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Warhammer 40.000 General /40kg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 460
Thread images: 58

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Crimson slaughter are the best! edition.

>GW FAQs (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-Anon!)
Any advice on my army?

2400 points "Shooty Ultramarines army"

Brigade Detachment +9CP

HQ [27 PL, 483pts]

Captain [5 PL, 101pts], Combi-plasma [15pts], Power fist [12pts]
-> Upgrade to Chapter Master
Librarian [6 PL, 109pts], Force stave, Storm bolter
Primaris Librarian [7 PL, 105pts]
Lieutenants [9 PL, 168pts],
//Chainsword, Combi-plasma [15pts], Jump Pack [1 PL, 18pts]
//Chainsword, Combi-plasma [15pts]

Troops [43 PL, 715pts]

2 x Tactical Squad [9 PL, 158pts]
Space Marine Sergeant [28pts], Chainsword, Combi-plasma [15pts]
Space Marine w/ Plasma gun [13pts]
8x Space Marine [104pts]

2x Tactical Squad [5 PL, 93pts]
Space Marine Sergeant [28pts], Chainsword, Combi-plasma [15pts]
Space Marine w/ Plasma gun [13pts]
3x Space Marine [104pts]

1 x Scout Squad [6 PL, 55pts]
Scout Sergeant [11pts], Bolt pistol, Chainsword
4x Scout w/Boltgun [44pts]

Elites [15 PL, 308pts]

Company Ancient [4 PL, 78pts], Combi-plasma [15pts]
Dreadnought [7 PL, 162pts], Twin lascannon, Dreadnought combat weapon w/Storm Bolter
Primaris Apothecary [4 PL, 68pts]

Fast Attack [22 PL, 401pts]

Bike Squad [9 PL, 161pts]
Biker Sergeant
2x Space Marine Biker w/Bolt Pistol
2x Space Marine Biker w/ Plasma gun

Bike Squad [9 PL, 165pts]
Biker Sergeant
2x Space Marine Biker w/Bolt Pistol
2x Space Marine Biker w/ Grav-gun

Scout Bike Squad [4 PL, 75pts]
Scout Biker Sergeant [25pts]
2x Scout Biker [50pts]
2x Twin boltgun [4pts]

Heavy Support [25 PL, 493pts]

Devastator Squad [8 PL, 170pts]
Space Marine Sergeant
4x Space Marine w/ Missile launcher

Devastator Squad [8 PL, 184pts]
Space Marine Sergeant
4x Space Marine w/ Lascannon
Armorium Cherub [5pts]

Predator [9 PL, 139pts]
Predator autocannon [49pts]

The chapter master, apothecary, librarian, ancient, and 1 lieutenant stay with the bulk of the troops for rerolls
The Devastators, Predator and Dreadnaught stay with a lieutenant,and I use "Wisdom of the ancient" each turn on the Dreadnaught
Bikes for flanking
>2400 points
Jesus anon, that's alot to read through and some terrible fucking formatting.
>brigade detachment
Well first off you need six troops minimum for that so it's illegal.
all you did was bump the thread.
I had a minor aneurysm and bought the latest copy of white dwarf, the 30th anniversary one. It's still shit.

Remember when you'd get a breakdown of each army list with why the players picked this units and how they plan to use them ?

Now you get units seemingly chosen at random and thrown together with no thought.

Remember when battle reports were written with thought and clarity and actually broke down the game turn by turn?

Now they consist purely of massive glossy images with both players entire turns, in a 4k+ game none the less, summarised in a blurb and a few footnotes, as if they didn't even bother to play the game.

Remember when you got a thoughtful summary from both players of what went right and wrong and what they'd do next time?
Now you get Guilliman is good lol.

I get that printed battle reports are old hat now video ones exist but would be nice if good quality ones were still a thing as you don't always have 2 hours to watch two people Duke it out on YouTube.
Rekt fag
look just because i love the feel of a cock in my mouth doesnt make me gay. I'm no Dark Angels player ok?

get it straight
Anyone have scans of the new DG lore?
You posted this last thread and didn't get any yous so you post it here?
Thanks to you, it worked.
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Yeah, it's sad.
It's why I dont buy white dwarves.
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What's this chapter called?

Some cool ones at my LGS.
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Centurions though...
Nova Marines? I think?
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so 40kg, given the rampant shitposting, dubtardery, politics, and other nonsense that consumes these threads, how about we talk about what things should be like?

Describe the ideal 40kg poster. If you can think of any that fit that description, describe them.
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Who makes the best video battle reports? Everything seems kind of terrible for this game
I like Grim Resolve
What's the power level to points conversion?
Tabletop Tactics I would say, Winters SEO isnt too bad, also like Emperors Crusade
>Describe the ideal 40kg poster
This does not exist
Chart-anon, where art thou?
roughly 1:20

50 PL is ROUGHLY equivalent to 1000 pts.
Reversed Sons of Guilliman or reversed Novamarines.
Novamarines or Sons of Guilliman
Not a WAACfag, but decently versed in rules and knows how to use them so he can play decently or give good advice. Still makes fluffy, fun lists. Not sure what else one would be able to tack onto that quite yet.
You only have 5 Troop slots out of 6 filled for a Brigade.
Tabletop Tactics for more serious games. Striking Scorpion has better casual games.
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You have to go back.

It's relative, but that's why we converse about it. What do you think makes a post good or bad?
Well newest editions of WD are shitty.
>shitty battle reps
>no interesting fluff
>primaris are so awesome
>classic 40k art with primaris on it
I would like SS so much more if he'd stop putting the same music and "battle lore" for 2 minutes at the beginning of every vid
I'd disagree. I think now that most of the tabletop tactics are the riffraff playing one another with Laurence just spectating they're mostly pretty casual. When he plays it's usually better, his grasp of gameplay (not necessarily rules) is so much better than theirs.
There are no good posts on /tg/ by definition. Anyone who posts here is bottom of the barrel shit stain just by being here

Are those descriptions of a player, a 40kg poster, or both?
I'd say Tabletop tactics, easy to follow, good camerawork, knows what to cut and what to keep.
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One with trips.
lose an argument on /tg/ recently anon?
You can summon after disembarking.
Is it worth spending 24 points for servitors in a vanguard detachment to get another command point
of course 24 points is worth another command point
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>Mortarion, despite costing 50pts more, is weaker than Magnus simply because he lacks access to Hereticus discipline

Uhh, 40ktards?
Mortarion is in a stronger legion overall, with more unit variety.
Tabletop Tactics is the best
The problem is while people WANT to talk about 40k, they have nothing to actually say about it so they just go to /40kg/ and end up shitposting.

Like, hey, I like crimson slaughter and I haven't been able to get any games recently. I'm thinking of going back to my guard in time for the codex, I've not been feeling very strongly towards them for awhile but for some reason I want to play them again.

That's it, that's all I have to say. Have a picture form one of my games.
Mortarion is more versatile.

His 18 attacks option is great vs hordes and characters while his 6 attacks are great vs vehicles. Magnus is only good vs vehicles and characters.

