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Buyfag Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 551
Thread images: 137

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Read the guide buyfag.moe, and don't forget to order Eriri
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first for porkchaco
eriri a cute too
Eriri is sex. Do want.
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This looks so much better than GSC's Sakura Saber
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Still waiting for this Saber.

I really hope Grand Order makes some other Servants popular and manufactures don't just churn out endless Saber figures. I'd like some variety.
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I highly doubt it will happen, but I'd love to see a Berserker Tamamo.
What's the longest time between the opening of preorders and the release date you've seen?
1. Not including delays
2. Including delays
I would like to see some Central/South American based berserker that wants blood for the blood god.

No. I'm sick of her already.
>ordering worst girl

No thanks
I have never bought a figure I didn't like. That's just stupid.
>2% of buyfags
I didn't get paid until today and a figure I wanted to pre-order on Amiami is listed as closed now, but not sold out
Release date is this month
Will it go up for regular order? Will the price change?
Relatively new to this
Replace breasts with ass or thighs and that percentage skyrockets.
I only buy figures I like and I don't have any lewds yet.
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post collections!!!
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which figure?
Those books are yellow as fuck.
>23% of buyfags
Get better taste. Faggot.
Not really /a/ but Soul Sacrifice Red Hood
Set up a figinstock notification for it.

Also SS sucks m8
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Whatever happened to those pins made advertising Senran Kagura and Valkyrie Drive where the characters were using their breasts as beds? I would have bought at least a million or two.
I dont think they're on sale yet.
speaking of that.

Ikaruga needs a daki redesign.
Just like the people who made them.
Alright, hope the price doesn't go back up

while I agree the combat is nearly as polished as MonHun I really enjoyed the presentation and stories
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oooh shes purrty
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Just the desk for now
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She's the sexiest.
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>censor bar not perspective-aligned
If the hair turns out good in person, then everything about this figure in nice.
>scat in the OP
Fuck this thread.
>that mug
On that note how do you fags feel about character goods being used? Like a mug with your waifu on it, would you use it daily?
maybe if I had redundant copies
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My ignorance of "high tension" pains me.
cute. This coming from a Utaha fag.
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Does this scream "lean" to anyone?
is it really worth the forwarder/proxy price? I was going to but the koto site kept rejecting my forwarder's address so i just went with amico
You should use it, its your waifu.
If you truly love your waifu for lyfu then you would never resell her merch so you dont need to worry about keeping it in mint condition.
She's leaning on one leg, so yes.
I don't know the English name for the book, and I don't Google Translate is acceptable.
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Everyone paid 8300Y right?
It's not just about reselling value. Would you want an image of her to be faded and coffee-stained?
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I've left my waifu with different stains before.
Life's too short to be anal about shit like that.
You could also just not drink coffee in it, just other stuff you drink.
I just personally think its a shame to buy an item that you don't plan on reselling but never use it anyway.
Most mugs are ugly shit so no I wouldn't use it
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I went with ami on my last order, no forwarder/proxy there.
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Whats on top of the shelf?
ignis, now fuck off.
>bookshelf above desktop
That's terrifying
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Some books and stationery.
I like some of your books.
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>He put the wireframe in his detolf in backwards
How the fuck are you gonna call $1500+ of figures poorfag?
whats that black layer you have on your detolf shelves?
kill yourself, tard.
>a lot
You are the poorfag.
Why is this allowed?
It's sturdy and I don't live in earthquake zone.
That's pretty nice. Nanana's really cute
Tensai is better.
That's amazing
floppy disks
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Hobby List Japan has her for ~10.5k and I really want to pull the trigger. Can't decide if I want to wait until I get a little more money or scoop her up before she's gone, I've never dealt with low-stock items on HLJ before. Any ideas on how much time I've got, or is it a crapshoot?
becuase you don't blow $1500 in one go
Because that's one year worth of collection?
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Reminds me of this.
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>Localized manga
I like his mirror design over the couch. Wow he has the rare bed desk thing
That is a nice way to display straps I should keep that in mind.
she's at 9500 A/B at amiami (when she appears)
You have some nice things there.
The things I'm using to hold the dowel are called cable drops on amazon. There are lots of cheap chinese versions you can get instead of the brand name ones.. I might buy a clear acrylic rod to use instead of the wooden dowel though.
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me and my son.jpg
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I have no idea how to display these straps. There are few more
You've got something on your face.
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I told myself I wasn't gonna post again until after I got my /ss/ stuff in but I got grinched so whatever. ;_;

Oh well, I don't think I've posted this with Madokami yet anyways.
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A real poorfag would not have over $100 a month to spend on dumb shit like figures
wow so even a buyfag can get laid
fuck off cunt, 100 bucks is nothing.
$100 is fucking nothing, even when I was a full-on NEET I could afford $100 a month to spend on nothing. Get your shit together.
you just go to lower your standards.
anyone can literally get laid
a cat is fine too
fuck off, even a beggar gets more to buy stupid shit.
>That Shirt
Not everyone should reproduce
I'd certainly appreciate the resize if it were an unboxing or something but I can't see shit now

That's a very nice collection but aren't you worried about UV ray degradation? Your window looks open
I'd be annoyed if I had to dust those figs once every month.
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I'm not sure I want to buy her used, as I've heard stories of breakage and other problems because of some less-than-stellar wings among other things. If I can get a better deal on Ami, I guess I can be patient and wait on more money to come in. If by then she's not up on Ami I'll nab her from HLJ (if she's still in stock).


