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New thread cus i'm a slow ass nigger COusin fucking thread

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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 320
Thread images: 34

New thread cus i'm a slow ass nigger

COusin fucking thread
I fucked my cousin like 10 yrs ago and am finally drunk enough to post that shit
come on in
hot off the presses m80s

>pressing her back against the stall door, I run my hands along her silky skin
>her freckles were even more pronounced from being in the sun, her red hair hung in wet strands down her shoulders
>but my main focus was this damn bikini knot
>like fuck how do you even
>"Let me get that for you" A said, between kisses.
>reaching behind herself she undoes it in seconds flat
>laying it on the metal bar in the stall, she turns back to me
>good thing my shirt was never on to begin with
>more kissing, and pretty soon she's groping for uncle baldy and the twins
>damn that velcro shit on these things is loud
>oh well
>another good thing is 14yo me is hard as steel
>mmhhh that feels good.
>for those of you who haven't figured it out, A's down there getting her knees dirty
>I gently brush her hair to the side, holding her head in my hand as she slides her lips along my shaft
>I give her a gentle push, urging her to go deeper
>she can't really, but meh still pretty damn good for 14yo head
>I stand her up, undo the ties at her waste and toss the [spongebob squarepants town]s on the toilet
>sorry about the last pun thing drunk me couldn't resist
>anywho I sit down on the seat, naked as can be, and like the good little slut she is A knows exactly what to do
Woohoo! Now hurry up!
Here op
The moustache is a nice touch.
OP my dick is about to fall off, plz post picture of A now
at least you have a nice imagination op
gah fuck me i need to sleep. plz someone screencap all this shit and make a new thread of it tomorrow. night /b/ros
I do not have one as I never took one when I was there (was 14 only shit flip phone), and never had contact with her again. Never found her on facebook either

can someone post that pic from last thread? wendy or something like that
The third fucking thread and it will finally end. I've been waiting for hours
We lurking hard here. Post asap man
best copy pasta green story eva
im pulling through for story long live op
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this is an entertaining story, OP has some talent in writing.
writing afap drunk while it still being legible
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>uncle baldy and the twins
Here you go fellas
tfw only thing hivemind unites on is incest thread
umm ...
This is the best thing I've ever read, I fucking love you OP
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>Babbys first incest greencest
will post funn y shit to keep thread alive
hey man..

why you gotta /b/ so mean

hahaha, i kill me

fuck you i'm trashed
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You aren't OP. OP was fa45fqRf. Your stories suck way worse than his.

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>not realizing ids change every thread
>being this new
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I am Lord of all things autism
there you go newfriends
FUCK a mayfly just attacked me and I spilled a little vodka on the carpet

oh well
i got the sweetest boner in my life. thx op
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dont shitpost like that. write the story first, then start talking shit no-one cares.
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can i have next parts pleaze?
OP youre the man
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I've never wanted to masturbate to a string of text on a screen in my life, yet OP has changed that
yes sir

will b out b4 3:55 pst

We demand anal greentext.
>open the door
>get on the floor
>everybody walk the dinosaur
Inb4 A is the dinosaur
Read moar
anal is after we get home from the beech m8
C'mon OP. I just physically fucking SAW my ex gf (less than 24 hours post break up) fucking my friend. I need this escape.
Don't mistake me for a beta though. Currently in flirty talks with her tenfold hotter and younger sister.
We need more mother fucker! Moar!
We're not going to get home if you don't write m8
It would be better if it were true.
At this point it;s kind of lost momentum
You shut your whore mouth
A is love
A is life
no one cares when anal is if u dont write about i mean ure a fucking legend but write the rest m8
I cant wait till G joins in
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OP please hurry the fuck up
captcha huri deliver
A needs to live on to be the new shrek
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or N catches them
captcha was easym8
>in my lap her tiny frame feels vulnerable, and she rubs her moist clit against my shaft
>she kisses me hard, telling me everthing I need to know
>lifting her by her thighs, I slowly slide her delicate near-virgin lips over my dick
>moaning softly so as not to be heard, I could feel her clench tight as I filled her
>I pushed her back up, then let her slide down,and up again.
>picking up speed, she puts her hands on my chest, throwing her head back and panting
>her soft skin against mine, her laboured breathing and her warm, wet interior were proving too much for me
>stopping for just enough time to turn the tables, she reclined in the seat while I slowly picked the pace back up, my feet firmly planted on the floor now
>I'm breathing heavy too, as I slip in and out of this gorgeous redhead in front of me
>her quiet moans weren't so quiet anymore
>the beautiful sound again filled my ears: a mixture of our thighs slapping together forcefully and her moans of pleasure echoed off the

