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Nordic /pol/

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Thread replies: 317
Thread images: 87

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>Sweden beats Canada and wins the world hockey cup

>Anders Breivik takes a case of mistreatment to court of human rights

>Trolls Penis to be Re-erected in Norway

>Verdunn Jesus is bigger than Norways coalition politics

>Pack of Golden Schakals has emigrated to Denmark

>''Swedish'' Begger arrested in Danmark

>Blasphemy is no longer illegal in Denmark

>Russian Chinese military Excersice is ongoing in the baltic sea

>Swedish Military crisis meeting over leaked IT from the department of Transportation

>Worlds biggest nuclear submarrine (Russian) In danish waters
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You guys win the least creative flag design competition
There are some weird flags in the pic... Local ones?
Danes made one, Swedes copied it, Finns copied Swedes. Why fix something if it aint broken?
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Families from Barra, McNeill clan, why is this in the pic?
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Church vandalised..they say it wasnt "ANTICRISTIAN"

I bet it was Varg.
i like that Esti bufferzone still got the most a e s t h e t i c looking flag of all the nordinorons
I'll have you know we Nords were never christianized

We made ourselves christains

we vikings got so powefull we married into the byzantine royal family

and through the marriage became christian

the only nords to be christianized were the baltic nords
Viking settlement check flag
Where are the Norwegian anons?!
>Estonians and Latvians
Remove us from this faggotry, k thanks
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I'd say the Swedish/Finnish one looks the best
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archive dooode.
But about your cheery picked news, I shall address those about us.
Swedish beggar arrested in Denmark? News?? it's been illegal to beg in this country since we made a gibs system that ensures no one have to go cold or hungry. Hardly news.
Repealing a 300 year law that hasn't been enforced in ages, yep, breaking news there.
The Russian nuclear sub is kinda news, they usually hang out in your waters.
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>tfw you were born too late
>tfw you will never rape and pillage the coasts
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September 23 my friend
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I hope we can all return to Christ and restore our civilization.

Lots of people believe paganism is some sort of answer, but paganism was extremely degenerate and not racialist like some people believe.

We gotta go back to the Bible and stop importing illegal aliens and Muslims.
Breaking into a church, stealing and vandalizing, destroying historical artifacts.
Place your bets everyone, shitskins or "marxists"
Yeah yeah, it could just be druggies, but the amount of effort put into destroying an old bible suggests otherwise. And again, archive (and offer a quick rundown in English)
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Some Christians are ok, but its a minority of em. I think they are part of the problem.

Also boycott Tuborg and Carlsberg.
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pic related
my bet is on "syrian fefugees from africa"
aaaaw, why did you have to show me that shit. I didn't know, and I was happier for not knowing. Sigh. At least, unless you've got more, it's not as bad as heinecucks multiculti propaganda
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American soon to be staying in Sweden for 2 weeks on business here.
Is it really as bad as /pol/ says or is that just a meme?
Are the people friendly or not?
Will I get a lot of shit for my heavy southern accent and being a 5'11" manlet?
undskyld bror =(

youll be like a tourist, there are nogozones even for the police. you being an american i honestly got no clue what you mean by friendly, people live there like anywhere else, the depressed north meme is exclusive to finns and the baltic but even here we arent unfriendly were just reserved and dont bother to spout stupid shit to every passerby.
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working on the world map also if you find a bigger map of europe in that style let me know>>134552315
I would actually be cool with that IF those "fondsbevillinger" was used to move their pride crap to a semi-private area (like a fenced off festival area). I don't care if faggots are faggots, I just wish they'd stop rubbing it in our faces, and the faces of our children.
Heinekuck also throw money at the faggots AND spend money on "no borders" propaganda
holy fuck this makes me sad!!!!!
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reporting in brothers

praise ogin!!!
This is a very good map. Even Finns living in russian occupied Karelia are included.
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this map is scary
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>Sweden beats Canada and wins the world hockey cup
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Aa yes what do you make of this one?>>134554426
I'm also re doing the OP one
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Today, it was 6 years ago that Anders Behring Breivik opened and closed his swim school.

