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/mbg/ - Mount & Blade General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 751
Thread images: 151

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Ladies edition.

(Looted) thread: >>181755259



Revealed at E3 2017:

Last blog:


PASTEBIN: https://pastebin.com/cZ4jSufd

M&B Wiki: http://mountandblade.wikia.com/wiki/Mount_and_Blade_Wiki

NOOB GUIDE: http://imgur.com/a/FMAqV

>Anon's mods and upstab guide:

>/mbg/ Steamgroup

New Modules :
>Modded Hispania 1200
>Custom troop trees
>CTT for Dickplomacy

>"I made a mod recently or updated it. Wat do?"
Link to the OP in your post so that it might be easier to find for the one making the next OP (also for regular people).
First for PoP is the dark souls of Warband mods
>>CTT for Dickplomacy
is this actually working or is it buggy as fuck because dickplomacy is a piece of shit
This Rhodok soil
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>or is it buggy as fuck because dickplomacy is a piece of shit
No feedbacks on it. So it stays for now
>make a change to source
>shits itself upon compile
Why are all the female companions so hateable except for Katrin?
>8 women on the team
bannerlord confirmed for trash
you have to compile with compile.bat not build_module.py
i know
>Try to play vanilla
>It sucks
Im so used to mod features that I cant go back to it.
They never speak without being spoken to and shake their butt amicably.

What's the problem?
then there's no reason it wouldn't work
i've made changes to the dickplo source no problem.
when you say "shits itself" do you mean the unused variable messages? because you can ignore those.
>you can ignore those.
because it compiles but it does things that shouldn't happen
changing item order by 1 in source should not matter
do it in dickplomacy and it fucks up the item order like it would in text editing
only play vanilla for the memes
KatrinxBunduk best ship
cao cao
Any essential PoP starting character configs?
uninstall poop for starters.
1. A rough and mysterious figure
2. Left you to fend for yourself
3. A bard (also brings you to the best rumour value,
4. Too many enemies that seek to end your life.
You now have 9 looting and the game is trivial
pathfinding is pretty much a must, trainer is nice to have.
Wow you can get 9 Looting.

Looting is OP tbqh senpai
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i don't even remember what i picked but this is how geared i got after an in game week
truly the dark souls of mount and blade
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Are houseguards in >perisno supposed to have 200 proficiency or 400? I installed the mod from steamworkshop first and patched it from moddb later but they still show as 200, but a friend claims theirs are 400.
what the fuck do you think nigger
Any reason in PoP to take riding above four?

e.g. some exotic mounts?
The truly tanky mounts like Netherworld Chargers take 7 riding IIRC
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From what I see in some of the posts the mod seems to be extremely overpowered, is it? And is it fun anyway?
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Dyeworks in Rivacheg should still be top-tier, unless Dickplomacy did something with the raw silk production in those villages. Also Ironworks and Oil Press are ridiculously underated, even in Native (I think the dyeworks everywhere idea was mostly a meme, as oil and iron workshops can get the same relative net income for the investment depending on the town).

Sure things: dyeworks in Rivacheg, ironworks in Curaw, and oil press in Veluca. Check cities as they go to see what enterprises are the best, if you can't find one that pops out, put in a brothel.

Great pic. Didn't think Klethi had fanart, and Ymira looks cute but not super hot (she has the long face like in native).
I think that pic is overrated, Ymira is made too hot I think, and she isn't even blonde in that pic.

I do like Katrin, and especially her relationship with Bunduk, but Katrin's biases against others are bullshit. She has no reason to hate Bahestur, and while she has an understandable dislike of Firentis' past, she's a bitch for not accepting his willingness to atone for his past. The only character with worst beefs than Katrin is Alayen. Deshavi is a bit of a bitch too but atleast with Rolf she has reason, I don't know why she bullies Borcha though beyond him being a bit shady.

Native is great up until you have to manage fiefs and a kingdom, then the lack of Diplomacy-added features is painful. Early game Native is just fine though, only major annoyance is no guildmaster/elder option from the menu.
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In dickplomacy, is there a way to turn off negative points towards me when I rape other lord's daughters and moms? I'm at -100 with everyone I meet no matter if they are from other kingdom.
>Speed: 39
>this is a real mod
nice. here I am playing PoP when I could be playing something that sounds fun as hell
Yeah, I played it a lot. But it is a bit harsh and/or silly at places. And the dev is autist, but that's pretty much a given when it comes to people spending a chunk of their lives developing modifications for indie turkish games for no monetary compensation.
I do like it mostly for two reasons:
-early game (which is my fav. part) takes longer
-even at very late game there are still things that can challenge you seriously, you can't just get 150 knights and roll everything solo.

A few general tips:
-especially early on quality>quantity. 40 village recruits are a dead weight. With a dozen tavern mercs you'll be able to fight much more, and outrun the rest.
-young <location> nobles are a very cost efficient cavalry that can be leveled into a real rape-train (Adventurers). If you wan't to stay low-ish cost stop your leveling a step before that.
-always ask travelers and bounty hunter for rumors. One of them may give you treasure maps, other sell good troops for a discount prices
-I'd stay on the top half of the map early on, heretics, cultists, slavers that hang out at the bottom will fuck you up pretty well. Easiest bandits to farm in order: just south or Marleons, NW corner, NE corner.
-keep checking the victory conditions page, it updates spawn rates of enemies according to how much you killed them only then for some retarded reason.
-you can join knighthood order, there are several, once inside city/castle go to the inner keep, they should be guarding the doors instead of regular guys. Once you grind their quest enough you can become grandmaster for special shit.
what music do you like to listen to while playing?
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>wants to be a rapist
>doesn't like the consequences.
>wah why do my actions have reasonable and predictable negative consequences?
If you can't take the hate, don't be a player.

In-game music.
Are they honorable? You shouldn't lose relationship with anyone but the relatives, iirc. Di(ck)plo changes honor so honorable lords hate you if it's in the negative.
because native is all-round pretty terrible
I'm posting Cao Cao in honour of the poster who was posting in honour of the original Cao Cao poster until we get a good Romance of the three kingdoms mod.
>inafter dynesty warriors mod
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>I like what you are saying and want to subscribe to your newsletter
I'm posting Show Show the Cow Cow until we get a good Fallout universe mod.
Training lance is pretty good.

Blunt damage lance gets some nice bounties.

Now if someone could just mod in storage to inns that would be great.
So, I'm very confused.

I decided to do a typical banner replacement. But for some reason the banner has changed on the units. But the flag itself hasn't, except when you get close to it, then it changes to what it's been changed to, and as you get further away it becomes translucent until it becomes the original.

wtf is this?
Playing 1257, and Ive not been able to find a good spear for thrusting, anyone knows where I can find one? Most weapons are either axes or swords.
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>Khergit Khanate has declared war on Spurdo Supremacy
>Vaegirs have declared war on Spurdo Supremacy
well fugg this might be the end of my bath house operation, I should have listened.
I've found something in the Custom Troop Trees Dickplo mod. You can get rich by selecting the option to close your brothel multiple times before leaving. The lady gives you 2000 denars every time you select it
Please fix
>I should have listened.
your mistake was not being audacious enough
Ymira based. Fuck you.
I still do not know why PoP does not have freelancer in it and the mod creater is to much of a faggot to allow some dude to add it.
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>generic rich slut #4945
Is there any possible way to get fiefs from other lords after the fief has already been awarded to them? I managed to get Curaw as a Vaegir lord but did not get Rebache or Bazeck. I could get some of the surrounding castles/villages by conquering them during wars but I'm wondering if there's a way to get Curaw and its villages without letting an enemy conquer it, re-conquering it, and then playing politics.
gays not welcome
You can trade fiefs with other lords, IIRC, but you need to have something worth trading for.
because all of the submods for PoP have to be "in-house"
ie they aren't running diplomacy or PBOD, they're using their own things
Cao Cao is my favorite Dynasty Warriors character
If you defect as lord of Curaw, you'll keep the town any any territories attached to it will become unassigned which you could get. If you have other villages outside of Curaw, you could ask the lords of the villages near Curaw to trade for your other one, if you want to consolidate your fiefs. In general if you have a town, don't worry too much about the villages around it unless they are in horrible economic shape (although that's par for the course).
Is the Gekokujo in the pastebin the best version?
Thanks for the advice on this, I hadn't thought of asking for other villages and then trading for ones nearby my town.
a shit
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tfw blood & steel 2 never
just play Tigerâ„¢ Knightâ„¢ instead
>tfw no qt gf to play Mountain Blade with
What's the best enterprise? Should I just go dyeworks for velvet in every town since I have the dosh to throw down or is there an art to figuring out the best enterprise for every town?
in general dyeworks are always the most profitable except for a handful of towns
if you just ask the guild master what every one would profit and go with the highest profit every time you'll be completely fine, at least in native
Chill out bro
What about in Diplomacy/Dickplomacy?
bannerlord never
accept the inexorable pull of death
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Nah fuck you
that's just what swadians need

fucking atst walkers
probably the same
just pick the one with the most profit every time
Calm down man
>milanese plate with a heaume
that's nasty as fuck
thanks anon
xenoargh is not know for his sense of aesthetics
Ignore dyeworks meme. Check for profits everywhere but Rivacheg. Even in the other cities that have a staple enterprise like Curaw.
Or if you feel like razing the entirety of Calradia, brothels pretty much everywhere but Rivacheg.
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>last news about 2.0 were in March or so
Just relax dude
>blood & steel
Is it good or is it just wacky at-st´s?
Can you please stop shitposting already
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rhodoks are white and based
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its fun_
Well, profits are pretty consistently high for dyeworks in Curaw (which I have) when I ask about enterprises. An oil press or toolmaker come in second. Should I just check the overall profit like the other anon said and go with that or is there a trick I don't know?
Also, what's special about Rivacheg?
I'd say it's one of the most enjoyable mods out there.
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The days of Rhodok bullying is over. Now WE bully
piss cheap raw silk
Check highest and go with that. Rivacheg is special in that they shit out the raw material but don't process it, so dyeworks gives profits in the 1000 range.
The same applies to Curaw where you usually want to build in ironworks, but depending on RNG something else might be more profitable.
If you feel like working for it, brothels give a flat 500 when fully staffed, so they're usually the best choice aside from Rivacheg's dyeworks.
>Take chill pill bud
Now you made me want that chill pill.

sincerely, some other guy
n00b here, how do I find bandits to fight early-game? My party is 30 soldiers, I think its too big for bandits to attack me anymore.
yeah but brothels require you to enslave people and that's mean
I'd rather invest in honest businesses for the file I'm currently working on
Camp their hideouts.
Shrink your party. Switch to cavalry units. Solo sea raiders.
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Chill at the tiki bro
enslaving commoners doesn't drop your honor, so you can go for it unless you roleplay good guy
I'm afraid that I developed habit or two and I can't just "take a deep" breath" anymore (literaly and not). That chill pill sounds more like my stuff
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This kills the cavalry.
This isn't Red Alert 2 senpai
>cntrl+left click
no more tree
Drink some tea/coffee and play some mount and blade
Productive enterprises in PoP are worthless. 300 gold/week? Garbage.
I roleplay good guy
the calradic empire quires a savior
let me be that savior taleworlds
Dyeworks are alright because velvet is always high value except for a handful of towns, but the investment cost is high. Many towns you can get a reliable income from less-expensive enterprises: ironworks and oil press especially can be more cost-efficient depending on the city.

