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continuation of cousin fucker thread once again because I�

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Thread replies: 297
Thread images: 13

continuation of cousin fucker thread
once again because I'm a slow ass nigger who likes to put effort into his shit

story up to this point here: http://pastebin com/qntg76u5

<3 u negros who stayed for like 6 hours
<3 u 2
I stayed up all night for this. This shit better be good
waiting for day 6 and 7
<3 been here since the start XD
We <3 you OP.
i want to poo all over myself who wants to grind on me after??
10/10 thread

God I'm so hard right now but JO'ing before work has been bad for me in the past.
> <3
> XD

Can't tell if your new, a faggot or just a troll....
OP keep updating this same pastebin links...
I'm beginning to enjoy your drunken photo edits
/b/ has been totally crap for the last 4 yaers or so, but this is fuckin' winrar!
drunk at 6am new record for me
Ive fought the sleep mode and have won for this story
probably he can't, he need to make a new one at the end.

I am kinda impatient:
Whats the name of this little bastard you got with your cousin?
Or did you use "plan C" ?
OP, I stopped reading for the sex HOURS ago, I'm reading for the romance now. You gotta publish this shit, write it out, change it from cousin to a friend, and sell it as high class lit-porn; you WILL sell.
bump because if this 404 ima die
maybe anon, maybe.

>I wake to her soft lips pressed against mine.
>And even though this is only the sixth day since I met her, this is all I can ask for in the world.
>In the warmth of the tent, our sweaty, naked bodies were still intertwined from last night.
>"That was amazing, Anon. You are my everything."
>I smiled back at her and returned the kiss.
>Me: "We should get going, breakfast will be soon."
>She nodded in agreement and slipped from between my arms, standing and stretching in the green glow of the tent.
>Her perky breasts were soon molted in goose bumps, as beneath the covers was far warmer than the rest of the tent.
>She shivered and grabbed her bag of clothes, bending over low as I watched.
>I reached out and took my own clothes, quickly dressing and stepping from the tent into the morning air.
>The day was clearer than any in my memory. The birds chirped in the trees and a cooling breeze swept through the clearing.
>A soon joined me outside, with the sleeping bags in tow. We quickly rolled them and dismantled the tent.
>On our way back to the house, we simply enjoyed each other's company and the sounds of nature that buzzed around us.
>As we neared the house, our nerves grew sharp. We wondered if anyone knew what we had done.
>But as we slid the door open, we quickly realized that her parents had already left for work and the other inhabitants of the house were

still fast asleep.
>Perfect timing.
>I put my hand on her neck and pulled her close, kissing her passionately before packing our supplies back into the closet.
>She pours us two bowls of Lucky Charms, and we eat breakfast together.

4 more posts (estimate?)
>change it from a cousin to a friend

pastebin com/qntg76u5
The story for those of you who missed it
This shit just started and has now been through 4 threads, this isn't 404ing any time soon
new link
http://pastebin com/mBffA9M3
It's not gonna get as good reviews if it's a cousin! Incest still isn't very popular among the masses
fucking stupid idea, just get a bitcoin address, many of us would donate for your effort
you have not read too many literotica have you?
right this down, incest always sells more.
The sex isn't the main thing for me. The romance just completely warms my heart and makes me feel good and fuzzy inside. I wish this was a 250+ page book. I am going to be really sad when the story finally ends.
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>Be 18
>Be over in Bongland with my Aunt and cousins
>Be at Buckingham Palace with my family and my qt3.14 cousin
>Solid 9/10, with a fantastic ass
>I've had to keep my spaghetti in my pockets the entire holiday
>All of the sudden she grabs my arm and says "Anon, I can't see, can I sit on your shoulders"
>Boner.jpg just from her asking me
>I kneel down and she gets ready to jump on my shoulders
>Her ass is in my face, she's wearing leggings, and I can see her cameltoe poking out.
>Lift her up on my shoulders and feel so good, her firm ass touching me.
>Trying so hard to conceal my boner as she looks on at the palace.
>All of the sudden, a Brit-bong walks up to me and looks at my crotch.
>oh shit.
>Immediately a group of Britbongs come up to me and start dancing around and yelling "STIFFY DICK!"
>A double decker bus drives past with a bunch of Britbongs on it with cameras pointing at me and chanting "STIFFY DICK!"
>Realise I have to do something, dump my QT cousin on the ground and then throw her at the pack of Britbongs.
>Knock over a couple of them, but the hoard still approaches.
>I grab one chav, and with tears rolling down my cheeks and spaghetti pouring out of my pockets, I fuck his ass
>Come with the force of a supernova in his ass, then run away from my shocked family.
>Never saw my family or went back to Bongland again.
but OP you said it would only be another hour an hour ago
I don't want it to end. Like most people, came for the incest, (take that as you will) but it's evolved into a beautiful romance. Yeah, it's smut and incest and underage, but change that and it's still really beautiful. I agree with the people saying change it from cousin to friend. Bump the ages up to sixteen and seventeen, and publish this shit, it's really good.
I know friend. I got lost in the memories and the vodka
No mate... If it's real, OP shouldn't change a fucking letter....
wincest or not, a great story should never be fiddled with...
unlike one's cousins... if you know what i mean.
If op ever hopes to be published changes are necessary
I fully agree it makes me feels all warm inside by reading this i stopped fapping a very long time ago. If OP dosnt give us an update in a month about the book then I'll start wrighting but i still want OP to do it because he really has a way of describing everything it's almost like you're actually there.
Still can't believe I've spent my night and morning reading romantic incest. But it's good.
again didn't do this to be recognized as an artist
six beers, a fifth of rum, fifth of vodka and my penis have driven me this far
not in a greentext novel not...
of course we can't sell it but hey, it's for the /b/ros!!!
This story has so much potential though. You should at least send it in to a small publisher.
I think your penis got drunk and tried to pursue a career in erotica.
Guys, gotta go, I hope you are saving this all, I will demand it later on /r/.