What's that on the bottom visible shelf of the detolf behind the Miku's?
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Since I didn't got any reply in the last thread...

I saw this figure in a second hand store for 2700¥
This is a bit more than I usually spend on superfluous products but she is so cute and so perfect! Should I buy her or this is not a good price? I don't really care much about boxes and stuff.
A/B is sealed anon, also koto uses eliptic tape so is most likely never opened.
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Also when googling for more information I found this and I'm tempted to pre-order this one too as it is not as expensive as the first one. Is this worth it? Do you think I would be able to find it for cheaper as second hand latter? Probably I will just wait for it to show up on physical stores around here.
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Oh, hey I have the same shitty Ikea case.
I fixed my shitty picture orientation
you should buy some nice rugs for that mancave, m8. makes it comfier.
Because its great?
So why the Pepsi mixed in with the figures?
sure why not
It was a Back to the Future prop replica and I have nowhere else to put it thats safe.
Needs more Kyouko desu senpai
>Homura and Madoka's identities censored
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you have to be 18 to post here.
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that tongue is so cute.jpg
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In about 2-3 more years.
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You're right, I forgot. My brain must be trying to trick me into buying it as soon as possible. I'll stick it out for a deal for as long as I can, thanks.

I'm also excited to add another Koto scale to my collection, I just cleared off a shelf above pic related and I'd like to fill it sooner rather than later.

Reposted for resized picture.
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Meguca and hameru
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Picture is a little out of date as I've been trying to sell off some of my manga. I also have yotsuba 1-4 and shirokuma cafe 1-2 in japanese but aren't shown here.
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How many figures did you buy in 2015?

I only bought 2. pic related and Dark Elf Bikini Warrior
I bought like 6 or 7 and I haven't opened a single one.
I bought a number of nendos of characters I don't care for because I liked the series that much. I can't even imagine if I had a waifu.
Thanks boss.
Too many.
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2015 Buyfagging.jpg
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I started buyfagging very late in the year, so I only bought one figure and one nendoroid. I have more pre-ordered.
3, more are coming.
According to my MFC history, twelve. That's down from twenty-eight in 2014. Though I also put together a new computer, so net-net it's all probably the same.

>After the Party Sonico
>Hoshii Miki
>Tsukikage Elin
>Zelsius Quna
>Kikuchi Makoto
>Nishikino Maki nendo
>Tohsaka Rin figma 2.0
>Steampunk Elin
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Inubouzaki Fuu from Yuuki Yuuna.
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Sorry, I take awful photos. Couldn't be bothered to move the beer bottles. I just got the new Alice figure in and it's cute as hell. I even payed the extra 2k yen for the stupid kokeshi doll. But she's cute as hell and is a great addition to the collection I guess. Wish I didn't have such a cheap looking desk. Watching K-On and Hidamari tonight.
>buying the nendo and not the model kit/Mafex of TR8-T0R
if you can afford a 7506 and 2i2 you can afford a detolf
I don't think I have the room for a display case. I have no clue where I'd put it.
The MAFEX isn't bad, I just preferred the nendo. It helps that I wasn't aware of its existence until just now.

Also forgot a Hestia figure in there, the MAX Factory one.
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>civilian outfit
what a waste
I immediately assumed that was someone else's baby
do you keep her on your desk?
This was my first year buyfagging, so 4.
She sits on top of my speaker.

First year buyfagging as well; 8
>leaving japan soon after comiket
>tfw thinkin' bout australia customs
That's one cute doll.
Don't tempt me
Dolls are 3spooky5me but this one looks cute.
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2016 Buyfagging.jpg
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There we go. Now it's correct. Forgot my two favorite Germans in the last one as well.
RIP in peace.
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This one looks really nice but damn are they expensive.
theres an exclusive version of that too
I remember seeing this battlestation slowly improve on /g/ but it had no figures years ago, when did this guy become a buyfag?
She is cute, what's her name? I can't recognize her from nowhere.
darkshot has been at it for years.
Thank you anon.
and Edna

Lets see i can scrap some money for these three this year. Living in country when currency collapse sux.
Canada? Or is it somewhere worse?
brazil i bet.

