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>Too smart too when When did the democrats become so

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>Too smart too when

When did the democrats become so cucked my dudes
i dont give a shit about your opinions of politics but:

>"cucked" being used in place of "defeated"

you really don't know what the word means do you? this faggotry needs to stop
sjws, corruption and blm
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Except the word has taken on a new meaning at this point you asshat.
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I'll bet you're the kind of guy who also complains when someone calls another person a faggot when they're not actually gay.

lingo moves and takes on new forms, words shift in meaning slowly but everyday. cucked is a pretty nice word to use for "getting fucked" or "losing hard" "defeated" since it pretty much is having your female partner being fucked by another dude in front of you, what spells more defeated than that? it's a nice slang
the corporate shills and SJWs are going to be pondering for years to come. They are in the bargaining stage right now.
I think they're still in denial. They haven't accepted yet that putting in shitty neoliberal candidates like Hillary will not help them win.
actually the use of the word "cucked" is artful in OP's case.
as a cucked man may rationalize that his wife cheated on him "because he was too smart" to win her fidelity.
Don't forget about importing 500,000 muslim "refugees" - that at minimum will refuse at all cost to assimilate, and at worst commit atrocities and or join ISIS.
There were single issue voters, including moderate muslims that voted for Donald Trump on this issue alone.
Dude right around the same time little faggots started killing themselves cause they dont know how turn off the computer to keep from being cyner bullied. I cannot wait til jan 20th so i can see them all cry again and now i can call people fag without as much kick back for making fun of the idiots in our society. Making America great again. Fuck fags, trannies, sjw, whiney liberals, pussys in general. Fucking bitches.
Cool bait is cool
if by too smart they mean relying too heavily on polls and previously successful campaign tactics then it is true
well all politicians are so... probably somewhere around Reagan era, when politicians found out they can make money off us.
To stupid to email = too stupid to be president is news speak for "too smart to win"
>When did the democrats become so cucked my dudes
When they became corrupt pieces of shit that sold out the people and the country to line their pockets.
So they basically called their (democrats) supporters retards?

Way to win them over.

The whole election was a shit show. Fancy adds, bullshit polls and lies. I'm glad it's over regardless of who won.

We got some meme pictures since trump won that's about it.

In 4 years it'll be the same shit.

I mean, the author is correct. She conveyed her policies in a very detailed, almost wonkish way. Donald Trump won the sound bite war. Americans resonate with memorable snippits like "build a wall" or "bomb the shit out of them" and not "create a National Infrastructure Bank to finance the construction of modern roads and bridges" or "address the threat of ISIS through building partnership capacity measures, holistic social engagement, and persistent military support of local allies"
*building partner capacity
I can't even laugh at these people anymore.
They're so delusional and mentally ill.
I mean I get the media and colleges are actively brainwashing people but come on......wake up out of your trance and have a look around it's scary how weak willed they are.
How does giving ISIS military support hinder ISIS?

Do you lack reading comprehension skills?
Address the threat of ISIS through...persistent military support of local allies
which includes jihadis linked to ISIS.
Get in here faggots!!!
so they are saying people are too dumb?

indirect insults never help your cause.

There are no groups "linked" to ISIS. That is not how the Islamic State operates. A person is either a member of the group or they are not. Al-Qaeda arguably spreads its influence by establishing relationships with other jihadi organizations, but not the Islamic State.

When a group swears bayat to the Islamic State, they *become* a component of the Islamic State and cease being a separate organization entirely.

We have offered support to moderate Islamist groups in Syria which subsequently realigned themselves with Al-Qaeda for political and strategic reasons.
Spin it all you like. Aiding terrorists to take out a dictator isn't a good idea. Or have you forgotten Iraq already?
>Too smart too when
>too when

Christ, maybe they were right.
if my pals and i pay ISIS $5mil to attack a certain place am i ISIS or just a group linked to ISIS?

