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Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1482

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 576
Thread images: 51

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.

Previous Thread:
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As long as you never give up and you keep pushing to better yourself, you'll make it no matter what. You CAN learn Japanese!
The productivity now at universities is terrible. Tenure is a terrible idea. It keeps them around forever and they don't have to work hard.
I'm learning Japanese for maitetsu.
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ok ill say it in english. whats up dude

フラッシュカード勉強はどうだ? 何か出来ますか?

証拠は? このカキコ見ろ



Reminder that the objective best way to learn Japanese is to buy a high quality laser from Bitlasers! It's scientifically proven to increase your Japanese capabilities in magnitudes previously considered impossible.
it can also burn your dick off
Didn't Sekai Project announce that and the first leyline VN?
Yes they announced the version with removed content.
I'm learning Japanese for Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa nai.
For what purpose.
I'm learning Japanese for my dick.
Does Hanahira have a custom resolution option, or do I have to choose between a small box and fullscreen?
Someone will probably just patch back in the lewd and slap shitty translations on the untranslated content.
i like my hentai porno games the way i like my dick

uncut and not translated poorly into disgusting gaijin tongue
If the english version is any good, I will give you my ass.
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Most of you are probably aware of this already, but I'll just use the chance to announce it once more while the thread is still young:

The new guide has been implemented.

You're invited to check it out and leave some feedback or a comment, send me an email or to leave me a message right here (just don't expect a reply anytime within the next 12 hours).

That is all.
Happy learning, and good night.
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Stop trying to learn Japanese. You can't do it.
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for christ's sake, say it properly, in japanese
Thanks for your hard work anon.
>tfw there is an anki deck for wanikani but there isn't an anki deck for bitlasers
You are right, I can't learn something I've already learnt
I find it harder and harder to remember new words around 3500-4000 in the 6k deck, anyone else get that? Maybe it's because there are a bunch of new kanji that have weird readings.
I usually just lower my monitor resolution to 720p from 1080p for old games.
He's just spamming his shitty Japanese in every thread until he finds someone who is actually impressed.
That's around the point where Core starts introducing new kanji again after slowing down around the 2000 mark, yeah.
So, I do not like the fact RtK wants you to recognize kanji by using English keywords for mnemonics. Are there any Anki decks or alternative methods in the CoR that gives you a sentence in hiragana with the kanji applied somewhere, or any other sort of thing where you use Japanese context to learn and retain the Kanji?
>took 20mg Adderall
>it hardly did anything, just made my physically incapable of being tired while I studied

Well so much for that.
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im impressed
>namasensei zip added to the CoR
If learning it inside of a piece of vocabulary is sufficient context, then I recommend Core.
Well that makes me feel better about lowering new cards.
If you want context, just do Core2k honestly. The point of RtK is not to make you learn readings.
His 大阪弁 lesson is great.
You could also just shift your focus to mining. It's easier to learn words that you mined and they're more likely to pop up again in the things you're reading. I dropped Core about 3000 words in and increased my new card rate.
I do 2/3rds core and 1/3rd mined.
I'm using the Furigana Inserter with Firefox + Rikaisama/Anki.

I noticed that Inserter seems to put random spaces between words, even though the text hook displays the text normally. Has this happened to anyone else?
>I'm using the Furigana Inserter with Firefox + Rikaisama/Anki.

Makes importing into Anki a breeze. It displays the hooked text on a Firefox HTML page that autoscrolls, so then it's just a matter of hitting R over any words.
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You don't actually use it for Furigana.
You use it because it can watch the Clipboard.
Why would you need the furigana inserter for that, though? Can't you do it without it?
I see, thanks for the additional comment.

What is the reasoning behind the order the kanji are presented in Core? How they build upon primitives, like RtK? How often they appear in content, say newspapers and magazines? How simple they are, or how elementary school children learns them? I really like the logical reasoning behind how the kanji are presented in RtK, just not the method to remember them.
The order presented in RtK is hardly logical. He teaches you completely useless kanji at first as though they're common or something.
Im perfectly fine with memorising and writing hiragana and katakana.
The problem Im having now is mixing them to make words, what would be the best option to learn and remember?
It's a tad bit more complicated than the RtK order. It starts off with numbers and then proceeds to build up with the most used kanji in newspapers, while still having some logic behind it. For instance, most of the time you use kanji you already learned as building blocks for other kanji you'll see later in the deck. But that's not an individual kanji method, it's a vocabulary deck.
From a radical point of view, RtK is very logical though.
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is this a trick question? anki
read more.
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>mixing them to make words
You mean you're having trouble with vocabulary? I'm not even sure what you're talking about but since you seem new try the recommended learning methods in the guide.

It is logical to me in the sense that it gives you one or two primitives and shows most/all kanji that can be built with the primitives you've learned. The fact that it does not present the Kanji in their order of frequency is hardly a problem since I intend on tackling the whole RtK (or, how it has been suggested, core2k) at once.
Yeah, it's pretty much only used for the clipboard monitoring feature. If someone wants to they could probably take the extension and remove everything except for the clipboard monitor related stuff, but I don't know enough about coding to do that.
just put 2-4 of them together in a random order and youll get a word probably
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>most/all kanji that can be built with the primitives
That's not true though, RTK1 doesn't teach you all the kanji, just the most common one (i.e. Jouyou kanji).
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Ok guys, list your 3 favourite Kanji based on looks, sound and meaning

写真 - "Shashin" is the perfect sound for a photo, sounds exactly like a camera.

猫 - Looks so much like a cat that I'm convinced it was created by an ancient japanese kid who was the daughter of the guy who made all the Kanji, and he just stuck her drawing of a cat in there for laughs.

花火 - "Fire Flower" is such a great description of a firework.
>posts vocabulary
core2k starts with the usual basics like numbers and verbs like eat, do, drink and so on while also throwing in kanji that are used in a lot of other words, like 上 and 下.

>The fact that it does not present the Kanji in their order of frequency is hardly a problem since I intend on tackling the whole RtK (or, how it has been suggested, core2k) at once.
Not the best mindset since you can definitely start reading long before finishing core2k if you wish to, just get a text hooker.
一 ニ 三

This one is great.
y-you knew what i meant you cunt
Who's the girl in the webm?
Risa. I'm learning Japanese so that I can confess to her my feelings.

what feelings im giving you a chance to save yourself here be grateful
the feeling of being cummed inside
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乖離, sounds great and that 乖 is just too damn cute
Of all martial arts move names 燕返 is probably the coolest both looks and sounds wise
And of course 齎す, especially in phrases like 世界に混沌を齎す
>125 beginner Japanese words

Now that's just fucking stupid
in a world of selfies i think thats pretty reasonable
I often wonder about that video, because it seems to just be a mashup of a ton of other recordings they did that I'm assuming they never released. To the point where atleast one word got repeated (暖かい) and that's just one I noticed.

Thinking about it now though I bet these are all clips of larger videos you can find if you pay for the podcasts101 thing. If not it's very weird.

