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Is it possible to literally rape someone to death?

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Is it possible to literally rape someone to death?
of course it is you fucking retard

But it takes a long time.
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Explain this anatomy to me, guys. I know it's stupid to get mad at something as minuscule as this but for fucks sake
Death would more likely result from something like choking or head trauma rather than the actual sexual act. How literally did you intend the question?
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I'll run a few tests.
If you choke them?
Death from cowgirl position
Under normal circumstances, no.

But with Anna, you will die within minutes. The moment your dick makes contact with her pussy, she will ram her crotch and shatter your pelvis... again and again, and as you scream in pain, you will bleed to death out of your anus.

It would be a horrible way to die.
I own ferrets. Fun fact is the females need to be de-sexed, because if they go into heat, they never get out, so a constant state of arousal if no fucky/impregnaty will destroy their nervous system after a week and cause a slow painful death from being too horny for too long. Hormone OD or some shit is what it's called.
I think it's related somehow.
That seems like an evolutionary defect.

Also, has anyone written a doujin with this premise?
This sounds dumb. Are you telling me every time a ferret gets horny without any guys around, it dies?
>tfw a Shimoneta thread teaches all these weird things you never asked for but like it anyway.
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Would it really be that horrible?
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She sent a doorknob flying while dryhumping it.

If anyone would know, she would
It makes them need to procreate more so idk
Also that'd mean a ferret monster girl, owning ferrets I'd imagine
>sleep sex
>body odor
If she isn't de-sexed then yes, slowly and painfully.
Almost all captive bred ones are de-sexed unless they are breeders, in which case it's not an issue since they get knocked up and out of heat
Ferrets are domestic pole cats so it's not like it's a problem in the wild, although I don't know if pole cats share this horse shit since they've only been domesticated for 800 or so years (it was the English or some shit)
But even I guess it'd just make the females try to get some fukk more which is better for the species.
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Anna's mom would probably know that more since Anna has no chance of getting a ponos in her vagoo regardless of character growth
ferrets are cute, CUTE!
What happened in the last volume? Can anyone spoil it to me?

No I meant since she's dead
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Wasn't there some gang rape in India that resulted in the girl's guts basically being destroyed and pulled out of her body?
Anna lost and sorta accepts it, SOX saved tons of people from another dangerous sociopath but they all end up under house arrest because lewd terrorism is bad (because all they amount to was making vulgar words legal. Also the original punishment was jail time but angry people protested enough to make it house arrest)

Non-ending just like most dystopia books.

fuck off retard
If you enjoy the thought of someone shoving a jackhammer on your crotch, maybe not.
That souns like a rarther unhealthy thing to attempt. Maybe she should only try that when she gets married after she gets better.
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>that feel when this shit will last forever
Meet me in the parking lot to find out
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Dont know but guess what happens to the loli
More like filthy sluts.
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There are recorded cases of people dying from masturbation.
If you can die from jacking off, then you can die from sex

What the fuck, when were they ever in a swimming pool together?

Is there an episode that I missed?
>Is it possible to literally rape someone to death?

Best I could find are death through consensual sex. Death by rape would most likely be recorded as straight up murder
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Are you saying that it would be...

... extremely painful?
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Episode 12
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What a lightweight.
>implying you ever fapped 42 within one night

Best I did was 10 times within one day and after the 7th time I just kept going to get 2 digits.
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Pic related
At that point you don't even cum anymore. Actually I fap so often (every 3-4 hours at minimum while awake) that it's not really enjoyable and you get no feel of release when ejaculating.

Though after a days break or if some nukige is really hot and I can get prepared it returns
my boner tells me otherwise
what the hell is she grabbing?
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Do you really want to die to fucking a kinky superhuman yandere?
Elves got raped to extinction.
Well, a person can die from a heart attack during consensual sex, but it's unlikely to happen to a rape victim(since he/she won't be aroused enough).

However, it is possible to tear the victim's colon during anal rape. That would cause peritonitis, which, if not treated(with surgery and antibiotics), is almost always fatal.
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>Surrendering to Anna is more likely to kill you than getting raped by her

I don't even
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Me on the right.
How did they know it was 42?
Anyone else hate the double standards here? Everyone would be up in arms if a guy did that to a girl.
>Mr Hands.avi
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Depends on who's doing the raping.
>implying Anna wouldn't be pegging you with a strap-on
Fuck me. Most I did was 5 times in a day.

Too soon.
God that's terrifying. We should just bomb India into a smoking crater. It would be a mercy.
She's more interested in giving him a long nonstop blowjob though than using her vagoo. And she did put his dick in her mouth for a few seconds in the show and he didn't die from it either.

