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Waifu claiming thread previous: >>727684144 Rules: >Claim

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 202
Thread images: 151

Waifu claiming thread

previous: >>727684144

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
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Aya claimed
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Still here
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you’re waifu.png
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Yeah, but the problem is he's one of the stronger guys, important for lifting heavy shit that we don't wanna put on a forklift. He's a bit dumb when it comes to safety but he's really nice and helpful.
Oh my
I'd need to get in a car for a long stretch of time
or buy a ticket
Louise is cute
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>>727691179 (Louise)

Ahh I even know that one, kek

But gotta sleep, bye
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I think you would make a neat pokemon.
Tomoko is always cute.
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Hey, it was borderline lewd, but her nipples were covered, heh.
Well, you know, English isn't my first language, obviously, but back then it was even worse.
*pinches cheek*
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I arrived.gif
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if you say so, yeah. too bad there's only one of me.
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Pourquoi on fait pas des joke sexist? Elle est une pute anyways
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Louise is in a school uniform.jpg
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So is Louise!
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Je sais pas, vraiment
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That it was. What was your first language if you dont mind me asking. That is a cute cat pic.
I dont know if I would like that but the pics of it are cute.
That makes you a legendary pokemon!
Especially with some of her outfits.
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Seras 15.png
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Seras is best with blue eyes.

Also why is it so hard to get a good pic of her? She looks different in almost every picture. There's no consistency.
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that means people would actually want me, though.
and we both know that's not true.
you will like it
Hey, of course I don't mind, it's Russian.
>inb4 slavshit
She's got quite a few.
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tachibana claimed
You're back! Sorry for leaving out of nowhere last night, I fell asleep :P
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Alice (7).png
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C'est Piano Holo? Je savais pas que vous parlez français
wish I knew Russian
K: The Game

>Misaki Claimed
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piano holo!
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Mei (17).gif
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You're kinda right. I saved this one btw
But why? That language is absolutely useless
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Whoops, forgot to post

sounds cool and they have weird letters
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claimed bby
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I think you are nice and I like having you around.
Nah I dont have anything against Russian. That pic is adorable. I want to unwrap her.
Ok then ill let you do it at least once.
Maids are always good.
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Evening Misaki
How are you tonight?
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Go for Siesta, then
Japanese sounds cool and has weird letters as well :^)
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Was just playing some ArmA 3, thanks.

I don't really have much to do now :(

I've only really become aware how much time playing a game takes. I coulda swore it was 3:30 only an hour ago...
sounds soft compared to Russian
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What were you playing in ArmA??????
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For what?
Damn, I wish I was born in the US, you lucky jerk :^(
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I made a friend?
that works and after you like it I'll do it often
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>ArmA 3
How is that game these days?
I haven't really played since the release of Zeus mode.

It's scary how time flies when you're having fun.
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Louise stars in Tri-Force Heroes.jpg
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For the target of your affections!
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I wasn't even born there myself
There was no thread last night?
It's also way more useful that Russian, heh
It's the second most used language on the internet.
fuck a 50yo mom in a hotel http://imcest.com
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Fuckin fixed this in paint.jpg
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Not complaining?

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>rush b cyka blyat

All you need to know, fam.

I know nothing of Russian and I know this phrase usually works on anyone.
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we had a movie night, but I have no idea why we didn't also have a thread.
I kinda missed it.
is it really incest if it's some random mom? that's more of a MILF fetish than anything else.
Where are you from, 'non?
I'll take it over Japanese any day
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You missed my post :(>>727693437
Yes Jill. I think of you as a friend.
Heh and if I dont like it?
bad place so I'm not answering that
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[autistic screeching in russian]
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misaki gets really fucking smug.jpg
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King of the Hill. It's fun for a good while on hardcore difficulty, because then it takes skill, and not leaning around a corner to see everything, but people become harder to find after a while.

BTW. How are things now? I saw your post. Yesterday.

It's a lot better since Apex dropped (last summer).

If you haven't played since Zeus, holy crap lol. That's 3 years man. The game looks a lot better. It's a good bit of fun if you find a nice server.

Some hot, blonde chick with huge tits just liked my video. Huh.
I'll make you love it
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My highness-sama!!!

Oui c'est bien moi.
J'habite au Québec~
Et vous Alice-san?

Hello Anon-kun!
С у к а б л я т ь и д и н а х у й
I-I don't mean it, that was a "cyka blyat" kind of joke
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>When you scream Cyka Blyat but your team still rushes A

Things are better, I'm able to keep a smile on my face when talking to him...

Ah, KOTH is so fun. I just go on US #1 non infantry, get a quad bike and a Titan AA, and make mad dollar. Cheetah's can't compete with Morgan's budget AA, I average 1 Kajman/Blackfoot/Plane downed every 4-5 minutes.

