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What JRPG would you like to see fully adapted in a Chinese cartoon?

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What JRPG would you like to see fully adapted in a Chinese cartoon? Is there any that would actually work as a 2 or even 4 cour show if adapted by a competent company? Seems like all the ones that have where completely shitty adaptations with bad animation or where barely related to the source material
Etrian Odyssey is perfect.
>gruesome deaths
>many personalities
>big world
It can be long running shounen for all I care.
A good Chrono trigger
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The Persona 2 doulogy
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>there are people who played Bravely Default without Japanese voices
Skies of Arcadia

I did that. I have no idea why, the Japanese cast is stelllar and Agnes had a really grating voice, but I still liked it overall. It felt like a saturday morning cartoon, so it helped to settle the mood for a more classical RPG.
Edea is perfect. Do you think she mrgrgrs when you make her orgasm? I hope so.
I'm playing Etrian Odyssey 3 right now. So how about that.
I played it in English too, didn't even see the setting to change to grorious nipponese
Getting back to the topic, Bravely Default would make a bad animu imo.
The several loops (5-7ish I think), same bosses over and over again, just with a little more strength than last time and such.
But I'd love to see how a studio could show Airy's changes physically and how Airy's charade gradually comes undone.

Jap games in general, I'd like to see a Pokemon Mystery dungeon FULL animu adaption, I know it would have a bunch of bullshit for genwunners but the thought of spelunking caves/forests/volcanos/mountains in search of lost poke-mans/items/kidnapped pokes just sounds fun to me
Seconding this.
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I'd love to see a good Chrono Cross adaptation. One that uses the godly soundtrack and has the length and budget to do the world justice.
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Never gonna happen but I'd like to see a 4-cour adaptation of this.
I want an adaptation of that just so that I can see my glorious waifu animated in 2D. and so I can hear her voice
Wild Arms XF, I need my fantasy western anime goddamit.
Can i get ar tonelico hentai with MC playing with his reyvateil's install port?
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>all those characters
>all those stories
>all that action
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This is now Edea thread.
>playing BD with Jap voices

I wouldn't have any other way.
The entire Kiseki series as a set of TV anime so I can see the moongoons start to call it shit now that everyone is in on their secret club
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A good adaptation of the same quality as Symphonia's, not that low budget poorly directed Sunrise crap.
I refuse to watch another Luke suffering. He did nothing wrong and fuck those cast.
I heard PC english release will be dub only. Is that true?
yes, but the only voices in sora no kiseki are battle grunts and cries anyways
>>>/no stop posting vidya/
Make me wonder why they decide to dub it while it just battle grunts and cries.
Symphonia OVA was pretty meh. The one that stood out though was the Presea arc. Abyss adaptation was surprisingly to the tee.
You sound tense, take it easy.

This. Also final fantasy 6 (two cours for each world ideally), 999 (could be done tatami galaxy style or one conglomeration sequence, the latter would probably work better but the former has the potential to be amazing), and mother 3 (would have to be executed very carefully but again could be something incredible in the right hands).
I'd make The World Ends With You 3 cours, one for each week, though that's an unusual length for a show so maybe it wouldn't work.
I wished for an Atelier adaptation once and look at how that turned out.
It would make way more sense with one episode = one day. 3 "cours" of seven, with maybe two episodes for the last day or some other one that merits it, and the extra story thing as a bonus episode, so a 22-24 episode or so 2-cour show in all. The only thing it would be missing is all that delicious hanekoma report exposition/world building, but hell, that could probably be worked in a little alongside the series. It could be really damn cool.
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Years later I'm still mad. Fuck you SE.
Smt Strange journey
Smt 4
Etrian oddessy 3 and 4
I'm not sure you could consistently do one day= one episode. It would probably be fine for week one, but weeks two and three have more stuff going on in them I have trouble seeing a number of exposition heavy days fitting in one episode.

On another note, how would the fight scenes work? Like the original DS version where they partners are seperated, or more like the iOS version where they fight together? While gameplay wise I prefer the original, I think having them fight together would work better in an anime.
ITT: People who don't understand the point of Etrian Odyssey

To OP, one I'd like is Pokemon. But not in the shit style of the one we have now, I'd kill for more like Origins though. That was amazing, even if the end was just X/Y shilling.
It would be interesting to see the "separated" fighting mental linkage stuff going on but the other way would be safer. I want to say either would be good if done properly.

But yeah, the days are pretty uneven. I really like the idea of the episodic style but it certainly wouldn't hurt to have some days be divided into parts.
Never forget the iOS port announcement, Anon
Still waiting on my Harvest Moon anime
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/m/ would probably love it with us.
For a non EO player, what is the point?
Yeah, let's not make that mistake again... I can normally overlook a bit of QUALITY here and there, but holy shit, it was just too much to handle.
You know what the problem was? They decided to go with Twilight instead of Arland.
pls no. I don't want QUALITY Totori.
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It's a series carried almost entirely by gameplay. Your party is just composed of classes and character portraits (Mainly lolis or Christmas Cakes) you like. They have no actual personality or relevance to the non-existant story. The 'story' in EO mainly revolves as 'here is a labyrinth, explore, git gud, rinse and repeat till end'. You use your imagination to fill in the gaps.

It'd make a shit anime.
I love Bravely Default, though would an anime adaption of it really work?

Also, Edea is the best girl.
I can't even begin to imagine how bad it would have been if it was Totori, seeing as that had one of the best emotional stories of the lot.

none, history has shown that anime adapted from video games are shit as anime or bland compared to the original. visual novels not included
After having played both, I like the Jap voices more but the Dub voices I found to actually be pretty awesome

Ringabel was perfect. Tiz was just Tiz and Edea was olev. Agnes was the only weak one out of the four, but even then she sounded really good when just speaking normally. Her VA was fucking terrible at screaming or acting angry though.

And the dub had based Liam O'Brian as Kaiimizumi, which was great.
You missed the sexiest and best version of Ringabel
What about Gungrave?
Finaly Fantasy 3, 6, 8, and 9
>You use your imagination to fill in the gaps.
I've never played EO but that sounds like anime material even if it does miss the point of the game.

Yes, visual novels included.
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We all agree that Edea was the best girl, right?
Then that just makes it an open slate. You can borrow the world and character templates and make anything you want from there. Half the work is done for you and you've got creative freedom.
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Any mother game would be great
Then why even call it EO? Just make a generic fantasy anime at that point.
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Easy. Non-chronological order with shifting POVs would be great.
Agnes was voiced by Ryuuko. I didn't fucking realize until I read the credits. That range.
Absolutely Not. Too many "Main characters". Would also ruin the characters
Its plot is about retarded enough to be a decent anime
The main cast isnt strong enough, Kuja isnt an intersting enough villan either.
Haven't finished it yet, but she is so far
Agnès is kinda an annoying bitch
only exception, but mostly due to the aspect that they took what happened in the game and placed in the last 7 episodes. At the same time expanding the 5 min game backstory into 16 episodes. Somewhat cheating a bit though
Anges is highly strung but understandably so. She does soften up over time.

