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/wowg/ - world of warcraft general

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 792
Thread images: 181

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are you feeling the class fantasy now mr. krabs? edition


WoW Token Price:

Blood of Sargeras to gold:
US: rodent.io/blood-money
EU: rodent.io/blood-money-eu/

NA: twitter.com/BlizzardCS
EU: twitter.com/BlizzardCSEU
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that felfire elemental invasion was nuts

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>AK 26
>Cooldown: 16 hours
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125K Nethershards

Thanks for the """"catch-up"""""" system, Ion!
imagine being this wizard
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I got a useless legendary from one of the tokens.
he's supposed to be charming and cute! remember he's not an old man, he just got zapped by medivh and looks like one

No lie, I was going to resub when 7.2 hit because I thought Nethershards were going to be a neat catchup mechanic. After seeing how shit it is I'm not even going to bother
Supposedly, the invasions coming next week are good sources of both tokens and Nethershards.

Probably not though.
You're in the same position as me, anon.

I'm not going to resub but I do enjoy watching how absolutely terribly they're handling all of this
>pugging my keystone,cathedral +3
>an 878 warlock signs in
>'be the better man, it's only a +3, you don't need to bring 900 for that, he could probably use the gear, plus the guy's probably playing the fotm spec'
>turns out, he wasn't playing the fotm spec
>turns out, he was playing destruction
>barely deals damage above the tank's (~<300k)
>of course neither he, nor the fucking healer know the strats for any of the bosses
>both him and the healer die once ever odd minute
>keystone depleted

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He's got to be at least 40 by now.
>wanted an Arcanocrystal
>got Velen's Future Sight
Such a garbage system.
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10 hours in mspaint.png
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>got bis for all heal specs
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>60€ for the expansion
>200k for a 30 day token
nah thx fuck off
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the fucks happened to HoV? Why's it look like shit now? What happened to the colors?
if you're european you have no excuse to play video games. you should be out enjoying life
its for us americans whose country is garbage
this thread is more likely to respond than the shit blizz mods

my character has become permanently dead
>queue for lfr
>get blasted by a 1 shot boss on broken shore
>queue pops
>accept queue (that was ok)
>release ghost
>teleports me like 3 times and then immediately into the raid as a ghost
>im put at some alternative entrance and locked in position
>i leave the group and am teleported out at my corpse
>there is no option to resurrect here
>walk to the other side of the island where the internet tells me there is a spirit healer
>there isnt
>repeat on opposite side
>cant open a live chat with them because theyre so obtuse
>ticket could take 5-24 hours
p.s. "return to graveyard" button does jack shit
so how do i bring myself back to life

Yeah. Not like there's Legion keys available for 25 yuros elsewhere.
>tfw too dumb to farm the sentinax
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tried disconnecting?
submit ticket you retard
wow anon, it turns out i was alive all along because relogging removed being a ghost
same thing happened to nythendras room in EN
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>submit ticket you retard
i already had retard
its ok because in reality i was permanently alive (but dead)
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God DAMN this nighttime potion is really nice
>cant view wowtoken.info with an adblocker
>instead of disabling adblock just press f5 a bunch to get a glimpse of prices before adblocker notification
why does this stupid man feel entitled to make money off of world of warcraft? i will not give him anything
stupid fucker now i make you pay more for bandwidtfh when i get prices :)
fuck you shitbag
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stop posting my shit boom headshot
I resubbed, and besides the retarded AP thing , I've had better luck than ever including a guild that carried me through EN. Sure made it out with only one piece of gear but the banter was amazing. Perhaps I spent all my luck hitting it with these guys. Also fury warrior here, we still gear towards crit, right?
Doesn't look v dark t b h
Is this game, in its current state, enjoyable to play for ~2 hours a day?
>Carried through EN

They going to run you through Blackrock Foundry next?
>I thought Nethershards were going to be a neat catchup mechanic

they are? people who come back after quitting before NH and people who just started (in other words people who are way below average 880 ilvl) can get 880-890 (essentially between normal and heroic NH) within like a day or two of serious farming

it's a fucking PERFECT catchup mechanic, what the fuck are you even talking about? people who started the game just now can get up to speed and raid normal/heroic NH within a day or two after hitting 110

that's an ABYSSMAL catchup mechanics, not many games have a catchup THAT good
Dark enough for me senpai
Whats blackrock foundry.
>tfw my guild is still on mythic en
takes longer to catch up with nethershards than just running dungeons senpai
No next is ToV

Yeah it does look fun
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An equally irrelevant raid
Come to think of it, I'm gonna go check out the Barrens with this potion.
why did you post a black picture
If it took a short amount of time, people would bitch. If it took a long amount of time, people would bitch. People will always just bitch.
hey faggots <3

is there any way to save multiple servers on ts3 so I won't have to manually enter server details to swap between two all the time? I thought multiple server tabs would fix this but ts doesn't remember the tabs after a restart
Im more thankful to shoot the shit with people instead of obsessing for the best gear I guess. But question, saw a spider mount where do you get it, saw it ona horde, hope it isnt horde only.
Coz it's BLACK LIKE MY HEART senpai
look at ts' fucking user interface nigger
there's a favorite tab right in front of your retarded face
It wouldn't be an issue if it took a short about of time if they weren't capable of titanforging to the level that makes mythic raiding irrelevant :^)
rare spawn vendor in dalaran sells it for 2 million gold
literally flushing money down the toilet
Well the zerg guild I got randomly invited to is shit so I figured I'd ask here.

new subber here, I'm boosted to 100. Is queueing up for dungeon finder alongside questing a good way to level?

From what I can see all I have access to is WoD dungeons.
>obsessing for the best gear

The only reason to play this game anymore cucklet
Ha, 2 million golds hahahha, most Ive had is 20thousand
dungeons don't give 880+
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>he's farming shards like a madman
>he needs welfare gear
>he doesn't have at least 4 bis legendaries

good luck running anything you don't queue for if you're not at least 900 lmao
there is no fast way to level past 100. Do quest, q for dungeons after you are done with a zone and get a quest for an instance and hope it'll over soon.
Order hall quests, offspec artifact quests and profession quests give some extra.
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>He only plays to increase own ilvl
Need Fel relics, relinquished gives Shadow

you mean Bookmarks you doublenigger? thanks
Why else would you play it?
you get 880 from mythic 6 cucklord
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>not naming it "ten thousand years in paint have not been kind.png"
Got it, thanks anon. I will succeed
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>he isn't at least 7/10
>welfare gear is more painful to get than gear from actual content
Mythics 0 give 865
easiest thing in the world to get a few titanforges there, procs all the fucking time
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>arcanocrystal is welfare gear
>fresh 110 with ilvl 850 at most
>running mythic 6

you're retarded and you don't understand what "catchup" means

it means getting up to speed without needing to do group-locked content retard

and that's exactly what nethershards are, you go to a diablo-esque shitfest, you tag mobs, you watch them die, you get tokens, you get gear AND THEN you go do group-content

Arcano is the definition of welfare gear, do you not understand the term?

nethershards are even easier, you can literally masturbate while farming them

and you get gear with ilvl higher than dungeons

which proc higher than dungeons

which also proc all the fucking time
literally running mythics right now on my druid I haven't played since november and who was 830
only retards like reddit complain they can't get into dungeons because they're blind one armed fags with 710 ilvl
>frogposter doesn't know the meaning of titanforging
>implying there's anything else to spend shards on
>implying there's any content in the game right now
you can also masturbate through dungeons while doing something slightly more interesting than being afk in a group farming trash mobs for hours
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let me guess

the remaining 4 of the party are all 910+
it was also your key
it was also a maw of souls key

really makes you think
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i've been stuck using lfr tier chest for two months and it's getting retarded

i've turned in 25k shards trying to get tier and i keep getting shitty dungeon gear
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i want to have dream sex with Ysera
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>3 chest maw of souls +3
>get +6 cathedral
doesn't matter? it still gives you worse gear
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whay noubody is talkibg about next ekspansion?
a 810 friend and a 870 one
rest are randoms, nothing above 900
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DMF is up how do I poopsock legionfall rep?
>running +6 (old +13) with this setup

i think im gonna puke

you truly believe THIS is better than just going afk and looking at 880 gear appearing in your bag without minimal effort on your part?

once again proving my point - you don't understand what "catchup" is supposed to mean
>put in 100 resources
>get Sephuz
>on a fury warrior

at least I have already have two legendaries on top of this garbage...
I've wanted a S. Seas expansion for ages, but it'll be nice to deal with some more localized threats like the Zandalari home base and finally handling the Naga threat. More chill before we inevitably deal with the Old God/Void Lord final expansion.
how much time does it take to get 5k shards in a group on average?
40 minutes

basically one HoV run timeframe
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-acquire many legion army rep tokens but don't use them
-acquire many legion army resources but don't turn them in
-do WQs as usual since they expire but have the DMF buff up while you're doing them
-wait for mage tower to finish building, grab the DMF buff, head back to legion landing spot and grab the 30% rep buff if you have to talk to someone to get it(not sure if it's just up or you have to talk to someone), then dump all your legion resources into whatever tower and use your legion rep tokens. if the two stack, you will have a 40% increase to your rep.
-knock out any WQ that are up

if you can predict when the tower will finish, it might be worth it to save any WQ that won't expire.

t. guy that is 4900/12000 away from revered.
So this guy

wasted over 16.5 hours for basically nothing?
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fuck off shill i'm not watching that

text form or gtfo
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>every path is curved, full of obstacles and full of mobs
>the map is confusing and lacks detail
>mobs daze and dismount you, as well as having all sorts of stuns, slows and roots
>mobs now scale in HP so you can't kill them quickly
>flying gated behind ridiculous achievements
>everything related to gearing your character is RNG

I wonder why Blizzard would implement such objectively bad game design features in a subscription based game...