If i give them guns and ammo am i ISIS or linked to them?
this post deminstrates why her campaign lost. she tried to talk above trump and his supporters, and stupid people hate when you talk above them. small words and short sentences, like 'drain the swamp' or 'build the wall' or 'make america great again' go over much better with the stupid.

iq scale is a bell curve, 100 being the average. think of the most average person you know, notice how fucking stupid they are? now realize that 50% of the people around you either match or fall below that degree of stupidity.

>my dudes

How difficult is it for Dems to belive that no one likes her?

Here is what liberals have to say about black people, and what black people have to say about liberals.

most do, its why many voted for berny. the professor could have easily beaten biff.
It's kind of ironic you think only stupid people voted for Trump while probably being completely unaware of what was at stake this election.
Pro Tip: There's a reason we went from Russia moving it's nuclear missiles west to total peace right after Trump won.
Since always when the fuck did you get here?
You're so misinformed it's comical

I mean, I definitely agree. I certainly don't want America to continue financing and equipping the opposition in Syria. A moderate opposition will not flourish in Syria. The West waited too long and now the viable players are the Assad-Iran-Russia nexus and sundry terrorist groups.

Anyways, those aren't the allies we're speaking of. I'm talking about furnishing conventional support to the Arab coalition, Iraqi government, and Kurdish militias in their fight against the Islamic State.

Setting that aside, do you have any grasp on contemporary Iraqi history? We didn't aide terrorists to take out Saddam--we did that ourselves, with our Army, in a span of about 21 days.




>tfw too smart to be in a commited relationship

Yeah, but there is no evidence of American supported groups paying ISIS $5 million to attack a certain. Nor are there any organized efforts by American allies to arm ISIS.

Why do you think we put Sadam in Iraq? He was there to keep radical Islam in line. Iraq under Sadam sucked but it was secular at least. Of course Saudi Arabia wasn't a big fan of that. Which is why they did 9/11 and told Bush to pin it on Iraq.
the worst campaign & candidate ever
Most faithless electors ever, second only to a deceased candidate.

Nah, dude. Just go to their respective websites and compare their platforms. It's clear one was attempting to sound more intelligent than the other, regardless of its veracity.

ya,to bad trump is gonna be worse and probably get us in a war with china or something

the middle class and obamacare is why trump won.maybe the democrats need to stop sucking up to the welfare abusers
Deoms DON'T like her. That's why she lost. Many were "Bernie or bust" and a lot stayed home. Voter turnout was abysmal. I didn't like her, but I voted for her, because Trump, despite what anyone on this shit board says, was unequivocally the poorer choice.

The left lost because they vote with their feelings - they believed their vote was so god damned important that they couldn't "morally" vote for Clinton. Meanwhile, a lot of Republicans hated Trump, but they still showed up to the polls and voted for him.

The thing that fucks me over is the fact that people are so stupid, many actually believed and supported Trump, and genuinely think he will be GOOD for this nation, which is patently ridiculous, but stupid people are easily swayed by "real talk," even when it's anything but.

Here's the thing, if you're upset that Trump won, but didn't vote or voted third party, you're DIRECTLY to blame for what's about to happen to this nation (hint: it won't be great again). Fuck your feelings, you should have voted for your team.


Look man, I know that language changes over time, but this is just pathetic. /b/ speak should never be a part of the general public's speech patterns, ever. Stop using this stupid fucking word and try reading a god damn book for a change.

Now, does this really surprise you? It shouldn't. This is America now, The Home of the Somnambulistic. You honestly believe that voting in a two party system means something, you honestly believe that. Its mind boggling. It divides you and creates this idea that the other side is always wrong. The other side are your neighbors. They are your friends, your family, the people you work with, the other side is everyone who isn't you. I find that absolutely amazing.

OF COURSE this sort of "too smart to win" campaign will surface eventually. Of course it will, how can it now? You all think you're god damn geniuses when in reality, none of you have a fucking clue what's going on around you. You want progress? You want to advance society? Stop this shit. Stop the idiot two party system, stop referring to yourself in terms of politics, just fucking stop all of it. Be a human, not a piece of political advertising on legs. Just stop, fuck sakes.

