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/wowg/ - World of Warcraft general

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Thread replies: 819
Thread images: 177

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/ourguy/ edition


WoW Token Price:

Blood of Sargeras to gold:
US: rodent.io/blood-money
EU: rodent.io/blood-money-eu/

NA: twitter.com/BlizzardCS
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so apparently blizzard just did a nude mod ban wave
anyone here get hit
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>Maiev still chasing Illidan for some raisin
She wants the fel D.
me. got 6 months
>just finished Blood and Wine
>still 8 questlines left until I finish Good Suramaritan

why the fuck are there so many quests for Suramar
what the fuck do you mean for some reason
it was a gem in the shitpile of legion
anyone know which patch leveling through pvp was introduced?
i cant seem to quite recall it.
im thinking lich king but im not sure.
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>look for a group for the demon hunter on isle of the watchers
>3 groups with 5-10 people each all created a few min ago
>apply to each
>they all delist
>one group with a single person created 20 min ago who is obviously afk and never delisted
>one group with 25 people created 40 min ago
>as soon as I phase over to their server, bloodlust is popped
>they only just now pulled her

why did they wait 40 minutes?
Any TLDR for the mage tower?

Is the skin impossible without TOS gear?
Why do you repost the same shit, u fucking piece of shit?
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Which is more fun, /wowg/, Resto Sham or Mistweaver Monk?
its easy if your not a fcking noob. pros only
I deleted my old post because that thread was past 750 replies and everyone was fixing to hop over to a new thread

you would realize this if you weren't such a retard
Reminder to summon the lieutenant as soon as the ship recharges for maximum butthurt.
I imagine it will be like the green fire Warlock questline, extremely difficult but not impossible if you're gud enuff.
Here, have this, seems like you really want one.
I haven't played WoW in a few

How's combat rogue doing this xpac? Thinking about resubbing?
stop playing healers
nobody on /wowg/ should heal
Nobody cares and nobody will care, faggot
You just want some (you)'s then? You got your answer.
It's dead, Jim.

You /outlaw/ now, roll dem bones and yo ho ho.
I care, and that's all that matters.

Thanks :3
Combat has been deleted and is now Outlaw, you basically a casino spec where you spend combo points for a certain buff until you actually get a good one
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yeah it's doing fine I guess
So a bunch of Elemental Shamans claim Icefury is significantly harder than Ascendence/Lightning Rod

From what I gather (I am leveling one), the only difference is that you have to fit 4 Frost Shocks in every 30s or so.
That sounds fucking dumb, is assassin still the same?

Why did they delete the most fun rogue spec
No that's just some autist with way too much time on their hands.
Honestly I'd play it if it were somehow true
but pirates xD

What do you mean by same? Ass wasn't changed significantly.
resto shaman because you're actually a good healer and not the useless pos that is mw
>forty tooth point
Old Gods or Demons?
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>join shard group
>leader is on aussie realm
>get stuck there
>400 ms all the time
for what?
for sex
Damn, frost dks are fun as fuck to level. I enjoy the play style as well. Might main that over my furry warrior.
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>got the BM shoulders
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kind of cute in an ugly duckling sort of way :3
Lucky fuck.
I like the new head turn thing
I want her to choke me and fist my anus.
Friendly reminder that horde are filthy monkeys and always will be.
>spam obliterate
>occasionally hit rime
>don't hit frost strike for half the fight because dude breath lmao

how does anyone find that shit fun? I only played it on prog because unholy is lacking in damage, but jesus christ what a fucking abomination, pressing 2 buttons for 40% of a fight is mind numbing.
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>leveling a resto shaman
>group with a bunch of mud-people from south of the border
>not a single heirloom to be found amongst the group
>never do mechanics
>they die
>wetf were is heals
spic genocide when lads
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How do you get artifact relics from the nethershard vendor? There doesn't seem to be an option for them.

Please respond
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Start playing Wildstar.
>unironically caring about factions

There is an option, its literally called relinquished relic
who is the dronald dumpf of wowld of wowcraft?
Garrosh or Genn
But I like both of them a lot more than the real Drumpf for some reason
>not just using dmf exploit for 1-100

Explain this exploit.
>Head over to Rona Greenteeth to purchase the Inky Black Potion. This potion finally gives you darker nights on demand wherever you go, for the next two hours.
Or you could just make it a settings toggle you retarded fucks.
>want to go to darkmoon faire
>have to go to goldshire
>as a fem draenei
why is alliance so scary bros
lmao buy some tokens
who the fuck is using nude mods

jesus christ
Combination of Genn Greymane and Garrosh one failed to build a decent wall while the other failed at getting rid of the wrong races.
Explain it or I'm calling it bs
who is he
It's the first fucking option dude?
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Stop grinding Nethershards.
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someone explain to me wtf to do in the mop battleground the 1 with grass and hills and minecarts i think like whats the objective how to tell if we r winning and whats the point of mid
Holy fuck dude what are you saying.
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Thinking about gearing a tank. I have a DK already capped and somewhat geared but it has frost legos, and I played Blood DK when I was a raid lead/main tank and I kind of want to try something else.
I know Guardian is a meme right now but is it really boring to play? I played bear last in MoP and it was super boring. Warrior seems cool but people say it's shit with all the magic damage in ToS.

I might do a healer instead. Are any healers particularly fun or unfun right now? I tried disc on my priest and I hated it. I'm leaning toward Resto Sham but I'd have to level from 102.
no go kys faggot, it'll get hotfixed just like the ap one did the second some dickhead made a reddit thread about it. It's literally on elite ownedcore if you're actually interested.
I am not even sure myself I think you capture the points while trying to take the enemy cart to your side. It's a pretty terrible battleground.

Is it really that hard to understand when something isn't written in perfect English?
are you dumb as shit??? fucking idiot

things im asking =
of deepwind gorge
1. whats the objective???
2. how to tell if am winning???
3. purpose of middle area??? the 1 with flag and pools of dirty water
>try to hold as many mines as possible
>try to sneak a cart through to steal ressources
wew complicated bg
>it doesn't exist
Disc is the most fun healer, its just not idiot proof so shitters are bad at it.
>calls me a fucking idiot
>cant figure out a simple EOTS reskin
are you dumb as shit??? fucking idiot
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Is sentinax farm the wow version of D3 rifts?

Should i resub?
come again in 2 months
How do I into hellfire council 25 solo as an 866 lock? I can't out dps mark of the necromancer and imp doesn't dispel it.

Just get better gear?
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wath went so wrong bros?
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Threw this together. r8?
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darker nights when?
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So now that the droprates for nethershards at Sentinax portals have been increased is it worth farming?

If I join a raid farm group how fast can I go from 0 to 5k shards? Like 3 hours?
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Literally gimping your self despite knowing you can do better with any other healer without much effort. Just think about you could do even more with those skills then wasting it. Unless you are doing pvp I don't see why you would ever want to bring a disc?
it's shit.
Love ponies
>Raid group.
Don't do this. It's better to farm a 5 man party and farm portals that are close together pulling a lot. You can get 5k shards in less than 1 hour, depending of your group.
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What belt and boots should I use? I was thinking of using boots of the underdweller from Ulduar 25.
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Threw this together. r8?
looks good
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Threw this together. r8?
Literally they gave what the community asked.

Same is happening with music
>tfw too dumb to understand sentinax farming
what the fuck are all these portal stones for and why are all the mobs that come out of them tagged by alliance?
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wath do you think of me?
The thing is you have to manage all your cooldowns. Now this sound simple enough, but in the middle of an raid it can be difficult to manage.

