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/ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 790
Thread images: 96

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Last Thread: >>173513596

Last time on /ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station:
>Sam Jones
>Jayme Dawson
>Other filk songs need not apply

>What is Space Station 13?

>New player guide

>BYOND client

>Pomf Serbian, main /vg/station server

>Test server

>Public server list

>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

>/vg/station forum and logs

>Map renders collection: updated sometimes

>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation

>Cryo Autism

>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!

>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie


>OP Pastebin
First for nanotrasen
second for nanotrasen
>Not Spacer's Home
>Nothing from Minus Ten and Counting

sadder than sam jones or any other gay filk shit
I will try this again

second for nanotrasen
I have no waifu
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Remember to to lynch the waifufags
If you're reading this post, you must respond with the name of your husbando or your mom dies in her sleep tonight.
Ashe Mallory
Harvey Zadovsky
My own static
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>dissing filk
[(My static) in a desperate attempt at someone replying to this post acknowledging my character and therefore making my life worth living]
Patrick Bateman!
Samwell Benitez!
Allen Baker!
Anne Tagg
SJ is actually way worse than shiggy desu lad
>tfw don't even have the confidence to shill myself
And Shiggy is way worse than my true husbando Allen Baker
I wish there were more animated drink sprites.
is that dwarven ale on glass?

fun spess game on steam
it's free
Listen up maggots, I'm the squad leader for Delta. You listen to me and only me out there or none of you will make it back alive.

I'll keep it simple everytime I speak you *salute and everytime the aliens show up you charge at them to melee distance as I escape with my life.
isn't this game ded
I played a bit this weekend, and it seemed lively
itt: we post good ideas how to fix ss13

i think vox should be able to Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet.

So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death.

Listen up family, i'm this OP's leader.You listen to me and only me out there or none of you will make it back with the disk.

I'll keep it simple everytime I speak you *emag and everytime an assistant is on sight you shoot him with the bazooka.
I am going to strangle you
I know this is Mass Effect but I don't even know what I just read.
Here's a list of common complaints
1.slime race being broken/mutant race
2.everyone goes adamantine/black no one gives a shit about pyrite sepia or blue space
3.Xenobio needs more aliens, you can do xenobio just fine in the library with some windows no need for R walls and security if it's just slimes
If the xenobiologist is good they'll shit out phazon mechs in about 1.5 hours
A third of the cores are shit pet slimes are cool but slow down progress on other things you only want blue space crystals for tunneler memes
>I'll keep it simple everytime I speak you *salute and everytime the aliens show up you charge at them to melee distance as I escape with my life.
I remember once saluting at a random man and then charging into melee distance of xenos and getting caught. Were you that commander? Because if so, *salute.
looks like a spoiler, but whatever, ME:A is shit anyway and the series died on the third game with a changeling sucking his spleen.
How to fix the server:
Ban the coders
Ban the autists
Ban the waifus
(Some of these groups may overlap)
when you sprite it, there will be
Listen up team, I'm the head of staff for security. You listen to me and only me out there or none of you will make it back without valids.

I'll keep it simple everytime I speak you *harmbaton and everytime the manifested ghosts show up you charge at them to melee distance as I escape with my life.
xenobio should be able to capture specimens from the asteroid/vaults, and be able to splice plasmids from them

for example, you could splice a goliath plasmid, apply it to someone and they get a brute damage reduction

hivelord gives you a longer grab reach, so you can reach items 2 tiles further

cyberhorror makes you get ability to produce 3u of medical nanobots every 10 minutes etc.
Can I play a chief hanlon style squad leader on colonial marines

>feed false information to command to claim the xenos are way stronger than they actually are
>try and convince people to just give up and withdraw to save the lives of marines
>if called out for it I will make a public announcement and apology and then shoot myself in my office
>grab reach
>not regeneration
What are the shittiest AIs you've encountered?
I'll start:
>Be CE
>Walk into Upload
>AI in sec channel: HAAAAALP
>AI comes to holopad: Hi, what do you want?
>4 sec officers barge in and arrest me, the CE, for being in Upload
>Later released
grab reach is more unique than shitty regen
what the fuck man
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Why is /vg/station hidden from Byond's server list?
because its achieveable by many means already, why not have something unique for xenobiologists?
Listen up team, I'm the director for research. You listen to me and only me out there or none of you will make it back with illegal guns.

I'll keep it simple everytime I speak you *ignore the rnd bell and everytime the rogue borgs show up you charge at them to melee distance as I escape with my life.
Why not?
Because we have enough shitters without even opening it up to the public.
Can't be ME:A
to prevent us becoming yogor hippie
Because I don't see how hivelords relate to grab reach, I see them more related to summoning chunks of yourself and healing yourself.
Wew, how garbage. Was it on asimov?
What's wrong with yogstation and hippie station?
(You) are
Asteroid mobs can't spawn from gold cores btw
>waifupost got deleted
What janitor did this?
It's because it had the "or your mom dies in her sleep" meme attached
Hivelords don't have tentacles, or at least they don't have tentacles that reach very far or don't detach from their bodies. Goliaths have tentacles though although I don't think tentacles would be very good for grabbing things.
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STOP posting waifus that aren't Mallory Brooks
maybe give them a bullwhip-like attack then with the goliath plasmid and hivelord regeneration
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What's the steps to making a comfy but original bar?
The principal step?
The floor you choose.
I was thinking of being able to rip your limbs off and have them be seperate entities that do things and being able to regenerate your limbs and such.
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Why ask questions you know the answer to?
>Ckey instead of their static
The colours of the back of those sofas is triggering the hell out of me
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>what's wrong with yog or hippie?
You have to go back.
>Check crew manifest
>no Ricky Stick
good luck c*ding that, currently hands can't even stick to arms when you cut an arm off
>put your ckey as the smartest and greatest inventor alive
>play a retarded powergaming anime waifu shitter
That's why it would be over powered
sounds like elon musk/souhei
ah, that makes sense. thanks anon
Hippie Station 13 is the best server!!!
>Hippie Station 13 is the best server!!!
Hippie Station 13 is the best server!!!
>Hippie Station 13 is the best server!!!
Hippie Station 13 is the best server!!!
>Hippie Station 13 is the best server!!!
Hippie Station 13 is the best server!!!
>Hippie Station 13 is the best server!!!
Of course it was
>tfw science bombs medical
dude bombs lmao
remember that night they got antag 7 times in a row, and 3 of those times they were ling and did nothing all shift
This really does sum up THE WILD RIDE in a nutshell.
>rev round
>mass bombing
When will you fucking ban these shitlords?
im sorry my dude i think i applied the color filter twice to one of them whilst making the sprites.
this time the bombs actually killed the heads
scratch that, neinhaus made the sprites, i just butchered them
Did it end the round in favour of the bomber?
Did it kill any other revs or fuck the rev up?
Did you ahelp it?
I need more of these pictures in my life
>rev round
>go afk
fuck rev rounds
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Which waifu has the pineapple fanta?
kill yourselves waifufags
Which waifu would be the best match for this guy >>173622647?
I want souhei paralyze sting me and choke me out!
>join as clown
>immediately flashed
>get handed a bomb and told to kill the CE
>go to engineering
>they're on high alert, get tased
>eventually get free
>no idea what the bomb's signaller code is
>tell the CE I'm in his office
>the moment he comes into view open the bomb valve manually
>all these shit tier waaifus being posted nowadays
>nobody posting me

why do people only like neon haired sluts with a cutesy schtick?
why do they not want people with real personality that isn't "HEEHEE I M CUTE HUN"? or normal colored hair and eyes?
want to be waifus together? We can be rude to each other
I want Lisa tovir to force feed me deep fried tacos before beheading me because of the drug cartel!
>I'm not like those other waifus
Surfer brooks!
Who are you then, nerd?
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I went to the park today and played Dawson's Christian on my guitar (second ever time playing in public)

Ask me anything
It's because this is an anime website so waifus will appear anime
I gave a trauma to mine's static so no deal.
How do you spell the name of the captain of the christian?

favorite fruit?
Where are you on the spectrum?
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>tfw you will never get fan art on this level

ginger is so lucky
You're lurking maint and you encounter an assistant wearing a gold ID, prison gear, a plant bag on his belt, and he's speaking gutter. He offers you some beer and a fried cockroach. What do you do?
Accept this hardworking man's generous offer in his own language.
Gutter pride, station wide.
that doesn't even look like ginger
that wasnt even fanart of ginger
that was an image someone pulled off of tumblr and used to shitpost you idiot
>literally speaking black market language
out of here scum
I see nothing that ties this to us
>not speaking the best language
>being a tradeband/chinglish speaking ponce

Gutter is the language of a man who works for a living. Sure, that work might be nicking shoes and selling them at a markup, but it's still more work than your average tradeband speaker ever does.
Get him some booze I stole from the bar, food I cooked in my own campfire and chill with the guy. Assistants, traitors or not, have a bond like cargo, you dont validhunt someone who openly shows to not be a threat, they can kill the rest of the station all they want, I dont mind.
The danger has passed and I have turned off the bunker.
That's because it's actually fanart of kammer
How about you fuck off with this 'muh VG is dying' shit and turn the fucking bunker back on?
We were just getting back to decent, fun 40-50pop highpop a week ago and now you have to let all the shitters in again?
Anyone that has ever joined can join, meaning that all the shitters that have already joined recently can join.
Excuse me I don't understand. What does turning the bunker on yesterday have to do with last week?

We are at the low point in terms of players, firmly between winter and summer holidays. 40-50 highpop and 5-15 lowpop is anticipated for this season.