Both Curaw and Rivacheg will have high profits for dyeworks, because the primary production region is Jelkala, which is far away. Rivacheg is the most ideal because there is also raw silk production along the northern coast which the Vaegirs aren't really making use of. Same with Curaw and ironworks, Curaw has a lot of cheap iron which makes ironworks profitable. With Veluca, oil press is great for the same reason, that area produces a lot of olives so the raw materials are the cheapest.

In general, if you can afford dyeworks everywhere, go for it, but if there are other good alternatives in towns choose them first, keep your enterprises diverse and it won't mess with the market. I think that's the best if you don't want to manage business too much; if you want to go a full merchant playthrough you might want to try manipulating markets by holding your warehouses closed and the like, but that's too hands-on for me.
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Daily reminder that Alt+Enter is safer than Alt+Tab
what happens if you express admiration to more than one lady while single?
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what should i put my points into
>iron flesh 10
put some in INT irl
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>ironflesh 10
Nord players, everyone
w-whats wrong with iron flesh
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>10 PS
It's useful, which means it's casual-tier. Literally nothing wrong with it, though I usually stop at 5.
inventory management

six more horses
2 more health is literally nothing if you play with normal damage to player

its like putting points in tracking
>tfw tracking could be good if defeating lords actually meant something
those 10 (ten) skill points would be more useful spread across power throw, shield, athletics, inv. management, and possibly looting, path-finding or persuasion
+1 cha, +3 agi, rest in Int
4wm, 5 leadership and lot of skillpoints for +2 bonus for party skills
Both Jeremus and Firentis complain when I sell slaves. Thinking of getting rid of these cucks. Who to make party surgeon? I guess Ymira will complain too?
Jeremus, Firentis and Ymira are some of the best NPCs. Just stop trading in slaves, you filthy Telvanni.
Bahestur have shitload of spare points even if you make him full combat character with really point hungry build. And he has 12 Int at start.
Playing PoP

I bought a treasure map in Rune

Went to Rune

How do I use this thing?
ok I just walked around and found it

turns out the city is really small
Whatever homo
Any INTbitch makes a decent surgeon. Marnid is usually mine, as he's low level to start, and while he's supposed to be a merchant he sucks at it and has shit CHAa so you might as well buff his INT and make him useful.

High INT at the start sucks for making an INTbitch though, as you don't get the extra skillpoint every level you're raising their INT. It's only useful if they were set to be an INTbitch to begin with anyway, which isn't something Bahestur is ideal for since he has no particular INT-skill specialization. Artimenner on the other hand, is maxed in Engineer (4 for his 12 INT), so in 3 levels to get him to 15 INT to raise his Engineer, you'd have had 5 unused skill points availible to invest in other INT skills as well (whereas with Bahestur you'd be playing catch-up regarding INT skills as he had no specialization). Artimenner can make a good medical companion, which is nice as he's one of Jeremus' rivals.
good post, not 4 ants
>ymirafags cant even get their waifus hair color right

Matheld is somewhat viable knock-off for honoroable lord until you don't have enough of proper guys- she's not as moody as regular shitty lord
to be perfectly honest I'm speaking from position of my own int bitch. I make 8 companions pure combat and Bahestur just have just spare points pretty relatively early (as well as Alayen and in contrary to Bunduk and Jeremus). I should've add that this pure combat builds are HA for them all, too :^)
>wearing >60 armor
>Noldor ranger hits me for 128 damage
fuck this game. PoP a shit.
truly the dark souls of mountain blade
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Oh, that's true, Bahestur is the only companion that is set up at start for horse archery, so he wouldn't need investment for that. If you do want some INT task for him, Trainer is a good dump stat for INT, he's generally a high level, and regarding normal troops, trainer stacks amongst all companions so end-game having all your companions have some training skill really helps to quickly train recruits.
What's the best way to set up companions to be lords?
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mind you this was after my armored mount got one-shotted out from beneath me so don't give me any of that speed bonus bullshit.

I guess this game was designed to be played with player bonus.
>I want fewer OP immortal units in my roster
but why
Hah! Good one.
how do i join them
Installing DICKplomacy bros

what am i in for
unbridled faggotry
shut up faggot
using your boi hole for the pleasure of your men and the men of your superior enemy.
isn't it ideal to set up the companions you don't want to use as lords though
I just thought about something. If you never ever do something that upsets even one of your companions and never appoint them as lords, you can have all 16 companions in the game. They will complain about each other but never leave because -2 mod from 2 hateable neighbours gets offset by one likeable companion.
On the other hand, playing like that is extremely boring. 2 int bitches specced into pathfinding and medic, 2-3 fighters is how I restrain myself.
Also, can you sell your female companions to TAVERN AND BATH in dickplomacy?
yeah, I neglected trainer a litlle bit- and that was not that good idea
same goes for my char and no persuasion at all

but since I'm shameless and granted myself right to never start from the scratch ever again:
it's not a big deal (and oinly because of that)
always end up with all the companions in 1257, but it's nice having a solid heavily armored infantry core of 25~ unkillable warriors
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I met this girl in the bar and she came back with me to my camp

where is the sex button
make 1 save of shame, cheat 600cha and 10 persuasion on your char, check what and you you can fuck. Keep families together- better rape scenes
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dickplo has answer for your question, particulary if yo plan additional 8 chars tp be soliders
this is overkill, grindy and too late to complete 100% and mayby even not worth it at all unless that's the actual goal (not conquering Caladrai as usuall.
my youngest wife at pic related, 3 levels away from mw warbow
and exp is running out...
(only 1 nord castle outrsiede the picture)
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Usually setting up Companions to be lords is a mistake, as you don't really benefit from it as they have neutral personalities and no connections with the nobility of Calradia.
The single friend does not offset having two rivals, everyone would be miserable. Also morale checks can occur when you're not doing anything so you could still lose companions even if you aren't directly doing things they dislike, if party morale is mediocre. Basically the scenario where you do have everyone in your party is essentially untenable.
Enable lewd in the Camp Menu from the world map screen, then in the camp menu select the "walk around camp" scene, and talk to her there.
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>two factions left, including mine
>makes me think
faction name?
>23k Nords

England, I assume.
It used to be kgd. of Uxhall so just changed it for Kingdom of Dhirim when I got Dhirim for me.
that's a 123 and 119 dummy
sh-shut up
I am using dickplo, how do I get companions to read books?
requesting the juan estiban vs. the zulu video for posterity
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I'd take solid 2/10
I unironically I hate giving kingdoms and charaters names, proof related
>he doesn't try to come up with at least semi creative names.
the day the randal died
Never forget
Calradia is godless
it exists outside of our matrix
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I kept trying, it usually ends up like this
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>there are people In this thread right now who don't unironically fight to save christendom from the subhuman sarranids.
i wonder what their polytheism is, maybe they're all mormons
there are many references to a monotheistic God among the nobles and tutorial merchant in M&B
only the sea raiders mention multiple gods
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>Implying im not going to brutally _tug your wife in your bed.

To add to that, I'm not sure if trade fiefs is a diplomacy feature. So if it's not available, you can defect, then assign all surrounding villages to you, then put yourself under a vassal protection. I think that should work.
>implying i'm not tenderly loving your mother in the missionary position for the sole purpose of recreation
It's because the kingdoms in the game probably just follow a Calradia version of whatever faith their real life analogue follows. Swadia/Rhodoks/Vaegirs/Sarranids follow one god, Nords follow many gods, Khergits follow some abstract meme concept and worship horse dick
it is, but I tried it twice (trading village for casle didn't work, trading castle for village did (or town for castle, I don't remember now)
they worship tight horse rectum according to my intel


Gregor, get the cross.
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>worship horse dick
>this isn't an option in dickplomacy
If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.
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Not a big fan of those faces, although the ones I was using are horrible sameface. (I was trying to change the skins.txt file to make the morphing having more effect, and it does work some but doesn't seem to effect the NPCs, although I haven't tried a new game with it yet.)

Fuck off on all levels.
The reference in the Merchant's tutorial quest simply refers to "the heavens" which is generic as fuck, and the Merchant also disregards your response anyway. Religion obviously doesn't play a major part in Calradia beyond lip service by the moralistic and superstitious.

