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>All that deleted content re-emerging. Did someone at sadpanda

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>All that deleted content re-emerging.

Did someone at sadpanda had a fucking panic attack? Everyone is worrying over fucking nothing.

Wait what?
How much of the missing stuff has been re-upped?
>summer trying to ruse us
Nope, there's only trash here
What are you talking about?
Even if you were right, it's a clear indication that you can't trust online services to provide content forever.
Never put full trust in a service to always provide content, make local backups.
I'm away from my computer for the next couple of days. Is the OP just a massive asshole or is he actually telling the truth?
Too late. That oldfag already killed himself after cursing the entire world for its shit taste.
Look at the dates, people are reuploading.
That said, I'm itching to hurt that kike asshole Jacob really badly. Lets start by ruining his reputation. If I can get angry moms to march against this scum then his shit will get shut down before it even has a chance to start up.
>is he actually telling the truth?
He's not.
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>My face when I checked
Real nice OP.
>complaining about a free service that gives you free literature
Come on dude, it's better than having no sadpanda
I feel like bringing attention to cartoon porn is a bad idea. If you want to do something be my guest, but don't bring a lot of attention to it.
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Can't we just have a normal panda thread like we used to be, despite the catastrophe?
Something like this was bound to happen one day.

It's why I've been archiving the stuff I like on my own server for a while now.

People always say archiving things is stupid, but I bet those are the same people who pissed themselves over all the stuff that was lost when MU was taken down or now with Sadpanda. Things don't live on the internet forever.

Fortunately, the stuff on ex is easily available from other sources, so it's not really that big of a problem.
So much is gone though. What would we share?
That would bring attention to it.
We need some recovery and complaining first.
And some of those "Remember when x happened" even though it only happened recently.
Haven't you been in a internet crisis before?
A lot of the stuff people liked and would want to share is good now. The value of sadpanda as an all-in-one fap source has been drastically reduced.

It may be good in a way. The frequency at which I have been fapping can't have been healthy. Maybe this will kill the habit a bit.
No im still here, my dad said im not allowed to off myself before ive repaid all the money I owe him
>free service
>forcing doujins to be removed from sadpanda just because he has an agreement with some shitty magazine which holds no actual rights to the doujins
Is the deleted stuff available to those within the sekrit sekrit club?
It seems like most people started to archive everything they could get their hands on, now. It probably means that stuff like this won't have as big of an impact, as it did this this time.
>Still no Meme50 or Hisasi

OP you're a goddamn faggot.


That was your first mistake.
We can never go back to those times. Innocence lost.
B-but, I've heard rumors of a triple sekrit club. Th-that's a thing, right?
Triple sekrit club is only for admin & friends.
Then so be it, this must not be allowed to repeat itself. Through obscurity, security. Apparently you all have forgotten to keep your fucking heads down after the 2010 disaster.
The panda will live, but Fakku can't take this kind of negative publicity, nor can its founders as private persons afford to have their skeletons pulled out of their closets.
Good luck becoming the admin.
I don't pay to read or download doujins, I have a bunch of doujins in my hard drives which I can't seem to find right now. Most that /a/ prolly needs
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Don't do that. Skeletons are spooky.
This is why Joe has left us. He knows we'll all ask for access.
This is why you don't have "general" threads and how-to guides about your "secret" club.

Hopefully you learn, and someone will create a site that is actually secure and doesn't attract a plethora of retards who wish to make reddit-tier generals about it.
Jacob is a lying fuck. I never liked their shitty site and what they were doing with it.
We've been working hard to preserve as much of the deleted content as possible. I don't know if everything is recovered, but a big amount probably is.
Annnnnd thread ruined again. See you all next thread.
How can we blame this on Daiz?
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So what's the fastest way of getting credits/hath? I've all but depleted my credits because I really never played the damn game that much.

I would do bounties, but I feel like my moonspeak is much to be desired from and I'd have to brush up some more on that before trying.
He's FAKKU's pr manager. No joke.
What's your address? I can look for my HDs
There's a lot of mega links around. Check around in the archives.
>I believe whatever my jewish overlord says even though he directly benefits from panda going down.
I bet you also believe the Daiz crusade against TT a few weeks back was for "noble reasons".

I swear to god there is no end to the naivete of some idiots.
We can use his campaign to kill anime against him. Trust me.

He even ruined the Olympics. Honorable Nips ain't going to be to happy about that.
I would say upload shit but now you never know if it's going to just be taken down. (all mine were)
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donations or uploading stuff that gets a lot of hits

>was gonna donate the minimum years ago
>either that same week or month he stopped paypal donations and started only taking bitcoins
>didn't want to bother anymore

I'd have been loaded at this point and have posted a ton of bounties if I pulled the trigger sooner
>I bet you also believe the Daiz crusade against TT a few weeks back was for "noble reasons".

It's absolutely baffling that some people think it's a good thing that fansubbers are now limiting themselves to one tracker.

Yeah, that's smart, because there's no chance of the Nyaa tracker ever going down, just like there's no chance of Exhentai removing content or MU being taken down.

I mean, it's not like the Nyaa tracker has ever been taken down before...
/a/ getting worked up over minute things.

Never change, /a/.
He's to blame. He urged the jew on to forge an alliance with Satan. After this his word is worth shit, he's a goddamm liar, an opportunist and a fraud.
It's time to wake up and smell coffee, /a/. Daiz has long since outlived his usefulness and all he does now is just cause more grief than he's worth.
So? Put it back up again.

They'll take it down then you'll put at back up then they'll take it down again then you'll put it back up again. It's just a fucking cycle that nobody wins in the end.
First mangatrader and now this. The walls are closing in boys. Break out the violins, ships going down, and I want to go down with it with you fine gentlemen doing what we've always done.
Mangatraders was saved then some fucking faggot hacked it.
You consider this a minor thing?
You can't put the same gallery up again if it was hidden. It's still on the servers and you'll just get a duplicate gallery message.
95% is reuped, look at the total amount. That is if you're in the secret secret club
>then some fucking faggot hacked it.

It was HorribleSubs. Remember that every time you download a HS release, you're supporting the people who hacked MangaTraders.
>look at the total amount

Stop shitposting.
No one's going fucking down here, this is war.
He wants to sell out and pander to reddit normies? Fucking fine, lets see what his neighbours and co-workers have to say about his deviant hobbies.
The slope is slippery though. First its wani waving its dick around. But what happens when Comic-Lo or Girls for M gets taken down because some sweaty japanese comic artists finally get an ego? What then? What will we fap to? All that will be left is no fap... and 3d
I've never bothered with that shit and I'm not going to. Why hasn't anyone taken legal action or at least tried to kill these fucking faggots?
Off topic, I feel that there's a severe lack of vanilla exhibition stuff. You know, just normal "This is embarassing!" play. It's always corruption or "I'm a huge slut!" shit that isn't even good. Is there anything decent that's like what I want? Or am I doomed to sluts and whores?

On topic, glad to see SOMETHING happening that isn't pining for the fjords.
the part below advanced search/show file
Why is madokami so damn slow? Why is the gallery interface the worst thing ever?
Why does nhentai have barely any X-EROS or Kairakuten raws?
>>was gonna donate the minimum years ago
>>either that same week or month he stopped paypal donations and started only taking bitcoins
>>didn't want to bother anymore

Payal does not work because some donators where not able to follow simple instructions and then paypal found out those donations go to some non worksafe site .
We'll do what we did this time. We archive it and post it on mega links. I guess you just have to be here, when the shit goes down.
It just is? Ftp? It's whatever
The admin is selective in what he uploads
Do you have direct evidence? If so, why haven't you hunted down and lit them on fire?

Not the FTP, the gallery.