Bye, /b/!
Honestly, I think its real merit comes from the wrongness of certain parts. The underage and the wincest. If you didn't have that, it'd just be a good romance story. With those things, it's the beautiful exploration of the one week ten years ago when OP felt the kind of love that makes you drunkenly pour your heart out on a japanese cartoon imageboard as a group of people who would generally refer to this as faggotry collectively let their hearts melt. The one week that's still the deepest part of your heart ten years later and the youthful passion and fervor that you only know how to feel once. When there's no approval from anybody else--no other reason that you would ever want this to happen, it can only happen because of love. 100% love. More love than I'll ever be capable of that's for damn sure.

Don't change a fucking letter.
Well IMO this at least can go into those books in the restrooms that have all the short stories in them
In my opinion all of /b/ should help fund this and when OP is rich and famous he'll hopefully remember us. I am 110 perecent serious I would fund this on kickstarter
wow someone's a fuckin faggot am I right

sorry lol had to do it

I appreciate your understanding man. I really do

Hahahaha what?
>Don't change a fucking letter.
thank you!
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Holy shit dude you changed my mind i agree and OP shoudl include the whole fucking paragraph you wrote at the end of the book. The paragraph that you wrote really makes you think about how bad is it really, if they both love eachother
You absolutely did have to do it. Like I said, this is a group of people (myself included) who refer to anything emotional as faggotry. But goddamnit if this all didn't strike a chord with me. So much of goodness dies with teenage heartbreak and this story is the perfect exploration of what goes on before that. I think that's why everybody else loves it too.
Ok ok but I want to fap
sorry spoiler alert but only one more sex scene and it's a few posts in the future
anyone heard about ben-melanie story?
we all have the screencap...but what happened after all that?
any 2nd part?
Gtfo man no onne is here to fap
Ah thank fuck. Couldn't find this forever.
Go back to reddit autistic piece of shit
They kicked me out and told me to go to /b/ sorry m8 :/
Nothing was really explained. I thought it was shit
the only thing i know is that /b/ got a hold of their personal info and doxed them...
poor kids, they were actually in love...
welcome back.
full story so far: http://pastebin com/FzGhzvBd

>G gets up first. He greets us with a warm smile, stubble dotted along his cheeks and chin.
>G: "Are you guys excited for today?"
>A smiled at him. I nodded my head in approval.
>I had never been paintballing, but I very nearly shook with excitement.
>Polishing my bowl off, I quickly headed for the bathroom to get ready.
>Not thirty seconds after safely closing and locking the door, there was a quiet knock.
>I didn't even need to ask who it was. I let A in immediately.
>She hugged me and turned the water on, while I pulled two towels from under the sink to hang on the rack.
>Stepping into the steam-filled shower, I was able to relax my muscles fully and reflect on the week.
>Never in my life had I ever been happier. Yet at the same time I'm very apprehensive. My flight leaves tomorrow. I will be going back to my parents, a thousand miles away.
>I shake my head to clear the thought. I want to get the most out of this while I still can.
>A steps in beyond the curtain with me, her body pressed tight against mine as we share the warm spray of the showerhead.
>I hold her close, my arms wrapped around her. She reaches for the soap.
>We clean eachother off, paying attention to every detail of the other's body
>Carving it into memory. Promsing to themselves never to forget.
>We rinse once again in the warm water. Her hair clings to her forehead as she places her chin on my shoulder.
>There is no where and no time in the world I was more happy than that moment spent with her.
>Shutting off the water, we towel down and get fresh clothes.
>She hugs me once again, and we meet N and G to go out to the court.
Looked to me like they just wanted to fuck
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>Not feeling and fapping
guise wish me luck cracking open a few bottles of water. hopefully I don't straight up pass out but if I do I'll be posting in 12 hours or so
Again, I love everyone in this thread.
for the love of talos, I must
wow op that was beautiful man
NIgger faggot you better make it till the end and do an AMA.
Thread's dead.
Everyones asleep tommorow op.
OP, you got an email I can shoot you a line to?