The bunker does not have immediate ramifications on this. Only extended periods of blocking new users does.
it's a private server intended for a specific community with an active playerbasw
hello im pubes1 and im very gay and suck many hard peenus weenuses haha
>5-15 lowpop
I don't know which server you're playing on but I want to join. The only way we're getting 5-15 lowpop is if the server crashes or doesn't let half the playerbase in.
Granted, that happens so fucking often lately that you might as well be right.
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>Cult summons Nar-Sie
Wat do?
Jayme Dawson

Not on the spectrum. What made you think I am?
Go to the bar, grab a smoke, maybe a drink if the bartender's still there/left stuff out on the counter, and await death.
Crawl into the armoury and cry
how can you like lowpop?
Not him, but desu, we could keep the bunker on forever and we would be fine, I miss last summers maximum of 35 players, especially when we didn't have Rin and Avada shitposting, 5-15 lowpop is comfy as fuck Probe. The other anon might be angry but he isnt wrong about you focusing too much on getting more players sometimes, ditch that focus, we dont need TG pop at all, every time we exceeded 50 shit went awfull, even today we have players who use k, kek and lmao ingame, you want to make things worse by doing a population polarity shift?
all lowpop takes is one clown to grab the disk at roundstart because there are no heads
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clutter conversion new meta
where's that map reset sound that just played from?
Space yourself in hopes of finding the derelict
Just because I trade legally unlike you does not mean I do less work.
If chaplain, pray to chosen deity for means to fight the monster
If regular crew, try not to get harvested
If cultist, run face first into narnar to become a harvester
less chaotic more rp
check the files in this
>get table converted
>do nothing for about 5 minutes, then make a hidden wall room for the boss and go to discreet locations in the station to stab myself
>effortlessly deceive my boss, who walked in on the aftermath
>go to engineering office to start on my bloody crusade
>turns out we don't have to
>cult accomplice yells out "LET'S DO IT!"
>Right when HoS opens the airlock
>accomplice fidgets
>I walk up to HoS
>Face to Face
>nose to nose
>i'm staring into his soul
>" 'Scuse me"
>Lets me and accomplice by
>go and summon narnar

Just kidding, Joachim, you had me dead to rights, I was just lucky I was running out of health and decided to not actually do that room.
I like playing when there's 20-30 players. Should I enforce that rule over others opinions?

The panic bunker is a shield to protect the server from unusual shittery. It isn't a sword to exact policy.
please, keep them coming
>t. bird trading "legal" stunprods and flashes to assistants

At least I'm upfront about being a legitimate businessman.
>pray to chosen deity for means to fight the monster
>deity is Nar-Sie
what do
Escape to space but still die because simple mobs are not affected by space in any way so they can move directly towards you no matter where you are
I do not understand, gutter would be more of a vox thing due to the """legal""" trading.
Tradeband is for legal trading.
Gutter is for illegal trading.
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>tfw everyone knows you're a fuck up and you get tricked into just "being quiet until the time comes" in virology while everyone is hailing nar nar
>summon a second narnar with angry eyebrows drawn on to fight the first one.
I really want to see that vod of that streaming incident earlier.
>he hasn't seen all the bird traders spouting tradeband at assistants while waving around flashes
Sounds like a facade to make it seem like they're doing it legally
You don't get to force anyone and neither do I, your mentality of even more players will end up fucking you up and does nothing but bring in more and more people, most of them not really adapting to /vg/, but ah well, gotta get them players, right probe. Think all you want that you can save this place or massively improve it by bringing in more and more people, its your right butn just because you have the right to think so doesn't mean you are correct, a round can be made great with just 3 players, 56 of them can't do the same. Quality over quantity always wins, but sure, go ahead and say Im demanding you force the bunker on forever when I said we would be fine if it was, only thing I told you to do is ditch the "more the merrier" atitude, you dont need to go aggro on me either.
traders unfortunately cannot learn both gutter and tradeband without dumping common
Obviously the cult is a heretical branch of the Nar-Sie faith, they have summoned a demon rather than a god, you must put it down lest the corruption and heresy spreads further
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I wish there were more drinks
I wish people drank drinks
I wish being drunk didn't make you run around "confused"
it's a really bad effect
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Reformation gamemode when?
how to be a mime
1. steal the bleach bottle from the janitor's closet
2. empty it
3. fill it with water
4. wordlessly force feed it to people in the hallways until you are arrested
5. don't explain yourself because you're a mime
>tfw want to discuss secret greytiding strategies but I don't want to let shitcurity in on our tricks
I'm on to your tricks and schemes, I play assistant AND security
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>95 theses to destroy the most powerful institution in Europe
Someone code a toggle all/none option on the ID computer
when you Actually that's a good idea, we could try to do that but how it would even work? how would it be the game start and how would you get the materials? i think for starters we should get something like an especific combination of letters and numbers and underscores. A very specific and big combination actually, that would take time and efford from the one making it. And since you sir, are the one who had the idea in the first place i'm pretty sure you would be amazed to know that you can make this wondrous creation on your own. Good luck and i'll wait for that gamemode when you finish it. I'm pretty anxious about it.
free kingston
how to be an assistant
1. steal mildly sensitive stuff
2. get set to arrest for stealing things
3. hide your toys behind a false wall no one will ever find unless they go through maint with a fine toothed comb rubbing their hands on all the walls
4. turn yourself in
5. once you are released, use your toys to steal even more stuff
>steal toys
>never get to use toys because can't be seen with them
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it's more or less true sadly, I once stole some shotguns as a grey and I never got to use them because it was extended
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>worshiping primordial forces
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>worshiping primeval forces
Gosh, I've played this game long before like once as a janitor and there are races now? Much more players as well. Can I just hop in or should I do some spectating first?
Your are injecting your own view onto me and expecting me to deal with it.

Best way to learn is to just start playing

Start with any non-head job other than engineering or security
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Worst AI ever.
>not workshipping Mr Clean
The crew would be drunk all the time if it had some powergaming benefit. For instance smoking doubles as a O2 mask and can be injected or dipped in beneficial chemicals. Drinking just makes you loose control. Honestly it should be a supplement for pain killers at low doses and loss of control in high doses.
>why cant you catch a powergamer with all access, roundstart hardsuit and the cap laser fucking off to space?

or negate zas damage. ever hear about people who get hit by cars or in car wrecks who were drunk and take far less damage because their body went limp?
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>Oh no, people say their own opinions and clash them harmlessly in a anonymous malasian shitposting gathering site, time to reply in a aggressive manner.
if I didn't know any better, id figure youd be serious probe, glad you still have a sense of humor.
no but seriously I'm not here to be your strawman. I turned on the bunker for a reason and turned it off when the reason expired.

I don't exist for you to get mad at.
I didn't mention any powergaming benefit, I just hate the drunk "confused" walk
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I never got mad at you Probe, I even pointed out how the other guy was indeed mad but had a a point I agreed with, of all people I hate, you aren't one of them, I know you try your best to be the mediator between coders and players, even if many anons disagree with your ideas. Stop agressively implying Im being mad at you, I disagree with you and think your ideas will fuck up inevitably, but other than that I have no reason to so much as insult you, keep suggesting Im mad and that you are exclusively here to serve as a means for me to get mad at something and then I am going to start hating you.
Probe is obsessed with the thread whom he believes to be obsessed with him. He thought he had a personal shitposter that woke up everyday at about 1pm GMT+1 and shitposted about him.

Ironically probe shitposts about players he doesn't like, somebody had evidence of it too and he kept denying it still.
I pretty much only open the thread when I have something to say sorry.

If my post didn't apply to you then it couldn't be directed at you.
Who the fuck are you?
Looks like it was quite literally directed at him
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I am literally the one you answered to probe.
>Max Cooper
Fucking hell
That Roboticist should be hanged.
free kingston
he's funny tho
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i love revsquad, it's always so brutal


here ya go
>go out for a smoke intending to latejoin
>get back and round is already over
he was greytiding for no raisan that one round
we have enough greytiders as it is
Hello RD I'd like an id change and *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*
>there is no longer a station.
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>Do you speak the working man's tongue?
>he's funny tho
I was referring to the original person who quoted me, to whom this thrilling comment chain was directed to.
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>I pretty much only open the thread when I have something to say sorry.

Sometimes what you have to say is "anonymous" shitposting. I've seen you in the discord claim there are people shitposting about you at specific times too. Why lie on the internet when somebody can drag up everything you've said in this community in minutes?
I think Kaylie Morgan the CMO Vamp is gone
I wasn't even a rev, I just wanted to know if you were cool enough to choose gutter. If you did have gutter, I would have asked to get the disk so I could stuff it into the vault safe I opened up.
Why the fuck did you answer me instead of him if it was clearly not me that started to angrily talk at you. Fucks sake probe, and you wonder why people shitpost at you, you have a good intention but your execution is fucking awfull.
Hey look, proof of the claim about shitposting.
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I love this man! I want to be his loving wife! I want to cook and clean for him and I want him to relieve his stress on my ass!
I voted for Dragonbro and Bobda to get admin on the polls, who did you vote for?
do you feel antagonized?
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You sound like pic related
Niehaus is a shit underage spriter from a shit server whose only good contribution was sofas and whose worst contribution was making the godawfull air tank sprites that kolith, the fucker who doesn't even play here anymore, tried to force.
free kingston
stop posting about yank politics, half the players are english and we dont understand your shitty ""democracy""

if you're gonna make a political reference at least reference the tudors
but he didn't make the air tank sprites
like unironically he had no part in their creation
>shitposting about kolith

hello kolith
>stop posting about yank politics, half the players are english and we dont understand your shitty ""democracy""
>cant even speak his mined without getting fined or jailed
>death penalty for insulting mudshits
>has the nerve to put democracy in quotes when talking about America
>half the players are english
lmao no
Who mad them? They dont fit the game at all so I want to see what other sprites they made

the united kingdom has had
>TWO elected leaders of the country

How many has america had? Maybe it's time we started calling you ameriCANT
It was a port from some other place, no idea which. Might be able to find out from the PR itself.
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free kingston
"""""""aryan"""""" posters
one word
Am bored, give ideas to code
some cunt called "Ausops"
d e l e t
a better community
A paintable pAI screen, so you can draw dicks on the fly.

pAI software refunds with a huge warmup.
He's not underage anymore
>Solarious unbanned
>Garrus unbanned
>Celt unbanned
>Curver unbanned

Is that image completely wrong now?
weird fuckign question but someone redpill me on the scaleniggers in this game
Make security antags again
Landline telephones with the possibility of wiretapping
Pork and beans, beans on toast.
if he can give us better formal wear and business casual then id zuck his dink for a twenty
>americans have never come home after a long day at school to have beans (and mini sasuages) on toast

I weep for their childhood
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Half of those people were never baned, Kharkov72.
>reddit spacing
I'm not Kharkov72.