But if you can do it then go for it. Its the best talent dmg-wise by far.
They actually do great raid healing if played well, the myth that they're worse is perpetuated by idiots. Even on bullshit hps meters/logs you'll see them top 10 for a lot of fights. The damage they deal in m+ also speeds up the run a crazy amount by the end of it. Why would you play a boring class when you can play a fun one and achieve the same result?
Looks pretty cool, and normally I hate elves.
Did you just slap on some random greens?
Pretty cool, the weapons just look a bit goofy from how big they are.
If you have the green or blue portal stones you'll spawn more mobs or empower mobs but they have tag limits so you have to be quick. Never use the purple stones, they will summon a giant mob that drops shards but also ends the portals and forces the ship to recharge.
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what would you do if you saw me out in the world?
Male Tauren x femhuman fresh off the presses. Originally written with a prompt from /wowg/ about a human being distressed over the 7.2 weapon size nerf and falling in love with a tauren's "weapon".

hug you
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how do I block specific youtubers from appearing for me on youtube entirely? I specifically want this hobo ginger cuntface out of my suggested video feed
I think you are missing my point. I am saying is why would you literally gimp yourself on a class that can't go that far on healing when you can play another class that can do the same and go even beyond that if played right? It's such a waste of talent unless you just adamant about playing disc regardless of how bad it is.
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>queue up for a dungeon
>get BRD
>tank has never done BRD
>keeps going the wrong way despite getting directions and pings
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got aotc my 1st try

the mechanics arent even hard

mythic is actually difficult though
>get thrown out as soon as you get AOTC so you can't loot shit
fucking pugs.
It's the fact that you have to get a hard cast of Icy fury every 30 s while also mashing everything else on CD and if you delay it at all you're losing DPS and might as well ascendance
I'm at mythic starboy and he isn't even hard, it's just those ~5 retards that takes turns in wiping the entire raid because punishing mechanics
don't worry, the postmaster bro got your back
Cleared him easy last week after the nerfs but as soon as the new patch hit melee decided to activate grand trine every 5 seconds, didn't realize how much people depended on the stupid nameplate WA. Wasted an entire raid night reclearing so only got tonight to prog on elisande
Were nether chunks nerfed? I swear they were giving 500
>reverse shilling
Not even worth of a (You).
when does stuff show up in the mailbox? like 15 minutes or so?
players were getting a bit too much from them, so they were adjusted a little
Instant. So if you didn't get a mail you didn't get any loot from the boss.
the souldbounds only give 100, the boe 500 ones are called something else
got it.
that sucks, doesn't gul'dan drop a mount or something at heroic, cause like i said we just killed him and i got booted as soon as it hit, it counted cause i got AOTC, but shit.
>tfw to intelligent to play melee
He does, but it's not a 100%.
well shit that sucks.
only real rougeges own this
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>this grind is going a little too well for my taste t. blizzard
Next week is going to be a shitshow with invasions, can't wait for nerfs and buffs and nerfs and buffs.
So why does this dude purposefully spell things wrong in his shitposts?
>using big weapons
Well how else are you gonna shitpost? Like a gentleman or some shit?
nike sports jacket, extremely rare
You raise an interesting point, is there etiquette w/ regards to shitposting?
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gg blizzard
Depends on what your goal is really i imagine.
>junkposter is back
Great, image limit with worthless shit that doesn't matter.
Hunters suck and the game would be better without them honestly
t. totemjockey mad that Hunter isn't the worst class anymore
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fak u noobs
>is back
Can he and the nelf muppet(if they are different people) be banned for avatarfagging?
t. huntard that thinks its oh so funneh to drag half a dungeon with him and his shitty wolves.
>Death Nights
They're the same person, the dude samefags 24/7, pretends to be other people and even posts furry porn. The only way to get him rangedb& is to take this matter to the IRC or /qa/.
It's the same person. Some guy said he was making a case for him to be banned but I dunno.

This is Blizzard. Female characters never do anything unless a man is behind their reason for doing it.
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this thread needs some sunshine, its too negative
She wants the illidong.
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>queue for heroic
>get upper Khara
>Curator dies before he runs out of mana
>there's no trash or bats between Curator and Medivh, just run straight to him
>Medivh never even casts flame wreath
>burst down the last boss down to 10% before he could fuck off through the portal

well that was boring
cute pic dude
Whenever I feel bad about myself, I always remember I don't samefag 24/7 in one thread on 4chan.
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okay, this looks pretty cool at night
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>join new guild
>outperform everyone except a few people
>realize i'm too good for them
>that state of absolute focus where you perform like a god when everything's gone to shit

Is there a better feeling?
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only heroic grasshosheshh raiders got wolf mount, jelly?
removed jelly?
I used to do that in Bayonetta a lot for some reason. I'd play like shit until I was at red/low HP and then I'd perform flawlessly, dodge every single attack, and finish the fight.
t. melee DPS
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>tfw to intelligent to play ranged dps
Is that Star Augur?
check this black wolf, jelly?
woah thats really badass dude
People won't even cry about it because they're admitting to being degenerates. 10/10
thank you so much!
Got a Garn Nighthowl mount but it seems to be bugged insofar as I cant see the thing in my mount list. Any fix, before i open a ticket..?
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Is Tichondrius good for alliance?

Sargeras is too uneven
do you still even play this game?
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most people in /wowg/ do
Sorry I have read a book at one point in my life
Where do i get these nude mods?
Wanna know how I know it's fake? Undead tinkers.
if they're still riding the TBC nostalgia wagon (they are), it'd be Orcs instead.
Lorewise, Gnomes, Dwarves, and then EITHER human or Draenei for Alliance, and then Orc, Goblin, and Blood Elf for Horde for the default tinker races.
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Be honest with me /wowg/. How does my mog look?
Both of them suck but at least rsham has good cooldowns
next expac will be remake of wratch of lich king. wod was remake of vanilla, legion is burning crusade. next will be wrath
I can see all my other mounts. But the garn nighthowl isnt even showing up in my mount list. Firzt time this happens
I like the simplicity, but at the same time I think it could really use some shoulderpads.
Yeah i actually do wear a fedora sometimes cause its edgy and >>172907206 isnt me...
yeah sure, whatever samefag
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I'm leveling enchanting alongside tailoring right now. What am I in for once I reach their max levels?
I would if I had a matching pair but for now ill keep it simple.
Gotta have that Forsaken alchemist healer bro
Also I think Forsaken need to have all classes that humans have besides Paladin
I honestly think that the Old Gods shit is just a big red herring

If you listen to/play the DK order hall campaign it's clear that the power is starting to corrupt Bolvar pretty severely. He is also in communication with all the other DKs and openly lying to everyone (including you) about it. There is also the fact you can hear Arthas (Which may or may not be real) from your sword

Plus Bolvar straight up says that if you don't go harvest the power he sends you for he will go use it for himself
Did you try using /use Mount'sname ?
trolling low ilvl shitters who ask you if "you need that" by showing them the crystal u just got by disenchanting the item, and selling lots of bags in the AH
so my account got banned for body mods. should i appeal? how the fuck can i explain it

"sorry i like realism in my games and i didnt know it was against the rules please unban"
Wew, how sad
You deserve it. Maybe this will teach you to stop shitting up the threads with worthless ass pictures.
Nice false flag. I've been using them for months and didn't get hit with shit and neither did the people on my friendlist I ERP with.
whats your toons name tough guy
I'll try when im no longer grounded.

Why are you bullying me?
What is the personal resource nameplate called when you're using KUI nameplates? I want to add a trigger in WA to only show when the personal nameplate is visible
>Being underage
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>over 100k worth of raid consumables going up on the AH right before reset
How come no one on /wowg/ plays a worgen?
Im in my twennies
shit models and fur bait
>At Elisande normal
>Follow mechanics, don't do anything wrong, and do respectable dps (not top, but nowhere near last)
>Eager to finally kill Gul'dan for Balance of Power's last step
>Raid lead asks me to sit out for his friend to come in for Gul'dan
>Didn't give me an option to say no

I'll never get this shit done.
I don't mind worgen, I just hate the people that associate with them.
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I already have like 8 warriors and the friend I was leveling him with quit.
Thats called either your leader is a shitheap or your DPS need to get its shit together.
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>complaining about Normal kills
Literally just pug it
>tfw want to roll a goblin hunter but dont want to play horde
Either your raidl ead is a dipshit or your lying, no reason to take out someones whos top 5 dps and following mechanics.
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>Find an artifact appearance I want for an alt
>it's the honor one
Why isn't this shit account wide
What is the least stressful role in this game? Healer?
Artificially inflating their minigame player numbers.
>no /wowg/ guilds
I like this new meme.
you got like 20 other idiots covering your mistakes (if you can even call using a cooldown sub-optimally a mistake) and if your melee you don't even have to do mechanics
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>look up a rare mob that has a green boe I want for transmog
>it's a rare in the draenei starting zone
>see this

made me kek
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The Dark Below is real... to an extent.

That is bullshit though. Trust me. Currently they are working on two things for WoW.

Art is being done heavily for Argus at the moment, which they 'said' was for 7.3, the amount of work being put into it is pretty standard for a patch, so I am inclined to believe them. Argus is a lot like Outland or the Emerald Nightmare Raid Interior. Its all broken and weird but its got Draenei Architecture all around. The raid itself currently has two end concepts being thrown around. The more interesting one is sort of a tie in to the next expansion. Sort of. The other is generic demon shit with a super lame ending. My guess would be on them choosing the later because its easier for them and because it gives them room to release more "content" patches later to fill in the story gaps and tell circle jerkers that they kept there promise about no drought.

The other art being done is for what I assume is Black Empire related stuff and lots of it appears to be in caves and shit underground. The most significant piece of I have seen looks similar to the Magera boss room area in ToT, its a HUGE underground cavern that feels kind of like Uldum but much more realistic and less Shamany.

