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Buyfag Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 555
Thread images: 143

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Guide should be back a few hours the earliest, a day the most.
why was the last thread deleted?
>Hotpockets nuked both threads, one of which had steady discussion
haha what the fuck
Didn't you see the OP?
I have no idea, both got deleted at the same time.
What happened to the last thread?
They got offended by the -fag too
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is this the end of /buyfag/?

will M00T return to save us from our end?
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>People still dislike this figure for no fluffy tail
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Fuck you I can't stop laughing and finish the guide.
>m00t saving us
I miss him ;_;
She's a cute girl
it would make /a/ better place
Is acclimatesolutions dead? Can't seem to open it.
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Was the guide really deleted because Google got #triggered by the -fag in buyfag?
this video makes me wanna puke
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I've never really bought anything before, but i want to buy a anime, but they only made 5000 copies, and it only comes in a special edition blu-ray box set.
It's 90$ for 25 episodes, and there's only 10 left.
Is that too much to pay? How much does this stuff usually cost?
If you like the series, you may as well pay. Check amiami/cdjapan/yesasia to see if they have the original retail prices.
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>Wonder whos manly voice that is
>It's a fucking tranny
I'd say move to glorious nippon and live a true buyfag there but they have pride marches and its becoming more common to be an open tran there.
Why the fuck does he not even try to sound feminine? He literally looks like a straight up dude in drag
Did the guide really deleted for saying fag, or am I being memed?

Is there proof?
Jesus christ, I honestly don't have a problem with transgenders who go all the way, but fuck at least try to sound like the gender you are trying to be.
I was just thinking about that earlier. We used to call them drag queens but now any man that puts on a dress is "transgender".
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>that video
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Does amiko sometimes forget to shift delayed items to their respective month? Never had this issue before.
She's such an airhead.
I see that Alter seems to have a hard on for Strike Witches but I still haven't seen it. I do kinda like the figs though.

Is the show worth watching?
it can take a few days. if its holding a order up just send a polite email saying its holding your order up and can it be separated from teh rest of the order. They do it within a couple hours if you email during business hours.
At what point do you look at your pre-order for a month and decide "okay, this is enough, I should stop now"? I try to keep it around 30,000 JPY but I'm interested in the restraint of others.
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.How can the world find peace?
>How do we end prejudice?

Yes, I'm sure THAT's what people are searching for. Not 'What is the average penis size?' or 'big titted asian sluts'.

Holy shit Google, get your head out of your ass.
Is this what the future is doomed to be?
google filters a lot of adult results now. use bing (no joke) for porn.
I will definitely try that. I found it odd since they shifted two other items in the same order almost immediately. She's so silly sometimes.
Friendly reminder that Bruce Jenner killed somebody and still hasn't faced any consequences for it.
Fuck that faggot. It's his LGBT free pass.

Anyone know of any food related sites other than candysan and skoshbox? If you know of any actual Japanese restaurants/cafes in Japan or US that's worth mentioning in the guide feel free to share.
What country/city you live in. If you dont live in buttfuck nowhere there should be asian markets aroudn that sell japanese snacks
I wrote that in the guide, also added cafe zaiya for nycfags.
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I like most of the design. But the lack of tail just kills it.
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Afraid I can't help but please post here if you find anywhere.
I've been looking off and on for somewhere that stocks the veritable ambrosia known as Fanta Melon.
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Excuse the shit camera.

Shoutouts to USPS
I think amiami sells some sort of snack box, but i remember it being a ripoff.
>Usually Smashes Pussy Shit
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>buying comptiq just for the Scat/Medea clear file.
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Not even Amico's deforestation could save me this time,
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Thanks for reminding me.
Ill keep an eye out for it.
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>use bing (no joke) for porn.
Your friend since 1995.
Why aren't we posting the guide?

any damage to the figure?
What is it?
None thankfully, the plastic held it in place.
This video makes me want to end my life.

This is what normies consider to be evocative.
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There are still plenty of people who can smell the bullshit.
But they're dwindling. I fear for the future
Not only are they outnumbered, most of them would just follow the other 28,595 idiots because if you don't you get blackballed in the real world.

Look at what happens to Europeans that speak out against the "refugees". Houses trashed, attacked, spit upon, etc, etc.
Pff my USPS-tan is a good girl in my area
A clear file, usually to put paper in it.
Came as freebie with Feb Comptiq magazine.
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USPS Training Manual.jpg
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Mine is pretty much Newman.
That's why I'm glad i got a giant window on the front of my house and a trained dog. I just stick my dog in the room and tell him to "watch" and he still stay there and bark any time someone steps foot on my driveway until i tell him to stop..
>This card is unavailable.
What is this shit, AmiAmi?
What card?
This is the most disgusting thing I ever seen, what the fuck
Regarding From Japan, what's the recommended packaging option? Lightweight sounds ideal since I have Nendoroids and Scales in one order. Unless they charge 500 yen per unboxing then that sounds ridiculous.

IMO having a dog is arguably just as bad.

I have a very loud dog who'll go nuts barking at someone just walking by our front yard, what ends up happening is the mailman knocks on the door, hears our dog shitting herself barking, and just immediately leaves, a lot of the time without even leaving the package.