You have 2 more attempts at guessing. Do you need a clue?
They can already be
I think that's just a flag the admins can turn off if they choose.
What does he mean by this
We need to have a serious conversation about the server and the problems facing it. I've got a few ideas about how to save /vg/

Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet.

So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death.

make xenobio great again
you posted this like ten minutes ago bro cool it
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>not pissing on the plants of the guy you just zandatsu'd
>he fell for my tricks twice

You'll never be good enough to stop me
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fuck off kid your cereal's mine
More secondary round modifiers, like the triumvirate AI.
Low budget round
>no headsets or PDAs, station bounced radios removed from emergency crates. intercomms only
Meteor warning
>meteors will hit the station at a slow but constant rate, extra shielding spawns in engineering but someone needs to set that shit up
Psychic drone
> rimworld style, shit fucks up a random group, e.g. males only, vox only causing large amounts of pain, will shift intensities and targets throughout the shift. Can be blocked with tinfoil hats or treated with painkillers
>low budget
Its like you want me to hide in maint all shift and not interact because traitors will have a free ticket to murderbone with absolute impunity.
>meteor warning
Yeah, what thriling shit, having the engine obsessed nerds who cant for the life of them repair shit right set up shielding they wont bother to look at
Oh goodie, you force everyone to powergame tinfoil hats and to barge into medbay for painkillers since medbay never makes them
The whole credit part of mining is retarded, but even if you keep that shit then why do I have to return to the station to relinquish them, and why does officer FUCKING beepsky stun then drag me to sec when I put my ID into the ATM?
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>tfw you think a borg is not rogue but it is actually rogue and almost gets you and your buddies killed
spotted yred
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why the fuck virologists start with only 3 dishes. you cant make anything from that, making your job mainly useless without calling cargo jews, which will never deliver your crate because they will be busy being niggers

and even when you recieve a crate, a cmo who is busy dicking around will never open it for you, because you dont have access to it for some fucking reason

fix the virologists coderbus, or nobody will ever play them
>going around in captain armor and poly acid revialver
deserve a job ban for being a greentiding shit
you just don't know how the virology mechanics work is all
Viro traitor is too fucking OP for that.
what makes you think that from his post?
You just get the non-existent CMO to open the virus crates you ordered from cargo.
>typed two entire Lovecraft stories
I'm surrpised no one lynched me
Fuck you faggot. You made me buy you 3 crates with my own money then didn't wire me the money then made me send you an additional 3 crates that didn't get delivered because the fucking round ended.

Quit your faggotry
You can isolate infected blood to make new strains. Read the wiki.
how many crates do you usually need? I play as CMO often and I order like 2-3 crates, is that enough for viro?
>not reading the wiki
You don't get to get angry about roles being too hard if you don't understand either how to powergame the roles or the way they're meant to be played.
less powerful than atmos, and atmos has no safeguards like that
says the nigger who lubed entire station
>I play as CMO often
Maybe we play different timezones but there's never a CMO.
Also I'm not that autistic frogposter.
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You quite literally know the role so little you don't know that making more dishes is already piss easy, didn't bother to read the wiki and still complain with a pepe image. Id say Im surprised but I really aint.
well in lowpop there always be almost no heads
There are always heads. Like Traitor Captain and Clown Captain.
Aye but it just seems silly.
You're a virologist yet you can't open your own god damn crate.
if literally every viro ever didn't keep all the deadly shit "just in case" then it wouldn't need to be CMO locked CUNT
You can literally get every symptom while not opening a single crate. Hell, I'm not sure you even save time by ordering a bunch.
Non antag virologists WHEN
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What do you guys think about the Stellaris Nanotrasen I made?
>not paranoia
>right then and there
>not right there and then
Capital T, NanoTrasen
Well shit, I goofed.
what security rank/alert level is required to order stun revolvers from cargo?
>doesn't mind most alien races
what serb are you playing on roodypoo
Prove it
While we're pointing out typos:
>has their name implies
Green, stun revolvers are just better tasers
first off cargo doesn't make those
second off green
Prove what
Armory access most likely.
Regular security access is enough to open the crates, armory for lockboxes.
i see what you did there
next make jew vox
how'd the r-ust round go, had to go cook dinner, are the mommis still mad?
malf AI with 1 borg
Reinforced floors and IEDs will let you bust open crates without having to nag the CMO.
Was that the round where eight people got electrocuted by one maint door?
One borg is all you need if that borg is hachi and he gets the peacekeeper module
Sounds like it. How the fuck did that many people die to the same door?
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>implying you're not dead weight with or without your lil dishies
>only stuns that work against it are hyper rare traitor items or a short melee range flash
>has a 5 shot ranged stun that 1 hits anything that isnt another borg or a yred on creatine
>moves as fast a human
>can move even FASTER than a human with a robotics upgrade
>all access all day
>zas proof
>fire proof
>can be disabled by a console that only 6 people have access to and can be preemptively shut down with no work at all
emp need to be more accessible
ions are not hyper rare traitor items
Why don't you get a chemist to make you emp grenades

This is dumb, we have ion rifles for this exact reason. In fact, more ion rifles spawn than borgs when the round start so there are plenty to handle the silicons.
borers lmao
I have actually saved a guy from a rogue borg with the borer EMP once, tased him and grabbed him to dispose of the body and got vagblasted by EMP outta nowhere.

Only once though, every other use of that ability has been to piss off sec when I'm in a clown.
Hi yclat
It's pretty easy to bop the silicons if you keep an eye on them.
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what did he mean by this?
its a problem of they barley do dick to cyborgs but 1 hit anyone with robo organs/limbs
when was the last time you saw someone buy them. The emp grenades suck horribly and the chem reaction needs uranium and is even worse than the traitor grenade
>only in armory
>no other way to get them
>if sec sees you with it then its a instant arrest
>only 3 people have access to armory (warden hos cap)
>only does a 10 second stun
>the same size as a shotgun
>somehow balances borgs
>have a camrea console and robotics console with you at all times JUST INCASE
Hi yred!
ions are not hyper rare traitor items
Sec gets cameras and flashbangs, plus the armoury if they press themselves a little. Any head can check the cameras on the bridge (or steal the console ahue). And anyone can overcharge a camera or get a cam chip if they feel like a fagass powergey shiter ajhsdlkjfhalskjf
I remember using it to delete two borgs and the laser weaponry of the guy that emagged them. He damn near shat a brick when my host got up and deployed an esword he stole from evidence.
Boarding pods
>2 man pods similar to the escape pods, but with a drill tip nose ram
>fired from syndie shuttle/other source like a torpedo
>punches a hole through the outer hull at a random mapper specified point before anchoring itself and depositing its cargo

Could be an event, something like space pirate raids
robo's job to deal with the silicons matey

Also no excuse not to watch sillycones as sec
expand xenobio with
this idea
i think cluster originally wanted something like this for nukies as a alternate entrance for the nuke ops like how the teleporter console board is a diffrent way for ops to board and was basically the only reason he merged holomaps for nukies because for some reason he hated the idea of nukies having holomaps
It was something to do with one op forgetting to deathgasp fucking over the entire squad.
>he doesn't know about the other way to stun borgs
>got staff of changed by another trader
I was a survivor

Also I would've at least turned you back into a human but you ran off before I could fix things

I spent the rest of the shift "disarming" xenos into monkeys
>deff wizard
>free foken orb eye thingy
>just summon magic and watch the station burn
I was also a survivor
traditionally traders leave each other alone when they roll antag
Emergency launch button for escape pods that only works after the shuttle docks at the station
wow that's some pretty metagayme right there, now I'm going to roll trader constantly and shit all over my fellow traders as soon as I get antag.
not for long
vox traders are going to be removed from roundstart antag rolls soon
That would be gay
until it backfires horribly and the job becomes Sec jr for valid hunters everywhere
t. spacewalkin' memestingin' durgen
>i-it'll be reverted! j-j-joke's on you!!
t. digitalis
>there's a 15% chance to misfire and take you to the clown roid, derelict, russian sat, etc.
actually I was this reply >>173651230
That's exactly what will happen
>He's a trader, therefore he can't be antag! PROMOTE HIM!
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>command promoting or recruiting birds at all
>trader birds ever joining sec wilingly
>trader birds being robust
Anon, please
They're the same as any other player
I had a dream I was in ss13 and I found the Research Director's ID. I brought it to the HoP computer and gave myself all access as a janitor.
>trader birds being robust
half of the traders traders are robust shitters
Someone's getting metagrudged next round :^)
so like two?
No, they really arent. Traders, not vox mind you, are a complete mixed bag, with a lot of them playing trader for comfyness and rp, not exactly valid hunting and sec work, some of then, maybe, but command has a ton of other people to promote, of everyone to recruit, trader birds are the worst picks.
yeah there are 2 specifically I can think of that are scary robust
server culture can change
traders used to be "lolol lets steal all the head lockers" and they were kill on sight inside of any department
now they behave somewhat better and are almost treated like crew members
It can, but right now its awfully tilted towards rp birds rather than "ANTAGS DEAD, EMAGS STOLEN, ARMORY NICKED, WE EARNED MUCH COIN, SQUAAAK" birds, get me? Till that changes, promoting traders is both stupid and unlikely to happen anyways, they are still held to space law if they are in the force and nobody likes having admins breathe down your neck when shitter mcantag ahelps about you being the reincarbation of Joseph Hitler
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I remember playing trader circa may 2016 when every round was like that picture
it was so much fun
holy shit have we really had traders that long
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>be vampire
>dont do any my gay shit objectives
>dont even drink blood
>just bomb the entire station lmao

reddit showed me this server, and truly, this is the true ss13 experience LMAO
Enjoy your stay.
objectives are gay shit
they were merged in april 2016
>Gee wiz I wonder what round that was everything got bombed to shit