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Also, check out the guy who walked onto the field during the semifinals of the Sweden Open today, he did a closed fist salute and yelled "Hell Seger". NMR t-shirt.

we was goaltenders n shiiieeettt
>caring about the skoda cup
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prime minister murderer suspect christer pettersson was on to something.
If you include english cuckland you should also include Northern Germans.
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Nordniggers can't wait to rape your women ahahahaahahah allah akbar
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its 414 days until our general elections
how should we make the most of the election and time until then?
anyone can leak some good shit from our government?
k, I get aussies and burgers sneaking in to visit where some of their roots origin. But what the heck is up with Zigeunerstan?
Punctuation, please.
The Dannebrog also has the dankest background story of any flag. Legend has it that it just dropped from the heaven and helped the Danes win a battle they were losing by serving as a rallying point.

About Document.no and their zionist shit..regarding reporting on Sweden.
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Reporting in, brothers, praise الله
be forewarned, even the very young ones can be a bit feisty
>15 yo martial arts girl beat off the tanned men trying to remove her clothes
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heill Thor brother!!!
The main targetting point should be around us becoming a third world nation by 2030
and how migrants arent refugees
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Tulle comming through
Hun sparker B på hojre side af ribbenene, så han træder baglæns. Det får ham fra knallerten til at gå frem mod hende, så han får et tort hojre hug med hånden på siden af hovedet, og så springer hun på cyklen og cykler hurtigt videre, fortæller specialkonsulenten.

Kicked him in the ribs, then landed a punch.. and then get on bicycle to GTFO.. Thats a good girl
Swede bros start spreading some info on the (((Bonnier))) media group
I think I've posted more about them than Nordics have.
>Anders Breivik takes a case of mistreatment to court of human rights

Seriously? Is it not a mistreatment of human rigths to put bullets in kids?

Faggot should not be bitching hes sitting in a fucking country club prison
that's just to much for swedes

What they need is entry level redpills which are easy to understand

seeing as the SD is a party defined by being anti migrant
Refugees arent refugees
And how sweden will be third world nation by 2030
Educate yourself faggot, that boy killed 77 politicians to stop a horde of africans to his lands
Bonnier is a good thing to talk about, but not much is public knowledge about it, needs some serious digging
we could use the "fake news" shit again, because its messed up how biased our (((media))) is (Bonnier also plays into this)
migrants and how literally all of them are luck-seeking males larping is easy to find statistics on from Norway and Denmark i think, also some from Sweden

we should start compiling some shit before the end of the year to hopefully have a larger impact and reach
here are some more questionable stuff that might come in handy

The Criminality of Immigrants and Immigrants' Children

Economic Saudi and Soros ties to Swedish Government

Postkodlotteriet and Clinton Foundation ties
The Jewish family is well-known in Sweden. They have almost a complete monopoly on the publishing industry and lots of TV as well.
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forgot to include pic of bias example in our media
he did threaten to go on hunger strike. To which some or other minister replied (translated/slightly paraphrased) "there is no legislation available to allow us to force him to eat"
In other words, go the fuck ahead.
things like that are to much for swedes it screams of racism

keep it to facebook kind of understanding
Someone needs to do a large banner ad in front of their headquarters. Like the Norwegian guys did on that highway overpass with the Hitler banner.

Use the context of "why is our entire media controlled by one family?!". I guess don't make it about jews yet. It doesn't have to be something illegal. Just gather some friends and stand outside holding posters or handing out flyers with info on the Bonnier group.
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its supposed to be rough, otherwise you wont feel the need to actually do something about it
"theres probably not a chance this will kill you"
"theres a small probability that this will kill you"
both generally mean the same but one's more effective to make you reconsider

yeah i've thought about this, it should be easily doable
We will probably be allied to the damn Moderates after the 2018 elections, so having memes bashing the left would be beter
how likely is it for me to get banned from entering Sweden in the future if I decide to come there for a month and just shitpost in front of Bonnier group all day. Take into consideration I'm a native born Euro if that makes a difference.
Barra isn't the whole of the outer Hebrides, it's one of the southernmost islands.
yes the left should be the focus, but i think we should really bash everyone else, the more votes for SD the better
25+20 is the same as 30+15
removing votes from the left does not necessarily control where those votes end up, hence i think its better to bash literally everyone else

eh, just say you are really really sorry and it was just a prank bro then you'll be fine, probably
Be careful when you open your mouth over there.