All I KNOW is the art related stuff, the rest is speculation and heresy based on what a 'friend' overheard at work. Screenshot this post.
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I meant Deepholm not Uldum.
>finish legendary research 2 weeks ago
>second legendary refuses to drop
>more Deepholm
Bismuth thread?
Welcome to normalfag hell. Unless you spam Mythic + all day, you won't see a second for a while.
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Trying to pug heroic Gul'dan is literally giving me aids

Like, I can kill every boss in the instance in a pug without a problem besides fucking Gul'dan, I even have aotc and join like 890+ groups and there's always those retards who get knocked off the edge or don't kill eyes or drop fire everywhere

I've been trying to join guilds too but no one I ever try to contact responds, and the only guilds that contact me are like 1/10M when I got 3/10M like a month and a half ago before my guild died
Me too.
you want to create a guild of winners with me?
>npcs still bully death knight characters when they enter the capital city
p-please stop ;_;
I don't want to guild or raid lead or anything like that, I used to raid lead and I hated it

I just want to join a decent guild, it doesn't even have to be top tier, where I can raid and enjoy it instead of banging my head against the wall because -Quel'Thalas died for the 3rd time
>Best warrior artifact skin is Arms' Balance of Power skin
>It's stuck behind shitty Arms spec
>Fury gets a pair of derpy fucking dragon faced swords with glowing beards

What a waste.
>second legendary dropped about a week after the first
>no third since almost a month
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>getting them THIS late

I know the dates are shit but I finally got AOTC Gul'dan

Now what /wowg/? Do I just wait for TOS to open up because there's nothing left to do?
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Why, exactly, is PvP considered a minigame, when objectively speaking, it takes a million times more of a skilled player to do well in PvP, then in PvE. Just my opinion though I guess.
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The new darkmoon faire potion is a lot of fun

normal Duskwood
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>every path is curved, full of obstacles and full of mobs
>the map is confusing and lacks detail
>mobs daze and dismount you, as well as having all sorts of stuns, slows and roots
>mobs now scale in HP so you can't kill them quickly
>flying gated behind ridiculous achievements
>everything related to gearing your character is RNG

I wonder why Blizzard would implement such objectively bad game design features in a subscription based game...

If you still willingly give them your money you are a literal fucking cuck.

And don't even bother pretending that paying in gold for tokens is any different when you can easily turn that gold into real money with almost no fuss.
'Now do what you do best and follow me'

>there's nothing left to do?
Are you item ilvl 910+? No? Then get to shard farming fuccboi.
Because a loser who just hit 110 on a class they don't know how to play can do good in pvp.

I know this from experience because I can't play Retribution for shit outside of pvp.
>get the healer down to 20%, one! second! til the gcd lets me smash him with a MONSTER execute
>literal ragnaros DK pulls him off of me and he heals to full
kek love it

love that ability

thanks for reading my blog
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Enhanced Duskwood
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What did he mean by that? Didn't Maiev kill him in BT temple?
>Correct Duskwood
Fixed that for you. Holy shit is that an improvement.
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>Not liking being bullied
google "how to block youtube channels"
The heroes defeated Illidan. Maiev just showed up to look pretty since women can't fight as good as men.

I mean, she couldn't catch Illidan, right? A bunch of literal nobody neckbeards, as evident from the ingame Illidan quest, was able to beat him while Maiev just tickled you. Proof enough right there.
pervert! worthless! die!
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Based Inky Black Potion
Try to not be an undead abomination whose purpose is gone with the real Lich King being dead.

But seriously, they are undead who barely remember their pasts. They're literally monsters wearing the skin of loved ones.
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should I race change my WW monk? currently human male for all the Ryu

Once blizzard realises that darker nights will slow players down and make it harder to get around they will make this the default in a patch without noting it. You will not be able to toggle it off in settings.

A bunch of rabid blizzdrone fanboys will defend it to the death across the various WoW discussion areas to drown out the majority of people asking for it to be reverted. Blizzard will respond early with a noncomittal response and then ignore the complaints from then on out.

A few people will quit, a few will stay annoyed and the game inches closer to death.
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>mage tower at 98%
You just described literally every single change ever made to the game.
nether cucks btfo
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Do any casters have any fun or cool mechanics left or is it just fire mages?
yeah but now we can serve bolvar who's totally still a good guy :^)
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>and the game inches closer to death

The sooner WoW truly dies, the sooner we can get World of Warcaft 2, a proper next-gen sequel.
Fuck the broken isles and how many bullshit stunning/rooting/disorienting mobs they stack on top one another.
What mechanics do fire mages even have? Hot Streak?
I wish WoW would die so we can get WoW 2 and see the resurgence of MMOs
that living bomb pop is orgasmic at times

being able to literally melt trash is nice as fuck
Making a prediction here. The Mage Tower is going to be destroyed before I even wake up tomorrow.
it lasts for 3 days no matter what
Does it? They made it sound like you had to defend it or it would get destroyed
Quick reminder that the only people who donate to the mage tower are reddit screamers
I'd love to know if the single person who uses screamer in these threads is the fat balding autistic 40 year old german dude who also spams the u jelly images all the time.
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>Have 500+ Legionfall supplies
>Donate them all to the Nether Disruptor
Hold me, /wowg/.

I never healed and I'm afraid to try it but I'm getting bored of enh rng fuckery. Should I make the switch into a healslut?
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fk u noob
I started using it when I noticed people getting triggered by its use.
>Resto Shaman
I want to level a priest for their cool owlbeast class mount. Do I just level Disc the whole time?
Dont bully him itll just make it worse
>thinking that only one person here memes with screamer

rofl kid ur outta ur element
so what about when everybody is done with new meme island? does the tower just get destroyed and you have to build it all by yourself? wtf blizz
people get REALLY buttblasted over the word so others started to troll with it.
what screamer
resto shamans are useless this patch
>Relinquished gear

cuck tower 99%
ignore him

ur fine unless you u want to top hps meters on mythic content
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>He did m0's earlier in the week
>He didn't wait until the Mage Tower Bonus + AK 27
What's the best spec for Rogues in terms of PvE DPS? I rolled Outlaw and it seems to really suck on deeps meters.
Can I get a quick rundown on the Mage Tower?
pro skins no noobs allowed
>redditers want new artifact skins from it
>they dont realise the challenges are tuned for ToS gear levels
>rivers of tears will flow from normie redditors who cant finish it
>kek will be plenty
bonus AP from raids and dungeons
>farming rare
>two cloth drops in a row

A rare pun from Khadgar! I love how this guy can let loose once in a while
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>guild members talking about what they watch on TV
>some cuck says he enjoys supergirl
>the show that changed the dorky white male main love interest out for a big black dude
>literally Cuck: the show
>likes all these other garbage CW shows as well
>is shit at WoW

like pottery
terrible blog
I didn't realize @mouseover worked on the raid frames now. Is there even any point to Clique now?

Besides your saving macro page space.

Clique gives me issues though so if I don't need it then good riddance.
>hes not at bare minimum 890+ so he can do it anyways
>Being this bad at WoW
Can't wait for Jaina to stab him
>reading comprehension

pick one
How do I stop having bad players in my battlegrounds? I just want my pvp stuff that I earned without having to deal with idiots slowing me down.

Alternatively, is random battleground as alliance the only good honor farm? I'm not paying a chinaman for that crazy kill farming shit.
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What's the best rare spawn addon that tells me if a rare is in the area?
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>Broken Isle normally
Boring grey hunk of rock with some fel pools everywhere

>Broken Isle with darkness potion
Evil demonic realm and looks dope

Why doesn't Blizzard fucking do with with all their new glowy stuff? It looks great.
There will be no reason to do it after Legion anyways
Outlaw does suck on anything without a fuckton of adds. Assassination is best ST, Subtlety is best cleave.
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Pants mage is superior
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that actually looks pretty sweet
so is the challenge weapon skin thing actually going to be challenging? I have 4k nethershards saved up for retries.
which one is jalopy? the fat one? or the fatter one?
no one cares
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99% we almost there
Manda players look like THAT?!
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>doing some low level quest with a new character near lordaeron
>suddenly I find on sylvanas on one of these quests
>garrosh appears
>oh, this is one of the story quests of cataclysm
>sylvanas explains how she controls the valkyrs now and how she can make new forsaken with the corpses of the alliance humans
>garrosh is disgusted by this
>sylvanas compares herself to the lich king
>"...but I server to the horde, warchief"
>garrosh is still disgusted

Man, garrosh was such an understimated character, sylvanas should have been the one that went full retard and killed as the final boss of SoO.
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>2 hours of portal farming
top kek ez monis
why do i feel like i'm going to go to bed and wake up and find out blizzard patched out shard farming returns, or the exp powerleveling you can do while shard farming

or both

I think if that happens i'll call it quits on legion, having to 5 man is retarded enough as it is. If they restrict burst farming to just bosses or some shit i'm done
>or the exp powerleveling you can do while shard farming
How do you get to the memeken shore below 110?
people have been doing it, i presume you get to 100 and swim there
>memeken shore
LOL! That's epic....
And what then, get 4 people to carry you through Sentinax farming?
Garrosh had an actual arc going for him coming out of cata that was abandoned to make him a big bad.