Lords will only accept a fief more valuable than the one you ask them for. So you can never ask a lord to trade his castle for your village; even villages will only work if your village is noticeably more prosperous than theirs (and they still want you to pay them a bonus for their "inconvenience").
>implying im not going to hold hands with your daughter.
>Fuck off on all levels.
Rude, but nothing less than expected from a dung worshipper.
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>going to hold hands
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both mine and yours are better than original ones and yours really look good
> sweet lady Aliena agrees with my point (without a lot of enthusiasms, but still...)
I can't say that my lords overdo it with defensendig their fiefs. They'd probably say something like "quality over quantity" if I could bitch about it
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damn, I always forget
I wonder what "defenseding: means too.
Packing 9 soliders into garrison during 1-2 weeks of peace is probably good example of defensending
what does it mean when you ask to be affiliated with another lord?
You want to affiliate their benis to your angus, you know what I mean?
no I do not
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>do not
I'm pretty sure you do
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What's going on in this picture?
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Right time and place, Bariye if I'm correct.
My point is that it's a difference when you give your troop a hand a little. Many of the fiefs have spawn point on countryard and it's nearly always packed with t5 distance troops.
Sorry if I'm stating obvious shit, but we are at page 10 and mayby someone doesn't know that anyway
Actually it's something originally Nordic, probably Jamiye castle
What you'll see right before hearing "BOOM HEADSHOT"
nope, that's Almerra Castle
and last fight with Kherghits (which looks like Rhodocks for some reason)

Join the 41st today!
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Noob playing Vikings story mode here.
>piss off traitor jarl
>get free boat
>too many troops already, make a refuge in noobville
>eventually get three boats before starting danmark part of story (can carry 65 troops)
>bad jarl wants me to get 200 troops
>at around 100 now
>not enough bandits in danemark to keep up with increasing costs
>too many troops to go over to england without wasting a ton of money
>not enough money to buy another boat
>can only buy one more boat anyways
>too many troops to use my own boats
wut do?
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Arrow above the left eye, because too CHA for helmets.
Downsize, ship out and then reestablish.
>vc story mode
oh shit pham what are you doing
what kind of people do I even try to lead...

(two pictures taken from different angels at the same time)
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I'm sure I added this picture...
"I'm sure I garrisoned 100 archers ..../spoiler]

mayby we just deserve each other

Did you Google it yet?
What's google
Just mod item_kinds1.txt to have head armor rating on chestpieces.
and rename it to plot armor
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This has probably been discussed so many times here and I apologize for this, but I'm an /mbg/ newfig so here goes. What's the best way to garrison a fort so that it can defend itself against auto-calc (where you just watch it from the overland map) sieges? Can 700 recruits stand well? How about 700 tier 2? Is auto-calc studied enough to know the best value garrison? The ones I see are just pure speculation.


You can Google that too!
T2 and T3 are the best per-cost for garrison wages
castles and towns have no party size cap so spam away
archers get a buff in defensive siege autocalc

the game's fucked
Armagan's wife was the only other dev besides Armagan before Taleworlds expanded
last time I checked 700 whatever guys, even peasants, made AI never ever attack a fief. It was many patches ago, tho. Rule of the thumb is that you don't use autocalc. - it will always be very unfair for you.
Throw 400 t3-t5 infantry and archers there and alt+tab/alt+enter for the time of the battle. This is the closest viable thing to autocalc. that I know. Odds/tactic skill/even particular fiefs may change outcome of this method, it's not something that works everytime and everywhere.

2bh, even if siedges get fuken boring after 100th or so, they are such an exp feast. Shake your disgust off, grab something sharp and heavy, find yourself good spot at the top of the ladder and spam overhead slash. It's normal thing to get whole level in one battle, even at levels 35ish and more.
AI often does something pure retarded very often, to miss that. For example half of their arrny gets busy fighting caravan so you can attack remaining paries and break siedge before it's even started.
Siedges are like shits- all stinks and look ugly but every one is bit different than the others.
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That's lame. Although I did edit the Sarranid Cavalry Robe to have more leg armor than it did natively (stupid how a "cavalry" armor had less leg armor than an archer vest).
Didn't know that about defensive buff in siege calculation, that's nice. I agree with you on t2-t3 troops, my favorite is to have equal parts Nord Trained Footmen, Vaegir Skirmisher, and Rhodok Trained Crossbowmen. Those have always seemed to be solid garrison forces in various scales (I usually go 50/50/50 for castle and 100/100/100 for town garrisons).
I think the woman in the OP in particular is a graphic designer/artist, not a coder.

Well I don't mind unfair auto-calc since I'm at the point of the game where I can throw 200 tier 4 into the grinder and have another wave ready in a few weeks. Companions with trainer is really, really, OP.

As for what you say, I find that I get sniped by some javelin or arrow before I could farm the stack.


Thanks for the tip with the archers. I'm training horse archers because of how OP they are everywhere but melee. Should match up perfectly.
Horse archers are bad for garrison duty because being mounted greatly raises upkeep costs for troops, and if they are in a garrison they don't use the advantage of being mounted (speed). It's alright to have some cavalry in a garrison as a reserve force you can pick up if needed but not as the general stationed defensive force of a fief.
daily low poly fugging.
She's not american so it's okay.
sometimes it's tricky stuff to find yourself good spot. I have it little more comfy since I play archer (still, sometimes you take bolt-suprise in the head)
But I know what you mean. When I'm more or less sure that fief has decent garisson in comparsion to invading army, I just hide somewhere and alt+tab for 10-15 minutes.
Whenever I tried autocalc. the result wasn't just "unfair" or "too costly", it was literaly plain retarded. Mayby it's fault of Good AI, mayby dickplo, mayby shit works this way, no idea.

btw. whenever I can afford it, I keep 120-150 heavy cav, in the fief, pretty often I'm able to stop siedge before it starts (classic move with half of AI army chasing caravan suddenly and this kind of "good AI" tactical manouvers...)
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dumb khergits
>still no M&BII release date
please excuse me, but as self declared HA expert and fan I just have to put my tl;dr in this (you).


even considering the fact that dickplo fixed HA a lot, kherghit troops (archers) have hardly anything that they are good in. Hard to train, shit gear, high cost, anything t4 or better on horse deals with enemys' HA better than the same HA. Black Kherghit are more like funfact since you can't easily get them.

But npcs HA...they are OIP as fuck when you will put some heart into this. They are scary with attacks and at last they are great at keeping safe distance between them and enemies. I tried to order charge and let them deal with various kinds oif parties - only well trained Nords are tough for them (arrows wasted on these big shields eventually => swithing to melee => getting rekt due to too many Nords who could stay alive (behind that hudge shields). But I mean 50-60 size t5-t6 parties here..)
Their best show are Black Knights, they get owned since half have no shields and/or rides saddle horses. (Tb h I wouldn't know that Black Knights are strong if exp for 1 and hudge renown boosts after battles)
Once in blue moon they don't spot edge of the map and stuck there, that's only error in their script that I spot so far. (1 full gameplay)

even considering the fact that dickplo fixed HA a lot, kherghit troops (archers) have hardly anything that they are good in. Hard to train, shit gear, high cost, anything t4 or better on horse deals with enemys' HA better than the same HA. Black Kherghit are more like funfact since you can't easily get them.

as in horse archers
good news, (1/2) is my mistake, and that's all of my excuse for essay about HA
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well, I fucked up formating and as usuall there are typos (and complimentary sentence that even I have no idea what it means)

to put it brief, horse archery ftw if you give it some love and don't spare few coins for gear

plus you can turn polygamy on and make yourself quite big HA unit (multi-purpose unit, they ftw at siedges too)
that's alot of queens
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you are like a little baby
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Playing The Eighth Elohim is regrowing neurons in my mind. I can feel my IQ increasing as I drift off to sleep. Amazing.
>Wait, what is happening?
>Ladies edition
which taleworlds girl would you fug?
they are devils, don't get tricked
they even do the same cheap shit that I do (like leting enemies get close and headshot them from point blank range. I guess you play(used to play) dickplo so you know how enemy parties can use formations (loose single row taiga bandits). But these ladies and guys still do just fine.
Ofc I'm hyping, they earned my hype
literaly any (and probably 1 or 2 guys too)
is this what happens when the full power of the quick rundown is realized
>no white girls
I'd let number six watch from the corner all tied up and plugged as i hold hands with a redhead
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miss of style, category "ranged" :^)

I make her wear this chunk of iron, because there has to be someone to bully in every group
That cute redhead in the middle
4 > 2 > 3 > 6 > 7 > 1 > Frank > 5
>still no Banerlord release date
>which taleworlds girl would you fug?
Whoever can make Bannerlord can be released faster.
Just installed Floris Evolved, when I click anywhere on the map, it just auto selects the town im in, so I can't move on the map. Anyone know a fix?
Uninstall the mod
>Just installed Floris Evolved
>Anyone know a fix
go to the Modpacks folder in your install directory and delte the Floris Evolved folder

you're welcome
not him , but why the hate?
turns out I enlisted into an army :^)
lurk moar newfag
Hello (((Redditor))),
Welcome to /mbg/, It appears that this is your first time here? Please consider lurking for a couple years before posting.
Thank you
Just go back.
Why ate they still coming?
Why did the good mods die early/were never ported to Warband, while shit mods are still alive and kicking?
examples please
lets just start that shitstorn already
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>never ported to warband
>shit mods still alive and kicking
1860's old america
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tis but a scratch

I can't go apeshit if I don't know neither of them.
I could pretend but it would be lame

1 is super cute, but only if she promises to work overtime so that we can get Bannerlord out faster.

Hey, wait a minute!
You don't want to know about them, especially the latter
How do I execute a frankish charge?

If I form a wedge and then say to charge my formation is disassembled.
Your HP say otherwise, bud.

hp is coward, and a liar
I'm curious too, I figured out that they are in more tight group which looks a little like a wedge (when they eventually engage enemy). I'm not sure if that's correct.
I have "formations" turned off in camp menu, (default setting), mayby this is the reason?
>horse fell dead
PoP more like PooP
>horse fell dead
isn't that something from warband that happens if you knock out an already lamed horse?
i wouldn't know i don't ride lamed horses since I keep about a dozen in my inventory to speed up movement.

this one was not lame
>horse dying in battle
seems pretty lame to me
I...maybe it was.


Guess it will never get to experience the thrill of a frankish charge.
>not playing as a Barbarian in Blood&Steel
he-man mod
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alright so how do I start
Why is it important that 8 ladies are in the team ?
>spoonfeed me please
>zero effort question
>not emacs
normie pls go
start with a gun, place it in your mouth, pull the trigger
Have /g/ to design the menu logo for your module.
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>It's still in pre alpha -Devs E3 2017
>We wish we never announced it so early.
It's never coming is it?
Did they ever say its still in pre-alpha?

There's a video where erdogan says they are making the finishing touches, fine tuning and what not.