Edea still best girl though
To ride on its popularity. Do you even money?
Why was batshit Mephillia so superior to sane Mephillia?
fucking necron
She had a sexy tone to her batshit voice.
6 would have to be very episodic and condense things. Like just 1 episode for all of the Locke/Rachel story, etc. 9 would work if it was adapted more as a celebration of the previous seasons and didn't try too hard to be it's own thing and just relied more on references to the previous seasons as a sort of fanservice.
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Kingdom hearts
An anime just wouldnt be able to handle Kefka well at all.

He would just come accross as stupid comic relief and not have any of the sinister undertones that he had in the game.
god, that game was so fucking good
>dat artstyle
4, 5 and 7 would make better anime than all of these.
It got lolis and bullying; what's not to like.
The loli MC controls the spirits of the dead; merge them and to seal them into items to make them more powerful.
The killing of your own units also plays an important role, because it darkens your karma which allows you to use better weapons and to learn the technique that is "blasphemy incarnate"

"When Marona was a child, her parents and their employee Ash were killed by demons. In desperation they used their magic and a plea to God to turn Ash into a Phantom, a type of ghost caught between Life and Death, to protect Marona as she grew up.

Like her parents, Marona is a Chroma; she is able to summon the spirits of the dead and give them temporary physical forms by possessing inanimate objects. For this, the people in Marona's world think of her as The Possessed One who can kill them all, so naturally they go out of their way to insult and belittle her.

Game mechanics aside, Marona's a rather sweet girl who loves everyone, and who seems cheerfully uncomprehending of the fear she provokes in others. Which means her neighbors have someone to protect them from the dark forces that killed her parents."
6 would definitely have its moments if paced correctly, if nothing else. I'm imagining a train episode, an opera episode, a Celes alone on the island episode, and Ultros and Kefka stealing the show in general. It could be really nice.
FF Tactics. That medieval fantasy politics, evil church, and manipulative demons.
>Niche series that sells about 100k worldwide
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Golden Sun.

I agree with >>111093025 though. I just dont think Kefka would translate well to anime.
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>not type-0
my nigga
thanks for reminding me that I still hadn't finished this game
pshh, like anyone could know that

I'm inclined to agree too but I want to believe it could be pulled off really well.
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Red is mai waifu.
Damn I just realized a lot of the JRPGs I've played got anime adaptions, but they were just really fucking shitty.
Without the immersion of the game, a character like Kefka will just come accross as dumb comic relief, I fear.
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My favourite "adaption" would be the Tales of Vesperia Prequel.

That shit was fucking awesome. The twins should have been in the main game
Cartoon Joker was great.
That's already more than most anime sell. Sounds like a killing with even a quarter.

Etrian Odyssey has literally no story. You might as well just make an original work.

Anyway, Shadow Hearts, hands down. Just start at Covenant though, because the first game isn't very good.
the only JRPGs I've played are Final Fantasy 4,6,7, Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon, and Mother.

Pokemons already done, but I think any of the others would be wonderful too.
To me, Kefka was always a lot more sinister than Joker.

>dat cackle
Some people prefer their dubs. Though personally I change to Japanese whenever it's an option. I wish Atlus games gave both options.
Fire Emblem would be kinda cool
Cat and Bat Girl were the best girls
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A man can dream
Romancing Saga 3
Awakening? I agree. Fun as fuck with pretty awesome characters
I'm trying to think of kefka-esque anime villains, all that's coming to mind are bluebeard and ragyou and those are both terrible examples and not even close. Whoops.
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Good taste, anon.

Kefka is such a shitty villain though. The fact that he's basically a wisecracking miniboss elevated to ultimate power makes people think he's original compared to other villains, but in the end he's just a cardboard cutout villain. You can say Sephiroth is edgy or tryhard if you like, but at least he has a meaningful backstory and motivation other than "I'm crazy and I want to rule the world and everyone in it."
Who is Hisoka?
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Stick TO:LUCT Law route there too.
The constant time travel really put me off on finishing this game.
It'll be endless eight all over again if this gets an anime.
Only one I can think of as being similar would be Pierrot le Fou from Cowboy Bebop.

Airy is evil.
Threads would be full of annoying Waifu/Husbandofags.
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Eyo, fuck awakening, where's my anime of FE7? That would be the bee's knees.
I never found Septhiroth either edgy or tryhard.

He is probably my favourite FF Villan. His character and backstory are enthralling
Jokes on you Anon, I got spoiled on that a long time ago
Not even mad, I could tell that she was a cunt from about chapter 2 onwards.
Mein nigger
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>when you find president Shinra's corpse stabbed by the Masamune
>when you see the Midgar Zolom impaled on a fucking tree
Damn, Sephiroth had style
Only if they choose to go with Rose's good end for the ending

Riviera would make for a hilarious anime I feel.
Now you are being exaggerated. Even if it has minimal story that serves as a basis for your imagination it still has one.

Yeah, me too. Should have seen it coming I guess. I kind of thought, it would just be too obvious, but there it was. I wonder when games are going realize the whole "The character who gives you your quest objectives is deceiving you for their own evil purposes" thing. It was an interesting plot twist in Bioshock, but now its just getting stale.
They already are.
Elibe and Tellius would make for some great anime

mite b cool if they even have player units die too
Sephiroth had a charisma and presence in the game that has rarely been matched in any game since.

That fucking moment in the Temple of The Ancients when he just full on floats past the fucking screen and stares at you. And when the ground rumbles and Cloud shouts "Sephiroth?!" to which Sephiroth replies "Ha ha ha. Its not me..." and you are ambushed by a fuckoff huge fucking dragon out of nowhere.

Awesome fucking moments

Okay, I shouldn't have said literally. But why not just imagine your own story in your head without having to plow through endless battles that have no other context than "You're an adventurer who wants to explore this labyrinth".

I got through the original EO, but nothing in it made be want to do it again. If it had had a story, I could have put up with the rest.
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>Etrian Odyssey has literally no story.
I wish I could strangle you over the internet.
yeah try SS2
I played 7 as a kid, and I always dreaded Sephiroth's appearances. One Winged Angel was scary for me.

If you stopped with the first, you're "literally" talking out your ass.

3, 4, and Untold all have extensive stories, and three has multiple endings.
Replaying it recently on my Vita, Sephiroth's appearances still make me sweat each time.

"Because you are....a puppet"
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>literally no story
>progression was driven through the quests handed out by the head hocho
Confirmed for retard. Have you played millennium girl? Fucking story out the ass.

You have to make up the story on your own. A "story" means characters and an overarching plot, and EO has neither. I like imagining stories too, but I don't need to strain my eyes staring at the DS screen for that.
Too much story, some would argue.
Your party members would not shut up.
One Winged Angel was always more "epic" than "scary to me. Those Chosen by the Planet on the other hand...
And EOU's story mode sucked, both the story itself and what it did to the gameplay. Thank God they had classic mode in it or the whole game would have been a bust.

