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/britfeel/ Arsenal BTFO edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 496
Thread images: 135

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Meant to go to church today. Maybe next week.
Fairly certain the girl from my work I've asked out on a date is autistic lads
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Milk Cat 19
I did, you weird little prick

The owner reported, obviously.
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Hey what's going on guys?
>Fairly certain the girl from my work I've asked out on a date is autistic lads
what be the signs?
Like aspergers autism or Julia from Sesame Street autism?
I've done nothing since i left school at 16. i got a D in everything because i didn't try or revise. I'm 19 now. wtf can i do besides wage slaving in supermarkets? pls give me advice lads
Hello my foreign friend. Just chatting about fucking trannies and killing dogs. The usual.
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>spend 30 mins on OP image
>miss end of thread
Fuck's sake lads
when did you guys realise you're the one holding yourself back
We were talking and she was going on about how her mum never let her draw on her drive with chalk but she saw we have some reduced big bits of chalk from easter that she's going to buy and use to draw on her drive tonight
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>tfw the house has been silent since I shouted at dad
i worked with one - she was right off it
This one should be done in a few hours so you can use that for comfy nighttime.

>Aspergers girl used as free labour in my office ("getting her ready for paid work")
>she regularly compliments me on what I'm wearing/how I look

makes me nervous lads
You can lie about your results and get a better job. Employers never want to see GCSEs
Ugh is she one of those unbearable happy quirky pixie girls?
Retake your GCSEs
I'm not holding myself back
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welcome to the life of an OP image lad

although its for the best, this is a piss poor effort

What you get lads?

I scored less autistic than the average person and yet I'm sitting here on Saturday on 4chan instead of having sex with my gf imagine that

Its Sunday you sperg
gay(closeted) and autistic aren't the same thing
>millhouse, relevant because of the recent digits event
>one avatar fag
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It was all me. I started browsing britfeel 5 months ago. Your day will soon be over bongs.

I'm not taking it because self-diagnosing is gay
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I didn't think so lad, she looked like a Stacy when I first got to know her

Maybe it explains why she's willing to go on a date with me
2, less autistic than average
That her? Not bad, looks like she'd be fun in bed.
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Eat egg fried dog
cannot find an answer anywhere on the net so I#ll ask here
it's a long shot, but;

does the fender jaguar (the bendy rock band guitar) for the PS4 work with PS3 games?
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White women are HYPED edition

Oh, it's great being black in a white neighborhood

>White boys wont DARE start a fight with you

"intimidates whites boy*

>You get to fuck EVERY white girl within a one mile radius with your beautiful big black...

*cuts to interracial sex scene*

Nobody is going to stand there while you attack their dog, you weirdo. Even the most mild of people would wrap the chain around your head. Does lying on the internet get you off or something?
I miss the old Brifeel, straight from the feels Brifeel
Shop at the offie Brifeel, eating the ramyun Brifeel
I hate the new Brifeel, the bad memes Brifeel
The always forced Brifeel, Poles in the court Brifeel

Are you going to hurry up? You've been saying britfeel will be doomed for months now
10/10 lad I heartedly chuckled

She was just stood their screaming for most of the time, it was over in seconds anyway so there wasn't must anyone could have done.
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I got that original reference
oh just me then
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kele cha
Heard some white women talking about this on the 14.48 train to London Bridge via East Dulwich
why did the dog bite you?
kek first xi to make me laugh
Wo juede zhongguo ren hen piaoliang
no there's no dongle
it uses bluetooth
it's a shitty guitar tho m8, the original strat is still the best
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nice thread

It's a dog, that's just what they do, not all the time obviously, but about 9 postmen are bitten a day, and none of them are provoking the dog. God knows how many are bitten a day overall.

I was just walking down the path in this small park area, and it just ran up to me and started biting.
>mfw Jeffrey Dahmer posts in /britfeel/
Small price to pay for doggos, postmen are scum anyway
Either pay to do your A-Levels (you dont need the grades if you're over 19 and pay for them) or do an Access Course to go Uni
Don't waste your time trying to get an apprenticeship, if you're 19+ you won't get one and there's a lot of competition.
What's this cat plotting? What's his endgame?

Why are postmen scum?
top kek


I had dogmeat when I was in Henan. It wasn't nice and made me sick, but that was probably the shit oil rather than the dogmeat itself
I got 6

my sister has diagnosed assburger and she reckons my dad does
I got 7
uh oh
I bet you're not even a virgin, cis scum
go to the doctors because acne
get given pills
Take pills while continuing skin care routine

acne starts to get better
then gets worse


My niece asked if I had chicken pox, it crushed me
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krillinlad needs to post more tbqhwy lads. the rest of the anime fags use gay anime pics. krillin is a bad man and his face needs to appear more in brit feel to facilitate the use of strong male avatar pics.

Are you a virgin? I'm not
What pills? I bought some accutane from the DW. Got better but then I ran out and went right back to shit again. Ordered more now.
>that trans girl/boy/whatever talking about a photoshoot she did today when she was naked in a fishermans net
just show me the pics ffs
Tell her you are good with photoshop

then send them back to her printed out covered in cum stains
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same but I'm 24 in two months and not good enough at basic subjects to pass A Level. Don't want to waste my time doing some useless subject at a shit uni either
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reminder that this poll was taken at 3am on a saturday night, objectively the least possible normie posting hours
you can do a btech you know lad. i got d's and e's in high school and i managed to do a btech, and go on to uni. btechs are easy as fuck
I got a 6 and I'm a diagnosed spastic
Nah she does all that herself. Hopefully she's in a sharing mood later. Already said 'thank you <3 xxx :p etc' after I said she's a pretty boy so I'm hopeful.
Meant to go to church today with the wife.

