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Are Sicilians the best Italians pol?

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Are Sicilians the best Italians pol?
No. Northern Italians are best Italians. They're mostly european whether the southerners are muds mixed with arabs centuries ago.
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Italians are by far the absolute worst people on the planet.
Yes, cause they bare the least resemblance to wh*tes.
paulie wasn't sicilian tho
be fair now jap
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My family is from southern Italy so /pol/ still tries to call me non-white even though I'm 99% European and have essentially no african DNA in me.
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Sicilians basically aren't white
t.1/4 sicilian
I think the italians in the sopranos are supposed to be from campania, but a terrone is a terrone
Everything and everyone in South America are not far behind
Italians are niggers.
>filename do you have 4 other sopranos thumbnail pics saved?
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give me a break gook , all u have on us is iq , ur "men" all died in ww2

me and me m8's could conquer japan if the burgers didn't interfer
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he was sicilian? didn't know
Nope. Lombards.
literaly who?
they're the true italians
"Giulio Cesare Andrea Evola was born in Rome to a minor aristocratic family of Sicilian origins."
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>the literally who's are the non negrofied italians
yeah that's for the best
>Watch it Chrissy
i meant gadsden nigger , where the fuck even is that?

show actual flag , i wanna see it and i'm too lazy to google it , or maybe i just want to make conversation who knows
Surprise? Just google the gadsden flag.
Sicilian here.
Although I'm not pale as a ginger, I can assure you that all the people I see around me are absolutely white. Sure, usually we are more tanned than the people on Northen Italy because the sun is hot here,expecially during summer, but I invite you to come here and see with you eyes: you won't see native sicilians who resemble the arab appearance.
And, for fuck's sake, stop believing everything /pol/ tells you and remember that most of the time the TV is full of bullshit.
nigger , i thought it was a country
Sicily had waves of immigration from Greece, France, Viking countries, Italy... yes, and from the Ottomans too.

They're more European than the Spanish.
can you explain your noses please
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lmao no they're not
Excuse me, what?
https://www.stormfront.org/forum/t446638/ be a white man and read something for a change
do you have problems with albozerg in sicily?
I'm looking at Sicily right now, can confirm
he means the jew/arab semitic looking noses
REAL pedes from the_donald DISAVOW ALL RACISM!!!
y u feel the need to say it tho if it's so obvious?
but you have nigger behavior
yep, thanks
slow connection
>Are Sicilians the best Italians pol?
Sicilians aren't Italians. They aren't even humans.
Not really, the biggest problem here is the mass immigration from Africa.
well they are certainly better than their northern brethern who conquered and enslaved fellow europeans
Maguro San, we will never betray you again, I solemnly swear.
can we all agree that show was cheesy?
except for Carmela
she can have whatever she wants
I haven't seen many jewish noses, but perhaps I don't even pay attention to that.
we're going to the mattresses ye fanook , you'll be sleeping with the fishes real soon

ya think ye can fuck me ine ass? we'll you tought wrong , nobody fucks with Tony Soprano
>99% euro
>1.5% jew
that show was a fucking masterpiece , how fucking dare u?

best show evah

it's scary how much i can relate to tony soprano , it ain't even cool

albos are honorary terroni, calabrian and albanians loves each other.
Most of the Albanians come here during the 90's, mainly because the italian TV shows showed them an exaggerated welfare condition.
why dont you follow your fag countrymen and hang yourself you scrawny toadface
listen kid , i don't care if u lie just don't lie to me acapiche? https://youtu.be/i8jZz_QawBg
>Italians are just crypto Jew cucks..now fuck off.
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>Jows ar Italiens xd xd
kinda like the anglos then
Yes. Archimedes, one of the greatest mathematicians ever, was Sicilian. Northern Italians are literally no better than nordcucks.
well ur not as sneaky , not as smart , and way more annoying

