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/rgt/ Robinhood General Thread

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Thread replies: 320
Thread images: 69

Jewber Tuesday edition

Join us for market discussion, bukkake style:
-- Moderated --
- https://discord.gg/0hRGmk6ekDuiO1yS
-- Free-For-All Dick-swingin' --
- https://discord.gg/YKsSp88

Stickerbitch's calendar of memes and dreams:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

-- Robinhood FAQs --
- VISIT THE WEBSITE FIRST DAMMIT!! - www.robinhood.com
> How is it free?
They invest your unsettled funds after a trade. It's also pretty basic shit.
> When is it coming to my country?
Probably never. They only have plans on an Australian beta.
> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
If it takes more than 3 days, try emailing their support. They are very good.
> Is this the place to pump and dump and/or shill a worthless stock?
> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, am I being jewed?
No, that would actually be illegal. Robinhood graphs are just shit and only show you an average, not-really-realtime price. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform.
> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
thinkorswim is bretty gud if you want to go open a second account with real broker.
Otherwise you should be using stockcharts.com, finviz, or Yahoo/Google finance for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.
>How do I git gud?
Technical analysis
> Can I use Robinhood on my PC?
Yes, download an android emulator. Setup is extremely easy. http://www.memuplay.com/

Previous Thread >>1555963
you must be new here...
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>tfw you bought AUPH at 5.28
just hold on to it. Today was slow, but the volume at the end was promising and the targets are all good.

Only get scared when bad news drops

+1 heres an upvote for you XDDDD
All my calls so far have been positive and only gains!

For my next move... AMRS - AUMN - VKTX

Stay tuned!
found the jew
Tell us of your sentiments and findings regarding the VKTX
Reminder: this is the guy who has been spamming SWHC. He is not a real investment banker; he is a roleplayer.
Are you doing this on purpose?
by the way Wednesday is Yom Kippur

expect big down day tomorrow as all the money is pulled out of the market before low volume wednesday
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DD came out good

Graphs point to high increase sooner or later.

I have not been spamming SWHC. It is a stock you must hold until the last minute, and sell when it peaks depending on which candidates are the most favored. If Hillary wins, SWHC will tank, but the few minutes or days before the election SWHC will increase drastically.
lets see proof of your gains m8>>1557009
They can't keep getting away with it
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>If Hillary wins, SWHC will tank
But a Hillary victory will trigger mass panic buys of """assault weapons""""

>I have not been spamming SWHC
You have.
youve been warned
>-- Free-For-All Dick-swingin' --
>- https://discord.gg/YKsSp88

use dis link for next one

also, you are doing God's work, good OP
fuck off
Noted, will do, and thank you sir
New to stocks. Do you think UPS is a good stock? Almost everything on Amazon Prime goes through UPS and the holiday season is coming up. I keep reading that it's a lame stock but I can't figure out how it possibly could be.
Fuck off Xeo.

thnx boss
UPS drops approx 20% every year around the end of January
opportunity for possible holiday pop AND for a quick short position post-holiday, it seems...

I dobt think this would be a good long-hold stock, though >>1557055; just seems weak to me and if Amazon ever gets delivery drones going then it's lights out for them.

Seems like a great opportunity for said swing-plays, though...
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it's pretty consistent
I feel mixed about drones. Their existence will obviously hurt UPS, but Amazon would need to put a warehouse in every major city. Then again, there are millions of people in some cities so I need to look to the world outside of my one horse redneck Florida town.

Thank you for the opinions. I might buy UPS and sell it at the end of December. It seems the trend is that it drops off big time right when the holidays end.
Just seeing if you all are paying attention! Attention is key, the markets must be monitored in order to secure success!

See you around! Remember my calls!
I feel the same about drones; doesn't seem practical but Amazon seems to really want to implement them, if nothing else, to make the company more attractive and be able to say "hey our company is cutting edge, look at our awesome flashy drones!"

But if it does happen, then hey, delivery drones = skeet-shooting with prizes
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>mfw bought it at 5.45

What if Warren Buffet is really the "ceru mah niggah" guy and he shows up in the thread from time to time to troll the peasants???
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is auph stalled? why does googles data stop at 6:20?
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can confirm
that'd make me feel like less of a loser for frequenting this website

>Nonexistent gf: "Anon why are you always on 4chan"
>Me: "Well Warren Buffett uses it as well you know"
>Warren Buffett: "desu"
What's JNUG gonna go up to
Read up lads.