Translating gets a ton of credits/hath.
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oh, no idea
30 shekels
16 pages
What the fuck? For that kind of price of porn I'm better off learning moon, flying to japan, and buying it there.
600 yen for a used copy
So could someone fill me in on what the shitstorm is about? Someone sent a takedown to EH?

Which artists and how much was taken down?
I'm here out of curiosity rather than caring about the subject matter, but I think being worried about the implications of what has happened makes sense. It's not so much about what was deleted than it is about how this could happen again, when and if it'll affect other things in the future (anime or manga for instance)
>not buying figures that were already hotglued
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30$ for 16 pages. Wow.
Are the shills sleeping or something?...The thread is really peaceful.

It's not specific artists. Kairakuten, Kairakuten XTC, Kairakuten Beast, X-EROS, and Shitsurakuten are taken down (or will be eventually, some are still up).
Ya I don't think the guy was hot gluing the figure with a dick in his hand.

I'll probably try getting some easy baby bounty and see how it goes, though I'll most likely practice and brush up before that.
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It was sold new at the same price, m8.
the shills will be back sadly
I-It's okay, Tenboro said to not worryso I'll stay calm. Perfectly calm. I'm perfectly calm right now.
Well fuck.

>tfw pages are stuck
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Here's the takedown notice FAKKU originally got back in April along with other sites. Other sites probably got similar letters.

Taken out of the shrink wrap, touched a little, hell even lightly breathed on can be considered used. My "used" chinese girl doll was practically brand new.
oh I don`t give a fuck, the only tag I search is "lolicon english"
Wani sent takedowns for all of their content hosted on sadpanda and other websites

Jewcob is playing the victim card by saying "WE WERE SENT TAKEDOWNS TOO!!!". What he isn't emphasizing is that he struck exclusive deal with Wani to publish some of their content in the US. The fire has only slightly risen, this is only the beginning, soon Jacob himself will be sending takedowns for all of the content he's selling, the content he'll have is just decensored shit which already exists and he'll also be selling everything for absurd prices. Don't believe his lies.
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Yeah, as in "newly covered in some guy's semen."

That should really be a price markup, though, not a discount.
We can only weather the storm. 'Tis only a passing darkness.
>missing out on all the grorious moonchink loli doujins


They're one of my favourite artists.
>Jewcob is playing the victim card by saying "WE WERE SENT TAKEDOWNS TOO!!!"

They were, see >>111120848

>What he isn't emphasizing is that he struck exclusive deal with Wani to publish some of their content in the US.

Actually it's a worldwide license. And it covers everything Wani has ever released and will release.
why haven't more people tried to hit him back with all the illegal stuff he stills hosts?

Is all of Hisasi stuff dead?
I am still seeing them.

They shouldn't have any jurisdiction whatsoever over an artists' work for other magazines. Some of those artists work for multiple magazines.
>implying nip nongs care about /a/
Not all of it, but there's nowhere near the amount there was before.
Why don't you just download stuff directly from the scanlators? Or do you guys reach raw stuff?
There are so many scanlators that following all of them is an impossible task. Several don't even have release sites and put all there stuff directly on EH.

It's not like regular manga where you can follow the one scanlator for the entire run of a series.
Need raws, mostly.

Wani's also been sending out DMCA's to scanlator sites as well. Don't think they are immune.
Is there a way to script downloading the torrents from Exhentai?

I can't get the login to work in Python for some reason.
Wani Magazine has no right to policy all the works of an artist. Perhaps it was worded badly, or it was intentional fear mongering.
Either way the only things he had to remove were eromanga provided by of wani's magazines.
Outside of that they have no power.
>Either way the only things he had to remove were eromanga provided by of wani's magazines.

That's still a fuckton of stuff, though.
Well, I guess that one thing we all gained from this is knowing that the things we take for granted can be gone at a moment's notice. I think that now more anons are going to be creating and maintaining their own archives so that if this event ever does happen again, we'll be better prepared for it.
>Rumor: Core Magazine will be following suit
The ride never ends
Scanlator sites aren't exactly illegal, Wani can only send DMCAs to the server owners who host the illegal content. Scanlator sites typically only link to the exhentai gallery URL and standard file storage websites (MEGA, depositfiles, etc.).
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Did anybody save Imouto Cupid or whatever it was called. It was all I failed to save.
Why have sadpanda in the first place when the panda doesnt stop dmca takedown?
Sadpanda was made to appease the advertisers, not to avoid dmca
Holy shit, /a/ is fucking stupid.

Why do retards fall for all the shilling these FAKKU fags do? Literally every other post is shilling for Jacob and his crew of fuckups.

Jacob should just kill himself silently and kill his shitty crew with him.

>trusting the jews

This is the final product of actually believing Jacob and his shills.

At least I have everything archived, so go, give all your shekels to the Jew Leader, Jacob.
There's a precedent for the linking thing regardless of whether or not they are actually hosting it. IIRC, mangaupdates got shit on for having links and were forced to have them removed. For those not savvy enough, links to certain blogs, channels, etc. do not show up on mangaupdates anymore.
LOL, dude, fuck off. You don't understand anything.

Jacob is the good guy here, Daiz is what /a/ hates. It's like you don't understand... FAKKU is actually the good guys..
The curtain is slowly drawing closed on the wild west era of the internet, /a/-kun.
What will you do when it's illegal to not have a facebook account?
Uhhhh, time to reread the thread? Fucking nobody is shilling for Jacob or supporting him in other ways here.
What? He was against TT? Why would anyone want LESS options
Check that 50 Gb torrent. It should be there.

You're going to make me look through all my links to find it, aren't you?

I guess I'll upload for it you.
Even so he could've bitten the bullet and taken it like a man. Instead he stabbed an old ally in the back and sold his dog to the Chinese.
I am really fucking pissed and I'm considering uploading a bunch of galleries just to get the message across that people should boycott Jacob.
No wait, that's a wonderful idea! Gallery owners, we should all band together and put Fakku unfriendly messages in the descriptions of our galleries. Fakku shares a lot of the same userbase as the panda.
We force the message across and encourage a boycott of their services. It might just work.
>It was HorribleSubs.
No it wasn't. It was some dickwad from /a/.
because he wants to monopolize with nyaa and take out competition

Wani is no different than ISP scare tactics. They play on fear and paranoia and in the end, we're the ones shooting ourselves in the foot. Wani is just sitting back and watching the destruction unfold without lifting a finger.
>Implying Wani needed Jacob to inform them that Sadpanda exists

You can't be serious.
Shoot yourself in the face, Kike-ob.
Thank you anon. I will wish you good karma. It's about all I have to offer.
But the takedowns were a result of Wani's actions, not FAKKU's. And as >>111120848 shows, they were sending out pretty comprehensive takedown notices even before the whole FAKKU deal came about. And while FAKKU actually removed stuff, sadpanda just hid it.
>No wait, that's a wonderful idea! Gallery owners, we should all band together and put Fakku unfriendly messages in the descriptions of our galleries. Fakku shares a lot of the same userbase as the panda
We don't need to do that. Anyone who uses sadpanda hates Fakku already at this point.
You forgot >>111121522
5 posts from 137 which are ironically in support of FAKKU to be idiots or troll people. Wow, you sure convinced me that all of /a/ is shilling for Jacob and is on Jacob's side.
They probably needed him to inform them about the layers of secret clubs.
They needed a way to get into the panda and I highly doubt that they got in by their lonesomes.
There's a reason why tenboro is removing the galleries and not just taking them off the surface layer.
Shadowrun time.
>They needed a way to get into the panda

Sadpanda is mad popular in Japan, if you think they couldn't get into it you're just deluding yourself.
They could literally ignore the DMCA, and if Wani actually tries to take them into court accuse them of IP fraud on the grounds that they don't own the rights to "all works by X artists".

