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Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1483

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Thread replies: 525
Thread images: 53

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Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.

Previous Thread:
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I want my kids to have a good work ethic. I believe you can achieve anything if you work hard enough to get it.
I'm finding it pretty boring too. I mean, I can get through it pretty fast, but the relationships have been kinda shit so far and all of the CG work went into the H scenes that I just skip. The plot parts are okay at least, I just don't find it too compelling based on the 2 and a half routes I've done so far.
Are you guys serious? The art is pretty sexy but the story is just boring...

Maybe more specific: Any good recommendations for mid-level scifi VNs?
is there a pack with very basic childrens books or something?
Baldr Sky Dive
Steins Gate
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Have you tried fate stay night? It's a masterpiece.
You don't want to read childrens books for studying.
>Baldr Sky Dive
Thanks, didn't know that one!
Look into graded readers, I remember it being kind of effort to find them before but might be easier now

Chinks out.
I guess it comes down to how much someone likes rabu then. As far as moege about deitoing goes the writing is really top-tier.

>Any good recommendations for mid-level scifi VNs?
You're fucked, there is not a genre less represented in VNs than sci-fi. If you want to read sci-fi you may as well give up now and pick up text novels.
Nope, will try it!
Dive2 is the number two rated VN on vndb only behind Muv Luv Alternative. It's fantastic but it's not much known outside Japan because there is no translation, not even on the horizon.
>I guess it comes down to how much someone likes rabu then
I love it, I just prefer when it focuses on the relationship progression rather than H scenes. Cutesy lovey dovey shit rather than tons of H scenes and making out and maybe a date scene or something every once in a while. The relationships in this just haven't been very satisfying to me so far. Maybe it's just the two routes I've done though, who knows.
As far as moege go thats par for the course so I guess I'm used to it.
>but it's not much known outside Japan

Lol, EOPs on /vg/ and /jp/ constantly cry for it.
Is it easy though?
Moeges in general are all just boring. I think it's just not what I'm looking for in a story. If I wanted to fap Ill play a nukige. They're just not too entertaining.

What sort of mindset do I have to have to get into them?

Why would you try to forcibly get into something you're not interested in, just go for something else.
You should try out Toki wo Tsumugu Yakusoku, it seems to be your kind of thing according to this guy: >>>/jp/14990188
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Yeah I saw that, it looks super cute. I'll definitely give it a try soon if his impressions are the same after finishing that route.
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無駄です。 死ね
Does anyone know where I can find a seeded version of Steins;Gate? Sukebei doesn't seem to have it and some anons here have played it if I recall correctly.
Sukebei doesn't host non-H VNs. Now do the math.
Plus s;g is in the Nitro+ mega brand pack and anyone interested in VNs should already have that downloaded.

Literally indistinguishable?

Literally indistinguishable?
My bad I thought there were h-scenes in some of SG routes. Thanks for the precision.
And get shit like Angelos Armas? No please.
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I'm 500 words into Core2k/6k and I've read the Basic section of Tae Kim

Is it too early for me to start reading a simple manga? I'm considering Yuyushiki right now.

If it is too early for me, how much vocab would you recommend to have before you start reading?
You can uncheck vns as you please.
just do it
Reading without texthookers are difficult. I didn't expect it to be this much more difficult. Do you need to practice not using texthookers?
Try yotsubato with the reading packs.
The problem isn't even the vocab, the problem is the grammar. At that point, you don't even know volitional, conditional, must/have to, etc. That's some pretty basic shit that you'll encounter really freaking often. But then, it's up to you. If you wanna try, just do it but be warned that it's not gonna be fun at the beginning.
I read a VN with no texthooker after heavily using a texthooker and had 0 problems with the transition. Are you misusing the texthooker? Turn off furigana. Re-read the line in the VN after looking up words in it. Don't read straight from the hooker.
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Nah, there's exactly one very brief fanservice scene in S;G which is this one, not enough to count as すけべい.
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>I've read the Basic section of Tae Kim
That's no good. You're probably not even going to get through the first page before you run into a grammar wall. You can fill in the vocab easily, but you need you have a frame in place for it first.
>Do you need to practice not using texthookers?
I think you should learn how to practice with texthookers first. I don't think you understand the point of texthookers. It's just a faster and more efficient way of looking up words than a dictionary. If you use it for grammar, furigana or parsing, you're doing it wrong.
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How to turn off furigana in the furigana inserter addon? Is it even possible?
I've been reading directly from the texthooker. Is it that bad?

Vocab can always be added but you're gonna struggle with the grammar a great deal with that as your base.
I was goingto start with that but a guy in the last thread (maybe one before) said that Yotsuba uses stupid grammar and wording so it might be a problem.

So if I read the rest of Tae Kim and start up the Tae Kim Anki deck, I'll be pretty much good to go?

I don't expect fun at this stage, I just want to feel like I'm actually "involved" in the Japanese rather than just recoginising shapes in Anki.
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All-ages games have been pushing the limit lately, even some PS3-4-vita VNs are fappable now.
Thanks for the clarification, anon.
>So if I read the rest of Tae Kim and start up the Tae Kim Anki deck, I'll be pretty much good to go?
Pretty much, if you don't mind checking the dictionary every five seconds.
>Yotsuba uses stupid grammar and wording
You can tell what the words are if you know them and if you don't just check the learning packs. I started (at a snails pace) reading yotsubato at 300 words of core and about a quarter of the way through Japanese the manga way
I don't know your setup so I don't know what you're talking about, sorry.
Yeah. You get used to mousing over the second you don't know something, as opposed to thinking about it. Furthermore, if you have furigana on the texthurt that's double bad. Furthermore, if you're using chiitrans then the color parsing makes it easier. It doesn't help you in any way, basically, and doesn't help prepare you for reading without one. I know its tempting to do though.
Is と here acting as a quoting particle?
>Is it that bad?
Yes, honestly.
>I don't expect fun at this stage, I just want to feel like I'm actually "involved" in the Japanese rather than just recoginising shapes in Anki.
Why would you feel you're not "involved" in the Japanese? If you really feel that way, why not just try immersion?
Sure, why not?
Yeah, she was begging.


They've been doing that for literal decades, even a fair amount of Japanese NES games have lewd fanservice scenes in them.
Just checking. Thanks.

I struggle with と a lot for whatever reason, but in that context it seems fairly obvious.
Because it has a lot of different and sometimes completely unrelated uses.
Use kanjitomo.
>struggle with と a lot...

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>500 words into Core2k/6k
>read the Basic section of Tae Kim
>considering Yuyushiki right now.
Good fucking luck with that, son.
It's a great manga but chances are you won't understand any of the jokes even with visual cues.
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Is there an RTK deck that focuses on recognition like this one that doesn't have a scrambled kanji order?
>Why would you feel you're not "involved" in the Japanese? If you really feel that way, why not just try immersion?