If you still willingly give them your money you are a literal fucking cuck.

And don't even bother pretending that paying in gold for tokens is any different when you can easily turn that gold into real money with almost no fuss.
mage tower is giving ap for first build not rep
/our guy/
yes but thats his own fault

he farmed up 20 tokens and dumped all of them into TRINKETS

if he bought a token for each gear slot he would have a gear good enough to go raiding normal Nighthold
someone post the image with the nostalrius and the blizzard employee where the nost man had the karl marx book and was crying
who /brokenshore/ level leeching here?
how do i get to exalted with the kirin tor quickly
i want some fucking vendor discounts
Bored of my elemental shaman, looking to roll an alliance tank.

Suggest class/race pls
how into
>STILL no rep catchup mechanic
>you have to literally all of it again if you want those chests or Surmar quests
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1-4 farm shards
5-7 do M+
8-9 do nighthold on alt
0 level new alt
thank you asmongold now I know what to do with my time in this gfreatr game wow of warcraft
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Ye quest until Friendly, then buy the tabard and start spamming dungeons.
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Stop farming Nethershards.
how into brokenshore leeching
blood dk
Just started a dk, what spec should I go with for leveling?
>that gif
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fuck youuuu wtf is this

nuff said
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rate my mog shitters

Ok, I figure mobs die fast enough to not require blood spec
>using any part of any cm set other than the shoulders or the monk one to look dumb
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would you want me as your raid leader?
woah is that the challenge cm set mog? she must be a very good player :o
>meme guild name

I hate retards like this
blood during the "spam dungeon finder" period for instant queues.

Remember to not be that guy and spam death strike.
fak u noobs
What's the best tank in legion right now?
Thanks but I want to quest instead of dungeon spam so I can go through northrend/draenor again.
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post best female wow gamers
I heard bears are
>not Zunechan


nice try, but im not posting my pics here ;)
blood does decent damage with looms, literally invincible and cannot be dazed (this only matters thou if you don't have draenor flying).

If you don't like it for any reason, I suggest frost too.
ur not gonna trick me into posting pics of my gf
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who are you then?
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who is this? tell me more
>tfw no pandaren druids so that you can bear while you bear
>tfw ranged dps ignores parasitic fetter
144th for NIght Elf superiority
Cheers, appreciate the advice
shut theee eff ooo i didnt post that trolls are posting my shit
wjo are you? I know u from discord
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huns is retard autism
I don't use discord my friend
shut eff oo troll

wew thanks anon, i heard the tower might not be giving rep first though so idk
wish I could be a druid on horde without having to be a stupid tauren or troll

forsaken/human druids when
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fak u noobs
>tfw been playing since 2010 and literally never been in Darkmoon Faire

how do I into bonus rep? Every time I went there, I just talked to a bunch of vendors saw I couldn't afford anything and hearthed out kek
kys shitbag
stop posting my shit
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guess the quest
Should I faction change to make sentinax farming easier?
Do dailies. That's pretty much all you can do besides profession quests which gives you +5 in whatever professions you have (as long as you've at least started them).

There's also that grizzly trophy thing which seems to be just RNG if you get one. Turn in 150 of those and get bonus rep.

Other then that there's nothing else to really do.
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>dead eyes
>saggy milf tits in your 20s
>gaming PC in living room
>window mode
>skada in battlegrounds
>all those donations and still sub 60fps in a 10+ year old game
>wasting a dps slot as ret instead of contributing as holy
>thousands of orbiters and still not over a million gold
how is it possible to have this many violations in one image?
I've been told this is the gayest furry general on /vg/.
Where is porn?
pretty sure they're from one those shitholes in eastern europe
>Spend 25k on relics
>Every single time is shadow

Fuck them, fuck Blizzard, fuck Sentinax, my fingers hurt.
>dead eyes

it's what does it for me. she looks depressed
Is the broken shore the most difficult zone to traverse ever invented?
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>someone saved all my images and lines
>Can't do anything AP related because have to wait a few hours to get AK 27.
Such engaging gameplay, amazing.
It is

I miss timeless isle so much. It was so comfy
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You're ten minutes into your date and she gives you this look, what do you do?
>actually grinding nethershards
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>Retard1 and Retard2 collided, causing a Grand Trine!
How did feral druids go from bottom of the logs to being pretty decent in 7.2? Was the overall 4% buff that big of a deal? Any feral players that can give me some input?
>world bosses and elites can now be faction tagged
how do you react?
Starting to play a blood death knight, what talents should I go?

>please don't refer me to noxxic/icy veins
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overused gay glow effect.jpg
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>Armor/Weapon/Enemy/Mount has "that" glow effect

It's like Blizzard never grew up from that "wow, filters in photoshop are cool!" phase.
new traits (that didn't get nerfed like MM) for thrash and ashamanes are good
also a lot of the worse performing legendaries were buffed
also, don't trust overall, rating, they're still lower /middle for melee on most fights, just the scoring system for overall has them a bit higher than they really are because they have no single bad fight

really though I think people should ignore this weeks class ratings
nothing is really a big deal til we see how people are with the new golds partway through next week
When will they abondon subscription policy and make it f2p?
So sick of every weapon having this shitty cel shading effect...hell even Gul'dan has it. Its like they come up with one idea and put it in everything they do because they think it looks cool.
when they want the game to be ruined by 13 year old exploiters and shit
+6 is most definitely not equivalent to old +13
Hence the photoshop comment. It looked amazing in Firelands, it really did, but after that it just got annoying to look at.

Corrupted Assbringer would look 100x better if the only glow was the smoke from the eyes of the skull.
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still only one legendary, and it's very bad!
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egverybiody here knosws itsn not me
>have 3 legendaries
>one is BIS
>the other two are crap and sephuz

I should just delete my character...
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I'm going to play male panda you can't bully me out of this
>+10 cathedral fo eternal night

t-thanks game..
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post progress towards flying
>tfw 1/3rd of the way there
fuck her female panda ass
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fek off NOOB

Will you be my male panda's friend?
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>tfw just reach honored today
>already burnt out on doing these god awful WQ
I sure will!
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go ahead
i do nothing but emissaries and have sindorei spite + feretory
Anyone on EU want to swap Sentiax level boosts?

Basically you make a group and take my alt then inv 4 random plebs and kill demons for an hour and a bit then we swap
At what item level will I finally be happy?
He looks like panda gypsi.
Call him Tsigan
869 lmao
who is this freak?
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Does anyone actually enjoy affliction's gameplay style?

This has to be one of the most uncomfortable and clunky playstyles in the entire game.
It's great for Sentinax farming though.
Take this back.
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>join guild
>speak in /g
>ask for help
>people make rp events
>no invitation
>ask for rp
>recruit for my own events
>ask if anyone wants to pve/pvp
>say hello/goodmorning/goodnight
>ask for help doing blood infusion, already cleared ICC25 up to blood queen
>only person who responds won't help me because we aren't rushing Lich King so they can't get Invincible in 3 mins
>leave guild
>he didnt take the bogpill
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stop making me look bad stop using mu imgased
>21 hours of monk enlightenment buff
>full rested exp
>brewmaster spec
>now darkmoon exp buff
who wants to run chain dungeons? level 15, area 52, Mnkbrwmstr
here's a tip: stop reposting greetexts, ultranigger
i like to play affliction in pvp. affliction in raids makes me want to kill myself.
Are you me?
>Say Hi ^^
>Say GZ after someone gets an achievement

They won't talk to me at all. Even when someone got the blue proto drake I said gz he didn't reply
>naming your character after a class/speec
Ion bows to the Bogdanoff's

he and his brother are the Bogdanoff brothers. They're scientists that host some show in France. They only look like that because acromegaly fucked up their bodies. Don't believe any U.S. sites that say its plastic surgery
how the fuck does oblierating pvp gear work
>some people whined that you couldn't buy multiple stacks from the Blood of Sargeras vendor
>now ALL vendors will ONLY sell in multiples
Huns is a trick, kid. I would fucking destroy Huns.
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>that guy in your guild who nobody talks to and interacts with but always shows up for raids and does solid dps

Even if we wipe, he'll just release and walk back and never say anything

I run into these people in every guild, I wonder why they do that
>get norgannon's foresight as my alt warlocks first legendary
>ruined my entire sunday

someone help me spin this positive so I don't just delete and make a new warlock

what a fucking garbage legendary
would you a sliced Snuhmm?
>tfw you can't buy single vials anymore, only in bundles of 20
this triggers me more than it should
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Is 7.2 better than launch? I've been getting an itch
*Snuggles and kisses you*
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I'm gonna need a bit more information than that
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>join the meme guild on Illidan
>no one talks to me
>they regularly do mythic+ and raiding together
>too afraid to ask to join
>just watch from the sidelines
because some people just want to play the fucking game and not take part in your retarded forced social ciclejerks
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what are the reagents for sliced Snuhmm?
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do you ever think about death wowg?
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>Mfw I report every Tauren DK I see in Suramar
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Feels bad I think I might aswell be guildless at this point
>I wanted to buy 4 Royal Olives
>instead it bought 20
Over 7 gold wasted because of this. GM refused to refund me.
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im not gonna releave my identity but check this 3.5 million gold worth of pets, jelly? http://wow-pets.com
fresh hot bebek Snuhmm
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That's pretty cool of you
This triggers me as well. I now have 150 salt sitting in my bank. Fucking hell.
nice boosted cm mog retard LMAO
I can't wait to drink beer with you!
fuck YOU asshole
I feel you.
It feels that the only friendly guilds are the completely casual ones.
should I delete
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Who is the best girl in Suramar?