You ain't the imouto I know.
Is there some way to change the order that new cards appear in? I just kind of throw as many words as I find into my deck and I want to do certain ones right now but they're hundreds of cards in.
If it's only certain cards, you can manually schedule them instead of waiting for them to be added.

Is it Edit > Reposition and then just click okay?

I have no idea what anime I heard it in, but when I got to おなか in core2k/6k that "おなかすいた" played in my head and it's been annoying me for ages now.

Is there a character that said this a lot? Is it just a random sentance said once that got stuck in my mind somehow? Who knows.
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Not sure if this belongs here, but I made a map of where 日系生活圏 related stuff is in the US out of boredom. Am I missing anything?

It's used a lot since it means "I'm hungry".
probably anyone that was ever hungry

one that comes to mind is moe from d.c.
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yeah it's a common phrase but I have a really specific sound bite playing in my head that's from a specific character.

I guess I'll never know
Yeah I can understand that, everytime I see お兄さま I hear Saori Hayami voice acting Miyuki in Mahouka.
Well, apparently there are a few in Tampa and Miami. I didn't even really look for Florida specifically since it doesn't have many Japanese people. I just added them.
holy shit ive been on /g/ and /pol/ for the last 4 years and i didnt know /a/ was this bad at japanese
Why's it all close to the fucking borders?
Nebraska and surrounding states aren't exactly known for their Japanese population.
The people there just lack vision.
>Nebraska and surrounding states aren't exactly known for their population.
Fixed that for you.
As usual, the map is almost just a general population density map.
everything cool is on one coast or the other
That's where the major cities are.
The borders is where all the people are regardless of race. The middle of the country is all farmland
holy shit
There's a reason they're called flyover states
Feels good
how does it feel breathing polluted air every day of your life
Weeds out the weak. Cities have superior genetic material because what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
If you actually do that everyday it feels totally fine, right until you go camping or some shit and then go back and it feels disgusting. It's back to fine in a couple of hours, though.
Are any of these "wrong"? If not, do they have different meanings?
can you use all 3 in some sentences then i can tell you
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>allergic rhinitis

I know know of a market that I ought to check out. Thanks, anon.
I'm leaning towards the second or third but I can't be sure. If there's something else wrong with my examples then I'd love to know too.
I can't wait till his shit is back for Daily Dump. Can't believe it's not in the zip.
>Havent read in 3 days
>Just been watching jap tv and podcasts
A-atleast its compelling
>Fruit becomes tasty or nasty depending on the season.
I don't get it. Why does it become nasty?
What do you want to say exactly?
Tomorrow, you go to do your reps, to find you've magically become 100% fluent in Japanese.

What would you do?
Flirt with nips
Fuck off to Shitdit
Consume compelling content.

Come back here and commit all fluency to articulate shitposting in Japanese.
You can enjoy this park no matter what season it is.
Is it not clear the way I wrote them? What do each of them mean as they are?

Finish my reps.
Proceed to do my reps to become more literate than an average Jap.
Language study is all I have now so I'm not sure why would I do without it.
Apply for a Japanese visa and start studying German
the first
Is there a pronunciation difference between とうか and とおか?

I thought "-o" always had to be followed by "u" if it was doubled.
>I thought "-o" always had to be followed by "u" if it was doubled.
>I thought "-o" always had to be followed by "u" if it was doubled.
>Is there a difference

>I thought -o always had to be followed by -u
one of the more common words 十 can be pronounced as とお as in 十日.
Nah man.

Same goes for -e
What's the best way for a complete newbie to go about learning kana both writing and pronunciation? How did you anons go about doing it? I promised my semi-autistic friend to help him learn Japanese, but I have no idea how to help him with kana. I went to a Japanese immersion school, so I've known kana ever since I was 5 (although I mainly just fucked around for the first ten years so I'm still getting caught up on Kanji and vocabulary), and I actually cannot comprehend the difficulties he may be having with it.

Also, on a somewhat unrelated note. I started the core 2k/6k anki vocab deck 2 days ago, but I know all the super easy beginner words so I've been doing like 100 new cards a day. I recently learned though that there may be some review limit later or something. Is this going to fuck me over, or is it okay to keep doing 100 cards until I feel caught up?
Keep watching the anime I was watching instead of doing the reps in the first place
>Is there a pronunciation difference between とうか and とおか?

There will often be a difference in pitch accent between two words with the "same" pronunciation, so in that sense no but in terms of what vowel sounds you make they will be the same. The お just comes from a different thing from old japanese. Several things written お used to be ほ or を
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>I've known kana ever since I was 5 (although I mainly just fucked around for the first ten years
Does this mean that you're 15 and deserve an underage ban?
>What's the best way for a complete newbie to go about learning kana
Realkana + writing practice

Just set your review limit to 99999 and it doesn't matter how many new cards you do, provided you actually do all your reps every day
No, I mean that the first 10 years up until like mid high school I fucked around and then became interested in it and now study on my own in college.
The thought of 15 year olds coming here is giving me cold sweats.
Well, you could just get him an anki deck with included pronunciation audio.
Come on anon, nobody underage has ever came to 4chan before.
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The second RTK book is all about learning readings, and it's pretty good if you like the idea of signal groupings.
This, I bought a quality bitlaser and now I can watch all of my animes and read all of my mangas and pornographic powerpoints with ease. We should have mentioned this method of learning Japanese earlier and we'll have to try our hardest to bring it up in the future for aspiring learners.
holy shit
wa nai
i was just thinking about how practicing your broken japanese with each other is essentially linguistic inbreeding
Got a long drive tomorrow. Any listening I can do in the car? I wish there was an audio book for Japanese grammar or something.
>For some reason despite me not actually missing any days my anki graphs have just randomly inserted a gap in the middle of this months graphs
Your meme education is lacking. Go back to your meme inbreeding ground, /pol/
It was obvious from context of the discussion that RtK meant RtK1.

Are you reverse-baiting?
Paste DoJG into a text to speech engine
N-not sure if serious
on a serious note do any of you read the yomiuri (or more likely asahi) or do you just read childrens books and nhk kodomo to stay a at a 4th grade level
I used Heisig method to learn kana and managed to learn it within a week. It worked incredibly well for me.
>do any of you read the yomiuri (or more likely asahi)
Where do you think you are?
you should ask my dad this question since that is stuff for dads and fathers
Are these newspapers?
Hardly compelling content.
That's not all that impressive, to be honest. You can brute force it in no time.
お前らのオススメのboardsをtell me
Good for you?
nhk ezだけ
>within a week
I listen to NHK podcasts. Reading is for nerds


>nhk ez
hi leddit
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>OP has supposed thread etiquette
>everyone just memeing here

Nice thread
do you read fiction? nonfiction? it doesnt even have to be in japanese but if you dont learn about the culture its more than worthless. whats the good in saying "i dont know anything about that country but i speak their language"

i pass by a everyday in my college, "you cannot be literate in a language without knowing its literature"

and no i didnt just imply newspapers are literature
i just want hentai dude

I didn't know mlp.
are you talking about http://www.nhk.or.jp/radionews/ or http://www.nhk.or.jp/lesson/english/download/
the thing is basically youre taking this phrase you had and starting a sentence with it and its not really working out for you.

