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/parag/ - Paragon General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 751
Thread images: 145

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Needs Buff edition


Latest News & Patch Notes:

Latest Released Hero - Wraith

2nd Latest Released Hero - Wukong

MMR Tracking (community) & Other Information:

More Hero Build Info:

User IDs: https://pastebin.com/tMqksTK4

/parag/ OC:

Previous Thread:
how the hell did we get archived in 20 minutes now theres no link to the new thread
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You have your pc back? I remember you asked a week or so ago.

Not the anon you replied to, but i can add you too.

So you are a yuro? Which country?
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This game looks cool. Is there a qt support character? Those are my favorite to play as.
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Nah, the supporters are not really cute.

Dekker has a nice ass i guess, that's it.
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yeah dekker. theres another but we dont talk about her
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If you want an op, broken, no-skill piece of shit "qt" with negative ass, play Phase

On the other hand, there's also pic related and Dekker
>when you smurf so you can learn how to jungle (rotations, timing, etc) without getting your shit pushed in
>pubstomp so hard you accidentally get to high gold before you even unlock the chars you want because Epic are fucking retarded locking chars behind days
Yep, actually just had to replace the charger, so for now I'm available(yes, I'm a laptop scum, sorry, I travel a lot). Poland, but I have no trouble with English.
The two posted already and Phase, which is currently universally hated for being an overpowered and really annoying shit though.
>5 threads in a row at bump limit
proud of ya /parag/ our little general is growing up so fast
Actually the last one got archived prematurely I think and I'm not really sure why
There was some furfag raid that killed a bunch of threads here and on /v/.
it was only 6 posts away from the limit and as >>182285547 said there was outside influence anyway. im counting it as 5 in a row
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Thank you for your advice and recommendations. I don't know anything so her being OP doesn't mean anything to me, but this Phase person looks fun. I like linking to a friendo and being their buddy. Some characters I like from dota/hots/league/overwatch/tf2/smite do that same sort of thing.

It looks like Belica gets to control a robot, that's pretty cool too so I'Il try her out first.
you just drop the robot and it does and aoe mana drain, you don't really control it. Belica is still the best midlaner, so you should give her a go.
It also shocks enemies if they use an ability in said area. the mana drain is meant as a setup for her ultimate which does more damage depending on how much mana the target is missing

Belica is more of a CC caster than support though.
which girl is the best kisser?
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Serath of course.

Have you seen her dsl's?
She's in some kind of a convent or order though, she's quite possibly a kissless virgin.

I'd vote Phase, she probably dates chads left and right.
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>best kisser
>best dsls
>best bjs
>best eyes
>best ass
>best boobs
>best bush
is there anything mommy can't do
>best bush
that seems to subjective to decide upon since tastes vary so much
>natural and thick but not a wild forest, perfectly accentuating her milfy look
>natural blonde or firecrotch
i dont see how you could make an argument otherwise
>i dont see how you could make an argument otherwise
i prefer my girls bald or with only a small tuft of bush
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>Phase grew up being experimented on
>Probably has daddy and dependency issues since she needs to link to a buddy
You know Phase is ready to take some dick/aggressive bush if you so much as even pat her on the shoulder encouragingly
What are you, gay or a pedophile?
>What are you, gay or a pedophile?
neither i just don't like body hair on anyone myself included.
how absolutely nice that everyone has their own tastes that we should all respectthough bush is best

i think everyone would agree phase is the biggest cumslut
Playing muriel is funny as fuck. You just watch everyone flipping their collective shit as you play dodgeball with her awful orb. I feel more productive as a damn riktor.
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get fucking good shes better than phase
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/parag/ didn't establish that she was the main buttslut for no reason, anon
i thought we went with belica to avoid work related complications
>Belica and Phase double dildoing
middle girl is a pornstar but why is the right one a butt slut?
>Doesn't know Sasha Grey
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i know all about her but what does she have to do with porn
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>i know all about her but what does she have to do with porn
>Sasha Grey
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>Nobel prize
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>"Several sources list her as a former pornographic actress"
>>>>>>>"[Citation needed]"
which one has the horse pussy?
so with the card rework seeming to get rid of all the current cards for brand new ones what was everyones favorite card from the current set
Tainted magick cause shinbi and hydroconvert for belica
>seeming to get rid of all the current cards for brand new ones

They never said that, right now the only thing confirmed is there are at least 100 card changes, this could be 100 new or replacing/changing 100 current which is nothing considering each affinity has 100

My guess is they're starting from the base up so Universal cards will see the MOST change

next thing is that affinities are getting different names ( for lore reasons...who cares?) and on top of that we might actually see benefits to using non universals on characters, there seems to be affinity bonuses???
Is there an actually viable Murdock build?
not really he's almost as bad as grim
Did they hard Nerf Yin? Haven't played since March I remember she could 1v5 at 20m with 1/4 build
They nerfed her, don't remember if hard though
Minor nerfs - Lash Kick was the main hit she took, it's pretty much worthless as an escape now. She's still good though.
Q. What could they do, big or small, to make this game better
>inb4 "fire cam". at least be clever if you're gonna meme answer anon

l'll read in the morning if we're still alive
>top end hero balance, the game constantly has 2-3 characters who are out of line with everyone else to the point where they always get picked in every match. this is a problem going all the way back to legacy where the team who didn't have a rampage/muriel lost
>remove the stupid ass attack movement penalty, they constantly jerk themselves off about muh positional mastery and then let anyone be as dumb as they want unless you get rooted or stunned since you can just turn around and run from anything
>more fucking skillshots enough lock on bullshit its not my fault ps4 players can't aim
>extremely lewd skins for all the waifus
heres a bump so you can be alive when i wake up
sparrow is best girl
I'm fighting Morigesh and Rampage in the safelane right now
Don't fucking die!
Morning bamp
Firing Cam isn't a meme answer, that dumbass is literally ruining the game single handed
Can somebody explain to me how exactly it works with the xp?

Why do you get more xp on the offlane?
leveling up during the match in the offlane?
Stay around enemy minions as they die
>Stay around enemy minions as they die
So when two heroes are there, the xp is split to both of them?

Makes sense.
Yeah the more heroes there are the more the xp is split between who is around.
So you'll have a hard time in the offlane, but you should be leveling up faster than them
How do I Crunch?
You punch
Seconding the question though
That scene was disturbing.
A Crunchanon answered this a while back, right down to the optimal ability/ auto order for his combos. Hang around and hopefully he'll be back to tell us again, but the gist of it was that you should break up each ability used with an auto attack and then Re-Crunch at the right time.
Shit, bump
morning /parag/, how does everyone feel about wraith now that he has the old murdock ult on a 6 sec cd?
I hate Wraith.
As a newfag, are there any good video/stream resources for learning the game?
New character teaser image is out
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>New character is a furry
If you want hard math on how to build stuff you can start by watching Sylphin.
After that try searching for stuff like "how to jungle" and then when you want to learn a hero just search "[hero name] tutorial/how to play [hero name]"
Then there are sites that you can look at to copy/learn how to build an optimal deck for the current meta like agora.gg

There is also a FAQ in the op
Don't watch Blood Thirsty Lord. Everyone in OCE hates him and you will too.
Thanks, I've been through the FAQ and wanted something to watch during the downtime while I install the game

Noted, is there a reason?
except slyphin's math is almost always wrong. Go watch pcl, pick a player in the role you want and go through their replays and see how they build shit.
He's a massive attention whore faggot
Also there have been tournaments for this game already at twitch tv/ParagonCompetitiveLeague
Watch the vods/copy replay ID's and try to pay attention to what your favorite role is building /how they're playing
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>furbait character
Ah, shit. Bad enough that all of the spergs never shut the fuck up about Iggy, now they have actual furshit to harp on forever. What are the odds it's just going to be bipedal humanoid, like every other fucking release?
so tired of diamond soloq being filled with 5 stacks. I have to smurf to enjoy this fucking game.
>inb4 play well and get key picks to swing fights
phase exists making any good play negated by someone hitting one button. Higher elo games are the fucking worst
>phase exists making any good play negated by someone hitting one button.
fucking this everytime i hear idiots still try to defend phase with "just dive her brah" i lose my mind. her issues with ruining the game arent in teamfights outside of her ult, her main destruction of the game is that its fucking impossible to get picks on anyone in games where people have a slight idea of what they're doing and that makes every fucking match end up in a 10 man gangbang all or nothing fight around 30 minutes and then whoever wins it is gg
Good to hear Phase remains the worst thing to happen to the game at every Elo.
>still no paragon trading card game
>Finally an alien character instead of straight human
>Instead of trying something more original it's just a fucking furry
>To make matters worse it looks like a female cat-alien, probably the most overused furry sci-fi race ever
>half the camposts are actually cam himself
>Cam unironically lurking the threads to know how to avoid improving the game
pls god no
>He thinks all those ironic posts with his face are actually appreciations of his "original take" and won't stop doing it.
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I appreciate all community feedback as collecting data is very important for delicately balancing our heroes. We are lucky to have such a vocal and inspiring community on reddit and other forums! We hope you will continue to help us all as we bring sustain back to the offlane!
I want to strangle all life out of this faggot, pluck his eyes and shit into sockets
>Phase would pull him away before you could kill him
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>that file name
fuck me i kek'd
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where are the summertime bikini skins you fuck
Have they ever acknowledged "other forums" on the Community Corner? As far as I know, they only ever talk about Reddit and the official forum. If they know we exist, they must surely hate us.
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>go for the July mega vault

>work really fuckin hard to win games

>finally get it

I get a fucking xp boost for one win

>more like jew-ly mega vault
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due to lore considerations concerning agora's temperate climate and our dedication to maintaining a serious atmosphere, the dev team has decided not to implement low effort skins. Instead enjoy our dedicated artists' unique and diverse color variations for your favorite hero skins!
Stick with it, anon: you're statistically likely to get something you want eventually.
Well, maybe not "likely", but the possibility will always be there.
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>statistically likely
That's how they get you
>Tfw I got a golden key on first and only monthly vault I opened and a T3 skins from the chest I've opened with it
>Only now realised how lucky I must have been with the shitty drop rates
I've gotten Deep Sea Snakebite, Crimson Inquisitor and Magma Grux as well as some keys (on top of shrapnel and rep), so the only thing you can do is keep playing. I know you're not guaranteed to get anything good, and the drop rates are horrendous, but there'll always be new shit and you'll always have at least a chance, even if the odds are smaller than Cameron's dick.
Ebin is making a contest for art of one of the new cards, with the best one being put into the game, if any drawfags here are interested. Also what the fuck is a swag bag? It's some kind of secondary award for that
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only thing ive wanted in the vault is the forest skin for bushbae and i got it the first time i rolled it.
I'm interested. Time to hold my breath and venture on over to the Reddit for details, I guess.
no need here ya go
What elo is sylphin actually?