For me it's Valtrois.
No you silly willy boo you're going to get a better legendary soon! *Cuddles against your chest*
Please don't post these kinds of things about my wife.
Only whenever I think "I wonder if I can spectate other people when I'm dead."
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Koragon and Ghostcrawler.jpg
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Are you prepared for the best pandaposter's return?
>one legendary 2 months ago
>haven't got a second one yet
it doesn't get any better does it
Why not? It's not like I posted anything bad.

I do salute your taste though.
>shift-right click
>buy 1
what did you mean by this?
just leave a pile of cooking vendor mats in your crafting bank
She was more attractive when she was withering. Now she's just another bloated fat pig elf.
literally who
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do you promise

I've been having a rough week and getting a legendary that's worse than nothing feels really bad
Sorry, I overreacted.
>6man group
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can you get tier from shards?
i am literally that guy
been an ele shammy since 2005 (lol), played some resto in ulduar through ICC, guild broke up after we didn't get server first arthas

my teenage oneitis was in that guild and legit forgot about me after we stopped raiding together

as did the rest of the guild aside from some retard screamer UD mage who is one of my best friends to this day god damn, i remember skipping school together to farm yetis in winterspring cause of some bullshit he needed for molten core

anyhow i just dont like getting that involved with people online these days, gamers are the worst sort of people, they're all tryna fill some void, you'll probably never talk to the happy functional ones cause they're playing with their real friends or not online
But it'll be branded "Relinquished" so everyone knows how big a pleb you are.
some qt trap
>Kraken Spawn have no leash radius
>they follow you forever
My brewmaster artifact is the most convenient weapon to exist for it always has a barrel of beer attached to it. It's going to be a fun time!
>904 ilvl hunter
>join daily HC dungeon
>doing 64% of overall damage
>other hunter and shamy keep targetting me, obviously inspecting

only reason I try to up my ilvl desu

it's stupid but feels pretty good.

I miss fake-afk'ing in main cities in my raid gear/mount and looking at people inspecting me. With transmog and all these mounts added to game, no one cares about that anymore so that's all I have left ._.
hey that's why there were a dozen in the middle of the broken shore camp
how the fuck do i enter the anguish foretress in shadowmoon valley for nerhzul?
Hm. I actually play Enhance so I'm disappointed with the new traits. None of the legendaries are particularly amazing either.
>start killing the giant crock on the beach
>suddenly guy comes out of nowhere and starts hitting it
>3 kraken spawn follow him and attack him
>they're clipping through the ground as he fights
>in raid
>newbie hunter starts asking you for advice
>help him out
>"thanks a lot you've been a big help"
>Want to reroll a tank
>No guild right now needs tanks

For you
>wanting to play with a guild

If you cannot fly then either do the questline or check youtube for a video about how to get there without turning off the barriers.
is there a worse bodyguard than shade of akama? all he does is autoattack and shout "die" a lot
I'm running prot warrior but I want to try fury for at least WQs. I have issues on not dying to trash, am I just too used to pulling a lot with prot or am I missing something?
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post original mogs, no tier or cm also no hate
i am that guy so let me explain

im here to play gaem not talk with normals
>cash shop helm
hahahahah noob NOOB
Hey do you niggers know any good warcraft fanfics about a guy banging weird warcraft chicks

All the stories here on fanfiction.net are all weird warcraft guys plowing human women. That shit's gay
I promise! You don't have to worry about a thing you bummy boo! *Nibbles your earlobe*
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very nice are these wrath items?
I sure can't wait <3
Is mythic raiding worth it?
good mog
jealous hobos
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How do I look?
Or was this just a meme?
thank you so much!
nice throwback!
Extremely handsome.

Are you single?
yes, you got meme'd hard m'lord, that's an older-than-the-highway spam.

your mog is A-OK
Sorry, I'm taken.
Pretty cool. Would have beer with/10

assuming silvermoon guards wouldn't murder me for being human
So CoEN is the new HoV eh

Couldnt even get past the first boss on +9 with a pug...
I kinda knew it. Was worth the ask anyway.
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bad ass
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>get summoned
>enter the raid
>get summoned again
Nice torn diaper there lmao

Get some real pants
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poley taking a dump
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>level through Broken Shore leeching
>4 hrs later
>no zones unlocked or flypaths

i-it was worth it r-right?
imo not really unless you just want the satisfaction of knowing you cleared the hardest content in the game. Mechanics at Mythic are so punishing that all it takes is one mistake by one person to wipe the entire group.

Plus the gear isn't actually that much better than Heroic, and heroic can titanforge up to Mythic level. That's pretty much the reason Mythic Nighthold hasn't been cleared by that many people, they just don't see the point and instead keep Heroic on farm.
you mean real mods
Why did Gul'dan get blamed for Archimonde's failure?
>character max limit
>keep deleting and making new characters
>cant stick to one class/race/faction/realm
what is wrong with me
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>It's 7.2
>They buy 840 BoEs for 25k-30k
>can't sell my NH BoE capes anymore because everyone getting free capes
Because 100 level can equip them.
>deleting your character when making a new one
this is a brand new form of autism

not really since you have to progress a load of zones just to get your Order hall followers

Blizz is sneaky jew
well i have to delete one to make space for another that i will delete to have space to make for another
removed, jelly?
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Fuck off Reddit trash.
Ok.. day 12 since my dad grounded me from my computer for 2 weeks. Only two more days to go lads. W00t
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Blown into smithereens, mad?
did you learn your lesson this time
Yes, I mad.

You fucking niggers also destroyed muh waifu with it.
Hey /wowg/

>looking to level a healer
>can I still quest through 100-110 as healing spec?
>don't want to get locked into a dps spec through the artifact power gained from questing

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I hate this fucking trinket so much
>trying to get this shit on my fury warr for 2 months
>every week bonus roll on Gul'dan and RF Gul'dan
>only see it dropped once, guildmasters friend gets it
>be pleb for whole 7.1
Who can one trinket make 30% of specs dps?
Well i distributed some resumes...
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What healer?

I comfortably leveled a healing spec and used all artifact power on it while using dps spec to kill mobs. It takes a bit longer that's all.
Italians are shit too though.
Thinking mistweaver monk, open to suggestions though as it would be my first healer

Archimonde is an eternal fuck-up like his boss and so blames everyone else for his mistakes.

KJ and Mal'ganis are the only people in the Legion who ever actually get work done.
i bonus roled it on lfr and im playing arms :)
Human warrior, human paladin, worgen guardian, pandaren monk, night elf vengeance.
You can now roll it from 5k tokens.
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am i late to the party?
Is Gul'dan fixed yet? or do the eyes still down everyone in a matter of seconds
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people run HoV?
wowprogress ladder
the only reason why we actually went there and downed her
they're fixed, you could heal through them, and/or dps the guy down before they spawned
all they really did was make the big fire lazer go from killing you in 3-4 ticks to 1-3
how did you guys find your guilds? I just wanna join a heroic/m+ guild, but there's just so fucking many, in trade chat, in wowprog and in the forums
how do I even pick one
is the increased size of the balls in halls of valor a bug or did they really think that was a good idea
the trinkets are the main reason people go
all the other gear is either shit or not worth the effort though
pointless now since you can farm shards for stat sticks
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*equips the highest secondary stat-score per ilvl possible*
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wath happened?
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wath went so wrong?
A couple things:
1. the artifact power you get while leveing is so small it will be and always has been irrelevant at max level
2. yeah, mw actually has decent aoe like you can roll around and pick up mobs then sck them down and are a decent leveling spec (also unkillable cause of just healing yourself)
also it's nice if you get bored of questing because you fast dungeon queue and carry shit dungeon dps and single-handedly win WSG and AB
Best way to farm shards? Just WQs and world enemies on the broken shore?
wrath went wrong
get a farm group from the groupfinder and farmportals under the legion ship
group up with other 4 players and farm portals under the ship, find a spot that has 2 portal close to each other and go nuts
that's for the land bird mount?
Really fire up my neutrinos.
cool thanks for the spoonfeed
>Cobra Commander


Yeah the shiny purple ravenlord
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>at summon stone
>help party member teleport yourself

This is gross
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no forgiveness.png
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>join rbg group
>everyone leaves

wow rude
What dps should I play if I want the best class fantasy experience?
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Stop playing WoW.
Best way to farm Anger of Sha? I want more chances to not get the mount.
Paladin or Mage

shaman probably
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how do i get good in world pvp as a warlock?
i can shit on people if i have the opener but i always lose when they engage me first
playing demo/affliction mostly
give me 5 reasons to stop. and keep in mind that
>I'm employed
>have a social life
>only play 2-3 hours a day, 4 days a week
>fuck prostitutes because being in a relationship is a scam
>vote republican
>6'4, 205 and healthy as fuck
>have other hobbies besides gaming
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>Retard1 and Retard2 collided, causing a Grand Trine!
><DBM> Combat against Mythic - Star Augur Etraeus (10% (Stage 4)) ended after 6 |4minute:minutes; and 27.24 |4second:seconds;. You have 35 total wipes on this difficulty.
>caster in wpvp
you lost before the other person even created a character
That's pretty much what happens to me when I play against a lock as any melee.
If I get the jump on them and they don't have a portal I win, other wise I get rekt if he's good.
>6'4, 205

wow could do better with less cavemen.
>fear to reset
>open up on them
1. do bareback brawl
2. slow them and run away while drain souling on your speedy goat
shit meant >>172871089 for >>172870630
I might. Tanaan Jungle 2: Felectric Boogaloo is a fucking joke.
>world pvp
>I always lose when they engage on me first
you already solved it
like even blue posters basically have stated that wpvp is stupid because of that, especially when stealth classes exist

that said though, get calydus as your combat follower
use prydaz or some other defensive leggo
pop your defensive and trinket
use blood horror or coil or howl to pop their trink
then pop calydus and kill
also consider taking stupid talents that would normally be bad for aoe soloing like dark soul and sac pact

also dont ask me how you win wpvp without cd's up cause you just don't do that as any class really (unless you're playing a hunter, frost mage, or rogue back when prep, readiness, and cold snap were still in their primes)
>says the guy that is 3/10
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Start playing PoE.
oh i forgot all about followers i really should keep one around thanks
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Stop playing WoW.
Start playing Wildstar.
what addons should i use for a clean and pretty UI
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I have a feeling that rep won't be the problem with unlocking flight. The assaults will probably be gated to only allow one a week.