このパークはどの季節でも楽しめます is a way you could do the first one though you probably shouldnt ever in life

一年中でこのパークを楽しめます if you want to preserve your original sentence but sound less retarded while still without a doubt sounding retarded

two you should probably just see にも being used in more things so you understand when its used

three i just want to kill myself honestly
This is what happens when we don't have a link in the OP to quality lasers to point at the shitposters to keep them in line. Luckily some anons have seen the light and know bitlasers to be the one true path to fluency and enlightenment. That truth shall shine true.

I dunno dude i use a phone app

Take out the で
if you want to sound retarded while talking about not sounding retarded while speaking a language then just forgo all punctuation capitalization and sentence structure
I'd suggest learning English first before trying to correct other people's Japanese.
is it about japanese news or learning japanese
shut up nerd you aint shit
>you need to speak english well to be fluent in japanese
http://www.nhk.or.jp/radionews/ I suppose. I recognize the names
Jamal speaks better Japanese than English though.
im just here to say

get rek'd faggot

thats not saying a lot
I still prefer "underage autist"
assuming that english is his native language and he surely considers himself fluent while still managing to type like a nignog id assume he also sounds like a nignog in japanese while claiming fluency here in a malaysian fingerpainting board among people he claims to despise who he already knows dont know japnaese
どうせ英語のアニメみるならsouth park, rick and morty, archerとかが面白い
聞け!』その人にお願いするも あの人に聞けだの いや、あいつだ。とたらいまわしに。


I don't get this. My attempt:
"What should i do.. First I went to try to get help from the front desk. When I went and said "I'd like help" she said "Checking out?" I said "no, my car battery is dead". Then the reception said "go ask that guy standing over there". When I asked that person he said try asking that guy, and it went in circles like this"
i actually like everyone dude even you

granted i dont know how much of this gimmick goes over peoples heads
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Is Sakura OP's new plan to jamalpost this place to hell?
I think he's still caught up in the bitlaser thing
Nah I don't think so. Even if it is I don't really care at this point. Pretty sure that's why no one gives a shit that that one guy is tripfagging or any of the other stuff the thread would usually be mad about, because none of that is anywhere near as bad as the raging sakura autist.
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Your attempt is pretty good. I'm not sure what you don't get.

Does anyone know what this font problem is tho?
>It was obvious from context of the discussion that RtK meant RtK1.
Most people here have no idea what RTK when they discuss it and aren't aware that the entire programme is just as much about learning readings as it is about learning how to recall the kanji.
brackets will mess your life up
You guys really need to take a breather because these boogeyman are getting really sad. It's no different than /pol/tards and their jews by this point.
>Most people here have no idea what RTK when they discuss it and aren't aware that the entire programme is just as much about learning readings as it is about learning how to recall the kanji.
That's because most people only use the first and third part of RtK. In the context of the discussion, anon was asking about RtK1. RtK2 isn't popular anyway.
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It's been happening frequently lately
Says the guy who has people from /pol/ has boogeymen.
>replying to autists
Next you'll respond to the argumentative autist above you
People misuse them a fair amount, but Jamal is real and Sakura autist (name tentative since he's done much much more than get upset over having a shitty image rejected) is VERY VERY real.
brackets and commas will mess your life up
Foreigners who learn the Japanese in the anime will be introduced in the well Japanese TV
Is that common?
even me huh thats odd
some people get really mad and go crazy here but not me. i just take things easy and chill out generally. i mean look at all the flack i get

i just let go and let god deal with it while i watch his creations dance
Watching Usagi Drop makes me want to raise a cute little ハーフ with a nip woman.

But I need to learn this darned language first ;-;
ur nip is shit m8
the truth is you really dont. you can actually live that life without knowing much japanese (less japanese than you probably already know now)

theres people doing it right now
>Mr D is in his 20s and involved in a venture business. Here’s a nice domestic scene: While his wife prepares dinner, he’s in the living room playing a video game, his infant daughter asleep beside him on the sofa. The little girl wakes up and starts to cry, so Mr D picks her up, places her on his lap and goes on with his game – at which his wife, suddenly furious, storms out of the house, leaving him to wonder why and figure it out if he can. He can’t. It’s hours before she returns, and when she does, she’s trembling. She indicates a carving knife in the kitchen. “I could have killed you,” she says, to all appearances as bewildered by her rage as her husband is.
Never ever marry a Japanese woman. Those people are mental.
i think he might also be interested in being able to actually have a meaningful conversation with a decent woman and not just banging a desperate cake whose name he can barely pronounce who will leave him once she has her baby

you got nothing to be mad about bro you're a pimp in japan thanks for coming to 4chan to spread truth and knowledge
>here's a crazy thing one person did
>therefore everyone of said persons' race/gender are crazy
you can learn japanese after you have a japanese girlfriend though why would you ever want to talk to your woman other than to demand more beer

also thanks dude you too youre also pimping
They're all the same.
>And so we meet Mr C, a company employee in his 50s, announcing to his wife one weekend morning, “I’m taking the dog for a walk. I’ll be back at noon.” A pause to chat with a neighbor delays him a bit. Home at 12:30, he finds himself facing a furious wife whose barrage of slaps and punches sends his glasses flying. Worse than the pain is the shock. Now he’s afraid to leave the house, he says, for fear of the wrath he may unwittingly provoke.
im reading through japanese the manga way but im not taking notes. im only 70 pages in so i guess i could restart but is taking notes even necessary?

damn i just want to read some ezpz japanese books
>but is taking notes even necessary?
Not really.

You should ideally be trying to read through your grammar reference at a fairly fast pace so that you get acclimatized to the basic grammar, and then starting to read actual content using your grammar book as a reference.

Trying to "master" your basic grammar book is a common mistake to make that won't really do you much good.
Has anyone used a cloze deck to review Tae Kim sentences/grammar? I read the guide, but I feel like my eyes glazed over every time. I didn't have any trouble understanding the particles and grammar points, just didn't like his walls of text.
>yfw it will take 3.6 years doing 30 words a day to achieve adult native vocabulary
Every time I come across one sentence or phrase I don't understand in an LN I completely lose motivation.
I used a regular deck and it worked great.
Could go much faster if you had a bitlaser in your hands to point you in the ライト direction.