I really like your Meguca shelf. Everything is posed nicely, especially the Figma. You gave them a lot of personality.
>tfw want to buy Dakimakura
>doesnt have waifu
Life's suffering indeed.
Get one custom made. That's what I did.

You can dust a baby?
I mean I dont have a dedicate waifu to be on it
Most my waifus are just impulse one where I forgot about them in the next season.
That's not what a waifu is, anon. You've never had a true waifu yet.

Just get a dakimakura of an original character if you really want one.
Bummer. There's nothing like the feeling of having the perfect waifu.
You could get a new cover every season if you were some kind of hussy.

Just be patient, anon. She'll find you, one day. There's no need to force that sort of thing.
>floppy disks on the walls
I don't even-
fav chara =/= waifu
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>tfw want to get a daki but dont know how parents will react when they see it
Define the term waifu, anon. I'm curious.
Lurk more, Curious George.
You'll know when the time comes.
get a normal looking cover and put it on top of it
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Love plus.jpg
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Its like Bankai for /a/
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>tfw still no iroha figure and dont know which waifu to buy next
Never get a daki if it's not of your waifu. You literally sleep with it.
just have it out when your parents won't see it. I don't understand people that want to sleep with a body pillow every single day, that's a hassle.
Why do you have floppy disks on your wall?
>not having a cute daki of your daughteru
Nigger are you even trying?
>which waifu
>Most my waifus

I want your Kanojo doll.
I sleep with body pillow everyday but its not Daki
just normal body pillow

I bet you only have one waifu.
One waifu, one laifu.

Fucking Muslims and Mormons.
are you allowed to change at least?
When did this concept get so fucking morphed that people started referring to every anime girl they liked as their waifu? I had a roommate that did that and he was a piece of a shit who visited tumblr on a daily basis. No joke.
People who have more than one waifu don't have a real waifu. They're just kids pretending to be men.
If something is 7k on mandarake, and something is 6k listed price on Yahoo auctions, is it cheaper to just use Mandarake? At what point is Yahoo cheaper? I can see these proxies aren't too expensive, but sometimes they have surprise pricing, like oversized boxes, ridiculous shipping estimates, ems only, or long waits and extra fees.
I think you answered your own question Anon.
>pretending a anime cartoon character is your "wife"
Mandarakes shipping is stupid expensive. Not sure about YahooJP though.
>I bet you only have one waifu.

As it should be. As it ever shall be.
>When did this concept get so fucking morphed that people started referring to every anime girl they liked as their waifu?

When anime got more popular and people started using the word outside of /a/. Faggots latched onto it until it became the new "favorite character".

Dumb feelposter.
Well, divorce is legal. That doesn't mean you won't be looked down upon as unfaithful scum.
how new
>using floppy disks for decoration
That's pretty cool anon
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All I'm saying is people don't seem to care about shit anymore even when it comes to their chinese cartoons. I wish more people on modern /a/ were more dedicated to their hobbies. Sure, we used to make fun of people who were socially inept retards, but the concept has really changed since then.
People on modern /a/ are shit. It's just that a lot of other boards are even worse, so in comparison it seems like we're better off.
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I see squid girl.
What's the anime on screen?

Why does this girl love to meme so much?
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it's fun, you should watch it
What's the bed desk thing your talking about?
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>tfw I got my OPM CD in the mail
>tfw the OP sounds fucking amazing on my Beats

So amazing
Oh well you live in the era of smartphone. Everything is almost free and these newfag don't even care about quality or supporting their hobbies. They beyond lazy now and dunno even to research. Just google some *le epik anime* then watching anime in bloated streaming site. If they want to discuss just go to top media social on google. If they want buy merchandise just buy something in top of google.
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>find my old kodak m530
>it's all banged up with scratches on the screen and one microscopic scratch on the lens
>read half of buyfag supports light boxes rather than investing in serious cameras
>take a picture with decent lighting and its atrocious, my note 5 takes better pictures
What was that camera that one anon was recommending a few weeks ago, if anyone remembers?
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>nigger meme headphones
At least get 4chans official meme headphones, the m50x.
this has to be bait
>kodak m530
Do non-DSLRs even have any reason to exist at all now that high end smartphones take tolerable snapshots?
sup steven

They're the best when you want that extra kick. If you've heard the OP in lossless you'd know the money matters
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you err, there are several of us.
>Like most things from Japan, its beautiful, subtle, and practical, they’ve made their ATH-M50X to drive soothing sounds perfectly and seamlessly.

I am actually laughing.
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I don't think they do. I want to make a custom tripod for my note 5 so I can start getting serious with photos, and maybe one day move up to a DSLR
>not having everything in lossless
Pretty sure they'd sound great on some HD800s
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>getting all of that from a simple suggestion
Fuck off Tomoko
Kids please
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Headphone and other audio gear reviews are like wine labels.