This is why I think we need a war. We need someone to drop a big fucking bomb on the U.S., just to show them they're not immortal and untouchable. We need to go to war, to show people what really matters. The social justice idiots, the liberals, the democrats, everyone...they're all so fucking pathetic. They've lost sight of survival in the wake of a long lasting peace. And now, they fight over made up causes, because there isn't anything more important. We need something important. We need to fucking fight, to die, to suffer. Because without that, we're fucking nothing.

oh right,i forgot about ISIS

democrats supporting terrorists is another reason why trump won
Naw, China needs to stop pushing us around. We may need to teach them a lesson. Or did you not hear about the drone they stole from us for lulz?
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kike detected...it was israeli intelligence & american intelligence agencies (totally compromised by jews... like every other aspect of american society) who did 9/11...saudis were just the cannon fodder
The left is do fucking pompous it truly is sickening. They think they're so smart with their shitty liberal arts, humanities and social science degrees my god I want to destroy them all

have fun when the economy collapses then,or are you that retarded to not know who makes the majority of the products you use
You think Hillary would have started a war? She's not stupid - she knows foreign policy and diplomacy. Russia would have been pissed, but fuck Russia. There would NOT have been a war. M.A.D. is a thing, idiot.

Meanwhile, Trump already managed to piss off China before he even got into office. And Russia is happy because now they get to spread their influence unopposed and grow even stronger - which if you know your history, is sure to end up fantastic.

Congratulations on being "redpilled." You sure showed everyone.

We didn't put Saddam in Iraq. There was a Baathist coup in 1968 and Saddam amassed political power until he finally ascended to the Presidency in 1979; we provided him with material support during the Iran-Iraq War because we viewed him as a good counter-weight against the Iranian regime. It was a good, viable policy even after the First Gulf War but Bill Clinton adopted a dual-containment policy and set America down the path towards our 2003 invasion.

then again,this is america.the same country that elected obama,re elected him.and then wanted 4 more years of left wing failure from hillary.so people really are that stupid
Liberals are on average more intelligent than conservatives. They are smarter, so it's only honest to think that they are.
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911 was a Zionist-Saudi combined operation with the saudis doing the grunt work. Both these regimes had an interest in doing what followed which is destabilizing iraq, iran and syria. And off course the jews got to tighten their control further over europe and america using islamic terror as pretext.

>shes not stupid

shes as dumb as the rest of her party,people dont understand that a sack of bricks has a higher iq then your average democrat
It doesn't have to be that way faggot. Do you know why everything is manufactured over there? Because it's fucking cheaper. It is all designed and engineered here.
>Yu huh, she IS dumb hurr durr!

Again, you sure showed me. How can anyone argue with that sound logic?
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Our economy would take a minor hit.
China's would implode.
We can get India to do their job and probably better and with less human suffering.
The CIA installed him. Do you really think he just got in by himself lol
"we'll treat cyber attacks like real attacks!"
we came really close thanks to her.
Democrats have higher iq's on average than conservatives.

we put whatever mudslime who created ISIS in iraq.but libtards love blaming the failures they were responsible for on somebody else so i guess we'll just pretend like everything wrong in the world is george w bush's fault.even though he was the last decent president this country has had
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You're such a faggot
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George W Bush is as bad as Hillary and you're as dumb as any Democrat in 2016.
She's fucking corrupt and you know it. Do you really think things would be better under her? We would be trying the same "progressive" hat tricks we've been doing. "Just throw money at all our problems, that will fix it!". Sure is easy when it's not YOUR money.
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>She conveyed her policies in a very detailed, almost wonkish way

name some actual policies of hers
I don't believe that. Show you're sources or you're full of shit.

im probably more intelligent then the majority of the democrat party,8 years later.still thinking george w bush is responsible for the country,how stupid can you get
CIA is controlled by jews and kikes
>we came really close thanks to her.

kek - you're truly delusional. I'm glad you're ok with a foreign government successfully interfering with our election, by the way. But you're right, I'm sure there's no evidence. I mean, the CIA and FBI are in agreement, but I'm sure a /b/ tard infowars faggot knows more than they do.