>she leaned up, again locking eyes with mine, and kissed me, wrapping her arms around my neck
>I sped up to as fast as I can pump, sweat dripping and breathing heavy
>she came hard. I know she came, you can't fake it like this
>her legs wrapped tight around me, hips bucking, back arching
>her inside was instantly the tightest I've ever felt, squeezing my dick for all it had
>I let loose my building orgasm, spending my seed into her waiting womb
>her nails dug into my shoulders as she moaned her approval
>for a few minutes, we kissed, lingering in the afterglow
>standing up, I pulled her to her feet
>she looks so gorgeous with that post-orgasm blush on her cheeks, staining her freckles orange and her cheeks red
>redressing, we stepped back into the glaring sunlight
>sharing one last kiss, we walked hand in hand back to where our towels lay
>we could see G and N from here, as they were bodysurfing in the salty california ocean

post too long one more sentence
Hey I'm working on a screencap too.
>babby's first anything

>awaiting their return I streched out, only to fall asleep from another fun-filled afternoon
typing next part. 1/2way through my bottle of vodka now.
remember: patience is bitter, but it's fruit is sweet
you niggers <3
I need to pretty it up, what was /b/'s max image size again?
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I just came with the forces of many dying nigger stars. This story as incomplete as it is forced my prostate to come up with a 100 percent seminal fluid ejaculate, I have already came today something around 3 times and as jerking is a daily routine I am surprised I could make a load my second jerk and I had nothing the third time however op is a magic man. OP deserves the capitalization because OP is truly a man of either great attractiveness and possibly of great muscles or is aman with talent in his drunk brain. This pacing is fast yet teased me. Good job OP, I hope to see you in the boards of asgard
its either 250 or 150
Will one of you post it to r/greentext?
Thank you for that piece of literature OP, time to rest in peace now
walls m8
sorry man typing it in notepad before copypasting to /b/ sometimes format fucks up and I'm waaaaayyay too drunk to fix
so you can get ebin karma in reddit?
OP I held up as long as I could. But I need rest. I have failed. Good night you glorious bastard
You magnificent faggot
don't stop now i'm about to cum buckets
You thought no one would see the mustache you drew. You sly bitch, you.
shhhhsh :)
I've stayed with you from the beginnig of this thread, and it's a fucking love story. If it didn't start out in a cuzfuck thread, i may have cried. Good luck to you sir, and i hope to see a thread of yours agaon one day.
yeah I love this girl its cool. loved her for ten years and I knew her for less than 10 days

fuckin life man
How long till the next part??
I'm craving your redhead
OP don't fuck around responding here, finish the damn story. If that was the end that that was a shit ending to a golden story
Please screen cap this entire thing and post it to /r/4chan, please. My eyelids are 690 pounds.
Ive been here since thread one and this story has only gotten better and better keep up the work
Plot twist. OP's cousin has been reading this whole thing. Planning to add another section just to end the story
wasn't the end anon
how come you never have contact again??
no this is day 5/7
7 includes heartfelt goodbye and true ending
Screencapped the whole thing....posing on /r/chan after its finished...
I'll be waiting for this whole story as well as the most glorious fucking screencap I've ever dreamt of.

Captcha: seems heaveir

is this copy pasta from Mills and Boon?
MRW anon passes out and never finishes the greentext
double twist , OP was actually the cousin the WHOLE TIME
How bad would you feel if that was actually the case?
are you accusing OP of copypasta?

My Ribs When?
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Fuck I'm a softie when it comes to love
Don't know if I can handle dat shit m8
>feels bad OP
Why couldn't you've just found a shack in inbreedcounty.jpg and lived/fucked happily ever after?
Forgive this disgusting display of newfag, (3 years) but by /r/chan, do you just mean the /r/ board, like this is /b/?
yes, /r/
He means the subreddit for 4chan posts.
(?°?°??? ???
Thank you.. Should probably lurk moar.
Would you be offended if I told you I don't have any idea how to respond to someone who has asked me a question?
4mb, dimensions 10k x 10k I think.