Lots of flowery words for trivial properties or nothing at all.
>tfw fell for the m50x meme
Joke's on you fags, they're actually really good for $100. Plus they're durable as fuck so I use them as a nice pair of travel headphones ever since I upgraded my home pair

M40x are nicer
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expensive means good.jpg
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Poorfags, please
More often nothing than trivial aspects.
Anyone who spends more than $200 (+$100 or so for a dac/amp) is a baka
>nigger meme
Not even. Just a plain scam.
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While i do have alot of anime reactions, i only have this and pic related from biyori
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Will do. Thanks
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don't buy black desks.jpg
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Fucking MEMES
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I caved in and bought a daki.
I have no regrets.
Life is a meme; so meme well, my friends.
>$300 headphones
>only listen to anime music

who miophones here
>akg weebs
Please stop
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H-how are my collection s...senpai?
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>posting outdated memes
I almost bought one, but I end up getting a DT880.
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>only listen to anime music
No, your life is the meme.
Purged, you need to be.
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>Buy DT770
>have to EQ highs down in MPCHC or seiyuus blow my ears out

dat V-shape

got dat nigga bass
it's nice for the shit I listen to though.
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japanese grain.jpg
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>Miku variation of Strike Freedom flying down and killing everyone
You are right to role-play elsewhere, but don't advertise here.
Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.
Have you read that VN?
>that picture
Who are obvious /g/ and headfifags
Who are porkfags
saber reminds me of those gook girls wearing those hideous sandals.
Are you a gril?
Of course not.
There is literally nothing wrong with those if you get a non glued pair for $200
sony mdr is best
>Hotglueing headphones
You fucking mad man
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Didn't those dumb Anons buy those cat ear headphones the other month?
What's the octopus with a mustache and top hat called?
Ultros VIII
>subtle noodlefag
Nice try. I actually saw some girl with her kukbois on the train showing them off. Autistic as fuck.
You noticed her therefore she got what she wanted.
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check e-oh.gif
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>Those quads
I guess she did.
This thread has gone to shit.
>Do what -I- say

Ha ha. Powerless in real life and on the net.
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It could be cute.
only if you're 2D
I've actually never seen someone get subs when posting that image, and it's great.
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>Buyfag is shit without my high test porkloin, my mfc preorder lists and my idols James and Noodles!
It's actually been quite pleasant.

Rightstuf put a bunch of OST CDs on sale for $2 during their holiday sale.

Of course, I bought literally every one. Also an Azumanga Daioh lithograph and some BDs of shit I like and also wild cards because it looked terrible.

and some old VNs.

guest appearances by eggnog, old desk, and this thread.
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Where do you guys keep your empty figure boxes? Do you flatten them so they can be assembled in future, or do you just have a room full of empty boxes?
>/hpg/ comes to visit

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Oh, right. Too dark to see in the bottom left are the abenobashi magical music mansion, a gunxsword album, and I forgot to put in the bottle fairy four seasons image album and starship operators OST.

that bottle fairy album got some fukn fire on it
I Tetris them into AmiAmi's giant fucking shipping boxes and stow that in a corner of the guest room under a sheet.
>the raibu faggot posts again
You're too late.
Collecting plastic butts is what I do.
My closet is a tetris game of boxes. but I'll run out of display room before i run out of room for boxes.
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Nothing wrong with ラブing the ライブs, anon.
Lowercase it if verb Tetris.
>Three hestias

Just couldn't decide or that was your plan?
no way. pls post more pics of the boat
It was in fact my plan. Hestia's cute and, for as average as DanMachi was, it was something I had fun watching.

I'd have preferred having more figures of my waifu than of Hestia but manufacturers only recently broke their streak of making ones that don't look awful.
He's doing something here...don't disturb him.

I want to sleep on a bed of Rins.
Cool, I'm going to get ONE (likely the Wave).
Wave's looks pretty good.
Who is that blonde cutie on the left?

I'll show you some grain faggot.

And by that I mean my clusterfuck nendo/figma collection. I've been experimenting making my own risers/shelving units to see how much shit one of those $60 ikea vittsjos can possibly hold, as I've always lamented all that wasted air volume between the levels, and turns out it's quite a lot.
Run the gauntlet.
You can do it.
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My wallet is kill