Because i feel like he is a pretty mediocre player.
his profile is public
and hes really shitty he wouldn't even be as high as he is if he didn't sometimes 5 stack with other streamers
Much obliged.
I'm going to start saving my chests for the next month, because I just opened a Diamond and got 4 crafting materials. Good idea?
If the card rework is going to be as drastic as they claim, the RNG for materials might change. I'm already sitting on 30 card packs and a million rep anyway, so I may as well.
So this is presumably what the offlane will look like after the update?
Isn't it a concept from before even the first rendition of Monolith? Judging from the new art we got, they seem to rather move away from these concepts
I just figured that was an internal render that they were working towards, didn't realise it had been abandoned.
That's a shame, I was hoping for things to look less "clean" (like in that picture). I suppose there's nothing saying the finished map won't go in the same general direction, though.
no point in opening anything until they roll out the changes, worst case scenario is that they're turbo jews and make everyone re-earn all the new cards instead of just replacing them if you already have the full set
So, what's the best position for Wraith after all?
>inb4 in trash
mid, hes good at rotations can farm safely with his right click and gets free vision. he doesnt have the durability or splitpush game for offlane

He is useless on every other position in my opinion.

but i am just a bottom gold shitter, so my opinion is invalid i guess
Yeah, that's my thinking too. They'd never do that, though: too many people have been getting screwed with chests full of material and packs for them to pull them.
>you want skins and emotes?
>tough, here's some Algae
>psyke, we're taking that away too
Do you think they'll buff Grim back into being good in August? I don't know it it's worth spending coins on his skins while they're discounted, but I would love to main him again.
Grim's problems are
>His hitbox is way too big
>His ult is a worse version of Rev's Obliterate
>His displacement orb doesn't work
>He's a utility carry in a game where pure damage on carries is just objectively better
3 of those can be fixed with simple kit changes and the change to gamestyle that the new card system is supposed to bring, plus they already mentioned he's getting updated. I'd say go for it if you really like the skin
Grim's still very usable, he's just off-meta because his ult is shit and other carries like Sparrow are just better.
Epic are probably well-aware of Grim's place in the hierarchy; buy the skin you want, stay loyal to your character and your time will come eventually.
Otherwise, just put away a tiny amount of money every week until he's buffed into relevance, then get the skin at regular price.
All he really needs is increased damage and shortened animation on his ult and his orb working less unexpectedly. This, and fixing the fact that he can't target anyone standing too close to him
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how the fuck do you go 9-5 with rev, i'm 25-1 with him and i suck ass
But he is not playing against unranked players though.
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She's annoying to get rid of

even if you run powerchord or thickblood which are expensive as fuck he kit is over tuned.

I don't know how they expect an offlaner to hold any tier tower versus a phase duo

If your mid and jungle can't or won't gank you have to win a 1v2 with someone who can blind you, slow you, root you and boost herself AND her ally.

I haven't played other mobas but compared to say OW we'll use mercy it's just a 50% dmg boot OR healing she has to choose so killing bother or either isn't that hard. TF2 you can just wait out the uber from Medic or knock both back. In most other games supports upgrade like ONE thing to their target and self in Paragon Phase gets about a billion

Thickblood sucks on casters that can't spam and powerchord is too expensive like earlier, at least Purity Censer as expensive as it is completely fucks Aurora but there's nothing you can really do to hinder Phase long enough because of the duration of that fucking ult

She has lack luster card counters and there no real hero counters either.

Still in silver because you get paired with retard teams constantly? How about you get fucking good? If you're there you fucking BELONG THERE LMAO

Still I present to you the chance to get boosted if you feel you're worth it


Better add me up before that ELO gets cranked up too high for ya
>wanting to deal with higher elo players and their toxic bullshit
>wanting to deal with long ass queues
>wanting to deal with the bullshit mm (-3) elo losses
>wanting to be flamed by tryhards for playing anything not meta
>wanting to deal with the constant 5stacks
>wanting to see phase in every.fucking.game
>you are boosting lower guys because you want to get the fuck away from higher elo games for a bit
I have like 3 smurf accounts because everything above plat is so much worse than dealing with silvers. Heed my warning and stay the fuck out of higher elo games, it doesn't get better.
sweet spot is 1600 anything more is autism and 5 stacks anything less is ps4 shitters and crit build countess

>you are boosting lower guys because you want to get the fuck away from higher elo games for a bit

lmao called the fuck out, its true. I wanna keep this smurf in gold but they always end up so much higher bleegghhh
jungle riktor helps me have fun and keep things nice and casual.
Oh, hi Sylphin.

Didn't looked like you enjoyed it today though.
Would have a hearty kek if it turned out that autism man himself frequents our general
>heres a 40 minute long video with pixel by pixel comparison of each girls lips adjusting for face shape to determine who REALLY has the best dsl's
Not enough optimism and positiveness in parag for him.

He almost went tilt on a bad twinblast in one of his previous vids though.
Fucking lol.
which waifu is the best cook
>ywn have dekker cook you an exotic alien on a spare bunsen she had at the lab
>eat liver with fava beans with countess
>eat homemade ice cream with aurora
>try to hold down an MRE with belica after she burnt the pasta
>have mommy cook you a healthy refreshing meal in an apron
god is cruel
>not having mommy make food with her natural body heat
isn't she really nervous about THAT side? I would guess she only accidentally flares up when she loses control.

Only when you say a wrong thing and she gets really angry at you, you'll see her in flames.

Or when she has an orgasm
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i cant think of waifu related questions to bump with right now heres a picture of /ourboy/
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>implying /ourboy/ is not the sexy and handsome Sevarog
His strong hands drive me crazy.

Look how tiny and fragile Kwangs hands are. He can barely even hold his sword.
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Anon, Sev is great, but it's pretty much universally agreed here that Kwang is in fact /ourboy/
>mommy wearing nothing but an apron
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>tfw you unironically want this
>yin forcing YOU to do the cooking actually
>Phase warming up nothing but microwave dinners
>Gadget making blunders of whatever she see's on the cooking channel
y evn live 2bh fellers
>>try to hold down an MRE with belica after she burnt the pasta
made me kek
>that filename and pic combination
fuggin saved
Good night bamp
serath would still win those dick pillows are just too pristine
>sylphin delivers
>compares only the males
and sev would win off a technicality considering his entire face hole is an orifice.
I'd give sevarog my soul for his 140th stack <3
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>and sev would win off a technicality considering his entire face hole is an orifice.
>I'd give sevarog my soul for his 140th stack <3
S-stop thinking such lewd things anon-kun's!
Gimme your best Sparrow/Yin decks boys. Or is TB the best carry now?
tb rev and serath are top carries, sparrow would round it out if you dont like the melee
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crit/crit bonus worth on Kwang?
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When will we get the option to filter out PCucks? I'm sick of playing with these terribad retards that spend half the match whining in chat
nah /ourboy/ is a great frontliner get a radient and a bloodsoaked on him fill it out with an adamant edge or two, ward and your stasis
When I get home I will give you my sparrow build that I use, it's pretty alright for solo carry mid-late game
>you can still type chat on ps4 with arguably ( objectively ) worse players
shit, just go to /v/ and alt f graphics
Can someone teach me how to play crunch?
good night /parag/ hopefully someone thinks of a good waifubait question to keep us alive through the really slow hours
dead time bump
Don't you die on me fag!
Wake up.
Grab a brush and put a little makeup
How fucked are my SEAfriends by the ping if they wanna join me in this.
What the fuck is wrong today?
>play morrigesh
>have fun and go 23-0, carrying entire teams of shitters
>play anything else

Why is morrigesh so fun and stronk?
The big 3 are STILL the big 3 those "nerfs" were probably just a band aid for v42

I have a feeling they'll be lacluster after that
Because she is a no skill hero.

And you are actually a bad player with no skill.

Ouch, ice cold anon
does this game have competitive system, elo/mmr or something or will it have in the future
>inb4 pastebin
wasnt anything there
Word is that they have Yuri fucking Lowenthal lined up to do Twin's voice work. That man needs to either increase his range or gtfo.
There's an internal mmr that Epic use, but the community goes by the (unofficial) ranking at agora.he. There's also paragon.gg, but no one really uses that.
kek probably you're right

There is something unique about marking a faggot and throwing a dot on him, then going back to base and ulting him from there.
I can't stop playing her.
Redpill me on Countess.

Is Power/Mana the way to go with her? I saw a nigger build crit on her but something tells me that he was a PS4 shitter using babby's first original deck.
Because she's literally "no skill required" hero and an overpowered one at the same time. She and Khaimera are two most braindead friendly heroes in the game
It's in OP post. For now, there is only unoficial ranking sites, actual ranked matches are to be added in the future
why we so dead all of a sudden? everyone just waiting for the big update?
power/abilty pen throw a blink and stasis on there too. never build mana or basic pen in the current system they're worthless
>everyone just waiting for the big update?
Pretty much.
Not much else to discuss about the game except playstyles and bush I guess.
I've been trying to learn Crunch but I don't see Punch-bot being more useful than Kong Dong, Sevarog or /our boy/ for the late game
How do I squeeze the most damage possible out of an ADC? Like, how much crit, attack speed and damage should I build to have the optimal squishy removal capabilities? Any specific cards worth a look? Also what about pen?
Who is Kong Dong?

Wukong? How is he a jungler?
Does Steel have a nose ring?
I like to think it's some kind of Sci-fi shit to help him out when he's doing the atmospheric slam-jam, like his bio implies.
I haven't played an actual game of Paragon in over a week, just co-op to get stars and shit.

I appreciate not having constant balance changes to the whole roster, but there needs to be an eye kept on brand new heroes. Letting this shit go buck wild for weeks because of muh internal playtesting kills interest.

They should just take a page out of their Wraith release book; release them underpowered to help players get used to them, then buff them up later once salt reserves have fallen.
They did it right with Wraith and Wukong, so I would like to believe they've actually learned how to not make heroes overpowered at release. But knowing their stupidity I can't comfort myself with such believe.
I wish ebin was more open about the updates instead of just Soon™ Could have had a weekly reveal of each new change and really gone in depth on everything, and then concluded with them uploading a full match of their all important testing games to show off everything about the new system. Instead we just get "Whole game is changing in a month see you there."
Guess the general will just have to survive off of finding ways to get Serath's dsls into Sparrows bush until then
Why haven't we learned our lesson? The first "big update" was supposed to be in march but didn't end up dropping until may...and the reworks didn't do shit for the meta. Plus it added phase. Kallari is still unplayable. So is Iggy. Greystone is still inferior to Kwang in every way. Steel is still garbage. Somehow Murdock, who was far and away the best carry at one point, is now power creeped so hard he's almost grim tier.
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Thanks for your input but please try in the future to keep your criticism a little more constructive.
At one time we thought that the main thing holding us back was the map so we returned the game to an alpha state and brought you the great gameplay of Monolith that everyone now enjoys today.

However after release of Monolith we noticed increasing complaints about the viability of specific heroes on our roster, this shocked us as our internal testing games show almost every hero as being perfectly balanced with each other, therefore in order to help the community reach the level of gameplay we see in our testing games we've introduced a new and exciting economy and card system that will give everyone tons of new options.

