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If your parents never did this to you, you're probably

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If your parents never did this to you, you're probably spoiled

and white
That's cruel. Mine just beat me with whatever whip-like object was laying nearby.
Keep your blogging in >>>/r9k/.
this, alienating is bad
>sure is fucking fun having to beat how to be an adult into yourself because your parents didn't teach you anything
mine didnt have time for me
Get outta here you burnt end piece of a loaf a bread.
This artstyle reminds me of the HAVE KIDS NOW anime where was some girl that dyed her hair blonde and married to a weeb husband.

Same author/staff?
I don't think you have any idea what weeb means.
>itt blogging
You have no idea. Try being born to immigrants that don't speak English. They don't know shit.
Even if they had time to teach you, which they probably don't, they couldn't.
In theend you're the onewho has to learn from all of your ownmistakes. From what I see in my neighborhood it's a crapshoot most of the time.
Well I could say "otaku" but it's the first thing I thought but you get the idea.

It really looks similar a bit or I'm a little bit blind now
>Well I could say "otaku"
Yeah, you could. Or "nerd", or a number of other words that describe him.
Calling him a weeb is to call yourself a newfag.
It's not like they had to. Your only job is to shit out a kid, whatever happens next is technically not your problem. And today's governments make it even easier with shit like programs, orphanages, adoption, public education and tons of other shit. Caring for your kid, loving it, paying for its shit is entirely optional, unlike what our current conceited culture and constructed morals would have you believe.

Either way fuck off with this blog shit, faggots.
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Also, didn't some types of whites do actually hit their kids?
I have seen some moms in the Midwest use la chancla.
Spoilering this so I don't spook the tacos.
Okay I'm stupid, it's the same author.
Yeah, my bad.
Nice thread, check my 4
Check my 17

>and white

Fuck off nigger
>implying asian parents didnt do this to their kids more
Maybe if you got some education, you'd realize there's more to race than just black and white
check your non-nigger privilege
>he doesn't understand nigger is just a broad insult like faggot

Do you realize if you did this to your kid, he might go out, get lost and end up injured or dead? If you are gonna punish your kids, punish them yourself instead of doing something stupid like this. This is just lazy parenting.
Manna was sent to our world. She could literally blow the planet up so there's no real danger for her here.
You forgot the part in which if they ever have free time to be with you they start to ask you how to pronounce words or translate shit for them.
I just wanted them to say they were proud of me just once.
That's not really possible if the place they lock you in is either the attic with no windows where you always tell your parents you hear whispers from, the once tiny closet with no lights or the basement.
Add chains or getting whipped with a long copper wire while naked before hand and you got my childhood.
>and white
Can confirm. Black man here and my dad did this to me except he was on the outside and he never came back in.
You locked your own dad out?
His dad walked out on him
That's no reason to lock him out permanently.
Kids are too strict these days.
No, his dad locked him in.
He's been grounded indefinitely?
What a truly black fate.
all I ever got were purple marks on my arms and back, and some knocked out teeth
My brother did this once as a prank.
no one great came out of a comfy home.
I actually managed to do this to myself
He might've saved his life since he could've been shot by a cop as soon as he left his home.
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I was a good kid, never any reason to punish me.
>implying my SWAT team hasn't been camped outside with guns at the windows just waiting for the past five years.
Hey, Anon, guy, open your curtains already.
>locking your kid outside
If you tried doing that here you'd probably lose it to drug dealers or human traffickers.
>The party van is waiting for you.
I wouldn't be surprised.
South America or Mexico?
London? Please be London.
I thought in London they'd be co-opted into ISIS.

I know Japanese girls exist, I fuck them every weekend, my town is Jap central. Fucking sluts love white cock mate.
Are her horns supposed to look like dildos or what?
It's a Chinese dragon.
Google it.
Yes, it's a metaphor for how Kobayashi is a crazy lonely chick hallucinating a friendship with her dragon dildos.
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>mfw I had a wonderful childhood with loving parents who disciplined my appropriately for my wrongdoings
nuthin personell kids ehehehe
Seems like it didn't mount to much since you ended up being here anyway.
yeah but at least I don't feel bad about it
Jokes on you nigger, single mothers are shit at rising kids regardless of skin color.
You should. Because you're being a bigger disappointment than the people with bad childhood. They have an excuse, you don't. If anything, I feel bad for your parents.
You're on 4chan. You have zero ground to feel smug over others. You're equally trash.
there's worse places to be. you guys are alright. I'd rather be here with you.
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>tfw never properly punished so now I'm a lazy piece of shit
I get it, it's easier to blame your parents for you being a piece of shit than taking the responsibility yourself. That's the same for everybody. Now fuck off, this is not anime.
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I used to do it to my younger siblings all the time

locking the door when they went out in the garden was objectively hilarious
Only with the outside doors, because she got tired of us running in and out of the house and wanted us to get time outside.
Otherwise, my mother never locked us in a room. I don't even think she locked her own room's door. She had too many bad memories of grandma locking her in a basement. She'd just tell us to go to our rooms, and we'd fucking GO.
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>tfw overly punished so now I'm a lazy piece of shit that only does things on command
I just hate talking to people and get wrapped up in escapist hobbies to the point where everything else just feels like a nightmare interlude for sweet dreams.
I'll do someone's homework for them, but I'll avoid actually seeing another human face outside of my family as often and long as humanly possible.
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them socio-economic problems be hard, man
Cool blog thread, reminder to sage and report.
lol my parents are white and black, the white one was the one that did this to me
all i did was start screaming out the garage window "my mommy doesn't love me! my daddy doesn't love me" until the neighbors called them up to complain they knew they were just disciplining me but they still found it disturbing and annoying everynight because i wouldn't eat all my dinner
Seriously, how many of you went passive aggressive after experiencing unreasonable punishment?
Depends on the kid. You'd be an asshole who resorts to this with one who fucks it up once in a while. Those kids who enter beast mode regularly, yeah, they deserve good old military education.
I don't know, what do you think?
i was the best kid never complained never fought them or anyone else
never cried or demanded things
just had a hard time 1. falling asleep at night 2. putting food in me because i hardly ever felt hunger
so they would lock me in the garage or in the area between the front gate and house door and then threaten to do those things when i didn't go to sleep or eat

other than that they rich-kid spoiled the fuck out of me
i never got hit or slapped or verbally abused either it was just "oh ok not eating that?" *gently leads me by the hand, puts me in the whichever, closes door*
i was like a puppy dog tbf never fought it, just tried to manipulate my way out of it
When my mother tried shit from op, she found me week later in different town, I was like 6 or 7.
definitely me

probably would have ended up in a fight with my step-dad if he didn't divorce my mom after I left for school
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