What is your point Anon?
>But why not just imagine your own story in your head without having to plow through endless battles [...]
Because for one, building a team and leveling them up while collecting stuff is pretty fun for me, and second, the battling helps build up situations on the spot, like if you are fighting an FOE, and someone takes a critical hit and you imagine everyone taking counter measures.

Also, try playing EO3 at the very least.

Do you actually have characters in those ones, like ones that aren't just recruited NPC's who don't even have sprites other than a picture at the bottom of the screen?

As long as we get some cute pegasus knights doing cute things and swordsman love I'm all for it.
>Shinra mansion basement when you get to Nibelheim for the first time
>This music starts
>Sephiroth is just straight out chilling in the basement

Because claiming that it literally had no story was objectively wrong. No one's claiming EOU's story was GOOD, but it does have one.

>implying the story can't be NPC-driven
Actually, 4 had three plot-important NPCs that you could recruit as permanent party members.
Bravely Default: Flying[/spoiler] Fairy.
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i do want an anime version of BD so pic related may happen
Anon, that's like saying that any game with a silent protagonist has no story.
oh no my tag
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although...this scan came out some days ago...
i guess TizXAgnes is still possible ingame
The plot important NPC's yes.

Or are you saying that your player character needs to be super important or else it's not a story.

Jesus why are stupid so eager to talk out of their asses.

I can do all that in my head. It's like reading a manga where 90% is the character in a training arc that is shown in real time. If you like it, that's and I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, but I'm just not interested in that kind of gameplay experience.
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Have you played EO4? It has an overarching story and plenty of characters involved. Having your own party members being blank slates don't invalidate the other parts of the story.
This. Best jrpg in terms of plot I've played. If only because the characters are really believable.
I want to ride that man's moustache.

>>111094183 here, I seem to have mixed up One Winged Angel and Those Chosen by the Planet. I was scared of the latter. I used to hide under my blanket when I heard the opening bell toll and heartbeat sounds.
Tales of Xillia 1 and 2 would be better.

10/10 doujin.

The Ringabel and Edea bits especially were awesome.
The plot in FF Tactics has always been terrible.

I don't know why it gets such accolades when all it was a bunch of political babble that had little to do with the main plot. That and Tactics Ogre and Vandal Hearts both managed to execute the same type of plot without fucking it up.

If the character barely ever interacted with anyone else, I guess it would. And if the silent protagonist's story arc was just "Here's a dungeon, progress down it as far as you can."
Still, if an anime, which would rely heavily on the story, was based off of something weak, then wouldn't that make for a weak anime?

Etrian Odyssey was made to be a very gamey game. The gameplay is what makes the series good. It just wouldn't translate into an anime since it has no main characters, no major story, and is overall meant to be a callback to old tabletop games.
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>get captured in the Shinra building infiltration
>suddenly cell door is open
>quiet creepy ass music
>huge trail of blood
>that scene in the Shinra HQ when you look into Jenova's Tank and see that headless corpse
>that music playing

That legitimately still scares the shit out of me, even now.

Barrets reaction to it is fucking hilarious though.
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If you're playing an RPG where you spend 80% of your time in a labyrinth, 18% in shops and equipping shit, and 2% interacting with NPC's, then yes, that's a problem, at least for me.
>EO has no story
>EO:U has too much story
When will people stop trying to be argumentive?
Why do you keep talking about a game series that you haven't played?

You clearly don't know what your talking about yet you keep talking anyway?
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While we're on the subject,

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>Barrets reaction to it is fucking hilarious though.

>"WHERE'S ITS *&(&(&__)& HEAD?!"

Barret was 100% comedy gold throughout the whole Shinra HQ part of the game. Dat stairclimbing scene, man.
Again it sounds like you should just stop since you're literally just talking out of your ass at this point.

Your argument basically amounts to
>m-muh story
>M-muh characters
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The Union series is cute. Thief x Princess is my OTP. Hell, most of the Dept Heaven series deserve an anime.
Then go play Final Fantasy or Tales or something. Clearly EO's not for you.
Man, I've never actually finished FF7 because of how goddamn boring it gets later but that beginning city part was something really special, also the whole flashback bit right when you get to the first town. I guess that was enough to carry it for most people but I burned out after the end of the first disk or so.
Quit reminding me I have to beat that game /a/.

I worked myself into quite the corner and probably need to restart.

I am so far into it too...
Whoops, wrong post.
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Radiant Historia just cause it hasn't been mentioned and it was a damn fine game

Is the plot essentially, "You are an adventurer. Here are some other adventurers. Here is a dungeons. If you proceed down this dungeon by fighting monsters you'll get loot and gain new abilities. In the very end, you will find out something interesting about the nature of the dungeon." Then I'm not interested.

If this were Dark Souls, it might be different. But it isn't - you don't even get to see your player characters fighting the enemies.
If only because all Dept Heaven games outside of Yggdra Union make me want to strangle myself, not to the degree SaGa games but still.
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They don't realize the beauty of Seiyuu's
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Chrono Trigger by Madhouse
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I want to see this adapted.
It picks the fuck up pretty much straight into the 2nd disk.

The hunt for Cloud, the battles for the Huge Materia, going into Space, the fights against the Weapons, the Midgar invasion. All so fucking good.

It does drag around the end of the 1st disk. After the Ice Town and around the Grand Glacier are a bit of a grind. It steps the fuck up massively after that

I suppose you're right, but I played the first one and didn't like it. Would you watch the second season of an anime you didn't like?
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It's already a anime, cliche as it is.
...You really did only play the first game.
My god, just shut up now.
The latest EO game has a story mode with preset characters, voice acting and everything

Yes, I want those things. I'm not saying its a bad game, I just said I didn't enjoy it.


I already said that was what I have done.
Awakening would be the worst possible game they could choose to make an anime out of. It's nothing but watered down waifufaggotry.

A Jugdral adaptation that covers Seisen no Keifu and Thracia 776, however, would be phenomenal.
Most people who've played the series, if asked, wouldn't even recommend playing the first two games. Three and four are far and away the best in the series, and while all the games start more or less the same (You are an adventurer, go explore), by the second stratum, the plot kicks into full gear.
You've just described how the majority of dungeon crawling RPG's progress their plot but not a plot in of itself, you realize that right?

>I-I need to see muh characters fighting for the game to be good

Jesus you are everything wrong with the gaming community

Maybe you should just stick to your precious story focused games like Final Fantasy or something.
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It would be the best possible game they could choose to make an anime out of, it would be a huge commercial success.
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More like an action RPG but dragon's dogma would be great if it was animu
Is the manga any good?
It would be good commercially, but only because the game itself already panders as much as most modern anime.

The Jugdral games, on the other hand, have enough depth and politics to actually be engaging. Awakening's plot is just generic fantasy bullshit, complete with amnesiac protagonist, and it would probably end up being a harem anime anyway sine Robin would have to choose a waifu or something.

Awakening sucks.
I loved this game, until it decided to dissapear on me. Haven't found it up to this day.