A Danish kid in a Swedish school got suspended for using the word ''eskimo''. No warnings, first ''offence''. And he didn't even know that eskimo is an ebil raycis word in Sweden. It isn't here.
Frozen Turkey.. 10 liters of boiling oil.. no more refugee center, they even blamed it on the niggers.

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Barra doesn't encompass the entire Outer Hebrides you fucking clowns. It's the flag of Barra, Vatersay, Sandray, Pabbay and Mingulay.

South Uist just got its Nordic Cross made official.

>you'll be fine probably
that doesn't sound very reassuring lol
I probably won't especially since I can self instigate and will likely go into Hitler speech mode 14 minutes in.
Can I use a bullhorn on the side walk?
Tell me which islands are viking islands in the archipelagio
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The Outer Hebrides, Inner Hebrides, Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland.

North East Scotland has a different genetic DNA from the rest of Scotland as seen in pic related. They think it's Pict/Norse ancestry that was uninterrupted by the Irish men raping Scottish women on the west coast. Picts were pushed back into Grampian after decades of that.
All hail the Troll penis.
we supposedly have pretty relaxed anti-semitism laws, its not illegal to deny the holohoax here at least
but if you literally go to expose the jew, then it wouldnt surprise me if exceptions are made and you'll be made to regret your trespasses

>Can I use a bullhorn on the side walk?
yeah, im quite sure you can
>Outer Hebrides
Im having a very hard problem dividing this little island into 3 pieces two of which are viking flags
Paint and draw on this island
>Can I use a bullhorn on the side walk?
The police will stop you, but they will be polite about it.
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There are currently no local flags for the other isles in the Outer Hebrides, a new Nordic Cross may spring up sometime soon.

This is the official flag of the Outer Hebrides as a whole even though Barra and South Uist have officially recognised Norse Crosses:

Reminder that Sweden is the best of the Nordics historically.
Right here
We dont want to associate ourselves with OP's swedish faggotry.
> Implying you have a choice
Considering sweden will die out relatively soon whilst we still maintain control of our borders, We do.
I'm just wasting time here in the US anyway and my heart wants to come back to Europe.
I need to research the laws better and try to learn some Swedish.
Norway isn't much better off.
You will accept me as a refugee and I will rape a Norwegian woman. You will taste the misery we felt.
Bring snus.
Actually we are, almost every single rural town in sweden has a refugee centre filled to the brim, Norway doesnt.

Fuck off sven, I hope when your country blows up the government lets the army slaughter your people as you cross the border.
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o-oh, h-Hi Norwegian anons =)
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Stop hiding Sven. We are leaps and bounds ahead of you. No norwegain politiian would even consider saing that we have no culture. Several of yours have.
Just Curious, what language is spoken in your flag's country? Do you guys speak Norwegian or do you have your own language?
A shame the nordic cross didn't become their flag. There were 3 more votes for the pokeball.
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I just cant find a good map
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We got our own language. Faroese.
I'm sure I'll get approached and intimated by police but would I get arrested? Fine I'll just yell
i'd wait until 2019 at least to see the outcome of the election
i will not stay in Sweden after 2020 if nothing is done to address our main issues or if the attempts yield no results (either by inefficiency or downvoted)
i wont sit by and allow them to take almost 70% of my earnings before i see money on my account (corporate taxes+income taxes, and other forms of taxes)
it feels wrong to leave Sweden though, but i dont want to act as an enabler to the retards in our government because "we can always increase the taxes"
You should learn a language that wont be replaced by arabic within ten years. It'll be more useful.
This happened today in sweden http://www.aftonbladet.se/sportbladet/a/qqwJz/matchen-avbrots--askadare-skrek-nazistiska-slagord Hell seeeger!
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>Anders Breivik takes a case of mistreatment to court of human rights
they really should have just executed this guy
how many times has he gone to court over some stupid shit
Those prisonguards are really brave.
They speak up too his autism every day.
6 years ago today...
If you learn swedish you will have it very easy to learn norweigan and danish as well.
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Remember the good old 90ties, where we had a real Natsoc party, spamming free radio out to the people, crashing volvo 940 into antifa etc etc..
going to be visiting family in Sweden this august in Skurebo and Långasjö. anything i should do? any place to meet nordic /pol/ bros?
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I doubt the guy actually thinks he's going to get half the shit he wants. He's just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. Plus, it keeps his name in the news.
>yfw Breivik spends his entire prison sentence suing for human rights even though he's in the best prison system in earth
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Daily reminder to increase birthrates.
It's the same in our media.

