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what is finland like?

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Thread replies: 354
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what is finland like?
truly ebin
formerly Swedish
temporarily not Russia
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Dark, cold, and depressing.
fuck off you somali dick suckin ass bättre fölk larpin socialist ass feminist cuck
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A magical wonderland, where polar bears coexist along with reindeers.
They like motorsports, hockey, and gay sex in the sauna

that's about all i know
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That pic always hits me in the feels

It wasn't like this when i was a child. I still remember the sweet summer days where we could leave our house unlocked and go swim at the beach for hours. Then the recession obliterated our economy, and somalis, turks, and all the other human trash arrived, and it was all gone almost overnight. No-one has parties anymore. Everything is locked tight. No-one talks with strangers. No-one can swim in the public beaches anymore. I want my country back.
finland is enriched???
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Helsinki is.

It is impossible to have sex in a Finnish sauna. Or a Swedish sauna for that matter.

Sometimes I think Americans use "sauna" when they mean "slightly warm, moist-aired room."

A sauna is _hot_ and the air is saturated with water - no heat can escape the body. Excessive activity in such an environment means passing out.
benis :DDD
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Like big bags of sand mixed with mämmi and soaked in kossu.
FUGG xd :d
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>pic related
*sniff* This was beautiful. Truly a masterpiece.
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Summer Times you know fishing Maby bit hunting and this summer should be really damn good for grayfish, live is good in here if you one of us.
60C in a sauna is too cold yo, 75-80C is where it should be.
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Finland will save the white ra-
Daily reminder that Finns are apparently mongols
t: /pol/
Shit hole, pls don't come.
uncucked unlike their neighbours
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I have never heard this meme before.
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Educate yourself.
Finland is the only other country i respect.
pretty full of niggers and Western degenerates desu

t. someone who visited the country back in December
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Will do, serkku!
Did you go outside Helsinki area? That place is barely Finnish anymore.
Finns: what do you guys eat besides frozen pizza?
Goddamn that is like my dream Japanese waifu but combined with superior Aryan genetics

Finns are truly the most aesthetic race
about 2-3% of our population are nignogs and 1% muslims. wouldn't say that we are full of them desu. you probably visited helsinki, since that's where most of them live
Like this.

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dont fall for the memes
Ice cream and reindeer.
What are people from finland called
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Before winter, each Finn goes into the woods and hunts a Moomin to sustain his family for the cold, long, harsh winter.

Then they eat these.
This is true, yes. 20C outside is too damn hot.
But 60C in a sauna is still too damn cold!
suicidal drunks?
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The fuck you talking about sauna under 100'c that shit ain't properly warmed yet. 115'c is where my family bathes and refresh in lake (wash yourself).
You need to ad few birch logs more to fireplace and make vihta for marvelling yourself.
Porvoo, Tampere, and Rovaniemi as well besides Helsinki.

Still interested in going back to visit Turku and smaller cities, though - I'd expect no nuggers and burgers in smaller areas (would be nice)
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why do you dislike us
desu was quite surprised how many nuggers I saw in a small city like Porvoo (especially school children).
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Suomalaiset, Finnar, Finns.
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Autism incarnate.

Praise Tengri.
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send me a case of these and i can make love with you
It varies a lot from sauna to sauna though
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What's with Finnish bus stops?
Respect for personal space + lack of social cohesion
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Send me a case of Korpis.
Don't believe the memes about finns being le drunken depressed people who don't have small talk etc.
I am a stoic Finnish man and absolutely everyone fucking hates me in my workplace.
Its a jew! Oy vey
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they look like blond Hungarians but instead of having a steppe and fuck all they have snow and fuck all
wow thats so weird why arent they fondling each other and molesting each other? And the lack of Tyrones and Jamals is disconcerting
Good until 1944
Still good before 1990
Now it's a country invaded by foreigners, ruled by foreigners, the native people are spiritually defeated, national institutions are in the hands of cultural marxists like everywhere else and there are no real nationalistic political parties or movements
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Ive only met one Finn, in a history course at uni, he was a walking meme, blonde, looked slightly mongol and you would have to pay him to crack a smile.
also, they remove communism which I deeply respect
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Naturally, since we come from the same uralic lineage.
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It's like Sweden except colder, darker & less homosexual

Chirstcucks at it again
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>lack of social cohesion
Explain. I know you guys aren't Italians or French but why the disconnect?