Instead got into a fight with her, telling her religion is bullshit and I can no longer live a lie. Now she wants to leave me.
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Can't decide whether I should play Diddy Kong Racing, Warcraft 3 or watch some late 1990s wrasslin.
No one here is actually a virgin right guys?
Play Diddy Kong Racing, put wrestling on in the background

Seems too baity, I doubt she'd want a divorce over something so trivial
>Diddy Kong Racing
Least autistic option

My sisters mock me for wanting "background noise" it's not weird, right?
no. they are just baiting when they go on about being virgins or under age. there is no way someone can be a virgin in this country. all you have to do is go on tinder or go clubbing
i got 0. i guess i'm not autistic but i do have some sort of mental illness because i can barely talk to people or go out irl
Play Warcraft 3 obv
its called anxiety lad
i'm too anxious to go on tinder or clubbing. henceforth i'm a virgin
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Post Chinese memes

Lymecycline capsules
said they take a couple of weeks to work (which was true)

will most likely go back to the gp when I almost finished them
This. The hardest part is getting past the bouncers, after that you get a complimentary gf with your first drink
you are not a real person, you dont count.
Had a funny thing happen at the pub last night

>At pub
>There's a group of old guys up there who I get on alright with
>They're all quite openly discuss things that would be considered racist like calling black people niggers and gollywogs
>They openly call blacks gollywogs which is pretty funny
>There's a Jewish guy in the group
>He goes to pay for his pint and is searching through his wallet for his change
>One of the other guys says "Oh no, is he taking all your shekels Goldstein?"
>Everyone laughs
>Jew guy laughs a bit aswell but just laughs it off cause he knows it's just a bit of banter

Pubs in small villages are comfy as fuck, everyone knows each other and they're more open about hating foreigners, shits pretty comfy
I would rather cry in a BMW
Pubes stuck on my eyeball again ffs
I'm a virgin, sucks but I made my peace with being alone forever so I don't even try now
Are you even a real person?
Is starving yourself to death the GOAT method suicide? You just slowly disintegrate while laughing
How many times have you gone to a
student/young pub,club or house party?
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Then did they put the Jew in the oven afterwards?
>it's not weird, right
not if you have autism
>saw 4 white women with black boyfriends today
>saw 1 black women with a white boyfriend
>oh the joys of being a black man in a southern england town
what's that supposed to mean lad?
Go up my local pub every Friday, sometimes a Saturday sometimes a Wednesday aswell

I mainly go to talk to the old fellas

I've never been to a young pub/student pub or a house party
>Pubs in small villages are comfy as fuck, everyone knows each other and they're more open about hating foreigners, shits pretty comfy
Have a great time when visiting my parents in their 100% white village.
>there is no way someone can be a virgin in this country. all you have to do is go on tinder or go clubbing

I dunno about that mate. I lost my virginity at 14 because it was easy as fuck to get laid in school, just take girl to bedroom at house party. But I never understood the clubbing thing so after school I didn't get laid from ages 16-19 until I got my who I met on the internet lol.

Since I have been with my gf I have had literal sluts ask me to back to their place for sex but if I were to go out actively seeking to get laid I wouldn't know where to begin.
>100% white village.
That sounds fucking grim lad, how do you get a cheeky kebab after getting sloshed with the lads?
Yeah, my village is 100% white as far as I know, haven't seen a non white since I've been here about 15+ years
Don't worry mate, free helicopter rides for all racemixers soon.
Noticed a nail in the tyre of my motor when I was changing the brake pads. Got a pair of needle nosed pliers and pulled it out.

Several hours late the tyre is still inflated. Great success lads, great success.
I live in the middle of nowhere, there's only 3 pubs and a corner shop that's never got anything good and shuts at 5pm
>how do you get a cheeky kebab after getting sloshed with the lads?
Guess you just don't?
I mean I have Turkish ocakbasi kebabs on my doorstep in Londinium so it makes a nice change to visit them
Bloody hell lad, I imagine they shut on bank holidays and sundays as well because they're owned by whites instead of pakis
Yep, it sucks but I can always order some from the city (it's a town that got city status)
White women prefer black men. Everywhere you go this is the case, there are more white women with mixed race children than there are with white children
you must be going to old men clubs. women only go to them to take advantage of old fellas and get free drink

if you went to a student pub, you would be drowning in pussy. girls can tell when a guy is a pussy and they love virgins because it makes them feel special to be a guys first.

you just didnt know lad. just look at how wild girls are when they know you have a gf, they are kinda like that at clubs. why do you think normies are getting so much sex? its no secret lad
>105 year old woman wants a fireman for her birthday
>gets a lethal dose of morphine instead
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I got a tinder match and I'm almost certainly going to be going round tonight, I've told her my name is Elliot, so that he can have one on me
is right lad. ive got about 5 matches i havent redeemed yet. im waiting until i have some more freetime and then im gonna get myself some shags

cant wait
kek what a crock of shit
I got 9.
But I think I might have exaggerated slightly on the sensory section.
Pakis are a necessary evil in todays society

Do you agree with this statemen?
stop baiting. you are just trying to get all the pussy for yourseld, you normie scum. let the rest of the lads have a turn.
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>I've told her my name is Elliot, so that he can have one on me

I have done this before too, kek.
I have to agree I'm too dependant on corner shops and takeaways
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Anyone got any plans for their May Day?

- Kev x
I'm about to go to the Chinkys, and I'm only going to get a portion of chips
I got a five
Thought the question were a bit poor as some would depend of life experiences and a just dont give a shit about most things that people do
Did you win last night kev?
Once saw an interracial couple, a few weeks later the women was alone with a black eye.