Involved isn't really the right word I guess. It's just that while I'm doing my reps and doing well there I feel like I'm making massive progress and that I'll be fluent in a week, but then I look at a full sentance and I can pick up one word if I am lucky.

Once I learn more of the grammar and get started with reading I think I'll feel a lot better about my progress rather than thinking I'm not "really" learning Japanese. I'm explaining this poorly but hopefully you get the rough idea.

Thanks, I was going to ask about that because I forgot what it was called.

I remember it being a lot less wordy in English. I guess I'll start lower down.

Do you think Noble Works or Yotsubato is the best for an absolute beginner?
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I strongly recommend よつばと! to everyone.
It's hard for me to reccomend comedy manga to beginners in the language because comedy relies so much on understanding nuance of language and keeping up with the pacing of dialogue and stuff. Amaterasu said that business/serious Japanese was easier to understand than comedies simply because it's all clear cut and I agree with that for the most part.
noob here

in anki how do i add romaji/pronounciation below the hiragana/katakana and how do i know how to pronounce a kanji if there is no kata?

and how do i get back cards i accidentally buried?
Take your (You) and never come back
>how do i add romaji/pronounciation below the hiragana/katakana
You don't, learn the fucking kana

>how do i know how to pronounce a kanji if there is no kata
There should be, what kind of shitty deck are you using?
What does it have besides "and" and adverbifying (which includes quoting)?
>Involved isn't really the right word I guess. It's just that while I'm doing my reps and doing well there I feel like I'm making massive progress and that I'll be fluent in a week, but then I look at a full sentance and I can pick up one word if I am lucky.
But you are making massive progress. If you need some motivation, just compare it to Japanese majors or reddit and you'll see how fast you're going. Learning another language takes time, and you won't be able to read a sentence after so little time. Have more confidence honestly, and give yourself time.

>Once I learn more of the grammar and get started with reading I think I'll feel a lot better about my progress rather than thinking I'm not "really" learning Japanese. I'm explaining this poorly but hopefully you get the rough idea.
Yes I totally get the idea but let me tell you that: The sentences you read in the Tae Kim are sentences you might read in any Japanese content. While you feel you're just grinding grammar, you're already reading stuff that most people can't. If you hand over a copy of any of the basic grammar points to someone in the streets, they most likely won't be able to even read hiragana. If you wanna read faster, then allow more time to Japanese to finish Tae Kim earlier.
We are talking about よつばと! here, though.
Yeah, and have you seen all the endless posts here asking for help about it? I'll give you that Yotsuba relies far more on visual comedy than most manga so fast and complete comprehension of text isn't as necessary, though.
Aren't you expected to look up almost every word when you start? How would you use it?
>Yeah, and have you seen all the endless posts here asking for help about it?
That's the entire point of this thread: for people to ask questions.
よつばと! is great value for anyone to read, period.
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>read enough to know the vast majority of what I see
>reading speed is still god-awful in comparison to natives
>tfw no way to get faster except to read a lot of content for several years
On the bright side, despite consistently doing 400~ reps a day, my time has dropped from 20 minutes to 15 minutes because I'm reading kanji faster.
Yeah, I know I shouldn't expect to be able to read sentances because I know a few hundred words but I can't help my excitement running away with me sometimes.

I'll finish up Tae Kim and start the Tae Kim deck, then I'll try diving into Yotsubato if I have time. Thanks for the encouragement
>That's the entire point of this thread: for people to ask questions.
I think at some point you misunderstood something
Why do you keep going on about comedy? It's not a gag manga, not remotely.
Yotsuba is good for your soul, anon.
Yotsubato is all about comedy dude
Yotsuba is firmly rooted in comedy
>お... 奥っ
>...度に私... わた...

>I split open whitely inside!

What the fuck? I swear these hentai authors just make up the most random shit.
No it's not. Try reading the series.

It's funny but not because it is a comedy manga. Where the fuck did you two come from? It sure as hell wasn't /a/.
You can find them listed in the DOJG and All About Particles but I don't have them on hand here. Also, a lot of other grammar points use と as a building block, there are a lot of examples in the DOIJG.
Yes, but reading directly in the texthooker is a bad idea because you're not thinking directly on the words but literally reading their definitions when you could have paused for a few seconds and wonder whether you knew the word or could guess its meaning based on the kanji. When you get to higher level reading content, it'll be a great tool when distinguishing words that have been made up. Also, usually it gives you furigana and parsing which is also bad for you because when you get to the point where you don't want to read with texthookers anymore, you'll have a harder time.
TL;DR use texthookers only as dictionary when you have already tried guessing the word and failed.
We're all excited, that's the whole point. Just don't let it get you down when you finally try your favorite manga and think that it's too difficult. As long as you're patient and diligent, you'll learn Japanese.
>Yotsuba&! (よつばと! Yotsuba to!?) is an ongoing Japanese comedy manga series by Kiyohiko Azuma, the creator of Azumanga Daioh.
It's funny because the author puts in a lot of jokes, dude. I think you're taking offense at it being called a comedy, because you think comedy implies shallowness or something? Well, as Wittgenstein said, a good book of philosophy could be written entirely with jokes, and Yotsuba is certainly written with jokes.
>You can find them listed in the DOJG and All About Particles but I don't have them on hand here. Also, a lot of other grammar points use と as a building block, there are a lot of examples in the DOIJG.

I don't doubt that it lists more, I just consider most of them to be essentially the same usage.

I also consider the "two" のにs to be the same thing so take it as you will

Not that guy, but remember that "finishing Tae Kim" does not mean just reading through it, it means actually learning from it. If you don't understand what you've read and just treat it as a necessary checkbox you need to fill before moving on, it's going to come back to haunt you real fast later on.
>I've never seen this quality in non-white or non-Japanese fictional settings.
Because most people don't spend twenty years forging a new world out of their imagination.
>I also consider the "two" のにs to be the same thing so take it as you will
I think that's just wrong honestly. One is used as 'however, although' and the other one is used as 'in order to'. How can you say they're one and the same?
Yeah, and the Japanese wiki page lists it as a drama series.
You are sticking out like a sore thumb, here.

>It's funny because the author puts in a lot of jokes, dude.
It's a series about everyday life. Yes, there is jokes but it isn't anything remotely like a gap series like the anon previously mentioned.
What I'm taking offense at is people who are clearly not even from /a/ talking about a manga serious they clearly haven't read. Don't fucking quote an English wiki page at me, for fuck sake. You may as well start throwing around citations from MAL.