Few years ago a group of Somalis raped a Swedish middle-aged woman on a Baltic ferry; our media described them as "a group of Swedish men." It caused much snickering in social media and coffee rooms; even local Somalis here were called jokingly "Swedish men" for a long time afterwards.
To be fair helle THORning-shit was pretty hot.
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obama certainly thought so
Kalmar slott! Kalmar used to be the capital of the scandinavian empire under danish rule.
Tell them its ok to hate the niggers, in a sophisticated way? Also fuck the swede memes.. the country folk there are more extreme then most 4chin hacker faggots..

Sweden is the number 3 with citizen gun ownership in europe? or am i wrong?
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West Yorkshire reporting in
>says United Kingdomsian while having a mishmash of each individual countries flag
Fun fact: Danish flag is from Estonia
nah its from god and it fell from the sky in comfy Estonia.
Nah it dropped out of the sky in Estonia... and made us win the battlle.
No don't, support them instead. They are smart enough to exploit the faggots and get them to buy more beer
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I know what you mean.

Our first choice for a flag (pic related) had a lot going for it; unfortunately it was deemed too "red" after the failed communist uprising of 1918.

In the end Nordic solidarity ideal won with the current blue-white cross flag.

So our God made it :^)

If you ever visit Tallinn we have a garden in the Old Town for your flag. It's called Danish King's Garden, some of the best views in the city there.
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Memes from Sweden = best memes

I think we are pretty high up there. We got a lot of hunters so that is why
>the best prison system
I shit you not, when the big rapefugees wanting to go through Denmark and further north. The wast majority wanted to go to the country who invited them (Sweden). But one of the few who wanted to go to Norway said he wanted to go to Norway because they had such nice prisons (wonder what kind of career he had in mind in "his new country")
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That flag remindes me about this comic...
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Vi ses i Valhallah min bror!
Yup, the same retard lion. Except I like that version because it's shaded like it should be; to look like it's really swinging the straight sword with it's armored arm while trampling the Moor saber under it's feet. Later implementations botched it somehow.
Guy is probably on welfare right now, living off the Norwegian taxpayer. If too many guys like him get into your Scandinavian prison systems, you are fucked.
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fun and amusingly accurate.
The real ones for anyone who want to fact check this (Sven is still trying to figure out a way to make his even more pompous)
The problem with waiting for something to happen is that only jews and their puppets are in control. Every day you wait is another step in the wrong direction. I'm not suggesting doing something illegal but thinking you can vote your way out of this problem is not seeing the picture. Politicians will take a step back in order to take 2 forward.
At the very least plant seeds in your people's minds for later.
We were this close to being the worst Nordic
That's what I meant in


I guess being a republic means we automatically suck at heraldry.
stop it Norwegian anon, Sweden is not falling.
he is on welfare, living off the Danish taxpayer. He is one of the ones we detained (like king EU told us to). That's why leftist-media was interviewing him. People had to know what monsters we were, to give him asylum and gibs, when he really wanted to go to Norway. Somehow we had some real trouble holding on to the ones wanting to go to Sweden.
I thought Norwegian had different regional dialects. How hard is it to learn the different accents and pronunciations (Swedish)?
What's the story behind that coat of arms?
It has been an important symbol historically since the 13th century (Danes) and when in the beginning of the 20th century it was time to choose national insignia they went with that. We almost got a Nordic cross too, but the politicians went with the current flag, which was more significant historically than the cross.

Cross propositions from 1919 are here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordic_Cross_flag
Hell Odin!
Lol, cringed so hard!
Wow. It's so hard to watch Scandinavians give up their peaceful, successful societies for pisslamic saracens. Take this from a 56%er, DON'T BE ME! The reason we criticize you Europeans for this so much is that we have seen first hand what non-white people do to a nation. I went to Southern California three years ago and Hispanics had already taken over the region by then(used to be vast majority white in 50s-60s). Every major city here is majority non-white, and pretty soon, we will be Brazilified into third world status.