I have 10 of these things in my bag already, and sitting just shy of 6000/12000 to revered.
Is Earthquake actually any good? I don't play ele shaman but I was looking at their new traits and one of them involves earthquake. I didn't think they really cast it outside of tons of stacked mobs. Is it a good trait?
who dis he qt
>no wand artifact so wands for transmog are literally useless
>unholy DK not redesigned as a rdps spec
>meta stolen by DHs
>no more 2h enhance shaman
>no more 2h frost DK
>single-minded fury gone
>stances removed from the game
um blizzcucks?
i usually always use it on 3+ mobs.it stacks infinitely and the stun chance is very helpful
PLEASE respond
Paladin, Warrior, Mage
>didnt play since wotlk
>only checked cata for a few days and decided "nah"
>started playing again yesterday
Demon Hunter is fun. Didnt expect to enjoy it as much as I do.
Might be good enough till ffxiv gets the new expansion but I am having fun right now in WoW
you forgot
>add special seathing-on-the-back animation for 1h weapons for monks
>none of the 3 specs can mog into 1h weapons

nice one blizz.
>I have no source film but I must project

I'm a fucking casual who don't raid, and 7.2 is still a bad joke, deal with it.
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Just use default and remove the Griffis
-wands a shit
-why do you want a plate warlock
-valid complaint
-valid complaint
-valid complaint
-dual wielding warrior a shit
-good. it was stupid to penalize by forcing stance dancing in pve. it was fun in pvp, but an absolute chore in pve.
>I'm a fucking casual who don't raid
please close your account and go start a garden, chad. this game is not for you.
I'd rather have a plate warlock than the weird mish-mash of ranged, melee and pet spells we have now
I can't believe you losers are still playing this piece of shit game. Have you no shame?

It was cool 10 years ago.
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post 'em
we did that already.
>caring about what is "cool"
are you dumb?
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>3 seconds off 3 chests
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> No shamy tanks
> No dps bears
> No rdps ferals
> No melee hunter
> No healer warrior
bet you wish you had pre pot now, don't you?
sorry but can you post another cute image for me?
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>item ilvl 900 required to join shard farm groups
I havent played since early wotlk and the only raid ive ever done was naxx. currently enjoying my nostalgia stroll through northrend. A few questions..

I've picked a low pop server (aggaman or whatever) and have noticed other people with server names next to their names, whats that about? Also, is the old content soloable and if so, up to what? Id like to expierence all the stuff ive missed over the years.
why is wow community so shit?
noone wants to help each other
>be 885
>start lobby
>sentinax - PvE Server
>filled within 2 minutes by 900+ big dicks
server are so dead that they started merging server together so you see atleast a few other players
old content is soloable upto mop and some wod stuff if you have good gear
man i miss sitting in blood pres every time someone so much as targeted me, was my fav thing about playing dk. swapped after that got removed. i guess it was a warrior thing first though.
biggest shitshow in 7.2 so far desu
It's because the game is autistic.

People helped eachother out in previous expansions but the game itself is so autistic and cancerous people feel like they're getting rammed in the ass by blizzard all the time there's no time to be helpful to others.
do ppl see the leaders ilvl

I see! thank you!
Why are 900+'s farming 885 gear, seems like a waste of time to me.
2 things:
at the end of mop, blizz started connecting low pop realms
you're still fairly low pop, but you share an ah and guilds and shit (aggaman, archimonde, underbog, and jadenar are basically 1 realm)

also as of legion, x-realm phasing is really crazy and sometimes you just randomly find yourself in a different server
and people often server hop to find mobs or farm mats often using the group finder feature
doing it for legos
im guessing it can titanforge and turn into a good raidtrinket
got it.
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do you remember the time...
How does a tank get into a guild raid these days if they don't already have a guild?
Form your own guild
You can pretend to be a hip contrarian all you want. Put it on your resume.
But no one joins new guilds, they want the benefits of the big ones.
everything's cross realm, easy to reroll
you can treat anyone how you like, kick anyone you want and there's a 99.99% chance you'll never see them again, and even if you do see them again, you'll probably both be on different characters and won't recognise each other

add that most wow players are weak, bitter, overweight incels, wow is the only place they have control over what happens, they're bound to treat others like shit as a vent for their own emotional turmoil
>no titanforged on tooltip
0/10 did you even try
i dont really get what you are trying to tell me
on the top of that I only started playing wow again recently so I can play with my mother, since she kepts asking me to try it out again
its okay
Buy a big guild then
in what servers is the /wowg/ guild?
jajajaja i saw this one on reddit to xdddd my favorite reddit streamer talked about it to ahahahah xddd
it's not mine, that's a screen grab from wowhead. mine is only 895.
There are no wowg guilds.
I'm about to start a wowg guild called <Pals of Hun>
let me know if you want an invite or not, I plan on pushing 10/10 mythic by next week.
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(You) now hit the road
<rekt> @ silvermoon (alliance) wisp kjeex or troves for inv
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that sounds really cute
what roles do you 2 play?
Will there ever be an endzone as comfy as timeless isle?
>But no one joins new guilds
I'd join your guild.
What's the push for a /wowg/ guild? I have 3 different characters in 3 different guilds on Sargeras and all of them steal memes
nice tits but transmog is garbage, check yoself f ool
She plays a frost mage, my aunt a moonkin and I decided to go for DH for now. Still trying out if I will continue playing but well, might be fun for a while.
I used to be a disc priest so I might level one too to help her out in dungeons.
>die on broken shore
>sends me to the """""""""""""""""""""""nearest""""""""""""""""""""""" graveyard
>actually have to walk all the way around the island to my corpse
who knew it could take so long to walk across quite possibly the tiniest zone in wow history
not worth it come back, right?
try it in 2-3months
right now everything is still timegated and no class changes have been made
I don't need to pretend big boy
Go be a fuckhole somewhere else
if you pve this is the time to catch up, but you can get away with not playing the game for a few weeks and only research AK

i haven't played since cata, and lost my original account. been debating coming back since warlords
>2 women
>both not healing
unicorn family confirmed
watch out if you roll disc you might have to fight for loot with your mom lol
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Who slutmog here.
>resub 28 days ago
>buy legion
>get to 103
>give up
>play DH for a bit
>meh rogues with fel fire with a rage mechanic
>ask for a refund
>happens almost instantly
>its like they know
>sub runs out in 2 days
>just fucking around leveling low level alts
Seriously debating on deleting all my characters. This worked to break off EverQuest and daoc.
Just play Dark Souls 3 or Nier instead.

If you want a true MMO experience just play Destiny 2 in a few months. Its the only current game that has a truly enjoyable mmo experience and its not even a true mmo.
>win roll vs mom on gear
>she doesn't make you tendies that night
I came back after quitting midway through WoD(loved wod zones/leveling but hated garrisons etc). I think you would enjoy it. I think the artifact empowering/class quests are interesting.
if i was raiding with you
i would stand next to you and hope you think im your buddy
they are both too scared to heal lmao
I taught her how to use keybinds, before legion she used to be a clicker. thankfully she is quite good at using keybinds now.
its fun to play mmos with family
oh well then you might enjoy it for the story and the changes
or you might hate it because of that
would be better if you had some friends to play with you just starting alone doesnt seem like a good idea its hard to find players/guild
I have 3 legendaries already, what are the odds of the one I want dropping from relinquished tokens?
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>people talking about how they play WoW with their family
>feel like maybe I should introduce my mom to the game
>remember she can't even turn on the TV by herself
I found a decent casual guild on the official forums for my server.

What server are you on?
alright, thanks. I'll just keep replaying souls games and keep feeling the nostalgia.
might be worth a try. just be prepared to hand hold her everywhere for a few months and answer many silly questions
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currently on dalaran-US horde side and it's dead as fuck
what server should i transfer my main to?
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>play WoW with my wife and her daughter
>it's been a lot of fun, especially running dungeons together
>tfw entire family resents this game because i could've been a better person if i dedicated more time to other things
Fuck you, got my first this week playing straight since release.
>my wife's daughter
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>my wife and her daughter
>wows reputation is still so bad that noone in my family wants to touch it
pretty sad desu we could have alot of fun together
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I wish I could convince my wife to want to play. All she plays is mario kart/super mario galaxy or wii sports.
Just look at the server population stats
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>dad introduced me to wow
>find out later on that he used to play as a femnelf holy priest and clicked abilities
>i now play as a femgoat shadow priest
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do I get a charity leggo if I level a new alt to 110?