Captcha: Geneaology ingstMR
Don't you die on me, OP! I could be fucked over at work for lurking, but it's a risk I'm willing to take!
I dont know man I have this thing when i think of my crush i just completely lose mt sex vibe i think its just something i do its basically the same with anything that makes me feel
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Super bump for superb thread
nah man, you can read it in the words...
ben wanted pussy, mel not so much....
playful sex turned into a heart connection...
will do just for you

see how I rhymed
I'm cool like that
Pls no op
Trips commands it. It will be done.
That's the beauty of not having a crush and instead choosing to spend your days fapping to stories of other peoples crushes anon.
Dont you do this to me
sorry for being a newfag but what's an AMA
Haha no but serious talk OP's story makes me feel warm inside but i also am sad because I've never felt those feelings in OP's story
Hold on to consciousness, you beautiful hungover bastard!
americans love autism
o ok why thank you friendly heaven you have done a great service here today
ask me anything
I think I love you, OP. No homo of course, but I'd smoke you out and hook it up with mollies just for this amazing story, /b/ro.

Today, you are crowned King of /b/, newfriend.

Amerikaner mögen Autismus.
ah ah ah yes. Okay will do. But you must be awake after the story ends haha. Will probably be a while
I agree
>http://pastebin com/FzGhzvBd
Link not wurkin.
did you try replacing the space between "pastebin" and "com" with a period instead?
thank you
Ya let's just make OP the king of /b/. I want to see this happen so i cam for once say that i was there when it happened. All hail the mighty king!
Don't forget to remove the ">" either.
I think OP is a pretty cool guy. Eh writes novel tier wincest and doesn't afraid of anything
Woah settle down
yes it does, god damnit the burning hot summer it hurts
this shit better not die
nah mane post coming soon patience
bump for moar awsomeness!
ask and you shall recieve

>G flies down the nearly-empty freeway at a steady 65 miles per hour. A warm California morning sun greets us as the commuters travel the opposite direction.
>The custom leather of his 1990 Chevrolet Impala is cracked and faded. But the car still purrs along the highway in relative comfort.
>G is talking all about safety precautions, gameplay tactics, and variables in the accuracy of the paintball guns.
>I just stare out the window, watching the trees flick by in an instant.
>It makes me think of the beautiful girl sitting next to me.
>I notice N is looking back at me. He has a quizzical look on his face.
>Me: "What?"
>N: "I said, have you ever played Call of Duty?"
>Me: "I'm more of a Halo guy. But yeah I've played it."
>N: "Just imagine you're in the game. It makes it way more fun."
>I nodded back, apprehensive not about the upcoming paintball bout but about the plane ticket safely tucked into my back pocket.
>Pulling off the freeway, G nods his head toward an unsuspecting warehoue building with an even more unsuspecting sign on it.
>G: "This is the place."
>Pulling into a parking spot we pile out of the car, and head for the large double doors.
>Closer up I can see the door is covered with multicolored splatter, a decoration to prepare all who enter for what they might experience inside.
>Inside is a small storefront, selling rented gear and tickets to enter the arena.
>G takes charge, walking up to the counter to pay for our day.
>They require saftey masks, a precaution I fully expect will pay off. A bullpup-style gas-powered semi-automatic rifle is also profferred to me.
>They say I might want some pads, but I decline.
>They would only slow me down.
>The rifle is much lighter than I expect, and G buys each of us a case of 2000 paintballs.
>Plenty of ammo for plenty of targets.
>The rangemaster steps forward, listing basic saftey procedures and stressing the emportance of wearing your "barrel bags" outside of the arena.
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Bump for the cause
>He then steps out of the way and waves us onto the prep area.
>Under my sneakers is the familiar slip of artificial grass. I drink in the surroundings: a large net hangs between the staging area and the arena.
>In the arena there are multicolored inflatables, designed to provide cover while maintaining the ability to be attacked.
>And ahead is the enemy team, already breifed, locked, and loaded.