Never heard about an anime, might be cool. Also fantastic taste, anon.
Well shit, the ice part was what made me quit, I really do need to go finish that I guess. Probably have to start over, it's been years and my save is probably on a long-dead hard drive somewhere, but I'm hype to play that opening again.

I just feel bad because there are so many jrpg's that are probably better or at the very least also deserve attention; the grind game doesn't bother me but it's hard to find time to keep it going.

Thanks for the advice though, I'll definitely give it another try!

I never said it was "bad". I said I don't like it. Personally, I think it would make a lot more sense to just play a pen and paper RPG with friends if this sort of thing interested you. Or write a story. Or just close your eyes and daydream. I don't understand that appeal of something so confining as going down a dungeon because I'm an adventurer if I'm doing to be the one supplying the story. I mean, isn't that just the same thing as fanficiton?
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They're masterworks all you can't go wrong
Are you serious right now? This is a troll right? The "political babble" was the plot. The church manipulating all these countries and powerful people in order to further their plot. The war wasn't just some sort of backdrop that made the battles a thing. The war was literally the entire point. They needed lots of death an destruction to awaken their demon. The lore is absolutely fantastic.

I'm thinking you missed a lot of it because the translation was done really poorly.
Seriously man, do it.

If you have a vita or a PSP, get the game through the PS Store. Just grind through the Snow bit this time, I gurantee you that its worth it.
Luminous Arc roms are hard as fuck to find for some reason, I don't know why.
I don't understand your insistence that every single EO game is identical to the first.

Just give 3 or 4 (or, hell, Untold since you need MUH CHARACTERS) a try.

4 even has an overworld.
Secret of Mana or Legend of Mana, whichever one had you placing the locations yourself in order to affect the story. Had a great story if you actually followed a guide and placed things correctly to unlock it all.

Had a really shitty story when I played it as a kid and just tossed shit wherever though.
Again it's because you keep trying to justify your shitty taste by saying "HURR DURR WHY NOT PLAY A PEN n PAPER RPG" or "WHY NOT JUST USE YOUR IMAGINATION"

You keep insisting on making comments about a game genre that you know little to nothing about when you should have just shut the fuck up a while ago.

Sup /feg/. I still as asspained about Awakening emphasizing Supports and character interaction over trying to beat the RNG on a giant ass map that takes 2 hours to get to the end off.
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Chain Chronicle
I'm interested. Battle system aside, is it cute?
>No waifufaggotry

FE4 was the game that fucking introduced the Full Support -> Shipping mechanic
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o-oh, I think I have to play this game now

Naw, none of that. I guess there's a pc port but I feel like it's kinda shit and I'd prefer to emulate the classic ps1 version for whatever autistic reason. I actually have a gamepad now so that's even better.
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It would be better than Escha & Logy.
I think it was Legend. There is hardly a story. It's just episodic encounters in each world you place really.
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Would be nice.
Lore =/= Plot

Nope I played the updated version. It has a decent premise but the execution is god awful, and the political babble has very little to do with the actual plot of the game as in the actions of the main character Ramza who just happens to keep running into Lucavi. Not to mention the lovely "main character joins your party and is never heard again"

And again it's plot loses utterly when you compare it to games like Tactics Ogre and Vandal Hearts.

I don't know how that's an argument, you seem to just be calling me stupid and saying I don't understand anything without saying why. I know at least that I tried playing it and didn't like it and don't understand the appeal. You actually haven't even explained why it appeals to you, just told me I don't understand anything and made a lot of statements in all caps.
Fucking do it faggot
Is Edea flat?

I guess Agnes is the tits and Edeas is the big butted loli
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Because we all know the protagonist has to be the driving force of the story for it to be any good, right?
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The name Radiant Historia reminds me of Radiata Stories. Definitely another that I'd want as an anime. In fact, I was recently thinking about replaying it.
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My brethren of african american descent
She isnt flat, just not as big as Agnes

She is arounf 17/18 and a normal sized person, bub.
No, we're calling you stupid because you refuse to listen when we say that literally ONLY the first game is like that.
Oh fuck yeah, you know I will. That track and art make me so happy, I am downloading this right now.
The first times I enjoyed it a lot, but on the 4th time it was already a huge pain. The blue events were the only thing that made me keep going.
I could feel somewhat how Homura felt going back on time so many times. It was a interesting experience.
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She's 15 in the Japanese version.

This is /a/, why are we expecting anyone to have good taste in games here?
In a political heavy type of game then yes.

I never even said that I dislike Final Fantasy Tactics just that the plot isn't very good. The set up in the prologue of the game is actually pretty good I just don't like how it fell apart afterwards
15 still isnt loli, bro
Since it's /a/ and not /v/, I expect so.
This thread seems to be a bastion of good taste, so far
Here's a question that will determine if your tastes are shit or not.

How do you feel about Suikoden?
You don't understand because you've clearly never played a dungeon crawler and try to use idiotic means to discard the appeal of the genre.

Those idiotic means are the arguments that I highlighted for you in Caps.

I'm calling you an idiot is that much clear?
I can only speak for me but I have shit taste in anime so there has to be something, right?
Well, basically any RPG could be well adapted, but the ones I'd love to see are :

- Final Fantasy 4 - 5 - 6 - 9 - Tactics (two seasons for each, although 5 and 9 could be hard to split)
- Kingdom Hearts (c'mon, it would be a HUGE money gain for both SE and Disney, especially if you split that into a season per game)
- Chrono series (Trigger + Cross, one season each)
- Etrian Odyssey Untold (I want to see more delicious animated Frederica)
- Bravely Default (two seasons, the second one devoted to the repetitive part and delving more into bonus content and into spoilers)
- The World Ends with You (see under)

1-7 for first week
8-14 for second week
15-21 for third week
22 for the conclusion and the final boss
23 for the bonus chapter
24 for the pig tower and the bonus boss

Untold says hi.
Those muguguuuuu were adorable.
Mio-chan a best voice.
None really.

I don't really many jap games outside of more mainstream series and they would all turn out to be shit if they were adapted.

I got my Layton movie so I'm happy.
As if age mattered in that regard. But anyway, I was just correcting you there.
>Etrian Odyssey Untold (I want to see more delicious animated Frederica)
>Not Canada
You are dead to me, sir.
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Just because I would like to see the Algus hate-train.
You know what ok ,that pic is actually cute go on post MAOR Edea.
My severe autism stops me from completing games, but I played 2 and 4. I think I liked 2 a lot more.
And would you say it had a good story?
Crap forgot to say I wasn't the guy you're replying to.
Algus died like a bitch.
>pig tower and bonus boss
I am imagining a Shirou vs Kirei style breakdown of battle shounen where they're just yelling at each other about enjoying life and I love it
I'd love more of Layton in anime format but the games already cover that in a way so it's alright.
FF X-2

Would make a really great animu if it took a less cheesy approach to the story
>Here's a question that will determine if your tastes are shit or not.
>How do you feel about Suikoden?