So standing arm's length from someone is considered as rape in Finland ?
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>giving Italy land
>under any circumstance whatsoever
Why do people never learn? Why would you reward the biggest backstabbers in history?
swede looks more manlier lol
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It's about 'mirin radius. Usually 6m but I prefer 7m but that is only because I'm alpha.
What is your obsession with standing so close to people? Are a faggot?
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>manpower in the sense of a high population equals a decisive factor should conflict arise
no, the chinese are fucking insects, their troops will be smashed with a flyswatter and the civilian population will scatter and die slowly due to starvation, being hunted etc
amerika... 56%
brazil... hue

basically every single citizen in Finland has military training and would happily die for their common cause, no punches held back we would go full guerilla on your stupid, fatass, low morale, degenerate piece of untermensch fucking nigger fuck ytou
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Ancient Finnish proverb: "A stranger is just some asshat who like Ässät that hasn't met your puukko yet."
Why should people be near each other if they don't them? Why should people open their mouth if they have nothing to say.
kek, finns are the best posters, what do you think about fake jewish blondes with very right leaning political views?

The Finn behaves manlier
Wtf is going on here? Is that some refugee children you've taken in?
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See >>1515771 and read "Bowling alone". We're barely 3% BLACKED and it's tearing our society apart.

And with less rape

I like your whores
abdul visited kindergarten with his gang
Just local refugees visiting kindergarten
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*don't know them
I'm starting to drop words. I've been speaking too much already. I need to go.
thats a nice Pepe, saved.
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Is that normal there?
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probably meant La*ren southern
Best Land
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>what is finland like?

Cold, dark, uninviting. Stay away.

Our refugee centers are old prisons in reality.
Don't tell the EU multikulti bolshewist bureaucrats, but please spread the word among the welfare immigrants. There's no point coming to Finland.
We are full and out of money - fuck off!
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We do not have any Jews max 1k if that.
That hooknose shit doesn't fly around here.
idk, don't usually spend time near kindergartens
You can thank the Church and lefties for this. They have infiltrated all the positions to make this possible. No matter how much people are disgusted they come up with new ways to fuck us all. This won't end with votes.
You can't even get a job in most places if you're not social.
What are the 3 top meals you Finns like to enjoy?
Finnish metal is best metal. Also the way they kill christians is respectable.
Uralic is just a linguistic group.
Come on now. Don't be THAT easy.
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Is it possible to live in finland but avoid studying finnish
also i just realised that it's fin-land
because you love fish
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Truly a masterpiece of an ultimate meme caliber.
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i only eat chicken
>Is it possible to live in finland but avoid studying finnish

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>doesn't know leekspin was one of the OG maymays
Newfags, all of you.

The dude singing bass looks a little bit like a skinny Brendan Fraser before he lost all will to live.
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>ywn be sent to the front lines to kill Commies with a mixed-region unit.

Why live?

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1. Karelian stew
3. Riisipiirakka
2. Potut + nakkikastike (add mustard)
What the fuck...

How is this allowed?
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Post more cute elf girls.
Like stated before leftists and christcucks

looks pretty tasty lad, now i need to find a Finnish bakery near me.
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That book is upside down...
>being that much of a slut