Mortarion also has some good shooting options, which aren't as good as Magnus' smite but still very good.

Mortarion also does a lot more for your army than Magnus who gives a few small auras. The -1t aura is absolutely huge for a lot of things like bolters, plaguespitters and so on. Lots of thresholds get crossed.
>thread full of shitposting
>you keep coming back
must not hate it that much
no you can't, fuck off.

also inb4 you try gaslighting by calling me a waacfag.
You shouldn't ever directly compare units between armies because you lose the context of the army overall. For example a melee option in the tau army has much more inherent value than a similar unit in tyranids because of the deficit of melee options for tau. This asymmetrical design is intentional and is what makes the game interesting. Shooting units for tau conversely will be better and cheaper than those for melee centric armies. If every army had equal efficiency options for all roles then every army would be the same, and that would be boring as shit. The enjoyment of the game is playing around your weaknesses and capitalizing on your strengths.
Is there a good army builder for 8th edition? A quick Google search came up with one that has been taken down,
so is there any other ones out there or am I stuck with doing it the old fashion way
You are a waacfag. You want one of the least competitive armies in the game right now to be even easier for you to beat by taking away one of their one good tactics.
What's the most efficient way to kill Guilliman, Magnus or Moortarion? All of them seem criminally undercosted for how tough they are, nevermind their offense or utility.
>can't use spell of lmao infinite move to get into enemy lines turn 1
Battlescribe is okay if you're using mobile, but you'll need the book too so you can know squad limits and how many units can take a special weapon etc.
>Mortarion, despite costing 50pts more, is significantly tougher than Magnus simply because he has access to his Daemonic Bonus (Disgusting Resilience) while Magnus lacks his (Ethereal Form)

Uhh, 40ktards?
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>can't use spell of lmao infinite move to get into enemy lines turn 1
Morty is a Heretical Astartes.

Bring a Sorcerer from the Guards of Death Warband and cast Warp Time on Morty
Never faced them personally but perhaps lot's of small unit fire or chopping? Or alternatively pick them off from a distance with high damage weapons. But I heard Mortal Wounds can really fuck them up easily too since they have a lot of saves but there isn't really much of a reliable way to get that aside from Smite spamming.
How do I get Chinman contacts to get recasts?
>only reason to care about summoning after disembarking is to give a cheese tactic to a minmaxing army
>3++ rerolling 1s Magnus
Sheesh, thank fuck he doesn't have it.
You aren't following the rules. You're contorting the definition of words to rules lawyer good tactics for chaos away from them.

What imperial army do you play fag?
Is there any reason not to ally a generic chaos psyker for warptime and death hex?
Battlescribe, Anon. Or a pen and paper.
by the power of autistic detective work of scouring yoyhammer for bits and pieces
or you go see if any ebay recasters are up, they nuke their profiles every now and then but there are some
thousand sons.
>Magnus with Weaver of Fates is tougher than Mortarion with Miasma of Pestilence
>Magnus usually starts with Changeling nearby

Try again, bud.
>no +2 to cast

Ignoring him and murder his army. Between the two, Magnus is faster, allowing him to close the gap, and can both do more mortal wound damage and remove invu. Morty is probably better in general, as he does more damage to the gunline, although gunline might just murder Mortarion within a turn. He's about as tanky as Knight, without any buffs.
>wanting people to follow the rules is waacfaggotry

fucking called it.

you lost the argument in the last thread, so I assume you're just going to keep posting this shit in new threads until no-one argues and call yourself the victor.
>not doing it on paper or on notepad
it's like you want to take all the fun out of it
Not really no. Dark Hereticus is an extremely strong discipline. You can even give him MoN so he doesn't catch your own space aids.
I haven't lost anything yet, because you still haven't justified your ESL interpretation of the rule.
I've got an assault cannon razorback with a captain with relic blade alongside 3 stormshield melta company veterans And I'm looking to add the last two bodies in that vehicle

Whats a good compliment for them? CC? 3 meltaguns seem like enough firepower to take on anything thats not a primarch or a knight
>Magnus with Weaver of Fates is tougher than Mortarion with Miasma of Pestilence
Magnus has to cast WoF. If you don't go first it means your buffless vs. Alpha Strikes.

Also DR works on Mortal Wounds. 3++ doesn't.

>Magnus usually starts with Changeling nearby

How does Magnus have both? Magnus big deal is Warp Timing across the battle field. Changeling cannot keep up.
A Lord of Skulls does the job in a suitably over the top fashion.
I prefer using Google sheets. Battle Scribe is okay though. Be sure to download the developer version of Java if you do though. Fucking Oracle.

Death Hexing whatever you point Morty at or warp time him.
Unit of Plague Marines with Grenademan. Grenade Stratagem + Vet of the Long War Stratagem.

>5 Models throw 5d6 grenades each dealing a Mortal Wound on a 5+ PLUS each failed save is 2 damage

Who makes good text battle reports? I hate video battle reports and have a strong nostalgia for 90's white dwarf.
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I really like a few really big tough units that act as juggernauts and I really like Crusaders, so how does this look for 1500 points?

>Chapter Tactics: Black Templars
>Captain w/ Terminator Armor, Storm Shield (Shield Eternal) and Thunder Hammer
>Emperor's Champion

>Crusader Squad w/Power Maul, Chainsword and BP
>Crusader Squad w/Power Axe, Chainsword and BP
>Crusader Squad w/Power Fist, Chainsword and BP

>Ironclad Dreadnaught w/ Chainfist, DCCW with Heavy Flamer, Meltagun, Grenade Launchers
>Terminator Squad

Heavy Support
>Centurion Devastator Squad w/ Missile Launchers and Lascannons

Dedicated Support
>Razorback w/ Heavy Bolter
>Razorback w/ Heavy Bolter
>Razorback w/ Heavy Bolter
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>instead of moving
disembarking counts as moving. You're not 'giving up your move', you're summoning 'instead of moving'.

The rules for both are CLEARLY written in the rules. Just for clarity, here's the definition of 'instead'.

Because disembarking IS a move, even if the unit can move effectively twice, the unit DID MOVE, which means that it cannot summon, because the summon only functions INSTEAD of a move.

not 'if the character did not make its normal move'.

not 'if the character disembarked from a vehicle'

INSTEAD of choosing to move. With disembarking, it DID move.
Go here. >>55387355
DG really do seem just ridiculous
Just go on the Yoyhammer subreddit. People post up Z and Alpharius's Catalogs there quite frequently, and also post up bits and pieces of Z's email.

You obtain Alpharius's email by literally just asking him for it in a reddit message. You gotta find out who is the real Alpharius first, but even that's easier than piecing together Z's email from bits and pieces that people post when trying to ask for confirmation. Stuff like, "I have *****@***.163, is this the correct address"? And then you combine them.

Alpharius posts frequently on yoyhammer, just search through the posts until you find something that seems awfully suspicious.
>muh alpha strike

That's the point of Changeling bud. You then get to cast Weaver of Fates so you can leave him to buff Horrors and Smite fuckers in the back row

>mortal wounds

Good luck getting enough of them on Magnus, given his volume of wounds, speed and ability to deny.

