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Vote for Mike Pence for LGBTQ Nation’s Person of the Year

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Thread replies: 270
Thread images: 74

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Vote for Mike Pence for LGBTQ Nation’s Person of the Year
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voted too. Getting on my phone to vote now
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OP here
>Press f5
>Vote again
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you can vote as many times as you like via incognito mode
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Nice faggotry
This. If you're not in incognito, it looks like you're voting again, but if you look closely it says "thanks but we've already counted your vote."
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get in here bitches
Worth bumping
blatant fotoshop
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I Voted.jpg
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Block their cookies and reload since they are too clueless to count by a client identifier.
Still hot
Fucking yes!!!!
Is the person on the top of the list in first? The order keeps changing.
bump for vote
Voted 15 times already. It got tedious. I got bored. I want to know when the voting ends. Or better yet, how the current standing are.
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God OP you are awesome!!! Much win!!!
yeah, the fact that their voting widgit doesn't show results is kind of worriesome
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OP here
thank you vote for Daddy Mike

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So when do we see the results for this?
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normally not personal army
but in this case, well done anon
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done, anything else i can help you with OP?
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OP here

thank you

can you make script to vote much faster
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but milo is also here
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Magic Mike.jpg
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>poll doesn't let you see the results
>implying they haven't already chosen their winner
Hey can anyone shoop Magneto with Mikes face?
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watch this

bump x 9999

>I Voted like a good american
Are you implying liberals won't accept the results of an election?
Yeah man these faggots are just stupid. What's Ellen DeGenerate even doing in there? She's been around for fucking years, what does it mean to give her an award again? Proof that to be taking cocks up the pooper you simply can not have your head in the right place
This isn't a personal army request you autistic faggot. It's for the lulz. It's benefits all of us.

Also voted.
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oh my god! i voted against his ass but this…
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That's horrifying!
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The Cure.jpg
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Vote for the cure.
what >>716116938 this asshole said. this isn't personal, it's an autistic crusade to piss off the populus. /b/ needs to show we still got it

so make a script and fuck shit up
how do you vote more than once?
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delete cookies each time you vote or install Self Destructing Cookies and set it to delete upon leaving on lgbtqnation.com
I'm a liberal and even I still voted for mike. This shit is fucking hilarious, goes beyond politics
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If /b/ is competent, I can't wait for the regressive bitch-fit tomorrow.
SJWs are behind this-how can you not fucking see it?
Got my votes in
We need a new colored ribbon "cure" campaign to get trending. somebody shoop one up, I'm on mobile.
Bump bump bump!!!
I know that, I'm saying if /b/ votes enough to put him on the #1 spot it'll be great to see them whine.
I'll keep voting for the rest of the night!
Some cocksmoker will link this thread to the admin of that page and it will all be for no reason anyways, but what the hell. We need to get something trending too.
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good idea, here's a shitty draft in paint
SJWs want him to be at the top
what for?
Make the Lightning big, black and cut the flag in half
what do you mean by half?
They want to "shame" pence by making him be mockingly "honored" by gay and feminist organizations
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adjusted, clarify what half means, though.
OP here if anycan start up a script to vote for Magic Mike
Voted my negroids
bumping again in case thread dies before I can make a better Pence flag
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took the bolt from the british fascists for extra edge.
Script is almost done :)
If you refresh you can vote multiple times too! Bump for interest!!!
i have done that a lot but we need a script

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thank you
you are a god

Judging from the comments section of that page, it's gonna either be Mike Pence, or Milo. Either way the result is gonna be pretty lulzy to see the reaction from the cuck who made this poll
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boompy bump
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>this thread
I did my part for Pence
Praise the God-Emperor of Imperial America and his High Lords!

60s delay version

0s delay version
Just copy paste this into your linux terminal and you should be good to go. (note it will create / overwrite a file called dump in the current working directory)
Had to fight with the spam filter for like 15 minutes.
Takes those codes and add them to the end of pastebin dot com
everybody get on this shit. this is too good to let the opportunity slip
Oh yeah forgot.

lulz version

No delay + supports running multiple instances of the script at the same time.
yes, sir
Old fag reporting. Voted him in for a second time.
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Scriptfag checking in. Probably voted around 200 times so far. (Script can do about a vote a second).

The funny thing is that the polling service had "script protection" that wouldn't let you send you the same request over and over again to vote. When you load the poll they send you a unique code that you send back to them when you vote.

>tfw your script just asks the poll site to generate a new code to use
*meant to say 400 times
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Alright faggots, If this goes through it will be an upset of massive proportions. Bump the thread and cast those votes, let's show these queers what real faggots can do
why isn't this thread more crowded?

this is a legendary event
Bumpin a few times before bed
Bump bump
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My new bumper sticker

I've been getting alot of honks
Bump bump bump bump
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Include me in the screencap
Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump
Let's get milo to second place just in case they discount pence
Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump
Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump
Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bumpBump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump
Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bumpBump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bumpBump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bumpBump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump
Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bumpBump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bumpBump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bumpBump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bumpBump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bumpBump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bumpBump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bumpBump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump
bump. Let's do this, I need a laugh.
Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bumpBump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bumpBump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bumpBump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bumpBump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bumpBump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bumpBump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bumpBump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bumpBump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bumpBump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bumpBump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bumpBump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bumpBump
And that's the character limit. Goodnight
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Script fag checking in.