I get people being afraid of dogs, but seriously it's pretty unprofessional to just leg it with my mail because of an animal.
Normally I just select regular packaging. In future I think I might select lightweight though because the last 3 orders I've received from them have made Amico look conservative with packaging.
My last 3 orders have had way higher shipping charges than I'd expected and they used way too much protection in the packages.
This is a parody video made by the South Park guys, right?
When will Japan let me go full meme and buy vinyl soundtracks?
I used to dislike that figure for that reason, but now that I'm playing the game I like it.
Buy the k-on donuts
The hair in her ears make me feel uncomfortable, like a trypophobia kind of thing
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>Tharja figure gets blown over by a strong gust of wind from the window
>Has a small scratch on her asscheek The one from the back that you dont see
Who the fuck thought that she should be free standing
My first damaged figure
Close your windows
What if he lives on the street?
I like fresh air
It was a real strong wind that was able to break a large branch across the road
don't your windows have a tilt option?

I don't blame him. I wouldn't risk getting attacked by a crazy dog for a shitty mailman job either.
This video inspired me. To kill myself.
>Diet Dr Pepper
You deserved everything you got.

I'd understand that if we didn't have two doors that are visible from outside, if I'm lucky enough to get to the door before the guy runs off I open the first door and tell him that the dog won't do anything but bark, it wont even try to get outside, and she doesn't, all she does is bark.

Like I said, I get being scared of barky dogs, but just ditching without a second thought the moment you hear a dog bark is just unprofessional, even if I did have a violent dog, it's not like it'd take more than a minute to put her out back then get the package, there's no need to shit your pants thinking someone would just let their dog burst out the front door and maul someone.
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Regular edition:

Sword, shield, cutout thing

“Exclusive” edition:

Bomb, pot, rupee, fish thing, hookshot, spinning accessory thing, sword, shield, cutout thing
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>Preorder details state book won't ship until the 10th
>Proxy received it on the 7th
PoP one piece figs have such nice big boobies
Go away /v/kun
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Suck my cock, guy.
I wonder if they get triggered by people using fag to refer to cigarettes or a bundle of sticks?
this isn't hair, these are tentacles
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I tried.
The published version came out like shit.I got lazy and kept section 8 towards the end the same with some minor spelling corrections. Pls no bully ;_;
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Give me one good reason why I shouldn't.
That looks like shit.
>/v/ermin is a dumb hamster poster
Shit girl and even shitter anime.
Good job, you managed to make something even worse than the original guide.
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You're the one greentexting, virgin.
It's somehow acceptable if you are blind.
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tear me.jpg
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It looked so much better in the draft.
>/v/ermin dumb hamster poster is also a berserkfag
It just keeps getting better
But she has her own special charm. True, it wasn't the greatest anime but not that terrible.
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Kill yourself desu
So much of this reads like
>Here's my opinion on things

Rather than actually being detailed and giving information. The shop section is just a huge mess. The amount of grammatical and spelling errors is just ridiculous as well.

Edit the old guide, there's probably stuff here that can be reworded and improved but god damn this is not a good guide.
holy shit that's appalling
In proxies, can you include "real life ones" ala the people who will physically go to places and buy your shit?
If you'd been paying attention to this guy's posts since the beginning it was pretty clear he's a retard.
>Auctions (by which I mean eBay and not Yahoo! Auction Japan)
The fuck are you on about
It was written super quick at first, then when James posted the older guide I figured well shit what do I do. You may as well take whatever you need and paste it into a new guide.
Thats from the original guide.
+1 my friend
>Read only
Are you fucking kidding me?

Why would you make something "super quick" rather than putting effort into it. This really is just someone wanting to make their own guide for the sake of their own ego.
Is this nigga serious?
>Memorable moments

What are you doing?
/v/ please stop
>If you’ve decided to become a buyfag the first thing you should have abandoned was the need to be a normalfag. No one cares if you got married and have kids, keep that shit out of buyfag. We are not here to give you that kind of validation.
>Also on that subject, please stop fooling yourself. There is a high chance this hobby is going to make your mother feel like a failure, please refrain from making her feel worse by proudly displaying your lewd figs in front of her. Buy her something nice once in awhile and keep your shit in check, your family and friends already have to deal with your shitty hobby don’t make yourself a fucking target for bullying. >havingfriendsthataren’tbuyfags Yes more than likely they’ll think badly of you, deal with it. If they don’t, appreciate they have an open mind about it. Most anons get rejected because of buyfagging but their families have no problem with the gay cousin who literally sucks cocks for a living. Pay your bills and don’t be a leech, if you’re a neet help around the house. Wagecucks pay some bills, especially if you’re living there rent free. It’ll give you brownie points and they’ll often soften up about buyfagging.

This is just embarrassing.
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At first it was because there was no guide, I had like half of it done, the part that wasn't pasted from the original guide. There was another guy making a guide so halfway I figured may as well stop, then picked it up again. I thought you could simply log on and edit it?
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
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>Buyfag Etiquette
Literally reddit.
Too much meme and faggot shit in this guide, i know the old one was like that but fuck that shit, its 2016, if you're going to make a spoonfeeding guide and least don't make it embarrassing to read.
Murder yourself until you're dead.