you must wait more for next post
humpty bumpty
turned from romance to paintball OP wtf
OP knows what he is doing. Let the master wright
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Bump for all that is good
I stayed up all night to see the end of this ;-;
probably because real life...
Tfw i realize it'll end and there will be nothing else afterwards. Why the fuck does everything has to end especially when it's so fucking beautiful
I really hope there is more to it.
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OP i've been here with you for 8 hours now i think. please stop rambling. no one gives a fuck about what the paintball warehouse looks like. just get on with it.

unless elaborate troll.
Reminds me of a relationship i used to have the feels are over the top. I just hope i can find another person like this
I'm just remembering everything about that week of my life and writing it here to share. That week is gone now and I will never have another like it. So if you don't like it; don't read it.
I hope you do man. But let's actually think of what would happen if OP avtually kept seeing her and they started dating. Personally I'd condone it all the way but society...
This is brilliant, muy bueno
calm down OP. just saying that it's not difficult to omit these irrelevant details. still sticking it out tho
I'm just saying I'm literally just writing this stuff down in notepad. The only reason I'm posting it here is because someone wanted me to. If they didn't I'd be writing this in my notepad, still.
These irrelevant details are what makes OP's story better than your average i banged my cousin and that's that incest stories. Keep them detail coming OP
>The rangemaster offers everyone a pair of specialized gloves: hardened knuckes to reduce impact if a paintball strikes them along your gun.
>I pull them on and step into the range, flipping off the barrel bag and thumbing the safety.
>Checking to see if everything's right, I blast a pellet at the nearest wall.
>A satisfying green splatter appears milliseconds later. Good.
>The rangemaster blows his whistle once: the signal to line up. Two more blows and we charge, a four versus four team battle.
>Placing our backs against the wall, G turns to us and gives us a rough plan.
>He and N will advance in a two man team, while A and I provide covering fire to allow safe passage between barriers.
>The rangemaster puffs twice on his whistle, and we all sprint for the nearest inflatable.
>The enemy team is wearing different color pads and helmets. While ours is a bright green, theirs is bright orange.
>The inflatables however are darker colors, making both teams stand out vividly. A fact I learned twenty seconds into the first round as I peeked around a corner.
>I could see him aiming a different direction, firing at G and N. I leveled my rifle, aimed, and spat three pellets at him. They splashed harmlessly against his cover, but he ducked back nonetheless.
>He poked his nose back out to try and spot me, but I had his number. Three more pellets splashed against his cover, closer to him this time.
>Just as I was sure he would poke back out and I would win for sure, my eyes went orange.
>My mask pushed hard against my face, and everything was orange. What the fuck?
>I realized slowly what had happened. A perfect shot, directly to the face. I was outplayed.
>I raised my hands and stepped off the field. By then N had also gone down with shots to his legs.
>I watched A hide behind cover as G did his best to defend her. But he went down too, as they were outmatched 4-2.

60 sec new post
heres something to kek to while waiting for op
carry on mate... don't listen to anyone else...
God fucking damn it I swear OP if somebody walks the dinosaur now

yeah you've got a point i suppose
>Alone against four times her number, A went with what would become her favorite option: all out attack.
>She burst from behind cover and fired as fast as the chamber would cycle, putting down one member with three hits before she went down with a dozen.
>I smiled at her as she sat in the paint-stained grass, dripping orange.
>The day continued on in a similar fashion until we were covered with paint, welts, and sweat. We turned in our equipment, dropped off our emtied cartons of pellets, and headed for the car.
>Exhausted, we spent most of the long ride home in silence, save the radio quietly playing Nirvana.
>The whole time, A held my hand. Her paint-stained, bruised and sweaty hand. But it was in mine, and that's all that mattered.
OP whats the latest pastebin I need to keep up
what the fuck I went to work after briefly reading the old thread in the morning, come home and it's still fucking going in a new thread?

latest pastebin

http://pastebin com/PdPmsw53
Thanks im just making sure these last 8 hours are saved
Tesco is a good shop
how many more posts left?
No fucking already. To soon, to fucking soon
the pastebin aint workin' ,ate. :3 But keep going.
Can anyone upload the cropped story to this thread?
pastebin links don't work for me
Troll harder
again the link has a space where the "." in ".com" should be. make sure you realize that.
change the space between bin and com to a .
He cant
Because its considered spam if he does
sorry for newfagging
its all good man
don't 404 on me
bumping ffs
op is ded
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Should OP make a new thread because i am scared somrthing might happen and then OP is never to be seen again
op is okay, must have time to remember/write/mentally focus. Been awake for nearly 30 hours now
apparently OP's also been drinking for 8 hours. surprised he's still so fucking articulate.
I'm getting horribly suspicious that this whole thing was an elaborate troll. Breathing a little sweetness into the bitter apple I call a heart, in the hopes it would rot faster...
What are implying, motherfucker.
stopped about 2 hours ago, closing in on sober with a massive hangover
but that was pretty fun haha
have to leave soon ;_;
I'm expecting the best dinosaur ive ever seen
Dont deceive me op
>implying implications you faggot