Yeah. But advances in automation and efficiency are responsible for most job losses in the manufacturing sector. In fact, the American manufacturing sector is actually making more money today than the did in 2007. Attempting to shift factory jobs away from China and to America is a futile effort because it will only increase the cost of production for American businesses, thereby making them less competitive vis a vis their internation counterparts who continue outsourcing labor to China and creating an incentive to hasten automation.

although,democrats dont work for a living so how smart do you really need to collect welfare your entire life.there's a reason why citys and states ran by the left wing are poverty and crime filled
You realize putting Sadam in was a GOOD thing?
It's the Saudis that are fucking everything up radicalizing the other dune coons.
Also worth mentioning Hillary is on the Saudi payroll. That's the real reason we're fighting in Syria.
You're just a stupid tribalist.
Both parties are trash and they're all working together to install a global unelected government modeled after communist China.

>National Infrastructure Bank
>Closing loopholes
>Tax code reform
>Simplify and reform small business tax code
>Create a "public option" for Obamacare
>Allow 55+ buy into Medicare

So on, so forth.
>She's fucking corrupt and you know it.

> Do you really think things would be better under her?

>We would be trying the same "progressive" hat tricks we've been doing. "Just throw money at all our problems, that will fix it!". Sure is easy when it's not YOUR money.

It is my money. I have a licensed professional and I pay taxes. In any event, it's not the social policies that were a factor for me in this election. I couldn't care less if Obamacare stayed - in fact, I wish it would, even though my premiums have gone up. It's a good thing for the nation as a whole.
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Yo I voted Gary Johnson and found out Alex Jones is a libertarian today

I have never felt so weird, just wanted to legalize drugs not destroy the governments "new world order" and not believe we didn't land on the moon lol.

Christ man, should
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Alex Jones is a libertarian.
Gary Johnson is not.
yeah but filthy kike zionists removed him to destabilize iraq, iran and syria...that reduced the threats to israhell & send hordes of muslim refugees to europe again furthering jewish interests
High as shit sorry, should I have been in the demographic of those 11,000 people that voted for harambe?** Lol
That was the Saudis and the bush dynasty.

Nig-nog, Israel was far safer when Iraq and Syria were firmly under the control of tin pot dictatorships who fully understood the IDF's qualitative military edge. Terrorists care not for such considerations.
israel would be safe if we kicked all the jew hating leftists out of the american goverment and actually wanted to support them to begin with
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>Bernie could have beaten Trump


bruh israel is the largest recipient of american foreign aid.
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you filthy jew mongerl...every one sees thru your propaganda you dirty nigger
We use to manufacture everything here. I don't see why we can't go back to that, other then of course businesses won't be able to make AS much as they have the past several decades.

i never said anything about foreign aid.thats just a bunch of money the democrats are pissing away to make it look like they actually like israel.if it was up to them we'd be giving the money to terrorists like ISIS
I don't give a shit about your opinion on syntax, but

>This faggotry needs to stop

you really don't know what the word means do you? Faggots are gay people, not insults.
Good, then you and others like you can foot the bill. These premium hikes are affecting people who don't make quite as much of you, and are keeping many of them from having families or buying a house.
He's actually right anon.
It was the Saudis, why the hell would Israel want Islam to spread all over the western world?
worst case scenario you get radicals taking over germany completely in a couple generations.
wasted quads.
This faggotry really does need to stop.
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>spends more than any other candidate in history
>i didnt really want to win anyway

>I don't see why we can't go back to that, other then of course businesses won't be able to make AS much as they have the past several decades.

>other then of course businesses won't be able to make AS much as they have the past several decades.

>businesses won't be able to make AS much

>make AS much

You answered your own question, dumbfuck.

Besides, specialization of labor theory dictates countries have niche roles in the global economy. Italy has wine; France has cheese; America has agriculture and ideas; and China has production. When a country is enabled to concentrate on a specific area, they become very efficient and effective at doing that thing. This frees up other countries to focus on their own area.