I'm not a redditor. I just upload to my Gdocs archive. Bookmark it and check back after this is all done.
http://goo gl/j18y4x

I haven't read Storybro's Magically Lewd Sleepover Adventure, but according to Bibanon there's a theory that one of the girls in the story is actually the author of that greentext, probably Raven.

no, just crap in a format familiar to me from my mother's Mills and Boon books, adjusted for age of participants and modern filthy language.
I don't know, would I be?
not really a cousin story but here you go:

>Finally get a girlfriend
>Girl I've been crushing on for years
>Shorter than me, adorable in every way
>We have sex regularly
>Been together for many years
>Trust her unconditionally
>One day, she sits me down for a talk
>Has a sad look on her face
>She tells me she was rapped a few weeks back
>She wants to get a STD test and found out she was HIV positive
>We've had sex at least 4 times after
>she just tells me now because she was scared of telling me
>Suddenly build up uncontrollable rage
>Punch her in the face as hard as i can
>She falls
>Still pissed off, cant even see straight
>Keep punching her as hard as i can
>Gets to the point there is a pool of blood
>Blood splashes onto my shirt when i punch
>keep punching
>Leave, her parents come home after
>Fast forward a few weeks
>She's in face bandage, stitches everywhere
>she told her parents a robber came in and did this
>She didn't want me in jail because she felt bad
>Suddenly feel bad inside
>Go to apologize three weeks later
>Ask her sister where she is
>her sister has tears in her eyes, she says she fell into a coma
>Run to the hospital to say sorry before its too late
>Get to her room
>Open the door
>Get on the floor
>Everyone walk the dinosaur ?
ouch anon, my feels
never read mills and boon so I can't say
Well as long as its a good ending, I'd be fine.

just type out in full the post No. of the person you want to respond to, and put 2 >> in front.

It's the fastest way.
fucking whore everyone does not simply walk the dinosaur
lel i dont know why im laughing but it might be the no sleep since ops story has consumed my night

So used to this shit i just read the last 3 lines of every greentext first
>G woke me with a stern shake of the shoulder
>Me: "How long was I out?"
>G: "Not too long, maybe twenty minutes. Sandwich?"
>the ham sandwich was thrust into my face, blocking my view of G as he stood over me
>Me: "Sure" I mumbled
>accepting the sandwich, I sat up, and looked around for N and A.
>A was reclining in the sand like myself, sipping a coke and watching the sun begin to set.
>it was delicious, though simple, and I washed it down with a can of coke.
>refreshed, I nodded toward G.
>Me: "Any other plans?"
>G: "I met a guy earlier who said he can get us into the paintball arena down the street. We should go tomorrow."
>Me: "Sounds awesome! N and A are in, too?"
>G nodded and we laid in the sand relaxing for a long while.
>G: "Well, I'm beat, everyone ready to head home?"
>we all nodded in agreement as the sky had started to turn a brilliant orange-red, the sign of the oncoming dusk.
>packing our towels, we returned to the car, sandy and warm.
>the ride home went quick, and as we pulled into the drive my aunt and uncle were there to greet us
>headed inside, we all plopped in the family room to watch a happy movie together on the couch.
>as my uncle dimmed the lights, A sat down next to me, snuggling close by using the excuse of how "little room" there was on the couch
>the movie started, and A quietly pulled my hand down between us
>holding her close through the entire movie, just enjoying being together
>a large Sunday dinner later, and I was ready to fall asleep again. But A had other plans.
>as I eased into the bed, pulling the covers over me as I went, I heard the door creak open
>in the dark, I just assumed it was A coming to bed, as well
>but shortly, I felt a tap on my shoulder
>"Want to go out and camp in the woods tonight with me?"
>"Maybe we can try something we haven't yet?"

damn did it again, 44 chars too long. will post next 3 lines then return to recluse writer mode
Hey OP, you said in your last thread this happened in 2004. Then in this thread you said you had loved her for 10 years after this all happened. I'm guessing ou still do?

Another thing you said you haven't spoken to or seen her since etc. why don't you go through your family to get her info?
not sure if b8 m8

sorry /b/ro, just bait. I'm drunk. Please continue.
>my 14yo mind races, combing through the decades worth of porn I had already witnessed in order to work out exactly what she meant
>and then it hits me, the glory of all glories
>the other hole
I think you sir, should be crowned champion of lead on.

gr8 b8 is gr8
who is this girl?
>babby's first dinosaur
>The other hole
I shouldn't be this excited
OP I am excited
>I am excited
Do you like reddit by any chance?
Wasn't even a good dino
No Soul
>the other hole

What other hole? You said she already did it in her mouth.
OP just continue fucker
I've been edging for half an hour
tha booty hole
G8 b8 m8
>the glory of all the glory
the gloryhole, obviously
have to write it man. smashed as shit it's hard to write legible
Like in her butt seriously? Do people actually do that or are you kidding?! That's so gross. Ewwww.
Virgin here mates, a little ashamed, really, but I just need to ask:
Why is anal sex considered a glory of all the glory?
It never excited me
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You're not the only one /b/ro