What are the stats on Blight Grenades?

Plague Marines are slow as shit, so no one gives a fuck.
They will be toned down.
Excel or your spreadsheet format of choice if you want auto addition and clean formatting.
Don't really need it though? It's weaker than current meta.
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>count as having moved
how is this ESL?

You're a retard.
T. a chaos player that actually plays the game and reads the rules.
Why the fuck would someone make a separate thread for lists. This is the 40k general we don't need a separate thread to actually discuss the fucking game.
What are the average wounds of a meltagun rerolling to hit and wound against a rhino
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>napoleonic warfare 40k
Space grenadiers, I had no idea I wanted this so much before
DG here I come
Chaos Index mentions that Be'lakor is a unique Daemon Prince, the only one who is undivided.

Where does that leave Perturabo and Lorgar?

I think Lorgar can be a Tzeentch Daemon prince due to his desire for knowledge, his schemes and so on.

Perturabo can be maybe Khorne, due to his bloodthirsty nature and the massacre at the Iron Cage which led to his accension, or Slaanesh due to his desire for perfection.
Do simple math, holy shit.
dont start this same carnac shitfest again, Anon
Don't start old shit again.

Assuming BS+3, anyway.
67% chance to wound
average damage 3.5, 4.5 if half range
save neglected
Different anon, mind taking a closer pic on those red Rubrics?
To add to this, only use simple english while emailing Chinaman. He's called Chinaman for a reason. His english comes from Google Translate.

"Hello Z, I am a new customer. I am ordering the following"
- 1x K213
- 2x K214
- 4x F35
"My paypal email is ******@****.com"
"My shipping address is:"
[shipping information]

He will then send an email with a copy of the invoice, and ask in his broken as fuck english if it's all correct. You check out what he sent, make sure everything is correct. And then ask him to send it to paypal. Then you just pay the invoice once it arrives, and he will then send the tracking information.

At this point there's a couple do nots.

DO NOT OPEN A PAYPAL DISPUTE, FOR ANY REASON. Your recasts WILL show up once paid for, it just takes time to get from china to other parts of the world.

SEND AN EMAIL TO Z IF ANYTHING IS WRONG. If something is unsalvagable or completely broken, Z will replace it if you send him pictures in an email. He won't if you open a dispute on paypal, since this causes problems for him, and will likely get you blacklisted.
Exact based on given, at 3+ to hit, 2.5. Do math, don't beg, holy shit.
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They're not done yet.
Are these decent superficial descriptions of the founding chapters? Trying to get a friend in 40K.
>Roman exemplars
>Prussian turtlers
>Merciful pyros
>Ruthless cyborgs
>Depressed commandos
>Viking werewolves
>Mongol bikers
>Catholic vampires
>Mistrustful knights
Thanks that means 3 is plenty for most targets
Good shit, good shit
Deathstrike missile, optionally backed up with a trojan support vehicle to grant rerolls to all hit rolls. 3d6 hits that do a mortal wound each.

You only get one shot, but it's a hell of a shot.
What's the most points efficient way to deal with enemy hordes as alpha legion?
Seems good to me Anon.
Arrogant Sorcerers
Bloodthirsty Barbarians
Bitter Siegemaster
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What's looking good and what's lookin shit units-wise for Papa's Bois?
Pre-Heresy TSons colors are based. Most of the traitor legions had great pre-Heresy schemes honestly.
Why would you introduce him to the most boring factions in 40k if you want to get him into 40k?

40k has vampire space fae, monastic space elves who don't mind genocide, evil mind controlling commie aliens, brainsucking eldritch alien infiltrator cults, the inspiration for the zerg, soccer hooligan fungi monsters, etc, etc.

And you choose to start your pitch with "hokay, we'll there's some tall guys who are good at shooting and hitting things"
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>Prussian turtlers
>Not Proud Masochists

Do you even 7th legion bro?.
Are Blight Drones and Bloat Drones different?
With descriptions like that you will probably chase them away. You suck OP
Deathshroud is stupid expensive, Plague Marines are ok I guess and Terminators look good. Everything works so far, its all varying degrees of good.

DG seem like a good codex so far and it'll easily be top tier contender.
I'm mixing my colours as both pre- and post-heresy because afaik, fluff-wise, only ahriman's thousand sons are supposed to be blue, since those were the colours he adopted when he made the Prodigal Sons.

Same with their ouroboros logo. I ordered in a transfer sheet to get their pre-heresy heraldry too.
I bet you thought necrons were top tier when the indexes came out.
>no ryza rule leaks yet
This. Show him the whole setting, not just one part of it.
Morty, ty guy, pox, daemon tanks, drones, blightlords* Most elite nerds

both termies

Unbuffed PM, plague surgeon
He specifically wants to start Space Marines.
I heard that Plague beast rules have been slightly changed in the DG codex. Can someone tell me changed how? Are they worth summoning?
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Is white dwarf worth a sub?
I keep hearing mixed things about it.
>top tier


They have no mobility and they are overcosted as fuck.

+1t and 5+FNP are not worth the amount of points they slap onto everything.

So you have a slow and overcosted army, which excels at what? Mortal wounds in the 7" radius... but you suck at melee. So shooty armies just kite you, and melee armies will just charge you and kill you since you suck in melee.
it was leaked yesterday
>ryza has perfected exceptionally strong weapons technology, to the point that no entrenched position can last long against them. Enemy units do not benefit from cover when a RYZA unit fires at them, and RYZA units may reroll failed wound rolls against BUILDINGs
If I guess right is it like this?
Imperial Fist
Iron Hands
Space Wolve
White Scars
Blood Ravens
Dark Angels

just loyalist i see, you should try making some for traitors too. this are pretty good if I guessed correctly.
+1 wound IIRC?
+1W, no.
well make sure to show him
>psychotic drug-addled rockers
>space egyptian sorcerers
>space disguisers
>pussey space monsters
>psychotic rage monsters
>daemon-worshipping space monks
>evil space batman
>petulant siege-breakers
>monster space conquerers

blood angels, not ravens.
How's my list, and what can I do to improve it?