and u fight ur own battles , and ur not as ugly on the average

all in all italians>jews
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I am from Sienna and I prefer my people over the others, but it is a matter of preference. Pic related
Sicilians are actually not as bad as southern italians. Calling them italians is a stretch though. Its like alaska is technically part of the USA but its really not.
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Italians were some of the best immigrants who helped build this country, also your miyazaki films show Japanese jealousy towards the superior Italians https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OO78jqp2J8
Don't never call a sicillian an "Italian" to their face, you're liable to get either a fucking talking to or your face re-arranged.
>t. Bong who lived in Sicily for a few months
they are the best arabs
what's wrong with southern italians if i may be so bold to ask?
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Are you actually comparing Sicily to Alaska? you must be absolutely autistic. Sicily has the same food, culture and people as the rest of southern Italy. if you actually visit Italy you will notice that Napoli is just a big Palermo
The fact is that sicilians, like sardinians, have a very strong cultural identity, of course we are "italians" but first of all we are "sicilians".
The Norman Robert Guiscard, son of Tancred, invaded Sicily in 1060. The island was split between three Arab emirs, and the Christian population in many parts of the island rose up against the ruling Muslims. can you even read?
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The third leg on our flag represents our massive shlongs. SICILY FLAG FOR POL WHEN?????
>covers his mouth

i want to introduce u to a friend of mine who wants to be a friend of ours , if you catch my meaning
As someone from florence or venice if they think sicilians are their countrymen lol
man that flag is aesthetic
>same food

absolutely nope, heck we also have two different languages.

your English is trash
italy isn't a real country , same as spain , ,same as france

same as pretty much everywhere desu senpai , varg is right about that
r8 my english m8
>>best Italians
It sure ain't the Bolognese...
you're exaggerating the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies was united for a reason, also every Italian region has its differences but i would say Sicily is almost identical to the rest of southern Italy

the show is cheesy but Italian-Americans are pretty fucking goofy, at least the ones from the northeast
never has there been a sicilian that light
t. Mestizo
the show is about southern Italians https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbbMIg-Aw8E
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>Italians claimed to be scary mafia wiseguys
>their most successful, efficient, feared hitmen were polish or irish
moorified dago
Trust me, as a native I'm telling you the truth. Every regions have its own culture and language/dialect.
The Iceman was Polish/Irish i believe.
have you ever even seen Sicily? Some Sicilians have a lot of Norman blood
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No north Italian has ever claimed to be mafioso.
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my family is italian from the northeast and they aren't as heavily accented as these people but everything else is spot on. the cadence, the food, the gestures, the occasional bits of italian thrown in

I like the show but I feel like I regress when I watch it. I live in Florida but all of a sudden I start cursing in terrone-speak like I used to, it's painful
Kuklinski or some shit was his real name. Worked as a freelancer.
the iceman was just polish.
the iceman's partner who taught him how to poison and freeze bodies to cover up the date of death was Irish. Joe Sullivan was also Irish
You do realize that most conservative women are christian and aren't whores, right?

Seriously, do you even american bro?
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The complete eviction of Muslims and the annihilation of Islam in Sicily was completed by the late 1240s when the final deportations to Lucera took place.
Yeah, he was the most famous but there are many more like Sullivan for example
Let me tell you about sicilians /pol/
t. Albo
like sammy the bull , he's (was?) a manlet though
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They're niggers. It's a fact.

rather be a dark wop than a round headed slavic misshapen faced polack
nah bro , i think his mom was irish and his dad was polish hence the surname , u shud check the wikipedia on that i'm too much of a third worlder to do it myself
>According to Pablo Shitskinriguez
epic XDD you realize this movie was made by a subversive liberal faggot
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My family worked for this man, joe bannanas. After one of the high ranks was killed my grandfather because a sucessor to him.
I have a few rings.
Also, on my other side of the family my other grandfather did work for the Gambino family.

feels good to have family crime history, what do you faggots have? muh farmer??? we built a fucking country
I live in Arizona now, used to live in NY thats where most of the bonanno family sides
>watches and believes Jewish propaganda
you're actually retarded
Sicilians were spawned by niggas. Enjoy the video.

best goy
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Daily reminder that Italian americans=/= Native italians.
If you think, even for a second, that most of italians are like that fucker of Pauly D, then eat shit and die.
Fucking Geordie Shore.
You must not watch anything made from Hollywood then I guess. How very contrarian and smart of you.
i'm the moorified dago , you mook

or did u get that? you got that? i can't tell if u got that

not saying I am you fucking guinea, I'm Italian-American.