Lurk moar newfag.
Yep, that's why I'm going to be using the Tae Kim deck so that I don't forget everything straight after I have read it.
>Yes, there is jokes but it isn't anything remotely like a gap series like the anon previously mentioned.
I posted a gag manga not to imply Yotsuba was, but because it was the closest image I had of a comedy series. Don't read too deep into it.
>It's a series about everyday life.
A series about everyday life, that has a lot of jokes, intends to make the reader laugh, and is thus comedic in nature, and is thus ok to be called a comedy. You're being really anal about specific terminology, that's a pedantic road thats best avoided. Your internal understanding of what "comedy" infers is dragging mud over whats really being said.
>starts throwing out crossboarder accusations as soon as someone disagrees with him

Autism is real folks
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>and the Japanese wiki page lists it as a drama series.
Thats not all it lists dude.
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I just tried to read これはゾンビですか uploaded in the CoR, under the 小説 tab, but more than half of the pages are a distorted mess?
Welcome to the highest level of Japanese
And nobody claimed it doesn't have comedic elements. It by definition is not a gag manga
No one claimed it was a gag manga either.
The original text was
>It's hard for me to reccomend comedy manga to beginners in the language because comedy relies so much on understanding nuance of language and keeping up with the pacing of dialogue and stuff.
Yotsuba certainly has a good amount of jokes that involve language nuance and pacing. That is not unique to gag manga. Someone misunderstood "comedy == gag manga" and that was not the person calling Yotsuba a comedy.
Grammar is rough
This. I can power through vocab but my grasp on grammar is horrible even after reading Tae Kim. I need something to practice my grammar with.
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I don't quite understand what っていうか conveys. Pic related. I have a foggy idea of what's being said but I'd like to bring it into focus.

This is my attempt (I'm reading here, not translating, so I don't care if it sounds awkward)
>In Miruka's case, it couldn't be called simply watching.
>You could say her sense of distance is different from other peoples'.

But how would you translate both uses, anons?
I read Yotsuba as my first native material and I was fine. I laughed regularly because a lot of the comedy was relatable and easy to understand, and the bits that weren't were explained by the reading pack. Overall I wouldn't say the comedy is the main appeal of it outside of how easy to read it is, though. It's just a very soul warming manga. Yeah it has comedy, but that doesn't mean it's comedy that's impossible for a beginner to understand or enjoy.
Feels a continuation from last page
>Yeah it has comedy, but that doesn't mean it's comedy that's impossible for a beginner to understand or enjoy.
Of course. It's not impossible or anything. I just said I hesitate to recommend it to beginners (absolute in this context).
Yotsuba is easy for begginer? No way.
Who's native?
Okay, then to take a spin on it, what good manga do you recommend that are easier to read than reading Yotsuba with the reading pack that explains the stuff that beginners would have problems with like slurring or puns?
This >>139289936. What might be easier than Yostsuba&! to start with? Core sentences? At one point or another, you gotta dive in.
>It's not really just X...
>Or Y...
>It's more like Z...
It's nothing too deep m8.
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I said that I would hesitate to recommend comedy manga, but I didn't say that they shouldn't be recommended by anyone else. Yotsuba is pretty clearly working out for people, and has the reading pack set up for it, so there's no need to shake it up. Furthermore, you both said "easier"... I wasn't talking about things being easier than comedy, just that comedy really loses its charm when you're bad at the language. A dissected frog and all that. Yotsuba is as easy as it gets, its just that in the process of learning from it you'll step on the humour to some degree or another. And though you have to dive in at one point or another, you'll make less of a wreck in a non-comedy than a comedy.
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>And though you have to dive in at one point or another, you'll make less of a wreck in a non-comedy than a comedy.
Hence why we're asking you what you would recommend as a total beginner even before tackling Yotsuba&!. I'm not angry or upset, just curious honestly.
Right, I understand that you feel that way, which is why I was wondering what you would recommend in place of Yotsuba as a first experience with real native material. Just wondering.

How would you say in Japanese "My dick is so big it has its own dick"?

The best I've been able to come up with would be 俺のちんぽは大きいほど(ちんぽは)ちんぽがあります。

But I feel like it's too unnatural. Would you say it in another way? And the part in parentheses, is it strictly required? I assume so, since it would be kinda difficult to find out what I'm referring to otherwise.
That's an amazing coincidence

Dammit anon what are you doing.

In Miruka-san's case,
You might say it wasn't just simply looking,

The feeling of distance,
You might say it was different from other people...

I don't understand the context so I can only translate it fairly literally, but this っていうか structure indicates that he's offering only one possible explanation for the given situation.


What word would you tattoo yourself with?
You have 5 seconds to convince me to not buy a year long subscription of WaniKani. Money isn't a problem at all since my mom says she would pay for it.
Saucisson - literally funniest word in existence.
中出し or 中級地獄
Even if it were 100% free it still wouldn't be recommended. Hell, you could pay me the sub fee to use it instead of an Anki-based alternative and I still wouldn't use it.
Go for it and never come back please.
My man.
Do it.
Just buy a high quality laser from Bitlasers. It'll help your Japanese ability much more than WaniKani will.

wut. Why ?
>implying not
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>community mnemonics
so you mean like an actual laser? how would that help at all?

Either you read more, until you understand it instinctively from exposure.
Or you google them and get better explanations from other websites.
Or you read literally any grammar guide not named Tae Kim that goes in depth in Basic Grammar, and you will understand them just fine.

Good mnemonics are memorable so stuff like that is way better than something plain.
Literally the best mnemonics. Just wait until you get to 泊.
しまったよね (;。;)
I never get it right you know
次の日に日本語を習った" - Anonymous

"its the primo way to learn japanese even better than wankikani or anki" - Anonymous

"anyone serious about learning japanese has a bitlaser and a 4chan pass in their toolbox" - Anonymous

"Just buy a high quality laser from bitlasers that has been proven to increase your Japanese ability several times over." - Anonymous

"Researchers says that having a laser pointed in your forehead while studying increases your retention by up to 80%." - Anonymous

"Yeah, lasers are pretty cool, man. Fampaitachi need to realise that having a big ass laser on your shelf will boost your Japanese learning abilities by at least 50%" - Anonymous
I was going to say you were a sad fuck for saving all those. But then I remembered it's just you isn't it.
>mfw those are actual quotes from anons
Not that hard to go back a couple threads and type "bitlasers"
New learner here just getting into it. I have to take a language course in the fall so I figured if I started learning now I wouldn't have to waste as much time studying japanese later. Do you guys use pictures with anki? Just curious.
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So, started learning this interestingのにとても難しい language (I'm talking about Japanese).
And I started talking to some native people from Japan that speak Japanese very well, I want to choose a name in 漢字 rather than my name that sounds awful in カタカナ。
Is there any guide for 外人 that would tell me all about it? I'm considering choosing some cool 漢字 like - 甲、悪、鬼、武、劒、闘、戦。I know I can only choose 4, but that's the current list. Do you have any cool suggestions?
Anyone here can comfortably read Dies Irae / Muramasa? How long have you studied?