As you can see unlike all the previous times we said an update would fix the game, it really will happen this time so you have nothing to worry about. I hope to see you on the fields of Agora on August 8th as we usher in Paragons new future!
They did drop one in march as well, the anniversary one. And both did fix some things and made the game better, it's just that they didn't fix it all or REALLY changed things around.
everyone keeps asking for it but no one ever gives any details what lewd skins would you want to see in the game /parag/?
can also just be any type skins you want to see but the waifus always get more posts to keep the thread alive
Cam how should I finesse this bitch I'm trying to fuck on Friday
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I just want more yellow skins
If this day for out thread would had been a match, it would have made surrender
Things will pick up for the community corner, then again for the new hero. If we hold out until August, things should start getting much busier.
>like playing pretty girls
>like playing supports
>Serath is prettiest but not a support
Dekker is pretty fun and she's pretty cute though. Seems I've found my favorite character.
we just had 5 threads hit the limit when we used to not be able to reach 150 posts even with the bumps. things just slowed down because of the big update. we're still on our way /parag/ dont lose hope
She's also the second best support right now. Hopefully the best one again when they finally nerf Phase to the ground
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The first thing you need to know is that the game starts at the draft. Make sure you counterpick and set yourself up for success. For example I love the sight of a girl with 0 curves and a purple sidecut, dressed like she's going to a poetry slam reading about intersectional feminism so I try to counterpick that by looking like a 45 year old STEM major who still lives with his mother and has saved up enough money to support her and any of her sons.

Second is your positional mastery, I dont actually know what this means even though I talk about it all the time because I'm really just using it as an excuse for how broken some of the characters I make are but I would guess Bill Cosby was pretty good at it, maybe copy him?

I can't really help you anymore than this because anytime I bring a nice lady back to the Epic offices she ends up getting dragged into joining our playtest game sessions with KL and Mooney while I play DOTA2 and think of how much better it is than Paragon
Where can I buy paragon merchandise? I love the game and I just wanna get some of the "paragon swag" that cam himself offers
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Fucking savage.
Is Cam the Anthony Burch of /parag/?
Nah, even Cam's not that bad
gonna start playing some aurora in the hope she'll actually be good post update wish me luck bushbros
So did the cucks at Epic really gate the heroes based on days played?
Retarded, isn't it?
It's fucking stupid is what it is. This coming from a guy who got perma banned because going AFK for 2 minutes constitutes for racism even though I came fucking back to help the team win.
who got the best legs /parag/
Serath of course.
I must admit that Shinbi is pretty good in this department
>Shinbi with the most boring design possible
>good legs
She is almost as ugly as Phase.
Legs are pretty much the only thing she's got going for her, she doesn't even have nice tits for fucks sake.
Keep up the pace and quality of the post, lads, I'm off to bed.
bite and chew you don't want to choke
brazilians should all be exterminated
game has crashed 3 times in this match so far great game epic
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Why don't you like Khaimera?
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>She is almost as ugly as Phase.
>Shinbi actually has curves
>You can see that her ass still curves out as she stands up straight
>Near Serath tier hips-to-butt ratio
>Long legs and actual thighs
>c cups to grab on to
This hating on Shinbi meme is really starting to grind my skateboards
i think this would be one of the few where mommy doesnt win, i'd go with sparrow
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my thoughts so far
>shes very fun to play
>shes also terrible
>needs her scaling on her abilities brought up, she hits for nothing even if you stack her with power.
>been going tele-blink, ward, traitors, tuned barrier, tempered plate and thickblood on her. once shes blown her ult and circle she's worthless anyway so i dont see the point of stasis to keep me alive in the fight especially with how mobile she is
>really hope she gets something noteworthy in the upcoming patch she's really fun to play but she's just too terrible to actually play seriously
>she either got a fucking massive buff to her tit size or i just never noticed how much those things were popping when i played a couple games with her when she first got released.
why we so dead bros we were on such a roll recently
I'm so glad she's awful release Aurora was just shy of Phase tier
>I'm so glad she's awful release Aurora was just shy of Phase tier
>If a hero is great nerf them into the ground
>complain about not enough heroes being viable/good
Am I grossly overgeneralizing or am I noticing a pattern?
Aurora's Hoarfrost used to root you for about 4 second pre-nerf, iirc. Shit was broken.
aurora was broken as fuck when she first came out, she wasn't phase tier because purity ruined her so she actually had a legit counter but it was still pretty bad.
>trying out all these new characters like aurora on a smurf because i dont wanna tank games on my mid plat account
>people in gold are slavishly devoted to the meta and 4 out of every 5 lobbies disband
>my last plat game had a legitimate iggy pick and no one cared
the meta doesn't make you not shitters you retards i just wanna play the game
still ded
This is what Monolith was supposed to look like, I'm guessing they wanted a swampy look around the river.
This was Legacy though, this was already a thing.
this thread is so dead that i can confess on losing 11 of my last 12 matches without anyone making fun of me
I remember it wasn't THAT long but as >>182507694
pointed out, she can be made useless with purity, Hunter's guile and a few other cards so it was her last useful tool. She was good but she wasn't broken
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No she was broken. Her kit wasn't broken like phase's is but her scaling and root was. She could build a full crit/lifesteal build and combine it with her escapes and the fact that any engagement she had would involve everyone being unable to move for 8+ seconds if she got ult+root. She was totally broken they just went way overboard when they nerfed her. She needed a drop on her basic scaling so she couldnt out dps carries and her root didn't need to be 4 fucking seconds at level 1 but her ability damage was fine and her health was ok,
They made her root at max level shorter than it was at level 1 previously, made all her scalings shit so she can hit ult root and whack on a carry the entire time and still not kill them, changed how her ult did damage, and nerfed her health on top of that while she still gets countered instantly by a stasis or purity.
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So what you're saying is... She needs a buff now?
since this thread will most likely be dead when i wake up i just want everyone to know serath is my waifu
Aurora has always been a babe, you just couldn't enjoy it before.
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Q is a burning cross that does fire damage to enemy minions and heroes

E is a Passive that gives bonus damage against non white/non human enemies, and a buff for nearby white allies

Ultimate is an Ultimate is an ethnic cleansing, all non white heroes on map are deleted (including allies)

Right click shoot a rope that can slow and root, like an energy lance
Not him, but i think Aurora is fine now.
>in a 5vs5 teamfight
>uses ult
>1vs5 now
>gets massacred by 5 non whites
whats the consensus on revenant i was planning on playing him
Best carry right now. I think his pick rate dropped because he got needed and shitters can't abuse his Q to get free kills anymore and have to actually aim. He will melt any character if he's allowed to farm even a bit.
how do i get really good with him
Yesterday i played him because nobody else wanted to play adc, and i really sucked.

But my Phase sucked, too. And the jungler didn't gank a single time.
I think I'll stick to playing him only with friends then
He is good, but as a ps4 player it's hard to hit every bullet.

And when you miss 2, it takes you so long to reload and you have the disadvantage.

If you are a pc player or not as bad as me at aiming with controller, you should be fine.
Damn, she's cuter than I thought
I don't like how her face looks.

Especially on her profile pic in Paragon she looks kinda weird.

But her ass is underrated though.
Well yeah, it looks like shit on profile pic, that's why I have never cared about her much, but I really like it in this ingame pic and concept art.
Who are good female junglers?
Yin is okay in lower elos i think.

People say Serath can't be used as a jungler, but i think in lower elos it could work.
I make a bamp
I'll make another one then
I make another bamp.

6 of the last 10 posts are mine. What is going on today?
Nothing. Same as yesterday. And that's the problem
How would you make mastery skins more interesting and worth chasing after? Having the same, not even particularly interesting design for everyone is kinda lame, especially with the amount of grind needed to unlock them.
Each character should have a unique skin unlocked at level 10.

Not in this black/red colours, just a unique skin in random colours. Should be cool looking of course.
All right, this must be the most waifu baitish hero we got so far, but I must say that I really like the pulpy sci-fi flavour.
She looks like complete shit.

Even Phase is hotter than her.
Yeah, I get what they were going for (Barbarella style space adventurer), but she looks like absolute shit, visually. Also, yet another wasted opportunity to have a non-humanoid character.
>carry taking their time farming in front of you because they're confident you're not going to try anything with their support around
>quick-draw sword tether ult them as they realise they're being ganked
What a feeling, but still better is saving a teammate that comes to gank from the counter gank by nailing the enemy through the fog and finishing them with lightning.
I wish i was good enough to play Kwang.

Sadly i am a shitter...
>New hero revealed and not a single comment on her abilities
Are we so dead or is she so shit? She's going to be another "what the fuck is even my role?" character like Wraith, isn't she?
Just get a feeling for the tether and how it interacts with the map, and then figure out who you can 1v1 (almost everyone, but especially squishies, as long as they haven't got a sizeable lead on you). After that, all you need to get an understanding for is your ability unlock order (I prioritise my shock and passive over my Q, generally).
Offlaning with Kwang is great if you get the rhythm down:
>mana potion and healer token, conserve your mana unless you need some armour or to clear a particularly big wave
>farm white camp at 1:20, get back into tower right on time to deal with the first wave that pushes in
>at most, two lane minions will have died, so you don't miss the xp, and you get cxp that you otherwise wouldn't have gotten
>keep rotating back to the camp every minute after you repel a wave to keep it cleaned up
>use your right click for temporary armour and then body block the carry's attack to force them out of tower to keep it longer
If they have no Phase, you can bully the shit out of the carry once you hit level 5, especially if you're good at landing your tether.

She looks boring as fuck, and she's furbait to boot.
character design is terrible furbait and the kit seems weird. that multi stun and ult are either gonna be broken or her damage numbers will be shit and she'll be worthless
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>these are the types of people Ebin lets develop their game through feedback
I said last thread that Aurora was really underrated here. /parag/ seems to be split between Serath and Belica and which one of them gets to sexually assualt Sparrow
>be master shinbi off lane
> enemy phase and sparrow duo being a group as fuck. Struggle till level five
>Wait till the next wave comes in to attack my t1
>television blink to the phase behind sparrow as she attacks my tower.
>circle rythem
>dash through her
>fk I'm blind
>Taking damage still enough time for my second dash after the blind wore off
>line tempo
>I'm too low how I have to retreat
>have 7 stacks on phase.
>give her the kiss taunt than ult.
Get a kill while I'm recalling
I hate when jungles don't hank though.
offlane was the most fun lane, its a shame phase exists and ruins 95% of the games now.
>Master Shinbi
May as well be a Master Wet Noodle for all the impact you'll have, but good job all the same for sticking it to the Phase. I had a game without a Phase on the enemy team followed by a game with a Phase on the enemy team, and my enjoyment of each game could not have been more different (that is to say, the second game came close to driving me to madness).
Someone ought to make a thread on /v/ about Zinx.
>remember that shit-tier moba with ackshual grafix?
>look at this furfaggotry lololol
>their thread on /vg/ is so shit lololol
We'd never need to bump again with the amount of shitposters and furfaggots it would invite.
Besides, I think paragon threads are instadeleted there now, thanks to G's hard work.
And honestly, Paragon doesn't need any more image ruining there, I still hope that one day we will be able to do Paragon threads on /v/ again without them being ruined by G's legacy
I just realised, this new character is going to render the offlane unuseable for weeks. As an offlane main, this angers me.
The waifus are always on point with Paragon.
How do you figure? She's fucking horrifying.
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This was fun
>same person who made zinx made phase and howitzer
>Howitzer is a cat thing
>Zinx is a cat thing humanoid
>Phase is a humanoid with cat bag and cat skins

