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Animals looking at food

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Thread replies: 252
Thread images: 107

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>cat makes chinese eyes when looking at curry
that's racist
I am waiting for someone to post a pic of a hamplanet looking at food.
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>tfw my cat really fucking loves yogurt and ice cream and harasses me for some if he catches me with it
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Looks like the cat is having a stroke.
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>no blini kot
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Next time there's a board merge, they should merge /c/ and /ck/

Can you image Cute Food & Cooking?
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anon, blini would fill up the entire thread
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sounds great
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revenge is sweet. and tasty.
Did the hippie eat the tiger's family?
You guys do realise that the man in the photo is an experienced trainer playing with a tiger he raised from birth, right?

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that taco looks amazing
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>All these cats
>No Kots
Can someone tell me why people buy these food flowers?

Doesn't that make the fruit expose to air faster which is bad?
people like pretty things you can eat
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what kind of meat is this?
it kind of just looks like fat
It's lamb
The fruit is actually pretty terrible, for reasons unrelated to air exposure. They use under-ripe fruit so it's firm and lasts longer. They also coat it in lemon juice so it doesn't spoil as quickly.

The fruit is never sweet. It all ends up tasting like unripe cantelope. Huge waste of money.
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personally I didn't laugh because it was too predictable, I knew someone would post pics like that
Stop talking about me ffs. Yes I posted biggest as animals.

Wasn't funny but stfu already
I'm not even the same anon as before, I didn't talk about you
Two times is two too many now fuck off.
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nice one

do cats really eat pizza lol

>do cats really eat pizza?
My friend, in America all things are possible.
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Killing Floor 2.jpg
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>hurr durr America
My family has a dog that's twice its expected age limit and she eats pretty much everything, including shit that's toxic to dogs. Pets raised in social environment will often want whatever their masters are eating.
I demand pictured of small white horses looking at food!
They will most of the time. Not willingly, since they know our wheat is poisoned, but after a couple hours of deliberation they will take a couple bites.
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small white horse.jpg
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Underrated post
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Eye on owner, eye on meal
Got a grape that was underripe.
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That one is trying to chew the pepperoni off the top. It will probably chew on enough cheese to give it the shits, though.

fuck that
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sweetie belle fan?
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yes hello
Did he died?
Good thrad
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This doesn't count. It's not looking at the food
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nice thread
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Kitty wan the pizz
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>that tub of mayo
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It's only for aesthetic purpose and photo shooting.
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I'm cool with feeding the squirrel, but not eating from the same bread the rodent touched.
fucking hell i lol'd
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Beautiful. This is trully "art."

>Oh, the crawdadity!
Now where is my pipe?
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decoration mostly. people dont go out and buy this for themselves, but rather for parties and such
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this mkaes me miss my squirrel behind our building. i used to feed him nuts but he disappeared.
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What the fuck, is this taxidermy?
Fucking butterdogs
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Android cat v0.2.13(beta).
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>mfw all the animals in this thread eat better than me

i sincerely wish i had been born a cat
what's that food
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My dog with a case of beer.
I get it he's looking at one of his owners
no thank you
>holding chopsticks incorrectly
>letting your cat jump up on things
shitty owner detected
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oh my god look at its stupid fucking pointy face
WTF? Is this dog drunk or blind in one eye?

"Dogs don't know what apples ARE", with an "A".
Just a happy pupper bein' dumb. That's what happy puppers do, just like posters who ask dumb questions on /ck/.
Yes, everyone looking at that picture realised that instantly. Fucking idiot
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No step on snek.
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I always gave my rat a mug to drink out of. He seemed to think it was cool to emulate what I was doing.
I gave him coffee, which he fucking adored.
One time when he ran out, he went to his water mug and took a shit and piss in it, stirred it around and I witnessed him drinking a couple gulps before getting frustrated and leaving.
I couldn't stop the madman from trying a million ways to make coffee in his water mug, so I just made sure he had some at all times.
The addiction was real, don't introduce your rats to caffeine if you can help it.
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They seem to share similar disorders and conditions humans do which is probably one of the reasons they're useful for medical testing
Well they're used for it because of the genetic similarity.
Some rat traits are even present in humans, like poison detection.
The hair on my back stands up when I get near a poisonous substance, even salmonella, with no odor or airborne pollutants. This is HIGHLY useful, from my research it comes from a royal European bloodline and I'm a lucky mother fucker to have it.

I always get called a tin foil hatter when I say it, but I'll be damned if I can't tell you every poison you have in your house. It happens to dogs and cats sometimes too, and is quite visible.
Would that work without seeing the skull on the label? Or on unlabelled containers?
"My rats have better standards and only drink craft IPA's"
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THE richard hammond?
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Give that doggo some 'za!
>Read subject
>Laugh out loud
>See replies

cool white moustache

kitteh eatin the fry


Yes, friend.
Throw away your procter and gamble products, throw away wildlife destroying dryer sheets, throw away bar soap, throw away laundry detergent, throw away anything labelled "perfume," and don't fucking EVER use carpet powder.
This is the globalist mainline. They are destroying your kidneys, liver and teeth with "trade secret" ingredient nondisclosure laws for perfume and flavoring.
They're doing a great job too.

Tin foil hattery? I can find salmonella with my hair nigger. Fuck you.
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>thinking cats can learn
>not advising people against keeping rodents as "pets"
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That a munchy box?
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Rats are bros.
Mice are sadists.
Hampsters and gerbils are evil as fuck.