>benis in virgina
Not so much anymore
because they are secretly fags
Shitty b8
And what if she has cooties??
It's somewhat of an achievement, as most women are not comfortable with it, and it can be quite painful to get used to.
But it is usually much tighter than the vagoo with more friction. Most people think it feels better
dont fucking 404 on me damnit
Are we gunna have to make a fucking fourth thread
Still don't know... I was always nice to girls, and I would never ever do something she wouldn't want to do...
inb4 neckbeard, because I'm not
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OP please answer!
shhhh. wait for the end /b/ro
I love everyone in this thread.
Its almost like the forbidden place. You always kinda wonder how it feels but many many girls will not allow you to. They are simply afraid of the pain. My girl likes to be thrashed around, and bound and what not, but she refuses to be analed. It's supposed to be so tight....
Do want...
Then post it
I dont
Because you're a nigger faggot
OP I'm sad that I may never hear from you again after this story is over.
We must remain in contact, no homo.
A little bit
Only person in here who deserves any love is OP. Rest of y'all can take a long walk off a short pier.
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I stopped fapping long ago and I'm reading this purely for the story.

What fucking kind of wizard are you OP?
love you too b/ruh
Same. I'm a sucker for a decent plot.
I second this notion.

Are you an author? This is amazing.
op is kill
I got a girl, so moralfag me says cumming to anything but her is wrong-diddily-nono
No fapping so I can vouch for the fidelity of OPs story
Does give me raging boners tho
Didn't even fap(got myself a challenge), just reading for the plot
>I bolt out of bed and slip on a fresh shirt, electricity running through my veins in place of blood.
>We sneak through the darkened house, socks silent on the wood floor, as A once again takes the lead
>She slides open the hallway closet, and rummages for a few seconds, producing a large plastic-wrapped tent.
>Add few blankets and we're slinking out the back door, running through the warm grass and up the path to the forest
>"Come on, Anon, I know a clearing we can set up this tent in."
>Over tree roots and around bushes, through ferns and under branches, we finally make it to a small, grass-covered clearing.
>The moon shines brilliantly and the stars twinkle in return, as A turns to look at me in the dim light.
>Her hazel eyes flash as they catch the glare of the reflected sun, and her copper hair framed her freckled cheeks.
>Me: "Better set up before it gets too cold."
>The tent set-up was a breeze; I had been camping before. Less than ten minutes later we lay in the grass outside.
>Our sleeping bags were spread on the ground outside, so we could stare at the stars together in the silence.
>A rolled over to look at me, her small frame barely moving underneath the heavy bag.
>"Do you love me?"
>I looked at her long and hard.
>Not just looked at her freckled face, and how cute her nose wrinkled when she laughed.
>Not just looked at her body, which would soon grow into a gorgeous figure.
>Not just looked at her eyes, which pierced through mine and saw me for who I really was.
>I looked at her soul. At who she was as a person. She was my friend. She was the love of my life.
>Me: "I love you more than I will ever love anyone else." I said finally.
>She sighed, smiled quickly, then kissed me deeply, bringing her arms out of her bag to wrap around my neck.
>"Do you want to...?"

anal approaches, my /b/rothers
Your posts in particular have been no less than stellar.
OP, I have legit never read a better greentext in my 4chan life.

11/10 would read again <3
I am copy pasting this into notepad as it comes out, because while you may soon be lost, your work will be saved forever.
just for lulz
>op is drunk
>op still writes better than we could given years
>op has 14 yo anal

Might as well just give up now guys.
Oh these are all in notepads on my desktop for when I sober up. Gonna shed tears /b/ros
I love how this has developed from a greentext with simple one lined sentences into a fucking novel.
gj OP.
>Gonna shed tears /b/ros
Fuck, this is gonna become an epic feels story at the end, isn't it?
yeah as I got more into it the memories came back more. I had purposefully tried to push them out you know
Best thing I have ever red on /b/ and possibly the best thing I have ever read on the interwebs
I sense a bad ending in the force...
> Russian CP
No thanks.