They'll announce a early access or just the release date at gamescom definitely.
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1, 2 and 3
you should try to befriend them not kill them
fuck off knife ear
>They'll announce a early access or just the release date at gamescom definitely.
Y-yeah, of course they will.
my dad is the ginge and he says they will
seriously befriend them get their gear know their secret fortress location then attack it
Good, now increase their level by using edit mode.
>send NPC to mission
>week later
>just talking to myself [Error - (Triggered by NPC to rejoin party)
>happen every 30 seconds
>try to edit save data in hope to snuck bugged unit into my party
>invalid troops when loading savedata
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>want to marry a lord from a good family
>keep getting refused by him
>relation is 81
>says other maiden has captured his heart
>ask around and find out it's Lady Katia
>ask about Katia from her mother
>says that Katia keeps rejecting him
>Katia says that she's hitting it with another lord
Is this real life or just fantasy?
Only one other lord would be good candidate and he hates the fact I have high relation with the king. I just can't win in the game of love.
is this mod have dmg spd bonus change?
my slow as hell horse add 100% dmg on infantry
>Just started native for the first time. (I was a idiot and didn't realise I had to change the module, so I was playing Viking conquest instead.)
>Been having a blast, have about 70 men and hired out my services to the vaegir.

Help them take a city from the Khergit before they called a truce, now we're going fighting the Nord's.

Should I join a specific kingdom or just continue to raise my straight before trying to make my own?
>all these female (male) gender on various modules
Man, i just wanna be qt3.14
if you scratch the nudity, a decent version of diplomacy with some very neat additions, like how Firentis, Jeremus and Marnid hate it when you sell slaves or that lords are willing to let you go from their castles in exchange for some dosh, and if you don't pay they eventually hate you forever, which is funny when you get bad-tempered lords doing it.
I've been reading that past 5-10 threads and the only mentions of floris were equivalent to the shit i originally replied to (i.e.shitting on it), without any context, so finally i asked it.

I've my ideas as to why: bloated with unnecesary shit, quality all over the place, performance issues, stolen mods merged, etc... But knowing you guys, there is a big possibility of some devdrama being involved, for which (if it exists) i would want to know the details of, and it usually wouldnt be discussed unless the topic is specifically bought up, hence my question.

this was your first mistake.
Man, why is Nova Aetas such a strange mod. I love some parts of it, but others are trash.
>but others are trash.
For me at least, it's really just the aesthetic design choices that kill it. It looks really fucking bad both with the shitty filter the author insists on using and without. otherwise i like a lot of what's in it. But i since i don't like having my eyes bleed, i don't play it.
>It looks really fucking bad both with the shitty filter the author insists on using and without. otherwise i like a lot of what's in it. But i since i don't like having my eyes bleed, i don't play it.
That's one of the main things that me dislike it.
but Nadia is perfect
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It's very tough to make your own kingdom without joining one first. You'll need a pretty good amount of guys and a large garrison when you go solo so you don't get instantly attacked and killed, and you'll want to be friends with a lot of lords because you want them to join you.
Thanks anon. Any suggestions for whose the best to join?

Right now I'm not that friendly with any lords in vaegir, and I managed to improve my relations a bit with some of the khergit after the war was over. Friendly with 1 or 2 nord lords as well.
isn't that the floris character which which has a cuckold fantasy background
It's mostly personal preference. I usually base my choice off of what troop I want to use the most at the time, with Nords and Rhodok being my favorite.

Nords = amazing infantry, decent archers, no cavalry

Rhodoks = super durable infantry and insane crossbows, no cavalry.

Khergits = heavy cavalry and horse archers

etc etc.
Also I should add that for a newer player joining Swadia is tough. They're in the middle of everyone so it's pretty normal for them to get completely shit on right at the very start of a campaign.
Thanks for the tips. Might go join the Khergit once my contract with the vaegir is up or try my luck with the sarranids.
the original floris devs are some of the least autistic ones as far as m&b modders go actually
no one cares about the guy who made floris evolved
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>the village elder became mad when his first wife cheated on him with a black slave. He then killed both his wife and the black slave, and from that point on hanged every women he was to marry.

Floris confirmed to be written by cucks.
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I instelled the game, I can post here now
The Khergits can be decently fun. Every troop you have past the lowest tier are Cavalry so you're pretty powerful on the field, but as a result you end up being shit in sieges.

Sarranids are pretty well balanced, decent infantry, strong archers, great heavy cavalry.
only if you praise sultan Hakim (pbuh) and smite the butter munching "knights"
no, you have to play it first
What should I play if I want to be in Calradia but don't like Floris? Silverstag seemed pretty shit. Just Vanilla with Diplomacy?
silverstag is cool but you might not like the recruitment system

other mods in calradia are
>tocan's calradia
>native expansion
>blood and steel
I really liked Blood and steel, did they ever update it? last time I played it was years ago.
no but the guy is making a sequel
and he hasnt posted on the forums in months
If you don't care about the time period the game is set in, you may try Nova Aetas and Last Breath of Calradian Empire, those are set in 15th and 11th century respectively.
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Nova Aetas if you can stand the awful coloring and filter
Phantasy Calradia
Calradia: Imperial Age
Blood and Steel
The Red Wars
how sex dickplomacy
read the readme
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just be yourself
Is there any way to make Nova Aetas not look like shit?
sausage in sandwich
guac-amole guac guac-amole
poo poo cachoo
Viking Conquest is so bad
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i didnt know the primitive technology guy worked on warband
What is the current version of Warband? I'm trying to download Diplomacy 4.3 which was the first to show up when I googled it and it says I need version 1.153
Diplomacy works with any version, it's just being autistic because technically it's ded mod.
Latest version is 1.172 by the way.
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except its....not?
Take away the altitude supremacy from a Rhodok and he is helpless to reality
*looks at Viking Conquest*

Epic fail.....

The only reason I dislike Floris is because people here told me it's a Reddit mod. I had 2 playthroughs going at once and was having a lot of fun but I stopped them because of that.
nice meme
Good. Learn to conform to the opinions of the majority or be shamed.
>Floris troop trees
>Nords and Rhodoks get Cavalry
>Khergits get foot infantry and archers

Fuck off redditor
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*looks at you*
Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
*you explode*
*jumps back and dodges*

Same. I'm still playing through it and having a lot of fun but I make sure to say out loud "fuck this reddit mod" while loading.
The actual issues with Floris are that the troops aren't balanced properly, which isn't big because when the fuck are they, and the fact that it takes a big crap over M&Bs artstyle, like how it changes the Vaegir flag for no discernable reason when the only flag that stands out in a bad way is Hakim's.

On a side note, not enough mods allow for companions to read books. Dickplomacy doesn't, Gekonewer doesn't, but Silverstag, Floris, fuck, even Native Expansion has it.
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*Uses Ctrl+F11*
*walks behind you*
*uses Ctrl+F11 again
Psssh, nothin personnel, kid.
*uses Ctrl+F4 until you go unconscious*
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you can't tell but I just dropped a bomb on that other balloon
>>Doing Isolla's Claimant route
>>Was a freelance mercenary before pledging so my army is Sarranid cavalry with Nord and Swadian infantry
>>Border castles and towns are especially weak, wars on multiple fronts have forced the kingdom to withdraw to the center
>>Counts sometimes have armies of little more than militia but are still honor-bound to attack my superior force
>>Have to pillage and burn towns to prevent them being able to afford better men that could threaten me.

As I stand here knee-deep in bodies, my greatsword soaked with peasant blood, I'm starting to wonder "are we the bad guys?"

If Isolla suggests we start putting skulls on our uniforms I'm gonna have to have a talk with her about image.

>>Releasing lords after slaughtering their entire army to a man because they're defending the land of their birth from foreign invaders
>>"Honor Gained"
I don't feel very honorable...
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>Doing Isolla's Claimant route
but she's hot as heck
Is floris radious of mount and blade?
Are there any mods that let you fuck around as a one-man army? I'd rather play a module that was designed with that in mind rather than just cheat my stats up to stupid proportions.
So you'd rather have a module do the cheating for you?
just play dynasty warriors
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Has anything more come out about that chinese dlc?

>"I'm surprised you know about that"
pretty apt comparison desu
This is why I can't stand native expansion
If you suck it's possible for her to not marry you once she's on the throne.

The cuck part is probably referencing that she turns you down if her renown is higher than yours when you propose.
play a barbarian in blood and steel
im pretty sure i read somewhere that it wasnt going to happen but i cant find the source for it
Start game in wondowed mode, then press ALT+Enter is pretty much your borderless experience.
Holy shit I can outrun horses, this shit is crazy.
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secret reddit.png
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>Secret release of a mod
>On secret reddit
For what purpose
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>literally paid mods
i think we know whos really behind this
it's a good shitter filter
is it HUGE or MASSIVE, though?
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Yeah because anyone who likes it is a shitter.
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anyone who hates it is a shitter*
That literally just puts it in regular fullscreen mode.
At least the game more stable this way, but vsync doesn't work unlike when you launch the game fullscreen via launcher menu.
Did you know that it's a proven fact that Viking Conquest players are the most likely M&B players to poop their pants?
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>3x the size of native

>unironically using the phrase Secret Reddit
brb emailing todd howard to C&D these niggers ;)
>monetizing bethesda properties without giving them cut
Todd will be sad and mad.
Is there a way to play Native with Diplomacy/Freelancer but not the memey recruitment system that Enhanced Warband has?
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Time to tell Bethesda about this, I'm sure Todd will love it.
post meta set ups
It's time to let them know.
someone contact him, get it and post it here
FUCKING HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Six, also this guy is one suave motherfucker.
bend over and pull your cheeks apart
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Suck a dick first and we might tell you
*sucks your dick*

*bends over and pulls cheeks apart*
protip, freelancer already has diplomacy compliled with it. so just play native with freelancer.
now this is meta
Oh, it does? Thanks a lot my friend.
>Paid mod
>Knows its wrong to profit from the IP belonging to someone else so makes a "SECRET" Reddit.
C&D imminent if they catch wind

It's gonna be a Halo Wars in C&C General before Halo Wars existed all over again.
there's a certain irony in an Elder Scrolls mod for Warband being pay to play.
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>horse archer
Horse Archers are the kind of thing where it's pretty overpowered once your stats are decent but it's really unfun and feels super fucking cheesy to play.