Migh do it if that's the case

honestly seems like it, almost all my alts got their first leggo first week of 110.
She watches me play sometimes and thinks the game looks pretty but I don't think her computer can even run the game and she doesn't have any free time. Maybe I'll just let her make a character on my account and mess around with it for a bit.
>he doesn't have his 42th trait yet
are you even playing this game.......?
>playing the game
enjoy your burnout lmao
yeah, my hunter got his BiS leggo too from HC violet hold, 1 day after hitting 110 and i've seen other people say the same thing too.
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The heroes of Azeroth used the five Pillars of Creation to seal the demon portal in the Tomb of Sargeras, before their campaign on Argus. The original purpose of the Pillars, however, was lost to time. That purpose has now resurfaced. The five Pillars are keys to five prisons. After the events on the Broken Shore, those keys have been activated and the prisons have opened, releasing the darkness within. The five Old Gods are attempting to escape their prisons and rebuild the Black Empire on Azeroth.

Opening cutscene: Valeera bursts into the chamber of the Council of Six, flanked by two rogues. She warns them of something terrible going on in the undercity of Dalaran. The Uncrowned and the Kirin Tor have gathered forces and descend into the undercity. Five Twilight cultists are channeling a ritual at the Circle of Wills. Just as Khadgar, Valeera, and the others enter the room, the ritual finishes. Just as Khadgar demands to know how the Twilight’s Hammer has infiltrated Dalaran, something begins slaughtering the guards and Kirin Tor mages. An invisible eldritch entity has been summoned by the ritual. A fight breaks out. Modera manages to immobilize the invisible Faceless One with ice and the rest of the Council of Six begin channeling into it to banish it. As the spell starts to work, the leader of the Twilight cultists approaches Khadgar from behind as he focuses on his spell. Her hood falls back to reveal her identity: Jaina Proudmoore. She draws the Blade of the Black Empire, Xal’atath, and plunges it into Khadgar’s neck. He falls to his knees as his vitality drains, turning to see her. “Jaina...no...” She smiles with cruel madness. “Can you see it, Khadgar?” she whispers. “It is coming. The writhing chaos. The dark below.”
is she not your daughter? or are you reserving some emotional distance when you realize it wasn't a wise decision to invest time into another man's spawn?
>not waiting until blizz gives you all those AK for free and negates all your hard work

>being a threadmill cuck

why bother when i can clear the current content with the old traits?
>m-muh AK 50
lfr shitters need not reply to me ever again
Opening storyline: The leader of your class order (Archmage Modera in place of Khadgar) offers you a quest on Krasus’ Landing in Legion Dalaran. This begins a scenario. Your class order has arrived to defend Dalaran from the Twilight’s Hammer attack. Your leader sends you on a mission to find the leader of the attack. Two characters from your order accompany you (for example, Nazgrim and Rotgut for Death Knights). After evacuating several of the businesses in Dalaran and fighting Twilight forces, you enter the chamber of the guardian beneath the central teleporter. There you see Twilight cultists taking the Pillars of Creation and escaping through the portals. One of them is breaking the Kirin Tor locks. That character stays back to stop you while the rest escape. As you approach, you realize that it is none other than Jaina Proudmoore. She uses both arcane and shadow magic to battle you and your allies while summoning reinforcements. She drains some of the power from your weapon (all traits from artifact weapons are removed besides the flat damage bonuses). If you manage to reduce Jaine to 50% health, the rest of your order comes down to help. She summons void tentacles to bind your soldiers and teleports away. Your order leader informs you that a new alliance has been formed between the Alliance and Horde, class orders, and Gadgetzan (!) to battle this new threat, and you have been invited. You take a portal to Gadgetzan, the capital city for this expansion.
not gonna lie i would cheer for this cause fuck Khadgay.
thabks senpai
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>Only at 42

Wew lad.
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>that one guy in the guild who still thinks going AN ILLUSION WHAT ARE YOU HIDING is funny
it is
wouldnt it be a step down from fighting the legion?
or are the old god more powerful than the legion?
Gadgetzan: The city of Gadgetzan has been updated. It is by far the largest city in the game. The central part of the city is a sanctuary and acts as the capital city for the expansion. The outer sections of the city are the territory of the three gangs, and no man’s land, which are one of the zones for the expansion. In the central palace are the main figures of the expansion: Wrathion, King Anduin, Baine Bloodhoof, Bran Bronzebeard, your class order leader, and the owner of the palace, Baron Zix. Baron Zix is the goblin lord who acts as the informal mayor of Gadgetzan. He is a businessman who tries to remain neutral with the three gangs and profits off of their conflict. He has offered to host the Coalition of the Dawn, made up of the Horde, Alliance, class orders, and Explorer’s League because the Old Gods are bad for business and he wants to sell weapons to the Coalition. The Explorer’s League bring knowledge about the Titans and Old Gods to the Coalition, and are main faction of one of the zones, Ulduar. Archaeology takes a major role in The Dark Below through the Explorer’s League.

Each class order has a camp in central Gadgetzan, providing the crucial resources from the class hall as well as a portal to the Legion class halls. Class order questlines continue but follower missions are not updated for this expansion. Instead, players unlock a questline for each main character in their order, and upon finishing this questline the player unlocks that character as a follower, giving different functionalities while leveling on the Broken Isles. Each class order has eight possible followers to unlock and a player may only have two followers active at a time. Later in the expansion, there will be functions to customize the armor and weapons of your followers.
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t. lowborn scum
dude what the fuck, the dungeon finder is empty as fuck, I've been waiting 30 minutes for a both tank and healers.

it's weekend ffs, there shoulda be people trying to level up their toons
Artifact weapons: A vendor in each class order camp sells green weapons. These weapons are equal in power level to a Legion artifact weapon with no traits unlocked. All Legion artifact traits that aren’t flat damage bonuses are disabled in all content besides the Broken Isles and Legion instances. Players that have many traits unlocked on their Legion artifact weapons will have more powerful weapons for leveling than the green weapons sold by the vendor, but these weapons will be obsolete when the player reaches max level (120). No artifact power items will drop from TDB content until the player completes their TDB artifact weapon quest at level 120.

When the player reaches level 120, one of the leaders of the Coalition of the Dawn will give you a quest for a new artifact weapon. Each spec has the option of upgrading their current artifact or unlocking a new artifact. There are two different artifact weapons for each spec, each providing a slightly different variation in playstyle for the spec. Players can later do the quest for the other artifact weapon for their spec, or weapons for off specs. The artifact weapon system works almost the same as in Legion. The numbers on artifact power won’t get as outrageously high as they were in Legion. Instead, there will be more gating between sections of the artifact trees, encouraging players to put AP into their offspec weapons when they have maxed out the currently available traits for their primary weapon.
That's debatable, but the answer is no, they're not.
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>when you summong a lieutenant as soon as the ship recharges back
noone is leveling anymore
everyone leveled in wod or in legionprepatch
and there arent really any new players

Gadgetzan: The outer areas of the massive metropolis are one of the leveling areas. Certain parts of Gadgetzan also act as max level PvP areas and world boss zones. World boss zones are the only areas that aren’t accessible by players below level 120. The three gangs of Gadgetzan are the Grimy Goons, the Kabal, and the Jade Lotus. Players can choose to do quests for any of the gangs, but helping one gang may lower your reputation with another gang. When your reputation with a gang is low enough, their forces in their home areas may become hostile to you. Exalted status with each gang rewards a mount and a transmog set. Players can only get these benefits from one gang, but the paragon rewards from that gang have the chance to drop the mounts and transmog sets of the other two gangs. Players are not tagged for PvP in Gadgetzan until they reach Revered with a gang. When they do, they are tagged for PvP with other players who have reached Revered with one of the other gangs. Players are encouraged to team up with players of their own gang to fight players of the other gang and prevent them from completing world quests for their gang, which reward large amounts of reputation. The dungeon in the sewers of Gadgetzan has three different variations depending on the gang affiliation of the group leader (if the group leader doesn’t have Revered status with any of the gangs, the dungeon variation is random)
Ulduar: An update on the northern Storm Peaks. Players can reach the old Storm Peaks by flying there from another Northrend zone. Players who take the portal from Gadgetzan reach the updated zone. Yogg-Saron is breaking free from his prison and Odyn has arrived in Ulduar just in time to be corrupted. The Explorer’s League is the main faction of Ulduar. They are searching for information on the Old Gods and how to return them to their prisons, as well as the history between the Watchers and how Helya was corrupted. Thorim, Mimiron and Freya are assisting the Explorer’s League and the players against the other Watchers, including Odyn and Highkeeper Ra, who have been driven mad by Yogg-Saron. The dungeon in Ulduar has the players escorting Mimiron into the lower reaches of his old laboratory to build a device that might purify Highkeeper Ra, who is the final boss of the dungeon. Return to Ulduar is the second raid tier, and the third raid, of the expansion and will be released some time later.