Trying to compromise or make a back and forth is a waste of time, let them be destroyed by their own fraudulent DMCA.
I like to read instead of just looking at the pictures only
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>COMIC Kairakuten 2014-08
>no Naruko Hanaharu
I-it's okay, next month he'll have something, right?
Do you really think a site that hosts lolicon pornography will take anyone to court? Fucking seriously.
Yes, because with the majority of Sadpanda users being Japanese, there is no japanese person who could possibly have known about the layers and either sent a letter or mentioned it in the wrong public place.
Core has turned shit anyway. They are doing full censorship on everything.
Maybe that's why they are doing it. To prevent people from finding out how crappy their manga are these days.

I used to buy like two or three hentai tanks a month. That has gone down to zero this year.

These galleries are still gone. Though I guessed that they may have just been re-uploaded as new galleries.
But then I searched for kairakute femdom, and page 2 says "Showing 26-50 of 117" even though the only entry shown is Napata's Nanako san, and page 3 and 4 and so on also shows less than they should.
Do you really think that a publisher of lolicon pornography will take anyone to court?
You fucking know what.
Shut up Hooknose.

I ended up finding this along the way, just check the Hen folder.

If it ever comes.

Whatever all of this is like post-C86 will be the future.
>tfw if you faggots treated sadpanda links like momless links this probably would've never happened
>tfw you guys did this to yourselves
>tfw even if something is done about it you'll just ruin it again because the one thing /a/ can't do is keep their mouths shut

stay classy /a/
But these all work for me.
>Girls for M gone
>New-er Teri Terio gone
I am sad.
No, this wouldn't have happened if a certain faggot wasn't a kike and backstabbed us.
I've seen a shitton of spoodfeeding in these threads, which is what brought the normalfags in. If only everyone kept their mouth shout, this wouldn't have happened.
It doesn't seem to be there. I appreciate the effort though anon.
I want /pol/ to leave.
Can't you just add an extra page or something?
post proof faggot.
This. Whatever happened to reminding folks to lurk moar?
>Wani is the first company to do this
Libre, a BL publisher, did this shit years ago.

Normalfags fap to hentai? We're willing to toss around that word rather loosely now.
We do this from now on. Also do not help Japs under any circumstances, these assholes make fun of us on their boards and they're the main reason for this shit.
If you see one you tell that kamikaze motherfucker to piss off back home to 2ch.
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Imouto Cupid, right? It's there, anon.
>that jingrock one is gone
What the fuck, that's one of my favorites
There's hentai for normalfags, didn't you know?
Anyone know how the nips are responding to this?
>>that jingrock one is gone
Which one was that?
Schoolgirls don't scare me
The irony is, I do need to wear glasses but choose not to because I think they make me look like a sperg.

Thanks anon kun.
Yeah, g-e.

so this can never happen again

Better learn from this
I'm guessing the little devil one.
Does exlink still show gallery names or something, or are folks just posting links for the heck of it?


Thoroughly check the thread, brothers, and if all else fails ask a brother to upload it. Everyone gets one.
Exhentai has normalfags too.

Ah yes, I forgot about normalfag hentai. It's so distinct. How could I be so silly? Sorry about that.
Fucks probably not given. They have their own secret club via utatane, where participation requires having stuff to trade with other people.

Girls for M doesn't have anything to do with Wani.
Block all JP ip. They do the same, we do it right back to them

The average person can't get into ex, let alone knows about it.

Stay cool man, help out if you see someone in trouble around here.
But why is it gone?
Wani sends C&Ds demanding to take down these artist's entire collection, IE: everything they've ever made, including the ones Wani does not publish (doujinshi)

Especially fucking Jakob, who gives them money to secure worldwide licensing rights for his shitty website.
That's why they get spoonfed here.
I don't understand why tenboro hasn't done this already
See, this is why I told people not to spoonfeed, and told them that telling people how to access sadpanda is a bad idea and they should learn themselves, but everytime I did they would respond with some stupid shit like "exhentai isn't a secret club i can spoonfeed whenever i want and you cant stop me!"

Fucking newfags I swear. The worst part is that even if a sekrit sekrit club is made, you fags would ruin it and spoonfeed and this will start all over again.

I'm fairly certain it isn't, unless you can provide a gallery link that proves otherwise. At the very least, every single raw anthology is still there.
Futaba was pretty pissed too since they also browse panda for manga and plus the new laws from early this year and the incoming ones. PD and share still the same and most of the scanlators aren't giving 3 shits about it, though.
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>still no Touhou Angel

What doujins were taken down?
Quite a few up raws.
As stated in >>111121971, most of the stuff goes down on trades there and stuff from Winny, PD, Share, etc. are just runoff.
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Wow Fakku is so shitty

Nothing but fucking cowtits everywhere. It would be like if Sadpanda had nothing but the large breasts tag and even less content than that.

What's with normalfags only liking cowtits?
exhentai hasn't been a secret club in a long time. I agree that people shouldn't spoonfeed newfags, but this hasn't happened because some people on /a/ spoonfed people. These companies would've known about it regardless of what happens on 4chan.
They think flat chests are automatically lolicon and they think lolicon is child porn, and they get into a moralfag autistic fit when they see it.

Saying it was normalfags is just a convent way to distance yourself from blame. Everyone who has ever posted a sadpanda link is partially to blame for the rise in popularity of the site which is ultimately the cause for it to be targeted. I swear it's like you're /pol/ and you're just saying normalfags did it instead of Jews.
Some 2hus and a bunch of shit by a few of the authors who do doujins on the side.
Also nice quadubrips.
They do that and they lose their largest demographic, and basically all of their access to raws. (Which is kind of a huge deal because it fucks translators too.)

Blocking JP is the worst thing they could possibly do.

It would be much better to just make a triple secret club that doesn't allow JP IPs, on top of higher requirements than the double secret club.

i visited their site once. small selection, shit-tier search options, shit layout. i'm surprised they even had the money to strike a deal with wani
jacob actually said he isn't scared of proving loli content

if he does have the balls to do it initially, it won't be long until he gets pressured or even forced to remove it by FBI

"some this and some that" doesn't really cut it for me. Unless you've got links I don't believe it.
Yet that faggot Jakob has based Aika for an avatar.
I seem to remember them uploading a shitload of LWB's harsher releases.
>forced by FBI

more like advertisers.
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>The average person can't get into ex
>let alone knows about it
I'm sorry, I didn't know you were a journalist for kotaku.
Wait just a minute.
ex (not even e-h) gets more traffic than IGN, apparently.
Well, yes.

I think you've lost complete touch with reality if you believe otherwise.
only a small portion of 4chan really even know about it
a small portion of a niche backwater chinese cartoon imageboard
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I don't even like loli though unless a loli manga has another fetish I like in it. I like small and medium-small tits.
what about the other non vanilla stuff he has rights to?
30 dollars for an untranslated 15 page doujin?

Are these people serious? Am I being trolled?
Is it 2005 again?
And don't make it vulnerable to edited cookies.
>only a small portion of 4chan really even know about it

That might have been the case, if people hadn't made Firefox add ons that grant access.

Yeah, I'm mostly into loli just for the sake of my petite fetish. The only time I've ever gotten uncomfortable fapping to loli was recently when I saw one of the characters in that German VN was based on a real child. At least she was best girl.
For now it doesn't seem like 40010 1-GO's doujins have been taken down.
Who knows? Maybe tenboro didn't delete doujins.
Sadpanda is 4chan's worst kept secret, everyone knows about it
Jacob says many things, most of them are lies.
When this shit was going down two days ago we had threads across a lot of the site. /b/, /pol/, /a/, /v/, /h/, even the fucking Pokemon board. That's probably what caused so many retards to post in these threads. Plus the average young normalfag has at least heard of 4chan, even if he or she just associates it only with /b/.