Just curious.
that actually seems really difficult nice job wasting everyone's time
That comes from a folder of pictures I gathered for the 10k before the anon abandoned the project.
no problem man have a good day
How about 中田氏?
dai jou bou
Some anon was making a Core10k that used anime girl pictures instead of stock photos.
An anon wanted to do a 10k with only anime pictures.
I can't read that very well, sorry, and I don't like the last kanji that much. Also it's 3 characters, how is that supposed to be a name?
It's read なかだし.
Follow up question have any of you taken a japanese course in college? will people think I'm weird if I am taking just because I watch anime? Not that I'll go around telling people that but if someone happened to ask me why I'm taking it should I tell the truth or will that be too weird?
I really don't get it with all these "new japanese learners" in this thread.

It seems like almost every single day in the past 2 months we have at least 1 new learner here. If not 3-4 a week. Yet the number of average posters in this thread in the same 2 months never increased dramatically.
In addition, the level of question being asked by these new learners never progressed into asking one or two level of japanese questions that are more advanced in the past 2 months.

By a rough count, there should be at least 25-35 new learners in the past 2 months, but the "beginners" questions variations are always at the same level.

25-35 people "studying japanese" and NOT a single one of them asked about causative-passive, or causative? Or kureru and morau differences?

It's always, always a variation of "how am I supposed to study since I am a beginner".

My autistic question from this long post is basically is this. Is there somebody manufacturing false questions and pretending to be new beginners and trolling other djt residence, including me?
Oh, I wouldn't want that kind of name then.
Please go from djt and stay go.
They probably just give up again.
You forgot one extremely important point: There's a ton of quitters. I'd even go as far and say they're in the 90%+ range.
Did he do it? I want that.
This is a strange post

The idea of you putting in this much thought while still missing that one autists full day spam seems unlikely

Are you him, trying to derail the thread?
>全 = zen
>全て = zen + te = subete
>全く = zen + ku = mattaku
>My autistic question from this long post is basically is this. Is there somebody manufacturing false questions and pretending to be new beginners and trolling other djt residence, including me?
Yes. He's admitted multiple times to flooding the thread with dozens, sometimes over a hundred fake posts. He said he's been doing it since Feb.

Also this >>139291759
What's the deal? Do you just not visit the thread often?
so none of you ever took a japanese course in college then?
That's kanji you're dealing with
No, I was one of the major contributors but I had to go for three days without Internet connection, and when I came back no one was working on it anymore so I simply gave up. I might pick it up again someday but not right now, since no one seems to want to help honestly.
Is this one of the spammers fake questions or have you just not read past the first few pages of Tae Kim?
you're "the one who can't be namd" aren't you? Fuck off back to the sewers you leech
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're not a troll but just an idiot

Don't study Japanese only for the sake of anime. If you're interested for other reasons, like wanting to learn more languages and other Japanese things then cool, but don't tell people that anime is your main motivation and don't bother trying if it actually is your main motivation.
I'm guessing no replies means "no". Oh well.
You're actually wrong (I'm 740), I once took part in a Japanese college class because a friend of mine kept insisting how great it was. When I actually got there, 80% couldn't read kana correctly after two months of studying basic grammar (and I mean, ultra-basic stuff like 私はボッブです。).
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I don't get it.

People writing in ローマじ often confuse stuff and add spaces where they don't belong or even read 'ou' as 'o' + 'u' which is fundamentally wrong in most of Japanese words. There is no such thing in actual Japanese, written in hiragana/kanji.
The joke is on the fact that even the guy speaking about roumaji doesn't know how it's pronounced or written correctly.
It's freaking long though. I think that's actually what puts off most advanced learners.
Well I'm not really learning it just because of anime, but it is because of anime/manga that I am learning it. I mainly want to learn it because the idea of knowing another language has always interested me, it doesn't matter what language it is. The reason Japanese would be the choice is because I figured I'd have the better chance of retaining the knowledge since I know I'll always be watching anime and reading manga. If I ever do become fluent I would like to think I would make use of it by traveling to Japan.

So anime isn't my main motivation, learning a language is my main motivation. It just so happens that anime and manga is what makes me want to learn Japanese over other languages. Which doesn't change the honest answer to the question of "Why Japanese?" from being "I like anime and manga."
Honestly, if you really wanna learn Japanese, don't go to college classes. You can try one if you like, but that's not there that you'll learn most of your stuff. Use it to ask question to your instructor. If you're really motivated in learning Japanese, read the guide in the OP. If you have questions on what stuff to use and why, you can come back here. Try out the resources first, though.
>Soukou Akki Muramasa 2.86

That's the line count. You can't compare Moege that have short lines and Muramasa that uses long-ass sentences (and that's not even touching the difficulty of the kanji used there).
That one even has borderline OK anatomy... I really like Steins;Gate's look, but huke really should take some anatomy lessons...
It's just that I remembered replying to some posts in the past 2 months from beginners, and I wonder how is it that there was barely a single one of them asking some basic-but-slightly-higher-level questions afterwards.

I didn't miss that thread when it happened but I did closed the tab and not returned for 2 days or so. Fuck all that drama man.

>Yes. He's admitted multiple times to flooding the thread
>since Feb.
Yeah alright I missed this. Motherfucker that was disappointing.

Okay how about now? Is that person still doing these fake questions or has he quit doing it?
>MB size
Any drop outs / actual NEETs here? How are you doing? I'm pretty stupid myself and need a long time to get even just basic stuff, is there any hope for me trying to learn? I really can't imagine myself being able to memorize thousands of kanji or reading at a decently fast pace even in the future..
>that's the line count
No that was the file size of the script which is indicative of raw character count
That said it does take longer to read more difficult works, and 3mb~ is on the higher side anyway. However, you said it's length is what puts people off but its really not. It's definitely the difficulty.
My bad, I didn't consider this. Still, you can't say that it's 'not very long'. Muramasa is still long. The fact that there are longer VNs or VNs of comparable size doesn't actually go against this.
>Okay how about now? Is that person still doing these fake questions or has he quit doing it?
Yes. He's being quiet now outside of that, but prepare for his next break of autism where he finds something new to throw a massive fit in the thread over. The most recent one was the OP link redirect we were using.
Bretty good
You can learn if you don't give up. Language is squired through sheer exposure, so just keep reading/doing anki and you'll make it.
they are difficult to read for reasons other than just purely the text such as being boring and gay

lasers are the fuckin shit man

yeah just go from just being a normal gaijin to being a fuckin weirdo gaijin

as it turns out the 新人はお前

yeah im pretty sure theres stuff posted not in earnest currently
Someone here said that it's not that difficult in terms of reading, but there are a lot of references to culture in Muramasa. How exactly does someone get ready for that?
Doing pretty good.

>Any drop outs / actual NEETs here?

