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Reminder that women actually believe this

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Reminder that women actually believe this
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Get tired of just openly raiding us, did you, boner-boy?
believe what? that comic says nothing. i mean, that's pretty accurate tho.
What does this mean?

I really like the comic, tho.

Le lonely female
>believing that women are different from men
>le lonely male
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>typical """"lonely"""" girl
I have no friends, I haven't had anyone other than my family since I was twelve, I'm 18. I know its pathetic but women really are no different from men.
point is you could EASILY change that with MINIMAL EFFORT and STAKE
Too bad you're retarded, or you'd know that 99% of those are "hey", "hi", or puerile vulgarities and offers to show her a picture of their dick. Sperglords complain about how women always choose the top 10% of men, but fail to realize that the bottom 90% of men are fucking dipshits who can't figure out how to elevate themselves from dick pics and "hey bb u want sum fuk".

>no different from men

True, after you remove the guaranteed male attention, guaranteed sex, beta orbiters, and literally constant stream of guys asking you out.

>oh that's anon, he's my bff :D





There you go, the collective advice of /r9k/
I haven't had anyone since I was little like you. I'm 20 now and started college last year, don't worry, it's true what they say, even if you don't want to you'll make some friends at uni.
Don't you worry. Everything will be okay.
See, boner-boy here doesn't think that's legit. He thinks you have men falling over you, all willing to be your boyfriend and cure your loneliness for good, just as all women do, and for that reason, you can't really feel alone.
I'm forever alone girl too. No friends, no real life outside of work and school. It's not great :(
please show how any of those points are wrong
Doesn't sound to me like she's got any of them at all. Or else they're unfuckable manchildren like you.
I have extreme anxiety, so even making a friend would require a high level of effort, I can't imagine the effort required to talk to someone I'm sexually interested in.
I don't have any friends, that means I don't have any "orbiters" or a male "bff"
Thank you, /r9k/
I started uni this year, its over in a month.
> i dont have any friends
> oh all those guys? yeah theyre not good enough, they dont count

see look now, all the beta white knights rushing to your aid in this very thread. you can do that easy irl as well you know
I don't believe "real life" people to hold the same extreme opinions as you would find on a site like 4chan.

Isn't it on the person make wild assertions to prove THEIR points?

I wasn't aware it's on us to prove they're full of bullshit.

Ok. Since I don't have to prove anything and can just make assertions that you have to disprove:

You're an insecure forever alone who everyone reject because you're trash, and no man, let alone woman, would touch.

You're secretly a closet homosexual and you loathe yourself so you decide to decided to trash on women instead.

You enjoy playing with yourself and dreaming about the day you'll get ravaged and wish pee-wee Herman would drop a steaming load on your face.

There. Now prove none of that's true.

>I have extreme anxiety,

I'm a dude, socially anxious growing up, literally afraid to answer doors and go to restaurants because talking to strangers was terrifying.

Last year of high school I got sick of it and decided to change.

Little by little I started changed small things about myself, fixing my posture, learning to maintain eye contact, speaking louder in class.

When I got to college I started forcing myself to introduce myself to neighbors and participate in class discussions, try and hold idle conversations with my neighbors. Then I started forcing myself to go to parties and introducing myself to all the people I didn't know (which was most everyone) with a handshake, smile, and a line or two of chit chat. I kept doing all this over and over, step by step. Eventually I started forcing myself to go to bars after work, sitting down, and make conversations with whatever strangers was near me (male, female, old, young).

My final step came some time after college when I met a girl at a party, fell for her, became her friend over the course of a year, and told her how I felt. In that moment I put myself completely out there to her, and I failed, but through that I lost all fear because I realized that even that failure felt less heavy than the weight of regret.

It's possible. One small step at a time.
of course they do, they just might not speak them out loud. they still act under those same beliefs though

if you lower your standards you have a larger pool of men to choose from

if you lose weight you are more attractive = larger pool of men to choose from

this is the same is point 1

this is empirically true and further illustrates the ease of women getting friends and or lovers

all of this is fairly intuitive and simple to abstract along, your childish response does you zippo favours you dull cunt. so know ive spelt things out for you, have a go at disproving that
>if you lower your standards you have a larger pool of men to choose from

This is just of true of men. And you're assuming she has high standards.

>if you lose weight you are more attractive = larger pool of men to choose from

You're assuming she's fat. You're also assuming every guy wants to date a rail. You're also assuming that her body type supports a skinny build.

>this is empirically true and further illustrates the ease of women getting friends and or lovers
So which studies conclusively prove this? This is another bullshit "teleology" type correlation that people play gymnastics with facts to try make out as true, while never have any hard evidence that directly links it to the truth.