Thanks for the station swiss cheese Horatio
keep it classy
It feels like only yesterday that the tradingpost was vacant
>this roundstart hardsuit sec gaylord walking straight to medbay to do some hyperzine
or as i like to call him, Horatio "0 Blood 21 dev" Randomname
>only 21 dev
Wow this is even worse than I thought.
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I get the feeling the shuttle doors should be much thicker. What do you think?
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>he didn't do his jecties I'm mad
>y dident i get muh roll ;-;
>I woulda done MY arbitrary, pointless shit
>fuck this kid
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HoP should be top left
Switch the IAA with captain
Switch the miner with the bird, replace the bird with a quartermaster
Put the botanist where the assistant is and the assistant where the mechanic is
Clowns are too esoteric and chaotic for this
Throw an AI in the very top left corner to round it out
Everyone except the trader should be all the way to the left since no one uses money and provides services for free
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right side is cargo, trader, corporate goons, and xenoarch (muh guns)
when will the roundstart all access assistant shenanigans end?
>borers and ling metagaming

>tfw the one metaclub vote was mine
what was the ling metagaming?
when the heads secure the spare
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you couldn't even bother to layer properly.
>tfw 3 borers had to watch my boring ass attempts to antagonize
>join round, get set on fire
>spend the rest of the round flat on my ass because medbay has no working cryo
>only stuns that work against it are hyper rare traitor items or a short melee range flash
What about the weapon you can construct from garbage that stuns every borg onscreen at once?
the worst feel
I remember getting 4-5 borers for my timestop punching wizard gimmick once
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>3 borers meta into a antag

why is this allowed
I remember being excalibur the sword arm borer with an extendo arm borer in the same arm of a wizard and we could punch faster than you could blink, we were about to fight ashe but it crashed which really sucked dick.
>spend half the round on the ground in medbay because an IED nearly blew my legs off and nobody made iron
>at least i have my booze
>grab ye flask
>bartender didn't even make the right drink I asked
>bartender didn't even properly mix it
Now this is antagonizing
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this describes it so well, how can you create something this perfect
it's a metaphor for lowpop no chef no botanists no cargo rounds

the empty grave is the kitchen table, the full grave is the junk food from the vending machines the crew will eat
why is this so fucking hilarious

what are the chances?
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give me more ben garrison comics

i got nothing to do
high, I tend to go to the hosts of other borers so we have better chance of survival for us and the host
Are flashes melee items or do they work at range?
Ling got a guy to observe, become borer, find him, and lay 3 extra eggs for triple borer action
Hope you made it out engineer buddy, both of us made it back to the vox outpost safely

i got to shuttle and realized that the borgs on the shuttle were rogue so i pleaded for them not to do anything, souhei obliged and let me live

after that i tried to attack them in the last few seconds of the shuttle landing, so yeah technically i made it out.
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>finish up a batch of code
>500 unrelated errors
>Emagged securiborg named "KILL" was the most civil of the bunch.
>download fresh copy of code
>get errors
literally how?
You forgot a parenthesis
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>[21:29:38]ADMIN: HELP: KingcrimsonIJW/(Alfredo Kadel): warden is refusing to perma a vox who stole the hand tele and broke into captains office and i suspect metagaming because im assblasted over this - heard by 1 non-AFK admins.

Imagine being this assblasted.
it depends, was the warden denying the default 25 minute sentence as well?
lubechair is pretty fun
Thanks for the hoverpod, Xenoarch. Hope you made it out.
also what was the warden's reasoning? if they were a vox trader, letting them go free in the future would just cause more trouble
t. K.I.L.L.
if I wasn't so tired I'd write up a jobban request on this guy, he blatantly fucked around with his laws
haha no i died shortly after giving it to you. I was the first to die to souhei and lilly.

the funny thing is i ALSO was a traitor and they never checked my stuff or they would have realized.

still got my greentext because of die a glorious death though

is this actually in the game, or is it just copypasted remnant of /tg/ on wiki?

if it is, where do i find those assembly frames
>A rumbling noise like heavy machinery somehow penetrates your mind before fading away!

fucking wrong tool aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
It is. You can make them in science with enough research (I can't remember what) and mechanics start with 4 of them (which they can scan and reprint themselves) so you should be able to ask them for one.
It's /vg/ exclusive

Mechanics start with some, and I think you can get more out of the protolathe
Someone killed me in game right now, so I am going to use my curse and post in this thread. Once I've posted in this thread, it's fated to die. With that, /vg/ station will be completely disconnected from /vg/ and become VG.
This is your punishment for griefing me.
nuh uh
>Jojo name
Every time.
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Why is plapatin such a meme?
I get how he's a meme, but why?
Is there any reason?
Where is he now?
Nar-Sie moves towards cultists if any are left,
>If cultist, run face first into narnar to become a harvester
last cultist standing gets to herd Nar-Sie wherever they'd like.
Narnar also chases harvesters, of which there are gonna be 9 guaranteed, plus one for every cultist that makes it back alive or dead. That said, anyone who gets chosen to lead narnar and doesn't lead him to escape is a bad cultist.
>Why is plapatin such a meme?
Spreged really hard, broke several server rules, then got a short ban.
ICK OCK'd about it in the thread to beg for help.
Amazingly enough, got advice for how to appeal successfully.
>I get how he's a meme, but why?
After getting unbanned, he washed rinsed, and repeated the whole cycle.
Multiple times.
>Is there any reason?
Dude is literally autistic.
He also liked to abuse ahelps for petty or trivial shit,
the ban that finally stuck was because he ahelped because he was lonely.
Apparently he hadn't had a meaningful conversation IRL in over a week, or something?
One of the admins complained about no being to ban people for misusing ahelps.
Another admin said, "you can."
>Where is he now?
Got banned from a few other servers.
Not sure if he still plays.

Oh, and he asked the thread to teach him how to ban evade at one point.
While identifying himself as plapatin. That was before his final ban, IIRC?
Or rather, at one point he got unbanned despite having asked that.
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Hah, someone else I know said the exact same thing since I keep showing her progress shots of stuff and I have been for a long-ass time since I started this

I ended up making the door thicker (in line with other airlock doors) and remembered that there's a second set of door panels inside of the door, I almost missed that little detail.

It's kinda neat to be translating these sprites into actual 3D objects and seeing them in a new perspective. Of course, I am taking liberties with the designs a bit (mainly the actual walls and stuff) but It's pretty cool nonetheless. Gonna be fun when I get to blocking out the actual props and set dressings.
He plays on tg now. I saw him a few days ago. He got mad at me for being a valid hunter, even though he murdered someone in maintenance after sec didn't arrest him (I caught him putting on a syndie hard suit a minute into the round.)