++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Chaos - Chaos Space Marines) [39 PL, 698pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

Legion: Alpha Legion


Exalted Champion [5 PL, 81pts]: No Chaos Mark, Plasma pistol, Power sword, The Murder Sword


Chaos Terminators [14 PL, 240pts]: Mark of Khorne
. Chaos Terminator Champion: Combi-plasma, Power fist
. Terminator: Combi-plasma, Power axe
. Terminator: Combi-plasma, Power sword
. Terminator: Combi-bolter, Power axe
. Terminator: 2x Lightning Claw

Chosen [11 PL, 176pts]: Mark of Khorne
. Chosen Champion: Bolt pistol, Combi-plasma
. Chosen w/ special weapon: Plasma gun
. Chosen w/ weapon option: Bolt pistol, Plasma gun
. Chosen w/ weapon option: Bolt pistol, Plasma gun
. Chosen w/ weapon option: Bolt pistol, Plasma gun
. Chosen w/ weapon option: Bolt pistol, Plasma gun

Khorne Berzerkers [9 PL, 201pts]: Icon of Wrath
. Berzerker Champion: Chainaxe, Plasma pistol
. Chainaxe and plasma pistol: Chainaxe, Plasma pistol
. Chainaxe and plasma pistol: Chainaxe, Plasma pistol
. 7x Chainsword and Chainaxe: 7x Chainaxe

++ Vanguard Detachment (Chaos - FW Heretic Astartes) [37 PL, 758pts] ++


Lord Arkos [7 PL, 124pts]: Combi-melta

Heavy Support

Hellforged Deredeo Dreadnought [14 PL, 288pts]: Butcher cannon array, Greater havoc launcher, Hellfire veil, Twin heavy bolter

Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnought [16 PL, 346pts]: Grav-flux bombard, 2x Hellflamer
. Hellforged siege claw: Meltagun

++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Chaos - Daemons) [28 PL, 544pts] ++


Daemon Prince of Chaos with Wings [11 PL, 189pts]: Khorne, Malefic talon, Warp bolter

Herald of Khorne on Juggernaut [5 PL, 100pts]

+ Troops +

Bloodletters [4 PL, 85pts]: 9x Bloodletter, Bloodreaper, Daemonic Icon

Bloodletters [4 PL, 85pts]: 9x Bloodletter, Bloodreaper, Daemonic Icon

Bloodletters [4 PL, 85pts]: 9x Bloodletter, Bloodreaper, Daemonic Icon

Total: [104 PL, 2000pts]
>plasma doesn't kill on 1
>strat gives rerolls to wound
oh. No special rules then. I'll get that lying bastard.
I like it, and it's only 9.99 freedom bucks a moth and the most recent one I got two free posters which was neat. It's good for inspiring you to paint more best imo.
Ryza is ignore cover and reroll wounds vs buildings
Agripanaaaaa is reroll failed morale checks
/40kg/ is grimdark just like the setting it also gets grimderp and has shitty content.

>Most people ""plays"" marines, they shit on everyone else as much as they shit among eachother
>Admech show up and talk binaric and unit synergie
>Guard players cover a wide range, shitty shitposting to comfy batreps
>Chaos players constantly in the need to prove themselves superior and on top of loyalists
>Eldar players are few and barely show up, usually have fully painted armies and do their thing in a "our thing is better than yours" way
>Dark eldar show up, show how cool they are, discuss deviance and sod off as quickly.
>Orkz show up everythread, always with kitbashes, kool projects and generally chill, support each other and offer healthy bantz
>There is like three cron players who mostly stay silent
>Some taufags always using moral superiority, main drivers of political shitposting.
>Nids just post about noms and cute and GSC has that one shitposter who shan't be named that attracted a group of followers. Never really the centre piece of the threads.

And then there is a massive blob of anons who do not play and just shit all over the place or come just for the lore
So is Lucius any good?
Why do you only have two characters? Get more characters. Get a termo-lord or a sorc to drop with termies. Hell, get both!
>i pay 10 bucks a month for this
Although not top tier, especially PMs, I could see a mixed CSM force doing OK.
Any guesses on what Magnus Warlord Trait is going to be


>Arch-sorcerer: Thousand Sons units within 9" from this model can reroll failed psychic test rolls


>Arch-sorcerer: Your Warlord rolls three dice when trying to manifest a Psychic power, and only perils on three ones or sixes
Distinctly mediocre, fine if you want a lord for some NM who are going to be charged.
I've had a subscription for over a year now, I would say so.
end ur lives
Yes. One is the DG codex unit. The other is the FW unit.
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I play Grey Knights and I am always looking for spicy new tech and I think I found it.


I would appreciate some feedback.
You know it to be true. We just got the alpha legion/raven guard clone today.
Cheap, high portential but low strength, bad saves.
Needs a rhino, an exalted champion to help him out with wounding and a strong infantry bodyguard like possessed or chosen.

7 chosen sorcerer exalted champion and lucius all in a Rhino.
He's really good if he's got all that but really you could just get a HQ that doesn't require so much babysitting.
Go here. >>55387355
Sorry guys, I meant Forge World Lucius.
Reminds me of 30k Iron Hands, just less pronounced.
No one uses list builder threads, they're just a meme so let them die.

Besides, lists are one of the few things left in /40kg/ unlike jews and cheeta posting.
Meh, neat at least?
I'm just going to come out and ask it. Any of you anon do writefaggotry in the 41st millenium? Writing a story about the IG sounds fun as hell.
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You're probably not here anymore, but I think you should do it.
Probably the best forge world, purely for the stratagem. The trait ain't that good.
Just came back, but thanks thought it'd be a nice easy project.

Also reddit nerd got the numbers, Typhus put on some points, etc.
From the other thread: Is there any lesser known chapter which has been in all SM codexes?
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Iron Hands?
I dont think most admech units are known for going down to massed ap -1 fire, but I suppose it applies to skitarii too?
Like, I guess it could be good? It has nothing on -1 to hit you army wide though.
Ooo, inspiration. Probably going to do minimal grean stuff, but will need some to blend wires and tubes in.
Ryza is 6th or 7th, faggot.

>What's the most points efficient way to deal with enemy hordes as alpha legion?
I switched to an Alpha legion army after an edgy faggot decided to kite whith eldar bikes. Anything Khornate is gold. Up to and including a bunch of cultists with a banner.
then 8th edition fucked my dreadnought drop pod. fuck.
Well iron hands are not that lesser known
Yeeeeee plague drones at 34 points each I can dig it
Least known of the consistent arrivals.
I never, ever, remember that Iron Hands exist. At all.
>want a guarganton squiggoth
>450 bucks
>another 80 for the 2 gun pieces
>plus shipping
>plus import fees
They're still a first-founding chapter with a chapter tactic named and built for their fluff.
10 point drop, viable fast units, all good.
it's kinda a shit tactic tho
Ok? Limited criteria lead to limited outcomes.
What is better for a tank?



3+ and 5++
Teleport strat is totally awesome, since it fixes our mobility problem somewhat and lets all our close brawler units get right in there. Forge Trait is eh.
Probably better than nonCawl Mars, but worse than the 2D6 +/-1 Canticles 9" Reroll Hits megabonanza Cawl provides. We'll have to see about their relic and Wtrait.
The latter, since you're most likely to get hit by anti-tank weapons with high AP
Depends on who's shooting at it.
The 2+ unless you face a lot of ap-4 or greater,
Why are Fire Warriors so pricey?
The Start Collect box is such an absurdly better deal.

What other units/models do you find oddly priced?
> implying it isn't carnac starting it in the first place.
Honor guard
I'm not that anon, I didn't draw them up.
But the question doesn't really make sense when answered with a first founding chapter, given how they're obliged to be in each codex, with lots of fluff and rules built for them. ie: everyone who has read any space marine codex knows about the Iron Hands, whereas many people don't even glance at the alternate chapter colour schemes they put in the codexes.
is the 5++ a FNP?
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>Ok? Limited criteria lead to limited outcomes.
Well the question asked if there was any of the lesser known, not to provide the closest to lesser known if there wasn't any.
That said, Silver Skulls are probably one of the possible answers... The real MVPs
3+ and 5++

you get a decent save against weak weapons and a guaranteed save against strong ones, as opposed to an excellent save against weak weapons and a mediocre or non existent save against strong ones.
No, its invuln.