All that fucking greentext faggotry, your own shitty opinions and that last section
Fuck off
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Oops, try now.
But how would you know its from 4chan without muh meme arrows?
Seriously writing like that outside of 4chan, even in a Google doc linked in a 4chan thread is just pathetic and looks retarded.
Fixed your guide.
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Well I figured if I removed it people would hate it. My autism overtook me.
I'm literally expecting it to have niggerdicks or it being deleted.
>All that pathetic projecting
Literally kill yourself you pathetic faggot.
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>or it being deleted.
Some delicious autism in this thread right here.
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kill yourself please.jpg
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There's no "we". There's only you. And you're not 18 yet
What does autism taste like? Different from regular brains?
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I was just thinking about the shitposting here and figured I'd put a response for all the what about your families what do they think of your hobby tier responses. That leaves someone else to reupload the old guide with updates.
Rerelease when? Even a recolor would be nice, I think she'd look as good in black.

And I'll repeat myself, I wouldn't risk it for a low paying job. You might know you and your dog are fine, a random mailman doesn't.
The guide is fixed now.
The mailman does not know your dog dude.

Fucking dumbass dog owners.
Do I have to click publish every time or does it do it by itself?

Like I said, it's just unprofessional, no matter how you look at it.

Someone like that might as well quit if they aren't going to do what's required of them, even if it is for a low paying job.
Its perfect.
>Updated automatically every 5 minutes
You can find it on the published page.

If they bothered to stay at the door for ten seconds they would.
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>there's no need to shit your pants thinking someone would just let their dog burst out the front door and maul someone
The problem is that there are people who will do that, and there's no way to tell ahead of time if the house you're going to contains a vicious dog and that type of person.

My old mailman didn't mind the barking as long as he wasn't being attacked. He even made friends with my dog (who wasn't really mean but she wasn't very trusting) and gave her a cookie if she was out in the yard when he was delivering the mail. But other mail carriers will freak out if a dog so much as walks up to them, because they don't know if they're going to be attacked or not. It's better to be safe than sorry, because no one wants to get mauled by an animal.
Well I'm retarded.
Added the old guide to this new one, time to get editing.
Yes you are.
Id rather buy this and miku if they were full size prize figures. I cant be doing with 1/10ths

> Better to be safe than sorry

I don't know who exactly it is, but they don't even give her a chance, like I said, I've had the odd person who actually stays at the door for more than a few seconds and I can explain the situation to them, after that it's completely fine, the whole transaction wouldn't take more than a minute.

Really, if you're going to agree to a job where you're going to go up to random peoples houses, you should be prepared for that type of thing and know how to act. The base line is, they're not doing their job if they just pansy off as soon as they hear a dog.

Shit, I'd be fine with it if they at least left the package at the door like they sometimes do, you could make the argument they don't know if anyone's home, but that's their fault again for not confirming it anyway.
My mail box is far away from my house so I cant even check if anything is delivered. I just pray.
this is what entitled neets actually think. fuck off, nobody's gonna risk their ass for your dumb ass chinese barbies

That's a lot of implication anon, all I'm saying is, don't pick a job like that if you can't do it properly.
>Friendly reminder that Bruce Jenner killed somebody and still hasn't faced any consequences for it.

This fucking blows my mind.
Isnt there a case against him?
What the fuck is going on.

How can killer walk free and nobody care.
Get rid of your dog then you won't have this problem.
You're retarded as fuck.
The post office isn't going to pay the hospital bill if your stupid dog mauled them, so of course they're going to get the fuck out of there if they feel endangered, hell even if they had insurance from their employer they still would get out if they feel endangered, thats basic human instinct, of course they value their life over some fat fuck getting their package promptly.
Put your dog in the backyard or something when you have a package coming.
Best girl
Would marry
This is why dog owners are stupid cunts that need to stfu.

>oh she wont bite or do X
One: you dont know that, its a fucking animal.
Two; why would he risk getting bitten by your mutt?
Three: he does not have Xray goggles, he cant see inside your house
Four: he doesnt know you, or your shitty dog.

Back in college I had a parttime delivery job, and I got bitten by some fucking stinking mutt on the job.

The cunt owner was all like "huh, she normally never bites anyone"

if you're expecting a package, dont be a fucking shitsmear and cage your filthy animal. I can completely understand if a delivery guy simply refuses to ring your door if he senses an unrestrained dog.

Mailman is in the right.
A mailman can refuse to deliver mail to any house he deems dangerous.

You can bitch all you want but it's the mailman's choice to make, not yours.
Consider investing in a PO box.
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I dont know what you're talking about
>slightly see through plastic.
Cat's are better pets
I'm such a philistine, I've already got marks on my daki due to my nails catching in the fabric. Should I buy a reissue to keep as a collector's item?

This is my first time seriously buyfagging.
Tell that to the two broken scales I have.
Your grammar is atrocious
It's still better than your dog.