My girlfriend cums harder from buttsex than anything else.
we're gonna need a pastebin at the end....
and someone for fuck's sake screencap this...
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Ever wanted to get back in touch with her? See if there's still a spark?
So it's all just a matter of desire.
50 shades of grey with 14 year olds? FUCKING BRILLIANT JIM! We can even use that Russian cp site to fund it.
By the way, have anyone a screencap of the first thread? I think i eventually missed the end before it 404ed.
Has anyone noticed the correlations in /b/ros feelings towards this and the feelings women feel with chickflicks?
Or even better, sell it on eBay for thousands of dollars
Fuck, looks like I was right.
>electric blood
OP confirmed Wall Street's finest when drunk
You have to admit, it's fucking brillant. Better than most things I read on the internet.
yes you are ID: Fandango
50 shades of wincest by anon
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That's fucking brilliant Tom. Let's take that up to HR and get it Pushed through to Management.
>greentext novels
we have invented something new guys!
"A and An Anon"
alliteration is key
50 Shades of Wincest sounds like a best seller to me. 20/10 would buy again.
I'm late to this thread. What happened in the first one?
someone give this man an image
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Oh my i sure believe OP is telling the truth because everyone knows noone lies on the internet
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>50 shades of wincest
>being this fucking retarded
He uses this bitch for better imagination you morron
>An Anon and A...
keep people guessing
then we hit'm with it
>A is her name
Just wait for the screen cap. Don't spoil it for yourself and start in the middle.
again, he said A looks like pic related.
That's not his cousin. He said picture the pic related as 14 and lighter hair and looks pretty close to A. Stated in the last thread
as he said on the other thread that is not her that is just a picture that some what looks like her
I would buy a book that was nothing but 4chan green text stories. You could even break it into sections like: wincest, revenge, alpha, creepypasta, etc.
Can you even read?
this fucking guy is my new publisher
I think someone should start doing this....
/x/ is doing something like this with creepypastas.

/b/est Greentexts or something
Is there anything else you've written that you care to share? Do you have a name?
first thread to single-handedly keep me up all night, an impressive feat indeed.
No, he has just a fucking codename on the back of his head

OP, you need to see A Cabin in the Woods. This story could have a very different ending.
never done this before man
like I said in the title of this particular thread I just got drunk and saw a cousin fucking thread. didn't know it would develop into this
a serial number or a bar code
>mark of the beast...
I keep forgetting this is /b/ not /x/
Someone screen capping this?
Don't let me down OP
It's 7:05 am and I'm sure I'm not the only one
You have our attention
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Someone make the kickstarter. We can make our dreams reality.
stfu and write down the story, bro. and dont forget the pastebin at the end, we need to keep that legend alive. <3
Holy fuck

It's 7:05

What the fuck

>just over half done i would think based on day
I've been reading since 3am, its 8:07am. OP I've never cared abour reading this much in my entire life
what would the categories be?
how many original 4chan greentexts do you have?
we are gonna need the text... images are not gonna work...
No, it's almost done. 7 is like 2 posts and 6 is like 5 maybe
Glad to live in Europe. 2PM here
can't be...
it's 5:40 pm in India...

captcha: buiryst fact
>Almost done
>7 more posts
1 more hour to go guys....
well there's already been a lot so relatively it's "almost"
2:11 PM in Czech Republic i swear
>7 posts
>time for snacks getting

2:12 in Switzerland.
5:14am in California
Bump faggots
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I just got here.. What happened in the first parts?
>Grinning from ear to ear, I kissed her on the nose.
>Me: "Only if you want to."
>"I want to make you happy."
>Me: "You already do."
>Sappy romance finally out of the way, she slid her bag closer to mine, pressing her body against me.
>I unzipped my bag and hers, instead using one as a mattress and the other as a blanket.
>Her naked body now stuck firmly to my skin, our arms wrapped around eachother.
>Kissing her lightly and smiling, the bags began to warm up with our combined heat.
>She rolled over, pushing me onto my back, and she clambered onto my chest.
>Her perky breasts firmly squished between our torsos, I slid my hand up and down her back, silky skin beneath my young fingers.
>Her hair draped into my face as she reached downwards, her hands caressing my sides and towards my groin
>Grinning against her kiss, I gave her butt a firm sqeeze.
>Her hand rubbed against my swiftly hardening member, and she giggled happily.
>I kissed her neck softly, and she moaned almost silently into my ear.
>I gently sat up, rolling her back, until she lay flat with my face against her chest.
>Kissing down her stomach, I reached the magical wonderland located sqarely between her thighs.
>She moaned softly, enjoying my hand's touch against her belly and thighs.
>She placed her thighs over my shoulders, pressing my face against her warm wetness.
>With all the love I could muster, I began caressing these most sensitive of areas with my tounge
>Long, passionate licks that sent shivers racing down her spine and had her drenched within seconds.
>I moved my face downward, still licking, chin cutting into the polyester of the bag.
>Focusing my attention on her most sensitive hole yet, I lapped and suckled, caressed and tasted.
>Me: "Are you ready?" I said, looking up at her.