If you spend a decent amount of time on the internet, like most people in their teens and twenties (who are a huge part of the internet's users), you will hear about this site. It may not be reddit or facebook tier, but it's definitely well known.
>several other boards having discussions when "that" happened
>small portion
We'll start over and do it right this time.
I know you're just bullshitting, and what better thread to do it, but EH gets 20 million unique hits a month, even if you assume everyone is a moron, there would easily be a million people who use Ex.
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11KB, 199x254px
taking small requests if anyone wants until I fall asleep, just in case I have something that others don't

(can you figure out what my tastes are like from this, I wonder?)

list of files: http://pastebin.com/gfd7PwRM
They really expect people to pay $30 for porn? I wouldn't pay that if it were 4K animated and had a decent story.
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>This gallery has been removed, and is unavailable.
>You will be redirected to the front page momentarily.
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Read the thread, haven't been online in 4 days, big project. I get the gist of what happened, but can someone provide like a timeline of events or something please?
Well, it's still kind of obscure in the eye of the public. They probably think /b/ is all of 4chan. I wonder how many of them know there are seperate boards.
Oh so it's 2006.
ctrl+f paste
Man, I buy regular comics and even those are like 5 bucks.

Hardcovers of an entire story-arc is usually when it goes 20-30.
He didn't, only Touhou Angel got hit because who knows why. I want to believe that it was an accident, but who really knows what happened.
>Still no Titikei
Dammit! I'm not gonna buy it you fuckers!
I don't know how it is in your county, but that's how it is, here.
[Henreader] Local Service.zip

>Wani is the first company to do this
IIRC, there's a scorched earth fiasco a few years back.

The problem is that people need to know about it to upload to it. There are pros and cons to everything and if you keep it hidden then it will never be the glorious amalgamation that ex was.
If your country isn't the US, Canada or Trinidad & Tobago then it isn't really relevant to this discussion.
>People think /a/ is some super-duper secret club exclusively for non-normals in 2014
How did that turn out?

bullshit. None of my friends have heard of /b/ but they know 4chan. I can guarantee you they have never met the panda.
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It all goes to bribing border guards, goyim.
Why, Jakob could go to jail for importing child pornography!
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39KB, 1233x652px
I have it but my upload is so shit it'll take at least a day. Is it not in one of the mega links?
>Over 20 million hits per month as per https://www.4chan.org/advertise

Yeah sure
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208KB, 1280x720px
exhentai is being a shit and still wont let me in. Its been three days since I made an account and got the add-on. The log-in screen just refreshes. The cookie tricks worked several months ago, but stopped working recently forcing me to make an account.

Reading all this "muh secret club" shit. Is it tied to this? I just want to fucking fap.
>one of
Are we still at the shitposting page of Decentralizing Porn
That's not really a timeline but thanks I guess.

Lack of an SS tag always bothered me.
It does
shota -yaoi
shota -yaoi
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135KB, 625x699px
>[Konchiki] Mochizuki-san no Hadou Renai Miss Mochizuka's Martial Love (COMIC Kairakuten 2008-06) [English].zip
That's a nice collection. Can you just make a torrent of all of it?
Fuck you its literally being retarded. Cookie and catche tricks aren't working unless I've been misled and this locks me out somehow.

I only saw one, I assumed the others were as well after that of course.
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50KB, 758x720px
>catche tricks

>This content has been disabled due to a DMCA takedown notice, it is no longer available to download or read online in your region.

removed on sadpanda and fakku. well shit
Yes, you're being trolled, though not necessarily intentionally. That $30 is the price for an old physical JP import, and it has pretty much nothing to do with the upcoming FAKKU book releases. Those will be ~$20 for 200+ page physical volumes and $7-9 for digital versions of the same, and likely cheaper for shorter content.
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46KB, 1026x853px
>>111122802 titikei


maybe in a month or two or three when I have more downloaded; I have around two thousand more torrents queued
>50 Gb torrent

Can anyone link me to this torrent?
What about small penis tag?
I can't believe people are this shit at using their browser.

I've yet to have any problems logging onto Exhentai with my method. I don't even have to use any addons.
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Look who showed up.
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>loli incest english has jumped by 8 pages since yesterday
I don't think there were even 62 pages before the incident
Daiz please stop hurting your image.
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9KB, 169x203px
Has the editing the e-hentai cookie thing stopped working for anyone else? I could get in fine less than 24 hours ago, now I'm just getting sadness.
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149KB, 1000x600px
Fuck off.
Stop giving me a bunch of maybe's and if's, Daiz.
I'll judge the real prices when we have concrete ones.
But right now, he's selling a bunch of shit at ridiculous prices to fund his vacations in japan as "business expenditures to get manga back to the US of A".
I cannot trust Jacob in any capacity.
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>diaz near me
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>Paying actual money for hentai
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Computer illiterate here.

Still works for me.
There's a fucking simpler solution to this non-existent problem you faggots are shitting yourselves on:

Simply put, fucking make an extensive catalog of all doujinshi in existence that only features the title, artist, and the cover page for this niggers that need to see what the art is like. Put no fucking links whatsoever, none, nada, jackshit, etc. The only way this shit can be obtained is through IRC. That's it.

Anyone who has an inkling of what they're fucking doing can go to the site, find what suits their fancy, use the search function in irc, and fucking download away.

I don't know what you niggers are fucking scared about. The only hard part is recovering and rehosting the files in the bots.

What a silly goy. Am I right, Daiz? How much will it be on your service? $10 for a digital copy that will expire after 24 hours and have to be accessed using some account which keeps all your personal details, ready to sell them to advertisers and the government as needed?
Fuck off and die.
On /v/
Had to go fakku to read one of my favourites.

This site is fucking full of faggotry. It's not even guro or loli or scat or anything
Most of the shit on Fakku is stolen, anyway.
You'll actually be able to buy things digitally, as in you're going to get DRM-free downloads.
Daiz do you advice anime and doujin distribution to be named according to your naming scheme?
This thing already exist.
Anime? No.

H-manga? Honestly, the sadpanda gallery naming scheme is pretty good, could just go with that.
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230KB, 512x251px
Well crap, must be something wrong on my end. Thanks for the response.
Why the fuck are you fucks even using addons and editing cookies? Are you guys literally retarded or what?

1. Clear your cookies.
2. Login on e-hentai.
3. Don't try to go on ex-hentai yet or else you'll get sad panda.
4. Click on e-hentai's gallery first.
5. Once you're on that page, just type in exhentai.org in your browser.

It's that simple.
I really liked that one.
>they never learn do they mr goldberg
>no they do not mr goldstein
>This method is better, you silly goys.
>Only $20 for your porn in digital format and allowing us access to your personal information.
>Much better than getting it for free.
>Aren't you glad we made sure no other site could give this to you without making you pay for it? Hand over those shekels.

How long before Nyaa becomes a paid service, Daiz? Already taken the first step of forcing people off other trackers. Now you just have to setup a paywall.
No it doesn't.
Why are you always doing damage control here? At the end of the day, who cares? Does it really matter?
I wonder how they react to NTR pregnancy.

There we fucking go.

I don't even know what's the problem now. Whoop-de-fucking-doo, a site owned by some ponyfucker's getting his due, and one's true colors has been revealed to be a Jew.

Once again, /a/ shits itself for nothing. At least more people are aware that Jacob is a big piece of shit now. He always has been.
>Why are you fags editing cookies
>Step 1 edit cookies
Daiz what if Nyaa becomes the default go-to for scanlated porn manga distribution service?