Also you forgot to add a period.
Well I have both actually

The dog sheds everywhere and fur's a bitch to clean every week

The cat jumps onto everything, claws extended

Periods are for girls, I thank my balls for not bleeding every month
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>Buyfag thread
>no one actually posts things they bought

Guess I didnt expect anything less from neets, so here, have an Akatsuki (female)
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Nothing to argue about here.
Most are updating the guide
Cute cats would pet
It's one guy.
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i bought these today, but it's gonna be a while before they arrive.
How does no one have a copy of the old guide
Would hotglue that pussy.
The fig is nice too.
How is it even legal for google to delete YOUR files because it has a "mean word" in it.
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Enjoy the seventh of January.
>a while
You mean never.

Customs will confiscate them and throw them in the incinerator
>Your files
Because whoever uploaded it agreed to their terms of service.
While not completely up to date, two versions of it have been posted in this thread.
>write doc in MSword, has fag in it.
>upload it to cloud storage
>microshit deletes it cuz muh fags

That is atleast an invasion of privacy, as they're reading your documents
They are not your files, google owns them. They are on googles server. You don't have a contract with them that would oblige them to keep your files or grantee that they remain unmodified.
If you want your own files get your own server.
Thats a good way to kill your own service.
>we will invade your privacy and documents and do with them as we please.
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>Origin Post is Preparing Shipment

It's lost in limbo, isn't it?
see >>135792194
Seems like youre living in a shithole. Never had any problems with customs.
Maybe I will googlefag, maybe I will.
This isn't anything new.
How long has it been? Shipments should be going back to normal now, unless there's some Japanese holiday I'm unaware of.
So you've either never bought anything or are Canadian
They've been doing it since forever, and any other major company for the matter

Does google look very dead to you?
Thanks doc
Fucking this


Storing all of your files on Big Brother's server. What the fuck did you think would happen?
It started shipping on Jan 5th and went into Preparing Shipment sometime today. It's EMS.
>people ITT actually defending google invading your privacy and supressing your freedom of speech.

Soon google will block your internet if you use fag anywhere.
We aren't defending it, we're calling you naive for expecting Google to defend your freedoms. If we used a free alternative like my man Richard Stahlman we wouldn't be in this situation.
Holy shit you're a babby.
So long as you're in their circle of legal powers then you should expect that they can do what they want
It's not pleasant, but suck it up, you accepted their unreasonable terms
I-It's my first time, senpai, and when I looked it up on google I saw horror stories of people's packages being perpetually stuck on that status and never getting their packages.
You're a fucking idiot holy shit kill yourself.
Thanks doc.
Shipping shit takes time ya doofus.
>your privacy

But they haven't invaded your privacy. You chose to store your shit in their house.

There is no such thing as privacy with cloud storage. End of.
mine has been "preparing" since Dec 1
Thanks doc
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How did you get your bird to stick to the side like that?
I'm more of a bird person myself
>2 days
Really? Get worried after a week. Even EMS can get caught up in holiday shipping and its remnants.
>Filesize higher despite being lower res
>Faggot filename
>reposting shit you posted before to attention whore
Kill yourself
Is that one of them ninjas?
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That's a cute bird.
Fuck that. Where's my Luka Hello Worker scale?
>having a bird shit all over you and your possessions.

Fuck off jontron, you arab piece of shit. Dont you have shilling for the fagulus rift and starwars to do?
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How the fuck is that image 2.33MB
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What the fuck are you talking about?
It's a png this time you tard.
>Converting a jpg to png in the first place
>Thinks its not possible to get the filesize lower than the higher res original despite the filetype change
Only one retard here bub
With terrible compression even. Possible to get it lower than the original filesize easily.
There are many attributing factors.
You are the tard for not knowing how to compress your images.
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>Buyfag thread
>no one actually posts OT because they're all poorfag neets, instead just argue about pointless shit

This is why your board is a fucking laughing stock.
Being a retard who posts an unrotated image on his computer was probably a huge factor.
You too with your shit file size on a Samsung Galaxy camera.
>1.2 MiB 1824x3200
>SAO shit
Why is your internet so bad
I just got a set of graphigs, they're quite cute.
Then fuck off to /toy/ or /v/'s buyfag threads.
I have fixed all the internal links in the new guide, now we need people to add content.
I was watching you do it. Chances are people wont. Still if anyone wants to contribute please do so!
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Anyone have this Ignis? A local store near me have it in stock discounted because the box is kinda dented but it is MISB. Is it any good?
If not, I'm gonna funnel my funds into getting the re-release of Momohime or hunting the Megahouse Amazon.
>Hating on the Galaxy's camera
I am not a poorfag, but I'm still waiting for 5 packages.
I will eventually, but I'd love something like Noragami's or Sora no Woto's OSTs like that.
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Cry more poorfag
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He's actually toilet trained mate
>hes toilet trained
>the toilet is the entire house, and your head/shoulders

Sure he is
Cute bird
>any good
It's really damn good quality wise. My only problem with it is the peg, it's kinda hard to fit the peg into the base.

Ignis >>>>>> Momohime > Amazon
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If you were going to buy a blu ray set, between these two which would you pick?

Nagi no Asukara vs Toradora!