Another standout moment is how he murdered a commander for nuking an orphanage b/c elves suck
its up boys
>having to 5 man is retarded enough as it is.
This is why I haven't used my beacons. I must have close to 50 by now.
Don't EVER reply to me again.
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>Do Legionfall scenario
>Walking around
>Someone opens up trade with me
>Inky Black Potion
>Drink it
>Suddenly gets darker
Essentially. people i saw doing it were off specing as healers- seemed to be surviving just fine
>mage tower about to be up
>no rep bonus
why did we build it again?
cuck tower up
Anybody know of a way to reset realui to its default?
>Go to Sentinax
>Grey enemy namplates everywhere
>Literally turn grey the instant they step out of the portal
>Other people's tagged mobs attacking me

Yeah fun stuff Blizzard. Great job.
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what is the addon that adds all these other stats called?
i had to reinstall and i forget the name
>elysium collapses
>blizzard turns up bullshit business practices up to 11

really makes me think
pls respond
fuck off avatarfag
Leystone shards in my realm were selling for 570 gold per 3 yesterday for a brief time

now they're back at ~200g

what happened?
I was going to tell you until I noticed who posted.
You're 869 your stats literally don't matter

go back to ERPing as a futa horsecock draenei you disgusting piece of shit
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>Mo'arg are depicted as flesh mixed with technology
>served as Legion engineers
>Mo'arg are just giant mongoloids with big swords
you know wow screenshots show the date on them right?
that was from october
love u 2
tower still not up u fkin noobs
>Elysium goes to shit
>Blizz goes full Jew
>people flee to TBC servers
>newest one goes down
Really gets your brain a thumpin
for the AP ?
You're a f*cking liar I'm sitting here waiting at the tower.
Is WoW, dare I say, dead?
People built it for their meme appearances
>screamer mad he won't be able to solo ez content
>Haven't played this game since Cataclysm
>For fun decided to glance at this thread
>Saw this image and wanted to say great job whoever made this
>Would have LOVED to have played in this.
(still not coming back to this game but this would have been awesome)
post good m+ tunes

I can't wait for the mage tower time to be wasted from it being overtuned or glitchy, thanks to not having been available for testing on the PTR!
is this bait?
I'm honored with legionfall!!!
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Trust me, I play a DK, all these first wave black metal bands are great because they get the blood pumping.
I dunno, I didn't listen to his song.
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go and stay go


give me a cute anime girl and ill tell ya
I got that today too
Feels good
for a minute I thought she had facial hair

also, why do you caspers try so hard to be thuggish and ghetto? I feel blessed that I never had to live this shit, but white people actively try to become it.

khaki and polo tees for life.
The same reason triple triad is a minigame in FFVIII
That's a terrible example, Triple Triad is fun.
Fine replace triple triad with blitz ball and FFVIII with FFX
Is the cuck shed up?
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>his title, transmog and regular non-waterstider mount can still be obtained
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>toxic community was one of the reasons I left.
>glad to see it hasn't changed.
>CC went up 1%
tower just came up on US
No, you'll need to wait until something other than Mage Tower is FOTM for that.
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>that feel when bonjela on ulcer
>TV sims 15k higher than GS
>GS does 50k more dps in actual gameplay
Do I need to cap the new ice lance trait before TV pulls ahead or is simc and alteredtime wrong?
up for real
jajaja la torre esta activa XD
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>love alliance cities
>guild on alliance
>hate most horde races
>hate sylvanas
>main Dwarf
Pandas shouldnt have been the neutral faction
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is it cool to use the vanilla pvp titles even though you can get them again through rbgs
>World PvP
>Same-faction guy attacks me from behind
>"I bet you like it from behind too, you perv."
>[player] is ignoring you
>They never attack again

It feels good to win from a moral standpoint.
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caring about rarity over visual aesthetic
>124m hp

>Instantly die to Razor Ice
imagine being this guy
>people only built the mage tower for the appearances
>kept secret during PTR so no guides
>tower goes down after 3 days
>people will just keep building the tower over and over because they're shit and can't do the scenario
it's a hard life
Netherniggers cucked eternally, based shitters.
>(100 nethershards)
What de fug is with this fight?

Am I supposed to enter with a group?
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b-back that ass up
>go in
>mobs have over 300m hit points and there's like 4 of them
the majority are nowhere near geared for this. this is currently for the 1%.
Does anyone use "Details!" for damage meters?

How do you save a segment in history/favorites? I really can't find anything for it, but I do see the history panel
healer one is pretty good
no one told me lightning rod ele shaman was so much fun
I thought this would be a challenging quest line full of elite mobs/50m+ HP bosses. I didn't think I'd die literally instantly
this is just another proving grounds with retarded hp and damage kek
Enjoying the mage tower scenarios bros?
BM Hunter one is interesting.

>Feltotem nigga throwing out spells constantly
>a worm popping up from beside a cliff positioned so your pet instantly flies off and dies when you send them to attack it
>constant AoEs
I guess 860 is not enuff for me to win.
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>You have to win 10 RBGs to unlock one of the new artifact skin colors
Eh pretty neat


said It's sort of like a mini proving grounds
Proving Grounds was fine, don't be a shitter. And make no mistake, you ARE a shitter if you had trouble with proving grounds.
is there any website where i can comfortably view all the artifact appearances in a single page? including 7.2

i wanna see what classes im gonna get cucked into leveling and unlocking b4 this expansion ends (also how many months till it ends? like 6 max?)
>MM challenge is kite fight kiting 24/7
T-thanks Blizzard.

I had a rhytm down too, but I need to put Conc on a mousover to bob that faggot in the face and be able to kill the hands.
>dps specs have to both dps and tank a raid boss along with adds
>adds are immune to CC
No its overtuned because Blizzard didn't test it on the PTR

Watch the forums explode in 3 days when no one has their appearances
The fuck is with this Demo challenge?
Guardian Druids, how fun is this one? I'm 871, I'm definitely going to fail.
Is it Raest?

They all scale
by fun do you mean trial and error then very
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>already have both Lok'delar and Rhokdelar
>don't have to do meme grounds for welfare versions
what the fuck is the BM hunter one?

>walk in room
>worm and boss
>attack or do anything:
>gas cloud: 30% of max health every second

do I turtle and sprint somewhere? what is this lmao
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I sent my pet at the worm, it fell off the cliff and died. Turtled and rezzed it, kill the worm and then when the pet lost aggro (or maybe the guy ignores taunts IDK) I got one-shot from full health.
>what is this

Dude class fantasy lmao
Cool, thanks for proving my point that proving grounds was a joke.
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Well played, Blizzard, well played....
Let's see you're score, shitbag.

All I know so far Is that you have to kill her and her 2 pals. She's melee and one of the adds is too, the other is a caster and they all share damage. She empowers one add who gets move speed and dmg and there's no cc. Then there's runes on the ground that you have to stomp out or they do 3mil damage each. Then she ended up getting some kind of imolation aura that spat out more damage.
Demo lock bretheren. I need a ring compare. New ring makes me lose 389 haste for 1k mastery. Yes or no?
how the fuck do i do the twins as a frost mage

this bug melee faggot just gets a stacking buff that make it so he eventually charges & 1shots me
>Enter guardian druid quest
>Instantly die
>Recap doesn't say what killed me

>Blizz buys themselves a week of extra "content" as people grind up the supplies for the Mage Tower again, and goodwill with bads when they nerf the difficulty of the instance
Well played.
>Enter Fire Mage quest
>Instantly explodes and die

Uhhh wowbabs?
Is it possible to craft the new legendaries yet? There was supposed to be a quest but im not seeing it.
hunter mage tower SUCKS
Lads, why is my pander so gassy all the time?
>these challenges