Theoretically, we could produce everything in the United States. It would just net businesses less money, raise prices for consumers, upset the entire global economy, and create temporary jobs that would be replaced by robots within ten to twenty.

A better use of American human capital would be training and education in high-need, globally competitive service and corporate industries.
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Yes - I'm sure it's Obamacare premiums that preventing people from having families or buying houses.

If what you're saying is true and not a bunch of exaggerated, grandiose horseshit - if it's an insurance premium that's preventing you from doing that - you probably have no business starting a family or buying a house in the first place.

Faggot idiot conservatives like you can never see the big picture. You fail to see how national health care can ultimately make the nation healthier by allowing people to visit the doctor and address illnesses before they become chronic, which will eventually LOWER premiums for everyone. But noooooo - everyone in this goddamned nation wants a quick fix. If they don't see immediate results, they shit their pants and demand "change." You and people like you will be the downfall of western civilization as we know it.
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No its not nice slang. It's lazy. Let's just call everything cucked because I can't think of a better word and want to sound like I'm up on my Internet slang.

go back to your safe space cuck,this discussion if for people who can handle reality
It is well documented that George Bush Sr lost his 2nd term presidential election because the isrealis were angry that he didnt invade iraq. Netanyahoo even declared in press statement after the Bush sr. loss that :we removed George Bush Sr and we control america. you can google that & look it up. The jews wanted Saddam out to destabilze the whole region. This has been their strategy since creating Al qaeda, supposedly to fight the Soviet union (which was controlled by jews). That is creating and controlling Radical muslims that never magically harm jewish interests but only terrorize white christians.

I mean, yeah, let's just isolate ourselves from the international economy even though other countries can provide us with services and goods which outstrip our own in both price and quality. Even better, lets narrow the scope of our consumer base by only selling to people with U.S. citizenship. Jolly good idea, ole champ. I do say, raising tariffs was perhaps the most underrated policy response to the Great Depression. Isolationism works!


10 shekles/10. Would be trolled again.
>too smart to win


this is just getting too fucking funny. they are so unwilling to admit that anyone may not want their version of utopia. none so blind as him that will not see.
lol are you kidding?

Trump was the only one in this election selling a "utopia" - and suckers like you bought it. Have fun.
They were so smart they ended up going full circle and landing on maximum stupid.
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The people you say will benefit from it the most are the one's that can't afford it though, and it's only getting more expensive. Hell, the premium in my state is more than doubling in 2017 and will be costing me about $5,000/year.
Ah - so you didn't even read the last paragraph of my post. Gotcha.
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lol all the jew rats have abandoned this thread
from what i understand, the headline is intended to imply that many people who voted for donald trump were being called dumb, and they really don't like being called dumb, especially from smart people or the elite
I didn't address it because it's moronic. Giving everyone free healthcare may help a small portion of the population with serious problems which would cut costs in the long term, but it also encourages frivolous visits from a much larger portion of the population which would overtake any long term savings. Have you even been to a free clinic?
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The robot/automation thing is the biggest fallacy in the pro-manufacturing argument.

In a perfect world if they bring all the manufacturing back over, companies avoid the tarriffs but still only employ a small portion of the staff they needed in the past.

What happens to the part of the population now left in the cold. They think the 'bring back er jerbs' actions will fix everything but it won't. We need a complete reform of education and public support of private citizens.

Lowering taxes is just going to further cement the concentration of wealth, which is already at a stupid level. All the temporarily embarrassed billionaires are going to regret what they voted for in ten years when there's nothing left for them and their children. Not even polishing and maintaining the automated work force of the ruling class.

You're not stupid, no, I can't get anything past you. So vote for me, I'm looking out for you. You're way too smart to fool

Fuck all those people that think they're better than you with their college talk and their ecomonomics

Fuck you're right

People don't believe automation is as close as it really is, or how profoundly it's going to absolutely turn society on its head.