The meme is true
I'm going to start may by ending May.
but for an extra 80p you can get curry and fried rice lad

They don't do that at mine, rice is an extra 1.80
I especially liked the crisp question
Would love a half and half with curry sauce right about now.
They don't do it everywhere though.

Bloody 'ell, this country is going to the dogs
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Of course I did lad. Gotta keep that BWE Heavyweight championship belt.

- Kev x
Based. Would genuinely be up for a /britfeel/ meet up to watch the sexy one wrestle.
>Shop near me burnt down the other day
>It was e cigs again

Why are these things so dangerous?
/fitfeel/ where the fuck are you lads?

c25k lad, how's progress?
other fellas, what activity have you put in this week?

> 2x 5k, both just over 30m (and improving!)
> 2x 2k on elliptical just to finish off the water bottle
> daily: 3x10 diamond pushups
As would I. I won't be able to make the June event myself but if anything happens for a later one then I'd be up for it.
Eating a KFC bucket and playing video games right now
For the Jewish banking elite and our current financial system which is completely reliant on housing bubbles, as well as our modern consumerist lifestyles, then yes, we need as much mass immigration as possible. I say this as someone who is full 1488.
I dont eat crisps occasionally have one in pub or whenever somone offers me one and end up regretting just taste weird and so dry and hard and bitty and what is with the taste?
Blimey Kev you shagging that bit of stuff on the right here?
>taking your kids to see a man literally called Sexy Kev have homoerotic wrestling with other men
>/fitfeel/ where the fuck are you lads?
I didnt work out for a week but have the last couple of days. Hard to stay motivated but if I'm seeing this girl next month that should keep me focused.
>i dont like crisps

are you a paki?
looking at shit on web
kettle on for brew
off to town to get pissed in a bit
hahahha yes kev lad. i hope he is shagging that tidy bird, she look like she loved it up the bum
Hah, almost. I picked up the habit in Cardiff's infamous 'Chip Alley'.
>this is what a britfeel meet up would look like
Do you want to take a step out side m8

Pakis eat crisps

You're a bit optimistic lad
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You know it.
Less posting pics of others kids though please. I get they are already public but lets not post them here.

- Kev. x
The only attractive one is a wrestler.
>Do you want to take a step out side m8

id have ya while one of my hands is stick in ya mums minge

>Pakis eat crisps

nah, they prefer popadoms and a bit of curry on the side
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s-sorry Kev. I'll post a pic of your most recent foe instead.
Bigger apart better bargaining chips never2next toeach other. weebes are pre-human
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sexy kev actually posts here
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Foeposting is a-okay.
I'll post another wrestler you lads will enjoy.

- Kev x
I said to myself when i turned 19 that i wouldn't turn 20 a virgin. i'm 20 next month and i haven't gotten any closer to losing it
is that pakispoos dad?
They have church at night, too.
You're over 18, rent an escort for an hour if it means that much to you
Turned to wrestling to avenge what he thinks is Kev turning his son into a giant batty boy.
Holy fuck. Old school evil foreigner gimmick. Love it.
Is this actually sexy kev who posts here?
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Got my chinky chips lads
that doesn't count. i'd rather lose it to a fat drunk slag then a prozzie because at least she would want to fuck me on her own accord.
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Another great wrestler right here. Kev can't compete.
Looks like a brown skinned Peter Serafinowicz
Lads, I come to britfeel to escape this sort of faggotry. No more half naked men please.
Kev started out as a cute meme, stop ruining it.

Fucking disappointment lads.
Fucking disappointment.

You've let me down, the thread down, and you've let Sexy Kev down.
That's a retarded principle to hold. Surely a pretty professional is better than a fat drunk slag.

But if that's what you care about then so be it. Enjoy being upset about turning 20 as a virgin I guess
has Kev ever posted proof that he's the real deal?
>complains about faggotry
>goes on to called Kev cute.

Go to /hr/ if you want your women.
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This is how Elliot spent his last week as a 19 year old virgin

"On one of my very last days as a teenager, as I was sitting at my usual place at the food court outside Domino's, I saw a sight that shattered my heart to pieces. A tall, blonde, jock-type guy walked into one of the restaurants, and at his side was one of the sexiest girls I had ever seen. She too was tall and blonde. They were both taller than me, and they kissed each other passionately. They made me feel so inferior and worthless and small. I glared at them with intense hatred as I sat by myself in my lonely misery. I could never have a girl like that. The sight was burned into my memory, and it caused a scar that will haunt me forever. When they walked away, I followed them in my car for a few minutes, and when they entered a less inhabited area I opened my window and splashed my iced tea all over them!"
I think it's just a bit of fun mate.
How tall was Elliot? It seems like every girl he mentioned was taller than him.
give me one good reason to get a gf

He was 5'9 apparently
>comes to /britfeel/ to escape faggotry

that's your own fault mate

More frequent sex than not having a gf
i think he was 5 ft 8 or 9. im about the same height as him and quite a lot of girls are taller than me when they are wearing heels. i dont really care though, height barely matters. i know fellas that are 5 ft 6/7 and they have went out with stunning girls. ive fucked 8s that where taller than me when they had heels on. looks and personality matter more.

eliot was a faggot
what if i dont care about sex though

>inb4 sour grapes
Seen as he didnt want those pics posted I think it might be
Well give me one good reason I should convince you to get a gf?

We have a winner here
help me help you
It's probably just shipanon since he's the only one who puts effort into these things.