Just practicing my Russian, pay no mind
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Sono claimed
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Alice (15).jpg
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Oh. I didn't see anything on Steam about a movie night. What did you watch?
J'habite dans la belle et bonne Acadie
>C'est ni belle, ni bonne. Je l'hais
Did I say non infantry? I meant that as like it's not an infantry only server lol
any new doodles I missed so far ?
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Hey fam, how'd you get that backwards R?

Are you a commie? Those look like commie runes to me.

Right? Lol. I remember my times played Counter Strike:GO. Hahaha.
do you think it's worse to have slavs or brazilians on your team?
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Alice (50).jpg
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>not a new IP
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I have a friend.
today is a good day.
yeah, I don't think it ever made it onto steam. I only heard about it in passing pretty quick, and didn't have other plans to begin with.
Doing it before licks
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Hey you got the coffee pot.
First off, I'm NA so slavs are rare, but still:

CS:GO - Slavs are worse
Dota 2 - Brazilians/Peruvians are FAR worse

I play it everyday :3
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Glad I can make it nice for you.
Wouldnt that mean I wait for licks still.
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Brazilians. Every game has a few Russian gods but high ranks on Brazil are like Silver on Europe.
>My Highness
How've you been?
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Yeah that's not me
You'll get them after a few pinches on your cheek or other soft places
I don't think I've ever encounter real slavs but I hate playing with brazilians
I agree, although I never really get to play with Russians.
Europeans are much better at the game but there are a few brazilian hit squads for some reason
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jill (58).jpg
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>or me
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Alice (312).jpg
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I'm not sad I missed it, I guess
What do you mean?
>still no new IP
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I could start if you really want me to
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>US #1


I hate that server so much. So much lag. So many vehicles. Noobs peeking using the 3P camera and making one shot kills with rifles at 300 yards after a 1/4 second exposure time.

I can't play anything other than the California #2 HC server. Unless I really want to waste a few hundred grand on some jet action.

Btw... your friend is doing well? I hoped so.
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Other soft places?
Thats lewd Jill.
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beach episode plot.jpg
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Oh go ahead, I'll just nod and agree like I do with every woman complaining about being in the kitchen
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Yus brand new~
I love it, you should get one too.

Eh I don't know what to say. How many IPs are there now?
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jill (51).png
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yeah, that movie gave me the spooks as a little kid.
no, this is.
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Alice (22).jpg
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36 at the moment. None of your upped the limit :thinking:
Whatever though, I don't really care either way
I never really liked it
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Not working today anyway. Did all I needed to do yesterday, today is a complete rest day.
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Im happy with the one I have thank you.
I would want to walk in on that.
Fine, I'll stop with my generalizations, for now.
soft to nibble and pinch lick too
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Kyouko (107).png
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We /coffee pot/ now?

Might cover myself a little.
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I guess I'm number 36 then~

But do you have Bialetti master race?
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No nothing that complex.
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that's a big ass pot ._.
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yeah, it's kind of a middling movie. if there was a vote though, I never saw it, I just showed up.
>canonically a skinny a-cup
what did anon mean by this?
what about this one though?
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Will have to check it out one of these days then, I had quite a bit of fun with Zeus and a handful of friends.

King of the Hill is free for all, last man standing?

Yes we /coffee pot/ now

Evening Sono.
It's ok, I still think they're all thrash even if they have a top team
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Its older than me.
You newfriends with your smol pots. Up your game.
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How do you live with yourself?

I think you're trolling me lol
it didn't say 35 before I posted?

I love your photo shops...
ticc legs
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Alice (15).png
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I don't know what you mean by middling movie

T H I C C booty, I think
I mean, he had already accepted it last night, he hasn't changed since then, more so it's me who is now doing well...

Also, US #1 isn't that bad, right?
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I can talk.jpg
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Dunno. All I know is there was no (3#) when you posted ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
uncovering is fun
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Oh nice~ I have a skillet 30 years older than me
I need to find it...
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Lol stalker~
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I think you know what that one means.
I just do?
A normal set of clothes with a jacket or something.
Rabbit hole.
Have fun.
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Get a Bialetti~
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Alice (48).jpg
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Not really, just bored and I look for that when people post
Like I said, I don't really care. Just thought it would be an interesting observation
>QoTT: How do you like your coffee?

Unlike my women, black

That's nice
It beats complaining about having a terrible job, doesn't it
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Do you ever look out for me?
No, there are 3 teams, there's a city you fight for control over. First team to hold the city for a certain amount of time wins.

You can always add me.

I had forgotten what happened to him. It was late and I've had to deal with some things today.

It's terrible.

I haven't stepped foot on US #2 for months because of how cheap third person is. Dudes are outright cheating with that disembodied camera ability.