Might be more applicable to Forex but it's good for us all to read up
So, if I understand this graph

1:Buy late January
2:Sell in June (Why does it drop in the summer?)
4:Sell again on Christmas
5: Drink the finest whiskey we can afford with our amazing gainz.
is COSI dead?
What happened to my 1000 shares?
He knows exactly what happened, please do not respond to this troll directly, he lives off (You)'s at this point.
>10% gains in 6 months
get out of here
Considering most people can't manage 10% gains in 12 months, I'd say it's pretty great.
I said it will get delisted, and it did.
You can always buy some COSIQ from the OTC Markets!
Well either way, no one here does it by holding one fucking stock for 6 months.
We're here for the excitement of (would-be) Moon missions, not safe babby gains
You can go to /r/investing or whatever for that shit. I'm sure you'll get tons of upboats for that sweet UPS play.
That said, I walked by Wall St last week and there was a big banner for the UPS stock right on the NYSE building, with two UPS trucks underneath, just for display. Kind of strange.
I admire your dedication to the joke till the end but I suggest some new material my friend.
>short ups
>buy the bottom
>hold until satisfied
>sell right before it dips
>rinse & repeat
not on RH though lol
(i still have that one share i bought friday though, along with the one share of FREEseas i bought before its demise, lel)
Doesn't really make sense unless you're already fairly wealthy and can afford to put aside a large chunk of cash for small gains. You'd need to set aside 10k for 6 months to maybe get 1k in returns. And it's not even guaranteed. I guess it's still better than a savings account though.
>long holds
>small gains
Tell that to Netflix holders.
If you can't fathom holding a stock for 10 years then you shouldn't even consider holding it for 10 seconds.
so how are we going to play the rate announcement on wednesday?
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6 months? Bitch we are here to make fast money.
what annoucment >>1557392
That was the point of my post....
Oh wow, Jimmy Buffet's parrot browses 4chin.
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Amyris up another 10% today!
>could of held amrys for a month and been up 40%
>instead of being down 60% this month
>If you can't fathom holding a stock for 10 years then you shouldn't even consider holding it for 10 seconds.
This isn't actually a good quote.
I don't know why it's so famous.
It's actually a really stupid thing to say.
What gave you your losses??
Make fun of fundamentals all you like, they're fundamentals for a reason.

Accept losses, make small gains.

doing some DD on AMRS right now....it looks like it could be a solid long

any catalysts coming up? where the fuck is that shill when you need him
Oh no I meant to quote the other guy, time for seppuku

So I'm seeing two very large six figure orders here. Does that entail that someone rich sees value in the company? Or maybe an institutional buy? Is that a good sign?

Also, is that person buying 1 share every minute for 4 minutes in a row is just dicking around or trying to manipulate the price or what?
honest mistake
you can harajuku another day
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Bcuz bitch we are here to make fast money
There's nothing wrong with one or two long holds to offset small losses as well as see steady gains even through red days.
Eh. Not worth the effort for nickels my man
Because it doesn't say anything meaningful or insightful. It doesn't really mean anything at all.
The prospects of a company 10 years in the future have absolutely nothing to do with its ability to make money in the next 10 months, 10 weeks, 10 days, or 10 minutes.

ronald wayne would agree with you
The underlying meaning is not that you should hold it for 10 years or even 10 days, but to evaluate it as if you were
But that's nonsense.
I sure as fuck wouldn't hold AUPH through phase 3 trial results, but that doesn't mean there aren't short-term profits to be made.
Phase 3 results for PTN due oct 31. Alright degenerates, who else gambling on this?
I got $20 coming in first thing in the morning tommorow.

What should I spent it on? I was planning on spending it straight on SRTY because someone said something about Hillary winning and then "buy in banks and small cap businesses
not me
Got a few shares for giggles. Just need to find out when they're actually gonna release the results. 31 October is just the required date to release them, not the actual date as far as I know
Never bought a stock yet. Do I buy Twitter now or wait a bit to see if it goes even lower?
Buy COSI my friend! It's going to the moon
Thing is its only been consistent the past 3 years. Before then it never happened except for once in 2008 which could be statistically coincidental.
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Post gains
Non-core asset sale this quarter.
Nov 3 ER.
2 expected catalysts.
>Dat pimple bump
Did the Jews catch him? Where is he

Probably off on his own making money. The autistic trolls here couldn't handle being handed such solid picks.
BOYS! how the fuck do i use this thing in Australia

The 'beta' has been in development for fucking ages

I need to make great deals!
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Tfw kept "buying the dip"