And that's with relatively high-quality nonwhites. The Africans and Muslims headed your way will turn Denmark into a desert.
Reminder that Sweden was at its peak when it also included Norway and Finland
if a NS led coup were to happen in eastern Europe, how likely is it that Nordics would join? (if you were called upon with little notice.)
You can't rape the willing.
*taps points >>134567308
this country is already gone, we deserve to be nuked out of existence
That completely depends on how the future goes

If it continues like it has these last years not many will join, maybe a few individuals but not any countries.

If we take a turn and start to value nationalism and tradition more we will probably have s party or two wanting to join them
Speaking from Swedens perspective now, don't know how the other Nordic countries will react, might be pro it or still have ww2 guilt
Very unlikely from our side, we are German-tier levels of anti-nazi propaganda.
If the shitskins can go fight for ISIS and be rewarded on returning, I can't see a reason why I shouldn't do the same.
Daily reminder
7 million ethnic swedes, 5 million ethnic norweigans, 5 million ethnic danes. We are going nowhere my friend.
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Beautiful helmets.
Fake helmet
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Here's the original.
> Fucking with our flag
It is a punishable offense, faggot.
Sutton Hoe*
Kill yourself
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Fuck you. Cuck cross is not our flag.
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>Tfw no edgy gf
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Chill autist

Our own forefathers considered the cross. The current flag is only a university society flag. However it does have a sentimental value and it's aesthetically quite pleasing.
I mean, it's likely going to appear as a standard "we're taking our countries back" not overtly NS or even ideological at the outset. I'm just putting this idea out there so everyone thinks it through should it ever occur.
that crow is cool
Nope, it is bloody diapers of one of the danish invaders thrown over wall. Retarded danes thought it was god throwing them. Nope, it was Meeme who threw them.
>We wuz nords n sheit

These threads are so sad.
Fuck you and fuck the cross, faggot.
Vikings conquered half of Europe but never managed to conquer Finland. It was later in the medieval times that swedish crusaders invaded Finland to destroy our pagan religion.
>>Sweden beats Canada and wins the world hockey cup

Listen, you fucking moron, this isn't the "World Hockey Cup," it's the World Championships, which nobody gives a single solitary fuck about because all the best players are playing in the NHL playoffs at the time.

The World Cup of Hockey, pic related, was last played in September 2016, does not conflict with the NHL season, and thus has all the best hockey players present.
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I forgot to post the image due to being upset by your hilariously deficient knowledge of the things about which you speak.
Drink some Walter and chill out
That's probably the only "beer" we can afford soon anyway..
Why don't you nord guys just rise up and lynch your politicians?
I am Nordic but my family is from Mecklenburg, which is very close to Sweden are North Germans Nordic?
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Heil Odin
I drink ONLY Czech beer. I can afford it.

And seriously - fuck off with this cross.
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Already tried that approach. It surprising how little effect things like that have.

We'd need to change the whole game, not just the players.
Because 99% of the population here are docile sheep and killing politicians wouldn't do shit anyway except strengthen the agenda. Why do americans always ask this retarded fucking question? Killing people solves almost nothing in our current world.
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Fuck that cumguzzler.
You are wrong.
Do you think that terrorists are stupid?
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not wuz
We are, our current low power level compared to the big nations don't change that.
I think that Sweden and UK are the only ones who go muh empire and thinks that they are still relevant because of that
>turkroaches murder Russian politic guy
>no responce
Heh, A Swede/pol asked me if we could please repeat the Stockholm bloodbath - he could point out a couple of hundred leaders that they could really do without.
But we don't behave like that anymore.
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That was me, here's your first target.
> no responce
Which politicians and why?
Them all, why ask stupid questions FE?
We know we arent. Normal people as so to speak.
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Perhaps we could agitate the conflict between the mudslimes and shekelbergs, we've got a raging army of the former at least. Or paint that guy they don't want to get painted, start some serious riots in which police and others lose their lives. (I'm not propagating criminal activity)
And why?
me on the right
Haha Kanadicken får ont i fittan när någon tar upp hockey VM
saved, j-just for educational purposes of course.
I want to marry a man from a Nordic country but I have no way of going about it. Do Nordic men like American girls?
Because they a bunch of traitors. filing their pockets up with working class money.
How could they turn down this beautiful design?
I'm sure they'll assume you're "easy" so you better have your head on straight or you'll come back pumped and dumped. Are you planning on moving there or him move to the states? It seems like you haven't processed things.
the cucked ones love america, the redpilled hate it

which state?