Would this be good or not? Because getting Nyaa more power in the scene is the only way you will go against Fakku's promise of quality.
>How long before Nyaa becomes a paid service


>Already taken the first step of forcing people off other trackers

TT isn't a tracker, though. Or even a torrent host. Just an index.
As someone who has access to quite a lot of private servers, I can assure you that Utatane sucks hard for new H-manga (actually when it comes to new stuff it sucks in other areas too) and you're better of relying on the "open" internet. There are some new scans but they usually end up scanned for the public by someone else.

Actually, the majority of new tankoubon get posted on e-hentai first, some of them are scanned by Japanese people though you can't easily tell. I've seen a few people who probably are Japanese post a lot of doujinshi too. PD and Share have like four active scanners in total and with the number of peers decreasing it's harder to download old content. So it's not like Japanese don't give a fuck, in fact in these dark times of p2p becoming dangerous, sites like e-hentai are the place to go for them.
Fuck off you Jew accomplice.
Your word is worth fuck all, your services are unwanted and all you do nowadays is only bring harm to the community.
Get lost and take your shitty delusions of grandeur with you, cue ball.
I didn't buy the shit in the macros being passed around, but now I know better.
You're a goddamm traitor and a sellout.
>thinks editing is the same as clearing

Holy fucking shit.
I said clear.

You won't have to do this shit if you didn't mess up the first time.
Kill yourself.
It's called mangaupdates, retard.
These are the people you are spoonfeeding /a/.
>what if Nyaa becomes the default go-to for scanlated porn manga distribution service?

Then so it does. I'm not going to do anything about it.
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More like

1. Enter name and password
This is part of the reason we're in this mess. I hope you feel bad for spoonfeeding.
I didn't even learn how to access sadpanda from /a/. I learned it by Googling it like a normal fucking person.
>Don't try to go on ex-hentai yet or else you'll get sad panda.

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2MB, 7680x4320px
A damn good index at that and the only alternative to nyaa we have.
You're about as trustworthy as any crook, meaning not at all.
>3. Don't try to go on ex-hentai yet or else you'll get sad panda.
>4. Click on e-hentai's gallery first.

What the fuck are you talking about? I just login to e-hentai and go to exhentai straight from the profile page.
I mean, come on. What is with all the spoonfeeding. This is getting sad. What is the point of trying to salvage any of this if it is just going to be ruined again.
Don't mind me :^)
I learned by figuring it out myself, because I'm not a fucking retard who can't into extremely basic knowledge about how computers work.

Fuck, I used to think this board was populated by people who had at least some semblance of an idea of what they were doing. Not the fucking FaceBook crowd that needs their hands held to do anything more technical than clicking a clearly labelled button to do something.
And you cant actually get the torrents for a lot of stuff, even on irc.
>8K is barely 4K
>Still called 8K
Anyone with a dick, 1 hand and enough braincells to move both would google this before asking /a/
Sometimes I get sad panda even after logging in. Whatever, probably me fucking up something.

Google answers are retarded. Some literally suggested to download addons.
Well aren't we computer savvy. Are you bragging because you want people to jump on your dick? How can we jump on that which we cannot see?
Dramatis personae:
- Wanimanga, an h-manga publication
- E-hentai, a porn repository known for having a large collection of infringing content (includes Exhentai)
- Tenboro, who runs E-hentai
- Fakku, a porn repository which is aiming to become a legal publisher of porn
- Jacob, who is an admin on Fakku

Earlier this year, both Fakku and E-hentai received removal requests from Wani over scans of Wani publications. Fakku complied, but contacted Wani about translating and publishing their magazine outside Japan. E-hentai hid the infringing content, but didn't remove it.

About a week ago, the deal between Fakku and Wani was finalized. Knowing about E-hentai, Jacob sent an email to Tenboro asking him to "add 'Fakku' and 'Fakku Publications' to the blocklist". Fakku hadn't published anything yet, but they wanted to ensure their eventual translations wouldn't be on E-hentai.

A few days ago, Wani sent out a follow-up removal request to E-hentai. E-hentai's hiding methods are a poorly-kept secret, so it's not unlikely for Wani to have known E-hentai never complied. Tenboro's response was to disable not just every Wani gallery, but all galleries for any artist published in Wani.

Within hours, 4chan was aware that something was amiss. /a/ and /h/ began grabbing things before they were disabled, then calling for people to upload any missing copies. /pol/ looked at Jacob's face and name, then ran wild with the idea that Jacob was a Jew, and thus responsible for everything. Mob mentality kicked in: Jacob was dox'd, bomb threads were made, Twitters were spammed, etc.

Now, Tenboro has realized that he didn't need to take Wani's threats seriously, and is re-enabling the galleries.
What happened to the good old days when anyone asking how to get in was either ignored or told to fuck off and lurk more?
>Once again, /a/ shits itself for nothing.
If e.hentai goes down there will be an immense amount of porn that will be lost forever.
I don't have a lot of the raws I've uploaded any more and the original scanned pages are in an inferior condition. I dare say that I'm not the only one in this predicament.
How does that make it any better?
This is what you get for reading your manga online, retards. You do this for anime and non-porn manga, why can't you guys do the same for porn? I honestly can't understand you guys. Ex even has shittarded web gaming, ponyfaggotry, next level sekrit clubbin and quality downgrading via resizing. It's literally worse than fucking Mangafox for some cases.

Why haven't you learn anything about how downloading is always better than streaming your content?
All of this would amount to nothing if you all just got off your asses and worked yourself to death so you can BUY your precious little albeit untranslated hentai manga from a proxy service. Or better yet, move to Japan and knock yourselves out. It doesn't always have to be free and you don't even have to pay fakku a single fuck.

>not owning a physical copy of your favorite hentai manga
Fuck off, exploit-fags like you are the reason why any publisher can get in.
It was an exclusive club for a reason. Stay the fuck out.
>re-enabling the galleries

Except that's not true.
>Now, Tenboro has realized that he didn't need to take Wani's threats seriously, and is re-enabling the galleries.
[Citation needed]
How am I bragging? I'm disappointed because I thought people on 4chan would be smart enough to know how cookies work.
>These galleries are still gone.
Which ones were they?
Porn are somehow precious enough to waste people's valuable time yet not precious enough to waste people's valuable money.

Or /a/'s time is far less valuable than their money.
>Now, Tenboro has realized that he didn't need to take Wani's threats seriously, and is re-enabling the galleries.
But that's wrong.
>physical copy
who do people do this? gotta worry about fingerprints because of sweaty palms while fapping, then you gotta worry about accidentally shooting cum on it, so stressful
That's what it looks like here, though I might be wrong. "Galleries are re-appearing" would be most accurate.
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993KB, 500x292px
>Having hard copies of porn in 2014
>Literally begging to have your door kicked in by the fuzz
>Taking up a tonne of space with masturbation material
>Having to explain the shelves upon shelves of porn when somebody visits
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249KB, 760x720px
Okay, thanks , I was here when the fires started a few months ago with that last shitstorm, just happened to miss this one.

Boy am I glad I have a few TBs with all my favorite stuff backed up.
Newshit get out.
You know, a lot of us have been here for a fucking long time.
>2 years and 45 weeks remaining

If this is the burden i need to bear. so be it. Maybe my children can fap to this
>What will happen when the next Napata or Homunculus or Ishikei tank gets uploaded and then immediately removed? What will happen when this same thing happens every time something by someone on this list is uploaded?