The AI just goes to shit when you play as a horse archer so you single handedly have 15 heavy cavalry chasing you and you just easily fire behind you and kill them all effortlessly.
hell yeah
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>server with additional equipment choices
GK mod
I am playing dickplo and I can't seem to find the menu option to give my companions books to read
Where can I find Nanban in Gekonew?
Don't know about GekoNew but in Newer you can get rare selection of Nanban from Kyushu.
Refer to module ReadMe if it have one.
Yeah but thats only for equipment, I'm talking troops.
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Is king Harlus fucking retarded or suicidal? he just declared war on the entire world including my Kingdom.

It's hilarious watching swadia get gang banged in every direction.
All Swadians are retarded
Newer have optional stuff that will make certain bandit troops hold nanban unit as prisoner that you can rescue.
butthurt Rhodok homosexual detected
go lube your asshole with olive oil and drink more wine
Not gonna lie, former Swadia vassal here. This is fucking hilarious watching Harlaus crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy rule Calradia.
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>small faction in the middle of bunch of big guys declaring war to every neighboring faction
>suddenly declaring war to me too, not even their neighbor or do anything to them
>skip few minutes
>they get their own territory gangraped by everyone
>i didn't do shit, instead let everyone to do the dirty job
>use this opportunity to improve my relationship with other faction by helping them in battle and sieges
>let's declare war with everyone and throw a feast right after
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*braces spear*

*kills your horse*

*watches as my Sharpshooters turn your entire army into a massive pin cushion*

heh..... looks like you just got......

*twirls spear*

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Are there any warband mods similar to WW2 Chinese Battlefield? Honest to god my all time favorite mod for the original mount and blade but as far as I know was never ported to warband.
Basically looking for anything that takes place in the 20th century.
Save your luck and wait for Bannerlord mods when the game released.
>wait till 2021
yeeeah, Id rather play something now than hope Ill still be into vidya at all by that time.
What is fastest way to staff brothel in dickplo? Raid wandering peasants with manhunter party?
>braces spear
except you losers just use those meat cleavers for weapons
>kills horse
I have an entire army of just Vaegir Knights and Rhodoks are little more than speedbumps
I think you mean "cannon fodder"

nothing personnel kiddo but the Rhodoks are absolute shit
the only think cool about Rhodoks are the scenes for their cities
fastest way is to raid villages with manhunters and use blunt damage to capture peasant women
if you see a group of "Refugees", then capture as many as you can
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Swadcucks never fail to disappoint
In dickplo it's bugged so that I hear loud moaning in every menu, even if I reload to an earlier save. The hell?
joke's on you, I'm a Vaegir
long live King Yaroglek
Live up the module name, then.
it's a well known sound bug that even native has with tournament ambience, you have restart the game
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That's even more pathetic
desu senpai the hills aren't as much of a deterrent when you have light cav
historykino filters out the wheat from the chaff
out chaff
Anyone remembers this mod?
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What the fuck am I seeing here?
What fucking insanity is this?
tryin to remember
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>Male Zombie Student
shit I used to have a mod like these, I can't remember the name.
highschool of the dead
going back to it, the mod had this mo unt
>be a freelancer for 45 days
>help in the taking of 3 different cities
>end up with +6 relations with King Graveth, 1200 denars, 4 level ups, and some mediocre gear

What is the point desu
The Red Wars.

It's uh, something.
You're a literal nobody, why do you think you should get more than a nobody?
So there's no point in the freelancing system except for the fun experience of running around the map for 10 minutes and then fighting in a battle?
Oh yeah I remember that one. It was never really finished though, sadly. Had some interesting content but not nearly as fleshed out as WW2 China.
Really I only remember this piece from the soundtrack:
that's literally what it's advertised as, what were you expecting
You can declare yourself your own faction and start taking cities and shit for yourself, otherwise yeah you're just hired to fight and lead the army, they trear you like shit because to them you're just a dime a dozen sellsword.

Being disgruntled at the lack of credit you're given despite single handedly winning wars for your lord, and striking out on your own is an intended gameplay path.

I don't mind being a sellsword starting out but man is it fucking annoying when they declare a SECOND war in the middle of your contract. Oh gee thanks now you're fighting Swadia and I have to run around the map in circles because if I cut across I get ambushed by a hundred Knights and I only have 20 dudes.

Worst is when they declare war on the faction you have a mistress in. Stop trying to cockblock me ragnar.

Speaking of kings, is it scripted that special events happen when you refuse to pay ransom for one? I declined the ransom for Harlaus for shits and giggles and a coalition force of multiple factions made up of 700 dudes ran straight to me and immediately initiated combat.
The dude you're replying to is referring to freelancer mod where you enlist in a lord's army like a grunt.
Oh, I thought he meant freelancer as the native game option to pledge to a lord for a month, which sounds like the same thing but with more freedom since you still lead your own company.

A mod where you play as Swadian Militia #344 and get immediately cut down by some asshole with a cavalry saber doesn't sound very fun
Yeah, being a Merc is perfectly fine in my opinion. You start as a shitter but you're actively working your way up, doing jobs for Lords and building relations, and getting an army. If I'm at the point where I'm strong enough to take a castle myself I just become a vassal.

The freelancer mod just has you entering a Lord's army and sitting in the map for 10 minutes until they find a battle and you're a generic Rhodok Trained Spearman and after an hour and a half you've gained literally nothing.
>join the army for 45 days
>help in the taking in 3 afganhi villages
>end up with 6+ relations with President Trump, 1200 dollars, and bad knees
What is the point desu
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>want to start playing again.
>diplomacy fucks up lord's and ladies ai so they never travel to tournaments so don't want to play with it
>Don't want to play without it either
Bannerlord can't come soon enough so the modding scene gets revitalized because it's fucking old and terrible right now.
If you're playing Gekonewer then Tsushima has been renovated from whatever it was in the previous version to a Nanban hideout.
I honestly wish TW had announced it later, because while I love the stuff they've shown us in gameplay, presentation & the fucking music, announcing a sequel is basically killing the modding scene overnight.
Dickplo has lords and ladies at tournaments in my game
only one more month until release date
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I'm finding it more useful in 1257, because I can loot tons of expensive weapons and horses off the battlefield and occasionally I get pretty good armor as loot. Decent way of getting gear imo.
Man, I want to try 1257 again but everytime I play it the lords are fucking idiots. I spent hours going around winning tournaments, leveling up my character, and making fat stacks and once I actually joined a Kingdom they refused to attack anyone. They'd just awkwardly roam around looting every village in the area but never attacking any castles or cities.
Oh I know. I'm currently freelancing for the Crusaders, but the retards just keep fighting in Egypt when Jerusalem is right fucking there. I've been part of taking Cairo three fucking times. At least I get to roleplay eventually quitting or deserting because of disillusionment as we fight useless battles and loot villages we're supposed to liberate.
Is niplands adventure dead? been trying to find a link for like a millenia now.
Yeah, it's always the Crusaders who do that shit. If someone has more experience with the mod and confirm that it's only the Crusaders that do this shit I'd maybe retry it.

Then again, I joined up with the French and they instantly ended the war and spent 70+ days in game not going to war with anyone.
it was incorporated into gekonew 8000 years ago which was incorporated into gekonewer 3000 years ago
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Maybe i should get out from under this rock then.

Thanks, senpai. That just leaves me with less work.
Mostly role play, it's cool to be apart of an Army and not have to worry about logistics and shit. Playing Rome at War right now and I go from country to country freelancing for different lords. Get to see the sights, kill some dudes, make a little money, it's a good time.
I made an army of nothing but ladies to see how good they were and was confused when they murdered everything until I inspected one.

They each get plate arnor, sabers, and coursers and with 7 leadership I only need to pay them 26 gold a week. What the fuck, I guess I know what my early game build is gonna be from now on
This is what the patriarchy looks like
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I give up, dickplomacy link where

It's been deleted off of nexus and moddb
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did they delete your eyes too nigga
bruh do u wear ur timbs on ur hands like for real
hahahaha that frog looks fucking funny as hell!!!!!!!!!!
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I don't understand, desu senpai
what's not to understand
It's like genders in real life.
You got your male and your female, and then a whole load of mental illnesses that some muppet made up because he thought it'd be neat
You saying this only happens in the Custom Troop Trees version or is this just a general Dickplomacy bug?
What are their pronouns?
>jap dude
>jap woman
>female(male) aka "speedrunner"
>smol anime girl
>big anime girl
Mount & Feast is up running Bello Civili

server name: mountandfeast
password: butterlord
mod: http://www.moddb.com/mods/bello-civili-the-roman-civil-war/downloads


second download is a patch from upstab anon to make certain things less retarded
>i've never actually gone outside and think that tiny minorities of people on the internet are a real thing in day to day life

>he doesn't sexually identify as a skeleton
How the fuck did a projector learn to communicate and post on 4chan?
dickplo fixes that problem
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>more roman shit
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The internet and real life is pretty inttwined at this point, like it or not they directly affect one another now, man spreading, pronouns, hatespeech, online "violence" all this shit is in law now

And let's not forget /pol/ literally memed Trump into winning a rigged election
t. Barbarian
>mount & feast is finally up
>it's late as fuck
>it's running romeshit
Thanks but no thanks.
>tfw want to join but have 4 tests tomorrow
Can someone try and explain to me how I can get Dickplo to work? I tried putting it in the modules folder but still nothing, the splash screen only shows Native, VC, and NW.
Did you put the actual Dickplo folder in, and not the folder dickplo sits in when you unrar it?

Okay thanks for the clarification, I put the actual folder holding everything in and changed it. It works now, thanks.
what mod would you rather play anons
Is Dickplo still being worked on by someone or is it kill
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1866 is always fun
They'd rather suck dick, i think.
Meme invasion 2
/mbg/ invasion

I just don't like rome so much.
>Someone might potentially make an 1866 for Bannerlord

Good feel.