I mean we already know you're a slut for going to the army in the first place but does she really have to revel in it like that?
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vegetables, meat, fish
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Still not the toughest fight for Finland.
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its not
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You'll get used to it.
Doesn't matter, I think I'm in love.
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You mean pure blood (not soiled) fingol breed?
Most speak English. I am a student and we've some slavs. The whole degree I study for is in english and foreigners have some basic course of Finnish, much like Finns have of Swedish.
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>when the enemy has more men than you have bullets
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>When you have more empty kossu bottles than the enemy has grains of sand
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Icelander living in Finland, it's good. Helsinki is pretty blacked though. Always seeing some refugees with hot underage Finnish sluts.
When the Marxists get into control here and open the Privilege Correction Camps I'm moving to Finland
Would you goyim be interested in an American BBQ restaurant or anything like that, was thinking that would be something interesting and would keep my mind off my homeland being destroyed from within
You tell me.
I knew one 'lady sailor' back in NCO-training. She pretty much fucked everyone there and I later heard she pretty much fucked everyone on the sea too.
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Best weather, hot women, good music. Probably the only safe space to white people.
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I never claimed it wasn't.
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Nokia commercials are strange.
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>Probably the only safe space to white people.

Looks dangerous to me.
i agreed with you up to best weather lad.
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Asians have micropenises.
That's why god created bayonet and kasapanos.
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more news at 11
90% of females in the army quit or become nco's or platoon leaders because they're women.
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Why are Asian males ugly and undesirable?
Spurdo was the greatest general in history
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Autistic, weird sounding people that live in cities surrounded by forests.

People that are warm and friendly once you get to know them. Beautiful nature, tons of lakes. Feels great.
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>Best weather
We have the worst weather in eu
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leave this thread summerfag
>White people
Top kek mate
It's called personal space. We like to see another person's shoetips when talking to them.

Finnish unwritten etiquette states that personal space is roughly an arms length + the blade of puukko. You don't want to get any closer than that. Because, you know, puukko.
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Nah, i was just bantzing with the shart marter.

Warm summers, cold winters. What more could you ask for? I mean, we don't get nearly as much rain as bongs do for example.
Full. Finland is like full GTFO.
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Nothing is going on here hairy wrists, stay away.
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I grew up fishing on the Jarvi River.

Puukko gonna puukko.
What is the main differnce between fins and swedes? Culturally are you similar at all? Fins seem alot tougher.

My favorite band is from Finland, Hanoi Rocks.
I was there last week and the country itself seems nice. I thought people were joking about the autism, but nope. Full blown neck beard autists everywhere.

To top it off, the hottest woman I saw the whole time had two niglets with her. Sort your shit out Finland.
What's with Finland going apeshit with Greece?
Just play My Summer Car, it's pretty much a document about Finnish summer.
if swedes fuck off from finland your gdp will cut in half
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Pic related. Also, Sweden hasn't been in a war for 200 years or so.

The debt.
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It's Finn. Fins are what you find on sharks, Finns are what you find hanging by a rope in the sauna surrounded by empty kossu bottles after the IIHF gold championship game loss to Sweden.

They are two different cultures.

If you do something funny and a Finn nods and gives a grunt of approval, you have just seen the happiest Finn on the planet.
eternal debt dodgers
Bretty cool. Alcohol laws suck ass tho.
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>swedish delusions
someone took the """bättre folk""" meme too seriously
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Too soon, man
>If jews fuck off from finland we take our shekels with us

Who gives a fuck? Swede=jew
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leaf in binland, ama
Because they looks like the same.
When I think of Finland I think of the nordic brother that the other guys don't talk to very often and sort of dislike.

Seriously though whats wrong with your country? Isn't the "darkness during winter" thing in Sweden and Norway as well?
>Alcohol laws
W-what are the laws?
i cannot stand swedish behaviour. they aren't genuine and appear to be soulless
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You enjoying the summer?
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Its a cold and boring land. People dont talk much and are very introverted unless they are drunk like me now.
poor you, came to this shithole all the way from canada
why are you here? when will you return home?
>Seriously though whats wrong with your country?
>Isn't the "darkness during winter" thing in Sweden and Norway as well?

i hope that helped!
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What are Estonians to Finns? Are they really closely related?
it's a hell in winter and not much better in summer. Going to Norway as soon as I'm done with my studies.
Are Americans afraid of silence or what? Every single american I've met had to constantly babble about something. Also the way americans talk just seems dishonest in a weird way.
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Finns with a southern accent and will someday help form the Soome-Viro Khanate.
yes, they're just poor finns that don't drink as much as we do. and they look better than us
they are family, we'd be closer if it wasn't for our piece of shit eastern neighbour
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Ballcomics are pretty good at sad stories.
That's a very nice puukko. How old is it?
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The thing about the other nordics is that they're pretty much from the same genetic stock and linguistic group, which doesn't include us. And then there's the whole "centuries of oppression, delibirate starvation and forced conscription for their imperial european expansionist wars"-thing. And the whole stabbing us in the back when the USSR invaded.