it's pretty ironic that the cucks who campaign for multikulti etc, who consider themselves "metropolitans" as it's called, are the opposite and those who yell hell seger have the true global perspective
Either one. I'm not a whore so I wouldn't make a habit out of sleeping with strange men in different countries. But I'm too into Nordic men to settle for an American man :'( ugh
every time you guys make one of these maps you crush faroe islands
Pennsylvania, its one of the better states imo, but it's also filled with nogs
Not all of them though
you listen to
And consider this. When the Danish politicians raised the retirement age to 74 they lowered their own to 65. They are also, quite successfully turning themselves into a new low nobility by granting themselves and their offspring appanage. Mostly through their absurd pensions, pensions that stack. This is why they want to be city council first, then parliament then EU parliament. They get a pension from each place. And they stack! They even give extra "free money" to their children, small amounts. But why? And the children get that money regardless of high their own income is.
It has become a joke that our parliament is called Floketinget (peoples parliament) because as soon as they are elected they are no longer part of the people by their own design
the only ones who claims they are not going to be part of this >>134575909 are the communists from "enhedslisten" who claim the wouldn't accept the absurd pensions. Easy for them to say since they are not in government, they are only there as the extreme left opposition so they don't qualify for the enstitelment the government gives themselves
Maybe you should stop voting for anyone to the right of Enhedslisten then?

You probably vote V or DF, maybe you will vote NB next time. You are part of the problem then.
Enhedslisten MPs only make as much as the average metalworker in KBH. They are not enriching themselves like the others.
well it matters which one. The likelihood of a Nordic guy leaving his 90% white country to come live here is fairly uncommon. What would you offer him that other Nordic women don't? I'm not trying to be an ass but be realistic. Men are jaded as fuck today. If I could give you some advice, be loyal but make him earn you. Men operate on a simple level, they value what others can't get and what they have to earn.
I am half-Finn and therefore Nordic, despite the other half bring MENA.
Shite beer anyway. There are so many good ones to choose from instead.
by god you insolent dog of a halfbreed my worn out shoe commands more respect than your whore of a mother
Well I won't put everything about me on here, but I am natsoc and want to raise a strong white family. And I am quite pretty. I'm Catholic and attend daily mass as much as I can. I'd say that's a good start, but I wonder how many men would actually appreciate that from a Nordic country? And I agree, that's what my mother has told me since I was young. Thanks.
My father is the Nordic actually, my mom is an Arab.
sounds familiar
Iktf, my Finnish cousins, and really all the men there have hot accents.
Easiest way to get someone from here uneasy is by asking about religion tbqh. It's a personal thing to everyone, and thus it's generally not something to be discussed. Everything is fine as long as you don't try to break the ice with religion. You'll most likely thicken that ice by a mile if you do.
You consider Finnish accent hot? Like the accent Kimi Räikkönen has?
I'm not going say anything else but was your birthday this month?
you have the worth of a woman i will wipe the floor with you by god
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I saw another anon getting info about a girl looking for a NS from Penn a while ago. (I'm not the guy who got her info, I guess it didn't work out for them)
This is my first time posting in a thread.
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>>Blasphemy is no longer illegal in Denmark

thats funny considering we just reinstated it (hating on jews/moslems)
ok, I'm mistaken.
Back to your original posts. The one thing a man worth your time values most is that you don't do the "dating and talking to multiple guys at once" type of behavior. Just as I would advice against you dating a guy that keeps several girls on standby.
Nordics are typically not Catholic or even Christian. Is that going to be problematic?
Meh, when they speak English, I do think it is quite hot. Though maybe I am baised from being exposed to it constantly.
I am one :P
Nordics are worse than Jews.

Northern Europe has almost no Jews. And yet they're also the most left-wing and and Cultural Marxism infects all aspects of society.

The countries with the most Jews are Israel and America, and the right-wing controls all 3 branches of government in America, and a right-wing coalition has been in charge of Israel for most of the last 16 years.

The state in America with the most Nordics is Minnesota, and what a coincidence, they invite all of Somalia to live here.