Kul’Tiras: The islands of Kul’Tiras have been taken over by the daughter of their former leader, Lady Jaina Proudmoore, and have been converted into a base of operations for the Twilight’s Hammer and the forces of Queen Azshara. Players assist Neptulon’s Accord, a partnership between the forces of the Tidelord Neptulon and the fleet of the Alliance, in attacking the island stronghold. Earning exalted status with Neptulon’s Accord rewards a water elemental mount that moves swiftly across water. The dungeon Assault on Kul’Tiras features players helping Neptulon’s Accord in taking the central palace of Kul’Tiras and securing the portal that Jaina has built there to Queen Azshara’s undersea realm. This portal leads to the Aquacropolis, the second raid in the expansion (akin to the Nighthold) where players will fight Queen Azshara herself and attempt to imprison her dark master, N’zoth the Deep One.
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>tfw both parents are devout Christians who'd uninstall the game and warn all their friends about it the second they saw Legion's cover art or a priest/mage/warlock/forsaken on the character creation screen, when I lived with them I had to alt tab out as soon as I heard footsteps coming into my room
>aunt is a strict, no-fun-allowed school principal who'd most definitely refer me to a therapist if I ever told her I enjoyed playing a MMO
>no other family, only one normalfag friend who has neither the time nor the fondness for video games
>too autistic to make friends online
take your fanfiction to tumblr
Latosius, they come for you.
>currently leveling a new char
>quests are pretty much "help me out/avenge me/ communicate critical information", all pretty grounded stuff
>even BWL and MC linked story questlines are pretty grounded
>no real world ending threats, just preventing all out massive wars and shit like that dealing with old foes, the scourge, the twilight hammer, ragnaros and the dark iron dwarves, etc...
>then suddenly Cata comes
>quest structure goes completely linear "you have to do all the quests in the area to unlock the next hub"

they really fucked it up
mate the dark below was a destiny xpac, post this on the wow forums or your tumblr, you're drowning out all huns's posts
Silithus: An update on Silithus. With the help of Wrathion, Nozdormu has discovered that C’thun is the force that can corrupt time and will one day turn Nozdormu into the terrible Murozond. Players help the Bronze Dragonflight and the armies of Thunder Bluff in fighting the forces of C’thun in Silithus. In a dungeon beneath the sands of Silithus, players will discover the extent of C’thun’s power over time. The first raid of the expansion, a four boss raid, is called The Gates of Ahn’Qiraj.

Tirisfal Glades: A black meteor landed in Tirisfal Glades, luring Sylvanas Windrunner to its location with whispers of immortality. Sylvanas soon set to work building a temple out of the mysterious black stone. Denizens of the Undercity soon learned that Sylvanas’ mind is not her own. She is under the control of the final Old God which sleeps beneath Tirisfal Glades, It That Must Not Be Named. This nameless darkness, the most powerful of the Old Gods, defeated the greatest of the Titan Keepers, Tyr, thousands of years ago. The black meteor, now being carved into a temple, houses a gateway into the true home of the Old Gods, the Corpse City Ny’alotha. Ny’alotha is the final raid of The Dark Below.
Are they going to revive Deathwing and make a redemption story for him too? XD
>been playing prot warrior
>switched to arms around lvl 25 because the guide said it's good for leveling
>all these abilities i don't really know
i'm lvl 28 now, and i have more than i can fit on a hotbar

how do you guys keep it all straight
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only newfags dont know who i am
Can I get confirmation on whether or not draught of souls can drop from relinquished trinkets before I spend my shards?
Extended hotbars. Use Shift Control and F binds.
Guild halls: In TDB, guilds can build a guild hall, which functions similarly to garrisons in WoD but feature interaction from all members of a guild. The guild hall can be built in any of ten locations in different zones around the world of warcraft, including Outland, ogre ruins of Nagrand in Draenor, Durotar, Elwynn Forest, and Dragonblight. Styles of the buildings that can be built in the guild hall is determined by the zone chosen. The guild hall is instanced and players can use their Guildstone to teleport there or can enter the instance by traveling to the location of the hall. Some plots in the guild hall, such as profession buildings and the Farm, are predetermined. Other plots offer three different choices. As players collect Guild Hall Resources while playing in TBD, they can contribute them to any building that is currently being built or upgraded. Each player in the guild can select one of the three options once per plot in their guild hall. The choice with the most votes is built when enough resources are contributed. The amount of resources required to build or upgrade a building scales based on the number of level 120 players in the guild, to a minimum of ten players. Players only vote on the type of building built on each plot when they are initially under construction, not when upgrading a building. The Farm allows players to obtain soulbound versions of TDB trade goods using mining, herbalism, or skinning. These soulbound trade goods, or normal trade goods harvested from TBD zones, can be turned in to guild profession buildings where they are processed into soulbound materials that can be used by guild members with the appropriate profession to craft things such as gear, flasks, or enchantments. Other possible buildings in the guild hall include a duel arena, raid trophy room, transmogrification studio, or a Mythic+ keystone generator.
>Runic Chills
>Crystalline Swords damage reduces the cooldown of Sindragosa's Fury by 1 sec
>Obliterate has a 100% chance to cause the target to be pierced from behind by a Crystalline Sword
tell me again why I should farm AP?
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it do
In your humble opinions, how much longer is the window for "catching up a new character" before you wont be ready for Mythic Tomb?

I am REALLY debating a Frost DK
to be fair there have been references to it in wow since forever that they've done nothing with
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newfags u dont know me
Gear: PvP-specific gear has returned. Warforged and Titanforged have been removed. Other random gear upgrades, such as Leech or extra sockets, have been increased in power. Normal crafted gear is weaker than gear obtained from raids, mythic+, or rated PvP, but certain buildings in a guild hall allow a guild to craft gear equal to the level of gear dropped by the most powerful raid boss that the guild has defeated, or at the level of gear dropped by the highest rating of rated PvP that the guild has won (only one piece of gear of this type can be equipped by each player).

Legendaries: The Legion legendary system will stay in place, but instead of rewarding legendary items, it will reward artifact appearances. Players can obtain two legendary relics in TDB, which give passive or active abilities that normal relics do not, and also provide a special artifact appearance (many of these appearances are inspired by legendary items from the past). A player may receive their legendary relic through a raid-focused storyline from Wrathion, rewarding a raid-focused relic; or a mythic+ dungeon focused storyline from Anduin/Baine which rewards a dungeon-focused relic; or a PvP focused storyline from Baron Zix which rewards a PvP-focused relic. A player’s second legendary relic can be obtained through a guild focused legendary questline requiring guild group events. The legendary relics can be upgraded through a new questline as a new tier of content is released throughout the expansion.

Certain trinkets from mythic+ dungeons and rated PvP have a very rare chance of being upgraded to Legendary, having an orange frame and 20 higher item level than the trinket would normally have (this is similar to Titanforged). Certain trinkets dropped from raid bosses also have the chance to be upgraded to legendary status. Each raid boss has one item in its loot table that has the chance to be upgraded to legendary status. World bosses do not have this feature.
Took me a week to get 110 as prot.
yes it can
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>you will never be back in september 2016
>you will never be riding down the canals of suramar city at midnight, dodging guards along the way
>you will never see your little arcan'dor grow again
Cheer up man! Why don't you join a Sentinax farm group? Trying to get that Titanforged trinket will take your mind off all those terrible memories of times when there was interesting content!
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How are brewmasters in legion?
New class: Engineer
Humans, gnomes, dwarves, goblins, blood elves, and undead can become the Tinkerer class. If a character is level 110, has the engineer profession, that character is eligible to begin the questline in Gadgetzan to become a Tinkerer. That character’s class is changed. That character no longer has class abilities of their old class. The character’s class cannot be reversed. That character is rewarded with a full set of mail gear at the end of the questline.

Tinkerer has three specs:
Armorer: A tanking spec that uses a mechanical suit to protect allies. An Armorer is adept at mending their own suit and giving modifications to nearby allies, as well as sustaining high damage. Armorers wear agility mail gear under their mechanical suit and they wield two agility maces or daggers.
Demolitionist: A ranged dps spec that uses guns, grenades, and turrets to annihilate enemies. Turrets are pets that attack the enemy for a duration. A Demolitionist can have one active turret at a time. Demolitionists wear intellect mail gear and wield a gun. (guns now have intellect and agility, depending on the spec using it)
Medic: A healer who uses alchemy and gadgets to mend and buff allies. A medic has a plethora of potions to buff itself, grenades that heal allies in an area, and a wand that channels a buff on a target that provides healing over time and a small damage and armor bonus. Medics wear intellect mail gear and wield a wand and offhand.
>no new races

Step it up, senpai.
actually no one knows because they aren't played
That can be shopped though
decent, gonna get a buff next patch
, shitty healers hate them because they're always at 60-80% life and can't be topped off

Gelbin Mechatorque is the leader of the Tinkerer class order and the class campaign involves an attempt to liberate Gnomeregan as well as the technology lost inside it.
Tinkerers can craft conjured items to use in combat as part of their normal rotation. Each Tinkerer spec has two primary abilities, some support abilities such as cooldown, and a kit. The kit is four abilities that can be customized by the player. Each spec has ten possible abilities to use in their kit and only four can be active at a time. Tinkerers can change their kit at the Tinkerer class camp in Gadgetzan or at an engineer shop in any major city. The kit allows the player to customize their style of play based on their chosen content and personal preference.
So don't buy them then.
nice original ideas dude
serious question, how do i hide all this guy's posts, he's flooded the thread with paragraphs of shit i want to read even less than the panda posts
all right. Do you happen to know if there is a chance of repeat drops? Like am I guaranteed draught of souls after enough buys? So far I'm at 5 trinkets and all are different
hes using a name filter that
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Got +13 Maw of Souls. Stay in LFG for 10 minutes, 0 Pending Appliciants.
>never got around to doing the Suramar questlines
>figure I should now as it's the last prerequisite I need for pathfinder