most of ya'll are nice whom I met. Fuck the Bolognese though.
on the real though , ur a bunch of fucking scumbags , parasites

i hope u all get whacked
You're probably right
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also my family isn't paulie d, they're just a bunch of tanned catholics in the north who like pasta. like I said we aren't that heavily accented/guido
You're probably an offspring of an italian cock fleeing to south america

Felt good watching uruguay get knocked out of the gold cup
Yes. Sicilians are literally having a gang war with slimy algerian refugees
Lol. My grandfather worked for the Jews in the purple gang and came out alive. Even Jews won't fuck you over but Italians will. How does it feel to be less trustworthy than kikes?
Sicilians throw bananas at nigger soccer players, now please pick some cotton nigger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvuzThH_MBo
Who cares when money is made?
Eh if you're Italian by blood your Italian by blood. Granted that the Jersey Shore faggots are embarassing and should all be subject to mandatory reeducation as well as more than a few beatings.
Christopher Walken is white
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Most of the guys in the sopranos were from naples though
>there are people who don't believe Sicily wasn't blacked

Do people actually claim to be red pilled while not even learning basic history or are you just having a laugh? I'd go with shitpoting is the least embarrassing response
spanish and portugese peasant with probably some bandeirante blood here my friend , no italian whatsoever as far as i know , definetly got some moor from way back in the days of the reconquista given the fact that my dad resembled a pashtun , pic related looked like him

i don't give two shits about sports unless i'm playing them
Next you're going to tell me james gandolfini is white too, no way.
>There are people who believe Sicily wasn't blacked*

My fuck up, sorry.
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Now THIS is podracing famalam
shoo shoo BLM nigger
lmao nigger the moors weren't black , the only black moors were the slaves , ur delusional

u waz , yeah , u waz our fucking slaves boy , u waz everyone's slaves
The complete eviction of Muslims and the annihilation of Islam in Sicily was completed by the late 1240s when the final deportations to Lucera took place. if you knew oure history, the Arabs were kicked out of Sicily also the Moors are Arab not black you stupid nigger
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Every time.
Fuck BLM, you dirty faggot. I bet you think all black people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

Cock sucking faggot.
haha , i liked that part when he's with the shrink lady and the subject of italian whiteness came up
they are
do you know history? i know you cant read a book so try reading this short article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moors#Moors_of_Sicily
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>Being in this much denial
Still got moor blood running through your veins, bitch.
the moors weren't arab either , at least not in the iberian peninsula , most moors there were berbers
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Can a shitalybro give me a quick rundown on Bergamo, Venice, Florence, Rome and Naples?

I'm going to Italy for 8 days in a month and I need to know the must-see places in those cities.
>This buttblasted and splitting hairs
Are you italian is that it? To deny any influence caused by the moors is outrageous.
they are
what the fuck is it with you niggers always trying to bring everybody down?

tee hee
expect refugees sitting in tents outside train stations and african/bangladeshi street merchants putting watches on your wrist
Keep on spouting nigger memes while you die of AIDs Jamal.
Fuck off and get raped nigger
Romans are the GOAT italians. Sicilians are niggers.
Look at this rodent toothed sudaca talk big
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there was influence but the Normans did their best to eradicate it
The show was amazing.

>spaghetti niggers
>all these Sicilians mad that their great great great great great great great grandmother got blacked
>all this denial

You can't ignore history. You got nigga blood. That's why you jump higher than other Euros.

What are the worst tourist traps and how do I avoid getting scammed?
im 5'6 and 159 pounds
dont acknowledge them, they fuck off if you dont give them the time of day
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just a simple statment of fact , light skin don't look good on a man anyways
Looks even worse on a rodent ;)
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Oh you're serious..

Opinions, I haven't seen a handsome negro yet
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>Reading comprehension
all niggers are uppity BLM types, they are in a prepetual state of butthurt
Arab blood* the only black moors were slaves retard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXLz7IHxJgo
Get raped by muslems that many times and your bound to be pilled.
Meadow got BLACKED
kek do sicilians even have internet
one thing is for sure that is a good nigger is a dead nigger
Yes i have internet
When some individuals in regions outside of Europe look like Southern Euros, it's more probable that they were bleached in ancient times (remember Alexander and his army went through Afghanistan) than the other way around
Not white, and form mobs in the early 20th century they were like Mexicans coming over to the U.S. doing cheap labor yet mostly involved in crime and also shouted discrimination if jailed by police. Northern Italians are alright
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>Fuck BLM, you dirty faggot. I bet you think all black people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.
>I bet you think all black people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.
>all black people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.
>Responds with, "They are"