The average anti-tank weapon will be no better than 3+ which will reduce it to 5+ anyway.
Then the 2+. AP 4 or greater is fairly rare.
Is there any tank that actually has a 2+ and lacks a ++save?

Exorcists get a 6++. Land Raiders get 4++. Tyranids are Monsters. WK lost their 2+ and are also monsters still.
most of the more recent boxes are way better value than the models in them.

shit, I just bought the guard infantry/chimaera box, and saved over half the price of the guards in the kit.
I think I heard they also gained a wound. I'm gonna put together more of those good ol flies later tonight I love daemon cavalry.

>Gulliman will be toned down guys, just wait for the Codex to hit!
>Codex hits
>Well he's not THAT good scrubs, just throw grenades at him lol
Storm Lords and Eagle Warriors I think.
I don't remember that art.


2+ for most things like massed light fire
5++ if melta out the ass
Some IH successor then, I'm not double checking every codex ever printed to find the chief jobber, but IH are the least memorable ff chapter wich was more-or-less the question.
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This is what Chinamen are for, my Ork playing friend.
>Tfw you have a SS player but no IH
2+ is better vs ap -0, -1, -2.

2+ and 3+ with 5++ is equal against -3.

3+ and 5++ is better vs -4 and -5
>not raven guard or white scars
>Land Raiders get 4++
What? Thought they were the archetype for "Big spongy bastards" and didn't have one at all? Neutron Lasers and their -4 AP are looking more superfluous over twin lascannons by the minute.
which land raider gets 4++?

So basically if you're facing someone spamming Shokk Attack Guns, the second option is better.
2+ for all-comers list for sure, because no one brings enough AP-4 in an all-comers list for it to make 3+ 5++ better.
Beast, I thought, was the only one?
I do in my DE list.

all the DE anti-tank shit is AP-4, and dark lances are too good not to run.
SM codex was probably already at the printers when GW started getting 8th Ed. Feedback from the public.
So I thought about that but really its a

2+ with 4 wounds 4 attacks
a 3+/3++ with 2 wounds 5 attacks

for pretty much the same price an loadout
they both have the bodyguard rule and they both have a full suite of power weapons save for the relic blade on the honor guard
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From B&C
>not raven guard or white scars
They're dead to me for jobbing to the Tau.
They knew big G was going to cause a stir, that was the whole point of releasing him at the twilight of 7E.
Page 183 of the brb. When you disembark it counts as moving, even if you don't move, for any rule purposes. Check yourself.
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I'm just now realizing dark lances aren't -3. Probably won't remind the DEldar player at my store.
>mad asstartes.jif

Maybe I should've saved that image the other guy kept spamming, oh well
nice work
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en-enjoy your c-cancer!!
Or eldar. An awful lot of eldar anti-tank is AP -4 or better.
When did Scars job to the Tau?

Arent lascannons -4? I play deldar and have -4 all over the place
dissie cannons, ossefactors(wrack/grot weapon), potentially liquifier guns, and implosion missiles are the DE's only -3 weapons. all the darklight weapons are -4.
they are not. they're -3.
Hmm Typhus up a few points. 175 instead of 164

Lord of Contagion is 150 pts, down form 182.
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Or Sisters.
Lascannons are S9 AP-3
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Anon posted the wrong image, this is the correct points page.
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Most anti-tank weapons that aren't "melta" type weapons are ap-3.
Massed ap-4 is a Deldar thing.
It might be! I forgot exactly but I wouldn't be surprised that is the one that got the wound with how they're hyping beasts up.
How are deathwatch? Newfag looking to get into 40k. I grabbed the index from the OP but I'm not really sure what to look for when deciding if things are decent or not.
Herschel Tallyman helps you with your command point tax returns.

Remember to thank him.
>Newfag looking to get into 40k
then just get what looks cool. whats good changes all the damn time. what LOOKS good, to you, will change a hell of a lot less
they're not so good. Too expensive for what they do and not very strong in the first place
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Hes probably the deployment summonig fag
fair enough. do you happen to know if they are the same scale as the new primaris stuff or are they the shorter scale? I thought I read that they were the larger scale but I have no actual way to verify.
Decent ally force, but not great for a starting army IMO. They're a bit overcosted, and require you to be rather good at the game to be able to use them to their fullest.
What exactly about them appealed to you? Perhaps there's a similar army that might be better for starting?
Wait, lightning claws are just 12 points for a pair? Didn't know that.
>do you happen to know if they are the same scale as the new primaris stuff or are they the shorter scale
They are shorter than primaris but larger than regular marines
All non-primaris stuff is the old scale. you can include primairs stuff in deathwatch armies, but i dont think they egt the special issue ammo
For DG they are, check your codex.
Hey guys noob question

Say my squad has an armor save of 4++ with no invulnerable save. It gets hit with 3 wounds from an AP -3 weapon. Does that mean that those wounds are guaranteed to harm me?
Grey guard anon. His battle reports are always a welcome sight
Both way more prominent and played armies.
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What is this image trying to convey to us?
Only a few FW land raiders get an invul and it's not the good ones
What is the big brain guy?
Shadowson basically, in the super poorly written campaign. Part of why I'm sidelineing Tau rn.
That's how they play 40K in the 40K universe.
> best painted thing in the pic is literally the sewage in the sewer
Really activates the almonds.
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Who are the short guys tho?
An abhuman race called the Squats. They are mentioned in your current rulebook.
You can't paint for shit you bitch
Thats an OldSchool cogitator.
Those are pre-Cawl space marines, anon.
Eh, Tau are boring as crap rn, as bad as monster mash in 7th, just not as winning. Neat that my Vespid can do shit now, but I'm just not enthused by the distinctly un-cheaky playstyle.
Huh, so like Mentats?
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Why new fluff is so shitty?
I don't care if it was forever ago, there is so much wrong with this post
exorcists don't have a 2+
land raiders dont have a 4++
wraithknights never had a 2+
Because you have bad taste.
Hello everyone.

I play Tau, whats the best way to deal with the Space Marine chapter -1 to all shooting.

My buddy took it in a game against me. It made me salty, what kind of broken bullshit is this? Sweet, my 4 bs becomes 5

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How do they have no mobility though...
The blight drones and mini crawler thing seem designed to rush forward and fix shit in place so you can catch it and kill it. Doesn't that solve the mobility issue? Plus there is always rhinos
>10" as your fastest dudes
>no mobility

Sounds about right
Good tau lists operate mostly at close range anyway, just run drones in fish with fireblades, and meltamanders with drones.

It's not a gulliman list, chill.
You'll find with 40k that the vast majority of the hobby is spent alone with your toy soldiers building or painting them, unless you're a real regular at your store for game nights.