I'm two questlines into this bullshit and it's torture, why the fuck does Suramar have so many quests and why are they all so fucking terrible.
I'd usually assume you were exaggerating, but I've been farming Heroics for days now and I've yet to see one. Don't even think I've seen one in the world.
Sounds fun.
All wq and dungeons had their ilvl rewards increased, thats also part of the catch up
Which nethershard item yields relics?
people wait to see other apps to app
also tyrannical helya and harbaron are actually scary with pugs
also just the search system, few people are just gonna look for a 13, maybe just put 10 in the description
ded game ded thread
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>join new 4/10m guild
>tryout in a +12 DHT
>wipe five times
>they fail mechanics every attempt

i'm too good for these people
I recently made a new account and was wondering when I hot 110 can I get ak 25 or am I fucked cause this is my first char?
guess what? it's random
>anyhow i just dont like getting that involved with people online these days, gamers are the worst sort of people, they're all tryna fill some void, you'll probably never talk to the happy functional ones cause they're playing with their real friends or not online
Ironically this is exactly why I play with my real friends instead of with a guild of randoms or whatever
This is Chris Metzen. Sorry I've been having some drinks. Hope you nnnerds like the expac. I quit BLizz because they wouldnt do a Deathwing redepmtion story in Dark Below
I mean they did heavily change dresaron
I bet you're a melee dps and just were already beating the mechanic without even realizing there was a change
if it was other bosses though, then idk
next expac better be called warlords of argus
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Nice b8. But they'd never kill my waifu.
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>doing the quest for new traits for my guardian artifact
>this drops from the big guy at the end
we wiped on the first boss

healer couldn't keep ranged alive and melee kept getting hit by bear

and nobody dps'd adds kek

fucking shitters
25 AK cost 12500 resources, which is doable with work quests and whatnot
Nice! That's a solid 15 gold!
this ian hazokis im gonna kill thrall next you fag be mad

>requires lvl 101

try again noob
people use them for twinks/leveling u tard
>it's another autolose in the random bg because the opponent gets a healer and we dont and blizz somehow considers this fair episode

boy I sure didnt miss doing those daily for AP

heh 2 easy
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>So be it!
that's pretty bad
although basically if you join any guild that's less than 8/10M, you're gonna find a mix of good players and not as good players; skewing further to good players with more progress

I had to suffer for an hour in lower kara 13 cause our s-priest who already isn't that great altogether thought he could heal it (like I was fine with little-no external heals tanking everything, but he just couldnt live through the dots that you need to break the cc on maiden or just pop a cd on moroes
the worst part is I'm a healer main, but I was just sitting there screeching in our in-game chat channel to my 2 irl friends about his inability to heal
In the last patch of TDB, Lorthemar and Vereesa are going to pull Sylvanas' soul from Nyalotha into a new uncorruped belf body; after Greymane destroys her corrupted body.
+13 is beyond pug material
we're doing H NH in a few hours and i'll be able to see what's really going on in this guild

i hate those half-assed casual guilds where it takes an hour to fill the raid and then there's always those few people who consistently fail mechanics but the GM doesn't have the balls to replace them
Also, High Elves when? Belfs and Sylvanas are the only good parts of Horde. I want to be on Alliance but not good elves. Just a poor mans elf.
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wow what a good game
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>Raid Finder
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>it's an Ash'golm doesn't drop his tf binding episode
why do pandaren exist?
odyn was secretly a furry so he created them
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I'm kinda in a shit guild atm, but my gf would be mad at me if I left.
Mogu selective breeding furbolgs for slaves
I agree with everything except flying, it should be a pain in the ass to obtain it considering what it does

My biggest gripe is the detail of paths on the fucking map, the paths that get you from the ground up on top of rocks and such is nowhere to be found and is the same color as the rocks themselves
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>mfw a sub-900 shitter applies to my shard farming group
why would your gf be mad at you for leaving your guild?
Has any realm reached 100% mage tower yet?
who cares? it will be destroyed in 3 days afterwards anyway
they're region-wide
screamers still can't understand the progress is region wide
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Cause she's the guild leader, and the only reason I stared playing Wow. But now I'm playing a lot more than her and I feel like it's holding me back from doing more content.
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>girl in guild that shares a role with me
>she's literally me, if she was a girl instead of boy, and shit at the game instead of good at it
>everyone still does content with her instead
>M+ for weekly key push? she goes I don't
>they don't get timer with her because she's shit, they would get it with me
>she gets a raid spot despite constantly fucking up and parsing bottom 20% every fight along with dying constantly and wasting all our battle resses
>I constantly parse over 80% and do every mechanic properly and bail us out of would-be wipes
>any time she happens to be offline I get spamfucked "yo come tank for us man!!" but my chat log is empty whenever she's online
>it physically hurts
>she constantly talks about her BF in guild and voice, but none of the guys in my guild seem to care and still play with her over me
how can I even compete? I thought, you know, being good at the game would be enough but after weeks of it not mattering I don't know wat do. I'm tired of pugging weekly m+ and being a second-string invite for no logical reason.
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but elis is much easier than starboy
>be a healer
>get into a somewhat good guild a month ago.
>mosty do heroic nighthold runs
>starting mythic nighthold (which is what i wanted)
>bottom-to-mid healing almost always
>guild merges with another one to consistently have 20 players for mythic
>guild master tells me that i will be in the rotation but that they will be using another healer from another guild for mythic
>instantly quit guild
did i do the right thing? should i have sticked with them?
How much of a dps increase do potions give? I've literally never used them
>Monk tank in my random heroic
>7m hp
>None of us were even fucking needed

What the hell did they do to Brewmasters? I haven't seen them until today, and holy hell was it a sight.
>be shitter
>get benched for better option
Sounds reasonable.
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m-muh fertile soils

where are they
Not really and especially not after the nerfs.
im not debating that. im just asking if i should have sticked with them for the smaller raids.
The past tense of "stick" is "stuck", Juan.

You have to go back.
15% bonus hp
15% bonus dmg
I sit on like 9M on my bear in those things, I could probably hit 10M with double stam trink
seriously though, I've cleared those places in 5 minutes if I can find quick chain pulls
Instanced Houses when?
>wanting one of the reasons WoD tanked back
My guild is on mythic shit with a raid team already while I am only geared enough for heroic dungeons/normal ED. Should I stay in it or leave in attempts to find a forming guild for raiding? At this point I am stuck pugging everything.
2 years ago
not him but I would love to have instanced housing and a place for my own character(s). I think its a feature they really should add. I enjoy it in ffxiv (sadly its done not so good imo)
Don't dare to compare houses(ESO, aion etc) to that fucking generic garrison system where you can't costumize ANYTHING besides those plot buildings
Is it more efficient to buy the purple nethershard gear or buy the blue so you can hope for a titanforge?
I just hit 110 on my Retribution Paladin. I want the edgelord pvp skin.

Do I just stack high ilvl gear in pvp for better stats, ignoring what's actually on the gear?
That's the best attempt at it you will ever get in regard to how well it worked out, friend. I'm sorry if you're too stupid to realize this.

Blu is waste of shards imo
12 blue = 1 epic
take the chance
I was about to grind for this DMF aquatic mount but it's apparently hardly a speedboost (108%) and doesn't give you underwater breathing. Nice!
Which one yields artifact relics?
thematically fitting shadowpriest mount?
but the garrison system really isnt housing. makes no sense to compare it

dunno i thought those were bought directly like armor pieces
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also if you even slightly exit the water while riding it you get instantly dismounted, probably the only mount I've ever regretted grinding for
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Is Demo viable in pvp at all anymore?

I recall Implosion used to hit like a truck, is that still the case?

Is the Succubus talent worth using?
it's blizzard's attempt at it, whether you like it or not. and again, it's the best you'll ever get because garrisons was a failure
just do the kosumoth the hungering one
How am I supposed to get Nightbane? If I list myself as a group for Kara no fucker joins
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hm I am not sure. for what I have seen blizzard keeps adding things from other mmos (if they are popular enough). I think they might give us instanced housing when they need to get some people back or keep subs. it could work for some.
pvp isn't viable
>yet another meme underwater mount
is blizzard trying to make us ready for another vash'jir?
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Last i checked demo was pretty good, no you dont use succubus talent and not implosion either. Demo seems to be more about rotting with the occasional fat thalkiels.
people whined about player housing in wow for YEARS and garrisons was their response for it, which turned out a failure, no matter what mental gymnastics you can come up with.
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>>yet another meme underwater mount
but that's incorrect
it's a flying mount
wtf i hate physics now
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Any hordefags here? I wanna kick you're ass
like I said I dont really understand how garrison is comparable to housing. at all.
I am not doing any mental gymnastic. I just think they might give WoW players real housing at some point when they need to keep subs or get some players back.

its really no big deal to me if it does happen or not. it just seems weird for me that garrison (where you cant place items anywhere the way you like) is compared to housing by you
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bring it on alliancebabby
it's comparable because it was blizzard's attempt at housing, regardless of what the result turned out as
and they will not do another attempt at it because garrisons failed
the end
jeez you get so many blood of sargeras from shard farming
could you have mentioned this earlier?????????
Isn't that the one that takes like 2 months?
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>first legendary on my hunter
>get second one today
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easily beating 3 fury warriors in dps in H NH as arms

two of them outgear me
>my high variance spec beat the low variance warriors by chance
>let's frogpost about it
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worried laughter
From the founder enchant?
>sale on faction change
>decide to buy one for my priest
>they take my money
>faction change has been pending for 15 hours now
>cant play priest meanwhile

???? what do ????
>t. pooperpillaged fury warrior
wait you retard ? ?/

i am waiting you retard
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WoW will never be allowed the Grim dark it needs to make a real story.

no rape, murder is played down, and lasting siege is playfully brash.

So expect more old shit and MUH BLOOD CORRUPT shit
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>he doesn't PvP
>he isn't maining a Blood Elf Male Warrior

shiggy diggy
>lasting siege is playfully brash.