I like it. I'm working on rearranging my figma and nendo displays so its good to have ideas.
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I use my Miyako plate all the time.
The girl from Pumpkin Scissors
That doesn't look very wide.
I thought the official 4chan headphones were the K701?
I prefer k712 pros
K-ON days are over, grandpa.
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This one? It is cool but it is much more expensive and I think the standard version looks good enough.
You're right. Although I recently picked up the revised version, the Q701. I thought they were shit compared to my Sennheiser 598s, so I gave them to my brother for Christmas. Maybe I just don't have what it takes for the whole audio jig.
I bought the M50s because you don't need an amp to use them, so I can just plug them straight to my TV to watch anime, then switch it over to PC if I want to listen to some music or play PC games. I'd probably get K701 if I had enough money to spend on my sound system.
Can a buyfag point me to the light? I saw a fairly large and tall fig of a girl with long purple(?) hair half sitting and half leaning on a stone pillar. She wears black. Its one of the more recent ones I believe since I've seen it around quite a bit.
Could be a preference thing. At a certain point headphones are more distinguished by different character rather than just sound quality.
There's a Raita figure on a stone pillar.
I hope you don't mean that one.
Do yourself a favor for your ears and get http://www.amazon.com/Shure-HPAEC940-Replacement-Velour-Headphones/dp/B005OM06RG/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top?ie=UTF8 for your m50s. I can wear my M50s for 16 hours a day without discomfort with these replacement pads over the stock ones, its an amazing difference.
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Yeah I'm expecting people in this thread to give me shit for the spacing, but actually I think it does look alright in-person at eye-level per row.

Unfortunately the acrylic thickness I used was weaker than I thought it would turn out hence the clear support rod in the middle; if anyone wants to make acrylic shelves definitely do 1/4" for load-bearing ones. Nendo-size risers are fine on 1/8", at least.
some call it clusterfuck, some efficient use of space
change not a thing with you nendo/figma cabinet
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>Being poor
This was 2015 alone
Kinda out of topic, How much would a place like that cost to live in? (The rent itself)
Thanks guys, I found it. It was a 1/6 PVC of Selvaria Bles but it was displayed on a pillar that wasn't part of the fig.

Yes unless I explicitly wanted to have an item on display always. I have a Yuno mug which I always try to use and a complete set on display. Most of the character merchandise mugs are so small you can barely pour a nice portion of drink on them.
Not him but it really depends on the country, then the city/neighborhood. In the US that could be $600 or $1200+ a month depending where.
>back to the future pepsi
Shit man, those sold out so fast, was bummed out for a couple of hours then just shrugged and moved on.
wrong picture. fuck.

The Touhou nendoroids look great together. I think that clustering things together only looks bad if it is with scales. This looks good to me.
Never tried buying from Gathering, does their stuff look as good as it appears?
these are like totally different figures, and one of them is a garage kit
Sometimes. I think that their Elins are supposed to be good. I don't know much myself so ask someone else

I think posable toys are easier to make look better when packed together than scales. You can do things with the posing to make groups and dioramas.

I have one of those 120cm vittsjos for my scales so I can see it working.

Those shallow nendo steps look good. I was going to go with 7.5-10cm tall steps. It sucks living in a city and not having the space to do diy builds for things like this.
Pretty sure those already looked shit in the preview.
I think you are right. Here is an Elin some anon posted.
Live in the US. Will probably check out on google. But what is this considered? No rooms, 1 bathroom?
Has anyone here used Zen Market before as a proxy?

I was looking for one that could ship R18 goods and they looked very cheap ($3 flat commission).
>300 yen per item
Doesn't sound that cheap.
You mean a studio? It always varies by state/city... maybe minimum 4-500 in cheaper areas (even less in the boondocks), max 1800-2k+ in Manhattan or San Francisco.
I've got one of their Elins as well. The paint is pretty much perfect. Only issue is the hair is kind of clumpy, presumably because it's a recast.
Well, I was trying to buy some c89 stuff off of YAJ and the second lowest site I could find had a %8 + extra commission.
Oh, they do YAJ with the same fee? That's pretty good I guess.
what lens do you buyfags recommend for fig photography? I got an a6000 for xmas but it only has the kit 15/50 lens which isn't too great close up
Please spoiler that shit.
Yeah, recasts are made by pouring resin into silicone molds, and even with a lot of expertise little bubbles can get stuck on the insides and it's impossible to know how good or bad they got until it already cured. Also because the molds are really delicate, around sharp parts and deep crevasses/delicate details the mold breaks off in little pieces and then all subsequent recasts after that damage come with defects.

It's up to manufacturer QC on whether they will remake parts for a set, although if the molds are already really worn out some people get the short end of the stick. Or at least from e2046; some manufacturers commit to near-perfect QC but not them. Still though considering e2046's selection there often isn't another choice anyway.
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Nendoroids are cute.
where did u get those risers from?
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This boat? But hundreds of her have already been posted.

Can you not read? I'm guessing not as you can't type.
>made in china
turn tsubasa's base plate please
That is a nice angle.
buy a tripod before you buy another lens
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Okay. It had been done.
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I want this in pvc form.

This. Macro lenses help, but getting a stable shot goes a long way
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tfw no pvc scale of your husbando
>why live ;_;
There is figure of Rea Sanka with tge blue dress?
>Parcelforce more than a week late
>decide to call them on Thursday
>"oh I can see that you have paid the fees but the system has left it's status as 'held' for some reason, I'll make sure it's out for saturday delivery"
>knock on the door at fucking 7am
>it has finally arrived

It arrived in the UK on the 16th December and I paid the fees on the 18th. I know it's the Christmas period but if they charge a £13 handling fee on top of import fees then I dont expect them to screw me a second time.