It's on my backlog I haven't had a chance to get to the series yet

From a gameplay perspective FF Tactics is great the plot just needs some work. I could live with how it carried things if it weren't JUST Ramza and his recruitable characters actually commented on things and didn't stop being heard from after they were recruited into your army.

I mean big ones like Agrias, Cid, and that Machinist guy just vanish.
It would be perfect. Each episode would have another version of the ZHP theme. (the Mecha version was the best,by the way)
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This one, but I guess it would be too short for a TV anime, maybe some OVAs

Damn, the Layton movie was great, I was scared they would not be able to captured the spirit of the game without muh puzzles but in the end I thought it worked very well
So you can't stand blanks slates or silent protagonists.

Okay, we're done here.
XF is the most horrendous abortion of a remake ever.

They took Wild Arms, which is a fucking excellent game that I still to this day enjoy replaying, and SHAT ALL OVER IT.
>XF is the most horrendous abortion of a remake ever.
You're talking about Alter Code, XF is the srpg on PSP.
Well yeah, but those episodes were good when you followed a guide. I remember thinking even as a kid with very limited grasp of what a story consists of though that the stories are absolutely terrible when you don't do it right. Random characters pop up that you've never seen before that are apaprently important. Things happen that should lead to otbher things happening that never do. Etc.

I remember there being a "villian" who really ended up just being a guy trying to save a girl or something but you never really got that unless you finished his plot line which required some very specific placements. Weird game mechanic. Not sure why someone thought it was a good idea.
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>still no sequel
I'm glad this was brought up early in the thread through. If this ever got a series or OVA by some slim chance I would hope for it to look as stylish as fuck.
What I never said that, and Ramza is far from a blank slate.

If it helps the small arcs like with the two Seer characters, and the Beowulf sidequest is great just that the main plot has subpar execution. I'll concede that the beginning and endings are pretty good only because Ramza actually shows a bit of agency rather than just being tossed around.
Stand down, then.

I haven't played XF to comment on it.
Yeah, and it was also shit.
Would have been nice if they were handled like PCs in TO:LUCT where the recruitable PCs got extra dialogue in battles.
>transformation scenes for every costume
That's the only reason it would fit an anime.
This is absolutely ridiculous. The lore is the entire plot. You didn't understand it or didn't like it, then fine. But you can't just say it has nothing to do with the plot when it literally is the entire plot. You're suppsoed to be paying attention to the lore. That's why the game opens up being told by a historian. You're not suppsoed to just think from Ramzas point of view and nothing else, which is why there are tons of scenes all over the place that explain what is going on form outside his point of view. The entire thing is a story about how history is written by the victors and how you really can't trust any stories you've heard unless you were actually there to witness them yourself. Tactics has an amazing story and you'd have to be pretty stupid to miss it when it's shoved in your face so directly.

The problem with JRPGs is the fact that level grinding is an inherent feature in all of them (bar being autistic enough to game the 'status' system such as functioning in FF8 so you can complete the game at a low level) and this is difficult to translate into anime and for progressing the narrative - for a game its fine, but how could you do it in an anime without making it dull, tedious, and flow naturally? Further, the fact that boss battles (another major plot progression point) get entirely repetitive and monotonous where you, as the player, have to find and exploit some algorithm or tactic to succeed (again a boring thing which doesn't translate over well to anime).

The only games in general which when adapted into anime work well tend to be ones which have a heavy SOL aspect to it or a linear plot such as VNs.

JRPGs only really work with the progression of the story and interaction between player and the game precisely because they are games with the progression of the story and interaction between player and the game.
Ah, I misread.

I'm pretty sure the reason they're never heard from again after that is because permadeath can happen, so they want to cover their bases in case someone you recruited bites it.

I'm not discarding the appeal, I just don't see the appeal. Nor have you explained the appeal. Using all caps is pretty bad form, as is ad hominem attacks without any argument other than "You don't understand!" behind them.
I wish we could've seen them more not-SD like so this page wouldn't confuse me. I honestly thought who the fuck these characters were.
The story ended though, it was over. Unless by sequel you mean another story/different characters set in the same world, in which case yeah that needs to happen.

The soundtrack would be so sick if they brought some of the tunes over from the original and rearranged and messed with them to work as background music

Your argument is that the games have no story.

We argue that literally only the first game is like that, and that subsequent games have extensive stories.

You refuse to listen.

Seems pretty clear to me.
>The lore is the entire plot

Stopped you there, no it isn't.
I could take any game of the MOTHER series with open arms.

You're my nigger.
You don't like Game of Thrones either, do you?
>90+ hours in
>still only on chapter 5

I am never going to beat this game
Haven't watched it but lore and plot are different things entirely.

To say the lore is the plot is just stupid.
git gud
Does /a/ know of Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia and Terranigma? I wonder what an anime of that would be like.
Nobody's asking you to translate the battle system into the anime. Just the ADVENTURE which most of them are about. But really, more than 1 cour is just overkill. Most won't have that much material unless you go for a SoL-y RPG.
>Soul Blazer anime

fuck. yes.

> Unless by sequel you mean another story/different characters set in the same world
Well, duh. In a different city with different rules or whatever. A sequel on the 3ds would be such a great fit and a dream come true.
90% of anime is in that same niche, anon.
Atelier Escha & Logy just aired, you may recall.
Terranigma would be quite interesting.
FFT was too deep for you. You're literally retarded.
>FFT was too deep for you.

Come on the game is pretty simplistic the execution of the plot just isn't very good.
You keep using that word "lore."

I do not think it means what you think it means.
Just because YOU can't follow it doesn't mean it's poorly done, bro.
I just recently played it and it isn't remarkable at all. FF4 sure, it's good, but FF5? Nah.
Haven't played the other 2.

I listen to the soundtrack frequently. Dat Game Over though.

>He's got an opinion and posted suggestion but never reveals his name
>"Read by someone, taken as a good one but nobody knew who had wrote it"
>Few lines of the sentences lie
>Anonymity is annoying me all the time
>"It's like ""2 channnel"", where people can just throw their own anger"
>And forget about those foul actions
None, I rather play them
Every Single Adaption sucks and they'll probably keep doing so
Yes. And then I could play the games.
I bet you think Dragon's Dogma and Skyrim are the same game just because the antagonist of both games is a dragon.
Fire Emblem 7
The lore in a game isn't the same thing as it's plot are you really going to call me a retard when you can't grasp that simple fact?

>M-muh favorite game is perfect y-you just don't understand

Please this is getting sad.
Yeah, I'm not normally a lyrics man but that writing is fucking brilliant. Deja Vu's probably my favorite track but it's all just so fucking solid.
What does that have to do with anything?
>Please this is getting sad.

Yes, but not on their part.
for >>111098124
The >Mrgrgr in Japanese were fucking terrible, it sounded like she was giving birth and not getting pissed.

Of course Edea's English voice actress is a whore who wanted money for her autograph. So I'm torn.
You keep insisting that the two aren't the same thing.