>kingdoms will burn
>exactly 0 (zero) kingdoms have burned so far

>the legion is stronger than EVER
>so far they've conquered an island the size of timeless isle

They will, that's a TOP three on the list of the le casual players, maybe not now but they will try it again i'm sure.
>Blood elf warrior
I remember how many complaints there were about letting them be warriors
I complained too
>Blood Elf Warrior
literally gnome warrior tier meme race/class combo
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*styles on you*
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>spend 4 hours farming 5000 nethershards for epic token to get a legendary
>use token
>get some dungeon item instead

think im done with this
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>Legion is set to have minions that far extend our ability to meet
>They can't just make a massive portal even with all the minions and lords WITH a titan at the helm

How big will the shitstorm be when the average player realizes they aren't good enough to get the last artifact skin?
lmao, green fire for warlocks was LITERALLY exactly the same situation, they'll just faceroll through it with 7.3's welfare gear
>4 hours
>5k shards

what wtf are you doin
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I just looked closer at the map in the DK class hall. What is the circled island? It's not the tomb and it doesn't have the look of the Eye of Azshara.
Cut content.
cut content island

probably the island that Blizzard originally planned to be the 7.3 isle but removed because it was just going to be more gay elv ruins
but green fire was easy when it first came out
>he doesn't know about alex getting gang raped by orcs while prisoner of nefarion
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When should I drop these bad boys? I want maximum butthurt.
as soon as the portals reactivate
Is it possible to solo Icecrown Citadel with legion? I want that flying mount.
How hard is it supposed to be? I can't imagine tank one being hard at all with how mindlessly easy every tank spec is, but I'm curious about DPS ones.
It was possible to solo icecrown in cata
probably just gold proving grounds
a geared character can solo every raid up to heroic BRF m8
You mean flask or pots?
Flask give a solid 30-40k I think
Pots a fuck ton.
thanks guys!
highmountain stands
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>4 hours for 5k
Should I resub? I canceled subscription 3 months ago and haven't had an urge to play. I browsed my wow screenshot directory and wanted to play but I don't know... What's the deal with new scaling system?
Are people spamming mage tower just for that artifact appearance scenario? What other advantages does it have?
don't fall for the nostalgia meme
extra AP and more Wyrmtongue chest spawns
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>join group
>spam threat
>loot corpses
what a great patch
If you still need help there are keywords you can put in your ticket to get it serviced fairly quickly, "suicide" is one of them.
When the mage tower finishes will the progress towards the others be wiped or can they all be up at the same time?
>join sentinax farm group in group finder
>people from nemesis or quel'thalas
>sub-110 guy in group
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What anti-aliasing do you fucks use?
vers is good for prot shut up...
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Missed out on playing on the PTR to find out. Will these invasions that start next week be a good time to level an alt? I really don't want to level quest to in Legion anymore.

Is it just me or does every piece of loot obtained from Broken Shore have Versatility on it?
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Faggity Fag Fag.png
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You don't need any stats. Just stare at the item level and everything scales up automatically. Game is dead.
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Why's he wearing a butcher's apron in the bathroom?
so he can butcher the game

he plays it on a tablet so he can do it from the bathroom easily
So I am an indecisive faggot who always thinks the grass is greener on the other class

So I am letting RNG decide for me. Whatever class I roll is what I will play for the rest of Legion

(0-4)0: DK
(5-9)0: Druid
1: Mage
2: Monk
3: Paladin
4: Priest
5: Rogue
6: Shaman
7: Warlock
8: Warrior
9: Hunter
I forgot DH but oh well
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>Get Fel Essence ring for balance, cream pants
>Mastery is at like 70%, empowered spell damage increased by 101%
>Mastery at 74%, empowered spell damage increased by 73%

>he plays it on a tablet so he can do it from the bathroom easily
no way ......
He doesn't, its just a meme
>people ACTUALLY THINK it was as dark in vanilla as when you use the night potion now
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>be shitter casual
>join m guild
>join h raid for "tryouts"
>they one shot everything
>get carried
>get aotc
>say "lul xd" in guild chat
They nerfed it? Why?
It's not you fucking cunt. Why do you spread lies?


These guys have ruined WoW.
Why does Elemental Shaman feel so squishy to level
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>blizzard finally gave us permanently darker nights if you're not a poorshit
where were you when 7.2 saved wow?
You're the retard. He has said 100 times now he used the tablet as a mouse in conjunction with a keyboard.

Keep believing whatever you want you jaded fuck
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>druid in stag form running in straight lines and suddenly turning sharply towards an objective/node
t. shill
No, he plays on iPad. Holinka does the same, that's why PvP was never any good.
Got any actual proof? Plus iPads are just as strong, if not stronger than most PCs
>wacom tablet for input
>same as playing on a tablet
I know artfags who use their wacom for UI stuff all the time without problem. You'd probably shit your pants if somebody used a ball mouse instead of an optical one, wouldn't you?
What happens if you swap classes? Like for the artifact, class campaign and legendaries?
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Quit trying to spread disinfo. You have ZERO proof of what you state and the burden of proof is on you (We already proved ours with evidence)
1. you can't swap classes
2. if you create a new separate one you have to start all over except for AK which you can transfer to your new alt
I don't know but I'm freaking the fuck out, nobody seems to have even noticed and it's not on any of the patch notes or any site.

Fucking nobody. I don't have screenshots of the stats either, FUCK

FUCK. Fuck you Blizzard.
>literally namechecks Wacom
>picture is of a Wacom tablet
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>m-muh logical fallacy
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>druid unstealths near a node
>runs away for a few seconds before stealthing again

I don't play a druid, is this normal?
>everyone I don't like is /pol/
My Sims have me do more damage with promise of elune boots than fel essence ring
Well my evidence is here: WoW is ruined and it is continuing to be ruined. Enemy scaling introduced lately? It's not a "bug" like they say, they did that on purpose... Has the PvP changed in 3 months while I was away - No it hasn't, it is still shit.

I'm going to stay away though. I just don't want to see shills. Bye.
stop summoning the lieutants as soon as the ship recharges you massive noobs
I don't think there's anything wrong with using a tablet mouse
What should I do tonight, gear my main or level an alt?
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Nevermind. False alarm. I was looking at something that didn't properly calculate total empowered spell damage. Was about to have myself a bad night.

I don't have them, but solar wrath is always going to be a giant part of your damage.
I think legion is better than cata, wod, and exactly on par with mop
What is being ruined about it?
le wow is dying meme XD
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>finally get a leg
>its fucking awful

le back to 9gag meme
See you tomorrow faggot.

There is literally nothing wrong with it if your performance with it is not dragging down your group. If you can play acceptably on a fucking Rock Band guitar I'm good with that.
Do what you can to start hearing your main and then level your alt when you're out of quests and bored of grinding
I have to grind in order to do high end mythic content
Then either do the grinding or don't worry about mythic, there is plenty of relevant and exciting game without mythic raiding and very high mythic+
t. 3/10M screamer who quit because he "wasn't having fun"
im trying to get this on my shaman
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the lions if they attacked at night
Do you guys think this sentinax shit is fair?

It seems really strange to me that blizzard wouldn't allow this for huge raids to farm togeather, because no matter what thats essentially what it boils down to in the end

right now all you have is 15x5 groups all fighting over portals and mobs, while one cuckold can just summon a boss and ruin everyones farm

I personally would enjoy 40man dedicated farm groups but maybe thats too fun for blizzard and they'll ruin this like they did apexis farming in wod
>while one cuckold can just summon a boss and ruin everyones farm
boohoo i want to kill fucking bosses not farm some retarded trash for currency like some basement dwelling virgin
I mean if you want to waste your time for shit 850 gear go for it
/wowg/ newfag here

Who are screamers?

And what's up with this nelf hunter asking if we want her to raid lead?
>waste my time either getting a square with a bigger number or doing something i enjoy more
>Who are screamers?
PVPers who think their minigames are or ever have been relevant.
>And what's up with this nelf hunter asking if we want her to raid lead?
Mental illness, ignore it.
Honestly can't tell if godwins law is working here

are you retarded or what do you think is more worthy of your time with shit gear?
Don't respond to that nelf autismo please
>if you're not a poorshit

explain? Is this a graphics setting that I don't know about?
do respond to her she has sex with boys that are nice to her
It's a potion from Darkmoon that gives you 2h of nighttime.
killing the boss because i enjoy it more than farming shitty trash
i already have a job i don't want to grind shit in game like an autistic virgin
>dungeonbabbys queue as a group, mark each other and give directions over raid chat
>proceed get stomped hard by a melange of Brazil's finest prestige 2 players

haha yes

what a treat
Keep screaming, maybe one day you'll be more than a minigamer.
whoa touchy
??? you could spend half as much time getting more shards from mobs than you do from one boss

you're just fucking bad, it has nothing to do with how much time you have
Is WoW badly optimized or is my PC shit?

With everything maxed out I get 20 fps in Suramar.
Your PC is shit. My budget rig from 2014 doesn't go below 70FPs in busy raids with effects everywhere.
is shit.

if you're not underage and or shit with computers you can easily find out what component bottlenecks your game
My PC is fine anywhere but Suramar.

Even looking at that general direction I get a 50 fps decrease with everything max.
you shouldnt be playing with max settings thats for rich people
you fucking piece of shit screamer
never fucking reply to my posts again
>relinquished Whispers
Why is this allowed?
Waiting for you, you cutie :3!
new bread?
They need to make the bosses drop 800-1000 nethershards. That would make people want to pop the boss as intended.
the ones farming the portals are the ones getting cucked by the people summoning the bosses
thats what i said, maybe you were trying to bait and got confused
They didn't. People just arrive late, or isn't on place when they join, and have to wait the respawn. When it's over, it's bound to be at least one person afking or arriving late again.
Maybe, or they could just not be jew fucks for once and let people free farm
If they dropped 1k wouldn't people just kill 1 boss every 5min instead of endless farm?
That's the point.

They'd probably need to make it take longer to drop the boss item though.
>needing to farm shards
found the actual shitter
Gotta gate the content, bro

Just wait when they make you go to 10 fucking different places all scattered and then make you return to go back again. Pain in the ass
Leave that guild, dude
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