Where exactly do you think you are

Also anyone without a learning disability can learn Japanese with enough time and effort, although if you've already imagined yourself failing then you're off to a real bad start.
You become Japanese.
Why is choosing a kanji name considered weird?
Weep little lion man
I'll be done infusing myself with Samurai blood this week, would that be enough?
So that means a big part of unnecessary bullshit on recent djt threads are caused by one guy, great.
>Sakura no Uta
Of course, I'm not denying that. It's like reading Tolkien when English is not your primarily language, it's long and hard to read, but it's so interesting that you'll never feel like stopping. Well, if you like Tolkien that is.
The guy who threw a fit over the ugly Sakura image being rejected, the guy who made the /qa/ thread, the guy who spammed fake threads to make the mods mad, the guy who's been spamming fake posts, the guy who deactivated a bunch of CoR links, and the guy who whined about the OP link are all the same person.
>the guy who deactivated a bunch of CoR links
Wait what?
Do what interests you and learning will just happen.
> the guy who deactivated a bunch of CoR links
I think I missed that part, or skim read the thread about it. But for the rest, what the actual fuck.

That is mindblowing... on second thought probably not, given that we are on 4chan. Though still, what in the blue hell is that guy even thinking.
New thread? We're over the bump limit.
Ask your japanese friends and see their face change into awkwardness and mild discomfort.
All the dead links in the CoR were on his account and he deactivated them out of anger (while in a heated argument he said he's the one who created the CoR and then shortly after that a bunch of links started dying). Luckily people made backups for the all of the text LNs and the important decks though, so all that was really lost was some movies and manga that no one has re-uploaded.
>I am having trouble
>I am truly at a loss as to how to act

Why do they use the past tense here?
I don't have any Japanese friends IRL. I just speak to them via texting. But the won't explain it though even if they think it's weird.
He's a strange guy. Way too committed to be a troll but some of his stuff just can't be legit, like telling people to write an essay about what they studied that day to prove they weren't wasting their time in /djt/ doing nothing before actually being allowed to question him and his contradicting posts
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He's spent hundreds of hours doing this crap at this point. If he hates DJT that much I don't really get why he wouldn't just use the filter function like a sane human being would, but whatever.

A bit late but names don't have to be 2 characters each just so you know.

To illustrate, here's two names 櫻 (さくら) and 藤本太郎喜左衛門将時能 (ふじもとたろうきざえもんのしょうときよし)
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Seriously what magic is this where past tense can be past and present?
why does it have to be an essay as one extreme as opposed to nothing at all, the other extreme

i think its valid to ask people to share something from their study when they post about how they studied and attach a stupid anki stats picture
The other guy is right. Normally gaijin just don't do that.

Heh. I actually thought sakuraposter were just here to argue some bullshit and never actually learned any japanese. But it seems like he could be very good in japanese if he's being judged solely from the fact that he uploads a lot CoR materials.

Wait... is he also that one guy seemingly hate imouto to his core? Or that is another, different guy that just have an issue with avatarfagging?
The last one is pretty cool, but I'm sure that's unachievable for a 外人. What name do you think I should pick with my character list?
its only present tense in the sense that "i am in the state of having been troubled" for example

the english sentences there now sound a whole lot better dont they
It's one thing to casually discuss things you're reading (happens quite often in the thread) and how you're finding it, it's another to be extremely hostile and demand as much proof as possible (including calling import history over the course of several days fake) and demanding that you translate several excerpts from what you're reading to show that you're actually reading something.
There could be several guys for all we know but there is definetely one very commited guy
Great paranoia. Is it really that hard to believe that someone would have an issue with avatarfagging on this site?
>Wait... is he also that one guy seemingly hate imouto to his core? Or that is another, different guy that just have an issue with avatarfagging?
Considering someone was spamming the shit out of imouto posts the other day after spamming a ton of fake questions, I wouldn't be surprised, but who knows, I was more referring to filtering the DJT thread as a whole so he wouldn't see it anymore though.
But I'm not very normal, I don't care what other 外人 do with their katakana names.
i mean i agree when it comes to that kind of autistic intensity but what came to mind when i wrote that was an exchange where someone wouldnt even say one word after talking about studying for like 80 minutes or some shit

however i did get a few favorable responses (in that they at least posted something) from asking the same thing to a few people though

Japanese past tense doesn't function the exact same way as the English past tense, so it goes.
But that happened, anon. Some one actually replied to his list of "What'd did you read today? What interesting kanji did you learn? What happened in whatever you read, prove you read it", but the guy that seriously answered him was just told not to google random games and kanji just to pretend.
The japanese 'past tense' just means that the action the verb expresses is finished, so here it mean that whatever is troubling you has already happened, so now you need to do something about it.
Don't forget that he later added on that the review must be in both English and Japanese

He's a paradox man. It's literally impossible he's serious with the bullshit he keeps calling people out on yet he's way too invested to do it as a joke and way too hostile to do it for self entertainment
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This may just be the greatest pun of all time.
I found a bunch of epubs once on PD, of the Kadokawa Tsubasa Bunsho reprints of the Bokura, 2-A, and Tokyo Cats' Town series by Osamu Souda. They're a pretty easy read, and more interesting than the literal baby books in that one picture book torrent on nyaa.
Anyone actually bought the physical Tae Kim or do you guys use the web version?
Hey guys I have a really stupid question.

What exactly does the phrase "nandesute" mean and what are the components of it? I'm really confused about it.
困る is an instantaneous verb. The meaning in Japanese is more like "become troubled/at a loss" rather than just "be troubled/at a loss," if that makes any sense.

困る means "to become troubled," while 困った means "I have become troubled," which is basically the same thing as "I am troubled." This is also why 困っている and 困った are almost interchangeable.

There are many other verbs in Japanese that behave this way but don't translate as neatly.
More than one person having the same issue, sure. I do think there is seemingly one person that seems to be very into hating imouto.

Cool. Respect.

English tense says when something happens in time, i.e. in the past. Japanese tense do it from a different viewpoint. Don't know how to say it exactly. Relative to time or something?

困りました is a completed, realized state. In the state of being 困る. Hence, past tense. Just read more and don't think too much about 1:1 in regards to tense.
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Don't worry it's all daijoubu.
check the お嬢様辞典

thank god for that
Your own name in katakana unless you're just talking about a username or something.

So let me guess, to determine if it's currently troubled or previously troubled but no longer when both are 困りました it's... context.
dont even do katakana. why make your own name sound more foolish

keep it in english and be proud of your own name
I want a name with the following characters: 甲悪鬼武劒闘戦。I mean 4 characters from this list.
But my name is not English.
If you want more information on the use of past tense and present tense, check the first part of the DoIJG.
How could you even translate that pun? Sucks having such hilarious dialogue and being unable to let the readers experience it.
That's why don't think about it too much and just read more.
If you keep thinking the way you're thinking, you'll be left wondering why you need past tense verb to talk about something that happens in the future.
What a faggot. I hope you're not calling yourself Dave O'Connor when you're traveling in Ireland.