US #1 is fine if you want to play with vehicles. If you want to play as infantry... have fun.
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I dont need it.
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I like it when Rea makes it
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I like my coffee as tea, because I don't like coffee
How do you mean
You will have fun observing.
But you made the mistake to announce it.
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jill (03).png
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legs it is.
not really amazing, but not worth watching to make fun of either.
like my women: don't.
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Huh. I realised I have failed as an Aussie. There is no Vegemite in my pantry.
Is it seasoned well, or do you just use it?
Pretty much. Though I at least have a steady job with a decent income. Oh, and I just realised that aside from me, the only attention you get is ERPers and shitposters.
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misaki best loli.jpg
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Thin, light and white.
can be fun too even under the blankets
>forgot to answer
At the moment, sachet bullshit because my body cant drink real coffee without nausea. But normally yes. I drink my coffee yes.

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Very sweet, warm, skinny and pale.
>just like my women
everybody knows that the cute bunny is an elitist
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I can leave this thread happy now.
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1-2 sugar or cinnamon
warm not hot I don't need my tongue burned
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How was it a mistake though?
Not like anyone is really upset about it, and I tend to just point out my observations here
I always made fun of Jumanji
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1MB, 1500x1500px
What do you like about Jill? I dont think I asked you.
What would you like me to wear?
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Roman clocks suck.jpg
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Ya'll are pussies when it comes to coffee

Don't they say you reap what you sow
Shhh it's awake
What is
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Obvious girl
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What do you mean by that?
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jill (52).png
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right, but it's not Troll 2 levels of bad.
cozy protag of cozy game. and she just wants to make her friends' lives all suck a little less.
cute light see through clothes
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>what is Manos The Hands Of Fate
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I'm not sure what Troll 2 is. Am I missing out on a modern day meme
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I usually make coffee 2-4 times a day, a big pot wouldn't be too good for me.
Big pot looks nice though.

Don't look, it's terrible, I fucked up my template so I did it really sloppy

Big and black

Ahh, sounds cool.
I'm over in Europe, so ping might be a bit awkward.
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Thats a good reason to like her. She is also cute.
I dont have anything like that.
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Did someone say lewd.jpg
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I don't care about the "community"
i'll talk to anyone that responds
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2017-04-01 20_36_17-Bad Movies.png
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actual terrible movie to the point of being funny.
being cute helps, yeah.
>The Room
That movie wasn't so bad. It was a meme for sure though
so you have no problem with them?
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You need it, you drink a lot!

>tfw i lurk threads for you...

I use my own, but that old skillet is well seasoned yes.
>trying to get used to mine before using the old one
are you a girl irl?
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Would you cuddle with Jill?
Im not sure how I would feel about it.
Bring me one?
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From what I read earlier, you lurk thread for quite a few people
kek i usually ask >>727697667
this. i'm still uncertain...
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are you thinking of the bad one, or the one from like a year ago? they're very different.
it's not the worst I have in there, though. yeah.
>implying there are guys on the internet
I'd cuddle with a lot of people.
Fresh coffee on demand is pretty difficult. Thats why I work in a cafe with the best coffee, and trained by the best barista, in Australia.
Fair enough. Im pretty much the same at the moment.
>no Iron Sky
>no Sharknado
>no Return of the Killer Tomatoes
Getting used to yours will change how you use the old one. Use them both equally, and make sure you season them. Better question - have you seasoned a pan before?
maybe lewd and ready to get some cuddling
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Did you watch IHE's search for worst?

And are you putting yourself through this physical pain?
>Lawnmower Man 2 is a pretty horrid one
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Probably a few yes!

Every Pieces of Thread

Generic Joyful BGM

Generic Dramatic Ranting BGM

Yearning in the dark

Tyranny of the ancient

In the comfort of your mind

I'm not sure which of those you've missed so I've put them all here

Finding some entertainment where I can.

I don't drink coffee, but I enjoy some genmaicha quite often
Are you a guy irl?
listen here boyo, I already claimed her hands off, look at earlier in this thread
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>Return of the Killer Tomatoes
Sounds like you've been through some tough cinematic battles.

Neil Breen's filmography awaits along with Zombie Vs. Ninja and Fantasy Force Mission
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How many?
I think it will be more than that.
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>steals skillet
>Steals shekels
Do you want the 1 cup, 3 cup or 6 cup?

Lets see, I mostly lurk to see of Rea is posting if she is I'll wait until she goes away.

Everyone knows I'm female.

Mhm only once when I got it
I haven't had to season it again because I don't clean it

Please don't! It's not even mines yet!
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these are the only ones I've got locally, rest are on my plex server.
>are you a g(uy)irl?
you, for starters.
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Alice 28.jpg
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>Oh hi Mark
This one?
It's certainly not as bad as the Mario Bros movie...
Why would you not post while Rea is here?
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My man, you got some real masterpieces in there!

>>The Room
Sitting through Tommy Wiseau's self directed sex scenes was borderline torture.
Overall a pretty neat movie.

>Oh hi doggie
anything you want
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Alice (117).jpg
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>So anyway, how's your sex life?
Ew you're lesbian? Gross!
Thread posts: 202
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