>Sir Gabby might ruin all western mods by making a shit civil war mod and trying to get others to stop working on their western mods

Bad feel.
>You will never be enough of a brainlet to enjoy Gabby's mods
Worst feel.
The Deluge seems like something that could work well
I wonder why he didn't host that yet, given that he loves WFaS
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>enter NW server for the first time
>pic related occurs
It was a good run while it lasted, boys.
you deserved it
>1023MB GPU
nigga what the fuck did you expect
why the fuck do you have 12GB of RAM and and a 3.2ghz i5 when your GPU is so shit
>tfw offered my services to the Vaegir, planning to do one tour of duty and moving on, properly to the sarranid.
>we've taken 3 of 4 major citys from the Khergit.
>Currently at truce with them, going to deal with the nord niggers who managed to take only one castle in that space of time, and already taken a new one from them.
>Also one of the sisters of the Khergit is really into me.
>Literally as I typed this the Swadians have declared war on us.

I'm still just a merc with them right now, but I've started to bro it up with the marshal and a few other lords. Think I should become a lord, or wait and start my own kingdom at some point?
Do enemies EVER surrender? I've ran into enemy lords with half as many men as me, all of them light infantry or recruits while I have heavy cavalry, and they still fight and die to the last man for no reason
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>people asking for more AZW
Is this the NW mentality? playing the same fucking shit for years?
It was a prebuilt gift from someone.
this is the mount & blade mentality
buy an actual gpu then, even a retard can stick it in
cicero posters should be lynched
So What/where's the diplomacy module folder?
u stupid or smthing?
what did he mean by this
For the instructions given in the adult content folder in Dickplo
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It's up to you. Get to know whoever is the current lord though, as well as talk to their respective claimant for more back story on whether they're a shitty person or not. Harlaus, for example, is a fuckhead who usurped Isolla just for being a girl, despite his late brother making it incredibly explicit before his death that she would be the heir precisely for that reason, and says that the fate of the country cannot be trusted to a woman who would be inferior at command. Then he declares war on every other faction and holds a feast, while his niece has 200 proficiency in every weapon class, 9 leadership, and 6 tactics
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Ayo bruh i kno i asked if u wear ur timbs on ur hands but now im thinkin, do u wear ur timbs on ur fuckin head nigga?
There's several folders inside the one named dickplomacy. Take the one with an _and put it in your module folder. The go to the adult content folder, grab the revelant text files and paste them into the underscore folder to enable the textre and content options that you want.

This is all explained in the damn README which you should READ
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>spoonfeeding retarded newfags
Don't feed the retards
I'm okay with you doing this, as long as you don't complain when this place inevitably gets flooded at Bannerlord's launch day.
But you'll probably do it anyway.
there's going to be bannerlord newfags no matter what
And spoonfeeding is only gonna make that day all the more worse.
I'm posting The Humungus, The Lord Humungus, The Warrior of the Wasteland, The Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla in honour of the original Humungus poster until we get a good post-apocalyptic mod.
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It checks out.
I heard there's a mod with shitty zombies in it. That any good?
I was going to but the guys in one of the Nord's city's right now, so not much chance of seeing him right now. I do want to start my own kingdom at some point, but right now working for the Vaegir is working well for me.

I think I'll just work for them till my contract runs up and we aren't fighting the Nord's or Khergit. I've spent most of my time with those three. Barely interacted with Swadia, the Sarranid's or the Rhodoks. I can always come back later if I change my mind.

One last thing, I have dickplomacy installed and own a brothel. What ways are their to get women for it? As of right now the only method I've found is to take women from villages I raid.
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just tried it in regular dickplomacy and the bug is there as well
>who usurped Isolla just for being a girl,
He usurped her just because he saw an oppurtunity to be a King. Her having a vagina is just the Casus belli he went with.
Everyone was new at some point
Whats is /mbg/ choice for a roman era singleplayer mod?

I want to legion
shut up newfaggot
And instead of asking retarded questions, the protocol that's always given is lurk moar.
Unless you're like /g/ where you literally have threads dedicated to asking and answering stupid questions.
After you capture a city if there are any ladies in the castle you have four options. You can release them as is custom since they are noncombatants, you can hold them for ransom which they don't like, you can rape them which they obviously despise and loses you a ton of honor, or you can force them to work in your brothel as sex slaves which they hate even more, which loses you a fuckton of honor but earns 100 gold a week per Lady.
What's your fetish? "roman era" is incredibly vague. Do you want early an early republican experience? or a mid imperial one.

>inb4 "i don't understand the difference between a Montefortino and an intercisa"
Yeah I should've phrased that better, it's pretty evident that he's just a moron with too high of an opinion of himself, which is probably why the prior king named his daughter heir over him in the first place
>What's your fetish
Oh, looking for something, late republic or mid-late imperial before the division. circa 100bc-50AD?

I also dont know the difference between a Montefortino or intercisca
So the only way to get peasant girls is to capture them and bring them to the brothel then?
Im interested in this too, I'm playing Time at War, but thats an early era Mediterranean mod. Its pretty good, but I'd like the same as this guy.
There's really only two decent mods (that i know of)
One's set during the Republic (before Rome had control over the Italian Penensula )

and here's one set during the Reign of Marcus Aurelius (think Gladiator with Russel Crowe)
>I also dont know the difference between a Montefortino or intercisca
Fucking triggered.

But jokes aside, one of the best ways to classify time when looking at the Romans is looking at the most common helmet of the time. most of the helmets Rome used throughout it's history were introduced and disfavored coincidentally at very historically important moments (as far as archeology tells us at least)

The Montefortino was adopted from the celts very early on by the latines. From the end of the greek influence on the army (about the end of the Regal era really) when they stopped using the phalanx system all the way to the second triumvirate. it was then fully replaced by the Coolus type, which was fairly similar but still quite distinct. The Coolus evolved into the famous Gallic type helmets, like what you would see on Trajan's Column. it was during the late third century that when the Army started to change from an invading conquering force into a defensive force to man the Borders of the Massive empire that helmets like the Intercisa and Berkasovo were becoming the standard issue. at which point, the Army was much more like the more modern Midieval armies of the 11th and 12th centuries than the Classical armies of the 3rd and second centurie BCs.
very interesting, thanks anon
What does raising/lowering the "Campaign AI" difficulty do?
AI aggression, how fast the lords recruit, how many settlements you can have before Tax inefficiency sets in.

Shit like that
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Would any anons be interested in creating a western mod using the original 1866 mods assets?
>Try 1866
>Start with a musket
>Reloads takes years
I know firearms on that age worked that way but from a gameplay sense its annoying to wait twice the reload time of a xbow every time I wanna shoot. Is there a way to fasten it up? Its one of the things that stops me from continuing on 1866
Why not just give it a proper port
I kind of want to move the setting north, to montana or wyoming.
stop being an autist with a short attention span
y tho
While I loved the southern border setting of 1866, I think that a Wyoming or Montana setting could be just as good if not better than the dusty texan landscape. I would like to implement ACOK-style locations that the player could visit and get unique quests from, and I feel like either setting style would be great.
Sounds neat, I just have a hole in my heart for a proper 1866 port
As do I. Sadly, I don't think one is going to happen seeing as the source code is unavailable. This is the biggest reason holding me back from porting it instead of just taking the models and assets and making a new setting.
How do I finish securing the throne for a claimant.

The Kingdom of Swadia owns no territories, which I thought was enough but apparently isn't. Do I have to go and re-capture every territory that Swadia had at the start of the game? That seems annoying especially since some are owned by dudes I'm not at war with
It seems like something that would only be fully flushed out if you do large battles, like 500+. Having 50 or less men with muskets is fine if they are against other musket men, but they could easily be taken out by a small group of bowmen/horse archers in this game. The point of the musket was to have a large lineup of shooters, where they alternate in shooting so while one group is loading another is shooting. Optimally, you as the player shouldn't be bothering with muskets; get a horse, sword, and a couple pistols; sit back and order your men, then clean up the leftovers with your calvary when they get close.
You just have to destroy the current swadian faction. If they hold no settlements, but still exist, they still have armies running around.
Has anyone had a glitch with Freelancer where none of the lords show up in Jelkala? I keep getting invited to feasts there but it's completely empty when it says everyone is there. All I can see is their wives but not them.
Ugh, that's gonna take forever.

Meanwhile the Nords have declared war on me for no fucking reason even though I've never attacked them and have beaten them in every fight we've ever had, so now I'm trying to finish a bloody civil war while foreign invaders run amok
If my game keeps crashing in native will it crash if I play a mod? It doesnt crash when I play napoleonic wars. I guess I could try the viking dlc.
I'm in a butthurt pickle in my game!
I captured everything for Swadia but the nords and Keigerts are still not defeated and I haven't gotten the manifest destiny trophy yet! I spent a long time hunting down the lords and throwing them in jail but there was constant trickle of defectors going to them and bouncing back and forth! I've let them go no and made peace with them and they're slowly making parties somehow.

What do I have to do to get them finished?
I just want to get the Swadia Win so I can back stab em and fight the whole world!

I've cleared the map before but didn't have this problem.

Also I found the Swadia Claimant and then she despawned because sawdia has all the land.

I mad I just wanted to do something differant and the games fucking me over.
I'm >>182208125

I guess I should ask, does anyone know how to stop crashing that happens after loading new instances? Thanks
Well it seems to be doing this in every city/castle I've seen. Anyone know what causes this?
Your game on steam?
Yeah, I'm not saying horse archers aren't good, especially with the AI improvements, but they are stupid for garrison duty as being inside a castle or city walls they are not mounted. So you are spending almost double wages for a horse they don't use in a garrison role (and hence why I said they are only good as a garrison to hold a reserve force to use in the field, or to dispatch patrols from).
>posting a Skyrim pic while berating others

Muskets are shit poorfag weapons for injuns and serfs though. Sure they pack a punch in their ideal range but they are slow and awkward and for early-game poorfags. Get a breachloader or a repeater and you won't have that problem. Or don't use a musket if you need to pew pew faster. Pepperboxes are fun as hell. You can also carry multiple weapons of the same type of ammo; carry two muskets, although it works better with pistols; carry a heavy revolver or a breechblock pistol for taking long shots, then a pepperbox or a fast larger-capacity revolver (the LeMat is great) as the second weapon; since both of those will use the same ammo carrier you have. Or you can go extra madman and have 3 rifle muskets and a bag of ammo.
Verify your cache for starters. if that don't work, reinstall.
turks know their audience
>Armagan says

Armagan also said they would try to blogs more frequently from now on, right before both frequency and quality really dropped off. You seriously shouldn't trust anything he says regarding PR or project management.
Is there anything I can do with a captured king besides let him go? I wish I could demand peace in exchange for release or something but I haven't seen an option for that
Well you can rape him.
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I just got done watching the castlevania series and I got a hankering to amass and army and drive back the armies of hell
any good mods that add a nice assortment of mythical shit without being super heavy on the dwarves and elves?
blood and steel has an invasion of undead/demons
native expansion has dark knights
not sure exactly what you mean though
i'm excited to hear the release date at Gamescom
you know they HAVE TO after the aftermath of E3
>game will enter alpha around 2020

S-rank post.