We have to start talking about the Nordic Problem.
ur a bit off on certain parts of Scotland anon
Glad I'm not the only one lol
I mean, yes. I want to take my kids to mass and I firmly believe a man needs to lead a woman through God.. guess I can't have everything though
I honestly don't understand how females brains process logic. Your phone is filled with over 200 guys numbers and I'm almost certain you have Tinder installed but you still need more. Why? Why do you need every males attention on this planet when you already have 75% at your disposal?
I can't have everything
what does that mean? you'd marry a non religious/pagan or you're not going to marry your dream Nordic because they are not Catholic?
what does that say about your beliefs.
a woman conversing with men under the false pretense that she is an equal is the lowest of animal
>Sweden beats Canada
>2 to 1

We beat them with 9 to 0 when I was a kid.
This has caused permanent genetic damage to their Y-chromosomes and their women now turn to chinese men.
Second one, duh.
most women converse under false pretenses. Usually that they are single, (they usually have 88 back guys). They also have one eye on the lookout for the next status climb
But Finlands is most aesthetic, the Swedish one is just tryhard imperialism honestly.
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>tfw the whole population of the Nordic countries is just 70% of Poland's population

Always makes you wonder
I dont have Tinder, and I only have like 30 numbers total, most fanily and friends.
This is the internet, the fact that you are stronger and faster than me, can take a punch, etc, doesnt come into play.

I am actually single, I'm not dating until I am done with undergrad.
wtf is your problem
Russian diaspora spotted
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You gon get KHANED
your intellect and ability to converse with men of posture is equal to that of a dog
Ahmed, please go back to your country.
Wow, you just made me respect you exponentially. I apologize if I seem rude but there are rarely women who have convictions (men equally rare). I'm agnostic and my most meaningful/loving relationship was with a religious woman, so I definitely understand the value in religion and convictions. I just have a problem combining faith with science.

You seem like a great woman and I wish I could have Faith because it's near impossible for a non degenerate non religious person to be accepted by anyone.
Poles are still butthurt over what just Sweden did to them, imagine if we all decided to wreck some slav.
says the halfbreed abomination that doesnt even render as human in the eyes of wise men, you have the dignity of a prostitute
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WE WUZ Finns,Estonians,Latvians and some northern Russians
Chill naa litt anonsen
>Wise men
Are you boasting about intellect now. What have you accomplished to be a wise man, exactly?
Fuck you this should be our flag
I understand, it's hard for me too but I try nonetheless (I used to be agnostic). Thank you for the kind words
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>northern russians

Karelians arent russians faggot
Since there's no way to prove it I'll believe you.
what are you studying? Do you want a family/kids? (you know your 20s are probably the most important time to find a husband, start a family)
Karelians were almost all evacuated to Finland, my dads family were from just north of Viipuri.

>Want kids and family
Yes, eventually
>Karelians were almost all evacuated to Finland

Yes the ones who lived in finnish karelia
Whew, Sweden... now that I've read a bit more about your little military secrets leak, I'm really worried. Basically your ENTIRE defence logistics and air force could be fucked any moment now.

>To the public, the first signs of trouble emerged in January when the Transport Agency's director general Maria Ã…gren was fired. At the time, it was said that this was due to her having a different view than the government on how the Agency's work should be carried out.
>Six months later, it was revealed that in fact, she was responsible for an IT deal which allowed Czech and Romanian staff with no security clearance to gain access to the Transport Agency's database, which lists information about all vehicles in Sweden.
>According to the news agency TT, the database included information on police and military vehicles, as well as people with protected identities and the routes of armoured vehicles, which could be transporting large sums of money.
What defense?
And Stefan just hides like a cuck
I'm glad KD and SD atleast wants to do something about it
This fucking leak is pretty scary tbqh
Even Air Force fighter pilots' home addresses leaked:

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Get your filthy snownigger hands off of Scotland.
Defense from nazi bigots trying to destroy your feminist utopia.
the eternal anglo owns Scatland
You've been much sweeter to me considering I've made a lot of incorrect assumptions about you. Thank you for having the patience to deal with it lol

Did you convert because of a spiritual experience or you just transitioned into the faith gradually? You're very interesting b t w, (you flow easily between topics and subjects)
are you sure you wouldn't marry an agnostic?!
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can anyone explain why the cross on the england flag is not off-centred like the nordic flags?

like this
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If only Peter wasn't an absolute madman
Not really.

Most places north of Dundee are their own community. In Shetland, you're a Shetlander first. In Aberdeen, you're an Aberdonian first.
Does this mean the entire encrypted state communications system or just a part of it?