It's just a sassy nandatte?
>what VN(s) made you finally start learning Japanese?
>have you read them yet and did you enjoy them as much as you thought?
Who are you quoting?
is 毛糸 pronounced け+いと or けい+と?
if your names not something that can be written well in english letters then the barrier gets even higher

i still think its cool to preserve your true name and use katakana only to teach how to say it or whatever though

though i guess if youre insistent on kanji 黒炎巨匠 will suffice
>what VN(s) made you finally start learning Japanese?
You're implying I'm learning Japanese for a specific VN which is not the case. Also, why are you using the quote function?

>though i guess if youre insistent on kanji 黒炎巨匠 will suffice
I don't visit countries with subhumans.
My name can be written in English, but the pronunciation is very different from the original. If my name undergoes the Source - English - Katakana change it becomes pretty hideous.
I don't like the 黒 kanji very much. I wanna use something like 甲鬼・武劒.
Don't do it. It really is ridiculous. Chinese do it with english names, and that's already stupid enough.
>I don't visit countries with subhumans.
Where are you from?
I've heard that like 5 times already, but nobody has explained why it's ridiculous. I don't see any problem, katakana is stupid.
The Glorious Nippon basically (日本国)
>The Glorious Nippon basically (日本国)
I see, so you're the subhuman.
what's your name?
>Chinese do it with english names, and that's already stupid enough.
Because their name is super difficult to pronounce for us. I personally think Japanese also should have their English names.
But Japanese names arn't hard for us to pronounce at all
Dude, this guy right here >>139294261 just quote Chuunibyou's "Dark Flame Master" on you.
6/10 here's your (You)
fuck man come on
This one was great Jamal, I didn't see it coming honestly.
No, I'm a very white 白人 and a honorary 日本人.
I'm going by 甲鬼・武劒 for now, but I'll probably make a few improvements. It's read 「ヨロイ・タケツルギ」. Translation is 「Armored Demon・Warrior of the Sword」.
I'm pretty sure his name has something to do with incinerating black people.
lol. I thought you'd feel good somebody got your reference. Turns out it's the other way around. Sorry.
>No, I'm a very white 白人 and a honorary 日本人.
I'm just messing with you anyway, since your trolling was obvious from the get go.
Yeah, I figured that you would be salty about someone being unique and not conforming to the katakana standard.
>Yeah, I figured that you would be salty
I'm more into pepper myself.
cant your name just be carl who likes pussy also no it has nothing to do with burning black people god already did that so no weird racist shit please


just be you dude even if its gay its your right
i just ate bacon, and i put pepper on it. allow me to use that segue into something:
i've heard that bacon in japan is crap, and that it's all fake processed stuff, that what they call bacon there is sort of just a symbol depicting the *idea* of bacon, or something. furthermore, i've heard that because of this, japanese people don't even consider it meat. can anyone share some insight on this? in general i find it sort of hard to believe, they probably have some equivalent to real bacon don't they?
i mean you can just eat horse bacon i guess

That pun is literally untranslateable, no english phrase could mean both shove it in deep and copyright page.
>i've heard that bacon in japan is crap, and that it's all fake processed stuff


Source: I live in Japan
The intended readers experience it already.
I'm too dumb to get it even with rikai
>奥付/奥付け: Copyright page
>奥付け: SHOVE IT IN DEEP! (copyright pages are put at the back hence why they got that name)
other acceptable tls include "up ya butt"
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You don't.
>author afterword
>本作品、如何だったでしょうか?諸々の説明や小話は割愛し、見ていただき、楽しんでいただけたら幸いです。(rambles on for another paragraph*

What's that 諸々の説明や小話は割愛し bit saying? Can't make heads or tails of it.

source? isbn doesn't work and if the name's in the image i'm too much of a scrub to find it
Someone explain it, I want to know if my guess is right without ridiculing myself if I'm wrong
The title's right there at the top of the copyright box like every work ever.
You ridiculed yourself already by not reading the thread. >>139296167 >>139295574
I tried that but I'm not getting any results
Oh, I couldn't understand his post at first. Now I get it. Why are we pretending it's the greatest pun of all time?
I get links to torrents and amazon just by putting in google so better check your spelling.

It might not be the best ever but it's a pretty good pun to be honest kazoku, I'd give it 8/10.
i mean to be honest i wanted to write something @ that like hey i read manga for the first time today mom but i decided against it cause its kinda mean

anyway yeah its a funny joke for the kids
Nevermind I found the author
Idk what I'm doing wrong with the title though
The Greatest Pun of All Time
no one? ;_;
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Try Flyable Heart. Don't get put off by the moege look and introduction, it has a really high quality scifi plot that gets developed in the routes. Certainly a lot better than 聖騎士, that's for sure.
Is there a way to combine Rikaisama auto-import with Epwing2Anki? It would get audio + slightly better translations. Or am I too autistic?

Anyway can somebody repost the link to the guide how to set up auto-import to Anki in Rikaisama?
おい、 正直言って家族だぞ!「首を振る」
"basically i wrote this thing like shit but,"
Dumb question :

I set anki to reset at 23:00 because I'd usually wake up rather early so it'd give me the entire day to do my reps which was perfect. Problem is nowadays I wake up rather late and I feel rushed having to finish my reps before 23 so I'd like to push the date during the night / morning, let's say 6-9am but it seems I'd lose a day if I'd do that?

What to do?
I think it's a reaction to DFW
I've read it and it's probably the closest to what I'm looking for in terms of route content and relationship progression, yeah.
Answer you want: Push it ahead in one hour intervals every day.
Answer you need: Stop caring about stuff like this and just set the new time.
Thanks, I heard a lot about it but was indeed put of by the look. I'll check it out.
How does that work?

The 見ていただき、楽しんでいただけたら that follows after means the entire sentence is referring to something the readers are doing right? Just no idea what.

ok ok it says "if you skip all the long winded bullshit,"
Oh I see. Sadly no other VN I've read is as good in that way, I've read VNs with fantastic romances and relationships, and I've read VNs with enthralling, well-written plots, but no VN does both of them simultaneously as well as Flyable Heart.
Is there an actual word for shoegaze in japanese or is シューゲーズ about right?
Pls no troll bully.
that answer was in earnest i just didnt literal tl it because you know those words right

you can also just leave it as shoegaze in english letters because people who know it know but yeah it remains and english term either way
Any with just the former? I mostly just don't like having a ton of lewd scenes shoved in my face and would rather that time be spent on progressing the relationship at a slower rate and having lots of cute moments even after the first H scene.
Yeah i was gonna leave it english but it felt weird which is why i asked if that kana form would work, just gonna leave it in english since it is an english word and you never see it in Kana
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So guys



we had our own teamspeak server?
It would be written in katakana, but that's not the proper spelling. Please tell me you're not one of those artists that shoves shitty Japanese in their song info/covers because it looks cool.