It's not me, I never post faggy stuff.
Nah, Shipanon is a different anon to Kev. Came up a while back.
Elliot is like a cartoon villain
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I feel like britfeel needs it's own forced meme election.
National Sophie Party has the following policy on Kevins
no idea who this even is
7 really fucked up on the social section
Well, I am going to see Guardians 2 tomorrow. See if I can pick up a reduced Easter Egg at the market, good way to spend a BH.
I went to chirch for the first time in years but left halfway through (church is 3 hours for me). Easing it in.
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Under 30 seconds in photoshop.
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Harold Shipman will be standing as an independant candidate in Hyde for the general election
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A vote for truck boys is a vote for fresh buds
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Impressive, but Kevins will be a repressed minority by the end of this election. Mark my words.
A worthy opponent.

Lads, party names please.
>tfw you'll never be the middle of a sophie kev sandwich
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Vote Communist Party of Zhongguo

some dead looking white girls crawled out of my TV this morning and they wouldnt shutup about this ffs
Whats a random message to send to a girl you know that might give her the horn and start a conversation that might lead to her getting the horn?
the truckboys have my complete support

tell her about goodfellas
hate to tell you but he gave himself a lethal dose
Eh baby u wan sum fuk
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Autistic question here: is tipping the pizza delivery guy an expected thing in the UK? Literally never ordered a pizza before and thinking about ordering one online since there's no fucking food in my house right now. I'm worried the delivery guy is going to stand there waiting for something after I take the pizza.
>Lads, party names please.

Harold Shipman (Euthanasia Rights Party)
If its a well known franchise I don't tip but if its a local I give the driver like a quid

Seriously question - was Mr. Rogers at all aware of the existence of internet porn?
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The Sexy Party - Vote Kev and be blessed with repeating digits and sexiness.

I see I can already count on your vote
You will not be expected to tip. Pay by card, take your pizza and then close the door. It's fine

We should have an all out first round election, then the two highest candidates go through to a runoff

Maybe hold first round from 9:00pm-10:00 and the Runoff election from 10:30 to midnight

So far

Sophie (National Sophie Party)
Sexy Kev (party name TBA)
Harold Shipman (Euthanasia Rights Party)
Truck boys (party name TBA)
Xi Jinping (Communist Party of China)
>from a chinky

You sir are like a base animal and I want nothing at all to do with you. Good day to you sir.
Only tip if you feel like it
its not required
we pay our workers
if your house is a bitch to get to pay tip
or if u put the guy through a struggle
or if hes a cool dude
otherwise no tip
also dont force the fuckers to give you change thats cancer

Adding Sexy kev
Sophie (National Sophie Party)
Sexy Kev (Sexy Party)
Harold Shipman (Euthanasia Rights Party)
Truck boys (party name TBA)
Xi Jinping (Communist Party of China)

Truck boys, name of party?
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I like some of the National Sophie Party's policies but I'm concerned about her dislike of waifu posters. I need to find one that has a good balance for me.

Also post waifus

Sexy kev is a fag, he probably likes waifu posters
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Seems good, making a shitty ballot paper in paint for people to X
Willing to go into negotiations for some sort of 2D - 3D alliance. Give me terms, lad.
>mum owes me 400 quid
>tells me today she just booked a holiday for 1200

guess im just never getting that fucking money then

We should do a strawpoll for the count though
Why is pc gaming such a meme lads?

>Have a 350 quid graphics card
>Can't run game from 2011 on higher than 30fps
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truck boys party of course
A mutual understanding between 2d waifu posters and 3d waifu posters would be beneficial for both of us. As long as we have separate calls that don't overlap then we shall be able to live in hippy tier harmony
Why did you loan her 400 quid and why did you expect you fucking mum to pay you back? Are you charging her interest too?
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what the fuck is a btec though, do I have to pay? where do I find them?

I don't want to go to uni really, its largely a waste of time unless your doing a worthwhile subject at a good enough uni

Haven't ran for a couple of days but im eating an apple right now

look a bit undercooked lad
>When asked if gay sex was a sin Theressa May answered "No"

The leader of the """"so called"""" """"conservative""""" party lads
Erectile difficulties anon here again. I messed up on the train times so I can't go to gf's tonight. She's pissed off at me because she says she only came home tonight to see me. I've been out and bought flowers and am currently cooking bacon so I can take her the bacon and flowers on the first train in the morning and hopefully she'll be OK.
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Ok lad, we need to christen this new undrstanding with a new party name.
i was helping to pay for various debts, she said shed pay me back

Adding Truck boys
Sophie (National Sophie Party)
Sexy Kev (Sexy Party)
Harold Shipman (Euthanasia Rights Party)
Truck boys (Truck boys Party)
Xi Jinping (Communist Party of China)


Strawpoll will open at 9pm, any more names, submit nominations quickly!
The National Coalition of Waifu Posters?
>Needing to lend parents money


My parents would rather die that ask me for money. Imagine the fucking shame.
She's a vicar's daughter anon. It must be true, she has a direct line to the big man upstairs
The conservative but we're actually socially equivalent to a left wing party ten years ago party
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If you elect me, I promise a swift and painless death, on demand, for any robot that wishes to an hero.

I even offer a free will writing service
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>spend over a grand on a PC
>have 1000 games in my steam library
>only usually play Spelunky and BF1
>would rather play games on my Switch or Wii U
SeemsGood lad
>The National Coalition of Waifu Posters?

Accepted, now you have to name a single candidate to represent you in the election
>he fell for the meme

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I'm liking the Euthanasia Rights Partys proposals the most so far
>some cunt makes a JUST thread about forest on /sp/

thats the day ruined lads
I recommend Sophie who has been fronting this party for many years now.
I'm leaning towards voting for this lads.
What is your GPU and what is your CPU?