I'm so sorry you have dyslexia.
In Finland? Never thought the mafia reached your country, what do they do here?
hey hey hold up , are you calling me a rat? that's a serious accusation to be making kid
Kek, italians aren't even human
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the worst lynching in all of american history was of Sicilians in new Orleans
Fuck off nigger go wewuz somewhere else, I heard Odin was a black guy shoo shoo slimey tyrone
The bleaching only came through rape. Euros are just not really that attracted to Afros, Birthing strategy n all. RH-s cant even breed with non RH-s without a Rohib shot.
i have

niggers have 120% the testosterone of the average white guy , u figure out what that means on ur own
Had a stepfather whose mother was a Lithuanian Jew, and father was Sicilian. She was widowed, and she moved with the baby to Brooklyn in the late 50s... remarried a mortician. Mario was a trip... super thick accent, racist as fuck, mob connections, wore a Star of David medallion sometimes lol. Also crazy af, claims to have been Special Forces in Nam and would always blame any ailment on Agent Orange kek.
Look , just keep your fangs in amazonland suarez.
meadow was a kike so who gives a shit
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It means I wanna see your evidence
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>Southern Italians are whit-
Wake up call
Sicillians were crooked jews expelled from spain and elsewhere
dont make fun of based shepardim
i thought Jews were Jewish
i'm gonna uhh , black, no that's not appropiate.. uhh

mud? nah i 'm too white for that..

uhh.. MONGRELIZE a blonde haired blue eyed aryan qt3.14 and there's nothing u can do to stop me

howda u like dat? HA!

now i feel better
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>Sicilian and white boys triggered
>All they can do is call me a nigger
Fuck no, Venetian master race.
nonsense on test av. every american football player is white or mixed neaderthal. The strongest man in the world comp all white. Untill afros mix with big euros they are like birds. Scrawny.
>muh dik mufafuga
your skin looks like my shit
yeah , and then they invaded spain fucked some spanish chicks and so on and so forth until u get me
We are ally since our countries exist. Italians draw you first on European maps
If your gonna mix, mix east, not south.

Hey a look. I catcha 2 fucking monkeys inna same net
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WTF how am i a shrimp dicked Sicilian boi supposed to compete with BBC LIKE THAT?
evidence for what? the testosterone thing? i read that somewhere sometime ago, plus it's evident , i mean come on

what happened to muh hwyte nordic cientific objectivity? i thought u waz supossed to be cold like ice , not emotional and warm like us southern types
What the fuck jap. You lost some respect from me. Why would you hate italians?
And your skin is the color of:
>Shit without any bile
>Pigeon shit

You choose
Too bad they couldn't crack the human genome
came here to post this
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>I read it somewhere believe me

nice cock nigger , i'm jelly

lemme check , yep , still hate u
>Italians are worse than smelly Mexicans or sandniggers
Italians have real culture and in general some very nice people (they look threatening but are actually really cool)
it's pretty obvious , what? ur masculinity feels threatened? boo hoo

definitely not by pols standards
have you guys all really never seen this movie?
If you fucked with grorious Nippon Id personally enlist to fuck you up Falklands 2.0 Electric Boogaloo my suspisciously "white" friend.
thousands of years seemed to do the trick
have you ever not fallen to jewish tricks?
what is your appearance? eye colour? hair colour? skin tone?
nice numbers just curious to know how they correlate to you appearance being a southern european.
>has to place camera practically on his dick to make it look bigger

Hahaha faggot,i bet its like 5 inches.
what haplogroup? it's to tell whether or not you descend from a rape baby or not
that gag is getting old nordcucks i thought u were more inventive than this
I wana break down the dick to pussy ratio, because there is a perfect size and its not BBC. There should be enough length to reach the cervex yet at the same time apply pressure to the clitorous.
They're noisy in restaurants.
whealt and organized violence
because they know how to have fun
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daily reminder: typical sicilian woman
the wops built western civilizaiton and laid the foundation for the british empire