post too long, adding rest in 60sec
5:16 in Las Vegas
8 am Cincinnati

He fucked his cousin.
>She grasped my hand in hers, intertwining our fingers.
>"Only for you."
>I pressed myself against her, rubbing her sensitive lips.
>Then I pressed downwards. Slowly at first, with building pressure. She was very unreceptive at first, and grimaced as I increased my push.
>Her hand squeezed mine. So tightly I thought I should stop. But then she opened her eyes.
>Her gaze did not look at me. It looked into me. It contained all the love I had ever felt.
>I pressed even harder, and she whimpered as her body finally gave way.
Philly start with alpha, then beta/cringe, then virginity, revenge, derp(spaghetti),and kek (would include things like 'hey pil').

I don't have many myself but I'm sure the bros will contribute.
I wanna binge-watch romantic movies now...
are there any pastebins of greentexts?
cause it'll be futile to type it all out by reading the screencaps
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Anon... my dick can only take so much. Please...
hai* pil
500 Days of Summer
any from 2014, 2013, 2102... going back...
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I'm impressed OP. I went to bed at 4am expecting to miss the conclusion of your story, but to my surprise you're still going strong a few hours later. Bravo sir, bravo.
Lost in Translation?
Probably. But I'm on my tablet so everything is more difficult.

Found r/greentext pretty easy though
miracle of alcohol
Same feels. This poor pecker has gone from flaccid to erect so many times already without proper treatment. I feel bad for anyone out there edging for anal
You poor souls
haven't seen this... too old though..
wonder if there's any torrent around....
Just download Popcorn Time, it has alot of movies.
Kinda like a free Netfliz
This movie made me cry, when I've seen it. I know that girl who is almost the same like Summer.
The pain from my relationship with her still lives on...
>get in the kitchen
>open the refridgerator
>Door is closed
sorry guys alcohol is getting to me atm. typing with as much haste as possible.
don't die on us now op
ive been here since 2:30am and its 8:30 now Im so dedicated to the end
Need Therapy
advertising causes me
there goes the liver
I have faith in you OP.
MRW OP dies and never finishes the greentext. I will piss on your dead body OP
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starting story from last thread which 404'd on me have it all typed out.
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> Fast forward to 5 pm. I have another soccer game at 6:30.
>fuck getting gear to go play don't want to be late or ill have to run extra laps.
>Still cant get the image that I saw earlier out of my head.
>begin to go through the list of cousins that i know and this girl just doesnt fucking ring a bell.
> Start bitching at my brother to take me to my game, the fuck face was on runescape.
>man fck this go downstairs to go knock on my moms door.
>no answer
>wtf mom fck begin to knock and call out to her
>no answer fuck it . ill just get a coin again and turn the knob.
>opening the door I see this girl sleeping on her stomach.
> ass is sticking out like fucking mount Everest
> Heart starts beating and pounding like crazy.
>hear someone come down the stairs
>close door and lock it stay inside the room.
>brother calls out of for me
> i dont reply fuck it im not risk getting caught.
> hear him go back up the stairs
> I just keep staring at that ass wanting to touch it and grab it.
>dont go with plan instead see her feet and smell them
> Foot fetish
> they look so nice.
> Glance up and still see gorgeous ass.
>fuck it. just going to put my hand on it
> Half way there reaching across
>phone rings
>heart fucking drops to stomach
>get to door and begin to try to open it
>FUCKKKKKK its locked
>fucking panicking and cant turn the lock.
>Turn around to see her wake up and look at me again.
> actually says something this time
>who are you?
> she doesnt reply
>ermm fuck it say it in spanish.
>oh Im your cousin I just flew in yesterday from guatemala,
>o shit
>Proceed to ask me questions of what happened earlier and what I was doing in the room now.
>Felt like god himself was questioning me.
>tell her I was looking for money in my moms room for gas for my brother was quiet bc didn't want to wake her.
>completely dodge the question of why I did what I did earlier.
>see's I have soccer gear and said she doesn't have nothing to do and can she tag along.
> Sure.
>end up at soccer fields just me and her
>tell bro that ill call him when we finish
>I give her some money to buy herself snacks and food.
>tells me to go with her b/c language barrier, fck it ill be late.
>go over to the bleachers and tell her to sit in the front so I can keep an eye on her and she on me
>Half time comes around and I go over to sit with her and telling me that she wanted more coke
>said it was the most delicious drink she's had. (She's only had it 5 other times in her entire life)
>Sure, why not.
>heading back to the concession stand , she starts holding me back my arm and we talk and start laughing about small jokes.
>all team mates comes up to me a few at a time and start asking me who she was and that she was hot af blah blah.
>Oh she's my cousin
>look at her and smile and laugh, she does the same little bit shy.
>this is how it all started ( I just wanted to let you know how she became attached to me)