Kill yourself
You could just do reading practice, instead of wasting your time.
>proper spelling in katakana
and no im not that shit is fucking infuriating and bugs me to no end. and pisses me off genuinely when the music is good and not to mention thats vaporwave no shoegaze
just needed to use it in a sentence about music
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I'd rather make a telegram group.

I don't want to hear the voices of people.
real answer its fruitless if its a bunch of gaijins you need at least some amount of natives who are foolish enough to want to put themselves through that
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Fureraba pretty much exactly describes what you want.
what's more important your anki record or learning the language
>If you skip the long winded bullshit/諸々の説明や小話, read the work, and enjoy it, it would make me happy
Really? So he's berating his own work?
Also how would telling them to skip it then right after to please 見る it work even.
I wonder where they got the げ reading for 吐 from...
Alright, I guess I'll give that a try soon and the one mentioned in the /jp/ thread. Any others?
Why don't you try >>>/wsr/
people do that all the time

ok maybe hes saying he didnt explain things very well and left out some stuff but it could be cool if you read and enjoyed
>ok maybe hes saying he didnt explain things very well and left out some stuff but it could be cool if you read and enjoyed
I don't know anon this doesn't sound right. Guess I'll have to wait for imouto if no one knows.
No thanks I'm good here. I doubt anyone there speaks Japanese let alone is able to fill my request anyways.
Omitting the various explanations and anecdotes,
Receiving the favor of looking/watching,
If I can receive the favor of you enjoying it,
I would be very happy.

>Putting aside all the explanations and anecdotes, I would be delighted to have you look at and enjoy it.
He is probably referring to the 本作品 mentioned earlier.
you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink
So when using Rikaisama's Anki Real-Time Import Feature, how can I force it to import not the first result, but some other one? E.g. for 風 it displays ふり as first result and I would prefer to import かぜ to Anki.
Press U to enable sticky mode and hover over かぜ.
What's that first part supposed to be together like that? Rush to play, game of charging in?
gotta play fast
It could benefit you to be a little more open-minded to consider other people's explanation >>139297503 and to think that there is a chance that it could be right.

Put aside honorific form for a second, Japanese have random ass phrases like "I know this is shit but" when giving a present, "My house is small and have no walls but" when inviting someone over, or "I can't even fly" when deflecting a praise.
What you're asking is the same concept as stated by >>139298948
Thanks a lot. Just from curiosity, is there a way to make it display more results? (It's not something I need right now, but I do see sometimes the three dots at the bottom and it makes me curious)
To anyone who uses the "J-J dic 1.7z"/"J-J dic 2.7z" dictionary packs uploaded a few threads back: in what format are those dictionaries? GoldenDict 1.0.1 seems to be unable to process them.
Why is there a お before 体 and a お before 大事 in this phrase?
Also, does anybody know if there is a way for Rikaisama to do two things with one button click? I tried changing the shortcuts of two features to one key, but Rikaisama perform only one of the actions.
What is the point of spamming these questions. Are you trying to make a point or something?
are you the autistic spammer troll
dont worry i know youre legit so ill help you

its just to be nice. you dont have to have it there if you dont wanna be nice
So I want to learn japanese, where do I begin
I'm not a spammer, I just found this phrase on Anki while doing core 2k and couldn't understand that part of it. It's the expression for 大事.
>Putting aside all the explanations and anecdotes
Yeah I mean that's what I read it as first too but it makes no sense hence why I asked, it's just a generic lewd h manga, what explanations and anecdotes.
And I'm not the spammer. He doesn't ask questions about software, only about the language.
Right, thanks. Updated to a bleeding edge build and it works. Seems weird they're keeping a really old release as a default.
Here is my proof.
Oh wait nevermind I'm a giant fucking idiot, it's referring to the fucking sentence itself, "to cut shit short, thanks for reading my shit ya'll".

Fuck 20 hours of no sleep.
Why the fuck is the text crossed with blue lines?

Way to go, asshole, you broke it.
I'm never helping you again.
お is just a generic honorofic. Just view it as making sentences fancier.
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Why would you ever give edit access to a community of idiots?
yea like i said お goes before if you want to be nice. if you dont have it though be careful because theres times where not saying it means youre kind of a fuckhead (but youre okay with that)
Indicates respect for the thing being marked or whoever is responsible or affected by it.
oh and i forgot to mention in that sentence if you dont have the お in お大事に then the whole thing kinda eats shit because of the nature of the phrase so the sentence would have to change

Thanks, anons. Sorry for raising suspicions.
You can make it readable by going
file -< make a copy
oh, you didn't get the memo? imouto was offensive to people, so we had him replaced with jamal. it's a huge improvement, let me tell you.

also, don't forget every time you post a question to prove that you're not a spammer.
i went to the guide for the first time and i left a special message both at the top and very end of it for you guys

what if i told you we were the same person
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I change this setting to 1 every night. And every night, it resets. Why.
Thanks anon
What? Imouto's gone? U joke rite.

Well at least I figured it out eventually at >>139301705 but it's not the same without a cute imouto.

Also there's a spammer now too?
Is speed reading easier in Japanese and Chinese compared to languages that use alphabets?
I'm not that good yet so it doesn't happen often, but sometimes I just skim through text and the kanji just tell the story without having to think at all. In comparison, speed reading still requires you to process individual words, so I find that it's harder to understand everything while maintaining a fast pace.
id say so
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mf is messing with the guide in op
See >>139302200
You can also just click the green "Suggesting button" and click "View final version" or whatever on the dropdown.
its better the other way
thanks anon. my bad not lurking a bit more


what are some Japanese memes I should know for 2ch etc?
Arrow in the knee.
How difficult is Sakura no Uta? How many months of studying would you need to read it at a decent pace, while looking up a word here and there?
I'm confused about 掛ける. Is it another do-it-all verb like する and 付く?
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and the attached pic are all you really need

depends on you and what you do in your life

yeah i guess cause you use it in a good grip of things and situations
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What compelling content are you enjoying?
Was doing my reps while watching random ドラマ I downloaded from nyaa. 山田くんと7人の魔女 in this case. Not sure what I'm gonna watch after I finish it though.
まいてつ It was a mistake. Gonna drop it soon.
Why? Is it too difficult?
Is it any good?
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星空のメモリア is pretty damn good.
Yes and I don't want to fill my deck with train terminology. It's also honestly quite boring.
Is this the infamous wish to become starry night game?
It's my first dorama that isn't just random shit that was playing on that streaming site. Mostly picked it because I watched the anime and stuff and I wouldn't be completely lost as a result of that. It's alright I guess? I don't really have a point of reference to compare it to. It seems fine so far from an adaptation standpoint if that's what you mean, but the production values and acting seem pretty standard compared to the random episodes of stuff that was on that channel.