HAHAH okay blizz you're literally just asking for it this patch

This is going to make someones monday at the office shit
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>mage tower challenges require ToS gear
Really got my knoggin joggin.
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I didn't do Endless. Congratulations on wasting a colossal amount of time though.
At least with this people will have gotten the mage tower out of their systems and we can build things that aren't shit.
This fucking challenge should be like the arms warrior Saurfang duel. A fair fight, not overtuned shit.
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No ban here, nobody crying on the most popular mod forum. Smells like bullshit.
>Nethernigger thinks it won't be Mage Tower every week until normies have the skin
Kek, prepare to suffer faget.
>try the ret paladin one
>boss with 2 adds
>alright I'll just Repentence one of them
>immune to CC
>alright they seem to not be moving and just throwing projectiles at me
>boss empowers one of them, giving him shit ton of attack speed and I get 2 shot
>alright I guess the boss has a range where she empowers them so I'll pull her away
>still enrages him
>alright I'll use my hindrance to slow him then kite
>after buff fades he just starts beating my face in
>fire spawning all over the floor and I can't tell if having them stand in it does damage to them
>runes spawning all over the ground I have to stomp out
If I had more time to test this I could probably figure this out but the problem is just the massive amount of damage they do with basic attacks
>grinded mage tower for an impossible quest and some portals




You can have all of the buildings up bruh. The tower being built won't take the progress away from the others.
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>try mage tower quest
>gotta solo an 100m fatcunt
>shits damage on you as hard as it possibly can
>oh By the by, your a squishy shit shaman, GLHF
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all three done as a rogue. too easy.
>Warriors already have the class hall teleport
Enjoy your warrior content I guess?
>but Raesh in the trap
>but my auto attack right before it procced Fury of the Burning Sky
Really makes me think.
>he didnt got skin yet
this shadowsong dude is a shit tank retard cant taunt for shit
>Unholy one
just fuck my shit up family
Lads post how many hours you spent grinding points to put into the mage tower.

Me: 0 because I'm not a cuck.

how the fuck do I do this as a frost dk. ilvl 910
I did the world quests and had fun so 0 also :^)
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>people spent all week pumping resources into Mage Tower for the artifact appearances
>its finally up after a week
>challenges are tuned for ToS
>tower goes down after 3 days
This patch is just one fiasco after another. Its almost entertaining
imagine demon hunters existed in vanilla, what would their obtuse rpg mechanics have been

probs all their talents would've been bonuses that only applied if you were fighting demons
or you'd have to grind demons between raids to keep stocked up on souls
Healer one seems doable, but mobs are hitting for a shit ton, especially the melee ones.
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oh boy
>traps you with ice
>bugged aoe kills you before giving you any time to break free
It's the specter of WoD

Does the tower really go down in 3 days? Thats just stupid, source?

Over 200. I built a time machine to go back in time and try again, since I failed over and over again in my original timeline and the tower disappeared.
Kek, all these Asmongold parrots were in here two days ago preaching His Word telling everyone to build the mage tower. Crying about titanforges.

The very same people are right now in this thread complaining that it's too hard for baby uh oh so sad
Kek, all these Samefag parrots were in here two days ago preaching His Word telling everyone to build the mage tower. Crying about titanforges.

The very same people are right now in this thread complaining that it's too hard for baby uh oh so sad
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>mage tower not built in europe
t-thanks for testing it for us amerilards
How bad does 7.2 rank compared to other disaster patches in WoW history?

I was a legion bab and already cancelled my sub so I haven't experienced anything like this before.
so what are the other class challenges like
hunter one was easy pz
But literally nobody in here was telling people to build the mage tower.

Man, the Nost players are really out in force tonight.
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>guild invite
>the person is actually standing near me
>pretend to be afk

It's happening lads.

You have three days to finish the scenario.

You will finish it won't you? You aren't a casual are you /wowg/?
You're not missing anything of value.
Which one gaylord
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there's a phase 2
Sargeras player:
>Pogchamp LUL
>Dicks out boys.
>Hooooly shit u kids are bad.
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It's not like they have a server to play on, kek.
It's as functional as the warrior/mage order halls.

Literally just a portal center
Well they wouldn't have all their high mobility movement and the who green fel demon thing would either be completely gone or toned down.

Honestly when I imagined demon hunters in Vanilla I just through of dudes with blindfolds and warglaives.

Retail DHs are just Illidan cosplayers

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>868 ilvl

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>find the real one
Ele sham is retard gay, fat cunt keeps infinitely summoning imps and all her attacks knock off half your health even with astral shift. Also gotta deal 100m to her to put her down.
its stupid.
Who /don'tcarebecausetheappaearanceisshit/ here?
This is your chance, /wowg/. This is the opportunity you have to prove you're a good player.

Forget about raids, forget about pvp. This is about YOUR skills.

Good luck to all.
I fucking miss lynris
I'm a newish player playing on my s/o's Demon Hunter and I want to try Vengeance but I have never tanked before. Is it hard at all?What about healing? Kind of want to try Priest for Disc and Shadow.
https://www twitch tv/kib0

Some raider doing dh one
>over 900 ilvl
>still can't do the ret one
Pretty sure its tuned for ToS gear. I can't even scrap the bosses let alone survive their attacks
I like how you play without the health values displayed on the health bars. That's cool and bold. A bold new move for, is that, is that for pros only?
>come back after not having played since cata
>everyone has a swift spectral tiger now

what the fuck
Xylem is by far the hardest. He might be bugged.
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>Broken shore is worse than Timeless Isle and Tanaan by a factor of 10
>The new dungeon is rehashed, boring and has terrible mechanics
>The nethershard system is a complete joke
>The tower building system is worse
>The scenario can't even be completed
>rep mounts are a random chance drop every 10k rep
>everything is RNG
>everything is a grind
>everything is timegated

What the hell do we do now retailbros? Is this really the end of WoW? How do they come back from this?
>some people in the thread literally say why you cant do it/ its for people who mastered their class
>instantly -6 rating
God these are the people that blizzard caters to
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if this isn't at least as hard as kanrethad in 5.2 I'll be fucking upset
Huh? How do I enable that.
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>yanks can't beat the new proving grounds
top cucks, just wait for the best players in the world aka Euros, to wake up and wipe you're ass like we always do.
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>mfw I just double jump out of the razor ice
His damage output is still too much for me, but at least that feels nice. I'd be making even less progress without Achor.
That is if you can afford paying 1/4 eauropean wage to play world of warcrfat, lol
no one in my trump supporter only 2/10 mythic raid guild can do this..
so overtuned. ugh... sigh...
How do I into the mage tower shit???
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>no way of buying a carry or getting one off friends/guildmates
>suddenly no one in /wowg/ can complete the content
Wait til you're 950
>everything is a grind
Let's go back to Vanilla WoW. The grind-free experience
>he uses real life shekels for playing the game
So Nether Disruptor confirmed for best Building?

Reminder that this thread is full of people who regurgitate the opinions of other people because they themselves are not "gud."
i think you meant to post that on your reddit account
>mfw I just double jump out of the razor ice
>mfw DK, popping all my cds is just enough to not die
come back in june when ToS opens so you can actually get the gear needed to finish it.

im not even joking that is the answer
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Leave it to Blizzard to release something now that you need gear from something that isn't going to be released in at least 2 months to have a chance at finishing.
It's in the settings. I just closed my game or I'd spoonfeed you
Enable it so you can pretend to be slightly better than dumpster shitty
In america, our average annual income is 50,000 american dollars per year. Wow isnt that much, thats just for us though not europeans.
I to use my gold to buy mythic raid runs
This would be fine if they effectively communicated that need, but 99% of people will never understand that because it's not in size 72 bold font before you enter the instance.
are people actually able to complete the scenarios?
>get to phase 3 of Raest again
>alright I got this
>suddenly Thing of Nightmare shows up out of nowhere and bolts across the room, punching me in the face for 3mil
Nice epic I like it
I'm not seeing it can you help me out. I think that would really help.
Titanforging is the absolute WORST mechanic. It's a disgrace.
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>The tower portals aren't even two-way
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this is hard lol
So what happens when the sub numbers dip even lower and there is no one farming for the tower resources?

Won't it take months to build anything?
If you're just going to give me the run-around, I don't think we can be friends anymore.
>tfw get a dauntless drop to titanforge into 905
>jarod gets global'd from full hp

this seems like it would be hard even with good gear
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>mfw doing these as enh shaman

Thanks, Blizzard.
>He can't complete the scenario

Top kek shitter, should've gotten more titanforges and better legendaries.
I have no idea what to do in this phase. you take ass loads of damage every second.
new players shouldn't tank or heal with disc (even seasoned players often suck hard with disc).