i'm just saying OP is rather based considering how long he's been drinking and poasting
you will be disappointed my friend
(not to mention the sweet 14 year old pusi he enjoyed 10 summers ago)
It's because he fucking sparkles.
you need to make a 5th thread my friend
Some people react differently to alcahool maybe OP is just physicaly and mentally strong and the effects arents as strong
bump for the best thread in ages here
Hey OP is a fucking alpha he gets all the bitches these days but he still only thinks of her. ..
This is /b/.
You guys are good at tracking people down right?
>My uncle had dinner waiting by the time we were home, and we quickly sat down despite our disgusting appearance: we were ravenous.
>A fantastic steak dinner for my last day before I was to head to my real home.
>But that home didn't feel home anymore. I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with A. It was the only thing on my mind as I slowly chewed through the meal.
>They had many things to ask but I always replied simply. I tried my best to smile. But I could feel the ticket sitting in my pocket. I knew what was inevitable then and there.
>As we wrapped up dinner the four of us went to take showers, rid ourselves of the paint and sweat and grime.
>A followed me quietly to our shower. She stepped inside the room with me, quickly disrobing while I turned the water knob.
>She pulled towels from the cabinet, laying them on the rack as I, too, dropped my grimy clothes to the ground.
>Her perfect skin was covered in fresh purple bruises, but the grin on her face told me she didn't care.
>I pulled her with me into the steaming shower, as hot water washed over our aching muscles, and we held eachother close once more.
>Washing her hair free of the sticky orange paint, she simply stared up at me, her arms trembling.
>I kissed her deeply. She stopped shaking after that.
>As we continued washing things started to heat up a little bit.
>Was the water getting warmer? Couldn't be.
>A pressed her naked chest against mine, her breasts perky despite the flow of hot water.
>Rubbing against her, I too got more and more aroused, until I pressed her into the wall, ferociously kissing her neck and chest.
>She moaned her pleasure, encouraging me.
>Running my hand slowly up her inner thigh, I began to rub her sensitively and softly, enough to make her blush even deeper and her eyes close in pleasure.
>"Take me, Anon. One last time."
i'm too lazy for that shit
and here I am 24 and still a virgin...
you know what hurts the most? I've had oral so much it's starting to lose novelty but no chick will let me fuck her right in the pussy.....
"Anon , you are so cute, you are so hot,,, but fuck, you you can't have my pussy!"
>mfw no face for my bad luck

captcha: logoot admitted
While waiting, OP you've done a beautiful thing here. You've taken a a hoard of screeching fucktards and turned them into fairy-struck girls full of feels while waiting with bated breath for your next sentence.
You're like Cindy-Lou-Cousing-Fucking-Who.
>I pulled one of her legs up, holding her hip with the other. Pressing against her, I started to thrust.
>Gradually picking up pace, the water at our feet steamed as we rubbed against eachother.
>Moaning her name, I pull her other leg up, so her feet are off the ground. Her back stuck to the shower wall as I push deeper into her.
>"Anon, I'll never love anyone else more than I will love you."
>I couldn't agree more, but I can't articulate the fact. Instead, I just look at her deep hazel eyes, and kiss her powerfully as my muscles clench.
>She arches her back, writhing in pleasure, legs again wrapped around my back. My muscles tire, and she begins to slide down the wall.
>She clings onto me as we fall to the floor gently, smiling and kissing eachother. The water still steams around us, hot on our still sensitive skin.
>I lift her back up and we shut off the shower, drying off and slipping into bed. I kiss her goodnight.
>And I drift off to sleep.

alright guys. One more post is the ending.
quit sucking OP's proverbial dick, stfu and enjoy his story
GoT btw
updated pastebin
http://pastebin com/aW25L6mK
shit.. im too late OP
what do you mean?
1000 percent enjoying it just defending OP since he turned out to be an awesome guy
OP you must be really drunk to ignore these newfags being unable to re-parse obvious obfuscated links

I mean seriously, fuck
Maybe OP is just a cool guy
U just melted me m8
this thread is full of reddit tier faggots
best op evar dont forget the pastbin after the ending tho
well done based OP. you made a bunch of strangers on the interwebs revel in your love-story. i've never been captivated enough to stay on /b/ for 8+ hours.

you're only 24, have a lot of life to live yet, and since you're cool with fucking your cousin, life can only get more interesting for you.

today OP was not a faggot.
still better than a thread full of heaven
OP for new king of /b/
I swear to god if this thread 404-s on me
the girl I love like this just took the final step in ending it after I have fucked it up so many times, I love her more than anything I just cant make it work... then I wake up and see this thread, OP you are my hero but fuck i am sad....
OP I have been with you quietly from the start.