Anna would be perfect with some training. She needs to learn to be submissive and beg for it. I know who could do the job.
anon she would bite your dick off if you don't ejaculate right away
And suck you inside-out if you can't produce a gallon.
his tail you retard
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My best was 32 in a day
I want to get married someday.
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>ywn be in a lewd relationship with Anna's mom
Meme50 has.
Why lower yourself to their level?
Ah yes, this classic.
someone doesn't know about Sanshouuo
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That's fucked up, but funny.
Yea you can totally rape someone to death. I remember reading about African militants gang raping the shit out girls and women and a bunch died from destroyed vag/anuses leading to tons of bleeding and infection.

Thanks to this thread I finally got around to watching the anime. Thank you anons. Brought back pleasant memories https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffiiYPg5qSc
Posts like this are why I come to 4Chan.
Well canonically, she is a big girl
I know a dude died and all, but that's just too ironic to not highlight.
That's the joke.
>at school his classmates commented on the boy's problem

wew lad
Well you can kill a guy if you fuck him too much, you will need a lot of Viagra though.

If a man ejaculates too much he will just die, lose too much resources or something I forgot exactly buy it kills guys or at least fucks you up a lot.

Don't think it works on girls unless you just fuck until someone dies from starvation/dehydration
I want Anna to rape me
I've heard some stories about India and brazilian prisons
Of course it´s possible! You just need to watch Milk Money, that hentai fits perfectly
This guy is the epitome of passive protagonist
>Waaa! This beautiful girl with goddess tits is touching my dick! I better make a face like I'm about to throw up because I'm getting harassed! I hate girls!
His mom was watching, didn't you read?
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He is being raped by a girl with superhuman strength.
It does not matter how pretty she is. If the brain conclude that you can die from it, you will run. Oh yes, you will run
And what about when she pins him down in the dark and basically dry humps him?

Seriously, have you ever had a girl on top of you? It's not exactly something you can say no to, especially if she has big tits.

Being assaulted in the dark by someone you do not expect is an auto trigger for panic attacks
Wow, I guess there really are people that self-insert with these generic sexless protagonists. Thanks for showing me that Japan really does know its audience.
Sure. Whatever
Goosh Goosh
is this legit?
Calling bullshit on that. His dick must have been a single bloody mess due to friction (yes, even with lube, there's friction)
Cause of death was never stated but it's probably a heart attack, like in this case.

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haha it says 4 times (you)
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Damnit, anon...
Didn't call bullshit on his death. Called bullshit on the number of times he masturbated.

And it's shit wording called it masturbating.
Either they say he came xx times, or I could say "I'm masturbating some 400 times every week," too
I-It's ok, I didn't wanted to be happy today either.
>a whole month before this is released
I never watched this when it was airing, heard it was censored through the ass.

Was it censored for nudity or was it pointless censoring that just reduces the level of censorship on censored content that'll never get uncensored?
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here you go senpai
Thanks, but not really what I was asking for.

I mean, what levels of censorship are we talking? Are we talking Uncensored reveals tits and no bleeping, or Uncensored gets rid of ye olde light beams on content that shouldn't have been censored in the first place because it wasn't explicit?
You see nipples.
Is this genuinely fappable?
Because if this is 90% talking and joking and 10% all the humping and groping I see webms of, I'm not gonna bother?
It is 20% joking, 70% political commentary and 40% rape
I swear i can't get past episode 7 in this show, it gets boring when Gathered Fabric gets introduced, i loved the first 6 episodes though

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Everyone wants to fuck /pol/-chan.

He's legit scared for somewhat valid reasons as much as I agree he's a faggot; I just wish he could explain things so she might get off his back.
You saw an Anna thread where OP mentioned death; you should've seen it coming.
She is so fucking thick, omg
/pol/ please
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4 u
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Why is Anna so big?
Jagi's notgirlfriend gets raped to death in the probably not canon Hokuto no Ken: Jagi Gaiden.

It's a really fucking weird scene too, in that the rape scene itself was played in a comic relief manner (it not being completely obvious that she was straight up raped until after the fact) but her dying from it is played really seriously/tragically.

The Jagi Gaiden wasn't that great to begin with really but this in particular left a really bad taste in my mouth, just because of the weird way it was handled.
Schoolgirl in Concrete?
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MC thought Anna was pure and sweet; not a repressed kinky amazon.

He's still a faggot but sexually aggressive girls scare do scare him.
Do the DIY onahole instructions from episode 6 actually work?

I mean, I tried making one years ago but all I managed to make was something that'd fall apart or tear as soon as I tried to use it.
DIY onaholes might require certain quality starch.

Even then those things aren't stable
Oral sex can give you throat cancer. Anal can give you HIV and colon cancer. Also sperm allergy can turn letal.
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>political commentary
It does take place in a world where the easily offended finally won.

Its a very divisive series.
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