I like both of them, but they're fucking retarded expensive. I was leaning towards Nagi.
Do either have bonuses you're interested in?
Did the guide just get deleted without any warning from Google? It didn't have any actually offensive content (except for arguably the fag part), why would they erase it completely without any warning?

Well, that's one reason I'm leaning towards Nagi. The ost was pretty good. Don't care so much about the art books and shit.
English blu-rays?
If yes, wait for a sale at rightstuf, everything else is expensive.
Just follow your heart, dude.
>the animal fedora
>one package coming from Canada got fucking lost
>package from Ami got caught by customs and I wil have to pay the tax for the first time in my 5 years of buyfaging
I fucking hate this year already.
>AnonKano will never get figures, or even more songs

They have such good designs too.
where did you order these from other than manda
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Holy shit.
>he didn't watch the Dog Whisperer
No, I dont watch some suicidal mexican dogfucker.
What are they made of? Cardstock or something thicker?

I'm thinking of making some bootleg ones
Dog whisperer is shit. If you take his advice you are actively putting yourself, your dog, and other people in danger.

Please drop the information he gave you and find better sorceress to train your dog.
Buy it.
I actually got the ABS plastic ones, good smile has a few sets of them. already assembled. They're larger than I would have thought.
I don't have a dog anymore.
Finally caved in and bought my first nendo, no regrets.
maybe the only one I have is that the first nendo will be old sword
Wait, they're made of plastic? I always thought they were just cardstock or cardboard. Neat.

Also harder to bootleg. Damn.
I meant sources but that is pretty funny
SOME are, there's the cardstock ones that are assembled like a papercraft. then there are a few sets of abs plastic ones. There's guides on which are which. I got this off google, but here's a sizing on the set I got. I got luka, rin, len, and three mikus.
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I want a figure of her already.
One of the shittiest shows ever made.
Nagi, the better series.
I agree, I have the meguka set. I want the ClariS ones still.
I think most are cardboard and that only the Ichiban Kuji graphigs were plastic.
Graphig are cardboard. Graphig++ are plastic.
This is America. So no.
Another question to ask is how this murderous he/she who doesn't even want to be a she anymore was chosen as woman of the year.
Me too, I'm excited for Macross once again.
>Kizu isn't going to be restocked
Guess it's time to read the butchered online version.
are first4figures any good? Or should I stay away?
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Thank God I got one of the last copies then, I nearly waited for local sellers to get more stock.
Yes, right on top of a VF-31
Don't forget to pre-order the Pochaco Nendo!
If it was going to be restocked, then Vertical would be doing a lot more than saying that stores need to order more. They're not responding to anyone on twitter asking for information either.

This is exactly why people don't support translations.
Ooh baby!
>Kizu isn't going to be restocked
You what now?
A week ago, Vertical said they have a lot of them in their warehouse left, stores/sellers only need to order them.
Hopefully I still get my copy, my original order got cancelled and I forgot about it until release.

Some stores are even removing Kizu from their website already, I wonder when they found out. Someone posted a link to Foyles here but the page is now 404ing. Funny that if you search "Foyles Kizumonogatari" then it shows up on google.

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One quick question, I'm trying to get pic related. And i found this link:


Has anyone ever tried to buy something from this seller? Also, accepting any suggestion to where to buy it.
Vertical have always given me really unprofessional, amateurish vibes. I feel like we need a more respected company to pick up translation.
Yeah they're legit

I chuckled.
>parcel was in customs today
>had to pay 9€ extra because fuck you it was 1€ over the tariff limit
>will be gone for two weeks starting next Sunday
>if it doesn't arrive by tomorrow (it won't) I won't be getting it in two weeks

It left fucking Japan on last year, this shouldn't take so fucking long.
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Anybody know why The Wavering of Haruhi Suzumiya hardcover is so weirdly rare/expensive? It's the only one in the series I can't easily and cheaply buy on amazon.
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>Parcelforce customs request is the envelope instead of a slip
Always fun to pay customs which equates to the price of one of the figures inside.
Should have preordered, I got mine for $7.47 on amazon for pre ordering it in September.
The format is all kinds of fucked up. Needs margins.
>Should have preordered
No shit, pity my time machine didn't work and tell me that there would be no stock at all available a couple of days after release. And that one of the most anticipated LN releases would only get one run.
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>31 days until wonfes

What are your hopes and dreams?
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In color this time.
More Saber, less non-Saber.
Saitama figma. The nendo is trash and I doubt we'll get a cool scale model one.
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This in color. Yami/Yui one announced.
Please give me a scale of my waifu Miss Monochrome.
Prototype Saya, or maybe even painted.

Also more idols
A good senran kagura figure. Utawarerumono false mask scales.
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A decent 2hu fig. Hope for koumajou remi fading.
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A prototype.
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Cocoa scale or nendo
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Lots of prototypes.
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Heavy Object kits. I want to build a Baby Magnum.
I want to build Flolaytia's uterus.
Symphogear scales.