Can't wait for the howitzer fucking pregnant phase with zinx has the fetus haha
furfags accept anything as long as it slightly resembles an animal just look at some of the "art" they jerk off too
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>come to Paragon because it has less cc and lower lethality than Smite
>Zinx will probably have the biggest teamfight stun in the game as a caster
Shinbis 1v1 is pretty strong.
She just suffers the same issue every assassin suffers
She'd be better if you couldn't cross the map in 10 seconds.
what the hell are you talking about the the two main complaints about this game for the first 6 months post monolith was that it was almost impossible to win unless at least 3 people on your team had 2 second stuns and that carries would melt anyone within seconds of seeing them
Why the fuck do 4chan thinks my completely normal posts are spam and doesn't allow me to post no matter how I reformat? Let's see if it will allow me to post this
you're probably trying to post links to a site
Well, fuck you too
That sounds more like growing pains than an actual issue. The enemy carry has to be massacring my team or I have to be high as fuck for them to kill me in 3-4 basic attacks.
Most shinbis I ever got on my team or faced are fucking shit.
But I faced 2 shinbi players who were godly and they are a fucking night mare to fight.
I remember one went 19/1/2
yeah because kits and scalings got changed, tank stats got buffed, cards got changed around, burst heals got added, shields now work on top of how much armor you already have rather than being a set value and phase exists. go back to january and murdock would 2 shot anyone who got hit by a rampage rock
Explain to me how I can get rid of the fuzzy looking heads, please.
I've tried editing the config file resolution but their heads still look out of focus.
Ramped up the 3d scaling bullshit, ultra settings. But it still looks like ass. This aint no pos pc either.
Just carry Tele blink and go 30 pen.and thick blood
Won't take you longer than 3secs to kill them.
As long as you land all ur abilities of course
its the anti aliasing, it makes the game look like shit with it on though since its shitty fxaa so i'd just leave it off
now theyre all jagged af, but it did come into focus a bit
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Why can't they have Agora as a separate map/play mode? It was more pleasing to look at and comfy to play in.
agora is the name of the planet the game takes place on. the old map is called legacy and it was shitty though mono isn't much better
The game is in the beta, having to balance stuff for two maps at the same time really isn't what they're needing right now. I miss it too though.
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That would be funny haha
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It's a beta in the absolute loosest sense of the term. I can go to Gamestop and pick up a boxed copy of this game for $60, but they use a loophole by claiming you're paying for the physical disc/in-game goodies and not the game itself. If the game is packaged, shipped, and sitting on store shelves for consumers to pick up and plop down their money on, it's - in my eyes, at least - a finished product...but don't worry! There's a very, very small line on the back that says the game isn't finished!
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>/parag/ - Red Letter Media and Aqua Teen Hunger Force crops
I am completely fine with this.
Can we all agree the card system killed this game?
Nah, I actually much prefer it to usual moba item shops
Not really. The fact that so many cards are almost literally useless is a problem, though. That, and the fact that the meta/ style of game evolved to make 70% of the card pool obsolete at any given time, but they did make steps towards fixing it with the AoI update and the one prior by changing Ash of The Witch, Tainted, etc. I'm going to stay optimistic that things will be more diverse after August 8th, but I'm sure the meta will still make a lot of the new cards situational at best.
There's that one card that gives you a buff whenever you carry a river buff, for example: on paper, that's a great idea, but in practise it's so situational and dependent on chance that you may as well build more dependably into other stats for the same cost.
The shitty card system did not help anything thats for sure. I hope they trashed the whole system and started again from square one for the rework.
if what little of the new system they've revealed is what the rest is like then they did
Best Yes song and I fucking love it
Shit, was supposed to post it on /mu/. Still, enjoy the song I guess
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Losing faith that rock's coming back this time desu.
Tame Impala exists though
Never really looked into them. Guess that gives me something to do.
I would personally say Lonerism > Currents > Innerspeaker. Enjoy they are my favorite band.

The usual item system is so boring.
Yeah, it might never return to mainstream, but there are still some great bands here and there, they just don't get the deserved credit. Still, the thought that the mass culture and most kids' now are mostly influenced by the shit that passes for music nowadays is depressing.
what type of music does each girl like
Shitbi likes kpop
Whatever electronic shit teenagers listen to now
Ooga Booga tribal drums
Soft Rock
K-pop, duh
Some faggy symphonic metal or edgy "metal" with screaming teenagers
Gregorian choirs
Gothic metal/Classical
Would bet on some higher quality pop, dance or funk music, maybe electronica
The sounds of wind blowing
Techno or hard rock
Death Metal
Whatever she can get her hands on, for research
Some easy listening or maybe progressive rock
Punk Rock, judging from her rebellious attitude?
Post theme songs for characters
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>tfw /parag/ has done more to flesh out the lore than Ebin ever will
i love ya bushbros
She looks better than the actual Phase.
I would actually love to make some Paragon writefaggotry, but English is not my first language, so it would be even more shit than regular
i think sparrows is pretty obvious
What in the literal fuck is this new hero. I am calling it out as phase level busted for offlane. Can epic really not be trusted with this shit?
What other fetishes do you anons think cam has? He has already shown us his pixie and furry fantasies, what the fuck is next?
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her design is SO LAZY holy shit her ingame model looks bad, why are her eyes fucking anime sized? they didn't even fuck howi that bad

even that halloween tigerskin Sparrow made a better "cat girl" than this

fuck man i've lost hope in this design team, and we thought "death mask" Sev was bad and lazy this is what happens when they apply that to a whole character.

This is worst than when we got like 4-5 melee female characters in a row. Damn the paragon dev team is full of hacks
Scat based hero when?
Seriously though, I feel like she's going to be annoying as hell to be laned against, but not that useful late game, depending on how strong her stun is going to be. Probably won't be too viable for meta games. Unless in their ingenuity Ebin is going to give her tonne of damage out of ass and I can definitely see that happening.
the next character will be a hedgehog
On one hand I'm glad we're finally getting more sci-fi themed heroes, and I appreciate the pulpy 50s sci-fi aesthetics they went for here
On the other I'm pissed as hell because they ruined a chance for a good alien character on this atrocity
>iggy rework coming, there is a chance
>With her ult she has the potential to be the tankiest character in the game
>no skill mass stun
>dot affect for tainted magik
>ground pulse is meh
>not a late game threat
We must have different ideas of a threat. She will be the only viable offlaner soon enough. Calling this shit now.
Will he go fast?
Just do it.
4 u maybe
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I have the ODST soundtrack playing whenever I play Murdock, and this track means someone's about to get the long dick of the law.


just like phase so they didn't learn their lesson, ontop of the bloted kit she will have access to

lel more dmg
>Barrier of Will
more durability ontop of kit
>Ininity stream
practically always have mana ontop her ult
ult just became 75% of missing hp
>Cast converter
ontop of above means pretty much 100% hp
>Ash of the Witch
ontop of all that other bs
>Tainted Magic
lel stun and now there's 8% of you current hp


imagine phase AND this cunt in the same lane, what in the actual fuck have they done to this game? there's no way in hell Aug 8 will unfuck this. They will have to literally bring EVERY other hero up to the broken levels of phase and zinx
guys im actually kind of worried after googling this, this looks a little familiar
Having a free heal doesn't necessarily make her tanky, she can heal slightly less than half her health at most with it, which is still less than for example Rampage's or Greystone's ults(and these have other effects as well)
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Why even live
>what do we do about phase
>she is so broke but cam wont nerf her
>what if we make a good offlaner to pressure her?
>cam hates good offlaners, look at kallari!
>wait isn't cam a furry?
>yeah, I'm pretty sure he is
They tried to unfuck phase by making another busted ass hero to counter her in lane and cam didn't notice because he was too busy jerking it to kung-fu panda tigress bush. What a crafty dev team.
fey has the same combo and she's trash. plus an ult that makes you invincible is only worthwhile if it matters that you die, i bet her scaling is low and shes some weird hybrid wraith like character that only works in 5 stacks
I guess Zinx is a necessary evil to un cuck the game from phase, looking at her that way I guess i'm a little excited for her potential
With the regeneration available from her passive, infinity stream, and potentially phase ult(Which might I remind you of the attack speed bonus in addition to lynx's stacking dot) she is going to have much more recovery than you think. Add in cast converter and you have a full fucking regen tank with stupid magik thanks to tainted.
Powercreeping is never a good thing anon
Unlike Wraith you don't need coordination for any of her kit, she will be fine in solo

back it up requires that, his ult required that, for Zinx you just fuck shit up no questions asked.
Fuck, I forgot about that.
So Phase support, offlane Zinx and jungle Khaimera with a lifestealan' Windburnan' Yin ADC.
Fire up those Thickblood cards, boys: we've left burst damage behind and we're in the age of healing.
So that's the best lane in the game destroyed because they needed a hard counter to Phase that wasn't Aurora?
>Fire up those Thickblood cards, boys: we've left burst damage behind and we're in the age of healing.
Lynx can also run thickblood and apply it to the entire enemy team without aiming. Thanks epic, you guys are epic
I really hope that the next hero in six fucking weeks will be poison/blight based to counter all this shit
>been putting thicc on every caster and powerchord on every basic attack hero
>bother cards are expensive as fuck considering the dumbass amount of regen available in this game especially on some characters kits let alone cards

this shit fucks your dmg potential in the end still making it hard to kill these fucks.

either increase the durations from 4s to 8 or lower the point cost from 4-6 to 3-4
morg can already do that
Bruh this is epic we're talking about, better learn to embrace it now than regret it later.

>what is Mori with thicc and tainted?
Lynx can do it better and never die so you can;t mori off. Belica will be fucking required to drain mana on lynx so you can't play mori mid. Welcome to high elo game where your team is decided pre draft because epic can't do their fucking job.
We need some August card releases to see if this shit has any chance of stopping the fucking mess they are blindly diving into.
buddy we have a google document for the pubic hair stylings of the waifus in our OP no one takes anything here seriously enough to shit on you for not speaking perfect english writefag it up
Yeah, the duration on some of these card abilities is a joke. I haven't tried Steel much since the update, but getting the Jewel combo off is stressful as fuck because of how precise you have to be in such a short amount of time.
I don't even mean the grammatical corectness, more you now, it being actually well written in the language that's not my native. Fluidity of writing, richness of description and all this bullshit.
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>in six fucking weeks
That's the worst part, isn't it?
>oh, Phase isn't really my thing, guess I'll wait for the next one
>oh Wraith isn't really my thing
>oh, Zinx is definitely not my thing
Give me something here, Epic inb4 rep
If she at least looked nice or had a cool kit it wouldn't be that bad, even if I wasn't too interested in playing her. But THIS being the only addition to cast for the next 1,5 month? This August patch better be fucking good Ebin...
I find it ironic that fucking sting-boost gives you a fucking 20 sec window of use for a SINGLE basic but stuff that actually needs a longer window to be effective barely gets enough time for you to make an impact.