Doesn't seem too bad though.
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I'm using whatever deck this is.
That's why you supplement it by mining any interesting words you see.
I don't want to do more than 30 words a day, whether they're mined or not
Watch a lot of anime and j-drama and it can take a lot less time.
My vocab is too low to understand enough of it though. I watch a lot of subbed anime though.
You'll never learn Japanese if you don't even have the basic curiosity to fill in the gaps that you see.
>recommending anime and drama for vocabulary
bitlaser trip report

my dick, reduced to an ashy pile

trying to master your basic grammar book (and i can only assume you mean 日本語基本文法辞典) is what many students whose understanding of japanese goes far beyond their ability to speak japanese hear, and make a fuss about it because they think its an insult to their intelligence. its them saying they see your speaking ability could easily be improved by practicing speaking the grammar you already know.
>3.6 years to do something it takes other people 18 years to do
Not too bad.
is learning mandarin harder than learning moon?
I don't actually understand the point you're trying to convey here. Will you rephrase it?
Not even english has a good enough word for this phenomena. Tha closest is that lightbulb when you think of an idea.
No they are not. I've been called "Jamal" for disagreeing with someone in a thread, along with another few anons in the same thread being called Jamal then the accuser sperged out after being showed screenshots which disprove this. It's just paranoia: please learn how to deal with the fact that not everyone is going to agree with you all of the time. For your own sake, really.
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I need to be more consistent.
I think you have problems
Would you mind exporting that without schedule data and uploading it to uguu or something? Been looking for that deck for someone for the past day but can't find it online.
Or if you have a link from where you found it, could you please link that? Can't find it in shared decks or the CoR or anything.
>thinking you actually need 20k words
10k here and I dont really have problems.
If you really want just do 100 new a day, Native vocab level easy
Probably but they aren't related to this thread and even less to do with this issue.
When people are throwing around boogey-anons which often end up being disproved not long after, the problem lies in the paranoid poster.
There is a real person who posts in this thread frequently without punctuation/capitalization and with an arrogant/childish posting style, and has been doing it for maybe a month. If you read through this thread you can see him. Just because people misidentify someone occasionally (since it is an anonymous imageboard) doesn't mean its a boogeyman
Why not?
With Subs2SRS an anon can automatically generate vocab cards with audio, sentences, video, context, etc.
There are a bunch of Japanese subtitles on this page: http://www.d-addicts.com/forums/page/subtitles
Not sure of the difficulty of finding the source content.

Subs2SRS manual/download:
Koohii thread about the program:
just be who you wanna be and dont worry what they call you
I was the same and I posted something like you did and some anon gave me the best advice concerning this language anyone has ever given me :
Don't think too hard about it.
>Why not?
Because tv generally has a lower level of vocabulary than literature obviously. Also because drama aren't compelling content.
>There is a real person
It isn't one person.
Welcome to anonymous image boards.
You are paranoid.

>Because tv generally has a lower level of vocabulary than literature obviously.
Words and words and context is context.
>Also because drama aren't compelling content.
It is for a large amount of people.
>>Because tv generally has a lower level of vocabulary than literature obviously.
Which doesn't really matter if your goals are watching tv and/or talking in real life to real people.

>Also because drama aren't compelling content.
Nice opinion.
>drama aren't compelling
Spoken like a true weeb.
>Which doesn't really matter if your goals are watching tv and/or talking in real life to real people.
He didn't mention those. He only mentioned having a native level vocabulary. Therefore your suggestion was off the mark.
>Words and words and context is context.
More words in less time is better than fewer words in more time.
>It isn't one person.
Ok which of the following are you?


hello i heard youve been reading my posts 読んでくれてありがとう

actually it is my dream that one day it will actually not all be one poster

4 of those belong to me
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Reschedule them for today.
I feel stupid. Thank you.

Do you mean gay bro?
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>start my nightly reading
>remember I left off at the beginning of an H scene

While reading Flyable Heart, I made a rule that I would fap to every sex scene to strengthen my bond with the girls, and that was an okay rule for my first VN, but it is getting annoying. For Satsukoi and future VNs, I'll change it to at least once per girl.



Why can't you guys just use kanji?
So I'm like a week into core anki and my retention has gone to shit. I was okay until the last day or two. I can see a card and forget it in like 10 seconds. My last two sessions have taken forever since I seem to just again the cards endlessly.
Is 20 new cards a day too much to start with?
Am I just retarded?


yeah prolly just retarded
If you type in kana and don't make any obvious mistakes people will think you're imouto
Any kanji book not named fucking RTK will teach you kanji the way you'd originally imagined.
What kind of words do you get stuck on? At the beginning of Core there are a number of words that can be hard to remember (like the numbers and days of the week). It's pretty normal, and since those words actually aren't used that often you could suspend them.

Even if it's not those, I think it's normal for it to take a while to get used to the kanji and how words are structured. Don't sweat it too much.
theres a reason its called remember the kanji and not learn the kanji right
>almost finished tae kims guide

Was I meant to understand any of that?
What do I do now?
thats it youre all done. welcome to japan
If you're just starting then it's fine to have a hard time at first. If the problem is you trying hard and not being able to remember the cards, try doing your reps after a good meal or bath.
If that still doesn't help, the problem lies with your motivation.
Helpful comments are appreciated.

Memesters fuck off
helpful comment learn how to read also welcome to japan
lifestyle choices can and do affect short term memory. short term memory is also a skill that can be trained itself
I'd say go read the OP guide as it tells you what to do, but sadly someone deleted it and replaced it with his own inferior version.
>try doing your reps after a good meal
If I could give people struggling with their nip (or really any other kind of study) one piece of advice this would be it.

My study effectiveness increases like 10 fold if I schedule my study to happen after I eat a meal.
Caffeine also helps. Food + caffeine = easy reps.
Reminder to read compelling content and not get so fixated on your anki stats. It doesn't matter how many EDICT definitions you can recall if you can't properly interpret the sentence before you.

Switch to J-J dictionaries as soon as possible. J-E ones are only acceptable provided that you're using one that matches a Japanese definition to an English one. This ensures that you won't misunderstand the usage of the word and just pick to interpret something however you want to.

If you write 留める, you shouldn't want to just see the definition of 'to stop'. There should be something like 「制止させる」 next to it to help you affirm that it is the right definition. You can even note the distinction in nuance here and how 制止させる doesn't completely equate to 'stop' (相手の言葉や行動をおさえ)

Happy reading. Remember that the furigana inserter and ITH is simply phenomenal.

If I started about 3 months ago, what are the odds I'll be able to understand at least 50% of the tsukihime remake whenever it gets released?
Are you a neet? Do you have access to amphetamines?
Pretty high I guess, considering that it seems like it's a long way from getting released.
yes and no
Send that Adderall my way then fampai

Fuck off spamくん
How does one read the 直 in this sentence? It has a ton of readings.
no nevermind I was wrong I think http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1275653997
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What Japanese font are you using? It's very nice.
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>More words in less time is better than fewer words in more time.

More words in less time > Less words in more time.
Yu Gothic. It's a default font in windows 10 I think
What happened to Namasensei?
Does this really need to be asked every single thread?
He got liver cancer from alcohol abuse and died
For those of you that are learning radicals as well as vocabulary, is there a good Anki deck for it?

I don't want ot bother learning all of hte Kanji seperately but I think knowingthe Radicals will help my retention.
go to his channel, read his channel description
Really? I heard he got arrested for sexually harassing the students and is locked up in a Japanese prison.