Basically he plays semi regularly on tg.
I demand you unban 2hotdogs if you are not going to include him in OC
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How do you write music for the instruments? Any guides?
I logdived just for you my friend
[18:29:08]ADMIN: HELP: Plapatin/(Mr. Noodle): spawn an alien larvae on the vox station and put me into it plis - heard by 5 non-AFK admins.
[18:29:14]ADMIN: PM: Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger)->Plapatin/(Mr. Noodle): no fuk u
[18:29:17]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(Mr. Noodle)->Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger): plis
[18:29:19]ADMIN: PM: Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger)->Plapatin/(Mr. Noodle): you get braindamage
[18:29:24]ADMIN: Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger) dealt 2.34523e+017 amount of brain damage to Mr. Noodle
[18:29:36]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(Mr. Noodle)->Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger): chocolatemoose plis i need to be the key component in an ayy farm
[18:30:43]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(Mr. Noodle)->Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger): what do i have to do to become an ayy on the vox station
[18:31:01]ADMIN: PM: Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger)->Plapatin/(Mr. Noodle): luck and stop ahelping for alium before I gib u
[18:31:14]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(Mr. Noodle)->Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger): fine, love you too
[18:31:38]ADMIN: PM: Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger)->Plapatin/(Mr. Noodle): nice one
[18:32:05]ADMIN: Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger) perma-banned *no key*/(Mr. Noodle) from Clown
[18:33:31]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(Mr. Noodle)->Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger): I KILLED MYSELF SO I HAVE A CHANCE AT BECOMING AN AYY THE NATURAL WAY
[18:33:40]ADMIN: MOD: Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger) : Plapatin is a platinum shitter, I should have just kept the permaban on him since it doesnt seem like he's learning
[18:33:43]ADMIN: PM: Mr_Pain12/(Ben Griffin)->Plapatin/(Mr. Noodle): Oh so you're meta gaming then
[18:33:47]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(Mr. Noodle)->Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger): I SWEAR IM NOT WORTHLESS, THAT'S WHAT MY EXISTENCE IN REAL LIFE IS FOR
[18:33:54]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(Mr. Noodle)->Mr_Pain12/(Ben Griffin): FUCK
[18:33:57]ADMIN: PM: Kavlax/(Reese Thompson)->Plapatin/(Mr. Noodle): autism
tfw plapatin is just lonely and wanted to be friends with chocolate moose
In hindsight I should've made a pastebin of this autism, since it's quite long.
[18:34:02]ADMIN: PM: Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger)->Plapatin/(Mr. Noodle): I gave you a week to reform after permabanning you and this is how you choose to spend it
[18:34:02]ADMIN: PM: Mr_Pain12/(Ben Griffin)->Plapatin/(Mr. Noodle): I think we should just perma ban you then
[18:34:36]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(Mr. Noodle)->Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger): jesus fuck this is why i love vgstation
[18:34:49]ADMIN: MOD: Mr_Pain12/(Ben Griffin) : seriously though that's a shit reason to kill yourself
[18:34:52]ADMIN: MOD: Mr_Pain12/(Ben Griffin) : antag ban time
[18:35:00]ADMIN: MOD: Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger) : I agree
[18:35:05]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(Mr. Noodle)->Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger): metagay on accident, three bwoinks at once, possibility of getting perma'd, again
[18:35:12]ADMIN: MOD: JustSumGuy/(Sood Sanzers) : >on accident
[18:35:14]ADMIN: MOD: JustSumGuy/(Sood Sanzers) : ??????????????????????????????
[18:35:31]ADMIN: PM: Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger)->Plapatin/(Mr. Noodle): Shitters get shat on, more news at 11
[18:35:43]ADMIN: MOD: Mr_Pain12/(Ben Griffin) : ok, do with him what you will, I have a bus to drive.
[18:36:03]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(Mr. Noodle)->Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger): yeah i get im a shitter but can you at least give me a.. what is this, fourth chance? yeah, i love this serb, i even donated to it
[18:36:24]ADMIN: Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger) perma-banned Plapatin/(Mr. Noodle) from Syndicate
[18:36:24]ADMIN: *null* has edited plapatin's notes.
[18:37:16]ADMIN: Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger) has edited plapatin's notes.
[18:37:29]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(Mr. Noodle)->Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger): tfw put self in a worse situation then before because i wanted to be an ayy
Is a waifu still pure if there's porn of her?
We haven't gotten to the worst part yet my friend.
[18:37:50]ADMIN: Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger) created a /mob/living/carbon/human/tajaran at <A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=254;Y=303;Z=1'>Arrival Shuttle - 254,303,1</a>
[18:37:54]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(Mr. Noodle)->Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger): you guys are still my friends, r-right
[18:38:11]ADMIN: Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger) modified Gay Retard's ckey to plapatin
[18:38:17]ADMIN: PM: Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger)->Plapatin/(Gay Retard): You're an alien alright.
[18:38:28]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(Gay Retard)->Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger): that actually made me laugh, nice
[18:38:33]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(Gay Retard)->Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger): i feel a lot better now
[18:39:45]ADMIN: PM: Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger)->Plapatin/(Gay Retard): Wow, you fucked it up even more, Ook ick, how could you
[18:39:52]ADMIN: (lousky/) started the game as a Assistant.
[18:39:54]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(Gay Retard)->Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger): jesus fuck im stupid
[18:39:58]ADMIN: PM: Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger)->Plapatin/(Gay Retard): yes
[18:40:02]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(Gay Retard)->Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger): honestly i should just ban myself at this point
[18:40:02]ADMIN: MOD: JustSumGuy/(Sood Sanzers) : holy hell
[18:41:00]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(Gay Retard)->Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger): plis dont actually ban me this is all i have and i fucking hate hippie
[18:41:11]ADMIN: PM: Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger)->Plapatin/(Gay Retard): You fit in well there I imagine
[18:41:26]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(Gay Retard)->Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger): i hate high-pop but im so used to the interface of vgstation i have nowhere else to go
[18:44:52]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(borer (990))->Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger): at least i cant fuck things up as a borer
There's one on the wiki.
unban plapatin, he's /ourguy/
[18:48:28]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(borer (990))->Ch0c0latem00se/(borer (615)): are you still there? im lonely
[19:03:08]ADMIN: HELP: Plapatin/(borer (990)): im lonely, please talk to me - heard by 3 non-AFK admins.
[19:26:36]ADMIN: HELP: Plapatin/(borer (990)): this might sound weird, but can one of you guys just have, like, a regular conversation with me? i have no actual friends. - heard by 4 non-AFK admins.
[19:26:44]ADMIN: MOD: JustSumGuy/(unknown) : is he memeing
[19:26:53]ADMIN: MOD: Ch0c0latem00se/(borer (615)) : yes
[19:26:53]ADMIN: MOD: Mr_Pain12/(Syndicate Commander) : he's been in the cuck cage all round
[19:36:07]ADMIN: HELP: Plapatin/(borer (990)): can someone please lift my jobbans from cluwne and syndikat? i feel like they were a bit unjust, even if i fucked up, it was an accident i swear - heard by 4 non-AFK admins.
[19:36:20]ADMIN: PM: Mr_Pain12/(Syndicate Commander)->Plapatin/(borer (990)): nope
[19:36:33]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(borer (990))->Mr_Pain12/(Syndicate Commander): fuck, i loved being shoe snatchin' timmy
[19:36:39]ADMIN: PM: Mr_Pain12/(Syndicate Commander)->Plapatin/(borer (990)): I've seen people get server banned for that
[19:36:58]ADMIN: PM: Mr_Pain12/(Syndicate Commander)->Plapatin/(borer (990)): There's only one clown spot and you wasted it to make yourself an antag
[19:37:06]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(borer (990))->Mr_Pain12/(Syndicate Commander): i dont even mind the syndie ban, its just, having REAL responsibilities????
[19:37:14]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(borer (990))->Mr_Pain12/(Syndicate Commander): as something that isn't an assistant?????
[19:37:22]ADMIN: PM: Mr_Pain12/(Syndicate Commander)->Plapatin/(borer (990)): Yes and you're lucky I didnt ban you harsher than that.
[19:37:40]ADMIN: PM: Mr_Pain12/(Syndicate Commander)->Plapatin/(borer (990)): You're starting to make me consider doing it now
[19:37:49]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(borer (990))->Mr_Pain12/(Syndicate Commander): OH GOD NO PLEASE
Don't see shit
[19:38:09]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(borer (990))->Mr_Pain12/(Syndicate Commander): THIS GAME IS LITERALLY ALL I HAVE
[19:38:19]ADMIN: PM: Mr_Pain12/(Syndicate Commander)->Plapatin/(Gay Retard): So stop fucking it up then.
[19:38:31]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(Gay Retard)->Mr_Pain12/(Syndicate Commander): im sorry, i promise it wont happen again, again
[19:47:59]ADMIN: HELP: Plapatin/(Antonidas Tungusta): im really sorry, mr. pain, i swear it was an accident and its perfectly reasonable if you ban me, but please at least lift the antag, i still need to improve on that, also im sorry for begging but AH FUCK EVERYTHING - heard by 1 non-AFK admins.
[19:50:11]ADMIN: HELP: Plapatin/(Antonidas Tungusta): i dont know why i still try, i fucked up and there's nothing i can do about it, im sorry for begging - heard by 1 non-AFK admins.
[19:53:07]ADMIN: HELP: Plapatin/(Antonidas Tungusta): what can i do to redeem myself from this clusterfuck of a mess i call my time on this server? please respond, even if it's nothing i just really like the fact that someone's talking to me for once - heard by 0 non-AFK admins.
[20:00:55]ADMIN: HELP: Plapatin/(Antonidas Tungusta): im gonna ask again, just in case you guys didn't hear it the first time, how can i redeem myself for the clusterfuck i did last round? - heard by 0 non-AFK admins.
[20:01:22]ADMIN: PM: Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger)->Plapatin/(Antonidas Tungusta): don't be a shitter
[20:01:50]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(Antonidas Tungusta)->Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger): thats very helpful, i mean ways to redeem myself so i can get those jobbans lifted off me because i really enjoyed those jobs
[20:02:25]ADMIN: PM: Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger)->Plapatin/(Antonidas Tungusta): what I said. Follow the rules, don't be a shitter for long enough and maybe we'll unjobban you. Not likely

I thought 4chan had a post length limit, not a character limit, and certainly not one as low as 2000 characters.
>"he can you guys treat me normally"
>"lol he's fucking meming let's threaten to ban him"
[20:02:58]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(Antonidas Tungusta)->Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger): why do i still try, shit's not gonna get better at this point
[20:03:30]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(Antonidas Tungusta)->Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger): it's clear i can't follow rules, this is my last chance, then afterwards i want you to permaban me so i can find a server that i somehow enjoy that isn't this one
[20:04:39]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(Antonidas Tungusta)->Ch0c0latem00se/(Russel Kepplinger): is that a deal? please respond i really enjoy getting pms, even if they're bad news
[20:07:26]ADMIN: PM: Plapatin/(Antonidas Tungusta)->Ch0c0latem00se/(diona nymph (799)): also, can you have a conversation with me? not about anything in particular, i just really want to have a real conversation because i'm a failure in real life
[20:08:39]ADMIN: ch0c0latem00se has banned plapatin.
Reason: Gave him a chance, he blew it. Don't appeal it, or do so we can laugh at it.
This is a permanent ban.

[Not pictured: Him managing to ban evade in the very next round]
I don't know what page it is, but I do know we have a whole page about instruments and MIDI sheet music for them.
Honestly seems like he didn't do enough wrong to deserve a permaban, he just was autistic and annoyed admins but couldn't use his words very well and said the wrong thing a lot.

We shouldn't ban people just for being mega autists, we'd have no server if we did that
It's not like they permabanned him ~just~ for this incident, he even mentions himself that he's gone through four chances, and still takes up slots just to kill himself if he's not made an antag.
>and still takes up slots just to kill himself if he's not made an antag.
Lots of people do that
Yeah, and those people should be banned too. Even moreso if they take up a job with only one slot.
>you are not plapatin

How did the borgs get damaged last round? Everything was fine and suddenly I drop to 8%.
Hacked the mainframe
Reminder the admins can see the email address you use for the forum

Reminder that if that email address is the same one you use regularly they can use it to find your facebook/twitter/roblox account

Reminder this is how morena got doxxed
>haven't touched facebook in 7 years
Let them find it.
Only rednames can, other admins can't.
This includes "deadminned" people like nuke, celt, and sumguy though so take that how you will.
>roblox account
I lol'd. Wouldn't they need more than that though unless you unironically put that shit on your page?

Either way, you shouldn't fear being doxxed unless you have some really degenerate shit to hide.
Alt tab and make dinner, maybe the round will be over by the time I get back, but probably not.
>Not wanting your roblox forum erp to stay hidden forever
>it's a subvert the AI five minutes into the round kind of shift
>it's a immediately call the shuttle without even trying to stop this kind of shift
>tfw you remember you have an f-list account from 6 years ago

There were less than 10 people on the station. Right after I called it, I was locked down in the bridge by the AI. There wasn't any salvaging it.
I tried to keep people alive because I wanted to rule the station as a theocracy, but the AI had to burn the warden to death in the bridge for being a non-believer and I think someone else died, and with only five players, I didn't want to be the dick who kept a round going for no reason so I let the shuttle come.
I picked my statics name because there was porn of her! Hi there bee bee. How you doing?
>roblox forum rp
Are you saying that those nazis called forum mods somehow didn't stumble across something they were actually meant to remove?
No, all admins on the forum can
kinda new-ish to ss13. played paradise for a month or so. is this server anything like it?
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fuck off we're full
to bad. I am coming in to enrich your culture
server is actually shit, you are better off playing some other server.
I wish I was joking.
If you want roleplay go to bay
If you want valids go to hippie
If you liked paradise you should stay there

/vg/ is only for elitists that are too stubborn to admit our server isn't great anymore.
maybe we should make it great again?
the only people left are the powergamers and meta gamers. Server is TG 2.0
My problem with paradise is that its all kinda shit. doesnt feel deep enough. was hoping VG is
Its /vg/ you nigger
how 2 save /v/

>make new /vg/ server
>no discord
>make it medium rp

I second this
>no discord
You say that as if that is a controllable thing. Don't get me wrong, I would rather have ss13 without discord cliques too, but any 5 people can keep their mouths shut and make a discord.
Ban them and keep them banned
how would you find out?
The main discord now doesn't stop that, the "metaclub" has made 2 offshoot discord since the creation of the original by nuke.