If the past two days are any precedent, new uploads won't be deleted for a while.
>paying for porn
I've been here since 2006. What's your point?
You realise I did that like 6 years ago or something right?
>a few TBs with all my favorite stuff backed up

How many doujins do you think you have? A few tbs is probably around 90%+ of all of the english translated stuff on panda.
The panda didn't exist 6 years ago, newshit.
i imagine he's including anime and manga in those TBs
Yeah, even in the future, reading manga online will still have many problems compared to downloading it.
There has been quite a lot of time between a lot people first using the internet and first learning how to use the internet? 4chan is over a decade old for fucks' sake. Not all of us were born computer scientists.
This never worked for me. That's why I always relied on the addon.
If people are still seeding the torrents for removed galleries, couldn't we just get the magnet links and make a huge list somewhere for people to download?

Well shit I misread that, thought it said you had a few TB's of his favorites, not his favorites on a few harddrives.
In 2008? Yes it did.
The one who discovered the leak was, but the people who took advantage of it were the HS devs.
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252KB, 600x450px

It's a large mix of english and raws.

Nah, dedicated back-ups for each form of entertainment.

Confirmed for truth

why jews ruins every thing
Yes. Of course. The problem is actually getting those torrents.

How is it even possible to have multiple terabytes of h-manga alone? That's impressive.
At least shoop it a little next time before posting it you retard.
Read as:
>I actually checked if it was true and now i'm mad
Yeah, the new crowd is sort of stupid when it comes to this "computer" thing since all they normally use it is to browse facebook and laugh at hilarious memes on 9gag.
Fucking FUCK I need those Gujira ones. I've been grabbing as much as I can and I've got about 16gb of content from the super sekrit club so that I can reupload if necessary. Those Gujira ones escaped my notice.
How big is it exactly? I have been meaning to get my hands on a large backup of panda for a while now.
Not the fucking panda. Do you know why exhentai exists at all?
This. If anything you'll bring the SJWs to it and repeat the whole Rapelay incident.
You are wrong. Don't parrot without verification. This thread was made with a misleading premise; people are simply trying to re-upload removed material. It'll get removed again.
Fags use tablets nowadays.
Probably one of those doomsday archivists.
it's just a ploy to attack jacob.

jacob did niffing wrung.
Kinda late but, I have the same problem, I like some valssu stuff, but yeah, that genre is pretty fucking slow;
Thai, thai everywhere. Why don't you learn thai?
As much as I love posting NTR there, even ordinary content makes a complete faggot out of them.

Reading the comments section there makes me sick.
This, 90% ofthe shit on sadpanda can be found on sites like pururin
I'm just worried that since future work from those artists are likely going to be removed from panda, where the hell am I gonna get them?
>but don't bring a lot of attention to it.
Fat chance. The whole elitist attitude around here about the secret club invites shitload of people and the sad panda threads don't help either.
You can't really make shit that people want to see with free public access and hope selected few will shut up about it and no one else will know.
All deleted content in one package:

Retarded or just pretending?
Pay 20 dollars on Fakku, if you don't you're an evil pirate who doesn't like supporting the industry
>where the hell am I gonna get them?
Use google. People could get shit before panda.
People won't stop uploading and sharing because one site got kicked in the balls.
I love you.
>Paying to jewcob intead of directly supporting the artist
gfto fakku user
Can you give the name? I don't have exlinks and I want to try something.
So what are you going to do when COMIC HOTMiLK also gets purged from ExHentai?

Fap to Comic LO as usuall.
Jacob here, I'm gonna remove everything on your shitty panda site. You're going to pay for making fun of me and my Jewish heritage.
File: boughtporn.jpg (290KB, 2000x888px)
290KB, 2000x888px
Yes, there are some that actually do that. Really weird, I know.
I-I'm sorry! Please have mercy on us all!
It's dead.
>supporting the industry
That the weakest bait from all the shitposts that happened during Panda Fapocalypse.
You're not even trying anymore.
It's X-Eros 19.

There's an X-EROS 19 still up though.
Those triggered the disaster.
So is everything that's going to be removed gone at this point, or are they still going?

My favourites list doesn't seem to be hit too badly so far, can still access a lot of shit from wani artists.
Did any of my scat go down?
I think they're still going. Better be safe than sorry.
I can get in sadpanda and see my favorites but e-hentai broke and I am unable to access hentaiverse or the forums, anyone know what might be causing this?
>mfw this hardly affects me
Only 30/800 favorites removed, I guess Fakku is taking the mostly shitty artists. Good for them I guess.

I mean, if he's serious about following through with the DMCA, there's definitely still a lot to take down. Raw tanks are almost untouched.
It's a shit scan though. I guess I'll just get them straight from the Chinese uploader's forum from now on.
your internet porn is still safe, guys. quit freaking out. Even if those fags at fakku managed to get rid of all of the hentai sites, just download what you can, and like, now. At least then shit can be shared via ddl across irc or email or /a/ or whatever the fuck you use. Jacob and Daiz are little cunts trying to make a little cash, and they're going succeed in that endeavour. move on.
That has 4 files more, 2 I assume to be the credits at the end, but I'm not sure about the others. Also, as said, absolute shit scan compared to the other.
>just download what you can, and like, now.
What do you think we're doing?
they can't stop anime piracy
they can't stop 3dpd movie piracy
they can't stop video game piracy
but somehow they can stop drawn porn piracy
Well laugh all the way you want while people vote with their money elsewhere.
I already had most of them but i am archiving anything under the scat tag right now, few as they are
i wouldn't be able to take such a hit in the future. But what's happening with the archive costs anyway? does
anyone know the rates that the costs are increasing as you download?
Some guy from >>>/g/ explained about not to worry of those deleted galleries because the back ups are stored in their databases or something. I guess I was the only one who listened.
because it's so niche compared to the others you've mentioned
They haven't stopped shit, they've just made it more difficult for some people to find it.
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39KB, 696x337px
pls stop
It's a lot more niche.

rustle uploaded in may

didn't notice this one, pretty good
>not supporting the artists who draw it in the first place
I have no problem with /pol/.
Because drawn porn piracy scene is small, and the scanlators are always paid scanlators from the start anyway.

How is this Fakku/Wani faggotry different from Doujin-moe's faggotry escapes me and you've been all cozy and stuff with those.
That's what I am
I don't think people actually think they deleted the galleries, but still, access is restricted.
/pol/ is always right
Don't encourage that. This thread has been relatively safe from it so far.
I got so hard at how messed up the situation was.
Where do you live? Had any problems with custom because of loli?
/pol/ loves you
I barely cared about my porn before all of this.
>not using google cache
search cache:http://exhentai.org/g/708969/c5a7882d70/
search cache:http://g.e-hentai.org/gallerytorrents.php?gid=708969&t=c5a7882d70
(you could just make up the last torrent by adding the right parameters)
Nice going, weeblord.
>being a leech
paying actual money is how you got your hentai in the first place retard.
>using google cache
>supporting the NSA
gee i hope this DCMA thing wont go well
Sorry, I don't use botnet browser.
Go back to /g/
But then the only way to support the artists is to buy hentai from them directly.
File: eromanga-sea-sign.jpg (133KB, 800x706px) Image search: [Google]
133KB, 800x706px
Niche. Look how big all the others are next to eromanga.
Exhentai isn't hosted in the USA, therefore does not need to comply to DMCA takedowns.

Common practice is to comply with takedowns and then reupload everything. More are unlikely to follow because they cost money and can't be enforced overseas.

/a/ panicked for no fucking reason and it is hilariously pathetic how attached people here are to depraved cartoon porn.

I love you guys, but holy fucking shit what are you?
/g/ plz we already have /pol/ here
>submitting to your botnet overlords
>retardation in action
>retardation in action
So would the content be fine to just reupload again? Might try it and see. They don't have a DNP list so they can't exactly blame me for not knowing.
I believe it would just give you a duplicate gallery error since the galleries are just hidden.
>apply moustaches
>retardation in action
Ex will probably just reupload everything from server archives.