Fucking hate Parcelforce.
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>tfw paid £20 fees today on alice nendo today

That £13 handling fee is a fucking joke.
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The guide in the opening post (>>135557696) has a link to a large and comprehensive figure database with search functions.
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They're really disorganized. It helps if you can just collect from their depot. I'm not even going to start on that bullshit handling fee.

My Hoppo nendo just turned up. First package of the year. Off to a good start.
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God bless your queens
Who are you quoting?
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>mine arrived after 9 days shipping with no fees
Rsal can be odd at Christmas.

I usually use RSAL, but ordered her from GSC online so I could get the Kokuri doll too, that was a big mistake.

What's a good tripod then?
where do I get one?

I'm sorry to hear that.
order by SAL nextime senpai, for some reason it never gets hit by import fees whenever I use it.
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You should be able to pick up the resin kit at wonfes.

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Alice and chino a cute
I had a 44k yen package arrive over Christmas which cost £80 in customs
Flare please.
If you truly love him you'll get that GK. At least he has that amazing GK, that's more than many others get.
Lower shelf is too crowded, looks bad.

Why chino mad there?¿

Those guys are fuckers.
because they didn't do Cocoa nendo
S-surely they don't go through everything.

Just get an Amazon basics knock off.
Do you faggots buy anything besides figures?
I've spent far more money on CDs than figures this year and probably artbooks too.
Sure, dakis, onaholes, artbooks, wallscrolls, fumo, CDs. Just look at the survey results.
I'm actually a soundtrack fag. Most of my money goes into CDs.
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Enjoy the second of January.
Seiyuufag reporting in.
Buying duplicate CDs to support my favorite seiyuu is really tempting.
Lots of art books
Details look fine on mine, but I (obviously) don't have the original to compare. That being said, I bought a Benisuzume GK (with tons of fine details) from them and it was mostly fine apart from some issues with flash.
eroge, light novel, manga, artbooks, doujin music, doujinshi...
Thanks doc.
Does toranoana ship stuff as soon as it's available? Like if I pay for two items and one is in stock first
Where is the option to wait until everything is in stock?
Am I the only faggot that buys blu-ray and dvds?
there isn't
I only buy imported BDs for their soundtracks or if I really really like the anime which happened only twice in the past.
I buy BDs of live performances of the artists I buy CDs of
Buying localised blu rays and DVDs is pointless, but then Japanese blu rays and DVDs are disproportionately priced
Most people wouldn't know the answer to this since you can't buy from them unless you live in Japan.
>what is a proxy
Buy he wasn't talking about a proxy. If he actually used a proxy he wouldn't ask such a question.
That's dumb, I think I'll be fine since both books came out a few days ago. How is domestic shipping for books? If I order five is there a chance I'd have to pay for five separate packages to the same tenso address?
Well all right then

>Megumifaggots STILL this salty
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Are there any other announcements of Monster Girl gks at WF? It's probably going to be the only way to get any figures of the girls.
as long as all the books are released and in-stock they will send them together in one package.
We'll see in 3 months.
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Thanks doc
Can you tell me the differences with the little icons next to where it says in stock? Sorry if it';s a retarded question. One of these is blue and the other is green
id have preordered if that hair didnt look like shit myself
Recently ordered 2 dakis and a 10,000 yen wallet. Figures are the least of my priorities.
that's just the indication of how much stock is left
What's the wallet?
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do you plan on using it?
I got one of Rin and Shizune wheN KS first came out and my father still calls it my dude pillow because of their short hair.

You just have to run with the punches.
Where did you buy that from
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yes, for only a few reasons though
1. easier to mount for stable pictures
2. they can be less awkward to get a picture at some angles(my camera at least, it has a swivel head so any angle I see the screen)
3. your not fucked out of as much money if you accidentally drop it
I really haven't thought about it much, but probably not. With doujin goods like this you're basically subject to buying them as soon as they're available, or you're completely fucked out of buying them altogether. This is one of those things. I have acrylic art panels of Sayori's art which were sold on a Cash on Delivery-only Japan-only store a few years ago, and now the site doesn't even exist.
That's a purse.
It's a wallet
One question. Will this be available in anime stores in Japan or is this a online only thing?
>no greenwalls frenchfag
Is he kill?
A lot of manga, a few gunpla, anime movies.