She is already the candidate for the National Sophie party

fuck it, I'm in. Field a candidate in Sheffield Central
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they've been bullying leeds too for dropping out of the playoffs
We just unified our parties, you numpty
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I would like to nominate Milk Cat
Intel i5 4Ghz and Radeon 290x

Oh I see, she has changed parties, OK

Sophie (National Coalition of Waifu Posters)
Sexy Kev (Sexy Party)
Harold Shipman (Euthanasia Rights Party)
Truck boys (Truck boys Party)
Xi Jinping (Communist Party of China)
>tfw no more making the whole world stop and watch us foul each other as great european superclubs
You fucking waste, lad

Name of party?

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reliant 1.jpg
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Reliant Robin Nationalist Party
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one day we'll rise again lad, fuck these plastic money clubs at the top
o-one day c-cloughie's ghost and revie's ghost will save us

Leeds might be the biggest JUST club in football history

Sophie (National Coalition of Waifu Posters)
Sexy Kev (Sexy Party)
Harold Shipman (Euthanasia Rights Party)
Truck boys (Truck boys Party)
Xi Jinping (Communist Party of China)
Milk Cat (party TBA)
Reliant Robin (Nationalist Party)
I would like to include the /Goodfellas/ Mandem

The white women need someone to vote for
Calcium awareness party

Sophie (National Coalition of Waifu Posters)
Sexy Kev (Sexy Party)
Harold Shipman (Euthanasia Rights Party)
Truck boys (Truck boys Party)
Xi Jinping (Communist Party of China)
Milk Cat (party TBA)
Reliant Robin (Nationalist Party
Andrew Prince (Goodfellas)
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can upside-down cock and balls paki run for prime minister of /britfeel/?
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>tfw you look at your internet tabs after fapping
>15+ fully gay videos
>told myself I'd stop doing this because I'm not gay and its just a meme
>regressed fully again

funnily enough, Nigel Cloughs burton albion beat us and fucked up our playoff push

tell me about it
>tfw your lgf starts to get nasty with you

Nothing worse desu. So many conflicted feelings.
his father would be proud
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Making this image is getting exhausting tbqh lads

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>Drug addict friend who spends the majority of his time going to club events (which I hate) has invited me out to the theatre to see a court room drama.

What's his end game?
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A vote for me is a vote to ensure dubs, sexiness and continued comfy /britfeel/s for the future.
We will work with other memes to ensure the brightest and the best memes get out there to benefit both /britfeel/ and the OP image.

- Kev x

he has finally ascended anon
Is Reliant Robin lad wearing nike air max 95?
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Vote for The National Coalition of Waifu Posters for a Brighter Future

Good work lad, I've made the strawpoll, will post at 9
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I'm coming for you, Kev

Fat Teddy
As a member of the LGBTP community, I want to know which party has my best interests at heart.
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Brexit BoJo Homo.jpg
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He has the best interests of everyone at heart. A uncomfy thread is a unhappy Kev. He goes out of his way to make people feel as comfy as he can.
French system with a two party run-off at the end was a good call. We should have a debate/speech after the 9 - 10.30 ends.
I appreciate the effort behing this post
*runs over poofter*
join the len harem cult instead
I'm not a woofter, m8

I select only the most feminine qts
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Thank you lad.

- Kev x
>Not even a Fat Teddy party
>Thinks he can take the reigning BWE Champ

Kek teddy.
I hereby call for the Sexy Party, Communist Party of China and Truck Boys Party to stand aside in key marginal seats to allow the Euthanasia Rights Party a clear run. We can't let the waifu posters win, lads.
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I would like to add a last minute entry
Thinking about becoming an anorexic because im sick of being so doughy and overweight
im doing media at college but im bored of it lads, im 18 is it a good idea to drop out?

i have 1 gcse and its a c

There will be a runoff election anyway
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as an american is it wrong to think that the british country side is hella comfy?
I say the two winners for the runoff can form coalitions for the final.


Not at all. The countryside is one of the best parts of the UK. It impresses pretty much everyone I've shown it too.
That said, I've started to appreciate the wide range of countryside you have over in America. Not all of it is great but some really excellent parts to be found.
not worth it m8 its better to be a fatty than a skeleton

unless you are a grill
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Karen is voting. Are you?
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Sorry we don't negotiate with the 3rd dimension
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*truck boys pull up*
*threaten to pull down your pants unless you vote truck boys party*
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Cant decide between Kev and Based Shippers. When do polls close?
vote shipman for free govment morphine handouts
10.30 I think, where the two most popular candidates go off to a second poll
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vote shipman lads, he has our best interests at heart
If I'm correct Kev poster is also Corrie poster who was part of the Hillman/Shipman truce. A vote for either is fine.

if this is true its perfect, i was undecided between Kev and Shippy
its on if we win 16-0 though lad
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>the communists can't even force their people at gun point to vote for Xi
Im a chubby mtf degenerate
>When do polls close?


Polls for the second round open at 10:30
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Rather they just start planning for next season already, get monk/clotet/beats signed up and actually make some meaningful signings and push for autos
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Please, brother. It is for the good of us all

I wont be here at 10:30 so im voting early for Sexy Kev, someone make a note of it please
be my chubby mtf gf
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This feels more tense than referendum night, and we're only 7 minutes in, probably 9 by the time I've filled in the captcha
Already the 2D/3D partnership is showing cracks.
You 2D fellas should look to the other parties to see who will actually treat you with respect.
I for one believed that 2D is strong and we could have stood without the 3DPD
Says he will vote for Kev.