Currently at 2300 votes. Do any winfags want a windows version of this scripts?
Keep up the good work my man. I wish I could help buy my computer cooked out on my today and I need to buy a new power supply thing. That and my knowledge of computers extends only to how to Google search and download steam games.
Spread to other boards?
But *
Done my part, bros.
Maybe some people on /g/ would know how to get some really nice scripts running for it. Try to get them and /pol/ on board with this
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Will do. Feel free to help
Just posted a thread in /pol/ but the links are shitty as I'm on mobile and a newbie at thread making. Hopefully it'll grab some attention
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When you can't decide between Mike and milo
Sign me up
I can hack Hillary and access her deleted emails by going incognito.
You are hero
obviously mike, milo is still actual faggot
3 browsers, 3 votes. I support gays, But I like seeing the mad even more.
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Another shitty thread is up in /g/. I need some sleep and I'll check up on this in the morning. Good luck guys
I do'ed it
Put me in the cap, I know someone is making it.
Mike "you like the cock, you get the shock" Pence
post this in every board including /mlp/
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My sides
Windows version of the script is pretty much done. Give me a few minutes to create a shitty infographic and I'll release it.
Has anyone made a thread on /pol/ yet?
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Nigga, this has been on Reddit.
Unlucky so far in /g/
he has no proof, he's just a silly little nigger
I did
I'm not a proof but I am open to taking dick.
not lookin so well.
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Expected from a board that 50% gay
OP HERE added it to ABC+ community
You fool, they will see this and vote for actual lgbt activists
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Oh yeah!
based god
Hold on, I may have overlooked something. Will rerelease later.
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Scriptfag signing off. I've completed over 8500 votes, now it's your turn.
based god
Bitches be tryna make milo win
why would i vote for Pence as LGBT person of the year? He opposes them. That's stupid.
this isn't the intention you left wing parasite,it's just funny
Le bump
Don't forget to use this script to autovote. ~1 vote / second
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^ that script
Uber bump. Do it faggots
milo is a faggot
No way. I would never have guessed.

Well it just goes to show you never know who to trust when you bend over.
>Mike "Queer-o Disappear-o" Pence
>Mike "Love the Cock? Get the Shock" Pence
>Mike "Amperes for the Queers" Pence
>Mike "Frag the Fag" Pence
>Mike "You Like Men? I Zap You Then" Pence
>Mike "If Your Butthole Hurt, You Must Convert" Pence
Bump for the lulz
Mike 'The Thread is Dead' Pence
I live in Indianapolis, and work for the state of Indiana, all the hillbillies in the country out vote the cities and we end up with douche bags like this every election.
I'm from Bloomington and while I never really liked Pence, I did vote Trump.
Did my part, MAGA
Since this poll got 6.8k shares and around 300 comments spread between the site and facebook we have probably won. Together we have voted almost 10k times for Pence. Assuming that everyone else doesn't just vote for one guy (unlikely) we should have it in the bag.

I'll probably vote a few more thousand times tomorrow just to be safe. Not sure when this ends though.
When the poll is over the results will be at

Sadly, it's set to private right now.
What are you, fucking gay?

at least one win this year
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Did you just fucking Tachanka?
That's great
But I also have my own storry to tell, still no kings in sight...
it would be so amazing if he wins
as a faggot myself I long for the old days when I would get buttraped by homophobic assholes who use me as a cumdumpster

I should go start a trap thread
maybe rate my dick
maybe I should just rape you
+-up. That is my message. What will de future bring?
please sexy anon
my butthole aches for your throbbing fuckstick
I've voted 5 times
Vote milo retards. He pisses off liberals
Just got fucked bitches, choose your leader wisely
I am legion
I am anonymous
You know the drill
Quads of justice
Mike Pence is a complete cunt but butthurt is butthurt, voted.
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Get in here anons
Who did this ?
Electric Chair • 3 hours ago
Mike Pence should win, he has a PERMANENT solution to all your homosexual problems.
your mom
Mike popped my cherry
already in voted so BUMPITY!
He pissess off everybody
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Lets try this.
What's not to like? I'd love that job
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If Pence wins won't they just disqualify him or lie & say he came in last place as expected?
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I voted for him as joke on him, just like donating money to planned parenthood in his name. If they didn't want him win they wouldn't have him in their poll.
yo post this in other chans too guys
lol rly? idk if that was a good idea
I got it up on full,next,final and end chon
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This is going down in history
Bash has an internal random function btw:

It can be useful.
congratulations , wonder how that will go over
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wow, for some reason i know youre the one thats gonna do this... fuck you in advance fagget
Link to thread?
Voted. We should get /pol/ in on this. I bet they'd have a field day with it.
Eh, more boring than I expected
you're pretty late on that
I'm on it!
The only reason he's on there is because LGBTQ Nation WANTS to troll him.
He got my vote.
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that's why I voted for him too!
The funny thing the trumpies think they're pissing off LGBTQ Nation.
... so they want to troll him by trolling themselves.
The person that made the poll made the results private btw.
>says voted for him to troll
>really just wants to die
The dbag that made the article is name Bill Browning

heres his account
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Done and bump
We should rustle his jimmies
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good job, you trolled yourself
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Bumping for keks
You forgot Mike "loading mags dropping fags" pence
when will fags realise they can't troll.
anus candy
Evansville here, Pence is a solid governor
Thread posts: 270
Thread images: 74

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