>a month later we hang out a lot and become attached more like bf and gf
> she starts making friends quick mostly for good looks and money wise.
>she joins a soccer team and we both go out for runs in the mornings to keep in shape.
>My house is no more than a 5 minute run from this man made lake that has a sidewalk you can run around , its a 1 mile run.
>Still get over her gorgeous ass while she stretches for the run
>we start running towards the lake
>fuck lake is full of fog.
>no more than 5 mins in she falls and sprang her ankle.
>begins to cry in pain
>Fuck, Fuck, Fuck
> Cant call mom she works 3rd shift (and for anyone asking to call my dad my parents are divorced)
> cant call brother its 7 a.m
> I lay her on her back and tell her to raise her legs.
>proceed to take off her shoes and sock to see what the real damage is and see her nicely painted toes.
>tell her I'm going to try to stretch it a bit and I massaged it ( learned from soccer).
>she tells me that its feel a little better but that it still hurts.
Just in case OP dies before he ends the story, here is what i've got so far, there is something missing at the end of thread one, i think.

>http://pastebin com/Hmd1qvjz
What's up chapin. Fellow Latinofag here. Lurking on your story now.
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Shes in the blue btw.

>okay ill just carry you we aren't no more than 15 minutes home.
>proceed to pick her up have my hands all over her ass and to get a better grip I squeeze it
>ass felt like a new pillow
>manage to get home and put her on the couch and went to get some icy hot.
>come back and spray it on her and rub it in.
>bandage her ankle and proceed to take her to her room.
>lay her on the bed and tuck her in
>”hey anon, I cant believe I have someone like you.”
>”its nothing at all,”
>”come over here I have to tell you a secret”
>go over but probably a foot away from her bed and she said something couldn't hear guess ill lean in
>and she's just their smiling and all of a sudden she kisses me.
>leave and stand out the door with the smile that Hitler had from killing all those jews

>2 weeks passed and everyone is going out as it being a saturday.
>smaller bros go off to their friends birthday party
>oldest bro goes off with his girlfriend to Atlanta
>mom gets called in to work.
>just me and M (lets call her M)
>M sprang ankled healed and she's walking fine.
>up to now we've just kissed and made out a whole bunch.
> I stretch out on the couch and begin to watch some spanish sopaopera my mom left on.
>I see M come from the kitchen and she begin to smile to me as she's heading in my direction and sits on top of me and we both begin to eat french toast
>M starts messing around and she spills the syrup all over us and begins to put it in my hair and all.
>bitch, two can play that game.
>begin to take some of the spilled syrup and put it in her hair.
>then we stopped for a moment and just started making out
>biting on each others lips and sucking on her neck and running my hands all of her body
>starting with her perky tis groping them and having her take off her clothes.
> then she tells me to sit up and she comes and starts giving me a lap dance
>feels amazing
>Can break diamonds with how hard my dick is
reading this instead of writing my memories

Captcha: some afterlik
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>Takes them off and nothing but a white pair of panties
>and she pushes me back and begins to ride on top of me.
>I cant take this torture
>pre cum already
>she takes my hand while we head up stairs to the bathroom.
>I get out of my clothes, while she is setting the water temperature
>she turns around and grab my dick
>Anon, its SO hard. (translating from spanish sounds a lot sexier in spanish)
>firm grip on it and begins to pump away. while kissing me.
>then she proceeds to kiss me down my chest.
>starts sucking my balls then goes and pushes my foreskin back and takes the longest suck off the tip of my dick
>Let out a moan, precum again
>she licks it and says its sweet.
>When she goes to turn around, I smack her on her ass and it giggles.
>luckiest man alive.
>get in the shower and she's already on her knees and sucking my dick
>I get my hand and place it on the back of her head and begin to force my dick down it
>she starts coughing a little and wants to back out but i keep her head back their.
>she manages to get free and stands up and looks at me I see her eyes are watery and a tint of red.
>Doesn't say anything expect turn around and behind over
>omg that asshole
>fuck that shaved pussy
>no condom, fuck it rawing it my first time.
>start going in and she tells me to go slow her first time
>omg, thank base god.
>go in and she begins to moan loud for every inch going in having her hand on my stomach trying to ease me in it
>begin thursting at the force of 1000 suns.
>water is splashing in my face
>Im about to bust bucket loads
>going to pull out but don't after seeing the blood on my dick
>cum and just step away to see blood and cum come out of her pussy
>aww wtf is this.
>later clean out the shower and talk about the possibility of her being pregnant
Write first, read later
aye-aye capitan