Yeah I have Yu Gothic on core and Meiryo on my mining deck. I don't really mind either
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Most people switch solely to mining after this point don't they?
Yes, once you get to 2000 you really should be getting all of your new cards from mining and having Core there as a fallback if you have a day where you mine fewer cards than your new per day is at.
are you supposed to press "good" when a new card first appears?
>Are you supposed to push a button that indicates you know the answer to something that you don't
You didn't really think this through did you?
Is it a bad idea to start mining before starting the deck? I want to start doing my mining deck after finishing KD in a week or so, but I already have a number of cards there.
Nice job anon you've gotten much more consistent.
Where do you guys download VNs from? I've been looking on nyaa/sukebei but haven't had much luck finding anything (tried both japanese and english titles). And the few I've been able to download seem to have just been uncracked disc images which I'm able to install after changing system locale but won't actually get past the startup menu.
Yeah that's what I was thinking.

I go through phases where I lose all motivation and end up skipping anki. I hate doing it but vocabulary is my weakest part and I really should be doing anki anyway so hopefully I can keep it up.
What VNs haven't you been able to find on nyaa? Every time I've ever wanted to read a VN it's been there.
when pirating is the only option I have always found it on sukebei or piratebay, but recently many have become available on legit sites like steam, mangagamer, magino drive etc.
Try rutracker

the fuckin store because stealing is for fuck heads
i have been pressing again because that's the obvious thing. but i was thinking about the correct % stat, and how that's skewed by new words which are first being introduced. even if someone never forgets any card, they can't have a 100% correct rate. if someone has seen a new card for the first time, i wouldn't count their knowledge of it toward their correctness, you know? that's why i was wondering about it. but i suppose it doesn't matter that much.
Firstly, the only one who your correct percent affects is you. Nobody else will even see it unless you decide to post it.

Secondly, you shouldn't really be caring that much about your overall % correct. The only one that you should really take notice of if it seems low is your % correct on mature cards which is not at all affected by the thing you're complaining about.
literally this, I am learning japanese for the sole purpose of shitposting in style
If you care about fake achievements, press 'good' on new cards. If not, it doesn't matter.
The first press doesn't count. And anything from 97% upwards is perfectly fine.
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What are those numbers? Words he knows? He's fucking terrible at nip
How does he measure the vocab he's got in all those languages?

LingQ word stats
He didn't bother to add many words for Japanese because he was already fluent in Japanese decades before LingQ
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What a scam.
Wait, people don't know this? Conjugations are completely worthless to study, you just read them in actual text.
I haven't met or seen anyone who speaks Jewish before. Is it hard to learn?
It's a hard language. The learning curve is intentionally high so that the filthy goyim won't be able to read the Talmud
Maybe I should do 60 words a day then kek
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Friendly reminder that useable feedback is highly appreciated, that you are free to produce your own guide and that the previous versions of the guide are still easily accessible.
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>the previous versions of the guide are still easily accessible

Where? You should leave a link to the old guide at the top of your guide, just in case someone wants to use that instead. If it's clearly visible and I'm just blind, nevermind
friendly reminder that *makes fart noises and spits everywhere*

That fucking vagina bone
heh, nice joke kid *tips fedora*

*moon walks out of the room*
Check the bottom of the guide.
Seems fairly visible to me.
How many hours should I study Japanese on a single day
What's the difference between Visual Novel Reader and a normal texthooker like Chiitrans or AGTH?

Does it do a better job at getting the text for VNs that are normally a pain in the ass to hook?
I do between 2 and 3. I think it's a pretty healthy number.
I really hope this doesn't include actually practising Japanese by reading/listening
8 hours minimum, the rest should be spent on jerking off to anime girls 「in Nipponese」ぜ。
Why is the new guide so reddit friendly?
>130 new cards ind 10 minutes
I think I'm doing this wrong

It's not about the hours anon, it's about how much new information you learn each day. You can spend 10 hours per day studying and make less progress than someone else makes in 2 if they do a better job understanding and memorizing what they learn.
Do you guys ever cry knowing you'll never understand the authors true intention and subtle meanings and symbolism of anpanman?
>takes me around 90 minutes to do 130~ reps and 50 new cards

Literally everyone in this thread is faster than me. Fuck all of you.
The card count listed as "Learn" at the top of your graphs aren't actually the count of new cards, it's the sum of the number of time new cards have been shown to you today which means the actual value is at most n/2 of the number.
>reddit friendly
What's that even supposed to mean
How much time do you have? I think around 1 hour for 'boring' learning with Anki / a grammar book and spending another hour or two on reading / watching / playing Japanese things is a good basic schedule for non-neets.
Being long winded as fuck.

>Traveling to Japan to talk with the natives, watching raw anime or reading manga and novels before they’re translated all require the same fundamental skills and knowledge. While this guide is not going to be enough to teach you these things, it will give you an idea of how to go about acquiring them.

>With the basics covered in this guide you can get started with reading the written language, which you can then use to gain a more thorough understanding of Japanese. That being said, you should at no point hesitate to practice listening or speaking if you wish to do so. This guide only aims to introduce you to the Japanese language and show you how to get started, the rest is up to you.

>Happy learning.

>Learning Japanese consists of three parts: grammar, vocabulary and the writing system. In order to learn Japanese you will need to study and practice all of these aspects. This guide will briefly introduce you to the Japanese language and then show you where and how to get started with learning it yourself.

If we want to have a lengthy introduction, why not use Tae Kim's Introduction (http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar/introduction) which reflects /djt/'s learning philosophy very well instead of some meaningless, self-explanatory bullshit?
"welcome to japanese, do whatever" -the guide
why did you copy paste it into your post everyone can check it out if they want to lmao
major autism
found the illiterate
Because some fucktard has cancelled out the entire guide
And yet you are too incompetent to suggest a "If you wish to go straight to studying, click here" redirect at the top
Is the difficulty of the Murasamas a ミーム?
I read the first 10 or so pages without any difficulty.
Does it get significantly more difficult after that?
yeah i'm always really surprised at how fast people are. i honestly find it hard to imagine how they're doing it.
yeah something made for japanese 15 year olds is just about the hardest thing on the planet
The first paragraph is literally what an introduction should be. It introduces the reader to the matter at hand.

The methodology presented in the guide (and DJTs general approach to the language) is very focused around reading. People should be made aware of this.

The third paragraph describes the structure of the guide of the guide and how tge approach to Japanese described in the guide is structured.

I agree that it could be made a bit tighter, but that's what you're here for, right?
So, I went and exported the RtK Anki deck recommended in the CoR, but somehow it does not start at the right order? I intend on tackling each of the 56 chapters one per day, so if the deck starts at the middle of chapter 2 (my case), I can't study properly. And since the deck has 2200 cards, the beginner ones will appear somewhere later on when they really shouldn't.

Also, is there a way to limit the number of cards per day to only the ones that appear in the new chapter besides manually changing values each and every day? It is fast enough to do it manually, just a question really.
>waaah why didn't you make this free source of information the way I wanted it!
There is no way you are older than 16.
The guide is meant for newcomers, so of course it'll be a bit long winded. Why would you read the guide if you already knew all this stuff?
hello newcomers would you like to read all of this text that actually tells you nothing

in >>139279562 cut out everything but the last thing green texted
How does it feel knowing you'll never get your boipucci fucked by a jap man?

all because you cant learn jap lol.
what in the flying fuck is boipucci
>>Also, is there a way to limit the number of cards per day to only the ones that appear in the new chapter besides manually changing values each and every day? It is fast enough to do it manually, just a question really.
If there's a different number in each chapter then no, probably not unless someone has made like an RTK extension for this purpose which I find doubtful.
I don't think anyone is taking you seriously right now after you made a weak attempt to bully people into getting what you want with that reddit comment.
Maybe try again later.
> You'll never have a strong bara boyfriend that fucks you silly.