Please tell my what your definitions of "lore" and "plot" are so I can try to understand your point of view.
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This one. The OST would be incredible.
I think you mean vocals. The lyrics could hardly even flow without hitting a grammatical error.
Why because you can't actually defend the flaws of your game and have to resort calling someone a retard who doesn't understand?

Or because you keep using words that you don't know the meaning of?

FF Tactics doesn't have an amazing plot deal with it.
please refer to >>111098340
I dunno, engrish is enjoyable for me, the writing is really entertaining in how bizarre and sloppy it is.
Too bad the game is awful.
Then again, what makes for a poor game might make for a decent anime, so who knows.
Xenoblade Chronicles.
The battle system was simple but I thought it was fun. The PS3 version fleshed out the story a bit.
Yes, an animu starring Heropon Riki would be very good!
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You made me remember Radiata stories, in which Lenneth appears on it, it also would make a good nimu
Lore in a game is background information that composes the game's world. In this case it would be the origin of the Lucavi and the history of the world, including the political climate of that world.

Plot in a game is the actions of the character as he interacts with things in that world. The plot is simply conflicts that Ramza faces and his interactions with Delita. I suppose you could throw Delita's plotting as well.

To say that the lore of the game is the plot is just silly.
My favorite is "The One Star" but it just for a small margin since everything is so great.
>Using "Calling" as alarm tone
>Wake up, leave your hesitation/Wake up, time for us to realize

Heropon Riki is the greatestest.
I'm not denying the engrish was what made the song great, but really, did the lyricist really believe it was English he was writing?
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But the best thing about the game was exploring the vast landscapes.
Why not gears? Too edgy?
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But we'd get to laugh at Melia on /a/.
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I don't care if it already got two anime. I want more, goddamnit.
That dude is totally not Link at all, no way.
>Fiora's dead
>Oh wait she's not but she has a robot body now
>Will die without Egil being alive
>Oh wait not anymore, but if she wants her old body back, it will only be a 50/50 chance and she may die as well
>Just kidding, it's a done deal and she will look completely like before she died too

Jesus, what a wasted opportunity for some genuine gief and loss with some bitter sweetness. But the second half in general was weaker and the last 10-15 hours was terrible.
Shh, everyone knows that already.
Id love a Raidou anime series actually. How sick would that be guys
>Choose him because mingosu
>Turn out she's the best girl after all
Never been happier.
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>yfw Melia wins da Xenob ladel.
Still sleepy
>Nobody's asking you to translate the battle system into the anime.

The issue is when the game is such that you need to level up (gain more skills, experience, techniques) in order to progress the narrative - how else would you account for monsters becoming more difficult, subsequent bosses requiring special skills and higher levels to overcome and so forth.

The journey is important and the anime focusing on that exclusively would seem rather empty without the leveling up aspect or some indication of growth. 'Growing' is a major part of JRPGs especially where they (the MCs) usually start off as with rookies (of which the low level is symbolic of) and becoming hardcore veteran heroes who have acquired much during their aventures up until the end point of the game. Translating the growth of the character as the plot continues without the effort or explanation why just makes the progression of the narrative seem vapid. Or is the MC and party going to effectively be the same newbs they were at the start but for some reason or other they can take on monsters/battles later in the game despite being many times 'greater' than those at the beginning?

The P3 movie was fairly okay but suffered from this aspect of battles as did the P4 anime. The only JRPG adaptations which I've seen work well are those precisely with a SOL aspect to it but they always burn out when it comes to depicting battles or 'character growth' and getting stronger.
>there are people on /a/ who actually thought bravely default was a good jrpg
>The only JRPG adaptations which I've seen work well are those precisely with a SOL aspect to it

Those exist?
Man, she is fucking great. I was so happy when I knew that you can end with her. Her blush and dress were gold.
And of course, BTFO that fire bitch was awesome too.
Yep. >>111099442
It was pretty good until ch6 or so where you have to do everything again.
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This. Dammit P4G is golden indeed.
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Holy shit, man
That game was fucking awesome, them Disney-like musical numbers
FF Tactics, obviously. Everyone would lose their collective shit over Algus and Wiegraf.
Tactics Ogre, Final Fantasy Tactics, Valkyrie Profile 2, Jeanne d'Arc. Maybe Grand Knight History if the studio feels like playing with the setting and art and make their own story line with the little it has.
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Odin Sphere would be amazing. Past that I just keep thinking of non-RPGs that I'd like to see.
Are you trying to get in a fight? What am awful opinion. Please never say that again.
I can't believe I remember playing this game on the PS.
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>Aht in full animation
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FE:A as a reverse harem.

The show will focus on the female characters as they attempt to prevent Robin from reaching NTR-rank support with their husbandos.
I love this game so much.
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>Tiki has Pikachu's VA.
I want Basilio to win the FeMU
If any FE is going to get an anime it's probably going to be Awakening.
Thank you for using the original names.
Argath just sounds so SILLY.
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Die monster! You don't belong in this world!
Just kidding, it wouldn't work.
It would work fine if they adapted all of Dracula X (cour 1 as Rondo, cour 2 as Symphony)
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>movie made in the Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust style
Xenogears, by Gainax with Urobutcher.
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You know Chrom'll just get his hooks in her sooner or later.
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Who played this? it was one of my favorite RPGs for the Wii.
The story was decent and the combat was actually challenging.
The fuck is that translation?
The original may have been crap, but at least the language made sense.
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God damn it Chrom.
>the character

No it's the characters, with an s. Ramze is not the only character and his actions are not the only thing in the game that counts as the plot. All that "political babble" you complained about is the meat of the plot and it's all very good.
>Awakeningbabbies actually think Awakening would make for a good anime
Any other FE story would be better. There isn't a single FE story that is worse than Awakening's.

In terms of anime potential, Jugdral > Tellius > Elibe > Akaenia >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Awakening Akaenia
It's just very purple. Most of the time it works fine, really. They just ruined that scene by taking out the most memorable line.
Awakening would work well as anime. But that most certainly doesn't mean it would be a good one.
That and the absurd name changes. I could pronounce the original names, but the remake names? Jesus fuck.
Is good? I didn't like that autistic girl so I dropped it after a while.
>Implying otaku care about good story and not about the harem potential of an anime
It's just Japs being Japs, like how "Aerith" is "Earth."
I enjoyed it.
Suikoden 2.

I'd say "please, Konami," but we all know the Suikoden series is dead and buried and we'll never see it again.
It really, really wouldn't. The plot is paperthin and only exists as a backdrop for you to play matchmaker. Compared to past FEs it's fucking pitiful. It already has all the flaws of a terrible anime in game form (the entire General Wallhart arc being forgettable, etc.). It would be fucking awful.
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Y-you don't mean that, anon.
I don't know if the quality would be good, but it would probably sell, look at Persona 4. Complete garbage, but it still sold.
>it already has all the flaws of a terrible anime
That's my point.
Why do you care about sales?
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>JRPG thread

Cool. I am playing Persona 3 FES right now and it's pretty fun.