We aren't ready for it and it's going to be a shit show because we refuse to prepare for it
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No, "defeated" isn't the correct synonym for "cucked" when it's said in a political context. It's more like deceived, bamboozled, grifted, tricked, mislead, etc. It has this secondary connotation of weakness and defeat precisely because those using the word "cucked" in a political context believe those who are "cucked" are being deceived into embracing an intentionally weak and unstable belief system as a weapon of political, racial or religious warfare.
>but it also encourages frivolous visits from a much larger portion of the population which would overtake any long term savings. Have you even been to a free clinic?

What do you think people are doing NOW, you fucking moron? You realize indigent people treat the ER like a free clinic currently and simply never pay their medical bills, no? Why do you think insurance is so high to begin with?

You're ALREADY PAYING for these people, you dumb fuck. But if you get them insured to the point where they can have regular doctors visits, you encourage PREVENTATIVE medicine which increases overall health and drives costs down. Jesus Christ.

Just go with whatever the Doctors are lobbying against, it's an easy litmus test, because when it comes to politics Doctors are only looking to defend their own bank accounts.
Except there is infallible proof through wikileaks that while she was in office, the us actively armed them to take down ghadaffi.
Lmao saved

And we're fighting ISIS by arming some other unstable militant group in the area that will have 0 oversight once support is pulled. It's not new and it's only villified because time has moved on.

I'm not saying she isn't shady af but her vs trump was always more about policy than personal character.

And an ignorant short sighted set of economic policies were voted in and it's going to be a shit show.
Feminism is a crock. Until feminists accept we are not all of the same gender, or even of the same sex, with few comparable strengths and a wide diversity of weaknesses the equality at all costs is a path to failure.
A society that denies itself a method to successfully procreate, and raise healthy succeeding generations is a dying society.

If Feminists, as seems to be the case, determine that women are due comparable income and prestige as men, then they need to accept that with that must come comparable risk, responsibility and ownership.

The historical paths to leadership vary dramatically between men and women. For men, in the main it has always been a dog eat dog slog to the top, in which those who wear the risks, and deliver corporate ( ie., community) benefits achieve more. For women it has been a case of first procreate then take on ever increasingly broad community responsibilities. It was a complementary process driven in part by gendered schismogeneisis, in which men and women gained equal but utterly dissimilar circuits of power.
In rare cases, a few unique women pursued "male" paths to power and adopted male mannerism, in even fewer cases a vanishingly small number of men pursued the "women's" paths to power.
Both paths are required for society to thrive. That one path is rewarded differently to the other is reasonable given the powers exerted are radically different.
Nigga wat
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I watched Waking Life for the first time in like ten years the other week and realized that Alex Jones is in that movie fuckin raising hell. Shit was awesome
Fucking kekt so hard thanks anon
Where has there ever been proof of any of this shit? I don't like Jews either for my own reasons but it's not on the level you're on and I don't believe they control the US. Show me proof anon. Convince me
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I fucking laughed my ass off because of that picture. Thanks!
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Why didn't he do it anon?
>Too smart too win
Well, they did call everyone who didn't vote for them stupid
>doing math

lmao they just dont have the IQ for it, sorry jizzrags

just learn to accept your betters
nice try kike
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Because he knows that it'll be easier to commit a genocide, when the victims are coming to you.
Kek ok dude


>aspie friends say its cool
>inventing ways how to say it in real life
Enough to know that Muslims outnumber you a thousand to one, without whites support you will be history and you kan take Jebus with you
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Oh okay thanks I'm convinced now heh nice
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fucking cuck
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File: circum jew.jpg (484KB, 1031x1622px) Image search: [Google]
circum jew.jpg
484KB, 1031x1622px
File: ford415163.jpg (342KB, 674x672px) Image search: [Google]
342KB, 674x672px
actually faggots are bundles of sticks.

and faggotry is a made up 4chan word.
Nice red pills lad
File: 1442047720609.jpg (64KB, 520x390px) Image search: [Google]
64KB, 520x390px
fuck off kike
I was being serious you fucking shrimp dick faggot
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