If you watch dorama, do you have recs for stuff that has a batch on nyaa? Preferably something that is generic enough / doesn't have enough of a plot to easily get lost and have no idea what's going on, but not something really good that I'll feel bad for ruining.
im sorta triggered by you saying dorama so much

whats the deal
He's trying to start some dorama.
dorama dorama dorama
This >>139305959
What would you prefer. J-Drama? Just drama? I'm new to all this shit I'm mostly just into weebshit, so I don't know the proper terms to use on 4chan.
how about you watch some anime instead
like its ok to say whatever you want i was just twitchin in my chair a lil bit over it

i think objectively just saying drama is the least triggering of them all if youre talking in english
Are you implying he's some kind of cartoon-watching nerd?
Less visual stuff to go by and I'm a weeaboo so I care more about ruining anime. I could re-watch stuff I've already seen or something though.

ok doraman
youve claimed you are a weeaboo twice but i dont really believe it

can you show me some credentials
I have over 300 confirmed animes
>only 300
Take a look at this retard.
I'm catching up don't worry, I watch 20+ shows a season.
He's saying "Since that's my favorite thing about her" right?
im just not buying it. the impression i get is that you smoke weed, go to parties, do sex, and are just generally an all around bro

actually it says i wish someone drew my 彼女 better because she looks like shit
I thought he was saying "because this thing is my favourite girl"
ya man i do hte sex things and smoke the lcd and pvc

What are you reading? Gotta at least keep it somewhat nihongo related you know. Also this new "Select images of ____ until none are left" captcha is shit and doesn't even work.
>tfw better than anyone in this thread at japanese
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greg should find different friends
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4chan was objectively better when sage was a thing
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I need your help again, aniki.

What does this say?
まも孕イえひらまタへたっせチえはひてさえぁゃんい に
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Ok so I plan on studying pre-med but my school offers a minor in Japanese. I want to get it but it owuld be useless for med school because most japanese people in america also speak english. Something like business administration would be much more useful, but I really want to do japanese. What do I do? Fun but useless or slightly less fun but useful?
The pleasure of having a dick in your mouth.
>studying pre-med but my school offers a minor in Japanese
>memorization heavy major
>memorization heavy minor
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minors are useless

just do whatever's easy and doesn't look gay
major in weebspeak or no balls.
Funny you mention it, Anki is incredibly popular among med students too. Japanese learners and med students are probably the two biggest groups of people that use Anki.
I've already learned all of the kana myself and numbers (in hiragana, not kanji yet) and some basic vocab. Plus memorizing japanese and science are both things I enjoy greatly.
guys pls
Japanese has much, much more to memorize than you think it does.
What part are you having trouble with?
How autistic is this language?
just substitute whatever you want

nothing important has ever been said by anyone with a dick inside of them
I think you need to be an actual Japanese speaker to accurately translate something, because googletranslate for example doesn't change the words into something you can understand. It's sometimes broken english and not something you would understand, while a human would know how to correctly say it in english.
ANIKI listen. The person saying that is important to me. That person needs my help.
what a baffling response

are you okay?
Oh I know it takes years. And I'm willing to go through with it.
Don't let it fuck with your med studies.
So you were machine translating and want us to translate part of it for you?
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Two questions regarding Japanese.

What is the purpose of "きますよ" in the following sentence?

Why wouldn't 買っています work? Why not 買います?

Also, what is te form for もっていく?
買ってきます means he's going somewhere to buy it
買っています means he's in the progress of buying it right now
買います means will buy it now

Read a grammar guide or something
Is "You got it!" too informal a translation for 了解しました?
yeah I worded it poorly. What I meant was I was using machine translations, and the results are not always understandable.

While a human can translate it more accurately and say it in a way that makes sense in english.
Comprehension did formally!
"easy peasy lemon squeezy"

now THIS is fansubbing
The "きます" is the same as "来ます"?

The sentence could technically be written as?:
yes but not really

don't write it like that
>the comprehension is finished
How did I do?
If you write japanese here, お世話焼きの日本人が添削してくれるらしな。
Even the lines that come out sounding comprehensible are probably wrong though. What's the point in producing a translation like that?
Thanks, I wasn't sure if that was something I might have accidentally glossed over.

What about te form for

It means to take (a thing), but in some dialogue in my textbook, it's written as "もっていきましょうか" and is translated as "Shall I bring something?"

Why is it not "Shall I take something?"
Why I'm I being meme'd here? I am just asking if 了解 + a polite form is formal enough that "I gt it" is too casual a translation.
This isn't a translation thread.
OH! アイ ラーブ ザ ジャパニーズ ピポー! 
イエス、アハーン? サムライ イズ So good!
You are over-worrying, EOPs will eat any shit.
el nihongo is much the kawaii desu neigh www
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This >>139309254

If EOPs spent half the time learning the language as they did watching anime / reading translated shit, they wouldn't need to rely on translations anymore.
I'm kind of getting burnt out on reading since I have to use a dictionary so much and it really makes things slow. What do you guys do to deal with this? Should I find something easier? Should I just take a break?
The best strategy is to watch so much anime you become fluent in Japanese
I drink a cup of stop being a little bitch
I'm not asking for the meaning. I know the meaning, but I am not sure if I am conveying the right formality level.
are you ESL?
why not write "is that understood"

Firstly, it is not a question in this case, it's like the (A: "わかった。やってみろ. Understood, go ahead and try it." B: 了解しましたYou got it, sir!")

Secondly, "Understood" works, but I was wondering if "I got it" works given the formality level.

Thirdly, as seen in the context, there was already a わかった beforehand, so I wanted to translate 了解しました differently from that (this is less important. I honestly just want an answer as to if "You got it!" is too informal)

I can't really help being burnt out, can I?
>not ESL
>wondering if "You got it" = 了解しました in terms of formality
Are you Australian, then? Or some remote village in the country isolated from the outside world?
i'm having a hard time believing you're not ESL if you think "I got it" is even slightly formal
oh it wasnt a question but there was a question mark so i was confused

why not just put "roger dodger"

"you got it" is probably just inappropriate for the situation more than likely
You might be making the same misunderstanding as the person below if I have to guess. Otherwise, I don't understand why you think I am ESL.

Unless you are ESL yourself and don' know that "You got it" can be used as an affirmative response to a request/command.

You are not understanding me. I know it is informal. My whole issue is I am asking if it is too informal a translation for 了解しました; in other words, perhaps 了解しました is too formal to be translated as the informal "You got it!"

"Roger (that)" could work too, yes. So you would say "You got it" really is too informal, correct?
it really depends on the situation its being said in

it might be formal enough but is it appropriate for the situation (do people say this often enough)

i think thats the bigger issue
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