Estonians are just a different tribe of Finns in denial, like western Russia.
It's part of American culture to be ridiculously curious about any WHITE person with a non-American accent.

We're also easily excitable when trying new things (like Koff at a pub in Espoo).

Depends on what region you're in. Up north, people are generally stand offish and rude, passive aggressive fucks. In the south-generally speaking, people are much friendlier. This could make someone uncomfortable who is from a much more introverted society. I make snall talk with strangers sometimes, but I recognize when someone just wants to be left alone. Not everyone has that level of self awareness and will talk your head off if you let them.
American conversations are artificial and fake they don't talk for any reason. All of their feelings are also artificial. They pretend to be happy or excited or surprised and they don't even realize it.
I agree with the "fuck off we're full" sentiment, but there are still a lot of people visiting the beaches and going out to relax. Personally I don't care about going out that much and seeing so many shit skins in the city center doesn't make me feel like at home there.
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its the smile that gets me desu, always fake smiling, thats one thing us brits and you lot have in common, are fond of talking to strangers.
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Sorry ausbro, it's the Swedes non of us like.
True, we don't talk that much to the Finns, but that's just because they generally don't talk much (unless you put them in a sauna, hey, maybe they'd be really talkative during a holiday in Australia). But despite being a bit gloomy, Finns are alright. But watch out for Sven. He tends to be a holier-than-thou smug cunt who can't stop talking about being the best at everything garnished with a bit of muh empire.

They're like Finns who were lobotomized and thus lost all sense. Their language especially reflects this.

Still I love them dearly. Good people.
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>yfw your father gave you a puukko for your 18th birthday
My isoisä carried in in jatkosota but I think he was given it as a child.
They make very cheap construction work but the work is really bad and you have to fix their mistakes.
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it's been pretty good but lots of rain. it's quite nice out right now tho

finland is literally a white man's utopia compared to canada, friendo

i've been visiting every year since birth, my parents are finns who immigrated to canada before i was born. it's just a tradition. i'm leaving very soon.
Except that is a Russian :)
Next week is supposed to be the hottest this summer.
cold as fug

Sad to see you go. We need every Finn we can get right now.
He's not either, that's a German reporter.
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I know for a fact that most people and especially women are at least uneasy about going to public beaches, because of all the kebabs and niggers oogling them and their children. It's fucking disgusting.
Thanks for your answers guys, there aren't that many countries which share such similarities in Europe. For instance, even if we, French, share many cultural and linguistic things with Italy, I'd never consider it being part of a "family".
That's funny, it sounds like the Portuguese who came in France in the 1960s, they're bro-tier now though.
Lots of benis :DD
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I have a theory about this. I think it's because America is a nation of immigrants, where they have no real common cultural, historical, genetic, or linguistic points of reference with one another, like we Europeans do. Therefore, they have to make up for this by being over-the-counter friendly with everybody they meet. There's still this sense of "we're completed strangers, but we live in the same country, so let's just try to make the best of it." It's a coping mechanism. Not saying there's anything necessarily wrong with it, but it just means that they have a completely different set of social dynamics from us.
Post some Finn-mongol cuties, please and tahnk you.
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Americans love discussing light, generic topics in groups that can be cast aside at any moment because the conversation was never one of substance or consequence. Talk about something that appeals to largest possible audience (read: keep it safe and keep it dumb so more can participate), feel part of group and people in group think "hey, that guy engages in conversation and is comfortable in a group setting, he's a-okay!"