>A tear rolled down her cheek. With my one free hand, I wiped it away gingerly.
>Caressing her cheek, I slowly continued pushing. Though I knew she felt pain, I hoped it would only get better.
>Soon enough, my entire length was inside of her, and she began to relax.
>Her shoulders slouched, and her hand loosened it's vice-like grip.
>I leaned forward and kissed her, long, and passionately.
>And I eased back outward, her whimper temporarily pausing my movement.
>"Don't stop." She looked right at me, eyes fierce with emotion.
>I continued, building a little more speed with each thrust.
>Slowly, her grimace lifted. Her cheeks flushed red with pleasure. I began to push faster.
>My back flexed and my shoulders stiffened as I pushed my hips into hers.
>She moaned quietly, a signal I should give her more.
>Quickening my pace, I flexed my thighs and ground my hips into hers.
>She squeezed my interlaced fingers, and moaned loudly.
>I quickly silenced her with a deep kiss, beginning to pump with increasing force.
>Soon the wind kicked up, stirring leaves about in a blur. But we hardly noticed.
>All we could see was eachother. All we could feel, taste, and understand was eachother. All we knew was this moment.
>She moaned loudly, and her thighs wrapped tight around my back; sign of her impending climax.
>I could feel mine rising too, an ache in my groin that spread to my stomach.
>She gasped. Her legs clenching tight around my back, hand squeezing mine, lips pursed in a deep kiss.
>And I groaned. My thighs streched taught as I pushed as hard as I could into her, releasing everything in that one moment.
>Pouring out not only my seed but my heart and soul along with it.
>"I love you" she says, wrapping her arms around me.
>Me: "And I love you."
>I gather enough strength to lift her and the bags into the tent, zip the flap, and quietly fall asleep with A in my arms.
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>shes totally cool with it wouldn't mind being pregnant
>always wanted kids and a family
>ermm no, I need to go to school
>Convince her thats possibility the worst thing to do
>ask oldest bro what I should do if ive got a girl pregnant
>tells me that him and his girlfriend have an extra plan B they never used.
>fuck yea

That is how I avoided having a child with my first cousin and to bring everything up to date we fucked for a few a year more and had anal meh to late to tell story. Then she moved after graduating and has a kid now. and yes /b/ I still love this chick and would fuck her any time of the day.
>> gingerly
lol'd cuz she's a ginger
so if she's black I should have used niggerly
fucking kek
quite right
>inb4 beanerly
was going to say it but busy writing lololol
some one pastebin the latina story as well...
we are going through with the greentext novel.
new incest thread here if anyone is interested javascript:quote('561896190');
I'm writing all my posts in notepad, have them all saved.
>how to convert to pastebin? teach a nub
did she sleep with cum in her ass
Wow, so glad I was able to just read the whole thing at once and not have to wait like you people.
1. go to pastebin com
2. paste
3. get link
4. ...
5. Profit!
nigha i was writing my on pages (macs version of windows)
I was going to do my anal story but Im tired some other time but man your story made my dick rock hard
Did you suck it out and cum swap with her?
Same here
It's been a great journey OP. this was great.
How about "A for Anon" as a title for the book?
did u use condom and lub?
o i c.
very easy. student has become the master

http://pastebin com/qntg76u5
A n' Anon's Anal Adventure
Joke's on you fags.
Story ain't over
was 14. vag juice and a lot of spit.
no condoms :)

not over yet day 6 and 7 are being written

was 14 did not think of it at the time
Dreading and so excited for the goodbye at the same time.
guess ill try that again....maybe this...

thread is going to 404. op make new thread?
An Anon's Anal adventures with A
Ho long has it been from start to finish...seems like forever
finally, thank you!
The whole story doesn't revolve around anal
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yay worked it out...


so yeah.. i'm just over here..if anyone wants to come when this hits limit. pls
new thread cus pi bumps
lol 3.14 lolol
This op is the best
Anon's Alcoholic Anecdote of Unprotected Anal Amusement with A

New Thread
fuck i'm fuckin dumb lol
here's post

So if I go to bed and come back later, will that same pastebin link show me future story updates?
Thread posts: 320
Thread images: 34

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