You've proven nothing. All you've done is stacked assumptions on top of assertions and said: Hurr durrr, OBVIOUSLY, logic and intuition says that's all true.
Umm, I have two friends and my bf. I don't feel that lonely, but most females are too dumb, annoying and or senseless for me to want to befriend them. Guys just wanna get it in at the end of the day. So yeah.. I've accepted bring "lonely".
what? you think only men have high standards?

most guys prefer healthy (not fat) women for obvious reasons. every body type supports a skinny build, are you one of those fat pride moles?

okcupid statistics, look them up. or do your own study takes like 30 mins

no, just simple axioms. why dont you just do the experiment yourself, are you afraid of the truth?
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>guys want sex meme
What the fuck dude, those creepers only make women feel more like shit because it's always the losers
> 'a bloo bloo no one likes me'
> i like you
> fuck off youre not good enough


>ugh all these sub 9/10s keep talking to me

Fuck off I'd kill to have a girl initiate for once
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What she really means.
I mean, you mention you have anxiety, and that requires 'a high level of effort'. If you put in that effort, I'm sure you'd be able to do something. But for a lot of people here, some times we're so fucking ugly, fat, or even just too retarded for anyone to want to be near us.

Although, I tend to see a lot of people assuming it's a relationship or being chased by herds of men that can cure loneliness. I would think that is incorrect; you can be in a room full of people, and still feel lonely.
But again, if you put in effort with that anxiety problem, I'm sure you can get through with it.
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>99% of those are "hey", "hi"
>Too bad you're retarded, or you'd know that 99% of those are "hey", "hi",
and why is this bad? if someone is saying hi, they are clearly trying to initiate a conversation.
Women have it vastly easier than men, that's the simple truth of the interaction betrween our biological dimorphism with the current cultural atmosphere in the west, but total recluse females are still possible, if rarer.
>hey bb u want some fuk
I know a lot of guys like that who get laid pretty often.
sometimes girls just want sex. i have had plenty of girls initiate sex with me. its weird and unexpected when it does happen
Where does this happen?
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Not him, but I was at a bus stop and some 300-400 pound chick with her belly hanging out of her shirt walked up to me and this dude. She asked if the bus went by Denny's and then asked if the dude next to me wanted to go to Denny's with her. Then she called me sexy and told me she'd make me gay. It's the first time someone's hit on me in the years since I been divorced.
Men are lonely, women are lonely. Why are we not lonely together?
I would share some waffles with that bitch

Maybe she has hot friends

Because women dont get lonely. they're just between boyfriends or fuckbuddies.


bars, clubs, tinder.
about a week ago, a drunk girl told my brother she would have sex with him. it doesent happen often
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>Guys just wanna get it in at the end of the day
You're half right. If all you have to offer is sex, all a guy will want is sex!

But if you're an interesting person who makes for a decent friend men will want you for just your company. I have three friends who are women, and I like keeping them around for those same reasons.
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>90% of men are fucking dipshits who can't figure out how to elevate themselves from dick pics and "hey bb u want sum fuk"

Yea reality is definitely like that. 90% of guys. Kek
>Yea reality is definitely like that. 90% of guys. Kek
Depends on age. Around 14 or so, it may well be true, but most of them outgrow it by 18 or so, and almost all by 25-ish.

Not counting redpillers, of course. They've failed to outgrow it almost by definition.
>But if you're an interesting person who makes for a decent friend men will want you *also* for your company

Chat roullette is not representative of the real world. Jesus how retarded can you be. Have you even ever left the basement?
You know, sometimes I'm forced to wonder whose side the redpillers are even on. So much of what they say would be indistinguishable from misandry if you didn't know who was saying it.
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i dont have any friends
>oh all those guys? yeah theyre not good enough, they dont count
They don't want to be her friend. Why should she want to be theirs?
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I don't even understand what's being argued anymore.

And it really doesn't matter.

You want a girlfriend just aim for the bottom and you'll be having amazing sex with a fat annoying slob who loves you to death and will do anything for you, because she knows you could do better.

You want random sex with hot girls then lift and just keep trying. Go to the same bar every Friday-Sunday and talk to every single female for months on end and you'll eventually figure out what works and get your pointless one night stand. Then you'll have it down and can do it as much as you want.

For the girls saying they're lonely stop being such a bitch. You're not too ugly you're just mean to everyone and don't even realize it. Or muh anxiety. In which case it's not a counterargument - "all girls have to do is leave the house" "I'm so lonely because my mental problems I can't leave the house". OK, so you didn't disprove anything.

The whole board is just crazy ugly hermits who won't try. If the crazy ugly hermit girls and crazy ugly hermit boys would just lower their standards you'd be with each other.

Lower YOUR standards instead of crying how girls should be doing it. Sex with a 2/10 is better than no sex. You just want hot girls to take you for... no reason.
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Me too. I can't work because of health issues so I do freelance programming. My family all moved far away so for the past two years I've been absolutely alone. Not even a job. The most interaction I get is the cashier at the grocery store or my doctors. I don't want to use dating apps bc they are for hook ups and that's just not me. Plus how do I make a dating profile when I've got health issues? DISCLAIMER AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES. I'm so lonely. I don't even want to talk to people online anymore because they disappear so quickly and never are actually physically there. I hang around ircs and lurk so there's convo going. But yeah... Girls can be lonely too.
You make me feel pity. Where abouts do you live?
OP just face it. You`re a complete LOSER and you will never have a girl looking at your direction, because you are pathetic and cringey. Go back to your anime shows and rage comics.
I live in the us.
>Plus how do I make a dating profile when I've got health issues? DISCLAIMER AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES
Yes, do exactly that.
Towards the bottom after you've talked about your interests and what you want from a relationship, say "I have (full name of disease) which affects my such and such."