Start tanking once you are confident with dungeons: know your way around, know bosses etc. Start with a straightforward healer like rdruid, rshammy or holy priest.
ezmode heals are rdruid hpally and hpriest
>i play survival hunter and my scenario is easy as piss since blizzard doesn't care about us, why isn't everyone pro like my scrub class is?
Show us your appearance then

you are fucked up the moment you are not standing in the butt of the tank. I'd put them in "medium diff" tier.
Who are you quoting?
You have to keep killing them to spawn a magic barrier when they die. It only lasts a few seconds so I've died trying to get to the next one.
I'm just mocking him horribly cause hes clearly the huntard shitposter that needs to simply fuck off and die.
Well I can do Heroic Nighthold without error and my ilvl is 886. I'm not new to MMOs and I was really good at FFXIV, but I never tanked or healed in that game either.

I was thinking about Priest because I can play a caster, as well as heal, since I kind of want to play a caster as well.

Holy Priest is easy yeah?
prydaz is actually very good here.
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>tfw my mage tower appearance looks like shit so I don't have to do it
Anyone heard what Asmon thinks about this shit yet?
>Well I can do Heroic Nighthold without error and my ilvl is 886

You should have said this earlier.
>Holy Priest is easy yeah?
yes. Easy and straightforward while performs good.
Shadow is a good DPS when you want to play that role, also dat knaifu.
good luck getting into raids without it. lfm new raid normal must have pro skin . good luck in lfr
Rolled prot warrior as first tank ever, it's easy, you always produce enough threat bye just standing there
That said, some classes have weaknesses:
>first time nh
>prot war goes down almost instantly
>be happy that I queued as fury ranking 15th on dmg meter (^:
>and they're friggin hard, okay?
I don't know. I too am looking forward on knowing what my opinion of this is.
>WW monks are apparently already picking it up
>tfw 4/10M now


>tfw your saved up 6k nethershards are going away fast
Do you get the mage tower's appearance on your alts if you do it on your main?
>BM Hunter
>Kill the main dude in one shot
>His minion has 192m hp, takes 90% less damage, and can't be hit by the pets
>Try to do caster dps artifact appearance
>Almost finish
>Interrupt on a 1 minute CD
>Literally can't finish it without being blown up by cast
Who has their new skin so far?
>apparently the WW and SV scenarios are extremely easy
Is it really a gear and tuning issue or are some just massively different than the others?

I honestly don't know what to do for the ret paladin one. The adds are immune to CC
>every casual stuck at >3/10M
>blizzard nerfs the other bosses so they can feel better
>suddenly posts like yours

sorry to say you are still a casual shitter

That's the exact opposite of my experience. The worm died fast, then the Feltotem guy just laughed as he one-shot me.
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enjoy your upcoming 5/10 and 7/10

No. None of the artifact skins are account-wide.
Our guy Ion did it again. Apologise right now.
After I posted, I tried again and got what you just said. It seems random.

I ran out of shards and fucks to give; try killing both together?

Phase one-
warrior chases your around, easy enough to kite

intermission 1-
Warrior becomes immune and starts healing. Raest loses his bubble and is attackable. Starts summoning waves of adds. Maybe don't need to be DPSed down immediately; for Marksman they can be killed sporadically to refresh Exhilaration when needed.

Phase 2-
Warrior back up and chasing you
Raest keeps summoning adds(?) - might just be me having them left over
New enemy Hands spawn around the arena and must be interupted, or you will die. Have about 4mil health.

Intermission 2-
Same as one, but hands keep spawning

Phase 3-
Warrior gets up "for the last time" and chases you more, maybe that means you can either kill him or just break him from the mind control.
Hands keep spawning
Adds keep spawning?
Raest drops bubble and keeps casting at you.
Also a new ability that drops a sigil on the ground that summons Thing of Nightmare. Not sure if this can be stopped but it didn't appear the first time I hit Phase 3. Maybe it's a trap and stepping on it summons the thing. it does disappear after he puts it down. If this gets summoned it's basically a wipe though because it has 100m HP and can't be slowed, will kill you in 1-2 hits
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holy shit the frost death knight challenge is impossible
for the healing one do you want to run the blue arrow into the tank?
seems like it almost kills him
I just went in to see what the fuss was about, I don't even like the appearance on offer for it. In fact, BM get hosed entirely on cool appearances.
>game turns into a full on actual grindfest
Its not long before the game obliterates itself like Diablo 3 did. Considering almost the same people are working on it.
>People are already reporting victories

What's your excuse?
no way this shit is balanced, I only care if I hear of victories by my own class
>tower only lasts three days
Is this a fucking joke? What next? Loot only lasts three days?
But D3 is actually good now? Only complaint is its been so long since an expansion or actual new content its gotten old.
>Survival hunters are OP!!!

I never, EVER thought I'd see the day.
>replying to nostcucks
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Anyone have tips on this dude?

I can get to phase 2 fairly easily now but I'm still confused as to what I'm supposed to do in it.
My excuse is that they're full of shit, or their class quest isn't tuned at all because Blizzard FORGOT to let us test and bug report the clearly unbalanced challenges.

>Two guild members got their appearance, both WW Monks
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>you can apparently get tier set pieces from the Nethershard tokens
There's absolutely no way.
The Xylem challenge is dildos.
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All these idiots dying in the Mage Tower while Im out here nabbing all these "impowered" chests
>healing one
>NPC gets hit by the blue arrow and starts taking damage
>archers that hit targets at random hit them right when the debuff ticks
>instantly dead

thats kinda bullshit
They're not OP, they just got a babby mode scenario.
How are you supposed to survive the Gas Cloud as BM Hunter?
Uhh but Diablo 3 has been great since RoS came out.
by using a gas mask transmog
>thats kinda bullshit
That was actually the entire design document for patch 7.2.

Hold your breath IRL and you won't take damage
Did you beat it yet? Tick tock towercucks :) 2,9 days left
>Spend the next three days farming AP like a madman or work on the scenario

There's a gas cloud? The worm just spits at you and ignores Feign Death (clearly a bug) while taking no damage.
>the worm just spits at you
>the worm
>clearly a bug
How long until your private servers are worth playing on, and then how long until admin drama makes them awful?
Guys who are stuck on Beast Mastery's ugly quest: Bird of Prey pets deal massive damage to the two bosses, and the Tauren boss comments on the Skyhorn tribe helping you.
Any tips for sigryn?
Worms aren't insects you FUCKING IDIOT CASUAL
GOD i'm sick of sharing my board with these people...
Any enhancement shaman here or should I just kill myself?

I can't get Sigryn past 95%...
Brewmaster monk here

This piece of shit is bugged as fuck. If they don't fix it and tune it properly they're gonna lose A LOT of subs in the upcoming days.
>tank one was clearly designed with the trinity in mind
>there is no dps because kor'vas is in the fel bubble thingy

Who the fuck approved this retarded ass design decision?
So if you're not a hunter how the fuck do you "reveal" Xylem?

being next to him doesn't do shit.
>all good players get skins
>blizz caves in and nerfs
>bad players get skins
>"well you got to use it early so its fair :P"

are you ready
You this new to your class?
>the best players get nice things before scrubs
MMOs have been this way since forever, faggot.

>reading comprehension
Anon, you may want to reread that. He clearly said "if you're not a hunter".

You're new to the class, apparently.
>not flare

Christ >>>/out/
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Even in death, Nost just keeps winning.
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so is the challenge the same for all classes?
i didnt have the time to give a try yet
any shadow priests who got it yet?
the worst part about this is that it doesn't reset your cooldowns
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Baited for this exact response
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>2 artifact traits changing talent build
>have to get used to the spam empowerment meme
This does good damagae but it feels like ya get fucked if no sc procs
Any success for frost mage?
Some classes/specs have the same challenges, but some have not and so on.
0 fucks given about this bullcrap.

Good for all those who enjoy this... """"""""""""""content""""""""""""""""""""""""""".
>all these people posting they've completed it
>no one completed Xylem yet
>mage tower still on 82%
>can't beat you all with my kanrethad leet skills
f***ing hell
>try the dps challenge for artifact
>get instantly BTFO
>try again now that I have an idea what to do
>get instantly BTFO
its just super overtuned r-right?
For BM Hunter you need to lure the burrowed worm into the fallen stalagtites to take away a stack of its armor buff.
Xylem is.
>A single player scenario is considered content these days
And you drones still give Blizzard $15/20 per month ...
>BM hunters have a gassy pander scenario
Phase 3 Twins:

The summoning sigils:
I seem to be able to negate them with a Flare and/or running over them. I'm thinking it's the Flare but I'm not sure. I keep fucking up my interrupts on the hands while also trying not to get punched in the face by fagboy.
Do the NPCs in the healing scenario scale to my gear or something? They are getting one shot.
BoS build is a shit for this
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>You received [Portal-Stone: Skulguloth].
>Twitch tv videos 133134804

Someone did the melee one already maybe look at this for tips? it was a paladin though
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>Get to final phase of windwalker sscenario
>home stretch, guaranteed win
>suddenly everything stops responding as if I DC'd
>check discord, steam, battlenet, all fine
>WoW is DC'd for like 10 sec
>come back to my corpse

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>mfw watching a prot pally 1v3 a group of horde while I'm questing
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Please r8 my boomklin mog bros

Should I change the belt?
I was getting destroyed by the 2 melee dudes since the warrior didn't hold aggro on them. Tried to root them and kite but it didn't work.
So did a lot of other classes so are they shit too?
Their own fucking fault for attacking a prot paladin, anon. There's nothing you could have done.
>druid mogs
Literally useless unless you're Resto, nobody will ever see it if you're playing right.
I use the astral glyph so I can be seen
>do the challenge with Twins
>have 1 silence with a 45sec cd
How do you keep yourself alive as an ENH shaman?

