a coffee, a cup of tomato basil, and a cinnamon roll for dessert.

You're only serving the sides. The sandwich is why people would come to your restaurant.

> I'd like my menu to be vegetarian

prepare to go out of business quickly

the average customer doesn't want michelin star food and/or won't pay for it. trying to carve a niche in the upper strata is far more about location and marketing yourself and keeping up with douchey trends moreso than it is the quality of your food (sure thats important too, but its not going to keep you in business alone)

have fun opening your dream restaurant, pouring your soul into it and watching rednecks give you 1 star reviews on yelp because you didn't have ranch sauce. ill get 5 star reviews at my pizza shop with 2 employees making $8/hr and still have a higher profit margin while you are trying to figure out how you are going to afford to stay open.
If your food is as bad as your brain functioning it doesn't matter if your restaurant is vegan, vegetarian, or animal based. You're going to fail no matter what.
Sounds comfy
If you add sandwiches to the menu that sounds pretty dope. If you can make one type of coffee beverage really really well, and one sandwich really really well, and become known for those two items, it can be a success
This. I often order vegetarian dishes at restaurants, but I can't imagine there is an abundance of non-vegetarian people who are like me. If you're going out to eat, you're getting meat.
>I'm a vegetarian, I'd like my menu to be vegetarian
the population of people who share your mental disorder is a lot smaller than you think buddy
>Would /ck/ ever open a restaurant?
>What would you serve?
liquor, beer, potato skins and chicken wings. shit i can mark up real high

>I wouldn't claim to be a vegetarian eatery, I just wouldn't want to serve meat.

Well that's one of the most stupid fucking things I've ever heard
Is he trying to make money or change the world?

Where's the beef?

I've been in court all morning and I'm hungry. I don't want a goddamn veggie wrap, a bagel, or soup. I want something filling I can sink my teeth into.

None of that sounds appetizing. Like the other poster said, it's half a bakery and you said it's a restaraunt, not a coffee shop.
>I wouldn't claim to be a vegetarian eatery, I just wouldn't want to serve meat.
So you want to fool people into unknowingly go to a vegetarian restaurant. I'm sure that won't backfire.

Lawyers, cops and criminals for your customers, basically. Not exactly prime vegetarian customers, IMHO.

I wouldn't do it. You don't like meat, so any meat dishes you cook for them probably won't be inspired.

Find another location where you know that there are going to be vegetarian customers you can cater to or don't do it.
I'd open up a chicken and waffle restaraunt.
Lol this

Why are you trying to trick people, OP? They'll just get pissed off that they can't get any normal food, it's not like they're gonna say fuck it and order a veggie wrap, they'll just leave and eat somewhere else. And if they do eat there that one time they'll probably never come back and they'll be sure to tell their friends to avoid that faggy vegetarian restaraunt pretending not to be one with the overpriced rabbit food that didn't even taste good.

It's like people on this board don't even work in the industry

Why do people think this? Almost every dickheads a vegetarian or vegan these days, plus I know so many vegan chefs, and chefs who work in vegan/vegetarian, even fuckin' paleo places.

if you want to open a vegetarian place then do some research first, the markets definitely out there.
he basically wants a cafe, like he said dude

Solid advice right here op

I've heard that owning a restaurant can be quite profitable, but that you will be working at it 12 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year.

And those Kitchen Nightmares episodes, I don't think I like food enough to run a restaurant.
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I'd serve Waffle ice cream sandwiches.

And if you ask the lawyers and criminals what they want, that's probably closer to it than a raw vegan wrap.

I suspect they want to get in, get refueled and get back to the courthouse in less than an hour, and they want something that'll stay with them until 6 or 7 in the evening.
It's across from a courthouse in an unspecified American city. Unless it's in a trendy hipsterish neighborhood in a college town or a major city it's not going to be able to have enough vegetarian customers coming in to make any money. Even in the right location those types of niche restaraunts make it more difficult to make money than a more traditional one would.
There was a Kitchen Nightmares UK episode about that, where the restaurant was too fancy for the area and nobody wanted to go there.