Come on, not every one is playing THAT mod.


Other than Blood and Steel, you can check out Solid and Shade.

calling out reddit spacing started out as an ironic meme, now it is used to spot newfriends
It still amazes me how gigantic balls musketeers had back in the days.

You weren't forming a shield wall, you weren't bracing spears, you had no opportunity to save yourself through your training with the sword/your weapon of choice...
You were a big, bright, stationary target, only good for shooting that iron thing 1, or if lucky 2 times and then die like a bitch.

I would have just shot myself to at least save me the humiliation of pissing and shitting myself before the battle.
What a coward
Let's see what a gangster you are when it's time to do some gangster shit.
If a companion's party skills are negated when he's below 30% health, does it mean I should avoid deploying my Jeremus so that he won't get wounded?
Don't try justifying your cowardice, at least take it like a man, but you are a coward, what should I expect
Anyone else play the Bytenwalda mod? Getting random crashes when entering battle scenes. Can't say it's because they are large battles because sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

Good mod though.
A real man would pretend to lie dead after the first shot or 2 and then bed the dead soldier's widows after the battle and sire lots of bastards

THATS some real gangsta shit
Yes, definitely.
Thanks, anon.
I wasn't the first guy, just saying. It's easy to act like you're a badass that wouldn't shit yourself on the internet when you have a comfortable, conflict-free life.
That's not a real man, that's a real coward, a real man would charge with his fellow countrymen into battle and bravely defend his homeland, beliefs, or anything else worth fighting for
Why do you assume it takes someone special to detect someone's cowardice?
What I'm hearing is that you've never been in a battle of any kind but love to fantasize about what you'd do in one. Both of my grandfathers were in WWII. They weren't all gung-ho about how what they did is what a real man ought to do, instead they forced my dad to stay home instead of going to Vietnam.
No one wanted their child to go to Vietnam, that's a bad example
the whole point between being a man or woman is the act of procreation/reproduction

you're confusing honor and valor with sex and gender, anon.
>pussyfaggot and reddit spacing
what a coincidence
>I can't dispute your facts so I'll call you faggot
Shut the fuck up faggot lmao
wasn't even that guy fag
Yeah, most of your INTbitches should be at the bottom of your party list with the camp followers. Best is to give them siege crossbows, set them to a troop category like "auxilliaries" and put them on a hill by spawn at the start of battle.
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doesn't make me wrong, though.

if you can't leave a child behind you may as well be gay
you can put them in archer divisions and they tend to be ok
only time it's annoying is in sieges, though you can use nearby soldiers if you get the hang of it
lmao shut the fuck up you cum slurping faggot

>being this shitter-shattered
you can leave anytime
haha shut the fuck up faggot
I like having an "Auxillary" division though to use as a fallback line, and it's also nice to have them seperate from the main archer force (and again I have my camp followers tree with them to so it's nice for the worthless girls to have some cover, and the camp defenders are alright to support the intbitch companions if they do find themselves in a fight).
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Hanging around.webm
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Goddammit. I downloaded dickplomacy but WSE only supports the 1.168 version of the game. Now my Heraldic Horse is invisible.
Read the README.txt?
did you actually launch warband through WSE?
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what mod should i play for a comfy mountain blade morning?

thinking Hispania or VC
I could really go for some Bannerlord right now
>during summer
summer is seasonshit
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>living in a country with warm summers
>being a snow nigger
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fuck off varg
the irony
Is there a hack, cheat, mod, console command or file edit I can use to lower Controversy?

Fuck this bullshit mechanic, and no waiting for 80 days is not a fix since this that's practically half this character's lifespan and I've conquered a kingdom and a half, I'm not gonna AFK for that long.
pass the marshalship onto someone else
>about 760 days before character starts losing stats
>80 days is half this
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Anyone have the link or MEGA to The Parabellum? I liked the Rhodok designs and weaponry.
Why do you have to be a lazy nigger, anon?
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>Mediafire on maintenance
Because I can't figure out if the mod is on the pastebin.
>I can't figure out if the mod is on the pastebin.
Why do you have to be a blind nigger, anon?
Because I masturbate too much to Dickplomacy, all right!?
>fapping to 3d polygon models
Why do you have to be a gay nigger, anon?
>tfw ive fapped to my low poly female sarranigger being raped by sand bandits in dickplo
I haven't played Warband in years. I remember using Floris and don't recall any other mods. The pastebin is pretty skint on explanations.

Floris y/n?
Diplomacy y/n?
what you need to do is to download prophecy of pendor, the best mod for mount & blade warband ever made
playing anything else is pretty much pointless
read the fucking lore
that's why
are you guys enjoying Sayazn 3.0?
also try 1257
pendor is polish and all but quite tough
Anyone here ever tried diplomacy litdum? It has nice scenes and a whole color-coded thing going on, with rhococks really being "the greens" and swadians "the reds" while keeping the original armor styles they were going for. Updated textures everywhere too.
its shit
Cant even do quests, it just crashes. Also got the sameface bug on all lords and some other NPCs after a few ingame weeks.
most warband mods really aren't that buggy, but sayazn is a bug filled shitheap
there's a bunch of shit from 2.0 that's still broken in 3.0, and instead jacuck does other bullshit nobody cares about
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>aekilju c=(====> TextureAnon
Plz no bully

If you need some help I'm available at a slow but steady pace.
holy shit weren't you almost done the colorized art a million years ago
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I've been busy with real life shit.

The colorization of the pictures is done, but I'm missing the UI elements, which should be around in 10 days.

Maybe I should just upload them and post them somewhere on the TW forum?
Nigga I'm playing on a Intel HD 4600 and it works flawlesly with 200 people on the server.
>Maybe I should just upload them and post them somewhere on the TW forum?
yeh do it
I'd rather play floris
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Please do.
looking good. I especially like the coloured faction emblems. Should have been a thing in native.
i like pic_mercenary and pic_charge
I was half joking when I started but now my conquest is complete. Ninety Sword Sisters, Deshavi, and Matheld form the main force of my all female army. Whenever I get dudes from rescues I put them in a garrison because fucking Nords and rhodoks are always coming for my shit.

Whenever I need more sisters I can just free Refugees which come in groups of like fucking 20, then with high training it's only a few days until I have more heavy cavalry to throw at my problems until they go away.

I hope they don't nerf them in Bannerlord, it's hilarious carving up knights and marmlukes with a bunch of girls who giggle as their victory cheer.
go back to >>/lgbt/
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But half the reason I keep them around is that I can pay them a third of what I would regular Mercenary cavalry. And I have dickplo so I can give them all congratulations sex after a hard fought siege

Hanging out with a bunch of smelly horsefuckers and sandniggers all day is way more gay than having an army of cute girls willing to murder and pillage in your name
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Well, color me surprised, the crusaders have actually managed to do shit.
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oh fuck, are you that texture annon? It's been long time dude. I am that modded modded 1257ad anon that is waiting for your texture mod.
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>thinking I was off /mbg/
Im back after hundred of messages asking me to keep blogging about this awesome Perisno run. so here we go again:
1st run ever Perisno anon, 7th update:
the Reich finally conquered all the Valahir island. and I got for myself Grozny. I only want this big town for future fief exchanges, because I have no interest on keeping land in this island. I already control the island by just having all the north shore frontier: Reichberg, Freising and Arendal. after the Valahir extermination, now we declared war on Maccavia, who are pretty fucked already, cause they only manage to hold the capital Maccan and 2 castles from the Zann invasion. we are now pushing to get those 2 castles.

in the meantime, a lucky event for my interest happened: one random event boosting Arendal prosperity/wealth to an high level. I take advantage of that and offer the Voldeborg noble to exchange fiefs, because now both towns are similar rich and he said yes! but after a bit, Arendal (now not my fief) return to his regular value, and I offer Grozny for Arendal, and the same lord said yes again. at the end, its like I exchanged Grozny for Voldeborg, and this other lord got the shortest end of the deal ofc.

now all the big towns from the main territory are mine, except Murdenholl. the capital is isolated in the south and the ex Valahir island is sealed too by my north shore. Im the wealthiest noble in the Reich/game, Im the one with more renown, more big towns/land and Im married with the Reich princess.

I control the Reich, maybe is time to become Der Führer once and for all.
Bannerlord of grace,
Bannerlord of joy,
how I long to be
your sexy minstrel toy.

I spy you from afar,
looking rather bored,
only I can lift your spirits,
let me polish up your sword.
-ed himself as the coward he is
Its kill. Rip in peperoni
more like their corpse make a ramp up your castle
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t. Swadian
What did jacuck mean by this?
>Signed up with the vaegir, planning only to stay for the one month and leave.
>We start absolutely destroying the Khergit, taking 3 of 4 city's.
>Nord's attack us while this happens and take one castle.
>make a truce with Khergit and go deal with Nord's.
>Already taken a castle from them and Taken Sargoth.
>Everyone wants the new lord who defected from the Khergit to have it.
>Fucked up most of the nord forces after taking Sargoth, and now have three Jarls and the nord king prisoner.