It was just destiny.
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dogs a cute
There are no cracks in our coalition. This is for the greater good
We are many but we are also complacent. A coalition has ensured a greater victory.
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>tfw daddy doesn't want to watch drive with me tonight
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>tfw Gook moot didn't actually steal my bitcoins
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Vote Reliant Robin, lads.

Let's run over the Pakis
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>9 votes for waifu party
>there isn't even that many waifu posters

I smell vote rigging lads
I'm pretty stoned, but struggling to hack through a bowl of wholewheat fusili.

Surely there's something dodgy going on here?
Either way, you lads of little means, stock up on wholewheat pastas. I reckon Tesco has a deal on.
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I watched Drive with my dad. He didn't get it.
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Kev here, would be more than happy to, and love to form a new strong /britfeel/ coalition with the Euthanasia Rights Party. Let's take this truce further than the streets of Manchester.

- Kev x
i'd like to believe it lad i really would but we'll sell everyone
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Waifu posters are prosperous, just one of the many benefits of not falling for roasties

It's Brexit all over again mate, silent majority
Glad I wasn't the only one with that thought.
this would be good as I admire your positivity yet want the lethal dose harold is promising
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surprisingly worthwhile purchase
Cant decide if I should order a cheeky 20 draw of weed lads.
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The calcium awareness party would like to stand down and instead show our support for the sexy party. We believe that sexy kev represents our party values and likes milk.
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BREAKING NEWS, Press conference called outside Market Street Surgery, Hyde for 9:20pm, Dr Shipman expected to make an announcement imminently
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>he fell for the (((4chan pass)))
>doesn't know gookmoot makes profit from selling all our data anyway
fuck sake lads, phoned Nationwide to ask where my new bank card has got to, and according to them, it still hasn't been dispatched, a week after I ordered it from the branch. My laundry card at uni also urgently needs topping up and I'm gonna have to venture into town and withdraw some emergency cash and go to a laundrette at this rate. How do I use a laundrette?
9 votes for Kev yet I have not seen that many supporters for him. I am sensing severe manipulation
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>He fell for the Jewish Google Captcha meme
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We welcome this new partnership and look forward to a future of strong calcium levels and even stronger bones.

- Kev x
>he can't post from a VPS
>Xi jinping (Communist Party of China) 1

everyone loves kev, the vote is being rigged in the favour of the cartoon shaggers
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>tfw it was one faggot with a supreme power level all this time
Sorry wrong link

>b-but it's actually 3 to 4 people.
not possible lad, shipman's surgery is gone. https://youtu.be/-KTPakIFC0s
This is bloody exciting lads
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"It is with great sorrow that I concede the 2017 General election, it has been an honour to serve my loyal patients, and I have greatly appreciated their support.

The time has come however to stand aside, with slim prospect of election, I must lend my support fully to Sexy Kev, in his quest to defeat the National Coalition of Waifu posters. For any of my supports that have not yet cast their ballot, I urge to to vote for Sexy Kev, thank you, and goodnight"
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I feel bad for all the parties with 0-3 votes

Based Shippers acting for the greater good yet again
This is absolute gold. That post initiating all of this might be the best thing that I've ever done.
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kev belt.jpg
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It pains me to see such a political power having to concede but I hope to work with you to continue both you and your voters future visions.

I look forward to hearing all your future comments moving forward.

- Sad Kev xx
Only 29 votes so far out of a possible 56 this thread. Get out and vote citizens of /britfeel/ this is your voice.
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Please vote for the only choice that will guarantee a 2DQT for every UK NEET citizen
http://www.strawpoll.me/12866469 pls
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>bought a "share bar" of Aero
>Im not sharing
Turnout of 51.7%
Is it true that the National Coalition of Waifu Posters is going to make anime real?
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you jelly, lads?
>be waifuposter
>want to vote for waifu party
>sophieposter has called us all crayon fuckers and doesn't like us

Karenposter, you are the clegg to sophie's cameron, doing deals with the devil for a sniff of power

Vote comfy
Vote sexy
Vote kev
You're not tricking me again, first you said Farage would make anime real, then Trump and neither have done it.
It's not required but I reckon it's expected to give the driver a tip. I only pay by card these days so I never pay a tip
I work at greggs, i give out free coffee's all the time. They encourage you to do it.

Don't like when people get cheeky though and ask for an esprosso or americano or some shit when ive just offered you a free drink.
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>Karenposter, you are the clegg to sophie's cameron, doing deals with the devil for a sniff of power
Would have preferred if Ebinalad or Len would had stood for us instead. But sorry I can't vote for such a weak forced meme as Kev, waifu posters have been posting in these threads for years, not some flash in the pan like kev
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Sophie here, no such comments were ever made, and to even allege such an aweful thing is frankly disgusting.

I dare say that sorros might be behind all of this media propaganda
Use just-eat or hungry house and you pay online. Don't have to hand the driver shit before they do the ole "i don't have change haha" shit.
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*truck boys pull up*
*see the results*
*hand kev a fresh bud and drive off*

truck boys
how is it cheeky? i was gonna use it to get an americano
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We may not have always seen eye to eye, Kev, but I have absolute faith that you have what it takes to lead this thread into the next year.