Just remember that how they look and how much you like them matters way more than how good they are in game
>what is the heresy of innovation
12 +d6" is best rn, but yeah.
Breacher teams for the infantry, and fusion blasters for the tanks. Remember, it's only ("only") shooting outside 12" that gets the -1 penalty.
Okay elegan/tg/entleman
I want to start collecting Thousand Sons as a rival force for my AdMech
I was thinking of Grabbing a box of Rubrics, Box of Tzaangors, Exalted Sorcerors, and Ahriman, and then running them as follows

Patrol Detatchment
HQ ---
Troop ---
Rubric Marines

Supreme Command Detatchment
Exalted Sorcerors x3

is this a good starter force for Thousand Sons?
Hell the fuck no, pulse weapons + fireblade, don't be a fool.
What's wrong with them?
Looks ok, get the AOSgors box as they have the beter loadout for cheaper.
Never read the battle reports because I'd rather play the fucking game.
Nothing range, basically no reward for it, and don't get buffed by fireblade. Strikers are better + flexible, drones are way better but annoying.
They don't although bolt rifles are basically just boltguns locked into one type of ammo
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What's the best way to represent the warp bolter for a DP?
Use the formerly-metal daemon prince who has one on his left gauntlet
If you have the one with the gauntlet just paint it prominently, if not... mouth gun? Probably doing that with my conversion.

No way? I got back into it with 8th. I ran stealth suits/crisis/sunshark/pathfinders/2 fusion manders/shield and gun drones and just got my shit pushed in hard by turn 3

He went first and just trashed 2 groups of path finders. He also had 3 of those assassin dudes which which just do insane amounts of work

Im going to try out more fire warriors - I used them before but they seem to get deleted to easily, how do you guys get them to live past 1 turn?

to date i have yet to go first against my friend in 8th - we switched over to the tourney rules of having less drops = +1 to the roll, and this game I thought i was about to go first and he used a cp to re-roll to go first

I'm also a giant tau noob, and just need to learn the flow of building a list in 40k
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>Epidemuis not even in the Daemon slot as the one nurgle character to survive this far
>Tallyman more or less does his gimmick with a much better model for half the price

Did Typhus also fuck his Nurglette wife in front of his eyes too?
>nothing range
Anon was asking about facing RG/AL with better than 5+ to hit, so we're talking 12" range. The breachers' 10" gun still has a very respectable profile, does that 2" really make that big a difference? And if you are planning to hang about outside 12" your "way better" drones at hitting on 6s (fireblades can't take a drone controller) which won't get 'er done.
Well for drones you are going to take the assault plague flamer right? So you advance too. If you forcing that choice turn one- shoot nasty fly, or it's goings to spew/charge my shit. Or shoot the slow guys.
Won't that buy enough time for the foot guys to advance?
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Get any combi-bolter and smack it onto his wrist after filing down the armour plate. Or have some gun barrels in the arm Obliterator style. Or he just shoots lazers from his eyes Daemonic gaze style
>revives Guilliman
It was Yvraine who did that. Cawl just strapped an iron lung onto some power armour.

>makes better marines than the Emperor
Corax did that 10,000 years ago. The Emperor explicitly could have made Astartes stronger but he chose not to. They were as powerful as they needed to be for their task (The Great Crusade)

>BTFOs boxnoughts
Contemptors and Leviathans were BTFOing boxnoughts all the way back in 30k. He just made bigger boxnoughts.

In short, that meme is retarded and you're retarded for spreading it. Cawl was poorly handled Deus Ex Machina but nothing he did was that outrageous. He had 10,000 years of research and the sponsorship of a Primarch/Lord Commander of the Imperium.
Why do people watch battle reports where they roll the dice?

You're literally watching people roll dice, just cut that shit out and you can have a 2000 pts Batrep in a 45 minute video, and summarizing turns means the people making the batrep actually think about and comment the proceedings of the game.
Holy shit your retarded, the profiles that work have nothing range, and have no flexibility if kited. You get the drones in 9" range with the fireblade for stupid damage, do you not follow Tau at all?

Standard nerds in fish catching up to steath suits, who guide commanders shit, not at all a new concept for 8th Tau.
You can't buff breachers, fucking taufag is a newfag.
If I want to see just summarisations of turns I will look them up on some blog.
Play Iron Warriors and use one of Perty's autistic beep-boops as your DP.

>your retarded

been away for a while from a case of the almost deads, but i got better, so im wondering, did anything ever come from the IG rumors that were floating around a month and half ago? i need some new models to paint and i want to expand my guard
There are no good batrep blogs left though.
Yep, unless you are in cover.

Note that there's different notation for armor vs invuln save.

Armor is just one plus, invuln 2. EX:

4+ armor

4++ invuln
>Perty's autistic beep-boops
I was going to post some snarky retort to this, but then I remembered that they might have had a very sophisticated machine spirit that might be able to learn some things...and being near Pert AND in the warp for 10,000 years would probably turn them into autistic robots.
>vs advocating for literally half the damage output from breachers over drones.
But fair point, fucked up the "you're" killing myself rn.
[email protected]
I'm betting he'll post that shit in the next thread hoping no one will argue so he can say he won.
Are chainfists worth it on csm terminator champions?
Probably not.
What conditions do you all find destroyer cult based lists to be successful in, if any at all?
Vs mediocre marine lists.
suddenly I envision a female necron drider waifu

I just wanna watch people play. I wanna listen to the banter and see the reactions. Also I want them as long as possible since I use them exclusively as something to watch while I work on miniatures.
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>tfw yesterday I was worried that Lucius was going to get shit rules
>Today I'm worried my forge world just became WAACfag tier
Teleporting priests could be fun I guess.
Give him a heavy bolter with loving conversions.
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Lmao look at this little cucklet, bragging about his FWs rules when it doesn't have Cawl.

Look at him and laugh.

Look and laugh!
>watching 40k videos while painting 40k

I do the same thing usually lore videos.
>teleporting knights
prepare for titanfall
You do know you can just take another detachment with a different forge world name?
>Lucius tele-priest detachment and then Cawls Balls detachment
His buff only affects mars.
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I'm back to using Word, looks pretty okay when formatted right.
We should make a compilation of retarded rules questions by illiterate WAACfags to submit to GW.

40kg seems to be the grease trap to the internets sewer of stupidity and cheating so it's the best place to gather questions noone would ever ask without anonymity.
wow, rude!
>I like crimson slaughter
>liking store-brand World Eaters
I've been waiting fucking YEARS for a proper Traitor Legions expansion that was like 2.5 (so I can play a fully Death Guard army), and we get something way way better with Traitor Legions. It was enough to bring me back to the hobby. And then 8th Edition is announced and Death Guard are getting massive releases, and then I fall very ill and doctors are suspecting bowel cancer with secondary liver tumors, but I don't have the biopsy results yet.

It was never meant to be, was it?
Pic related, I guess.
Embrace papa Nurgle, give your bowles strength beyond death!
>traitor legions is the best expansion chaos could have hoped for.
>the rules in it weren't even legal for a year before 8th edition came out and got rid of all of them.