do you morons like paying more money unnecessarily?
Do they also add in the shipping costs when they calculate customs fee in the UK?
I got it for free because I was at a Back to the Future panel at comicon
They're supposed to, not sure if they do.
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Had to pay €33 for Fate. VAT a shit.
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>Get invoice from BIJ
>Notice the shipping address is wrong
>Send email asking to change the address
>Have 7 days to pay
>Last time it took over a week for customer service to respond
Now we wait
Few weeks ago I asked them to change the shipping type after they send me the invoice, and it took them less than 24h.
Anyone know if sonmay, animeever and co still produce their bootleg cds in this day and age?
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Anyone have suggestions for how to hang those little A3 clear posters?
I use plastic tubs and keep them in guest room closets.
Keep them as they are and put them in one of my closets and some in the attic.
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>mfw I ordered a CD box off amazon.co.jp for 12k anime dollars
>customs try to charge over 600 euros for it

Have those retards confused Chinese yuan with yen again?
In the cupboard under my stairs, once that's filled up I will probably have to hide them in my wardrobe or build a cupboard to hide them

I can tell from those boxes you have good taste.
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Well, somewhere they have gone wrong. Didn't tell me where though.
I've been using them for some time now and they are pretty good. They even sometimes help you find the items in different shops.
Rin is average at best.
Will AmiAmi send me an invoice via email asking for their money? I'm guessing it hasn't shown up yet because they're still on holiday, but I just wanted to make sure.
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If you have yet to pay for something, they will send a request by email.
No thanks, I'm not into bestiality.
Is that all yours? That's really something.
where exactly does it say they ship +18 items on their site?

has GSC gone too far?
>A real poorfag would not have over $100 a month to spend
He would. He would just not have it at the end of the month anymore. Because he spent it on other shit. Like figurines.
>implying GSC makes their most money from foreign customers
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My Nyagga.

they seem to have a habbit of making their best figures exclusive's and jacking up the price.
How can they justify that price?
Gr8 taste bro
I wonder if they'll regret it since there's a lot of people who refuse to pay that much but would have bought it for the usual price for a figure like that.
I see that bird, fucker.

All idols are love.
Well I admire your dedication. But rin is still not best.

>To report in the last fiscal quarter, (abbv. Q4, 2015. September 30th End.) sales were up domestically and worldwide by 1.2% and 4.6% respectfully. Worldwide sales continue to rise and steadily overtake domestic earnings with the yearly total amounting to 61.7% of Good Smile Company, Inc current reported revenue. We expect this trend to continue in part to the currency exchange ratio between international buyers and domestic retailers. The 2016 forecast puts Good Smile Company, Inc on an overall 2.1% growth due to a confident global market.

She's number 1 in my heart.
For this on HobbyLinkJapan: http://www.hlj.com/product/TAT459905300-B/Fig
Which is better, Express International Shipping or Express International Courier?

I wonder if other companies will try and follow suit. Mandarake are pushing their international sales more and more.
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Thoughts on this?
That's pretty cool and pretty surprising actually. I wish they'd do another graphic like that Miku one from 2 or 3 years for ago which shows what country people are from. But I guess that wouldn't be that much on an indicator considering that most people don't use their online shop except for exclusives...oh.
Octodick too detailed
Danke, Herr Doktor
Why is Eriri's face so kiss
Japanese people can't pronounce anything like that. Their language is syllabic.
Maybe some people buy it for the squiddick
Remove octopus dick and fundoshi. Other than that

>small breasts

I can dig that much. Maybe some proper panties instead, and her belly could use a bit more curve.
I find the overall lacking and the tabi don't looks good.
Mailman drops off mail but no package, go get food in a sad manner and come back to HYPE
I got charged over £300 for a T-shirt once because of them fucking up the currency at customs.

Are you a kinpatsu shoujo?
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Karen's jacket is cute but I don't think it'd be that cute on 3D.
Did they end correcting the amount?
They didn't just want blood for the blood god, they believed that if they didn't feed the universe enough life energy (blood) the universe wouldn't function.

It was less "blood for the blood god" and more "welp, better stop at the next sacrificial altar and top off the tank or else the sun won't rise tomorrow!"
Is that you Ronnie?
Yeah, had to call them up and argue my point. They backed down pretty easily when they realised they were wrong.
Have you played Miracle girl festival yet? How gaijin friendly is it? Im thinking of picking it up.
Just bought this from Mandarake and is shipping to UK.


Are customs going to ruin my life forever?
Ronnie is a scrub that only eats Taco Bell and McDonalds
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I'm pretty tired of Sins desu, Leviatan was probably my last one.
Sounds pretty straight forward. I had to go through a dozens of calls to get someone who was actually competent enough to help me. Especially since the package was constantly on the verge of being shipped back to Japan due to me refusing it.
I throw away my boxes if the figures dont have extra parts
Have fun in jail.
This would be my first Sin if I decide to buy. I'm a fan of everything here but the squid dick, but that can be replaced.
I could enjoy this more if the seam line on the hand wouldn't distract me so much from her boobs.
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Just as much as every rhythm game. Anon from vitagen made a menus translation.