I don't advise against it at all, but remember what I have just said here. Rats are handheld dogs. They are a fucking joy to own.
What should i use to wash my clothing and myself?
does a lot of crossposting happen from /an/ to /ck/ ratfag?
says calzone on the box dipshit
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I can already smell the inside of the washing machine from the cat vomit and cat diarrhea that the owner tried desperately to remove but just made the entire laundry room smell horrible
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why tho
I will never understand why people would want to have a snake as a pet.
>why yes I love having an animal in my home that can strangle me to death at any given moment
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>at any given moment

nigga snakes are slow, and most aren't even big enough to threaten a human. you're just one of those reptiles r ebil faggots who squashed garter snakes in your yard as a kid.
>letting pets near food
>cats especially
it's like you like getting parasites
You're like 98% of americans who believe snakes are diabolical serial killers looking for an opportunity to murder and rape you and don't even bother to learn to identify poisonous snakes in their region in the extremely unlikely event you came in contact with one. You believe every snake you see is deadly and must be killed, then start screaming about the mice and rat infestation.
>post talks about constricting snakes
>you reply crying about poisonous snakes
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i will have to accept the fact that i will never know whether you're a newfag or a troll. also, i need to get out more.

The silly fear-mongering is no different.

Dogs injure (and kill) far more people than snakes do.
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>An animal that has exponentially more contact with people than another animal causes more harm to people.

That's like saying physical contact with the surface of the sun is far safer for humans than physical contact with water because water has killed countless people and no one has ever died touching the sun.
And yet the box seems to contain everything but a calzone.
surly king of the carrot fort
was a joke dipsit
that chicken is tiny
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is that a boy or a girl ?
you can feel the love radiate from this picture

probably a dude, would still smash boipucci.
Not looking at the food. Doesn't count, please remove this.

nigbull. you should both be put down
You got that right. Eyes don't lie. He epitomizes the way I feel about dogs, no question.

worlds dumbest dog

hello autistic preteen girl, enjoy your stay on the internet!
replace snakes with the word black people and realize that if this is how our country treats fellow humans why be surprised at the way they treat snakes.
They have a wide angle of vision. It can see the beer.
rly made me thingk
Oh, you have an allergy to perfumes. That's a horrible one to have, I'm sorry for you.
Consider moving to Yurop, nanny states tend to ban weird flavourings, and we now have a moderately great indication system for air pollution. Also we don't wash eggs, it helps with salmonella.

Plain Marseille soap and hypoallergenic soap-less "soap".

Beer is nutritious, counts as food.
If only you could sniff skin cancer like a dog.
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deal w/ it
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>You believe every black person you see is deadly and must be killed, then start screaming about the mice and rat infestation.
Who are the "mice and rats" in this, anon?
What essential role in the ecosystem do black people play?
that's a good dog

cool chicken, I like the colors

>Americans in their natural habitat

>he knows

beagle <3
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You're next.gif
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'Merica! Fuck! Yeah!.jpg
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>>Americans in their natural habitat
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>What essential role in the ecosystem do black people play?

I dunno... what does this look like to you?
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Chinese Guns Rewandan Bodies.jpg
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>What essential role in the ecosystem do black people play?

A: Fertilizer
I like that paprika
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>Europoors and their high definition photography
I legitimately hope you die.
But there are no cats in America, Fieval.
Fievel Goes West references?
In my /ck/?
What the fuck is McArabia Chicken?
Chula do this!
Chula do that!
don't be mean anon
I want to PET this cat
Why are shiba's so popular in Japan?
y u give bune getty
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The absolute madman!
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He has that face cause he's about to get robbed by niggers.
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10/10 filename
This seems to happen an awful lot; seagulls just walking into stores and stealing shit.
one fifty lashes my man
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Wow so edgy.
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I saved you a piece, anon
mmm baby show me ur smokey paprika next
dont pick on the pupper anon its not nice
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Sorry to break it to you mate but i think your dog has autism.
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British version of the McChicken, halal for the United Kuckdom.
Common domestic breed. Think of the lab in the USA
I could watch that for hours
>American domestic breed
people who allow their cats in their kitchens and near their food are disgusting


scratch that

catfags in general are disgusting

I did because I could read the tiger's body language and I'm not an idiot like you

>not sleeping with your cats
>not kissing your cats

>kissing any animal
How about you try crossbreeding this time.

black person detected
unfortunately i think shes a chick, judging by her nails
That's cute, except now the cat has to eat around all the confetti. Or, more likely, eat all the confetti that made contact with his food then throw it up.

Or maybe that's just my cat, because he's an idiot.
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>tiny images
rude af senpaii

That's how they make porn cock look so big. The girls are tiny. True fact..
This is one stereotype i do not want started. I'm black and I love the fuck out of my cat. Nothing like kissing the top of his head and having him lick your cheek back.
Mine will eat the meat toppings off a pizza and leave everything else.
If this little guy had a white tip on his til he'd be a splitting image of one of our old family cats.
Staffordshire terrier, not pittbull
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>The girls are tiny
4 u
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Cooking Cat.jpg
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They also utilise perspective and a range of camera lenses.

Ever notice how a guy will seem massive in porn and then in a behind the scenes thing or something with just an ordinary camera he just looks average.
>I'm hungry
>This sucks
>I'm sleepy
>I wish I was home staring at nothing
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more gull
Thread posts: 252
Thread images: 107

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