show them some respect
what a cuck , the japs are not ur friends burger cuck get that through those thick layers of lard and into ur head
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no this is
Do not go to napoli.
Only 8.5Ă—5
>your country
>scrawny toadface
>your miyazaki
He's an English teacher in Japan
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This is true, I will admit that. But nowhere as loud as Brazillians.
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and this
I dunno bro , the BBC is pretty good , although the BWC is also pretty good and the BBROWNC is not all that far behind with BYC arriving last

trust me i know about this things , i went through a gay porn phase
better you than me but i aprecate the input. Not IRL.
Reason for a good circumcision?.
because north-east italians and sicilians are as different as germans and spanish
That guy limp no matter how turned on he gets.
lmao without god we're all just dumb apes flinging shit at eachother
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we have that type of bread here , and the chicks too
Why do Italian women have so much facial hair?


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typical southern Italian woman

>She is of Italian descent from Siderno, Calabria; her father was born in Canada to Italian parents, and her mother is an Italian immigrant.[6][7]
literally who?
post pics
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cara a qt. a QT!
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Fuck me you anglo aussies are the fucking worst with this shit i swear.. Decisive as a jew with a level of anxiousness about it that CLEARLY shows a deep inferiority complex. Constant attempts at claiming any historical achievements as your own when in reality the facts are the all of western civilization sprung out of the Mediterranean which anglos were flinging shit. You couldnt even win a war against a country that had only just pulled it self out of povery a few short years earlier and the only way you did it was to recruit half the fucking world. Anglos are like europes bitchy little sister that needs a slap and to be sent to her room. Pathetic jew tier whiny shitstiring cunts.

>inb4 <5% admixture
Mfw assyrians

Hi im a sandnigger
there's no way she's 100% italian
This man is 100% right.
nah too much work , and u know us dagos don't like to work too hard
sicilians never wanted to be with the Borboni, they were always revolting, also they were the ones that let Garibaldi through
gary coopa
it's been a nice thread , c ya around
The best italians are the ticinese, mainly because they are outside of the shitshow that is italy.
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>Sicily had waves of immigration from Greece, France, Viking countries, Italy... yes, and from the Ottomans too.
>They're more European than the Spanish.
>Spanish ruled Sicily for 400 years.

Impressive man.
southern italians arent european nor white.
every central italian/northen italian hates them for that reason.
reminder that mafia is a southern(nigger) thing and the whole world knows us for it.

as the redpilled individuals here say,
we should glass terronia and make a huge parking lot out of it
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Rome - self explanatory
Venice _ self explanatory (make sure you go to the fucking islands. Murano, Burano. Also lido if you want to go to an epic beach)
Florence - self explanatory
Naples - check out Pompeii/vesuvious and make sure you get to see either Capri or Amalfi (i like amalfi, 40 miles of cliffs with houses build onto them. One of the most epic things you will ever see)
everything below bologna is africa tier.
you have been warned
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Are sicilians even european though?

Why are they so fucking dark if they are?
ahhh my sides!
>Ashkenazi jewish
Daily reminder that Ashkenazis are a result of Khazars interbreeding with Italians, almost all Ashkenazi mtDna is shared with Italy
>Italians have real culture
Like a spaghetti and a pizzah.
im sorry that you feel this way
Below turin to be precise
measure the distance from sicily and north africa
turin and milan and other major cities have been enriched by terronis since the 60s though.
and it shows.
this is why Europeans hate e us
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They look darker than me when I visited, and im Iranian.
not surprised to be honest
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But ah maka the Ferrari car!
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Unequivocally, yes. My grandmother was from Sicily and she was the best lady, I tell you. She had about 25 grand kids and still sent us all a big box of home made Italian cookies and pastries every Christmas. She loved her grand kids so much. RIP grama Ida
>I have a bigger dick than a nigger
Pleasant surprise
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why post melania
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Watch it Chrissy.webm
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jew mod nigger kike
this thread is now dead because /bant/ is absolute shit
t. mad gabagool poster

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why are mods so fucking stupid
well to be honest this thread has been somewhat redundant
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better version
but did it really deserve to be moved to this dead board?
Below Brescia there are only therĂ¹ns( Africa tier italians).
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>he isn't a superior northern-italian-american

lmaoing @ you short, hairy, dark, brown eyed mudbloods
go back to new jersey you fucking guido
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Pepe Laughing Panels.jpg
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reminds me of that episode of south park where they got high off of cat piss
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