I mean regen for khai, kwang and rampage is infinite why the fuck only a 4s window? phases ult last a long time at lvl 4 way longer than 4 fucking seconds
as much as they're hyping this shit up and with their comments about how the pre monolith characters just aren't tuned right im honestly expecting reworks for almost everyone who came out before belica. they've already changed murdock, steel, and grey
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>free black buff
>on top of a decent waveclear and some quasi mystic snake annoying shit
if her damage isn't total ass she'll win mid for free forever
The power creep in Paragon is real. I see overloaded kits being a thing in the near future.
with the right deck and situation ( a bunch of casters but what team would be that stupid ) beastly
I guess he's a bit better that new passive really does fuck a lot of carries off especially at max where it's cooldown is 3s
wonder how long we got till a proper stance dance
>those hour or two long burst where we actually resemble an active general
hey guys
Mastery skin at level 10.
Rainbow skin at level 20.
I actually like this idea
>/parag/ seems to be split between Serath and Belica and which one of them gets to sexually assualt Sparrow
>not both
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>/parag/ will suffer like G did
I like how you think
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I actually like Zynx. Her face scares the shit out of me but I thought everything else was alright
posting inspirations I think had influence cause I've done this for other heroes
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Why did she have to be a furry?!?
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>parafans have been complaining the longest for a non-humanoid hero
>ebins says they can't do cause of skeleton rigging reasons
>the closest that ebin will compromise without building an entire alien skeleton in Unreal engine is releasing Zynx
>There will be complaints about this still
I really think that they just don't have/are too lazy to build, a skeleton for a non-humanoid in UE. If anyone remembers when Morigesh released, they were like 'even the cobwebs in her hair have x amount of rigging and polygons and it was a bitch to make...'
I think a non-humanoid will probably oneof the last heroes they release though.

But more importantly, w-what's your problem with furries, h-huh?
furries are gay
I'm a product of the 80s so I like her costume but her actual model still bothers me, eyes are too big and she doesn't seem furry enough ironically,

I don't know maybe if I give her time it'll grow on me, I do feel slightly better seeing this comparison and calming down from my initial knee jerk reaction, overall I still feel they could've done better though.

this shit sucks, I honestly see how other games are better now, fuck LoL and DOTA have centuars and shit and even snakes and dragon characters that shit is cool, Even fucking blizzard got Orisa and I never thought that game would get a character designed much more complex than Bastion.

I mean if they're limited to HUMANOID can they at least do more things like Grux, Ramp, Grim.exe and less like Dekker, Phase and Yin?

>Fire effect on banner
>new kill animation where a fire pillar consumes you kill then explodes into ash
>hits on targets create a burn effect
>new announcer for multis
►single = An enemy has been incinerated
►double = hot
►triple = fire
►quad = scorching
►penta = ?
inferno obviously
yeah the dude who made it is pretty based, he apparently had to take a week or two to figure out how to do some coloring on it and still put up with it just to give this dead little general some OC. he said he has more coming too
Can anyone give me a good mommy build?
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>it's hard to do non-humanoids!
>Iggy and Scorch
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>tfw ebin don't like non-humanoids
>tfw you remember I&S are in the game
They need to do a big arachnid creature desu, I'll be all over that shit
Stasis fill it out with whatever points you have left over
Hemorrhage bunch of lifesteal at minimum 15
everything else crit and power
>dive in, pop Hem, pop ult, swing until you're about to die, Q,Stasis,Q go back to swinging now that you're full health and get a quad
>admire mommy's goddess like face dsls boobs hips butt and bush in the post game lobby after your victory
>posting inspirations I think had influence cause I've done this for other heroes
Post ones from others if you still got them, haven't seen them
Also female cat aliens were actually a semi popular thing in pulpy sci-fi, so that was surely an inspiration as well and reason why she's a furry
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Phase inspiration 2.jpg
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>Post ones from others if you still got them
desu it was just who Phase reminded me of
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The bigger question is will we ever get a brown qt 3.14 in Paragon?
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see ya tomorrow /parag/ have a mommy bump before i go
>ebins says they can't do cause of skeleton rigging reasons
>the closest that ebin will compromise without building an entire alien skeleton in Unreal engine is releasing Zynx
Is that really that much work?

Because i once did a few characters in blender, and i think that's one of the easier parts.
>Is that really that much work?
I'd imagine the real pain in the ass would be making sure the limbs respond to every instance of animation properly.
In games like LoL or DOTA their non-humanoid heroes don't have to worry about momentum since you just click and they turn on a dime.
Then again, this is unreal engine, so I'm just gonna say that they don't have the skeleton people are asking for and making it would be be one of the last things they'd work on for this game
I second this.
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idk cause there's more than enough inspiration out there for gyaru's that can fit in Agora/Omeda lore
We already have a dark Sparrow skin, that's enough.
They been flexing p. hard in the last 8 months with the waifushit
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>We already have a dark Sparrow skin
>Beauty that's locked behind a paywall if anyone wants to see
Doesn't count
Of course it counts.
It's bullshit, they already have a few characters with a different skeletal structure, including Iggy who even isn't a humanoid. It's just a hand wave excuse for their laziness
Pre work bamp
Since Soundcloud is supposed to go down soon, could somebody download the leaked voice files from there and upload them elsewhere? Who knows how long it will take for Ebin to put them in the game and they're pretty nice, would be a shame to lose access to them.
So, it have been confirmed that Howi is a result of bioengineering and not just a naturally born alien and before Zinx got made there were a few hundreds failed attempts right? What kind of a disgustingly amoral society Omeda is if they not only allow such inhuman experiments which result in fucking genetic abominations, but also apparently enjoy them enough to make commercials promoting them a thing? What kind of a sick fuck this Doctor Maximoff(or however you write it) is and what kind of twisted society cherish him for that?
>enjoy them enough to make commercials promoting them a thing?
>Dr Maximoff
>what kind of twisted society cherish him for that?
Where does it say that he and his creations are celebrated? on the paragon site?
In Zinx trailer. >>182595512
It is a commercial of her, clearly suggesting that people praise Maximoff for his creations
>Dr Maximoff, the man who brought you Phase and Howitzer, presents!
It's a grindhouse-type of trailer. Using gore for satire kind of thing. I'm sure splicing humanoid-experiments isn't a welcome career, especially if you need to go through about 300 lives to get an end product.
In the trailer it mentions that she "escaped the lab" as well. It also says "This experiment didn't go wrong, it went too right."
I'm certain nothing about Dr Maximoff or Zynx is celebrated except now she can be an actual person-creature-thing on omeda
>inb4 #OmedaLivesMatter
Just to further my point. Also good movies that I'd recommend. Especially Death Proof.
Wraith has made paragon fun again. How long before Epic nerfs him?
I do understand what you mean, but do note that Zinx trailer isn't just a completely out of game world trailer directed just to the players, like the one you've posted. It is an ingame commercial, there is even a logo and name of the company which "sells" her. And although Paragon lore is almost non existent as for now, these trailers are one of our only sources of it for now, even if they are not to be taken too seriously. The whole "escaped from the lab" thing might as well just be a marketing slogan.
>It is an ingame commercial, there is even a logo and name of the company which "sells" her
I'd guess it's a company that's like Resident Evil's Umbrella (handsin the pockets of every industryin the world) that specializes in making life/pharmaceuticals easier for the public and dabbles in military experiments on the side.
Maybe every now and then a "wolverine"-esque character breaks out or whatever and now we've got Phase, Howitzer and Zynx
Brandon Graham letting that guy do a cover for Island is the reason I can't take it seriously enough to read it.
>>hits on targets create a burn effect
Purely cosmetic, of course? It would have to be visually distinct, too, so avoid being mixed up with Iggy and Serath's burn.
Didn't know the series had covers. Don't think I want to hear them either
>all these /para/fags with a cthulu monster fetish
>youtube parafags want more cis white male scum
meanwhile the true crime is the lack of pic related
I think Wraith is more of an anti fun hero.

He isn't really that annoying though. Or at least not nearly as much as Phase.
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Is this an edit to make it look like Countess?
The skin tone's off and I can't see her blowing bubblegum (then again, I never thought Grux or Kwang would dance like idiots, but there you go).
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where are all the good phone wallpapers for paragon?
>no waifu pics = no artist fanbase = no content = dead game
conclusion: epic needs to release a wider range of waifus to hook in the artfags or this game is dead on launch
Releasing waifus is almost exclusively what they've been doing since Monolith dropped anon. What they need now is to actually fix and balance the game up, release ranked and what's most important, increase marketing so that the game actually gets some notoriety. The waifus are here, it's just that not many people know about them.
this. this is what will save us. Have a brown goddess whose ult turns healing received into damage on a single target for a short period of time. Just a total fuck you phase button.
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But healing doesn't exist, anon. It's just regen.
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sai draws a bunch of random shit and calls it countess so they can karma whore on the reddit
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that's accurate
they're all on youtube. someone even mixed a few with ingame footage
Is her piercing catching the light, or is that just a stylistic flourish?
Incidentally, I was working on some small OC, but I'm going to try and have something ready for the contest. I really, really hope this Sai person is the standard of the competition, but I bet some super-talented pricks are going to come crawling out of the woodwork for this one.
are you our OC bro who made the Phase pic or did we somehow manage to get two drawfags here?
Same guy.
That Phase pic taught me a ton, but obviously not enough to match anyone who's been at it for a while, so I'm trying to keep things simple. Once this is done, I'll go back to trying to edit stale memes.
character designs have been shit in the last few months

Yin, Wukong and Phase are all "why" tier

Oh, and Shinbi, the worst offender of all. How could I forget
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good luck in the contest man. and may i request a /parag/ version of this once you get back to OCing memes
Yin wasn't that bad, just bland and uninteresting. Agreed on the rest though. As for Wukong, it's to attract the Asians. I heard he's pretty much still a cultural icon there, that's why there is Wukong in every single big moba.
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Much obliged, it's on the list.
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I would therefore like to request a Paragon version of the mug meme, with a smug looking Bellica and "fuck casters" written on the mug
those thighs tho
There's a movie out for him

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Truly, this is the way.
I've never wished for anything for this game.
If my dream would come true now, please grant us a brown goddess epic
the roadmap update they posted said the game is leaving beta early next year. id expect them to really start ramping up the marketing around november, that would give them 2 full months post august update to fix anything wrong with it and then they can do holiday skin promotions on top of all the advertising to get all the new people to stick around.
anyone got a good wraith build?
Not really what I hope for myself, but since I'm quite positive there is an Ebin intern lurking among us I think there is a fair chance that your wish will be granted.
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Chyna Chase Blue.jpg
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Kwang may be /our boy/ but you truly are /our guy/ or /our gal/
I've no money or fine wears, but here's some thicc
Papa bless
you do this?
this is pretty good.
if theres an ebin intern here then please release skins that show off Serath and Belica's toned midriffs
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>please release skins that show off Serath and Belica's toned midriffs
Anon, how did you know? I love it.
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yeah and also if they could add a system to the game where the longer the match takes they get all sweaty and a little disheveled looking it would really add to the immersion you know haha
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Just a feeling I had, glad you like it
Here's a red version
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Aww yiss
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been having success with this
Needs more tainted
i dont see the point of tainted on him when all he has is a single target ability that only has a short CD if he kills with it, if the 2 second CD was on hit then obviously tainted all day
Good man.
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>mommy in a chainmail bikini
>hot yoga belica
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Community Corner soon, lads. Try to spot the exact moment when Cameron fills his pants at the realisation that his furry waifu has finally made it.
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Thanks guy.
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First question: Dabbing.
All right, so what retarded ideas have they come up with this time?I have better things to do than watching this crap.
The fact that they're referring to the currency as "money" and not Amber is concerning.
Guess it's time to buy the masteries for the shit-tier heroes I've been ignoring. Should still have an obscene amount of rep left when I'm done.
Why, did they announce any changes to masteries?
To be fair to anon, they were really vague about it.