I need to go to bed, please release me.
Tfw i wish i didnt know that feel as well
So you are from reddit aren't you?
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Meanwhile though
I honestly think someone should see if we can find this girl. She's a 24 year old redhead in Calfornia, with 23 year old and 26 year old brothers. She's somewhat upper class, based on the backyard, and shares OP's last name, possibly, don't know which side of the family. OP can tell us. We owe him for this.
OP, I firmly believe that you have turned us, your /b/retheren, into sobbing little girls enjoying every letter of every scentence in every paragraph. If ever, you go on a voyage to reunite with 'A' it would be an honour to assist in this conquest. You sir, deserve her.
no i'm not. i despise heavens more than reddit tier faggots, that is all.
OP please make a new thread for the final post
OP has fallen asleep.

We might never get the final post.
op where are you
I second this.
>implying sageing isnt the first thing the newfags learn about when they come here
not true
again I refer to my now age-old adage.
patience, young padawan
ook who it is again, ID "1Vsy373T". I'm fed up with your shit faggot. The other day when you called me a newfag, yeah, haven't forgotten about that yet.
Fuck you I've been on here for months and probably get on here more than you anyways. Don't you know that you make yourself look like a newfag when you call others newfag?
Just because you learned how to hack your name and change it to "1Vsy373T" does not give you the right to disrespect anyone at any time.
bump for the great final. i love you so much op, you proved that we actually can have nice things and that there is more out there than cancer.

I'm not impatient, I don't really care about the ending.

I've been fucking my cousin for 6 years now? Trying to fuck her sister who is 18 now, we're close but it's proving difficult to fully convince her that fucking each other isn't wrong.
I want OP to reunite with A. Obviously your choice OP but it would be great
Same, it needs to happen. Its too beautiful a story.
You fuck your own cousin. You fucking discuss me. No but really its more than just sex with OP and thatd what i love
We all want OP to reunite with A...

oh fuck, this reminds me of the Liliad....
Inb4 spaghetti
File: 0-1.jpg (35KB, 480x287px) Image search: [Google]
35KB, 480x287px
Bump for glory! Bump for honor!
Bump for dinosaurs fucking spaghetti!

It wouldn't be just about sex if we've been doing it for 6 years m8.
we don't want to
>fucking discuss
you mate...
did you not even cum all over her freckles?
i am disappoint
Good point. Greent text when you have the time some day, although keep in mind OP is the new king of wincest but i am sure yours would be great aswell
Right, you love the sex.
he might have we dont know yet, juan more post

I might do in the future, but I'll save it for now, don't want to take over OP's thread, especially when we're so close to the end.
We can do this although i think all OP has to do is ask his parents if not then we find her and deliver to OP
Seems like a pretty safe bet OP knows how to find his own cousin... Shit ain't Craigslist encounters
But thats the thing if he does why not reunite
Alright now i am worried something happened and OP is no longer allowed to see her
only the tales end can reveal that information....
I think a huge part of this being such a touching memory is the ephemeral nature of it. 14yr olds lusting after each other, and falling in love so hard, not knowing any better and losing themselves to each other, then parting ways.
It's one of those beautiful bittersweet memories, that would be tarnished for trying to revisit it.
..... and also, maybe he doesn't want to be a grown adult fucking his cousin..,?
It is sadly going to be the end.