Please, we've gotten high-quality dakis and even some decent shirts. Just give us what we've wanted for the past 3 years.
I want more slutty Chris scales.
Kula a qt.
>A good senran kagura figure.
So much this. They make keep making good dakis for it. Need some figures.
Frolaytia's uterus is reserved exclusively for noble use.
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Saki's tit monster colored
There's a Mitsuwa Marketplace just across the river in Jersey
Who drew this adorable girl?
Is it odd that I don't buy overtly lewd figures or statues?
I see these threads all the time and wonder, do you lot openly display these things? I tend to only buy things like pic related.
That's what it says when it hasn't entered the country yet. Try the JP Post tracking.
Move her arm anon, holy shit. That pose makes it look like she's making fun of your tiny penis.
Not really. The lewdest I had until Swimsuit Takao was a cheap prize tier Strike Witch that I got at AX.
I pre-ordered it at the end of november and still got my copy. I had to wait a week longer, though. Maybe you should look around a bit more. I'm sure there are sources that still have it in stock.
I don't have any lewd figures yet, Dark Elf will be my first, but I don't know if I will display her naked.
For once, Japan has good taste.
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I preordered my book in july, then got a cancellation of the order in september, because they found out that they sold english books too cheap.
I forgot about it somehow and the day after release, every online store I knew was already sold out, including Amazon and Bookdepo.
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>tfw dark elf arrives in the mail and she was sent internationally in the regular megahouse shipper box with an address sticker slapped on the side.
Nearly had a heartattack.
Thankfully my mailman is a boss and there was no damage.
It says directly on the box what it is.
That's the last time I order like that again. Thanks BiginJapan.
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That would actually be genuinely hilarious lol I switch it between this pose to the hat off with hands in the pocket from time to time.

>Swimsuit Takao
Even that's showing too much skin for my tastes! I think it looks kinda tacky.

Got a picture for a frame of reference?
Age-1 Normal will always be on display. Because it's awesome. I need to paint the larger figure though because the fault colours are a bit flat.
disgusting lesbo
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She's lewd enough even without taking off her bra.
she's like the boring megane support char, without the megane.



Only you see that.
>how to get out the crease?
Why do they even sell things like this if they're just going to ruin it before it even arrives.
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Glasses are shit.
I wouldn't expect some manchild /v/ faggot like yourself to understand finer adult taste. I would say "you'll understand when you're older," but that's based on the premise that most people mature and their taste improves as they age.
Christ, I would never ever buy that.
>understand finer adult taste
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I like her and the other ones are pretty good too.
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Why not?
You should look how she looks in the anime.
They look great, for sure! But I just wish there was more clothing on them.

Honestly, I don't have an answer that goes beyond, "I just don't like them" which is unfortunate because they're super impressive crafts.
The lewdest thing I own is Selvaria Bles, and even then I only find it a bit on the edge because of the massive baps.
I thought that wasn't possible due to birds not even being able to control their shit.
>not even trying to be subtle about pushing political agendas
fuck this gay earth
What a fucking trainwreck, I'd say "go to reddit" but they wouldn't even take you.
If you're posting here you should be old enough to decide on your own, for what you throw your money out of the window.
Sure they can. They just don't hold it in because they need to weigh as little as possible.

When my female cockatiel laid unfertilized eggs, she'd hold her shit and incubate them for a while. When she was sick of incubating unfetilized eggs, she'd walk away from the eggs and release this gigantic shit all over the cage floor.

So you can encourage birds to at least poop in proper areas, or have them wait for you to hold a paper towel under them.
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I don't know if they count, but those are the ones I would consider the lewdest I own at the moment.
Links because of picture limit.
I would maybe buy the first one, but the other 2 I would definitely not. I do however own both of the Kill La Kill prize figures, but I wouldn't buy the one in the picture you posted. Awfully bad picture unfortunately, sorry.
not really? I have like two borderline cheesecake nudes
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A man can dream.
My bad. See >>135804614

>cheesecake nudes
Come again?
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My perfect, canonically shit taste.
None of these good for hotglue.

No. Not at all.
Rin's sluttly legs are perfect for gluing.
you could buy the RAH
Eh, I'd hotglue the biribiri

You did something right.

I kinda felt so.
How do you guys hid this shit from your friends?

Secret closet like in Deus Ex.
I kill them
That's partially why I don't buy lewds.
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I'm your friend, you don't have to hide your PVC from me.
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Uh, you don't get to bring friends.
Pretty sure Volks killed that little project of theirs and went back to GKs.
There is no RAH, you mean the picconeemo?
I already own it.
Just don't.
If they don't like it, they are not your friends.
Family could be more of a problem.
Has the surveyguy posted the survey results yet? I've been away a few days
Yes, porkchop was number one.
I don't? If they say anything I can just bring up something embarrassing about them as well. If you are friends you should know enough about them to atleast do that.
I don't. I only don't display my male figures because I'm afraid my mother might think I'm gay.

>liking anime and manga

She already knows you like cocks.
Any links?
>male figures

What friends?
I found a secret room built by the freemasons and hidden for centuries. I sold some old junk I found inside to fund my hobby and hid the map on the back of the Declaration of Independence, so I think it should be safe.
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December Amico arrived on my birthday!