Do us proud in the second round lad
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The Reliant Robin Party will hunt down and deport all waifu posters
I need a smoke. This excitement is killing me
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We guarantee that anime shall be made real.
Fake news
It takes time to make anime real but with a combination of our research will shall make it happen within two years.
I am glad I have your support
See. As I said before it was fake news. A mere imitation trying to break apart our alliance.
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Are we really doing a fake election that we'll all forget about tomorrow?
I am disappointed that you have sided with Kev. You clearly haven't read our manifesto.
Euthanasia for all to allow for the eternal waifu dreams.
This is the most energised britfeel has been all week lad.
This is the most autistic /britfeel/ yet and I've been posting here for years
Disappointed in you desu, expected better from a veteran meme
Is this a bitter communist?
if the waifu party wins i will riot.

im not being led by a bunch of weak faggots. the only anime poster i like is krillinlad

Only if I'm allowed to have a leadership contest with the other shipposter.
working class people see hope in harold, and to throw it all away with a one point loss to kev is ridiculous and pedantic.
I think I will vote for Sexy Kev desu~

Sexy kev is winning now i dont give a fuck what you think
You are dead to me. desu
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You forget the strong leadership that fronts out coalition. Sophie and I will lead /britfeel/ to a glorious future
why did no one ever consider lenlad? hed make a great leader
Well you've got a voucher so it's probably for a complaint or something which is fine.

I mean when im offering one just to be nice or make of for a long queue and someone asks for the more complicated drinks like cappuccino
With your support, we will do our very sexiest.
Thank you Shipman. You are a true inspiration.
Thank you Truck Boys. I'll be sure to get you one too.

I see a lot of fighting in regards to this waifu 2D.
For those undecided, together with Shipman's medical knowledge,we make your goal of joining your anime waifu for life happen faster than Sophie could do.
We will also seek trade deals with Japan to ensure you can get your anime goods are a much cheaper cost and without that pesky Royal Mail helping themselves when you buy from Amiami.
Still no votes for Goodfellas, really activates the almonds

This was the mistake, siding with a 3D wench instead of Lenners
I'm too much of a newfag to know who he is. At least with poley there is this huge blog to delve into.
milk cat 2017

this is my first britfeel post so i feel as though it should be given special authority
I would have voted for waifus but sophie turner is fucking ugly and a shit 3dpd waifu.
Milk cat has relatively impressive results.
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does anyone ever remember anything posted here anyway?

I voted for shipman but I'll be changing my vote to tatctially keep the coalition of waifu posters out, the party does not reprensent the people.

Len harem is an extremeist cult and banned from standing
If anime was made real it wouldn't be anime any more.

I reckon Kev could out-sex Anthony Joshua, a vote for Kev means we could do away with all that WBA, WBO IBC confusing shit and just have a unified WSW (World's Sexiest Wrestler) championship.

hes already conceded laddy, sorry
Still everything to play for

only two votes separating these parties
>strong leadership

dont make me laugh lad. aint nothing strong with your party. you have imaginary gfs because you cant get real pussy; enough said.
>research suicide methods that would be least traumatising for whoever finds me
>now see loads of samaritans bullshit everywhere i look online

i dont know whats more disconcerting, the fact they have to pay people to care or that theyre obviously tracking everything i do
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>met an autistic girl online
>just looked at the conversation we had
>I don't remember any of it because I was drunk af
>a quarter of what I said didn't make sense
>all that made sense was me telling her how she was my autistic diamond and I will take her to Las Vegas (to win me money like rain man I think I was alluding to)

Holy shit lads. Do you think I should bother keeping the convo going?
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oi lahhh i demand a recount
>you have imaginary gfs because you cant get real pussy; enough said
This is the sort of character you vote for when you vote for kev, is this what you want representing you?

>Imagining Andrew Marr's voice saying stuff about Sexy Kev, Waifu coalition, and Shipman/Milk concessions
See these are the ones who vote for Kev. Impure normies who disrespect the sanctity of /britfeel/'s virgindom
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harold shipman was a helper, I ask my friends; what have the waifufags done for you?
what has sexy kev done for you?

harold shipman brings relief for so many, and once elected, will bring a lethal dose of morphine to every man, woman and child in the UK.

vote harold.
If evens I get drunk
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>I will take her to Las Vegas (to win me money like rain man I think I was alluding to)
>recurring digs

now you gotta get fucking rekt lad
It was claimed before that Harold had conceded the vote. Perhaps that was a ruse by Kev to gain additional support

He already conceeded lad>>36674348
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Kev Flying.jpg
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Thank you for your vote. It does mean a lot.
Hopefully we can continue to further tempt the 2D posters who seem disenfranchised with their current party.

A unified championship would be a dream.

I understand your feeling but I will do my best to help those trapped by their virgindom escape their fate while those who don't chose to escape won't be made to feel any the worse for it.

- Kev x
i never voted for kev but he would be my second choice.

kev isnt this at all. kev is a cool, funny, masculine figure.

waifufags advertise shit anime, love it up the bum and are trannies.
Sexy Kev got me quints when I asked him for his blessing, he has earned my vote
>Be one of the Xi posters
>Didn't vote for Xi
>He still got 3 votes

Can I nominate Lenlad as head of the waifu party in the second round

most likely a ruse, he knows he can't win when a lethal dose stands in the way of a stable economy and gentle death.
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Alright I'll get absolutely bladdered in my room alone then.

>tfw only friend who goes out to drink at uni had plans and didn't invite me
>Andrew Prince (Goodfellas) 0
Reminder that Sexy Kev makes it his mission to help others find their sexiness

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Sophie poster here, for the greater good of the party I will happily concede the leadership in return for the role of Chancellor of the exchequer after our inevitable victory.
thanks for reinforcing my claim, kid.
I support the waifu posters but even I know a lethal dose is better than this Kev chap. He has arrived recently yet garnered this much support? I do not buy that for a second. It is clearly a rigging
You are a mockery to /britfeel/
Shipman and Waifus neck and neck now.