I'm still up slightly but this alone is killing my gains
This fucking volatility, too
>GEVO up 7% in the last 20 min premarket
Is it habbenin?
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> mfw forgot my schedule changed today
> all of my patients died
> all of my clients are bulking for the winter
> finally some free time off

Time for stocks!
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GEVO just got some good news. Finnish cabbie tip was right?

also someone bought 100k shares at .46 last night before close
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This, one or two trip fags is tolerable, but this shit is starting to get out of hand. Only trip if you have something important to say.
We GEVO today :^)
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Who else /boughtROKAatopen/ here?
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if you dont want jews here you should have just said so months ago you faggots. this is /biz/ not /pol/ go make your jew """"""""jokes""""""" on your containment board

Ive been here for a year now with you retards.

I leave now forever
oh and I am putting my jew curse on all of your portfolios before I go ahahaHAHAHAHA fuck you
> yfw you put Doomhammer in the museum.
i want to get off Mr auph's wild ride
>10-for-1 RS
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I bought it when I saw that -14% in the morning.
This is why.
That ride was over a week ago man
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>mfw in at 5.20
BSPM is running
so many stocks are tanking right off the bat
do we hold?
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calm down yellen jesus its just a maymay
Can't find any news. What's the catalyst?
Is it finally time for tkai to shine?
>headquartered in China
>C H I N A
volume is shit, it hasn't even gone up a penny.

this shows how little impact positive news has on stocks. AUPH alone has made that abundantly clear
looks like it
about a week late
should i buy tkai rn>>1558464
vol was 2 mil before market even opened. It's at 3.5m already.
It's just a shitty stock... not really surprised by this. Barely goes up on news and sometimes tanks at random without a catalyst, like yesterday.
Why aren't you goys buying up $WFC?
> Record breaking fine issued was less than they spend on toilet paper in a month
> Leaner workforce after mass layoffs = better earnings
> Consensus target price sees a +10% upswing
> Blue chip + too big to fail, so your profits are guaranteed
look at ipcn good news
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Thank you. Got out of ROKA at the first sign of a decline.
Guys where is AUMAW? I can't find it anymore. I need more memes
RNN too
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Not trying to spam but BSPM
Man. Really wanna get in, but I'm tired of buying in and then it turns out that was the peak and it starts declining. Every FUCKING time.
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Okay seriously last call for BSPM
Yeah, not worth it at this point. I too was once a chaser.
Don't chase. Better to miss the peak than to buy in on it.
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Not to brag but pic related is me. I'm getting very similar feelings from BSPM.
where's pimple when you need him

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Also, people are profit grabbing right now and it's a slight dip. Now's the time.
RSI is 83 but it cold run to 5-5.08
Is it time to pull out of auph? I had heard it would reach 7 dollars
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I warned you guys. BSPM running again.
fuck he was right
NO ITS FALLING IM AT 4.55 End my life
>volume 709

Well fuck guys.
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Moght have to turn my phone off today. AG is destroying me
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Have faith in the anonymous frogposter.
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Sure watch what happens when you chase friendo

>tfw steel dropped
4.73 is the next resistance, holds about .73 and it could run past 5

metals have been getting murdered for the past three weeks with no signs of stopping

best turn off that phone for a couple months m8, at least until elections
bspm to 5 dollars
extremely overbought conditions with bspm get on get off boys
When do I buy GE? Is it probably at its lowest right now or is it gonna rise now you think? Never bought a stock yet, waiting for the application to go through.
Volume increased on Friday and yesterday

looking to get in at .85
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Another profit grabbing session boys. BUY BSPM RIGHT FUCKING NOW.
It could possibly run up past 4.7, but it couldn't hold it. Unfortunately, I think it's downhill from here.

RIP guys.

Stop pumping. You're going to lose people money, faggot.
Go all in on tje JNUG dip and walk away
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Looking for constructive trading advice and/or painless suicide methods. T-thanks.
Oh shit nigger what are you doing
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It sold it all. Good luck lads! I'll check in on you guys.

this is actually the plan

it'll hit mid 10s, sell then for easy pop, walk away and buy some chicken nuggets with your money, repeat whenever you see it below 9. will probably burn me once in the future if it begins to hit 8s and gold continues into the abyss


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>t. pumper
tkai guys
TKAI going on a run lads get it quick
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>Guaranteed replies
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>Not keeping your stop losses close to the price so you at least grab profit in a worst case scenario
>Being retarded
buy ags everyone :D
$TKAI takeoff?
sitting at work just holding; don't think I'll be making any big moves today...
I got into TKAI at 1.68 since it broke out
of "muh TA lines" it might gap up soon.
>pump for over 30 minutes
>never indicate your strategy
>g-g-got out on a stop loss
>j-just being smart guys
Just admit you were pumping, faggot.