Why even live.
>being gay
>why even live
I agree.
>More words in less time is better than fewer words in more time.
Why are you using a justification that you don't personally hold to? This is like one of those retarded argument religionists use to "prove" the existence of their gods.

No anon, what matters most is what you enjoy, because that's what you are going to naturally spend more time on and what you are going to allow yourself to fumble over till it sticks much more than anything else that you don't enjoy. That's why kids learn how to read by reading kids books with stories they enjoy, not academic papers with higher levels of lexeme density and more complete grammar patterns.

Stop being so fucking obnoxious and accept that some people enjoy things you don't enjoy.
B-but the 武士 were gay, too...
Please say "fug" instead if you have to use profanity

This is a Christian thread
And you're free to leave the old one there as it's not your fucking personal platform to begin with.
May as well just host the entire site on a different account and run it so it reflects the will of the thread and not the ego of one anon. All it would take is someone to do it and make the thread a few times then bang, change of house. Sounds tempting to do.
>i wanted to learn japanese but reading the introduction took too much effort
>if only the guide i read was more concise i would have definitely pulled through!
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how many words to read oregairu LN comfortably?


姦 姦 姦
>dude lmao let's make a writing system where you can't read anything unless you know the specific way it's supposed to be read
>lol sick idea dood, let's also hide information and make it even more cryptic
>nice bro this will surely keep those gaijin's guessing, you got any more weed bro?
>nah I'm all out lmao (IMPLIED MEANING:i got some right here rofl)

Who thought this was a good idea?
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What's stopping you from doing what you suggested in that case?
I've pointed out multiple times that you are entirely free to do just that.

The new guide has been created because the old guide was lengthy and lacking in some aspects, feedback from the people here was constantly asked for, gladly received, discussed and implemented, and it still is.

Almost everyone who has voiced their opinion on the new guide was positive about it, except for a small minority who has never provided and concise arguments or has been debunked by multiple people in the event that they did (e. g. The complaint about the introduction being too long), without them providing any more counterarguments after their initial post.

Hence I am led to believe that the large majority of people here are happy with the development of the new guide and I'm glad to receive feedback with which it can be improved.
Or just not care and focus on studying Japanese instead of trying to force your ego into the OP.

I like how you describe your own view as everyones view and his view as "the ego of one anon", that was pretty funny.

You do realise there are tons of English words that you need to know in order to pronounce correctly right? You used a bunch of them yourself.

For most Kanji there are 2 readings, one for when the Kanji is alone, and one for when it is with other Kanji. It's really not as cryptic as you're pretending it to be.

But that's fine, keep making excuses for why you can't learn Japanese, it probably makes you feel better about yourself.
that wasnt me dude i dont say shit like reddit unless im making fun of someone else who said it

oh ok ごめん ill try not to use curses

what in the flying fark are these fishsticks
what did he say "give me what i want or im gonna shitpost some an obscure af 4chan blog thread"? lmao tbhfamsmh
Have you ever read the story where Reed reads about having read about reeds?

English is fucking stupid too bro. But keep on making excuses, I'm sure you'll learn Japanese by doing that!
I understood 3 sentences in a row without any external help. Am i a nippongo puro?
-てから just means "after doing [verb]" right? So what's going on here: http://exhentai.org/s/016cbe7052/793554-213 with that:


I mean:
>"After we ended up having sex"
>"She's way too proactive when it comes to sex"
Doesn't flow-on in a logical manner, so I assume I'm fucking something up.
I feel bad for asking such a stupid question but what is the speeling for "meh", the word used on dogs/pets to say "bad dog\pet".

Is it just め?

Yes, or めっ.
It's often written in katakana as well.
へ へ
の の

へ へ
の の
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Yeah, H scenes get pretty daru, and they're not even really good Japanese practice when you've read enough so skipping them is wise.
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How are you supposed to know which it is?
Japanese isn't the only language that does this. Plenty of languages don't actually distinguish between blue and green in the same way English does.
Japanese people have special genes that give them blue/green color blindness
Maybe the author is using から in the 'because' sense linking back to the first line about being 困る? Not sure if verb-て+ から is supposed to be allowed to do that though, maybe it's casual.
Usually in modern usage 緑 is used for green. There are some green things still described with 青 that you will have to learn to recognize but typically 青 means blue.
after reaching intermediate level i realized how shit i was and how much i have left, i dont feel like making a mining deck i'll just finish core 6k.

Nevermind I'm a retard, "She became proactive after we had sex" with なんです being the 困る reason.
>I realized I have a lot to learn so I've decided to switch to a less effective learning method
what do you mean? i didn't switch.
緑 is green I thought?

I haven't studied in a while since losing all I own but they do differentiate between the two although 青 is still blue or green.

I could just be fucking retarded though as I haven't studied seriously in a few years now.
Your post is about how you've decided not to use a mining deck and instead opted for the less effective core.

You switched, just preemptively.
I mine so little now in intermediate hell (more words are ones I've forgotten than words I need to add) that core6k would be more effective.
Sounds more like you're mining incorrectly.

How to other lanugages differentiate then? Is it just seemingly rrandom and you just have to know or is it certain types of things are one and the rest are the other?
How do you figure?
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a lot of languages don't actually distinguish green and blue, and other colors. it's not quite our world that is full of distinctions between different things, it is we who decide the borders, we decide what makes one thing different from another. for example, the difference between blue and green. these artificial, possibly arbitrary distinctions actually can shape our perception fairly strongly.
>>How to other lanugages differentiate then?
Short answer: They don't.

Long answer: They differentiate in the same way English speakers differentiate periwinkle and navy. Wherein you could refer to something explicitly as "navy" to be more specific or just leave it at "blue".
>Long answer: They differentiate in the same way English speakers differentiate periwinkle and navy. Wherein you could refer to something explicitly as "navy" to be more specific or just leave it at "blue".

I see, so it's just like an extra shade to them I guess? That makes sense, thanks.
緑 originally meant new green like shoots and buds.
You can still see the sense in words like 緑児 (baby), 緑の黒髪 (lush hair).
> They don't differentiate between blue and green
> They do differentiate between shades of green

That doesn't make sense. Blue would be a shade of green. Is the last paragraph a joke?



That was probably butchered but I must practice again.