>boy statues
I wonder how you got to this conclusion.
Solid lighting setup.
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oneesama painted + preorder date
that shit on her neck looks 3d printed
post the prison school and restaurant accessories please.
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Can't wait
Every single fucking thread.
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Finally got Rei to complete the duo.
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Happy birthday yo. I might have to get that Racing Miku, the design has grown on me. And don't let that plamo backlog get too big now.
What's so bad about people thinking you're gay?
those look terrible
This is embarrassing.
>"What's behind this anon-kun?"
>another finger on the monkey paw curls inward

Standard rule 34 crapiness.
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Don't, she'll cry.
did they use designs from deviantart or like, what?
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Either painted or confirmed cancelled so I can stop hoping to see it at every event. Obviously I'd prefer it to be painted.
She can take it, she's a big girl.
my collections set up in my closet. i'm afraid of knocking them over if i keep them out in the open anyway
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I paid EMS for this mandarake a shit.
That is extremely conspicuous and, given that you made an attempt to hide what's behind it, it would be embarrassing when someone asks about it.
no need to hide anything.
She's not lewd enough even with the bra off.
It's a really good figure, they did a really good job. This is my 3rd Zoid, I am waiting to move out before I begin building. They are a lot of fun.

Amico had a derpy figure of Sakuya, so i had to get it. I can't let her shelf-warm.
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>not wanting to protect oneesama's smile
Why would I hide them from the other anons in this thread?
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Final item.
Forgive me, anon, for I have sinned.
Jealousy levels are through the roof

That one is also derpy.
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>hiding his passion

I'm a Mikufag and I feel disgusted.
Soft breast Yagyuu. Or at least anything that says they haven't dropped it.
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Post Miku's butt.
I'd rather she protect mine.
It's more likely that the screen is used for figure photography and he was just having fun with it.
ever thought this could be for preventing color degregation from sunlight
>they literally did Hibari and Katsuragi back to back

The absolute madmen, why.
Or he was trying to keep his figures out of direct sunlight.
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That's the ticket, anon. I want to lay my head on her thighs and take a long nap.
Mandarake has no control over how the postal services handle mail.

Also EMS can take up to a week, get over it.
If at least it was an armoire with wood doors, then it would look better. A pull-down screen on a bookshelf isn't just suspicious. It actively tells people that you have things to hide. Most people will probably assume it's a massive collection of adult DVDs.
Mandarake is shit tho
>It took them 5 days to get it to the post office
>not having a mancave hidden behind a fake wall in your basement
The only downside is humidity control.
Broke my Hanna out of her package. I like the crystal deal that attaches her to the base. I've heard these can break easy, so I was careful as fuck setting this up.

Her fucking amazing ass holy shit.
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It said it was shipped on the 4th. Today's the 7th. So you paid for it on December 30th and expected it to be shipped immediately? Most stores were closed that week.
December 31st to the 4th were holidays.
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She grew on me after watching the video nonstop during last year's Miku Expo. It was the only video they played for 2 hours before the concert started. The other video was "BUY GSC FIGMA!".

Also, Square didn't fuck up her face. That's a first, so my hopes are high for Fran.
Spot the entitled american.
what the fuck is this

Hana got really good figures. But yeah, the base always felt really unstable to me.
>one tit is higher than the other
The design itself is pretty nice, but I think the face is a bit too real.
They're like real tits.
Why would you even want that?
It's a shame her twintails and hair in general look so bad, other than that she's pretty nice
>so my hopes are high for Fran.
anon no
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Fuck is up with Play Arts Kai's new stands?
Are you a virgin?
They're all like this, but very sturdy. It holds up my Psycho Mantis PAK just fine and he's heavy as shit.

I looked at the nub on the crystal and thought "don't fuck this up like you did with your Kallen bunny girl fig."
is wonfes the biggest buyfag convention?
Still kinda mad I missed the Alphamax one when it was on clearance but I made the mistake of hesitating. I can't put my finger on what about was about this one I don't like.
Biggest figure convention. Comiket is probably bigger for general buyfag stuff.
>not loving your waifu no matter what portrayal it is
>not buying unique/different stylized Miku merch

Obviously you're not a dedicated mikufag
>facebook filename
>Calling people a virgin in /a/
>not loving your waifu no matter what portrayal it is

It's odd that at first I hated the bad figures of my waifu, but as time went on I just accepted them as another part of her. Not a Mikufag, but after I had to buy a Griffon figure, you just kind of take the bad parts with the good parts if she's best girl.
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It was just the way her torso moved during shipment. Tits are even. But her left arm is beefier than the right arm. She also came sticky, meaning that they were kept in a hot warehouse for a while.

Or maybe they were hotglued at the chinese factory. But I honestly wouldn't know what hotglue smells like.
>im a grill btw
You would respect your waifu enough to not get a shitty depiction of her.
why is it so hard to find a miku fig with shimapan
people think this looks good?
Shimapan have never been part of the official design.
If you're not willing to love her at her worst, you don't deserve her at her best.
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Obligatory panty shot. It is not stripped. I regret my purchase now.
Soak her in water wish dish soap (very diluted) over night then rinse her off to remove the sticky. Repeat if necessary.
That's a horseshit excuse why to buy a griffon
>Lifting images from social media is bad
Yeah, sure.