I didn't know I could hold my breath so long right.
op is ded
rip in piss
>I gradually woke up, aware of only three things.
>The soft feeling of her hair on my arms, and her soft breath on my neck.
>The warm feeling of the heavy comforter, the air beneath heated by two entangled bodies.
>The overwhelming sense of dread that I would never feel these sensations again.
>I calmed my paniced nerves and woke A with a stroke of her shoulder.
>She smiled at me, those beautiful hazel eyes glinting as she wrinkled her nose, scrunching her perfect freckles up.
>I knew I would never find another like her. And it pained me, but I also knew I would have to let her go.
>I thought about my pants lying on the floor. About the plane ticket inside of them.
>I thought about my parents.
>And then I looked back at her. She still smiled that toothy, cocky, 14-year-old smile at me.
>I tickled her and got her to jump out of bed, grinning fiercely as she writhed under my fingertips.
>Pinning her to the floor she finally begged for mercy and I stopped, her a panting, tousled mess and me undeniably the victor.
>She told me she'd get me back and smiled again.
>We had waffles for breakfast, covered in warm butter and maple syrup. The whole family looked sad to see me go, I fit in quite well here.
>But I knew it was for the best to return to my parents. After all, what choice did I have? I was only 14.
>The morning passed far too quickly. I barely remember stuffing the last of my clothes into my travel bag, and wedging it in the back of G's impala.
>Before I knew it we were on the road to LAX. My flight left in three hours.
>Three hours left.
>Three hours left.
>Then I looked at my watch again.
>Two hours left.
>I reached over and sqeezed her hand. She looked at me with those big hazel eyes. She knew.
>We arrived at LAX several minutes later. We checked my bag and began our long walk through security.
I cri erry tim, But great story 10/10 well spent 9 hours of my night
>Security gates behind us, I hear the boarding call for my plane. Rows 30-40. I look at my ticket. Row 32.
>Tears well up in A's eyes. I brush them away with my thumbs. I whisper to her to be strong.
>I tell her that I love her more than I will ever love anyone else.
>I mean it. From the bottom of my heart.
>I wave goodbye to my close brotherly cousins, G and N.
>Her eyes tear up again.
>I hug her close. She whispers in my ear.
>"I'll never forget you."
>I turn and walk slowly onto the plane.
>I don't have the heart to look back.
>I sit down and buckle in. 165 minutes later my plane touches down at SEATAC.
>I walk off the plane and greet my parents.
>Dad: "How was the trip? How are your aunt and uncle?"
>Me: "They're well," I mutter. I pretend to blame my apathy on jet lag.
>Mom: "Did you have fun with your cousins?"
>Me: "They're nice people."
>My parents nod that seems good, take me home, homecooked pasta for dinner.
>Life goes back to normal.
>But forever on I feel like I left a piece of me in that little California town.
>A piece that may never be replaced.
>But for some reason, I know that's the way it has to be.

>To this day I cannot have a single bite of Lucky Charms without violently puking.
>My body completely rejects them simply on taste alone.
>But I still have an unopened box in the pantry.
>Just in case.

Feel free to ask me anything. I will respond to the best of my ability. Although I will not disclose where I live, where she lives, nor first or last names.

Thank you guys for sharing this shit with me. It is a little less of a burden to know people understand.
Why don't you talk to her?
final pastebin
http://pastebin com/XdRMRhy1
awesome, did not read anything yet but i sure am excited to read it later today! thanks for sharing your story OP
updated pastebin pls
Like I said. It's just something in my gut. I know it's not supposed to happen. And apparently she knows it too, as she hasn't tried to contact me either.
Are you 24 now? Have you ever tried to get in touch with her again? Do you think she still feels the same now?
did you stay in touch with her?
I sobbed like a bitch. OP i love you man thank you for this!
Do it anyway! Do you want to live the rest of your life wondering what could've happened if you had contacted her?

I feel you OP, that gut-wrenching feeling that, despite having the best time of your life with a person you just met, you know it's not forever.

Are you planning on seeing her again?

25 in October, never tried never will.
I know for a fact she feels the same way. It's another one of those gut feelings. There is absolutely zero doubt in my mind that she loves me as unconditionally as she did the day I left.
Jesus fuck man. So many feels. I wasn't this moved at my friend's wedding.
Fucking this op.
I ruined my life tis way, and I promise you I feel shitty.
Please don't do the same mistakes as I did.
Thats litterally the best story like damn the feels
fuckin hell man still no dino great read
It's been ten years. I have moved on mentally and emotionally.
But like I said. I left a piece of my heart there that day. A piece that I always know I gave to the right person.

Forgot to add, I met a girl in London, but who lives in Poland. She was here visiting a friend for New Years, but she ended up spending her two week holiday with me and it was the single most beautiful and memorable time of my life. She went back to Poland and I was determined to see her once more, even if it was just one more time. So I went to see her again and didn't regret it.