They're either increasing the cost or they'll only contain cosmetics, and therefore won't be purchasable with rep.
"Buy masteries *hint hint*"
Cam thinks the Zinx trailer was hot, furfag confirmed.
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>cam calls his twitter a living meme
>that cam pic everyone uses is just his twitter pic
does he know?
Wouldn't surprise me if it turned out Cam was the guy who typed out our official autistic list of pubic hair.
He has the most serious face while having that stupid conversation.

I'm thinking either he's very good at hiding his perverse fetishes, or Cam isn't the furry.
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new meme

Fucking confirmed, I'm telling you!
>"I ended up getting body blocked into a Shadow Wall"
Is this something new, or do they just call the jungle fog Shadpw Walls internally?
KL and Mooney, despite being huge fucking dorks, will forever be small fries next to the walking meme that is Cameron.
Am new...
Can I get this list for reasons?
Could have sworn it was in the pastebin.
Someone get this anon the list; it is vital that he understands our ways.
its in the OP, its the imgur link under /parag/ OC
The new flexibility sounds really cool.
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guys i actually like the direction they're taking with the game, being able to pick affinities and making those affinities have massively different card styles will finally let people "play your own way" like they constantly try to meme.
the only problem is that cam is an idiot and its obviously going to be horribly broken balance wise but being able to run a fury/corruption sparrow will be worth it
My knee-jerk reaction to it is that it's going to make things a bit too generic. Of course the heroes will still have their kits to differentiate them (and hopefully here won't be uniform damage/ health/ etc scaling: they singled Zinx out just now as having a low health pool, so that doesn't seem to be the case thank fuck), but then we also have to deal with the fact that they keep talking about how every hero is getting an overhaul, so I'm worried.
I just want Kwang to stay the way he is forever
Heh, haven't they actually promised something like that in the very first announcements of the game, if anyone remembers that? That you will be able to "pick your own path" for every hero? There was even a tease of 5 first heroes on their site with 3 different ways to build each of them, or something like that.
>those Fey and Sparrow votes

Now I understand the memes. Now I feel enlightened.
i'd say kwang is pretty safe, he was released around the time they began switching to mono and was designed with that in mind and they havent fucked with those characters its just been all the really old ones
That's encouraging, thanks m8.
Also, he isn't picked that often, so reddit won't whine about him. I would also say he's rather safe, maybe he'll get some small numbers adjustments, but that's it
I can live with numbers being changed. They're almost certainly going to have to considering it's a new system. So long as they don't throw him into the Iggy/ Riktor tier in the process, I'm happy.
Bedtime bump
Shit. I just picked Serath offlane for the first time and have to play against high level Rev and Phase now. I feel like i will make a shit game.

I jope it won't be too bad.
how'd it go did you make mommy proud?
Yeah, i was not bad.

But we lost though.

Our Sparrow left the game early and we had no chance after that.
Played with a Kwang today who apparently tried to "advise" us in the draft chat
>"Remember to push minions guys"
....Well, that's a good advice I guess.
what elo
low gold
Pre bed bump, good night paragoons
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>26 assist dekker game
feels good man
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Red pill me on the Fey. Is she gud?

The other barefooted cutie is too stronk.
her burst is insane and she can 100-0 pretty much anyone if she hits everything in order but she has no mobility or real CC. try her out though no harm with them changing everything around
we die at very odd times
Why is it odd?
the thread is usually more active during the early morning or midday than later when people are home from work or whatever. though i guess thats when they're actually playing the game instead of posting about bushes
So affinities mean jack shit now? great.
this game is getting so boring.
they would mean far more than they do now if they actually execute what they're trying to do
wtf is up with that +elo gain.
>im getting +7/8 and im crushing with a 80% wr
this mmr trench is unending. Im moving up but there is no light ahead
if they just put meaning ful cards for every role in an affinity. it would work fine,
Now its just gunna be
>chaos and death
there wont be anything else.
>Wisdom X death
>order X growth
>Order X growth/wisdom

Only fighters can i imagine there being affinity variety.
So is it just better to wait until the new card system rolls out because I really fucking hate having to collect all the ones I lost in the account closure.
how the hell do you get banned in this game i call people fucking retards every day across multiple accounts and none of them have ever had even a warning of any kind
Just late. It's always bedtime somewhere, and we're not an extremely active general to begin with.
Pre Win bump my elo is on the rise senpai.
dont tempt fate
I've been playing Ape Escape offlane lately and I find him to be the best carry for me in every aspect of the game securing objectives, kills, etc.

I am in high gold though
Prepare for despair
Nibori just uploaded a Kwang video, hell yeah.
he falls off pretty hard once you start playing people who realize he can take an inhib while they waste 30 seconds chasing a kill but you never start playing with those people no matter how high you get still very fun though
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>cam calls his twitter a living meme
>Cam has been a lurker/ shitposter in the thread the entire time
>Slowly cataloging ideas from /parag/ and leddit
stayin alive
Sup /parag/ i spent around 2 hours on this.
hope ya like
don't die
shinbae is best girl
damn this is cute as fuck
>hope ya like
I do like very much
>mfw chaos/death riktor
What are your personal jungle rotations? I'm surfing actually trying to learn how to jungle properly.
>try to macro everyone to gank mid to start
>kill main 3 jungle groups, save green
>go back to base, relieve/gank left or gank right then left if left is doing ok
>green then left jungle

If you're higher elo or in a party just gank 75%+ of the time, especially with Crunch, Khai, or Kallari.

If Wukong, just steal everything while relieving left probably twice and help if no one is rotating.

Narbash them is pretty great
Its kinda whack when a gank goes unsuccessfully cause then you waste all that travel time you spent that could be you clearing camps, then you fall behind. The risk/reward is heavily skewed against the ganker, because a gank rewards the laner more while a failed gank punishes the ganker. I risk my personal and team's farm to create a situation where you get freefarm & potential lane pressure. If one of us fucks up you're in the same position you were before but I'm running my ass all the way back.
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All that talk about brown goddesses reminded me of this webcomic I've been following recently. The character's Gogo Bomango. The hammer pic was a commission but the woman/thing can apparently transform into some brutal dragon-creature officially.
It donned on me that it could be like a cross between Sevarog and Serath or something along those lines
there are also elements of tenchi-muyo-esque vanilla-light straight shota ifyou decide to read it
Would that mean that we can actually fight leddit retards? Quick anons, tell the Epic intern how they should unfuck the game!
The art matches the character

>Phase theme sounds like a fucking anime opening
Could she possibly be any more shit?
Also ingame music when, not even mentioning voice lines
Pre eat bemp
Nice man, good rendering.
>175 Rep daily login reward
Figuratively useless
Should I buy Phase's Mastery or is she getting nurfed soon?
I'm getting these OPD notifications every time I log in, and I haven't played in days. Beginning to suspect trickery, lads.
Just buy it.

You will have this 75k rep back in a few days anyway.
I haven't got a single one yet and some of those fuckers I reported really deserved it.
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Fuck I hate his face and tone of speaking, it's like he's talking at me not to me. What is he? Some kind of robot?
Weird. I was all ready to believe that it was just a placebo, but now that seems less likely.
Is that Natalia from RE Revelations 2? That's unexpected.
5 losses in a row boys bump
I'd imagine that once they get to the roster size they're aiming for (over 100 iirc m) then this will be less of an issue: counter-pick the counter-pick with any role because there should be enough diversity for any role to have.the required effect. Now granted, that doesn't help us in the here and now, but it does give us hope that the game won't be completely broken forever.
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willo (2).png
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hey paragon characters are hard as fuck to draw so much details
Nice and expressive, I'm guessing that's one of yours from the file name. Reverse image search says it shows up in the Paladins general.
yeah it is mine
Pre-loss bump
>legacy will never happen again it's a meme at this point
>you'll never get a full build in a game at least I've never gotten one in a game

this nibba never got 60cp in a game wtffffffff?
>once they get to the roster size they're aiming for (over 100 iirc m)
In the current rate(#every3weeks) this will take them over 3 years yet I think, we'll be lucky if the game will actually continue being a thing for that long.
I think we're slowly approaching the point with some nice hero diversity though, we'll surely be there when we'll cross the 50 heroes milestone in little less than a year from now I think. It's just that from now, many of them need some serious reworking.
>legacy will never happen again it's a meme at this point
Something just died inside me. I was really hoping they would bring it back at one point in the future as a separate gamemod/map or at least for some anniversary event or something. It was so much better and more interesting god damn it
If the game ever gets relatively big, we may at least hope for some private server with it though, or a fanmade game mode like in DotA.
Good stuff man, keep it up.
I think he was talking about in the new uncapped economy/ deck styles.

They say "lol it's a meme at this point", but that just goes to show how often people are asking for it. Maybe that will die down after the Monolith art update, but there's no comparison between the two maps right now: Legacy's atmosphere was incredible, while Monolith just has none.

Shitbi is bottom tier.
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It was, in fact, a win. God I love Kwang.
>"enemy support" Kallari goes invisible in front of me while I offlane
>I walk out of tower between where Kallari was and the enemy Sparrow, begging them to attack me
>and there it is
>ult, shock
>Kallari has the slightest amount of health
>nail them with the tether as they try to run away while slowed
>the sword finishes them
>late game
>barreling down mid like a freight train
>enemies melting all around
>enemy Wraith ults and tries to escape with a tiny amount of health
>ready sword
>correct for wind direction, increased speed and last known location
>an enemy has been slain
Went afk for two minutes and got reported for racism by nine other players, but of course the idiots at Ebin don't care.
>tfw shinbi will be awilix tier nice when voice acting comes out.
She will be perfect
She will be Phase tier.
I asked in a stream recently if they were still planning to release 100 heroes and KL replied "not remembering ever mentioning a specific number, we're just going to keep pumping them out..."
It might have been during the wraith stream
I thought Cameron dropped the 100 heroes line in the last Community Corner. I'll double check.
Well, that's the most logical strategy really, they can't possibly predict how long the game will continue to go on. They can just keep doing them and eventually slow down a bit when they'll begin to approach the amount other mobas have.
what do we know about phases personality?
>it's another wraith sits in the back and his only participation is sniping faggots for kills

It's Neith all over again.
she's a whore
Because this game is for niggers and retards?
shes saving herself for kwang
i didnt say shinbi was a whore i said phase was. shinbi can't be a whore she's too ugly
fuck you m8
Ur waifu is a SHIT!
pls no bully
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i never understood the hate for shinbi.
Is there something un attractive here? or do folk just like white women?
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jokes on you i dont have a waifu i have a mommy
shes a fucking anime character
i dont get it either desu,
if i were to rank paragon girl in terms of cuteness.
I personally dont like countess all that much though cuz she looks like a shadman character.
When she was introduced she didn't fit the other characters or the atmosphere of the game at fucking all. Everyone before her was some kind of warrior, and then we suddenly got a fucking pop-star hero. For many people she was a final sign of moving away from *somewhat* coherent artistic direction to a complete stylistic clusterfuck of totally different heroes, both serious and joke ones like LoL.
And Kwang is not?
Literally giant anime sword
Kwang is shounen
Shinbi is Shoujo....kinda?
Oh yeah cuz gadget was totally warrior esk wearing top quality armor and high heels to the battle.
kwang is just your typical stoic asian swordsman sterotype with a little magic thrown in just like grey with medieval knights. shinbi is a fucking world famous pop star who's also an ancient spirit shaman or whatever the fuck she is who is kawaii desu ~nee all the time
Seeing that she use high tech combat robots and according to her bio used to be a part of some shady organisation, yeah, she can be called a warrior. I mean "warrior" in a broad term of the word, as someone proficient in fighting who does that regularly. Shinbi, even if she can fight for gameplay reasons, doesn't look like it and nothing in her bio(as little as there is of it) suggests that she can fight or even has any reason to do it outside of matches. IShe's pretty much a joke character, the first one Paragon got. I don't mind her that much anymore, but I can understand why some people do.
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>mommy not #1
>bushbae that low
>belica not even listed
Don't even bother replying to that guy you are beyond fucking retarded its not worth talking to you
That was stupid considering shinbi has to "warrior" in her back ground than most half the characters. Grim probably does not even know the true potential of the weapon he has.
Iggy is some crazy Pyro.
Dekker Is just a field explorer.
Gadget is a fucking anti social garage monkey.