It's really sad.
Which is fine because the priests won't be anywhere near him, you fucking onahole.
So those of you that have ordered from the Chinaman, what should I expect for pricing? I know stuff varies, but is there like a standard expect 35% off or whatever? Just curious about how much to expect.
The fuck do you care what discount he gives you, It's already a huge drop off from GW's prices.
Because I also like lots of sorcerers and slaanesh so I wanted an undivided warband to mix it up.

I also like the story of kranon the relentless.
More like the cash from Guilliman's ovepriced model selling like hotcakes was already in.
Doesnt the achilles get one?

Always thought that was one of the better FW raiders
thats my point...I dont know what shit costs. I havent seen a catalogue yet. I dont know if it costs anything less than GW. All I have to go on is ppl from 4chan saying send your money here...it'll be fine...which doesnt seem like the best of plans. But I am will to try a small order first
Why not fucking ask the cunt since. like you said, it fucking varies
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So whats the verdict?
>look at nova lists
>alpha legion detachments include brimstone horrors

??? Doe these people not understand the rules?
yup . . . thats what I get for expecting ppl on here of all places to be anything other than fucking cancer. Nevermind we share a hobby, which should be something to negate a little of this ridiculousness
Why does everything FW do have to outdo GW's rules?
>moves 14 not 12 because our tank is betterer
>it even explodes 9" because GW tanks are too pathetic to explode like real tanks
>it even does more damage in its explosion because fuck your GW models they fucking suck and don't deserve to share the table with Forge World models
>oh and we'll also give it more wounds because it's salty spitoon tier and GW's tanks are gay as fuck
>oh and it's also cheap as fuck in points because you should be filling the table with our special brand of cancer plastic OP shit
>I will ask 4chan for advice
newfag. It's very simple: ask dumb questions, get BTFO.

Also, Il'll say this again just to help drive the point home since your stupid butthurt is preventing you from thinking clearly. It is as you said: it fucking varies. Thus the answers you will get will be varied, and will in no way give you a clear picture of the savings you can expect. This is because he does a lot of different shit and you didn't even fucking tell us what you're likely to be buying off him.
>Fw shit

Stopped reading immediately.
>One is a relic from the Great Crusade
>the other (Predator I guess) is the run-of-the-mill, bog-standard battle-tank forgeworlds churn out in the thousands
>why is one better
Are you a fucking retard?
yup. I get it. Thanks for all your help. I appreciate the learning experience. Everyone's personality online resembles something that would leak out of a Nurgle creatures ass. good day to you *tips fedora* m'lady
Oops, it was nurglings. But still, someone explain this """pro""" list.
Everything is a relic from the Crusade.
>I appreciate the learning experience. Everyone's personality online resemblesHoly fuck you really are new lmao

sorry bb just like doing that. wasn't even the dude that was being retarded :^)

but dont breachers get str 6 -2 ap at 5? God help you if you're that close though...
It's a slightly faster, slightly snootier quad las predator
>messes up greentext post separation, probably because he overzealously deleted returns to avoid making "reddit" spacing>calls other people new hahahahaha you're so new it hurts.
If you can't figure this out yourself then you shouldn't be buying from recasters.
Now I want a drawfag to draw a smug Sicaran
Can their be a Predator fed up with his shit included?
Did the Daemon one get benefits?
He may have just called it AL but didn't have Legion benefits
If you can't figure out bootlegs are cheaper than genuine products from the context of discussions or common fucking sense you shouldn't be on the internet at all. Fucking tired of these morons.
Hmm, that's possible, if still technically incorrect. It should properly be called a "chaos" detachment. I do not know if the one with daemons in it got benefits.
Also, judging by how every list that was CSM featured an alpha legion detachment, my favorite legion is now the waacfag legion.

I don't care, you sore faggots can deal with my sneaky operators operating operationally all over your stupid lords of war.
>selling some 40k shit on ebay
>1 bid
>30 watchers

What did they mean by this?
in the last moment the price will jump as people still religiously hold to the idea of ebay "sniping"
It means that people watch your stuff.
Also, are you new to the concept of auctions? You don't start bidding at the start of the auction, but on the end, to keep the price low. Although it doesn't always work.
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Which Craftworlds are more/less likely to be represented in a Ynnari army?
I have a feeling Iyanden would feature heavily since being near extinction is kinda their thing.
Are new Grey Knight and Deathwatch releases Chad-sized or still CuckMarines?
Hello Wh40kg How goes things in the far future? Have the threads gotten less shit since the opening of 8th ed?

Something about the holocaust and playing in Germany....I ignored that one
Happens m8, but like the other anons are saying itll go higher than you would have thought at the end
t. Made $250 off selling 40k stuff on ebay the past two months
Wasn't summoning brought into line? Or did they manage to break the game again?
Hmm true stuff.

I do have 5 days to go before auction is over.
There hasn't been any new Deathwatch or Grey Knight releases so we don't know. Right now they're all astartlets.
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>Have the threads gotten less shit
Nope, we like it this way.
just for you, a meme with a brand new paint job

well Biel-tan is hurting with the population split but i don't remember how the rest of the craftworlds are doing

they're and older small. oddly enough the 1k sons and plague marines are larger if not chad marine size

summoning costs points now, it's not free
GK already got a codex and we're stuck with manlets.
You need to ask friends to put small shill bids down early to boost the exposure of the auction. Once they've done that you'll get more bids as the auction closes since people like to snipe.
>summoning costs points now, it's not free
I remember this change. but i don't see the big deal about summoning after disembarking if it costs points out of your list to do so.
>but i don't see the big deal about summoning after disembarking
It's not a big deal. The rules just explicitly forbid it.
It's a sicaran that can't move and shoot effectively, especially since it'll overheat on a 1 or 2

In which case it's a 230 point predator annihilator that's worse point to damage against vehicles but better against MEQs

But seriously 24" heavy no power of the machine spirit, gg
Still does less damage than fireblade drones within 9".
Huh, I left these threads like right after 8th dropped was hoping to come back when BA got their own codex. I am glad to see the cam whores arent shitting up every thread anymore.
The argument was over can you summon after disembarking.
>model has shit rules
>fancy compared to normal shit
>bitches about FW
The whole point of a Sicaran is to be fast and mobile isn't it?
Yep, rip.
nah, instead you got carnac and retards who can't read english and decide to derail 4 threads in a row with the same shit.
The autocannon one still is but the others are now subject to the move and shoot penalty, which is just odd.

At least the laser and punisher variants have the range to just hunker down and not move but the missile and plasma ones only have 24" of range anyway
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Eh ill take it
what do you guys listen to while painting? I want to make a playlist of something that's not just TTS themes and Sabaton.
Yakub and his allies creating the devils and tricknology
Carnac is ADB, fyi. He only posts during British time and has a penchant for discussing topics that are pro-Chaos and 99% of the time centered around a novel or lore passage he recently wrote.