The eve one
The one they made to get away from cluster and intigracy
This. Plus with discord being disallowed, no admits will be in the private discordant, making metagay much more highly likely. Chicken himself has pretty much ruled the same way.
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arrivals shuttle.jpg
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Welcome to the Nanotrasen Transit System. This shuttle is. Inbound. From Sector C Centcomm, to Space Station 13. Station time is. Eight. Fourty-seven. AM.
Is this Gmod? Do you have anything working besides simple station architecture?
13 isn't the station's name, it's its class. That's why we have random station names every round
Everyone always talks about improving the graphics and animations in the game.

How about we remove graphics and animations and make it a text based game? No longer will we need sprites for anything new to be added.
It's very, very wip stuff.

I've had some stuff scripted out (some explosive decompression setup that sucks shit out when a window is broken, pretty old stuff recycled from an older project) but I pretty much just started this iteration of the map kind of recently so I only have some 'style guide' and early blocking out done so far.

True, I suppose I could try and come up with a random station name generator, but just calling it Space Station 13 or Research Outpost 13 is a great catchall. Some of the random names don't roll off the tongue very well and ultimately doesn't factor much at all into the overall gameplay.

that's why the holy grail of spessmen remaking would be to remake it in 3D, as 3D would make it much easier to create new assets (especially if you stuck to a lo-fi early 3D aesthetic)
unban morena
ERP allowed when?
When you stop loving cock
when you code it
wouldn't even be that hard, just a prompt to both players for consent, then flavour text in the chat whilst disabling movements controls until interrupted
I would say "when you code it" but the real hard part is "if you get it merged"
What if i dont like consent?
I raped a little girl once.
how big was her cock?
I am my own husbando
My waifu is rail
Find more uses for mousetrap+signaller
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>get made a traitor by admin at roundstart
>accidentally space myself 5 minutes in
>he watched me do it
>log in

is she online 24/7 or what
>not ghosting when an admin makes you traitor
>not telling him sup? and then running around his ghost
If you mean general gimmick, then:
>AI whomst'd've's very interested in humankind, asking the crew various questions regarding their behaviors and mannerisms as it yearns for a better understanding

And if you mean antag gimmick, then:
>AI whomst'd've's very much like the above, however taken to the extreme of performing /mostly/ fatal tests on the crew to better understand the human condition
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>[05:09:27]SAY: Madelynn Weinstein/Saronsen/(Madelynn Weinstein) (@257,234,1) Deadsay: complains, "felicity will u be my waifu"
>[05:09:40]SAY: Felicity Rivera/Harse Theef/(Felicity Rivera) (@257,234,1) Deadsay: drones, "u-uh"
>[05:09:45]SAY: Felicity Rivera/Harse Theef/(Felicity Rivera) (@257,234,1) Deadsay: whines, ";-;"
>[05:09:50]SAY: Madelynn Weinstein/Saronsen/(Madelynn Weinstein) (@257,234,1) Deadsay: spooks, "its ok you know who i am"
>[05:09:52]SAY: Madelynn Weinstein/Saronsen/(Madelynn Weinstein) (@257,245,1) Deadsay: mutters, "i think"
>[05:09:58]SAY: Madelynn Weinstein/Saronsen/(Madelynn Weinstein) (@257,249,1) Deadsay: cries, "i dont remember if youre from the EVE metaclub"
>[05:10:08]SAY: Felicity Rivera/Harse Theef/(Felicity Rivera) (@257,249,1) Deadsay: cries, "oh you pizza shit"
>[05:10:13]SAY: Felicity Rivera/Harse Theef/(Felicity Rivera) (@257,249,1) Deadsay: complains, "still in florida?"
>[05:10:19]SAY: Madelynn Weinstein/Saronsen/(Madelynn Weinstein) (@257,267,1) Deadsay: complains, "oh fugg howd you know"
>[05:10:20]SAY: Madelynn Weinstein/Saronsen/(Madelynn Weinstein) (@253,268,1) Deadsay: spooks, "ye"
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>tfw you find the DDR vault right as the shuttle is coming and you style on it back to back.
>everybody lives in florida

I know like 5 people that live in florida now, I'm not even american
florida probably has a higher population than your entire country
No, it's almost as big in size though
On what retarded reality?
>be Freckle, everyone's favorite plasmaman clown
>try to steal the spare at the beginning of the round to be the clown captain
>warden immediately arrests me
>while searching me, he takes off my suit and sets me on fire
>lets me go to get medical care
>eventually fall into crit since you continue being burned even with your suit back on, and medbay was apparently closed
>generally do clown stuff, at one point Leon tells me I'm alright and not to be on the station
>screw around in space for a bit and nigger some gloves while I'm out there
>when I come back, I get injected with a greytide implant
>new boss tells me he's going to make me the clown captain
>generally just screw around for a while
>at one point boss tells a borg to inject the warden (who was the only sec staff and acting captain) with chloral
>this obviously fails
>borg tells the warden what the plan was, but boss somehow gets out of getting arrested by saying it was all a misunderstanding
>eventually Leon gets put in perma
>boss tells me to take a locker and break him out
>do so
>by the time I get back to arrivals Leon is unconscious, since apparently space hurts you while you're in lockers now
>warden catches me with the body in arrivals
>"Oh clown, you must've found his body while you were in space. You can keep it, since he was going to be executed anyway."
>haha y-yeah
>boss finds me and we go to clone Leon
>warden walks in on this, doesn't bat an eye
>boss and I go hunting for the wardenbut we get separated since plasmamen walk slower
>he messages me to come to the HoP line and makes me the honktain. I'm assuming he murdered the warden.
>we decide to secede from centcomm and form a clown station
>anti-depressants are mandatory
>everyone has to wear clown clothes
>unhappiness is illegal, and the guy who admitted to being unhappy was lashed
>the losers of the department decorating contest were to be executed
>clown rule is propserous
Things are fun when you don't murderbone.

>you will never play ddr with Felicity
>you will never collapse onto each other laughing after making fools of yourself
>she will never be your best friend and wing(wo)man

why live
great round, happiness is mandatory on clown station!
>you will never play ddr on Felicity's corpse
>you will never collapse with laughter at her death
>she will never be your best toilet

why live
Joy being an actual drug in ss13 when?
plasmaman can't regulate their own temperature by themselves anymore, you need drugs or cryo
I just use the memecrowave.
Hey pal, that's my wife you're talking about.
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how hard could it be to make your dreams a reality lads?

just try it and maybe you'll succeed~
can I borrow her this saturday?
Sure, my wife is for all to enjoy
Ashe please, you've already divorced.
Claim your wife!

I claim Kolith!
Does that mean Ashe is available?
jobbans for wardens acting as HoS when
Whitelisting head roles when?
Want to get into the easter spirit?

Get an egg, either from cargo or kitchen, and attack it with a crayon.

Disclaimer: Does not work with vox eggs or borer eggs
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as soon as we whitelist assistant
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A religious festivity?
Forgive me if I'm confused, but low pop wardens job is the same, except he is alone in brig so he makes it comfy and militarizes the greytide when shit heads south?
Crayon borer eggs to make different colored slugs when
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>be hop
>some shitter tries to break into the ai core during the blackout
>arrest the kid
>she starts sperging out while i drag her to the brig
>leave her with the HoS
>tell the hos she were breaking into the core and that its up to him wether to perma or not
>she loses it
>the hos is merciful and ends up giving her 9 minutes or so, he had a better overview of the shift than i did
>she eventually gets released
>comes running to me, visibly upset
>sweat dripping
>starts grunting something about how i tried to perma her
>try to explain that i merely explained what happened to the HoS
>starts shouting about space law
>starts hitting me with a spacelaw book
>eventually gets tired and sort of wanders off
>a few minutes later a borg starts disassembling my office
>ask him to stop, ask whats going on
>she asked the borg to ruin my office
>ask him to please reassemble my office, and the borg complies
>some other borg tries to perma me
>turns out she law2 ordered that too
>ask him to please leave me alone
>the borg lets me go

wow, sometimes i feel like if we just banned the 2% most autistic people the server would be alot better. Just another day at the races heh.
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You should have just told the HoS that she did this and the HoS would have perma'd her.
Bonus points for asking the HoS if YOU could perma her.
I told the hos about it, but it seemed pretty beleivable that she only broke into the core to place a buttbot there.
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show me your private parts.jpg
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I can't though, this is what my own profile page looks like. If it exists, it must be in some ancient volume of forgotten lore because I've never ever seen it.
Not like it'd matter anyway. Cool, this guy's email is [email protected] who cares
its cult
its aliens
There's a weird way to check it but a blue name can do it

I'm sure.
It's not a class but the ID
>random names
I ignore that and just call it the exodus to make autists angry.
leads to a 404
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tfw no heavy smoker waifu with lung cancer
Naomi Williams!
reee I fell for it again
delete this post
*chlorals you*
*replaces your lungs with advanced prosthetics in the time it takes for the chloral to wear off*
nothing personel kid
>in the time it takes for the chloral to wear off
But each step takes like 15 seconds
That's only 3 steps (plus 5 seconds)!
>he thinks I use injectors instead of a rag and a small beaker of chloral
keep thinking small, kiddo
What does the Binary Atmospheric Circulator do?
circulates atmospherics between two outlets
its part of the TEG
is this server dying? I played here maybe a half a year ago and things were pretty poppin. Now the pop seems to be dwindling and the thread creeps along, what happened /ss13g/ :(
tfw she is gone
Lowpop hours.
Do you mean _______?
morena got doxxed because of a logging issue you mong.