Thank you.
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dang bro. おれらは同じ状況の仲間かと思った。助け合うはずじ。。。見損なったぞ相棒。

This shit triggers me hard. I used to fantasize as a kid about "discovering" new colors. When I got older and realized we had already observed and identified shit, even in visual spectrums the human eye can't actually see, that little dream of mine was hopelessly crushed. When I learned that, even within recent history, there were those who just plain and simply ignored the distinctions between colors, it makes my blood boil. There's no confusing blue and green, there just isn't. No one is going to look at a forest rising up against the skyline and see just one big blur. Absolute and utter fucking bullshit.
Can you see the difference in the bottom circle of colours then? Because I can't

>No one is going to look at a forest rising up against the skyline and see just one big blur

I get the feeling you didn't quite grasp the concept here, anon.
>No one is going to look at a forest rising up against the skyline and see just one big blur
Yes because as we all know if you were to paint a picture entirely in blue the only option would be for it to be a big blur. An artist certainly couldn't use different shades and tints of blue to create something that has form.

Oh wait, no, it's you who is retarded.
The whole thing is a bit of a myth. They can of course distinguish the colors just fine, they just react slower than people who make a harder distinction between the presented colors. Google it.
no. they have one word under which both blue and a certain kind of green fall. while a light blue only falls under that word, subtle shades of green fall under different words. and thus light blue isn't distinguished from that particular shade of green (as seen in the first picture), while the below picture contains multiple shades of green for which they have different words. that's what is meant.

As for the circle of green squares, I -think- I see a difference, but I also think the picture could just be a troll picture.


Nah, I'm just a spaz.


Nigga why is he painting blue trees?
So you are virtually saying that 青緑 is definitively either blue or green?
>Some people drew their arbitrary boundaries a bit differently than I drew my artificial boundaries and it makes me mad
Please be nice.

It's been many years and I was a hobo since I wrecked my car.

Thank you for the smug anime grill picture though I will place it into my collection.

Also thank you for showing me how retarded I have become.

I will be better next time after some time practicing.
No worries, I'm not too good myself all things considered. I just always get a kick out of people using auto-convert to kanji without reading the kanji.
It's a big continuum. Where exactly you draw the line between colours is pretty arbitrary.
>tfw know Japanese so well I can read fake chinese
Fuck I meant だよ
>read novel wherein 云う is used in place of 言う every time
>get told its because the novel takes place in the far past, makes sense
>read another novel by the same author, takes place in modern day
One of the most profoundly interesting aspects of Japanese is the conscious use of kanji I think.
>1 month of core 6k at 40 new cards a day
>Correct: 79.96% young cards
My memory is fucking terrible. 出来ない。
80% is pretty good anon what are you talking about?
>struggling to get about 45%
>see posts like this

I fucking hate all of you
In 云う the nuance of 伝える is stronger that in 言う... unsurprisingly.
I just want to clarify that it's 云う EVERY time, so I don't really think its a question of nuance unless he wants the 伝える nuance there EVERY time for the entire novel.
Then it's probably his personal preference.
Yes I figured.
FYI your brain is constantly warping your perception of the world around you. Look up the upside-down glasses experiment, or just look at some optical illusions.

If you think that's crazy bullshit, then this will blow your fucking mind. It's Japanese related, too.

One thing I noticed in several light novels by different authors is that they use 摑む instead of 掴む. Is that some LN custom?
Also this

The thing to notice here is their inability to discriminate between /r/ and /l/ is observable on fMRI. Because their brains react the same way to both sounds, they "hear" them the same.
The difficulty is primarly a cultural thing. There's a lot that you won't be able to grasp, even at native level. Kikokugai: The Cyber Slayer is substantially more difficult. On top of Urobuchi's complex writing style, there's also an overwhelming amount of obscure kung fu technical terms and infodumping that will make anyone want to kill themselves.
Oh shit apparently I made a suggestion to delete the whole google docs thing, it wasn't intentional and I have no idea how that happened.
Sorry, I am decidedly not good with computers.
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I recommend reading Jouka no Monshou if you want a taste of Urobuchi. Though it wasn't ever as hard as what I read of Kikokugai.
all of them
I'm doing the same thing, and I'm at 97%.

Feels bad man.
Never realized that's what that character was from. How was it? Difficulty wise compared to the average moege and quality wise.
>The difficulty is primarly a cultural thing.
Don't quite understand what do you mean by that. There are references to culture/language that I might not get, but I could still read it?
I wanted to download that, but can't find a raw version. Do you have a link?
I feel that I would have 95%+ had I done RTK first. Unknown kanji are basically just squiggly lines until the meanings stick, even after my entire radicals deck is mature.
How many words would I have to know before I can read an LN comfortably? As in not using a dictionary multiple times per sentence
>There are references to culture/language that I might not get
Yes, from the setting to the writing, a lot of it will just be flat out alien to you. It may not be the hardest to read, but it's considered one of the hardest to translate for these reasons. It'd require translation notes out the ass.
Is that screenshot hard?

I could read it with no problems, I want to know if I should feel accomplished.
Take your pick
It was way harder than moege when it went into GALACTIC INFODUMP mode. However its one of those plot games that shove moe stuff all into it so its difficulty rises and falls pretty quick.

That said Shapeshifter is widely considered to be a pretty piss poor game and I myself tired of its plodding story pretty quickly. Only really worth playing if you really like the SOL and for the very powerful engine which allows for stuff like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erF1vKioIO8
More than 10000 for maybe once every 3-4 sentences and less if you're willing to just guess meanings

Unless you're reading some really easy shit
I have trouble reading manga sometimes ;=;
That seems okay. I'm only at around 2500 words right now, so it's kind of tedious
That's unfortunate, I have faith you'll overcome that, but it's not really an answer to what I asked.
Check your deck options and make sure the order is not random.

> I intend on tackling each of the 56 chapters one per day

The chapters vary greatly in length, so I would recommend just doing a fixed number of kanji a day.
Ahh, that's a shame to hear. Thanks anyways for the impressions.
I don't really think its hard, no. It's just my only screenshot of the kung fu stuff. Jouka no Monshou in general is only hard because the vocab level is fairly high throughout, which is why I said "a taste" of Urobuchi. You'll need to see some meme screenshots of Kikokugai to see something actually "hard". Though the screenshot also isn't easy so yeah.
If you're impatient and have the drive, crank up your words per day. It might be painful now but you will feel the improvement and your hard work paying off.
I do 30 words per day right now, and anki usually takes me about 20 minutes so maybe I'd be okay increasing it to 40 or 50.I hate anki though
It's all about knowing your limits and pushing them. How hard do you want it?
I imagine it wouldnt be hard, just boring. "How bored do you want to be"
Is there a stronger form of adderall? I think I'm starting to develop immunity as you can see since I'm posting in this thread instead of studying.
subtle bragging is not allowed
So the deal is just the amount of exposure to that kind of setting and Japanese culture?
>Is there a stronger form of adderall?
80% is shit. 99% mature cards and 95%+ young cards or you can't learn Japanese.
Just take more then.
You need to increase your dosage, seems like your tolerance to amphetamine has become pretty high.
>subtle bragging
80% is probably pretty close to average.
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I'm at the point in the core deck where Anki is throwing a bunch of vocab with 行 下 上 in it.