I don't see how a character abusing her sacred power for her own gain is against the rules
We like white women and her design is shit.
>Literally trained from birth like Kwang
>Kwang searching for her to help run the family dojo or whatever cause
>Carries a broadsword
>Joke character
If I've ever seen a wrong opinion, this'd be it
> trained to be a top level wolf shaman from the same fucking clan as kwang
Does that some how entail she can't fight?
Grim.exe was the first joke character people just don't like to admit it
i just said she was ugly why are you mad at me
He was until Crunch came along
>i just said she was ugly why are you mad at me
Because you enabled this damn it
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My fucking kingdom for a high-res file of that new growth symbol.
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wew lad
You had it coming
>600 hours
Email Epic about that one, man Unless you really deserved it
That's 25 days anon
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Well yeah, GRIM.exe pretty much sucks right now and it doesn't help that he's just a robot being piloted like a monkey at a street organ by a fucking midget version of Zatto from Star Wars.
i don't think they've released anything except that teaser shot
Safety bump
Yeah, seems that way. Trying to up-rez it in Photoshop is a losing battle, too. Oh well.

Well deserved, fucker
Who would be the most fun to take on a date?
None because they're all fake and your mind power is better put to use at other things. Why is this general filled with losers?
Friend of a friend. I don't leave losses, I just stand behind the core.
Bumping from the great outdoors
Pre-mommy game bump
Finally someone have said that
Seriously, I know it's mostly to bump the thread, but blatant waifubaits in video games have stopped doing anything for me when I was like 15, are you guys serious? Can't we at least, I don't know talk about their personalities, or backstories or something instead?
Also guys deserve more attention
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What are some must have cards bros?
Currently crafting wandering what to make.
Created traitors touch cause it sounded good and people online were shitting on it even though it sounds pretty top tier.
save all your shit they're changing everything within the next few weeks and no one knows how the system will work
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Is Radiant Mantle good?
Oh......so I shouldn't get Ash of the Witch?
I mean its up to you but they're changing the entire card system in the August 8th update and they still havent said whether that means entirely new cards all together or just a bunch of new ones and changed effects on the ones they previously have. Cards like Radient or Ash are good now but if you're just starting out I would save all the crafting materials for post update.
I'll just get them so I can be good now if they ruin the game I can just stop playing it anyway!
then you'll want a tainted magik, madspore sash and stasis gem along with the affinity blinks while you're crafting
>Seriously, I know it's mostly to bump the thread, but blatant waifubaits in video games have stopped doing anything for me when I was like 15, are you guys serious?
theres a fucking pube poll in the goddamn OP and you're actually dumb enough to think anyone is taking this shit even the slightest bit seriously? people talk about the personalities and backstories more in this general than any other place that talks about the game party due to all the waifupost bumps. there was just a 15 post conversation about shinbi's place in the game
>dying on a weekend
This is actually normal here, /parag/ is apparently full of chads and normies
I like Traitor's Touch on Wukong with attack speed.
Yes. Run it on Greystone or Kwang.
its true the normies are among us >>182773284
>Iggy players
I mean, he's suboptimal, and there are much, much better picks, but I don't think I've lost a game directly thanks to someone picking him.
Riktor on the other hand...
I am so bad at this game (first time playing a moba), but i enjoy it though.

I don't know how, but i reached gold, and now i feel like i am not good enough to compete with the enemy teams. How do i git gud?
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I feel really bad for smurfing now, but I wanted to try /ourguy/ outside of bots.
It would totally seem like throwing the match if done on my main.
Fuck, I wish I could go back in time and un-bully them
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>Master Sevarog on our team
>goes safelane
>doesn't even try to build stacks
Time and again I'm reminded that master skins mean absolutely nothing. It would be nice if it took your KDA into account or something and turn off the flame effect if it dropped below a certain threshold.
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>tfw 3.5 minimum kda with every mastery i have
I'm guessing his Q is Obliterate? Not that Anon but I've also been thinking about getting into this game and Revenant and Sevarog interested me the most. So I'm glad to hear that one of them is really good.
Sev and Rev are both top tier, they're also both shitter magnets so you won't even have to worry about doing bad
Good man.
Fucking gucci. I honestly only picked them for the edge aesthetic.
Imo what separates a good sev from a great sev is stack gain vs how many damage cards they have.

Master sevarogs don't build damage, the stacks do that for them

Bot matches, lots and lots of bot matches
Watch the "pillars" play games on Youtube and pay attention to what they're doing and why.
Look up basic MOBA tips, and refer to the guide in the OP.
>Climb up the ranks through gold
>get into plat, about 1550
>play with randoms for a 52% win and don't have much fun
>play with friends and lose almost every match but almost always lose since their silver, pitting us against mid gold

What a conundrum.
>lose x2
Have way more fun
Pretty much this. You only need like one Shadow Scroll on Sevarog to not be shit.
bot matches are a terrible way to learn how to play the game the bots are awful and it makes you ignore the most important part of the whole game which is winning farm
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For real hahah like, why can't people in this thread get an actual life or something hahah? hahah like talking about women in a video game is about as beta as you can get hahah swear to god I'm about to text this bitch right now unlike anyone in this thread hahah get a life losers none of these characters are even getting cosplayed hahah like i bet you guys jerk it to videogame sprites hahah man you guys are a bunch of losers hahah
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Post /ourguy/ decks.
give feedback.
heres mine, for offlane
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Your deck is retarded, too much utility that isn't needed.
Link to your build?
Radiant mantle is optional, can be swapped with a 10 point adamant edge.
>not building thick blood in current phase meta
>not having stab link for engagements and getaways
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I hear that building Armour without health isn't a great idea, but this works well for me all the same.
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i switch thermo for font if its a low CC team

your build is ass
Is blood soaked good late game? Maybe it's just me (and I don't even use it much) but it seems to be only good for taking raptors. I haven't tried keeping it late game yet.

Also is font of the rapture as good as it seems like it would be on kwang?

Ps. Great build
Pps. Do you just build no ability armor of you don't use thermobond?
I mostly apply my skills to bot matches rather than actually learn the basics of farming, Co-op is good for farming basics as there's no real penalty for losing, plus good jungle learning potential imo

Getting picks isn't as important as farming and pushing
Forgot to explain that the one on the left is my tank deck and the one on the right is more ability-based bruiser.
for the one on the right
for the one on the left, it's a jungle/offlane deck but I usually split it up between offlane/jungle and thermo/tuned so you might want to do that but you'll end up having 4 similar decks
Radiant Mantle isn't the issue, it's a good card on him.
>not being able to one shot the Phase with your combo
Stab link is fucking useless on him, your sword is enough of an escape and it's an excellent fucking gap closer.

>no ability armor
have fun being shredded by every caster/ability-based hero
You've got too much fucking power man, he scales well with power but not so much that you want to be building 186 of it.
No attack speed, 720 health but 56 armor
Carries will love you

Font of the Rapture isn't a good card on anyone, the only one who might get some use out of it would be Serath. Kwang just doesn't do that much damage to lifesteal back to full health in 2 seconds.
The shield itself doesn't even last long.
Bloodsoaked is OK on Kwang though, I prefer Tempered Plate.
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here is alt build.
I only drop radiant if i have no pressure on my lane. I trade my 14 point thermobond for a 14 point tuned barrier if there isnt much cc on enemy team. this one feels much stronger in game.

as for stab link, I just really like the card. Its way to fun to blink into enemies and ult, then tether them until my team catches up. Its also saved my ass a bit so I'll keep it.

as for font of the rapture, i would probably use it on a smurf, on a full damage kwang lel
This is pretty good but I'd say slap at least 22 attack speed on the card so you can benefit from your lifesteal.
>Is blood soaked good late game? Maybe it's just me (and I don't even use it much) but it seems to be only good for taking raptors. I haven't tried keeping it late game yet.
yes keep it the whole game, its worth it just so you can melt prime its worth it for that alone it working in fights is just a bonus
>Also is font of the rapture as good as it seems like it would be on kwang?
no but theres nothing else to really put there and if you stack it with green you can start a fight with an extra half of a health bar
>Pps. Do you just build no ability armor of you don't use thermobond?
yeah ability armor is way overrated compared to just more health

>building attack speed on kwang and actually having carries shoot you while telling anyone how to play
top jej enjoy gold forever. though thats probably fucking diamond with how godawful the lower leagues are now that phase boosted everyone
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I recognize your name, you're around plat if i remember correctly. solid decks mane, I'm seadawgbruh/dawgofthesea maybe you remember me
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Tfw offlane against imsko and do well
Is he a new hero?