Maybe you should wait a few days first, horsefucker probably wants to keep everything under control and play it cool, which is the MO in these situations.
Just like how lilith got reuploaded right?
He's just hiding the gallerys for a while and will most likely unhide them soon
You're too optimistic.
That's just wishful thinking.
You're not immune to takedowns, and more importantly legal action, just because you're outside of the USA though, especially if it was Wani that was doing it.
Exactly. That's why you import.
>retardation in action
>Now, Tenboro has realized that he didn't need to take Wani's threats seriously, and is re-enabling the galleries.
Tenboro is just scared that if he visits US he would immediately land on jail.
Just tried. It tells me the gallery already exists (by name) but still allows me to publish. Doushio.
So while we archive the past kaira/wani stuff and anticipate the Fakku stuff so we can pirate the shit out of all of that (and make Jacob's life more miserable by sending the news to feminists, Fox and CNN) I'm exploring some old stuff. Some old Cuvie right now: that was a good fap.
Shipping fees hurt my wallet. I remember when I imported a few magazines, shipping alone was $40.
Better safe then sorry.
You wot mate? usa laws only work inside usa, they don't work in other countries since they have their own fucking laws.
>visiting america
>usa laws only work inside usa, they don't work in other countries since they have their own fucking laws.
While this is technically correct people tend to forget shit like ACTA and other initiatives aiming to synchronize IP laws around the world and help various LEAs to crack down on any kind of piracy.
Plenty of ISPs will still take content down if they get copyright takedowns from overseas, and besides, Wani are the owners of the content everywhere.
Considering the amount of stuff taken down, I can't imagine it was anything other than a real threat from Wani.
Please learn how laws and international agreements work.
Make it like a private tracker then.
It may be a false alarm but this is a lesson to be learned. We have to save everything good in sad panda in case sad panda goes down. We just can't expect sad panda is always there because there will be a time when sad panda dies and those precious porn might not be seen again. So I think what happened is good because it made people motivate how to save doujins.
>literally just checked 90% of my kairakuten favorites
>mfw they're still gone

go fuck yourself
So yesterday there was an anon that was scanning the panda and seeing how much stuff was deleted.


How did it go?
neitherlands have better shit than murrica so why bother visit?
also nice dubs fag
>scanning the panda and seeing how much stuff was deleted.

Its not deleted, just hidden
That's just less than 1% of the deleted galleries m9
>neitherlands have better shit than murrica
Funniest thing I've read all day.
>TLDR: It costs Tenboro time, trouble, money, and a criminal record, so he will obey the law.
>Wani was polite and sent notices to cease and desist (C&D) rather than filing a DMCA action. Filing one would be easy since Wani is also registered to do business in the USA and thus has access to USA laws through the trade treaties that Japan and the USA have signed. This is the age of international corporations and policy laundering.
>C&D can be ignored by anyone as they don't have the force of law. They aren't court orders after all but a warning that court action could occur.
>Now, you say that Wani cannot force Tenboro. To carry your thought further, Tenboro can ignore the C&D whereupon Wani files the complaint in court under DMCA as a criminal code violation. At that point, Tenboro MUST respond in 30 days to plead or to obtain a court date. If he doesn't show, then the judge will issue a bench judgment on the case. Generally, the judge grants whatever the plaintiff asks for when the scofflaw refuses to appear in court. At that point, Tenboro is convicted.
>Now, as a convicted criminal, Tenboro is in trouble because the EU does recognize USA laws and vice versa. Extradition might occur because the sheer quantity of e-hentai violations puts the monetary value into felony class. Tenboro would Appeal the conviction and his lawyer would apply for a Stay to the Extradition. Etcetera.
Still going, ~151k galleries to go.


I'm adding them manually but it's a laborious, boring task.
Yes, he said he still needs to scan more than 95% of sadpanda. That's why I'm asking, since I went to sleep after that.
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Well guess I am lucky that I don't read h-doujinshi anymore these days I prefer to cosplay and invite men over to fuck my asspussy
>not accepting that the botnet knowing everything has some nice side effects
Install exherbo
You're doing god's work, m8.
Doesn't change much for us.
c-can I cum too?
It's times like this that makes me wonder why good people like are not the ones getting paid.
But I need ideas on how to fuck guys like you.
Does that mean we can have our usual sad panda threads back?
OP was being a faggot, so no.
What the hell dude, what is wrong with these faggots? That one is a fucking masterpiece, it is definitely on my top 5 of all time, I lost the count on how many times a masturbated to it.
Why not let people send you links? If you lay out guidelines on how to pack and name things you'll have no problem getting a shitload of content fast.
If you really think this is a one-time occurrence when it's happened in the past, you deserve normal panda threads.
They will be back to normal after this current shit dies down.
autism in one picture
Just goes to show that even Jacob knows that his audience there are a bunch of losers.
>Takamichi picture books.
I jelly.

Comic LO was fucking lucky to secure his services right from the beginning.
Let's wait for a month or two.
I think normies is more of a correct term.
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Fakku-Panda Hentai wars? Too busy playing GW2 to give a fuck.

I want my Scarlet hentai fucking an Elder Dragon. Actually, know what? Fuck the fucking an Elder Dragon. I want tentacle rape hentai fucking the waypoint system!
I've added a second tab to the google doc.
accuracy, if you can get it from the source, you might as well do so. relying on anons to provide a list of missing galleries will just lead to multiple duplicates, improper names and shit. Just be patient and let him crawl through the panda.
at least play a good fucking game until its over
The customs isn't really the problem. I know some of them try to open some of the books and read it for the laughs. One time I received my order and there was a small writing on the plastic cover saying "el jovial" (gay) but I didn't mind about it.
Not all of Fakku is like that. The comment sections are the faggotry containment zones.
In a thread concerning hentai I would have thought people would accept that other people's tastes might differ from their own.
Did Nozoite wa Ikenai get yanked?
Sorry, I'm just really butthurt about GW2 turning out worse than I'd hoped
Is this the end of the age of piracy?
You're still on /a/.
Fuck off with the SJW shit, /v/. No one reads kotaku and buzzfeed except for braindead liberal arts students that watch Big Bang Theory and think they are "geeks."
Awesome, I'll pitch in when I have some time. Godspeed, glorious anon.
No why would it? i don't think that it has anything to do with wani, i took them anyway for future situations though.
>tried to look for Quzilax on Fakku
>0 results

How much of a shit site is Fakku anyway? Why is there no loli content?
I'm on it.
Because loli=child porn.
Thanks anons.
I'm glad this issue has died down. No one can defeat the panda. Seriously Exhentai is not Mega Upload.
No it's not, even Jacob said so.

Can Jacob be lying to me?
Would a jew lie for money? Hmm, I wonder.
Because it is a haven for normalfags.

A porn site that caters to normalfags is a fucking paradox.
Yeah, about that...
It's dead, Jimmy. Time to go home.
About the URL being anything, can it even be torrents? Or must it strictly be a DDL?
Oh, oh my god.

So no henreader? No Kinku? Even though the two were on the wani list?
I was there when he said that and the example he gave was kemomimi onsen. He is literally only okay with uploading loli when the age is vague even if he says otherwise.
It's open to the public so there are people who are against lolis whereas exhentai is only open for those fap enthusiasts and degenerates.
Fakku is to reddit as Sadpanda is to 4chan
The shit I read is only a one time thing. I can't often read something more than once. I feel like my fap will be lessened by it. Like it's used goods. A big part of the good faps I have is the anticipation, excitement and surprise of finding something and a huge turn on. When that's gone, it's not as good a fap. Am I the only one like this? I actually sometimes force myself not to fap to the same thing no matter how badly I want to, and only do it as a last resort or if I don't want to look for another gem.
That's right. He just doesn't want sadpanda to have them.
Anything, even magnet links.