But the chef didn't want to cook the kind of food the locals wanted, because he thought it was beneath him.
There's a sub shop on this street already, but I see what you're saying. I'm more open to it now, as long as I can strike a deal with the right suppliers. I'll probably only include turkey and ham products though if at all

Thanks for the encouragement. Pasteries and coffee are my forte. We'll see what happens

>none of that sounds appetizing
Do you not eat food or something?

I only became vegetarian a few years ago. I still know how to work with it. Also, what I have in mind requires little meat prep aside from bacon for breakfast sandwiches, lox for bagels, and turkey for sandwiches.

Thanks anon.

College town, with a gym nearby, so, power smoothies too.
I want to open up a restaurant that specializes in serving up in various different ways, like making Surströmming cakes and Surströmming salad sandwiches.
I want to open up a restaurant that specializes in serving Surströmming up in various different ways, like making Surströmming cakes and Surströmming salad sandwiches.
That sounds absolutely vile
Way to sell out your morals for money. Every fucking time with you faggots.

>have strong moral stand against something
>oh I can make money if I go against my morals
>well fuck that then I'm serving meat at my restaurant and propagate the very thing I hate

Do you really want to live your life like this? I'm not a vegan but if this isn't a bait thread fuck you. Stand up for what you believe in instead of chasing money, we don't have enough people in the world that do that.
Why? Haven't you ever tasted Surströmming? Shit is good.

Can I has your monies then, if you don't like your monies?
I take issue with rampant animal cruelty and dismal living conditions in the meat industry. Meat would possibly only be included on the menu if I can locate local humanely raised and slaughtered animal products from an outfit I deem suitable.

Life isn't always black and white, but I appreciate your fire. It's contagious.
Money is important. It's not like the most important thing but it's like number 2.
>Meat would possibly only be included on the menu if I can locate local humanely raised and slaughtered animal products from an outfit I deem suitable

Stick to that, don't sell out. Figure out some way to make an awesome vegan restaurant if you can't meet your standards. Also what city are you in, a vegan restaurant downtown could work fine in some areas. Flyover state and you're fucked.
I would put my moral stance on things 1, but that's just me. I'd rather work some other job than directly oppose something I believe in. At the end of the day we're all going to die, would you rather spend your time fighting for some kind of progress in humanity or have a bank balance?
I can guarantee that 90%+ of the posts in this thread are just people who watched kitchen nightmares or worked at a Chili's and thinks that makes them knowledgeable in any way about the industry.

Best advice I can give you is don't open a bakery unless you plan on doing it right (from scratch) or you just want something that brings in a basic income and will pay off your kids college down the line because you're an old Asian man.
>The restaurant industry is no place for vegetarians.
wow... what a Bullshit...
(i am not vegan btw...i am professional chef)
I'd open a pub by a train station in a couple remodeled passenger rail cars. it would serve mostly standard pub fair, but with a few Mediterranean dishes as well, and maybe a small breakfast menu for morning commuters
reminder that 15 year olds are giving advice to someone trying to open their own restaurant in half of these posts

I wouldn't start a small business right now. The regulatory climate is horrible for small business. Nobody has your back. Nobody.
>implying it won't get worse and now isn't your last chance

Most lawyers are well-educated about eating healthy and also believe they're worth more than everyone else, so if you opened a hip and clean place (nice colors, wood paneling, chalkboards), you'd probably get a lot of paralegal and lawyers who don't want to eat a sub or gyro for lunch.

That being said, courts are no guarantee of volume and most people are in a bad mood, so I'd be careful on relying too much on that. A business near a train station or in a minor metro center is much better as your business will be organic.
vegetarian food IS normal food. Not everything needs meat on it, meat is like 15% of the total amount of available shit on our planet to eat
You're literally retarded.

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