We've just been fucking destroying everything in our path. Should I just join up with the vaegir? I'm pretty tight with a few of them at this point, and the king's pretty chill, he isn't a prick like Harlaus.
>not serenading your liege lord with the most tender poetry
Has anybody else had Lords completely switch Factions before? I've pushed Swadia into oblivion leaving them with one castle but now all of their Lords are a mix of Khergit and Vaegirs, there isn't a single Swadian left except the fat king himself. How common is this? Because it is kind of irritating expecting Knights but facing horse archers.
lords deflecting is very common. and ofc when shit hit the fan, aka a faction is losing all battles and land, his vassals start to lose "loyalty" to the king.
some of them had an initial loyalty very high, others not so much. the last one are the first to jump out the sinking ship.

I also dont like that mechanic of nobles just switching factions. but that happens for a reason: nobles cant die, and with the deflecting feature they always go to other factions, making them bigger. so for late late game when you are trying to conquer more map, other factions, even having the same territory since the start, they will have bigger armies just because they have more vassals now, from deflections. in order to mitigate that, you need to absorb deflecting vassals too.

cause of that, in late late game, when having your own kingdom, the most important thing to succes is vassal managment: trying to get the highest number you can, while keeping them happy and with equitative fiefs so they have good wealth/armies
>>Swadia: Shit tier
>>Swadian Rebels: Great tier

How is it possible for Harlaus to be such a massive fucking loser. I guess good on TW for giving him personality, the only kings whose name I even know are Ragnar, Butterboy, and Hakim.

Khergit all have weird fucking names and I don't give a damn about horsefucker political structure. Vaegir are so boring. Rhodoks would elect a ballista king if they ever saw one.
And why would you know Hakim?
Besides all the memes about him being the only Arab, his unique title of Sultan, and his army having one of the most cohesive and developed clothing and armor styles, he's also located in the most visually obvious part of the map. Hard to miss the gigantic fucking desert on this otherwise europe/britain expy island
>this post
t. whoever is king for that gray colored faction
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This, so much this

It's almost DrThomas level faggotry after the original dev of ad 1257 handed the reigns to him.
Even "normal" Floris is still a bloatfest with unnecessary shit and artistic composition being thrown outta the window.
aye, but I'm talking about modder faggotry.
Is there any way to get new lords from trying to join my kingdom?

I'm sick of these dorks crowding up my castle so much that I can't even hold a feast without talking to like fourty of them every week.
Is ACoK good?
classic girl who is cute / somehow pretty hot and she know it, will act like a bitch initially and if you are a good man / alpha enough she will turn into a good one even redpilled.
average 6-7/10 who thinks she is hot shit, more smart than anyone when in reality she is just a mediocre person in all regards. she will never admit it and always act like an entitled little bitch thinking the entire universe owes her an entire imaginary kingdom where she is the queen of all I say and think is right and anybody else who dont agree is automatically wrong.
ugly face and body who initially will act like an entitled bitch in order to compensate for that, but its easy to shame and break that shield. after that, she will behave and start turning into a somehow decent woman, maybe even winning some real confidence / happyness.
a somehow balanced woman, can be cute and sexy when she wants. she is overall ok, but with a few bitching things you will never solve. you will consider marry her, but with doubts about the few things you dont like at all from her knowing you will need to deal with it the rest of your life and you dont trully know if you can.
ugly at any regard as person. classic evil, mean and bitter bitch who will bring hell into your life cause thats the only way she knows and want to interact with other persons.
cute, innocent and ingenuous, will adore you since the very start. she had a hard and strange childhood, so its basically a child knowing nothing at all. after a few years she either will keep loving you like the first day and forever or dump you realizing you was like a father/brother teaching her all about life and thinking she dont need you anymore. after that she will turn into a fucking mess and it will crush your soul.
she will try to act normal, but just after a few hours/days anybody with half brain will see how fucking crazy and lunatic this piece of garbage is. totally irrational, dumb beyond any logic will make shit up in the most bizarre ways possible always creating drama from no fucking where. you will think its a shame cause back then she was prob a decent one but just turned into a fucking mess with no possible return.
What about that assertive chap on the left in the powerstance?
My crusaders are all fucking useless, they feast even when defeated and declared war on the neighboring mongols so while the saracens conquer our towns the lords are out there attacking mongol hordes or getting btfo by them.
yes, there is. when you have your own kingdom, your hall will eventually get full of lords wanting to join your faction. the thing is, the hall have like a max slots.

when that point is reach, the only way to free slots is to reject the nobles you have inside already, losing reputation with them ofc. so be careful. my advice is to reject nobles from factions you dont want (remember, a noble will use his own "native" faction troops) and nobles with no family at all. because its always nice to have entire families as your vassals, they will usually behave better between family members
I like it, but the guy who makes it is a dick, so people's opinion of it is tainted.
It's pretty alright, but has some retarded features, like the ebin trip and fall.
Harsh, but there's a certain element of truth. I'd go with four anyway, shes a safe bet, and looks like she might have rich parents (kind of Jewish).

Also, there is a Turkish Gerry Garcia standing behind 7.
Well, I am helping them as a merc, which helps a bit, but they appear to have decided to be useful on their own as well though I have no idea how. The Mamluks just launched a failed assault on Jerusalem where they lost 1700 men after I hired everyone that was close by to defend it in addition to headshotting them left and right myself. I ended up capturing 12 lords, so they should be toast.
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Ricecucks getting SNOWED.

These yellow monkeys will accept Christ, one bullet at a time.
>guy in fucking chainmail
The Dungeon Master is in, bois.
>CTT for Dickplomacy
Shit, did dickplomat return, or is this made by some anon?
Cultural enrichment.
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Shit, that's a much better one.
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That didn't need to be two posts.

I think you're way harsh on 2,3,5; and you misread 7 I think. Look at where 7 is at, she's surrounded by obvious programmers, so she's likely a programmer herself, so she's probably an autist or a lesbian.

Awareness of Cozur being a cunt didn't bias people from his mod, it came about because of his responses to complaints with "features" in his mod.
There was a great image with that guy shopped into a Sea Raider pre-battle screenshot, wish I saved it.
No, the fact that guns are reskinned crossbows triggers my autism too much
according to 4chen, yes, 1 post was exceeding characters. and misreading 7? not a chance, cause being an autistic crazy feminist/lesbian fit perfectly with what I said
>being harsh
back to >>>plebeddit

What mod?
>so she's likely a programmer herself, so she's probably an autist or a lesbian.
If she is, she's probably the queen of the code cave. Or she's the cave's qt slavegirl.
gekonewer. it's in the pastebin.

I don't remember nanban shit
Take over the island mansion northish of hakata. You can get the nanban recruits there.
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>The mod is HUGE. And I mean MASSIVE.
- Fully Lore Friendly,
- The map is 3x the size of Native,
- It has almost 2x the items over Native,
-20 factions compared to Native 6,
- 9 Races, some with Female variants,
- Like a Billion settlements, Lords ,Ladies and Troops,
- A base for Magic,
- A base for custom NPCs,
- The starting quest is the same. But better. But the same. But much much better,
- A base for Sea Travel and battles,

Is this considered a good mod?
Do i have to go onto your secret reddit?
Oh what do we have here?
Some people are making a mod that is only accessible by paying money?
Todd must hear from this!
How do I install Dickplomacy?
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Actually i just saw it on fuckbook and wanted the opinion of someone who has played it?

I am a huge elder scrolls fan so this mod really scratches my nerves

Is it worth 4 dollaroos?
download it, save it on a USB and shove the USB up your rectum
alternatively, read the readme you dumb nigger
I did. It doesn't tell me where to put the folder.
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>Is it worth 4 dollaroos?
some link?
>doesn't even provide a hint of what mod it actually fucking is
Are there upgrades for prebuilt castles in Nova Aetas?
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Its an elder scrolls mod currently in in alpha, and they are charging 4 dollaroos to join the alpha and play it.

To see the mod announcement your gonna have to go onto kikebook and find Faldil the Swift

is it ?
you install it like any other warband mod, shove it in the mod folder
>paying any amount of dollars for an ALPHA of a shitmod that will probably still be buggy at final release like all mods if it even makes it past beta before the inevitable C&D takedown
can't wait to pirate their shit mod
>paying for mods
>or even games
fucking cucks go need to go back
>haha pirate masterrace
>wtf why isn't bannerlord out yet
>thinking paying for shitty unfinished products is the way to go

you are the kind of cuck and reason why videogames are so shit these days. go and pay more for your scam citizen, 15 more kickstarter failures, etc
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complete newfag here
is there any good Roman Empire mod for Warband you would recommend to a stranger?
But we're talking about M&B. You WILL pay for Bannerlord, right, Anon? And you paid for Warband, right?
>everything is unfinished
dumb nigger
Not that guy, but you're dumb as shit if you think software piracy has anything to do with Bannerlord's vaporware status (or if you think piracy in general has any real negative effect on game development).
*nigger noises*
unfinished products? no
keep paying for dlcs and bug fixes even 6 years before release

no wonder why they keep getting away with jewish things like that, when retarded people like you not only allow it, you love to being scammed
Press and hold your "ctrl" button (this stands for control) and then, while holding "ctrl" press the "F" key. a little bar will pop up on the corner of your screen. This is a search tool! a very mighty one at that. Now, don't get discouraged, the hardest part is over! in that little seartch tool, type in a key word. like, i dunno, maybe "Rome". That might get us some results.
>you either pirate everything or buy everything
very dumb nigger
>Warband is an unfinished product

You are fucking retarded. Go shitpost somewhere else. Bannerlord is possible exclusively because of Warband sales, thanks to adults who actually work and don't autistically screech and shit themselves at the idea of putting some of their precious few autism bux towards a game.
keep being jewed goy. enoy your mutilated dick too
I apologize
go finish sayazn
jacuck would never be antisemetic
>Warband is a finished product
>still 3 more dlcs
>and bug fixes/patches going for the past 6 years

so finished indeed! I will try to give these guys all the money they ask even when they already showed us how lazy, low discipline and little progress they have done since they announce the new game 5 years ago!

he is alive cause of them so ofc no
>justifying stealing this hard
Stop getting mad over video games lmao
>Are there upgrades for prebuilt castles in Nova Aetas?
Bumping a question.
Why the fuck are you in this general? If you don't think Warband is a good enough game to be worth a few dollars, then fuck off to another general. Nobody wants you here and surely you don't want to be here talking about a game you don't enjoy.
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