Burgers can't get enough of it, it's their fucking lifesource. I can't do it, Prefer 1:1 convos with people I find interesting, the larger the group, the dumber the convo, the quicker I need to leave. I'm half Finnish. Sounds genetic.
Doesn't ALKO close at 5 PM or something equally as absurd?
1) Mustamakkara (black sausage, look it up)
2) Maksalaatikko (Liver casserole)
3) Makaronilaatikko (Macaroni casserole... I think)
Nice. I too have one very humble looking one my grandpa got as a child. Not much to look at but it's a memory...
Technically possible, but it would be as easy as running a marathon without legs.
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Only Finn I ever met told me the Soviets raped his great grandma during the winter war.

Finland isnt well known unfortunately.
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>Another thing that struck me was the great influence of the Negro, a psychological influence naturally, not due to the mixing of blood. The emotional way an American expresses himself, especially the way he laughs, can best be studied in the illustrated supplements of the American papers; the inimitable Teddy Roosevelt laugh is found in its primordial form in the American Negro. The peculiar walk with loose joints, or the swinging of the hips so frequently observed in Americans, also comes from the Negro. American music draws its main inspiration from the Negro, and so does the dance. […] The vivacity of the average American, which shows itself not only at baseball games but quite particularly in his extraordinary love of talking - the ceaseless gabble of American papers is an eloquent example of this - is scarcely to be derived from his Germanic forefathers, but is far more like the chattering of a Negro village. […] Thus the American presents a strange picture: a European with Negro behaviour and an Indian soul.
-- Carl Jung
>monday to friday at 8 PM
>saturday at 6 PM
>sunday closed
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Also you can't buy alcohol between 9pm-9am from stores and night clubs have to close at 4am and bars at 2-3am. Then there's the taxes and I would rather not talk about it.

Idk I just saw it in a documentary by an author called Venedict Yerofeyev
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>ywn fully integrate with your heritage because pesäpallo confuses the flying fuck out of you.
It comes from fen lands (thus suomi= suo maa= swamp land), because this place is originally all swamps and lakes thanks to the ice age.
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>Mustamakkara (black sausage, look it up)

My nigga, we call it black pudding here, truly the food of the gods.
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Fug, bad timing, leaving monday

Don't worry brother, I plan on moving back to the motherland when I have the chance. I have citizenship.
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Just imagine baseball rewritten to simulate trench warfare. Because that's what it is.
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Muh dick.
I miss winter allready, darkness and cold are max comfy.
noice, very noice
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she's 19, don't worry
I fuck up conversations with people by diving into politics and religion and making the other person uncomfortable. Feels autistic man. Cannot into smalltalk. That's why I prefer staying silent.
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Finnish health regulations are quite strict when it comes to food and restaurants. Also be prepared to pay half of your earnings as taxes. :3
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she stabbed her friend and is currently in prison
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>ywn cuddle her on a reindeer rug in front of a roaring fire after a 0-7 loss against Sweden.
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Dese whait womyn dun got no nothing against a true ebony Finn.
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laura, aka the whitest woman on earth
It's the same here, but we also have "vinmonopolet", where you have to go to get alcohol above 4.7%
I've learned to get pretty good at small talk but there are certain days where it's just not happening.

Totally get the point about diving in too fast, I'm open for discussion on anything if someone can handle it. I'm a bit sardonic/sarcastic and don't shy away from dark subjects. Wind up keeping to myself a lot. A lot of people take it as arrogance, I consider it being polite. Fucking life....
Yeah just like ALKO
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Haha! Stand over there, please.
No more losses against sweden and I don't care what I cuddle with.

She literally looks like my elementary school crush.
How would Finnish /pol/acks fix Finland's economy?
Psyco bitch? or did she have a reason to do so?
i can smalltalk to a degree, half my family live across the pond so im quite avid in Americans, i remember at the last family gathering my aunt invited her friend over, we were chatting and she asked me what i was doing, i told her i was studying computer science but really wanted to study history instead, she all of a sudden turned into a pseudo-psycotherapist asking why mentally i was studying it instead of my passion and what was my brain thinking when applying etc, this has happened multiple times and only with Americans, they really are an odd people.
Jarvi... Järvi? Is there a river named Järvi somewhere? (Järvi = lake)
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Depends the sauna but usuallu between 80-130C is fine

Anyways finland is just punch of mongols living in forest. Pls dont come.
It looks identical, what the fuck.
Those globalist nordic alcohol regulations needs to be stopped.
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Is the place between these two losers good enough?
She is psyco. Stabbed her friend to death over a boy. She is getting out of prison in like 9 months I think after serving 3 years.
Boring and more boring.
I want to punch Mongols too. They are subhuman.