How did you guys remember them? I feel like I'm conatantly just guessing between the different pronunciations and meanings whenever they come up.
Guy's what the fuck does バナナはおやつに入るのか mean?
Below average. Most people who post stats here show 90%+ on the overall young correct percentage. Only mature cards matter in the slightest, though. All poor young card stats does is force you to do more reviews the next day.
Does banana count as a snack?
It's the top right box.
If I could go back to my old self trying to learn all those words in core I would tell him to not fucking bother, it's SO MUCH EASIER to learn them in context then it is to try and differentiate them all back to back in core, core really fucked up with putting them all together in the order, you'll have a ridiculously hard time trying to learn them there, maybe just delete a few of the less useful ones or even all of them, you'll learn them soon enough while reading anyway
I know.
>Most people who post stats here show 90%+ on the overall young correct percentage.
Firstly you have to consider that people who post their stats are going to have a reporting bias. People with poorer stats are less likely to post.

Additionally, most of the people who have 90%+ correct rate on young cards are probably primarily using mined decks, and the poster above was talking about core.
Well yeah I assume it means that but I feel like it's some kind of Japanese meme or some shit
I thought that but it feels a bit like cheating.

I guess I'll just suspend them for now though, it's probably for the best.
You could always somehow rearrange their order so you don't have to learn them all at the same time, but idk how you do that
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>Learning a language by playing VNs where you lock your little sister in a room for years and train her to love you

Only with Japanese can you learn a language in such a strange way
I always suspend words that I think aren't that useful or I can't be bothered learning right now. I'll probably end up learning them later so nothing is really hurt. Btw shift + 1 suspends the current card while you're reviewing
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For example, in 下ろす, the おろ made me think of Ore, so I thought of the main character in Ore Monogatari taking down a rose (ろす) from a shelf. By making up stupid mnemonics like that I never have any leech cards.
I can't think of anything stupider than this.
Only Japanese has such a huge wealth of written fiction in the form of a program which can be text-hooked perfectly and with full voice acting alongside, said fiction often having a huge portion being dedicated to everyday scenarios that use everyday vocabulary. VNs are truly a miracle of the universe.
Works doesn't it?

If I had the ability to come up with retarded mnemonics like that for everything I would all the time
What's an anpanman
Shame 90% of them are garbage
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>That feel when my standards are so low that I enjoy all of it

I'm the pig that rolls in the shit with a smile
What game?
For those bits of vocab, the meaning are often pretty much impossible to tell apart until you start seeing them in context so you should try to focus moreso on getting the pronunciation down for the different ones and the more "general" meaning rather than the shit translation core gives for them.
Anpanman is an anpan superhero.

When I visited Shikoku to travel to places from Monobeno, Anpanman was everywhere. Anpanman bus to anpanman museum, kinda in the middle of nowhere, even though everything is in the middle of nowhere on Shikoku.
My standards are low as fuck with anime and manga, I can indulge myself in SoL moe trash for days, but I can't stand shit with romance or even male characters in general, so that rules out a large amount of VNs
What's "また吸われた!" supposed mean in a video gaming context from one player to another that's apparently beating them? Sucked in like a fool/trapped or something?
Looks compelling.
In Japan if you're getting dominated in a video game by someone they get to freely suck your dick as a sign of their dominance
I don't think it's that but maybe in a very lewd game, thanks anyway anon.
>people who have 90%+ correct rate on young cards are probably primarily using mined decks
Could be. Pretty sure many people get demotivated when they see stats like that and compare it to their core.
I'm pretty sure it would just be sucked into a trap like you said, can't think of anything else without context
Sadly they don't show the game so can't really tell. Apparently it can mean 'attract' like 磁石は鉄を吸う though so guess that's it.
>most of the people who have 90%+ correct rate on young cards are probably primarily using mined decks

>tfw I only add difficult words and new kanji, so my retention is rarely above 90% even though I did RTK
Being slightly creative and slightly mentally ill seems to work wonders for learning Japanese. Sadly I'd never come up with shit like this.

I've thought this. I think Core2k/6k would be so much better if they replaced the translation with a more literal translation like Tae Kim uses.
I think core would be better if it 爆発しろ'd
あのたった一人の自閉症者の言うこと聞かんでいいよimouto! いつも通りアニメ写真アップ付きポストを作ればいいんだよ。ほとんどのdjtのみんなは気にせんと思うよimouto!

Don't listen to that one guy.

Not that guy but I have one for every word and it works great, I remember most words after seeing them once or twice. Any idiot can do it.
>I remember a bunch of useless superfluous shit in order to learn just about as efficiently as everyone else
Good strat.
I would be able to I'm sure but it feels really unnatural for me unless I really go out of my way
>How dare people have brains that work differently from mine!

>just about as efficiently as everyone else

Yeah, that's why everyone here is always like "Man, I'm so glad I remember words so easily so I never have to deal with a lot of reps, why is this language too easy."

If a method helps you remember stuff then it helps you remember stuff, it doesn't really matter how dumb it sounds to someone else.
Are you worried about reaching your memory capacity or something? As long as the mnemonic is easier to remember than the kanji there's nothing wrong with it, even if it's an elaborate one.
i dont know why people here find that method so hard to believe. its the same thing that was used in remembering the kana and that works really well
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There are people in this thread who are so terrible at learning Japanese they've never tried to use mnemonics before. Step it up, guys. This shit's been around since ancient times and is well known to help people remember difficult things. Especially for abstract + not very well organized shit, as language tends to be half the time.

Why Mnemonics work:

Advanced - Memory Palace:
Mnemonics are fine for particular points of issue, but using them for everything is just a waste of time.

It's not really limited to RTK, visualizing abstract things as more easily remembered physical things is the basis of very nearly all powerful memory techniques.

People who remember seemingly impossible amounts of things, including people who compete in that stuff, almost universally work with visualizations.
How big is your vocab?
Very true, hence the "esp for abstract" stuff.

Even anchoring the abstract word to a particular instance in which you heard it helps.
>>Very true, hence the "esp for abstract" stuff.
Yes, but the reason I made my original post was because the guy I was replying to said "I have one [mnemonic] for every word and it works great".

I have zero problems with people using mnemonics. It's just when people do things like this that I find it bad practice.
I tried using that in the beginning and found it didn't work well for me so I stopped.

I've no idea, I don't add every new word because a lot are already obvious from the kanji or can otherwise be inferred. I'm not fluent by any means but I'm not a beginner either, so probably whatever amount can be considered around intermediate-level.
Why isn't the NihongoShark deck ever mentioned here? Isn't it basically just RTK with both Heisig's and community mnemonics integrated? Seems more convenient than using the books and a separate Anki deck.
So 10k? Are you aware that you might not know the exact meaning of the word might be far from what you "infer"? Unless you've looked them up before of course.
Any recommentations for mid-level VNs that are not incredibly boring? I started playing Melty Lovers. but it seems that nothing really happens... High Sexual Content to keep my interest would also be ok.
If you get bored by Melty Lovers you're pretty much fucked, that game is lightning fast.
If you don't get 99% on cards you've only seen once you can stop right now, できない。
That game is great. I just started it yesterday. I love the art.
Because there's already a RtK1+3 deck with community stories that's better.

Of course I look up every new word to make sure I don't have them wrong, it'd be crazy to just assume and move on.
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