>Calling people a virgin in /a/
By that, do you mean it's wasted effort?
Explain your work in the margin.
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Do you think her or Velvet will bin?
That fucking paint application.

Play Arts, not even once.
If she's just some random character to you then sure, don't bother with Griffon.
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This is wisdom
Those wings are glorious
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I thought so too at first so I skipped every chance to pre-order the figures
But you will learn to accept and love even that. And then you will apologize for not loving her by overpaying for the stuff you purposely missed out on
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She is too sticky to handle, so I'll go wash her in warm soapy water and pose her later.
>Unnecessary belts
Thanks Normura.
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Even then she does not deserve this.
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Grabbed てぃんくる's C88 and C89 packs from mandarake. Originally wasn't planning to ever get artwork in my lifetime but when i saw her C89 pack sellout in 2 hours and pop up briefly, i quickly snagged it and picked up the C88 pack too. The B5 books are quite lewd o////o

Left half = C88, Right half = C89
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But most of my waifu's figures are made by Griffon. True love has it's ups and downs, anon.
>social media

Just stop. You're a faggot. Stop posting.
If that was the only figure I had of my waifu then you're damn right I would buy it. Are you honestly telling me you would feel happy turning her down? That you would be fine with her knowing you didn't want her because she wasn't good enough for you? Griffon's a company of shit, but I refuse to disappoint her.

Fucking grotesque figure bro.
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I live alone and I keep them in my bedroom. No one goes into my bedroom. Only one friend knows about them at all and he's never seen more than a few pictures. The blanket term that I use to refer to figures or collecting figures with him is "shame."
Nomura's belt fetish knows no bounds

I have them nicely displayed in my living room and people either ignore or admire them.
arent they 1/12 scales?
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I keep in touch with friends that live far away, I use it to arrange meet ups, it keeps me in contact with friends and family should my phone get bricked etc. It's social.

I use it to view media of many different formates. Video, gif, images, audio etc. I use it to share, create and spread other peoples media as well. It's a platform for media.

By definition, it's social media. Go fuck yourself Mr Livingmeme.
I want a clear version of that to keep the dust out
If you look closely it's already got windowed doors.
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Lat-type ver. has shimapan and it's the cutest's Miku figure, in my opinion.
So do you ever ejaculate on them?
>literally being this much of a normalfag
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Fuck off

>Bravely Second
>Dark elf tits.



Verticalposting should be a bannable offense. And what's with the reddit shit "delete this" meme that has infiltrated this website recently? I've never seen one of these that wasn't pure cancer.
Fuck off and go discuss your shit taste with your friends on social media then
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the future.jpg
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I do not.
Living meme 2.0

I've never used reddit

>implying this jap image board doesn't have social aspects
No one here wants to socialise with you faggot.
>error: ass not found
Berserk nendos. I hope the shitty new anime will finally make it happen.
one day

she will be mine

Lurk a bit more, anon
Been here since 2008, but if you say so, Mr. Old fag.
Please kill yourself.

Then neither of those things should be of any significant surprise to you.
I've been here since 93, fuck off newfag.
Nice setup you got there.
Did I say I wanted you to? Projecting awfully hard there.

You sound mad.
-12 points for the boatshit.
Happy birthday, you raging faggot.

Nice Miku.
Personally I wouldn't store the boxes in the display case but nonetheless 9/10.
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>jap image board
>FOUR (4) shimakaze
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>Tru tho
Soon, mein Freund.
How is she a raging faggot?
well it should be
She is good though.....
Bruv where did you get this?
OK, kid.
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2MB, 1280x720px
Now please

This is just weird.
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best saberface besides jannu.png
825KB, 385x545px
When is this coming out?
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Post your collection~
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miku pantsu fix.jpg
368KB, 1149x1629px

Can't wait for 50 replies of people posting their MFC screenshots and no discussion.
Someone already did.
what's there to discuss anyway?
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Thank you, anon. That was kind of you.
They stopped giving her striped pantsu in figures and other stuff a while ago, I guess plain white is more pure.
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Why is Kotori so perfect bros?
There is so many things wrong with this post.
Bullies ;_;
gr8 m8 I r8 8/8
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>image.jpg (1.03 MB, 2301x2980)
>Shit lightning
>Subject of photo not centered
>Star wars shit
Cute robot.
Lol you mad bro?

>Hating on star wars

Get a load of this guy
Collecting Star Wars toys past the age of 12 is pretty degenerate.
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Anybody have or know where I can find these Daibadi kits? Apparently they are Gurenn Lagann kits and were released sometime last year
>order some koto from Kirinhobby over the holidays because I figure it'll be cheaper and quicker, since I'm also in the US
>find out they're on vacation from the 24th of december till the 5th of january, won't handle any shipping business till after they get back
>now january 7th and not even an email.

How big could their backlog be? I ordered some shit from nippon via EMS which shipped right after they came back from their holidays and I think it might end up getting here before my KH order, which was supposed to be priority mail express
What about the Lightsaber Replicas?
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886KB, 500x380px
You are in the same category of person as this woman.
I like the giant figures from Jakks
Thread posts: 555
Thread images: 143

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