For example not long after Black Legion he would not fucking stop talking about Abaddon. He's now obsessed with Be'lakor, probably because he's writing some shit for the new Damons codex.
Based Duncan? Dude is silky smooth.
People can't admit when the other side has a point and assumes any difference in opinion is due to malice.

If you could argue with someone without
These threads would be better.
Horus Heresy audiobooks at 1.25 speed.

A shame GW forgot the blood angels exist during their whole Gathering Storm plot line and ignored any developments we have had in favor of making plot convenient reasons for why we would suddenly have shitloads of primaris Space Marines, by forcing our chapter 2 job to the tyranids and then get saved by gullman and FUCKING KA'BANDA of all people.

How do any if you other BA players continue to endure this Deluge of neglect and bullshit?
Podcasts or lofi hiphop mixes on youtube.
>He's now obsessed with Be'lakor
Btw, randomly discussing Carnac is just as cancerous as Carnacposting. pls stap
Duncan. Vince Venturella. Winters SEO.
I get distracted by his paint tips when I'm not painting the same things he is.

>repackaging arguments against them without refuting anything
>starting threads with the same post
>ignoring contrary opinions
>calling everyone who disagrees with them a WAAC fag
>ignoring when he gets BTFO not only by explicit wording in the rules, but by the people that actually play the army he's trying to defend

I'd say it's either legit retardation or in-depth trolling.

One case is autism that has no place here, the other is also autism that has no place here.
Easily, I just cry myself to sleep any time i read Blood Angel fluff.
I pick a band and listen to whole albums at a time on youtube. Typically Dream Theater, Gaslight Anthem, Brendan Small, Nujabes, Stevie Ray Vaughan, etc. I listen to just about everything.
I mean "now" as in it's all he's talking about. He will get bored once he's finished writing and is asked to write about Ahriman or Magnus or Fulgrim.

Fulgrim will become a dindu.
Cartoon episodes that I've already watched so I don't need to look up and see what's going on. Last week it was the Venture Bros.
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BA were already jobbing to Tyranids long before Gathering Storm.
Ma nigga. Currently I'm listening to Hey Arnold so I can bring myself back to speed before the movie drops.

I would believe it.

Shame it couldn't be ADB who died of cancer instead of Bligh.
Quick question, what's the new meta armies so far?

I listen to Stevie Wonder's 'Skeletons' on loop.
>Vince Venturella

Something about him just rubs me the wrong way. His videos are good, but it's like the combination of his accent, his baldness, the fact that he's a lawyer, how low quality his camera is, the fact he focuses more on AoS, his sheer whiteness, it's all just a perfect storm of blech.
I haven't watched Hey Arnold in years. I should really catch up on it too, it was so fucking good.

It was building up to be a cool event and then the entire thing was resolved off screen in the most embarrassing way possible.

They wouldn't do that to space yiffs or fag angels, even gay knights got a pass. But no, the one chapter mangled the most by Ward keeps being punished for his sins.

It's infuriating.
Conscript spam
Horde spam
Guilliman, Celestine, Assassin spam
Razorback/Immolator/Repressor MSU
XV85 HQ spam
Have you seen the Jungle Movie trailer? Looks good. The VA for Arnold is quite like the original and they've brought back Francesca to voice her.
>conscript spam
I thought it was just a meme
to be fair

The DA got dooped by the Changeling who imitated the highest echelons of their command to hang out with the Fallen held inside the Rock
Honestly the fate of Baal should have been the event instead of Konor. Even if it's blatantly rigged it would have been more fun to fight for something worth fighting for. Make it Imperium vs xenos with Chaos choosing to take points from either side like Konor.

At least it's a master bullshiter.
Yeah, it looks great. Rocko's getting a new movie too.

How shitty do Terminators look next to the Chads? I'm having trouble finding any honest photos of the two.
You can't obviously, some shitty troll just wanted to push that you could.
Rocko looks fucking amazing. I like that they kept to the original aesthetic. I'm a bit disappointed that Arnold looks so clean, but hey, Craig is a God so I doubt he'd make something shit.
>watching those pleb painters instead of Kujo Painting, Sorastro's Painting, Doctor Faust's Painting Clinic, and Scarlet Sable
Agree that the termies are pretty meh - mortarian is too much of an investment.

Flail of contagion is "da bomb" - even the 6 point power axes are pretty solid at things like butchering termies/bikes/primaris.

Daemon clown cars should be amazing, and plague bursters look pretty solid overall especially in groups of 3 and with epidimius on the table.
How are banners in small units?

No it's actually crushing tourneys.
>No Painting Bhudda or EonsOfBattle(back from hiatus)
Step up, senpai.
Are you sure? The tripping point seems to be the interaction between
>you can give up your movement for (summoning)
Doesn't actually say you can't move, and
>disembarking counts as moving

Argument A: the summoning rule refers to ALL movement aka you cannot move
Argument B: its refers to the action of [movement] so while the action [disembarking] counts as moving it is not [movement], which normally models would be allowed to do in addition to [disembarking]
Well shit, So what you are telling me is i am a tryhard faggot just because i like to play swarmy nids?
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Got you covered
Painting Buddha is god-tier but I only included active channels.
I've met Kujo before. He's a nice guy and a petrolhead like myself.

Not a huge fan of Faust. Scarlet is cool but his hands are really fat which distracts me. Sorastro is meh.
>not just crushing up some Bob Ross DVDs and snorting them to gain his powers and simultaneously memorizing them instantly
Hey, that's pretty cool.

Clean those moldlines.
Literally took me 2 seconds. Now I'm not claiming to be some master black belt google fu sage lord, you guys are all just worthless idiots.
get rid of the mould lines on that sword, nigger
Na, but Tyranids are really strong now.

Hordes have just become a problem because the changes to template weapons have gotten rid of the most efficient ways to deal with them.
Relax. WIP
What do you drive? I'm supposed to be saving up for lighter and wider wheels and stickier rubber for my car but it costs so much I just end up buying tons of 40k shit instead.
new thread if yall interested
It's the first one.
You can't move and summon, for the purposes on any rules disembarking counts as moving, the caveat of disembarking is that you may move on top of disembarking despite this.
Hmm i wonder how they are going to go about trying to fix this shit then. You know if they even care about balance.
Why would I want to gain the powers of a mediocre meme painter?
I know the "I'm too stupid to read 12 pages of rules" thing is an easy troll, but stop wasting posts on it.
Start small, work your way up. First Ross, then in a few years you're digging up the supposed ashes of Michelangelo for a sweet ride.
other than those fucking horrific moldlines, looks aces.
Lookin' nice.
I'd get angry at you for spouting such bullshit, but that's not what the Ross is all about.

Oh shit, that actually is an honest photo?

Goddamnit, GW.
Could be worse. Could the the Tyranids who couldn't even get their own unstoppable threat moment without being made to inevitably worf to Bobby G's super speshul marines and the daemon retard.
Agreed. I honestly think that /tg/ could put out a better mag monthly. It'd be digital, so closer to an unofficial Black Gobbo, but all it'd take Ian someone with time to organise it and scrape the general for contributions.
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Sicarins are not as good as previous edition. Leviathan dred, on the other hand. Money.
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