God damn it, this is why executive gender quotas are a bad thing.
I don't want to tell you what to do but, don't put off finding a husband/family. You'll be surprised how quickly life goes by. I wish you the best and happiness/fulfillment. take care
I was going through a really rough time in college and my devout friend helped me through it. After coming to Jesus with her help, I've been the happiest I've been in a very long time.

I want my kids to grow up with a father who helps me teach them His word, so...
Thank you, we will see what happens, getting into a good med-school is my only real priority right now, I can relax more once I am in.
Serbian military got the whole database, so it's guaranteed Russia has it by now:


Damn it, Sweden, we had a deal: we can take the heat in front, but you have to have our back. Don't fuck up now.
you are of such a low intellect that you can not recognize that you are in the company of wise men, you could rather sit amongst the lowliest forms of life and you would still not recognize where you are
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I'm sorry to hear it was from a negative experience but at least you made it through it.
I understand. I never want to make someone I love live in a constant struggle to balance faith and believing her husband is not evil/going to hell. I would cause you to question your faith strictly by being honest (like if we were to discuss something I would approach it from a different point of view ie scientific or non religious)
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I guess we will be a Russian colony next year
>tfw your an 18 year old male in good condition shit like this happens
Fugg, called in to frontline infantry when?
by god i will burn you on a pole, creature with no reason for its existance
Im a product of love, just like you :).
I guess we just can't have it all can we :p
I presume Putin already had 80% through basic intelligence measures. And that he's our least worry. What's scary is anything coming in the hands of assorted leftards or muslims.

A buddy of mine works for a State-owned company. He and his coworkers regularly stave off outsourcing attempts from the higher ups by rambling about sensitive information, not so much for the sake of data security but to save their own jobs.
Hi, what's the news from North Yorkshire?
you are a product of satan you wile witch i curse you and your mother for a thousand years
I honestly think you're getting jewed. (they intend to prevent you from having kids or family while working and paying them taxes instead) Think of how long it will take you just to pay back your school loans. I know you have events and timeline in your mind but life has a way of throwing all your plans into the trash. Do not wait for x to happen before you find a husband. All your degrees and high income will mean very little when you're in a relationship at 35 with a guy who's not interested in marriage. Do not get used because you're a convenient roommate/sex .
Don't be too sure Sven is the product of love. He's from the rape capital of Europe
He's definitely an ahmed, not a sven.

I dont have much student loans, I work a full 40 hour week on too of school :/. I will have more free time in the future to get i to the dating scene, bit for now, I am a nun.
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There we go, Sweden calling a burger the product of satan.
And who do we know of, who consistently refer to USA as "the great satan"
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Oy vey jewmerica is our greatest ally. Wtf I love Israel now
I don't want to meet Ahmed, ever.
I've been thinking the same. With absolutely no evidence, just a thought, an idea worth investigating. Maybe it was, and was changed when the Union Jack was made, you know, to make it fit better as part of the official modern Union Flag
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Nordic countries will be nice places to be once the real happening starts
You came to the wrong neighborhood saracen. God's chosen people have a cross on the flag.
Tfw youve never watched memri tv and you dont recognize any of these top grade insults
>can't have it all
exactly, oh wait you're not making the religious exception for me. *deep breath

I hope God blesses you with a better man than me instead for your convictions, love you, goodbye Babe
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>God's chosen people
poor choice of words brother, needs rephrasing
Latvia in, Lithuania isn't top zozzle
Good luck to you :)
At least you're minimizing high interest debt.
you're saving yourself a lot of trouble that way. The dating market is probably at it's worst in history. I don't see it ending well.

I hope everything works out (you're certainly doing everything the right way).
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>love you, goodbye Babe
Why don't you have a cross too? Are you pagans?
I don't believe in luck, it's against agnostics deeply held beliefs. Luck is a statistical inevitability that just happened to manifest at that moment.
I'm gonna need a prayer :p Thank you, I'll say one for you too. <3
Is going to church pretty much nonexistent in Nordic countries?
Maybe the English were sober when they drew theirs
...nah, no such thing
Yes as it should be. Europe is pagan
That's true. If that data ended up in Balkans, it's probably already for sale in some darknet info bazaar for any terrorist group with wealthy enough backers.
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