It's pretty much impossible to spot without macro lenses. It's a 1/8 scale.
Oh, perfect.
I'll pick it up then.

Being a convicted Pedo in the UK might as well be a death sentence.
It's probably worse in the US though.
Smaller boxes like figma/nendo boxes are all tetris'd into those boxes reams of copy paper come in, larger boxes for scales and stuff are in big amiami boxes in my closet.

I usually toss the boxes to plamo after I build them, or reuse them as storage for stuff.
especially considering how easy it seems to get away with being a pedo there, they almost bend over backwards to avoid prosecuting you
Only if you're either non-white or an MP.

I don't know much about the US but in the UK it is very much a common occurrence for people (usually in poorer shittier communities) to justify killing free Pedos and taking the jail time to "protect the children".

Vigilante culture is pretty rampant when it comes to Pedos.
Yeah if you're a disgusting person that needs to go to jail for dealing with actual 3D, like Subway guy. UK with 2D (thought police), you're done for.
Short haired Black Hanekawa in casual clothes when?
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What's the best Marisa figure?

Honestly, as a UK resident that is the one thing that scares me more than anything in the world.
>If you don't like Eriri you must be a Megumifag

Typical Eririfag logic.
Just convert to Islam, you'll get a free pass.
Short haired Shinobu or long haired Tsukihi when?

See >>135581283 either don't be white or become a politician.

No one has ever been done on drawings alone (someone correct me if I'm wrong, I hope I'm not) they'll just use it as an excuse if they want to take you down or to add additional charges if they've got you for something else. You should be able to avoid those situations though.

So I wouldn't worry.
At least you're not Canadian.

I've payed for the item, but I have to wait to pay shipping, so it's not on it's way yet.

Think I should play it safe and cancel it?
I don't know, dying sounds worse than prison time.
The only two examples I know of is an incest rights campaigner having a bunch of it where he was already on watchlists, and a convicted sex offender downloading a load of realistic loli while monitored.

I doubt they'll care enough to check in the first place, and I doubt that unless it's some really dodgy stuff most of the postal workers aren't going to want to bother with the hassle of reporting it.
Buy the prizes instead, those look cuter. Koto fucked up her hair it looks like cheap plastic.
or royal family
But how do the muslims do it then?
muh racism
If you're so scared about it why did you even order it?
Muslims are the new herrenrasse in the UK.
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So what, exactly, is wrong with prize figures?
Nothing. If you're poor and have no scale alternative.
Nothing if they're cheap enough. Of they're too expensive then they're not worth it.
They are generally low quality, but some of them do look pretty good.
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Scales look better.
Didn't really think the cover was that bad until I gave it some thought, bought it in a whim since it was pretty cheap.
What makes them considered prize figures? I'm guessing you win them?
You can always claim that they made a mistake and say that's not what you've ordered.

Yes, they're usually from claw machines or similar arcade games
For that price I would hope so.
Yes. They're usually won in crane games and sold at a slightly higher price online.
You usually win them at arcades.
They're not to scale, have cheap bases, not detailed and usually don't get quality checked to any extensive degree.
Don't think that would get me through a whole court case though. It hasn't shipped yet, so I think I'll contact them and see if I'll get it canceled.

Welcome to /a/! If you think things are getting to much for you, feel free to return to Reddit.
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Opinions on this?

Hair is a niche, you either love or hate it. Overall looks nice though.
what's not to like about the hair?
What is she reaching for?
It's ugly. The colouring is awful.
I like it.
Nice butt window, her weapon is retarded though.
A proper pair of pants what the fuck is she wearing
Go ahead! Make a thread there!
Someone was selling him on mfc for like 2k usd.
She identifies as a girl bigot.
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Ass window is the selling point. I feel Koto might deliver on this one. I preordered it.
All James.
Anything that isn't griffon or figma
Anything that is griffon or figma
I hate that type of underwear. Everything else is perfect, including the dick.
Is Poison cast off? Her top has seams on the sides but I'm afraid to try.
Kinpatsu shounen
It was good but really hard to watch.
The Bishoujo 1/7 is not castoff.
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I did. Fight me, mate.
I hope you die.
I tried them and they over emphasize the bass, drowning out everything else. Then again every else sounds completely dead with those headphones
nice taste
no those are just people who cant control themselves or have too much money
thanks anon, wasn't sure
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You are completely right. These headphones look nice, to me at least, but sound terrible. The outside cat ear speakers are even worse.

My thoughts exactly. Her figure came out very nice and soft.
The cat ears should have been for added bass. Then you could just add an over the ear component to make them earmuffs.
I laughed when it turned out the diaphragms are solid plastic and for show.

Luckily I didn't buy into this shit
Joke's on you, nearly my entire collection is flat.

>le dance off XD XD
>tfw this cancer is 96% upvoted on reddit

your typical idolshit collector.
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