What I'm trying to get at, is that you'll regret not seeing her one more time more than never seeing her again.
just talk to her 1 last time bro...
get it all out in the open and if it's not meant to be then it's not meant to be....
Well, you're adults now, don't you feel like you should at last say, how do you feel about what happened between us? She may just be too afraid to make contact out of fear you've moved on. Maybe it is supposed to happen. maybe fear of bringing up the past gives you that feeling. But let me say this. There is probably not an afterlife. Do shit now. You're not getting another chance. You don't have to marry her, but it would be good for the two of you to see each other and talk in private.
even tho this story is probably fake because only a fool would take anything posted here as fact but have you talked to her at all since all this, like facebook or visited again later on
i know you already said that you never will, but im just going to join the rest of the ppl and say that you should, regreting that you never talked to her again is worse than actually doing it.
And you'll regret your whole life that you never got back in contact.
In the dying last words of hundreds of men who lived their life to the fullest every day:
I regret nothing.
I came to that first thread expecting a fap and left with that strong feel bless your soul OP
Have you attempted to contact her, OP? Just reading that made my stomach curl... You have to find the love of your life!
Fuck you, OP.
OP for the last 10 hours or so i listened to you, I've defended you when people talked shit all i ask from you is that you just call her today or as soon as you can and just say hey. Thats all i want. Just talk to her if you feel the same and you both love each other i beg you to not let society or what ever you are scared of ruin this for you. You can go to another country. You can travel with her and no one will ever know you are related. My point is you can make this work. You shouldn't feel bad for being in love with her, hell i fell in love with her just by reading your story. Why would you feel wrong about it gays don't feel bad about it and ypu shouldn't eighter. Just call her.
But are you living it to the fullest?
As you said it yourself, you left a part of your heart there.
And you still regret this time, as you shown in in the story.
you are one fucking strong anon, keeping the love of ur life away, i hope you realise that you will always comeback to the feeling of being with her .
Listen OP, we're not exactly the smartest group of people. We came hear looking to jerk off, alright? But that story man, the fact you united one of the most vile places in the world through emotion. That says something about your story. You haven't lived till you've experienced the results of love. Doesn't make too much sense, but I hope you see what I'm, trying to say. So what happens if its not a perfect relationship, none are. It's a bit queer, but that doesn't make it any less real.
It is not that I feel wrong about it nor do I regret it in any way. When I reflect back on this story it is not sadness that comes to mind, but happiness. The carefree joy of youth, the blissful innocence that comes along for the ride.

I do realize this but I choose to remember it with happiness, rather than melancholy. Thank you for understanding.
Why won't you ever contact her? You already know that both of you still have these feelings, I don't really see what's to lose here. Is it because she's your cousin or something? You might not regret anything now but what about in 5 years? 10? 20? 30? You still won't have the love of your life. You might love somebody else but it'll never be the same, OP. Don't make a mistake, please.
Damn OP. How's life treating you? What do you study/work? And have you been in love since then or are you in a relationship.
>remember it with happiness
anon, why don't you want this happiness to come true for the rest of your life?
The past can't be changed; the future can.
Send her this story, OP. You must. If you think we cherish it, just imagine what it would mean to her.
He doesn't want to do it so as not to spoil the memory. Why cling to one when you have a lifetime to make more? I know this is your life, but I want one thing in this world to have a happy ending, or at least closure.
I graduated from the University of Washington with a master's in electrical engineering. Currently I'm employed at a major technological company trying to revolutionize several new products that have yet to come to market.
As far as relationships go, I was in a committed relationship of 2 years that ended about 6 months ago when she died in a drunk driving accident (hit by a drunk, she was sober).

To all the anons clamoring over my decision not to speak to my cousin again, I feel that >>561917049 has come the absolute closest to my feelings on the matter.
Listen to me OP. Just imagine her right now, imagine that every fucking day she wakes up and wishes you were next to her, imagine her going to go eat breakfast pouring some lucky charms and dying inside because she remembers, imagine her never being able to fully move on because of that thing that happened 10 years ago, imagine her waiting everyday for you to call to atleast tell her that you are fine, imagine her dying thinking you regretted what happened 10 years ago.
Well it was a wonderful story and i hope your life is wonderful and that your decisions are the correct ones.
i understand you op. keep the memories like they are.
OP, I'm very sorry. I'm sorry for you losing your spouse. I'm sorry you've had to have your emotions twisted and your heart torn, and I'm sorry if we've caused any problem by trying to force you to do something you don't want to do. I do hope things will be good for you, and may you live a happy long life with wwhoever makes you happy. I hope we meet again some day, as you are one of the greatest anons I've met.
This story is legendary. I've stayed up all night just to make sure that I saw the ending. You should write a book on the side.
I'm not the first to say it, & l hope I'm not the last.

Today OP was not a faggot.

Thank you for the praise and your well wishes. I wish all of you the best in your lives.
I just want you to remember to keep your heart open. Even if it is stepped on, shattered to pieces and burned to a cinder it is much better than leaving it locked in a safe.
Agree with everything. Iposted my response before i saw OP's. I do however want OP to atleast call and talk to her for the closure that I am sure she needs. Like you said or maybe it was another anon. Something in this life has to have a happy end or atleast closure
I just hope she's not waiting for a closure....
In unison my /b/rothers, ALL TOGETHER!
I understand what you mean OP.. Very sorry for your gf. Fuck it, surely I cant sleep later
OP is my hero
When I was 14 I was too busy masturbating.

OP is an inspiration to 14 year olds everywhere.

Quick question, was she your first cousin? didn't you have doubts about it
>50 Shades of 4chan
TIL OP was not a faggot.
It's almost a shame, I think I fell in love a little reading all that.
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