It was a name and a twitter. That's hardly doxxing
Actually morena's twitter was discovered before the name leak

He changed his discord name to his twitter name, somebody searched twitter for his name and found his twitter. They only posted it during the name leak for max drama.
lots of byond/connection issues recently

also jannies banned me for shitposting recently and I imagine some others
yes that blankets spot is exactly what I meant
that was their ckey are you sure you remember the right person.

Their static was _______
>figure out someone's real info from the name leak
>find their facebook and stuff
>keep it to myself
>they stop playing soon after
I wonder if they are still here using another ckey
Everything nerfed when?
name leak?
The list
SergeWind C:/Users/Andrew/Documents/
im sorry :(
>not even the version with language
>tfw /users/home/
Good to know I'm not the only Nikita playing here
i don't have it anymore but there's a leak that shows everyones system default language
>all those faggots pretending to be girls BTFO
thanks anon
>my waifu is pretending to be a boy

I hate this so much, I'll never forgive PJB for allowing this to happen with his shit code
Morena C:/Users/Bill/Documents/
>Morena C:/Users/Bill/Documents/
Morena C:/Users/Bill/Documents/
>Morena C:/Users/Bill/Documents/
Morena C:/Users/Bill/Documents/
>Morena C:/Users/Bill/Documents/
Morena C:/Users/Bill/Documents/
>Morena C:/Users/Bill/Documents/
Morena C:/Users/Bill/Documents/
>Morena C:/Users/Bill/Documents/
Morena C:/Users/Bill/Documents/
>Morena C:/Users/Bill/Documents/
Morena C:/Users/Bill/Documents/
>Morena C:/Users/Bill/Documents/
Xevonix C:/Users/Snortyolk/Documents/
>Xevonix C:/Users/Snortyolk/Documents/
Xevonix C:/Users/Snortyolk/Documents/
>Xevonix C:/Users/Snortyolk/Documents/
Xevonix C:/Users/Snortyolk/Documents/
>Xevonix C:/Users/Snortyolk/Documents/
Xevonix C:/Users/Snortyolk/Documents/
>Xevonix C:/Users/Snortyolk/Documents/
Billposting will always be the best thing to come out of the leak
>it's funny because my name didn't get leaked

Yahir confirmed real alien.
When you code it, preferably before easter.

It would take you 20 minutes,
including adding the sprites.
>Blitzikaze C:/Users/Chris/Documents/
>Blithering C:/Users/Chris/Documents/
>NigglyWiggly C:/Users/Chris/Documents/

>aboo aboo i can't pretend to be a grill now, everyone will make fun of me for being a closet gay
Nobody gives a shit about your name and if you are retarded enough to use your full name as User name you deserve it
My name DID get leaked though
My name doesnt flow like Bill though so nobody cares
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>see name
its over
Couldn't she have Law 2'd a borg to do that for her?
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>mfw im not a faggot pretending to be a girl so I dont give a shit
>salamandooo not on here

Fuck, there's a chance
Salamandooo C:/Users/Edan/Documents/
>Salamandooo C:/Users/Edan/Documents/

did you even ctrl+f?

It's a jewboy anon
Salamandooo C:/Users/Edan/Documents/
>Name isn't Gabriella
stop posting the name shit, it's doxxing and banned on 4chan
It sends your IP, list of active windows and applications, and SCREENSHOTS YOUR ACTIVE BROWSER WINDOWS

Because byond is dying, (((lummox))) has to STEAL YOUR INFO AND SELL IT

It gets fed to the ad engine

>tfw you share a name with someone who hates you
>tfw will never be in the chris metaclub
whats your name qt
Post your SME setup
Will upload soon but I caught it dropping screenshots of my shitposting in the cache and deleting them after sending them
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Screenshot (316).png
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course you did
>Implying Lummox knows how to do any of that
Try scaring Origin users instead. Much more believable.
provide proof now
You literally only need 2 HE pipes in the chamber for cooling. Just extend the space HE pipes in a line for a bit, it's enough
Fuck you I'm phone posting in traffic

Will post when I get back to the work station
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I was in that round, observing him.
He did not murder anyone that entire round, don't make up shit just to make someone look bad.

t. filthy plap sympathizer
What about scrubbing plasma?
course you will
>using your phone in a car

I've just called the police on you, prepare for the arrest
Ever notice he only takes ideas and shit that profits him? He's only in it for the money

I'll do it you weeb fucker
you won't even do it
no balls
Of course he's only in it for the money.
But he's also tremendously incompetent.
>Salamandooo yelling at Intigracy over name leaks

Give it a rest waifufag, no one else cares.
Hook the pipe from the scrubbers back into cooling with a valve. Then make a filter at the end of a HE pipe in space filtering flasma. Pipe the filtered plasma back to cooling and a passive vent for what gets filtered out.
Don't separate the waste from cooling with a filter like some cucks do, this way the cooling also affects the waste from the moment it is sucked in.
t. plapatin
>somebody mentions your character in the thread

How does this make you feel?
>literally the only people who care are waifufags
Here is why wizard rounds are shit.
There are four parties on the station during wizard rounds:
>The Wizard(s) and his murderous accomplices
>(most likely asimov) silicons
>crew members with acces to projectile weapons
>crewmembers without

Usually the wiz starts murdering around and there is nothing sans himself and projectile weapons stopping him. Silicons try to nonharmfully contain the wizard(s) while a xeno/wraith/jaunting wizard murders the AI and EMPs the borgs.
Meanwhile, the unarmed crew dies.
Every encounter the wizard has with armed crewmembers he blinks/jaunts out of.
So having fun are only wizards and people with shotguns, which means no more than 25% of the server pop, the rest gets murderd and doesn't even need to attempt to do their job because of how short wizard rounds are.
Full mast instantly
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>lone sec
>AI denies me access to armoury when wizard is announced
But did you ahelp?
why would I ahelp an AI preventing human ham
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This surprises you?
All the best roleplayers are chicks who don't go around going 'lmao i m le wominnz'.
> H A R M
Why would she stay?
I don't think there was really anyone that didn't like Chug, and there was a Chug bus like every other round he was in.
they posted in the thread once that everyone became too attached to chug and all the busses and such put too much pressure on them to perform as that character
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For people who don't like reading.
Is plap crying piss in panel 3?
Now make it into loss
Can anyone explain to my how assembly frames work, what are they even for? My guess is telecomms stuff but i'm unsure.
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y tho.
how is this faggot amari ray not banned from heads yet, he literally kills himself every fucking time he plays as a head and causes massive ingame shitstorm because some greyshit loots his body afterwards
You don't ahelp it or make ban requests
yeah, because I don't fucking care
it's just fucking stupid to me that he kills himself for the 5th time as acting cap and nobody does anything about this, admins are not fucking blind so they surely know about this
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I stopped making ban requests a long time ago because admins dont read them.

>make ban request
>ask admin about ban request
>"yeah it looks like your ban request wont happen"
>explain it to admin
>turns out he didnt read it at all
>"oh ok I see my bad"
>if I wouldnt have asked about it nothing would have happened

if you dont ahelp it right after it happens you can forget about shit getting done
that's not true
i got banned because of a ban request recently
Granted, it was because I butthurt the banning admin royally last year and he never forgot it, but it was still because the ban request brought his attention to me and gave him an excuse

Here it is, cast your votes now. This decides whether ERP legalization is considered.
>still posting in the thread

absolutely pathetic, stick to hippie
thank u

i still play, just not chug. i'm glad that i made some lasting impressions with him, though

bingo, too much attention. i'm surprised that people even remember chug, much less a few posts from a couple months ago
you know we can't have ERP because of legal reasons, right?
neva played on hippie senpai
been playing /vg/ longer than pain
Entering the Armory is not human harm
the thread remembers all, anon
but not me baka

This is a lie perpetuated by people who hate fun.
>SangriaMonkey2 C:/Users/Arnold%20Family/Documents/
most AI's are cool about it and let me in even if it was apparent that human harm is on my mind

Always a kick in the teeth when you get cucked by the silishitters though
Someone post the Chug pasta
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I bought it off a rhythmic gentleman and never wiped it

chug pasta?
i played him and i don't think i've seen it
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>"Hey punk give me all your lunch money or you're gonna be arrested"
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>Sarah Johnson C:/Users/OddembrekProject%20III/Documents/
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>tfw no good anime hairstyles
most of them are
the ones that aren't japanimation related are either ten years old or make your head about twice as big
MoMMI Upload Board in Spessmart when?
>phone and anime posting
baka desu senpai
I want to be a DJmin!
>doesn't like anime
>plays on an anime server
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The wizard's most useless spell is going to actually reflect damage, meaning you'll feel none of it while it's active (still vulnerable to stuns though).
mmm whatcha think
If you take Blink and Pain Mirror you are invincible.
Do coders actually play the game?
Pain mirror lasts a few seconds and has a 90 second cooldown. One shotgun shell to the chest = dead because they won't be able to get treated at medbay to stop the bleeding.

Do you even play the game?
Are you having it do full damage to everyone, or disperse over the crowd (90 damage to 3 people is 30 each)
Fix mindswap desu.
Now it is simply useless, upgrading it doesn't even reduce the time you are knocked out
>my ckey is on here
>my real name isn't
It's a good thing I'm super fucking paranoid and never put my real name anywhere it doesn't need to be
>join vg server for the first time
>got implanted and explode in tiny bits
is this normal?
Also what's the main difference between vg and tg servers
Full damage to everyone but if it's higher than 50, it's only reflected partially (hitting yourself with a 200-force HF-katana deals 0 damage to you and 50 damage to everybody else)
I can already tell you're not from here.
Get the fuck out faggot, go play on TG, we don't want you here, FUCK OFF, WE'RE FULL.
What if someone made a Carmen Miranda static and roleplayed being a ghost when they round start observe
>that feeling when you marry your slave wife _______ ______ and none other ever come close
t. mysterious individual
>mallory brooks
Jesus, you're a fucking creep. Go back to living in Druggieland, Siberia.
Fuck, I meant space wife.
so it full reflects, but it's capped at 50? I can live with this, more gimmicks are good
Plus, pain mirror + golem could be fun for instagibs
Slave wife is good too ;)
No, Anon, that is kind of lewd and my wife isn't lewd
shiggy couldn't marry any of the 3 people he tried to marry
couldn't marry catandwet, couldn't marry kammer, couldn't marry whatever the fuck her ckey was
hey look it's a new overpowered spell that makes you invincible
that spess mart heist was good shit mates
>One shotgun shell to chest
>Shotguns ever hitting anything with blink

Do you even play the game? Or maybe you do but you're just unrobust fucking lmao
i managed to shoot a wizard once, he though shotgun slugs didn't went through doors

he though wrong
This. The only things shotguns or lasers ever hit when Wizzy's got blink is other crewmembers, and goddamn it's hilarious when it happens.