I get it, keep hexing, run when the enemy gets buffed, step on runes... but I still can't survive it before I run out of mana.
>be holy paladin
>haste a shit, crit a mazing
>see new ToS trinket that gives int with a crit/haste proc
>crit during the day, haste during the night
>its literally shit because who the fuck raids during the day
blizzard for fucks sake
Has anyone tried out the shadow priest scenario yet?
Is it impossible like the other ones as I'm reading itt?
>playing Troll
>wanting to be seen
>watching a DH do the Xylem challenge
>they can jump over everything and get across the map to second phase without a care in the world

>be dk
>have wraith walk

fuck me did they even test this shit with death knights? i'm pretty sure frost is supposed to get something else.
most probably you're undergeared like the majority of the people attempting this (unless you're full mythic NH)

this is why choosing this building was a bad choice
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This is great
There is probably some EU guild on US servers that will get the crit buff.
t. elf cuck
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WW Monk challenge is a fucking joke. People at like ilvl 900 are completing it no problem.
Should have taken that drink, you filthy blue nigger, maybe then you wouldn't be living in huts.
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ayyyyyyyyy nice clipping blizzard
dont even think about it if you're not 920
laughing at troll peasants that will never be high society
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LMAO you play as a girl and use some shit mods dont you too?
Belfs blown the fuck out
Who is this cuckquean?
HoV trio confirmed for easiest "challenge"
>witch tv videos 133134804
i cant find anything
Nope, Male Human Warrior. I'm the most boring person in existence, but at least I'm not a bluenig.
>Alliance human

You are probably the most boring person Earth. Guarantee you are still an unfun virgin.
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>shitter complaining about the new challenges
hahahahahahahaha *wheeze*
ah hahahahaah

>Drink darkness potion
>Broken Shore looks like someone took a blacklight to an hourly motel bedroom

>the green goop has been demon semen this entire time
Almost unbeatable for frost DKs since DHs can jump over the thing that kills us
Feel free to call yourself a FOTM goyim. Did you do the memes of the storm challenges for the genji skin too?
>has been beaten by a dude wearing no gear cept for weapon
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>power rangers, ghost in the shell and beauty in the beast at the cinema
>everyone playing zelda and mario kart
>new IT coming soon
>hardy boys and kurt angle returned
>nintendo good again
>WoW hard again
guys, what year is it??
Where do you start this challenge shit ?
definitely not at the mage tower which made it available
proving grounds
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>mage tower spawns a retarded amount of treasure chests on broken shore
>everyone's busy bashing their heads against the class challenges so nobody's out in the world
>meanwhile I'm getting thousands of nethershards just running around clicking purple boxe
get outplayed
>screamer is mad because he can't complete the piss easy scenario

Everyone who fails to get it within 24 hours should just delete their account.
While I liked the sound of that at first, I'm now finding the demonic build to be more reliable, at the pile of fragments it makes is really helpful too.
Not that I'm having any luck with the darkness phase.

It's almost as if WoW has a captive core audience who will play no matter what they say.
that's a slow way of doing it
I just did a lap around the place and haven't seen anything.
Warlock or mage?
Has anyone got their new artifact skin? Anyone know what the challenge is like?
I did but it's ugly so I won't use it.
Try reading any one of the past three hundred posts
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blizz balance pendulum(tm) will swing soon and make (affli) warlocks utter shit and mages good again
>DH hunters can jump over everything that would kill a DK
>phase 2 of challenge requires you to run across the room
>DH can just jump right across

cool design. fairly certain DKs were supposed to get the other challenge.
What are /wowg/'s favorite classes to level and pay attention to storylines with?
Any balance druids done the challenge yet? Any tips?
>blame your failure on another class

typical /wowg/ screamer
edge night
>boy players
>insult everyone
>rush everything for some reason
>constantly concerned with ilvl, DPS

>girl players
>kind and supportive
>go at an easy pace so everyone's on the same page
>just want to have fun and be social

anyone else noticed this? I wonder why this is..
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time to bathe in QQ tears
just get 950 gear
A highly curious and iquisitive mage
I don't give a fuck about the appearance it's about the fact that you can do it and others can't
Death Knight hands down. The first post-vanilla class they really gave a unique leveling experience to. From a mindless implement of murder and mass destruction to a champion of your faction to the hero of the ebon blade that commands the armies of the lich king. I don't think any other class has it as good in terms of storyline and ascension to power.

Virtually 1/4 of your nation is unemployed, especially whites (aka humans), suicide rates among whites at an all time high, life expectancy of whites lower than that of the pampered niggers and dropping, and a drug epidemic among whites unlike anything seen before with 14 year old white kids getting BOMBARDED with synthetic heroin painkiller prescriptions to get them hooked to H. Whites are about to become a minority in the USA and when that happens, you'll be third world in no time, see South Africa, that's your future.

Europe will just go full Reich and Deus Vult and be top dawg once again
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smug anime girl.png
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>redditors and screamers can't finish their scenario
>get butthurt and never contribute to the mage tower again
>it climbs at a snail's pace because like 40 people are contributing to it now
>is rebuilt 3 months from now as the new raid is released just in time for LFR heros to give it another shot
You'd think Velen could at least throw some fucking Smites.
Men are competitive, that's all. It's the same with anything
Testosterone is a hell of a drug senpai.
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I am boy but I try to exhibit the bottom traits!
>be spriest
>try to do mage tower quest
>gotta kite the guy which is easy enough
>if only spriests had a slow that didn't involve channeling mind flay and standing there while he runs towards you

I got to the part where the hands come out but the swordsman guy kept getting faster before my DoTs can kill him again together with the hands. Can't just keep the hands interrupted because spriest silence is 45 secs. Since I had no slow, got through the first part by depending on stuns for burst periods and fading so he attacks void tendrils/shadowfiend but it doesn't work for the 2nd part. I wonder if any spriest has done it yet and is it just a DPS check.
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>15 hours since last asmongold video
>tfw withdrawal
rogue challenge seems easy enough
>keep bleeds up on at least two targets
>run across runes when they spawn
>save sprint for when melee guy starts to chase with his zerker buff
>blind big bitch when she starts aoe pulsing
>break shield and kick caster
>avoid bladestorm when melee starts using it
>valk wall has gap in it
I'm sure dbm will have plugins soon for each scenario to give alerts on this shit.
>tfw waiting to know what to think about the mage tower
Spreist in my guild did it on his 3rd try, but his DPS is extraordinarily good so yeah he did just blow through some of the difficult parts

The final phase is by far the hardest part too because there was unkillable adds that move extremely fast and will melee kill you in 2 hits

Took me about 6-7(?) tries as Frost Mage
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so you're saying you couldn't do it and you're gonna wait for a bunch of weakauras and DBM timers to tell you what to do?
Is it too creepy to add someone from opposing faction just so you can say their mog is cute?
>he watches dubbed or subtitled anime

you're just as bad, weebtrash
The survival challenge appearance is the coolest polearm in the game.
Finished shadow priest challenge thingy
shit was fun, died a few times below 10% because of getting stuck on a rock, ended the fight racing one of the hands casting and not having an interupt or dispersion up. glad shit counts when dead.
I'm 869, of course I can't do it. I got her to 85% before the damage was just too much for me to keep up with.

i'll come back at 890 and try again.
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I find it weird you had to say "dubbed or subtitled anime"

are you saying anime with no sound or subtitles is okay?
that's exactly what I was thinking
anon is a funny guy
>Not knowing grorious nipnop to watch anime raws
Amirite gais?
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Its funny because I beat him at 485 when he was new and I can't beat this at 905 because its overtuned untested garbage :)
I watched shin godzilla raw but I like to understand what is being said
>he waits for other people to dub or subtitle his anime instead of learning how to understand it himself
>criticises someone for waiting for someone else to make an addon to tell him how to do a scenario

dumb hypocritical weebtards
congrats on your appearance senpai
please report back if you finished it with a SP
Which one is the Affliction one? The rune brothers one? Is it easy mode if you just use your infernal to tank?
It counts when dead? Thinking of doing the last part with S2M. Was afraid if some RP thing will pop up at the end and die due to S2M without accomplishing it.
well to be honest, I wasn't saying that i'll wait for an addon to tell me what to do. just pointing out that he fight seems easy enough to program this shit.

the people whining about it being too hard can just wait for the addon to arrive.
The melee dps challenge is bugged and you'll only get it if your lucky
>trying to position the caster
>sometimes he moves with you when you interrupt him, sometimes he doesn't
>phases start to become random
>sometimes get both runes spawning and valkyrie charges at same time
>runes spawn then immediately explode one shotting you
Its doable in Nighthold gear but it still takes at least 10 minutes and all that can be ruined by the runes auto popping for no reason

The reason you PTR test content is mainly for bugs. This patch has just been really sloppy from a technical standpoint. How the fuck do you manage to have your previous raid tier bug out from a patch?
Yeah all you have to do it is kill the caster

You can die after the caster is dead.