End the welfare state
>premeditated murder
>3 years

fuck me i thought our justice system was a joke.
So polite. FUCK OFF. WE ARE FULL. works better.
requesting that picture of the fat somali woman holding a sign saying something in finnish
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stabbed her friend due to jealousy
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sven pls, you faggots need to be reminded not to put benis in butt or otherwise it's a gay orgy worthy of OP in your saunas
Yeah, Jarvi River is in the Keweenaw peninsula on the eastern side. Lots of shit up there has Finnish names, most of it doesn't make sense.

There's a meth-infested town with a house made out of empty alcohol bottles (built by a Finn named Makinen) called Kaleva.
She's basically saying that Finland is a good country. Overrated "yes" pic.
Ive been thinking about touring finland with my moterbike. Any bennisanons have some good places to go to. I want to avoid the big citys(to much sandniggers and libtards)
The fact that you have to learn swedish in school and we don't give a fuck about finnish says a lot. Any succesfull finnish person moves to sweden
Kalja, Kossu and Kilju
Yep... Gotta love finnish justice system. She was under 21, first timer so you serve 1/3 of your original sentence which was 9 years in this case.
go away cuck-lord, at least Finland will exist is 50 years
Friendly reminder that the Finns who immigrated to the US mostly moved to the northern parts. I even have some distant cousins there.
Our libtards and race-mixers move to Sweden. Knowing you that of course constitutes for success.
Terve, serkku.
The most finnish reason to go to jail kek

question for finns what colour are your eyes

I am half finnish and got blue eyes.
>1/3 of your sentence

because she was under 21 or because it was her first offense?, either way thats fucked.
you mean surname? birn
Isn't that Arvi Lind?
Well, you know where you can both go on holiday if you want to be able to buy beer, wine, liquor 24-7. Just don't bring '''you-know-who'''
And sorry finnbro, we got Bonged, you can't casually carry your puukko here but bring a fishing rod and keep them together, then you at least don't have to leave it home all by itself.
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blue or green. here's mne
I inherited the battleship grey eyes. They lighten so much in the summer, people think I'm wearing fake lenses.

I actually had a women at a party tell me she had to stop talking to me because my eye color was "terrifying."
fuck you mods
Loving this thread.
also this
Fucking mods moving this when it was 6 posts from bump limit anyway.

Looks cute are you a grill though? You look feminine

Yeah my eyes are pale blue, in lots of light theyre more grey for sure.
Fucking jap mod cunts
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Arvi looks like he belongs in the Bush family.
About time they sent this shitty /int/ thread away.
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I make Suomi threads here all the time.

Not enough Finns to keep them bumped without me though.
if i included my dark eyebrows, i wouldn't look so feminine. i'm male
Both. If you are only first timer you serve 1/2 of the sentence.
Ah fair enough.
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The country has the highest amount of coal burners out of pretty much any country in the world, in comparison to the amount of blacks/sands in the country. Some parts of the Capital city are almost nothing but white wymen - black men couples, like in Itä-Helsinki and some other areas in big cities like Turku. Gross as fuck, though at least all the cuck-memers must be happy...

It's cuz the Finns are shy and less social in general so the aggressive and pushy nignogs have a better shot with the women, even the super hot ones.

I'm a Swede and tho there are way more nigs in Sweden, Finland is BY FAR the worse in comparison to the attitudes of especially wymen to them.
>Retina scan concluded.