>Fire Emblem

Haha no fuck that shit. FE games are for the delicious SRPG gameplay and waifus. Their stories are pretty bad.

Hell I'd watch an Awakening anime just for animated Tharja. That would be amazing.
I'm just saying it would probably sell, which is another reason why they would choose that. You know, being popular and more relevant. I would prefer something different, but I know that would be less likely to happen.
Everybody knows that the best thing about a FE:A anime would be the seiyuu radio shows that come out of it
>I'mplying Tharja is relevant enough to the plot to even be in the anime
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I remember people were recently shitting about a more mature Pokemon themed animu.
Honestly, I would fucking love pic related to be turned into a standalone series.
Final Fantasy VI, with new backstory/interaction added to the world and the characters.
>FE games are for the delicious SRPG gameplay and waifus.
Confirmed for Awakeningbabby

The other games in the series generally have a lot of politics and behind the scenes shit going on, especially Path of Radiance and the Jugdral games. It was never about waifus until Awakening, even with FE4's marriage mechanic, because that game had a tiny cast of characters and marrying them was a matter of strategy instead of "PICK A WAIFU"
If they can get the original seiyuu, sure, that would be entertaining.
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Dragon Quest V could work
Rance VI
The protagonist is Ramza and most of the background characters aren't particularly relevant.

The political babble really isn't very good at all especially if that is the meat of the plot.
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I'd love to see the Urobutcher do an adaptation of SMT 1.

I think it'd be a wild ride.
She's relevant for my dick and that's all that matters. plus she's actual OTP with MU so she should get screentime.

Nope. I've played all the games on the gameboy, the translated ones for DS, and a little bit of the gamecube game, and some of the NES ones before I dropped them because of how awful it looked.

The stories in Fire Emblem are boring as fuck. And no FE has always been about waifus, aslong as they add cute girls they can be my waifu. I'm not talking about the marriage mechanics or anything.
>FE games are for the delicious SRPG gameplay and waifus.
Confirmed for only playing Awakening, consider suicide.
You have no idea how many shits I misplaced after seeing that image.
I was so willing to believe that that animu already existed and that I was always missing a vital part of my life.
I still am. Pokemon Colosseum 3, why won't you just come out on the WiiU.
Why are you still here?
They revived him in the remake so he could die like a bitch again
Nope, just a very talented Pixiv artist.
Why are you still trying to justify political babble as a plot?
Play Suikoden and then come back to talk about "political babble."
/feg/ go away.
You must not have done many supports because FE7 has a shitton of subplots going on. Shadow Dragon is one of the weakest games in the series, and you obviously didn't play much of the GameCube game if you think Awakening's story is on the same level. PoR even tackles themes like racism with a good amount of depth.

You also haven't played any of the SNES games, which were the height of FE storytelling
Fuck, I want this now
It's great. Shame MC ditch yandere.
Most people would rather not stick it in crazy.
oh sweet agñes is still alive
But to ditch her with main heroine, something must be wrong with onii-sama. Heck i rarely use her in battle because she is shit. Cecile is the best.
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You keep making assumptions after assumptions dude. I will say this though, I love SRPGs and play them mostly for the gameplay. I guess it's because of that, I neglect the stories. I still think they're pretty boring. Nothing really interesting.

I did play halfway through one of the SNES games before getting bored, and halfway through the gamecube before dropping it for something else. (will go back to it though)

Maybe I haven't played "enough" of the series to judge it. But from what I have, GB,DS,3DS,GC, the story never interested me at all. A lot of the times it's either ancient evil awakens, or guy does shit and suddenly we're at war.
Awakening's story isn't anywhere near as awful as Radiant Dawn's was.
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Did anyone else have trouble connecting with his successor's combos? I swear Lavitz was easier on the thumbs.

These ones are generally considered to have the best stories in the series.

FE3 B2 (as in without the shoehorned avatar from New Mystery), FE7 and FE8 are up there as well but its kind of opinionated there.
FE6 would just be a meh rethread of FE3's plot while FE7 is kind of bland when you remove the nostalgia goggles.
Funny, I'm the other way around. I could never get Lavitz's combo timing down.
>Chakra/X Potion
>Chakra/X Potion
Why did he die again? I kinda forgot.
Fortune Summoners
Summon Night Swordcraft Story
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Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Shit'd be hilarious.
>Equip Ramza with item that gives him immunity to holy damage
>Wiegraf thinks that his sword skills do holy damage
>He never uses them
>Ramza cheeses it from there.
Holy shit you're right. Actually, Paper Mario TTYD would be great too.
>Summon Night Swordcraft Story

With Pratty and Sugar for glorious /u/ undertones.
is bravely default any good?
I think Lloyd shanked him with the Dragon Buster.

Damnit, I'm getting the urge to replay it.
This. So much This.

Delivered well enough, /a/ would love this as a series.
airy lies
I enjoyed it.
It's fun, although the backtracking can get a bit repetitive.

Then again, the scenario writer is also the same guy who wrote Steins;Gate
It's a very good old school Final Fantasy, picking up on the old job system where FFV/VI and the Tactics sub-series left off.

There's a bit of padding past the halfway mark(which can be easily trivialized by turning off random encounters since it's just moving from place to place and slaying the bosses), but if you like the characters, they take time to flesh out pretty much everyone, and the finale is fantastic.
Phantasy Star Online/2.

Game would be fantastic with an anime.
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Would you watch a show about cute chocobo doing dungeon exploring things?
I was more interested in the White Mage, really.

I remember looking for hentai of her back then. I don't think I ever found any though.
Etrian Odyssey 3 because it would be fun to watch people shit post about the Armoroad/Deep City choice.

Even though we all know that they're going for the true end anyway
The game is pretty inspiring with its GUTS. It could be the next Kamina icon.
Pirohiko and Kamina are both exactly the same.

They have fake bravado hiding their actual confidence issues.

And the MC isn't a beta. He just gives 0 fucks and rolls with everything.
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It could work.
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The matterboard/campaign is shit anon what are you even talking about
It'd be cool, though seeing all of /a/ say they want to put their dick in Etranger/Super Baby might get old.
Mir best girl

Luca is a whore of the greatest magnitude.
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I'd rather a Phantasy Star Portable anime

Chiwa Saito >>>>>> KanaHana
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DeSu 2 sucked balls, but I still watched it.
I like Chiwa Saito like any other anon, but crazy robot KanaHana sounds fun.
As much as i fucking love Chrono Trigger, it would absolutely not work. 3 episodes OVA at most.
Anyone else play this? Anyone?
Are you kidding? I would buy the shit out of that.
Man, this brings back to much memories.
The Chrono series needs an anime.
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They gave us a 3 ep OVA and they delivered so well.