Why is he not in my Paragon yet?
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>gold shitter
>not build attack speed/TC on Kwang for relevant sustain
I don't remember playing with you but I've seen you chat in the Paragon Discord
I'm guessing it was some stupid bait
you'd get more sustain out of putting those points into health. attack speed is a dps stat which is worthless to a frontliner and especially on kwang who gets most of his damage from burst instead of sustained basic attacking.
>but muh lifesteal
basics will barely hit for 200 late game and you're leeching only 15% of that it will literally never keep you alive against anyone who could actually kill you 1v1 and is worthless when you have 3 people shoving their dick up your ass while you're tanking since you can only hit 1 of them.
buy a stasis, buy a radient, get some blight and learn how to play roles instead of doing sylphin math garbage
About to play my first game with Wraith, any tips?
dont rewind people to safety and if you dont have amazing cs because of your right click then uninstall
Man, you keep making all these hit or miss assumptions, slap a TC on him and you'll be siphoning a lot more than just 15%, it's similar to how Yin siphons all her health when next to a minion wave
You're right about attack speed being a dps stat but Kwang functions differently than them because of his passive. You're acting like all frontliners all one and the same. The attack speed helps with his sustained DPS as well.
And if you're still >>182804021, I'm building more health/armor than you either way.
I've read a bit of this before. There's a time and place for a muscular berserker woman in paragon but it sure as hell ain't gonna be my brown goddess
if you put cleaver on him you're wasting an entire card slot on a shitty stat for him that gives a 1 time 200 damage burst every 20 seconds, as opposed to radient which is always on has a massive range and can be filled with stats that are actually useful to him.
>Kwang functions differently than them because of his passive.
his passive is irrelevant i dont even level it past 1 until i have too
>You're acting like all frontliners all one and the same.
they are, they tank they disrupt and they have good engage
>The attack speed helps with his sustained DPS as well.
sustained dps is meanglinless you're a fucking burst character and you'd get more sustained dps out of a raident/bloodsoaked combo
> I'm building more health/armor than you either way.
because you're building shitty cards and wasting stats
im trying to help you here but you can continue to think you know everything because you hit plat when the last time i played on my plat smurf the howie in the game built 3 12 built micro nukes as starting cards
Not that guys but from what I have gathered TC isn't worth it. Radiant gives you more damage potential for less cp if you are needing the clear. His lifesteal is good early to help stay topped up and for the aura to help your adc get objectives and thats pretty much it. You should never be relying on basics mid-late game. He is a tanky burst casting front line, not an adc. If you want to spend 6+ cp on survivability just pick up stasis.
>played on my plat smurf the howie in the game built 3 12 built micro nukes as starting cards
typical plat shitters, everyone knows the best howie build is 5 12-cost meltdowns
>not 6 chrono spikes
its like you dont want a 0 cd R2000
TC is used for the burst and cleave, helping with very quick clears and staying at full health the majority of the time. You're trying to argue with me that TC is better than Radiant but I don't have a problem with Radiant, it's a great card on him for the sustained dps.
I usually don't level my passive past 1 because of TC.
The frontliners aren't one and the same, they tank, disrupt and engage but have different ways of doing it. You won't be peeling for the carry as Kwang like you would with other frontliners.
>sustained dps is meanglinless you're a fucking burst character and you'd get more sustained dps out of a raident/bloodsoaked combo
I'm not only building attack speed for the sustained dps, holy shit. It helps to build attack speed for the sustained dps and the siphon from your passive/TC.
>im trying to help you here but you can continue to think you know everything because you hit plat
The only reason I posted my elo was because
>gold shitter
you're just a dense fuck who's getting that impression

I usually switch TC for Satori when I hit 60 since I'm always grouped up.
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TC is used for the burst and cleave, helping with very quick clears and staying at full health the majority of the time.
radient does it better
>You're trying to argue with me that TC is better than Radiant but I don't have a problem with Radiant, it's a great card on him for the sustained dps.
then use it
>I'm not only building attack speed for the sustained dps, holy shit. It helps to build attack speed for the sustained dps and the siphon from your passive/TC.
its like talking to a wall if you dont understand how useless the "sustain" from his LS is by now compared to literally every other possible option you have then theres no helping you
>building satori
yeah we're done here at least me building font is just because i dont want to use stat based cards in prep for the new system instead of thinking its actually viable
>TC is used for the burst and cleave, helping with very quick clears and staying at full health the majority of the time.
>radient does it better
Yes, because I can get 60 or more health back every basic with Radiant. Radiant doesn't help with sustain or burst clearing camps as fast as TC does when I can just clear an entire minion camp in 4 basics or 1 basic and an R1.
TC=RM, not RM>TC, fuck.
>neglecting part of a hero's kit instead of incorporating it into your build
If his lifesteal was so useless, I wouldn't be playing him. It's one of the reasons I find him to be fun to play.
>not wanting to cut all of Sevarog's armor by half for your carry to shred them
Font is fucking useless, I get what you're trying to do in prep of the new system but at least I'm not wasting a card slot in my deck by putting in Font. Especially since Font relies on his useless passive.
can confirm chad here im about to go out to the club and find some bitch to dress up as belica and blow me have a bump before i go losers

Satori is great, you're cutting someone's armor in half, if you use it on enemy tanks you can make your carry do a ton of extra damage. I personally don't use it, because my friends that I play with usually have it on their builds(but I should have it anyway, i might trade it for stab link) . Say two enemies each have 10 cp of armor built, and you basic them both several times during a fight. You are mitigating 10 /20 cp of their armor with just your 5 point card. Your carry should be melting them from back line. Font of the rapture is a novelty card, if you build it you are likely either a low league shitter, or a smurf, or retarded
pre first game of the night bump
post first loss of the night bump
Why do I get the feeling that letting players choose what affinities they'll run in decks kind of ruins the point of even having that shit in the first place?

The affinities are what helped get me into Paragon because they had a reason tied into their backstory (in a sense), but now it's like TIP TOP KEK DEATH/GROWTH BELICA.
Some of the affinities made sense character wise like Rampage or Gideon or Serath but then others made none at all like Muriel who had growth despite being a fucking robot or Sparrow who is a runaway bandit but has order
You would be stunned how bad some people are.

I have a guy on my friends list who has thousands of hours logged but he's in bronze. I think he's like 40-50 years old or something and has no idea how MOBAs work
some dudes I just met told me about this game and I'm testing the environment of /parag/ I guess

Countess seems very powerful based on her mobility and RMB's passive, and she seems pretty simple to play on top of that. Am I correct or am I fucking retarded? Is mana management something that requires much attention in this game, or is it like LoL?
>Lists cutest girls
>No Mori

I don't fuck with you /parag/
Countess is a shitter stomper, higher elos shes pretty bad like all the other assassins. Mana management is a character by character thing, some of the older ones have to worry about it, a lot of the newer characters dont at all. The game is getting a complete overhaul on August 8th that will hopefully fix a lot of problems with the card system and straighten out the powercreeping thats been happening.
countess is the first hero to run oom before a kill if you cant land any skills. countess also gets fucked over by belica mid but shes good at pubstomping.
you should play the game first and you'd figure it out quick
When they gonna add a big tits character to this game already? All the chicks have godly ass but the chest of a ten year old boy.
Gadget and mommy aren't bad
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You must know some strange-looking boys.
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bruh mommy's tits expand her armor. aurora has some fine ones as well
Those aren't "big" they're medium sized at best, Gadget is the only character with kinda big tits everyone else is pancaketown.
Just had a tough game /parag/. I'm sick of TM Phase, Khaimera, and deathballing.
Took people long enough to realise Gadget's got the goods. She probably took Twin's original arms after he gave her a good honking.
dont worry anon august 8th will fix everything dont you trust cam?
I don't trust Cam nor do I think anything will be fixed. I can assure you I will be hopping on the Zinx train and playing as cancerous as possible upon her release.
Phase with anyone is trouble, but Phase/ Khai is easily the most broken thing to hit the game since Orb Prime regenerated your health in 4 seconds and gave ranged minions Death Touch.
if you dont think tits that are popping out of chain mail and plate armor are big you need to lay off the hentai for a few weeks

i liked twin losing his arms in a badger attack better tbqh
phase/khai has nothing on phase/serath or phase/sparrow
I'll give Dekker an honorable mention as well looks like her suit is struggling to contain some potentially big melons.
Non jiggling boob plate doesn't count dude.
new thread time tomorrow we made it 6 in a row now. see you then
is building mana regen on belica a meme or legit?
pls help this noob
not a meme on any caster build an infinity stream and load it up with ability pen
late night bunnp
>There's a time and place for a muscular berserker woman in paragon but it sure as hell ain't gonna be my brown goddess
Did you mean the character or that you'd rather a brown goddess be another type of class?
Does Morigesh shower?
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This mommy and bealica posting have been of top quality. Thank you anon, keep up the great work
She showers in the rain.
Now I want a Conan style barbarian hero from a Wasteland Planet, perhaps, but not necessarily, with Mad Max style junk armour. Male or female are both ok.
What are you, gay?
That's literally Khaimera minus the Mad Max armor.
>waking-up-in-the-afternoon-like-a-piece-of-shit bump
I make a pre-first-game-of-the-day-bamp
>inside, of course
>All over her back and hair with a tad on the bush
Nah, Khaimera is a tribal half-feral jungle man. I'm talking about proud, half-naked warriors with long hair flying in the wind and ripped as fuck abs
By the way, how do you think Khaimera's voice acting will look like? We don't have any leaks of him yet, do we? Will he remain silent? That would be kind of lame honestly, even if fitting.
>how do you think Khaimera's voice acting will look like?
>full complete 700 post thread
Dead game boys give it up hahah
75 posters for us is a high amount. we're a very tight knit group here in /parag/

>not loving missionary with her legs wrapped around you
step it up
You mean

this got me hoping that once the voice lines are added the characters actually yell out the pings. khai screaming for help 15 times as he dives a 1v4 would really brighten up those hopeless games
>good job
>good job
>good job
>good job
They probably will, they do in Smite and DotA.
would be nice if they add a little character flavor to it for everyone as well instead of just repeating the ping exactly. something like a "nicely performed" for belica instead of a good job
The leaks we got so far are really good, so I'm confident Ebin at least won't screw this up
got the new thread all updated and ready to go we'll surely get the 30 posts we need by tonight right? right?
Wtf i main Kwang now???
Welcome, enjoy the easy ride to diamond. Don't let us down. TC is a meme
pre shower bump
Damn, page 9 in seven minutes: things are moving quickly.
What that mean
It means that other generals are moving much faster than us right now. Once the weekend's over, that always drops off, but it's going to be touch and go until tomorrow.
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Speaking of Robert E. Howard, I want a Solomon Kane character: he could be a counterpart to Revenant or something.
Two drafts in a row disbanded because someone was trying to make Wukong fit on a team that didn't have a place for him. Christ.
Will Zinx be the last new hero before the big update
How badly do you guys think the new cards will be in terms of balance? I am worried that deck building won't make sense with the uncap.
Yeah, and the last one for six weeks.
>when you realise you will have too look at this abomination every time you open the game for at least next 3 weeks
Worse for us Offlane mains that have to take a back seat to all of the furries and shitters she's going to attract.
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cam you fucking furry.jpg
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>having to deal with phase+zynx combo for the next 6 weeks
Fucking joy
Belica and Thickblood seem to be the way to go for the foreseeable future.
>some guy picks grim support and goes 0-11-4
well at least he wasn't on my team but plat is definitely the new silver thanks to all the phase boosted shitters
>grim support
What the actual fuck?
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I love it! Adding the second of your 3 carries while also utilizing Grims amazing utility options in a support style role! The meta of this game continues to expand and excite!
Current meta is trash /parag/ I've been wanting to play less and less. I see Sparrow, Phase, and Khaimera in practically every game.
>I see Sparrow, Phase, and Khaimera in practically every game.
How is life as a silver shitter?

btw, i know your feel
High gold actually
>August isn't going to fix it and there is nothing we can do about it.
It just feels bad to see them actively ruin it. Monolith is a meme.
This is most of plat/diamond too.
no thats twin phase and grux/sev

Since i escaped silver i barely see him anymore.
if you have any hopes of balance post update you havent been playing this game long enough
we need to die of natural causes bump
I like how Cam's patented three Carry meta has become the sleeper meme of the general.
He's been given a new lease on life thanks to Phase and her bullshit.
Auto-sage imminent: hope that anon is ready with the new thread.
I bet the anon is ready
im here just need a few more shitposts and it'll be up
I'm proud of you /parag/ I would say we are a real general now.
Who is that in the middle?
Skin Diamond
We're getting there. August will make or break us, I reckon.
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>American singer
wow she's really pretty! pictures of her make me want to see more of her uwu...
Trouble there is that Awilix was actually good. Very easy, in fact.
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