Subject's name is Jussi Järvinen.
Good to know, next time i want to murder someone ill buy them tickets to Helsinki first.
i've posted my eyes to /int/ and /pol/ probably 100 times already, so go ahead
AFAIK generally you sit only half of the sentence if you're a first timer, others will get a parole after serving 2/3 of their sentence. Young offenders (15-21 years) need to serve only 1/3 to get paroled. The girl was also deemed to be of unsound mind so she also got a discount from that.
>The most finnish reason to go to jail kek
The stabbing, yes
The stupid jalousi reason, no. They tend to have a good reason if they stick you, or be very very very drunk.
did you post your tits tho
>I'm a Swede

opinion discarded.
Gotta love Binland good luck to your rightwing parties Perkele!

its perfect. Dont listen to these weirdos theyre just too beta to enjoy the greatness that is finland.


The only "swedes" contributing to the GDP are fennoswedes. In other words, #FINNED swedes.

You're such cucks your wives would create 5% of Finland's population.
Had deep brown eyes as a kid, now the edges are turning green.
i need tits as a proof
this is a true fin

Move out of Helsinki and the west coast, then post again.
that's a bit gay anon
That's a pretty good cosplay actually.
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its k. i do it for science
now post
more true fins

>wifebeater not torn to shit
>teeth aren't black and rotting off
>face not covered in shit

Lousy cosplay.
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Korpi crotch posts?
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post mucked up creature, possibly a stag-night guest of honor.
Meanwhile in Sweden
Meanwhile there is a Swedish fag here who says he sees blattes every day holding hands with Swedish women in Stockholm, then the other Swedes try to damage control what he says. I don't know what to believe, people seem to have very different views depending on their experiences.

>Swede gets pissy for not seeing jamal's cum, which constitutes as 90% of his diet.
what stfu you goddamn baiters
this is a good video!

fucking butthurt
looks delicious, he's even using high quality butter
Butter from Voivienti-osuusliike Valio r.l,'s Estonia plant is the best butter in the world.
Nordic /pol/ is up

Fuck off, Sweden.
fucking nigger
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Hes right though
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sad to se this thread die off
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>you will never lovingly rape Kiira as she's passing out from the roofie you slipped in her drink
>sad to se this thread die off
it was dead the moment it got moved to /bant/
aa just come in here with your memes

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alright, something about Finnland, hah, something that could even have kept it on /pol
pic related. During world war two Finnland send a lot of children down here. Basically with a not saying, please take care of our children, we are busy fighting for our country.
Lefties use the fact that those children were received with open arms and plenty of love and care. The "children" pouring up from MENA are unwelcome. So leftist go, you let the white kids in, but you don't wont the brown ones. raycis rayyyyciiiiiiis.
So look at the picture, I'd say that there are other differences than the skin color.
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holy fuck... Old Konnunsuo prison that got converted to refugee center. Used to work there for a year and shit was truly ebin. This place is far far away from everything in the middle of fields and forests, closest town must be 20km away. I was a driver there and liked to tease newcomers that came from Helsinki by driving through city center where all the shops were (and harbor and beach). The faces of despair and disappointment when they arrived to this crumbling old prison was priceless. This place was perfect to separate those who really wanted shelter from Finland from those who are just here to reap social benefits.

Winters were best. It was always -10C colder than nearest towns, coldest was somewhere
near -40C one day and the misery was so thick in there that you could stab it with a puukko. Those cells aren't really warm since the place didn't have enough electric heaters.

I really miss working in there
they all go back lel
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Here we stick them in tent camps. Go ahead and tell the multikulti people, they already know and cry about in 24-7. But their crying is falling on deaf ears, we are NOT going back to sticking them in fancy hotels so they call home and tell their entire village to come and join them.
yeah. It wasn't unusual that there were people that wanted to go back by their own free will... like once a week someone wanted to go back. And there were quite a few suicide attempts also, but no one actually got that far to see it through.
hehe, we have had a few of those from the tent camps. Unfortunately only a few, but man, it's a start. Getting them to go back on their own accord because
>it sucked
is the only thing that's going to stop others from wanting to come here.
we also had tents for a while in the backyard when there was big immigration wave in 2015-2016. But unfortunately it was during summer and they found new housings for them somewhere else before winter.
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