You will still get hundreds of messages.
I'm not sure that's true. And again with dating apps it's all about hook ups. I get test results for leukemia on Monday. Do I advertise that too? I'm just screwed. I'm absolutely completely consumed with loneliness.
I used to believe this, but I only look skinny--objectively--when I'm underweight and literally dying. Being on the middle or even lower end of my healthy weight range for my height makes me look fat.
go back to >>>/r9k/
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Are you saying that when men act like women, the same behavior suddenly becomes socially unacceptable, and therefore it's OK to slap derogatory labels on it, or express hatred in other ways?
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>Are you saying that when men act like women, the same behavior suddenly becomes socially unacceptable, and therefore it's OK to slap derogatory labels on it, or express hatred in other ways?
Did you just admit to acting effeminate?

Ahem. There are three major flaws in this argument, boner-boy. The first is that "women" act this way: they don't, in any significant numbers. The second is that it is somehow acceptable for women to act this way; that it isn't is such common knowledge that I'm forced to wonder if you've even been paying attention.

The third flaw is your assumption that "men" act this way. The numbers are higher than among women, especially in the lowest age brackets, but they outgrow it quickly. I'm trying to figure out where you got this idea that most men hold onto this past college or so, and oddly, the only place I can think of is second-wave feminism: an odd place for a redpiller like yourself to be drawing arguments from.

Given that none of these assumptions hold, your argument falls completely apartment. Men who do this are not acting like women: they are acting like little boys. But even if they were emulating genuine common female behavior, the fact remains that women are looked down on for behaving this way even more than men are. So if we are to treat men the same way we treat women for acting like this, it gets worse for you, not better.
>this whole thread
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If your opinion of effeminate is a social construct, then maybe. I don't really care either way- being effeminate is not derogatory from my perspective.

>little boys

I'm sorry, but I don't think we can have a rational conversation. The myth of maturity cannot be logically justified.

But I'd just like to suggest dropping these derogatory labels- (misandry, misogyny) they only serve to incite division and animosity. There are no sides- we are in this together.
>a woman who likes "How to Disappear Completely" by Radiohead

marry me pls.
I can't speak for the others here, but I've got no need to white knight. Been happily married for over a decade, after a long relationship. No desire to cheat. No signs of things slowing down. Why would I troll for sexual favors that I couldn't even take advantage of? In what universe does that make any sense?

>If your opinion of effeminate is a social construct, then maybe.
You're the one who said you were acting like a woman, not me. All I did was use your own definitions. Truth be told, I don't consider it effeminate either, though I think my post should have made that clear.

> I don't really care either way- being effeminate is not derogatory from my perspective.
Fascinating. For so eone who hates women so much, I'd have pegged you as finding it quite imsulting.

Or this could just be bravado. I'm going with that theory.

>I'm sorry, but I don't think we can have a rational conversation.
Doesn't sound like it, no.

>The myth of maturity cannot be logically justified.
That's absurd.

>But I'd just like to suggest dropping these derogatory labels- (misandry, misogyny) they only serve to incite division and animosity.
Good. You need to be divided out. You deserve animosity. All else has clearly failed to induce you to grow the fuck up, and so we are down to this.

>There are no sides- we are in this together.
You are no ally of mine.
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>For so eone who hates women so much

I apologize if I gave you the wrong impression. I love women, I just think that we as members of society should stop encouraging such destructive norms.

>That's absurd.

It really is, you should reconsider your position on this. It only feeds your ego, which can only hurt you.

>You are no ally of mine.

Maybe from your perspective. Why not change it? How is clinging to this stressful anger helping you at all?
Fuck off back to /r9k/, you pathetic faggots.
It looks like a comic on depression, m8. You're retarded for trying to fit it into your own personal narrative.
Huh. I thought the comic was about clinical depression in general
White knights going off the rails.
I was at a roller rink and a 13 year old girl, whom I'd never met, asked me if I would take her virginity (didn't because jail), a girl I worked with straight up asked me to fuck her (did), another girl asked the girl that my then fiancé and I were seeing to have a threesome with me and the girlfriend (didn't because fiancé), I'm sure there are other times that I've been asked for sex, if I remember them I'll let you know.
OP are you so retarded that you don't realize this comic is about depression
when op is a fucctard whos never heard of clinical depression
post this on /b/ faglord
>being this mad that people see women have it easier given their roles as sexual selectors
This us why feminism will never be egalitarian.
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