Whew ur not posting all chinese cartoons...that would be illegal on /biz/ you know....
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You fucking retard. There's certain things you always do no matter what situation. Chinese pump, long hold, swing trades, etc. You always set stop losses. So you don't set your phone down at work and come back to "LOL -30%" and instead have minimal losses.

This is why you'll never make it.
This, in large part. The point at which I was starting to turn things around was right around the time I got flagged as a pattern day trader. Continuing to chase memes and ETFs that would inevitably crash the following day was among the many stupid decisions I made.
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Sometimes after staring at cute little anime girls all day you need a comedic break
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Oh and look at that. It's still running and I'm unable to purchase. But ya know what? I got gains, so I'm happy.
Just bought the bspm dip
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>You fucking retard. There's certain things you always do no matter what situation. You always set stop losses.
>This is why you'll never make it.
Looks like it's got support at 4.60 or so, just needs to break the 4.70 resistance to run I think
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I really just need to get around to Ustocktrading. Robin Hood is so comfy though
Wait so ustock a dollar every stock you buy or every trade you make?
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Oh lawd I insulted the holy tripfag what ever shall I do?
guys buy into tkai i just did rn
BSPM is the new AUPH
I'm not in bspm but if it hold above 4.73 it could run a lil more
Just did. If we lose, we lose together.
What's everyone's thoughts on rnn? Time to get out?

They're a buyout candidate.
Yeah definitely
One day that company will discover the cure for cancer and its stock will go up to 0.23 pre-market and drop back down to 0.21 for the rest of the day.
like some other company buying it out>>1558627

Might give AUPH the news bump it needs
Meanwhile AMZN's new kindle sprays acid on everyone's eyeballs and their stock rockets into the thousands.
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This is so fucking true. I've never had a more boring stock I was in.
Hurry up and approve my account, I want to start losing money already.
Is it smart to dump $800 on Amazon before the holidays?
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Very smart
fuck i'm going all in on tkai
were in this together boys >>1558658
RNN looks so fucking undervalued right now
Why do you say that?
Looking at NVDA

keeping an eye on the RSI, looking to buy around 65/64
Can anyone recommend me a good stock webapp because linux has ass for GUI stock applications?
Not quite
You wanna see real undervalued, look at LEI. It should have a spike any day now.
Well, some Indian chick was explaining how Biotech was the most oversold sector on CNBC yesterday, maybe you'll get lucky and it'll boom for you.



P/E and movement after good news


ok shill
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Doesn't look like it has bottomed yet
That RSI is literally scraping the bottom, m'man
BSPM Look for $4.55 entry for $5 spike at 11am. Risky play but has potential. Smaller position!

If it goes to 5.26 its probably headed to 6 today.
NSPR running
moving averages showing serious continued downward trend. It's not getting my money.
Eh, check the chart again. The current setup is awfully similar to end of Dec last year.
I'm looking @ LEI too. I see the Northern petro trend with a american company expanding at 52w low RSI has been below 25 for a month plus. Bearish MACD really since 4/20 with chart structure like inverted hammers in a downtrend.
NSPR was my call too like a week before the RS with solid live pr they had dmannit
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>buy tkai
>immediately drops
ive been losing all last week and this week
>chase meme
>buy at the peak
>lose money

WTF they lied to us!
Meanwhile AUPH and SCYX are not doing anything..
AUPH ran 8 days I believe in the green, whats the probability it would continue on such a fierce trend? My bet would the opposite. Becomes overbought on lil pr
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Why is MGT halted?