5x blink is literally all you need to kill the entire station.

Which waifus are for marriage?
Mallory Brooks was an ancient /vg/ waifu

Think about current waifus


safe to say Mallory brooks the Ash Surfer has risen again
I remember when I shotgunned a wizzy but fucking warden put beanbags in the shotty
both are shit
I've killed wizards many times with a shotgun and I have awful aim, it's about being patient and waiting for them to blink to you rather than chasing them.

Blink has a 2 second cooldown, that means when he pops on your screen you have 2.7 seconds to shoot him once.

Do you play security at all, or even play the game?
they all erp
Mallory Brooks was part of the first flood of shit tier WFU stock into the market in early '16 alongside other trash tier waifus such as Fang and Julia.

Ancient, she is not.
unless he takes like 4 blinks or jaunt
Ayy dude, chill
>2 second cooldown
>he hasn't fought a 4xblink wizard before
Nigh-Upon impossible to hit.
A-am I WFU trash anon?

Rate all WFU's from 2016!
They're all shit. Literally fucking all of them, complete and total trash. The last good WFU stock came in around late '15, and sold before the first '16 shipment arrived.

Natalya and Terry were the last good waifus.

The best 2016 WFU still plays
>cashed out on WFU before the great depression right after Shiggygate
Enjoy your low value stock, losers!
t. natalya and terry
For 4x blink it's even easier. You drop a polyacid smoke near him and he will blink into it and instantly die.
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>ancient , irrelevant WFU dinosaurs think they compare to the current stock
seems like a good idea to get bwoinked
Post a list of all 2016 WFU stock and I will personally rate it
This is your crewmate for today's shift.
Whoever was "Elaw" last round, you are a valid hungry piece of shit and you know it. If I did the shit you did I would get rekt. Fuck you.
>WFU dinosaurs
Anon, I'm not and have never been a waifu aside from once, and that was a stint of maybe a month just to see what it was like.

I'm simply a WFU/HSB connoisseur, and my rating of all of last year's WFU stock is that it was all utter, vapid trash consumable only by the lowest common denominator of WFU buyer.
Stay mad SERWIND and read the NT laws until you understand them you sperging shit grey.
You're not real me.
t. WFU market co-founder and one of the most prominent holders in the secondmost common traded HSB listing
>that post
top 5 2016 WFU in no order

Megurine Luka
Caleigh Stall
Trinity Prewitt
Naomi Williams
Mallory Brooks
Are you retarded? You keep bringing up fucking law 1, except there was no violation of law 1, so what is your point?

hit and miss buddy, not MY fault YOU dont know your place
>he trades WFU
>he doesn't trade HSB

I'm the biggest holder of the most sought after HSB on the market. Ask a literal millionaire anything
Top 5 HSB of all time, in no order
Samwell Benitez
Allen Baker
Patrick Bateman
Garryck Varus
Ricky Stick

Value the sec HSB listings for me would you?
All shit tier husbandos except bateman lad
Good argument
You are supposed to radiate them until you have 4 beneficial stages, then you put them on an airborne virus.
Then you get lynched because the last stage is kingstons
Fuck off shiggy
>stop playing for a bit because the lack of administation was legit killing the fun
>think coming back
>check ban page

wow theyve been busy i am impress
It does. Order like 5 crates, analyze the virus and Job's done
>tfw actually have a husbando
>tfw other waifus talk to him a lot in game
>tfw hardly ever see him posted to the thread

Guess my husbando!
Pomf is named chris as well
Alright, I'll go through my personal knowledge of HSB that plays sec in ascending order of value.
>Orson I can't remember his last name
>Patrick Bateman
>nope, still got nothing
>just imagine this single line is about 100
There's not really that many husbandos playing Sec, lad.
Elect me headmin and I will appearance ban any waifu who becomes too popular in the thread
cant appearance ban somebody that is already appearance banned kid
Elect me headmin and I will ERP with any waifu who becomes too popular in the thread and dump logs
>forgetting Paul motherfucking Foster
Oh yeah, Paul's a pretty high-tier guy, but he doesn't really seem to be in the market. Clever though, it's funny watching people grab his fake Cap spare and get pissy when it's got no access on it.
There is nothing to argue, you were wrong, got your shit pushed in and now you are upset you can't collect banvalids on others so you come crying to the thread. Lmaoing at your life.
Err, it was some faggots trying to catch valids in general, I have rarely ahelped. But if you're going to play silicon you should understand your laws lol
you missed _me_____
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GOD TIER: that guy with the hair who does nothing but play laser tag all game every game

Bad tier: everyone else

Dumpster tier: Machine Dryin and Antonio when they decided they'd be sec but not as goons no no they need to be heads and they were both shit at it
from my own experience as officer, locker man really annoys me, because most of the time that's all he fucking does instead of patrolling or catching crims

even got some poor sod bussed in as a catbeast for him to shoot once
So this is what /vg/ has become after all these years? I'm not sure what I expected would happen considering how 4chan has gotten, but this is a new level. I miss the long drawn out arguments.
>no me
Hmph. Fine then, I didn't wanna be your husbando anyways.
Post your favorite jukebox song :)
That's mighty funny coming from you right after your knowledge of laws were proven wrong.
I like that retarded version of rappers delight. It always puts a smile on my face.
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Alberto Barbosa, my waifu
Kavlax is my waifu!
so a few months back /vg/ was going through waifu madness, what happened to Avada and the other men?
>tfw you will never marry karen
She's already a 43 year old mother of 3
>coincidentally running through dorms near roundstart
>coincidentally get switched to NT Default immediately after
makes one ponder....
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I was going to do an allignment chart of vox statics, but we don't have 9 memorable vox
There aren't 3 good-aligned vox anyway and there are too many chaotics
>tfw you'll never be a memorable Vox trader
Whoever was HoS last round, never play HoS ever again

>Busts into chemistry to make hyperzine
>Starts scarfing down hyperzine for his magboots while a doctor tells him to fuck off
>Small scuffle later, doctor is tossed into jail
>HoS starts dying from all the fucking hyperzine he took
>"The chemists must've injected me with something"
>Cranks up doctor time past 10 minutes
>Runs around the rest of the round in magbooties and ablative

I felt so bad for that doctor for having to deal with you that I busted him out of jail.
Avada overdosed on spaghetti sauce.
anyone want to blow me off I'm in dorms
is that the same guy wearing a fucking hardsuit roundstart and storming into chem for hyperzine? I saw him yestarday too
was he banned along with the rest of the eve meta gay?
Rebellion is always an option. When the HoS is a shit with no respect for his charges or the law, it's time for a mutiny, assuming all the officers except one agree.
That last one gets spaced for being a sycophant.
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Don't be dumb.
the oldfag bartender vox and the autistic chef vox are good
I like our male assistant statics, most of them actually manage to keep that space between having a real personality and being fluff characters, it really makes the station more lively.
Did you ahelp it?
there are assistant statics that are GOAT and never get mentioned in the thread
don't ruin it by shilling them
Why are you still whining
There was no personal grudge
You were being a shitter, we all saw it
Take a break from the thread, you're not getting anywhere shitpositng, come back in a month when you learn to behave and they usually grant appeals after that

definitely not fridge fillsby, the ultimate HoS
Yeah best I can do is remember 5 statics and recall a 6th one but cant think of their name, there's no way we got 9.
we became surprisingly less retarded
sadly retards like you exist
Waifus were never good
>get notified of someone with no ID being suspicious in engineering wearing a balaclava
>go to investigate
>find the guy
>hail at him to stop
>he runs away, I chase and he slips me with water, steals my taser, tases me, runs away
>go get magboots because of the above, head to chemistry to ask for hyperzine
>"no you don't need it"
>push the doctor into the door, make myself some hyperzine
>as I'm doing this the doctor starts disarming me
>I arrest him for assaulting me
>someone breaks him out after two minutes while I'm still chasing the no-ID madman
>sec entrance is blocked by rtables
>the clown is breaking into the upload and walling himself in
>the madman tases me with the taser from before so I decide to get ablative
I could go on but I'm just going to self-request a ban, as it's clear I'm not up to the task

And also this. There's a few assistant statics like that, and I like them since they're genuinely friendly, funny people. I don't want them to get scared off by threadposting.
>HoS tresspassing
>assaults a doctor
You are not above the law and you don't get to demand whatever you want.

No? Go be a little bitch somewhere else.
Or you can just not sign up. Either way is a win win for everyone.
I do have to say though, assistants that choose tradeband and not gutter are fucking terrible
>choosing anything but Sol-Common

honestly dude its never worth playing security. I tried it a while ago and was the nicest sec imaginable always giving people half the time they should have got and letting them out early but it always ends the same way with a misunderstanding or a grey tider flat out lying and the entire crew turning against you and calling you out in the thread screaming shitcurity along with everyone joining in not knowing the situation.
just dont give a hoot, sec gets way more fun
>speaking chinglish
>like a fucking pleb
Gutter is the language of a real man. Chinglish is for retards who spend more time getting tazed by sec than working/tiding, and Tradeband is used by ponces who wanna seem high-class while doing nothing except sipping martinis in the bar.
>choosing sol
nigga all humans know that by default
our only language choice options are gutter and tradeband, don't act like you can wriggle out of this one, prissy
>actually enjoying being a dick to people
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Where were you when vox were a pox?
Replying to >>173737256
replying to >>173737463
replying to >>173737741
Replying to >>173737843
Replying to >>>/hm/1527999
But what if I just want the dick and the guy but not the second guy?
They're for having multiple assemblies activate each other. Only thing I've really seen one used for is light tile sequences, but potentially you could make a voice-activated trap room or some shit.
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>"the chemist must've injected me with something"
Where is kent on this?
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