Uploading to the FTP with the gallery id in brackets would be ideal though, I can automate it that way.
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Why fap to bookah loli tits, when you can fap to the Asura progeny telencephalon?

I'll never understand the Bookah race...

Mr. Sparkles, back me up on this one.
So am I supposed to get even deeper into sekrit club? Then will my favorites be like before?
Okay. I'll try to upload whenever I can, sadly my upload speed isn't great.
Have fun becoming an admin to see them
Pururin is where I go for pleb shit. I never liked Fakku.

On a side note, and this is a serious question, how the fuck are there not doujins of Hachikuji stacking on top of one another left and right? She's probably the most sexually appealing loli I've ever seen in anime. She also leaves so much room for a good plot.

Jacob thinks panda readers will also become his customers for more profit.
Fuck off /v/. I heard the next cowadooty doesn't have trannys in it, you should go protest or whatever you faggots do when you aren't licking cheeto dust off of your chubby fingers.
Touhou Angel wasn't that good. I read it a few days ago. Some artists were kind of passable.
we already are, /a/ has been brainwashed by daiz, and fakku/wani deal is the best thing ever since sliced bread. We're all buying fakku gold membership when it comes out.
You just didn't search enough
>not liking fairy bellies
fucking degenerate.
>Fakku is to reddit
That can't be right: reddit has a fullblown /l/.

Fakku has nothing.
Neither Fakku or the Skritt Club satisfy my foot fetish for Queen Jennah. There for, both of them suck major Scarlet dick.

Hail the Booru master race!

Sad for them my shekels goes directly to the artists.
Dont patronize shit. I'm not.
I thought they deleted them.
That looks like such a plebshit, cancerous shithole.
I'm talking about the artists inside. The cover is nice yeh, but the artists inside are, sadly, kinda mediocre. I guess I've gotten difficult nowadays with my Japanese drawings porn.
Final thread torn. Learning moon.
>reddit has /l/
>4chan doesn't
>panda has loli
>fakku doesn't
I sure did. I found everything and nothing but the same shit wherever I went.
Like loli threads on /a/?
I miss /l/ and /g/.
Just what are you implying?
I find it hilarious he doesn't host loli yet want to sell it.
What the fuck is wrong with you morons? If you're choosing a sub for exh, then Pururin is clearly the better choice between Fakku. It's objectively true. Pururin has everything Fakku has plus a lot more, content and subject-wise.
n is pretty ok.
Because loli is illegal in San Francisco. You don't want mormons knocking at your door every hour.
Kind of sparse. Ok back up.
What´s the point having a sekkrit sekkrit club then ?
>14627 Results
>no raws, only English shit
Don't know what that is.
>Check Pururin
>search henreader
>Pururin's 8 vs my 11

Yeah no. And the lack of download buttons makes it only good as backup like nHentai.
Fuck Pururin, they are deleting shit too.
No downloads, no uploads. Ajax shit.
nhentai. Created by our lord and savior, maou.
What's your IGN GW2 faggot? I just started playing again after a millenia and we should be friends.
Jewcob and wani's lawyers thanks you.
Download is coming.
>not f:lolicon l:english
You're missing the ones who don't have [English] in the title, anon.
He's said that from the start, how long does it take to add a simple link?
But n is shit. There's no rape doujins.
This is incorrect, because just searching 'eng' or 'english' will match a superset of 'l:english', that is, it will match as much as or more than 'l:english'. Try it out if you don't believe me.
If youre a retard like him then forever
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By the Pale Tree, why are we arguing? Shouldn't we be working together for the greater fap?
>being illiterate
That was uncalled for, anon.
>emergence ch 4
Its OGRE https://twitter.com/Shindo_L/status/493291893321519105/photo/1
Doesnt say anything about that
Damn it. More things to be sad about. This series is too painful, its the complete opposite of Fela Pure.
I mean ehr life is over.
But we already know how it ends

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How undignified! We must see to those ungrateful louts pay for ruining our gentlemen's artwork!
How can I stop n from resizing images? It actually downloads the fullsize ones but it seems there's no way to keep it from resizing.
You've never ordered doujinshi before, have you? If you were to buy a that doujinshi from toranoana or melonbooks with a proxy you'll have to pay a total of 2300+
What site are you referring to?
Fuck off, Jacob.
Still cheaper, and if you don't live in the US, you'd still have to pay intl. shipping from Fakku.
What? I'm confused because you said n, which implies nhentai, but nhentai only has the resized versions of the images.
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GW2 poster, there's a nice discussion in Blazeridge Steppes for you.
>not buying digitally from dlsite maniax
Plebs please.
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By Ogden's Hammer, what savings!
I'd only do that if I couldn't pirate it and my autism didn't let me live without it. Digital goods are retarded.
True, still it's absurd to compare the fakku price to the raw mandarake price
>a couple dozen posts per month, and most of the threads are about requests

Wow, what a fine haven of loli enthusiasts, I can't wait to move there
I live in Sweden, and customs has never bothered me or even cared about my stuff. except a tax for an order of Revoltechs.

Yeah, true that.
>not supporting authors you like
The reason wani is starting to attack sites like exhentai is because piracy has become even more rampant.
>a couple dozen posts per month

like /h/ right.
Authors should do their shit right and release physical goods if they want me to pay for them, I've got no problem with that. I've got a shelf full of doujinshi I've already got a digital copy of.
Who goes to /h/?
They do that as well, but buying digitally is usually cheaper and easier because copies don't get out of stock and you don't have to think of a place to put them at, especially if you live with a roommate.
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> nhentai only has the resized versions of the images
No, it doesn't. Check the resolutions and compare it in the viewer in sadpanda.
I did, 6 or so years ago. IIRC, back when "clearly not enough bolze" trip was dumping doujin.
I never went to /h/ since I'm not interested in its content.
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ExHentai images are also resized without the Source Nexus perk.

Look at pic related for an actual comparison. Ex actually has PNG for this one, while n has jpg.
Go to bed, Oscar.
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The fate of hentai is in your hands!
Almost never. Shit board.
At least now you can see I'm not Jacob.
>Check the resolutions and compare it in the viewer in sadpanda
Online images are resampled if the originals are too big, you need to download the archive
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2MB, 1680x1050px

I might go there to post some Zojja hentai.
There's a pettanko tag, you idiot and a ton of people love it. I don't give a shit about Jacob, but start talking shit just because everything isn't small enough for you DFCfaggots and I stop fucking being civil. All tits that aren't hideous cowshit garbage bags like Cattleya are lovely.
Fakku shill, pls go.

Yeah, boy! Post Super Adventure Box hentai!
Kill yourself.
So turns out hunting down the galleries is fucking hard.

I've tracked down several releases so far, though. I'll begin uploading them right now.
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Here you go.
I don't give a fuck about Fakku. Do what you want to them. This faggot just implied everything that isn't DFC is cowtits and I'm not going to fucking stand for it.

Because I talked shit about worst QB? Boo fucking hoo.
Is it true that 80000 galleries got deleted?
because last i checked there's about 115000 galleries of doujinshi and manga before the purge. Isn't that almost everything gone?
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Yeah, boy! Yeah, Boy!
No. Check the spreadsheet, it'll probably be around 1-2k galleries in total.
One deleted gallery, is one gallery too many.
Wasn't it "clearly not enough bolze.", with the full stop at the end?
Thread posts: 635
Thread images: 67

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