If this is good, then the AH should look good. Mark your calendar.
Same her bucko.
pending news

It was being shilled here again yesterday. Is something big about to happen?
Guys hold $TKAI

Just fucking hold it.
You mean that hyperbolic faggot that argued with me that it was going to 2? It was a technical breakout yesterday. Not sure what's happening now. I don't imagine anything good as it's MG fuckin T. but who knows...
Hearing from Xavier's school that tkai and amrs are still buys
TKAI needs to break 1.94

They are fucking with you, in voice they are laughing at the idiots they convinced to buy those
>You mean that hyperbolic faggot that argued with me that it was going to 2?

yea that prick
>gold is holding despite DXY well above 97

the fugg, wanted to go grab more JDST gains after scalping jnug

gold's going to the moon after these fed rate shenanigans are over
looking at mgt post halt boys hold tight
Buy jnug nugt or tgd?
Why is auph tanking? You guys told me it was going to the moon. REEEEE
Was it isn't

speak English pls

wait for jnug to hit low low 10s or upper 9s is the safety zone imo, be patient and scalp it at 11.xx for easy consistent gains

if the USD shows any weakness at all there'll be a big pop towards gold and you'll make even more. There is still a risk of jnug collapsing towards upper 8s but it's nowhere as likely as it randomly jumping 5-10% to 11 or 12

and not tgd unless you want to hold for 6+ months, tgd will double or more but it will be 2017 before that happens, your call if you want comfy gains or a rollercoaster
biz has informed gold heads man you guys know your shit
I see TGD as good long term buy for sure. Dollar will drop soon, shilldawg could scare the markets the first year

I lost 20% in the last tuesday gold crash

don't call me informed, got raped and didn't see it coming, just trying to hang on for the ride up honestly considering switching to dwti/uwti plays instead but it's stupid to waste the current lows in gold

This thread has gotten scary good at commodities trading, wtf

Also the stocktwats page on $MGT is good for laughs if anyone wants to check it out
Any bets as to why it's halted?
Testing testing 1 2 3
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>you missed BSPM

No idea but as history has proven, McAfee is pretty good at this whole stock market thing so it could be interesting (or he could be arrested, who knows). Definitely watching it.
>pimple was wrong again
Not really, he said if it ran past 4.70 it could run. I had 4.73 as resistance. Be careful tho RSI is mighty high

Is he purposely trying to fuck us over now?
White channel was support resistance I saw on 180 and 365 charts
read again
he literally said RIP
damn PIDF never rests
Look when he said that tho. It failed to rally past his 4.7 resistance volume dried up and it looked bleak.
Remember BSPM tested 4.88 early this morning
If it ran past 4.7 this morning and consolidated you could've seen a run past 5.2 then the moon
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A little butthurt I missed the complete moon mission of BSPM, but I'm happy if it somehow HAD decided to shit the bed, I still got 16% profit. Typical Jew Tuesday.

He was just calling wallstreebet's picks before

now he just picks a random ticker
Have you bought anything with your gains? Clothes at least? You still trolling feminists? Grab them by the pussy senpai
Anyone interested in starting A legit chat with out racist ego fags in the discord chat and maybe start a real chat where we could conglomerate as a team. Because i can only dd some many stocks. Ive called STRP TPLM NSPR STEM and first SAEX moon mission
I'd be up for a moderated group
K, ill make a burner email and see if we can rally some quality anons

I've suggested this before but the troll power was just too strong
This is exactly why I rarely post here anymore or on any medium at that. I'd rather just make money by myself at this point, desu. You think people are friendly and there's an actual community somewhere until you stop giving them free shit.

This is pretty much the same reason as to why I don't have friends in real life. All of you are insufferable faggots. I'll make sure to wave at you from my private jet when I can finally get one. Kill yourselves. All of you.

No. I'm going to keep recycling it until I have millions.
id it going to be a discord or...?
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Okay so keep not posting here then.

Then fuck off already.
I still believe in you, Frogman

>so happy to help people!
>we're all gonna make it!

you only tricked yourself, now you see clearly
I'm a decent person anon, desu
You wanna join what we're gonna start here?

Nah. I'll do what I want. I'll make sure to shill a few bad eggs to blow up your gains. You'll never see it coming.

Get fucked, faggots.

I did, it was dumb.

Some of you are alright. These idiots just rub me the wrong way.

Nah, thanks though. I'm just going to keep memeing myself up to the heavens.
I'm down
Not all are scum frog pimp. At least plant a flag on the moon in our remembrance.
Good thing I do my own research then. Go ahead and make people trust you even less :^)
Pimple... Desu, I believe.. I could care less about money, but i want fucking money and I'm putting in as much time as possible as my mortgage is only 700 bucks. Help with me and the other 1percent of anons and lets make lunar corps real.
Pimple a lot of us are gonna miss you man, wish you'd stick around, you had some really good insight, definitely learned a lot.
Has nokobro killed himself yet?
I'm going to make a chat Ive seen people bitch about telegram but i found anonymity good there?
> I'll make sure to shill a few bad eggs to blow up your gains. You'll never see it coming.