If you're having trouble S2M might be a decent idea
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what's your ilvl / stats / legendaries?
Most people are not dying because the boss is attacking them. Death is usually a result of missing a mechanic.
are fury warriors fun
that's what I like to SEE
Twins is about CC/kiting/interrupts/killing priority adds, I don't think anything can be tanked.
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The Nightmare adds will melee you and kill you in like 2 seconds. The only mechanic for them is CC'ing them but sometimes you can't depending on class mechanics.
I suppose. Affliction is so easy mode for soloing though, I can't imagine it would be that hard? As long as I keep my dots up I really don't need to stand still to dps much so unless there's something retarded it shouldn't be hard to dodge. But I haven't tried it yet so I dunno.
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>learning an entire language is the same thing as not standing in bad and interrupting shit

lmao if it's that difficult for you to play this game maybe you should just quit
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>I wonder why this is..

isnt it obvious? boys are better than girls in every way
>is an annoying shitposter
>posts the most annoying and shit girl from that show
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AK is done in 10 minutes lads
So wait once you clear a stage you start there next time or does the fury warr one only have one stage?
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I wish these shoulder did the tentacle thing all the time x_x
>wants checkpoints in the scenario

aww look at the little babby
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hi guys

how are your challenges
can I obtain enough of this potion to last me forever
I don't know because I only tried it once and now I'm scared to gamble away all my shards
It doesn't feel like I have enough damage for it at 879, but maybe I'm wrong

the healing challenge is fucking nuts
good job
what ilvl are you, and what legendaries did you use?

I'm only 885 and I didn't put my points into the mage tower, but I might as well give it a show
obviously I meant the TBC felhide
With Sigryn, what do you do when the caster guy uses that green bubble?
No one is modposting in this thread?
903, bracers and belt

using AS

took me about 17-18 tries
So the Halls of Valor challenge is basically just an endurance run right?

I've got everything down but the runes which start spawning during the Valkyrie rush and sometimes just explode.

The runes feel like they need a hotfix. They're incredibly hard to see and they will bug out and pop automatically
>demo challenge
>constant movement
>break shield and interrupt boss mechanic
>have to summon felhunter then summon back felguard to do this
Fucking annoying honestly.
Modders got banned.
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Mods are kinda kill at the moment unless you
a) are a belf
b) want the really bad ones.
They'll be back soon enough.
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my demo lock friend took supremacy and was able to do it

dunno anything about locks though
Its a shield. You do enough damage until the buff fades then interrupt his cast
fucking healing challenge makes M+15 feel fairly relaxed.
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where? his stream?

Yeah I was thinking of that. Supremacy is never used for demo so I don't really know what exactly the demons do.
And supremacy fucks over my legendary. I guess I have to run darkglare too.
>asmon banning people from his chat while linkin park blares in the background

>NA modders banned
>EU shithole untouched
I use mods everyday and i havent been banned
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xylem is hard lads
>NA modders banned
Blizzard constantly hyped up that the challenges would be hard.
Now they come out and are hard and everyone is complaining.
I thought you guys said he wasn't a shitter.

Aspergold confirmed for buying carries, kek.
Everyone knew this, all he does is pve and he has 2.4k arenas and is god awful dude doesnt know what a juke is.
>Blizzard constantly hyped up that the challenges would be hard.
Are you implying 99% of the players don't ignore blue posts?

There is none. Nobody got banned, or if they did it wasn't solely for using body mods.
You're forgetting there is a significant portion of the playerbase that thinks mythic dungeons are the pinnacle of difficulty.
do you think it's worth my time to try at 885?
>People false flagging mod bans so that people post their lewd characters for them to fap to
It's fucking genius, really
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>be on EU server so I can play with my boyfriend who can only play 1 day a week or so
>almost no one speaks English
>do literally everything alone
>no one to celebrate getting my new Legendary with
Some of them are bugged because "lol no testing gotta be a secret"
Man, the tank challenge is a pain. So much to pay attention to.
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>ok I can't make it to that rune, I will just take the damage
>oh valkyrs spawned and the safe area is too far for me to get to, I will die
Hey can someone post an updated link to the wowg discord?
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why cant assmongoloid and his idiot fanboys just fuck off
>Some of them are bugged because "lol no testing gotta be a secret"
this is pretty silly, considering that guides will be out before the weekend hits.

typical blizzard idiocy to think keeping it a secret would make things better.
>try multiple times to get appearance
>actually look at the appearance
>it looks like shit
This is just a dick measuring contest right?
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Maybe, it's only 3 gold.
asmongod is /wowg/'s guy tho
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Hopefully it's their way of testing out darker nights before something more permanent is added. Either way it's really nice.
Do you have an album? Ive been playing d3 all day and wana jerk it to a belf
I would be too aroused to play a female with mods like this.


More like Asmoncuck.
This belf is about to snap in two
cute nelf

More like Asmonsilver or Asmodan.
Unless you're playing on a non EN server, or you're on Hakkar, almost everyone speaks english quite well.
More like Assmongol xD
This is actually why I had to uninstall one of the more extreme mods
At least 5 of us from wowg have our new skin.
we should consider joining a guild together. we're the super elite of this shitty lil community.
Exceptional players only :^)
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Hopefully. And yes, it is quite nice.
only accept other super elite 2/3M, 4/10M players
What legendary did u get
>MoS +10, 910+, link tower achievement
hey stud long time no see
Most people barely speak at all but when they do, its either German or very broken English.

Delusions of Grandeur.
that seems like a pretty cool legendary, how does it stack up to the other demon hunter ones?
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Good morning.
please someone explian me this magic tower stuff.
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It's not the worst one I guess. The only other one I have is Cinidaria so they don't work particularly well together. If you get Convergence of Fates it can make your Metamorphosis 2 minutes and line up with your Nemesis and Chaos Blades but I'm probably never getting that.
never say never! you've only got two legendaries, and if you stay havoic loot spec, you're bound to get most of them eventually.
>want to switch to master race human
>cost two tokens at 94k each
Stop playing on Dutch region servers then lmao
The frost one isn't that hard

Sephuz + Magtheridons Bracers + 41 Traits would be pretty easy

I don't have Mag bracers but like 80% of your damage to the boss in the final phase will be ice lance because you have perma frozen orb up and are constantly kiting in a circle because there's zero time to stop and cast so If you have an extra 16% damage on your icelances that'd be huge considering It'd a DPS race at that point

Would be pretty iffy without 41 traits though, the instant Blizzard perk allows you to keep moving
Are you using Allynsia's Goddess Mod? Currently using the Butt Elf mod myself since other mods look too extreme for my tastes
It was the Goddess Nelf, but yeah. I had to stop using it because it bordered on obscene, too distracting. The one in the picture above is Dyable's though, I think. One of the XL mods, anyway.
>Master of anything

Maybe you should try reddit
I'm pretty sure that even Dyable's XXL mods is not that big, so I don't think it is Dyable's
>that guy that responds with reddit to every post
this must be a subtle way of shilling their website. when will chinese moot ban this word for good?
Looking back, pretty sure they're meanSOB's. I don't really like any of the skins except Klingen's lower +s and Allynsia's Big/Biggest, though, so I'm waiting on the latter to be updated.

You must be a sodomite. It should be optional for alts after you did that pile of shit on your main.

it is optional?????
for alts, yes. you don't need to complete pathfinder on every single character, the achievement is account wide.

the only reason to complete it is for the AP tokens. you should already have the mount, and the completed portion for pathfinder.
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post badass mogs only

>wrong belt
>reddit wings

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learn to LOVE your spec my son
its not about winning its about Fun
>he has 2.4k in arenas

No he doesn't
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