I want moar.
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But they continue the story 'cause sequel never ;_;
also main team must be 1 boy 4 girls.
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Fire Emblem Awakening

>two cour
>major arcs broken up with trips to the DLC scrambles
>male and female avatars both present
>Chrom marries Sumia
someone else played this game?
>MC who isn't an idiot, overly hotblooded, a baka hentai, a naive harem magnet, a stupid child.
>MC who is competent, gets shit done, always prioritizes his friends and comrades but doesn't make needlessly stupid decisions, knows the extent of his newfound powers and abuses them judiciously without hesitation from day one, figures out most of the story's biggest twists before even the player does.
>Everything about Aht

It would be the greatest anime.
I hope they skip VC2 for god's sake. VC2 was shit.

However if ufotable animates VC3 I will cum buckets, and throw all my money.
A God Eater Burst anime would be as edgy as AoT.

But I also know damn well you'd watch it for glorious russian perfection
Mint is moe.
Threads of Fate right? Just from memory. I can't remember if I managed to finish it.
Yggdra Union was great. I didn't play Blaze Union because I couldn't read moon.

Gloria Union is glorious. They even have all the right voice actors already. And I will get to watch a seafaring pirates anime that isn't One Piece for the first time in decades.
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>But I also know damn well you'd watch it for glorious russian perfection

Guilty. Muvluv was shit but those russians, mang.
>russian goddess
You know me so well /a/.
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>Not Tharja

Why do you hate best girls /a/?
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I can see it now.

>Kujura a shit
>Gutrune is mai waifu
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I want another MK game
/eog/ in a nutshell.
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If they pulled off the art style, it'd be wonderous
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They would have to get it absolutely perfect though.

The bar is set way too high
How would that even work? The game interface was an inexorable part of the experience.
>you'd watch it for glorious russian perfection
Too bad she's canonically used goods.

A creepy faceless fat guy who happens to be her shrink mind controls her to be a loyal puppet.

I've seen enough hentai to know where the fuck that went to.
Adapt AT2
Adapt Mir route
Roll in all the money
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>The problem with JRPGs is the fact that level grinding is an inherent feature in all of them

No, nowadays /eog/ is all about
>Freddy a shit
>Canada best girl
>I wan to fug whirlwind
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Who's up for some depression?
Seconding this.
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But anon, Wynne is best girl.
Haven't played the second because only the first came to PSP. But I liked the first.
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Where the hell is my cute lesbian jews doing cute lesbian capitalism anime?
>he just gives 0 fucks
B-But he wanted to protect his family. Who else would save his imouto when the monsters appear?
I want to put my dick in Euria and rape her for breaking my just combo the BITCH
Grandia 2, we can skip to the second game since I have started on the 1st yet.
Rune Factory 4.
You want SoL RPG?
Take your SoL RPG and choke on it.
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I would love this too, but I worry if anybody could properly bring Kamitamis art to life.
This would be a nonstarter because they'd have to either pick a guy/girl or no one (or even worse, put both protags and pair them up) and no matter what they choose, people will get pissed.
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Strange Journey anime when?
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Having to suffer through Elena's bullshit again would be annoying however

First one is the best one anyway. Should still emulate the second when you can
I want to watch a Kamidori anime. I don't even care if it's non-H.
Yuela's route please
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When you stop being poor and fund it yourself working a pawn shop.
I could see it. All the H was shoehorned in and you could easily excise it all without losing anything in the story, lore or characters.

Emilita route, Yuela a shit
>Gets Vishnal because first boy
>Gets loli Venti because pandering

You're right, it'd be shit.
Holy shit someone else played that.

Fuck I want to replay that now. That's not a sentence I usually say about JRPGs
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>Emilita route
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Green > Red > Blue > Yellow

A cat is fine too
I actually played quite a bit into it before realizing there was a Japanese voice option. By then though, Rush's voice was sticking to me and I didn't want to switch.
Red > Yellow > Blue > Green
Mahou no chikara, miseteagemasu wa, [attack name].
>Fortune Summoners
The MCs die every fucking episode. That game was very unforgiving and downright unfair at parts.
I've been trying to get back into it and finish it but I'm at the graveyard and I realize that I completely forgot how to actually play the game and it's kicking my ass everywhere now.

One of these days.
Fortune Summoners is a cruel, cruel game. I just wanted to see cute lolis.
If you really want cruelty, go into the Versus mode and fight Arche at its hardest setting. And then cry as it goes full-on Street Fighter on your ass as you meekly get in one, maybe two hits.
Or you could just get Arche charmed by enemies in the game and have your party wiped in a few seconds.

Fucking melee is OP in that game.
Summon Night: Swordcraft Story was pretty kawaii.
I hated the "no grind" system in this game.
But you could grind. It just made the game incredibly hard if you didn't know what you were doing.
Kingdom Hearts will be damned nice, but only if one episode per world.

Also all that nostalgia from the Disney and ff elements would be lovely.

Also Olympia underworld boss rush/world that never was boss rush please.

EO just sounds like it'd be super easy to write and make entertaining. You're not gonna have to worry about stupid plot details that have to get changed for the sake of pacing. Plus contextualizing the game mechanics in the simple fantasy setting that it would ultimately be would be easy entertainment. Things like redshirt scouting parties getting fucked by foe's and shit. It would be easy fun.
I would watch an anime for BBS.
I didn't played that, but how could grinding make a game harder?

The more you fight, the more you level your "battle level", I think that was the name. The higher your battle level is, the harder the monsters become.
The enemies leveled up with you and gets new abilities at certain level thresholds. This includes bosses, if i remember correctly.

If you didn't know how to compose your party and unlock certain weaponskills/spells, there are enemies that are nearly impossible to kill because you raised the party level but gimped out their stats/skills.
It felt like Kingdom Hearts tried to do this on its own but fumbled on the execution because of technical limitations (it's hard to take most cutscenes seriously with the lack of crowds or any sort of background detail whatsoever) and having to fit in a typical ARPG design structure.
I remember the Kingdom Hearts manga being fairly acceptable, so I imagine an anime of it wouldn't be bad
the thing is that previous Final Fantasy games from the PS1 and PS2 era had tons of NPCs just wandering around and made the world feel alive. I always thought the empitness of hte KH world was a purposeful design decision, but maybe I'm an optimist.
>wandering around cities in FFXII

it was beautiful.
/a/ is better to talk about games than /v/.
I usually just go to /vg/
absolutely. /vg/ isnt bad but it's hard to have generalized topics like this.
XII was gorgeous. The in-engine graphics looked better than the FMVs.
Too bad the game was shit

By doing battles you level up your battle rank, and this battle rank is what decides the difficulty.

The thing here is that the battle ranks levels up purely from doing battles, even if the battle is against one low level monster it'll rank up as much as a battle against a high level monster.
But obviously you yourself and your party members won't get as much exp from the low level monster in comparison to the high level monster(and thus you'll only hurt yourself from grinding low level monsters)

TLR also has a system were you can pull in tons of open field monsters close to each other and then engage them all into one battle, this will only increase your battle rank by one battle, but within this battle you're actually facing 3-6 stacks of enemies.
This is the way you're supposed to grind but it isn't exactly easy to do untill later in the game when you get to some better grinding areas
So early and mid-game is basically no grinding at all while end game you can grind if you want
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