Implying you haven't already done just that, inadvertently.

I'm sure the next picks you give to try and sabotage us (fuck you, faggot, btw) will actually get a crazy spike.
Sorry to hear you feel that way Pimple. Thanks for the gains, I followed every direction when you gave em out and you made me and a lot of people gains. If only people knew how to read they wouldn't be salty faggots. Best of luck, share a pick sometime soon
>I'll make sure to shill a few bad eggs to blow up your gains. You'll never see it coming.

I will now, you fucking prick.
That's unfortunate I was hoping to make some good money cause of your kindness but now I have to watch out for another cancer shill
See I came to this thread for the first time last Thursday, wanting to make day trading a primary source of income because I hate work. But after being here and seeing some of the calls without much support or evidence to prove the reason a stock would moon, I realized that this probably isn't th best place to get my info. I had gathered up that when many minds come together looking for a common objective, it was powerful, powerful enough to call a good share, and so far I'm only down about 5% so I guess it isn't that bad if you don't listen to the trolls.
This, I wish it could only be positive in this community. No trolls lol but that's 4chan fo you.
Shut the fuck up, Pumpy. You pumped BSPM then jumped out by "muh stop loss" on a high volatility stock. Putting a stop loss on a runner is literally like putting a dildo on a bicycle seat. Kill yourself.

>Nah, thanks though. I'm just going to keep memeing myself up to the heavens.
aight man, take care and if you ever want a reprieve from the assholes just ask.

Nice quads, but I think he's just tired of it all. The best we decent anons can do is just lend him a hand and ear if he ever wants it.
sounds fine with me, anonymity at this point doesn't matter to some of us. some of us just want a peaceful place to trade.
>No trolls lol but that's 4chan fo you.

I find it very difficult to believe that "pimple" was unaware of the culture and dynamics of 4chan had he been here for longer than a few months.

No one who has been here for awhile gets their panties in that much of a knot as he has.
pls no go and stay not gone
Yea, but some peaceful anons get lost and ask stupid questions. We need to form a team that understands why we set support and resistance, why we buy and sell at certain spots. some anons are clueless and want you to hold hands.. Im talking about building a formidable team of anons with passion!!!
You have a point there.
I want in, I want to learn all I can.
holy shit i step away from phone for twenty minutes for work stuff and thread blows up into another pissing contest...can we at least keep our internet-dicks sheathed until the after-hours??
set it up and post a link. I am dead serious, I would rather speak with people who know what they're doing than people who would buy and hold stocks past their prime.
No, people have to buy Pimple's calls too late, lose money then get pissed.
They don't have to, but they do, because with a few exceptions he's called them as they're already rising and near the top. And he never gives a PT or anything and mocks people who set stop losses, so yeah a lot of people lose money on his calls.
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I wish anger powered generators were a thing so that we could power NYC with you.
Don't forsake us pimple. You're our only hope.
yea I'm the faggot who called BSPM first

Cmon bb
leaving with pimple muck this shit hole
go fuck yourself metalfaggot
It might actually go on a proper run this time
A faggot who called BSPM is still a faggot
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>All these school girls in a money making thread

I thought you said /biz/ didn't have the power to pump a dump?

You're so full of shit it's ridiculous.

Filtered :)
u couldn't get laid at female penitentiary with fistful of pardons. i don't waste my time calling people faggots i don't know. Look in the mirror little guy
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You sure showed him
NEW THREAD >>1558953

NEW THREAD >>1558953
NEW THREAD >>1558953
better get in now
I blazed more bitches in 6months then you could pull in your lifetime.
>TTWO down

What, nobody likes wrestling?

New thread because near bump limit and hitting reset button on the whiny faggotry going on on here...

Damn you got me

Also, Amazon is also expanding to contractor deliverymen, like Uber. I forget what it is called, but yeah. Investing long-term requires much deeper knowledge of the market, rather than looking at short-term trades (which still requires a decent awareness)
Yeah 4chan sucks sometimes. You're one of the good ones who don't let the negativity get to ya. Good on you.
thanx dood
Slow down on the speculations and diversify into shit that pay's out regularly scheduled dividends like $MORL $CFEL $KO $F
Guys a chat like this already exists
Xavier's school is moderated, you just have to find a way in
Thank you Anon.
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Sorry for not mentioning that SRTY would increase a lot! I checked my research and boom! SRTY only getting higher!

For tommorow... SRTY - AUMN - INTC - AMRS
Alablasta! Stay tuned!
Spot the nigger
thank you based anon
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