you're at uni? just get down the union lad you'll have a laugh
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Sophie's word is as golden as her hair
We have seen that normies and tripfags support Kev. Can you truly side with these heinous beings?
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12 minutes of voting remain
havent you seen the pols ? the majority of people here are not virigins

waifu posters are like pakis in real life.
I'd rather not be that guy who sits in a pub/bar on his own.
As a non-virgin, I cannot bring myself to vote for a waifu poster, Kev has my vote 100%
In a last ditch effort to grasp victory fromg the gaws of defeat, I will post the poll on /b/ and trust that they will see Xi to victory.
Same situation lad

>polls show most of britfeel arent virgins
>sexy kev wins

yet they will still spout fake news
So basically disgread all xi votes due to corruption.
Be wary friend. Truck boys have friends in low places
>I will post the poll on /b/
please dont
>Due to widespread corruption in the polls, Sexy Kev wins
i dont care if people are virgins but its their attitude. they have given up on life. why would i want someone who cant lead themselves to lead me?

ask yourselves that question brit feel. if waifu poster cant even lead their own life, what makes you think they are fit to lead yours?

You could expect Russia rigging results, but China are now playing their game?

This will not be tolerated in a Shipman government. We will force the Xiposters to cease their activity, by a lethal dose of diplomacy.
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dont forget to drop a vote for sexy kev from me, im off out for an extra long /nightwalk/ now while im working my first nightshift tommorrow night
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Live from the britfeel thread, just 4 minutes to go. Get your votes in lads if you haven't
a vote for the waifu party is a vote for degeneracy
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I vote for a spoiled ballot with Gondola on it
What time does the next round of voting end?
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Well done, lads. Time to establish our next victory.
>Proceeding to 2nd round
Sexy Kev (Sexy Party) 12
Sophie Turner (National Coalition of Waifu posters) 12
>Knocked out during 1st round
Harold Shipman (Euthanasia Rights Party) 10
Milk Cat (Calcium Awareness party) 4
Xi jinping (Communist Party of China) 3
Truck Boys (Truck Boys Party) 2
Reliant Robin (Nationalist Party) 2
Andrew Prince (Goodfellas) 0

Turnout was 70.3% with 45/64 voters

Andrew prince (Goodfellas) was the only candidate to lose his deposit, having not gained a single vote
Does anyone here play MGO2?
Should I set up a /britfeel/ clan?

Sophie Turner received 1 vote after polls closed at 10pm, her final tally was 12 votes
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>Andrew prince (Goodfellas) was the only candidate to lose his deposit
Brilliant, lads
>Andrew prince (Goodfellas) was the only candidate to lose his deposit, having not gained a single vote
Woahhh...... so this is the """power""" of the BBC
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It was a pleasure, Karenfriend
Shame but that does not matter. We have still passed the first round.
Same here, Sophielad. Now to establish our final victory.
Is that the one that got revived on the PS3 where they were talking about being able to play it without CFW?
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Milk Cat would like to thank everyone who voted and use this opportunity to show a sneak peek of Milk Cat 20. Keep drinking milk lads
Yes. I put CFW on my PS3 a few days ago and have have had an absolute blast playing it. The OFW version should probably drop in about a week.
I'd downgrade my ps3 but it seems like a right faff honestly.
Trying to get a girl to talk about her butt. Will keep you lads posted.
It is, took me about two days to do, but I'm an expert at reassembling it now. I'd say it's worth it for the free vidya, but the games are so cheap it was probably a massive waste of time.
Excellent voting. Was great fun and love to see a decent turn out. Been an excellent night so far due to all you lads.

- Kev x
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waifu party stronk
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I hearby declare my support for Sexy Kev in the 2nd round of the britfeel general election

- Harold Shipman, Former Candidate
>waifufags will vote for a 3dpd woman
>won't vote for a fellow prisongay like themselves

explain yourselves
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Thank you, lad. We truly are. I fully appreciate your support in this victory.
>fellow prisongay like themselves
that's no way to talk about Xi
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is there any healthy breakfast cereals? can i just pour milk on some oats and eat them? need ideas here lads binging on coco pops and bread is killing me
Remember that the so-called waifu party does not represent the waifupeople at large, evidenced by the fact it is fronted by a anime-hating, 3D-posting underage faggot
I already own every ps3 game worth playing, the only thing left I could get for it is persona 5.
Muesli isn't too bad as long as it has no added sugar. But other than that porridge us your best bet.
they need to have a vote of no confidence in the leader and elect a new one

someone start a poll to elect a new waifu leader
>waifu party headed by a 3D piggu poster

Really should be headed by sabrelad or lenlad to be honest
Need to ditch sophie and push karen into power
Sabrelad wasn't here so I made the choice to ensure our first victory.

I nominate sneklad. Karen jumped into bed with sophie, he can't be trusted
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problem is I don't like cooking stuff, it takes too long to prepare and i just end up binging on a load of bread instead. I'd rather just pour it into a bowl. i'll take a look at muesli. My microwave is dirty and smells too cause people keep cooking disgusting sausages in there and shite, ruins the flavour of everything
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Here is the logo for the MGO clan. If you really squint your eyes it looks okay
Important poll lads. Elect your new leader

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>tfw no krillinlad
>Karen not on poll
What is this baka
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voting for waifus is voting for britfeel history.
Sexy Kev has the support of not only his own supporters, but has also been endorsed by the following former candidates

Harold Shipman
Milk Cat
Truck Boys
Reliant Robin
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This is an illegal vote without the affirmation of the current leaders.
I appreciate that you seen the distaste in such as poll
All the white women are out with their black bfs desu

New thread to coincide with the next round.

delete and kill yaself
Delete this, new thread should just be the second round vote at the top
just talked a girl out of suicide. feels pretty good lads
No u des su

OP, include this link in the new OP
New edition with vote in OP


See this thread off lads
5 votes for kev already

fucking vote fixing
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